Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1902, Page 3, Image 3

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4 S''
Shot from EeroWer Does No Harm,
Eaves Cash in the Strong Box.
r .tiiii.
The Direct Line
from Omaha t
w.kwfcyEi..,..Mk,cho.e,iiThousands Have Kidney Trouble and Never
Suspect It.
Saalt, bat (rtrkiara
Tine to Wrk
Safe. -
re So
Hot Spriti
the greatest
Health and Pleasure Resort
in the country.
Triple Daily Service from
Through Pullman Sleepers,
Dining Cars, Meals a la Carte
Electric Lighted Trains
For particulars call on or address
BEATRICE, Neb., Nov. 12. (Special Tel
egram.) Robbers made an unsuccessful at
tempt to loot the bank at Western, Saline
county, at an early bour this morning.
The robbers entered the building and bail
succeeded In blowing open the vault when
they were detected by the Burlington agent,
who occupies apartments over the bank and
who was awakened by the report of the
explosion. He arose and looking out of
the window saw one of the robbers sta
tioned on the opposite side of the street as
a guard for his pals. The agent grabbed
his revolver and fired at the robber. The
shot went wide of Its mark and the rob
ber ran down the street. His pals In the
bank, healing tbe shot, left tbe building
In great haste and escaped without se
curing anything of value. A posse Is In
pursuit of tho bandits.
i Gertrude Warner Scott Cured by the Great Kidney
Remedy, Swamp-Root.
St. Louis
Chfldrea Flad Weapea lid Cartridges
and Proceed to Esperl-
YORK, Neb.. Nor. 12. (Special.) There
are only a few chances for recovery of the
little McGowan child, a 2-year-old boy who
was yesterday accidentally shot with a 32
caliber revolver In the hands of his play
mate, a 7-year-old on of Mr. Wells. Tbe
Wells child had found a revolver In his
grandfather's trunk, and also finding car
tridges, went outside and attempted to In
sert a cartridge In the chamber.. Discov
ering that It would not go In, he secured
a hammer and In driving the cartridge into
the chamber It exploded and entered the
McGowan chlld'a face directly underneath
the eye. passing to the back of the bead,
lodging back of the left ear, where the
physicians thought best under the circum
stances to let It remain for the present.
si . y 3 .
Gen'l. Pass, and Tkt. Agent.
St. Louis. Mo.
Pass, and Tkt. Agent,
S. E. Cor. 14th and Douglas Sts., Omaha.
Fretnoat's First
FREMONT, Neb.. Nov. 12. (Special.)
Joseph T. Smith, one of the plcneers and
best known residents of this city, died at
his home on. West Fifth street this morn
ing at 11:15, aged 71 years. He wss born
In Pennsylvania and came to Nebraska in
1856, when the town was only a week old.
He was associated with his brother, J.
O. Smith. In running the first general store
In the town, using for that purpose, the
front end of their cabin, which was a half
dugout. His business incressed greatly and
he was very successful, remaining In that
business until 1868. While engaged In tbe
mercantile business he dealt extensively in
Vinton, Iowa. July 15th. ISM.
DR. KILMER CO., Blnghamton, N. T.:
GENTLEMEN": My trouble began with pain In my stomach and back, so severe
that It seemed as If knives wers cutting me. I wss treated by two of the best physi-
! clans in the country and conaulted another. None of them suspected that the cause of
! my trouble was kidney dlsesse. They all told me that 1 had cancer of the stomach
i snd would die. I grew so weak that I could not walk any more than a child a month
old, and I only weighed ninety pounds. One day tnr brother saw In a psper your ad
vertisement of Swamp-Root, the great kidney remsfty. He bought me a bottle at our
drug store and I took It. My family could see a change In me for the better, so they
obtained more and I continued the use of Swamp- Hoot regularly. I was so weak
and run down that It took considerable time to build me up again. I am row well,
thanks to Swamp-Root, and weigh 148 pounds and am keeping house for my husband
and brother. Swamp-Root cured me after the doctors had failed to do me a particle
of good.
tOertrude Warner Scott.)
Women suffer untold misery becsuse the nature of their disease Is not cortectlr
lands la various parts of the state. He j understood: In many cass when doctoring, they are led to believe that worob trou-
Other Promoters Spt Discouraged by Action
Givin Kenjon a Francuiss.
