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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 14, 1902)
TIIE OMAITA DAILY BEE: FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wbe.t Trading Wu Dull 111 Dj, but Closed Higher. DECEMBER CORN BUYING BRINGS RISE Oat rrlirtlM, bat with Prevision They Close Steady at End Der' Trading; Board Flenr. CTTTCAoO, Nov. 13-Trsdlng In whHt on the Board Of Trade today wii dull. Strength In corn and covering by snorts caused a Arm ton late In the session and December closed He higher. DwrnitiiT corn closed lc. higher and oata tc higher. January provisions closed from Be lower to a shade higher. Wheat rulert dull and although the close wan higher, the market on the whole wa Inclined to weakness. The northwest mar kets were weak, due to Increased receipts and selling here for that account was a bearish factor early. There was Rome liquidation of long wheat, but this was not heavy. Loral were about the best sellers, while the offerings were taken by commis sion houses. Strength l corn late In the day created a firmer feeling and the close was steady. December opened unchanged at 72So and after selling up to 72:4e de clined to 71Tfec. but rallied agnln. closing Wc higher at 72c. Clearances of wheat and flour were eiual to 871,000 bu. Primary receipts were bu.. compared with i 114.1 frti vear sun. Minneapolis and Dti- luth reported receipts of 94 cars, which, with local receipts of 102 cars, lour of con tract grade, made totHl receipts for the three points of LOW cars, against 13 a week ago and W7 last ear. The feature In corn was the active buy ing of December, which caused that de livery to advance about a cent during the first hour of trading. Commission houses were the best buyera and small receipts, with extremely unfavorable weather for grading, was the chief reason for the urgent demand. There was considerable liquidation on the advance, but covering by shorts maintained prices. The close was strong, with December up l'c at 62. The range for the day was between 61c and 'J'mr. Ixical receipts were 134 cars, Witt, lii of contract grade. Oata were dull and featureless and fluctu ations were confined within a narrow range. The close was about stesdy. In fluenced chiefly by the firmness In corn. December closed He higher at 232nc, after selling between 2ic and 29c. Local terclpts were 1! cars. Provisions held about steady today, after a strong owning. Smullcr receipts of hogs at the yardM,wlth higher prices, were re sponsible for the higher prices at the start. Packers were the best buyers, with selling scattered. Htrength In, corn waa also a factor in maintaining prices. The close was steady, with January pork unchanged at $16 10, January lard a shade higher at $9.06 j.07H and ribs 6c lower at 87.9o. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 80 cars; corn, 180 cars; oats, 150 cars; hogs, 18.000 head. ,, The leading future ranged as follows: Articles. I Open.l High. I Low. Cloe.Yf fy. vsnced In Tondon clorlng at 61 10s for spot and fcl 15 for futures, or 6a above yesterday's quotations. The local market, however, while quiet, was without ma terial change, standard closing at $10.7:., nominal, lake at $11. toft 11. 70. electrolytic at tlL.1twiU.60 and casting at $l).34i 11.60. lad, sharing in the strength of other metals abroad, which was Is M higher In Ienndon at tlO IDs, but was quiet and unchanged here at $4. 12V- Spelter wis dull anil un changed locally at $6.:iia. nnd In Inndnn at 1!) 10s. Iron In Glasgow closed at Ms 6l and In Mlddlosborough at So M. Ixicnlly It was quiet snd unchanged. Warrnnt.e continue nominal. No. 1 northern foundry Is quoted at 8J3 0"&2S HO and No. 2 northern, N'. 1 southern and Nu. 1 southern soft foundry at j2.oou 23.00. OM4.II4. W MOLLS ALL MARKETS. Wheat Dec. May Corn Ncr. Dee. May Oats IXeo. Mar May Lard Nov. Dec. Jan. May I Ribs I Jan. I May 72H 72hI 71T.I 72V! 72H 74W749ie! 74(i74H'B'i 74, 634 64 63'.i B34t 634 HHtit 62H 61H B2M.I 51 ' 1 1V 2W 284 29S2(84 20H 80y 30 31 SOTifi 31 '17h'i6 15 07416 10 16 10 14 87Vs 14 40 14 36 14 37Vi 14 32Vj ! 10 30 10 30 10 25 10 25 10 17H 9 47V4 62H 8 46 634 40 9 10 9 12Vi 9 06 9 07i 9 06 $60 160 846 860 8 45 7 974 7 97H 7 90 7 90 7 95 7 86 T 66 7 80 7 62V4 7 W Condition of Trade and Quotations on Staple aad Fancy Prodnce. EO78 Candled stock. aw'JIc. LIVE Iti'JLTR'-llcns, smSlc: old roost rs. 4c; tirkey. 1ifn2c; ducks, fn'H ; geese, JiiSc; spring chickens, per lb., 9'cr.4jC. IITTTER l'nrklng stock. lc; choice tjalrv, In tubs, I'tfirjoc; separator. 26c. FREBII CAI'GHT FISH-Trotlt, 9910c: herring, 7c; pickerel. 8c; pike. 10c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c: sunflsh. 8c; blueflns, 8c; wlilufisr. 10c: salmon, lc; nsddock, 11c; codfish, ltc; redsnupper. loc; lobatera. bol ed, ner lb.. Sue; lobsters, green, per In., 2Sc; bullhead!!. 10c: catfish. 14c; black bass. 20c; halibut. 11c. CORN-542. OATS Tic. WHEAT-No. 2 hard, 68c. RYE 13c. s URAN-Per ton, 814. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, i:.5(': isn. l medium. .; .no. i roar, ts. Kye straw. $fi 60. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair: receipts light OYSTERS Standards, per can. 2c; extra elects, per can, 3jc; New York counts, per can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal.. $1.75; bulk, standards, per gal.. $1.30. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kalamazoo, per do., 26c: L'tah, per do.. 46c; California, per doi. for stalks weighing from 1 to 1(4 los. each, 4i ta-6c. POTATOES New, per tu., XS30c. 8WEKT POTATOES Virginia, per bbl., $3, home grown, per bu., $1. TURNIPS 1'cr bu., 30c; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., 1c. BKKTS l'er basket, 40c. Cl'CTMBERH Hothouse, per do., $1.60. WAX PEAKS Per bu. box, $1.50; s'.ring beans, per bu. box, tl 50. CAP-RAGE Home grown, new. lc. ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per bu., 60.'(fl0c; bpanlKh, per crate, $1.60. NAVY HEANtt-Per bu.. $2.7'-. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box, $2; Kle fers. ner bbl.. $3.75: Colorado, per box. $2.2i. APPLES Cooking, ner bbl . $2.25: eating. $2.2&(; Jonathans, $3.60; New York, stock. 33.2... . tiKAPrJS ew rorK. zzc; joKavs, per crate, $1.75; Malagas, per keg. $.i.0OS.&0. CHANBERKIES-W isconsin, per DDL. . OU.W; per boy. $2.75. Ull.Lt,s i-ei dox, i.ou. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according; to site. $2.0O'ii2.5O. lemons California fancy, hwuiw; cholc. $3.75. ORANGES Mexicans, any slse, $3.76; Florida Brights, $3.75. DAltb rerslin, in 70-id. ooxea. per id., Sc; per case n SO-lb. pKgs., li.ia. I hsrd. TCe; No. 1 northern, 72'4c; No. I northern. "iJHc FlAJl'H h irst patents, 83.T54J3.K; second patents, $3.bH 7i; first Clears, $..Vjj2 .96; second clears. $2 40J2 r. BKAN-lu bulk, 115U4,U.76. slllirankeo Qraln HarkelT MILWAUKEE, Nov. 1.1. WHEAT Steady; No. 1 northern, 74c; No. 2 north ern, nfdTific; December. 72 r. RYE Higher; No. 1. 61Vu2c. MAitLh.1 titsady ; No. i, wiipje'tc; sample, !Titf;.74c. CORN December, olTic Dalath tJrnln Market. DUT-UTH, Nov. 13.-WHEAT Cash: No. 1 hard, 74"iC; No. t northern, 7oc; No. 1 northern, 'ue; November, 72c; December, 70'c; May, la-c. OATS December, c. Peoria Market. PEORIA, Nov. 13.-CORN-8teady; No. 3. 