Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1902, Page 4, Image 4

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BetenJ Indictments Returned, Oily Part
of Which Am ilrtt Public
Jar- Krlitfatlf Considered It Had
Ho Baslaeas to Interfere In a
. natter of Professional
The dl: trict court grand Jury, after a
week's session, completed Its deliberations
yesterday, returned a number of Indict
ments and adjourned. Only four of the
Indictments were made public, a the de
fendants named In the others are not yet
In custody. Two of the Indictments re
turned are against. William Dewey, who
recently returned to this ctty after serving
a sentence In the ' penitentiary at Fort
Madison. In one Indictment he Is charge!
with the theft of a bicycle belonging to
Secretary Jacobs of the Elks' club and
valued at $35, while I", the second he i
charged with breaking and entering the
Tremont house on Broadway and stealing
an overcoat, the property of Fred Ewaldt.
David Houser is Indicted on the chargo
of stealing $140 from the person of David
Johnston on the night of November 1 last.
An Indictment Is returned against John
Bnell on the charge of breaking and enter
ing the residence of I S. Bullard at 802
First avenue on September 13 last and
stealing a clock and photograph album.
Bnell waa arrested while trying to diapoSo
of the stolen articles. '
The grand Jury returned a "no bill" In
the ease In which J. H. and George Wood
ward, publishers of the Times-Herald of
Mlnden, were charged with publishing a
libelous article on Patrick J. Butler, pub
lisher of the News of Selby, la.
The grsnd Jury also Ignored the case
against Charles Bishop, - the boy charged
with breaking Into and robbing Illinois
Central freight cars.
The grand Jury reported to the court
that It found the county jail In the best
of condition, but that the city Jail "should
be kept In a more cleanly condition than
It was." This is the third time this year
that tba grand Jury has found fault with
the condition of the city jail.
Charles Langdon w,as Indicted on the
charge of maliciously destroying . $100
plate glass window in Rogers' saloon on
Broadway by hurling a paving block
through It. He waa out on ball and was
taken Into custody last night.
Mas City Jt Fort Dodare Accused
of Ohatrnctlaa; the Inblle
The County Board of Supervisors yes
terday Instructed County Attorney Klllpsck
to begin proceedings at once to restrain
tba Mason City A Fort Dodge Railroad
company from obstructing the highway
near Pomona avenue. Residents In the vi
cinity have complained that the railroad
Is constructing an overhead crossing at
this point which practically will close the
public highway to ordinary traffic. The
board also Instructed the county attorney
to serve formal notice on the Mason City
ft Fort Dodge Railroad company that It
must place its crossings over the various
publio highways In the county In proper
condition for trsvel within fifteen days.
Complaints from all parts of the county
have been made to the board that the roads
where the railroad cross are almost Im
passable. The report of Sheriff Cousins for the
quarter ending September 30 showed that
fees to the amount of $l,OCi.62 had been
taxed, of which $894.65 had been col
lected, being sufficient to pay the salaries
of the sheriff and his deputies.
The report of County Recorder Smith
for the same quarter showed that 1.401
Instruments had been filed during the three
months on which the 'fees amounted to
$955.40, as follows: July, 417 Instruments
filed, fees $285.40; August, 476 Instruments
filed, fees $335.16; September, 608 Instru
ments filed, , fees $334.85.
Road and bridge matters occupied the at
tention of the board the greater part of
yeste'-day'a session.
Plucbltfsy and heating. Bixby A Boa.
Drwsrirlata to Visit the Staffs.
The efforts of Mayor Morgan and other
druggtata of this city to secure the meet
ing of the State Pharmaceutical association
In 1903, for Council .Bluffs have been re
warded with success. . Mayor Morgan re
ceived word yesterday from Fletcher How
ard, secretary of the association, and who
la also a member of the State Pharmacy
board, that the special committee to which
ths matter had beea left had selected Coun-
. ell Bluffs as ths place for ths 1903 meet- t
ing. it is expectsd that ths meeting will
bring to Council Bluffs at least 400 of the
druggists of Iowa. many. of whom will be
accompanied by their wives and other mem
bers of their family. In order to prepare
for ths entertainment of the visitors next
year the druggists of the city will hold
a meeting next week, at which time It Is
expected that a local organisation will
be effected and of which It la said Msyor
Morgan will bo the presiding officer.
