Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 13, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
Hore Mine Operator Fil Bepliet to
Demands of Mitchell.
(Bay light to Combine Matt Hot Be
. Subject of Award.
Conditions Deolared BaMsfaetory When Men
Were Hot Organised.
Dear Allegations Made by Employes
and Claim There U Xo Rrtioa
Wh; They ghoul Sot
B Contented.
WASHINGTON. Nor. 12. That the an
thraclt coal mine owners will resist to
the utmost every effort to niaks the recog
nition ot United Mine Workers of America
an Issue in the arbitration, which Is now
In progress. Is made evident by the replies
to the miners' statement filed by John
Mitchell, president of tbelr organisation.
There are Ave of these answers, in addition
to that of President Baer, which was given
out yesterday, and all dwell with especial
emphasis and marked unanimity on this
They also agree In resisting the demands
of the miners for an Increase of pay for
the hour work, a reduction of hours for
'time work and for the weighing rather
than the measurement of coal.
Carroll D. Wright left for the anthracite
regions today, taking these replies with
him. In addition to the statement made
lor the Reading company by President Baer,
the list comprises the replies of the Dela
ware aV Hudson company, the Delaware a:
Lackawanna, the Lehigh Valley, the Penn
sylvania and the Scranton Coal company.
Reply of the Operators.
The reply for the Delaware Lacka
wanna company was made public to
day. It is signed by W. H. Trues-
dale, president of the company, who says
.that the company owns twenty-five anthra
cite collieries and employe 12,000 workmen
In this branch of its business. Mr. Trues-
dale, like Mr. Baer, objects to making
the recognition of the union one of the
.Issues to be considered by the commission,
! saying that in the proposition made by the
'company for arbitration one ot the express
i conditions was that "the findings of the
commission should govern the conditions of
employment between it and its employes.
He adds:
This company unequivocally asserts that
H will tinder no condition recognise or enter
Into any agreement with the United Mine
"Vorker of America or any branch thereof.
iNor will it permit said association or Its
offioare to dictate the terms and cottdl
tlona under which It shall conduct Its bus!
Referring to the recent strike, Mr. Trues
ndale says that he la reliably Informed that
t0 p6t ernt of Its employes ware Apposed U
; the strike, ut were forced to enter upon it
!br a majority vote of the mine workers In
; ether fields. Mr. Trueadale follows closely
Itha lines ot Mr. Baer's argument as to the
I dissimilarity between the work In the an
Jthracits ' mines and that In bituminous
Uniform Prle Impracticable.
He declares that It Is Impossible to adopt
fm uniform rate to be paid to the mlneri tor
a unit of coal mined at all mines. The
declaration la also made that the anthra
. cite miners as a rule do not work as many
hours a day as ths bituminous miners.
and the opinion la advanced that If the
l wages of ths anthracito miners hsd been
.less than that of other working men they
'would have found employment elsewhere,
which they did not do.
Concerning ths general prosperity he
Prior to the introduction of agitators and
: mischief makers the anthracite workera
were on an average as prosperous, com
tfortablo and contented aa any body of
i workers in similar employment in mis
The wages. It Is added, ars such that
'frugal employes have saved a substantial
mount every year.
Mr. Truesdels resists the demand for a
reduction of 40 per cent In hours of labor,
saying no such business employing thou
sands of men can hope to com
pete successfully In the markets of the
world If Its hours of labor are restricted.
He declares that there Is no unjust dis
crimination In the weighing of coal, as It Is
measured rather ' than weighed, and he
asserts that the demand is "out of all
reason, and Its effect, so far as his com
pany is concerned. Is a demand for an ad
, dttlonal Increase In the wages now paid
miners of from I to 40 per cent."
The present method of measurement is
declared to be the result ot long usage
nd fair to all concerned.
Fair All Coaeeraed.
President Olypbant of the Delaware
Hudson company In his reply declares tbst
ths wages paid by his company are Just
nd adequate. He alas says that "those
ot Its employes who perform contract or
piece work, as a matter of their own voli
tion, work only about six hours a day and
take numerous holidays, without the con
sent or approval ot this respondent, and
their earnings by hours of actual work
re, therefore, much higher than those In
ny similar employment."
Denial is made ot all the allegations In
connection with the demand for shorter
hours and It Is contended that such a re
duction necessarily would Increaae the price
of eoal. While admitting that the mine
owners aell their coal by the ton, he says
that the eoal thus sold Is very different
article from thst taken out ot ths mine.
Hence he contends against ths change from
ths present system of payment to that of
paying by the ton.
Ber-oaratilon at the raloa.
President Oiyphant also takes exception
to the proposition to arbitrate the question
of the recognition of the miners' union.
'. This noaltlon Is taken on tha munii ih.i
' ths orcanlzatloa seeks to control tfc
tlre fuel supply of ths oountry, that as the
union In unincorporated It la Incapable of
making a binding contract and that the
association has shown Its Inability to con
trol lis own members. He says his com
pany has no desire to discriminate agalast
members ot ths union.
