Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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troatco Board Reduces Patrol Force on
Duty to Thirty-Eight.
Thirteen men on leave of absence
i 4
Dflle.r Daraacsewnkl RMltn) Bfrm
I Too Marh Work and Infer,
talirty Tmr of
Hla Position.
Sixteen policemen constitute the force
'patrol ln Omaha today. Lest night twenty-
two walked the beats that are supposed
I to guard the lives and property of the sleep
I log citlaens.
' Of a total forre of fifty-two patrolmen
i thirteen are absent on have. Yesterday one
' wore, officer added hie voluntary resignation
to the Hat of vacant-lee, ao that the total
'available force of patrolmen for aervlce Is
; reduced to thirty-eight.
The resignation yesterday la the fruit of
the wholesale dismissal without hearing of
; patrolmen by the Hoard of Fire and Police
i Commissioners. Too much work and too
I much uncertainty aa to the tenure of his
1 position are the reasons assigned by the
loffloer for handing over hla club, star and
-key to Chief Donahue.
, At roll all Tuesday evening Nicodemua
; Dargaciewskl. one of the old-timers on the
force, tendircd his verbal resignation to
Captain Hayes. Yesterday he handed
hla written resignation to Chief Donahue.
Hla reasons set out are those given above.
Pargacsewskl's resignation reduces the
number of patrolmen on the police force
to fifty-one. Of these thirteen are absent
on leave and the remainder are divided
Into two shifts, sixteen day and twenty
three for the night.
Dargaczewskt said that for the last
month he had been allowed but five supper
hours, because of the amount of work ha
was compelled to do by Sergeant Hudson,
under whose orders he worked.
Ko Time to Eat.
"Hanson had It In for me, and I could
get no relief," said he. "When I waa
guarding the Union Pacific gates he would
not allow me to atop an Instant for reat.
It waa just like a penitentiary down there,
and the mosquito were ao tmd that my
hands were aore all the time. On my beat
In Bheely It waa the same way. When I
waa aent there under the old board I waa
allowed to remain all night. But under the
new arrangements I would be brought In
from there to the business district at mid
night and had to make the trip during my
aupper hour. After I waa downtown I
would not bo given fifteen minutes In
which to eat. At present from midnight
until morning the people In Bheely have
no police protection, and those are the
hours protection Is needed.
"Another reason for my resignation waa
the uncertainty of my position. Every
time two patrolmen meet the aole topic of
conversation la who will be Bred next?
This has been going on for the last two
months and no policeman can do good
work under such circumstancea. Tho six
teen men discharged, with possibly one
exception, were the best men on the force
and I could not stand the uncertainty
of the thing. There were no charges
against them and anyone la liable to be
discharged at a moment's notice. Tho
board has ruined the police department
and there are very few members of It who
era at all satisfied with the way things are
being run. I have nothing to aay against
Chief Donahue. He has done the best
fce could for the men and everyone believes
In him, but he can do nothing with auch
a board to give him orders."
Ko Shortage in Find.
"There la no shortage In the police fund,"
aid Mayor Moorea yesterday, "and
there would not be any overlap at the end
of the year If the department waa continued
to that time at ita former strength. The
comptroller's statement, showing that there
would be an overlap of some $1,900, la mis
leading from the fact that It Includes the
full amount of the expense of the alarm
aystem for the two mouths, while one-half
of that la paid from the Are fund. In the
same manner the estimated expenses are
increased by charging the whole amount of
the aalaries of the membera of the board
to the police fund, when half should come
out of the fire fund. Then, too, I think
the estimate of $2,000 for miscellaneous
bills la too high and au. sure the amount
will not exceed $1,600."
PYoansT Man Cornea Hons L4e and
Finds Man Breaking; Into
Charles Merrick prevented a burglary at
the house of hla father, J. H. Merrick, by
coming home late Tuesday night. When
Charlea got home he beard a noise In the
rear part of the house' and upon going In
that direction surprised a man attempting
,to enter through the kitchen window from
'the summer kitchen. The burglar Iramc
Idlately ran, leaving behind him hla coat,
(Teat, collar and necktie. These were turned
! over to Detectivea Donohoe and Hcitfeld,
I who today arrested Judson H. Coyer, a
I driver for Wilkle ft Mitchell, grocers. To
The instinct of modesty natural ta '
woman is often a trreat hindrance
to tbe cure of womanly diseases. Women
brink from the personal questions of
tbe local phy
sician which
aeem indelicate. F?
