Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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Official Count Showi Each Candidate with
Cam Total Vote.
Dmoertl Candidate Gain Ten
Voles la Fifth Prerlnrt of Jllnth
Ward Ballot Mar Be
onnted la Coort.
The completion of the nnviM of the
ote cast In the Fifth, Sixth and Ninth
ward of Omaha and the country pre
cinct of Esst Omaha, which constitute the
Third Commissioner district, leavre Hent-y
McDonald, republican, and C. O. Loberk,
futlontit, tied for the seat of the board.
Each, hat a total of 2,U votes, distributed
aa) follows:
Mi. -Dnnald. Lobck.
Fifth ward 67 822
Sixth ward 1,2M
Ninth ward 72 7
Bast Omaha ' 47 34
Total 2.B11 J.6U
The unofficial returns had shown McDon
ald to bare a lead of eleven, but In the
Fifth precinct of the Ninth ward ho lost
ten votes, the unofficial table having glvort
him 11 Instead of 10s, while In the i-'ift'.i
ward Lobeck gained two votes and In 1b
Ninth lost one, or made a net fia of one,
which, with the ten McDonald lost, re
moved the latter'a lead.
Lobeck la dissatisfied with the ciuul be
cause McDonald was, he say. allow"! the
benefit of a very grave doubt a tally
mark In the returns frora the Ninth precinct
of the Sixth ward, the decision t'f the can
vassing board being reverted after Atiornev
Burbank, on behalf of McDonald, had suc
ceeded In having the board roDn a poil
book after It had been sealed tnd wait be
ing wrapped, and Inspect ;he nmrk an 1
change Its decision to give McD'Uiall the
doubtful credit.
Ballot Mar He Opened.
It Is understood that the conteatant
will have the ballots unwrapped and
counted In county court by agreement
before any certificate of election It Istued.
Should thlt plan be abandoned then It
would be up to the county clerk, as the
complied ttatutet (2!5, sec. 491 read;
When there Is a tie between two persons
for an office o be filled by the county alone,
or by any precinct therein, the clerk shall
notify them to appear at hie office at a
given time to determine the tame by lot
before the canvassing board, and the cer
tificate of election In to be given accord
ingly. If either party fall to appear or to
take part In the lot, the county clerk ahall
draw for htm.
The statutes also provide that such
course shall be taken In the event of a
contest which results In leaving the candi
dates still tied.
Judge Read of the district bench, a
chance visitor at the tax department
shortly after the vote was announced, ln
9 formed an Inquirer that either contestant
could allow the matter to be decided by
the county clerk drawing lota without
prejudice to hla case should he get the
wrong atraw and desire afterward to con
test, Such contett would begin In county
court and could go up on appeal.
The McDonald-Lobeck race became such
a close one yesterday that all other can
didates were dropped practically from no
tice and no accurate tab kept of the slight
and aa yet Immaterial changes In tho vote
on the legislative ticket. The official board
will not do Its totaling until the whole
county vote has been canvassed and en
tered, which probably will be by Thursday
Je fieri a and English, candidates for county
attorney, each bad tallsmen present, how
ever, and a comparison of their tables at
noon ahowed that In Omaha proper and
East Omaha Jeffetia haa a plurality, offi
cially, of 243 over English. In the Third
precinct of the Eighth ward the canvass
resulted In Jefferts' credit being raised from
4 to 116 and English's credit from 80 to
103, or a net gain for Jefferls of 29.
In the afternoon the canvassing board
went through the books from all the wards
of South Omaha and those from Benson.
Chicago, Clontarf. Douglas and Dundee pre
clncta, with still no material changes. In
the Second precinct of the Second ward of
South Omaha English gained one, making
. hla total for that city 1.933, as against
lefferls' 1,134. or a plurality of 789. Thla
la eleven less than Hitchcock's plurality
for the aame city, as he received 1,536
Totea, aa against D. H. Mercer's 1,175.
Between Ma a aad Wife.
