Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 14, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Carman lUichstag Orders Retaliation
f Against DicnmiDatiig Nations.
Assert Jew York Anthoritiei Alter Duties
! to Please Trans.
Tlsasant Words All Very Well, but Hot
i ,
Bar Mmirf Proposed Wee Id Re
Breach of Existing Treaties aad
Far from Patriotic, hat
Hooae Doee !fot Agree.
, BERLIN. Nor. 13. The Relchstsg adopted
today, by 192 to 71 votes, the paragraph of
the new tariff authorizing the government
(to retaliate on any country discriminating
against German goods. The agTarlant
openly affirmed that It was neceessry to
arm the government with weapona for re
prisal, especially against the United Btatea
customs practices.
Dr. Brumer, national liberal, cited an In
stance In which be aald 1200,000 worth of
enameled goods were ordered In Germany
for New York, but the speaker asserted
the customs officials "changed the classlflca.
tlon at the Instance of the American trusts,
whereupon the New York importer can
celled the order." "It waa proved to the
customs officials," aald Dr. Brumer, "that
the Invoice waa In exact accord with the
Oerman seller's book and that tnatead of
the goods being undervalued the books
showed that shipments bad been made to
India at still lower pricea.
Dictated by Traata.
Dr. Brumer further aaserted that the
customs officials treatment was dictated by
the Interests of the home manufacturers,
and ha continued:
' It la said that we must not offend the
I 'United Elates, but they will respect us more
(and wc shall (tain more by showing our th than by always giving pleasant words,
Herr Qotheln, radical liberal, replied that
such words were no fitting epilogue to the
entlmenta ezpreased by Count Posadowskl,
the home secretary, In the presence of the
foreign secretary, Baron von Rlchthoffen,
at Ambassador White's farewell dinner.
"They will make discord," ba continued.
("among the wishes spoken there tor
ifrlendly relations with the United States.
(Why empower this government to do some
thing It does not want to do? Although the
present government would not apply the
paragraph and some succeeding government
'might commit such a folly. Retaliatory
duties are the weapon of Chauvinism and
not of patriotism." '
Opposes Tariff War.
Herr Flschback. radical, aald all the
Chambers of Commerce were opposed to a
. larlf war. wil, States. . ..
"Herr Broehiel, radical, remarked that It
'Germany adopted retaliatory measures
gainst the United States because of regu
,latlons which applied not to the goods ot
all coontriea It. would be a aerious breach
Cf tha existing treaties.
I The Associated Press Is authorlied to an
Bounce that the ministry baa not decided to
I drop the tariff bill, as published In London,
but la determined to persist until the dis
solution of the Reichstag In June. The
tariff debate will probably be abruptly bus
(tended by the presentation ot the budget
In a few days instead of waiting for the first
week In December, aa previously Intended.
Chancellor von Buelow finds that the
Reichstag's time is being wasted and wtBhea
to employ the house on tha finance bill. As
aoon aa the latter Is resd the government
will take up the tariff bill, when a lapse ot
time will have reduced the majority in the
bouse to a more yielding disposition
The ministry has also decided not to
agree with Russia or any other country for
five-years' extension of existing com'
xnerclal treatlea.
Itlehter thaaarea Party.
The Incident of tha day was Herr Rich
ter's declaration that obstruction In a par
llamentary body waa contrary to the dig
Blty of the house and that, besides. It
was futile and childish. This old radical
leader's withdrawal from tha minority and
Ilia action In supporting tha conservative
and center party majority, which he had
been fighting for thirty years, caused Herr
Bebel, socialist, to point a finger at htm
and exclaim pssslonately: "Go over to
the right. Your place ia among the antl
Hrrr Rlcbter made an angry answer.
which waa lost In the uproar which fol
lowed Herr Be be la remarks.
Herr Rlcbter'a entire party followed him
and acted with the majority against the
I socialists and moderate radicals.
Tha step taken by Herr Rlchter was
Interpreted la tha lobbies of tha House
aa being due to reiterated atucks ot the
socialists upon Berlin's liberal municipal
government, which la controlled by Herr
Rlcbter'a friends, the socialist position
being that the Berlin rouncllmen lacked
the courage to resist Emperor William'
Interference In city affairs.
Herr Heine, socialist, today delayed the
vote by apeaklng three and a half hours
lis walked to the tribune with as armful
'of documents and newspapers, causing
'groans of dismay. Herr Heine began hi
speech In a low voice and the conserve
,'tives shouted. "Louder, louder," to which
he replied: "I will not wear out my voice
iln the drat hour."
' The rest ot his speech waa audible only
to those Immediately surrounding him. He
waa quite Indifferent to occasional Inter
ruptions and Jeers.
Afraid at Oaa Bill.
I Tha aession lasted until 1:45 p. m., tha
dilatory tactics of tha socialists and mod
. arsis radii' members occupying tha time.