President T. P. Fowler speaks for the
Scranton Coal company and the Elk Hill
Coal and Iron company. He aaya they own
ten collieries and employ t.000 men...
He asserts that If the average wage
aarned by the anthracite piece workers Is
Jess than that paid to workers la other em
ployment It Is because "they fix their own
hours of labor sad ths amount ot their
I Continued on Second Fags.)
right Between Roe; at a aad Colombian
argents Eads la Govern
sneat Victory.
PANAMA, Nov. 12 The first American
casualties resulting f " -n the revolution oc
curred yesterday. T , "iMao fleet cap
tured a boat bavin -orrespond-
ence showing the whef. ' 'tf ,rJl - revo
lutionary schooners loaded ' ' . ".
The warships hesded for the pi,
arriving Bogota, manned by an Afflt.
crew, lowered two boats with armed nieu,
but, as the schooners were aground, waited
until high tide to attack them.
In the meanwhile the revolutionists were
discovered In ambush close to the beach.
The boats pulled ahead, when the rebels
openel fire on them, killing the ship's ar
morer, Richard Kane, of Washington, and
wounding George Walker. A seaman
named Clarke and Lieutenant Vasquez were
also wounded, but not seriously.
Bogota and Chuculto then opened fire on
the enemy and killed every man in sight.
One shot fired at a group of ten rebels
killed every one of them.
One of the schooners, Helvetia, loaded
with rice, was captured, but the first shot
at the second set it on fire and It was com
pletely destroyed. '
Kane's body will be buried with military
Minister Powell Assares President ot
San Dominate of Friendship, bat
Gives Some Advice.
SAN DOMINGO, Santo Domingo. Nov. 12.
Minister Powell has had an official inter
view with President Vaequet, during which
he assured the latter ot the great interest
felt by President Roosevelt and the United
States toward this republic and of the de
sire on their part that there be a peace
ful solution of the pending difficulties.
this being the only means to assure the
prosperity ot Santo Domingo and ot In
ducing capitalists to enter the country and
develop Its rich resources.
Mr. Powell also assured President Vas
quez that neither President Roosevelt nor
the people of the United States desired to
destroy the autonomy of this republic or
Interfere in Its internal affairs. The Amer
ican people were desirous that Santo Do
mingo abould prosper by means of closer
commercial Intercourse with the United
The persldent replied that he was pleased
to know the sentiments of President Roose
velt and the people of the United States
and assured Mr. Powell that his aim was
to strengthen the ties of friendship and
commercial relations between ths two re
Plllaare Stores aad Imprison Prefects,
While Caravans Supply Them
with Arms.
VICTORIA, B. C. Nor. 12. Mall advices
from South China report a recrudescence
of the revolution in Kwsng SI, which was
reported suppressed. Ths rebels oaptured
Hochl&ebok, In Chis-WB-F?,-"" secured tha
sub-prefect and placed him la his own
prison. ' After pillaging this place they
attacked and took Lin Chin Fu, a prefec
tural station.
Large numbers of the Kotlshut, a secret
society which la both anti-foreign and antl
dynastic, have Joined the rebel movement.
The rebels are supplied by caravans which
cross French and Portuguese territory with
arms and war munitions.
A proclamation has been posted at Sheng
Tu offering 100 taels for the head of each
Boxer captured within the city.
Philippine Officials and Merehaats
Alarmed at Fall la
MANILA. Nov. 12. The further decline
in the price of sliver has forced the gov
ernment to raise the rate of exchange to
$2.50 Mexican for $1 gold.
The Instability of the currency Is seri
ously damaging business and members of
the civil commission and representatives
of. commercial Interests on the Islands will
unite In making a strong plea to congress
for the establishment ot a non-fluctuating
Philippine currency.
Connt at Flaaders Wishes Son to Be
Klnar When Leopold
BRUSSELS, Nov. 12. The count of Flan
ders, brother of King Leopold, has resigned
his claim to the Belgian throne In favor
of his son. Prince Albert.
He was born In 1837 and last summer
resigned his position as lieutenant general
and chief commander of cavalry In the Bel
gian army.
Prince Albert was born In 1875. In 1900
he married Elizabeth, duchess of Bavaria.
Irishman Obtalas Damages on Foorth
Attempt Against laltrd I.ratcae
' DUBLIN. Nov. 12 After four trisls be
fore different courts David O'Keefe, a
shopkeeper of Tallow, has obtained 127.500
damages against ten leaders of the United
Irish league because of Injury to bis busi
ness through their incitement to boycott.
evea Die In Manila aad Maay Others
Ara Serloasly 111 with tha
MANILA. Nov. 12. Cholera made Its ap
pearance yesterday among a detachment
of the Fifth Infantry, which is stationed
Seven men havs already dted and a num
ber of otbera are seriously ill.
