Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 08, 1902, Page 10, Image 10

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Whiat VtTM More Rapidly Than for
Borne Time Fait.
Weak Hosts (line Provisions to Fall
Daring Day and Close Five
to leTrii aad One-Half
(rata Lower.
CHICAGO. Nov. 7. Mora activity was
manifested In wheat or the Board of Trane
lix'av than for anme time past and higher
price ruled. December closing '(iL'
higher. Dec-ember corn clised W(io higher
and oats V40-V' higher. January provisions
cloned 6fTi,c lower.
Evidence of a better movement abroad
was the leading featire In wheat and
caused a firm undertone throughout the
day. There wan considerable setting early
by locals, due to Rood weather anil large
receipts In the northwest, and prices had
a slight sot-back. Commission houses were
good buvers. and It was rumored that a
prominent bull was buying May, both of
which tended to strengthen the market. A
good cash demand and predictions of un
lavorable weather for the movement were
bull factors.. After a decline late In the
day due to commission house selling; there
was another rally and the close was near
tlio top. December opened unchanged to
Ho lower at 7mi714c and after selling off
to 70-V7c the price advanced to il4C,
-weakening again near the close, only to
finish firm and S0V,e. higher at
Bradstreet's report for the week snowed
total exports of 5.715,000 bushels, compared
with 5,47i,0 bushels the same week a year
ago. Clearances of wheat and flour were
eiual to 471 .000 bushels. Primary receipts
wire 1,596,000 bushels, against 1,036.000 bush
eln a year ago. Mlnneaoll8 and Duluth re
ported receipts of 80 cars, which, with local
receipts of 23717 of contract grade made
total receipts for the three points of 1,3
cars, against 1.013 cars last week and 823
earn a year ago.
PredlcMonsof more unfavorable weather
throughout the corn belt, together with a
Hood export demand, were the sustaining
1 cat urea In. corn and a Arm undertone wan
manifested. There was a fair trade with
commission house buying about the only
feature. The close was Arm, December up
Vft(c at file, after selling between 60vte and
tic. Local receipts were 274 cars, with 13
of contract grade,
Oats ruled dull, but prices were slightly
higher. Covering by shorts vu the fea
ture. Buying of May, supposed to be for a
prominent bull, was a feature, and locals
helped the advance by selling short early,
cinlv to buv bnck later. Belling was scat
tered. The close was firm, with December
up VaG'Ho at 30Sc ranging between 2tHo
and 30v,c. Local receipt were sxi cars.
Provisions were affected by lower prices
for hogs and heavy receipts. A little
strength developed early In the day on cov
ering by shorts, but with the demand from
that source satisfied the market weakened.
The close was steady, with January pork
7S lower at 116.37'; January lard closed 6
tylVta lower at $I.37V,, while ribs were 6o
lower at wn"-
Estimated receipt for tomorrow: Wheat,
150 cars; corn, 130 cars; oats, 190 cars; hogs,
21.0U0 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
r: western chickens, lie; western fowls,
'jfllc; Fprlng turkeys. 12tf1.V.
M IOTA M I In underwent a severe break
the London market today, declining 1
6s to 1117 for spot and 115 15a for futures.
dually tin was null anil weiK. put tne
cilne was not In keeping wlili the de
velopments abroad, prlci s showing but llt-
o i Hunt '. upol closed at -.t"n.".io.
enner. without so marged a loss, snared
il the tin weakness In lindon, losing Is 3d,
with spot ciiot(d st 51 17s ti;l and futures
t 52 as ltd. The New York market also
as lower, standnrd cloving at 111. lake at
l.sMill.M), electrolytic at tll.6VU1l.Si and
casting at tll.hMiil.ftT. In contrast with the
cakni'Ss in other m ta.s, lead in ixinaon
whs Is 3d lusher, spot there closing st
Ki 1:4 I'd. The New York market con-
nued dull :it 14. 12 Spelter was tS.40 here
nil tin 7s d In Ixindon. The English Iron
market were lower, Glasgow closing at
Id and Mlddleshnrough at 60s d.
cally iron was quiet. Warrants con-
nurd nominal. No. 1 foundry, northern,
quoted at t23.mvfi25.nn, No. 2 foundry.
cirthern. No 1 foundry, southern, and
o. 1 foundry, southern soft, at 122. 00523.00.
om uia
Articles.! Open. Klgh.j Low. Close. Yes'y,
70 70
71HW 71 70", 71 714
73V4P1,47S,5(8.4 W 73 7314
63 68 63 63 62
60 61 60 61 6040,,
41V(t 4214 41t4 4244 U0V,
29 SOU 29 SOiffH 29
Sfnm 31tf 80 81 81
18 87 IS 47 IB 82 18 87 16 45
14 47 14 60 14 46 14 47 14 66
' 10 87 10 96 10 87 10 96 10 86
90 9 96 9 85 9 96 10 00
40 946 87 87 46
62 8 60 860 866 860
I 17 (26 I 16 8 17 8 22
7 70 7 75 7 70 7 76 7 80
No. 2. tNew.
Cash Quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Steady: winter patents, $8.40(9
8. 60: winter str&ignts, w.nnrw w: spring pat
ents. M.40flfl.70; spring straights, I2.90SJ.20;
pagers, i.aWi.l.
WHEAT No. 3 spring, 71(ne: No.
BDrlng. 664ffi6c: No. 8 red. 69T7fiVc.
CORN No. X, 633&4o; No. 2 yellow, 65
OATB-No. I, 28c; No. whit, 86c; No.
I white, zbiouic.
BARLEY Good feeding, 88i842c: fair to
cnoice mailing, 4;bsc.
SEED No. I flax. 81.17: No. 1 northwest
em, $1.22; prime timothy, 83.90; clover, con
tract grade, 810.76.
PROVISIONS Mess pork, per bbl., tl.87
017.00. Lard, per lflo lbs.. tll.20)lL22.
Short libs sides (loose), 21O.2601O.EO. Dry
salted snouiaers tooxea), . (tx&io.uu.
The following were the receipts and
shipments 01 tne principal grains:
Receipts. Shipments.
Flour, bbls 40,100 16,700
Wheat, bu 865,000 20.700
Corn, bu 189,400 293,100
Oats, bu 810.400 213.800
Rye. bu 81.600 3.100
Hurley, bu 81,000 32.600
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was firm: creameries. 16V4024Uc:
dairies, 150121c. Eggs, steady, loss off, cases
returned, 22c, cneese, steady, Il0'l2c,
Quotations of the Day oa Varlons
NEW YORK, Nov. 7.-FLOUR-ReceIpts.
19,156 bbla.; exports. 13,99s bbls.; market
quiet -and steady: winter Da tents. 23.6Jhv3.o:
winter straights, t3.4otl3.65; Minnesota pat
ents.; winter extras, $2.SO03.1O
Minnesota bakers, $3.1003.15; winter low
grades. 82. 46ft 2.90. Rye flour, steady; fair
to good, t3.16HiO.40; cnoice to fancy, $3.6U3
8.66. Buckwheat flour, easy, $2.2002-25. spot
ana 10 arrive.
CORN M E A L Steady ; yellow western,
81.28; city, $1.26; Brandywlne, 83.4063.65.
RYE Steady; No. 2 western. 6ic. f. o. b.,
afloat; No. 2. 6Vi64o; track, state, 5464c.
c. I. f.. New York.
BARLEY Dull; feeding, 41c, c. I. f.,
milium; mailing, vjn'. c. I. I., HulTalO.
WHEAT-Receipts. 142.360 bu.; exports
18.2S4 bu. Boot, steady: No. 2 red. 778ic
elevator, and 77c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1
nonnern. tiuium, leivje, 1 f. o. b., afloat
No. 1 hard. Manitoba. 2Nc. f. o. to., afloat
Options were generally rtrm all dav and
higher on active export developments,
coupled with stronger French cables and
good southwest buying. The close In New
Y.-irk was firm at fc net advance. No. 2
rea, may, iiMi.i-I(k', closed at 78c; De
ceiviher. T7it ,) H-lfic, closed at 7hc.
CORN Receipts. 2.100 bu. Spot, steady
ino. z. kc. eievator, ana one, t. o. t., afliHt
No. 2 yllow. 67Uc; No. 2 white. 7Uc
Options opened easy on the weather, rallied
and was firm at noon, with wheat, holding
steady with a small trade all the afternoon
ana Closing uc net higher. February,
49,ic. and closed at 4c; May. HWSi I7.c
closed at 47c; December, 65aKc. closed
at 664c
OATS Receipts, 67,000 bu. : exports, 10.013
du. epot. quiet; ino, 1. sra3l'ic; standard
white. S6Si?7c: No. 3. SaVtiae: Nn s
white 3t;,nja7c; No. 1 white, Sfreiiie; track
nuxea weaiern, nominal; tracg white west,
ern, 36H,S337c; track white state, 33fi;i7c.
1 ne option rnarnei was quiet and steady
lieermofr closing hi jo-c. .
iiAi-liuii; snipping, boywc, good to
cnoice. iuxiioi.w,
HOPS Flint: stste. common to ehole.