Certificates Filed with Secretary
State Show reaa-reaalenal f unt
palga Was C'ondarted oa
Er.ioml Liars.
Ha la depending upon water power from sweating under the imposition, of a sea- ef the prisoner In the jH'sOme weeks ag-
the Platte aa the baaia of, his system of tence of seven years In the penitentiary ' The case of the State against Bee Sprag-
(From a Staff Correspondnt.)
LINCOLN. Nov. (Special.) Notwith
standing the fact that W. J. C. Kenyon has
succeeded In getting eleven of the fourteen
oouncllmen on h!a side In tbe street rail
way franchise matter. Messrs. Hurd and
Riley, who each offered taore than ho did,
re still at work. Hurd baa a gang of nine
mem working upon a survey of the line be
tween here and Omaha, and will complete
the survey before letting up. He says ho
la not a promoter, but an expert engineer,
who was sent here tp look over the route
and report as to tbe possibilities for profit
able Investment. He represents Ohio par
ties, and apprehends that a company will
be formed ia a few days. He also haa In
structions to survey a route between here
and Beatrice, and predicts that within three
j ears there will be a series of elect rie rail
ways connecting the various citiea In south
eastern Nebraska,
Mr. Hurd says tbe third rail and dot the
trolley system will be used. It Is possible.
If experiments now being conducted turn
out successfully, that what Is known aa
the kick and pull system may be Installed.
This coastal a of magnets placed at regular
distances along tbe track so tbat they at
tract a car as It approaches and repel It
after It has passed. ,If tho electrical trans
mission plan Is. adopted a power house will
be erected here and one between this city
and Omaha. The new company la not wor
rying about any franchise, believing that
they can get one from the people of Lin
coln when the project Is ripe.
Mr. Riley, the other disappointed pro
moter, says that h!a aarvty between Lin
coln and Omaba Is almost completed. He
proposes going ahead whether Mr. Kenyan
wins out with the mayor or not. If the
citlseaa of Lincoln effrr encouragement bo
will go ahead and build an Omaha-Lincoln
line any way. If they do not he proposes
to cut Lincoln oat. He thinks thst the
merchants ought to help him out becsuse
ef the effect It will have upon retail trade
ta drain the adjoining country for miles
of trade that now goes to country stores.
Part of Political Game.
Chairman Lindsay of the republican state
committee la Just now the center of a
violent attack, based upon the charge that
the W. H. Thompson passes, cartooned In
a portion of the republican press during
tho recent campaign, were forgeries. An
effort Is being made, prompted, his friends
ssy. by D. E. Thompson, to hsve the cen
tral committee called together and hla
resignation demanded because of thla fact.
Lindsay's friends esy that the whole mat
ter has its origin In an earnest desire on
the part of Mr. Thompson snd G. W. Hold
rege to force Senator Dietrich to spree to
the reappointment of W. S. Summera its
United States district attorney, and that
the whole row Is being kicked up for the
purpoie of discrediting the present chair
man and destroying his chance of succeed
ing Summers. Senstor Dietrich has prom
ised hla auppcrt to Lindsay and repeatedly
said that be proposed to stsnd by him till
the end. Mr. Thompson snd Mr. Holdrege
had an exciting Interview with Dietrich
the other day and told him he must agree
to support Summers. He Is quoted as
having emphatically declined and that very
nearly a rupture occurred between him and
his sponsor, Mr. Thompson. Summers Is
understood here to have secured Senator
Millard's endorsement, and now only wails
upon the getting of Dietrich Into line.
Case la Drooped.
The criminal complaint lodged against
Harry Harris, a carpenter, formerly em
ployed at the penitentiary, charging htm
tnlaA tnrtnv Th. ia eonvlrta tinon whose 1
testimony the state depended to show Har
ris' connection with the crime, finished
their sentences, a few days ago and skipped
tbe town.
Estimate of State Exaeaaea.
Auditor Weston hss completed the com
pilation of the estimated expenses for (he
slats government for the next two year.
