Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1902, Page 6, Image 6

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The umaha Daily Bee.
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State of Nebraska, Douglas County, :
George B. Trschuck, secretary of The
Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn,
ays that the actual number of full and
complete copies of The Dally, Morning,
JCvenlng and dunday Bee printed during
the month of October, 1WJ2, was as fillw:
1 3O.T0O 17 81.820
J aO,.tU 18 31,430
I ai.ino j 30,4o
4 80,070 20 82,240
K 2.3(10 21 32,aao
i ..Sl.ZOO 22 31,070
7 HO.01O 23 31.T40
1 31,070 24 32,150
I 81.000 23 81,140
10 31,100 26 80.3SII
U 32.00O 27 81,070
11 20.020 28 81.60
It 81,350 2 si.eao
14 81,2.10 SO 32.3(H)
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U 33,700
Total oeo,ei5
Jss unsold and returned coplea 9,872
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Subscribed In my preaenco and sworn to
i before me this Mat day of October, A. D.
(Seal) Notary Public
It's time to pang that pass cartoon up.
JThls is merely a passing remark.
The Real Estate exchange la now doe
to show that it Is in the fight for tax
reform to stay.
Those omniscient Washington corre
spondents must be busy Just now writ
ing the president's forthcoming message
to congress for him.
Everybody in Nebraska is feeding
sheep now and presently everybody out
Bide of Nebraska will be eating Ne
braska mutton chops.
Retail cigar dealers have organized for
a fight Npw ,let the retail cigar smok
prs organize and agree to Invest In corn
cob pipes and dried cabbage leaves.
The ordnance bureau recommends
some changes in the artillery, but it
tloea not suggest that anyone but "Uncle
Joe" Cannon should be mounted in the
speaker's chair.
Arthur Pue Gorman may be the pre
ferred choice of Ilenry 'Watterson for
president, but he will hardly serve as
the reconciliation offering between David
B. Hill and William J. Bryan.
With over 116,000 in the treasury to
the credit of the police fund there Is no
apparent excuse for the summary dis
missal of the sixteen policemen on the
ground of compulsory economy.
Every time the election returns are
Officially canvassed in this city and
county another solid argument is pro
duced for the early Introduction of the
proting machine with its automatic
The law requiring candidates for office
to file sworn statements of campaign
expenses should be repealed by the In
coming legislature unless we want to
perpetuate the perjury habit, which has
grown from year to year.
The only way to lift the tax burden
from real estate is not only to reduce
the tax rate, but to Include In the as
sessment all the taxable property that
Dow escapes listing at the same pro
portionate value as real estate.
Judged by his address at the New
Tork Chamber of Commerce, as well as
by Innumerable other public addresses.
President Roosevelt would have been
the same shining success ' If, he had
taken to the pulpit instead of to the law.
TJclees the Union Pacific strike break-
rs are kept at arm's length from each
Other the city will have to enlarge Its
window-barred boarding house. John
N. Baldwin's injunction chest protector
should be extended over the men Inside
SS well as outside the picket line.
The Bt Louis grand Jury Is still do
ing a "laud office business at the old
lUnd. Having closed its arduous labors
f indicting a brace of boodle aldermen
I ml boodle franchise promoters. It now
proposes to devote its time and atten
tion to repeaters and crooked election
Ifflcers who violated the election laws
an the 4th of November.
If policemen can be legally dis
charged without charges or hearing on
I faked up exhibit of police fund short
Ige at this time, what Is to prevent the
police board from golog through the
lame performance whenever It wants to
make room for a bunch of new ap
pointees. If the present arbitrary ac
tion la not illegal, what Is tbci-e to pre
rent the board from creating a deficit
ivery year Just to get rid of members
If the force .not sufhVlently In political
Record with the ruling commissioners?
The New York Evening Tost says
that the democratic need of the hour is
"a cloun. strong. Inspiring leadership."
It declares that "the lsswes stand wait
ing; a cause is pnared for which thou
sands ore ready to fight with enthu
siastic devotion. But they scan the
field eagerly and In vain for a sight
of that commanding figure, that po
litical genius, that compelling character,
who Is able to unite the scattered forces
and to wield them as a great Instrument
for the country's good." It is certainly
a serious condition the democracy Is In,
with a presidential election only two
yenrs away and no one to take the lead
ership of the party who Is competent
to unite It and put It In a position to
command popular respect and confi
dence. f
The late elections effectually killed off
several aspirants for democratic leader
ship. David B. 11111 Is no longer seri
ously thought of in that connection, hav
ing shown himself more of a demagogue
than previously he was thought to be.