N. T. Plumbing C., telephone 15 a,
Cltr Objerta to Tases.
City Attorney Snyder began suit In the
district court yesterday to enjoin the
county treasurer from collecting taxes on
some 100 lots owned by the city on West
Broadway. The lots In question become the
. property of the city on foreclosure for
special taxes. On behalf of the city It Is
contended Jhat the property Is held for
public uss and wss not acquired for pecu
niary profit, but' only to secure debt due
tke city and Is not held for rent or Increase
of valus.
Tba question raised In the suit Is of con
aiderabls Interest, as it is believed here
thst It Is the first time It haa been raised
la this atate. Ths lots on which up to
tkla year the city has regularly paid the
taxes are advertised for sals at ths annual
tax sale by the county treasurer Decem
ber 1.
Davis sells glass.
EBeasnpasent Goes to Cedar Rapids.
Etata Commander John Lindt of this city
haa received word that ths Iowa stats en
campment of ths Grand Army of the Re
public will be, held next year la Cedar
Rapids. At the meeting this year In Des
Moines no Invitation was received for the
190$ encampment and the selection of a
y PeH Ut . Council BhifTn 'Phnne ST
location war left In the hands of a special
committee. Recently Cedar Rapids ex
tended an Invitation, which was unani
mously accepted by the committee. No
definite dste has been fixed for the 1904
encampment, but It will probably be held
some time In June.
Illsh School Foot Ball.
The game between the second foot ball
teams of the Council Bluffs and Omaha
High schools yesterday afternoon at Lake
Manawa resulted In defeat for the Omahans
by a score of 6 to 0. The teams were evenly
matched and the game was stubbornly con
tested from start to finish. Council Bluffs
scored In the second half.
The first team of the Council Bluffs High
school will go to Harlan Saturday to play
the High school of thst place. In the
former game this season Harlan defeated
Council Bluffs by a score of to and
the Bluffs boys are determined to get
revenge this time.
New Pastor for Chorch.
Rev. J. W. Abel of Granite City. 111.,
has been appointed by Presiding Elder
Griffith to fill the pastorate of the Fifth
Avenue Methodist church, made vacant by
the resignation of Rev. E. W. Erlckson.
Rev. Abel comes to Conncll Bluffs highly
recommended as a pastor and pulpit orator.
Although a young man, ha has met with
more than ordinary success In bis different
Illinois charges, and through his efforts
an $18,000 church building bas been re
cently completed In Graalte City. Rev.
Abel Is expected to occupy his new pulpit
next Sunday.
Gravel roofln;. A. H. Retd. 541 Broadway.
Death of Pioneer.
Leopold Kern, a pioneer farmer of Pot
tawattamie county, died yesterday morning
at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Etta
Hawkins, 625 Mill street, from pneumonia,
aged 70 years. Three daughters and two
sons survive him. The funeral will be held
Sautrday morning ' at 9 o'clock from St.
Peter's church and burial wilt be in St.
Joseph's cemetery. Mr. Kern had been a
resident of Pottawattamie county for forty
Da via sells paints.
Marriasre Licenses.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following:
Name and Residence. Age.
William M. Alcorn, Treynor, la 31
Ora F. Smith, Armour, la 2a
Martin E. Carlson, Omaha 24
Dora Wicke, Omaha 21
William West, Sioux Falls, 8. D 28
Elisabeth Orrne. Council Bluffs 31
J. M. Byers, sr., Council Bluffs 51
Lena Z. Jacobson. Omaha 2
Davis sells drugs.
Stockert sells carpets and rugs.
Expert watch repairing, Leffert. 409 B'way.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. M. II. Bears of
Graham avenue, a son.
Dr. F. P. Bellinger, office and residence
614 Broadway. 'Phone 181.
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Cole, 151
Fourteenth avenue, a son.
For rent, modern six-room house, by W.