63c, OATS Steady; No. t white, SOHtr.lOV, billed through. NEW VOItK UTOCKI AMI BODS. telegraphic transfer of $250,000 In gold to Sun Francisco tuday. .New York Mlnla Quotations. NEW YORK, Nov. 1.1 The following are the closing prices on mining stocks: Adams Cod A lies Brrecs Bmntwlrk Con.... ("orietorlt TunnM. Con. !. Vs.. Hum Pllver irun Silver Ltadvlil, Cos . 15 . SS . ft . i . i . M .US . 71 . 1 I. Itll h let (Intarto jeiphlr ir;ion'i Pnttrtl Slarrs Neda t4msll Hope, .. Standtrd . . IS ..750 ..ion .. .. is .. 4 .. 50 . . j ..316 I No. . New, Caah quotation were aa follows: I FLOUR Quiet, easy; winter patents, $3.40 I&S.60; winter straights, $.1.10(63.80; spring patents, $3.403.70; spring atralghts, $2.90 i.20; bakers. $2.25(32.76. t WHBAT-No. 2 spring, 72f?f7Sc; No. t piing. ep69c; No. I red, 7U4a"2c. CORN No. 2, 64c; No. 3 yellow, 5$Hc. OATS No. 2. 284e; No. 2 white, 35Hc; Co. 8 white. t&i&SitVte. RYE No, 2. 490. BARLEY Good feeding, 358380 ; fair to lolce malting, 436580. SEEDS No. 1 flax, $1.16; No. 1 northwest ern, $1.22; clover, contract grade. $10.76. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $18.87V4 017.00. Lard, per 100 lbs., $10.50(3.10.65. Short rtba sides (looee). $10.10i10.80. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), $.65'3'7.60. Short clear Idea (boxed). $10.0010.26. The following were the receipts and shipments of the principal grains yesterday: tteceipi. Dnipmem. Flour, bbls Wheat bu Corn, bu Oata, bu Rye, bu Barley, bu... m.soo 179.300 132.900 209. 800 15.30 40,600 14,000 19H.600 167.SO0 481.200 4,000 64,200 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market waa firm: creameries. 174i25i4c; dairies. 1622c. Eggs, firm, loss off, cases returnea, iQic. cneese, sieaay, uiguc. NEW YORK GKMERAL MARKET. Various Cad go Che, ft Oblo Chicago at Alton.., do pia Chicago. Ina. L do pto Chlesgo K. III.. Chicago a: O. W.. do lat prd do 3d cfd Chicago A N. W. do prd.... FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, $1: Canadian Paclflo TurKisn, p?r jo-io. nox, hwuc UHAfB kuit Fioriaa, vc. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case. $3.76. CIDER New xorg,; per h-ddi., : id. SAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per V4 bbl.. $2.25; per bbl.. $3 76. HIDES No. l green, 7c; no. z green, c; No. 1 salted. 8c: No. 2 salted. 70: No. i veal calf. 8 to 12 lbs.. 84c. Mo. 1 veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs.. Cc, dry hides, 8H2c; sheep c. C. C. at St pelts, 26975c ; horsa hides, $1.50&2.bJ. I Colorado Bo.. rureuKft-pe id., zc; sneiieu. o. I yi- WIITS Walnut Mrt 1 mntt ahell ner th. I do tU Pfd.. 13c; hard shell, per lb.. 12o; No. 2 aoft "udn shell, per lb., 12c, No. 2 hard shell, per lb., jTtr' o. lie; lrnllB, ifcg IU., All:, lliwiia, fl I Q .f 12c; almonds, softshell, per lb., 16c; hard I Br,. ..;.... aneu. ner id., loc: dcuiu. lui-av. nr in., i dA 1st nes l2Vc; sman, per id., lac; cocoanuts, per ooi., doc; chestnuts, per id., loc; peanuts, per io.. S'c; roasted peanuta, per id., sc; Diacg wai nuta, per bu., $1, tucKory nuts, per ou. 11.86: cocnanuts. ner 100. 84. old ultald-a. u. Aipirn ouotes tne following prices; ron, country mixed, Pr I taka fcrta'i'w ton, six; iron, stove lmhib, Lcr iuii. ao, vvf- ao p(&t Ser. per iu. ovc; oravs, iieavy. par ii., otsu, i l,. n rass. llnht. per In. 6Hc: lead, per lb., be; I Manbatui aloe ner lb.. 214c: rubber. Der lb.. 8Ue. " I Mat. Bt. Rr Violent Advances at Opening; Entirely Melted Away Before Close. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. Quite violent ad vances at the opening of today's xtock market, which were somewhat exceeded by a rally from a subsequent reaction, entirely melted away before the close, which was weak, and at net lonses reaching a point for ome ot the leading speculative stocks. After the heavy declines of the last two days, reassuring reports this morning as to the adjustment ot the troubles arrectlng some speculative accounts and an absence of pressure in the money market, the re tinal of the market to stay upward was something of a surprise. Alter so consld eraole a reaction, involving the creation as a matter of course of a large short Interest, a rally is to be expected. It only from technical causes. It was the short Interest which caueed the opening spurt. - The de velopment of a growing demand to borrow stocks In the loan crowd last night revealed tne growth of the short Interest, and this morning s reports of large transfers of certain stocks at private sale, which served to relieve over-extended long Interests, caused a fear among shorts that they were becoming over-extended. The high level ot prices at the opening proved inviting to tne traders who have bought at the decline. It became evident also that the substantial buying which was a feature yesterday was lost to the market at the higher range of prices, l or the rest of the uay. In conseuuence. thero was a crumbling process, whicn ended at the lart with quite a shurp break, 'i here Is a notable lact that the lieavy trunatera of various clocks which are going on give rise to no further rumors of ponuiule change of conditions, such as affected nearly every prominent stock a few mouths ago. Never theless, as is obvious lor tne selling tor stocks that Is going on, there wus no uc tuiil news development ot Importance to ac count for the movement In tne day s mar ket, beyond the smiting ui suecumtlva sentiment. Bonds were better sustained than stocks and retained a part of thulr gains. Total salee, par value, $2,660,000. United States its nnd new 4b declined ana tne ia ana old 4s and 5s per cent on the lust call. l oe following are tne closing prices on the New York Stock oxchange: Atrhllon .... do pfd Bal. Ohio. do pfd. Foreign Financial. LONHON. Nov. 13. The demand for money liKleju-d on account of Stock ex change requirements. Supplies were plentl tul and rates were fairly easy. Discounts were harder. On the Stock exchange there was a pav duy attendance and business was moderate. Prices were fairly main tained until the foreign selling later caused tome relapses. Consols hardened. Home rails advanced and were the best section. Americans wire steadier and well above parity, though the operators were mostly onlookers. This hardening tendency wsa a reflection of the tone in New York. The rally was maintained and prices closed firm. Urand 'lrunka were active and firmer. Withdrawals of gold from the Bank of England today were a.50,000 for ship ment to South America and &0,ouo tor Egypt. The weekly statement ot the Bank of Knglund shows the follow ing change;-: Total reserve, Increased 229. OOii; circulation, decreased 8o6,000; bullion, decreased, 126.617; other securities, de creased, 815.000; other deposits, decreased 759.000; pjollc deposits, Increased 196,000; notes reserve, increased 207,000; govern ment securities unchanged. The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liabil ity Is 46.76 per cent; last week It was 46.71 ler cent. Kate of discount, unchanged at 4 per cent. PARIS, Nov. 13. Prices on the bourse today opened heavy and Spaniards at first were weak. They closed firm. Later there was an improvement, especially in the ofll clal list. Industrials were In good demand, owing to hurried bear covering. Kattira and DeDeere opened weak, recovered some what, relapsed sharply during the last hour and closed at the lowest prices of the day on a rumor that an operator had been com pelled to liquidate heavy commitments. After the close of the bourse there were fresh offers of Kaffirs. The private rate of discount was 2 13-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes, 99f 75c for the account. Span ish 4s, 85.85. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the follow ing changes: Notes In circulation de creased 4i,oio,000 fruncs, treasury account current Increased 46,t(T6,000 francs, gold In hand decreased Z.O.a.OOO francs, bills dis counted Increased tb,V,6,0uo francs, silver in hand decreased Mlo.OW francs. BERLIN. Nov. 13. Bus ness waa hesitat ing and feverish ou the bourse today, owing New Xork advices. .Nevertheless prices ere somewhut firmer, especially mines on lurge export Cu Holland, Belgium and I ranee, due tu the coal miners' strike in France, internationals were Quiet. Cana dian Pacifies recovered. Exchange on Lon don, 20m ii'A pfgs, for checks. .... 11 Bo. Hallway II .... S' do pfd iH ....101 Taxas Fsalflo .... tl Toledo, Bt. L. TV, l i ....130 to pfd a .... Hl Union I'acltlo 101 .... 45 do Bfd Vl wabaih II TO do fd . 78 Wheeling L. B. . l I do 4 pfd .Ml Wla. Car.tral . MS 00 fd k M Adama Bi , , S Amarlcan Kg , .222 Sa l l.lttd Btatas Eg,, Chicago Tar. A Tr... Wa Walls-Fsrgo 13t luppar L. ... M4A.roar. Car at t do pfd , , 71H Amsr. Lin. Oil..,, U do pfd i .157 Amarluan I. &, .241 do pfd , . 41U Anaa. Mining Co.. . US'- Brooklyn R, T, Hit .14' Colo, rual I,,..,, H . 44 Cons. Oaa ,,,,.IUS4 . 4'S Cont, Tobaoco pti,,,ltf .144 Oan, niacins ,...,,,.171 lloosiug uoai if 44l ( .. 19 ,. 88 .. 414 ,.0o ..till ,. .. "Si .. 41 .. 42V ., !, "7 do it Bfd , Oreat Nor. pfd. nooning vsusy do pfd Illinois Central lows Central .. do pfd . . .. Inter, Papa? ,,,,,,,,, IS ..1414 do pM,,, .. M Inter. PoweF ,,,..,, tl .. iTik Lala Oas ,,,,,,, 74 ,. tl National Blaoult 44 ,.111 National Laad lb ..lie'iNo. Anicrluaa ,i,,.,.ll) Manhattan L.,.......1H Paclno Coaat Vt UTsa racir.a Man ,. f ail. I'.oiila'a uas at I.oali Grain and Prorlsloas. I " Natleaal UVg rrrtard I, Caf i3'i , iMinn. t. 1. v do in..,,.,,., si an r Aina , TsrtTTT A . XT I d n PaIAn Jli F -n 1 1 1 1 n Stal IB 1 red. cash, elevator, 6SHc; track, 69HW4o; K. T JW. 6,4 " .'A'1 December, twc Did: May. fo auKea: o. "A-"": r.-'v K'WV'l''. ' h'. 87Wc: H. Y. Central 160 lUmoa UaK a P I "4 k t V IV H I r rtaXf rV -9 gsOnin attil nin I faO ir ... . 1 a , - wllWTlc, uvnilliwr, lino uiu , ioajr, tfOTau I go PfQ. .,.,,.,,, , SU asked. " Ontario A W lo OATS Firm: No. 2 cash. 30c bid: track, pannarlvania 157 21c; December, 2St-Hc; May, 29c bid; Nex 2 Oaadug , tV white. 83V4C. I " P'o RYK Steady at 4Sc. ,, Qnntatlens of the Day on ... Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 18.-FLOUR Receipts, M.&04 bbls.: exports. 11.068 bbls.; active and firmer; winter patents. t3 tfi4i fto; winter Straights t3.4o3.&5; Minnesota patents. S3.90 fcv4.10; Minnesota bakers, t3 20C3.; winter txtras, I2.sOW3.10; winter low grades, S2.60&) LtO. Rye flour, easy; fair to good, Kt.c 140; choice to fancy, $3.oO(&3.&5. Buckwheat Dour, steady. K AMi.Cb. spot ana lo arrive. CORNMEAI Steady; yellow western, 11.27: city. SI. 25: Brandywlnw. H 40O1 f. RYE Firm; No. 2 winter. 584c f. o. b.. afloat; No. 2, 54tjMc; track state, 64iS54Hc, c. I. f.. New York. BARLKY Quiet; feeding, 41c, r. I. t., Buffalo; malting, tsTjow. c. I. r., Munaio. WHEAT Recelnts. 108.CS bu. : exports 1.006 bu. Snot, firm: No. 2 red. 77c. elevator, and 7tttc, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 northern, Duluth, SlVic, f. o. b.. afloat; No. 1 hard. Manitoba, h2c. f. o. b., afloat. In face of a very small speculative trade wheat ex hlblted considerable firmness all day. Iti influences were strength In corn, higher Paris markets, with fair weather west and better export Inquiry, the close being tp v.o net higher. May, 8"c. closed at 78Vc; December. 78H4W7J -ldc. closed at 79c. CORN-Kecelpts, 17.760 bu.; exports, 203 bu. Bales. 200.000 bu. futures and 43.000 bu spot. The spot market was firm; No. 2, to. elevator, and she. afloat; No. 2 yellow 4o; No. 2 white, tSac Continued strength Id December waa trve corn feature today. It sold up ltc on excited covering due to very light receipts and extended a bullish Influence over the entire market. The close waa from He to lc net higher here. Janu ary closed at 61V4C: February. o0mjjo'c, closed at 50 Vc; May, 46Vtfe4t'',tc, closed at 44c; November closed at toe; December, u6S closed at ilc. , OATS Receipts, 74.750 bu.; exports, 4M bu. Ppot, quiet; No. 2. S4Vfcc; standard white, '37c: No. I, 2c; No. i white. 87e; No. 2 white, MHc; track mixed western, nominal; track white. 5n.S7c. Options were fairly sclive and steadier en the corn strength. December cleiaed at S54C. ; HAY Quiet; choice shipping, 66670c; Sjond to chnice, Jicd 11.00. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice, l!ot. Wif&a: lol. 24"b28c: "Ms. rffl2i,c. Pa cific coast, 1902, 26!oilc; 19ul. 222i'c; olds. Isj 12V lllDKS Steady: Galveston. 20 to 25 Iba., lc; California. 21 to Zi Iba., lilc; Texas dry, 14 to 80 lbs.. 14c. LEATHKR Steady; hemlock sole, Buenos Ay res. light to heavy acid. !4nf:'5i.,c. PROVISIONS Hef. quiet: family. I16.0O. 18 00; mem. 210.60fUll.uu; beef hams. Iji V 21 50; packet. $14 .WK8l5.i0; city extra India mess, 2.('j'2s.0i. e'ut meats. Irregular; lckiea Denim, ii.uu.w; picaieu klioul rrs. i4.Kei60: pickled ha lird, steadier; western steaimd, XU.ihii 10.90; rertned. steady; continent, til 20; tiouth America. 21175; comimund. 7fiiK(i7 75 Porw. steady: family, tto; short clear. fc'l.O0w23.00: mess. 8."e-al50. TALLOW Weak; city. 'ic; country, 6a'i v- RICE Firm: domestic, fair to extra. 4Vti Bl'TTKR Receipts, 4.150 pkgs. ; strong State dairy. Ihufj4'c: creamery, extra, 26V; Creiimerr. eumuiuii iu i-noice, J3,jnc. CHtKtlS Receipts, b.ii.'s pkgs ; oul-.'t, but prm; fancy, large ana small. r.'.oi.,c KiHls Receipts, i.i.K pkgs.; firm: state and Pennsylvania, average pest, 2is',c; 81'OAR Raw. firm: fslr refining. JS-ltk-rentrtfugal. M test. 2 U-lo.-: in. ilu.s miar llo-l&c; refined, dull: crushed, i.Ojc; pow- ejerea, i tor: granuiaieu. a. toe. COKFKK Quiet; No. T, Rio, 6t,c. MOLASSES Steady. POULTRY Alive, easy; chickens. 10c; turkeys. 10c; fowls. 9Wlw, dressed rrm: western ciiickena, 12Sc: western lowls 11V; spring turkeys. liSc. M ETA I J$ There was an advance of Vfi In the London tin market today, with spot quoted at lls la and futures at 115 2s id. notwithstanding which the local market continued weak and waa lower, with spot closing at Ija Uxi it, 2&. Copper also ad- FLOUR-Steady; red winter patents, 23.20 "'A 3.50; extra fancy and straight, W.uonitt.29; If Ju. "14 d clear, 12. S5(q2.95. g Ai''M', L. CORNMEAL Steady. 22.70. BRAN Firmer; sacked, east track, o74J ore. HAY Firm; timothy, 2iacu(ij)i3.w; prairie. 29.0011.00. IKON COTTON TIES 21.07H. BAOGINO 6 6-160J7 1-16C. HEMP Twine. 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, steady: standard mess, tl5.H0. Iard. higher, tlO.05. Dry salt meats (boxed), firm; extra shorts and clear ribs, tlO.Ho; short clears, tU.25. Bacon (boxed), firm; extra shorts and clear ribs, tl2.25: short clear. 112.76. METALS Iead, steady at 24.00. Spelter, easy at so.iz. P07'LTRY Weak; chickens. 8e; aprtngs, 9c: turkeys. SHc; ducks, llVbc; geese, 7c. BUTTER Firm; creamery, 20xUU7c; dairy, lKJlZUC. KOGS Steady at 20Uc. loss off. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 9,000 8,000 Wheat, bu 173.000 114.000 Corn, bu 60,000 17.00J Oats, bu 69,000 . 