1902 crop. r'(37c; 1901 crop. 24(u2Ke; olds, 7
12c; Paclitc roast, 1902 crop, i531c; 19'1
crop, m-uii, uius, lyui-.
HIDES Oulet; Oalveston. 20 In 93 th
3Sc i:alifornia, 21 to 26 lbs.. lc; T.xus dry
IS to 80 lbs.. 14c. '
LEATHER Julet; hemlock sole, Buenos
Avres. light to heavy, acid. 2!4i-.544.
PROVISIONS He f. quiet; family, tl .01
cjiB.w; mess. iu h.w; oeet hums. tJ0.5o;i
21.50; packet. tU.uuu 16.60; city, extra India
mess. Mwan- . ut meats, steady: Dick
led bellies, 612.2tvQ13.S6; plc-k!e1 shou'deis
t 76; pickled hams, 812 ii 12 15. Lard
easy; western sieamea. ill ; Novembe
riosea at 111. is. nominal: renned. easv
continent. $11.76. South America. li
compound, t7.6id'7.75. Pork, eaav; family
I20.6itfi21.ot): continent. tll iWi: South Am..,i ...
812.O11; short, cleai. $21 Ou; mess. VIS.Jfku 18.&0!
KifK f irm; aoinesnc. lair to choice, ex
tra. 4CHc: Japan. 4irifcc.
TALLOW Steady; city, 6c; country,
BC'TTER Receipts. 8.838 pkga; Irregular
State dairy, lHi24c; creamery, extra, 25c
creamerv, common to choice, 19t?iS4He.
CllEBK RecelpU. 2 613 pkgs.: unlet, tin
firm; fancy, large, new, state, full cream
colored and white, lJr; fancy, small, col
ored and white, oa, i.'r; new, izc.
EGGS Receipts. 61 pkgs.; Irregular
state and Pennsylvania, average bst, lie
western, candled. 11024c
Bt OAR Raw, Arm: fair refining, 8c
centrifugal. M test, 8c; molasses sugar
ic; refined unsettled; crushed, 606c; pow
atered. 4 46c: aranulated. 4.66c.
COFFEE Dull and nominal; No, T Rio.
'OlJkPSFS Firm; New Orleans. 80S40c.
POL LTRY Alive, weak; cnimen. lie
turkeys, l'AiUii. fowls, lie; stressed, lrregu
Condltlen of Trade anil Qnotatloas on
staple anil Fancy Prodtice.
EOr.SCnndled stock. 2W21c.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. MiSUc; old roost-
rs. 4c; t.irkeys, l'fil2c; ducks, S'iiflc; geese,
ii; pprlng chickens, per lb., fii!c.
ii r 1 hH pacKing siock, 10c; cnoice
filrv. In tubs, 1Sf '; scpnrator, 24(fiCic.
frf:sh CATGUT FISH Trout. 9'filOc;
erring, 7c; pickerel, Nc; pike. 10c; perch, Cc;
utTaln, dressed, 7c; sunfish. Jc; blucflns, 3c;
hlteflsh. 10c; salmon. 16c; nsddock. 11c:
codfish, 12c; redsnappcr, inc; lobsters, bol ed.
ner lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per in., xc;
iillheads, 10c: catfish, 14c; black bass. 20c;
allhut, 11c.
CORN 54c.
OATS 33c.
WHEAT No. 2 hard, 65c.
RYE 43c.
PRAN Per ton. tl3.
HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole
sale Hny Dealers' association: Choice No. 1
pland, 89; No. 1 medium. 8.w; NO. 1
coarse, 8X. Rye straw, S50. These prices
re for hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair; receipts light.
OYSTERS Standards, per can. zxc; extra
selects, per can, 3Sc; New York counts per
can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75;
bulk, standards, per gal., tl.30.
NEW CELERY-Kearney, per dot.. 35
46c; Kalamazoo, per dos., 25c.
POTATOES New. per bu.. 25g0c.
SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per bbl..
83, home grown, per bu., 81.
Tl kinu'8 l'er du.. 30c; canaaa ruta
bagas, per lb., lc.
HKKTB per DasKet, oc.
CI 'CUM RERS Hothouse, per dos $1.50.
WAX BEANS-Per bu. box. $1.50; string
beans, per bu. box, 11.60.
CAKHAUE Home grown, new, ic.
ONIONS New home growr. In sacks, per
bu., 50(i)c; Spanish, per crate, $160.
jnav X utAtis-rer du.. a.iu.
PEARS Fall varieties, per box. $2.00
$2.25; Kaffirs, per bbl., 83.76; Colorado, per
box, $2.25.
apples cooking, per dpi., iz.25; eating.
$2.252.60; Jonathans, $3.60; New York stock.
GRAPES New York, zzc; Togays, per
crate, $1.75; Malagas, per keg, Io.0ini6.50.
CRANBERRIES Per bbl.. $7.b0i&8.00; per
box, $2.76.
WUINCES per DOX, $1.60.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to alie.
$2.00.1 2.60.
lemons California fancy.;
choice, $3.76.
ORANGES Mexicans, any slie. 83.75;
Florida Brlghts, $3.60.
DATES lJerslin In 7ft-lh. hnves ner lh..
6c; per case 01' SO-lb. pkgs., $2.25.
figs caurornia. per id-id. cartons. ysc:
Turklsh,per 35-lb. box, 18c.
GRAPE FRUIT Florida, $.
HONEY New Utah, per 24-frame case,
ciuer New York. 14.&0: per t-DDl.. 12.76.
BAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per bbl..
$2.26; per bbl., 83 75.
UIIL'U "kin 1 ssAAn 7i sVTA 9 svaan Ki
No. 1 salted, 'niic; No.' 2 s'alted. 7Wc: No. 1
veal calf, 8 to 12 ins., 8c; no. 1 veal can,
12 to 15 lbs., ttc, dry hides, siizc; sneep
pelts, zbifc; norse nines, n.waz.ou.
rufuuKN-ret id., ic: sneuea. ic,
NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft shell, per lb..
14c; hard shell, per lb., 13c; No. 2 soft
hell, per lb.. 12c: No. Z hard sneu. per ID..
11c: Braxlls. per lb.. 11c: Alberts, per lb..
12c; almonds, softshell, per lb., 16c; hard
shell, per lb.. 16c: pecans. large, per id
14c; small, per lo., 13c; cocoanuts, per dos.,
60c; chestnuts, per lb., 16c; peanuts, per lb..
6c; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; black wal
nuts, per du.. 11. nickory nuts, per du.,
OLD meti ALB A. w. Aipirn quotes tne
following prices: iron, country mixed, per
ton, $11 ; iron, stove piate, per ton, s; cop
per, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb., 8c;
brass, light, per Id., 6c; lead, per lb., 8c;
sine, per id., zc; ruDDer, per id., Bttc
St. Louis Grata aad Provisions.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. 7. WHEAT Firm; No
red cash, elevator. 6Hc: track. 63370c;
December, 6Sc asked; May, 7272c; No.
hard, bitfioc.
CORN Higher: No. 2 cash. 45c bid: track
45UH514C, new; 4748c, old; December, 40
40c bid; May. 3:"ic bid.
30jr30c; December', 28c bid; May, 29c bid;
No. 2 white, ae.
RYE Lower at 47C
VTltlR null: red winter patents. ll.SO
ti'3.50; extra fancy and straight, 63.WK&3.25;
clear, z.5?tz.aD.
KEED l lmotny, steaay, ;.&ubb.0.
CORNMEAL Easy. t2.70.
BRAN Steady ; sacked, east track, 60
7lc. ...
HAY Firm: timothy, X9.ooftj'l3.w; prairie.
IKON UUllOIM llt,B l.UOfc,
BAGOINO 5-167 1-16C.
HEMP Twine. 9c.
PROVISIONS Pork, lower: jobbing, new
mess, $16.15. Lard, lower, $10.77. Dry salt
meats (Doxen), weaa; extra snorts ana
clear ribs, $12.26; short clears, $11.60. Bacon
(boxed), weak; extra shorts and clear ribs.
$12.2; short clear,
hkialm iaa, sieaay at .w. opener,
steady at $5.16.
FOUL1 K mgner; cntcnens,
springs, 1043 15c, turkeys, 10c; ducks, llc;
geese. 6Ac.
BUTTEK-twn creamery. ima'Ac:
dairy. 17ih2oc.
EGGS Higher.
ders being filled very rspldly snd present
output Is In ecess of the new biiNlness;
foreign trsite very light: first patents, n fij
ti.l.KS; second patents, 83.454! 3. KS; first clears,
83.9u3.10; second clears, $2.30tf2.aO.
KHAN Shorts In fair demand; In bulk,
$!!.& TSfU.75.
Toledo Orala aad eed.
TOLET0. O, Nov. 7 WHEAT Fairly
active and higher; cash, 7c; December,
1 7,c ; Mny,
CORN Dull and higher; ueeemDer. c;
May, 42'tc.
oath uuii and nignrs uecemDer, 91c;
May, 32c.
H t--rto z. ozc.
