THE OMAlTA DAlLT MESi SATL'RDAY NOVEMBER 15, 1002. " 1 RELLEY, STIGER k CO, ! Batirday's Bargains Women's, Children'!, j Man's, Boj's lositiry and Underwear. ' STORE OPEN TIL 9:3 J SATURDAY EVENING Special Asrema lor Mnn.lna; I wear Indira IMerk Wool Hoar, Doable Heel and Tor, llfm Top, Aleo Heavy Fleeced Hoar, A OOOD VALUK. ioC. Ladles' Mark cashmere hose, merino beet and toe. a regular fine quality. 3Be, J for $1. Ladle' black rasSmere hose, with black and oxford foot, elastic top, a very fine quality, tomfortable and warm, for Satur day 60c Ladles'' out sl rashwre and allk fleered hose, ribbed top, double neels and toe, extra length, Mic. Children' fine ribbed black wool hone, double knee, heel and toe, genuine herms dorf, dye. 2.'iC. Boys' heavy ribbed wool hose, double knee, heel and toe, a Rood strong school hose for boya, all sizes, from 7 to 10. 35c, t for $1.00. Ladles' silver gray fleeced vest, finished with crochet edge and tape, drawers to match, with gathered bands, soft and warm, ISe. Ladles' allk fleeced vest and drawers, me dium and heavy weights, cream, silver gray a .id ecru; drawers finished with yoke bands and tape, also tlghta to match, for Satur day r.Oo each. Ladles' heavy fleeced union suits, open fronts, also drop seat, a good value, 60c each. Ladles' black wool vest and pants, wool, also tights to match, a good black that will not crock, special $1.25 each. Ladlea' Munsing pleated union suits. H wool, tpen front, also open across bust, the best wearing as well aa the best fitting garment, special $1.50 each. Ladles' vagssllk vest, high neck, long aleeve with cuff, cream, pink and blue, tlghta to match, $1.00 each. Children's Jersey fitting cotton fleeced vest and panta, a warm and comfortable gar ment for glrla.' 25c each. Children's Jersey ribbed natural color, est and pants, warm, serviceable and non shrinking, 50c each. Ladles' and children's black wool legglns, heavy ribbed and extra long, also children's and Infanta' drawer legglns, black and white. KELLEY, STIGER ft CO., Corner Farnam and Fifteenth Streets. WOMEN LOSE DRESS GOODS Proprietor of Tallorlnsr Eata.bllab.meBt Laavti the City with Ma terial Ml. alas,. L. Rosensteln, who until recently con ducted a women'a tailoring establishment Jn the Victoria hotel, baa left the city and several women who had dealings with him are mourning his departure. Among these Ms Mrs. Sinclair, head of the millinery de partment of the Boston atore. Mrs. Sin clair sent material for a dress valued at $30 to the tailor. She called for It Thurs day and discovered that Rosensteln had left the city. Four other women who had left material for dresses there called dur ing the day. Rosensteln came to Omaha about six weeks ago and purchased two machines Ifrom the Slpger Manufacturing company on the Installment plan. Since his departure ha wrote to the company from 839 West Third street, Dea Moines, giving It au thority to take possession of the -machines. Cbrlalmaa lavlngi. Special arrangements will be made for those who desire to open accounta for Christmas aavlngs. Each depositor who, desires it will be loaned one of our little home safes free of charge. Bank la open until 9 p. m. on Saturdays. V?t cash checks on all banks. J. L. BRANDEIS ft Sons, Bankers. ' A Good Move, i r I The-members of the Conservative Savings and Loan association calling at the new offices, No. 205 South Sixteenth street, ex press themselves well pleased with the new location. The room 1b light and airy and well adapted to the needa of the association, and, mora Important still, Is centrally lo cated In the retail district of the city. The officers feel that within the next few months :the buslnesa of the association will run ,past the one million point, the present as sets being considerably In excess of $900,000. Tha thrifty buyer knowa that. the Big Store la the money-saving spot. Read our ad on Page T. Hayden Broa. 1S-K wedding ring's. Kdholra, Jeweler. BURGLARS LEAD THE POLICE Crippled Foree la After - Perpetrators, I ( a Namber of I Small Jobs. ( Several' email burglaries were pulled off Thursday night and the aixteen policemen en the beats today are making atrenuoua efforts to locate the perpetrators. The arneae abop of M. R. Weirs, 1924 Vinton jatrset, waa entered and fifteen buggy whips were taken. Officer Inda discovered that the burglars had entered through a rear window, which had been broken out. A room In the Royal lodging house at Sixteenth ad Chicago atreeta occupied by Ben Holt and Dan Carter was entered while the men lept and Carter waa robbed of $15 and Holt lot a watch. At the barber abop of Wil li lam Klrklna. 