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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 7, 1902)
V THE OMAHA DAILY HEEx riilDAY. "NOV KM 11KK 7, li)0T. 9 SPECIAL NOTICES will fee likrn aattl 13 m. for the Fnl edition nntll A .IO n. as. tor noralif and Mnlir edition. flat, 1 1-ac vtora flrat Insertion, le ward thereafter. Reunion- takes far less thaa 26 e far the flrat Insertion.- These advertisements sanst a raa consecutively . Advertisers, hy relocating a tiered check, raa hare niwtri ad drraaed to a aaabrred letter la eara f The Bee. Answer aa addressed will he delivered presentation of the eheek oalf. WASTED-MALE MK1.P. UI'BTUNO deputies wanted: men or women, splendid contract. The Garden era. 415 Bee Bldg. 1 273 WANTED, a hutdery and underwear sle man for states of Nebraska and lowa Box 2l Marlon. Ind. B-M452 WANTED for U. B. army, able-bodied un married men between ages of 21 and 36, citizens of Tinted Stales, of good char acter and temperate habit, "ho can speak, read and write English. For Infor mation npply to Recruiting Officers, )8th and Dodge Bta., Omaha,' And postofflce bunding, Lincoln, Neb. E D31 GOOD messengers wanted; high salaries. A. D. T. CO., 212 So. Mlh Bt. B M453 WANTED, competent stenographer; man familiar with shipping business preferred. Address I. 67. Dee. B-M462 WANTED, bo to take care at furnace and cow. 976 N. 28th Ave. Uu WANTED, flrst-clasa coat, vest and pants maKera; steady worn, goon prices, jwac Carthy Tailoring Co., lili Farnam J. J. COWLEY, Elliott, la., wants a har. :ess maker at once. u COLLECTOR for Nebraska; good salary; single man preferred. . lllxenbaugn -o., 00 Ware blk. B-M5S0 SPLENDID chance for men to learn barber trade now; new methods, excellent facili ties, abundance of practice, uunilned Leachers. tools given, board provided. In creasing demand for graduates; beit trade In existence for poor man. Catalogue ' mailed free. Moler Barber College, 1-103 Douglas Bt. U M7t4 7' WANTED. 25 carpenters immediately; new Omaha shops, Sioux City. Geo. J. Grant, Contractor. . B M720 13 WANTED, experienced shoe man. Apply at once. II. Biumenthal, Ffemont, Neb, B 812 WANTED, good harness makers for work on team narneSB. Fremont oauaiery Fremont. Neb. B MS28 14 WANTED,' 2 box nailers and 2 boys. Omaha Box Co., East umana. t ms WANTED, machinists; also boy with some experience ill macnuie suuy. jiyiiiy n ii. Main st.. council uiunm. tt maoa SALESMEN WANTED. EVERYWHERE, to sell Lambert Type writers. Monroe A. Co., oil N. 16th St., Omaha, WANTED Salesman for lodge costumes. reaalla, and paraphernalia; party belong lng to several lodges preferred; good, permanent position to the right person. Address putney Regalia Co., vlulncy, 111. -MM WASTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Girls. Call Canadian offlc 15th & Dodge ' C-404 GIRL for general housework. 2603 Pierce itrcet. c WANTED, working housekeeper In family of three adults. Address j i, ee. C 481 WANTED, a good girl for general house work; no washing, 13.50 per week. Dili N. 24th St.. C-601 WANTED, a cook. Farnam Mrs. A. JU Reed 8i20 GM431 WANTED, girl for general housework; good wages. Mrs. blraeral. 97 N. 2Sth Ave. C-1U WANTED, good girl to assist in general housework; email ianuiy. Appiy ois no, 28th tit. c . -M444 WANTED, a competent second girl. 3727 Jackson. C-r-001 7 WANTED Student nurse at South Omaha hospital. c u WANTED, competent girl, wages 85.00; no washing. 122 Davenport St. C 809 6 WANTED, a good girl for general house work, good wages paid. Apply at once to Mrs. tl. o. wiicox, Z109 win Bt. . C 831 7 WANTED, experienced saleslady in lace and embroidery department, j. L,. ursn dele Hons. c sjo WANTED, refined young nurse girl. 1117 8. 30th Ave, C SSI I WANTED-Experlenced girl for general . nouaework; lumuy ot lour; v per week Z&44 podge at. . c Mta GOOD- girl for general Park avenue. housework. 