SEEDS' mover, dull and higher; Novem
ber, f 7; Januarv, $7. Prime timothy,
tl.8T. Prime alMke. $.l.60.
Dalath Grain Market.
DULUTH. Nov. 7.-WHEAT-Cash. No. 1
hard. 737c, No. 2 northern, 71 ,c; No. 1
northern, i2c; November, 72c; Decem-
oer, iOsc; May. 2c.
OATS December, 29c.
Peoria Market.
PEORIA. Nov. 7. CORN Irregular. In
active; No. 3. 53c.
OATS inactive; NO. 8 white. 30c.
WHISKY On the basis of $1.32 for fin
ished goods.
General Tend of Prices lllo;her Tlian
Preceding Day.
NEW YORK. Nov. 7. The irregular tone
of the market continued today. The level
of prices was above last night for the
greater part of the day, but the advances
were exceedingly spotty and were not well
maintained. In the late dealings, as was
the case yesterday, the efforts of profes
sional oDerators to reallie profits on the
early advance wiped out the advance mi 1
tne market ciosea wesg witn net losses
sprinkled all through the list. No Import
ant gains were left at the close. The deal
ings were smaller than yesterday and were
even more strictly professional. The opera
tions cannot De satct to represent convic
tion on the speculative outlook, but were
simply the result of efforts of professional
traders to rind a current 01 prices ror me
Durnose of making a turn. There were
evidences of a resumption of activity by
one or two of the pools which have mide
periodical effort recently to advance prices,
but the stocks In which they operated Buf
fered In common with the rest of the lisi.
At the last Sugar was a drug on the mar
ket and Its final dip or 2 points was an
Influence In the eeneral weakness. The
stiffening of the call money rate at the list
and the promise 01 a poor Dana siaiemeni
were contributory factors to the reaction.
A decline In bank reserves for the week of
upward of $3,000,000 Is Indicated. Most of
this was transferred to the Interior by ex
press and through the sub-treasury for
nurnoRes of the circulation. Payments on
account of gold at the sub-treasury largely
onset the heavy receipts ror customs. 1 ne
collections for this account during tlr;
week have reached about $3.0W),COH. The.
announcement from Washington that no
further deposits of government funds would
be made with tne national Dangs tneretore
had some effect on sentiment, although the
deposit of bonds with the Treasury depart
ment for this purpose lias been very slight
for some time. The strength or sterling
exchange was an additional threatening
factor to the money market, although fur
ther advance In sterling exchange at Paris
lifted somewhat the point of profit for gold
exports. On the other hand, there wero
reports that Chicago was receiving some
returns of currency from points of further
wtst. and New York exchange at Chicago
rose to lOgrzflc discount. Additional reports
of a decreasing tendency in tne net earn
ings of railroads hod to be faced. Amongst
the early points of strength the soft coalers
were consplcucus. Today's meeting of Nor
folk c western directors was expected 10
advance the dividend rate and when they
adjourned without action prices of the
group ran off. The weakness of Hocking
Valley was due to reports of a competing
line from Columbus to Toledo to be oper
ated In the Pennsylvania's Interests. The
anthracite coal Interests were in some de
mand on account of the agreement of the
operators to abide by the decision of the
arbitration commission. The advance
amongst the corn and cotton roads may
have been due to crop prospects, but they
were generally attrlbted to pool manipula
tion and did not hold.
The bond market was steady on a small
volume of business. Total sales, par value,
United States 2s declined per cent on
the last call.
The following are the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
w St. Paul ptd l3'4
9 So. Pacific Cf
104 80. Railway pfd (2
4 Texaa & Pacific 4.v.-
m -Toledo, St. I ft W. 30
Receipts. Shipments.
.... 6,000 15,000
....177.000 1S1.000
.... 29.000 26,000
.... 80,000 45,000
)Hour, bbls
WhetU. bu
Uorn. bu
tatB, bu
Liverpool Grala aad Provlsloas.
Liverpool! Nov. 7.-wHEAT-8oot. No.
2 red western, winter. Arm at 6s9d; No. 1
northern, spring. 6s d: No. l California.
firm at 6s 5d. Futures, steady; December,
5s 101; March, 6al0d; May, nominal.
CORN Snot, quiet; American mixed, 5s
6d. Futures, Arm; January, 4s8d; March,
4a iyi.
ttops At Lonaon tpacinc coast), nrm at
loeit, 7 6s.
(UJLK-st Louis fancy winter, aulet.
8s 3d.
PROVISIONS-Beef. strong; extra India
mess. USs. Pork strong: orlme mesa, west
ern, 96s. Hams, short cut, 14 to 16 lbs., quiet,
56s 6d. Bacon, Cumberland cut, 26 to SO lbs..
quiet, wis; snort ribs, ltt to Z4 10a.. dull.
6Vm: long clear mid-lies, llcht. 28 to 84 lbs.,
quiet, 62; long clear middles, heavy, 36 to
40 lbs., quiet. ls6d; short clear backs, 18
to 2V lbs., steady, 57s 6l; clear bellies, 14 to
16 lbs., steady, 67s M. Shoulders, square. 11
to 13 lbs.. Arm. 63s. Iard. firm; prime
western. In tierces. Arm. 60s; American re
lined. In palls, strong, 60s 6d.
Bl ITER -Nominal.
CH EES K Strong; American finest white.
lln td; American llnt-st colored, 6s.
TALLOW Firm: urlme city. 29s lid: Aus
tralian In London. 34s 3d.
Exports of wheat during the last three
days, 265,000 centals, Including 206,000 American.
Receipts of American corn during the last
three days, 22,5oo centals. '
do pfd v
Bal. ft Ohio
do pfd
Canadian Pacific ...
Canada So
Chaa. ft Ohio
Chicago ft Alios...
do Dfd
Chicago, Ind. A L.
do pia
Chicago ft E. III...
Chicago ft O. W...
do lal pia
do id pfd
Chicago ft N. W...
C, R. I. ft P
Chicago Tar. ft Tr
do pfd
C. C. C. ft St. L..
Colorado 80
do 1st pfd
do id pfd
Del. ft Hudson
Del. L ft W
Otnnr ft R. O
do ptd
do lat pfd
do Id pfd
Oreat Nor. pfd
Hocking Valley.....
do ptd
Illinois Central ...
Iowa Central
do pfd
Laka Eri ft W...
do pfd
L. N
Manhattan L....
let. St. Rr
Mei. Central ..
Mex. National .
Minn, ft St. L..
Mo. Pacific .....
M.. K. ft T
do ptd
N. J. Central
N. Y. Central..
Norfolk ft W
do ptd
Ontario ft W....
Pennsylvania ...
do lat Pfd
do td pfd
Bt. L ft 8. r...
do let pfd
do td pfd
St. L. 8. W
do pfd
8t. Paul
Kaasa City Grata aad Provlsloas.
cember, Mc; May. 68c; cash, No. 2 hard,
66iti67c; No. 3, 634 6tc; No. 2 red. 6536-c;
No. 3. 62V64c
CORN November. 41c: December, 8;
May. 36i36.c; caah. No. 2 mixed. 43c; No.
2 white. 43'-i44e; No. 3. 41c.
OATS No. 2 white, 81'a33c; No. t
mixed. 29iS0c
RYE No. 2. 4Jc.
HAY Choice timothy. $10.5010.76; choice
pmirie, tlo.5ojll 00.
BUTTER Creamery. 23824c; dairy, fancy.
EGGS Fresh, 1!C.
Wheat, bu.
Crrn, bu....
Ofcta, bu....
Receipts. Shipments.
60.4tO K3.200
28.000 29.0H)
13.000 12.1X0
Milwaukee Grala Market.
MILWAUKEE. Nov. 7. WHEAT Higher;
No. 1 northern, 74c; No. 2 northern, 72u73c;
liecemDer. iic.
RYE Steady: No. 1. 51e.
PARLEY S'eady ; No. 2, 66c; sample, 36
CORN-December. 61c.
Mlaaeapolla Wheat, Floor aad Bras
cember. 71c: May 72W. on track. No. 1
hard. 73c; No 1 northern, 72c; No. 2
northern. .oVo.Wc.
t'LOUR-eioady, but varjr ulet; oU a
U do pfd...
. 47 Union Pacific ....
.35 do pfd
. 72 Wabash
. 73'i do pfd
. 81 Wheeling AUK
.106 ' do 2d pfd
. 28 Wis. Central
.84 do pfd
. 41 Adams Ex
.224 American Ex
.lli t'nlted States Ex.
. li'i Wella-Kargo Ex..
. 34 Amal. Copper ....
... ftS Amer. Car ft F...
... 51 do pfd
... 11 Amer. Lin. Oil...
... 47 do pfd
...1(4 American 8. ft R
...215 do pfd
... 434 Anac. Mining Co.
... Brooklyn R. T....
... S714 Colo. Fuel ft Iron
. . . 66 4. Cons, (laa
... hi Cont. Tobacco pfd. ...1194
...187 Oen.. Electric 184
... SI Hocking Coal 21
... ilnter. Paper 1
...14.14 do pfd
...42 Inter. Power
...82 Laclede Oas
... M National Biscuit .,
...120 National Lead
...133 No. American
...1S Pacific Coast
...13914 Pacific Mall
...25 People'a Uaa
...18 Pressed 8. Car.....