According to requests filed wtlh tht auditor
frcm the state Institutions and state offi
cers, the heads of departments modestly
ask the legislature to appropriate a total
of 11.184.308. The laat legislature appro
priated t2.87S.289. The amount asked for
the construction of new buildings Is iti.
Qt. The estimated deficiency to come be
fore the legislature Is $75,600. This does
not include $15,000 needed to pay unpaid
claims fur wolf scalp bounties.'l
matcd cost of publishing constitutional
amendments Is 13.304.
Objects to l.rra-Vrar Terse.
Frank Keating of Webster county Is
r ii i i t j
1 rV"
j r
The n a ruber of modern women who can trictnph in ths
birth of perfect children arc to-day in tbe minority.
ru j t . . '
iOTitcij,t vuucboi io-uay nave troubles
tbat were an known to
their mothers, because ,
l their child bearing'
powers are uepeneratici-.
caused by such (actors as
the cooiforta. requirements.
and indolent tendencies of mod-
clvilixation, unsanitary en
vironments, occapation. etc.
In view of woman's physical comfort and
peace of mind dun on the entire period of
f et4tton. as wrll as uft deliver at the end
of that period. M0 HUB'S IKllM) is compounded.
MOttU." IftilAOis that famous external liniment
rhich bam&bes morning sickness and nervousness
daring pregnane?; shortens labor and makes it nearly
latoiess; Dunns tip tne patient s constitutional strenetb. i
that she emerges from the ordeal without danger. Tbe little
ore. too. shows ths effect of MUltur f ElCfcl) by its robuatne
and vigor. fcald dr stares for SI 00 or kettle.
Seed for rur aaely ille.nsi.d book tor espoctant ssotbore.
sW ' it ZJVKKi -i
v ty.u i ii i. i
j - urn i n i m
rY V
v ' in
o k
for highway robbery and baa brought hla
case to tbe supreme court on error. He
submits with the tranccript of tbe evidence
In his suit an affidavit of poverty, showing
that he is to pay tbe costs In su
preme court, which accounts for the brev
ity of his pleadings. Keating waa convicted
last March of having slugged and robbed
George C. Rose of Rosemont of $30.
John L. Stephens, who was sent up to
the penitentiary last August from Madison
to aerve four years for rape, has been ad
Judged insane by the prison board of 'n
sanity and sent to the asylum for the
Incurabte Insane at Hastings by order of
the governor. Stephens is said to hae
been non compos mentis ever since he was
incarcerated. He refused to answer the
usual questions upon his admission to tha
penitentiary and when asked at to his age
Insisted that be was but 12 years old, al
though he was upward of 25.
W. S. Stein and J. D. Lau of Lincoln
have Incorporated the Stetn-Lau Manufac
turing company for manufacturing and
dealing In notions and tbe purchase and
operation of patent rights Involving notions
and noveltiea. Ita authorized capital stock
la $24 000.
The Parsonage Erection society of the
I'nited Brethren In Christ has filed a cer
tificate of Incorporation under authority
of tbe September conference of the de
nomination at Blue Springe. The trustees
natiied are William L. Shell. L. Hafer.
R. Houscr. R. A. Gatten and J. 8. Kirk
Patrick. Fleet loa Rspeaao Aeeoaata.
G. M. Hitchcock has filed In the office of
the secretary of stste his certificate of elec
tion expenses. The totsl Is (458, of which
1400 went to Frank J. Burkley aa treasurer
of the congressional committee and $58 to
sundry parties named for carriage hire.
E. J. Burkett expended $300 In his race
for congress, all of It through his commit
tee. John S. Robinson expended $400 through
his committee, $90 for campaign buttona.
$80 for printing and $62. 7 for stamps and
telephone tolls.
J. J. McCarthy's campaign expenaes In
hla congreealouxl race were $21.20 for en
velopes and postage, $2 for getting voters
ta the polls and $5 to Loo Porter for writ
ing letters, a total of $28.20.
Ho Smallpox at Asylana.
