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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVKMHEK 11. SPECIAL NOTICES 4rt1rfan tmr Ikrw eslaaaae will a tahea earll 19 sa. ffa tfce nralif eattlsa 14 eattl .laa s aa. far anraiac eeeeAr salt laa. tn, t l-aw a ward ar taeo rttaa. la a ward faersaftrr. batata tatkee) fmr lese thaw 9S far tfca laf Mo a. Tim rtTWlitatm aaH aa raa naawattmr. j!4Trtlrn, ar tnttli a aaae r4 efceek. raa aaswere aa 4rM4 ta a aaaaeerea Irrtr la ear af Tka Be. tuairt M aaarraaaa tarlU a delivered aa preeeatatAaa asf BBsO knk ealy. srrrTio! whted. POSITION wanted as traveling uieman or coiiertor 'n hmrM;i. Nurti Platte trrrtTorv pr"f-rr"'i. Thoeoughiy under stand nprrarlnic and hanuitna of gasoline or O'tm enaine. "'m thrhing ma chines: In fart, unv'ninir In farm imple ment line. Fl'wn years xier;enr and can fjnl'h best of references a ti subtlety honesty and tptearity. Stat eu'.ary willing to par. Address. 2. Be. a 18 TRA VICLi NI Dmiin wan'i pBltion tth imowntfflU riapty r windmiil 1rm: x pr. in rpHir;n implHrnnta and w'nii milis, at Kid r-ferni--. AdilrwB N -T. B. A-JHJI8 -7 WAITED WALE HELP. HTTSTL-IXO d-pii!fi wantwl. mon or women; anlrnmrt contrrM-t. Tde iar'len mm. 4ia Bh laina;. B .'73 WANTED, for t. S. Armr. ablp-hodlet un uirtTTira men b-twrn iJvs of Lnd c)t:n of United dtatps. of arxnl e.har aitrr and tempemti- naoitM. wio i-Hti apeRa. raj nr.n wnte EnarHPh. F r in formation apply to He-r"; ittli-r. lwh and Dolij Sts . ' 'maha. and pot m(T1i e buildlntt. Uinruin, 'etj. B D-:i JOD mi iibi nn-tT wanv-l A. D. T. Co., Uii S. Iti t. hint) salaries. B M WANTED Onmpetvnt ntenoan-apher: man riimillar wttn ahipirtr.aj ousfueaa pref-rre-L Auiiresa. L "7, Bee. B Mtbe r7 ANTED Bo v to take can; of rumm-e and cow. '.tTa N. JUh Ave. B u WANTED F1rt-t I a coat. f nd pnnta maker; atead? work; ood prti F;irti M;c- Canny Tailorlnw Co., 1.L1 mam. WANTED ti hartieaiB makers for work on team har'ie. Fremont aHdillerv Co., Fremont.Kb. B MS 14 WANTED Driver. Hail atructlnn Co., Toatevtn Aye.. Coumul Bluffs. inullna; A Ctin Su and South B MI3t-l4 MEN W ANTED for the United Slates Saw- miuhmmts. nremen. toal pawners, elmtmiiuia. alupwritfjhis. seamen, ordi nary acaitiuil. lanilHrnen. apnrentli'es. mesa attendant and hoapltai apprentlittaa; must be Amurtran born ltisatiw or have tnaiia Irani dttcutratliin of Intention to becoran ciKSens. Only men of (rood chara tT and nhvctiiiue need apuiy. For morm jtlou .ip- piy In person or hy letter to Naval R?-or-iiUnaT Stiaiion. Mc4."airiiR Bldii.. corner ifiUi and Doda;" Sts.. Omaha. Nen. open November 1U; close November 15. IS"- WANTED A ynum man to do tin work in nhop and clerk in hardware store, good position for the riatht main. Address. Lock Box aU Neiaon. Neb. B 14 WANTED OmVe boy: nna who is brlkht, auttiva and winina; to work. Mast writ Cuod hand. Advireaa. O 4 Bee. B i3 13 WANTED, tenant to ehars larars nfflfea on the anround floor of N. T. Lire Bldtj. In suranca man preferred. Apply 11 Douaj !s 8'., upstairs. B ito SALAKT or oomnussinn to sell famous ajiaaa hurner. an aMectrlc llaht on kitro sena lamp; million in use: sample by mail, Tror; Illustrated literature free. Mon arch Noveltv Co., :ai N. W. bida-. Mln Daapoua. Minn. B MJ4U 14 SALJCSWKN WASTED. HTERIWH ERE. to sell wriuva. M.unroa 4k Co., Lambert Tvpe HiX S. lfith 141., Ot WANTED-First, class Encyclopedia Bnt anmca aaueamea. our ayatcm requires you to caot on inquiries only. We pay Uuaarai weekly advance, transportation ex- pansaa, antriaa. American Newspaper AaaociaUon. oJI Aw lurk Ule Bull.llntj, Omaha, Neb. 111 17 WANTED FW lady solicitors for excep ttunaJy pieaaaat anil prohtaola work; to begin. Monday, nth. Address, O i. Bee. s:;w W ANT CO TT W.AXJC HELP. 10 GUia. Call Canadian office, l&th, A Dodgo. C- GLRX. for atxeau general housework. 2001 Plercs WANTED. worklnaT housekeeper In at throe adultm Adureaa J 14. B C ta. WANTED. girl for gvHieral hemaework ; S7B N. Xa C U3 good Ave. Mra. almatral. WANTED, hospital. sradent nurse at South Omaha c ra WANTED, head alnlng mam girl; wages Xju pea- monm: also Uaiunireus; waacna Vi ncknia advaouad. J. O. Wabo. V a. en tine. Neo. C aw 1 WANTED, good girt for ayneral hottsa wnra: taouaa now and modem; email family: wairea H to M per weak. Apply 41a N. 2Kb. St. C ILS LADT ajrsnta wanted to hand la our custom made walking and dress stuets; large . pmnta; uuraet agenta preferred. lueal Garmcmt Mfg. Co.. Ana Arbor. Mich. C-MOJt U WANTED, gtrl for general hotuaework in family. 