75,000 Liverpool Oravla and Provisions. pia,.,..,,,,'.,,,. I4U l.m Union , lb r, l-ojomotlr.,,, trig da nfd 11 U, S, Leather ..,., ilvi so pia. t3 V. S. Kubbsi . la r'd. ..,,,.,.. ti do Wfstam Amcf, do Dfd II . C. lniKncrn...... a!U do pfd I do pfd ii'i t. Paul JtcH'ltMk UIan4 TU 00 pia ce pia t 1 t o. Pastas CJH Hew York Money Mrkt, NEW YORK. Nov. 13.-MONEY-On call. firm. 41,(25 per ceutl close, bid and aaked. 4 per cent; prime mcrcunUlo paper, 6Hu per cent. STERLINO EXCHANGE EBBler, with actual business In bankers' bills at 24.87 for demand and at H.S3364i4.8Sf76 for alxty days; commercia.1 dius, H tJ'iO tt. BlLVtR tar. 40; Mexican dollars 29V.C. BONDS Government, weak; railroad. strong. iho clooing quotations on bonds are aa follows: ....UHVL. at N. unl. 4s luli ....UaMex. Central 4a u-, ... lea do la luc ....lea ;.Miuu. a st. 1.. u...l4 ..ll ;M.. K. 4t T. 4a IV ....lit do la Ill . ...11014 N. V. Cntral la lMVi V. g. la. rag do coupon do ta, rag do coupon .... dn naw 4a. rag do coupon .... do old 4a, rag. do coupon .... do aa. rag do coupon .... Atrhtaon gen. 4s. do adj. 4a Bal. tt Ohio 4a. do IS.a do conr. ae ..110 '4 1 do can. Wm lue ...K4 IN. J. c. gee, as lll'u ...104 No. Pacific 4a luj ...101 co ae , 71 ... lit N. a W. coo. 4a lOO'j .. llWIi'Kaaaina san. ta..,,,. 11 .. M'tfl. U i 1. M. u. 7a. !'.' LIVERPOOL. Nov. 12. WHEAT Soot: Firm: No. 3 red western winter, ia 9Wd: No. 1 northern spring, ba 7d; No. 1 Cali fornia, fie 5d. Futures'. Steady: Decem ber. 5a lOd: March. 6s lid: May. 5a HVad. ceiKiN HDot: steady: American mixed. Canada so. za Ka 7Wd. Futures: Dull; January, 4a 3d; I Central of G. la. March 4a ld. I do la tne HUPK At Lxinaon. j-acinc coast, nrm at "- - fH V'7 Fa I Chicago a A. Ili... fSn. Hell 'J-?.t.' J . C. B. M, a. n. ta... 15 Taaaa ! LAJlj u Dt. iouis tancy, winter, quiet. I . u a. - ,.- t ki t. a w .1. a ou. lc. N. W. c. 7a....lS3'A Ujlon Paclflo 4a 1 r.fln i,n,jian, Biciuy, m iu. c., R. I. r. 4a inaw do .oav. a. PROVISIGMB-Heef. strong; extra India IrrctMLe 4s.. miSa Wabath la.... mess, llsk. I'orn, strong; prime mess, west- I Cnlease Tar. 4s tl i so a rn Bna. Hums. Ktlort eul. la to IS lha . I Co oeado so. aa vz no oao. a oulet at 56s. Bacon, Cumberland cut. P'nvar R. O. 4a..loi west .Bncra a vt to 30 ins., dun, his; snort ritjs. is to ttlJ ' . 7 . i , ., 1 ., . . I . i.i. II... ni.. I no rn, i - lor., rory n .-tn, iiiB vicat uuutiiva, IIS"fa. I W A l C la 111 28 to .14 lbs., quiet. 61s Sd; long clear middles, f,'-?,'? vii iua "ioa i heavy, 35 to 4o lbs., quiet. tkl; short clear Kock,n v"' 4W,'"'0 ' 107 n. i.. a g. r. 4a.... m:j et. u. a. W. It l ,.1MH do is Uli .. 17 g. A. a a. P. 4a.... t. Bo. racinc 4s 4 wav be lla-a raino .104' .;'.; .1 .ice. .Ill's . a1. trla prior Han 4a.... Wheel, a L. E. 4a. la. laniral aa.... Cca, looavco ia... bellies. 14 to IS lbs., steadv at dSs. Should ers. touare. 11 to 13 ib steady. 62s Ed. Lard prime western. In tierces, strong, 60s Sd; American rtiirieu. iu pans, nrm, wis. CHKr.SK btrong; American finest white. BSs: American finest colored. 68s. TALLOW Firm; prime city. 21s d; Aua- ' trans, in Lronuon. shs Max. Cantrai 4a Kanaaa City Grain and Provisions. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 1.1 WHEAT De cember. eV.4m47c; May. Tc: cssh. No. 2 hard, Seic; No. 3, tvic; No. 2 red, 66c; No. I, tviriMC. CORN November, 43c; December. 2SV: May, stAaiiaS'ac; cash. No. 2 mixed. 41(3 ic: io. 2 wnue, ic; iso. s, 4Xae ;ac. OATB-No. 2 white, S2c; No. 2 mixed. i;K(j.iic. RYK No. I. 44c. HAY I'holce timothy, tlODOiUHOO; choice prairie. tlo.75i'll.O0. Bl TTER-Cieamery. 2425c; dairy, fincy. iiUGS Fresh. 19c. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu Corn, bu 34.4(4) ;.S(0 Oats, bu 17,000 22,000 Toledo (train aud Seed. TOLEDO. Nov. It WHEAT Dull. be-; December, 7i'c; May, steady; December, 42c; steady; Dei-ember. 2H4c; Boston Stock Hnotntlons. BOSTON. Nov. Il-Call loans, Va rent : time loans, txfjti per cent cl sing of stocks and bonds: Atoh'aon 4a ..too, Allouea 91 Amulgamited 19 Bingham If'iCilumrl a Hecla . . Iv'a Onteunlal ..3t.ll Copper Uange .1.4 Itamlnlou Caal .. ..142 Frar.klln . .ldlS Iala Royals .. a Mohawk ..114 Old Uomlnloa .. ..11 Oacaola ..Ui Parrot .. . . MTi Uulncy ..17a Bant a Pa Copoer. .. M Tamaraek .. M4 Trinity ..IM't l ullad Btatas ... .. 'V4 l tan 17 Vlciorta .. Il Wli.ona Weatlngb. tulimol... Wnle'ioa Adventure WVDal Waal Atrhleon do pfd. Boston A Alhany.. bnatoa FJIavaled .. Flt.-hburg pfd Colon parlfl' Met. Cantrai Amerlraa Sugar .. dn pfd Amarlraa T. T. Dominion 1. at B- Oan. Klartfic Maw. ElactrlO dn pld United Fruit I'nltad Copuar I. S. Staal do pfd per Official 15 4', 4a.i .... u; M . . . .134i.j a .... is ... 21 ...107 . 1 .47 ... 19H ...30 ... I ... a1. ... tl ... 44 higher: rush 78Sc. CORJJ-Dull, May. 42c. OATS Dull. aua . fl.-,r. RY K No. I. Elc. SKED Dull, lower; teitaj; January, J7. hid timothy. J Ins, nominal nominal. clover, November, March. t7; prime prime alsike. IS To. Pklladelpkla Proiloer Market. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 11. BUTTER rirm. vntc nigner; extra western cream ery, .w.o-c: extra nearby prints, 29c. KLteB I-inn. good demand; fresh nearby, ac; iren western. 2tiii2,c; fresh south' western, 2.V; frekh southern, 24c. loss off. CIIKK8E Firm, fair demand: New Yorlr full cream, spring, small, i:fe13c; fair to gooa sman. uiuwi prime large, 12Sb e.Ti, m uvMi urie, e-ilj l.gc. Mlaaeaaolla Wheal. Floor anal Bran, MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. IS WHEAT De- cemoer, uic; jiy. 7i'c Ou track; Mo. London Kloek l:trket. IX3NDON, Nov. 13. Closing quotations Conaola, nioary 91 1-1 New York Cantrai. . .1M' do account 13 T-lt Nortola at wea'.eru... 7i Anaconda (aa-dl.)... S io u.'d i Alrh'.aon (aa-dlv.l j'a ontar.o at waatam... 304 do pfd io,1 rei-aarivan'.a tcx-dir.i acvt Paltlmors ft Ohio 104 Harn Mlnca 11 Canadian Pucldc ! '4 Heading ;s I C. a O. Icl-dlT.) 41 1 co lt pfd 43v . J!',' Oo IU pld 38 .l:'l Fc.ulh.rn Hallway 34 . do pld 4 .. 4h aou'.horn Pacific 14 .'.nii Pacifij luo .. 9W J do pfd Si . gwta I'nlt.d bta'.ra Btaal... . Ij do pll I7' . .14fa -4i Vabaan u ,.Ui do fd 4V .. :i fiaiii .a 4a BAR BILVER-Stesdy st a 15-lSd per ounce. MONEY 2t2'i Der cent. The rate of dl count in the uuen market for short bills Is 1 6-1610 S per cent ana lor three mouths bills I S i-l per cent. . , I . ( . k. ... WASHINGTON', Nov. 13. Today's state inenl of the) treasury balance In the gen eral fund, exclusive of the,ia g,ij reserve In tne aiviaion or renemption, shows: Available cub balance. ju2. 54219; gold. tU6,7U,a2. The subtreasury made a I'bUaao O. W. C. M. lc ft. P... l Her ra loaf. I IWnvar 4 R. U... do pfd Erla do lat ptu Oo 3d pfd Illinois Cantrai Lou. Ilia a Niah. MIaourl. k. 1 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Csntinufld learj BeoeipU of Oattla Caused Pricei to Oo 8till Lower. HOGS A BIG TEN CENTS HIGHER Moderate Ran ol Sheep and Lambs and Inder the Influence of Liberal Demand Market Rnled Active and Jnst Abont Steady. SOUTH. OMAHA. Nov. 12. Receipts were: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Official Monday 3.6 La,74 ennclal 'iueseiay s.M S.1C4 14,8ho Ofncial Wednesday K.b4 7.40 14.2V8 Ctnclal Thursday 4,o00 W-w0 .tM) Four days this week.. 22,238 22.S72 4i,Svil Same days last week 21, 22.X43 ..!2 Mnme week before 27.487 2o,ort 70,lo bame three weeks ago. ..It:,n77 16M1 6S.ZS3 Maine four weeks ago....2D.No0 J,lu3 4,J bame days last year 24,02 Si.tuu 63.411 KKCEIPTo FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts if cattie. hogs and sheep at bouth Omaha for the year to data and comparisons with l ist year. lfrri. ' liMl. Inc. Dec. Cattle ,,, 710.490 16.2;8 Hogs l.KKi.KM l.Kio.iK 46,J4 Bileep 1,4i3.S24 1.188.1H0 2Sj,o44 I he folloevina tabic snows tlK- average priLt) ot hog.1 soul on tne aoutn Oman market thu last bo Vers: days, cum yurisons with torruef years: TRJ 4el 440 4'si W calves.. 