2 Pacific street, burglars took several razors, clippers and other bar ,bar auppllea. Tom Casey reported that he went to aleep, he didn't remember where, aad waa robbed of $7. I - It is therefore useful because it is symmet rical, and fair" Emerson Gorham Silver is in every case sym metrical and fair, but it is useful not alone on this account but by reason of the workman like adaptationof every giece to its purpose, ymmetry in design, skill in fashioning, ster ling quality in material are assured by the Gor ham trade-mark. All raepoaalble Jawalars kasp It tV fTiaUMQ Ill SQSSBeflESaCaM DYISO ALL THE TIMR. Assessment Life laaaraaee Aeeoela tloaa Oolnc lato Reeelverai Handa. The Chicago Tribune of November 12, says: "Receiverships are numerous for sssess ment Ufa Insurance companies. The Rail way Taasenger and Freight Conductors, Mu tual Aid and Benefit association was placed in the hands of Philip J. Maguire as re ceiver yesterday by Judge Hanecy, and this morning a receiver will be appointed for the Marquette Mutual Life association. "Special Interest attaches to the latter because of the prominence of the men con nected with It. William Tenn Nixon was Its president, Ephralm Banning was vice president and Ihe late A. F. Seeberger was treaaurer. While started aa an assessment company, the Intention was to develop It Into a legal reserve company, but In the attempt to do this without the promoters putting up the $100,000 required by law, the concern became Involved In complications which have plunged Mr. Nixon and his as sociates into litigation. The association had reinsured the Western Reserve Life associ ation, and had done some business for itself, at the legal reserve rate, and the Insurance department required that this Insurance should be taken care of. At a conference held yesterday It was announced that noth ing would be done by the association, and so a receiver will be appointed today." A recent Issue of the New York Sun notes that "There are more than 6,000,000 mem bers of benevolent fraternal organizations In the United States, but the sums applic able to payments to members In alckness or to their beneficiaries after death are less In amount than waa the case twenty years ago. Life Insurance companies, on the other hand, are steadily increasing the number of the Insured and steadily reducing the premiums charged for Insurance and - they have a constantly growing surplus, the accumulations of which are a positive pro tection agalnat thoso financial disasters which occasionally overtake even carefully managed benevolent orders. "The chief obstacle which bars the suc cess of the benevolent orders Is the fact that when they are started the original members are yonng men, 'good risks' in insurance parlance, and during the first yeara of the organization, the members are all or nearly all young men. Through prompt payment of premiums the reserve fund then rapidly Increases. After ten or fifteen years, however, it Is almost In variably found that the drafta on the sur plus begin to exceed the premiums col lected. Deaths outnumber the admissions to membership and as the surplus la de pleted, there la less Inducement for new members to Join. Aa a consequence either the organization languishea or by specu lative investment Ita permanence la Im perilled." Read the ad first on Page 7, then come and bring your pocketbook to carry home the money you save In buying here. Hay den Broa. CHANGES IN THE SCHOOLS Rew Arranft-ements la Rooms Grades to Be Made by the Board. aad An Important meeting of the teachers' committee of the Board of Education will