8 THE OMAIIA DAILY HEE; TITUHSDAY, NOVEMI1E1. 13, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Corn Aloni of All Oommoditiei Shows Any Rise, at Close. WHEAT OPENS FIRM. dUT CLOSES EASY Data and Provisions Roth Drop, bat Brokers Free tin j Ins Decline Canses Latter to Ei Flraier. CHICAOO, Nov. 12-Trsdlng on the Hoard of Trade a rather Inactive today, and though wheat openeo firm, the tiu wan easy, with December ' lower. December corn closed a shade h in her mid oata '4c lower. January provlsiona closed 2Vc to 10c lower. vVheat, though active at tlmea, waa gen erally dull and there waa a disposition on the part of local traders U swilt the ac tion of a prominent long, who has been buying heavily of late, but for whose ac count very little waa taken today. 8mll receipts and unsettled weatner created aome strength early In the day. but tnere were tree offerings on the advance and pricea reacted. Tne market on the whuls waa narrow and susceptible to the least In fluence. The close waa easy. December opened uneasy to a ahade higher at 72- 'iW, and after sales at 72Hc there waa a decline to 72io, and after a alight advance another reaction followed, tne market cropping to 71c. Tne cloae waa 4ac lower at 7214c Clearancea of whjat and flour were equal to 270,000 bu. Primary receipts were 1.314,000 bu.. against 1,086,'h a year ago. MlnneaKlla and Duliith reported receipts of 770 cara, which, with local re ceipts of 2))6 cara, 11 of contract grade, madfi total receipta for the three points of V',5 cars, against 2,353 (two days) last weeK ar.d 671 a "year ago. Weakness In May and comparatively Arm tone to the nearby tuturea were the fea tures to corn. December was relatively firm on small local receipts and predictions of unfavorable weather and there waa quite a ,ood demand eariy, but offerlnga were l.mited. There was moderate commission house selling, but the market lacked ma terial support. The close waa steady, with lsecember a ahade higher at 61c, after ranging between 5oc and 51Sc. Local receipts were 84 cara, with 18 of contract grade, Oats ruled dull, with no special featurea to trade. The market was given some sup- fiort by shorts and commlsnlon house buy ng, but the weakness In wheat late In the day caused an easy close. December closed Mc lower at 29'Vtf29c, after selling between 24c and 29;c. Local receipta were 114 cars. There was early selling of provlaiona due to lower pricea at the yards and heavy receipta of hoga and opening figures were lower. Brokera bought freely on the de cline, causing a firmer feeling. The close waa easy, with January porg 24c lower at 115.10 January lard closed 10c lower at $9.06 and ribs 6c lower at $7.95. Estimated receipts for tomorrow: Wheat, 100 cara; corn, 160 cara; oata, 190 cara; hoga, 30,000 head. The leading futurea ranged aa follows: Artlclea. Open. HIgh. Low. Close, jTeaty. Wheat Nov. Dec. May ( 'orn Nov. Dec. May Oats Dec. May Pork Jan. May l"ro Nor. Dec. Jan. May R lbs Jan. May 71H 714 72441 72i 717 7241 B34,i 61 4 60 61S si a 15 w 14 20 10 80 1 40 0 06 8 374 T 96 765 29 314 16 15 14 36 ion 0 40 9 10 8 474 705 766 I 604 41V, 2041 4 3o?!30?a631 16 00 14 20 10 124 9 f 9 05 8 374 7 85 7 624 15 10 14 324! 10 174 0 40 006 8 46 7 95 7 60 No. 2. New. . - fash quotations-were aa follows: FLOUR Steady; winter patents, 83.40 160; winter straight, t8.102T3.30; spring pat- 'ents, I3 44W3. 70: spring straights, $3.oS3.H; bakers. 62.26iH2.75. WHEATNo. t spring, 7273Hc; No. 8 prlng. 64&70o; No. 1 red, 714W72C rnRN-Nn R.1U.C Nn 1 vellow tUUc. ' OATS No. 2, 28c; No. t white, 28V31Vie. I RYE No.' 2, 49c. " 1 BARLEY dood' feeding," SK38c; fair to choice malting 4468c. I SEED No. 1 flax, 81.17; No. 1 northwest ern, 31.23; prime timothy, 88 60; clover, con tract grade, 310.75. PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., $1.87H 317.00. Ird. per 100 lbs., 310.374S10 -40. Short rtba aide (loose), 310 10rd1 0.30. Dry salted shoulders (boxed), 39 .609.674- Short clear sldea (boxed). 310.10ft 10.25. The following were the receipts and shipments of the principal grains yesterday: i Receipts. Shipments. iFlour, bbis... 47,300 19,600 Wheat, bu.r 369.700 216,000 Torn, bu 196,300 89.200 :Oata. bu 619.200 162.000 Rye, bu.. 31.600 1.700 Barley, bu 2O2.600 28,200 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was firm; creameries, 1726c; dalrtea, 164f22e. Eggs, Arm, losa off, cases returned, 2423c. Cheese, steady, 124?13c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day eat Various Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 12.-FLOUR Receipts, 26.616 bbls.; exports, 4.203 bbla.; market dull on western buyers being 10016c under the market: winter patents, 33.60(38.90: winter straights. $3.4d46.56; Minnesota patents, $3.90 4)4.10; Minnesota bakers, 33.20&3.3&.; winter extras, $2.8nv3fl.l0; winter low grades. D.wu. rtye nour, steaay; rair to good, n.itxQ 8.40; choice to fancy, 83.6ta33.66. Buckwheat flour, firm, 82.20472.is, spot and to arrive. CORN MEAL Dull; yellow western, 81.27; city, $126; Brandywlne, 83.4093.66. RYE Steady: No. 2 winter, 684c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 2, 644T64Vc; traca state, 64S644c, o. 1. f.. New York. BARLEY Quiet; feeding, 41c, c. I. f.. Buffalo; malting. 484J60C, c. 1. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipta. 62.(60 bu.: exports. 4.061 bu. Spot easier; No. 3 red, 764c, ele vator; No. 2 red, iSc, U o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Dulutb, 81o. t. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, S.'Sc, f. o. b., afloat. Lighter receipts In the west, with steadier rabies, covering and higher outside mar kets, advanced wheat early In the day, but a sharp break In December started lata selling, which destroyed all previous ad vance. The close waa easy at 4tlSe net .decline. May, 78 7-1S0T78 10-I6C. closed at "K'c; December, 78 6-lt5j J8c, closed at :7sc. C:ORN Receipts, 11,650 bu.; exports, 48.608 bu. Spot, steady; No. 2. (44c. elevator and (ybViC. r. o. d., annat; mo. 1 yeuor, ssc; No. 3 white, 66c. Options were generally I unfavorable weather and covering, until the late wheat decline promoted reactions. the cloae being e lower on May; Decem ber, being wanted by aborts, closed Ho net higher; January, &onwc, closed at 604c; Vebruary, 604c, cloned at 604c; May, 4niQ . 44 ll-16e, closed at 46ae; November closed at 64c: December, 644(65.c, cloaed at 6&4c OATH Receipta, 87,2U) bu.J exporta, l.aiO bu. Spot steady; No. 2, MVic; standard ' white, 87e: No. 3. 834c; No. 2 white. 37c; Ho. I white, vc; traca mixea western. nominal; track white, $64jvi7c. Options steady at nrst, nut nnany easea ore with com: Decembr cloeed at Vic. HAY Steady; choice shipping, 6&870C; gooo 10 cnoioe, ewvjai.w. HOPS Firm; state, common to choice, 1902. 2Ml37c: 1901. 2iatc: olds. 7tl3te. Pa. clrlc coast, 19U2. 2&4Jlc; 1901. 224?27c; olda, 70 H1DKH Ltuu; uaivrsion, tu to zs lb... 18c; California, 21 to 26 lbs., 19c; Texas dry, 1 in Ja) lbs.. 14c. LEATHKR Quiet;, hemlock sole, Buenos Ayree. light to heavy acid. 244?:&4c. PROVISIONS Beef, quiet; family, 818 000 13.00; meae, 810.oOtfll.00; beef hams. tl(f 21.60; packet. $14.uuj 15 50; city extra India mesa. fc OOfi&.Ou. Cut meata, Irrrgulir; pickled bellies, 811.60012.60; pickled ahoul era 8.60; pickled ha ma. 312.000 12 26. Iar.l. eaaler; western steamed, 310. 7610.86; re fined, easier; continent. 111 15; South Amer ica, 811.76; compound, 7.6oa7.75. Pork, steady: family. 