8 calves.. 1 calf 1.1 CHlves.. 2 steers. ...1112 2 steers.. ..1220 1 steer 1100 1 COW R.H) 2 cows Utt 27 feeders.. S42 Date. 120. 1W1.UKX). 1899. 1SS.1SS7. 19. Oct 15... 7 0Ti4, tf i8 4 2 2 S9 3 1 2 12 uct. is... 91 i i2l 4 72 4 20, 2 bi 2 24 Oct. U...7 1i I 2o 4 S4 li 2 70 2 22 Oct. Il...i7t'i i 67 4 M 4 W 2 a1 3 H, Oct. IP... I 6 U 4 ull 4 l&i 2 73 0 2 M Oct. 2o... 02, I 4 bei 4 16 2 7l 2 M 27 Oct. Il...tU 2S 4 1 2 o 2 o2 2 22 Oct. 1U... i04i oil 4 S2 ; l o3 ' Oct. 22. . .i b' iu-v, a iu, 4 ui, 4 10 t a oai it 2e Oct. 24,.. 74H, 01 4 61 4 14 2 i 2 IS Oct. 2&... ( a;l t Oj; 4 48 4 13 os 2 46 Oct. 26... j OOi 4 l 4 ii J M 3 41 3 2 Oct. 27...14 4 64 4 101 4( 3 SS 2 17 Oct. 2(i...tDl 1 6 R9I I 4 401 3 62, 8 42i 3 13 Oct. 2... ,bli 6 kii 4 621 2 M 2 S8 2 10 Oct. io. ..fcj & J2i 4 601 4 0, 8 bl 17 Oct. XI ... 8 blHl 6 tfi 4 41 4 v3, 2 66 2 II inov. 1....) fe.t 6 73. 4 M, 4 n 2 Nov. 2.... 12 72 4 801 4 041 2 00) 2 4112 27 Nov. 3.... 8 51 i I 4 501 4 06 2 45; 8 4a 2 30 Nov. 4.... 6 ; 5 21 14 02( 2 61; 8 43 2 31 Nov. 6.... 8 bl4 6 ill 4 661 J 2 62 1 8 44 1 3 21 Nov. 6. ...i 8 h VI I 4 Mi 4 011 I 2 481 8 17 8 oo i 89 4 7 4 20, 8 06; - IU 8 44 5 ? 4 71 4 03 2 62 2 54 6 74 4 69 4 00 2 46j 3 41 3 23 6 35 I 4 74 4 03 3 ii; o oli 3 21 6 25 6 73 14 021 2 45; 3 32 3 17 6 10 6 KJ 4 84 I 3 441 3 3 3 22 Dunlc Clenrtnas. OMAHA, Nov. 13.-Bank clearings, tl.234.- coi resDondlnif duv last year. 81.178.- Bb3. TO; Increase, 2&8,0&.3O. nkw york, Nov. 13. Clearings, 83Z1, HS.UO; balances, t8,5U,18. CHICAGO. Nov.- 18. Clearings, t'29 896.649: balances, t2,039,7ii9; New York exchange pari foreign exchange uncnangea; sterling posted at HH1. for alxty days and at 84.38 tor demand. BOSTON. NOV, 13. Clearings. 325,391.802: bulunces, 81,969,656. PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 13. Clearings, t20,0?,Go8; balances, 23,101,015; money, 6 per cent. BALTIMORE. Nov. 12.-C earlnga. I4.34L- 108; balances, 2493,619; money, 6 per cent. or, .Nov. 13. Clearings, tH,4),iHi; balances. t?4c.E20: money, steady. 6(&6 per cent! New York exchange par. CJMCIMIMATI, :nov, ia. clearings, 13, 583,900; money, Sii6 per cent; New York ex change, lOjjioo premium. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. Nov, 13. COTTON Steady sales, ,200 bales; ordinary, 6 7-16o; good ordinary, 8 15-16c; low middling. 7Ho; middling, 7 11-16c good middling, ji-ioc; I ,! 1 1 fa(. LVn. rn.lnta 17 1M knl. stock, iS2,249 bales, Futures, steady; No vember, 7.6Sc, bid; December, 7.74f7.76c January, f.iiBri.iKCi reoruary,; March, T.8fl7.S7c; April, 7.87ig7.89c: May, 7.90fl7.91c: June, 7.927.94c; July. 7.B57.86c. NEW YORK, Nov. 18. COTTON Market Opened steady at unchanged prices to a decline of 4 points end subsequently showed considerable Irregularity, at one time prices being 1Q2 point tiDOva the close or tne nrevToua day on a ;few-positions! at an other time showing' s. net foes of 8&0 points, ed prices ness waa most marked in the lte positions. There waa no net change In November, while the final decline in December was only 2 points. It was hinted that the January longs were absorbing Dsbembcr cotton to the extent that thev had llouldated January us a preparation for a dull movement In De cember instead oi gsnuary, on me grounu tl at present prices rn the south offer no profit In chipping cctton hers lor delivery on November and December contracts, while tha transfer ot lona Interests from January to December gives tho bull In terest a start of ono month ahead of the January movement. ' Trading toduy was very aciivo. ir.rousnoui ma session ins morUat chcaved a firm undertone, with gtrons homes buying largely on tho rela tive stability of the routhtrn spot markets end in view ot ths fact that the movement of cotton Is not tit all in keeping with ths large crop claims recently ciaaa Dy nouses with Europcsn buylns connections. Ths improved condition of Well street affairs In leadii s to ecire lnye"tmnt demand In cotton. On tho othr hand weather reports ;'rom the cotton belt are generally pretty (rood and this phase of the situation checks the Ce:rar.d lor cctton osevna fiT. LOUIB. Nov. 13.-C01TON Steady! mlrldllng. 7Uc; sales. 1,892 bales; receipts, 4.1V9 bales; shlpmcni. 3,u79 balea; stock, 10,938 bai's, LIVERPOOL, Nov. 18.-COTTON-8pot In fair demand; prices 2 points higher; Ameri can middling fair, 4.9oa; gooa rniaaung, 46Cd; middling, 4.4cd; low tnlddllng. 4.8sJ good ordinary, 4.2M; ordinary, 4.14.1. The sales of the day were 10,000 bales, of which so were for eneiculailon and export, and In cluded 8,100 American, Itecelpta were 14,000 bales, including l.0c American, iutures Nov. 7 Nov. 8.. Nov. .. Nov. 10. Nov. 11. Nov. 12. Nov. 13. I 6 21 6 S 4 74 3 94, 3 3l 3 23 opened firm and closed iulet: American middling, g, o, C, November, 4.85(1 1 Novem ber-December, 4. aid; December-January, 4.2904.30,11 January-February, .H'a.(u; February-aiurcn, 4.Ui.sidi joarr.i-pru, . 1 he A tiA Mau.tnti 1 VlA t June-July, i.-Ji; July-Augusl, 41. Cuffee Market. NKW YOHK. Nov. 13.-COPFEE Bpot Rto eiu!et: No. 7 invoice. BUc. Mild, uulotl Cordova, TiGHc. Futures opened steady, with nr.cee kjilO oo!iiis lower under more or less liquidation, which had as its Im mediate caue tne press; in toa rrencu market, whoss eurly quotations showed a loss of a full trano. The other foreign markets fluctuated ubout us expected and therefore ererted little Influence in either Cirectlon, while ihe heavier movement to primary nouns na.ving Been niarouuiea in veateriuv'a tradina: ve.ra also disregarded. Shortly after the opening buying by shorts for nroflla lnd'jcerl a steadier tone and this waa encouraged bv a reaction in the Fronuh market and a llpht movement, reporteei ui mid-day, of Santos Interior receipts, prices recovering 5 points of the early loss. Later there waa another weak period under pres sure from bears and the clogs was steady anil r..l tCilJ nolnts lower. Bales amounted to a-j,toO hue. Including t December, UtKtp 4. 75c; Janucry, 4.Vt((H.8uC Kebruary, 4.S".c March, 4 j? May, o.iuc; June, e iuc: juiy, iittc; Augtiut, a.Juc; beoleiubur, 6.3ii.4l,o, Ureen liraiinan cortee ia oiioieo mwer ir. price than ever bcrore In the New York market, On the street toduy tne pr'.ce named by brokers for Invoice lliioe wis h 1-ldo. Tne lowest previous quotation waa 6Wc. Wool Market. BT. LOflB, Nov. 13. WOOL Steady to strong; medium grades and combing, loW ISSc; light tine, l;,Hil7'c; heavy fine, loyi ll1!-; tub wutihed, lti'u27c. BOHTON. Nov. 13.-VOOL The feature of the market this week has been large sped I a live buying of bconred wools both by cealers and manufacturers. The reault hss been an advance in pulled and urnured wools. The market Is very firm and further udvances in pi Ice are looked fur. Territory vcoIm, eHiiecially II. ie staple and tine me rtlur"! wools. m active. Prices are uenrliu; to 80 cent price. Good sized sales have been made at We Fine slap!" territories are qcmed at to'iHiic; strictly tine. &veic; flue and due medium. ft', and medium, 4jU47c. In fiuu wool the dcniund It goiHl, but offerlngrt are 11k ht. Ohio und PeniiNyl vuiuh XX and sl'ove are limited at; X. 20S'u2:, jc; Michigan X. 20.'28Vc. There 1 very little doing In Auatrailan wuole, ow ing li Huht offerings; choice cumuli, t. a oured bab'.s, stand at 7i't8" ; good, Utt 76'". and rverug. "2'p;ic, NEW YOBK, Nov. 13-WOiJl'lrm. . 