' The thought of
exam i nation is
abhorrent to
' them, and so
they endure in
ilence a condi
tion of disease
which surely
progresses from
Dad to worse.
It h a a been
Dr. Pierce's
privilege to cure
great many
i women who
cave found a
refuge for mod
ety in hia offer
of free consulta
tion by letter.
Ail correspond
ence is held as
' strictly private
1 and sacredly
' Address Doctor
X- V. Pierce,
Buffalo, N. V.
Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Pre
scription estab
lishes regularity, dries weakening drains.
besUs inflammation and ulceration, and
cures female weakness.
Having used Dr. PVrrr-1 Favorite Preaerip.
lion and Gulden Medical DfcoTry ' during
tbe put year,' wrura Mr, Maui Long. o
MouU Valley. Perry Co., pa.. "1 can truth lully
recommend (he medkiuea for all fern ale weak
neeeea. 1 nave used several botUea oi paroma
Prearripiiuo.' which I consider a great bieaaaug
to weak, women. I waa ao nervoua and dis
couraged that 1 hardly knew what to do. Your
kind advice fur home treatment helped a woay
aWrfully. Tbanka to Dr. Pieroa.
Biliousness ia cured by the UM of Dc
Pfcarcea ftwaut Pellet
Captain Haze Coyer admitted be waa at the
bouse and had tried to enter, but that he
waa Intoxicated at the time.
Capitol 4 venae Property Owners and
Othera Will Appeal to the
Although the city Council hss approved
the contract with C. W. Partridge for tho
construction of the market house In spite
of the veto of the mayor, a still further
attempt will be made by Capitol avenue
property owners and other Interested citl
aens to prevent the location of a market
on the proposed site.
Although It Is nxpected that owners
of property on Capitol avenue will appear
most prominently In the movement, the
Retail Grocers' association la alio deeply
interested and will take an active It not a
prominent part.
The present Intention la to enjoin the
mayor, city comptroller, treasurer, Board
of Public Worka and C. W. Partridge, the
contractor, from taking any further steps
toward the erection of the proposed build
ing on Capitol avenue. The petition to the
court, which will be signed by a number
of tbe property owners on Capitol avenue
In the vicinity of the site selected, will be
baaed upon the grounds that the location
Is not suitable for market purposes for
the reason that It Is too far from the
grocery and commission houses; that It
would be prejudicial to the best Inter
ests of the community to locate a mar
ket In the public street and that the
building aa planned would be but a make
shift at best and would not fully meet the
requlrementa of thla city aa a market
place and, therefore, the expenditure of
nearly, $12,000 would be unwarranted ex
travagance, particularly as the general
fund Is In no condition at thla time to bear
any auch expenditure, while the money
la so urgently needed for other purposes.
It Is also argued that the contract as
drawn la weak and faulty and the specifica
tions sre auch aa to leave the city at the
mercy of the contractor.
Aa an example of tha numerous vulner
able polnta which It la said exist In these
specifications It la atated that contradic
tory provlalon la made In two placee for
the exterior painting and finishing of wood
work on the building and no mention at
all la made of how the interior wood work
shall be painted or finished.
has the unanimous endorsement of the
medical profession. It Is prepared by th
Anheuaer-Busch Brewing Aas'n., whlc'i
fact guarantees the purity, excellence and
merit claimed for It.
18-K wedding rings. Edbolm, Jeweler.
Annoancementa of the Theaters.
"The Tide of Life," a sensational melo
drama of the old school with a plethora
of thrilling episodes, will be seen at the
Boyd tonight for but a single perform
ance. The eacape of tha heroin by Jump
ing from a high bridge to the top of a
moving train; her escape from a building
by climbing down a water sprout; the elec
trocution of the villain on a live wire are
several of the thrilling scenes. Tbe story
told by the play la that of a young woman
brought up amid vicious surroundings, but
who thwarts the schemes of her fellows
for the downfall of a wealthy family.
Everything enda happily.