Perry Fields, colored, and Mamie Fields,
hia wife, had trouble yesterday afternoon
about 6 o'clock. Perry Uvea at 2U7 North
Tenth street and Mamie stays at 119 North
Kleventb. The pair haa not been able to
live In the same house. The trouble oc
curred yesterday when Perry entered
Mamie's place; he says at her request, she
having tent for him to come and bring her
a new drees; she says with the Intention of
doing for hw. At any rate, after aome re-
Krtee and a little side-stepping. Mamie
ided on Perry's arm with an ornamental
lamp, making a gaah thereon which waa
drowsed at the police atatlon. The pair
were arretted.
Of a New Catarrh Cora.
A large and constantly Increasing major
ity of the American people are catarrh suf
ferers. This It not entirely the result of
oar changeable climate, but because modern
investigation haa clearly proven that many
dlaeaaea. known by other names, are really
ratarrh. Formerly the name catarrh waa
applied almost exclusively to the common
nasal catarrh, but the throat, stomach,
liver, bladder, kldneya and Inteatlnea are
subject to catarrhal dlseaaea aa well aa the
naaal passages.
In fact, wherever there la mucous mem
brane there la a feeding ground for catarrh.
The usual remedies. Inhalers, sprays,
douches or powders, have been practically
failures, aa far aa anything more than tem
porary relief waa concerned, because they
simply dry up the mucous secretions with
out having the remotest effect upon the
blood and liver, which are the real sources
of catarrhal diseases.
It haa been known for aome years that
the radical cure of catarrh could never
come from local applications, but from an
internal remedy, acting on the blood and
expelling the catarrhal poison from the
A new Internal preparation which has
been on the market only a short time ha
met with remarkable auccess as a genuine,
radical cure for catarrh.
It may be found In any drug store, sold
under the name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablett,
large, pleasant tasting loscnges. composed
principally of aatlsepiio Ingredients, blood
root, red gum aad similar catarrh tpsclnct.
.Dr. Alnaiee. la speaking of the new ca
tarrh eure. says: "I have tried the new
ratarrh remedy. Stuart's Catarrh Tableta.
Upon thirty or forty patient with remark
able aatlafactory results. They clear the
head and throat moat effectually and last
ingly than any douche or inhaler that I
fcave ever Been, and altbou they are what
la called a patent medicine a.-d sold by
druggists, 1 do not hesitate to r (commend
them, at I know them to be free from co
caine and opiates and that even a little
child may uae them with entire safely."
Any sufferer from nasal catarrh, throat
or bronchial trouble, catarrh cf the atom
, arh. liver or bladder, will nod Stuart's Ca
tarrh Tableta remarkable effective, pleas
ant and convenient, and your druggist will
tell you they are absolutely free from any
Injurious drug
Hoard at Fire and Police ( omml, lon
ers Deride Sot to Redare Fire
The mort interesting feature of the ses
sion of the Fire and Police board last
evening waa the fact that they took no
action In regard to the reduction of the
Ore department of the city. Charles H.
Pickens of the Omaha Commercial club
made a talk to the board in executive ses
sion. In which he pleaded that there be
no reduction made. One of the raembeta of
the board stated that the department would
be kept to its present strength until the
funds on hand were completely exhausted.
Mr. Plckent stated that the Commercial
club would take some official action re
garding the matter next Tuesday at the
meeting of the executive committee.
The resignation of Nick Dargacxewskl aa
patrolman was accepted. Edward Way
bright, driver of hose company No. 7, was
reprimanded for being under the influence
ef liquor. He was excused from further
penalty on the grounds that his dram was
taken on an empty stomach for the pur
pose of giving him strength to battle with
a fire. Edward Heldeman of hook and lad
der company No. 1, up on the same charge,
waa also reprimanded and also fined hla
yearly thirty days off. Frank McClure.
who resigned from the fire department a
week ago to accept another position, was
reinstated at h:t request.