...108 do pfd
...ins Pullman P. Car....
... 281 Republic Steel ....
...f.t do pfd
...1(8 8ugar
...163Tenn. Coal ft Iron
.... 72 W Union Bag ft P...,
... M do pfd
... 82 V. 8. leather ....
. . . 15M Si do pfd
... C4 U. 8. Rubber .....
... do pfd
... 78 V. 8. Steel ,
... 28 do pfd
...80 Western Union ...
...73 Amer. Locoraotlre
... 29'4 do pfd
... 4 k. C. Southern ..
...180'A do pfd
... 81
... 32
... 47
... 24
... 2
... 82
... SAM
... 82
... 17
... 40
... 44
... 4
... 3
... 81
... 85
.. 71
.. 70
.. 84
.. 46
.. 27
... 72
.. 41
.. (0
.. m
. .!2i
... 20
.. 77
,.. 43
.. 13
.. 77
.. 13
.. 80
.. 17
.. 64
.. 1
.. 88
... o
... 29
.. t:
... 334
.. 66
2 13-16 per cent. Three per cent rentes. f
k."o for th account. Exchange on London,
2M 14c for checks. Spanish 4. W.67.
RERUN. Nov. 7. Prices on the bourse
today were weak In sympathy with the
tone with western bourses. Mines relapsed
on sn offlrlnl report of the Dusteldorf
Produce exchange pointing to the unsatis
factory state of their own market. Hanks
were easier on the Deutsche bank having
decided to Incrense Its share capital t2.5o.
00 In order to carry through a community
of. Interests agreement with tne Dulshurg
Ruhrorter bank, the shares of which. It
was said, will be convertible with those of
the Deutsche bank. Canadian Pacifies were
quiet. The Deutsche bank today formally
announced an Increase of Its capital by t-.-wi.ooi
so as to absorb the Dulsburg-Ruh-rorter
bank and provide working funds for
Its new Dresden and Lelpsic branches.
Summary at Baslaeas Transacted y
the Associated Ranks.
NEW YORK. Nov. 7.-The following
table, compiled by Bradstreet, shows the
bank clearings at the principal cities for
the week ended November 6, with the per
centage of increase and decrease as com
pared with the corresponding week last
New York
St. Louis
Snn Francisco ......
Kansas City
New Orleans
St. Paul
St. Joseph
Salt Uike City
Lob Angeles
Fort Worth
Portland: Ore
Des Moines
New Haven
JSpiingneld, Mass....
Orunii Ra pills
Portland, Me
Sioux City
Dayton, O
Wilmington, Del
Villi River
Little Rock
Springfield, III
New Bedford
Springfield, O....
Bloomlngton ....
Sioux Falls
Jacksonville, 111.,
tColumbus, O....
Wllkesbarre '....
Decatur a,
Greensburg, Pa.',
Totals. U. 8..
Outside New York...
20.551. 6641
10,!,5il3 17.6 19.9
7.499,805 8.9
7.441, lfi! 11.7
6.847.000 -. 7.3
6.271.76." 6.0
6.301,109 11.1
4.otiN,4ll 2.2
t.Wi.iSI 14.2
3.2ot,327 14.4
6.119.4: 2.2
8,I9..V 17.2
3.272.424 ,
4.5S5,('vSO 29.1
5.175,767 23.5
2.729.2DO 27.8
4.24S.8"4 8."
4.0i;i,0l0 31.3
2,4n3,lfi9 A.... 3 8
3.I80.84S 19.1
3,20.".8t2 28.7
4.0H6.B19 13.1
3.19.j.t91 18.9
3,r96.2.VS 17.2
2.224, 82 14.1
2,081,020 23.9
1.926.911 11.8
1.898,152 3.9
1.6.-9,2301... 6.0
1.935,623 30.3
1.723.745 21.4
1.226.048 26.1
1. two. 307
2.539.640 45.5
1.596.041 2.9
1.472.437 8.3
1,982.485 42.8
2,212.018 44.4
1,600.814 30.5
1,110.015 14.0
1.179.141 25.8
1.258.003 11.5
1,121,000 11.2
1,473,412 54.0
957.2911 7.5
752.348 2.8
716,722 11.3
446.682 23.8
697.600 2.7
762.095 40.0
690.802 4.6
991.820 49.9
758,273 38.5
653.932 11.2
584.990 26.1
783,107 6.2
326.800 ...... 7.9
482,694 36.6
4Vl,0fO 27.2
311,727 13.8
417,731 18.4
46.017 11.5
381.983 16.1
339.663 8.3
184.415 12.1
159.330 11.9
, 10.827.847 8.9
J 10.434.000 17.6
' 8.584.1O0 29.6
.. 727,836 13.4
613.632 ...... 22.8
... 228.8H5
$2,241.84,029 10.9
626,758,026 6.3
4 1
Vancouver, B. C...
St. John, N. B
Victoria, B. C
London, Ont
$ 19.879.227 6.2
14.454.392 6.6
6.rS8.602 15.6
1.906.082 0.5
1,325.358 10.6
898.944 15.3
911.645 8.3
676.609 21.3
1.438.422 12-8
1.972.102 10.8
8 48,753.383 8.8
New York Mosey Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 7. MONEY On call.
firm at 4Vrn6 ner cent: closing bid and
asked, 6fi6 1 er ctnt; prime mercantile paper,
5W per cent.
blr.Hl.lMi EXi tiANiiK-f irm, witn ac
tual business In bankers' bills at $4.87lft
4.87125 for demand and ut $4.8:i875 for sixty-
day bills; posted rates. tl.84pl.85 and 14.W;
commercial Dins, 4.jn.s.i'.
SILVER Bar, 4c; Mexican dollars,
BONDS Government, easier; state, dull;
railroad, steady.
The cloalnfc quotations on Donas are st
..108 L. ft N. unl. 4a 101
..l"1, Mex. Central 4a 611
..108; do la Inc - 27
..10s4 Minn, ft SI L s....l03l
..U, M.. K. ft T. 4s 83
. .13V do 2s 82
. .llu N. Y. Central la 1CJ
..110 I do gen. 3a 108
..1041 N. J. C. geu. 6a 13o
..104No. Pacific 4a 10.1
..101 do 8s 11
..82 N. ft W. eon. 4a. ...100
..H Heading gen. 4a
.. 84 St L ft I M r. 6s... ll4Si
..107 St. L. ft 8. P. 4a fi't
..107 St. L. 8. W. ll 47
,.lli do (a. 86
.. 78 IS. A. ft A. P. 4s.... 87
..106 So. Pacific 4a 83
J,a... 81 o. Hallway 6s 118
4s... Htt "u a racinc- is...ii"
U. 8. ref. Is, reg.
do coupon
do Is. reg
do coupuu
do new 4s, reg.
do coupon
do old 4. reg..
do coupon
do aa. reg
do coupon
Atchiaon gen. 4a.
do adj. 4a
Bal. ft Oblo 4a...
do J
do conv. 4s
Csnada So. la....
Central of Oa. 6a.
do la Inc
Chee. ft Ohio 4s
Chlcsgo ft A.
C. B. ft Q
C. ft N. W
C. R. I. ft P.
crc. ft st. 1 t- SS..HH
Chlcaao Ter. 4a 87
Colorado bo. 4a 82
Penver ft H. U. 4s.. 1"!
U ft st P a. s...llT.. St. L ft W.
7a....i3M Liiiou racinc 4a.
4a 108 I do coot. 4a....
Waouh la
do 2a
da deb. B
West Shore 4s...
.. SO
. .113U
4s.. 82
Krle nrlur lien ta Tk Wheel, ft L. K.
do general 4a so Wis. Central 4s....
r W. ft D. C. la..,.114'.'ona. Tobacco 4s...
Hocking Val. 4'a imy,
Korelga Flaaaelal.
LONDON, Nov. 7. The ease of money,
with the firmness of Purls exchange, which
was thought to be due to remittances by
New York, through Paris for London,
weakened discounts. Much Indebtedness to
the Bank of England was liquidated. Busi
ness on the Slock exchange did not Im
prove, the nearness of the rarry-over re
stricting dealings. Cunexils were dull and
wavering. Home rail were Irregular, but
were Inclined to harden. Americans opened
steudy at slightly above parity and were
almost lifeless and closed quiet. Mexican
rails were weak, owing to the unsettled
state of the sliver market.
PARIS. Nov. 7. Prices opened heavy on
the bourse today and business wan Irreg
ular. Siianlbh 4b were weak on apprehen
sions of a ministerial crisis at Madrid,
coupled with the tightness of exchange
Iter there win a generl slight rally and
then prices sagged. At the close steadiness
was dominant, rentes snd Bra xi Hans were
firm snd Bpanltn securities bud a bett-r
tone, though the undertone was heavy. I7i-.-tustrisls
were Irregular. Debeers wero
Arm. Tha private rata ot discount was
I. ant week's flarures.
tNot Included In totals because containing
other Items than clearings.