8-M; short clear, -'1.00j2J.uu; ... tia t.iiR TALLOW-Weak; city. 6Hc; counttr, 4 1liCE Firm ; domestic, fair to extra, 4y i4o: japan. MI'. BITTER Receipta, 4.99J pkga.; firm; stats dairy, lui!44c; creamery, extra, Idc; creamery, common to cnoice, ti! Jtc. CHEESE Receipts, 8,747 pkga: quiet, but firm: fancy, large, new, state, full cream, colored and white, old. ttiac; fancy, large, new, liSc; fancy, email, colored and while. Alii 1VL n EGOS Receipts. 4.277 pkga.; strong: stats nd Pennsylvania, average best. 2SCic; western. poir to fancy graded. 2uu2Sc. POl'LTRY Alive, dull; chlckena. 4SWe; turkeys, 10c; fowls, 4til0c; dreaaed. eay; western chickens. lajUc; western fowls. Iljll4c; spring turkeys. 134614c. ' METAI.eJ Tin suffered a sharp break In tne uonaon market looay. aeviining 1 6s, or to 116 for soot and to l)4 1i)a for fu tures. Owing to the strongly held avail able supplies spot tin was hrm locally at . sJku. rui rutures ejecitned In ayra rathy wltk the foreign weakness. Novem ber closing about 86 points) lower at .fct 25.C1. t'opper shared In the tin weakness at lonrton, closing is Sd lower at 51 6s fr spot and f.al I'm for futures. The local ma:ket was rather easier, but without ma terial loss In prices, ritandnrd closed nt lo.'i6. nominal; lake at 11111.7(1, electro iyilc at ', 1.:au11.oi. canting at lll.3c'i;ll.&0. wa quiet and unchanged here at 4 U4 anil In Li.ndon at 1')13M. Spelter also was dull and unchanged In Iomlon at i.la ins. but was easy locally, closing at . ).i,4f'. 40. Iron waa lower ugaln In the .ngi:sh markets, (iagow closing at 6e 6d ami Mldillesborough at 60s 9d. In the New York market there was no change. War rants continue nominal: No. 1 foundry. northern, Is quoted at 32S W(f2o .00; No. 2 I'.unury. northern. 82 U04j23.0t; No. 1 foun dry, southern, i 23 uo; No. 1 foundry, southern soft, 822.XifiKi.ou. OMAHA WHOLESALE. SIARKF.TS. Condition of Trade aad Qaotstloos oa Staple and Fancy Produce. EOOR Candle.1 stock. 2rxjr21e. 1-1 V K POULTRY Hens. WiSvtc: old roost ers, 4c; tirkeys, l i-jjlic; ducks, RUiSc; geese, 64(x-; spring chickens, per lb., Ka94c. fll'TTER Packing stock, l.ic; choice dairy, In tubs, lwji'jiic; separator. 2fic. FRESH CAl'OHT FISH Trout. 91fl0c; herring, 7c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; jierch, 6c; buffalo, dresseu, 7c: sunflKh. 3c; bltieflna, 8c; whlteflsl-. 10c: salmon. lc. nartdrk. 11c: c.idnsh, lie; redsnapper, 10c: lobsters, bnt ed, oer 111., awe; lobsters, green, per id., zc; bullheads, 10c; cattish. 14c; black bass. 20c; halibut, lie. CORN-64C. OATS 21c. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 66c. RYE 43c. BRAN Per ton. 313. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upland, i; No. l medium, is 50; No. 1 coarse. $8. Rye straw. 86.60. These rjrlces are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair; receipts light. OYSTERS Standards, per can. 28c: extra selects, per can, 35c; New York counts, per can, kc; bulk, extra selects, per gal., 11.75; bulk, standards, per gal., 31.30. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kalamasoo. ner doa.. 25c: Utah, per dos.. 46c: California. rer dox. for atalka weighing from 1 to 14 lbs. each, 4d &"ihc. potatoes New, per bu., S530c. SWEET POTATOES Virginia Der bbl.. 83, home grown, er bu., 31. 1 UK.Mru-jr-er du., ic; Canada ruta bagas, per lb., lc. BEETS Per basket. 40c. crCLMBERS Hothouse, per dot.. 31 60. WAX BEAN'S-Per bu. box. 81.60: string beans, per bu. box, 31.50. LAUMAtiii-HotTH grown, new, lc. ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per bu., borgtioc; Spanish, per crate. 3160. NAVY BEANS Per bu., 32.70. FRUITS. PEARS Fall varieties, per box. 82: Kle- fers, per bbl., 83.75; Colorado, per box, 82.26. APPLES Cooking, ner bbl.. 32.25: eatlna. 32.3fv32.50; Jonathana, 360; New York stock, 63. Zb. GRAPES New York. 22c; Tokavs. per crate, 31.76; Malagas, per keg, 85.OOS8.50. CRANBERRIES Wisconsin. Der bbl.. 18.25 9.0O; per box. 32.75. QUINCES Pet box, 81,60. TROPICAL FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according rn atsa. 82.OC02 60. demons California fancy. S4.00S4.60: choice, 83-76. ORANGES Mexicans, any size. 33.76: Florida Brights, 83.75. DATES Persian In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 6c; per case ot SO-lb. pkga.. 82.26. FIGS California. Der 10-lb. cartons. 81: Turkish, D3r 35-lb. box. 1418e. uhatu kuh loriaa, t. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, ner 24-frama ease. 83.75. CIDER New York. 34.60; per 4-bbl $2.76. BAUER KRAUT Wisconsin ner U. hbl.. $2.26; per bbl., 83.76. HIDES No. 1 green, 70; No. 2 gTeen, 80; No. 1 aalted. 84c: No. 2 Baited 7Ac: No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 124 lbs., 84c. No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs.. 6c, dry hides, 8fl2c; sheep pelts, 2575c; horse hides, 31.6ftfe2.50. runuttft-i'ii id., 2c; shelled. 4o. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, ner lb.. 13c; hard shell, per lb., 124c; No. 8 soft shell, per lb., 12c, No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 11c; Braslls, per lb.,- 11c; Alberta, per lb., 12c: almonda. softahell. Der lb.. 16c: hard shell, per lb.. 16c: pecana. large, ner lb.. 124c; small, per lb., 13c; cocoanuts, per dos., 60c; cheatnuts, per lb., 16c; peanuts, per lb., 64c; roasted peanuta, per lb., 8c; black wal nuts, per bu., 81, hickory nuts, per bu., $1.85; cocoanuts, per 100, $4. uljj meialb-a, it. Alpirn quotes the following prices; iron, country mixed per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, $8; cop er, per id.. yo; crass, neavy, per lb., 4c; rasa, light, per In.. 64c: lead, oer lb.. 8c: sine, per lb., 24c; rubber, per lb., (40. t. Low Is Grain and Provisions. 8T. LOUIS. Nov. 12. WHEAT Easv: Mo t red, cash, elevator, Sc; track, 64(g704c; December, 68Htt48a asked; May, 72VW24c; No. 2 hard, 66&?0c. CORN Firm: No. 8 caah. 45o bid: track 46c bid; December, 4044jHoSc bid; May, 384 4j384c. oatb weak; track, S0304e; December, new, 284e; May, 294c; No. 2 white, 84c. RYE Steady at -48c. FLOUR Steady ; red winter patenta, $3.30 &3.60: extra fancy and straight. S3.ouoici.2a: clear. 32.8562.96. SEED Timothy, steady, $2.6063.40. CORNMEAL Steady. 32.70. BRAN Stronger: sacked, east track. 65ifl 67c. HAY Firm; timothy, $9.00(303.00; prairie, $9.O04jll.0O. IRON COTTON T1ES-81J)74. BAGGING 6 6-16I&7 1-16C. HEMP Twine. 9c. PROVISIONS Pork, unchanged; Jobbing standard mess. $15.80. Lard, lower at 110 7 Dry salt meata (boxed), ateadv: extra. snorts ana clear rins, iiu.g.vt; snort clears, $11 25. Bacon (boxed), steady; extra shorts, $12.25; clear sides, $12.25: short clear, $12.76. METALS-Lad, steady at $4 00. Spelter, quiet at 35.16. 1 POULTRY Weak: chickens, 8c; springs, 0c: turkeys, 9c; ducks, 114c: geese, 7c. BUTTER Steady; creamery, 18 254c; dairy. 17&20c. EGGS Higher at 104. loss off. Receipta. Shipments. Flour, bbla 8,uu0 11.000 Wheat, bu 104.000 119,000 Corn, bu 39,000 31,(") Oats, bu 61,000 93,000 Liverpool Grata aad Provlsloas. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 12. WHEAT Spot, firm; N). 3 red, western, winter, 6a 94d; No. 1 northern, spring, 6s 7d; No, 1 Callfor. nla, 6a 64d; futurea, quiet; December, 6s 10d; March, 6s lid; May. 6s 114d. CORN Snot, steady: American mixed. 6s 74d; futures, quiet; January, 4s SHd; March, 4s I4d. HOPS At London, Pacific coast, firm at 12s ff 7 6s. FLOUR St. Louis fsncy, winter, quiet, 8s Sd. PEA 8 Canadian, steady, 6s 7d. PROVISIONS-Beef. strong; extra India mess, 115a. Pork, strong; prime mess, west ern. 9ta. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., quiet at 56s. Bscon, Cumberland out, 26 to 30 lba., easy, 68ttv9s; short rfta, 16 to 24 lbs., easy at 6Js; long clear middles. Ilsht, 28 to 84 lbs., quiet, &Ji; long clear middles, heavy, 35 to 40 lba., quiet at 61s; short c ear bellies, 14 to 16 lbs., steady at 6as. Should ers, square, 11 to 18 lbs., steady, b2t 6d. Lard prime western, In tierces, atrong, 60a 6d; American refined. In pa lie, strong, 6us 6d. CHEESE Strong: American lineal white, 68a: American finest colored, TAILOW-Flrra; prime city, 22s Sd; Aus tralls, In London, 34s 3d. Keasaa Itr Gralsi aad Pravlaloas. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 12-WHEAT-De-rember, 64)4c; May, ot4c; cash. No. 2 hard, 6tuiac; No. 3, 664c; No. 2 red, 66c; No. 3. 634j4c. CORN November 4I4o; December, 88';c; May. 34t3iic; cash, No. 2 mixed, 41c; No. 2 white. 43c; No. 3. 40c. OATS No. 2 white. S24e; No. 2 mixed. 29i 31 ic. RYE No. 2, 44c. HAY Choice timothy, $10.5061100; choice prairie, $lu.754t 11.26. BUTTER Creamery, 24ft25c; dairy, fancy, 21c. EGGS Fresh, 184c. neceinia. nipmenti. 47.3iA) M,2"10 40.IHK) 60,4(10 , 11.0U0 22,000 Wheat, bu Corn, bu Oats, bu MlaseavalU Wheat, Flour aad Bran. MINNEAPOLIS Nov. 12. WHEAT De cember. lc; May. Ti'WSc; on track. No. 1 hard, 734c: No. 1 northern, 72; No. 2 northern. 714c. FLOUR Firm : first patenta, $S.65ft3 85 second patenta, $3.4Mi3.J: first cfeara, $2.9uru) $.10; second clears, $i.)2 SO. BRAN In bulk. $11.6o 11.75. Mllsrsakee Grata Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. 12. WHEAT Mar ket higher; No. 1 northern, 7tc; No. 2 northern. TSJt74c; December. 724c RYE Steady; No. . 61c. BARLEY Steady; No. 2. 63j64r; sample, SMifcc. CORN December, 614c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. Nov. 18. CORN Steady : No. 3. 64c. OATS Steady; No. 8 white. 304c, billed through. rklladelphlat Prod are. PHILADELPHIA. Nov. 12. J3 UTTER firm aad good demand; axtra westsra creamerv. 26c; extra creamery, nearby prl ts, iSc. Et'5JS Firm and' good demand; frewh nearby. 2c, losa off; fresh wesiern. 2iWui7c, loss off; fresh southwestern, 26c, loss tiff; fresh southern, 24c. CHEESE Firm; New York full creams, prime, small, 12'Sl,1c; New York full creams, fair to good, small, 124'!jl-4c: New York full creams, prime, large, lU"ni'all'c; t ew York full creams, fair to good, large, 1248124c. Toledo Grain and Seed. TOLEDO, Nov. 12. WHEAT Dull, lower; cash, 'iV; December, 774c; May, 7S'c. CORN Fairly active, steady; December, 12V; May, 414c. OATS Dull, lower; December, 31c; May, 32. H V E 70a704c. asked; No. 2, 614c. SEED lover, fairly active, lower; No vember, $ft974; January, $7,074 bid; prime timothy, $1.85 bid; prime alslke, $8.70. Dalath Grain Market. DULUTH, Nov. 12,-WHEAT-Caah. No. 1 hard. 744c; No. 2 northern, "0c; No. 1 northern and November, 12c; December, 7o4c; May, 734c. OATS December, 2c. MEW YORK STOCKS AMD BOSDS, Over Million Shares Sell In Feverish and Irregular Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 12. Transactions In stocks ran well over 1,(00,000 shares again today In a remarkably feverish and Irregu lar market. The action of the market gave warrant for the presumption that powerful financial Interests had set themseivea the task of supporting the market. It was assumed In Wall street that the selling of stocks had taken on an indiscriminate character, that threatened substantial In terests. There was a further threatening break this morning which was not un natural in view ot .the rapid decline In progress at the close of yesterday's mar ket. The anxiety aroused among outside holders of stock who were not within Im mediate reach of their brokers yesterday afternoon brought In heavy selling orders to commission houses this morning as a result of which opening prices w-.ro from one to three points lower for practically all the leading stocks. These prices were the lowest of the day, although the level was approached again on one or two subsequent dips. it became quickly ma ni rest tnat buyers of unlimited resources were In tho market and the heaviest offerings were quickly absorbed and prices were vlKor ously bid up through floods of selling orders. The supporters of the market had a stormy time nurlng the first hour and prices kept running up and down a con siderable scale. In a lively and confusing manner, but by the end of the first hour the selling had been brought almost to a standstill and substantial recoveries were established all through the list. The sup port centered in St. Paul. Amalgamated Copper and the United States Steel stocks. The buying of these stocks had a notable effect in reassuring speculative sentiment just as their unsupported condition on earlier days of the week was a notable effect In the depteaalon. There were several special Influences which helped to encourage sentiment. Chi cago A Northwestern, after a drop of 3 points, recovered 6 points on the Issuing of stock with the right to stockholders to subscribe at par. The Issue of a circular to the Colorado stockholders ssklng for proxies on behalf of the Interest controll ing the principal Colorado railroad syatems disclosed a new contest for control of that property, which resulted In a sharp ad vance In Its price. Manhattan was bene fited by the publication of a very favorable annual report. Aside from these develop ments In regard to the individual prop erties there was very little news to ac count for tho movement of prices. Upon the first recovery after a temporary pause attempts were made to renew the advance, but the selling Increased at the higher level and prices fell back again. Throughout the day whenever prices de clined effective support waa forthcoming and on the other hand any considerable ad vance Invited renewed selling. The closing waa firm, however, and at about the top level. Missouri Pacific offered effective re sistance to reaction throughout the day. Money showed a rather easier tone, owing to the extenalve liquidation, and New York exchange at Chicago rose again to par, but sterling exchange was firmly held again and it was considered possible up to late In the day that gold might go out on to morrow's steamer for France. The market closed without any announcement being made of a gold engagement. Bonds were not as well supported as stocks and were rather weak throughout. Total sales, par value, $4.480,0O. United Statea bonds were all unchanged on the last call. Tbe following are the closing prices on the New York Stock exchange: Atchlwm 13480. Railway 3;i do ptd do pld DP. Bal. A Ohio 1004 Texas A Pacific. .... . 411, . 34 Toledo, 8t. L. at W. )'. .IS04 do pld 4a?a . SO Union Paclflc 10: . 46 do pfd S94 . 2 WajKiih Its . 6 do pfd i4 . 74 Wheeling A L. E.... 244 . to 1 do 2d pfd 344 .103 Wli. Central 344 .24 I do pfd . 34 Adama Ez 200 .Kl American Ex 23u .1M United Rtatea El 125 . 1T4 Wells-Fargo Ex 2lu . 834 Amal. Copper M4 .. Amer. far r 33 .. Wi do pfd .. 704 Amer. Lin. Oil S74 .. 44 do pfd 40 ..1(7 American g. R.... 424 ..340 do pfd 112 .. 404 Anac. Mining Co 85 .. 81 Brooklyn R. T 674 ., 34?a'olo. Fuel A Iron... (Ola .. 444 Coin. Oaa (144 .. 44 (ont. Tobacco pfd. ..117 . .imGtn. Electric 178 .. OS Hocking Coal 1 .. 884 Inter. Paper 174 ..143 1 do pfd 71 . . 384 inter. Power (3 .. 6e Laclede Oae 1i .. M INatlonal Blacult .... 44 ..ill National Lead 2 ..12H No. American 117 ..1344 Partita Coaat 7u ,.13 Pacific Mail 38 .. 234 People's Oaa lop, .. 