The first actual concert appearance of
Mr. Robert Cueeaden, violinist, since his
return from a prolonged study In Europe,
was sufficient to call forth a large and very
representative audience of the musicians
and music lovers to the Kountte Memorial
church last night. The church waa more
than two-thirds filled downstairs with the
foremost musicians of all branches, and
the critics were out In full force.
Mr. Cueeaden was most ably assisted by
Mr. Joseph Gahm at the piano, which Is
tho equivalent of saying that Mr. Cusca
den'a accompaniments were gems of, art,
and that there was nothing left undone
which would tend to the. support of the
stellar attraction.
Mr. Cuscaden has broadened much since
he played here last. Hla tone la more
voluminous, more highly colored and more
varlod in the production. His readings are
literal, perhaps too much to; In fact, one
looks for breathing spacea In a violin solo
as well aa In a song. He Is Inclined to
carry one phrase Into another, after the
manner cf so many violinists, and there la
manifest an Indisposition to "cut loose"
and be himself.
Mr. Cuscaden has not yet attained the
zenith of his ability, but he certainly has
attained to one triple point of excellence,
and that Is the ability to make beautiful
tones, to play with sincerity and to In
terpret with feeling. Mr. Cuscaden Is a
violinist who will be a joy to the Omaha
musical people. He Is certainly muslclanly,
artistic and honest in his work. He Is an
acquisition beyond doubt.
The program presented aome worthy of
ferings of true and tried value, while others
were perhapa what one might call experi
ment!. The first number, a sonata, by
Sjogren, was boresome In much of ltt over
development of a vary ordinary theme, tho
piano part being by far the more Interest
ing of the two parte, while the idea of
Introducing a quasl-barcarolle figure Into
an "allegretto acherzaodo" movement Is,
aa yet, questionable. The recital, aa a
whole, waa most enjoyable, and Mr. Cus
caden secured the spontaneoua approbation
of thoae who know and love the high stand
ards In the musical art.
Mara Counterfeit Money.
The secret tervlce it endeavoring to lo
cate a gang of counterfeiters who have
been circulating apurloua half-dollars and
quarters in some of our eastern cities.
When caught they will be given the full
extent of the law, the aame as should bs
done with the unscrupulous 'dealer whs
puta up an Imitation article and sells It
for the genuine Hostetter'a Stomach Bit
ters. Refuse all Imitations. The genuine
Bitters will cure Indigestion, dyspepsia,
constipation and biliousness. Try a bottle.
Marrlasr Licenses.
Man-lacc licenses were Issued yes
John Ralston, South Omaha
Adda a. Wiley, South Omaha
Albert Swanson, Omaha
Emma Dahlgren, Pennsylvania
Ernest 8. Holmes, Omaha
Hobs Peteraon. Omaha
tver L. Helsberg. Omaha
laura Jensen, Omaha
Darwin F. Davis. Bloux City
1'heres Werts, Sioux City
Edwin F. Schroeder, Omaha
Udith L. Krata, Omaha
Joaeph Kaiser. Omaha
Thereaa OrudeU Omaha
Albert Henkel. South Omaha
Agnes Munroe, South Omaha
Wllheim Krelger. Madison, & D
Christina Lutenar, Omaha
Thamoa Ray, Omaha
Annie Sublett, Omaha
William D. Young, Omaha
Blanche Wllsey, Omaha
Frank Duebery, the ex-pollceman who
waa charged by George Ptorce with stealing
$2, has been discharged In police court.
The fourth Jjiry panel for this term of
district court waa drawn yesterday and
among the names were those of E. E.
Bruce. Z. T. Lludsey, William H. Butts, J.
V. Sweeney and F. L. Wead.
Prof. F. H. Wright, L. 1 C. M-, has Just
returned front Vermilion, S. D., where he
officiated at the dedication of a new organ
at the First Methodist church of that city.
Prof. Wright waa accompanied by Robert
McCormlck, the boy soloist.