Miles Speaks at Hollo.
MANILA. Nov. 12. General Miles was
given a reception and banquet at Hollo
yesterday. He delivered a short address
expressing sympathy, with ths people In
the afflictions which had corns to them
with the war and cholera. From Ilotlo he
proceeded to Jolo.
PEKIN, Nov. 13. Germany has agreed to
the American proposal to aubmtt the ques
tion whether tha Chinese Indemnity is pay
able la gold or allver, to The Hague trib
unal, provided that notlcs of that feature
of the protocol be Included in the arbltra-
Asks Italy to Intervene and Stop Re
peated Arrests.
Bequests Minister to Washington to
Famish Details Before l.odslns;
Formal Protest with Ann.
j ' lean Authorities.
ROME, Nov. 12. According to the Tri
bune, Italy proposes to mske an interna
tional matter of Mascsgnl's arrest.
The Trlbuna ssys: "Mascagnt has tele
graphed Premier Zanardelll requesting the
Intervention of the Italian government to
protect him from the vexatious treatment
of which he says he has been a victim in
America. Slgnor Zanardelll replied, assur
ing him of the Interest taken in his case
and promising to request Signor Prlnettl,
minister of foreign affairs, to take up the
matter. Signor Prinettl has since Inter
ested himself and Is awaiting the receipt
of a report from the embassy at Washing
ton before acting.
"United States Ambassador Meyer has
not been asked for an explanation, although
he dined with members of the foreign office
last night."
The charge of apathy brought by Mas
cagnl against the Italian consul at Boston
Is regarded here as without Justification
and an outcome ot the musician's ignorance
of the fact that an Italian In the United
States Is entirely subject to American laws.
National U ranee Demands Stringent
Anti-Trust Law aad Three
Ship Caaala.
LANSING, Mich., Nov. 12. The annual
meeting, of the National Grange began here
today with delegates from twenty-six states.
The grand roaster, Aaron Jones, In his ad
dress expressed the opinion that the cost
of production could be reduced from 10 to
25 per cent and the aggregate production
ot larma Increased from 50 to 100 per cent
by the adoption of the best methods.
The causes of present unsatisfactory con
ditions were largely due to excessive
charges and discriminations In transporta
tion, exorbitant storage charges, large com
mission charges, unequal taxation, local
and national dealing in options on boards
ot trade, trusts, adulterations of food prod
ucts and official oppression.
The following national legislation was
recommended: General rural delivery, pos
tal savings banks, election ot United States
senators by the people, a constitutional
amendment giving congress power to regu
late and control trusts, enlargement of the
powers of the Interstate Commerce commls
sion, pure food laws, prevision for the ex
tension of markets for products equally
with manufactured articles, enactment ot
an anti-trust law clearly defining what acts
on the part of any corporation would be
detrimental to public welfare, speedy con
structlon of the Nicaragua canal by the
United States, speedy construction of ship
canals connecting, the Mississippi with lbs
great lakes and the latter with the At
lantis ocean. r
Selling- Movement Wipes Oat the Mar.
las of Loan Holders West Lets
Loose of Its Stock.
NEW YORK, Nov. 12. Today's stock
market opened with another selling move
ment, during which prices were lowered
materially. More weak accounts were
thrown overboard at the opening today and
calls by brokers to their customers for
extra margins were numerous.
It was regarded aa significant that much
of the early selling came from houses with
western connections, which suggested that
the speculative contingent In that section
had let go of long stock.
Amalgamated Copper sold oft over 14,
I but soon made a partial rally. Tennessee
I Coal declined about 3 polnta In the early
dealings and Erie common, against which
considerable pressure was directed, sold
off 1. The heavy liquidation in Southern
Pacific brought a maximum decline of al
most 2 points. Texas A Pacific and Man
hattan were each a point lower and reces
sions ' of lees extent were common. The
steel stocks sold off sharply, the common
declining over 1 and the preferred almost
as much.
Louisville ft Nashville and Missouri Pa
clflc were the strongest Issues la the entire
list, making only small fractional declines
Extensive covering by the shorts, together
with buying here and there by strong Inter
ests, helped to rally the market before the
end of the first half hour. All through the
early aession the market waa so activs
that at times the ticker was fully ten
minutes behind actual operations.
People ot Xodaway Conaty, Mlsaoarl,
Victims of Both Scarlet Fever
aad Smallpox.
MARYVILLE. Mo., Nov. 12. (Special
Telegram.) The people of Nodaway county
are ot the opinion that they are getting
more of the Ills of life than is their
share. Scarlet fever is raging through
cut all portlona of the county, while there
are not a few rases of smallpox with which
to contend.
On account of the prevelance of scar
let fever, the Herron school, four miles
northwest of this city, haa been closed.
The Longbranrh church, southeast ot here,
will hold no services for at least thirty
daya. The district schools in the same
rnigbborhood have been closed.