Superintendent. J. T. Money of the blind
asylum at Nebraska City haa written Gov
ernor Savage concerning the reported cases
of smallpox In that Institution, saying that
it has entirely disappeared, the quarantine
having been raised several days since. Tbe
malady waa of the most Inconsequential
nature possible, only the annoyance asso
ciated with the name giving ths authorities
any concern. Nobody waa alck enough to
go to bed and by prompt Isolation, wrtth
the varlnatloa which the superintendent
had Insisted on before tbe return to school
In September, the spread of the disease
was prevented and there Is not now a case
gins, charged with shooting Butterfleld, tbe
village marshal of Daykln, . went to the
Jury yesti-rday noon, and at a late hour
last night they returned a verdict of not
guilty. The case of State against Dave
Sullivan, charged with being an accessory
to tbe same crime, was on trial when the
Spragglns verdict was returned, but was
tsken from tbe Jury and dismissed by tbe
was one of the organizers of tbe Frst Na
tional bank and on Its board of directors
since it was started. He was twice married.
His first wife died many years ago and he
later remarried. He has three children
living, two sons, Joseph and Jerry, who are
students in tbe Fremont High school, and
a daughter, who ia stendlng school at
Kansas City. His second wife died twelve
years sgo. Owner Smith, as he was gen
erally known, was one of tbe most pic
turesque figures on the public streets.
Though worth hundreds - of thousands of
dollars he wore old, patched clothes aad
coarse, heavy shoes and seldom a collar
or necktie. - He had a dry, humorous wsy
of expressing his opinion on events and wrs
very outspoken In his convictions. He waa i
a man of strict honesty and very saving, j
though liberal and generius toward his j
friends, when he believed them deserv- I
Ing. He leaves sn estste estimated at !
from 1200.000 to $300,000. '
ble or female weakness of some sort Is responsible for their ills, when In fact, disor
dered kidneys are the chief cause of their distressing troubles.
The mild and extraordinary effect of the world-famous kidney and bladder
remedy. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root, la soon realized. It stsnds the highest for Its
wonderful cures of the most distressing esses. A trlsl will convince anyone and
you may hive a ssmple bottle sent free, by mall.
Sample Bottle of Swamp-Hoot Free by Hail.
EDITORIAL NOTIE If yon have tbe alightest symptoms of kidney
or bladder trouble, or If there Is a trace o: It in your lamily history, send at ones to
l'r. Kilmer tc Co.. Blnghsmton, N. T., who will gladly send you by mall, immedlatelv
without cost to you. a s.imple bottle of Swamp-Root, sol a book telling all about
Enamp-Root. and containing many of tbe t bousanda upon thousands .of testimonial
inters received from men snd women cured. In writing b-j sure to say that you
read this grnerous offer In Tbe Omaha Dallr Bee.
If you are already convinced that Swamp-Root Is what you need, you ran pur
chase tbe regular fifty-cent and one-dollar alte bottles at the drug atores every-'
where. Don't make any mistake, but remember the name, Swamp-Root. Dr. Kil
mer's Sv-amp-Koot snd the address, Bingbamtcn. N. Y.. on every bottle.
Retiring- Member Gives a Baaqaet to
Those Who Have Served
with Hlai.
KEARNEY. Neb.. Nov. 12 (Special Tele
gramsThe present meeting of '.he Ne
braska State Doard of Pharmacy, closing
this afternoon, will be the last meeting of
the present year. The day was scent In
examination of candidates for pharmacy
certificates, there being tbirty-four persons
present and taking the examination. N.
P. Hansen of this city Is finishing his three
yeara of aervice on the board. Last year
be served It ss secretary and this year as
president. He will be succeeded on the
board January 1 by D. J. Fink of Holdrege,
who haa been present at the meeting.
At the business meeting of the board on
Tueaday the following officers were elected
for 1903: President. J. H. Schmidt of
Omaha: vice presldenta, E. L. Wilson of
St. Paul and D. J. Fink of Holdrege; treas
urer, W. W. Kendall of Superior; secre
tary, C. L. Stillman of Columbus.
An Interesting event In connection with
the meeting of tbe Nebraska Board of Phar
macy In thia city waa a 7 o'clock dinner
given by Niels P. Hansen, president of the
board, to his fellow members at bis borne
In this city Tuesday evening. Half a dozen
gentlemen friends of this city were also
guests of Mr. Hansen. At the conclusion
of the dinner and after cigars had been
lighted J. H. Schmidt of the pharmacy
board. In a felicioua speech expressive of
tbe esteem and good wishes of himself and
fellow members, presented Mr. Hansen with
a beautiful china dinner service.