A Good Move,
The members of the Convervatlve Bavlnga
and Loan association calling at the new
offices, No. 206 South Sixteenth street, ex
presa themselves well pleassd with the new
location. The room s light and airy and
well adapted to the needa of the association,
and, more Important still, is ctntrally lo
cated in the retail district of the city. Tbe
officers feel that within the next few months
the business of the association will run
past the one million point, the present as
seta being considerably In excess of $900,000.
Cut glass wedding gifts. Edholm, jeweler.
Dixie Flyer.
A through train to Jacksonville, Fla., via
fit. Louis or Chicago and Nashville, Chat
tanooga, Lookout Mountain, Atlanta and
Macon. Round trip tourist tickets now on
sale, permitting stopovers both going and
returning and limited until June 1, 1903.
Write or call on us for full Information
regarding rates, etc., and copy of our beau
tiful Illustrated Florida booklet, at 1402
Fat nam atreet, Omaha. W. H. BRILL,
District Passenger Agent Illinois Central
Railroad, Omaha, Neb.
Good Position Open.
Good opening for a uewspaper or maga
zine solicitor. Permanent position tor a
competent man. Address Twentieth Cen
tury Farmer, Bee Building, Omaha.
Publish your legal nottcea In The Weekly
Bee. Telephone 238.
King Cole Self-Rising Buckwheat.
Beautiful diamond brooches. Edholm.
Placed Hla Hand on Rlelrle Light
Pole and Became la
Report waa made to City Electrician
Schurlg yeaterday morning of an accident in
which it la alleged J. W. Parker, who Uvea
at 219 North Thirteenth atreet, received a
serious electric shock. As the case waa
atated to Mr. Schurlg, Parker placed his
hand on tbe electric light pole at the corner
of Thirteenth atreet and Capitol avenue
while atandlng on the sidewalk at that place
about I o'clock yeaterday morning and from
mere contact with the pole received a
shock so aevere that he waa unconscious
for more than two hours.
Mr. Schurlg says this statement appears
to him highly improbable from the fact
that there la a porcelain circuit-breaker on
the pole at a height of ten feet two Inches
from the waik, which would effectually abut
off any electric current from the portion
of the pole below that point.
Parker, It ia atated. intends to present a
claim agalnat the electric light company
for damages.
Overhead Lines Mast Come Down In
Baalaeaa District hy Neat
E. F. Schurlg Is now engaged In the
preparation of plans for placing the wires
of the city alarm system underground be
fore next spring, when It Is required all
overhead wtrea shall be removed from tbe
streets In the central district of the city.
It would not be practicable to atring the
city's wires In any of tha condulta In
which there are cables carrying high
potential currents, but arraugements have
been made whereby they can be placed In
tha telephone company's conduits through
out the prohibited district. In some por
tions of the city thla plan haa already
been adopted, but in order to complete tbe
work it will bs necessary for tha city to
construct lateral ducts at a number of the
atreet cor acre extending from tha man
holts of the telephone company'a aystem
to the sidewalk, tor tbe purpose of making
the box connections. The total expenaa of
conatructlng these lateral aucta will be
several thousand dollars.
Dcpos It
Money In
Our Bank
9 J
r j
a. w m
II M am
FOl hvl IVJLrfUair
4 per cent
Paid on
Sample Mirrors at Special Sale
MO beautiful mirrors bought from Broadway manufacturer at one-fourth
their value fine gold and allver plated, and oxydlzed frames French ' plate,
full beveled square, round and oval shapes In 12x10, 10x8 and 8x6 ahapea,
positively worth up to A " s- n --
"oo. .t 2oc, 49c, 69c, 98c
Comb and Brush Sets at 75c- -500 comb and brush seta in fancy boxes
hand made decorations, German silver, fine porcelain and gold 7(?r,
plate or German 6ilver worth up to 12.50, at set -at OC
Thursday's Millinery Attractions
$9 Trimmed Beaver Hats at $5.
Two hundred and fifty genuine nap beaver hats In black and colore,
also fine black and colored silk velvet hata, elegantly trimmed with fine
ostrich plumes. Jet and ornamenta we offer on Thursday at Ave dollars.