Tha majority was determined to reach a
.vote oa tha main question and many ex-
citing paesagea characterised the night
.session. Herr Spahn, centrist, finally
xmoved to lay the twenty-one socialist
amendments to the bill oa tha table, and
this motion was adopted by 187 votes to (5.
At this stage Count Ballestree, president,
announced that the Illumination of the hall
was not provided for later than 10 o'clock.
The Reichstag then adjourned to meet at
noon tomorrow, whea tha debate oa tha
amendment of the rules will ba resumed.
Todsy's aession tasted nine hours and
forty-live rainutee.
Borrows Money la London.
v VICTORIA. B. C, Nov. 13. The British
Columbia government hat Seated a loan la
london of $S.:00,tMK. The aaance minister
received a cable from London last night
annoying that the loaa bad beea uaaer
writiv at SI per ceau
Makla a ew iMilih Cabled Gets
the Aged Prrmlrr lato Fh
'I; .
MADRID. Nov. 13. A hitch hss ecu.
In the formation of the new cabinet .
consequence of the desire of Senor Moret
to relinquish the interior portfolio for
Romero Robledo.
Premier Ssgasta. however, wishes Senor
Moret to retain the portfolio. The dis
agreement has caused friction.
After an audience with King Alfonso to
day Senor Sagasta Informed a representa
tive of the Associated Press that difficulty
had arisen regarding the Inclusion ot
Robledo In the cabinet.
It appears that Senor Romero Robledo
msde It a condition of hla entering the
cabinet that he be given the Interior port
folio, or that two among the cabinet of
ficers ahould be chosen from members of
his party. He also Insisted upon a con
siderable modification In the legislative
program of the liberal party. The liberal
leadera declined to accede to these con
ditions with the result thst the projected
formation of a concentration cabinet tell
All efforts to form a concentration cabi
net have now failed and Senor Sagasta
has begun an attempt to form a homo
genous liberal ministry.
A dispatch received here from Tetuan,
Morocco, where the Kabyte tribesmen hsve
rebelled, shows that the situation baa
grown more serious.
A body ot armed Tetuanltes baa been de
feated In a tight with the rebels and com
pelled to retreat to the town. The rebels
are encamped at Samoa, half an hour d la-
ant from Tetuan, where all business Is
In Madrid the position of tha Europeans
at Tetuan la considered to be not grave.
The newspapers comment on Spain's con-
Inued 111 fortune as evidenced by the fact
hat the country Is without a cabinet at the
time of such an Important criais.
GIBRALTAR, Nov. 13. The British
cruisers Furious, Pactolus and Promethua
have aalled from here for Tetuan, Morocco.
Yloleat Scene Caasee Suspension of
Iximr Hoaae of Anatrian
VIENNA, Nov. IS. The sittings today of
the lower house of the Austrian Relchs
rath was susDended on account of the
German and Czech members coming to
The cause of the trouble was a debate
on the advisability of the use of the two
lsnguages In tha names of atatlons on tha
Bohemian railroads.
Herr Schnal started the disorder by
sbovting: "You Germans are a lot ot pigs:"
whereupon a number of German deputlea
cast themselves upon him crying "Smash
him!" "Kick him!" which they proceeded
to do.
Eventually Herr 8chnal waa thrown down
the gangway to the bottom of tha amphi
theater. ' The fighting continued for a quarter of
an hour after the suspension ot the sit
ting. "rbreogheut tha" disorder tha com
batants were encouraged by hearty plaudits
from tha strangers' gallery.
Many French Coal Workers Go Back
aad Congress Order General
PARIS, Nov. 13. The coal miners' strike
baa practically coma to an end. About
two-thirds of the strikers have returned
to work. The miners' congress now being
held at Lena haa voted In favor of the re
sumption fo work.
Ten thousand strikers, many of them
armed with cluba and carrying bannera and
red flags, made a demonstration at 8t.
Etlenne today. They marched through the
streets, but seemed more bent on merry
making than creating disorder and no In
cident occurred necessitating the interven
tion ot the troops. A few Isolated dyna
mite outrages are reported from various
points In the atrike region, but the damage
done waa alight and ot a purely material
Sends Up flood of Fire, Red Hot
Stones and Sweeps Honaea
ROME, Nov. 13. The volcano on Strom
boll. Ialand. off the north coast of Sicily,
Is In eruption.
A collossal column of fire Is rising and
Incandescent stones are being thrown from
the craters.
Many bouses bave already been destroyed.
AUCKLAND, N. Z., Nov, 13. According
to advices from Somoa via Tonga, a vol
canic eruption baa broken out In Eavall,
the westernmost and largest island of the
group. Six craters are reported to be
emitting smoke and flames.
One village la covered two Inches deep
with ashes.
Sicilian Police Captare Maay Noted
Men In Their Search for
LONDON. Nov. 13. A dispatch from
Rome says the Sicilian police who bave
been trying to capture a brigand named
Vorsalone, yesterday raided the district of
Cammarata, In the province of Glrgentl,
and took aixty peraons prisoners, among
them being a marquis, a mayor, several
doctors and a number ot lawyers.