Wedded Bliss Shortlived.
FREMONT. Neb.. Nov. 12. (Special. )-
In the district court today Bertha Johnti !
was granted a divorce from her husband, j
William Johns. Both parties formerly '
lived at Broken Bow and Mrs. Johns' people '
are quite wealthy. They were married a j
year and a half ago at Hastings. After a ;
honeymoon of a day or two each went
home and the marriage was kept a secret j
until thia summer. Mrs. John gave her '
husband money to go to York, where he j
had a Job in a printing office, but he re- 1
fused to contribute a cent for her sup- :
port or live with her. Jchns passed him-
belt on as a single man after be came
here last spring, and the first his friends
knew of his marriage was when his wife '
filed her petition for a divorce In Septem
ber last. He Is 25 years of age and his
ex-wife Is 21. She will resume her maiden
name of Shelton. I
Morteaeea Pick
ORD, Neb.. Nov.
i.t Sahordlaate.
32. (Special.) Hon.
Peter Mortensen, state treasurer-elect, will
take Otis Paist, assistant cashier of the
First National bank, of which Mr. Morten
sen Is president, to Lincoln with him. Mr.
Paist will hsve as important position In
tbe state treasurer's office. He Is s young
man of exemplary habits and haa worked
his way up to a lucrative position. Percy
Mount, who for tho last eight years was
be Dk keeper In the Ord 8tate bank of "hie
city, but who resigned a few months ago
to enjoy s few months' vacation, will tako
s position in Mr. Mortensen's bank here
aa bookkeeper.
Mohler Talks oa Haalla,
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Nov. 12. (Spe
cial.) I'nder tbe auspices of the Women's
Park association, at tbe city hall laat even
ing, S. P. Mobley, formerly a newspaper
man of thla city, now In the customs serv
ice of tbe I'nited States at Manila, gave an
Informal talk to several hundred of his
old neighbors and frlenda on the condi
tions at Msnils ss he found them In ISM
snd left tbem In 1902. snd took his audi
ence with him on tbe trip around tho
world which he completed when arriving
here a week ago. Mr. Mobley will leave
In a few days oa the return trip to Manila
via San Francisco.
Xearlr a Fatal Aeeldeat.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Nov. 12 (Spe
cial.) While working on the Burlington
bridge yesterday Frank Kalasek met with
of aickneaa la the Institution of any kind, aa accident which came nearly ending hla
earthly tareer. A heavy piece of timber
fell a distance of twenty feet, striking hits
a glancing blow on hla bead and aide. He
was picked up and taken to the office of Dr.
Livingston, who found tbat a number of
hla teeth were knocked out aad the aide
af hla head and neck badly bruised and
lacerated, but no bones were broken.
Woaaoa oVantedl Dlvorrea.
PLATTSMOUTH. Neb.. Nov. 12 (Spe
cial.) In district court Judge Paul Jesses
granted a decree of divorce to Sarah E.
Black from Robert W. Black and the cus
tody of her minor children. Ha also granted
a decree of- divorce to Cora Blair from
Lewis Blair and the cuatody of her minor
ToarS foaveaes at Falrhorr.
PAIRBCRY. Neb.. Nov. 12 Special.)
District court la In aession thla week. Judge
Let ton presiding. There are aeventy-twe
caaes oa the docket, including twelve crim
inal cases, five of which are for gambling,
one of which was disposed of by the suicide
Sew C'hareh.
Neb.. Nov. 12. I Spe-
To Bolld i
rial.) The Catholic society haa commenced
tho erection of a asw church at the corner
of Vine and Third streets. In this town,
and It will be pushed to completion as
rapidly as possible. This will give Silver
Creek four churches, which is doing quite
well for a small village.
Eaforrlaa Soaday CIosIbk Law.
YORK, Neb.. Nov. 12. (Special.) In po
lice court Herman Behllng waa charged on
complaint of Mr. Hopkins with selling
goods on Sunday and a verdict waa brought
In for the defendant. Mr. Behllng is a
dealer in clothing and furnishings, and he
had Instructed his clerks to not sell any
goods of any kind on Sunday. It seems '
tbat s customer, feeling tbe need of winter
underwear. Induced Mr. Bebllng s clerk to
let him have underwear, and at the time
the clerk told the purchaaer that he waa
Instructed not to sell, and that he was do
ing this on his own responsibility.