be held Monday afternoon for t. le purpose of rearranging the rooma and i-radea In some of the buildings. It la proposed to close one of the rooms at the Columbian school and to open one at the Saundera school. At preaent a number of pupils who really live In the Saundera school ward are attending the Columbian achool. It la believed that If they are returned to their own building there will be a large enough number to warrant the opening of another room, while one at the other achool may be closed. Tha transfer of these pupils baa caused the gradea In both achoolB to be greatly disarranged, and satis factory results. It Is said, are not being secured under existing conditions. As aoon aa they are sent back. the gradea In both buildings will be rearranged. Announcements af tha Theaters. Klaw ft Erlanger's big beauty snow "Tha Liberty Belles" numbering 100 will bo aeen i--., a lODioircw and Sunday nights. No matinee will be given because of the company's Inability to reach Omaha In time from Denver. Tha comedy la In three acta. The first act Is shown In tha dormitory of young ladlea' seminary, the aecond in the room of a cocking school and tha third on tha lawn of a faabionabla hotel In Florida. Harry Ollfoll heads the company, which In cludes Violet Dais, Catharine Carr. the MoCoy sisters, Maude Napier and others. Tha Orpheum will give a mattnes today and the women. and children will be af forded an opportunity to see the fifteen ockey club glrla, who headed by tha Coun tess von Hattfeldt, have the honor of breaking the record for the aeaaon. Next week opening with a matinee tomorrow promises some very good things. The lead ing features will be Miss Lillian Burk hart, who with her company preaent her new comedietta, entlteld, "The Salt Cel lar." Another prominent number and a senaation and novelty la Rlccobouot, "Good Night Horse." Hot bargains all day Saturday at Hivdin Bros. Read about them on Page 7. DAMAGE TO CONDUIT LINES Wet Weather Caases Treaehea to Cava la Before Work la Completed. Tha rain and anow of the last few days have proved a serious drawback to the work upon the underground conduits of the Thomson-Houston company, which it haa been expected would be finished some time In the . coming week. In a number of places the street excavations and embank ments have been caused to fail In by tha wet weather and tho condulta have been filled with mud and water. One place where particular damage has been done la tha alley between Harney and Farnam atreeta. It Is estimated by the general superintendent In charge of the work that the damage In the last three days has reached $500, or perhaps $600. Naturally tbla destruction will delay tha completion of the work. PI as; Poasr Gallery C usages Hands. Tha l$'e bulldinc pins; pong gallery haa been transferred to new proprietors. The young men who established It and made a success of It have found that It takee more lime and personal attention to run an amuaement nailery than anticipated, and have sold their Intervals to Dr. Usantner and Mr. Byrnes, former attendants. The latter will devote all their time and energy to pushing the game this winter, and prom ise a soud bunch of tournaments and ping pong parties. With the arrival of Cold weather, the popularity of tha a-ame and of the only gallery In town la expected iu greatiy increase. Mortality statistic-.. TV. I wi-.w- - J .u- iiniwwiiig inrini aim ursim ri s im ported at tha office of the Board of Health during the twenty-four hours ending at Utrthe Uene T. Wilbur. ?1 Harne; street, boy; Charles H. Doer. 415 Walnu street, boy. Deatha Murv Vrtrrtuin. TV.ii rntint' hiitl, kited S7 years; John lxody, U North Seventeenth atreet. ased &i yeara; Kdward O Conner, UuS Jaxksun street, aged aJtMawBajspssassarawawes. i i ii.iii m Shoe On Second Floor LADIES SHOE'S --$2.52 . 