Till; OMAHA DAILY HEK: THURSDAY, ISOVE.MIIEK 13, 1002. SPECIAL NOTICES r - tlrrnltfafilt far these eedassae will Wa takea ill 32 at. tar th evealae; eaitlew III a aw aw. Mat,. 1 l-Ste veerd r lasertlaw, la war thereafter. IMklii take) far les than SS far ta art lr Ilea. Tkrw advertieesaew te r eeaseewtl vely. Advertisers, r re,atlaa; was te red ehe-ck, have war IrmM a. aasswered letter la vara f Tk Be. A a, veer aa ddre4l will be delivered praMBtailea ft) Beck aety. SITVATION. W.OTEO. FOBITION' wanted as traveling salr'Tian or collector In" Nebraska: North Platte territory rWfmd; thoroughly timier tand operating ami handling of gasolne or steam fnin, attain tnrehtng ma chine; In fait, anything in farm impu Mriit line; fifteen years exper'ence and can furnish het of reference- a to s.:-rrietv, honesty ar.d lntTlty; s'ate alary willing to pay. Address O t. Bee. A Mill If A LAP Y of rflnfirifnt wishes a position runrr governess. E. 8. CT N. lith it. South Omaha. Neb. A MiT 13' WASTE!- ALE HELP. HVBTLISO deputies wanted; men or - women, splendid contract. '1 n, oarde-i-ra. 415 Bee bldg. B -15 WANTED lor C. 8. army, able-bodied un married men between ages of il and li. cmsens at United State, of good char acter and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and writ, Kiigi.ah. F',T Infor mation Hppty to Recruiting Officers. ith and Dodge Sis., omaha. and xiomc building. Lincoln, Neb. fa L1 GOOD messengers wauled, high salaries. A. D. 1. Co., -13 So. lath at. B M.5 WANTED, competent stenographer; man lamiltar with snipping busntaa preierrea. Address L , iM. B Mi WANTKP, box to take ear, of furnace and row. y;i N. 23th Ae. B 14 WANTED, flrat-c.aaa coat, veot and pants anakera; ateauy work, gooa pric. Mac- WANTED, S carpenter Immediately; tw Omaha anopa, biuui ct. Ueo. J. OranU tonuactor. B at.- U WANTED, good haroeaa mak,ra tor wora on team baruesa. Eremont bauti.ery Co.. t'remonl, Neb. B au 14 WANTED, men to learn barber trade; fa cilities oHrred that aae year; frea wora. qualified teacher,, lecture,, aemun atraiioua; complete ojult ot tooia iriven each gTaduaU, wagra eaturdaya; boat a lro1aeii itrowlng oemanu; are our il lustrated catalogue maiiea free. Moler baroer College, i Dougia, ac MEN V ANTED far tha United State, ravy, nuu BiniMt, nremea. coal paaaera, electricians, snipwngnia. semen, ortii aary Ktiwa. iiiaemni, apprtnucta, ineas attenoaiita tuu nospitai apprentice,; nun i b American born ciiiaem or uic "u legal aeciaration 01 intention to Decora, c-iuaena. tniy men ot good cnaracter ana tnsniue dmi apply. or imormauon ap ply in perwin or ty letter to favai to vrulting mation, ' McCague (tlag.. corner ljth ad i.Hoge Sis., oui.ni. u. Jn .Novtuiik't lw, cIom Novemorr la, 1V. MEN We teach the barber trad. In tha shortest poBStole tune at small expense; fumisb looia ana guarantee positions; only coliefce in tne worm on th, gtouna floor and where tultiona can be turned while learning, oewnre oi taae catalog jea and m is K-ailing oilers; w, nav, no conrge in umtluu rite lor partlcuiai a. MOLU.M 6 BARbt.it COLLEGa-e. Laiia,. xexaa. or Denver. Colo. B aiaja 1 WANTED, drlvera. Hall Grading - Con atructton Co.. Tooteviu at. ana bwuta t., Council Blurts. o aai 14 WANTED,' 3 men at the Western. Art CO-, ' lil, Nicholas t. Open till p. in. . to Zll 13 WANTED, miWle-agad man; good addreaa; larg actru ami aTTOe.;---City bwvtngw Mink, loin and Dougiaa. B 12s la WANTED, a young man to do tin work In anon ia clerk. iu hardware store; good position for tha rit;ht man. Address Loo a toxL Nelson. Neo. B 14 gALESMKJI WANTED. EVERYWHERE, to sell Lambert Type writer,. Monro, c Co.. au N. Kth bt, ... Omaha. WANTED First das. Encyclopedia Brlt-annb-a sataamen. our system requires you to rail on inquiries only. V, pay liberal weekly aavance, tranaportaiion axpenaea. Auoreaa, American Newspaper Association, aJI New Xork Ltie tuug., r " ao. ltl 1 ' WANTED TKM ALE HELP. U Olrla. - Call Canadian offlot, latb as Dodga. 0-4& "UIRL for general housework. Saul Pleroa -rest C w W'.MiTED, working housekeeper In family C threw adults. Address i 14. Bee. C Ail WANTED, girl for general housewora; cood tm Mrs. blmaral. N. IbtU ' iva. C Ul ..WANTED Student nurse at South Omaha . hospital. C 1 WANT ET. head dining room girl, wages Lx per month; aiao lauoareas, wages lis; tickets advanced. J. C. Webb, Vaient.nc, Neb. . C-Ms 14 WANTED, giil to 'do general housework at - I3u4 N. Xlk t C 177 13 WANTED, a neat young girl for upstair, work; references required. 1511 bo ih Ave. C 11 U WANTED, good girl for general house work; house new and modern; small family; wagoa 4 to 4 per week. Appiy AUN39that . . . C MiVi LADY agents wajued to handle our custom made walking and ansa Kkins; large pronta; corswt agenta preferred. loal ' Garmant Mfg. Co., Ann Arbor, Mich. C MI'js 14 WANTED, girl or elderly woman for ligrtt housework at ones. Call 2711 Dougiaa tic. C-22; 12- WANTED, gOl far general housework la email family. 314 So. Ckd St C 12 WANTED, a young- lady to travel with a company as maictcian s saslstaol; experi ence not necessary; salary and exprnsea paid and costume furnished. Call or ad irrm J I- McMullen. mgr., lh-r ;rnd hotel. Omaha. C Mi2 13 WANTED, girt for general housework, family of two. C. E. Black, l.ii laven port at C-MZ FOR RENT HOtlEI. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co. . office, liuiS Farnam, or Tela. lajs-SoX D Mm UnilCCC 1" All part of city. The O. (lVJUoCD y. Datis Co. S Bee Bldg. D 4o k-ROOM modern near High school. ISM. A-roosa hniM, Mth and Chariea, t-ij w. Eivq, 254, Cap, Ave. Tel. ATX Robison. V U bEE PATNE BOSTWICK CO. for rholc, nouses.. sol-I K. Y. Lii Bldg. Tel. li. D-J4A1 MAOGAKD Van Storage Co. Tel. A-ROOM, modarn. good repair, on So. 33d Ava. Pboa, 52X D 43 XVs) BURT. rooms, modem, nice lawn, earn. n N. lS'h. room, modern, 2S0. 220 K. lsth, t-roora. modem. Xal U. W. FA HN AM iSMlTli CO.. U2t) Karnam tt - D-7S3 fOR RENT K ROOMS. 1411 and 111 Howard Sta; has Just been put in first -elaaa repair. ttc!ding four new bath rooms; deairabie location for amall hotel. liJU per month GEORGE ax CO.. liad FARNAM ST. . . D-MX72 It FOR RENT, one s-room bouse, with gaa. water and sewer: yuat bara placed is Srst-claas rapsir; In god location C. M Bachmana, 4J J7 (axton block. D 171 ron rut-stones. HOUSES and fists. Rlrgwslt Barker block. D houses, a. a. wiiiict. Brown PI irk. 0-421 A VERT Urge S-etorv dwelling. 9W X. rT:h avenue. over 3" room, suitable for ho. ptlsl. charitable home or rooming bouse; rent verv reaaonable. Inquire R. C. PETERS & CO. Ground Floor. I'ee Building. D-1 FOR RENT, two nice (-room houses, all moder;., eicept f lrnace. first-class re pair and bxk1 nelgnborhood. HI and 32 per month. Inquire C. M. Bacbmann. 46 Pa-ton block. D Mvl K 1"6 I'ark Ave.. I room, modern e. f urr.ace. H4 4l-r Nlrhnlai t., ' roomi, city water, furnme. table. tli lii7 Unkney. S roovnt, .modem. l ityi s. 4lt. 7 room, city water, gaa. S STn Mandrmn, 7 room, all modern. lunnoi-. ifJl Ppenei. 4 room, modern. IS 2?o I'apnol ve., i rooms, modern. Tur- Tll'f. r ll-4 Hamilton et.. S rooms, city water. tVe hae others. Call ard get Hot. R C. PF. 1ERS CO . Ground Eloor. Bea Bidg. D M2 4 MAPLE 8T.-S rooms. t. S17 BRISTOL, S-room cottage, new. mod ern snd papered: vacant liecember 1. 251 Bristol. K-rnorn cottage, new. modem and papered. E. E. H I'NTLET. MS Bee Bldg . Teiepbotie 1 or B-UJX. D-1T5 ! fS-l-rfwm modem house, d N. IS'h t. IJ a-ro'm modern house, r.4S N. lftb t., l-room modern houae, ta N. 2wth t. US -room modern houae. "1S tode st. y,Z -rrcm modern house, 421 Farnam st. B REN NAN-LOVE CO., 8. 13TH 8T. D MSI IS SEVERAL desirable houses, special price, lor waiter. F. D. Wead. 1K4 Duflas 8t- I Til 1 FOR HET Fl HMSIIED ROOMS. DEWET European hotel. 13th and Fartiam. E 4ft4 II PER WEEK 42S S. ISth BU, one block south of court houae. E 4 AETNA HOUSE, Euiofaan, 13th and Dos, ' E 4o ROYAL HOTEL, European, ltn at Chicago. E t HANIBOME steam he, ted room. 1W4 Capi tol Ave. E M105 STEAM HEATED rooms. 310 per month. Barker hotel, 13th and Jones Sts. E-M482 L. M. E. haul trunks. Tel. 7M. E M0 THE FARNAM. l?h and Farnam 8t. E M8T EI.EOANT f jmUbed room. In new hnme; hot water heat, reierrncea. 1S1 Webstar. K 120 14 SOITH front alcove room. Hsrrey. modern "S0 E M771 li' LARGE front room for one or two gentle men or respectable ladles. 6i S. I'th St E 179 ! Fl'RNISHED rooms, with or without board. 3412 Seward st. s E M187 14 DESIRABLE ROOMS walking distance nrst-ciasa location. rarnam. - E MSO ! ROOM for light hOnsekeepTng 7CSt, How ard. E M 231 D12 yiCELT furnished room to gentlemen; bath, gas, furnace, heat ltli Wetster. E MZW !! FIRJIIHED ROOMS A1VO BOARD. MERRIAM. oomfortabl winter home Tel K T 469 FURNISHED rooma. with or without hoard, rates reasonable. Midland Hotel. ISth, and Chicago. F I7t NEATLT furnished, welj heated room, sua 8. WKa.- "-- . F-MS4H 15 TWO gentlemen desired. Ut 8. 3th are. F M1ty FOR REXT-t XPlRXllHED ROOMS. FOR RENT, threa unfurnished rooms. IOCS So. 3th St G 1M 11- FOR RENT STORES ASD OFFICES. FOR RENT, store. In flrat-elaas location; rent reaaonable. Apply R. C. Peters at Co.. ground Boor, Bee Bldg. 1 26 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu pied by Tba Bea .at 1 Farnam St It has four stories and a basement which was formerly used as The lv-e press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If htrosied. apply at office to C. C. Rose water secretary, room Its), Bee building. 1-201 SPLENDID 3-story bldg., with concreted batement nd two ekvllghta In roof. 127 Howard St. F. D Wead I 2?1 1. AGEST WASTED, WANTED, convaaalng agents -in every county to solicit subscriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Sts&dy employment, with assured good In come. Agenta rn the country ,'ith horn aiid bugay especially desired. Canvassers make easily tft to tits) per month. Ad dreaa. Century Farmer SoUcitors. Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. .Ill l.ou) AGENTS WASTED to aell dastrabl, old-line Insurance for th, largest cm pany In th, world ot Its age; no apacial contract fakira or leg iulfc r.ed apply. We sell the best contract ever written; good territory and commissions given to good reliable men. Call on or write to Georxc J. Crane, S jpeiintendent Western Department. 219 First Nat l Bank Bldfr. Omaha. Neb, -. - a ML3 Dau HIGH GRADE AGENT WANTED Wa want a Crst-clasa man In each county . to aeJl opr Standard Block Food to tann ers He must have a aond team, good bjsinaM ability, som, knowledge of live to. k. be in good standing in every way and a steady worker. A permauent good paying business to the right man. Ad--. draws, giving age, experlcace, present -bnstneaa, ate. - THE F. E. SANBORN COMPANY. Omaha. Neb.