If all others have failed corns to the
STITUTE and get cured. We are con
stantly curing men who have spent
much time and money elsewhere In
vain, who would have saved money,
time, annoyance and suffering If they
had applied to us first for treatment.
You do not want to bo mutilated and
maimed for Ufa In trying to be cured
of Varicocele. Stricture and kindred
troubles. In a few days, by surgical
procedures. Ws make no misleading
ststements or unbusinesslike proposi
tions to the afflicted in order to secure
their pstronsge. Our success hss been
established by our SAFE and CER
TAIN methods of treatment. Our
charges are low and we guarantee
aatlsfactlon by curing every caae we
accept for treatment.
Oar t'omhlaed Eleetro-Modlcat treataaeat haa saaar frleada aad
few eaesales. Its frleads are those who have tested Ita saerlta aad j
have Iters eared. Its eaesales are those Doctors or Saeelallsts who
are eavloas of all other freataaeata that have provra swore aaeoosa
fal thaa their owa.
We will spare you the penalties associated with Nervous Debility. Stricture,
Varicocele, contagious Blood Poison, (Syphilis.) Gonorrhoea, Gleet. Kidney
and Urinary Diseases, Weakening Dralna, Helf-Abuse, Wutlng of Organs. Pre
mature Decline, Lot.s of Memory. Energy and Ambition, Nervousness, Pimples,
Palpitation of the heart, Shortness of Hreath, Apprehension of Calamity, the
Chargia and Mortification of Weaklings, the Plight of Contemplated Matri
mony. Call at our offleea today or write for our book free, which will explain the
diseases we cure, and how we cur them to stay cured, when others fall.
I a. m. to I p. m. Sundays 10 a. 1 p. m.
State Electro -Medical instifuio
1308 Ftrnani St., til. 13th it,i 14th Strut!, OMAHA. NEBRASKA
Loareit Established, Tksrosxhty tellable, Astsoriui by ths Laws sf the Stats.
VJm Gallic
New Lmm ef Ufo for an law
Postmaster R. II. Randall, Dunlin, Ia.,
says: I suffered from Indigestion and ro-
suiting evils for years. Finally 1 triad
Kodol. I soon knew I had found what
I had long looked for. 1 am better today
thaa in years. Kodol gave me a new
lease of life. Anyone can have my af
fidavit to the truth of tbl statement."
Kodol digests your food. Thitsnables tb
system to assimilate suppues, strengthen
ing every organ had restoring health.
' Kodol Make You Strong.
Prepared oaly by B.O. DsWitt Co., Chicago,
Tbe(1. boleoDV!n.m tlmeetbeioe. sue.
0N f.UMJTE ecus, cure
Cures qulckJje Tfc-U't whsUU'f ocvH.ate,
s rwV ss rssy ssjrarva -say
admnuxc purity
and DtlightfuJ Flavor are
Properties of
ay. 1
This Vhi.kcr ooe-l
scmcs s flavor that has 1
won for it tbe prsiae 1
ol ronnoiucuis sad s !
parity that csuses phy
sicians to recomarend
it. It is perfectly sged
asd headache or aoal
t i .tomsch aever lollow '
its ate. For ssle st ,
tbe leading cafes, drug .
store snd bars.
S. 11IRSCH & CO.
U'holuak Liquor Dealers.
IrMITK DOV CUII ."in h mpoj crmr
iDS fur .fruits drlak. Ih. pfUle for oafc cmacS
eilM after tble remrdf ! Is uy qal
wits ur witbovi kwowioaa. K Meu iMi.iwa;Si
oncrmaii at Drug Co., Om&ba
Blue Ribbon
It's a dellghtfu;
beverage for early
lunches or late sup
persany old time-
and you'll not have a
headache In the
morning, even If you
lo take a g'aes too
much. Ni efforts or
expense are spared
to make this beer a
beer. Bet
ter rail up
today and
have a case
delivered to
ojr home.
Brewing Ca Omahd
Telephone 1260.