1 98 at - On Bargain Squares 3,000 pairs ladies' fancy welt sole and extension edge pole?, hand turn, flex ible Shoes made to retail for up to $4, go at $1.98 and $2.50. MEN'S SHOES Bis Sale Men s Welt sole, vici kid and box calf Shoes, made to rt-tail at ?3 and $3.50. Ail sues, go at $2.50. NEW J SHOE 5? Department! UNION PACIFIC CniEF QUITS Having Been Discharged, He Bays Oonpany Has Been Whipped. COMPANY ACCUSES HIM OF BEING FALSE StrfVe Leaders, However, beay that Captain of Shop Gaarda Haa Beeo la Collastoa with Them at Any Time. "The company la whipped. I don't know why It does not give In. The conditions at its shopa are something awful." said W. H. Esterline, who has been oblet of the Union Pacific's private guarda at the shopa since the strike begun, last June. Mr. Bsterllne's services have been dis pensed with and he haa packed his effects preparatory to leaving for his home in St. Louis. Mr. Esterline does not deny that hla resignation waa enforced. "The oompany haa suspected my loyalty for aoma time; the officials have accused me of being In collusion with you fellows," Esterline is said to have remarked to "William Richelieu and other strikers aa he left the shops. "But," he continued, "that accusation la false. Just aa false aa It can be. I have tried to do my duty and have been loyal to the Interests of tha Union Faclflc." William Richelieu has charge of the strikers' pickets and has been one of tha most active promoters of the strike all along. He haa incurred the special dis favor af the company by his constant vlgl lence. Mr. Richelieu says, with other strike leaders, that If Esterline haa been false to the trusts Imposed In him by tho Union Paclflo It never became known to the strikers. They have found In him a atrong champion of his employers' Inter ests. Eleven more men were sdded to the shop's force hers yesterday, while fifteen more went out. The force now at the shops la aald to number a little over 200. Reports from Cheyenne say twenty more men hava given up the ghost there and walked out. GEORGE WASHINGTON'S tU'EUK. It Hid a Liasarlant Salt of straight aad Very Dark Hair. Tha father of hla country concealed a luxuriant ault of hair beneath his queue wig. Many now wish the old fashion waa In vogue, to conceal thin hair or baldness. Yet no one need have thin hair or ha bald, if he cure the dandruff that causes both. Dandruff cannot be cured by scouring tha acalp, because It is a germ disease, and the germ haa to be killed. Newbro's Her- plclde kills the dandruff germ no other hair preparation will. "Destroy tne cause you remove the effect." There's no curs for dandruff but to kill the germ. Sold by all druggists. Send 10 cents In stampa for sample to The Herplclda Co., Detroit, Mien. Hayden Broa. are offering bigger Satur day bargains thsn ever. Read tha ad on Page 7. Reed and Barton silver. Edholm. jeweler. Dixie Flyer. A through train to Jacksonville, Fla.. via St. Louie or Chicago and Naahvllle, Chat. tanoora, Lookout Mountain, Atlanta and Macon. Round trip tourist tickets now on sale, permitting stopovers both going and returnlcg and limited until June 1, 1V03. Write or call on ua for full Information regarding rates, etc, and copy of our beau tiful Illustrated Florida booklet, at 1402 Farnam atreet, Omaha. W. H. BRILL, District Passenger Agent Illinois Central Railroad, Omaha, Neb. 7 renivii $2- iP AM DEI If H 1 w InsVP-SJfo ll-K gold match Bates. EUbolm, jeweler. PublUh your legal notices in The Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. King Cola 8elf-Rlstng Buck wb. at. For ic Storm a Rubbers j Sjaajsjapssssrwass?..! m n Minim 'it'll MB Sale In Basement Men's $2.50 Shoes light and 1 K Q heavy soles .Jj? Boys' Shoes, fQn sizes 9 to 13 Women's Slippers, 20 different styles 40c, 50c, 59c, 75c, 89c. Girls' Shoes 89c Ladies' Shoes Bar gains 89c, $1.25, $1.39 and $1.50. ON SECOND FLOOR Children's Natural Foot Shape Shoes . All hand made. 50c,75c 89c,1.25 Girls' Foot Form Shoes Extension edge and welt soles, Si to 104, 1.39 and 1.75. 