Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 12, 1902, Image 1

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    The Omaha Daily Bee.
jCalls Miners' Demands Presented to Com
mission All Unreasonable.
i '
Refers, to Union President Merely as an
i Individual.
" "" "
Deolares Their Eeqnests to be Both Ar
i fcltrary and Unjust.
MOoTers to Consider any Future Ori
laatlon Solely of Anthracite Work
rs, Demanding That Present
Combination be Ignored.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 11 The reoly of
Deorge F. Baer. prealdent of the Philadel
phia ft Raediing Coal company, to the
charge of John Mitchell, prealdent of the
United Mine Workera, which baa been pre
sented to the Anthracite Coal 8trlke com
mission, was today given to the public.
Mr. Baer makes no reference to Mr.
Mitchell aa the president of the mlnera' or
ganization, but refers to him simply aa an
Taking up the specifications In Mr.
Mitchell's charges, striatum, Mr. Baer first
admits that his company owns thlrty-aeven
collieries and that before the strike It em
ployed 26.589 people. Following la a brief
summary of the response to Mr. Mitchell's
other specifications:
Second The demand for 20 per cent' In
crease In wages on piecework Is denounced
s "'arbitrary, unreasonable and unjust."
The company contends that after making
11 necessary allowance for different condi
tions that the rate of wagea paid for the
mining of anthracite coal Is aa high aa that
paid tn the bituminous coal fields.
Third The company denies that the pres
ent scale of wagea la lower than that paid
In other occupations In the same locality
and controlled by like conditions.
Fourth and Fifth Mr. Baer denlea tht
the earnlnga of the anthracite workers sre
less than average earnlnga for other occu
pations requiring skill snd training and also
the charge that the earnings are Insufficient
because of the dangerous character of work
In the anthracite mines.
Sixth The company avers that whilst the
ipeciflcatlon Is too general for specific an
swer. It is true that the anthracite coal
reglona sre among the most prosperous In
the United States; that employes of tem
perate and economic ' habits have aaved
money and Invested their savings In houses,
building nssoctatloos snd other property,
and that deposits in savings, state and na
tional banks aggregating millions of dollars
have been made by such employes; the
Mtandard of living. Is equal to that' of the
average American workmen, that the towns
find cities sre better than any mining towna
In the bituminous coal fields of the United
States. The company denies the Increased
cost of living has made It Impossible to
maintain a fair stsndard of life upon tho
basla of the present wagea or from secur
ing any benefit from Incressed prosperity,
tind that the condition of the workmen Is
poorer on account of It.
The company further denies that "the
Children of the anthracite mine workers
ere prematurely forced Into the breakers
nd mills lnstcsd of being supported and
edursted upon the earnings of their par
ents because of low wages, or that such
cages sre below the fair and just earnings
cf mine workers In this Industry."
It avers that the state ot Pennsylvania
Crakes Urge annual appropriations to
cchools snd the school districts levy local
iaxes for school purposes; that textbooks
are supplied from public funds and that the
'.Jaws provide for oompulaory attendance at
public schools.
The means ot education provided by the
. state sre not fully utilized because of the
Aiallure of the school boards to force com
'fulsory attendance, but the wagea paid are
ample to Insure a good common school ed
'ticatloa for all children in the coal regions
ioeairlng to attend school.
No boys srs employed In snd sbout the
rtnines snd breakers In violation of the
.Statutes fixing the sges ot employment:
In addition to provisions for educstlon,
ample hospitals for thu care ot the sick snd
Injured are maintained In the anthracite
region. '
The, company avers tbst there Is not any
where else In the world a mining region
where the workmen hsvs so many com
forts, facilities for educstlon, general ad
vantages and such profitable employment.
Strike Coat Money.
Seventh Tha company pronounces ss un
just and unequitable the demand tor a re
duction of 20 per cent in hours of Isbor
"without a reduction of esrnlngs for Urn
employes snd this demsnd Is pronounced
Impracticable. In this connection the fol
lowing statement is made:,
' Because of tha Injury to the mines by
the strike of the United Mine Workers, the
cost of producing coal has been greatly
increased and a temporary advance In price
mas made by this company, but It will be
Impracticable to continue audi Increase
!When milting operations become normal.
Eighth Mr. Baer ssys that his company
fcat no disagreement with sny of Its em
ployes about the weighing of coal, be
cause the quantity Is usually determined
by measurement, snd not by weight.
Ninth "Replying to the fourth demsnd
made by Mr. Mitchell, Mr. Bser ssys since
, the sdvent of the United Mine Workers'
retaliation into the anthracite fields, busi
ness conditions there hsvs been Intolerable;
that the output ot tha mines hss decreased
that discipline baa been deatroyed, that
Strikes bavs bees ot almost dally occur
rence; that men have worked when and
as they pleased, and that the coat of min
ing has beeu greatly iucreaaed.
He also tskes the position that the juris,
diction of the commission la limited to the
conditions named by the coal company
presidents, which excludes ths United Mine
.Workers from sny recognition la ths pro
ceedings. Hs says, however, that "when a labor
organisation limited to anthracite mine
workers Is created which shall obey the
law, respect tha right ot every man to
work snd honestly co-operat with employ
rs, trade agreements may become prao
ti cable."