914 S. d St. C WANTED. Swedish or German girl for gertarai housework; small family; aievl Cad at. La a. ilia. at. C A06 AX Intelligent, brlgtit woman of tntraniry, aver J7, to travel; references reniureaL Address O a. Bee. C la FUR RRT HOCSK9. TO MOTS rlirht get Omaha Van Storage Co.; offitA lliil Famam. or TeiA lia aa. HOUSES !? ail parts of .ity. The O. Davis Co., 3a Bae Bldg. -ROOM modem, near High, achnol. C7.JU. aVroum bwise, 3tth and "harles, rj Inq. Cap. Ave. Tel. in. Eooienn. D aril STTH PAYNIfl. Pi WWiCTaT. A CO. for choice huimiir bul-i N. Y. Lua UUig. Tel. lvld MAGGARD Van A 0bragai Co. Tel. 1taa. a-RiXM. mixiern. Asa Phous aJL goual repair, " aa D ma 2U BURT. J rooms, mudarn, nice lawn, barn. "Si X. ism, -rrrm. modem. . JZJt N. IW h. Vroom. moalem. t " W. FARN .AM ailTH CO., lJt Famam St. - K'R RENT 14 Rt)MS. 1611 aad laU liiarard aUs.. has lust been put ua nrsa muss naautir. imtfudatig toatr r.ewt bath rooms: drmiralils lutailon tor small H,rel, tljtt per mimin. - GEORGtC A CO.. 1SU1 FARN AM ST l rtR BJCNT. ens -roora bouse, with gas. water and sewer: just bsn placed in flret--lass repair: !n axt Wstnui. C. M. Bai' timaiia. t--a7 Paxton ooK-a. D JHl HOU9E4 and SutA Ringwalt. Bai ker block. D ms hU-'USElL Is. tA. Wailaoe. Bro' rn t. .. . A VERT large B-aiorY dwedlnsr; KB N. rrh annua. nvar B ooina. siuiaate for his pital, ehartlabie home or roumuasi hwusa; rent very taaaxmatuo. Inquire R. C PETERS & CO. Cruunil Floor, ilea Aauiullng. SEVERAL dlanraois hn 'ial tincv lHiig'a .at. L .; u laar wiutar. '. L. ead. FlR HE'T IOliE". F'R RENT-To nice -rom house; a t modern, evrept rnnc; ir"'-' re pair and aood moehnoroimd . ft and fr per month i-tn,ur C. J. Baa-hraann. Kaxton Block. D M.C1 Par Ave., mom" modern, ex- pi yni4c. rT'S v 'minrh. moms, ail modern: new. wnniimii'm fur-iai-. H .J NirmnH St., 7 iwimf. city water. fimnc. tanie. 517, l'T F'nnr. rmmi. modern. : !. 41m. 7 rooms, my water. r "a Manrterson, 7 rooms, an modern. 'irwi'f. LJ Capitol Av, S noma, modern, f im 17 1;4 Hnmllton St.. "i room a. rtty water. We ha"e other. Call anil get list. H C. FETEHS 4r Ground Floor. Building. D 42 34 MAPLE STRKET-Eatlt rooma. it" D U BHIitT iC tlx-room ootTa. nr. ml- ' n ami HHwrKl. Tannt twrnluT 1. 5iH Bristol sn-rnm cottiurr. nt"T modern I and panrvt. t. A. HirmET. V,5 B- Bid. Tit-phone J'M or B-Lafl. D IT8-1H fcj a-room monm Monae, id X. JPtli St. li 3nnni modrm tinuw, w N. .tih t?t. mmlem bou. N. lttt 3t. Iir -rron mmiem bouar. i? jritti i"t. th "-room mooern huua "!! Dodaa St. Wl tpiim modem houj"-. K;i Fanam BHjlNA.N-LOV ZO.. S. 1TTH 3T D Mll ID FOR RENT, forty aors In tna city lmlit of SoulU Omaha: amall houae. exlleot piHi .'or fen yard. The Omaha Realty Cimpany. Ui"l Donaflaa St., upstain. D 23 FOR RENT, new orii-k hotel. Plaint-lew. Nen. ; hotel had forty-four I44 rooma, with steam heat: will rent to aood part-, who miu-T f'lniati It himself. U'nte M. Krrtuw. Plainview. Neb. D M342 17 EIOHT-Ri KIM. aa. hath, laundry, f-ir-nue: not hajement plan. Kva J''l ' iml'.il av . 't;oinInn. D WT41 If nm REIT-FI RMBHED BOO. DEWET European Hotel. ISth and Finnm. E Ht 11 PER WEEK 422 8. lth St., siiith of court house. one block E eSi AETNA HOCSE. European, aa and Dodira. E tj ROT.-L HOTEL, European. lth Chlraaw. E e ILCNDHIJM2 steam heated room, tol Ave. ?!i rapi- STEAM HEATED rooms, no per month. Barker HoleL Utli auid Jones Sts. E M L. M. E. hauls trunks. Telephone ". E Mlw THE F ARNAM 19t h and Famam str-ers. E MK77 ELEtlANT furnished rooms hut water beat; references. In new home: 111 W"tter. E Uli 14 3or-TH fmnt Harney. a-icova room. modem. E M77S 15 L1ROE front room for one -or two aentle- men or respectable ladies. iCS S. 2th Pt. E 173 if DESIRABLE rooms: nrst-ciaua location. ; walking distance; 14 Faro am. K aClO I? Ri 'M for light housekeeping;. IKTS How- ! am. B-ai3i o-H" LARGS front rooms, modern. N. lth t E IS FIRSIITED RflOHI AD BOARD. MERSLUL comfortable winter home. T1 K F 4U9 FTTRNISHED rooms, with or without hoard, rates reasonable. Midland Hotel, lsth and Chicasn. F 470 NEATLY furnished, well healed room. 8, Xth. F M!s- IS TWO gtntlemen desired. 50f S. -Tth Ave. F M1N PUR BENT 'TUBCH AND OTTICCJ. FOR RENT, store In flrst-claaa location: reni reasonable. AiHily R C. Peters A Co.. ground floor. Bee Bldg. 1 JHS FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by The Bee at J18 Famam St. It has tour stories and a basement which waa formerly used as The Bee press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If Interested apply at office to C. C. Hitse water, secretary, room 1W), Bee building. I 1 SPLENDID 3-torv bldg.. with concreted basement and two skylights in roof. 1 Howard St. F D. Wend. - I H ' A(KJTS WANTED. WANTED, canvassing agents In every count v to solicit siioscnpiiona to THE TWENTIETH CENTCRT FARMER. Steady employment, with assured good in come. A -nis in the country with horse and buggy especially dnatred." Canvassers make easily iatt to Cut per month. Aa dreaa. Century Farmer Sailciturs' Bureau, Bea building, Omana. 