Tom L. Johnson of Ohio was burled
under a republican majority that left
him completely crushed as a political
force. No less decisively was Pattison
of Pennsylvania eliminated from the list
of aspirants for democratic leadership.
Who Is it that has the necessary Qualifi
cations for leadership, the ability to
unite the scattered forces of democracy?
There Is no one. Some there are who
expect to see Mr. Cleveland the recog
nized leader of the democracy In 1904,
but there is hardly any one who would
e less successful than he in uniting
the party. The Cleveland prestige is
pretty well gone, except among a mi
nority of democrats ' in the tast and
south, and It Is entirely certain that he
could accomplish nothing with western
democrats. Mr. Gorman of Maryland,
who will return to the United States
senate next March, is being thought of
by a few democrats. Including Colonel
Henry Walterson, who regards him as
worth a dozen Hills or a thousand
Clcvelands," as a possible leader in the
next national campaign. But while
Gorman is an experienced and shrewd
politician, who formerly waa conspicu
ous In democratic councils and perhaps
represents the best there is left of de-
mocnicy, it is very doubtful If he has
the political genius and the "compelling
character" to unite the democracy and
marshal It as a compact and harmo
nious opposition.
It is true, then, as the Evening Poet
says, that democrats look in vain for a
capable and ' worthy leader a man
whose record has been in strict accord
with the traditional principles of de
mocracy and who possesses political
genius and compelling character. The
democratic party has no such man and
uutil one is found the party will con
tinue In the disorganised condition to
which it has been brought through de
sertion of its traditional principles and
the acceptance of those of populism and
socialism. 1
No one will deny that the transporta
tion charges on bituminous coal are,
to say the least, very high. "They are
certainly compensatory, and in fact they
are one of the richest sources of reve
nue to the railroad companies. And yet
the railroads systematically extort
freight charges on anthracite that are
enormously higher than on soft coal,
often double and sometimes - almost
treble the rate on the latter.
The facts officially gathered and clas
sified by the Interstate Commerce com
mission show the rate per ton per mile
on hard coal from the anthracite region
to Boston is .84 to .04 of 1 cent, and on
soft coal for the same haul .44 to .40.
The charge on soft coal from the Penn
sylvania mines to Buffalo Is .56 to .62
and on hard coal is .56.
Between these extremes there Is every
conceivable variation, demonstrating
that the rates are fixed on no consistent
business principle, except that of extort
ing all that the traffic will bear accord
ing to the local conditions to be dealt
with. On their face the facts show dis
crimination of the grossest character, for
any legitimate reason for such varia
tions is utterly Inconceivable.
Why should It cost to haul a carload
of hard coal double what Is charged for
hauling a carload of equal weight of
soft coal? Substantially the same mo
tive power, train crew, equipment of all
kinds, are required in both cases. Ob
viously the bard coal rate ought to be
cut down or the soft coal rate advanced
and the traffic 'manager who affirms
the latter will be slow to show his face
in public. .
There were some things said by Presi
dent Roosevelt iu hi, address at the ban
quet of the New York Chamber of Com
merce which are worthy of more than
passing consideration and which will un
doubtedly receive attention and favor
able comment abroad. At this time, when
there is so strong a feeling la Europe
against the trade Invasion of the United
States and the spin Ion widely prevails
there that It Is the policy of our com
mercial Interests, particularly the Indus
trial combinations, to employ any means,
fair or otherwise, to secure foreign
trade. It Is well that the president, in
the presence of the greatest "representa
tive body of American commercial in
terests, should have declared that we
have no Jealousy of the growth and
prosperity of other nations and tbst we
desire no rivalry that Is not honorable to
both parties.