Ia the course ot the dragnet operations
a wealthy land owner named Lino barri
caded h'.s bouse and shot one policeman
and wounded another.
The police, however, failed to capture
Contracts for Three Ships Cancelled
Beeaase Money Bans
PARIS, Nov. 13. Replying ta aa inter
pellation In tha Chamber ot Deputies to
day concerning hla action In countermand
ing ordera for three battleships, contracts
tor which bad been algned by bis prede
cessor, tha minister of marine explained
that ba bad beea obliged to take thla atep
becauae be found that the naval contracts
exceeded tha appropriations by $$,000,000.
After a lengthy and heated debate the
chamber adopted by 3J1 to lit aa order of
the day expressing confidence In the gov
ernment aad referring tba matter ta the
budget commission.
Shiw Says Oommeree Has Rendered War
Less Probable.
(soft .,v aof Oaa Class or Cow try
Rrdoonv o Advantage of Earth
Is Truth Business Orajaalsa
tloas Mast Teach.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 13. A banquet was
given at the Arlington hotel tonight In
honor of the representatives of foreign
commercial bodies who came to attend the
dedication of the New York Chamber of
Commerce, and who arrived In Washington
for a short visit today.
In addition to the foreigners there were
present Leslie M. Shaw ,nu M'. fy of
President Roosevelt's cabinet. Admiral
Dewey, Generals Ccrbir., Young and Wood,
membera of the diplomatic corpa and local
business men.
The table was set In oval shape form and
was decorated in large yellow chrysanthe-
mums and American beautr roses. Mr.
A. Barton Hepburn, chairman of the com
mittee on reception of the New York
Chamber of Commerce, sat at the head of
the table with M. Cambon, ambassador of
France, on his right and Sir Michael Her
bert, ambassador of Great Britain, on his
left, while to the right and left of the am
bassadors were respectively Prince Henry
ot Pless and Count Quadt of the German
embassy. Mr. Hepburn Introduced the
speakers, among whom were Secretary
Ehaw and Major General Young.
Mr. Shaw said In part:
Speaking for that department which Is
supposed more than any other to represent
the buslnes Interests of the nation, I take
great end peculiar pleasure In bidding wel
come to the capitol of the greatest Ameri
can republic representatives of so many of
the leading commercial nations of the
world. Such a gathering as this would
have been ImposKible a century ago. In
the creation of sentiment rendering this
event both natural and agreeable, and in
the evolution of conditions making inter
national banquets possible, commerce has
played a most Important part.
The spread of Intelligence and the pru
dence of commerce are making for inter
national peace, and 1 thank my God that
the day has come when nations no longer
war without cause, when great navies are
no longer looked upon as threatening the
peace of the world and when armaments
and fortifications have lost much of their
Commerce Mnat Be School.
The universal recognition of the great
truth that the aood fortune of any one
class of Individuals redounds to the ad
vantage of all. and the prosperity of the
people of any one cc ,ntry benefits all
nutiorvs, would be of Inestimable advantage
to the world. But if this principle 1e ever
to be universally recoanlscd commerce
must be the schoolmaster and chambers of
commerce klndericarteiia of Instruction.
1 have met within the last few days dis
tinguished representatives of foreign
chambers and listened to eloquent speeches
from their lips in the current languuge of
this country. In some lnstancta this was
not their mother tongue, but they found
it to their commercial advantage to edu
cate themselves therein. I do not know
that the miracle at Babel will ever be re
versed, but if it ever .is the convenience of
commerce ana not tne rear or nooas win
be the occasion. I do not know that the
world will ever adopt uniform standards
or weight and measures, but 1 am con
vinced that such a course would be to tha
advantage of commerce and If this ever
shall be accomplished tne metric system,
for which we acknowledge Indebtedness to
nations represented here tonlaht. will of
necessity afford the solution, ft is evident
that all values will soon be measured lit
old. In fact this Is already done Inter
nationally and governments that provide
anything else than the gold standard for
local use impose a tax upon every inter
national trancactlon sufficient to bar their
people from competition in the world's
Looks for Common 1 aagnage.
I may be dreaming when I suggest that
some lime, perhaps in tne distant luttiro
perhaps sooner than we think, the current
tirlces of the world will be written In a
common lamcuaae and In uniform measures
lot quantity and denominations or money;
j but If so, my excuse for the vlaion shall
be that more ttian one dream oi yesteruay
Is oavlnc dividends todny.
The commercial struggle in the years that
will follow must not be lor commercial
supremacy. Supremacy must not be Bought
for supremacy a sake. The superiority of
world's people would be the recognition ot
debtorshlp to the world. In recollection of
blessings Incident to a civilisation planted
by previous generations, encouraged, nur
tured and advanced by commerce, let the
swiftest winds of trade carry the ripened
seed of modern Ideas to all lands, under all
skies, for the blessing and the advance
ment of all peoples.