These goods can not be duplicated by millinery atoree
under $9.00, Thursday- asai (111
$5 Trimmed Hats at $2.50
Upwards of five hundred trimmed hata of fine quality silk relveta In both
black and colors, ateo other materials artistically draped with all tbe newest
novelty trimmings, feather breast, birda, pompoma. ornamenta. Jeta, etc.
These hats are the equal of any of thla class of gooda that are- P- rk.
still being sold at most atoree at $5.00 on Thursday J ""J II
$2 Trimmed Street Hats at 25c
On Thursday we offer the balance of our fortunate purchase of street hata
-not one of them being over three weeka out of the manufacturer handa.
The very newest street effect hata are mostly of oamel'a hair r
They have sold for $2 and over, while they last J
Great Purchase Ladies' Coats
We have Just opened and placed on aale a shipment of 200 sample coata
In the awellest and smartest Ideaa of tha season. No two of them alike.
They come In 33 and 48-Inch Bilk Monte Carloa. Kersey, Zlbellne and Cheviots.
80 and 48-lnch loose coata and Monta Carloa. Introducing some entirely new
featurea in thla aeason'a coata. The veiling prices will correspond with our
purchasing price Just 60 per cent lower than the regular price.
Fur Cluster Scarfs 4no scarfs of
astrakhan, stone, eleetrlo seal, etc..
actually worth up to $4.00 -4 J" f
oh, at laOU
Kersey Coats, Extra Quality 45-in
ilry wlth guanteed lining,
aatln stitched Btrap trimming, large
aleeves, turn back cuffs - p A
regular tu.w coata. all fl ftll
colors, at
nonte Carlo Coats at$2.98-in good heavy oxford materials with inverted
meat hack tvn ....
, . ' K " "'" "uiaer ana wiae turn back cuff
made to aell at $7.60, at
2.98 Smart Sults-100 ladle.' Dress Skirt Speclal-4 styles just
u III? m g0O1 DVeltr W001 received, made of broad cloth and
S2S. !lZuaThlXbTT heavy pebb,e chev,ot8 "t,n "nd uf-
worth up to ;10 each, at..' 3.98 SS&! 4.98
uou ana Walking Skirts-made of gray, oxford and bltie mel
tone, corded flounces, wide flare, usually sold by us at 4, at..
Watch Our
f il'iiHI' I 'I i ,ajy
Co"nghmeVdy"e" HOWELL'S ANTI l( AVF
For aale at all drug stores, 25c and 60c.
Withdrawal of Wabash from Traffio Agree
ment with Great Western. -
Gives North Mlssonrians Accesa to
Omaha aa Cheaply or Cheaper
Than They Had to St.
Omaha Jobbers and the South Omaha
stock yarda and packing house will be
the gainers by the result of a move of tha
Wabash. For many montha traffio ar?
rangementa have existed between the
Wabash and the Chlcago-Oreat Western
whereby the shippers and merchants of
North Missouri could reach St. Joseph
over a combination of the two roads as
cheaply or cheaper than they could come
to Omaha. On Tuesday the St. Joseph
Commercial club waa notified that the
Wabash had withdrawn Ita joint traffic
rates with the Great Western. This means
that to get In and out of St. Joseph over
the two lines the sum of two locals muBt
be made, which is considerably more than
the through rate over the Wabash from
Omaha. As a result there will be consid
erable business added to the local jobbing
and stock yards trade.
Unties Are Divided.
It la pretty well aettled around Union
Pacific headquarters that no new general
manager will be employed to take the
place of Edward Dickinson for some tlmo
to come, if at all. While President Burt
haa nominally assumed the duties of gen
eral maanger, It Is generally accepted that
what functions did not already center In
the president will be distributed among
three or four other offlclala. These are
of a routine character and even they will
be , generally supervised, though not
actually performed, by Mr. Burt.
During Mr. Dlcklnkon'a Incumbency a
great deal of the routine of hla office, per
taining chiefly to transportation matters,
fell to Superintendent of Transportation
Buckingham, but since Mr. Dickinson's
departure Mr. Buckingham haa come into
possession of a greater amount of the gen
eral manager's work, ao much ao In fact,
that he haa transferred hla office to the
rooms formerly used by the general man
ager, and aa evidence of the permanency
of this arrangement the words, "General
Manager," which used to appear on the
door leading Into where Mr. Dickinson waa,
have been erased and supplanted by this
Inscription: "Superintendent of Transpor
tation." With Mr. Buckingham occupying thla
office, adjoining that of the president, it
Is understood he now stands next In au
thority to that official. It la understood
that the functions of the chief engineer
and superintendent of motive power, and
perhapa another official, have been widened
slightly by this change, each taking on a
little more routine than he had before Mr.