The way in which this country has
been attacked abroad by those whose
business has suffered from our rather
aggressive enterprise ami pushing com
petition has shown that our people, that
Is the commercial element, is regarded
as being quite as unscrupulous as ag
gressive and to be actuated as well by
an Inordinate greed. There Is, of course,
no altruism In business. As was well
said by Mr. Cleveland in his address
before the chamber, "commerce Is born
of enterprise and enterprise Is In this
busy, bustling age lorn of struggle and
competition." American manufacturers
and merchants want all the trade they
can get everywhere, but they do not seek
It by means that are not legitimate, fair
and honorable. Of course we some
times hear of transactions that are not
fair, but these are exceptional and those
who are guilty of them quickly lose their
commercial standing at home as well as
abroad. -
President Roosevelt expressed the be
lief that the trend of the modern spirit
is ever stronger toward International
pe'uce and iricudship and said that "we
shall be a potent factor for peace largely
In proportion to the way we make It
evident that our attitude is due not to
weakness, but to a genuine repugnance
to wrong-doing." This applies as well to
commercial as to political relations with
foreign countries. Honorable dealing is
the true policy and Indeed the only one
by which we can hold what our enter
prise has won and make further gains.
If there is a different impression in re
gard to us abroad, and such seems to be
the case, every effort should be made to
remove It, since its growth would be
more damaging to us than any discrimi
nating tariff could be. Not only are we
not Jealous of the prosperity of other
nations, but earnestly desire It, as tend
ing to Increase our own prosperity. ' In
the great struggle for trade among the
nations the United States wants nothlug
but honorable rivalry, a fair field and
no favor, confident that upon that basis
it can secure its share of the world's
The Initiative for municipal election
reform has been taken In Chicago In
the shape of a resolution Adopted by Its
city council endorsing an amendment
to the city charter providing for four
more hours of voting in order to en
able the worklngmen to participate In
elections. In Chicago, as in all other
population centers, mechanics and labor
ers employed In the building trades and
in mills and factories are practically
barred from elections by reason of their
inability to cast their votes before go
ing to work or after returning from
The proposed amendment to the Chi
cago city charter would keep the polls
open from 6 o'clock a. in. to 8 o'clock
p. m. on general election days and also
on primary election days. The only ob
jection to the proposed reform is that
it would inflict some hardship upon the
election officers, who would have to put
In fourteen hours' work instead of ten
hours. The extension of the voting
hours from 6 a. m. to 8 p. m. also In
volves two hours' delay In canvassing
the vote.
All of these objections, however, can
be overcome by an increase in the num
ber of election officers that would en
able the election board to divide its
labor into two shifts bo that part of the
board could -ount ballots while the elec
tion is in progress, a system that has
been successfully carried on in the city
of New York for many years, or what
Is still better, by introducing counting
machines that would register the result
of the election within a few minutes
after the closing of the polls.
Whatever inconvenience may be ex
perienced or expense incurred would be
compensated for and Justified by the
proposed municipal election reform.
Under the present system a large per
centage of the Industrial population of
cities is virtually disfranchised. This
defect can be remedied only b.v the ex
tension of the hours of voting or by
making election days legal holidays.
The adoption of the former mode in
volves a small increase in election ex
penses and some hardship on election
officers the latter would deprive work
lngmen of the opportunity of earning a
day's wages, which is a serious loss to
many who are living from hand to
Police Chief Donahue is quoted as say
ing that the proposed eight-hour shift in
the Omaha police force was made im
possible by the dismissal of the sixteen
members of the force on the ground of
financial distress. The chief evidently
has not consulted the beadsman of the
police board, whose name begins with
a B and whose bead Is buzzing with a
mayoralty bee. He may rest assured
that if that bee continues buzzing the
sixteen discharged policemen will be re
placed by sixteen ward heelers in the
sweet by and by.
The Increase of revenue over expendi
tures of the national treasury continues,
amounting to $4,500,000 for October.
The bulk of the Increase comes from
customs payments. So vast has been the
volume of imports that the abolition of
the war taxes has nut prevented a need
less surplus, which has steadily ac
cumulated despite the extraordinary dis
bursements of the treasury, and there
Is no prospect of a change for many
months to come.
The two trials of Mollneux have cost
the state and the defense an aggregate
of $500,000. In the first the defeudant
was promptly found guilty of murder in
the first degree and sentenced to death
by electrocution. In the second he was
i Dromntlv acquitted amidst the plaud
its of the by standers and with signs of
universal approval. There is a big op
portunity for reform In criminal pro
cedure in New York.
The mora the figures are studied the
more noticeable Ax-comes the wisdom of
Colonel William Jennings Bryan lu
gently but firmly refusing to accept the
fusion nomination for governor of Ne
braska tendered him by the Graud
Island conventions.
That Minnesota , judge who has re
signed, giving as the reason that the
salary is insufficient, calls for no public
sympathy. It's safe to wager that he
had better returns In sight from tempt
ing private clients before he made up
bis mind to let go his grip on a public
salary. It's also safe to wager that
there will be no dearth of applicants for
his Job Irrespective of salary.