17 Preiaed 8. Car 64 . .li do pfd (1 ..li)7 Pullman P. Car 233 .. IHS Republic Steal 184 .. f.7 do pfd 76V ..170 Sugar 114 124 do pfd. Canadian Pacific. Canada 80 Chaa. A Ohio Chicago A Alton... do pfd Chicago, Ind. A L. do pfd Chicago A E. III... Chicago A O. W... do 3d pfd Chicago a- N. W... C. R. I. A P Chicago Tar. A Tr. do pfd C, C. C. A Bt. L.. Colorado 80 do let pfd do 3d pfd Del. A Hudson Iel. L. AW Denrer lc n. O.... do pfd Erie do let pfd do 2d pfd Oreat Nor. pfd Hooking Valley ... do pfd Illinois Central .... Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie t W.... do pfd L. A N Manhattan L Met. St. Ry Mex. (.'antral .... Mex. National .. Minn. St. L.... Mo. Pacific M.. K. T do pfd N. J. Central N. Y. Central ... Norfolk A W do pfd Ontario A W Penney Ivanla Reading do lat pfd do Id pfd St. L. A B. r.... do let pfd 8t. L. S. W do pfd 8t. Paul do pfd 80. Paella 150 . 7011 . fl . 304 .164', . 674 .. 84 . 71 . "41 . 7 . 374 . 3 ..171 .181V, . 34 Teen. Coal 4V. Iron Union Bag ft p., do pfd V. 8. Leather ... do pfd U. 8. Rubber .... do pfd... L 8. Sleef do pfd Weetem Union .. Amer.- Locomotive do pfd K. C. Southern.. do pfd 764 124 884 14 614 s 4 844 . 37 XJ 4 314 13 4a. reg. .1014 . 74 . ti'. .1U44 . 4 80 V, New York. Moaey Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 12. MONEY On call, firm, 4f per cent; closed offered at 4 per cent; prime mercantile paper, &4u, )er STERLING EXCHANGE Steady at the advance at $4 8' 126 for demand and at $4.84 for sixty days; posted rates, $4.86a4.o8; commercial bills. $4.KJ4fc4.K3,. HlUVfliR Bar. 4Hc; Mexican dollars, S9V. BONDS Government, steady; railroad, weak. The closln quotations on bonds are as follows: ..109V L. N. unl. 4a . .1' Mex. Central 4a. ..108' do la In.- ..108W Minn. St. L. ..134 M . K. X 4a. ..134 do ta ..lmv, N. Y. Central la lo2, ..11"', do gen. 31,1 kk ..1044 N. J. c. gen. 6a 1.14 ..14' No. Pacific a I1194 .. H"4 do 3a 721. . . I0114 N. A W. con. 4a luo-4. ... 44 Reading gen. 4a 87 ..1(4 Bt. L. 1. M. o. (a. 113 ..I0i St. L I r. 4e.... M4 Bl. U. B. W. IB ..78 do ta ..106'i'S. A. A. P. 4a.. ta So. Pai lfie 4a f4 Ho. Railway 6a C. M. ot Bt P g. 4a..lU' Teiaa A Paclflc la. C. A N. W. e. 78. ...1331, T., Bt. L. a w. 4a C , R. I. A P. 4a l'J7, Union Pacific 4a r r C I II li I 4a .101', do eonv. 4a Chicago Ter. 4a 87 .Wabath la Colorado 80. 4a 14 do 3a Denver A R. O. 4a...loV do deb. B Erie prior lien 4s;... 87V, Wert bhore 4a do gcuexal 4a 64 i Wheel, at L. fc. 4a. F. W. A D. C. la.... 114 'Wis. Central 4a Hocking Val. 44s...li Cons. Tobacco ..., Offered. U. 8. ta, ra do coupon do Sa. reg do eoupon do new do coupon do old 4a, reg do coupon . . . do 6a, rag do coupon Atchlaon gen. 4a... Hal. A Ohio 4s do 34 do oonv. 4a Canada 8o. 2a Central of Oa. 6... do la luc Chaa. A Ohio 44a. Chicago A A. 34a. C, B. A Q. n. 4a 87 864, 8, 3 118 12J 71 106 KM 117 14 7 113 83 1 3U New York. Mining Uaotatloaa NEW YORK, Nov. 12.-The followln the closing prlcei on mining stocks Adama Cos... Alice Hreare Bruaawlik Coa Coaiatock Tunnel.... Coa. t'al. A Va horn Bilker Iron Silver ......... Ltadvllls Coa...:.... .. 10 I Little Chief .. .. 26 Ontario .. 40 Ophlr .. 4 I Phoenix .. 6 iPoloal .. 88 IKavaae riierra Nevada Srwll Hopea .. Blandard 126 U g ars ...10 ...75 ...loo ... 6 ... 16 ... a ... s ... 30 ...3US Kareltra Flaaaelal. LONDON, Nov. II. Money was In mod erate demand today and the supplies were fairly plentiful. Discounts were firm on the weakness of foreign exchange and ten ders for treasury bill. The weakness of Americans depressed business on the Stock exchange generally, though there was no material fall. Consols started firm, eased and then recovered. Home ralla were firm, especially Underground, and fair buaiueas was transacted la these shares. Americana opened flat and Irregular snd became falrlv animated, hut thpre was no attempt to rally them until New York's opening prices were received, sfter which tncy Improved and closed generally firm. Coppers were weak, owing to the break In Amalgamated In New York. ;M amounting to i;f.0ii was withdrawn from the Hank of England today for shipment to South America. I'ARIS. Nov. 12 Prices on the bourse today opened h"sltstingl v. Spaniards were dull on realisation, hio tlntos reacted on New York advices and later were generally worse. Pome International were offered freely and dropped sharply. Kaffirs were weak. At the close the markets were heavy. The private rate of discount waa 2 13-lft. Three p.-r rent rentes, 9f 7?4d for the aroount. Spanish 4s. 2i. HKRMN, Nov 12. Ktislnese was dull on the bourse todav. Locals were Irregularly maintained In spile of the fact that navi gation shares and Canadian Pacifies were very flat. Intrnntlnnala were Irregular. Exchange on Ixindnn, 20m 4f' pTgs. for checks. Discount rates, short and three months' bills, 3 per cent. London Stneli Market. LONDON. Nov. 12. Closing quotations: money 83 3-14 New York Central. ..156 81 6-18 Norfolk A Western ..44 do pfd .. 8tiS Ontario A Western ..10 Pennsylvania ..inl, Hand Mines . .I3.I1 Reading .. 47 V do l"1 pfd . . 27 V do 2d pfd . .lsnv, Southern Railway. .. 23',: do pfd .. 414 Southern Pacific... .. fl il'nion Paclflc 254 do pfd Con sola do account Anaconda Atchlaon do pfd Baltimore A Ohio.. Canadian Pacific..., Chesapeake A Ohio. t'hlcsgo O. W C. M. A St. P.... PeReora (d.l.) Denver A R. O.... do pfd Erlo do let pfd do 2d pfd Illinois Central IxiulNvllle A Nash.. Missouri, K. ft T . 72 3 304 14 114 f 434 ;v 83 'a 34 84 103 V, 8-14 a4 United State steal... 4 do pfd 861, .1464 Wabash 31 .130 I do pfd 464 . 24 Spanish 4 801, BAR SILVER-Steady at 22 6-ld per ounce. MONEY 224 per cent. The rate of dis count In the ouen market for short bills is So-ibf.i;i4 per cent and for three-months bills a 1-I6 per cent. Boston Stork Quotations. BOSTON, Nov cent; time loan closing of stocks Atchlaon 4 Atchlaon do pfd Boston A Albany Hoston A Ma Boston Elevated N. Y., N. II. A H . . Kltchburg pld Union Pacific Mex. Central American Sugar do pfd American T. A T.... IXimlnlon I. A 8 Oen. Electric Maaa. Electric do pfd United Fruit U. 8. Steel do pfd Weatlngh. Common... Adventure Alloues , 12. Call loans. 56 per s. 5418 per cent. Official and bonds: imi Amalgamated 66V, H3'k Paly West 44 88 Bingham 24 2584 Calumet A Hecla 45 lt Centennial 1. S3 ?8 Copper Range ... 2201 Dominion Coal .. 142 Franklin 102V4 Isle Rnyale 33 Mohawk 1144 old Dominion ... UM Oaceola 104 Parrot 63 Quincy 177V, Santa Fa Copper 36 Tamarack 59 Trlmountaln inT4 Trinity 1l4 United Btatea .... 844 Utah 86 Victoria 14 Winona 3 Wolverine 164 ... 514 ...125 ... 8 ... UJ4 ... i ... 16 ...48 ... 21 ,...121) ... 1 ...148 ... 4 ... 94 ... 194 ... 20 ... i ... 3 ... 68 Bank Clearings. OMAHA, Nov. 12 Bank clearings today, $1.2M.6T1.7u; corresponding day last year, $1,154,606.20; Increase, $139,045.60. CHICAGO. Nov. 12. Clearings, $30,619,886; balances, $1,497,723; New York exchange, par; foreign exchange, unchanged; sterling posted at $4,844 for sixty days and at $4 88 for demand. ST. LOUIS, Nov. 12.-Clearlngs, $9,580,906; balances. $1,(832,240; money, steady at 5fr6 per cent; New York exchange. 10c premium. CINCINNATI. Nov. 12. Clearings, $7,6S6. 800; money, 5t6 per cent; New York ex chance, 26c premium. NEW YORK. Nov. 12.-Cleartngs. $316,515. 2o2; balances, $10,732,427. BOSTON, Nov. 12. Clearings, $28,61,21; balances, $2,317,915. PHIIjADKLI'jiiA, Nov. 12 Clearings. 22.21,519; balances, $3,067,986; money, per cent. BALTIMORE. Nov. 12. Clearings. $4,063, 701; balances, $572,062; money, 6 per cent. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 12 COTTON Steady; sales, 8,900 botes; ordinary, 6 7-lec; good ordinary, 6 16-loc; low middling, 74c; middling. 7 1-16c; good middling, 8c; m.d dling fair 84c; receipts, 19,425 bales; stock. 