11 to 2, 1.59 and 2.25. ON SECOND FLOOR N LXal9 NO POISON Has Ever Been .Found in the Enamel of AGATE' lSflCKEL-STEEL I(itchenIJtensils TheBLUE LABEL Protectse by Deottloa rf Uattad Sbrtsi Court Pasted on Every Piece PROVES IT. If substitutes are offered .write us This trademark Is on every piece of genuine Agrate Ware. MAKE 1520 KINDS Sold by Flrst-cliis Department and Housa. furnishing atone. Sand for new Book Int. LALANCB & CROSJBAN MFC. CO. nw toii aosToa chioaoo Ideal Kid S0RQSIS Tha new welts In patent viol kid are certainly things of beauty and when properly titled are a Joy for ever. Price $3.50 Always We have received In all widths, from triple A to E widths In this patent kid shoe. It hua more style and character In It than la shown In any line of fine alioes for women In this city. Some ask Just twice our price others svll for lb and )ti. The difference Is the profit made by the retailer. Sorosis Are $3.50 NO MORE-NO LESS Sorosis Shoe Store 203 S. 15th St.. OMAUA, FRANK WILCOX, Ugr. Band for Catalogue, At Last is found to cure sweaty, clamy, bands and feet, VSE RE-SO-MAY. never falls. A. MAYER, 611 Bee Bids.. Omaha. Neb. (ioo Foaltloa Opea. Good opening tor a newspaper or maga- ilne solicitor, permanent poaltion for a competent man. Address Twentieth Cen tury Farmer, bee Building, Omaha. Tha new kind of Uaneral Arthur cigars 1 Infanta '""!! iW'a. fRDCy sVtl sole J Shoes. . !""'",m''cJ Over jniimiSlfl new I T styles. I 50c vr-mJ kinds siiii- srs now on sale. Price Slnshltta PIANO SALE Talk Is Cheap. Prices Knock How Do You Like tho Sound of These? New Uprights. 0 Ftanoe- $110 sale price. .......-.... r m m v 236 Pianos- S1 18 sale prtoe 1275 Pianos- 5148 sale price . -" 1300 Pianos- $165 fl<) prtCliM.MiH.iatata.aaMast'T $S60 Pianos- S198 sals price $875 Plsnoa $2lS sals price. .. M M00 Pianos- $237 sals prloe... 1460 Pianos- $262 sale price................. r. $298 MSSE: $347 T.0cr. $362 Used Uprights. When Naw. Worth. Bale PTloe. $280.00 $100.00 $90 800.00 SOO-00 $118 SO0.00 $13S 880.00 225.00 $148 400.00 276.00 $160 450.00 800.00 $198 600,00 860.00 $348 Among these are such wall known makea aa Steger Sons, Emerson, Qramer, Vose A Bona, Knabe, Chlok erlng, Bverett, Smith ft Barnes. Ivers A Pond, Bcblller, Arion and Btory A Clark. Used Organs. Boms at 112.00. $18 00. $20.00. $18. 00, $28.00. $80.00, $38.00, $42.00, on terms of 50a per week. Among these are such old familiar names aa Western Cottage, Chicago Cottage, Royal. Kimball, Starling, Epworth. Schults, Palton. Btory s Clark, ato. Payment Plan. Parties with good characters and ability to meet the small waekly paymenta can secure a piano from ua without any caeh payment. Planoa on $1.00 weekly paymenta. . Organa and Squares at 25c, 50o aad ?5o per week. Schmollor & Mueller 1813 Faraam Street. 802 Broadway, Council Bluffs. The Boys' Shoes Should be without any taolea this kind of weather. Our $1.60 ahoes will wear longer before there are holes In them than any shoe ever aold at this price no matter where you buy them. They're made of good honest leather with good solid soles that keeps the feet dry and at the same time gives comfort and satisfaction. Bring the boya' In Saturday, we have plenty of shoes and help and give your money back If you are not aatls&ed. DREXEL SHOE GO OmohVs lu-to-Date Shoo House. Send for New Tall Catalogue. 1101 P1RN1M STRPPT mm -sr a i ei u m 111,1 'nfftrgnTi?""" Worth Looking Over. BAiTMSaVHlAi.. ..X.' ,", 1 11 IfT'WI "' "1-3a This list Is low. Read It over sndl If vou can buy the articles for as little or less money, go where you can buy them; If not, let us know your wants and we will deliver any place In tha olty, day or night, without extra charge j If out of town, we deliver to depot. Remember these are OMAHA'S ONLY ANTI-COMBINE DRUO 8TGRH PRICES. 11.00 Perunay genuine 61 o S6o Genuine Caatoria ,,.SHo $1.00 Pierce's Remedies , .64a Allcocke Plasters ,,.,,, .12c buo Cutlcura Salva 89a 5a Doan's Kidney Pills , ,,,-iHo zoo carter a unit iiver t-uis ,.i5c Too Mailer's Cod Liver Oil ,,,,,, ,.,.S4o 6 "Catarrh Rem" guaranteed. ....... ..3oc $1.00 Her s Walt Whisky ....Uo $1.00 Canadian Malt Whisky.. ,,,,..75o $1.00 Temptation Tonic, ,..,...,..26o $1.00 German Klmmell Bitters. ..75c $1.00 Miles' Nervine .79o $2.00 Chester's Pennyroyal Pills $1.00 OPB.1 ALWAYS SCIIAEFER'S CUT PB1CR DKUGSTOSE 1 el. T4T. . W. C, Jltk CBleao. Cohasset Punch prepared, ready tot use add a little cracked tea and erva. Just tha thing for rsosptlons, parttsa, ato. Bav.s time, trouble and si pense always Just right. Price, par quart, $1.00. COCKTAIL OLIVES Something naw sweet stuffed olives a delicious and dainty relish nothing Uka It all the go back asst. Pries, bottle, 75c. 1 9 Cackley Bros., Quality counts and wa give you quality. Opp. P. O. 