4 Indicates Sunday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list snows tne numoer ol cars ot feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their destination: Cattle Cars. C. J. Hysham. Clifton Switch. Neb. B.&M. 2 D. W. Ellis. Panama. Neb. M. P 1 William Daily. Auburn. Neb. M. P 1 H. Bremmon, Shelby, la. M. ot 0 2 Warwick & Co.. Wayne. Neb. M. et O.... 1 K. L. Kennick, Wtnstde, Neb. M. & O.... 2 Young Carter. Faulktou, S. D. M. 4c. O. 4 Theo. Tobln, Te kamah, Neb. M. ft 0 1 A. H. Hlllls. Ponca. Neb. M. 4 0 1 Ted Perry, Wayne. Neb.-M. etc 0 1 Ed Perry Wayne. Neb. M. ft O . I T- It.. T . , TW . tf-k l. iveiiy, uaurci. nru. m. oc w a J. W. Maaon & Co., Laurel, Neb. M. ft O. 2 A. Bmltb, Laurel, Neb. M. & O Hord & Wells, Clarke, Neb. U. P William Pates, West Point, Neb. F. E... A, Stlgman, Rapid City, 8. D. F. E... W. C. Reed, Harrison, Neb F. E J. F, Dierker, Dodge, Neb. F. E E. T. Oraham. Creston, Neb. F. E Fred Peters, Pierce, Neb. F. E. ........ J. RathEln, Mlllerton, Neb. F. E I-r. Ijiur, Howell, Neb. F. m W.Ullam Pates. West Point, Neb. F. E. Beoker Bros., Oordon, Neb. F. E. O. T. Serarled. Sturais. 8. D. F. E Wm. Charles ft Co., Hermosa, 8. D. F. E. 2 H, L. Pratner, Tarxio, mo. k.. c. O. T. Athen, Hamburg, Ia. K. C... J. Grlffln, Hamburg. Ia. K. C J. Wilson, Cooper, Neb. Mil M. E. Hlatt, Silver City, la. Wab.. J, W. Maynard, Ellla, Ia, I. C O. F, Johnson, Logan, Ia. I. C A, Wllken, West Bide. Ia. N. W.... KhA.n idnnhlMlarlt O, C. Htgbee, Olltner, Neb. B". ft M 1 Lee & Mitchell, Fremont, Neb.-K. E X3, w , -.BViB.ieia, iciuuu, wivii.-"iuii ,., H. Brewster, Keosaqua. Ia, R. I CATTLE There waa another liberal run of cattle here today, and, Deaioes tnat, a Sood many were carried over from yester iv. so there waa a big supply on sale. The demand on the part of packers con tinued very Indifferent, so that that the market was extremely dull, with the tend ancv at nricea downward. There was about the usual number of cornfed steers on sale this morning, and, as has been tne case lor some time pane, tne uallty of most or tnem was very inrenor. laiiara had a hard time to even cet buy ers to look at the warmed up and common kinds, so tnat practicauy notnmg was nlit until a late hour. The tendency un doubtedly was to pound the market to a still lower basis, but such uneven prices have been paid of late that it is hard to tell the amount of the decline. The cow market was alato very dull again today. Packers were all bidding lower, and. as compared with last week, the market Is now 3e-e3-40c lower and in ex tremo cases 0c lower. Short fed cows and heifers were extremely dull and those kinds have suffered tuny as mucii as tne grass n,Mv. i n in a late notir comnaraeiveiv few cows nad cnaugea nanas, conejiuenng the supply in signr. Rolls, veal calves and stags could be nnoted alow and weak. 1 nere was a latriy B ueuieiiu mr tne better grades of stockers and feeders and the market did not show much change from yesterday. When It tame to the common stuff, however, trading was ex tremely dull und it wns almost impossible to dispose of that class of cattle at any price. Speculators have a good many com mon cattle on hand, for which there seems to be little or no demand from the country, and for that reason they were slow about buying more Of mem ems morning. Western beef steers were slow sale, and whlla steady Diices with yesterday were paid. In some cases other sales looked a Utile lower. me uviuaiiu uii mv pan or packers seemed to be very limited and It was late before much business wss trans acted Kanue cows were slow and lower. the decline for the week amounting to tmt 40o and in extreme cases io ouc. i ne nei stockers and feedera held steady with yes terday, but the comomn klnos were dull and lower, nepraaeaiauva eaieii BTEKK3. Evaporated tpp.e and llrteil Fruits. NEW YORK, Nov. 1 1 -EVAPORATED APPLEP Are eaalcr under more liberal .Time, V(j0c; ihielce, iviiei'c; fancy, ,J ' CALIFORNIA DIUF.D FRI'ITH-Bpnt iirunea conlmce firm, particularly on the larger slzee. which are In limited supply, limitations range, from 'i to i'c lor uil grades. Afirtcois are firm ami moderately active, wllh boxes ui.clisuged at iSOl-c and bags at iUh prachas are steady at 12K '.Tu fur peeled and at tVt'ttlOc for uo-peeleu. Se it... 1.... I... 1.... 1.... 4.... II.... 1.... I.... 14.... 4... 1.... T.... I.... I.... 1.... 1.... I.... I... I.... av. Tr. ..1161 4 10 . .Hit 4 49 1.. 1.. II.. II.. I.. I.. .. I.. 1.. ....10"! M ....1071 1 M ....1041 I SO ....1140 I SO ....110 I M .... IM I N ....loi an ....lilt I Oo ....1094 100 1101 I IS ....1160 I U ....ivo I :i ... an I oo ...!?( 110 IA60 I 40 NO. 64 feeders A. fe. .No lol 4 4 II.. 1M4 4 10 41 . COWB , sso i it io.. Ml t 00 17... 140 I 00 10 UI I II IM 3 IS 100 I th 1IM0 I li 1161 I 10 Ml 40 10.19 I Kl , 1141 IU , 1041 I U 171 I TS BULLS. 101 H I.... l!K let 1 itfi 1 J" "TAG 3. o9 t II I... . ISO 8 an CALVES. 110 I 60 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 110 1 71 STOCK CALVES. 1 7b 1 4ol 10 , I H t 141 I 04 :icT I J6 STEERS AND STAQ8. 1304 4 d STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. I 6 I Ill I II aad I 44 1 7 I 41 lao I oo II 1014 I a ttl I uo 14 line 4 Oo M III NEBRASKA. av. Pr. Ne.. A v. Pr. 88 feeders.. tC I 15 8 feeders.. Ml 4UI 18 feeders.. K43 3 ! 3 cowe ft'..l 3 I feeder.. 41 I feeders.. 544 1 bull 1C40 1 calf 210 3 feeders. .111 14 feeders.. l'W 5 feeders.. 10J4 6 feeders.. 1' 25 8 feeders.. SS il roves f14 1 cow.. 1 steer POO jam 3 78 3 no Z 25 4 on 3 20 8 20 8 20 3 2" 8 20 2 70 10 70 I cowa..., t rows..., 3 rows..., 1 cow 1 cow 1 cow 21 cows.... 1 feeder. . 10 .101" . S.V1 .13 " . 920 . Ml . t72 II!) ! re 2 A 8 " 3 25 J 00 3 Oil 2 00 8 20 2 feeders.. lonO 3 20 2 feeders.. MB 8 3' 32 feeders. 1 bull. HOI TII DAKOTA. 4 35 3 75 8 75 3 8 70 3 70 8 70 2 15 2 Ki 1 steer. 1 steer.. 1 steer.., 5 steers. 3 steers.... 11"0 , MSI 1520 ..10.10 ..ll.iO .. 000 ..1100 1 steer. 1 steer, 8 row, 1 CO' COLORADO. .P'L'O ....l:W ....Mil ,...1060 23 cows.. cows.... K cows.... 4 cows. . . . 10 feeders. MO 74 778 773 i3R 3 feeders.. 838 3 10 1 SO 3 75 2 75 S 75 .1 50 3 () 12 steers.. 82 calves. 1 feeder., ( cown. .. 57 feeders, 47 feeders.. 1074 .1000 . 225 . 470 . 710 718 14 cows 1 cow 1 cow 3 cows 81 feeders.. 3 feeders.. 4 steers..., 1 steer... 8 steers.. 81 cows.... 2 cows..., lo calves. 77 cows..., to cows... 1 heifer.. 68 feeders 17 steers.. W4 730 720 e M0 850 WYOMING. 9 feeders.. 700 3 75 3 75 3 20 1 75 3 70 8 00 5 helfere.. 6 heifers.. I feeder. 450 4"0 910 3 20 1 80 1 20 3 70 8 2d 8 70 8 40 3 7' 3 70 3 .10 2 50 2 75 4 25 8 25 3 75 4 25 3 l) 3 60 16S 1 66 3 20 9 steer.. ..1111 S 00 W. rl nannev Neb. .. 917 2 25 4 feeder.. 1060 3 50 .1100 3 75 1 feeder... 870 2 60 ,. 813 2 SO 9 cows 1035 3 90 J. L. McHatton Neb. .821 2 25 2 heifers... 658 1 S3 2 80 4 00 8 calves... 180 3 60 T. Davis Neb. 3 00 3 cows. . . 1! A. , 517 . 8.i3 .13) 1 heifer.. ..1210 Ml 3 15 1 steer VatO 4 25 1 steer 1410 4 76 sl 2 25 .. aj 1 75 ,.1MI 3 80 ..110 2 on .. 410 3 75 . . 3JO 3 2f. ,..UM 3 80 k 1 75 ..1410 4 15 ..UK) 3 ' W3 2 55 3 cowa 3 rows.. 1 bull... 1 bull... 1 heifer. 1 feeder 1 stag... 1 steer.. 4 steers. 1 steer.. 7 coal.. 5 cows l'it4 3 H.1 4 cows..., 1 cow 1 cow 19 cows..., U steers.. 