Voani Defends Soldiers.
General 8. B. M. Young waa. to bava
apoken on "Our Soldiers In the Philip
pines," but having to leave early bia speech
waa read for him.
The address said in part:
The election Is now passed and those who
expected to gain political advantage by as
sailing the army have failed in their ob
ject, and the result bave burled that ques
tion forever aa a political one, and I feel
now 1 can speak the truth about our sol
diers, without being accused of having
pi'lltlcal bias or defending them for political
effect. Taking Into consideration the cir
cumstances surrounding them they be
haved remarkably well, better than any
other nation expected or than we had any
reasonable hope to expect. War Is a gama
and a very dangerous one. and the rules of
conduct should be left to those that are ex
perienced In the game.
During the civil war the fire In the rear
from the so-called copperheads was what
the union soldiers most feared. There may
nave been some excuse for the existence of
copperheads In lvil, but what possible ex
cuse could there be for an honest and rea
sonable man to fire In the rear ot a Fili
pino? jf every accusation that was brought
against these soldiers were true, the etay-al-homes,
these befoulers of their own
nest, these seekers after notoriety, these
active uisturbers of the peace of mind of
the brave, patriotic wives and mothers,
should have had the decency to preoent
llirlr wild fancies to tne proper authorltiie,
Instead of trying to convince the whole
world that our own brothers and kindred
were barbnrtans.
I ray the American army Is the most
humane army that ever waged war, and I
could bear out my assertions by Filipino
and Chinese, and even Spanish prisoners.
War Always Cruel.
To carry on war. disguise it as we mav.
is to be cruel, ia to kill and burn, and again
Kin ano again ourn.
Jf it had not been for the Intenee desire
of the American people to carry on an easy
persuasive war with the Filipino and the
earnest attempt of the American officers to
carry out that desire tne Filipino war
would heve ended In much lees time. You
feel confident that our little Japanese
friends would have stopped the pattering
ot the barefoot little brown brothers
through the Jungles in a very short tune
and that the aggressive army of our Ger
man friends would not have viewed with
equanimity the burying alive of their
friends as our eoldiers did in obedience to
the home sentiment. I am confident that
the coming census will have on its list
a great many more people and houses than
there would have been hao the German
army had control for the past four years.
I am not an advocate of war either for
conqueet or revenge, or as a meana of mak
ing good Indiana of the Filipinos, but when
war has been decided on by our nation I
agree with the Oerman emperor's senti
ments and believe the American army
should leave such an imprest Ion that fu
ture generations shall know we had been
The Filipinos did not know anything
about the laws of war, but the American
soldiers In good falih tried to carry out
such laws wr.h a half-eivlliied foe. There
were Isolated cases where officer exceeded
their authority and where laws were vio
lated, but violations of laws were cum-
(Contluund oa Second Page.)
5ew National Bank Authorised and
Appointments Made la Postal
v "
fFrom a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11 (Special Tele
gram.) The comptroller of the currency
has approved the application of the follow
ing persona to organise the First National
bank of Fulton, S. D.. with a capital of
123,000: J. 8. Anderson, Frank M. Byrne,
Allen Cornwell, F. A. McCornack and T. F.
The contract for carrying mail from
Elsie to Grant, Neb., baa been awarded to
George Fuhr of Elsie, and from Vienna to
Hazel, S. D.. to O. C. Owen of Vienna.
Bert A Hill hss been appointed substi
tute letter carrier at Sioux City, Ia.
Claude A. Patterson of Des Moines baa
been appointed stenographer and type
writer In the land office at Roseburgb, Ore.
Depue Detrick, J. H. Peterson and F. A.
Scheets bave been appointed rural letter
carriers and Elpa Current, Henry Pool, D.
H. Breltwelser substitute carriers at Up
land, Neb.
The postofflce at Coropton, Cherry
county. Neb., has been discontinued.
Postmasters appointed: Iowa George
H. Potter, Banaett. Chickasaw county.
South Dakota Bertha M. Howard, Onlda,
Sully county; A. E. Ferguaon. Osceola.
Kingsbury county; Aloozo E. Hagan,
Striuston, Grant county; Lucius G. Staf
ford, White Swan, Charles Mix county.