Nineteen families are under quarantine
In tbat vicinity with smallpox. Reports
from other parts of ths county ars almokt
as bad. In Maryville the school attend
ance has been decreased nearly one-half
as the result of smallpox and scarlet fever.
Maps Oat Boats for Tracks Connect
ing Kansas City with St.
SEDAUA. Mo.. Nov. 12. The Rock
Island's St. Louis-Kansas City Una has
been definitely located from Windsor, west
ward to Henry county.
Leaving Windsor the road will run north
and west to Leeton, parallelling the high
line of the Missouri, Kansas A Texas
through Leeton. It will leave Warrenaburg
twelve ratios and Holden two miles to the
north, but will pass through Plessant Hill
and thence to Kansas City. Work is being
pushed by seven sub-contractors between
Warsaw and Cole Camp and will begin at
-""4 Ztqjb Windsor west.
Saves Money aad Redares Debt During?
irar Which Has Jasf
t losed.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 12. The annual
meeting of the trustees of the Catholic
University of America wss held today.
Those present were: Csrdinal Gibbons, In
the chair, and Archbishops John J. Wil
liams of Boston. Pstrlck J. Ryan et Phila
delphia, John Ireland of 8t. Paul, John J.
Keane of Dubuque, John M. Farley of New
York, Bishops John L. Spalding bf Peoria,
Camtllus P. Maes of Covington, secretary
of the board; John 3. Foley ot Detroit,
Ignatius F. Horstmanir of Cleveland ' and
Rt. Rev. John A. Conaty, D. D., rector ot
the university. ' .
During the year the receipts amounted
to 1518,917 and the disbursements to. 1155.-
268, lesvlng a balance on hand of
The gross Indebtedness ot the university
Is 119.1.500. The assets on hand amount to
$59,493, making the net Indebtedness 1134.
00, or 111,700 less than last year. ;
The committee on organization 'reported
In favor of the establishment of VOachlng
fellows In different depsrtmeuts. '
Bishop Harkina of Provideafce. R. I., was
elected to fill the vacancy caused fcy the
death of Archbishop Corrigarf.
The board elected the following officers:
Cardinal Gibbons, president: Archbishop
Williams of Boston, vice president; Bishop
Maes of Covington, Ky., Secretary; Tiromaa
B. Waggaman of Washington. X). Q-.-idreas-urer.
The rector. Bishop Conaty", s ap
pointed acting assistant Irrsjuror'.
The board voted to lease a stte oft the
university grounds for the erection an'
apostolic mission house. -
Pending advices from Rome, nftthtpg Is
known as to who will succeed JRev...Tbomae
J. Conaty as rector of the university Tha
names of three persons, any 'one. of whom
would be agreeable to the trustees, v were
submitted, to the pope, but .the latter's
decielon in the matter ne nox1 jm. oeen
made. The friends of Dr. Conaty are confi
dent be will be retained. ''
Snperlntendent of Haskell Indian
Institute Submits Glowlnj- Re
port to the Department. ,
WASHINGTON, Nor. t2e-8up'erintendent
Pcalrs of Haskell Indian Institute in Kan
sas In his annual ' report ; says that al
though at times the, resnlts of the work of
education among the Indians do not satisfy
the onlookers, to those who are In the work,
and therefore have opportunities to observe
the gradual development of the Individ uala,
there is more and more ot encouragement
and satisfaction.
As proof of the permanent good results of
learning to the Indiana the report says that
of ninety-five graduates prsvious to the
classes of 1902 at least seventy-seven are at
work earning their own living and In many
instances aiding needy parents or support
ing in a respectable. way a little family of
their own. . -
Of the forty-one gradsn'es of ths classes
of 1902 It Is stated that tt.Te is not, one but
is qualified to make a re 3rd equal to the
earlier graduates.
The undergraduates si.vro- making ex
cellent records. . The fari. However, that ths
percentage of successes among tmdergradu
atea is not as large as among graduates Is
elted as a strong argument In favor of the
continuation ot thorough educational work.
There Is a constantly Increasing demand
from among the Indian population of the
country for enrollment at this and other
Minister to Guatemala,. Tenders His
Resignation aad Presldeat
Names a Successor.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. W. Godfrey
Hunter has tendered his resignation as
United States mlniater to Guatemala. The
president has accepted the resignation and
has selected Leslie Combes, at present
United States pension ngent at Louisville,
to succeed Dr. Hunter as minister at
Cautemala City. Dr. Hunter also is min
ister to Honduras and Mr. Combes will
likewise assume that post.
Dr. Hunter has had a stormy career in
Central American ever since he went there
In 1897. It Is assumed that he has at last
become tired ot the struggle; for It has
been known for some time that he con
templated resigning. The place pays $10,000
a year.