2 steers.. 1 steer.... 1 steer..., 1 steer... 1 steer.... 3 calves.. 3 calves. 8 feeders 3 steers. .1015 2 0 bH) t ft 870 S 5(1 7 4 3 30 11 7 4 00 luoO t 76 910 8 75 11 fO t 75 llo 3 i r.M 3 5o 153 I 00 . i; i . b' I 60 1120 8 OO 1 COW.... 1 COW.... 1 COW.... 1 COW.... 1 bull.... 1 bull.... 24 steer.. 18 cows. 102 steers., 12 cows.. 14 cows.. 14 cow., J 55 3 10 C. Ham S. D. .1151 3 S5 20 feeder.. 1100 Bam Barber 8. D. .1056 i 25 J.-S. D. 3 cows. 8 cows. 4 cow. 2 C5 3 10 750 8A3 923 1 50 3 15 2 16 8 steers... .loto 3 lu 1 till 400 OO 1 cow ItoO 3 25 8 cows 143 2 25 1 cow ll.1 3 26 1 cow 910 3 0 3 rows vS t 26 28 cowa 919 3 80 2 cows 1'5 8 26 1 cow 11JU 3 7i t cows law 3 65 3 cows 850 2 56 8 steers... .1100 3 40 It feeders.. 1i36 3 4 2 feeders.. 3 26 8 cows..... 913 3 75 15 cons fi 3 70 9 cowa. 94rt 3 00 15 cows 643 3 40 3 bulls 14x6 2 ( lbull KkMi 176 1 bull 14X0 2 tv 1 bull 1370 3 00 1 calf 1J0 4 60 1 feeder... 7 JO t 26 , 3 feeder.. 9)6 3 00 1 feeder... 740 3 00 8 cow U 3 3 00 40 8 00 3 OO 3 25 2 00 Hogg ft .. 870 2 15 ..1"00 3 15 .. (M0 2 15 .. 940 2 15 T. Wilson 8. D. ..1340 2 10 t bulls 6X8 2 35 ..KifiO 2 50 W. C. Robinson Wyo. .. 892 2 75 George Raven Wyo. .. S71 2 35 Bwan Land and Cattle Co. Wyo. 52 teem.. ..1071 3 65 Thomas Gordon Wyo. 62 feeder. . Se 8 00 A. W. Bristol, Jr-Wyo. 1056 4 00 6 steers.. .1056 H. PeU-Wyo. . 9fi2 2 50 6 cows 1022 , 000 3 00 15 cows 699 Charles Freeland Wyo. ,. 913 2 60 Jehn McGlll Wyo. feeders.. 900 3 60 1 steer S20 4 feed ers.. Km) 3 30 3 steers.... ! 10 feeder.. W2 3 30 2 steers.. ..1030 12 feeders.. 9ii7 3 60 4 bulls. ....1210 William Taylor Wyo. 20 steer.. ..1163 4 15 H. T. 1 nderwood Mont. 10 cows 916 2 75 H steers.. ..1240 3 90 1 steer 1040 3 SO 1 steer 1040 3 50 1 steer 11 W 3 50 F. Kelley-Mont. .920 2 65 2 steers... .1310 3 75 .1030 2 50 F. M. Richards Kan.. . 812 2 10 9 cows 922 2 10 HOGS Tho hog market took an upwnrd turn today for the first time In severnl days. There was a liberal run of hogs at this point, but In spite of that fact the market opened active and fully 10c Higher than yesterday's average. The bulk of the sales went at t6.20 and $6.22', with the choicer loads selling largely at 36.25. A few of the heavy common hogs sold from 36.17U down. At those prices the hogs cnanged hands freely, and It was not long before practically all the early arrivals were dis posed of. Several trains were late, how ever, the same as usual, so that hogs kept coming in ail day. There was not much change In the mar ket during the forenoon, as packers kept buying them up about as fast as they ar rived at the advance of fully a dime. At noon, however, there were still several train back. - Representative sales 8 cows... 15 cows. . . 16 cows. No. tt.. .. 10.. it.. 21.. It.. 16.. 40.. 10.. 14.. 61 Ill At. Sh. Pr. ..100 ..144 ..111 ..111 ..S77 ..270 ..2M ..18 ..271 40 'io too 110 110 140 NO. 14. II. 43.. 14. I. 61., 14.. 41.. II., II. II.. 141.. 67 II.... II.... 62.... 61 II 61.... tu.... 14.... 40.... 0.... II.... as... CO.... CI..... 56.... II.... 62.... 10 II.... !.... 42.... 11.... II ... . n ... i.... ii.... ti.... 15.... 60.... 60.... II.... 16.... 44.... 21.... .21 ...211 ...271 i ...216 ...22 ...20 ...Cll ...102 ...211 ...177 ...211 ...26 ...274 ...213 ...261 ...270 ...371 ...21 ...281 ...270 ...B ...211 ...244 ...272 ...2111 ...243 ...211 ...2l ...262 ...Ml ,...2Wi ,...111 ,...2S ....214 ... Ik 40 'io 0 to 10 130 10 10 10 120 240 130 10 40 200 'io 'io 200 1 'io 180 M 100 so 40 40 ..287 ..20 ..361 ..237 ..III ..IU ,.IM ..247 ..244 ..24 ..21 ..261 61 2S Av. 8a. Pr. 6. 82. 11... 70... II... II... 17... 71... 3... II... 71... I... 43... 77... 64... tt... (4... 17... 14... 14... 71... 73... 71... 71... 41... M... 17... 40... II... 18... 73... IS... 14... ..141 ..111 ....101 ....211 ....312 ....211 ...J4 ....261 ....274 ....261 ....2:44 ....221 ....248 ....277 ....164 ....234 ....f32 ....274 ....2l ....2 ....241 ....221 ....241 ....231 ....231 . ...2f.l ....230 ...114 ....101 ...2ns 22 111 147 110 0 I 10 ' I 20 20 10 I 20 2 W 20 I 10 I 20 I to I 22 I ;. f 14j 8 22Vj I 22V 4 224 2214 I 21 4 22 4j I fc'H I 22' I 22 I 22 I 23 I 22V 4 22 I I 22, I 22 'i I 21 , I 22 22Va 12 I 26 I 26 I i.1 I 2 I 26 I 21 I 2 I 26 I 26 I 26 I 21 I 26 cetpts. 4.000 hesd natives. 1.000 head Tex- Ann. 1 head T.aa ..aW-a -iji . .. .4 T- natives; corn fed higher; quarantine strauy ; cows slow; choice export and riremed beef a-. 'i". in. mir to gooti, .(. ii'iiii !ii; stockers and feeders,; wextern fed steers, $2 oe(:i ; Texas and Indian steer. t.!.oi"(i4.0"; Texas cows, 8l.8iXfi2.9o; nultve cows, tl..'vU4 '; native hcllci. t2.0o4 10; cannera. II owij HO ; cnlveee, 8.1 (fu6 .On. HOGS Receipts, M.iX head; market loo higher; pIkk strong; top, 8..3."; bulk if sales, 361;.M127W; heavy, t6.iv35; mixed packers. e.l..;40, light. Klowt.20; york ers. 36.1ni6.20; pigs, to kS.Iji. SHEEP AND LAM US--Receipts, 6.100 head; market steady; lambs easier; native lambs, 3 V rn 5. 20; western lambs, tl.tti.-i 15; fed ewra, .) liKji3.'i0; native wethers. t.!.aMi 4.10; western wethers, Ki.OOtjf 1.00; stockers and feeders, tl.!fctyd.25. I 16 I 06 4 17H I 17,l 17H 4 17VI 17 17 0 8 20 I 20 4 20 i :o 4 20 , I 10 4 lo M I 20 I 30 I 20 I 20 el 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 10 I 20 I 20 I 3ft I 20 I 20 I 30 I 20 4 20 6 20 I 10 4 10 4 20 I 20 I 20 I 20 I 10 I 20 SHEEP There was a moderate run of sheep and lambs here this morning, and as the demand on the part of packers was fairly liberal the market took on consid erable life and just about steady prices were paid for anytning at an desirable A good proportion of the receipts consisted of killers, and quite a few of them were fed. Practically everything desirable, however, wns disposed of in good season. There were not very many feeders on hand, and as there were several buyers on the market the better grades sold freely at steady prices. The common stuff was draggy, the same as usual, but there was no noticeable change In the prices nald. Quotations: Good to choice yearlings, 83 60 3.75; fair to good,; good to cholco wethers, t3.4(Kii8.60; fair to good wethers. 83.1O3.40; choice ewes, 32.75(33.00; fair to good ewe, 12.25 2. 65; good to choice lambs, 34.6004.76; fair to gooo lamoa, m.uugmdo choice native iambs 86.CKXiJi6.25; feeder weth. ers. 3J.7lx5f3.lF; feeder yearlings, t2.90tf3.25 feeder lambs. 83.0.'Sj4 00; cull lambs, 81.609J 2.00; feeder ewes, $f.3c6?2.23; cull ewes. 75ef 11.25; stock ewes. 82.50(83 25. Representative sales: No. 37 fed ewes 429 fed wether 439 fed ewes and wether 214 fed wether 9 fed lambs f4 Nebraska ewes 48) Nebraska ewes 4 we' 'em ewes 784 Wyoming feeder lambs... CI.9 Wyoming feeder lambs.... 77 Wyoming feeder lambs.... 1 western wether 785 Wyoming feeder lambs.... 09 Wyoming feeder lambs.... i09 W)omlng feeder lambs.... Av. . 88 . 90 . 112 . 103 . 85 . 80 . 78 . 75 . 47 . 58 . 55 . 90 . til . 61 Pr. 3 2o 3 30 3 60 8 75 4 40 1 75 1 76 2 50 2 75 3 25 3 25 3 36 3 76 3 65 3 6j Xevr York Live Mock Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. CATTLE Re ceipts. 592 head; all consigned direct; no sales reporter; no exports. CALVES Receipts, 344 head; veals steady; other calves very dull; veals sold at 5.iiixa9.00 per loo lbs.; a car of western calves at t37V. HOGS-Recelpt, 2,662 head; only 3 head on sale. SHEEP AND LA M PS Receipt, 4.HS head; sheep, dull, lOfulnc lower; lambs quiet, about steady; sheep sold at V7a per 100 lbs., a few at $4; lambs, 35.6t'a 6.00; culls, 34.50. loox City Lire Stork Market. SIOl'X CITY, la. trim.) CATTLE- slow, killers steady Dims and mixed, feeders. 