1024 C M837 WANTED A girl for general housework at No. 2 South Zth Bt. Good wages. C 81J WANTED, a good girl at the Creche, 19th and Harney c 43 KOH REM-HOltEs. VO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.; ofnue, UUV4 Farnam, or Tela. 16o-tti&, u w t'ANS and baggage wagons. Tel. 1196. D 454 HOI 1QPQ. In Parta of city. The O. D tM iol N. S4TH ST., South Omaha, a nice 6- room coitago. Hilam K. Fotter, Re celvcr. Jus Brown Block. D Ml MAGGARD Van & Storage Co. Tel. m. D toll HOl'gES and flala. Rlngwalt Barker block FOR RENT, one 8-room houae, with gas water ana sewer; jiixi onen placed I tlrst-clasa retialr; In good liHutlon. c. M. Hucnmann, m-ji raxton mock. u 179 UOt'SES. Q. G. Wallace, Brown Block D til FOR RENT, fjmlshed eight-room house modern, near illgh school: will take room ana ooara in exenange tor rent; refer enuee exenangca. Address N 4. Bee. ... . . D 304 FOR RENT. 12-room modern house and barn. riI7 Webster gJS -room mouerii nouse, norm van street 30 to-room modern houae, 2210 Popiileton avenue JO l-rooiu modern house, 4019 Dodge St 15 i-room modern house and barn. 704 South Joth St.. IT bt..IA-lyOVK & CO.. 30S South 17th Bt, DEKIRABLK 10-room house, almoet new, mouern 111 - every purufiuiar, ea' irunl full lot, paved street, convenient to stree car line. - HOWARD KENNEDY SON. . First National Bank Building. 1J-S77 SEE PAYNK. BOSTWICK c CO. for choice houses. bul-Z N. 1. LUu Bldg. Tel. 101 rt. D tl . ktttl ""'.I 1 n. . I r n $14 112 Nicholas at., 7' rvinn, city water, rurnace. KiaDie. Ilo 1&07 Plnkney. rooms, modern. 417.6.1-8 S. 41t. 7 rooms, city water. aa J15-W.3 Maiulerrou. 1 rooms, ail modern, luruace. 112. 5y 2S31 Spencer. 4 rooms, modern. Capitol tve., 8 rooms, modern-, fur nace. t7-t4 Hamilton St., S rooms, city wter. we nave niter, t mi and t list. R O. PEfEftd CO. Ground Floi r. He U.ila t-l!OOM. trocrn, jtoj rtpilr. oil So. s:J Ave. Plione iJ3. . D Mki l 'lt RENT, modern. 7-room cottngf. near U'kIi nhool. The tl. F. links 'o.. Be I'ldg. I -kd in .M"IH!" -r ... .tu hot.M , 1 a 1 . Ir.n r- '111 o - u FOR REIT nOCIEI, ,20 BURT, rooms, modern, nice lawn, barn. i N. 1th. l-room modem. t!0o. 2220 N. 19th, J-rnom, modern 322. W. FA K.NAM SMITH LU., 1320 Farnam Bt. D 793 ROOM modern, near Hlsh school. 127.50. 8-room houa, 36th and Charles, 3'jn W. Enq. 2548 Csp. Ave. Tel. 673. rlotnaon. u 1 A VERY large -Story dwelling. K N. 27th avenue, over 2i rooms, witianie ror nos I'tlal, charitable homo or rooming house; rent very reasonable. Inquire R. C. PBTBRS & CO. Ground Floor, lice Building. D S29 FOR HHXT-Ft RXISIIED ROOM. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam. 81 I'KB WEEK 422 8. 18th Bt., one block south of court houao. . cj tt AETNA HOUSE, European, 13th and Dodge. H 4'to ROYAL HOTEL, European, lth A Chicago. K iwi HANDSOME stesmheated room. 1W0 Capl- tol Ave. t tj M1Q6 FOR RENT, to gentleman, large, well fuf- nlshed front room, wild alcove, steam heat, gas. bath, telephone, central, rea sonable. Ifc-i Douglaa, E 313 STEAMHEATED rooms, 110 per month. Barker hotel, j.itn and Jones Hts. E-M4S2. FURNISHED rooms. 1919 Spencer St. E 40S FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep. ing. iioe uougias. tansna SOUTH front alcove room, modem. 2rso Harney. n-Mi,M" DESIRABLE rooms, walking distance; hrst-class location.' 2224 Farnam. . E-MS27 11 TWO furnished rooms. 810 8. 27th rt. E M834 12 L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 780. E MS50 FURNISHED dining room floor of three rooms to couple without cnuaren; reiorf ences exenangca. Aaaress n , rsee. . E Mi33 FOR RENT Handsome, furnished, stesm heated room. 829 8. ith et. k shoo io- FtRKISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. MERRIAM, comfortable winter home. Tel S5 , r wj FURNISHED rooms.- with or without board, rates reasonable. Mtaiana nn(ei. 16th and Chicago. F liO furnished dining room floor of three rooms to couple Wltnout cnuaren wining to board owner; references exenangea. Address N 42. Bee. G Mt38 NEATLY furnished, well heated room, 8t 8. 