Carroll D. Wright of the Anthracite Coal
Commission hss received the replies of the
Six slgnstory psrtles representing tbs ccl
operators to John Mitchell's statement.
The rest of the replies will be sent to
Mr. Mitchell snd made public tomorrow.
HAZLETON. Pa., Nov. U.-rThe trouble at
the Sllverbrook colliery of Y. 8. Wents k
Co., where the men refused to return to
(Continued on Secuai rat .
Famine Inrrraara Agitation A(nl
Rmlt'i Attempt to Abrogate
HELINOSF'nRS, Finland,
Finland? ' -rstlcss an
Russlsnitls. -res of
Nor. 11 Th
a result of the
the St. Peters-
burg govern ft,
"'-restralnt la begln-
ning to yield to., . vtness to tolerate
sets of violence. ' ft -Tlous Indica
tion Is s tendency tows. between
the Flnlanders snd Russiu. ionlsls.
It Is believed the sltered '. -t the
people Is partly due to the terN , famine
which Is worse than any since 18s?, when
100,000 people died of disease snd starva
tion. The crops failed to ripen. The grain,
cut green, makes miserable, unhealthy
bread. In placea bread la being baked of
The institution ot the policy emanating
from St. Petersburg, which Is slowly kill
ing Finnish autonomy, is, however, the
main feature. Many local officials are re
fusing to carry out orders issued by Rus
sians, which they claim to be unconstitu
tional. It Is perfectly understood that the Rus
slsns will have their wsy in the end, but
In the meanwhile no opportunity will be
lost to render them ridiculous or to create
difficulties for them.
The great problem In what to do with the
14,000 young men who refuse compliance
with the military laws. Their number Is
their strength. The government would like
to proceed against the federated classes
only, but they have almost to a man gone
to Oermany, Sweden or England.
Followers Are Routed by Saltan'
Soldiers and the Leader II lm
self Barely Kara pes.
LONDON, Nov. 11. The pretender to the
throne, with a large following, attacked
the Moroccan army at daybreak on Novem
ber 3, says a dispatch from Fez.
The Invaders penetrated the camp, but
the sultan's troops rallied and drove off
the rebels, whom they pursued, Inflicting
much loss.
The pretender, with some of his follow
ers, took refuge. In a native castle, which
the troops attacked, captured and burned
on November 4. Many rebels were killed
or taken prisoners, but the pretender es
caped. The prenteder's former followers
sre now said to be searching for him.
His prestige is alleged to have vanished,
ss he promised miraculous Intervention and
the complete annihilation of the sultan's
The foregoing does not mean thnt the
Berber rebellion has been crushed, but
only that a local rising near Tesa, three
daya journey east of Fes, has been put
down. In that district a pretender claimed
the throne as the elder brother of the
sultsn. He was formerly an ordinary sol
French I.ectarer Looks far America
Thua to. Realise So
PARIS. Nov. 11. Prof. Leopold Mabllleau
ot the College of France delivered a lecture
at the Muse soclsl this evening on the
United States and socialism.
He described the extraordinary vitality
and wealth of the United States and cited
Mr. Carnegie's maxim, thst to die rich was
to die dishonored. He then argued that
while the distribution of land and other
wealth bad up to the present prevented so
cialistic ldess penetrstlng deeply. It was
not Impossible that the multl-mllllonalrcs
of America would place their vast estab
lishments In the hands of their employes
and thereby realize the best form of so
Apply to Chamberlain to Assist Snt
ferera From Lata
LONDON, Nov. 11. Generals Botha and
Delnrey had a private Interview today with
Colonial Secretary Chamberlain at the lat
ter's office.
General Botha presented a written state
ment of the general's case for the better
ment ot the Boers under the peace settle
ment and explained their proposals ver
He expressed the hope thst Mr. Chamber
lain In the course of his visit to South
Africa would Inquire fully Into the Boers
grlevsnces. The colonial secretary prom
ised to give the matter his sttention.
Spite of Resolution!., Strike Ends
With Arbitrators' De
cision. PARIS, Nov. 11. At a council of minis
ters todsy M. Combes communicated tha
contents of dlspstches from the strike re
glons, showing that the movement to re
sums wora wnicn negan yesterday was
greatly accentuated today.
At some plsces, such ss Brusy, work has
been entirely resumed snd M. Combes gave
his colleagues to understand that ths
movement on the part of the mlnera to
take up their work would aoon extend to
the Department Du Nord and other dl
Davarlaa Orator Curses Dsr William
Landed tn England to Sea
His Incle.
BERLIN, Nov. 11. Upon the occsslon of
a recent congress st Wurtburg of the Bav
arian Peasants' league Hcrr Mcmmlpger
declared Emperor William to be the best
hated man In the empire and aald be could
no longer reckon upon the support ot tho
peasantry If he persisted In his Anglophile
The apesker sdded: "We curse ths day
ths emperor Isnded In England."