Not included In totals because of no
comparison tor last year.
Boston Stock Qaotatlons.
BOSTON. Nov. 7. Call loans. 50? per
cent: time loans. 66 per cent. Official
closing of stocks and bonds:
Atchiaon 4a 101
aa la 88
Atchison 86k
do pfd 88
Boston ft Albany 2o8
Boston ft ale 184
Boston Klevated 161
N. Y., N. H. ft H...227
Fltchbura pfd 143
Union Pacific 103
Mex. Central 26
American Sugar .....116
do pfd 117
American T. ft T...
Dominion I. ft 8..
Gen. Electric
liana, electric ....
do pfd
United Fruit
V. 8. Steel
do pfd
tXeatinsh. Common
Calumet ft Hecla.
Copper Hang ....
Dominion Coal ...
Isle Kovala
(lid Dominion ....
Santa Pe Copper..,
.183'4 Trlmountaln
. 67 Trinity
.184 Pnlted State
. 37 Utah
. 841 Victoria
.108w Winona
. 38 .Wolverine
. 87 United Copper ....
.HH4 Daly Weal
. 18
... 24
... 2
... 27
... 18
... 41
... 13
... 16
... 64
... 1
... 84
... 10U
... 20
... 11
... 6
... 1
... 68
... 82
... 46
I.oadoa Stock Market.
LONDON, Nov. 7. Closing quotations.
Consols for money.... 81'i'New York Central. ...151
....83 7-16 Nonolk western... 14
47j do pfd 63
SO1. Ontario ft Weetern.. II
, 83
. 13
. 88
, 86
. 71
Union Pacific 107
do pfd 834
U nited States Steel... 40
do pfd 89
Wabash 84
do pfd 46i.
. Spanlah 4a H1,
do account
do pfd IH2 Pennsylvania ....
Baltimore A Ohio 108 IRand Mines
I'Snsdmn Pacini' 13JT4 Heading
Clireapeake ft Ohio.. 4Wi do lat pfd
Chicago U. W 28 I do 3d pfd
C. 11. ft St. P 191'i.Southern Hallway
DeBeera ldef.1 I J., do pfd
Denver ft R. 0 44 'i Southern Pacific.
do pfd 83
Erie 38,
do 1st pfd
do 2d pld 83
Illinois Central 1 .W
Louisville ft Naah....l.17
Missouri, K. ft T ... 28V
do prd
BAR SILVKR Quiet Bt 21 S-16d per ounce.
MONEY 2 per cent. The rate of discount
In the open market for short bills is J3-K1J)
8 6-16 per cent and for three months' bills
3 5-lw63 per cent.
Very Light Receipt of Cattle and Hot
Much Cling in Prices
Small Sapply ot sheep aad Lambs, 80
that Both Killers aad Feed
era gold Readily at Joat
Aboat Steady Prices.
Urn York Mining Qaotatloas.
NEW YORK. Nov. 7. The following are
the closing price on mtntr.g stocks
Adama Con 18 iLittla Chief
Alice 18 Ontario
Breeca aO nphtr.
Hrunewlck Con ...... 8 Phoenix
Coraslnca Tunnel ( Ipotoel
Con. Cal. ft Va 81 '.Savage
Horn Silver 138 Small Hopes .
Iron Silver Si Standard
Leadvllla Con 1 Isierra Nevada
. 18
. 87
. t
. 13
. t
. 30
. II
Official Monday
Official Tuesday
Utile lal Wednesday.
Official Thursday ..
Official Friday
Cattle. Hogs. 8heep.
.. 7.577 3,.H0 33.8SI
.. i.2 t.i6
.. 5.:ia
,. 4.H47 7,Z2
,. 6,Uo
29.061 70,114
oll.lltO 73.DH.I
2i,isS i,3Jti
li.atti 51,15
l,l4 ItW.tX
27.751 3.'5
Five days this week... S3. OKI
Same days last week....i.bJ2
Same week before 85,t.a
Same three weeks ago..81.!lW
Same four weeks ago....2U.loi
etme riava lait vear 2l.5
KKl.-tSllTB r UH TUB I r. A 14 1U l" 1
The following table shows the receipts
of cattle hogs and sheep at South Omaht
for the year to date, anu comparisons with
last year; '.ri. 19ol. Inc. Dec.
Cattle 843.05S 6.783 156.27a
Hoars l.flo0.7S 1.107.237 3b,4i
Sheep'ti.ho 1.14a,Zi7 23,378
Ill- following tauiu snows tne average
price of hogr solo on tne South Omaha
market the last severa; days, with com
parisons with ibrmer years;
Oct 15...
Oct. !...,
Oct, 17..
Oct. 18...
Oct, 19...
Oct, 80...
Oct. 21. ..j
Oct. 22...
Oct. 23...
Oct. 24...
Oct. 2...
Oct. 27...
Oct 28...
Oct, ...
Oct. 30...
Oct. 31...
Nov. 1....
Nov. 2....
Nov. 3....
Nov. 4....
Nov. S....
Nov. 8....
Nov. 7....
I lb2. 1901. 1900.15W.1898.;1897.;1S9,
7 O0l 181 4 1 I 3 S1 3 61
7 16
7 02
1TJ 4 Til 4 ZD - I
80 4 4 4 141 3 70 I
I 8 571 4 621 4 10) 8 67 3 841
6 Zlj 4 51 4 1SI 8 U
8 28 4 4 IS It 71 1 3 84
g fa I s 961 I 4 18i 3 651 8 62
6 70 03; 4 62! 1 8 io
o .'iv, o Vi 4 61 4 !
( 741 ( Oil 4 611 4 141 M
8 71V 6 05 4 48 4 13 3 o8
6 OOi 4 58 4 IS 1 H
6 61 4 54 4 10 8 47
6 51 6 89 4 40 3 52
6 51 6 811 4 62 8 541
CM) I 0 Ti 4 b) 4 W " IS All
6 618, 5 671 4 47i 4 03 , 3 56
M' 6 7.-4 1 4 51 4 01) 8 53, 3
e 1 s tii 1 mi 1 nil I n 8 411
4 5'j 4 06 1 8 4o 3 43
5 82 4 021 3 61 3 43;
6 71 4 66 3 62) 3 44
6 71 4 64 4 01 3 46
6 69 4 67 4 20 3 05) 1
3 1)
3 A
8 83
2 2t
3 27
I 8 23
3 53 3 M
j ihli :l 2u
3 461
8 41 t 3 26
3 3S 3 17
3 42 3 13
3 38 I la
8 61 i
6 49
6 514
6 6:s
3 27
3 30
3 31
3 21
8 17
3 23
OH aad Rosin.
OIL CITY, Nov. 7. OIL Credit balances,
81. Ji; certificates opened 31.38 bid, closed
81.39 bid; no sales; shipments. 114.877 bbls.;
average. 95.9R1 bbls.; runs, 91.815 bbls.; aver
age. 69.068 bbls. .
SAVANNAH. Nov. 7.-OIL-Turpentlne.
quiet. Roaln. firm; A. B, C, 81 35; D. K. F,
tl 45; O. H. tl 80; I, 82.50; K, 32 65; M. 83; N.
33.50; a. 83 75; WW. 4.15.
TOLEDO, Nov. 7. OIL No change.
NEW YORK. Nov. J.-OII-Cottonseed,
dull snd eaay: prime crude, nominal; L-nme
yellow, 34c. Petroleum, flrro. Rosin, steady.
Turpentine, quiet. Wiic.
lA'DON. Nov. 7 -OIL-Llnseed. 22s 8d.
Turpentine spirits, 38s id.
ttagar aad Molasses.
tive; open kettle. r03'4c: open kettle
centrifugal. i3Sc: centrifugal white. 3
37c: yellows. 3U(ic3c; seconds. JSl'3 i-lto.
Molasses In good demand: open kettle. Jff
36c; centrifugal, HGJOc. Syrup, steady, Jtui
;EW YORK, Nov. 7.-bUOAR-Raw.
firm; fair refining. 3'tc; centrifugal. 6 test.
3.-; molasses sugar. 8S--: rehned, un
settled Molasses, steady.
UiNDON, Nov. J.-" AR Boot, No
vember, 7s td.
Indicates Sunday.
The following list shows tne number of
cars of feeders shipped to the country yes
terday and their destination:
Cattle Cars.
Kyle Bros., Palmer, Neb. B. ft M 1
H. C. Mayland, Btaplehurst. Neb. B. & M 1
Frank Krejch, Schuyler, Neb. B. & M.... 1
Isaac Eastwood. Fairmont Neb. B. & M. 1
Johnson Bros.. Wakefield. Neb.-M. & O.. 2
John Shannon, Carroll, Neb. M. & O....
Wallace Bros., Wayne, Neb. M. & O
D. K. Hancock, Pender. Neb. M. & O
Fred W. Paak, Berlin, Neb M. P
A. Spearman, Springfield, Neb. M. P
W. J. Phllpot. Murray, Neb. M. P
Morton. Oregson & Co., Nebraska City,
Neb. M. P
J. Roth. Snyder, Neb. F. E
A. T. Land & L. 8. Co.. Elgin, Neb. F. E.
Stanton Breeding F., Leigh, Neb. F. E...