- , J 711 Nil WANTED, manufacrjrer , scent or sales man for part of the state of Missouri aa weii aa the ststes of Kanaaa and Ne braska, to handle a line or gooda In use and endorsed by 7 per rent of tha manu factunar inieraste in tha Untied States, "Canada and tireat Britain. State refer ence and address. Hir.it, Corner Saw tell and YVoociand Avea., Cleveland. Ohio. J Ml in WANTED TO RENT, WANTED, board and room by man and wife. V. B. Mayo. Merchants Hotel. K 21.4 1T ATORACE. Oil. Vaa Stor. Co.. 1511S Farn. Tela. lajft-Aaa, VANS and baggag, wagoaa. TeL Ua. --314 WANTED TO Bl T. WANTED to buy. a stock af dry goods or a gtnaial atock. Addreaa N 33, Bee. . N M717 B WANl tD ta buy, old lumber. 8. T. Camp bell Rla-k-im N 4 ! FOR SALE FVRSITIRE. CH1CA50 Furniture Co.. Uia Dodge. TeL ttrjrt. New and second hand, bougbt sold, axrhangad. O 471 FOR SALE HORSES. WAGONS, ETC. NEW and second-hand vehiclea for aale cheap. H. Frual. 14th and Leaven worta. ... P 473 FOR SALE or trade, thoroughbfwd white Arabian ,talllon. weight lit pounds; sped I years. cdea Livery, Council Bluff. - P-M2X FOR SALE MIACELLANEOt S. FENCE LATH for a,ulck gbipment. crta .bii.e. iisubiuatius) i'wdcia. A i IougUa. Id-ill 3 rvaV l(,H-IKi:li.J1EOl. FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical instrument, aa up. Tb Wlttniann Co., 14-1 Farnam. W 4.4 EDISON phonocraphs, C and S34, "ouided recoroa.' iec each or s& per d .; rev. w bee la, II up; xdhand. H up. Omaha Blcycia Co., lttb and Chicago eta. l'J" 8TTLE8 trusses: catalogue free. Sher man McConneil Drug Co, ISth nd Doug Omaha. 4 t,l FOR t ALE, a i -air of Imported Mexican hairless dogs.- Address K a, Bee. Q-MM7 NEW and td-tand typewriters, lilt Farnam U ; INDIAN goods and relics. Ill Fartiam tDHAND safe cheap. Deright, 111 Farnam. tj 4" CHOICE milch cowa, I Shetland ponies. S. T Campbell, 42U Center. "Phone B ack 113. V T4 N1S SECOND-HAND billlar and pool tablet; billiard tables rrpairei; a large atock of tveap bar tixturee, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick Balke Collender Co , '.- B.-iiltb. , g Mi8u 3U FOR SALE, two fresh, cowl at X Web ster St. -Ml 13 ZD-HAND scalea cheap. Patton. E0 N. 1. tr-3 ! BECOND-HAND Remlngtrm typewriter. U. P. headquarters, telegraph aepartment. Qi4-l! FOR SALE, rotary rieoetyle (duplicating machine). Bargain. S1S.W. Address O i. Bee. ' ' - - ' V-CiS 12 CLAIRTOYASTS. MRS. FRITZ. clalrro ant 104 Casa St aa St. MME. UYLMER, genuLo, palmist. 215 S li. S 4i ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baiha, US N. li, 3d fiour, R. X SO U3 MME. AXES, vapor baths, 12 N. u,h. r. j. T Mi So l GRACE CBUTAK of Ky.. 7 South Ufa. ; T 7i ! . KlSa IJUTAX manlcurtas. S21 a lAth. . a jal FERSOJtAX. DR. ROT, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hatr removed by electricity. R. 12, Frenaer block. . U 1 VIAVI. Woman's way to health. Home treatment, tiooklet tree. 4 Bea Bldg., Omaha. c GRAMOPHONES and supplies, wholesale and retaiL Collins piano CO., lt2 Dougiaa, C PRIVATE sanitarium for ladle, befor, and During connnement. l'r. and Mrs. Cfrtsch, a N. lath Bt.. Omaha. U w RUPTURE CURED No knife, no pain, no detention from t.uxtne. Scr.d for booklet, etc. EMPlKr- Rli'il RE CUKE CO., si! N. T. Life Bldg., Omaha. . U a DR. B. M. JACKSON, specialist in chronic Otseaes. lirJo l"arnam SU consultatlau free. . U-a ELITE PARLORS, 615 B. 16th St.. id floor. U M777-15 MME. SMITH, baths, US N". 15. 2d floor. R X . U lls 17 PRIVATE hospital before and during con nnement; oaoles bordd and adopted. Mrs. Gardcis. :3j4 Lake. -Tel. red 1W4. PRIVATE hospltar for' ladles before- and during conhnement ; bet medical atten tion; tables adopted; rruit S. Wn at. Mm. Fisher. Tel. F-. - U M1B- 22 PRIVATE hospital before and during con nnemant: tirst-clasa In every respect; babies adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller.' 2mH Blondo St. Phone F-USr . l-MO BARGAINS., entire stock dlamonda. watch a. jewelry; Oil jnwu & moriaed. half price. Diamond Loan ofnee, ltn at Douglas WE RENT sewing machinaa at 73c per week. We repair and sell part tor any machine manufactured NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., . 'Phone 16. Corner 15th and Harney St. 34 Broadway, Council Bluffs. Pnone B-eii. L. North 24th St, So. Omaha. Phone 4j&. i;-2 d i TELEPHONE TSO for L. M. E. messengers. L'-MU HEADQUARTERS for Edison phono graphs and- Victor talking machines and records,. Nebraska Cycle Co., Cor. lith and Harney Sta. U sSo 14 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4 PER CENT on bualneea property, s par cent on reeldenc, proparty. options to pay whoie or part any time. W. B. M-fc.lK.LE. 4ol H. lil'l Si . ' vV 44 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., S. Uih. W M 4 TO P. C. Money. Be mis, Paxton Blk. W til FARM' aad city loana. low rates. W. II. i nomas. First Nat Bank Bloa TeL lAia. FIVE PER CENT loana. Garvla Brow.. 1H Farnam. W AM PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead. 1524 Dougiaa. W 4 WANTED, city loans and warraata. W. Farnam I: mi la 4k Co., L2" Faruam sireeu w vts WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds sod- warrants. R. C Peters A. Co., i;J2 Farnam rlt. Bee Bldg, W WANTED. to.OU loan on first-class resl as tat, aoc.uiity. Inquire BUxt ax Lovgren, room -i-7 paxton block. W ki MONKY-TO LOAN HATTKLS. MONEY WHEN i tm find it oeceaaary to burrow give ua a trial, after which w, will, by lair treatment, attempt to retain your patronage W loan from 110 up on fur niture, piaaoa. live sicca, etc. We also maae loans to SALARIED PEOPLE without montage