21a LOHS AGENTS wanted to sell dealrabie old Una insurance for the largest company in the world of its age; no special con tract fakn- or leg pullers need apply. Wa sell the best contract ever written; gwed territory and cnmmisatona Given to good, reilaoio men. Cail on or writs to George J. Crane. Superintendent Weaiern Department. oIU First Nat l Bank Biicg., omana. Neb. J M S Daw W. ANTED, mantifxa-turer's agent or maa fur part at tna state of Missouri aa well as ths states of Kansas and Ne braska, to handle a line of goods in use and endorsed by 75 per cent of the maJtu faccunng tntereats In the United, tanada and Great Britain. iiai refer-eru-ns and addresa. Hank. Comer Saw-tell antl Woodland Aves., Cleveland. Ohio. J Ml WdTtl -T BB!lf. WANTED, wife. V. board and room by man an B. Mayo. Merchants Hotel. K -- t JTOBAbE. Van Stor. Co., 1&1!4j Farn. Tele. IScaVaCL aV3 VANS and baggage wagon a. Tel. II. rt WANTED TIB BEY- WANTED to feuy, a general stock. a stuck of dry gnotls or Addresa N a. Bee. N M717 16 WANTED to bur. aid lumbar. be'l Hia a-i:J3. S. T. Camp- rua ALio ri Rrrr RE. CHICAi Fjrnuure Co.. 141 Do.le. Tali 1'J Nsw and secondhand, bougnt. soul, axchangsd. O 471 FUR BALE HORSE. ETC NEW and seendhand eaieap. H. Frost, lvh vehirlns for sale and Leaven wot-h. P 475 I FOR SALE or trade, horouambred whnn Arabian aaal.lon. wet ah t l.ii ooundM. umii oa-oa-n Livery. Council Bluffs. I P-MJJS FOR lAUlMIUAlElMf, NEW and 2d-naad typrwntsra. 11 IB Farnam F"'R SALE, two fresh cows ar 3U Web ster at. " ia MJ47 U SECOND-HAND BVmington tvpewrtter. U. P. bsadquartsra, taisgrapn department, i aiA-ia i FOR SAI.K, poanugrapkA to any The a T4 .it her musical laauaswt, B i ii . , . i. w hi maun i-u.. i-i ramaai. EDIaON pUonoarrapha. Bat, B and Ski; moulded luriia. iaas eauja or tt par at . ; new atlaeaB, La ap. la hand, tt up. Omaha aucycia Co.. Jua and Chicaam 3 IS- SJ 475 t its) STYLES trusses ; catalugua fres. Sher , man MrCotiucii Dnig Co., taMh and iaaaa, umana. FOR 9 41 a Uairms duga. pair ot import! Mx.uan AMtreas A . for uut-iixiuimtn. FEN' "E I -ATM for i il' k shipment, irt bug. combination la.iuers ! i.-o'ig'a-. INDIAN goods and relics. UiB Famern ID Li AND safe cheap. Dertgnt. U-J Frnn-n. CHOICE milttt on T '.'amtiOril. iii ua. a. t Sm-tlanil ponr. Center. i"iuna B - SKiv iND-HA.ID btiltHr and pool tamra. tiilari taoiHa rva.rau: a taraa fm a if -hMD bar tlur. cicar conntcra. rte. Thf Brunatrlck Batke (.oilendir Co . v:- I. una. v m rOB "AJLE. raro fiati com at Web ater au w-a-JM i ID-HAND sraa cbrap. Patton. r .- lfl CLAIatTOT ..tT9. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant. 1614 Caaa St. MM K. GTLM&K, fen ulna pa.mtat. ilS 9 A i ELECTRICAL TtKlflEST. XMS. SMITH, balka. US-N. la, Uk floor. R. L 1 Lm- MJ13. AMES, vapor bat ha. X. IStti. 3- 7. I M.aa 4a GRACE O'BaTA.1 of Kr.. 73 South IJtS. !, lb MISS Ctrvai, manlcunnj. C1 g. !tth. 3rd floor PSR501.lL, DR. ROT. chiropodist; corns and roperrl'i tiua haur removed by electricity. A. 12. 1 Frenaer blwa. L" S1 V1AVL Woman's way to health. treatment, oooalet tree, i Omaha. GRAMOPHONES, and aupplli aoid retaiL Coiiins f'Jino .(., a. wholrsa.a ItiZ Doug.aak l.- PRIVATE sanitarium for and durlnif conrmemenl. ladles before Dr. and Mr, i Gerlaca. . latn St.. o L- Rt.'PT'.'HE CfRED No knife. nu pain, no detention from ouslness. send tor oook.pi. etc. EilPlKa Ht.'P'1'URS CL'hE CO.. i.a N. T. Lite Bias;., Omaha. t- DR. B. M- JACKSON, specialist In chr-jnic diseaaea. 1ft t imam St Cnnsui tacou free. L" ELITE PARLORS, 15 S. 16th St.. Id floor. C-X777-13 BMK. SMITH, baths. U8 N. 15. 2d floor. R. L' Mala 1. PRIVATE hoamltal before: and during con nnemenf: oaoies boarded and anupted. Mrs. Gardeis. JA Lake. TeL red ls4. PRrr ATE hospital for ladlts before and durtng connnement: best medical atten tion, cables adopted. JTiC S- 1-Jtn St. Wrs. Fjaitr. TaLFft U-Min; a PRIVATE hospital before and during con flnement; nrst-ciasa In every respect; baoies aaopt-d. Dr. L. L. Miller, 2mi4 Blonilo St. Phone F-llai C M'."1 Xj BARGAINS, entire stuck dlamonda. watcn ea. jeweiry. in pawn murtgaaed. naif rice. Luamund i-uan office, lLn a Duugiaa L Mj .NJ WE RENT sewing machines at .jc per week. We r-pair and suil parta for any machine manuiactared. NEBH-VdiCA Ci'CLE CO.. 'Phone 16. Comer iSia and Harney Sta. 3M Broadway. Council Bluffs. Phona kWli. ta'L North 'tth t . u. Omaha. Phone iaba. U 1 TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. mesMngors. C Mial HEAItJl'AHTERS Tor Edison phono graphs and Victor talking machines and record. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. luth and Harney Bis. IT SM 1 OUT TO LOA.T REAL E9TATEV V PER. CETNT on buauieaa property, a per cent on resiuenca property. Options to pay wnoie or part any time. W. B. atAlKl-E, 4A-1 a. liflia 3T. W MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real staia. Breonao-laiva Co., S. iath. 4 TO 5 P. C. Money. Bemls. Paxton w- Blk. -tall FIRM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas. First Nat. Bank Blag. Tel. lte. FIVE PER CENT loans. Famam. Garvin Bros., UA4 V.' AH PRIVATE money. F. D. Weed, 1S24 Dougl w W. ANTED, city Farnaun Smita loans a Co.. and warrants. W. LTOtt Famam street. WANTED, dty and farm loana; also bonds and warrants. B- C. Peters A Co., 1703 Famam ot. Bee Bldg. W M Va ANTED. &.