275,06 bales. Futures, steadv; November, 7.624J7.6Se; December, 7.75&7.76c; January, 7.78tt7.79c; February, 7.84(&T.6c; March, 7 87 437.88c; April. 7.8Kf(i;7.90c; May, 7.91ii7.92c; June. 7.94r7.H6c; July, 7.96ffl7.9ic. NEW YORK, Nov. 12. COTTON Opened steady St an advance of 2S4 points. Cables were better than looked for and there waa less liquidation pressure. For a time the market ruled steady, then there came & break of 7(ol0 points on- the mors active positions, caused by renewed unfavorable stock market conditions. After the re newed selling pressure called out by this phase of the Situation the market oncu more developed Inherent, strength. Orders for spot cotton to the south turned up the fact that the New York market was 4&4 below the southern spot parity. On in formation of this character local sentiment became very strong. Large freight engage ments were reported, notably at New Or leans, but also at Atlanta and gulf ports, suggesting the probability of renewed ex ports upon a large scale. The evidences of a strong spot position started active specu lative buying, and on this the market closed firm at a net rise of 7gl4 points. Through out the session trading was, very active and the transactions In future deliveries are estimated at 400,000 bales. ST. IXJCIS, Nov. 12. COTTON Dull and I-I60 lower; middling, 7c; sales, 952 bales; receipts, 6.130 balea; shipments, 4,880 bales; stock. 18.8S5 bales. LIVERPOOL, Nov. 12.-COTTON-Spot In fair demand; prices 2 points higher to 2 points lower; American middling fair, 4.88d; good middling, 4.54d; middling, 4.40d; low middling. 4.36d; good ordinary. 4.24d; ordi nary, 4.12d. The sales of the day were 10.000 balea, of which &tJ were for specula tion and export, snd Included 8,900 Ameri can. Receipts were 11,000 balea, Including 10,300 American. Futures opened and closed steady. American middling, g. o. c, No vember, 4.32ij4.33d; November-December, 4.28d; December-January, 4.2iv'q4.27d: January-February, 4.2&$4.26d; February-March, 4.26g4.26d: March-April, 4.2.VrM.2Sd ; April May, 4.26d; May-June. 4.26d; June-July, 4.26d; July-August, 4.26d. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 12. -WOOL Strong; me dium grades and combing, la's 184c; light fine. l;Kfi'l74c; heavy tine, 10i44c; tub waehed, HK&OTC. HUSTON. Nov. 12. WOOL The feature of the market thin week has been large speculative buying of scoured wools both by dealers and manufacturers. The result has been an advance in pulled and acoured wools. The market la very firm and further advances in price are looked for. Territory .cols, especially fine staple and fins me dium wools, ate active. Pricea are nesrlng to 60 cent price. Good alsed sales have been made at 6Sc Fine staple territories are quoted at 56ifl60c; strictly fine. fjOtiKioc; fine and tine medium, bovniJc, and medium, 45&47c. In fine wool the demand la good, but offerings are light. Ohio and Pennsyl vania XX and above are quoted at fttrtOlc; X, 244l274c; Michigan X. 2547"J64c. There is very little doing In Australian wools, ow ing to light offerings; choice combings, scoured basis, stand at 75&80c; good, TMtt 76c. and average. ?74c. NEW YORK, Nov. 12. WOOL Firm. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 12.-COFFEE Spot Rio, steady: No. 7 Invoice, 64c. Mild, dull; Cordova, 1bl2c. Futures opened steady, with prices unchanged, In response to fair ruling ot cablea, good investmenta and covering, and, notwithstanding heavy sell ing pressure, brought to bear by well known spot Interests, prices hi Id their own for the lirBt hour. In the early afternoon the regular Santos cable reported a full interior movement, aggregating 45.000 bags, which cehecked further demand of an In vestment nature and encouraged bears to renew their efforts. Importers also figured aa sellers and the weight of offerlnga from theae sources reduced prices n.'&lO points before the close, final figures being at that level. The tone was steady. Balea amounted to 63.750 bags. Including November at 4.75c; December, 4 Soc; January 4 80i&4 90c; Febru ary, 4. Mm-; March. 6.0o5.05c: April. 1.15c; May, $.15ft5.26c; June. 5.25c; July, f.25&5.35c; September. 6.45f(i5.50c; October, 6.5oc; De cember, 1U03, 6.ti 5.70c. . Oil aad RosIm. OIL CITY, Now 12. OIL Credit bal ances, $1.39; certificates, no sales, $1.40 bid, offered at $1.4'.'; shipments. Iu3.fe6 bbls.; average. 93.915 bbla.; runs, 91.801 bbls.; aver age. 71,C!il bbls. . SAVANNAH. Nov. 127-OIL Turpentine, firm. 604c Rosin, firm: A. H, C. $1 35; D. $1.4u; E. $1.16; F. $1.50; O. $1 ; H. $1.80; I, $2.0f.; K. $J.56; M. $3; N, $3 50; WG. $3.75; WW. $4 15. TOI.KI0. Nov. 12. OIL Unchanged. NEW YORK, Nov. 12. OH-Cottonseed, easy. Petroleum, firm. Rosin, firm. Tur pentine, dull. 5Mj534c LIVERPOOL, Nov. 12. OIL Turpentine spirits, steady, 38s sd. LONDON. Nov. 12. OIL Calcutta lin seed, spot. 4' 9d. Unseed. 22s. Petroleum, A merit an renned, t l-lad. Turpentine spirits, 64d. Wklakr Market. CHICAOO. Nov. li.-WHI8KY-8teady at $1 32. ST. IX5U1S, Nov. 12.-WH13KY-8teady at $1 22. PEORIA. Nov. 12 WHIBKY-On the bssls of $1 32 for finished goods. CINCINNATI. Nov. 12. WH ISKY Distil, lerg' finished goods, firm ou basis of $121 OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattle BecoipU Liberal and Trading Very Cull and Much Lower. HOGS SOLD ABOUT FIFTEEN CENTS LOWER Moderate Ran of Uees and I4nbs ad Market Held A boat Steady oat Fat Staff aad Feeders, Although ttaallty Kothla Kstra. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 9.1 Li.t'H SOUTH OMAHA, Nov. 12. Receipts were: Official Monday ,j4tt i.incial iuesoay 8.m6 . b,i"4 i.8 urticial vveanebtiay , i.tw i4,w Three days this week..27,6.3 16.413 41,583 Same days last week 17,oi4) lb,M bi.HI aame wea oetore 2U,4c 1b, 4. bi.ii came three weeKs ago...,240 li.v'-f o4.6 earns tujr weens ago a,a8 i,8J8 as.ntii name aays last yea.- i,4ta 24,141 vo.ool RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at touth Oinana for the year to oate and comparisons witn last year. u. js.il. Inc. Deo. tattle 8iU,s4 71H.393 lU.4-9 nogs 1.924.084 l.6i.4iu 43,391 cheep 1,468.244 l.lw.zlo 280,0. The following table snows the average price of hogr soiu on tne South Omana market the last several days, with com parisons with tot mat yesrs: Date. I 1902. 1901.l$00.189.189S.il897.lc9. Oct 1... Oct. i. .. Oct, 17.. Oct. 18... Oct. 19... Oct. 80... Oct, si... Oct. IB... 1 Oct. Oct, 24... lc:. zb... Oct. 2... Oct. 27... Oct 28... Oct, 29... tct. o. . . ct. 81... Nov. 1.... Nov. 2.... Nov. 3.... Nov. 4.... Nov. 5.... Nov. .... Nov. 7.... Nov. 8.... Nov. .... Nov. 10... Nov. 11... Nov. 12... 7 0041 91 I 7 16 I 7 tr 1 Ki U I ivVl 7441 Wi e j 614! 61 I ollii 59 6141 541 61 6 49 514 6 6J4 56 44 a 6 35 25 10 22 1 80 7 Vj e 2i oil 6 99 tfl 6 uo 6 OUi I 5 89 6 8I1 6 72 6 87 5 73 E 72; I 5 821 6 71 b 71 t 69 6 67 5 74 6 73, 6 63 4 2 4 72i 4 4 4 t2 4 51 1 '-"I 4 (2, 4 b.j 4 U 4 41 4 58 4 54 I 4 S2 4 frO 4 4 4 51 4 60 4 bt e 4 66 4 64 4 67 4 71 4 69 4 74 a 4 84 4 I 4 1 $ 70 4 10 8 67 1 4 16 8 8 4 lo 8 Tli 4 U 8 5 . l 4 1 I 4 14 t &! 4 13 8 o 4 ls 3 54 4 101 3 47 4 401 8 52 8 M 4 0 I 4 U3, 3 &6 4 01 1 $ 53 4 041 3 60 4 06 8 45 4 021 $ 611 8 621 4 01 4 201 8 051 4 o.( 8 62 4 00 3 4o 4 03 3 471 4 021 45 I 3 44 3 61 $ It 3 69 I 21 I 2$ a4, i 60 1 $ 2$ $ M 3 27 8 62, 21 3 53 8 A 4 oai .1 - I I It 8 46 3 41 3 24 8 1 3 17 8 t 3 11 1 38 I la 8 oi 3 17 I 3 19 3 Z9 3 41 3 U a 43 3 44 1 3 21 1 4t 147 I 3 i 3 &4 3 41 3 28 3 31 3 2; 3 32: 1 17 3 $81 3 22 $ cows. 1 cows. 4 cows. ( cows. 