Dickinson left.
Exploits Blsr Ilora Basin.
The Burlington local passenger depart
ment baa just had published a new edition
of Ita folder descriptive of the Big Horn
Basin. The publication ia the most com
plete exploitation of thia remarkable atrip
of country ever put into print. It deals
with tha location, area and topography of
tbe basin comprehensively, giving glimpses
of Its farina, gardens, cattle ranges, irrigat
ing canals, oil fields and some Interesting
Information about tbe splendid opportunU
ties offered to hoineseekers.
The Burlington U making a special ef
fort to induce immigration to thia terri
tory and to thla end an extra amount of
Iheae folders has been run off. Ttsf have
Do you ever need "medicine after mid
night? Did you know our store waa open
all night and that we have the same sys
tem about delivering'goods after midnight
aa we do in tne daytime that la, no extra
charge for delivering? Don't hexltate to
call ua up by 'phone No. 747 If you need
anything at any time. We have our own
meanengere and are glad to deliver even a
bottle of Lotus Cream or Be worth of salts.
We are offering you a box of soap thU
week worth 25c cf anybody's monev $
cakee for 16c. See It In our big window.
We have the agency for the Marvel
Whirling Spray Syringe and are pleased to
quote same at $2.60. Most druggists ask
$3.60 for this Syringe. See our big line of
Candy at special cut prices.
Tel. T4T. a. W. Cor. IMth and Chicago.
At Last
ia found to
cure sweaty, clamy,
hands and feet.
never falls.
618 Bee Bids.. Omaha, Neb.
been printed in three editions, known,
respectively, as the J. Francis, P. 8. Eustla
and L. W. Wakeley editions. All have been
printed In Omaha, notwithstanding the
B. & M. ia the smallest of the three head
Dickinson In fiood Berth.
J. B. Frawley, district passenger agent
at Kansas City for the t'nlon Pacific, Ore
gon Short line, Oregon Railroad and Navi
gation company, the Southern Pacifio and
tha Mexican International rallroada. Is in
the city on official business.
"We were alad that sine Mr nixvinann
parted with tha old road he came to Kan
sas vny, aaia.jur. rrawiey, "ror he will
be a valuable acquisition to Kansaa City's
strong array or notable railroad men.
"I thlnli Mr. Dickinson haa fallen Into a
mighty good place. Of course, ha was vaII
altuated before, for that matter. But I re
gard the Kansaa City. Mexico & Orient aa
a most promlsinc railroad. I think it h.
flattering prospects. Its rail mileage la to
o nines, aad It penetrates aome vir-
gin country whose natural reaourcea are
almost boundless. It will traverae rich
and fertile farming lands, land teeming
with mineral wealth nit well
valuable timber. I understand the Mexican
concessions are moat valuable. Then it la
to have an outlet" to the Orient hv num.
era. I think the general manager of auch
a road atanda in a very favorable poaltioa
Try Edholm'a watch repairing dept.
Mlssoarl Whisky Taa Invalid.
JEFFERSON CITY. Mo.. Nov. l!.-fudga
Sherwood. In an opinion In the supreme
court, sitting en banc, today, declared un
constitutional the stats whisky tax law.
fDAiaj Atrrr atav'
Even children drink Graln-O
because they like it and tha doc
tors say it is good for them. Why
not ? It contains all of the nourish
ment of the pure grain and none
i the poisocf yf coffee.
AtaTooarsararwlknej Ua aad Uc par pacX-.
ka II
for Thursday.