Kst hrrville, la., to Hare Free Delivery
December 1, with Three
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. (Special Tele
gram.) Oscar G. Weber has been appointed
clerk In the Burlington (la.) postofflce.
Free delivery service will be established
on December 1 at Estherville, la., with
Harlan M. Coombs, Rutherford B. Cain
and Roy A. Biakey as carriers and Hugh
S. Canton as substitute.
The contract for electric wiring of the
public building at Cheyenne, Wyo., has
been awarded to Riddle & Landon of St.
Paul, Minn., at 12,967.
Claim Nearly Half Million Dollars ou
Aceoaat of Uivenied Kaasas
WASHINGTON. Nov. It. A petition has
been filed In the court ot claima by Dela
ware Indians, claiming to be a band of the
Cherokee tribe In Indian Territory, to re
cover 3439.46$ with S per cent per annum in
terest, from the government. This amount
la said to have been Illegally diverted by
the United States and paid to New York
The rase grows out of the occupancy by
the New York Indians of lands in Kansas
which the Delawarea claim belonged ex
clusively to them.
Hew Mexico Mlaa Inspector Suggests
Commission to Make Acrl
deats Fewer.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 12. Ths annual re
port of the United States mine inspector
of New Mexico recommends a commission
of experts In explosives to experiment with
a flameless explosive for use in coal mines.
Congress is also asked to place restric
tions on the general practice of blasting
coal without cutting or undermining.
There were seventeen fatal accidents ia
New Mexico mines during the year. The
total number of tons mined was 1,132,914,
a total ot M,6U tons tor & UXs lost.
Will Chase Bear with Dogs Near 8mede,
People) Aloas; tha Boats Ara Greatly
Amased at tha t'acoa ventloa
allty of the . Nation's
Chief Executive.
PITTSBURG Pa.. Nov. 12. President
Roosevelt passed through Pittsburg at 10:30
this morning enroute to a point In Missis
sippi, where he has arranged to spend sev
eral days hunting black bear, as ths guest
of President Fish of ths Illinois Central
He Is traveling on a special, train ot
three cars, and Is accompanied by Secretary
Cortelyou and his physician. Dr. O. A.
Lung of the navy. He will go direct to
Memphis, Teon., without stops, passing
through Columbus and Cincinnati over the
Pennsylvania lines.
During the short stop here to change
engines the president got oat of his car
sod paced up and down ths platform. A
large crowd bad gathered. After greeting,
them with a pleasant "good morning" the
president stepped off the platform and took
a brisk wslk down the tracks, stopping
occasionally to speak to a yard switchman
or an engineer In his cab on a siding.
The crowd was amazed at this display of
unconventlonaltty. The secret service men,
with the train, started to follow the presi
dent, but he waved them back. The po
lice, however, took care to keep the crowd
back of the end ot the train and the presi
dent had a clear field for his constitutional.
The train left at 10:41 for the west, and
as It pulled out the crowd cheered heart
ily. The president came out on the back
platform and waved goodby.
C. E. Watts, general superintendent of
transportation ot the Pennsylvania lines,
and William Bradley, superintendent of
railroad police, accompanied the president
to Cincinnati.
Will Shoot Near Smedes.
CINCINNATI,' Nov. 12. Tonight the
president is speeding through Kentucky on
his way to Bmedes, Miss., about twenty
five miles north of Vlcksburg, for a four
days' bear hunt. The place selected ia
some miles from the railroad , and. in the
region which was formerly the favorite
hunting ground of General Wade Hampton,
the famous leader of the confederate Black
Horse cavalry.
Years ago ths president and General
Hampton planned a hunt, but It was never
made, and when Mr. Stuyvesant Fish pro
posed the present trip the president readily
Hunting bear with horse and hounds will
be a new experience tor him. Mr. Fish
has arranged to have one of the best packs
of hounds In the Mississippi delta at the
camp. Tomorrow morning, upon the ar
rival of the president's train at Memphis,
he will be . joined by Mr. Fish and Mr.
John McElbenny of Louisiana, who waa
lieutenant In the president's regiment dur
Ingjthe Spanish war. The train will then
proceed to Smedes - over ths Yazoo dt
Mississippi ratlreerdr . Upon- arriving -there
It will be run upon a siding, there to re
main until next Wednesday, when he will
return to Memphis.
The trip across Ohio today was pleasant,
but uneventful. Despite the fact that the
itinerary had not been published, there
were waiting crowds at all stations and
plenty of cheers as the train swept by.
At Trinway, a small place west of Den
nlson, the school children lined up on
either side of a large American flag and
waved their handkerchiefs. The president
stepped out on the platform and waved his
hat In response.
At other places be showed himself snd
at Denniaon he made a few remarks to the
crowd, saying:
I have not merely the' hope, but the be
lief, that our people as a whole will so
handle themselves that the good times we
are enjoying may be continued: that we
shall be careful not to mar them by foolish
action, and at the same time will have the
forethought to eut out any evil that ham
pers the development of the good.