Whatever the commanding officers of
the army may suggest In the strict line
of military duty always finds quick re
sponse from their subordinates, but
when they became lavish with unso
licited advice about the private affairs
of the minor officers they are apt to find
their authority questioned.
Liberty la Peril.
Chicago News.
President Palma's effort to put an end to
cock fighting la interpreted by the Cubans
as a daring attempt to pull the tail feath
ers out of the palladium of their liberties.
fJet Ont and Hustle.
Indianapolis News.
Official statistics show that there is 229.36
cash In circulation tor every Inhabitant in
this country. If you haven't got yours, it's
coming to you and you can get It by going
to work.
Caatloa la Prophecy.
Chicago Tribune.
Editor 'Bryan's prediction that time will
prove the policies of the republican party
to be bad for the people baa one advantage
over his previous prophecies. Ha has aet
no time limit for its fulfillment.
Basts for Dlslraat.
Chicago Chronicle,
Mr. Morgan la understood to marvel
greatly at the public distrust of the steel
trust shares. It is strange strange that
people should be reluctant to put their
money into a corporation which employs
a lunatic at a salary of $1,000,000 per year
to furnish sensational reading matter for
the civilized world.
Soothing; Words for the Left.
Philadelphia Record (dem.)
Mr. Bryan has written an address to the
democrats of Nebraska, pleading with them
not to be discouraged by their recent de
feat. It is not a matter of discouragement
so much as of indignation that he should
continue to serve up to them the Barmecide
feast of free silver, with which they have
become utterly disgusted.
Famine la Rollins; Stock.
Indianapolis Journal,
The only famine that threatens the coun
try is a deficiency In locomotives and cars
to handle the traffic, the transportation
being 60,000 cars in excess of the supply,
and yet the railroad companies expended
$200,000,000 on equipment in 1901 and the
expenditure for that purpose the present
year is estimated at $250,000,000. During
the past two years 150,000 cars were built
and all the shops in the country cannot fill
the orders. The sum expended for power
and equipment the past year is over $1,000
a mile for every mile of railroad in the
United States.
Simplicity Jn the Army.
Cincinnati Enquirer.
This country got along for a great many
years and prospered 'and grew in grace and
greatness with a small army, simply organ
ized. It fought a great civil war without
European military frills. Our generals
who recently went abroad no 'doubt learned
a great deal, but , the : danger Is that they
will Influence . congress toward too much
expense to a great! ideal that is merely
spectacular and of "no use to a country
whose best and greatest policy . Is ! peace
with all the world! 1 The theory that a
frowning army and navy is the bst con
servator of peace or! that a brilliant mili
tary establishment redounds to the honor
and glory of a country Is utterly at vari
ance with comraon 1 sense and with the
history of this great republic.- There is
no market for Bowls knives in peaceful.
Industrial communities. Revolvers are not
a part of the personal equipment in modern
civilization. If the statesmanship of this
country Is what it Ought to be the United
States will never have another war.
' '
Forehanded Fellows PoanetagT Cpoa
Desirable Laad.
Boston Transcript.
The work of preparation for carrying out
the Irrigation schemes of the government
in the arid west goes bravely on. Already
funds for the purpose of establishing the
system have accumulated to roe amount of
$9,000,000, realized from the sale of cubit
lands during the last two years, congress
having thus provided for the creation of
resources to begin the work, expecting that
when once started It will maintain Itself.
Some seven sites for reservoirs, as already
stated, have been selected by the hydro
grapher of the United States geological sur
vey, upon which the secretary of the In
terior will be called to pass. The bydro
grapher says that pine-tenths of the land
which It la proposed to make valuable by
diverting to it waters that now go to waste
la public domain and as such is open to
homestead entries.
He finds that as soon as It became known
that the government proposed to build a
reservoir at a certain spot for the purpose
of providing water for another aectlon there
was at once a rush of homesteaders to enter
claims for the territory to ' be watered.
"While we believe," he says, "that most of
these persons are taking out claims for
speculative purposes, there Is nothing to
prevent them from doing so." The Irriga
tion act provides that Irrigated land shall
be disposed of In lota of not less than forty
or more than 160 acres, and on that point
the secretary of the Interior Is to decide.