SPECIAL NO. 1175 Monte Carlo
made of fine kerseys, cheviots and meltons,
27 inches long, new, correct back, new sleeve, in
castor, black, blue, red and oxford gray, lined
with a guaranteed satin
A regular $15 jacket $ir)00
Thursday AW
SPECIAL NO. 2125 Women's
High Class Monte Carlo Coats
Just arrived by express from one of New York's
foremost manufacturers. They are made of ker
seys, meltons and zibelines, in all shades, very
swell, correct ideas, every one positively
Worth $25,
on sale Thursday
SPECIAL NO, 3 75 Women's
Three-quarter Length Coats
in excellent quality of kersey, Montinac and ox
ford gray cheviots, heavy satin lined, new, full
back and new cuff sleeve
$20 00 values,
Thursday .
lc am. "v
If H
ilp mm )
1 Ifll
450 Walking Skirts,
On Sale Thursday.
We bought these from a manufacturer at 50 cents on the dollar, made
of all wool meltons, cheviots, coverts and snow-flakes, some slot seams
and some trimmed with straps over hips. Here is a good chance to get
a new correct shape skirt for little money. They would be cheap at $7.50.
On sale
Thursday at $4.90
Price Slashing
Talk is Cheap.
Prices Knock
How Do You Like the
Sound of These?
New Uprights.
$200 Pianos Cl If.
sale price Jptlli
$225 Pianos CUB
sale price ipalO
$2TS Pianos Kldft
aala price f
"ttiTlfflSr. $165
Was:. .......198
m Pianos CIT
sale prlc... i3A
afer..: $262
.rcaT. $298
$.150 Pianos S'"7
sale pric. iftJ'td
V) Pianos ClrS
sale price ipOUsS
Used Uprights.
When New. Worth. Bal. Price.
$250.00 $100.00 $50
800.00 200.00 $113
800.00 226.00 $133
850.00 225.00 $145
400.00 275.00 $160
450.00 800.00 $195
500.00 250.00 $248
Among these are auch well known
snakes aa Stager Bona, Emerson,
Cramer, Voae ft Bone, Knabe, Check
ering, Everett, Smith Barnes,
Ivera ft Pond. Schiller, Arlon and
Story ft Clark.
Used Organs.
Some at $12.00. $18.00, $20.00. $23.00.
$28.00, $30.00, $38.00, $42.00, on terms
of 50c per week.
Among these ar. auch old familiar
names aa Western Cottage, Chicago
Cottage, Royal. Kimball, Sterling,
Epworth, Suhulti. relton. Story ft
Clark, eto.
Payment Plan.
Partlea with good characters and
ability to meet tha small weekly
payments can secure 4 piano from ua
without any cash payment.
Planoa on $1.00 weekly payments.
Organs and Squares at 25c, 50o and
75a pep week.
Schmollcr & Mueller
1313 Farnam Street.
502 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Chains. Pocket Knives, Match Boxes, Clffar Cut
ters, Paper Knives, Coin Holders, Chatelaine Puft
Boxes we are showing these goods ranging In price
from $1.50 to $4.00 would make nobby Christmas pifts.
Spend a few minutes in our store. LOOK FOR THE
S. W. LINDSAY, Jeweler,
1516 Douglas Street.
F. M. Russell
Reading Lamps, Electric,
Oil and Gas.
Electric & Gas Fixtures.
213 S. I5th St. Telephone 50J
Bast AsrloaKaraJ Weekly.
but you will never he disappointed
If you wear the much-talked of
"Onlmod"' Shoe. Thla shoe gives
universal satisfaction, and being
made specially for men, It la truly
a man's friend.
The quality of this shoe Is im
proving dally, and our many
Omaha customer can testify aa to
the wearing value and extremely
stylish appearance of "Onlmod"
Price $3.50 and $2.50
'w-il int.' JtbUa'
209 South 15th 8t.
New Shoes Fir Winter
Another new one haa Just been re
ceived patent colt shoe for women's
Tbe same quality of a shoe w. sold
hundreda of palra of last year and
not one complaint. These ar. new
styles superb fitter patent colt
vamp with dull kid tops that make
a beautiful contrast medium exten
sion edge soles.
$3.60 Is all we ask for an thla. and
you were never able to get so much
before for $8.60.
Omaha's Un-to-Date Shoe House,
Send for New Fall Catalogue.
o are) not paying lor CIIKOMOS. 8CUEMBS, IK EE DEALS, ETC.. bat
r. B. Biae MsVRCAMTIXJB CXCUA CO, aUsX. tt Xsvala. Vaiaa. ataoa,