-JWV luan on fh-st-ciaaa ratal es tats security Inquire Bilxt A Lavgren, room 4i-7 paxton block. W M-ia SONET TO LOAN 47KATTKL9. MONEY WHiN you find it natcesaary to borrow give ua a trial, arter which we will, by lair treatment, attempt to retain your paiBonage. We loan tram 10 ap on fur niture, pianos, n va stuck, etc We make loans to " AAT.ARIFP PEOPLE without mortaga or aBuorsar. We do not deduct mternst in auvaace; we coarge sotting for making or tiling papers and our service is quick and conndeniiai. We siwaya try to ptea.-ae our patrons. OMAHA MortTGAGH LuAN CO., U board of Trade Eiag. Tel. ja. Zstaoimned INC.) Aa South ifclh St. tltttttttftlltIltlSItlfllt r-i rot" MirTvri unvtLT-' t MONEY TO LOAN 1 1 S OS I t FVUNTTURE -A-VD SALARIES. I " to ffrA loa.ied on Fl RNITI'RE. t riANOa. HTC and to aaiarted peopie f ax very lowest rates and tor any er.g'.n f I af t:nw. witnout pnouiuy or removing a tne property, raymrnia can De maue 9 to suit your convenience. f tail ana BBV uul vrri aB nriuni Vlng s j elsewnere. t I RELIABLE (.TtKDIT IDMPA.1T. Rovm Jut, Thud F.our, Paxu.u Block. 4l(tll(.tttttltt tltttlt lltttttt A- BORROW MONEY yju raa got it on FCHNIT'J P.S. PIANOS HORaEA WAiijNA WIIERi COW A ETC; uu on Ki Eli WHFr '" yuu til it on anurt ounce and wttaout puoucity. WHEBJS you pay tor amy that ume money is in use. WHEJLE you can return it on easy waeiily or munthiy payments. WHERE you get the loweat rates. WHERE ran you do better" PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. tSJ Paxton U,A IMS and FarnAra Sts. L-AR1EST BU SIN Ear IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, merchant a. team, aiers. onar'ttng huusam, etc , without ae-r-untv: eaasisst farma; a olfleea la onn- rlpai citlss. Toiman. 4 Soara Of Treae ! Blag. MONET loaned people; bustnea on plaiu nolo to salaried miiiiiieuiuu. loweai rales. 1 14 Paxluu block. xas a. fxuiiio X (97 MONEY loaned on pianos, ftimttura. Jew airy, horseA cue a, etc C F. Rsed. 113 S 12. MONET inanil an furniture live stock, jewetry. to aa'arle,! pe.ipie. Folry Lna Co.. Si'C tti Loin Graam. B fcarker turn a. A S4"Kaa CHAICIB, WHEN you want to buy. sell ot exchange your business or property auu-k see J. H. Joonsun. M N Y. Lae. I MiflS WANT to buj. sell ar trade a onainess Go ste Wl.sou. Wamea a Co., 4J7 to alii Paatoa bloc A Y an FR SALE or rent, nrati-iasa hotel, can. tnily located. A. Anselm. H-imphrev, NrA X Ba-Aa 1 S3. Home Ue Bids;., j I 1 bcbme cm.i. Tf GET In T out of "msineae rail irn, W.I lama. Rontn 4L. Mi-Cag'ie bull d-g. f -4 in or before Janiarv U prnrf rai'ttai. in raimiir.l J toinaj ;w.i-KnT m M. ni" 'f th hf in .itv. $"5 to fi'a 'iaily mi" iil-h"ith inm- i pria sm. nhrri .tlB-"in'. r-ira oppor lunity. J ii. JoiinRin, N. I. Lif. TVK -an roitr hniin,!" or pmnrfv. io tna'tr nr kM-Bt'-t. r'nn nt ftr. Ha.L'tinrM N RiAL E.'TAI'E Cl.' . j t n ail St.. ?w i jrH. ! y mjm 14 1 FDR ?.LE, dmaj ator. cli-an and In gi-d rondttmn. bst liwaTlnn In town of j.. ; woiil.i tradi" It for rai tate. I ha"-? oth-r buawraa and cannot attrnd to it.. AniirM u 1. 3'. T Mn. SPLENDID huiltwa with C. to Dtiualaa 4t. opfninaj for man r". JL. W"ad. iit4 14 mm ex "ik,e. FOR EXCHANtifil Inaide prrrprtr rentln for per month. laoima. WaaUinnton. j f Improved inuiu land. Aaureaa. C N. Etwrt, t-ourt iiouae. Tacoma, Waanington. l U i. , 91X-R'OMED hraiw In St. in Omaha. Adflreaa aa. Louis for houaa Be. FOR S ALE REAL S'T TK. WELL built V-r house, on 5n 'ot and beau tlf oi lacaUMin. inquira 1411 Vinton. 11 a HOUSED and Iota In ail parts of city; aiao acre prooertv and farm .amis. The O. F. j Davis Co.. F.cotn -ib Bee Blug. HE ill O. WILLIAMSON fx CHARLES a... 13"! ; nam street. t RE Si") I WILLIAM C. CHL-fHELL vtnta in any capacity tne Real Estate -U. OtforfTj ao lonaTPr repr 'ietirjfe P Bems P. lsemis, P"-e. HE- M.E7 DO YOU WANT TO SELLA FARM? IT you want to sell a farm or ranch, tall 1 Ura farmers and atockraisers about It- Tbi best war to reach tbeiB ta through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Talk agricultural weekly goes to homes of farmers and stockraisers. aa It you hafa a good piece of land to sell at reasonaoi pnea you ought to and a buyer i among them. The coat of an ad is small j 2 cents par word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. KS ant HARRISON ft MORTON. FARMS. RE N17 KELSET3. wail paper. 17th and Dougiaa. Phone !Jl RE H73 GREAT B.ARGAIN. -ROOM KOL'SE near 17'n and Charles st. at a great bargntn: make us n offer. Bemis. Pixton block. - HE MS. SEE PATNE. BOSTWICK A CO. for choice ' baxgalna " N Y. Ut Bldg. T-l. Mi ' a r I BJTi and farm lands for sal tr the ! MoAlieater. land commissioner, linloa Pa- citlc Huadquarters. Omaha. Neb. RE-iA FO SALE. $ Tta SB feet, north front on Jackson, near Sath. I Ttn N. W. comer .14th and Jackson. BSxlf . fjna Mi feet east front mi Lowe axe., near Burt. riWO N. W. comer Lawe ave. and Burt. THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1301 DOLfjLA ST. : RE-M."T 3 Lryr. LOHT Two diamond rings, one Tiffany aetr.nt;- one snake rfhg. Return to Mrs. Cavanaugh. 1111 South 10th. and retteiva liberal reward. 