Upon hesrlng this Dr. Hshn, msnsger of
ths Agrarian league, left ths building. '
Beat and Rafts From Wrecked
Ellngamlte are Picked
WELLINGTON, N. Z.. Nov. 11. Ths
stesmer Zealandla has picked up ons boat
and two rafts from the British steamer
Elingamlte, carrying seventy persons.
Three hosts sre still missing.
Straiten Case Still Halts.
The titration case was today postponed un
til LtovtMBber U.
President of American Association Icfers
to Morgan as Prodigj.
Country la 'lrlng to Da Too
Much and lnst Allow tirrater
Sole luanri to Stave Off
NEW ORLEANS. Nov. 11. The Amcrlcnn
Bankers' association began Its annual
meeting here today in Tulane hall. After
a prayer by Rev. Dr. Beverley Warner ad
dresses of welcome were made by Acting
Mayor William Mehlc, City Attorney
Samuel L. Gllmore, on behalf of the city;
Prof. W. C. Stubbs, on behalf of Oovernor
Heard, and R. M. Walmsley of the Clearing
House association, on behalf of the local
President Herrtck replied to the wel
comes and delivered his annual address.
He said in part:
American democracy In Its Imperial
progress has found Its power Hnd sure sup
port In the confidence and good will of a
mighty nation emphaslzi-d In Its banker.
Its trade conquests, Its financial gains, in
ternational prestige and its world-sweeping
plann are personllled, fur the average oli
nerver, here and abroad, in the masterly
gentleman who presides In his unpre
tentious banking house ut the corner of
Willi street and ttroad.
The, banker ion of a banker Is a prodigy
In the eyes of scort s of millions In the
civilized world. Me stands before the world
as tho embodiment of all that Is over
whelming, magical and epoch-making, in
recent American commercial growth and
life. He 1 looked upon as the Incarnation
of the power of money, the climax of mili
tant wealth and American lust of commer
cial and Industrial dominion.
Yet Mr. Morgan Is not even Incorporated.
Banking, In ihis most potent and por
tentlous form, is not a great stock com
pany, still less anything which can be railed
a trust. It Is merely a man and his part
ners. It Is a Connecticut Yankee, who has
gained a wonderful control of Wall street,
not, however, by Inherited rlchea or lucky
gambling, but by the force of his personal
ity and his commercial generalship.
Readjustment of Old Ideas.
Here Is a fact we.1 calculated to compel
radical res djnstmer t of the chertvhed no
ttons of those who have made a hobsrob-
blln of banks and cankers, and named their
monster the "money power. Other condl
tlona eauallv Impressive and conspicuous"
have been operating forcibly In the same
In an era of trusts (using the word In Its
dohu ar sense) and great combinations aim
lng at the restriction. If not the entire re
moval, of competition, a movement reach'
lne far and wide in trade and productive
Industry, the bunks have gone on In the
old way, every one for Itself, wedded to
the Idea of Individuality and Independence
K. a cherished tradition. The banks of the
United States stand before their country
and the world, exairples of solidity, con
si rvatism and stralishtforwardness.
In its very nature banking is the opposite
of the business of any trust, of the type
which constitutes a political storm center.
There can be no monopoly of product in
banking, nor can we imagine a comoinauon
among debtors that would restrict com
merce, yet we must acknowledge it to oe
the, chief business of banks tn become
debtors. Collectively they constitute the
circulating syBtem of the vital fluid of
commerce and while acting harmoniously
are productive cf the greatest good.
These facts sre too Dig ana pisiu to go
unnoticed by the average American. There
is no dodging their meaning. They acquit
banks and bankers of the charges which at
various timea anu 411 cerium piat-rn nave
been made to pervert public t-entlment and
toi prejudice the public against a class of
men whose notable services are too often
discounted by ignorance and thoughtless
ness. The more the tendency toward com
bination and the restraint of competition
affects commerce and Industry the more
the banks will Inevitably gain favor by
contrast. The greater the force of tha
trust movement In the direction of over
capitalization the readier the country will
be to look upon banks and bankers as
champions of Independence In business and
as safeguards 01 conservatism.
Condition Freaent Opportunity.
Do not these conditions present an op
portunity to the bunking Interests of tho
1'nlted States which Is too valuable to be
lust? Have we not, as bankers, bocn given
the best chance ever accorded to insure to
u, the hearty good will and entire con
fidence of the American people, which shall
mean not only faith In the solvency of the
banks, but also a friendliness towurd them
and a willingness now and then to look,
through bankers' spectacles, at legislative
and other questions? Have we not learned
that we are not profitably enriched by the
Increment of usurious Interest which Is
really withholding bleasltigs from the
needy? Is any greater gain to be hoped
for from the concerted action and the ut
most Influence of banking Interests than
the winning of such complete public trust
and good will as the American banks and
bankers have always desired, but have
never as yet obtained?
It la not many years since the most con
spicuous labor organization of that day in
the United States barred from, member
ship just three classes. They were the
saloon keeper, the lawyer and tho banker.