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 1 cow.. 20 feeders.. K20 2 heiters. ..1ilf0 17 feeders. 2 rows.... 1 cow 1 tow ...1016 ... v ...1017 ... ! . .. 9IO ...llWI 911 1 steer. 1 calf.. 1 calf.. .1170 .1070 . 90 . 7' 81 . 9,'Hi . 270 . 4;o I 3 21 3 30 : 3 21 Indicates Sunday. YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list shows tne numoer of cars of feeders shipped to the country yes terday and their destination: Cattle Cars. C. F. Prague. Malmo. Neb. B. AM 1 George Arnott, Carroll. Neb. M. tt 0 2 w. it. i-tiimer. wayne, eo. M. at u Ed Perry, Wayne, Neb. M. & O.'. H. F. Wilson, Wlnslde, Neb. M. &. O Kare 4k Myers, Pender, Neb. M. ft O Elmer Watkln. Maxwell. Neb. U. P E. F. Folda. Schuyler. Neb. U. P Rogers A Carson. Ord, Neb. U. P Robert Davla. Cozad. Neb. U. P John Cusack. North Bend. Neb. U. P 1 James Sturgeon, York, Neb. F. E 1 D. 8. Newman, Fremont, Neb. F. E 1 H. C. Smith, Shelby, 8. D. Mil 3 u. u. fearsc, oconomowoc, wis. Mil Mick Humberty, Panama, la. Mil T. H. Standard, Blanchard, la. Wab J. C. Williams. Blanchard, la. Wab s. M. Mlackman, woodbine, la. 1. c A. P. Lyman. Dunlap. Ia. I. C Oeorge Whitehead. Oakland, la. R. I... O. P. Maxe. Carroll, la. N. W Frank Zahner. Modale. la. N. W John Harnhoft, west Side, la. N. W H. K. urimn. Buckingham, la. v Hneep taouDieaecK Midland company, Pierre, 8. D M & O.. 1 Middlesex Live Stock Co., Rock Springs, WTO.-U. P 1 Gtorge Berry, Battle Creek, Neb. F. E.... 1 W. A. Laliy. Logan, la. 1. U 1 Clir Sanborn, Klchfleld. Neb. H. 1 1 G. M. Wood. Jonesvllle, Mich. N. W 3 The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was: Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C, M. & .St. P 6 Missouri Pacific 1 Union Pacific system lot 24 C. & N. W... .' 6 8 F., E. dc M. V . .103 29 C, St. P., M. & O i 9 i 9 B. & M 135 16 C, B. A Q 3 12 K. C. & Bt. J 1 C. R. I. A P.. east 7 12 C. R. I. & P., west 8 Z Illinois Central 1 .$72 119 63 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. .. 631 1.610 4S .. 1.374 1.870 1,443 .. 1.114 2,058 644 .. 1,931 2.086 478 80 .. 156 .. 162 .. 73 .. 354 .. 29 .. 46 :. 7 .... .. 197 1.. 105 .. 92 .. SKI .. 136 .. 71 .. 281 ,.. 813 .... 7,999 Total receipts. The disposition ot the day's receipta was as follows, esch buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyer. Omaha Packing Co.... Swift and Company.., Armour Co Cudahy Packing Co.. Armour, from K. C... Vanaant & Co Carey & Benton Lobman & Co W. I. Stephen , Hill aV Huntxlnger.... William Underwood.. Huston & Co IJvlnsstone & Shaller Hamilton &. Rothschild L. F. Hubs Wolf A Murnan. B. F. Hobblck... Dennis & Co Werthelmer Other buyers Totals 7.933 7.624 11.032 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were liberal again today, not only here, but at other markets as well. As a result prices took a drop and trading waa extremely dull. In fact, the morning was well advanced before much business was transacted. There were several loads of eornfed steers on the market, and some of them were of decent quality. Buyers, though, were very slow about taking hold, and their bids were so uneven thst It Is hard to tell much about the market. The prices that they bid. though, were considerably lower than yesterday. The cow market was also very dull, snd lower than yesterday. As compared with the close of last week It Is safe to quote the decline at 25&36c. It was well along toward noon before much was done, as sellers were unwilling to take off thst much. The short fed stufl suffered fully as much as the grass cows. Bulls, veal calves and stags sll felt the effects of the decline on cows and steers and were slow and unevenly lower. The demand from the country so far this week for Blockers and feeders has not been equal to the supply, snd as a result specu lators were very slow about buying fresh rattle this morning. The better grades sold without much trouble st a decline of about a dime, but the less desirable kinds were almost unsalable at any price. At noon there were scarcely enough of the medium to common klnda of stock cattle sold to tell anything about tbe market, but It Is safe to say that what sales were made were a good deal lower than the same kinds brought yesterday or st the close of last week. Western beef steers also suffered bsdly snd could safelv be quoted lots 15c lower for tne day, ur wu'Sov lower for tite week. Trading was very slow snd at uneven prices. Range cows sold 254336c lower thsn at ths close of laat week, and atockers and feeders 1525e lower, except, possibly. In ths raae of something exceptionally choice. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. Ne 1 10 IS... I... 1... I... 1... 1... Av. rr. Ka It. Fv. 800 t 40 II 1238 4 U Ml 4 ta t 1314 I 10 COWB. 80 1 1 Ill I Tt 1010 I 0 14 1101 I li 16 I 3 1048 1 88 IM I H 14 1083 I 84 1030 I 80 1 780 8 OS 103T I 40 1 110 t a 111! I 80 1 1370 I 00 ,. ., M 8 8 t 118 I 4 1033 I 30 1 1340 I 40 88 t 40 1 11M I 80 100 I S IT MM I 60 100 I T6 833 I tt HEIFERS. II I o 1 47 t 110 t tt BULLS. ite t u 1 sat t 4 1000 t 3 1 80 4 Tt STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. 7T I 80 34 411 1 N STOCK CALVES. 10 I 78 1 10 476 IB 4 3 8 UO U 10 4 80 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 830 3 00 1 1340 I 70 0u I 10 It lin t 7 1 feeder. 1 feeder. 1 feeder. 11 calves. 38 cows... 1 cow.... 35 cows... 1 row.... 1 cows... I cows... .110 ,. 710 ,. 470 ,. M0 ,. 133 ,,7H9 ,. 770 .. M4 ,.1130 I 8.' NEBRASKA. 177 4 oe 1 25 t 50 1 76 i 00 I 25 1 25 X t-5 1 48 ,1 3 35 .109 3a 1 CO 1 cow... 1 COW... 31 cows.. 1 cow... 80 cows.. 1 bull... t bulls.. 1 bull... . 964 .1ia .1210 . Kill . 740 . 84 . 9 .1130 2 60 1 1 00 $ 25 1 25 I 86 1 0 2 00 2 46 60 feeders.. 43 1 feeder... 7"0 4 bulls 1360 2 feeders.. 6M 9 feeders.. MS 1 feeder... 7.11 2 feeders.. 740 1 feeder... 8o 1 feeder... 730 1 feeder. ..1110 6 feeders.. C8 27 cows.... 6 cows.... 1 feeders., 1 IK 98 bulls 97$ t K 2 76 1 bull 1270 I 50 2 75 6 cows 893 2 66 8 Kft 8 cow 917 2 75 1 !o 6 cows 9H3 1 85 2 L5 I cow Io70 i Ot 2 25 24 cows 927 2 90 3 50 9 feeders.. 1102 $90 1 o 2 steers.... k6 1 76 1 20 1 steer lam) 1 60 2 90 1 cow PRO 2 90 2 90 1 cow, l,v 3 90 1 50 $ cows lflnl t 90 2 25 1 bull 11.10 2 10 2 50 1 csll 110 ( 00 2 WYOMING. 3 90 1 bull 1S10 3 10 2 50 . 1 bull 1340 2 40 2 15 COLORADO. I cows., . 862 . 916 , 486 B. .1077 1 50 3 10 2 00 2 NO 8 60 2 50 3 35 2 66 2 90 2 40 2 25 1 bull.... 1 bull.... 1 bull.... 1 cow.... 1 cow.... 64 cows... 1 steer... 1 steer... 1 steer... ..1130 ,.12J .. 6fi0 ..12J0 ..1120 .. 746 ..1060 .. 740 ..1100 12 feeders. F. Glllman Neb. 8 00 lcow Co-Neb. 65 cows.... 2 25 62 cows P. Meyers Neb. 4 60 6 heifers.., Wsrneker Neb. 3 60 2 feeders.. M. T. Redmond Wvo 29 heifers... 63 110 9 cows 8 helferc $ 36 2 18) 2 55 2 26 2 25 1 96 3 00 2 60 3 60 I 40 Nelce A 6 feeders.. 920 3 60 9 bulls 1268 K. 38 feeders.. 635 H. 18 feeders.. 859 1060 I 60 6M 911 666 956 997 i 90 1 a 2 90 I 00 t $0 1 80 40 feeders.. 6 feeders.. 1 cow 1 cow 26 cows...,. 49 eows.... 67 cows.,.. 7 cows...., 11 cows.... 28 cows.... 62 feeders. 6 feeders. 72 feeders.. 8 feeders.. 2 85 t 10 s 00 626 2 60 cows 1071 Harris A Co. Neb. 990 3 60 31 cows $7$ 930 3 00 J. R. Hunter Neb. 840 2 00 1 bull 1320 720 2 36 1 steer 840 Sullivan Bros. Colo. 938 2 85 12 cows 881 $ 2$ Ixitsplech Bros. Neb. 1017 3 06 15 cows 100 2 8ft 1012 8 05 2 cows 970 2 60 Petty 4k P. Neb. 788 3 00 2 calves... 180 4 25 827 2 00 Al Williams Wyo. 988 3 20 6 cows 930 2 65 E. J. Bell Wyo. 90 3 40 1 steer 790 1 00 960 3 00 1 steer 790 X nn iuiiDrooK Lno and Csttle Co. Wyo. 64 steers... .1084 3 85 20 steers.. ..1026 1 00 r. Meyers Mont. M2 3 10 1 cow 870 $ 00 832 2 26 Jones V M. Wyo. 10 steers... .1195 3 60 11 feeders.. 