Miss Minnie O. Garland ot Cheyenne,
Wyo., haa been appointed clerk in the ex
perimental station of the Agricultural de
partment, to be located outside of Wash
ington. Patrick J. O'Oara of Lincoln. Neb., has
been appointed a scientific aide In the Ag
ricultural department.
sanitarians" will meet
Iowa Sends Many Delegates to Con
vention of American
WASHINGTON. Nov. 13. Below Is a list
of delegates from the United States who
will attend the sanitary convention of
American republics, to b held In this city
beginning December 2:
Surgeon General 'Walter Wyman and
Passed Assistant Surgeon M. J. Rosenau of
the public health and marine hospital serv
ice; H. L. E. Johnson, Washington, D. C;
Arthur E. Reynolds, commissioner ot
health, Chicago; Edmond 8ouchon, presi
dent Louisiana State Board ot Health, New
Orleans; J. Y. Porter, state health officer,
Jacksonville; A. H. Doty, quarantine offi
cer. New York; L. M. Powers, health offi
cer Los Angeles; Charles B. Adams, Sac
City, Ia.; Frank William Porterfield, At
lantic, Ia.; Dr. Fred W. Powera, Relnbeck,
la.; Jamea Taggart Priestly. Des Molnea,
Ia.; Dr. Rhett Goode, Mobile; Dr. .Whyte
Glendower. White Ca-.'e, La.; Dr. Irving
A. Watson, president-National Conference
of State and Provincial Health Officers,
Concord, N. H., and one medical officer each
from tha army and navy ot the United
States. '
Germany Said to Be Vf UlnaT to Sao-'
mtt Unestlon of Chinese
WASHINGTON, Nov. 18. Considerable
satisfaction la felt at the State department
over the reported willingness of Germany
to aubmlt to The Hague tribunal the ques
tion aa to whether the Chinese Indemnity
ahall be paid on a silver or gold basis.
The proposition to arbitrate really orig
inated with the Chinese government and
while Minister Wu refrains from claiming
any credit for the Idea, there la good
reason to believe that it originated with
If Germany haa accepted the proposition
there is strong ground tor the belief that
it will be adopted, but, of couse, there
must be a practically unanimous agreement
umoag the and it is pointed
" " , .
that England and Japan, the two po
that acaled their Indemnity claims down
much more severely than the other powers,
feel they would not receive their actual
expenditure on account of the Boxer re
bellion if they accepted a settlement on a
silver basis.
Hear Reports and Express Their
Pleaanre at Government's
WASHINGTON, Nov. IS. Cardinal Gib
bons presided at the annual meeting ot
the archbishops ot the Catholic church at
the Catholic university today.
Among the matters discussed were the
Interests of the Catholic Indian missions
in the United States and questions per
taining to the American college at Rome,
which Is under direction of the archbishops
of the United States.
Reports on Indian missions were re
ceived from Fathers Ketcbuta and Gana
of the Catholic Indian bureau and the
archbishops expressed their pleasure at tba
bearing of the national government toward
tha Indian tribes and the treatment of the
Indian question in general.
Mgr. Kennedy, rector of the college at
Rome, submitted a report showing that
institution to be in a prosperous condition.
The recent purchase of another building
for college uses doubled the capacity ot
the Institution.
Secretary of State Can no Kothinc to
Help Mucssil, the Italian
WASHINGTON. Nov. IS. Maacagnl'a
troubles have not yt been brought to the
attention of the State department and the
officials there see no reason why they ahould
be. Secretary Hay bas no power to inter
fere with the course of Justice In tha Mas
sacbusetts court.
Mr. Mayor des Planches, the Italian am
bassador, la now in Boston, and it ia sup
posed that, with tbe Italian consul there,
be will advise tbe composer ot bis actual
rights before tbe Boston courts.
ROME. Nov. 13. Foreign Mlntster Prl
nettl bas Instructed tbe Italian ambassador
at Washington to lend all possible aid to
Slgnor Mascagnl, tbe composer, in bla diffi
culties, and to go to Boston if necessary
Several senators and deputies have given
notice ot their Intention to Interrogate tha
government on the Mascagnl affair at tba
opening of Parliament.
ew atampe Heady Salardar.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 13. The Poatofflca
department hss been notified that the new
Issue of 13-cent stampa bearing the portrait
ot tbe late President Hsrrtsoa will be
ready tor supply to postmasters next Satur
Guides Say Bears An Plentiful in Smede
Roosevelt Gets Impatient and Asks
Engineer to Make Faster Time
Over Last Part of Ran to
Ilantlna Groaada.
SMEDES, Miss., Not. 13. President
Roosevelt and his party arrived shortly be
fore 4 this afternoon and started soon
afterward for tbe camp on Little Sunflower
river. Aa the distance la about fifteen
miles and the trail rough and bad, the
chancea are that it was after dark before
they- reached the camp.
Smedes Is simply a siding on the Yazoo
St Mississippi Valley railway where cotton
Is loaded from tha big Smede plantations.
Work on the neighboring plantations was
suspended thla afternoon and several hun
dred negroes were at the aiding when the
train stopped. Moat of the men sat on tbe
cotton bales, but the black mammies and
the plckannlnlea stood along the track.
They showed their white teeth In bard
grins, but made no other demonstrations
as the president stepped from the train.
He was clad in bunting costume, kakhl
riding trousers, heavy leather leggings,
blue flannel shirt, corduroy coat and wore
a brown slouch hat, around hla waist waa
buckled his cartridge belt and at his side
hung his Ivory-handled hunting knife. The
other members ot the party also wore
hunting suits.