H. J. Mason. Tllden, Neb. F. E
H. C. Mason, Tllden, Neb. F. E
W. S. Cook, Arlington, Neb. F. E
J. O. Tirney & Bros., Pllger, Neb. F. E..
Nlo Thletse, West Point. Neb.-F. E
Wm. Young, Courtland, Neb. U. P
Jas. Denman, Alda. Neb. U. P
E. F. Folda, 8chuyler, Neb. U. P
Steffes & Ward. Humphrey. Neb. U. P..
Bay State Farm Bay State. Neb. U. P... 3
J. H. Hunter. Langdon, Mo. K. C 2
J. C. Vener, Shelblna, Mo. K. C
D. Rankin, Tarklo, Mo. K. C
O. P. Stephenson, McPaul, la. K. C.
D. J. Smith. Plsgah. Ia. N. W
Peter McMIUlan, Traer, la. N. W
Fred Swingle, Walnut, la. R. I
T. H. Walsh. Adair. Ia. R. I
F. B. Jacobson, Humbolt, Ia. I. C
H. M. Lane, Aurella, Ia. I. C
Newcomb & 8., Alto, Ia. I. C
J. H. Moore. Williams, Ia. I. C
A. 8plrek, Ft. Dodge. Ia. I. C
J. R. Coughlln, Ft. Dodge. Ia. I. C...
U D. Bargent, Clearfield, la. Q
O. H. Mathls, Grlswold, Ia. Q
A. O. Graham, Emerson. Ia. Q
O. E. Anderson, Hawthorne, Ia. Q....
Anderson & 8., Hawthorne, Ia.-1
Geo. O. Curyen. Waverly, Neb. B. & M
Pew Bros.. Marion, iseD. u. ec en. ......
Tom Hill. Wayne, Neb. M. & O
J. Blyth, Kelton. Utah 1'. P
W. Bingham, Vernon, Mich. Mil
C. C. Church, Llscomb, Ia. N. W
J. Hursch, Macedonia, Ia. Q
Wm. Hayman, Aldo. 111. CJ
The official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was:
cattle, nogs, nneep
C. M. ft St. P ,
Missouri Pacific
Union Pacific System
C. ft N. W
F., E. ft M. V
C, St. P., M. & O....
B. & M
C. B. ft Q
C, R. I. ft P.. east
C. R. I. ft P., west
Illinois Central
.... 1
.... 1
.... 1
Total receipts 61 108 10
The disposition of the day's receipts was
ss follows each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated:
Buyer. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 249 1,441 ....
Swift and Company 764 1,223 168
Cudahy Packing Co 335 2.065 94
Armour ft Co 206 2,253 817
Benton 176 .... .....
Lobman ft Co 96
Underwood 66
L. F. Huss 3
Denis ft Co 4
B. F. Hoblck 67
Wolf 23
Other buyers 79
Totals 2,077 8,972 3.41S
CATTLE There was only a small run of
cattle here this morning, even for a Friday.
so that verv little could De 101a aooui tne
real condition of the market. As a general
thing, however, the prices paid for the few
cars offered looked Just about steady with
yesterday all around, and the pens were
we'l cleared at an early hour, so that prac
tically nothing that has arrived so far will
be carried over Sunday !n first hands.
There were not enough eornfed steers
here today to tell much about the market,
but for the week the tendency of prices
has been downward. The market, though,
has been very uneven all the week, and
owing to the big break at-Chicago during
the last two weeks buyers have been very
bearish. They claim they are paying prac
tically Chicago prices here for what they
get so that they pound the market wher
ever possible There Is considerable differ
ence of opinion ss to the amount of the
decline, but as compared with two weeks
ago the market Is fully 60c lower.
The cow market did not show much of
any change here. Buyers went around and
bought UP practically everything In the
vards at steady prices. The market has
been In very satisfactory condition all the
week. Monday started In with a stronger
market sftei the weakness of the previous
Friday, and prices have continued firm all
the week. As compared with the close of
last week good stuff rosy be quoted all
the way from strong to 10 or 15c higher.
Canners are fully steady.
There were only a few Blockers snd feed
ers In sight this morning, so that even
though It was Friday, prices on anything
good held Just about steady. As compared
with the close of last week the desirable
grades are fully steady, while the common
stuff. If anylhlrg. Is a little easier. The
cattle weighing from 850 to 1.000 pounds are
now In the best demand, as the heavy
weights sre getting rather out of fashion.
Prime yearlings ate also good sellers.
There has been a good demand all the
week for western beef steers, snd the mar
ket may be quoted firm. The quality of the
offerings, though, has been decidedly on
the common order. Western feeders are
also firm. If good, but weak If common.
Rsnge cows are strong to lOftl&c higher
where the quality Is desirable, and the
commoner kinds sre about steady. Repre.
sentstlve sales;
A. Pr.
.... 8S0 1 40
. .1017 4 tf
...1144 108
... ni 18
...1280 t It
... 818 1 88
.,..1000 I 88
10J t
.... 840 t M
... 808 I 8
...ate id
...104 t 8
.... 881 t 80
...1IK8 t 88
...BOO t 44
...840 t 88
...1150 t 74
... 804 I 88
,...1804 t 84
...IMS t 40
At. Pr.
.1184 I 28
.1014 t 44
.1040 1 04
..1004 I 44
..1110 1 40
.. 444 I 40
.. 880 I 08
.. Ml I 14
..481 I 44
..1081 148
aeo 1 04
..1180 1 n
.1104 1 M
.1084 I 18
..814 8 18
,.m t 18
.. 861 I 44
..1144 4 44
..less I 44
I40 I M I M t t0
tat t 8 in j n
aw 1 So 8 14 j
8M t 78 IS 8.1 00
ll 1-8
.. 640
1 steer.
1 steer.
1 tow...
1 cow..,
1 cow., .
2 cows Iil5
7 cows 9l
1 cow W0
I cow 1H70
1 row 1'iso
25 feeders.. lt70
2 Ml
3 m
3 so
4 Of)
8 25
3 25
2 90
2 95
2 75
2 00
.1 XT.
1 steer
86 feeders. .
6 feeders..
1 bull
1 calf
3 heifers..,
1 heifer...,
1 heifer...,
1 cow
1 bull
3 no
3 60
3 no
3 50
3 0)
y tki
2 75
2 51
;'60 t 90
1 steer 500 2 no 6 feeders.. 676
1 steer 770 2 00 .15 feeders. . xss
ID steers. ...1040 8 50 12 feeders. . S!iS
2 heifers... 700 2 70 1 feeder... 9V)
1 bull 1590 3 ?5 1 feeder... 550
1 bull liJ 3 00 1 feeder... 9.11
1 bull f!"0 3 on 1 feeder... Wat
8 bulls I1R.1 2 60 1 feeder... 90
2 bulls 1155 2 25 1 feeder. .. 910
6 bulls 1243 2 60 1 cow 1040
I bulls 1026 2 (10
3 35 4 feeders. . 675
82 feeders.. 726
1 bull 1360
1 bull 12O0
1 hull 1040
1 stag....'.. 720
1 feeder... 730
2 10
2 20
2 50
2 55
2 85
8 cows S.'W
1 cow.
CO cows..
3 cows. .
1 feeder
Wm. Marr Wyo.
o steers... .us- 4 l 113 cows.
j steers..
3 00
3 25
8 25
2 25
1 50
3 on
3 15
3 25
,1 on
2 85
3 00
2 25
3 (8
8 25
3 40
8 90
4 20
.. 940
2 20
2 40
8 00
4 25
3 70
3 20
.10HS 4 00 69 feeders.
Tst Mullen-Wyo.
35 cows 870 8 45 2 bulls..
cows S0 2 75 I feeders.
13 cows 7) 2 25
E Hnlcomb S. D.
19 calves... 240 6 00 2 calves..
14 calves... 291 4 60 2 calves..
Josh Wood Neb.
1 cow.:.... 9110 3 20 ad cows....
22 cows 796 2 35 la cows.
3 heifers... 650 2 66
HOG 8 There was a liberal supply of hogs
here today for a Friday, and as all other
Rolnts were quoted fully lower the market
ere declined about a like amount. The
local demand, though, was In good shape,
so that the market was quite active, and
practically t-verythlng offered was disposed
of In good seakon. There was very little
change In the market from start to finish
snd the trains arrived In better season than
usual. The bulk of the sales went from
86 52H to $6.5"H. with the long string at t 55.
Choice light and butcher weight bogs sold
from 86.60 to 86.66, while the common and
heavy packing grades sold from t6.52';j
Along toward noon a few cars arrl-ed
after buyers had their orders well filled, so
that the late sales were hardly as good as
those made earlier In the day.
Today's decline carries the market back
to Just about where It was at the close of
last week. Representative sales;
...1444 t 14 1 t T4
...use 1 m L iar-4 1 it
No. At. 8h. Pr. No. At. 8h. Pr.