91S 140 D. Jachene Wyo. 15 steers... .1104 4 25 1 bull 1490 2 25 R. O. Oldland-Colo. 12 steers.... 930 3 35 77 cows 900 2 40 10 steers.. ..1167 4 16 16 calves... 205 4 60 12 steers... .1078 3 35 15 calves... 350 1 10 38 heifers... 580 2 65 10 calves... 310 4 15 C. H. Chatfleld-Colo. 39 feeders.. 999 3 45 20 cows 895 1 15 36 feeders.. 850 3 3a 9 cows 815 2 65 a. w. Bristol Wyo. K66 4 20 Joe Gllllland-Colo. 920 3 50 2 feeders.. 920 3 00 940 3 55 6 feeders.. 940 3 00 C. Gibbon. 8S0 3 70 31 cows 914 3 10 ioie t uillette Colo. ...1120 2 00 8 cows.... ... 7S0 2 00 1 cow ... 821 2 00 1 feeder.. ... 830 2 50 1 stag P. Peterson Colo. ... 995 2 60 2 heifers.. ... 963 2 60 2 heifers... 675 ... 895 2 15 1 bull 122) ... 670 2 15 1 cow". 1030 ...1150 2 60 Wm. Cresswel! Wyo. 1028 3 00 6 cows 1022 973 3 00 J. K. Mayer Wyo. 20 cows 856 2 25 3 cows 8C0 5 cows 1084 3 00 1 cow 1220 1 cow 950 3 00 18 feeders.. 914 r. reuey niont. 101 steers.. 2& feeders. 60 feeders. 20 feeders. 1 cow.., 2 cows. 6 cows. 1 cow.., 2 cows. 6 cows. 7 cows. 1 cow.. 1 cow.., 16 cows.. 3 cows.. 890 960 610 670 675 2 00 2 60 2 00 2 85 2 60 2 60 1 50 2 15 2 40 2 25 2 25 3 85 45 feeders.. 933 3 60 24 feeders. . 947 3 70 HOGS There was a heavy run of hogs at all points this morning and as a result prices took a big slump. Packers started in here bidding 1620c lower, but sellers refused to cut looe at those figures and buyers finally raised Ihelr bids a little and bought their droves about 15c lower than yesterday' average. The bulk of the sales went from 86.07H to $6.1214. 't ne heavv hogs sold mostly from $6.05 to $6.07H and the better grades went largely from .12V to $6,15. Afler buyers and sellers finally got together on prices trading was fairly active and tho bulk of the early arrivals was disposed of at a reasonably early hour. imnin, oowever, aept coming in all day, so that the market did not come to a close until afternoon. Representative sales: No. 38.,., 13... Co.... 10.... 47..., ta... 41..., (l.... 82..., CI.... 34..., 33.... 74..., 84... 85... If... 63... 48..., 4... 7..., 4..., 48... 82... 68... 67... t. .. II..., 86... 88... tt... 3... 66... 3... 66... Av. a. . .181 . ... ..4IS, ... ..3'H ..184 ..183 ..331 ..343 ..331 too iib 40 .301 ..27 ..M4 ,M ..27 ..2 ..L3 ..808 ..365 ..373 ..227 ..307 ..383 ..:i3 ..314 ..320 ..810 ..301 ..377 ..24 ..178 ..268 ..247 ..28'.' ..308 ..23 870 4 240 76 33 6 31 II 371 13 244 111 384 14 170 74 381 74 376 II 371 10 348 SHEEP Receipts about the same as 120 80 40 120 8) 130 300 10 380 10 80 80 40 120 80 80 130 40 80 0 340 SO 40 80 80 too 130 Pr. t 80 I 1121 I ot I 05 I US I 05 06 4 05 I 05 I 0714 I 07t I 07L. I 07't I 07 S I 07a I 07 1 071 I 074 I 07i, I 071, 07 V, 4 071 4 0714 07V, I 07 I 10 I 10 I 10 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 1 in 10 1 10 1 10 1 10 10 1 10 10 1 10 I 10 I M" I 10 No. 60 86.... 66.... 86 3.... 74 to.... 40...., 6.... 6 63 C8.... t7 60 4 4 3 7 61... .... II II...., 3...., 65 CI...., 3.... 67.... ts 72 3 13 7...., 17.... 68... (8 78.... 64 7.... 72.... 4.... 70.... 71.... at.... 14.... 17.... 73.... Of on Av. ...291 80 ...236 ...37 ...361 ...304 ...241 ...361 ...36 ...373 ...3ot ...386 ... ...221 ...230 ...261 ...251 ...JTt ...241 ...23 ...282 ...285 ...261 ...J14 ...22 ...371 ...32 ...301 ...211 ...351 ...370 ...204 ...27 ...341 ...34 ...361 ...371 ...241 ...300 ...30 ...251 ...371 ...2?l ...224 ...304 ...147 ...231 120 120 120 80 130 110 120 130 40 80 '40 120 120 120 380 120 80 80 40 80 80 10 120 loo 'io 80 10 40 120 40 120 40 sheen 1 Monday so tods an rr. 4 10 10 I PI I 10 4 10 I 10 4 10 I 10 4 10 I 10 10 I 1314 I 12V, I 10 I 10 I 10 10 I 10 I 10 10 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 I 10 4 124 4 1214 4 12V, 124 12', 12V. 4 12V4 4 12V4 I 12V. 12V 12V4 124 I 16 16 I 15 It 17V4 17V, iy wen) d Tuea day, which makes the supply for the week to date considerably smaller than for Jhe corresponding period last week. As cora- fiared with the same days last year, there a also a slight decrease, which Is the first time thst this has happened In many months. There was not very much fat stuff In cluded In the receipts, and, aa packers all wanted a few, the market held Just about steady with yesterday. A double deck of fed yearlings sold aa high at $3.90. Aside from those there wss not very much de sirable fed stuff on the market, but prac tically everything offered brought good steady prices. There waa also a fairly awod derasnd for desirable glides of feeders and the market could be quoted active and steady. Ths common stuff was, of course, somewhat neglected, the same as usual, but still ths prices paid did not show much change. . Quotations: Good to choice year.lngs, $1.50 3.76; fair to good, $3.25$3.60; good to cholos wethers, $3.403.60; fair to good wethars, $3.10213.40; choice ewes, $2.7533.00: fair to f ood ewes, $2.25&2.5; good to choice lambs, 4.60(4.76: fair to good lambs, $4.0004.60; choice native lambs $5.0fi6.26; feeder wetli. era. t2.7Wi3.15; feeder yearlings, $2.&utf3.2S; feeder lumba. $3.0004.00; cull lambs. $1 SOU 2.00; feeder ewes. $1.252.25; cull ewes. 75c,) $1.26; stock ewes. $2.50&3 25. Representative f sales No. 1 Wyoming feeder ews t cull ewea 273 Wyoming feeder lambs.. 13 native ewes 20 cull lambs 21 native ewes 417 Nebrsrka wethers 225 western fed yearlings.... 1 fed buck lambs 12 fed lambs a 63 native lamba 1 native buck 44 native ewes 422 native wethers 37 native lambs 26 Wyoming feeder ewes... 863 Wyoming feeder ewes.... 836 Wyoming feeder ewes... 158 Wyoming feeder ewes..: 163 Wyoming feeder ewes... 14 Wyoming feeder swes... 134 native ewes 248 native ewes 1,284 Wyoming feeder lamb 884 Wyoming feeder wethers Av. . 70 16 . 61 . It . 68 . Ill . I06 . 98 . 100 . 62 . 94 . 170 . 120 . Ill . 62 . . 79 . 65 . 66 . M . 63 . 71 . 64 . 46 . 68 Pr. 1 50 2 25 I 5 3 60 1 60 I 60 3 60 1 90 4 00 4 75 4 75 1 61) 1 26 1 60 4 26 2 00 2 00 2 75 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 00 1 10 1 10 I 25 St. Louis Live Stork Market. ST. I.OUIS. Nov. 12.-CATTLE Receipts. t.fmO head, Including 4 5m) head Texan; market steady; native shipping and export steers, $.i.0nfj 7 5; dressed beef and butcher steers. 84.5o .60; steers under 1.000 lbs, 84.0tuQ6.0n; stockers and feeders. $30n4T4 45; cowa and heifer. $2 26 06 25: cannera, $1 5tf 250: bulls. $.1264X25: calves. $4 007.00; Texas snd Indian steers, $3.3c4J4.l0; cows snd heifers. $2 i3.i. HOGS Receipts. 6.600 head; market loc lower; pigs and lights. $6 "o 10; packers, $6.0niA14: butchers, W 1"vi i. SHEEP AND LAM US Receipts. 3.000 head; market steady; native muttons. $3.25 474 00; lamba. $42bi5.40: culls and bucks, $266(T4.O0; stockers, $1 5u&3.0u. Kansas 4 Itr Mv Stock Market.. KANSAS CITY. Nov. 1!.CATTLE Re ceipt. 14.000 head native. I. OKI head Tex an, 250 head Texas calves. 1.2.8) head Texas natives; butchers' cows steady to loc lower; Blockers and feeders steady; cholcs export nd dressed beef steers. $ On-ft. 95; fr ts good, $3.2566.90: stockers and feeders. J..n0'i 4Sf; western fed steers. :Onii.fr0; Texwe snd Indian steers, $3.nntjig.90; Texas cows, $22i2.95; native cows. $1.75474.25; natlv heifers, I2.1iVjiia.7t); cannera, $l.oojjj.00: bulls, $2.7Mf4 00; calves, S.50M5 . HOGS Receipts, 17,000 head; market opened MilOc lower: closed strong: pm strong; top. $6 20- bulk of sales. 