Shakes Trainmen's Hands.
The only stop between Dennlson snd
Cincinnati was at Columbus. Dr. Wash
ington Gladden and General Axllne greeted
the president as he stepped out of his car.
After a brief chat with them he went
forward and shook hands with the engineer
and fireman, who were leaving at the end
of that division, and thanked them for the
safe run. He was given a parting cheer
as he boarded the train to resume his
At Cincinnati the train stopped from
6:10 until 6:33. A large crowd was kept
without the gates and a space surrounding
the president's train was kept clear by a
platoon ot police while the cars were
switched from the Pennsylvania to the
Louisville Nashville tracks snd engines
changed. Here General Basil Duke, R. W.
Knott, editor ot the Louisville Post, and
several officers ot the Louisville & Nash
ville road joined the president for his trip
as far as Louisville.
After the president had greeted ths
crowd that was held outside of the gates
he returned to the other end of the depot,
escorted by quite a crowd, and again sa
luted the engineer and other trainmen as
he passed tbem. When he reached hla
car he held quite a reception with those
who surrounded him. As the train pulled
out he bowed his farewell acknowledg
ments. The train Is expected to reach Memphis
at 9: SO tomorrow.
Fata that Befalls Twenty of the Fol
lowers of tha Morocco
NEW TORK. Nov. 12. Regarding the
recent uprising In Morocco, In which a
soldier who claimed to be an elder brother
of the sultan placed himself at the head
of a following and claimed the throne, afterward defeated, ths Times eorra.
apondent at Fez, cabling by way ot London, !
says the heads oi twenty oi tns pretender s
followers havs been nailed to ths city
Phllaathropfsts Glva Haadred Thou
aaad Dollars to lalverslty at
PHILADELPHIA, Nov. 12. Edward W.
and Clarence H. Clark of Philadelphia have
subscribed 1 100,000 to found a professor
ship in Assyriology at the Vnlversity of
Pennsylvania. Tbey have been among the
largest subscribers to the Babylonisn ex
peditions of the university for fourteen
Dr. H. V. Htlprerht will be ths first pro
fessor under ifcJs endowment.
Forecast for Nebraska -Fair Thursday, ex
cept Kaln or Snow In Kast Portion. Fri
day, fair and Warmer.
Temperature at Omaha Yeaterdayi
Hoar. Dec. Hour. Dear.
ft a. as tin t p. m ut
m. m Uil X p. a...... 7(1
T a. as U S p. m TO
8 a. m...... UU 4 p. m K3
a. m H4 R p. m 4t
lO .a. at 4 H p. m 4lt
It a. as HA T p. at 44
12 m..., WO H p. m ..... 4 J
p. m. . . . . . 41
Snnta Maria Breeds Death aad D
struetloa While Presldeat
Sappressea Beports.
SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. 12. The steam
ship Newport, from Panama, brings par
ticulars of the recent eruption of Santa
Maria, in Guatemala. According to ths
officers, the destruction of life snd prop
erty baa been Immense and the necessity
for relief ships is urgent.
The coffee plantations In tha districts
of Costa Coca Chuva. Reforma, Palmar,
Costa Grande and Kolhuts have been hur
ried seven feet deep In volcanic ashes and
debris. Thousands of cattle have been de
stroyed snd the loss ot human life is
thought to be large.
The steamship Acapulco, bound south,
arrived at Champerleo while the Newport
was there and carried to San Jose do Gua
temala all the passengers that could crowd
Details from the scene of the greatest
damage were hard to get. Kock, Hagamau
Co. offered $2,000 to any person who
would go to their Mlramlr plantation In
Costa Cuca and bring them news of condi
tions there, but the offer was not sccepted.
President Cabera of Guatemala has re
sorted to the most stringent means to pre
vent particulars of the damage reaching
the outside world. Cable messages are
strictly censored and. the people most In
terested In the afflicted districts are find
ing the greatest difficulty in getting even
meager reports. The Newport brings news
of the totsl destruction of the towns of
Palmar, San Felipe. Colombia and Coate
pec. These places are completely buried
In debris from Santa Maria.
Rethalbue, Matantango and Quezeltenago
have ao far escaped witty, little damage.
Negro Grave Robbers Denounce White
Janitor, Who Joins Party
In Jail.
INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 12. William Mof
fatt, charged with being Implicated in the
local grave robberies was arrested today.
Moffat t was denounced by Rufus Cantrcll
and other negroes under arrest. He is
white and about 55 years of age.
The detectives say he was employed as a
Janitor In one of the medical colleges a
few years ago, but lost his position because
of objections raised by a member of the
faculty to his drawing pay as a janitor and
receiving money for "material."
pantrell told the officers that Moffatt Was
shot In "'the -bt'k'hFKb4(v-wtvhauin
while robbing a grave in the insane hospital
cemetery about four years ago.