L. Kerney, 231 Main street.
Clothespins, as many as you want, lc, per
doxen. A. B. Howe, 810 Broadway.
Miss Addle Kaln Is reported to be seri
ously ill at her home on Vine street.
Last week 25 per cent discount on framed
pictures. C. E. Alevander & Co., 333 B'way.
For rent, nicely furnished front room,
reasonable price. Inquire 366 North First
Wanted, at once, carrier with horse for
route on The Bee. Apply at the office, No. 1
10 Pearl street.
We are headquarters for Ciass of all
kinds. Kee us before you tt, C. B. I'aint,
011 and Glass Co.
There are many rase, of typhoid fever In
Council Bluffs snd physicians report
twenty cases In the two hospitals.
Augusta grove Will meet this sfternoon at
the home of Mrs. Tolk.m, Fifteenth avenue,
between Eighth and Nln'.h afreets.
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest 2. Hart have been
obliged to postpone their trip to the Pacific
coast, owing to the Indisposition of Mrs.
Mrs. Helen I. Crofts waa granted a
divorce from Howard L. Crofts in the dls
.nct court yesterday on the grounds of de
sertion. Night Sergeant Whittaker of the police
force returned yesterday from a week's
visit with friends and relatives at Emer
son, la.
Oeorge T. Phelps, assistant postmaster,
has received word of the death of his sis
ter, Mrs. Frances Dow, In Boston from
Louis Kracht has been' called to Seattle,
Wash., by the serious Illness of his mother,
Mrs. C. J. Roth, who la suffering from
typhoid fever.
M. Wollman has complained to the police
that a thief stoli a lap robe and one of
the brass hubs from his new automobile
Tuesday night.
Carter's fountain pen fluid, 7c; all other
10c Ink, 7c. Eevrey bottle of Ink, big or
little, at reduced prices this week. DeLong
the Printer, 3u7 Broadway.
Mayor John T. Hazen, who waa elected a
Iuntlre of the peace on the democratic tlc
;et from Knox township, was calling on
friends In the city yeaterday.
The Woman's auxiliary or Grace Epis
copal church will hold Its regular meeting
mis ariernoon si ine residence oi jnra. u.
H. Jackson on South First street.
William West of flloux Falls, 8. D., and
Mlaa Elisabeth Ormo of this city were
married yesterday afternoon by Rev. I. 8.
Simpson at hla residence on Frank street.
The Purity Candy Kitchen, 544 Broadway,
will have another big candy sale Saturday.
November 15. Butter scotch, angel food
taffy, tine chocolates and many other klnda
of pure homefnada candies at 10 cent a
W. H. Williams died yesterdav afternoon
at his home, 14 Canning street, from chronic
bronchitis, aged M years. His wife snd
daughter, Mrs. Timothy Kelley, survive
him. Deceased was a cigar manufacturer
and a member of the Clgarmakers' union.
In district court yesterday Judge Green
made an order directing the receivers of
Officer Pueey'e bank to py Puaey
McOee $264.27 In full settlement for their
tegul services In the suit or K. O. Armour
against William Arnd, treasurer of Potta
wattamie county.
Francis M. Cox, a former resident of
Council Bluffs, is reported to have mys
teriously disappeared from his home In Ot
tumwa. Ia. He was last seen Monday even
ing. It -was thought that he might have
come to Council bluffs, but the police have
been unable to secure any trace of him.
He was a carpenter by trade.
Sheriff Cousins bas started the nucleus
for a rogues' picture gallery, similar to the
one at iwjlloe headquarters. In future all
criminals who come under the charge of
the county authorities will be photo.
graphed and their pictures placed n the
gallery In the sheriff a office in the court
house. Sheriff Cousins will also arrange
to exchange photographs with other county
ornc-ers throughout toe stale.