11413 When You Wnte to Advertisers rememuer ,i au in stroke or o of ina yen to mauuun uis Laatt. you aaw ;uw ad in lbs SHORTHAND AD TTPEWRIT13K. GREGG S. H-. Toaach T. W , Bus. Branches, Teieg. Cat. tree. om. Cum. Cul., 17 A Doie- A. C. VAN 9ANTH school. 717 N. Y. Life. BOTLE3 college court reporter principal. N. Y. LUa. - -aa NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. XANCrAaTTCRlNas. P. MELCHOIB, chlniat 13th and Howard, ma- ala OMAHA Saife and Iron Was. sjiakss a spa- ctaity of are escapas. shuttsra, doors and G. Anurwn, Prop., 11Z ao. una at LAW AND COLLECTION. 9TILLA1AN A PRICE, 3 IT. A N'l Bk. Bid. NEB. COLLECTION CO., But N. T. Ufa. 73 Dstu tlBBACE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cl vainMia ana vaults, rentuvtst garUas and dead srnimais at reduced prtusa. -l 1MQ. Tel. 1.-7A BIB rAR.RS) FR BE,T. FARM- FOR RENT. 2S2 acres, quartsr ot a ulils from Larlatte. Noo. , two seta at soon buildings. Address oea. M. Reed. imngevine. Idaho, or see E. HL Reed, or F. J. rttagcraul. South omaha, NeA au7 17 eUTBUPATH f. GID. E. A ALioE JC'HNSON. oattMipathA Suits ilk, N. Y. Lata TeL lira. BIB Mrs. Craisj Tlsdaia Deegua, a3 ba Bldg. T--I. iL iLuruuis, MEN'S clothing wanted, tul Are. Mrs. htnaiat. Addresa i C'apl- 3 Ik TBlAkl AID RA434.A4.E. TWIN CITY EXP. Phunai 1717. A ltkh. THIS DEPOT on Ume. L. M. E. Tel. 70. AaMJ PRITI14s. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Linoiyp Cumpuaitiun. all 3. '. P1TE1T. H. J. fuL l ltijiLL-.l tees amesa succi 2U 9. liih at.. Omaha. TeL 17. BALK TIE. OMAHA Hay Bala Tie Co., tai North a FiasBuarrs. BULBS, cur dewa eon. TeL 1 a. u,J rs and plants. HerMatr Fanuua si.. OmaAa. ACTDBUBILIA ELEC. aUtuBouUlleA Delight. U1B Fimam. ; WA.STTTP mirl.icra. aKDIC t M H.r -"'lf rniirolrat at Iti nr rrw. Mar a . Tama. la. tilt x "tl I at -h P l.S ta ?t -i in 'n mm it tr it 1r-H. J. .Una I ran Ir-aa ami i 14 1 dhkih tanti. I.t FAMILIES. Mi" iturdy. a Hany. UIADRT. OMAHA iKfiia I-aundrv; hii-a, c. cuffs, ac. ...x LratnurJL r: roilara. Ti. A-i;s4. fiUPICTTIcm iYD ALL. kinds of canrmcr work and rpairmaj promptly attrnood to. J. T. OtniitJ . . J'lh and Lajta atirta. 7U TIPEWIITH. H'HT pay raim' Lambert. 5: auperior to C machine. .ent on approraL Monro 4t Co.. U N. lktn au. omana. TICH.KT IROkKR). CUT RATE railroad Cckefa averywhert. P. H. Phvlbin. li Farnaun. Fkon 7M. EXPERT ACCOCSTA3IT. PR1TATS leaaons In bookkeeping, eta j. R. Rathbun, lloom ID. Com 1 Nat 1 ban. R. GILEERT CO.. rannera, 1414 3. 12th. PAWIBBOUBS. ' E-VJLE Loen Office, reliable, ictommmlat- ina: aa Dueme-a conndenuai. J'luuuin nl ELECTRICAL IIPUIL1& THOS. DVRKIN, T-i. l'. electric light L6 nillCRUr, AID 9TCTTERIN. CURED. Julia Vaughn, ISO Runts Bldg. IDCW4LK BRICK- OMAHA Hydraulic Press Brick C .New lorn Ule. Phone all). IVDfE3' JACKETS made, altered and re moaeied. Joe Youaen, 111 Famam St. M:0 STOVES REPLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Omaha Plating Co., Bee Blua. Tel. i i. aa PU'TOIFltE SUTICE. 'Should be r-ad L-AILY by all Interested, as .-hana-s mav m-rur at any Ume j Foreigri minis tor the week miding No- vemher . 1!C will close (PROMPTLY in caaeal at the general .postonice aa fo.- Ume shown be low. Parcels Post mails for Germany close at n. m. 'edneaHlay per a. 9. Bremen. Regular and atipplementary mails close at fvireign s'ation half hour later than clos ing time shown bemw i except that supple mentary mails far Europe and Central America, via Cole a. close one hour later at foreign atatiori. Traasstlaatlo Mails. SATURDAY At 7: A m. for NETHER LANDS direct, per a. s. Staatendam imail must be olt-ectei -per s. a. Staatendam ') at a a. m. for BELGIUM direct, per a. a. Ftiesland (mail must be directed "per s.s. Frleaiand" i : at Ai a. ra. for ITALY direct, per a. . AJgUHta. Victoria ima.l miu?t be directed "per m. a. Augusta Vic toria , at a. m. istippiementary 12 m. I for EUROPE, per a. a. Cmorm. via jueeiistown. at p. m. for SCOT- L-vND direct, per s. a. Columbia imail mutt be directed "per a. s. Coiumoia '; PRINTED MATTER. ETC This teamer taltes printed mutter, papers aiid aamp.ea for Germany j.nty. The same !aMS ot mail matter tor other parts at Europe will not be sent by this ship un less .eclu!lN directed by it. After the rinsing at the supplementary transauanti.: m.ula named anov. addi tional supplementary mails are opened on the piers of tile American, lutgliah. French and lerman steamers, an ", remain i. pen until a-tthin ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Asaerira, Wear, ladies. Eta. FRIDAY At 15 m. for MEXICO, per s. s. Niagara, via, Tampitro tmail must be direcietl "per a a. Niagara'): at s.Js n.m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Hail fax. SATURDAY At 4 a. m. tor PERNAM BUCO. SANTOS and SAO PAULO, per a. s. Syrat-usa imail for other parts of Brazil must be directed "per a. a. Syra cuaa ): at 9 a m. supplementary ::w a. m.i for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Caracas imuil foi Savamlia and Cartagena must be di rected "per a s. Caracas '): at S:J0 a. m. lauppiemeiitarv J):M a. m.i for FORTUNE ISL.ND. JAMAICA. SAVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per a a. Altai (mail for Coeta Una must be directsd "per a a. Altai "1: at S JO a. m. 