While the guns, blankets and other small
baggage were being loaded Into a four-mule
wagon the president chatted with the man
ager of the Smede estate and two women
who were great admirers of his and who
bad come especially to greet btm.
Dash Away on Horses.
Tbe membera of the party, except Mr.
Fish and Mr. Dickinson, mounted small
horses and dashed away for the woods at
a breakneck canter.
Two disappointments met the president
here. Mr. Mlngum, who had much to do
with arranging the hunt, waa too 111 to
proceed to camp tonight and in trying the
pack of bounds today half ot the dogs went
off after a deer. As there are only twenty-
two dogs in the pack the split Is very
disquieting, but Mr. Mlngum Is trying to
obtain a pack ot twenty-five dogs owned
by Bobb, a famoua bear hunter, about 100
miles north of here. In place of Mr.
Mingum It has been arranged that Hugh
Foote and Hoke Collier will hunt with the
Paths have been cut through the under
growth to be used aa cutoffs to the river
crossing and on these stations the members
of the party, except the president, will be
Will Lose Five Posada.
The president and bis guide will follow
the bounda through the undergrowth In
order to be at band it a bear Is brought to
bay, ' .
"It - will be powerful bard." aald Mr.
Mingum, "aad I predict, tbje president will
lose at least five pounds Is? the next five
days. I rode through tberr a few daya ago
and when I got out my Clothes were al
most torn off. I looked aa if I bad been in
a railroad wreck."
Mr. Mlngum aaya tbe black beara here
about s weigh from 300 to 600 pounds. "We
bava a set of scales at the camp," said he
"and the beasts will be weighed when they
are brought in."
Signs of beara In the vicinity of the camp
are plentiful and Mr. Parker promises the
president a shot before tomorrow evening
The president's train is on the sidetrack
here and a telegraph station haa been
ringed up In a box car on tbe siding. The
arrangements made to prevent a crowd of
curious people from spoiling the presi
dent's fun were admirably carried out
The people of Vicksburg wanted to run an
excursion here this afternoon to see the
president, but the Illinois Central would
not permit it.
Friends Join Him.
CLARKSDALE, Miss., Nov. 13 Presl
dent Roosevelt was Joined at Memphis by
the members of the hunting party. Stuy
vesant Fish ot the Illinois Central, Mr,
Dickinson, John M. Parker of New Orleans
John McElhenny, formerly a lieutenant In
the Rough Riders; Major O.- M. Helm, W.
W. Mlngum and H. L. Foote. The latter
three are large Mississippi planters and
well known bear hunters.
Collier, one of tbe guides, was credited
by Mr. Parker with having been In at the
death of 1.600 bears.
'It will be rough work," said Mr. Parker
to the president when he joined him.
"That Is exactly what ' I went," replied
Mr. Roosevelt.
'And we will have bear meat for Sunday
dinner." added Mr. Parker.
'Let us get the bear before we arrange
for the dinner," responded the president,
Head of the TnlTeraal Brotherhood
SAN DIEGO. Cal., Nov. 13. Mrs. Rath
erlne Tlngley ot tbe Universal Brotherhood
bas received word from New York to the
effect that the Gerry Society for the Pre
vention of Cruelty to Children will send
a representative to California for the pur
pose of aiding similar societies In thi
state In the Institution of proceedings to
have the children removed from tbe Raja
Yoga school to Point Loma. Mra. Tingley
in a statement published today, aays she
courts tbe most searching Investigation
and haa applied to the atate authorities
of California, asking for a commission to
investigate the Raja Yoga school at Point
Loma. She demands the protection of the
state, not only In the interest ot tbe school
but In tbe interest of tbe atate of Callfor
nla and in Justice to tbe mayor and other
officials of San Diego, who have endorsed
tha Raja Yoga school.
Llghtalaar Playa Cartons Praak
In Wisconsin School
OCONTO. Wis.. Nov. II A school bouse
at Little River waa atruck by lightning In
a thunder storm today and burned to tbe
The teacher, Mlsa Edna McDowell, and
the pupils were all stunned by the shock,
but were rescued from ths burning build
ing by a fang of laborers. One of the
children, a little girl, ia badly burned about
the body, but will recover, and one of the
laborers had a shoe completely riddled
with holes by tha bolt, but escaped unhurt.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Warmer
rrlday and Saturday.
Temperatare at Omaha Yesterdayi
Hoar. Dear. Hnnr. Dear.
n a. m . 1 p. m al
a a. m n.f 2 p. m
7 n. so at .1 p. m .'!
8 a. m at 4 p. m RO
O a. m :: B p. m 3
10 a. m .t:i H p. m T
11 a. m at T p. m al
ia m sn h p. m as
9 p. m 34
Senate Committee Tonra New Mexico
Kiamlalsf Witnesses aad Dlntaar
wlth Governors.