And a painfully large number of men
other than Knights of Labor thought the
grouping was sensible, or perhaps rather
hard on the llquo seller. The feeling
which found expression In this curious bar
to American knighthood has been greatly
weakened by the logic of events, even
where It was formerly most common. Too
many of those who fifteen or twenty year
ano were avowed enemies of the banks
have become depositors and stockholders
in the Institutions which they denounced
to permit of the continuance of such senti
ments. Shall we not, then, be wisely content
to promote proper financial legislation
slmplv as American citizens, not striving
aa an association to furnish ready made
laws on any subject? It would be a sorry
day If bankers were ever to forget that
they have peculiar responsibilities which
dwarf whatever possible obligation rests
upon them to take part, as a class, in law
1 cannot believe that the country Is ready
to accept a bank made scheme of legisla
tion. However, It la more willing now than
ever before to give the banks their full
share In the favors of government, in
tardy recosnltlon of the fact that they
are now, as they were In Jackson's day,
reallv the simple embodiment of and re
ceptacles of the active industrial power
ot thu people, and as much entitled to an
equitable participation In all the abounding
glories of this great republic.
() flier r a Make Report.
The report of the secretary showed a
present membership of (.354, with an an
nual Income ot $67,800. There was a net
Increase In membership during the year of
F. 8. Blgelow, chairman ot the executive
council, submitted a report In the course
of which it was stated that the currency
plan of Mr. Hepburn was endorsed Insofsr
ss It suggests the Issuance of currency by
banks of 150,000 capital and $20,000 surplus
or more, to the extent of half ot their cap
ital stock st a tax of 6 per cent.
J. J. Jotnston, vice prealdent of the Ma
rine National bank of Milwaukee, then ad
dressed the convention on "The Scottish
Banking System," and Joaeph G. Brown,
presideut ot the Citizens National batik of
Raleigh, N. C, spoke on "Tha New 8outh."
The committee on uniform laws reported
much progress during the year in ths effort
to have the negotiable Instrument law en
acted by the different atates so that busi
ness could be conducted on uniform condi
tions all over the United Ststes. Ths com
mittee sppeared before six legislatures and
was successful in three, Ohio, lows snd New
Jersey. The negotiable Instrument lsw had
been much discussed and so far twenty
statea had adopted It, and tbs rommittee
believed ground wsa gaining rapidly and It
would be but s few yesrs before there
would be a negotiable instrument that
JCoutiuued, oa Second PsgaJ
Chicago Shipping
Firsts Combine to
Local .Water
CHICAGO. Nov. 11. The Chronicle will
say tomorrow:
That Lake Michigan will next year be
the scene of operstlons of a ship trust is
generally accepted among veaselmen of
Three months have passed since the first
step toward consolidation was taken and
yesterday It was declared on good authority
that all the lines have submitted schedules
of their properties to the promoters.
J. H. Graham of the Graham' & Morton
Transportation company, with headquarters
In Chicago, will probably be president of
the consolidated companies..
The compsnles to be merged, with ths
steamers owned by them, are:
Goodrich Transportation company, nine
Barry Bros. Transportation company, nine
steamers. ,
Grsham A Morton Transportation com
pany, Blx steamers.
Dinkley-Wllliams Transportation com
pany, four steamers.
Lake Michigan snd Lske Superior com
pany, four steamers.
Northern Michigan Transportation com
pany, two steamers.
Manltous Steamship company, one
Indiana Transportation . company, one
steamer. t
Peoples Transport compsny, ons stesmer.
It Is understood the plan Is to make the
capital of the combination 15,000,000.
Illshops Discuss Dancer of Calam.
Ity and Pooh Pooh
It. '
TROY, N. Y., Nov. 11. The meeting of
the general committee of the Freedmen'a
Aid snd Southern Educational society was
concluded tonight. In the course of
debate on the appropriations Bishop Charles
H. Fowler ot Buffalo advised csutlon in
voting money; saying there confronted the
nation today a crisis In financial affairs
and asserting that anyone who .stood
squarely on both feet might feel the rumb
ling of calamity.
Replying to this Bishop Hamilton of San
Francisco said he was not apprehensive of
sny financial calamity. The country was
in the hands of a dozen capitalists who con
trol the affairs and as a matter of self-protection
would prevent any calamity.
The appropriations amounted to $129,670.
Bishop Walden In the evening, as chair
man ot a special committee, recommended
that a letter be sent to presiding elders
throughout the country suggesting a gen
eral recognition of Lincoln's birthday.
Engineers Sow Place the Dnmaae at
Seventy-Fire Thousand
V -i ' ' '
NEW YORK. Nov. ri.-Xfter a "careful
inspection today of ths new East river
bridge, which was 'burned last night, the
contractors places the loss st not more
than $75,000.
None of the great rabies were harmed.
The contractors who will be forced to
meet the loss sre the John A. Roebling
Sons company, the Pennsylvania Steel com
pany of Scranton, Pa., the New Jersey 8teol
company and Terry Trench. The propor
tion of each has not been figured out, but
It Is believed that the Roebllngs will suffer
The Are was caused. Engineer Hllde
brand said today, by a workman carelessly
throwing a lighted match among some oily
Demands Food With Threats, Draws
Knife and la Dead as
a Resnlt.