This he has not yet done, and should he
decide that forty acres of reclaimed land
waa enough for a settler and his family,
those who have put in thetr claims would
have to aurreuder the excess. ' The law also
provides that the actuaj cost of construct
ing reservoirs shall be horn by the hold
era of land benefited, and if syndicate of
homesteaders refuses these terms It will be
left high and dry. as the reservoir will not
be built.
That, however. Is a remedy that would
hit both ways. Inasmuch as it would Impair
the unity and delay the progress of the
work which the government proposes. In
the amended Irrigation bill there was a
clause which it was supposed would pre
vent any trouble of this kind. That clause
authorized the secretary of the interior to
withdraw from public entry the lands re
quired for any Irrigation works hat Is, the
reservoir site, the right of way for ths canal
and any lands required before Inatead
of at the time of giving the public notice
provided for In the act. But tha speculators
are masters of their business, and. though
handicapped by the email Individual
amounts to which they are restricted, they
will doubtless find ways of making trouble
unless they are carefully watched.
Thus far, apparently, tha sites selected
have been made public about as soon as
decided upon and before the secretary has
acted, ao It la not strange that there ahould
be an invasion of the territory which it Is
proposed to reclaim. Still, It ought to be
possible under present conditions to keep
Individual speculators from acting together
so aa to control large sections. The water
rights, we believe, have been ao safe
guarded that syndicates will be unable to
control them as they have done U Nevada.
Miner reaee and Incidents Sketched
a the Spot.
Washington correspondents of eastern
newspapers refer In serio-comic tones to a
recent paper published by the United States
geological survey on the wells and wind
mills of Nebraska. Tho Impression sought
to be conveyed Is that the activity of the
so-called breathing wells and the wind
mills is a campaign characteristic. No
doubt some resemblance might be found
without rupturing the Imagination, but as
the wells and the windmills were found
In action when the political orifice was
dormant It Is presumed there la no per
manent subway between the two. Besides,
a peculiarity officially described admits
of neither doubts or questionings.
The official paper says that the breathing
or browing wella found In various parts
of the state constitute an Interesting phe
nomena. These wells are of the driven
type, mostly In use upon the plains, but
are distinguished from those of ordinary
character by a remarkable and unexplained
egress and ingress of currents of air which
produce distinctly audible sounds and give
the names variously applied to them of
breathing, sighing, blowing or roaring
wells, according to their characters, In
different places.
The air currents are readily tested with
the flames of candles or b'y dropping chaff
or feathers Into the well tubes. There are
periods when these wells blow out for
several days, and equal periods when their
air currents are reversed. It has been ob
served that ths blowing occurs with
changes of the barometer. Some wells are
found to be most audible when the wind
la from the northwest, with a rise In the
water level; but with a change of wind
air Is drawn In and the water Is observed
to sink.
During the progress of a low barometer
area over one of these regions wind is
violently expelled from the wells, with a
noise distinctly audible for several rods.
Profs. Loveland and 8weer.y of the Uni
versity of Nebraska have made observa
tions on a well of this nature In Perkins
county, and found its breathing periods
were exactly coincident with the barome
tric changes. No satisfactory explanation
of this strange phenomenon is advanced.
The material through which the wells are
driven may throw some light on their pecu
liarities. In southeastern Nebraska a layer
of dense limestone about four Inches thick
lies under fifty to 100 feet of subsoil. Be
low the limestone Is found water-bearing
gravel. When the limestone covering the
water-bearing beds Is penetrated water
under slight pressure rises about one foot.
The water-bearing layer Is very porous and
must always contain more or less air. As
the air above and the air inclosed in the
grave Is below are alike subject to the fluc
tuations of the barometer. It follows that If
the surface air Is rendered less dense the
air below will pass oat through the well
openings until equilibrium between the
rarer air and denser air Is established, and
the opposite effect will follow during a
period of high pressure. Still this explana
tion, plausible as it Is, hardly accounts
for the force with which the air Is expelled
from some of the wells, and a more com
prehensive study of the problem is needed
to satisfactorily explain all of the phe
"People are now looking to the news
paper, to the weekly and - the monthly
periodical, for discussion of political ques
tions.1 In a large measure I believe the
influence of the platform speaker has dis
appeared." . This was the remark of Mr. Moody, sec
retary of the navy, who has Just returned
to Washington after a' speaking tonr of the
middle west, Connecticut and Rhode Island
and Massachusetts.. Notwithstanding Mr.