SANTA FE, N. M., Nov. 13. The United
States senate committee on territories, in
vestigating the claims of territories for
tatehood, arrived at the capital ot New
Mexico this morning and Immediately
called before it the principal Judicial offi
cers of the district, together with a largo
number of their witnesses.
The committee dined with Governor Otero
and took a look through the city and sur
rounding country. The committee and tha
prince of Slam were counter attractions at
Santa Fo today.
ALBUQUERQUE. N. M.. Nov. 13. The
United States senate committee on terri
tories arrived In Albuquerque at 11 tonight
and was met by a delegation of citizens.
The committee finished its work at Santa
Fe only thirty mlnutea before train time
and left immediately for Albuquerque,
where it will resume Ita hearings tomorrow.
During the two daya apent in the terri
tories It baa hear.! an average of nearly
twenty witnesses dully and has kept two
official reporters busy transcribing testi
mony. While its sessions are secret. It is under
stood that the evidence when published will
bring out new points on the statehood ques
tion. From Albuquerque the committee will
proceed further Into the territories, stop
ping at those points at which It finds that
pertinent testimony can be heard.
Verdict Will Be Given Today and
Alleged Briber Know Ills
COLUMBIA, Mo., Nov. 13. Arguments In
the case ot Colonel Ed Butler, the St. Louis
millionaire and politician, being tried on
the charge ot attempted bribery, began to
day bofore Judge Hockaday.
The Judge allowed three and one-halt
hours to each side. C. Orrlck Bishop opened
for the state and waa followed by Judge
Chester H. Krum for the defense.
At the afternoon session Attorney Mur
ray spoke for tbe state and Charlea P.
Johnson for the defense. Circuit Attorney
Folk closing for the state.
In his instructions Judge Hockaday di
rected the jury to find a verdict of guilty
It tbey were satisfied that the defendant, at
any time between the passage ot the gar
bage ordinance and the letting of the con
tract, offered, Dr. Chapman 12,500 or any
oihor aUm with 'the fhtenf of InnueTicMlfhll
The case went to the jury just before
court adjourned, but no decision will be
made known tonight.
Bonrd of Equalisation la Invest luiit-
Ingr the Corporations of Cook
County and Chlcaaro.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Nov. 13. The capi
tal stock committee of tbe State Board of
Equalization today adjourned for ono week.
Its time has been taken up In assessing
Cook county corporations. The total la
f32.735.S25, which does not Include tbe
Pullman company or any ot the public
When the committee again convenes Its
attention will be given to Cook county
corporations which have not been reported
by local assessors.
A thorough investigation of Chicago cor
porations baa been made, and many re
tailers bave been assessed. At this time
7.500 corporations in the state have been
served with notices by tba committee.
Fireman TOlea and Two Other Persoas
Aro Injured In Freight
SULLIVAN. Mo., Nov. 13. A beadon
collision betwe.n freight trains occurred
on the Frisco railroad two miles from here
today, killing one man and Injuring two.
JOHN MARTIN, fireman.
Robert H. Murphy, arm and leg broken
and badly cut.
Joseph Lingenbrlnk, cut and bruised.
The causa of tba accident la not known.
Pennsylvania Yooth Held by the
Coroner for Kllllngr Mother, Fonr
Brothers and Sister.
PITTSBURG, Nov. 13. The coroner's In
quest into the Cawley tragedy, which oc
curred at Homestead October 10, waa con
cluded today, and tbe jury held Charles
Cawley. aged 16 years, for tbe murder of
his mother, four brothers and a slater.
The prisoner was remanded to Jail to
await the action ot the grand Jury. During
the Inquest he maintained that stolid in
difference which hss characterized him
ever aince tbe tragedy.
Officials Decide oa Second Week of
September for Holding: Xext
OGDEN, Utah, Nov. 13. Colonel Maxson,
secretary of the National Irrigation con
gress, arrived bera today with Fred J.
Klersal, chairman of the executive com
mittee. They fixed tha time tor the next congresa
as September S, I, 10 and 11 ot next year.
Movements of Ocean Vessels Hot. IS.
At New York Arrived Deutschland, from
Hamburg. Sailed La Lorraine, for Havre;
Bremen, for Bremen.
At the I.lxard Passed La Champagne,
from New York, for Havre.
At Wueenstown Balled Belgenland, from
IJvenool, for Philadelphia; Majestic, from
Liverpool, for jww ora.
At Liverpool Arrived Noordland. from
Philadelphia: Commonwealth, from Ronton.
At Genoa Sailed Nord America, for New
At Rotterdam Arrived Rotterdam, from
New York.
At Marseilles Arrived Patricia, from
Nsw York.
Ooupers Beplies to Harvard Van's Eulogy
of Strike Breakers.
Labor Leader Does Not Mince Words in
Making An'wer.
Evidently Agree with All Federation Presi
dent Eays on Matter.
Dtaeassea Trouble Between Rival Car
penters nraranlsatlone and Re
fera It to Special Building
Trades Committee.
NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 13. Samuel Comp
ere, at tha opening ot the American Federa
tion today, delivered an impassioned warn
ing to the members of the organization.
The Immediate future of trade and labor
assemblies was seriously endangered, he
said, by the conflicting claims of Jurisdic
tion msde by different bodies. Unless such
matters were approached calmly and
handled with moderation the tabor organi
sations of the country would aoon be In
volved In a conflict which would, by com
parison, dwarf all the atrugglrs In which
they had so far engaged. Unless something
was done to check present tendencies the
time would come when laboring men would
fight with laboring mon from behind barri
cades. His warning of danger and hla counsels
of peace and moderation met with a hearty
response from the assembled delegates.
The first day ot the convention, aside
from the president'a address, was not of
great Interest to outsiders and many dele
gates found it fatiguing, but tomorrow It la
expected the annual work ot the conventtoa
will be entered upon.
Gompers Scores Kllot.
When the convention had been called to
order President Lee of the New Orleana
organizations delivered an address on be-
j half of the laboring men of New Orleana,
(o which Mr. Gompers responded.
Mr. Lee closed hla address ot welcome
with a warm tribute to President Gom
pers' personality, declaring that the mem
bers of the federation would follow btm to
the end.
President Go:.ipers declared In bis reply
that he fully appreciated whatever waa aald
of him personally and thought be could
best show his appreciation by his silence
regarding It.
After touching upon the scope and bear
ing of the labor union movement. President
Gompers declared that it waa amazing to
note the ignorance among so-called edu
cators. "No man who is an educator." aald
President Uompers. "and praises a strike .
breaker la fit for the nosltlnn ha rnntt '
Compared to such a man Benedict Arnold
a jn.rrtyy and JAaJgMrJjrt.a ailrt.? .
Although no hamc vrua mentioned. It waa '
understood by the delegates that reference
tae made to the head of one of the leading
educational institutions of the country, and
they applauded with vehemence. Cheers
were again called forth when It waa de
clared that the man who acted the role of
a strike breaker waa looking backward to
ward barbarism and not toward the future.
Dclearates in the Convention.
A roll was made for the report of the
roramlttee on credentials and that body not
being entirely prepared, considerable delay
resulted. The report declared that sixty
nine national organizations, nine state or
ganizations, fifty-five central bodies, fifty
four local and federal bodice and four fra
ternal delegates bad reported and were en
titled to representation. The total voting
strength of the bodies represented by the
delegates wss about 10.QO0.
It waa recommended that credentials be
denied to a number of delegates who were
opposed chiefly because of nonpayment of
dues. A protest against the seating ot the
delegates of the Amalgamated Association
of Carpenters was made by the Vnited
Brotherhood of Carpentera and Joiners.
Upon motion tho contest was referred back
to the committee for further actlan.
Jsmes Duncan moved that a special com
mittee be appointed to which all dleputea
between the branches of the building trades
should be referred, this committee to re
port direct to the convention. Thla mo
tion, which removed much of tbe work in
cidental to the dispute between the carpen
ters from tho floor of the convention, waa
A special committee was alao appointed
to consider the differences between the
longshoremen and other organizations who
claim the former are Intruding upon their
Growth of Organisation.
President Gompers, In hla annual report,
as Id that In the past year six new na
tional unions have been organized, two
are in the process ot formation, while
others are in a position to form national
organizations from existing local unions
of the trade. Charters have been Issued
to fourteen national and International
unions, six state branches, 127 central labor
unions and to 877 trade and federal labor
unions, a total ot 1,024 charters during tha
year. At the end of the fiscal year there
were affiliated with the Federation ninety
nlno national and lcternatlou.l autoes,
composed of approximately 14,000 locals,
twenty-elx state federations, 424 city cen
tral bodies and 1,483 local unions. The
affiliated national unions have chartered
not less than 8,500 local unlona with a total
membership of not less than 300,000.
Mr. Gompera cautioned tba membera ot
trade unlona directly affiliated against tha
formation of national societies before auf
flclent members and experience bad been
Aside from the miners' strike, be ssld.
the contests between capital and labor
bave been few generally tor higher pay
and shorter hours and havs generally been
successful, one organization reporting aa
Increase of not less than II, 000,000 to lis
Mr. Gompers then reviewed the miners'
atrika at length, aaying that In the present
arbitration proceedings a great moral vic
tory bad been won for union labor and that
tbe contest waa a splendid exhibition of
solidarity on tba part of tha men.
He denounced tha Idea ot compulsory
arbitration, aaying that aa a remedy It ia
worse thsn the dlseass it seeks to cure,
while voluntary arbitration after concilia
tion bas failed la the ideal plau. He op
posed tbe idea of compulsory incorporation
of labor unions, saying that while the plan
seemed fair on the surface, the well known
prejudice against labor organizations on
tbe part of Judges would make tbe plan
hazardous, and that the result of Incorpora
tion might be the outlawing of tba unload.