SPRINGFIELD, 111., Nov. 11. Abraham
Garvcy of Decatur, a veteran of the civil
war, on bis way to Soldiers' and Sailors'
home, Qulncy, waa Bhot and killed today
by Johnson J. King, son of W. W. King,
a farmer residing six miles from Spring
field. Garvey drove up to the King homestead
snd demanded food snd upon being re
fused threatened to atab Mrs. King, who
escsped Into a field, with Garvey following
and shouting he would burn the bouse.
King pursued him down the road, when a
hand-to-hand conflict ensued and Garvey
attacked him with a knife.
Resigns' Position at Chicago
vrrslty to Join Western
CHICAGO, Nov. 11. Prof. Jacques Loeb
has decided to lesve the University of Chi
cago snd go to the University ot California
as professor of physiology.
The lack of a good physiological labora
tory at Berkeley, which made Prof. Loeb
heatttate about going, baa been supplied.
Rudolph Spreckels has given $25,000 for a
laboratory and aquarium. His salary is to
be supplied by snother friend ot the uni
versity. Dr. Martin Fischer, now sssoclats In
physiology In the University of Chicago,
snd Dr. Charles Gardner Rogers, assistant
In physiology, will go with Dr. Loeb.
Officials Discuss Holding Them In
St. Louis to gave Clash
With Fair.
CHICAGO, Nov. 11. An Informal meeting
of the Olympian Games association wss
held today to discuss the conflict In the
date fixed for the games snd the St. Louis
It was decided to call a meeting of the
directors soon, at which time some decision
as to a postponement of the Olympian
games or their transfer to St. Louis will
be reached.
Lithographers Form Association to
Promote Harmony With
Organised Labor.
BUFFALO, N. Y., Nov. 11. Represents
ttves of fifty-two lithographing firms met
todsy and took preliminary steps for ths
formation of an association te promots
harmony between the employers snd men
of the vsrious unions.
An organisation oa trust lines la sot con
Paper Not Bead When tbs President
Starts on His Trip.
David H. Mercer Said to be Fishing I
for the Clerkship of the Keat
Congress Routine of De
partments. (From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nov. 11. (Special Tele
gram) Secretary Hitchcock of the Interior
department had hoped that all data in re
lation to the illegal occupancy ot public
lands by csttlemen in Nebraska snd con
tiguous territory would be in the hands of
the president before the chief executive
left the cspltol on bis sutumn trip. Owing,
however, to unforeseen difficulties Colonel
Mosby, who Is charged with seeing tbst
the fences In Nebraska and Wyoming are
removed, could not complete his findings
and report in time for the president to take
the report with him snd in consequence
all questions Involved In dispute between
the cattlemen and the government will have
to be held In abeyance until the return ot
President Roosevelt. It was stated at the
Interior department today that certain pa
pers essential to a clear understsndlng of
the situation on the part of the president
are still unprepared, but data Is being as
sembled as rapidly as possible, so thst
everything will be In good shape when
President Roosevelt returns.
There seems to be a constantly growing
demand for soldiers' widows, In Iowa and
Kansas particularly, who are entitled to
make additional homeatead entries. The
Interior department Is receiving dally let
ters exposing schemes that are being
worked with tho aid of these "lone wld
ders." Agents, presumably of cattlemen desirous
ot Increasing their holdings of pasturage
In Nebraska, Wyoming and Montana, are
industriously searching the states of Iowa
snd Kansas for widows whose husbsnds had
not taken advantage of the clause of the
general homestead law permitting them to
take up the full 160 acres to which they
were entitled. Such widows once found, the
rest Is clear sailing. A soldier, for in
stance, may not have desired to assume the
care of 160 acres and decided that forty
acres was as much as he could profitably
cultivate. It has been decided in the lower
rniirta and affirmed hv the United States
nnnnu .nnrt thnt In such eases the soldier
nr hi. wl,1n entitled to take uo an ad-
dltlonal 120 acres wherever he may choose
to locste, and furthermore may'sell out to
whomsoever he chooses after filing bis
declaratory statement.
' Widows are Plentiful.
The plans which are now being worked
to secure good grazing land and to pre
vent Its absorption by agriculturists is. aa
Derore statea. 10 una a souner or ma
widow who is entitled to additional home
atead entry. Fifty such were recently found
in ons single county in Iowa and these
were given $50 down lh cash, and all ex
penses paid to' Induce them to go to west
ern Nebraska countlea. Ale their declar
atory statements and In all others wsy
conform to tho lsw In such casea provided.
Eventually these widows would come Into
legal possession of many acres of the pub
lic domain, which they were under, at least
verbal contract to sell to those who put
them next to the good thing. Then, with
the money thus secured they could return
to their homes considerably enriched snd
the cattlemen secure valuable agricultural
land for grazing purposes.
Merrer After Another Job.