284 124 80 4 IS 88 171 ... 4 8.1
18 88 ... 4 25 82 SOI 204 4 85
77 181 40 4 47Si 40 2M 180 4 85
41 155 80 4 47 S 83 2l 80 4 85
84 U8 120 4 80 48 287 80 4 85
21 280 180 4 80 86 '.'7! 120 4 85
48 841 120 4 80 58 288 200 4 45
43 1M ...tt0 71 284 110 4 66
106 Ill 120 4 60 58 288 80 4 68
11 K ... 4 50 64 284 120 4 65
62 285 120 I 6214 40 248 ISO 1 55
45 280 80 4 624 64 284 180 t 65
51 !: 40 4 52V, 44 818 ... 4 65
68 271 120 6 62', 47 261 120 6 65
68 301 80 4 52V, 67 289 120 4 65
40 286 80 6 621, 83 2'-8 120 4 66
40 300 40 4 62t 6 285 200 I 66
87 285 280 6 62V, 44 284 80 4 61V,
67 ?; 120 62', 44 25 120 4 67V,
40 287 240 4 62'., 76 237 80 1 67',
62 110 180 4 62V, 80 244 120 4 67',
24 1.1 120 4 65 43. 261 80 4 67V,
68 280 400 4 65 68 286 ... 4 67',
44 2f 80 4 56 67 277 140 67VJ
62 321 ... 4 68 64 26 120 67V,
89 171 ... 4 65 46 146 80 4 67 V,
i 277 120 4 66 63 261 140 4 67',
64 286 120 ( 65 70 241 ... 4 67t
46 34 80 66 68 277 240 4 67
40 311 110 4 66 68 272 200 4 57V,
71 147 80 6 65 71 127 100 4 67 14
130 171 160 4 65 17 134 80 4 67V,
67 277 40 4 65 71 161 40 4 67V,
88 277 800 65 26 117 ... 4 67V,
49 321 ... 4 65 34 127 ... 4 67 V,
43 274 40 65 66 132 tOO 67V,
86 254 80 4 65 86 187 40 4 40
76 244 80 66 73 231 100 t 40
48 810 ... 4 68 65 210 ... ( 40
13 221 10 65 71 to ... 40
44 241 140 4 65 48 244 80 4 40
67 188 80 4 66 47 233 40 I 40
6 lit tOO 64 14 207 40 t 44
8 240 120 4 66 75 241 ... t 40
H to ... 55 46 184 ... 4 64
46 t57 40 4 53 6 271 ... 40
63 271 ... 4 66 42 184 ... 146
48 861 80 4 65 61 337 120 4 61 V4
46 267 120 66 41 ISO ... t 46
4 284 120 66
BHEEP-There was a light run of sheep
here today, and the greater proportion of
the offerings consisted of feeders. There
was one string of four cars of Mexican
feeder yearlings that sold for 83.25, which
was considered a good, strong price. Other
sales of feeders also looked fully steady
with yesterday. The few bunches of fat
stuft that arrived sold without much trouble
at just about yesterday's quotations, but
there was not enough with which to make
a test ot the market.
For the week the tendency on killers has
been downward, but still the decline does
not amount to over 1016c. Feeders, on the
other hand, have sold a little, better than
they did last week, and practically no de
sirable grades will be carried over Sunday.
Quotations: Good to choice yearlings, 83.75
i'4.00; fair to good, $3.263.65; good to choice
wethers, 33.504iJ.65; fair to good wethers,
83.10S3.SR; choics ewes, 32.75ig3.25: fair to
good ewes $2.252.66; good to choice lambs,
84.75S6.00; fair 'o good lambs, I4.O0&4.65;
choice native lambs, 85005.60; feeder weth.
ers, 82.7503.00; feeder yearlings, 12.9003.26;
feeder lambs, 83.0004.00; cull lambs, tl 5iJ
2.50; feeder ewes, 31.2502.00; cull ewes 75c
$1.26; stork ewes, $2.5US3.25. Representative
108 culls
21 culls
8 fed cull ewes
30 feeder cull lambs
20 cull lambs
65 Mex. yearling feeder ewes..
105 feeder goats
191 fed ewes
32 fed ewes
157 western feeder lambs
1.406 Mexican feeder yearlings..
17 fed lambs
40 fed lambs
66 fed lambs .-.
47 Wyoming feeder lambs
171 Wyoming feeder lambs
109 Wyoming feeder lambs
30 Wyoming feeder lambs
Ml Wyoming feeder lambs
l!'l Wyoming feeder lambs
20 Wyoming feeder lambs
S6 Wyoming feeder lambs
222 fed wethers
5 cull ewes
1 buck
65 fed ewes
33 fed lambs
. 70
. 61
. 97
. 34
. 44
. 47
. 74
. 112
. 105
, 45
, 71
, 190
1 00
1 25
2 00
2 00
2 25
2 50
2 60
2 90
3 CO
3 00
8 25
4 25
4 75
4 76
2 00
2 00
2 O)
2 00
2 60
2 50
2 75
2 95
3 60
2 50
3 00
3 60
4 50
Cattle aad Haeep Renaala Steady, bat
Hogs Fall Few feats.
CHICAGO. Nov. 7. CATTLE Receipts,
3.O11O head; market steady; good to prime
steers, nominal. I6.60(ii7.40; poor to medium,
$3.5006.25: stockers and feeders, $2.50fi4.75;
rowr. $1.4004.75; heifers. 82.OP03.OO; canners,
$1.4O0'2.6O; bulls. $2.0004.60; calves. $3.750
7 75; Texas-fed steers, $3.0004.25; western
steers. $3.5006.00.
HOGS Receipts. 28.000 head: estimated to
morrow, 16,000: left over. 2.(; average. 10
lfc lower; close weak; mixed and butchers,
$'.3&06.75; good to choice heavy, $6.65ft6.85;
rough heavy, 3.3v6.5u; light, $6. 3006.60;
bulk of sales. $6. 4506. 65.
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 10,000
head; market steady to strong; good to
choice wethers. $3.fji04.OO; fair to choice
mixed, 82.5tKtt3.50: western sheep, $2.7.ViiS 85;
native lambs, $3.6006.60; western lambs, $3.76
RVcelpts. Shipments.
10.227 4.548
26.649 1.760
16.99) 9,860
Official yesterday:
Sheep ..'
New York Live Stock Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 7. CATTLE Receipts.
3. IX head: good steers steady; medium and
common firm, closing loc higher: bulla and
rows steady; steers, $4.12V7'-40; western,
$4 20; oxen and stags. $3.7504.60; bulls, $2.26
04.80; cows, $1.2513.50; cables steady; ex
ports, 860 cattle, 1,540 sheep and 4,lu0 quar
ters of beef.
CALVES Receipts, 178 head; veals
steady: gra savers slow; veals, $l.6O08.5u;
tops. $9; little calves, $4. 0001.50; grasaers,
SHEEP AND LAMBS-Receipts. 2.330
head; sheep slow and unchanged; lambs
quiet, choice firm; sheep, $2 Oxiia .60; few se
lected, $3.8004.00; lambs, $4.6000.26; culls,
$3 6114 00.
HOGS Receipts. 2,714 head: steady; state,
$6.6604.70; mixed western, $6.Ou06.25. nomi
nal. Kaasas City Live Stork Market.
ceipts, 4.250 naUves, 1,250 Texana, 5o Texas
calves, 170 natt. calves: corn cattle 2tf'
buc lower than Mo.tday; stockers and feed
ers dull and weak: cows steady; quarantine
ow and barely steady; choice export and
dressed beef steers. $4 5utr7.26; fair to good.
$2.2&.46: stockers and feeders. $2.ao04.4o;
western-fed steers. $3.7003.60; Texas and
Indian steers. $3.X44.25; Texas cows. $2 3o
08.00; native cows. $1.7o84 S0; native heif
ers 825004.(8); canners. 31.0002.2; bulls,
81.2604 26; calves, 82.2546.00.
HOOU Kec-elpts. 13.000 head; market
opened IW0 x. higher, closing steady, with
yesterday s advatu lost; top. $6.b; bulk of
sales. $8.S2V? : htsvv, 6."; mlved
psckcrs. 4v(i 65; light. ""..4'i6.5..; oi k
ft s, $0 MHitJAS; pigs. 8a.ll.y4iS.f2t,.
SHEET AND LAM H Receipt. 2,''1
head; market steady; lambs weak and
lower; native lambs, $3.HiK(i;.25; western
lambs, $3 tui.?ii; fed ewes. 83. Iimil. 7.': na
tive wethers. t-t.oVi I 10; Wiiern wethers,
$3.04.oi; stockers and feeders. $!.9"03.2j.
St. I.oals live Stork Market.
RT. LOUIS, Nov. 7.-CATTI.K Receipt.
J5ii head, Including 5t) Texans; mill ki t
steady to firm: native shipping and export
steer. 3..t"ii;.K. with fumy worth t.:
but none on sale; dreitx-d beef and butcher
steers, $4.4"'6.50; steers order l.ii I1., $4 0
06.00; stnckeris and freiler. t;l.ii"h4 45; cow.-t
and heifer. $2.2.Vn," .50; cimners. II K fi 2. no;
bulls. t2.50.1.l; calves. tl.i"i7.i: 1 exa
and Indian steers. $3.2Vn i.V; cows mid hell
er. $2. 4 W11 3. 50.