Contractor Wlckham completed yeaterday
the pavlna of eioutn blxtlt street Between
Kiehth and Sixteenth avenues. The last
part of the work on (Sixteenth avenue had
been delayed by the railroads raising their
track to tne requirea level. omracior
Wlckham haa begun ths pavlna of Ninth
avenue between Main and Sixth streets and
of Tenth avenue between Main and Fourth
Three Indians, two bucks and a auuaw
were found last evening at the Northwest
ern depot in an advanced stage of Intoxica
tion. The squaw waa unable to stand on
her feet and It required the combined ef
lorts of four officers to carry her to ths
female ward In the upper story of the city
jail. It la thought that they came over
from Omaha, but ths bucks were too drunk
to talk so that tbey could bs understood.
Red Hot Front nan.
Wss the bsll that caused horrible ulcers
oo G. B- Btsadmaa, Newark, Mich. Buck
lea's Arnica Salve boob cured him. Ho.
Tot sals by Kubo. ft Co.
Considerable Trouble is Being; Experienced
in Securing a Jury.
Railroad C ompletes Arrangements for
Balldlaa- Its Mae Through StrMe
Fropert y JSew Attorney for
the Northwestern.
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
DES MOINES, Nov. 12. (Special.) The
trial of Harry Levlch for the murder of
Isaac Flnkelsteln was commenced In the
district court today. The case Is attract
ing a great deal of local attention on ac
count ot the prominence of the families
and the political significance of the case
in regard to the city administration. The
work of the day consisted entirely of se
curing a Jury for the case, aa this was
found to be a difficult matter on account
of the general discussion of It in the news
papers. It is expected the case will take
a week or more. Walter McHenry Is at.
torney for Levlch. The attorney for James
Walker, Indicted with Levlch for the same
crime as the principal In tbe case. Is
also Interested In the case and believes
that before the Levlch case Is finished his
client will have been cleared.
In Warren county today Judge Gamble
granted a change of venue in the case ot
Mrs. Sarah Hossack, accused of murdering
her husband, and sent tbe case to Madison
county for trial, owing to tbe intense
prejudice in Warren county against the
defendant. Mrs. Hossack secured a second
trial after having been sent to the peni
tentiary .for life. It is believed she will
ultimately be acquitted, now that'the case
has been taken away from the county
where the crime was committed.
Oresjorls la Indicted. j
In Dallas county the grand Jury has
Indicted James Gregorls for the murder
of John Kolomokls last May, at Perry.
Kolomokls, who was a Greek fruit dealer,
was killed while out hunting and his
cousin and partner, Gregorls, was accused
ot 'the murder. One grand Jury failed to
indict. Then one Peter Ilrtskos of this
city reported that Gregorls while drunk
had confessed to him, and on ,his evidence
the Indictment has been found. Tbe de
fense In tbe case is making the claim
that the accusation against Gregorls Is
made because of business disagreements
and Jealousy in love affairs.
The trial of W. H. Clark for the murder
of Dr. W. D. Duff in Decatur county la
on this week at Leon. Clark killed Duff
In Garden Grove last June because the doc
tor was believed to have estranged Clark's
Place for Blind Indians.
The State Board of Control is In receipt
of a letter from a special Indian agent In
Indian Territory making application for
admission to the Iowa School for the Blind
at Vinton of two blind Indian children.
They can be admitted to the Iowa school
on payment of the tuition In advance, and
the Iowa school has a reputation as being
particularly well managed.
Ths board bas been notified of tbe com
pletlon of the secondary buildings for the
stats hospital at Cherokeo, and members
ajt.'the board, and ths. state architect will
go, to Cherokee to look over the buildings
and receive them from the contractors.
Railroad Through State Property.
Information has been received by state
officials that the work of building a new
route for the Burlington railroad through
the atate grounds at Olenwood will begin
very soon. The company procured tbe pas
sage through the legislature a special act
permitting the Executive council to grant
this right of way in order that the Bur
lington might make its Improvements In
Iowa without leaving the city of Glenwood
out of the way.
Inebriates Who Escaped.