2.5of4. 50; $2.6014.00. HOGS Receipts, higher, selling at 8.10. SHEEP Receipt! Va ea fou.i.i rr.u hiiv. ia .' in i , n -ecelpts, 60O- stockers ; peeves, 84. two 8.7..; cows 83.26W4.oo; stockers snd yearlings and calves, 3.000; market RWIOc $6.0tS.2; bUlk. $6.07a 100; steady. St. Joseph Live Stock Market. ST. JOSEPH. Nov. IS CATTLE Re ceipts, 20U head; steady to strong; natives, t.1.7.ir7.25: cows and heifer. $1.5(fi 5.25; vea!i, $2.vfl6 75. HOGS-Recelpts, 2.904 head; l(XfT15c higher: light and mixed, $6,2X(6.25; medium and heavy, t6.156 ,t.". SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipt, 1.500 head; steady to weak. Stork In Sight. The following were the receipts of live Omahn Chicago Kansas City St. Louis ... St. Joseph .. Sioux City .. Totals ... Cattle. .. 4.5H0 .. .. 4 OnO .. 3,Si .. 21) . . tVMI ..20,800 Hogs. Sheep. .0i) 8,000 JS.ono 20.oii 8..VM) 6.1ix 7,i 7' 2.0O l.frti 3.000 l'J 62,404 34,40) CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARK FT. Cattle Steads' lloas Hiaber eneep and I.anaha Lower. CHICAGO. Nov. 13.-CATTLE-Reeeinte. 8.000 head, including 4,000 westerns; steady; good to prime steers. 36.00j6.66; poor to medium, $3.00ifi.i5; stockers snd feeders, 82 Uib4.66; cows, 31.4Xb4.50: heifers, i: oa 4 lb; canners, 8l.4eraz.4o; Dulls, 82.0tx,o4 60 calves. 83.u0Cae.25; Texas fed .steers. IJ.OiV-J 4.00; western steers, 1.15(145.75. HOGS Receipts, 23.000 head; estimated tomorrow, 22,000; left over, 80,000; market fully loc hlslier: mixed and butcher, to.ih'it 8 36; good to cnoice heavy. !I Wdc'i; rough heavy. 36"jU5; light, 8i.0h'u.26; bulk of sales. t0104j6.2S. HI1EEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 20.000 head: market dull, lower; good to choice wethers, $3.406400; fair to choice mixed, f2.6trti3.40; western sheep, 82.753.76; native lambs. $3.6o6 0; western lambs, 83.75ftj4.76. Official vesterday; Recelnts. Shipments Cattle 23.6TO 4 717 Hogs 82.6M SKl Sheep 27,103 8.642 SI. Loals Lire Stoek Market. HT. IJU1S. Nov. 13. CATTLE Receipts 3,2o head, Including Z.ixu Head Texan damn """l ' " ,,,.,, i,,,f,iB exiKirt steers. 85(iixii7.5(): dressed beef and butcher steers, 14 oofati oO) steers under 1 ( lbs., 84.lXKii4i.oo; stockers and feeders, H ' 4 do; cows and hmlers. li.ztli oo; carinera, tJ.'442 65: bulla, t3 6043-4 60; calves. 84 (i 7 b": Texas and Indian steers, $3864j4.SO; corns and heifers, 83.2'u3.35. HOGS) Ree'eipte. 7.0f) head, mstkt strong, prices higher; pigs and lights, ((? 8.15; packers. ItoTjiyt 26: butchera, to 164n Jo. BIl&EP AND LAM bS Receipts, 700 head ; market steady I native muttons, t3.2o4 iX; lambs. 84 26 40; culla and bucks, ti OUrf 4 oo, stockers, tl oOtii.vj. Texans, tt 36. Kaaaas City Live Stuck Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 13.-CATTL.v-Ke nil and Rosin. OIL CITY. Nov. 13 -OlIi Credit balances. $1.39; certificates, nn sales: shipments, 79.971 bbls.; average, 74.129 bbls.; runs, 10,504 bblee. : average, 50,192 bbls. SAVANNAH. Nov. 13. Oil, Turpentine cloxed firm, 5oV. Rosin. Arm: A. B. C, D, tl.40; E. tl.45; F. $1.50; G. $1.60- H. tl.90; I. t2"; K. t2.65: N. H.50; WG, $3. 7a; WW. $4.25. TOLEDO, Nov. 13. OIL Unchanged. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. Oll-r-Cottonseed, steadier; prime yellow, S4Wc. Petroleum, firm. Hooln, firm. Turpentine, steady. IXJNDON, Nov. 13 OII Calcutta lin seed, ppot, 41s. Linseed, 22s lHd. Sugar and Molasses. NEW ORLRAN8, Nov. 13 SUOAR-Ac-tlve and firm; open kettle. 2rsiZ'ic; open kettle centrifugal. 3 7-l64f3 11-16e:; centrifugal white, 341 rjTc; yellows, 3,a('a.'lli,c: seconds, St&aH1-". Molasses, In good demand; open kettle, 20'a3ot; centrifugal, lfl20c Syrup, steadv, 23(ii29c. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. ST'G AR Ra W. firm; fair refining, 3 3-lc; centrifugal, ! test. 811-16c; mnlaeses Rtigar, 2 16-lbc; re fined, dull. Molasses, steady. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 13 DRY GOODS There has been nothing In the market to dsy to Indicate any change in general senti ment. The demand has been quiet through out for staple cotton goods, but sellers have not made any move In connection with prices. Prints again In fair request for spring. Print cloths dull. Silks and ribbon firm, with a fair business doing. Whisky Market. CHICAGO. Nov. 13.-WHI8KY-Stedy at $1-32. . . bt. loui.nov. ia. wttioK.1 uteaoy at $1.32. rn;omA. wo. i;t. w ii ibis, i on in basis of $1.32 for flnlHhed goods. CINCINNATI. Nov. 13. WHISKY Distil lers' finished goods, firm on basis of $1.82. Sheriffs Shot by Pollreman. CINCINNATI. Nov. IS. -During a fight In Covington, Ky last night Deputy Sheriffs Nicholas Botkin and John Mclnerney were shot bv Policeman Robert Brown. Bntkui died today. Mclnerney, who la a brother of the sheriff of Kenton county, will recover. The shooting waa the outgrowth of a polit ical feud. Hanna Is ot III. CLEVETjAND. Nov. 13 The attention of Senator Hanna was today called to pub lished reports that his friends had become slarmed over hla health. The senator de clared that there was abeolutely no foun dation for such statements and - that his health was as good now an at any time during the past year. Coban Children Appeal. NEW YORK. Nov. 13. Notice of appeal was filed with the Treasury department today In the case rf the eleven t'ubnn chll dien detained by the immigration bureau, enroute to the School of Buddhism at Point Loma, Cal. TUB REALTY MARKET. IN8TRCMENT8 placed on record Th day, November li: Warranty Deeds. Kirimn f Rstterfield to Samuel Ravltx. wU lot 2. block 40. omana a Karen Olsen and husband to Grace Baptist church, part tot o, fnunps adrf Pstrick McConnell and wife to Vaclav Slgmund, lot li, diock z, j-oiier or tV add G. R. Moore and wife to J. T. Owens. ,ols 14, 16 and lb. diock i. onerman AveniiA nark J. H. Stokes and wife to Msry J. Met- calf. lot 12. block 34, Koiintxe i'iace.. Bridget King and hueband to Pierce Kyan, unoiv t-o nem nea anu ri n,U 2T-16-1I Thomas Ryan and wife to Mary J. C. Rvan an me Mary A. Dervin and husband to pierce Ran. same C. R. Campbell and wife to Byron Reed company. w or sv lot a, dioc 81. South Omaha Ernest Sweet and wife lo H. K. Mc Candleee. e 18 feet lot 29 and w 24 feet lot 30. Luke A T.'a add A. C. Drelbus and wife to H. L. nck- ard, lots 10. 11 snn ij. wjhh suc dlv H. L. Pickard to A C. Drelbu. H ei and tax lot 4 In 12-14-12 Qnlt f lalm Deeds. T. H McCagne. trustee, to Jsmes Beaumont, lot a. nioca a. iew Hsttle rolllns to Metropolitan Land and Trust com'iany. lot 21. blok L Mella's 1st sdd W. N. Nason et al to II. Eva Nat- tlnger. lot 13, Mock 7. Collier Pla. . Deeela. 1.2"0 1 800 2.000 (.500 1.S00 l.JX) i.avi 1.000 l.TSo 4.JSX) 7 8W T. F. Lee. sdmlnlstratnr. te Ie Manseii. i. 10 fret of n ft W . laaac add W B. Melkle. administrator. t rrir sdelphlg Mortgage snd Tniai ww: pany, lot 3. blH k 1. Kountre efk eA fx Total amount of trsntxee . .-. VA ii Spcchllstft !a a.1 ItiSeaVa a. 4 M$VIPWs of MIX. I i -ar 4 eeaefxtl rr4X Ornatxa. .la a hn hT-nV iWl' VARICOCELE HYDHQCEIE tnd PILES ' SYPHILIS a'cSi kSS tbasiaaaaa a ea aa a eaa Tv"M ,,rrI Saaararav eia aa,waa an WEAK UtN3HKr.VfS Taras gnaeaa STRICTURE a B M aa Itaaa- from .. .'4XJJ - - Tuakltl WM tttlft.. te t-a. m c.V m. aaaa4lae i ar eeia aaeeaa , ' 1 . Ii Mail, i-v? "r-v.' v. 4.h ... CR. SEARUS 8. SUMES. OH ABA IU