HOGS Receipts. f.5'X head; market slow
and lower: pigs and llhi. 3vi 55; pack
ers. ; ji'mHii; butchers, i .Vut. ,"5.
SHEEP AND LAM Its Receipt. 700 head;
mnrket sternly; native million, t! 5"4i4 i':
lambs, $4.t0.' 61); cull and buck, $2,500
4.U"; stockers, $1 .5003.00.
St. Joseph Live Stork Murket.
ST. JOSEPH. Nov. 7. CATTLE- Receipt.
1.161 head; steady to 15c lower; nutlvrs. 84 (0
07.50; ms and heifers. $l.5V05.5n; vra.s.
$2.5)4iA.75; stockers ami feeders, $2.5'"4r..V
Hugh Receipt. 7,i:M head; market 2i,4f
"'jc lower; light and light mixed, $6.i."fti6.hM;
medium snd heavy, $6.4506.65; bulk. $6.f,v,i
SHEEP Receipts, 158 head; steady.
Sioux City Live Stork Mnrket.
aiOl'X CITY. Ia., Nov. 7.-(Sprclal Tele
gtam.) CATTLE Receipt. to head;
steady; beeve. $4.6o0l.75; cows, bulls and
mixed, 82.on0l.is1; stockers and feeders, $2.50
04 50; yearlings and calves, $2.6"it4.0O.
HOGS Receipt 2,6) head; 5ti liV lower,
selling at $6.35041.55; bulk. $6.40j.45.
Stork la Slaht.
The following were the receipts of live
stock st the six principal cities yesterday:
Cattle, llog. rineen.
Kansas City .
St. Irfuls
St. Joseph ....
Sioux City ....
3.01 )
2.6i )
2.1 III
..10,96 63.999 14.992
Cotton Market.
Easy; sales, 4,500 bales; ordinary. 6 9-l6c;
good ordinary, 7 1-16c; low middling. 7;1r;
middling. 7 13-16c; good middling, 8'c; mld
dlit.g fair, Mc; receipts, 11,032 bales; stock,
25C 659 hales. Futures steady: November,
7.72c bid; December, 7.82W7.8V; Jammrv,
'ril.ijHe; February, 7.8907.91c; March, 7.94
(uTV; April. 7.9507.97c; May, 7.974j7.99e;
June, 7.8908.01c; July, 8.O10.(K!c. Bet-re t al y
Hster's statement of the world's visible
supply of cotton give total visible as 2,a.l5,
477 bules, of which 2.383,477 Is American cot
ton. The New Orleans Cotton exchange to
day Inaugurated a movement to stamp out
curb trading, when It posted a notlco to
enforce the rule which outlaws future con
tructs made outside of exchange ho.irs and
to fine members who violate the rule.
NEW YORK, Nov. 7. COTTON Market
opened firm at an advance of 3ft9 points,
following the unexpectedly strong showing
of the Liverpool cables. This was followed
by further cables showing Mill greater im
provement, and houses with foreign con
nections were also heavy buyers during
early trading. In addition to this It was
noted that the receipts were showing a de
cided falling off; that the end-week state
ments were sure to prove decidedly bullish,
and that sentiments which had become very
bearish were consequently showing a ma
terial change. Toward noon, however, the
bears made a fresh raid on values, led by
a prominent Philadelphia party. Their op
erations proved somewhat successful for a
time owing to the continued favorable
weather reports from the belt and rumor
that the falling off In receipts was likely
to prove nc more than temporary. The sta
tistical position when finally published
proved quite as bullish as anticipated, but
for a time exerted no appreciable effect
on the trading. From the opening advancA
prices at one time showed a decline of 7013
points. Following this there was a final
rally, due to fears that the market had
been oversold and to a general movement
to cover by the room element. This bjylng
led to a recovery from the low point and
the close was finally steady, with quota
tions net 2 points lower to 4 points higher,
moderate business, prices unchanged;
American middling, 4.52d. The sales of the
day were 8,000 bales, of which 600 were for
speculation and export and Included 7,300
American: no receipts. Futures ooeued
quiet and closed steady; American m!ddllns
g. o. c, November, 4.400, sellers; movemner
and December, 4.35d. buyers; December and
January, 4.84d, sellers: January and Febru
ary, 4.35d, sellers; February and March,
4S2d, buyers; March and April. 4.32d, buy
ers; April and May. 4.32d, buyers; May and
June, 4.32d, buyers; June and July, 4.32d,
value; July and August, 4.32d, sellers.
BT. LOUIS. Nov. 7. COTTON Steady;
middling. 713-16c; sales, 2tK) bules; receipts,
6.278 bales; shipments. 6,223 bales; stock,
15,966 bales.
Wool Market.
BOSTON, Nov. 7. WOOI The Commer
cial Bulletin will say In tomorrow's report
on the wool trade of the United States:
"The market Is very artlve. Buyers, large
and small, have bought heavily of about
everything for the uee of the mills. There
has been some speculation also on the part
of the local dealers. High prices have been
paid In the west by Boston buyers. Values
here are stiffening all along the linn and
advances of He to a cent nave been ob
tained. South American market continue
firm, but at Melbourne prices have declined v
b per cent from the top, making the pet
advance since the season opened about l.i
per cent. The receipts of wool In Boston
since January 1, 19n2. have been 28s.2S4.3o.i
pounds, against 233,617,978 pounds for the
same period In 1901. The Boston shipments
to date are 243,2."8.434 pounds, against ship
ments of 220.310.6S6 pounds for the same
period In 1901. The stock on hand In Bos
ton January 1, 1902, was 77,340.463 pntind:
the total stock today Is 119,366.334 pounds.
The stock on hand November 9, 1901. was
89.275.917 pounds."
NEW YORK. Nov. 7. WOOL Quiet.
ST. I.OUI8, Nov. 7. WtiOL 8tendy; me
dium grades and combing, l.Vollic; IlKlit
fine. 13017c; heavy fine, 10013c; tub washed,
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 7. COFFKE-8pot
Rio, nominal; No. 7 Invoice. 6 3-16c, Mild,
oulet; Cordova. 740 12c. Futures opened
flTeady, with prices 6 points lower. The
feature of the day was the heavy liquidat
ing movement of long Itnerests, brought
on by the continued weakness of both the
primary and European markets and by In
dications that the movement will keep up
to Its present fall level for some time to
come. Europe was a seller here and bull
leaders also seemed to he selling mod
erately. A dull and asler spot market also
exerted a bearish influence on the futures
market, which closed quiet, with prices net
6til0 points lower. Bales amounted to 37,
000 bags, including: November. 4.k5c; De
cember, 4.95.-; Januarv, 605.06c; March. 6 15
06.2ie; April 6.26c; Mny, 5 c July, 8 f
5.50c; Septen.jer. 6.554i.60c; October, 6 60c.
Philadelphia Prodaee.
Fair demand; western creamery, 25Vc;
nearby prints. 2c.
EGGS Firm, with a good Inquiry: freah
nearby. i'6c, loss off; fresh western. 2T-.
loss off; fresh southwestern, 24c. loss off;
fresh southern. 2'fc. loss off.
CHEESE Steady, fair demand; New
York full creams, prime small. 12V4fil24,o;
fair to good small. HV1-ic; prime large,
12Hjl2,p; fair to good large, HVi012c.
Whisks- Market.
CHICAGO. Nov. T.-WHI8KY-Steady at
''sT. I1UI8. Nov. 7 -WHISKY-8ieady st
basis of 11 22 for finished good).
1 Merer finished goods, active on basis of
1'32, '
INSTRUMENTS placed on file Frldty. No
vember 7:
Warraalf Deeds.
C. E. Perkins and wife to Frits Prie.
sVi sw nWai seS 9-16-13 1 60J
Venal Vonaaek and wife to James
Vonasek. lot 8, block 2. Potter At
Cobb's 2d add !)
Minnie A. Qulstgard and husband to
R. M. Zug, lot 1. block 3, Portland
Place 1
S. A. Orchard to John Bwogtek, s'4
seVi nw4 6-16-13 1.200
Frank Barrowclaugh and wife to Ruth
E Rogers. e36 feet lot 22, block I,
Iienman Pla?e 6,10
Ellen M. Wilcox and husband to B. r .
Btrawn et al. lot . block 9. West
Bide add tv
Joseph Barker et al to Barker com
pany et al. lot 8. block K; eH lot 1.
block 139; n77 feel lot 6; win feet of
n77 feet lot 6. block 190; lot 1. block
2071 Omaha, and other property
J. C. Barnard and wife to Margarst 11.
Pierce, e1-, of 12v feet of wlao
feel of e430 feet lot 2. Bartlett's add.. 2.510
talt Claim Deeds.
E. J Sullivan to W. R. Wall. s20 feot
lot 3. block 64, Florence 1
Total amount of transfers.