or endorser. We do not deduct interest In advance; w, coarg, uMhiaa tor niaa.Li or hung papers and our seivlce is quica and conudctiilal. We alwavs try 10 pi-a our patrons. OMAHA M iKTGAGE LOAN CO., ill Board of Trade Lidg. Tei. 12Si cExiabuxtd )"rt.) South Iwn 8t ttltttlMttttttltttttttfttltttt I I DO TOU NEED MONEY 7 t I HU.LI IU WA.V I t ? . I FURNITtKE AD SALARIES. I I 1 10 sain loaaao oa IllUMUKt,, I t rlANOS, ETC.. and to salaried people $ I at very lowest rata, ana lor any leagtn 1 of Ume. without pubUclty or removing t t the property. Payment can be mad, f I 10 suit your eonnienoe. t Call and get our term before going t alaewnere. t RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY I t Room 3c3, Third Floor, Paxuo Block, t tllllltttttM tltf If ttttf If tint BORROW MONEY WHERE You can get It on FURNITURE. PIANoSj HORSES, WAGoNs. COWS. ETC; also on SALARIES WHERE, you gl it on ahort nolle and without publicity. WHERE you pay for only tha tlm money la In use. WHERE you can return It on aaay weekly or monthly paraaanuk. WHERE you get th lowest rat. WHERE can you do better? PHOENLX CREDIT. CO.. C33 Paxton Blk. lHn and Faraaak Sta. A-ao LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALARIED PEOPLE, mert-hanta, team sters, boarriii g houses, etc.. without sa curltv: easiest terms. 4 office In. arin- cipal cit lea. Tolman. 44U Board at Trad Bldg.. MONEY loaned on plain not to salaried paopte: bosiiit am eoanleiti,l; loweat rat,, alt Paxtoa Mock. Ik J. A. Hutton o. x-o; MOKI TO L4A CHTTF.I.. MONET loaned on pianos, ftimtture. Jew. elry, horses, caws, etc C. F. Reed, Sit 9 ix MONKT loaned on furniture, live stock. jeweirr. to ssinei people. t oley Lnn Co., Si'c. to Duff Green, Barke er M tlo k. Bll.ES CHANCE. WHEN von want to buy. seu oi rxchangs your business or property quick se J. k see J Y M3 li. aonnson. MI I. lale. WANT to ba, sell or trade business 7 Go see Wilson. Wirnn Co., 417 to 41s Pax ton bloik. T XI FOR SALE. Insurance, land aud rental business, paying ll.WO to tZ.rin per yeur; nice town, northeaat Nebraska; good of fice and residence. Address M ,7, Bee. Y-ra TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams. Room 411, McCague building. Y WANTED, on or before January 1, partner with !... capital, rn established jobbing bu-i.iera Address N 7. Bee. Y M174 11 T..nnn GROCERY stock, on, of the beat in city. 7 to daily sales; ill-health com pel! sale; liberal discount; rare oppor tunity. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. 1-M1S5 14 WE can sell your business or property, no matter where located. Plan sent free. HENDERSON REAL ESTATE CO., 4 Wall St.. New York. Y-MJ04 14 FOR SALE, drug stock, clean and In good condition; best location in town ot i.W, Would trad, .It for real estate; 1 have ether business snd cannot attend to iu Address O 1. Bee. Y Mnj SPLENDID business with . to &.'. Douglas SU 8 . . opening for man F. D. Wead. I.i24 Y 23 11 FOR EXCHANGE.. FOR EXCHANGE Inside property renting for XM per month, Tacoma, Washington, for Improved Neoraka laad. A duress. C. N. Ebvrt, Ceurt House, Tacoma, Washington. a Ml 17 SIX-ROOMED housa in SU Loula t or housa In Omaha. Address N tk. Bee. Z M1M 1S FOR SALE HEAI. E'VAIE. WELJ. built k-t houae. on one lot and beau tiful location. Inquire 1411 Vinton. Kb - N4 HOUSES and lots in ail parts of city; also acre property and farm iaiids. 1 he O. F. Davta Co., Ixim 6C:, Bee Blag. RE 610 A VJ NET INVESTMENT IN THE BUSINESS CENTER. Three-story substantial brick building, Nos. 1611-MUJ-lblj Howard st., a good base ment rooms, 2 good storerooms, (lata :n Zd and lid stories, modern ana in hrst-ciass condition, containing altogether rooms. Building originally coat over M"'."" ' and Xi,H" has ticer sieiit within past 12u days renewing piumoing tnroughout. and in other permanent and substantial ltnprovemenia. The owner of the iuild;ng Holds a itsse on the lot. which is (jiiLCi leet in sue, winch j leaw has 82 eats to run from March 1, 'ihe income from the building, ac cording to J-year leases made on the principal part, with responsible tenanta, per year is 4.u).ij0 The nxed carrying cliaras. Including amount paid on leasehold, taxes. Insurance and water rent, per year are - L-t Leaving net Income per year 32.750.4) PRICE 2a.'"t'.i tlo.voat In good Omaha or South Omaha clear real estate or farm land w ill be accepted In part payment bal ance on terma to be arranged. iUUO.'U tor the C H-etory modern brick houses, y rooms each, corner lot Mxl32 feet, 4 blocks from postolfice. Gross rental, S2, li per year. . - (23.uuO.tO lor the 4-story and basement brick block. 1414-1414H Harney st UbUKUL AND COMPANY. ltWl Farnam St EE- HUH 11 FOR SALE, tl. 630 Two 6-room cottages, 3214 and 331A Charlea at., newly painted and repaired. IL:6ti 4-r. cottage. Z-Zi S. 11th, lot svxloL II. eofl t-room cottage, "ISM 8. ltta. lot a'xl. 2.S0 t-roora modern house, 32b Charles st H.auo A-rwom moderri house, l 8. B4th st I f.liw t r modern house, barn, 1X14 Francis. K.vuu 3 bouses and .7 rooias, l2o-22 N. CU. THt OMAHA REALTY CO., -1501 DOUGLAS ST. - ' RK M54? N2t Wll I lAM;n' CHARLES E-. 1303 11 ibbiniuvo a mam street RE 4u PARTLY burned house and fun lot, Tery cheap. th acres Sarpy Co , splendid land, small house, ti t'. 40 acre. Florence. X1.000. House and large barn and 34 acres. 