Five Men Are Identified by the Mar
shal They Captured and
CHICAGO, Nov. 12. Five men were ar
rested here today charged with robbing
the Exchange National bank of Gardner,
III., ot S5.000. Tbey were hiding In a
amall cottage on Halsted street.
All were Identified by the town mar
shal of Gardner, who at the time of the
robbery was captured by the robbers and
tied to a chair. They gave their names
as Hugo Blake, Charles Mitchell, William
Edwards, Edward House and Samuel
Chicago Police Arrest Man Charwed
with Kstklnc Spurious Half
CHICAGO, Not. 12. Charles Wilder was
arrested today on a charge of counterfeit
ing. hTe detectives say he was In the act of
turning out spurious half dollars when the
arrrest was made. It Is also stated tbat
the bogus coins had been in circulation
since 1899 and are hard to detect.
Captala Batherford Marries Miss Flor
cace Lyster of Detroit,
DETROIT, Nov. 12. Miss Florence M.
Lyster ot this city was married tonight In
Chrlat church to Captain Samuel MePher
son Rutherford, Fourth cavalry, U. S. A.,
who is ststloned at Fort Riley, Kan.
After the honeymoon the couple will pro
ceed to Fort Riley.
Jadara Harsrls Denies that Feltner and
Marram Hare Made Pabllshed
LEXINGTON, Ky., Nov. 12 County
Judge Hargis today denied the story con
tained In alleged affidavits of J. B. Marcum
and Moses Feltner concerning his alleged
part In the plot to assassinate Marcum.
He says no affidavits such as thoae pub
lished are on record in the Breathitt court
and characterized the whole story aa
Movements of Orrau Vessels Nov. 12,
At New York Arrived Oceanic, from
Liverpool: Nerkar, from Hremn. Sailed
St. I.ouia, for Southampton; Teutonic, for
At Uveroool Arrived Canadian. from
New York: Haxotila. from Boston. Sailed
Belgenland. lor Philadelphia; Georgia nu,
for New York; Hylvanla. for Boston; Ma
inilc. for New York, via Uueenstown.
At London Arrived Mesaba, from New
York. Balled Columbian, for Boston.
At Browhead Ftur ed Nordlund, from
Philadelphia. for 1-lverpool; Common
wealth, from Boston, for Uueenstown and
Liverpool; Germanic, from New York, for
Queeimtown and Uverpool.
At Southampton Arrived Bt, Paul, from
isw j or it.
At Antwerp Sailed Switzerland, for
At the Lizard Paused Rotterdam, from
New York. f"r Amsterdam.
At I-eahorn Arrived karamanta, from
New York, via NupU'S and (irnoa.
At (ilitsgov. Arrived tiarmatUn, from
At Hong Kong Arrived ling Suey, from
Ta oma.
At Yokohama Sailed Olyrapla, from
HongtRoiig. etc., (or laconia.
At (j'entown Arrived Commonwealth
from boston, fur Liverpool, and proceeded.
Bankers' Convention Dinrasse
and Branch Banging.
Vesting Cries No When Congressman Asta
Acquiescence, bit Cheers Him.
Dawes Bays Combines Are Too Greatly
Feared for Bank Consolidation
Prr-mt Local Firms Help Country
i'.evflos by Leading Money, hut
t'rntrallsed Finance Would
Jeopardise Custom. 1
NEW ORLEANS, Nov. 12. The second
day's session of the American Bankers' as
sociation was resumed at 10 o'clock today
after prayer by Bishop O. A. Rauxel.
The discussion of the currency question
commenced with Congressman Charles N.
Fowler's address on assets, turrency and
branrh banking. He discussed :he features
of his bill extempore,.
The call of states was deferred until
later. The discussion of the currency ques
tion was then commenced. Congressman
Charles N. Fowler spoke on assets, cur
rency and branch banking. He discussed
the features of his bill extempore.
Congressman Fowler was given close at
tention. He did not spare the bankers, but
criticised them with a freedom which won
out by its force. He was given an ovation -when
he had concluded, though more than
once when he asked If the convention did
not agree with the doctrines he was ex
pounding he was snswered with "No."
Former Comptroller Charles 6. Dawes
spoke .substantially as follows:
HeforniH In Finances.
FinanclHl reforms In the Tutted Rtates,
with its vast population and diversified In
t rests, are, as they t-hould be. a matter of
evolution. Public si'iitlmciit Im the factor
which In mtittcr affecting hII classes of
the people, th-termlnes the trend of legis
lation In r presentatlve governments.
A general public perception of the need of
reform in our currency laws will lead, as a
rule, to corrective leRiKlntlon, provided our
lawmakers and currency reformers will ad
ocate practical plana which are not so
radical as to be at variance with Hnrt In
advance of public sentiment. Whatever
may be our Individual theories as bankers
as to branch banking, reform of the pres
ent suhtreasiiry yptem and asset and
en-.ergency circulation, we, should view
with distrust and apprehenalon, as practical
men, the extremely radical and compre
hensive measures hiikkphici! at the nrescnt
time, covering not only avxct snd emergency
circuintiun, out tirancn banking and sub-
treaaury cnanaes as well.