Rev. W. E. Gross of Kama City has
been engaa-ed by presiding Rider Jennings
to deliver nis new lecture, "The Paraon and
Hla Paymasters." In the several Methodist
Episcopal churches of this city. He opens
at the Beward street church Thursday
The replevin suit of the Oliver Typewriter
company against the school district of
South Omaha goes to district court, the
value cf the twslvn machinea betrur shown
by the appraiser to be more than
which removes the case from the jurisdlc
tlon of the county court. . .
The suit of Rome Miller against James B.
Kitchen and the Kitchen Hotel Company
for a receiver for the Paxton hotel is drag
ging along, with November 22 aa the date
now set for the hearing. The plaintiff haa
been given ten ditye to file affidavits In re
buttal of those filed by the defendants.
A Jury In Judge Slabaugh's court haa
found for the defense In the suit of Mrs.
Mary wreen against Kenev. miger Co.
and E. R. Cook for HO.uuO damages, alleged
to have been sustained by reason of Cook,
s private detective, having her rooms at
the Thurston hotel searched in June, 1901,
for an Eton Jacket which was missing from
the firm's store.
The 8 D. Mercer company aska the courts
to enjoin W. J. Yancy and James P. Red
man from building an artificial stone, walk
sround the company's property In Walnut
Hill addition and to en.lniu the city frora
payln for auch work. The petition alleges
that Yancey and Redman, under a contract
with the city, tore up a good board walk
to build the artificial stone.
A number of the members of the Omaha
fire department, who sine the appointment
of the new Board of Fire and Police Cam.
mtssloners have been endeavoring to form
a union, have succeeded and have secured
a charter trom the American Federation of
Labor. The officers of the fire department
do not know who belongs to the union. Its
object Is said to be the protection of the
members of the department.
The advisory board at Its meeting of yes
terday afternoon adopted the proposed
rules for the government or cemeteries and
trie burial of the dead, and the entire rode
of health rules recently compiled will now
ba submitted to the city council for adop
tion as an ordinance. The board postponed
further action in the condemnation of the
Flret Christian church at the request of
the trustees of th church, who stated that
I the building would be solt and removed.
- rigras
S Vide;he
pro"- ;.
liffetence iveioT
crop heat.
Be K1
Men Who Ban !Wid de Machins" in Early
Da; a Meet to Talk of the Past
Iraes la Connection the Necessity
of Ijirarr Appropriation for
the Maintenance of the
The first annual banquet of the Omaha
Volunteer Firemen's association, and the
second banquet in its history, was given
last night at Ed Maurers. Covers wero
laid for about 100 guests and members of
the association.
The room waa detcrated with pictures of
old-time fire fighters and belts and caps of
the voluuteers.
After the feast, wherein the service was
perfect, John Baumer lntroduceo W. f.
Gurley aa toast master. Mr. Hurley called
for an addretta of welcome and named Mayor
P. E. Hoores as the one to respond. The
mayor was In his element and Eiade a
short address which was received with
laughter and applause. He paid tribute to
the able and earnest work of the volun
teer fire department. There are three
heroes the soldier, the locomotive, engi
neer and the fire fighter men who take
their Uvea in their handa for the defenae
of their country and their fellow citizens.
"Today we have but one more engine to
defend the city from fire than we had when
the volunteer department went out of ex
istence," he said. "We are sleeping on a
volcano. Our fire department should be
enlsrged and the legislature should place a
larger aum of money at the command of
the city council. We have been fortu
nate In our fires, but have been unfor
tunate la the loss of life of members. We
have a department unequalled In penonn I
In the world for a city of lta sixe, but
lt should be larger." 'He paid high tribute
to the work of Chief Salter aa a fire fighter
and to Jack Galllgan.
The major was followed by William J.