There Is sn Interesting story now going
the rounds to the effect that D. H. Mercer
of Nebraska will become a candidate for
clerk of the house of representatives lu
the Fifty-eighth congress against Alexan
der McDowell, the present Incumbent. It
Is stated that Mr. Mercer's candidacy will
be pushed by ths Minnesota delegation. As
matter ot fact, If the speakersUlp goes
west. It is hardly to be expected that the
clerkship will also go In that direction.
Politicians do not plsy that kind of a
game. Alexander McDowell, the present
clerk. Is a Pensylvanlan. Should Mr.
Dalsell be elected speaker, which Is not
seriously contemplated, then the west
might with Justification expect the clerk
ship to go to that section, but as present
conditions seem to point to a western man
for the speakership, the suggestion of
Mercer for clerk seems to be somewhat
Parent Get the Money.
Agent Mathewson of the Omaha and Win
nebago reservation, who a few days ago
asked for further Instructions ss to paying
money due minor and orphan children of
the Omahas was today given Secretary
Hitchcock's views on the subject, Seoretary
XiiLCOUOCH uirrcieit tuai b letter vv wriiiea
the agent In which he Is authorized to pay
all money due minor heirs to their parents
and In cases of orphan heirs, guardianship
papers must be tsken out snd the money
psid over to such guardians. If It be not
possible to -secure guardians or admlnls-
tratora' papers, money must be turned over
to the United States treasury snd placed
to the credit of annuitant, such money to
be held In trust until snnuitsnt shall be
come of age.
The department is not advised when Mr.
Mathewson will be able to commence pay
ment of the Wlnnebagos, but Commissioner
Jones said today that he had been advised
that the rolls were being prepared and
therefore disbursements will likely com
mence soon.
In the Departments.
The comptroller of the currency hss sp-
proved the Nstionsl Bank of St. Joaeph,
Mo., as reserve sgent for the Farmers Na
tional bank of Pawnes City, Neb.
Free delivery service will be established
December 1 at Washington, la., with Clay
ton A. Nelswsnger, Morton D. Blckford snd
Lloyd Purvis ss regular, and Joaeph R.
Seal and Franklin H. Gray aa substiute
letter carriers.
John E. Vail of Garden Green and John
M. Carney of Gilman, la., bavs been ad
mitted to practice before the Interior de
The following Indian school appointments
were made today: Henry E. Cavin of Pop
lar, Mont., engineer at Yankton, 8. D.; Miss
Sarah M. Castle of 8t. Edwsrd, Neb., cook
at Whits Earth, Minn.; Mra. Abba M. Rou-
slns of Chamberlain, 8. D., matron at
Lempl. Idaho; Miss Miry' E. Newell of
Chamberlain, 8. D., cook at Crow, Mont.
Tha postofnes at Martin, Chase county.
Neb., bss been ordered discontinued.
The gross receipts ot the Omaha post-
office for ths month of October were $44,-
860, against $39,663 for ths ssme month of
last year, being an incresse of $5,197.
The receipts of ths Pes Moines office
were $30,456 snd $29,270, respectively, show
ing an Increase of $1,18$.
Thomas G. Msllslleu of Nebraska has
(Continued oa Second fags)
condition ofjhe weather
Forecast for Nebraska R:ln and Cooler
Wednesday; Thursday Fair.
Temperature at Omaha yesterday'
Hour. Dev. Hour. Drg.
ft a. m . . ', . , . 41 1 p. in c.
H a. m 4 1 2 p. in (IT
T a. m 4T 3 p. m IT
8 a. m...... Ml 4 p. m...... TO
t a. m nt Bp. m.'. ... T
10 n. m nt 1 p. m tut
11 a. ni r.T T p. m l
IS sn HO Hp. nt U7
II p. m 117
Indianapolis Ghoula Point Out Scenes
of BodSnatchlaa; Kpl
aodea. INDIANATOLIS, Nov. 11. Another tour
of inspection was taken over all the ceme
teries In the southern snd southeastern por
tion of Marion county today to gain more
Information about graves reported to have
been robbed in that locality.
Five cemeteries were visited snd positive
information was gained thst at least thirty
graves In them have been opened, though
the names of only eight ot those whose
bodies were stolen are known. Cnntrell
was unable to recollect the names ot tho
others snd said there had been grave rob
beries there In which he had no connection.
The wooden hrad boards were marked with
a lead pencil when the graves were robbed,
but the rains have entirely effaced tho
At Lyck Creek cemetery five empty
graves were found and others were pointed
out at the Beach-Grove, the South Ebeiiezer,
Hound Hill and the Cherry Grove ceme
teries. All ot the bodies, Caotrell said,
had been sold to the medical colleges.
Negro N'ovr Accused of Murder
Woman and la Held for
CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 11. The dls
charge of Allan O. Mason, tha Boston club
man, accused of tha murder 01 Clara a.
Morton at.Waverley a week ago last Sun
day night, waa ordered ' by Judge Charles
Almy of the Third district court of Eastern
Middlesex toda'y, when the government law
yer announced that an Investigation had
failed to disclose evidence sufficient to hold
the sccuscd msn and ordered the discharge
of Mason.