8. E. Hanscom Park, M.5ii. House, barn and 3 acres, front Fontanelle Park. H,4-. Houae and 10 lots on N. 16th St, pavement paid, easy terms, Sl.Sutf. It lots, sightly, m south part of Florence. HO). Want offer, easy terms, on Judge. Gregory houae. S3d and Mason. 2.&oo. F. D. WEAD. 1524 Douglas St. RE WILLIAM C. CHISSELL no longer repre sent, in any capacity the George P. Bemia Real Estate Co. George P. Bmls, pTee. RE M57 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to aell a farm or ranch, tall tha farmer and stockralser about It Tb, beat way to reach than is tk rough THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This sgricultural weekly goes ta 15.500 homes of farmer cad stockraisara. so If you kav, a good plvc, a! :ui) t sell at a reasonable pric yoo ought to find a buyer J atsoag them. Tha coat of an ad I small 2 reals par woro. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NEB. BUSINESS property on Douglas St., rent per cent and taxea. 22x132 feet, lower Douglas St, frame bldg., t2.5t). Aixlfi. splendid corner, trackage lot, tft.OOO; owner might build. 46x112. Cumins, near 17th, 3A.0UO, or would trade clear for equity In good property or land. F. D. WEAD. UI4 Douglas. - RE-23 X3 WATNE COUNTY. 130 acre. 3 mile, from Wayne, well tin proved, taa. lav acres, 2 miles from Wlnside. finely Im proved, VZ.iA. Its) acres, 34 mile from Carroll, well Im proved, tia. In- urts, mile from Carroll, well Im proved, 35. 14X1 acres, 3 mile from Randolph, seeded to tame grass, 147.50. 4u acres, 4 miles from Carroll, pasture, fenced, anap, til 3s. Mo acres, mile from W inside. Improved, 137 .5". 33li acres, t miles from Wlnslde, pasture, fenced, snap. K0- t acres, 4 mile from Wayne, well im proved, X75. acre. 4 mile from Wayne. Improved. 115. Lands in other counties of this section. Also Ai2u-acr, ranch. Luuo aere bottom, rich oil, balance hill pasture,- 30 miles fence, fine set buildings, tools, machinery; l.luw head nrst-claas cattle, including 3c0 3-year-old steers. cows. 12 thoroughbred bulla. &) head horses, l'l.vjo bushels wheat and rye; everythiug in good shape; a genuine snap at 3aa). Reasonable terma. Further Information furnished on request Dun t buy a farm before writing to m what you want. E. R. BURBER. WAYNE. KEB. RE 1 13 BARGAIN -In BUBINESSPROPERTT NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Only few blocks from postofMoe. BEST VACANT PROPERTY on North Sixteenth. WALLACE. BROWN BLOCK. RE A10 HARRISON MORTON. FARMS. Nil KEL8EY 8. wal paper. 17th and Dougiaa. Pnon IJCSX RE ini GREAT BARGAIN. t-ROOM HOUSE near 17th and Charla, st. at a great bargain: Biak us an offer. Be mis, Paxton block. RE UM FOR UK-URAL rTTF EE PATNE. BOSTWICK CO. for cholca bargains, w" N. T. Lit, Bldg. Tel . RE WNCIi and farm l.inds for sale bT the I'nlon Pacific Railrosd company. B. A. McAllestcr. land ccmmtssloner. CnlPn Pa cific Headquarter, omsha. Neb. I.OT. LOPT Two diamond rings, one Tiffany setting, one snak ring. Return to Mra. Cavanauah. 1111 Poutb Hth. and receive liberal rtward. 1M U LOST, betweet. 8. S'th St. and Burlington station, on route of Farnam st. car line, a laly s open-tace chatelaine watch, Tlf lany make, monogram "A. B. B.'" on back, gold lleur-de-iia t.ln attached. Find er will be suunMy rewarde1 on return of ( earae to i. .i. urr, presioeni s omce, L nlon Pacific 11. R. Co. Lost MIA la When You Write to Advertisers remember u wu uiaes a cj,ira stroka or two of tba pea to mention ta, laci thai sou aaw tba ai In Tba baa. SMOHTHAKn AD TirKWHITIMi. GREGG 8. H . Touch T. W., Bus. Branches, Teieg. Cat free. Om. Com. Col., 17 U Dct.g. A. C. VAN SANTS school. 711 M. T. Lif BOYLES college court reporter principal. K. Y. Life. 614 NEB. Business A Shorthand College, Boyd', X heater. ili MAMFACTl RISCi. P. MELCHOIR. 11th and Howard, ma- chinlet 51 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of lire escapes, shutters, doors and aaiea. G. Andrttn, Prop., 102 So. lvth et ol7 LAW AD COLLECTIOSS. STILLMAN PRICE. 33 U. 8. N 1 Bk. Bid. NEB. COLLECTION CO., ui N. T. Llfa. 73 Decl GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLT GARBAGE CO. cleans .-esspools and vaults, remove, garbage and dead animals at reduced prices, nil N. I6ih. Tel 177'J. tit FARMS FOR RENT. FARM FOR RENT, 353 acres, quarter of a Jill, from LaPlatte, Neb.; two sets ot voca buihlingi. Address Geo. M. Reed, Grsngevllle, Idaho, or see E. E. Reed, or F. 1. Fitxgcraid. South Omaha, Neb. 77 17 CLOTHING. MEN'S clothing wnnted. Address 4S18 Capi tol Ave. Mrs. Hinxie. 223 U THINKS AND BAGGAGE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. W 8. lth. THE DEPOT on Ume. L M. E. Tel. 7X MM9 PRINTING. WATER8 TRINTING COMPANY. Linotype Composition. 611 8. 13th. 2 MEDICAL MEN Cure yourselves at home; absolutely sura; circular free. Mscalano Medicine Co.. Tama. la. M 27 15 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E. ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 515, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. ltra. . . -' tig i Mrs. Grace Tlsdala Doegan, 5U Bea Bldg. TeL 253(. DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 2&S0 Harney. M74 N14 LAUNDRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts, Sc: collars. 2c; cuffs, 4c. 17.w Leavenworth. TeL A-lIoa. kil HATS RENOVATED. HATj dyed, blocked, latest styles. Ramber Ac Kerr, 2v7 N. lilh, near Capitol Ave. .43 Nil CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. ALL kind of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, 2..ih ana Lake streets. 