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Kennedy, who told of the formation of the
first fire company In Omaha Pioneer Hook
and Ladder company No. 1 which waB or
ganized by Benjamin F. Shekles. J. W. Van
Nostrand and W. J. Kennedy. A. J. Simp
son waa one of the members of tho com
mittee to decide on apparatus. The speaker
then told of the preliminary steps; that
Frank Dellone built the first ladder, Jonlah
McCormlck pro Ided the buckets and ropea
and the hooks were made by a local black
smith. Thirty-three members appeared on
July , i860, with apparatus complete. A
short time after that the first run was
made to a fake fire created by Mr. Ken
nedy, wnich created considerable profanity
and Indignation. The first real test waa in
February, 1861, In a cottage owned by Ir.
Monell, occupied by Fred Krug'. The fire
waa extinguished with water from a cis
tern and with enow cut from a bank. Then
came the first engine, purchased by Mr.
Simpson, the company commanded by Mr.
Wlndhelm, father of Oeorge B. Windhelm.
The next fire was In the Hellman block, but
the engine waa useleas. The first time It
was used was at the fire In the King build
ing at Twelfth and Far nam streets. A. J.
Stmrson waa the first chief of the depart
ment. Mr. Kennedy was followed by the first
chief. A. J. 8lmpson, who epoke briefly,
and Samuel Burns, with remarks which
were received with applause and laughter.
Judge Estelle responded to the toast. "The
Navy of the lulled Slatee." Alfred Boren
aon gave a few reyilnlscencee and John H.
Butler, first chief of the paid fire depart
ment, epoke briefly. Judge Vinsonhaler
responded to the toaat. "The Ladies." W.
8. Summers responded to the last toast,
congratulating the members upon their
association and the banquet.
The meeting closed with the tinging of
"Auld Lang Syne," led by Mayor Moorte.
Thosa Mho Attended.
The members of. the Veteran association
seated at the board were: John Baumer,
president; F. H. Koetters, secretary; John
A. Crelghton. U. P. Beard, Nathan Elliott.
Julius Treltachke, Morand Schutt, Charles
Oodfrey. W. M. Bushy, Fred ScLaffer,
Charles Edmondsou. Stephen Mealio. Julius
Rothholti. F. L Ruff, Peter Besen, An
drew Frlck, Aaron Conn, Ed Maurer. J. T.
Beard, J. W. Jardlne, William Everilt,
. nnffb. to
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Quaker P" deS
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lt i5 pactoE" y tbe satne day.
and the cars away.
-yr -
No other food ftesh M
t0 your table
na rrat. i.
Q TIL, "distinctly.
Herman Kunde, Samuel Burns, Edward
Lender, .William Alstadt, E. L. Stone, C.
O. Hunt, John Reed. Chris Johnson, J.
W. Nichols, William Moran, J. B. Koesters,
W. II. Galllgan, Ed Kupplg, C. E. Johannes,
Charles Gruenig, John H. Butler, D. C.
Sutphpn, C. G. Fisher and A. B. Frary.
The invited guests were: W. J. Ken.
nedy, A. J. Simpson, W. F. Gurley, F. B.
Moor en. G. W. Shields, . J. C. Cowin, Lee
S. Estelle, T. J. Mahone), D. M. Vinson
haler, W. S. Summers, J. J. Donohue, chief
of police; Fred Krug, J B. Jondro, chief
of the Dundee ' fire department; Charles
Salter, chief of the Omaha fire department;
George B. Windhelm, first assistant chief;
Ed Dlneen, aecond assistant chief; H. K.
Smith. D. W. Shull, John F. Kelly, J. A.
Beal, S. O. Clayton, .lamea P. Connolly,
J. Ih, J. F. Meyer. John White. E. K.
Lower, Henry Lehmer, A. L. Brooks, E.
E. Kimberly. William Mack, R. E. Harris,
J. A. Shenk, Otto Stemssen and Alfred
Will Mali.. In. Keel lunnict.
Electric Bitters are a marvelous tonic,
and work wonders for a weak, run-down
syttem. Try them. Only 50c. For aala by
Kuhn sV Co.
Ignoble Red Men Locked t p.