86.o7Hii6.15; heavy, $6.o7V8'b.?0; mixed packers, - 9i 16; light, $.v.75ji3.10; yorkers, $6.n,iti; pigs, $5 fK.4jvJ.0n. SHEEP AND LA MRS Recel pis, 8A) hesd; market steady; native lambs, $.te, 5 26; western lambs, $3ijj.3n; fed ewes, $3.1079. 70; native wethers, U HMJ4 10; west, ern wethers, $3.00tj4.w); stockers and feed ers, $1,954(3.26. CHICAGO LI YR STOCK MAItKRT. Cattle Slaw aad Lower Hegs Lower aad Sheep Slow. CHICAGO. Nov. 12. CATTLE Receipts, 2!.Ono head, Including 4.000 westerns: market slow and lewer; good to prims steers, ItvOivj 7 00; poor to medium, $3.504rt.75; stockers and feeders. $2.004c4.90; cows, $1 40j4.5n; heifers. $2.00Sr6.00; cannera. $l.K32.6t; bulls. $2 iVi 4 50; calves, $3.5t'u4.RO; Texas fed steers. $3 00 J4. 00; western steers, $3.7Mf600. HOGS receipts today, 40,000 head; esti mated tomorrow, ao.im head; left over, 6,i) head; market lw15e lower; closed active; mixed and butchers, $5.954111.15: good to choice heavy, $.ooitl30; rojgh heavv, $5 fHivVOO; light. $5.904j6.10; bulk of sales. $5 9,VU6 10. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpt. 30.K8J bead: market slow; good to choice wethers. $3.5fvo4.oi; fair to choice mixed. $2.fini3.Mi; western sheep, $2.75fti3.80: native lambs, $3 W tt6 25; weatern lambs, $3.70'4.9n. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 12.5.12 3.145 H ifr 40.377 ' 6H Sheep 35,770 7.M New York Live Stock Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 12. BEEVES Re ceipts, 2.656 head: medium to good steers steady, commrn firm; market closed easier and 10c lower; bulls steadv; cows firm to loo higher: steers, $4.oorrj.60; oxen and stags. $2.25fr4.no; bulls. $2.5oi3.76: cows. $1.41 4S8.70; fat heifers. $4; stockers. $3 OiVfi 3 Cables were weak. Shipments were 690 cat tle 1,321 sheep and 8,920 quarters of beef. CALVES Receipts. 2.024 head: veals barely steady: grassers and westerns slow and lower; veals. $5.00i90o; grassera, $3.00 63 60; common westerns, $3.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 10.086 head; sheep steady; lambs Pri5c high r: sheep, $2.S5'03.75; extra, $4.mVfiM.35; culls. $J.ni) 4i2.25; lambs. $5.i8y(i6.0U; culls, $4.n''4.5ii; no Cnnada lambs. HOGS Receipts, T.OdS head: steadv; statu hogs, $6.60; choice, $6.60; westerns, nominal, $6.0iy.10. St. Joseph Live Stork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Nov. 12. CATTLE l . - celpts, 3,800 head: lfc lower; stock cattle lower; natives, $3.V(i7.35; cows and heifers, $l.WVin.25; veals. $2.50(ti6.75: stockers and feeders, $2.0(irat,75. HOGS Receipts, 4.773 head; opened lOfrno lower; closed 5c lower; light and light mixed, $6.071aJjV15; medium and heavy, $6.05 Ktvj.zo; pigs, t4.Kffitj.lb; hlilK. 6.1.Vn 20. SHEEP AND LAM HS Receipts, neau; siow, steaay 10 10c lower.. 4.564 Slonx City Lire Stork Market, SIOUX CITY, la.. Nov. 12.-(Speclal Tele gram.) CATTLE Receipts, 700; stockers slow, killers lower; beeves, M-SOfrS-TS: corns, bulls and mixed, J2.2rtfi4.00; stockers and feeders, $2,503)4.60; yearlings and calves, $2.MK(H.O0. HOGS Receipts. 3.50ft; 6c lower, selling at $5.8fa6.10; bulk, $6.93416.05. SHEEP Receipts, 3oO; steady. Stock In Sight. The following wore tho receipts of llva stock at the six principal cities yesterday: v B 1 Lie. rii"tt. oiir". Omaha Chicago .... Kansas City St. Louis .. St. Joseph . Sioux City . Totals .. .. 9.600 . .22.18) ..14.1810 .. 6.000 .. 3.810 .. 700 r.000 40,000 17.000 6.G00 4.773 3.500 14.000 30. Off) 8.000 3,m) 4.564 300 .56,100 68.273 ' 69.864 Evaporated Apples and Dried Fruits. Nm- YnHV, Nov. 12. EVAPORATED APPLES Show no change from the sondl tlons recently noted: common are quoted st 6t86Tic; prime, 6tij6V4c; choice. eVflV"; fancy, 74i8c. CAl l "NIA DRIED FRUITS Tho larger sixes of spot prunes continuing In light simply and rule firm, while the smaller descriptions ore about steady: quotations range from 3c to 7V4c for all grades. Apri cots continue In fair request and steady at 7412c for boxes and 7 (a 10c for bags. Peaches are moving moderately and. are) steady to firm at 12igl7Hc for peeled and 6S44rlOc for unpeeled. Sugar and Molaases. NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 12. SUGAR Ac tive and Arm; open kettle. 2?iM"4c; open kettle, centrifugal, 3 1-I74f3 7-16c; centrifugal, white. aiiic ; yellow, 8c; seconds, 29P 3 1-16C. MOLASSES In good demand: open kettle, 2ca35c; centrifugal, 1 0ft 20c ; syrup, strong at 20(8 29c. NEW YORK. Nov. 12. SUGAR Raw. firm; fair refining. 3 3-16c; centrifugal. 96 test, 3 7-16c; molasses sugar, 215-16c; refined, irregular. MOLASSES Firm. LONDON. Nov. 12. SUOAR-Bcet, No vember, 7s 6d. Dry Hoods Market. NEW YORK, Nov. 12. DRY GOODS-Ths firm character of the market for cotton goods has not been unbroken today In sny department. The demand Is quiet and prices unchanged. Print cloths sre Arm for regulara and dull for wide goods. Men's wear woolens, dull and featureless. Dress goods, quiet but steady. Girl Gets Light Seatenee. CAMBRIDGE. Mass.. Nov. 12. Nina K. Danforth. the deformed Framingham girl, pleaded guilty today to manslaughter In, causing the death of Andrew J. Emery, whom she shot snd killed st his home In South Framingham on May 17 last. It was claimed that Emery had led the young woman to believe that he would marry her and that she shot him upon learning that he had a wife and children. She was sen tenced to serve a year and nine months In ths Csmbrldge house of correction. Another Search for Missing Man. BELTON. Mont.. Nov. 12 With the sld of a number of Indians and the Indian police from the Flathead reservation the officials of the Great Northern road have made another search for Superintendent Egan. One party managed to reach the de. aerted hut. but they found that the hut had not been occupied for months. It Is hoped that today's rsln in the mountains will melt the snow, ss this will facilitate ths search for the missing man. Ananal Meetlasj Adjoaraed. NEW YORK, Nov. 13. The annual meet ing of ths International Sliver company, which waa to have been held In Jersey City today, was adjourned for one week. It was announced that there was no quorum present. Condition f Mrs. Clemens. NEW YORK. Nov. 12. Friends nf the family of Samuel L. Clemens (Mark Twain 1 said today that reports of Mrs. Clemens' Illness had been somewhat exaggerated. Slid has been 111 for several months, but h r condition, which was not critical at any time, has shown Improvement recently. TKJB REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednes day, November 12: Warranty Deeds. South Omaha Land company to August MUler. nVi lot 1, block 347, and nli lot 14. block 346. South Omaha $ J. W. T. Newman snd wife to Henry nenca, im aw. South Omsha C. F. Oottsch and wife to W. T. Schneider, lota 23 and 24, block , Bennington Omaha Realty company to Gustavus Hamburg. s4 lot 4. block 20, E. V. Smith's add Mary M. Allen to Leslie De W. Allen, nH nw4 19-15-11 Minnie E. Weldon and husband to James Beaumont, lot 8, block 1, Ike View add Mary A. Smith and huaband to Rosa V. Schrlver, w 20 acres of s 30 acres sw'i swl4 18-15-12 N. H. Cornell to Chris Pedersen, lot 4, block 2. Isabel add T. O. Putnam and wife to Agnes Klsusner, lot 11, block 2, Avondslq psrk tgnlt Clalas Deeds. J. L. Brown and wife to Ella R. Pot ter, lot 18. block 2. Potter's sjld W. T. Gsgenbln and wife to A. P. Tukey et al. lot 13. block 1. Clifton Hill Deeds. Frsnk Thompson, executor, et al to Joseph 81 pes, lots 21 and 22, block 11, Omana View Sheriff to Walter Moles V Co., lot It, block 14, Brown park Sheriff to C. S. Joslin et al, trustees, lot 7, block 1, Dauglas add 7M 1.500 650 1,3. 0 500 1.000 1 2.(50 Total amount of transfers... SO 1.000 ..$11.411