'supplementary 10:30 a. m.i for HAITL per a. s. Athos: at l a. m. for CUBA, per a s. Morro Castle, via Havana, at lu a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per s. s. Grenada; at 15: s p. m. for CUBA, per a a. oin.u. via Matansas lordtnary mail only, wnica muet oe directed -er a. s. OUnda "; at S" P m. istipplemenrarv l.S p m i for I.KF.WIRO and WINDWARD INLANDS. BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH G L LAN -V, per a a. Aorona. Maila for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydnev. and them-e by steamer, close at thia office daily ar i 3U p. m. teonnecttng i'him hare everv Monday. Wednesday and Sut'irdavi. Malls for Minuelon. by rail to Boaton. and thence by steamer, close at 'his offica dally at : p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail u Port Tampa. F:a, and thence by at-amer ciose at this office daily, except Thursday, at 6.30 e. m. the i-.inn'i:nf olotea are made on Mondays. Wednesdays and Bauiruayei. Maxla fir Mexico City, overland, unieas specially aadreased for dispatch by steamer, close at this office daily, axnepr Sunday, at 1 JB p. m and 11. JB p. m., Sunuays at 1 p m. and 11.30 p. ni. Aaiua tor Costa Rica. Beiis. Puerto Cortex and letter mail for liuatemaA by rail to New Or leans, and thence Br steamer, close at tins office daily, except Sunday, at 39 p. m. and 11.30 p. m., Sundays at t p. m. and 11.30 p. m. (connecting Closes hers Mondays at II 39 p. m. for Bsiixe. Puerto Cortes and letter mail for Guatemala, and Tuesday at 11:3B p. m. tor Coat a Rica;. Rranstered mail closes at p. m. previous day. Traaaaaalfla Rails. Mails for Hawaii. va 8aa Franiiaco. close j here daily at 3" o. m. up to Novemoer i ;. inclusive: for aispatcli per s. s. A:a j meda I Mails tor Hawaii. China. Japaa aud Pliillp- pine istanda. vta San Fnniiarn, cioae 1 here dally at 4 A p. m. up to November I It" uiciuslve, tor dispatch per a. a J Gaelic. I Mans for China aud Japan, vta Seattle, 1 Clone here ilaiiV at 3. Si p. ill. Up to Nil vemoer ltn. uteiusive. for dispatch per . a. s Shinano Maru. i H'ti'liueil mall must be directed "via Seattle i. Maiis tor China and Jipaii, via Tacoma. c:oae her uaiiy a: 4.JU p. m. up to No- j vember "14. Inclusive, for dupatch per .5. a. vtctona. Mails tor Hawaii, Japan. China and spe cially adureaoMHi mutter fur the PhUiP' Dins Islands, via San Franclsro. cloax ners daily at At p. m. up to November -Tiith, inclusive. lor uis pa ten per a. a Huag Kong Maru. Maila for Australia i except Weat A latmiia. which is furwarotrd vta Eurooet New Zea land. Fiji. Samoa ami Hawaii, via San Fraaclavru. cluss here dally at 4.JB p. ra. after Novemoer and l'P to Nuvcrntwr . inclusive, for a per a. a. Vn- t.ira. Or the Cunanl staamrr carrying the Bntisn mall tor New Zealand aura not arrive in ume to connect sua tma dispatch, extra malls ruining at j JO a. 4 3 a. m., t a. m. and I a t ni mtll nana up and forwarded until tne arrival ef ,stf i tinard steamer t a.. 3 X HORSES WltlTERED. -3!. WANTED, hursfca to winter. J Center lt?J St. Tel Black-UU. " I tut china acl apan, via V an -mi' r ami Vlrt,ira. M i a ,rt in ' '. t ioait h iee :ui,i -"a i i lur- et t,'er-ttHOMHM miM r a Kmir- m it for a a" r -r r-l'"l i y T-. a 1 4i ' 1-itnii t i:ihIh Mml for the Khiilrn'f ii tola. I :ii'-- o .-l,e (..r., dn''v a' iti to '"tiiwr oii-i-ir r tl- OHt'ii tier I' Tranpor' Mill ' r Ti on and'ineaiH lnanda. "i rn.T K-iintvio. pm'' Imlv A M o m op 'o l.remiirr "t. mi Mltv. tor dienati h per a Mif ia M.t ' S'T V itm;ia iek ent Vt A i- r lit. rh'rfi ae -Ui a.itPe and N,w Z-i n-t. w'.irh ! va fn Ktni1-"'. a-id F i'l. via Van"m''r .md Vh . rr1ji. K. . fiiate here iaily at n -n. after November t id nr ! emlier " ln-l.iaive. for dixpati h p r a Aonngi. Tna.nnparihr Tat! ar fnrair led to aor' of .i.lina daily ind the whedole of loe naj ' airanaed on the pr"mrapt1on of 'heir umr' ert-ipteil j vet-la nil tmnlt. Rea; ier"d -niul olonrn at P m. prev'otiH day. '"n-iELI' S VN C'lTT. PotmMBter PoetofflVe. New Turk, N. T.. Nov. 7. l!t lilLWH TlWK TalLE. CHICAGO. ROOK ISLAND . Psritlo Railroad "The Great I Rnili Island Route' Cltv T!i kat OlTlrw. 1X3 Famara "rert. Teienhone 43. Darnnt. TenUi and Marcy atresia. relepuona tt3. Lava. Arnvn. I EA.-fT. Chirac Daylight Ltd.. a 5 ' am ;Chicao Dayunt Local.. 7: am I Chicaaro &xprse hll lB am j fea Moines Expresa a 4 :! ptn a 4fi am a t: am a S.'.a prn bU tt am a I S pm a 4. SB am ooicaaio Jraat a.xprKS. .a, 1.J& pm W h.T, Rockv Mountain Ltd. . .a :56 am Lincoln. Colorado Sp aa. Denver, PueOio and Weat 1.3B pm Colorado, Oklahoma A Texas Fy a 5 36 pm auly. b Daily except dunday. a S.Ot pm a :fO pm CNIOX PACIFIC-TH3 Overland Ruuta ' General of fices. N. E. Corner Ninth snd Famam Streets. City TIekat office. 