370 TYPEWRITERS. WHY' pay more? Lambert, 335; superior to Luc machines. Sent on approval. Monro at Co., all . ism ot.. umana. TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad ticket everywhere. P. H. Phiibln, 1M Farnam. 'Phone 74. IBS EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc U. K. Kathbun. Room 15, Com I Nat 1 bank. ' K2U FIR DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanner. 1434 8. 13th. PAWNBROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, sccomraodat Itg, ail business confidential, ltul Douglas. DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAFT. THOS. CORM1CK, private delee Uve. 517 KarUach bioca. Tel. A-arf- Mi-13 ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. THOS. TeL 3 DURKIN. electric light wiring. Da STAMMERING ANU TITTERING. CURED. Julia Y'anghn. 430 Ramp Bldg. SIDEWALK BRICK. OMAHA Hydraulic Preae Brick Co.. 21 New v ork Llf ,. 1 hone lo. 2U2 22 HORSES WINTERED. WANTED, horses to winter. 4C7J Center St Tel Black-UJX 544 If TAILORING. LADIES JACKETS made, altered arid re modeled. Jo Yocen, 1411 Farnam St 4 MW TOAES REFLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Plating Co., Bea Bldg. Tel. 2JS&. Omaha Ail BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bat Tie Co., til North M b. 5 FLORISTS. BULBS, rut flowers and plants. Hender son, TeL 123s. Lit Farnam tit. Omaha. AITOMOBILES. EL EC. automobile. Deright, lilt Farnam. xc rorjorrici! hotice. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, as 'hsnties may occur at any time.) Forelgr maf.s tor the we-k etdirg N, remher . li will clos t PROMPT 1.T In a'l caseji at the aenersl tH.f.irtice hs fo.- lows: i aih. t- it r nailk clone one hour earner than closing lime shown lie low. Parcels Ifwt maile for tJermany clcse at i p. ro. Wedneslay per s. s. I'rtmen. Regular ar.d supple nwitary mnils io, at foreign station half hour later than clo- II., Hiu" II i-ii'w irnTjii lii lupi'li' j mentsry malls for Europe snd Central America, via Coir a. close one hour later at , foielgn stanor). j Traasallaatle Malla. THURSDAY At 7 a m for FRANCE. .SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. It R. llGAL, TURKEY. E'lVr'.. 3 REKCE. BRITISH INDIA and 1REN7a MAR. ol'U. per s. s. La Lorraine, via Havre intaii for other part, of Europe must be directed "per s. s La Lorraine"".. SATURDAY At 7b a. m. for NETHF.R 1.AN1X4 direct, per s. s. StaaHndam inoail must be directed "per s. t. Staatendan i: at s a. m. for BEIaIIUM direct, x-r s. s. Friesland Imail must be directed "por s .. Friesland ); at :' a. m. for ITALY direct per s s. Atic-.isit Victoria tms:l must be directed ir . s. Auenst, torla "; st lf: a. m. tsupplementary 12 in. I for EUROPE. r s. s. Umbrla. via yueenstown; at 1J: p. m. for SCOT LAND direct, per s. s. Columbia (mail must be directed "per . s. Columbia ). PRINTED MATTER. ETC Thla steamer takes printed matter, commereml paper and sainps for 1 trrranr cnlj. The same cluss of Risll matter (or her parts of Europe will not l-e sent by this ship ur. lrs ejeclallv directed by It After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic m.n'.s named anova. addi tional supplementary mails are oH-ne.l 0.1 the piers of the Amerlcsn. English, French and German steamers. an'J remain 1. pen until within ten minutes of the hour ot sailing of steamer. Malta far Saalh aad Central America. ' West ladles. Ele. THURSDAY-At a. m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE. TABASCO and CHIAPAS, per s. e. Monterey mU for other parts of Mexico must be directed 'Tier s. . Monterey"!; at 12 m. for GUAN TANAMO snd SANTIAGO, per s. s San tiago de Cuba; at 7 p. m. for NEW FoUNDLAND, per s. s. Corean, from PmUrieiphia. FRIDAY At 13 m. for MEXICO, per a. . Niaerara. via Tampico (mail must b directed "per s. a. Niagara" 1; at 30 p-m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from Hali fax. SATURDAY At 4 a. m. for PERNAM BUCO. SANTOS and SAO PAULO, per s. s. Syracusa (mall for other part of BraslI must t directed "per a. s. Syra cuaa'J; at t a. m. (supplementary t:Jt a. m.) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per a. s. Caracas (mall for Savanllla and Cartagena must be di rected '"per s. s. Caracas' ): at J:) a. m. (supplementary W Jo a. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. BAVANILLA and CARTAGENA, per a. s. Altai (mall for Coj Rica must be directed "per . s. Altai"); at : a. m. (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for HAITI, per s. . Athoa- at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. a. Morro Castle, via Havana; at 10 a. m. for GRENADA and TRINIDAD, per " Grenada; at 12:30 p. m. for CUBA, per . s. Ollnda. via Matanxa (ordinary mail only, which must be directed "ter a. a. Ollnda"); at 12.30 p. m. tsupplementary 1:30 p. m ) for LEEWARD and WINDWARD ISLANDS. BRITISH, DUTCH and FRENCH GUIANA, per s. e. Korona. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at : p. m. (connecting close her, every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Mails for Mlquelon. by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this offlcj dally at : p. m. Malls for - Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fia., and thence by st"n" r. close at this office dally, except Thursday, at 5:S4 a. m. (the connecting closes are mad, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays). Mails for Mexico City, overlsnd. unless specially addretsed for dispatch by steamer, close at this office daily, except Sunday, st 3.30 p. nv ar.d 11 JO p. m.. Sunoayw at 1 p. m, and 11:30 p. m. aiaiia for Costa Rica. Bellxj. Puerto Cortex and letter mail for Guatemala, by rail to New Or leans, and thence oy steamer, close at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 p. m. and "llJo p. m., Sundays at 1 p. m. and 11:M ft. m. (connecting c oeei her, . Mondays st 11:30 p. m. for Bellxe, Puerto . Cortes and letter mail for Guatemala, and Tuesdays At m J p. m. for Costa Rica) Registered mall close at A p. av previoks day. Trastsaelle Mails. Malls for Hawaii, via San Frandscn, close her daily at :S o. tn. up to November "10. Inclusive-, for dispatch per s. s. Ala meda. Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip- 1 pine islands, via San Francisco, close 1 here dally at 1:30 p. m. up to November "Id. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Gaelic. Mails for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here dally at t:'J p. m. up to No vember 12th. inclusive, for dispatch per s. s Shlnano Maru. (Resale! ed mail must be directed "via bealtte '). Malls for China and Japan, v. a Tacoma. close here daily at .) p. m. up to No vember 14. inclusive, for dispatch per j. s. Victoria Mails for Hawaii, Japan. China and spe cially addressed matter for the Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, ctoe, here daily at (Jo p. an. up to November 2uth, inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Hong Kong Miro. Mails for Australia (except West Australia, which is forwarded via Europe) New Zea land. FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at K0 p. m. after November and up to November 2. inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Ven tura. (If th, Cunard steamer carrying the British mail for New Zealand doe not arrive In time to connect with this dispatch, extra, mails closia- at 6:30 a. tn.. t.tu a. m. and . p. m. ; Sundays at 4 SO a. m, t a. ni. and f p. ro. will be made up and forwarded until tb, arrival of the Cunard steamer.) Mails for China aa aapan. via Van couver and Victoria, B.C. close her dally at :3v p. m. up to November 2i. Inclu sive, for dispatch per a. s. Empress of China (registered mall must be specially addressed. Merchandise for U. 8. Agency at Shanghai cannot b forwarded via Canada). Mails for-the Philippine Island, via San Francisco, close ner, oaiiy at p. m. up to November !. inclusive, for dis patch per U. 8. Transport Mail for Tahiti and Marquesas Island, via San Franciaco. close her dally at t:30 p. m. up to December 1, Inclusive, for dispatch per . s. Martpoaa. Mall for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which goes via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco), and Fiji islands, rla Vancouver and Vic toria. R- C. close her daily at :3u P. ra. after November 2J and up to December incluauvc, for. aispatcn per . . Aoracgi. Transpacific mail are forwarded t port of sailing c'aily and th schedule of dosing I, arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit Regis tered mall closes at A p. ra. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Pos-.oftice. New York. N. Y.. Nov. 7. 190S. DOMINION LINE SPECIAL NOTICE. Resumption of trips bv th Mammoth Popular rwin screw oteamera TO THE MEDITERRANEAN " From Boston Direct to (. IB R ALTAR. GENOA. NAPLES. Th New England and Common wealth will sail through to Alexandria on th January ard teriruury voyages. "New Enguuid." Dec. A: Jan. 17; Feb. 33. "Commonwealth. Jan. 3: Feb. 14; Men. 3X "Vancouver, nov. 2. Jan. iu, reb. ZL -t'arabroman.' Dec 2o, Jan. II. March 14. Aiso sailings Boston to Liverpool, Port' land. Me., to Liverpool. For rales, book' let etc., apply to local agant or COMPANY'S OFFICE, fl Dearborn BL. CHICAGO. lAILWAY TIME TABLE. INIOS STATION I OTH AND MARCY. laloi PaeiSr. Overland Llmltedl a t:J am a T M pta Th, Fast Mall. .a 1:50 am a 1.35 pm CailforiL Eprea .... Pacific Exproaa Eastern Express Tti Atlantic Express. The Colorado Special. .a 1:2s pm .aU-ja pm a 4:3s pm .. a am .a 7:1 am a 3:40 am Chicago tpeclal .. a 4u am Lincoln, beairlr and Stromabuig Ex .. Grand Island Local !:' Dn bllM in ... bi Wpm b t.ii pat lllia. Is ( talrsL Chicago Exprea a 7 JO am a t.atpm Chicago, Minneapwiis 4k bl Paul LimitM. ... a 7 A m a t ot am Miniatapolia 4t bt Paul Exprea v .' I Tl la bW tS pm Chicago Express - - alt) M pws IA1LWAT TlwK t ARO-Caatlaaaw. t bleats. Hack lalaa at Paeiae. EAST. Leave. Arrive. "h!co Daylipht L't'd a - am a f .45 am )Chirag Daylight Ll-cwI a J:( a a t.x Dm Chicago ExptK till 15 am i io pin l- Molties .i;rea a 4..' pm bll . am Chicago Fast Expres. a i.io psa a l.Jt pm WE3T. Rocky Mountain L u .tljtin I I II in Llm-oln. Colo. Sprliigs, Ienrer. Pueblo and ,. Culo.. Texas. Cat and West ..al.Mpm a i::t pm Oklahoma Fly et ....a 130 ara aU.40 pm thleasa A Karl aw eater a. The Northwestern Line." Fist, Chicago a 4u am a 7 am a 1 .jo nra a to am Mail Local Sioux City.. Daylight St Paul. Daylight Chicago Local Chicago .... Local Carroll Fast Chicago ..... a t in am a x pm ......a Mi am ale U& pm a txi am all: pm , aK.sara a h) pm ......a t:v pm a t:su am ......a 4.55 pm a 4 pm Limited Chicago .a 1:10 pm a :rn ar Fast St. Paul ...a 1.55 pia a 5:15 tin Fast Mall . a 3: pm Local Sioux City k 4.-00 pm brMmm a baa k. St. Louis "Canon Batf Express ' .