Dr. C. F. Applegate, superintendent of
the Mount Pleasant hospital, has certified
a '1st of escaped inebriates to the board
of control. He complains that sheriffs and
county clerks are making no effort to ap
prehend and return these persons. They
are: Robert A. Blair, Polk county; Oliver
Blair. Polk county; James Sandy, Polk
county; Harry C. Smith, Hardin county;
William Hinds, Dallas county; George Mil
ler Dallas county; Michael Collins, Howard
county; Delbert Adams, Woodbury county;
W. F. McCarthy, Story county; Adraln W.
Brown, Jackson county; L. Swandollar,
Woodbury county; Thomas Brennan, Alla
makee county; Jasper Mowry, Page county.
Attorney for Northwestern.
The most important Information which
haa come to light recently affecting Iowa
politics Is the news that James C. Davis
of Keokuk has accepted an offer to come
to Des Moines and become the attorney
for Iowa of the Chicago & Northwestern
railroad. Mr. Davis Is a leading young
lawyer of Keokuk, with a fine practice
there. He was temporary chairman of the
republican state convention at Cedar Rap-
ias last year. He has been regarded as a
standing candidate for the republican con-
gresslonal nomination In the First district
to succeed Hedge, and It Is regarded as
certain that he can have the nomination
two years hence If he desires it at that
time. His acceptance of the position of
attorney for the Northwestern to succeed
the late Judge N. M. Hubbard means that
ha will leave the First district and come
to Des Moines to live, which would make
it pretty certain that Hedge will receive
a nomination for a fourth term.
Get Standard Oil Money.
NASHUA, la., Nov. 12. (Special.) A set
tlement has been made by the Standard
Oil company wherein Herman Moon re
celved $10,000 and Henry Makaben $4,500
for damages In suits brought against the
company for tbe loss ot lives of loved ones
who it is thought sacrificed their lives by
the carelessness of the company. Several
weeks ago three fatal accidents occurred
here, caused by the using ot kerosene oil
mixed with gasoline. Meet of the mer
chants of this city buy their oil ot the
Stsndard Oil company Prior to the acci
dent a mistake was mads in filling the big
supply tsnk at Charles City and about 1.4J0
gallons ot gasoline were poured into It. To
offset the danger the tank was filled with a
high grade of kerosene, the extreme csre
lessneas or ignorance ot which was demon
started In tbs loss of three lives.
t McKay Pleads hot Guilty.
ONAWA, la.. Nor. 1$. (Special Tele
gram.) Rev. C. B. McKay, the preacher
of Ma pie ton Indicted for criminal arsault,
was brought Into court at 2 p. m. and by
his attorney, C. E. Cooper, pleaded not
guilty. The time for trial was not fixed.
but Judge Oliver ordered the attorneys to
prepare for trial and ssld the case would
be tried this term. If porstble. ,
College Stays In falrteld.
FAIRFIELD, la.. Nov. 11. (Special.)
Parson's college is to stay at Fairfield, it
being ao decided by tbe trustees of tbst
college at a late hour yesterday afternoon.
Tba board of trustees went Into sessloa
shortly after 10 o'clock and were waited
upon by a delegation from Mt. Pleasant,
nd to also hear what the local citizens'
committee of this city had done. The
citizens' committee reported that they had
secured $29,500, or $4,500 more than was
required by the college.
Her Doll Found at Depot Lends to
Theory that She Haa Been
WEBSTER CITY, la., Nov. 12. (Special
Telegram.) Sylvia Whaley of this city,
aged 8 years, disappeared from her home
Monday afternoon. No trace of her can be
found and the police officials fear abe has
been .kidnaped.
Her parents are grief-stricken and havo
offered a reward for her return. She has
auburn hair, gray eyes, a dimple In her
chin and Is large for her age.
She had gone to visit a relative and failed
to return home. Her 'doll haa been found
at the Northwestern depot, but no further
clue is available.
Had Been Despondent and Indications
Point to. He Being; Case of
CLINTON, la., Nov. 12. (Special Tele-
gram.) Eldred S. James, republican presi
dential clector-at-large in 1896, referee In
bankruptcy for this district, one of tbe
best known lawyers in eastern Iowa, and a
noted orator and republican campaigner,
was found dead in his room at his resi
dence here this forenoon. He had been
dead thirty-six hours when found. James
bad been In Ill-health for some time and
despondent. It looks like a case of suicide.