A compound of local firewater and John
White, full-blood Indian fresh from the
reservation, tilled thi city Jail for long
hours lust night with the war whoop of
the OmhH and the. unfnmlllnr rmlenee of
the corn dance. John an arrested at 6:30
on Fltteenth street, near Dodge, where he
was shaking his fiat in the (sees of itedes
trUns snd otherwise disporting himself.
lavr In the evening Peter Decora, a reser
vation polleemnn. was Jailed. Peter was
highly good-natured and prayed to be al
lowed to run about town until dawn, at
which time he would, without doubt, re
turn. What Tbrv Oemnnd.
Headaches, liver complalntb, uowel 4 s
orders demand Dr. King's Ntew Life Pills.
Tbey are gentle, but cure or no pay. 25c,
For sale by Kuhn A Co.
Receiver for Insurance Company.
CHICAGO. Nov. 12-Phlllp J. Magulre
was today appointed receiver for the assets
of the Marquette Mutual Life Insurance
company, upon a petition Hied by Stale In
surance Superintendent Vatea, mho de
clared that the company waa insolvent. An
injunction was alo secured restraining the
officials of the concern from further pro-
tceuing who us uutuness.
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Committee of Brotherhood Will Appear
Before Union Pacifio Official.
Men Believe They Are Entitled to
Mora Equitable Division of
Growing- Earnings of the
Railroad Company.
. There Is no longer any doubt that the
trainmen of the I'nlon Pacific, In accord
ance with the concerted action planned by
the trainmen on all the roads througbojt
the country, will demand, an increase in
wages. The switchmen will be In on the
proposition, as was confirmed yesterday by
a leader of that body, who said that hla men
would meet within a few days to formu
late their plans. They are affiliated with
the trainmen here and will ask for th
scale which has been granted the trainmen
by seventeen trunk lines converging In
Chicago, which 1 an Increase tor fore
men of 4 cents and othera S centa an hour.
The general rate of increase to be de
manded,' it is understood, is 20 per cent.
It was given out at President Bun t
office yesterday morning that the trainmen
of the I'nlon Pacific had made no demand as
yet and bad not advised the company of
their intentions. The committee probably
will be In the city this morning, and as
President Burt and Mr. Buckiniiam are
expected back today, a conference between
the officials and the trainmen Is probable.
President Burt has maintained all along
that "our trainmen are not thinking cf any
Increase in wages: they are getting good
sages and tbey are an Intelligent set of
men and will not be unwise enough to ask
for more money."
Notwithstanding this, however, it has
been definitely learned that the I'nlon Pa
cific trainmen do want more money and
In order to get It bave silted themselves
with the g neral movement Involving the
about ball
. we
co-operation of the trainmen all over th
country. Aa was originally stated In The
Bee, this movement was Inspired by the
conservative element of the trainmen and
sprung from a determination to bring wagea
up to a corresponding level with the vast
earnings of railroads and the Increasing
cost of living.
It la a fact that wagea have not been
lowered and trainmen admit that If the
general coat of living had not advanced
ao materially their lncomca would be satis,
factory, but under tb6 present conditions
they say they are not. Therefore In view
of tbla fact and the fact that from year to
year the earninrs of all railroads have been
going up by leapt and bounds, tbota of the
latt fiscal year having outstriBDed all ree-
ordt. It la nothing but fair, they contend.
mat the men who produce this wealth in a
large measure shall thare a more riuitabla
division of the revenuea.
Elkhorn Haa evr Mebedol.
The trainmen on the Fremont. Elkhorn
A Missouri Valley road have already pre
tented a demand for higher wagea and new
acbedulea and their conferences with the
officials have been closed, with the result
that a new schedule was drawn up, aald
to be satisfactory to both sides. The de
tails of this schedule cannot be learned, aa
lt haa not been signed, but lt is believed
there will be no further trouble.
The trainmen ou the Burlington bave not
presented any demand as yet to Oeneral
Manager Holdrege.