Almost immediately, in the same court.
George O. 1 Perry, a
young negro who
a witness against
yesieruay was oeiu as
Mason, was charged with the murder of
Miss Morton. He pleaded not guilt and
was remanded without ball for a bearing
November 18.
After his release Msson held an Informal
reception and after a short time was driven
to his home tn Boston.
Companies Astrre to Satisfactory
Wave Increase, Which Men
CHICAGO, Nov. 11. The wsge contro
versy between the rsilroads and the Broth
erhood of Railway Trainmen which threat
ened to tie up the principal switching ter
mlnals In Chicago was smicably adjusted
Seventeen railroads signed the new agree
ment and the Santa Fe, the other road In
volved, will sign tomorrow.
The rstes agreed upon are as follows:
Day foremen, 31 cents psr hour; night fore
men, 33 cents per hour; dsy helpers, 2$
cents per hour; night helpers, 30 cents per
hour. These rates sre one-half cent per
hour In excess of the St. Paul-MInneapolla
rate for each class and about 12 per cent
better than the present rate in Chicago.
Tbla Time Agent Who Arranged Con
tract With Manngera Is
BOSTON, Nov. 11. Mascagnl waa again
arrested today on a mesne process in con
nection with the suit brought against him
by Joseph Smith, who conducted the nego
tiatlons In Itsly resulting In his contract
for his American tour.
Mr. Smith claims he holds a contract by
which Mascagnl sgreed to pay him a certain
per cent of the $60,000 hs was to receive
from the Mlttenthal brothers. It Is for this
commission, or $1,200, that Mr. Smith now
The writ in this case Is returnsbla on
the samo day aa the Mlttenthal writ.
temporary settlement was quickly effected
through the acceptance of a $1,200 bond.
Prosies Asked for Annual Meeting
of Havrrlmsrn, Gould and
NEW YORK, Nor. 11. A circular re
I questing proxies for the annual meeting of
the Colorado Fuel and Iron company on
December 10 has been aent to stockholders.
The circular is signed by Oeorge J. Gould
E. H. Harrlman and Edwin Hawley.
A representative of tbs latter aald
"We represent no particular faction In
this matter, neither will we make any con
teat for or against ths present manage
In Wall atreet ths opinion prevails that
tbs so-called Gates party no longer has
any Interest in Colorado Fuel
Dvlng From Cancer, Faaaes oa Du
ties to Standing Com
JACKSON, Miss., Nov. 11. Rev. Hugh
Miller Thompson, Eptscopsl bishop ot Mis
sissippi, who is believed to bs hopelessly
afflicted with cancer of the throat, today
constituted the standing Episcopal commit
tee the supreme suthority of the dloceae.
Hs transferred all questions of adminis
tration to tbs committee, which will meet
In Jackson on January 20 to elect a bishop
Movements of Oeean Veaaels, Not. 11.
NEW YORK Arrived Frlesland, from
Antwerp; Kron Prlns 11 helm. Irons .Bre
men; Scotia, from Genoa.
At Sydney, . . w. Arrived previously
Moana, from Vsncouver, via Honolulu.
At Montevideo bailed Hams, rrom Msn
Francisco, for Bt. Vincent, C. V.
At Antwerp Arrivea nniano, irom isew
At1' Boulogne Arrived Rotterdam, from
New York for Amsterdam.
At Hamburg Arrived Moltke, from New
At Queentown Arrived flaxonla, from
Boston for Uverpool (and proceeded).
At Coronel Arrived Klnturk. from Se
attle. Tacoma and Victoria for Liverpool.
At Bremen Arrived KaUer VVUhelm tier
Grosse, Irom Mw sore. .
New Ysrk'i. New Oomruertve Bniidiug la
President Oongratulatds Members on Stand
ing for Pair Dealing.
Institution Has Lofty Work Not Always
Associated with Business.
Oraanlsatlon Arreptanre of l.avrs ot
Honmtr Between Men of Various
Civilised Coniniunlttea Cora In sr
Under Its Influence.
NEW YORK, Nov. 11. With the president
and a former president of ths United Ststes
as its guests of honor and with ssveral
representatives of foreign governments and
other distinguished persons, the New York
Chamber of Commerce formally dedicated
Its building in this city today. The new
building, a handsome structure of whlto
marble, is situated in Liberty street, be-
ween Nassau and Broadway.
The ceremonies were opened with a prayer
Of dedication by Rev. Morgan Dlx, rector of
Trinity church. An address of welcome by .
Morris K. Jessup, president of the chamber.
followed and then the oration of the day
was delivered by former President Grover
Cleveland, who said in part:
It need not surprise lis If the popular
estimate of this business nrc-inlzatloii
hould fnll to take into acocunt nil that it
has done to promote high and patriotic pur
poses not always related. In a narrow sense.
to commerce.