His wife, who is at Malone, N. Y., has
been notified.
Second Attempt at Suicide.
CRESTON. Ia Nov. 12. (Special.) An
old man by the name of Palmer who has
been an Inmate ot the county farm for the
past eight months made a second unsuccess
ful attempt at suicide by cutting his throat
from ear to ear with a dull case knife.
Only a week before he attempted self
destruction by Jumping head first Into a
barrel of slop.
Hunter Is Found Dead.
OSKALOOSA. Ia.. Nov. 12. (Special.)
Asa Ferguson, 13 years old, of Union Mills
was found dead near tbe Skunk river this
morning. He bad a bullet through his
brain. He went hunting alone yeaterday.
Tbe case Is a mysterious one, many be
lieving that he must have fallen a victim
to foul play or to tbe bullet of some other
hunter. ,
Iowa State News Notes.
Town, farmers will not have to soak their
seed corn next spring. It has all been
soaked this fall.
The truant nffleera have struck a snag in
Des Moines. They have caught half a
dozen truants who have not been and will
not get vaccinated.
In Woodburv county the voters failed to
suatuln an additional tax for the bridge
fund and as the county is up to tne con
stitutional limit of debt all bridge work
has to be discontinued.
Jacob Heldenrlch of Oakland ought to be
secured as a target at the government prov
ing ground. He suicidally tired three 32
callber balls from a revolver directly Into
hla head, but the skull was so hard and
thick that they glanced almost harmlessly
Walter K. Stone with the aid of an auto
mobile, succeeded in winding himself into
the good graces of Mios Alice Donahue at
,, B0)CES
Greatest an the World
The most wonderful record In all history-merit made it. Advertising- haa aerved to make
OASOAKBT3 known, but the greatest advertlsment ever printed could dono more than tret
a person to try CASO ABETS once. Then comes the test, and If O ABO ABETS did not prove
their merit there would not be a sale of nearly a MILLION BOXES A MONTHhls success
has been made by the kind words of our friends. No one who tries OASO ABETS fails to be
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THB PERFECT HOME MEDICINE. They are a peo-feot cure for Constipation, Appendicitis,
EiUouaness. Sour Stomach, Blok Headaohe, Bad Breath, Bad Blood, Pimples, Piles. Worms and
aU 1 bow.! meeases Genuine tablet stamped O O O. NEVEB SOLD IN BULK. All druarifists, lOo,
25c, fcOo. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Bemedy Co., Chicago or New York. ms
Syrup. of FkJs
iiVbost family laxative-
It is pure.
It is gentle.
It is pleasant. '
It is efficacious.
It is not expensive.
It is good for children.
It is excellent for ladies.
It 19 convenient for business men.
It is perfectly safe under all circumstances.
It is used by millions of families the world over.
It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians.
If you use it you have the best laxative the world
We Guarantee
write ut today
Des Moines snd Inveigled here Into a mock
marriage. Now she Is trying to bring hint
back front Ohio by genuine legal proceed
ings. C. C. Coats, a cocaine fined at Marshall
town, has been threatening to burn all tho
drug stores and murdering all the drug
glets there for refusing him his favorite
drug, and will go as an Inebriate to the In
sane asylum, whereas It would seem that
the penitentiary is properly designed for
just such fellows.
Under a recent decision of the supreme
court Cedar Falls will establish a gas plunt
of Its own. It already controls the, water
supply. A proposition to grant a franchise
to a private corporation, submitted in ad
vance of the supreme court decUdon, was
voted down In the recent election by an
overwhelming majority.
The deuce was to pay ut Onawa at a per
formance of "Uncle Tom's Cabin." In the
scene where Simon I,egree gets In his work
a tipsy Indian spectator from the Omaha
reservation could stund It no longer and
emitting the war whoop pulled and
flourished a revolver. Pandemonium reigned
while the aborigine was being overpowered
and disarmed.
Two Workmen Are Badly Injured In
an Accident Which Hap
pens at Exeter.
EXETER, Neb.. Nov. 12. (Special.) A
large two-story brick building, the walls
ot which were completed to four feet above
the second story, collapsed yesterday with
out a moment's warning.