Moody's opinion that the public speaker is
not as powerful as he once was, the meet
ings at which the secretary of the navy
spoke were mostly of the overflow charac
ter, a circumstance Moody himself a trib
utes to the fact that he cast aside the usual
style of the stump speaker and resolved his
address into what were practically lectures
on live topics.
"People like to give plenty of time to the
consideration of public questions, and they
find them fully set forth In the press. Es
pecially In the monthly periodicals partisan
questions are accorded especially thorough
Shyster attorneys are having a hard time
of it with Pension Commissioner Ware.
One of these gentry from Michigan got
Into trouble and went to Washington in the
hope of "squaring" himself. Ware gave
him a private hearing and waa heard to say
as his visitor waa leaving: "No, you've
been robbing the soldiers. I've had all I
want of you." "But, Mr. Ware," pleaded
the lawyer, "I think " He got no further.
I don't care what you think," said the
commissioner. "I think you're a blank
thief and ought to be In Jail. Now go."
Another scamp of the same kind was dis
missed in this way: "I'll think your case
over. You are one of those blankety-blank
reprobates who bring reproach on the good
name of the old soldier. I don't know yet
Just what I'll do in your care. I'm not
quite sure whether I ought not to put you
Into the penitentiary. As it looks to me
now I'm inclined to think I will. Yes, I'll
think It over."
Scientific circles in Washington are dis
cussing the wonderful mirage which ap
peared in the sky to the south of the city
one afternoon last week. Thousands of
residents of Washington saw the mani
festation, but It Is accounted particularly
fortunate that officials of the weather
bureau had their attention called to the
rare occurrence in time to view It and
accumulate scientific data.
The mirage was as clear and distinct as
if painted with a gigantic brush on the sky,
and showed the dome of the capltol build
ing, surmounted by the Goddess of Liberty,
at a. point in the heavens opposite the side
of the building. The sky picture waa vastly
enlarged, covering an immense area of the
heavens, and the white dome waa thrown
In sharp relief against the deep blue of the
upper atmosphere.
The mirage lasted only aeven minutes,
and then did not fade away gradually, but
vanished as suddenly as It had appeared.
The close proximity of tha mirage to the
object reflected is considered as remark
able by scientific men. There are well
established observations of mirages seen
many miles distant from the location of
the reality, but this Is believed to be the
flrst Instance, la this country, at least, of
a sky picture, clear in detail and enlarged
In size, apparently within a short distance
of the object of which it waa a reflection.
The data taken by the Weather bureau
officiate as to the atmospheric conditions
which obtained at the time the mirage
was seen, with the deduction as to the
exact nature and cause of the phenomena,
will be made public within a few days. '
Foolish Breathings of Woe. '
Philadelphia Press.
The democratic talk about our declining
foreign trads was as devoid of foundation
aa their prediction of success at the polls.
Tb exports of manufactures for the nine
men ths ending September 30 were larger
than ever before in the history of the
nation, with the exception of 1900. Tho
import trade has been greater also be
cause of the Increased demand for goods
that cannot be made at home to meet the
demand. Prosperity is here, apparently, to
Sevada the Only Fly Sperk la the
Mlahty Column.
Philadelphia, Press (rep.)
One of the most significant results of lsst
Tuesday's elections Is the proof they give
that the states west of the Mississippi
river, from having been nearly evenly
divided In 1S9S, have heroine almost solidly
republican. There are fifteen states In that
region, of which the republicans carried
eight four years aeo and thn democrats
seven. This year the democrats carry only
one of the fifteen states.
The following table gives the majorities
In each of these states In 1898, the previous
mld-presldential year, and In 1902:
. 19.1I.
Rep. Dem. Rep. Dem.
62.ft" "o.iio ...
20,in 7('."it
7,8(10 i:.'
370 i.i
15,000 40,000
43.000 6,0jM
11,700 9 0(0
1,400 3.000
B.(V0 7.5iO
6,6W 6.0U0
JO 600
19.000 2,000
lo.soo 17.0"0
7.6S0 12.000
North Dakota..
South Dakota..
Washington ....
Totals 143.850 69,000 J79.100 600
Four years ago the republicans had a
majority of 74,800 In these transmlsstsslppl
states, although they carried only eight of
them. This year they carry fourteen and
have a majority of 278,600. , The total re
publican majority has nearly doubled, while
the total democratic majority has fallen off
to an insignificant figure.