1Z24 Famam rir Ti . ' pnone ilti. Depot, Tenth and I iaarcy atA Te.auhone ja. ! Leara. The Overland Limited.. a . am The Chicago-Port jud Special am The Kast Mail a t::J am The Mail and Express.. ail am The Cuiurailo Special. . a : lu am Ar-ive. ! a ZJD pm a 7 .40 m I a a J pm a )m am a 2: ul am Lincoln. Bearnce and Stromsbiirg Expresa.. .a 4:a ora bU:S pm 1 The Faciiic Express... .a 45 pm I The A'.iauttc Expr-sa.... a 7 JU am Grnnd island Local a a. pm b S am a Daily. 0 Daily except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of nca. lata Famam Street. Telephone. 24G. Depot. Tenth and- Marcy Sts. Leave. ArrlvA Chlcatjo Expruss ".Si In a S.10 pm .r... Chlcag.i Limited .. Fat Man M.nneapoiis A St. Exp rest, Minneapolis k St. Limited - Fort Dodge Loual Council BlutTa Fort Dodge Local pm a :t5 an aUJ:JJ pm blO-.K pm a am alPrOO am Paul a 7:25 am Paul -v7:SS pm from b 4: pm from Council Bluff a 5:i am a Daily. D uaily except Sunday. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket Southeast 0raT I4th and Douglas Sta. Telephone H4. Depot. a, Ij-- Union Station. ra.rt Leave. Arrive. St. Louis and Kansas City Express alO'08 am a R:S pm K C, St. L. Express. ..alO av pm a am Leave from 15tn and Weoster Streets: Nehranka Local. via Weeping Water It 4:10 pm all): IS am a Daily, b Daily except Sunday. FREMONT. ETLKHORN A Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Lino " General Offices. .Lnitsd States National . Bank Biuldlng, S. W. Comer Twelfth and Far- nam Sua. Ticket Office, 14U1 Famam at. Telephone 5L Depot, lSia and Webster StA Telephone HSe. Leave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood, Hut Springs A 3:00 pm a 5. OB pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 1:09 pm e S:00 pm Hastings. Y.-k. Daivid City, superior. Genawa, Exeter ana Seward... b J 08 pm b 5:0". pm Norfolk. V emigre and Fremont b 7 30 am bl0:3 am Linrmn A'ahou and Fremont - b 7 30 am bill: 26 am Fr-mont Local c :fxi am a Daily. B Dally except 'Sunday, a Sun day umy d Daily except Saturday. a Daily except Monday. CHICAGO A NORTH- western Railway "The i Northwestern Line ' : 71r- Ticket Office, 1401 I Famam St. Telephone i tad. Depot. Tenth and i Marcy Streets. Teie- , pnone CX , Leave. Arrive. Fast Orr.ith!i-'"!!!i agii..,.a S:'J am ail. 30 pm ! Local iarroll-Cmana...o 4:1 pm a am I Loral hicagu--mana..alll::a am a 3.10 pm F iat Omaiia-Chiuago...a 4.1a pm a 4:t6 pm Fist Mall a :t pm a S:S pm Omaha-Chicago '.'- a a 4:10 pm a JO am Fast St. Pau. a 7 fZ pm a 8:15 am Faat Mail a 7:iw pm a :38 am Ceuar Rapids Passenger a 5:30 pm Local Siuux City i 4 ta pm b H.iii am a Daily, b Daily except Sunday. CHICAGO. ST. PATTL, Minneapolla A Omaha Hallway The North weatsra Line" General Offices. Nebraska Divi sion, ISth and Webster Sta. . City Ticket Office, l('l Famaxr St. Telephone aL Depot, dlth and Webster StA Telephone 146L Leave. Arrire. Twin City Passenger.. .a :J am a 10 cm Sioux Cliy Paasarnger...a -.t pm ail.lo am Oakland Lo4ai b 5.46 pm b S:s am a Daily b Daily except Sunday. B C R L I N G T O N A Mis souri River Railroad "Tha Burlington Routs" Gen eral Offices, Northwest Cor ner Tenth ana F amain Streets. Ticket Office. i4 Famam Street. Teiepooua. , station. Tenth, and Maaun otreeia Telephone Leave. and a 1:49 am Arrtta a T:le pm a 310 pm a 1:10 pm a a.a am a C.ts am a Bill am b 11-64 am a :S om blLt am a l;T m Lincoln. Hastings u.w-,u,a Wymor-. Beatrice and Luicoin .-" :"i. Denver. Colorado, "JtAh and California. F irt crook, oouih Den-, Louiaviile, P'.attam th.b I 2B pm Beilevue, PAttamouiu a. a ?: pm Pacine junction Beiievue. P attsmouu. m. Pacirtc Junrtioia. a am Daily, b Daily except Sunuay. .-n-4.i4l. BURLIN4ITON A lauincy Railway "The Burlington Route Ticket Office. ld Famam Street. Telephone -& Depot. Tenth and Mason StresiA Telephone H. Laaave. Arri va. Lavnani Soe- cia. a 7 0s am all 00 pra On, -ago Veetibuled Ex.. a 4 pm a 7 JB am Chicatjo Locai Eapreaa.a S Ai am a 4.u pm Chicano Limited a fA pm j Mail 5:4s pm a Cailr- sANSAS CJTT. ST. JO sepn A Council Bluffs Railraau "Ths Burlington Route "Ticket 'ffice. IbJt Farnam Street. Telephone -w. Depot. Tenth and Maaon StreatA Tetephuoa rr Laara. Arrive. Kansas rity Day Ex ...a -jt a.-n a i pm Kansas City N:gnt Ex..aiii ao pm a 4:15 am St. Luuia F'yer. tor at Jnwpn and St. Louis.. a 5:10 pm all U am a Daily. I I -HH Aoiy JIILWACUl "i. i-fu nanway City litket -.., Famam St. Telephone 34. Djtpot Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone : na I aatav aaaaer .imaha Ex.. a T k am b I ao ana L, nutiet Ex a 4.iO am a 7 aa am D Daily excess, aanoay. if 5 WV"t - lr- i aiaa, i I Chicago ICluca - s LCiy MARKET PROIECI IN tlllRT Cnioi A?ann Orirtioii. PtHHAKElT iM.'LICTlOnJ IS ASKED fOi ftltlaara !! tka l aalnl eais i Legally t far av Pra let her TDaa i bat af tvt. The 'limrtrt -nurt baa lassoed ths ! heads of the municipality of Omaha rit! another restraining orler In the mat -r of ' a proposed new market amis Nothing mors can be dons tv ths con tractor or the city before MonrtaT. Na ' vetnber 24. at which time the order will I he returnable before Judge Dtchinsan in ! oourt room No. 7. The court a ar-irr was