By what aeems almost a miracle none of
tbe workmen were killed, and only two
badly injured, one ot whom, a boy from
Hastings, may die. Besides being Kurt In
ternally one of his legs was broken in two
places above the knee.
J. W. Blvens, one of the brick handlers.
Is also badly injured.
Becovcrs Stolen Horses.
FREMONT, Neb., Nov. 12. (Special.)
James McCoy, a farmer of Hamburg, Ia.,
was In the city today and replevlned a
couple of horses which had been stolen
from bis premises about six months ago.
The horses were brought here by traders
and sold to Innocent parties. No trace
could be obtained ot other goods, consisting
l fryS CANDY CfftT ti J Ft T I C '
Its component parts arc all wholesome.
It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects.
It is wholly free from objectionable substances.
It contains the laxative principles of plants.
It contains the carminative principles of plants.
It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are
agreeable and refreshing to the taste.
All are pure.
All are delicately blended.
AH are skillfully and scientifically compounded.
Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to
the orginallty and simplicity of the combination.
To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine.
Manufactured by
San Francisco, Cal.
Louisville. Ky. Now York, N. Y.
to Cure Contagious BlootlPoison
No Matter How Longstanding, in 10 to 20 Days
THE HILL MEDICAL CO. ha the services of ihe rncst f-killful rpectallstu in America.
They unhesitatingly state that worBt form of niood Poisoning can be cured. They Invite alt per
fons who have this dreadful scourge to come and see them. They charge absolutely nothing for
advice and examination Hnd will cure you to stay cured. If you hftve been treated elsewhere and
are dlFappointed at the failure of a euro or the slowness with which your cure 1 accomplished,
come to us. We will cure you speedily, surely and easily and you need not pay a dollar until you
are cured. We treat successfully all forms of diseases and the price Is within the renoh of nil.
Do not delay. Delays are dangervtus. It costs you nothing to consult us. Our specialists in dis
eases of the blood are recognized throughout tho medical world. Our specialties are
Syphilis, Rheumatism or any impurities of the Blood, Kidney and Liver Troubles
We have treated with marked success hundreds of cases. If yon cannot come to us, write. Our
system employed for home treutment Is successful. You cure yourself ut home, and the beauty of
it id you will stay cured.
Note Our Guarantee. Call today for tomorrow may be too late.
Office Hours 9 a. m. to 8:30 p. m., Every Day.
HILL MEDICAL COa Room9 -10-1 1 Patterson Block, 1623 Farnam 5t., Omaha, Neb.
full particulars or your case and matter win
of harnesses and a wagon taken at the
same etime, The parties In whose pos
resslon the horses were found will prob
ably make no defense to the suits.
Ashland Minister Called to Trenmirh,
ASHLAND, Neb., Nov. 12. (Special.)
Rev. W. F. Smith, who came to this city
from Denver, Ind., over a year ago to
assume the pastorate of the Immanuel
Baptlet church, and who resigned his
charge the first ot this month, is pscklng
his household goods here and preparing to
remove to Tecumseh, where he has re
ceived a call from Cho Baptist church and
where he will begin his new labors Sun
day next. His successor aa pastor here has
not yet been chosen.
New City rhyslclan.
TLATTSMOUTH, Neb., Nov. 12. (Spe
cial.) At a meeting of the city council
Mayor Frank J. Morgan presented the name
of Dr. J. H. Hall for the office ot city phy
sician, to fill the vacancy caused by the
resignation of Dr. J. S. Uvlngstoa, and the
appointment was confirmed.
Haaty ia the Senator.
BEAVER CITY. Neb., Nov. 12. The can
vass of the vote in the Twenty-ninth sena
torial district was made by the clerk ot
Furnas county today. D. 8. Hasty, repub
lican, received 4,319 votes, and W. J. Holly,
fuslonlst. 3,877.
Stepped Against a not Stove.