Another way to test the growth of re
publicanism in these western states Is to
compare the number of representatives of
each party they elected to the Fifty-sixth
congress, chosen in 1898, and the number
elected to the Fifty-eighth congress. Just
chosen. Four years ago the republicans
elected forty representatives and the demo
crats twelve. Last Tuesday the repub
licans elected forty-nine and the democrats
nine, a falling off of three for the latter,
notwithstanding the fact that the number
of representatives from that region has
been increased by seven.
The election of last Tuesday demon
strated again the Impossibility of the
scheme for a union between the south and
west. When a number of states In the
latter region voted for Bryan in 1898 It
was hoped that this long-sought union was
about to be realized. But since then the
west has drifted steadily away from the
south. Today It is as solidly republican as
the south Is solidly democratic, and ap
parently likely to remain so.
General Bragg Is thankful for the ene
mies he made at Havana. 1 He says he
never liked the place anyhow.
The father of Governor-elect Bates of
Massachusetts is a Methodist minister, 70
years old. six feet In height and having a
fine military bearing.
The oldest voter in Texas at the last
election was Antonio Lopes, aged 106. His
has lived in the country where he cast his
ballot for eighty years.
John 8. Bllby of Mitman, Mo., is said to
be the largest Individual land holder In the
United States. He owns about 180,000 acres,
located! in seven states.
Lord Roberta Is arranging to send a dozen
of the best British non-commissioned offi
cers to the United States to give an exhibi
tion of their gymnastic training.
Rhode Island democrats are tickled to
death because they elected L F. C. Garvin
governor. His three initials did It. Alii
other democratic candidates had but two.
Jeremiah Curtln, the Polish translator, is
aald to know sixty languages and to be a
human encyclopaedia when it eomes to the
strange pedple in out-of-the-way corners
of the world.
Booth Tarklngton, the Indiana author,
who has just been elected to the legislature
In that state, has given another public
evidence of his modesty by selecting a seat
In the back row of the house of repre
sentatives. Twelve years ago when Robert E. Patti
son ran as the democratic candidate for
governor of Pennsylvania he received Just
one majority over his republican opponent
In the Bryn Mawr election district of Lower
Merlon. At tha recent election Mr. Paul
son's majority over Judge Pennypacker In
the same district was again one vote.
The United States Investor asks why
Mr. Carnegie, while he was about it, did
not go to his logical end, and propose the
federation of the world Instead of the
United States of Europe, and adds unkindly:
"All In all, the only astonishing thing about
Mr. Carnegie's rectoral address Is, that a
learned university should have consented
to listen to such a Jumble of Inconsequen
tial utterances."
Senator Hanna Is now a member of the
Loyal Legion, being eligible because of his
service during the civil war aa lieutenant
In the One Hundred and Fiftieth Ohio
Infantry. He Joined the Ohio commandery
at the Cleveland, meeting and waa one of
the chief speakers at a dinner in the even
ing. Conspicuous at the same gathering
were Generals Jacob H. Smith, J. Warren
Klefer, T. B. Anderson and G. W. Shurtleff.
Among the congratulatory letters Presi
dent Wilson received on his Inauguration aa
president of Princeton university was one
from Laurence Hutton, the well known
author, addressed to "Prof. Woodrow Wil
son, Library Place with a better place In
Prospect." The street in which President
Wilson lives Is called Library Place, some
distance from the official residence of the
university presidents, an ancient stono
mansion situated In the university grounds.
known as "Prospect."
' A little red, a little white,
one way. Here's a better :
Take Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It makes the blood pure
and rich. You know the rest : red. cheeks, steady
nerves, good digestion, restful sleep, power to endure.
Keep the bowels regular with Aver's Pills: this
will greatly aid the Sarsaparilla. Two grand family
medicines. Keep them on
Some Startling; Flarnre from a ew
York State Report.
Philadelphia l'rr.
C. R. Parnes of the New York Railroad
commission has laid before the twentieth
annual convention of thn New York Street
Railway association appalling statistics of
the accidents caused by trolley lines In
that state. These figures show (hat thn ac
cidents for the last three years 1W0, 1901,
1902 were 10 per cent of the mileage. In
other words. In 1901, with l,r4S.fi6 miles of
road, there were 160 persons killed and 867
persona Injured and as many In the other
If the same proportion of persons were
killed on steam railroads, the death bill for
the year for the mileage of tho United
States would be about 20,000, the number
Injured about 100,000. This terrible butch
er's bill goes on without ceasing, and has
been In progress, as Mr. Barnes' fluures
show, for three years without chango and
with Increase rather than decrease. If thn
figures existing in this state were accessi
ble the fatalities would probably bn as
These accidents are nearly bH prevent
able. "The greatest loss of life and In
Jury." says Mr. Barnes, "to passengers on
electrlo railroads In the last five years has
been caused by rear-end collisions; the
next largest loss by head-on collisions."