issued yesterday upon the petition ot Samuel D. Meroar and the 3. D. Merrer company, wha awn property adjoining and abutting that ac tion of Capitol avenue upon which it Is p r-pose. I to enact the structure, together with David Cole. Peter Rorco and H. 6. Straight, commission men with eatabllsb ments at the present market plana, all represented by Attorney C. S. Herring. They aak aa injunctlen se ample and rami fied aa to permit no ass to take any further ttepa la the natt sr. Ftrst staking ths lneral requost that the court restrain the execution of the contract already drawn, hut sot signed, they then proceed to specifically propose the mjuocUon af Mayor Mnarea from signing the document, of City Clerk El bourn from turning ever any of the paper, of Comptroller West -berg from approving any bill of Treasurer Heonlaga from paying any ef the same, of the Board ef Public Works from directing that the work p roes el and of Charles W. Partridge the sucreasfui bidder, from tak- lng any fteps In the execution of his con tract. 0)erlaas ta Baitillaata. Of the propositions in their allegatioua the flrst is that the city has no right to use Capital avenue for any other purpose than that of a street, to which it was de dicated by the old ordinance of November IS. IfWKi. The second i'a that for the build ing of the turnip emporium money can be drawn only from a special fund provided by bond loaned and not ' from the general fund; the third is that the total of such general fund is already exceeded by the total of the money paid out of tt and the liabilities Incurred against It; the fourth la that Councilman Hoys is a partner of Partridge's and therefore not entiled to act with, the rest of the council in voting the contract. The fifth proposition Is an attack upon the wording of the specifications, which waa. It la allegod, so faulty and possible of double construction that fair competition by reputable bidders waa impossible. Aa an Instance, the petition cites that the con tract calla tor twice painting tae exterior of the building, but not for painting the In terior -at all, which, the petitioners calcu late, could make a saving of fLavtl for the contractor. Another alleged fault ta the absence of a specification as to the proportion of mortar and cement io be used. Others concern the roof, the exca vot ing and other details of the proposed build ing. Ckllarwa crsia ta. "My little bay took the croup oao kight." saya F. D. atayaclda at Mansfield. O., aad grew so bad yoa oould hear him hraal ke ail over the house. I thought ha would die, but a few loses of One Min ats Cough Cur Be lieved and seat aim to slsep. That' the last we heard of the croup." Oao M Inula Cough Cure la absolutely safe gad eat at nee. For coughs, oolds. crocp. grin, asthma and bronchlUA The new kind of General Arthur cigar win please you If you care for good dears. Seasonable Fashions. 4Z79 Blonao or Shirt Waist 12 to boat. Woman's Blouse or Shirt Waist 4-7D To be made with or without the fltred lining. Shirt waiata made with dUrtaeaa or prtn oesa e losings and winh. plaits at tha ghoul- ' iers are at onea easent tally smart and eery generally becoming. Tne absence of the regulation bant plait renders them soma- . wha less eerors than the plainer model. ' while the finish allow trimming of naaat ome buttons and tha plait at the shoul ders pronde be coming folds orer the bust. The smart model shown la admirable In every way and io auited both ta waist and gown msAsrtalH of almost all aorta, but in tha ease of Ule original la af whits peeu do cynge. su:chs4 with, black silk, and to tn iahed at the font with fancy stitching aad rhina stone D lttons. Tho lining, which can be used, or omitted aa material aad use may d eel fie. is gnngTy fitted and closes at the orator fronts. The waist Use If consist of a plaia bask down smoothly at the walat line, and fronts which are laid la two reamed aide pAaita and a center box plait at each shoulder and blouse slightly over tha belt. Too front edges are laid In plaiia that flare apart at tha center over tha hems, ad nag a narrow real effect. Tha aleerea are the fashionable full ones enth ruffs pointed at tha ends to match tha novel stock ami the stylish shoulder atrapa. Tha quantity ot material required for the medium size is 4'a yards 51 Inches wtda. 44 yards 57 inches wide, 5H yards 35 tnchre wide, or Z yards 44 inches wide. The pattern 1579 la cut in etaes for a St. SB, SB and 40-inch buat measure. Fer the accommodation of The Baa read er, these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to M cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 ceotA wblcA cover all expense. In order to get a pattern enclose 10 oaaia, give number and name ef pattern wanted and bust measura. DjAILWar Tint CARD aallaa4. WABASH RAXLJIO AD Tic ket Office, Ibul Farnana street. Teiepuone XC Da. pot. Tenth r.d Marey Sta. I'mi-liluma C9. L-ve. Arrive it. Louts E. Exsreas . ttkaa a : J aa St. Lsuis Loral itroam CO'Un-U 8iuA3i a B-lf as 1Bi R9B a Lauy. 4