'Phone 1148. Agenta tor Hunter's Rye and Wilson Bja whiskies. Mervelovis The '.tsr,': mm" mm M f n Saturday we place on sale 350 men's over coats, made of Cambridge oxford gray chev iots, cut 42 to 46 inches long, extra heavy weight farmer satin lining. They QQQ are exceptional values and are Cji worth $12. They go on sale Saturday F 0R B O Y S Boys' Knee Pants Suits $2.50 Made of all wool cheviots and casslmerea many p attorns to choose from. They come In Nor folks. In Blfs 4 to 12 years and two-ploce suits size 8 to 50 18 years $3.50 values on sale Saturday mam for Boys' Knee Pants Suits $4.00 Made of the best of worsteds, cheviots and casBtmer es. Including the new "coronation" cloth the very best of workmanslp and trimmings made In Norfolks, elies 4 to 12 and two-piece, two and three button double breasted A OO Jacket suits ACTUAL VALVE $6.60 CX SATURDAY Boys' Overcoats at $4.00 Made of fine grade all wool cheviots. In medium and dark gray and fancy overplald colors, well made and well trimmed, ages from 8 to 15 years A QQ VALUES ARE UP TO $6.50 L SATURDAY " "" Boys' Overcoats at $6.50 Made of the best cam bridge cheviots In oxford gray and black colors, lined with the most durable farmer aatln lining for boys ages 8 to 16 years BiQ GUARANTEED TO BE REGULAR $9.00 VALUES rj for Young Men's Suits at $7.50 Made of the new "coronation" cloth, fancy cheviots and cassimcres, cut In tha new three button single-breasted sack, and also the three-button 750 double breasted sack. They have have hand foiled collars and g padded shoulders they are actual $10 values, for SPECIAL UNDERWEAR VALUES SATURDAY flEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS- -in nil wool floeee AZmWr in blue, yaeger and brown mixed 75c values, tlM for W flEN'S SHIRTS AND DRAWERS-in heavy roerlDO, in yg ' camel's hair and natural colors, non-shrinkable and an ex- g ajLT , t; . , I 1 1 L 1 11 f 11 1 111 U L , ITUI 111 fl.UV, BtoajiiieBgirei3P HI! SPECIAL omeseekers' Excursions November 18th. December 2nd aud 16th. To points In Oklahoma and Indian Territories and Texas and to many points In Arizona, Georgia, New Mex ico, Arkansas, Kansas, North Carolina, Alabama, Ken tucky, Tennessee, Colorado, Louisiana, Utah, Florida, Mis sissippi, Virginia. r Douhbs Dally Train Serwlca via tha Louisville & Nashville Railroad between Cincinnati, Louisville Chicago and St, LouU aad NaahTilla, Memphis Atlanta, Birmingham Mobile, Naw Orleans Florida and Gulf Coast Points Throuah Sleeping Cars aad Chair Care Aa Cnsaoslled Dining Ca Berrloe . LOW BATE EXCURSIONS First and Third Tuaaday each Month Tot raise, maps, foldara and Urns tablaa, Addreaaj C L STONE, Gea. Pass. Art., 2k Louisville,' Kr. BUSINES S m Overcoat values Today jj place to buy your overcoat is here. Not because of the preater quantity we carry, not because of the greater variety Ave show you, not even because of the lower prices we quote, but because of the SAFETY of buying here. It is absolutely impossible for you to pay too much or to pet a poor coat no matter what yon pay. You don't need to be ''posted." You don't, need to be la judpe." You don't need to know anvthinp at all about over- a, coats except to know what style you want and what price you want to pay. v e take your money on deposit you take our overcoat on approval and 'we stand ready to trade back when ever you think you might have done better somewhere else. I . 1' 1 One Fare Plus $2.00 for the Round Trip Ticket Office 1323 Farnam Street Omaha, Neb. ON I M 0 D N A see e . . No other shoe sold la Omaha can give tha genuine satisfaction that la obtained from wearing the "Onltaod" Bhoe for men. Our prlcea of 11.50 and $2.50 are always ths same. We manufacture TS styles of fall and winter shoes and for men only. ... ... STIMULATORS seeajaeeas - e - eers - are - e - e. - 1 IN 203 8outh 15th St.