A. child of Mrs. Oeorge T. Benson, when
getting his usual Saturday night bath, step
ped back against a bot stove, which burned
him severely. The child was In great agony
snd his mother could do nothing to pacify
him. Remembering that she bad a bottle
ot Chamberlain's rain Balm In the house,
she thought she would try It. In less than
half an hour after applying it the child
was. quiet and asleep and In less than two
weeks waa well. Mrs. Benson Is a well
known resident of Kellar, Va. Pain Balm
Is ao antiseptic liniment and especially
valuable for burns, cuts, bruises snd
1 1
oe sent in piain envelope it once.
Treats all forma at
27 Tears Experience,
17 Tears In Omaha.
His remarkable sue,
cess bas never been
nuit and everv day brlnss many flatter
ing reports of the good he Is doing, or tba
relief he has given.
Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis
And all Blood Poisons. NO "BREAKING
OUT" on tbe akin or face and all external
signs ot tbe disease disappear at onoa.
UVtR 3UlUUJ ourdebIUty,0lossrot
Ytiuin, uuwuiai discharges, btrloturs,
Uleet, kidney ana Bladder Diseases, Hy
Treatment by mail. V. O. Box 766. Office
over J 14 ti. ltth street, between Farnam and
Douglas streets, OMAHA. NJB.
of MEN.
12 yeara of sue
ccaaful practise ia
ill VA i,a . ' aa all twMif raiting. tkaviB A
ILL) Ion of its 1s-y1 suarantM to our
I'ou or uionar refunded.
SYPHILIS tfcoreufblr flauwl traa tke
utaa. Boo rtrr ia aa rmptem 4la9Para
toiaplMtly and lerw. N "UKSAKINO OUT" sf
lb dlma on tba akin or tec Tialmat MsUtas
aa dangaroua drug " lnlflua aMdlclaM.
tiff SIS IfCtl from Cinaa or VICTIMS TO
l"cr10W, WASIINO WBAKNt.S. wltb EARL
LfcAY IB TOtlN'J e MlliUUi AOBD; lack at ua.
tlgor aad rtb, " erg" ual4 and waa,
fur louaauad.
bTKIulUilb Bwuh N sla. dauatlas
tKlJSAliT Kldan - W.S4J Trasbl. W-k
Wck, Burning Urti... TnovM ' ml WrtnaUas. Una.
Nig. dor" or .lib IU a.d.oMat ea "ndl.
tvasaltatloa Krae. Taeatmemt F Mail.
Call r aSarsss, 11 . .
ts tba worst olsa on sartn. st tbs
eastern to curu VV lli-N VOL) KNOW
WHAT TO Do. Mui.y bavs Dlmplas, spot
on tfis skin, son- lu lbs moulk, a!crSL
falling- hair, bone l'alr.e, catarrh; dun
know It la BLOOU roiBON. 8en4 to DR.
bKOWN. W Arch St. l'Utlalpnia. Pa.,
for BltOWN'B BUiuu UURK. 12 U) psf
buitUi labia on., month. SiuiJ only fc
Sherman it McK.'rinnsU Drug Co., Ith and
Dodga Bti . Omaha.
Brown's Capsules ".;; md7uk"
16th and Dodge Bte.
Every Woman
U latfstrflsUAd mtltl ihMili
MARVEL Whirling Sprv
I' W 'm iinvi Wljllll. nm
MiBVSL, au-tptno
I ...... i. i . V.
.v i.iii II1PIBI CO,
Boom 226 Times B(d.. K. T.
Fur Bale by
Corner lttih and Chicago 8i., Omaha.
l a Dig mi tut aanataiM
itntatWaa mt eteoiailoa.
t.t Mlbf4llli.
la I u ;.;vcm.- Palulwa, aadaut safer)
Mat to MrteMm
isiso'swin, . r J arris3aj
-a. a. r.T" " 'Tr ra
I or, or boitiaaa. V
ItsM saS
MT. aTBBaaa, MrtsW, vF ft"
rawlesri f bmm Dot , art J
MtMsMtfM'taMtnMiT aaawai
wal M .aH,at4. .,a. .a
IVrgM a sW4 m Jmm
I fSBs UN WfMSJ as Bwwava. - "
M ajiU 4te MtUis. ftatsl MS.