Such collisions, aa every railroad man
knows, are solely a question of
brakes, adequate discipline, sound rules of
the read and unswerving adherence to
The trolley roads eause this terrible de
struction to life, so that every fen miles of
trolley In the state of New York, and prob
ably in this state, has Its yearly tnurder,
and Injures five or six persons annually,
simply and solely because trolley compa
nies are making their dividends by speeding
their cars on heavy grades, on cheap, In
sufficient tracks, with Insufficient brake
power and lacking discipline, without sig
nals, without a system of train dispatching
and with a complete dlnregard of the pre
onutions which railroad experience has
shown to, be necessary.
In cities where the speed is limited these
accidents are less numerous, but they exist.
The trolley companies have thus far been
able to prevent adequate legislation re
quiring safety appliances. Only one path Is
open to bring the companies to a con
sciousness of their responsibility for human
life and limb, and that la in the damages
assessed by Juries, Nothing will bring re
form more quickly than for every Jury to
assess the heaviest posRlble damages which
will pass the courts above In every case
where a trolley company is responsible.
The courts by hedging about these acci
dents by "contributory negligence" have
relieved these corporations of many dam
ages which are equitably though not legally
due. But Juries can do much to make it
costly for a trolley company to bo econom
ical In brakes and signal apparatus and ex
travagant in human life and limb.
Philadelphia Inquirer: Mrs. TTppton Why,
I thought your little dog was white! . .
Mrs. DeStyle 80 he wax, but 1 had him
dyed brown to match this dress.
Puck: SI ummer Don't you know that the
wages of sin are death?
lioyer fell l didn t, mum, out 11 you 11
Jf st mention do matter ter de walkln'' dele
gate o' de Blnnen' union 1 hev no doubt
dey'll get better wages!
Washington Star: "I don't understand
why you should keep sympathizing with
the man you helped to defeat," said o,--a
"I enjoy sympathizing with him. It gives
me a. rhunee to talk, about (he mutter ana
keeps him from forgetting his troubles.",.
Philadelphia Press; Bubbubs The : new
couple who have moved In next door to tis
are people of most extraordinary mind.
Cltiman You don't say?
Bubbube Yes; mind their own business.
Town Topics; "Poor Jonklnst He thought
he could paddle his own canoe through Wall
"And was there no one to ehout the warn
ing cry of 'Brokers ahead?' "
Town and Country; Miss Postonwick
Did you fo to the Wagner concert?
iMr. Porker I did.
'Miss B. What wns it like?
Mr. P. Like Browning set to mqslc.
Cleveland Tlaln Dealer: "Did you enjoy
yourself In New York?"
"I rather think we did! Why, we had a
regular Schwab of a time."
Atlanta Constitution: "How come you
never see any rullod angels flyln' 'roun in
de etory books?"
"I dunno onlosa It Is we hoc a close shave
gttttn' Inter heaven, we skeered 'twell we
turns white."
Washington Star: "I hope you are not
one of the men who find fault with the
"No, Indeed," answered . Mr. Meekton,
"Henrietta Is very considerate In that way.
In order that 1 may be perfectly satisfied
she lets me do most of the cooking myself."
Detroit Free Pressi Drown It's queer
about business.
Jones How so?
Brown Well, I've built up my big plant
myself, but every employe I have thinks
he can show me now to run It.
Thn glistening green Is turning to brown.
There are mein'riea of roses mint fair,
Dame Nature Is donnlnir a plainer gown
And the tang of the frost's In the air.
The ripe com la humming Its harvest song
And the stubble fields only are bare.
The ev'nlngs grow social and glad ana long
When the tang of the frost's in the air.
The gran'rlea are heaped with rich, golden
And the tints of the sunset are rare,
There's balm In Just breathing for human
With the tang" of the frost In the air,
Winside, Neb. BELLH 'WTLI.EY GUK.
delicately blended. That's
hand. j. a aykb oo., Lowea,