-.. .at lipm a 1:3 am St. Ijouis Local. Cotnv cil Bluff r-.lt aa mwot pm niuaail Pselae. j St. Louis Express sio od am a -2 pm v. t. A bl i. li aiv.w pm a :is am . ai. (u, Milwsakee at SI. PaaL Chicago Omaha Ex.. I. 7.4, am b 1:49 pm Cnlcao Limned Ex.. ...a .u pm a 1M am HIl'.LINGTON SI A TIUN ltTH ak MASON RartlBAttaa at MMtsiri River. Leav. Arrive. VYymore. Beatrice and Lincoln : ra bll io am Neoraska Express a :4 an a 1:45 pm Denver cln.iieo a tk pot v .4s am o.aik Huis and Puget bound Express aJJ:i pm a t.lt pm Ctioi ico 1 eatlbuted Flyer a 3.10 pm Lincoln Fast Mail....-.. 3:10 pm a :17 am t ort Crook and Plalta- mouth ......b 3:30 pa Ml am Beuevua 4k PaclUo Jet. .a i -a pra a 2i7 am Belle vu, 4k l acillc Jet. .a 3:0 Ul thteas. Bwrllasjtoa at 4alcy. Chicago Special a 7:00 am a 4:05 pm Chicago Veetibuied Ex. .a 4:00 pm a 7.30 am Chicago Local.... ...a l-Ju am ail.ta) pm Chicago Limited a A.ub pin ai-Man. Fast MaU a 1. 45 psa Kaaaa City, St. Jaaepki Csssell BlasTs. Kansas city Day Ex a tiTO asa a pm St Loula Flye... a 5.10 pm all .15 am Kansas City Mght Ex..alO.J8 pm a :lft am WEBSTER DEPOT 4TH at WEBSTER Fressaal, Elkaara MlsMsrl V allay. Laave. Arrive. Black Hills. Deadwood. Hot String a 1:00 pm a l pm Wyoming. Casper and Dougiaa d 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Hastings. York. David City, Superior. Geneva, Exeter and Seward b 3:00 pm 4 5:00 pm Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont ...b 7:3 am blt:3t era Fremont Local a :3o am Chleawe. St. Pa a I, Miaaaapwll A Ossaka. Twin City Passenger... a :S am a t.M pm Sioux City Passenger. .. a 2:'JO pm all: 30 am Oakland Laical b 5:4s pm b 1.45 am Mlasoarl PactSe. Nebraska Local, Via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm aW:33 am a Dally, b Dally exrept Sunday, c Sun day only, d Daily except Saturday, a Dally exceut Monday. , REALTY MEN HEAR THE ELECT Mickey aad HltcTkrwck the Israkeri at Meetlaw at Real Estate Eichasie. . - . ' J. H. Mickey tovernor-eiert, ana G. M. Hitchcock, con gresBtcan -elect, war tht guest of the Real Estate exchange yester day. In introduciag th former President Harrison aaid that Mr. Mickey I tha tight man In the right place, as tb office of governor require a business man. Mr. Mickey said Ije wa glad to be pres ent, a he felt It necesaary t come Into contact with business nn, to better All the office.' He said that - having been elected, there la do bitterness in bl heart. and asked co-operation la a business ad ministration of tha state's affairs; that, having' been elected. It 1 hi purpose to lay aside partisan feeling and to follow business method In state affair. "Two rule, should be followed, he said. "One, at way spend lea than your Income; always sell for more than you buy. Ia this state we hate spent more than our In come. Th assessed valuation of the state I bow a,000.000 lea thaa It wa twelve year ago. W all know it should be three time as much. Our expense bav Increased, necessarily, as the state ha grown. W, are limited to a 5-ml 11 levy for state purpose,' and with our decreaaed wssment wa ara compelled to spend more than our Income, aad it could aot be prevented, so that our debt la how II.OOO.- 000. Our coming legislature -should (rap- pie with this question. It can only be solved by assessing oar property a tb constitution provide and let no property escape. ' I auk. co-operation along these lines." Mr. Hitchcock said that when be beard tli governor-elect wa making a tour ef the state to become acquainted with Ita institutions, be was not sut-prised to tad him at s meeting of the Real Est at, ex change, as Its work recently has mad It a state institution. He then went to a dlcuss1on of what make a town pros perous, saying that site, age, location aod resident wealth doe, not produce a pros perous commiiattv, . but that It Is mad, through tha prosperity snd activity of the great tnasa of It population, where labor 1 constantly employed at remunerative wages. President Hrrion , Announced the ap pointment of-standing committees as fol low: Tax Committee F. D. WeadW. F. Cre. John L. McCague. W. 0. Bhnver. Jobs N. Freuser, A. P. Tukey and E. C. Garvin. Membership CotamUUe S. A. Broadwell. B. R. Ball. H. A. Wetrflld. Advisory Board O. P. Beml. R. 8. Ber lin, G. 8. Bcaawa. G. B. Cannlchael. H. T. Clark. 8. 8. Curtl. N. P. Dodge. Jr.. J. P. Flnley. John F. Flack. C. R. Glover, G. W. Holbrook. W. R. Hosjiaa. George N. Hick. C. E. Miller. Q. M. Netting-. J. H. Par rott. P'ora H. Payn. R. C. Peters. Philip Potter. W. B. Taylor, F. J. Parsor.,. D. C. Patterson. O. C. Rddiek, L. 8. Riyed. W. Farnam Smith, J. H. Eberwood, W. A. Spencer, Charles L Saunders, W. H. Thomas. J. O. Willi. Kaawra tit WarIA trees. For Hs wonderful core--Dr. Xing' a Mew Discovery for Consurritloa. CowgL and Colds, It care or as pay. For sals by Kuha Co. NEED MONEY FOR MONUMENT Tharalaa Rile aad TeAeraaa a Cans, paay L WDI Give ' aa EatertalaisaaaA. At a kn sating af th Thurston Rifle aad the relerans of Company UNebraaka volun teers, held Tuesday evening. It wag decided ta bold a reiinkm of tk Tbtiratoa KlSes oa December II. which will b tha teath anniversary of the admlaaloa of that earn paay to tb national guard f th, atat Th proceed of this eotertammeat win b devoted to psymeat of tb balaaea ra BualaLng due upon tk monument erected la Prospect Hill cemetery to the memory of tb members ot Company L who were killed la tb Spanish-A mar lea a war. Th amount srlU remaining A a is ISO. . .. . ' v ; Wright - wroaa aa ataa. Wright' alt fashioned bwcbabaat Sear I par.