No associated body of our cltlxens felt
more deeply and effectively the thrubblns
of patriotism and devotion to country when
our government was tnreatened ty nrmed
rebellion: Its protest and aid was Imme
diately forthcoming when afterward, an
Inaiduous attacK was made tinon finan
cial Integrity through an attempted debase
ment 01 our currency; from no q.tartor
has a more earnest and Insistent demand
been heard for the adjustment of Inter
national disputes by arbitration; Us es
pousal of the cause of business education
among our people have been hearty and
practical; It has advocated enlarged reci
procity of business relations between na
tions and the removal of their vexatious
hlndra oes, and last, but by no means
least, .t has promptly and with an open
hand relieved distress and alleviated dis
aster. Such Incidents as these Illustrate tho
organization's beneficent accomplishments
In the advancement of civilisation and in
furtherance of the Improvement of hu
manity. Great Service to Humanity.
If we Justly appreciate what these things
mean, we shall realise that commerce has
done an Immense service to humanity, by
enlarging within its wide Influence the ac
ceptance of the laws of honest dealings
among civilized communities, and by curb
ing man s besetting sin a ot seinshness and '
y hat I have said must not be under
stood lis. Jn the lest intimating; thst com
merce should be an altruismi or henevofsut '
affair, managed on lines of amiability aiwi
concession. Such a conoeptlon would be ab
surdly at fault. Commerce Is born of en
terprise and enterprise Is In this busy.
bustling age born of struggle and competl-
ton. But the struggle and competition need
not be to the death. Alertness and keen
ness and securing business opportunities
does not by any means impart unmlndful-
ness of all else save ruthf ulrieas and raven
ous snatching.
As tno pioneer or colonization and ex
pansion undertaken in Ita Interest, com
merce has In other days had Juatly laid at
its aoor cruel aggression ana rut mess dis
regard of human rights In regions where,
to use the language of sn apologist, "the
welfare of the inhabitants ot these posses
sions is surjoriiiiiaia to tne strategic or
commercial purpose for which they are
held." If any measure of restitution or '
compensation has fallen due from com
merce to humanity on this score, we know
that its full acquittance has been made or
Is forthcoming, and we certainly should
have no cause to fear that a like guilty re
sponsibility will be again Incurred.
When Mr. Cleveland rose to speak he was
greeted with loud cheers from the assem
blage and several times In his speech ha
was interrupted by applause. At the con
clusion ot Mr. Cleveland's address Morris
K. Jessup, president of tha chamber, an
nounced that President Roosevelt, although
reserving his address for ths banquet this
evening, had consented to say a few words.
Prealdent Roosevelt Speaks,
As the president stepped forward to aa
dress the chamber . the whole asaemblags
rose and cheered. He apoks as follows:
Mr. President snd Gentlemen As I am te
speak to you this evening, I shall now
simply aay a word of greeting to you and
your guests. I have been asked here as
the chief executive of the nation, snd so
I csn speak, not merely on your behalf, but
on behalf of our people, as a whole. In
greeting and thanking for their presence
here these representatives of foreign coun
tries who have done us the honor and
pleasure ot being present today. (Ap
plause.) I greet the ambassador (turning
to Mr. Cambon), whose approaching de
parture we sincerely regret, the ambassa
dor to whom, or. his advent, we extended
such hearty greeting, and especially repre
sentatives of these great friendly civilised
nations with whom we Intend to be knit
even closer by tics of commercial and social
good will in the future (turning to the Rus
sian and British ambassadors and Prince
Henry von Pless).
And now, gentlemen, having grestsd your
guests on behalf of you. I greet you in the
name of the people, not merely because
you stand for commercial success, but be
cause this body has been able to show thst
the greatest commercial success can square
with the Immutable and eternal laws of
decent and -Ight living and of fair dealing
between man and man.
The demonstration as ths president con
cluded ended with three cheers.
The ceremonies closed with a benediction
by Rev. Morgan Dlx. A luncheon followed
ths formal exerclsea. The guests present
at the dedicatory ceremonies included ths
Jules Cambon, French ambassador; Count
Cassint, Russian ambassador; Sir Mlchasl
Henry Herbert, British ambassador; Prince
Hans Helnrlch von Plsss, special repre
sentative of tha German government; Sir
Albert K. Rolllt, chairman of tbs delegation
of the London Chamber of Commerce; Count
Raoul Cbsndon, dslegste of ths Chamber of
Commerce ot Rhrlma, Pranos; Mr. Feck
mann, vies president of the Chamber of
Commerce of Berlin; Erik Pontoppltan of
the Chamber of Commerce of Hamburg, J.
Pierpoot Morgan, Levi P. Morton, Secretary
Root, Postmaster General Payne, Carl
Schurs. Lymsn J. Gage, Alfred Mossier and
Corneltua N. Bliss.
Mr. Jesup snnounced that Governor Odell,
who wss on the progrsm for a speech, wss
not able to bs present snd he Introduced
Msyor Low, who made ths concluding ad
Peace, National and Industrial, Can
Aleae be Secured by
NEW YORK, Nov. It. Follswlng ths
dedirstioa of ths new Chamber of Com
msres building a banquet aa ftsW la tha