We had beet conclude at the outset that
whatever may bo the legislative outcome
of the universal discussion and public In
terest relative to me trust question, until
congress settles Its mind as to what to do
with the question of the relation of the
government to the present great Industrial
combinations It is not going to take down,,
the bars and remove the existing reetrtc
ttrnrt upon branch hanking, thus further
t:o:IlltoMs' hr. itrofrrM :oriscilp'atlau in,,.-.
the bunklnn interests, wlik-h -(a a.rSi1y a-o
tng on to some extent through other devices -
than the tirancu banking system.
tluestloa, of Branch, Banks.
Whether branch banklna- la rlifht ' or
wrong as an economic principle, as practical
men we can mage up our minrts at the out
set that the public will have nothing to do
row wltn the tiranrh banking Ideas, and
that to couple it with another measure of
currency reform In any plan of legislation
will be to injure the chances of both.
The most of the argument for branch
banking assumes that a community can he
an well served by an agent acting nt u its
tunce under delegated authority as by tii
independent local Institution poaseSHliix f ill
authority ana power to paas upon Ihu
questions. Now the record of corporiitu,.,
development In the United Ptates lndlcuii
that the process or centralization and con
solidation which Is going on la accompanied
by the absorption into head offices of an
Increasing number of functions formerly
exercised by Independent Institutions.
The branch bank, operating under less
expense than the independent bank. ca4
take the hulk of the deposits by orferlrig
a higher rate of Interest to depositors.
But the man who develops a country
the man who starts a little manufacturing
industry who starts - a small wholesale
business v. hq. starts in a sinull way to de
velop the mineral resources of the coun
try is th very one wnoae - credit is
to be curtailed and his chance to
found or IncreaKo a business Injured by
the brancn Dantcing system, in uits coun
try we are leading; the world commer
cially, because, under our law and govern
ment, we nave made it our special erron
to protect the rights, interests and oppor
tunities of the individual and of the small
enterprise. To the protective tariff system.
which kept the noou or foreign competition
from our manufacturing Interests Id tbelr
earlier Ht.igts. ve owe In irreat part our
magnificent industrial development as a
nation. The Vnlted States hits Just tailored
fairly upon the work ot developing Its al
most boundless resources, aim we ar not
ready aa a nation to dispense with tha
small business man or curtail his oppor
tunities. eed for Klastle tlrealatloa.
What we should do now la to consolidate
our wholo effort behind some measure for
an elastic, circulation, the need of which
we all feel, in support or such a measure
both the friends and opponents of branch
banking can unite.
lrt us now advocate ror tne purpose of
allowing elasticity to bank note issues to
protect the banks and the community In
times of panic, a small amount of uncov
ered notes. In addition to the secured notes,
which should be authorized by law under
the following limitations: Thny should be
subjected to so heavy a tax that they
could not be lxaued In normal times for the
)urpose or profit, but would be available
n times of emergency. This tax should be
so large upon the solvent Issuing banks as
to provide a fund, which, in connection
with the pro rata share of the a.-isets of an
Insolvent bank, would be sufficient to re
oeem the notes In f ill, wlthiut necessitat
ing any preference of noteholders over de
positors or any insolvent issuing bank.
The tax should be so large as. to force this
currency Into retirement aa soon as the
tinergency passes. Such s currency could
be used only to lessen the evil effect of
the too rapid liquidation of credits which
are coll aiming under a financial panic, but
could not be profitably tiaed as a hauls of
business speculation and Inflation. It should
be to the business community what the
clearing house certificates are to our cities
In limes of panic a remedy for an
emergency, not an Instrument of current
Mr. White devoted much of his address
to a discussion of the Fowler bill, embody
ing the principle of asseta currency which
was before congress last winter.
The following resolution was adopted:
Whereas, Experience haa demonstrated ths
Inadequacy of our present currency sys
tem, and believing that the best interests
of the country demand a system flexible
as well as stable, be It
Resolved. That the American Bankers'
association record its unqualified approval
of ths enactment of a law Imparting a
greater degree of elasticity to our currency
system, making it responsive to the de
mands of the business Interests of the'
Resolved. That we favor the appointment
by the president of this assnctulion of a
committee of seven members of tha associa
tion, selected with reference to their anility
and high character aa bankers and their
experience In monetary affairs, anil repre
senting different part of the country, for
the purpose of carefully cotislnerlng the
entire sibjact and rcMrt to the next mi-cling
of this association.
Willis 8. Payne of New York spoke ou
"Aa Emergency Currency," urging the ue-
(Cootlnusd on Second fscs.)