20th. wm FOR REST IXFIRNIBHED ROOMS. FIVE rooms for rent. J690 N. 16th. I MOW 1- 4 OR 3 unfurnished or furnished rooms. 625 So. 2th street. utniv FOR REST STORES AMD OFFICE. kv-r rent. to re in flrst-claaa lecation rent reasonaoie. Appiy . x-eiera Co.. ground noor, Bee uiag. 1 m trnn rent, the bulldlna formerly occd- tled bv The Jee at tuv rarnam di. i has four stories and a basement .which was formerly used as The Bp press room. This will be rented very reasonably. If lntereeted, apply at olhce to C. C. Rose, water secretary, room 100, Bee building. 1 2oi . HALLS FOR RENT. CREIQHTON hall and Schlitg Roof garden for balls, banquets, cara parties, smoaers, meetings, conventions, etc. Both halia are the largest in the city, . have . large aressing room and boxes for r loans, hats and coats; will rent reasunabilr. Appif to Wm. K. Morand, Manager, Creignioa Tiall. 'Phone m. . hi- AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS wanted In every county of the United Btatea 10 represent our line ot leather gooda novelties, sold direct from tnunufacturer to the Dubllc. Man or woman of push can make 83.00 a day and fer. We manufacture pockelbooks, pursea, . hntplaln bairs. wrist bags, cigar cases. Start at once. Write today for catalogue and special terms to agents. The Ameri can Leather Gooda Co.. Dept. B. 918 Her kimer -at., Brooklyn, a. x - j m e WANTED, -convasslng agents In every county o solicit auoacripuons 10 irim TWENTimtt L&Niunl rAttmnn, HMidv emDlovment. with assured good in ..nmf Aintiti In the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily W to iw per montn. Au dreys, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau, Bee cuuaing. umana.. i l,0ti0 AGENTS WANTED to sell desirable old-line inauranca lur iuv largeni com pany in the world of lt age; no special contract fakirs: 6r leg pullers' need apply. We sell the best contract ever written; good territory and commissions given to good, reliable men. Call on or write to eorge J. Crane, Superintendent Western Department, 31 First Nat l Bank Uldg., Omaha, Neb. .J-M128 D2o HIGH GRADE AGENT WANTED We want a first-class man In each county to sell our standard Block rooa 10 larm era. He must have a good, team, good business ability, some knowledge of live stock, be In good standing In every way and a steady worker. A permanent, good paying business to the right man. Ad dress, giving age, ' experience, present bualiiess, etc., THE F. E. SANBORN COMPANY, Omaha. Neb. J ,lo JS13 WANTED TO BL'Y. SECONDHAND hand fire engine wanted at once. C. R. Barlow, AJecatur, Neb. , N-M2S7N.9 EQUITIES in encumbered property. John Lyman, 14 Pearl St., Council Bluffs. N M591 WANTED to buy, a stock of dry goods or a general stock. Address N 33, Bee. N-M717 16 . WANTED to buy, old lumber. S. T. Camp, bell. Black-1123. - N-46 ! FOR gALK-KlRSITtKK, CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. TL 202. New and secondhand, bought, sold, exchanged. 0-r471 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS ETC. HARRY FROST paints and repairs wagons. See him. 14th and Leavenworth. Tei. 1447, . P-472 FOR SALE ot trade, thoroughbred White Arabian stallion, weight I. km pounds, aged V years. Ogden Livery, Council Bluffs. P-MT15 8 TWO good work horses, cheap. Owner leaving city. Stubens' barn. 715 South ltiiu Bt. P-MT38 8 FOR SALE MtSCELLAXKOlS. FENCE LATH tor quick shipment, crib bing, comoinauon adders, vh jjouglas. Q-JJ4I8 FOR BALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical instrument, t& up. The Wlttrnann Co., 1821 Farnam. Q 474 EDISON phonographs, (10, KM and 830; moulded records, buc each or 85 per dos ; new wheels, 818 up; idhund, 35 up. Omaha Bicycle Co., lto and Chicago fcta 100 STYLES trusses: catalogue free. Hher. man & McConuell Drug Co., Uth and Duoge. Omaha. 4 47 Ft'R SALE, a pair of Imported Mexican r.airltes dots. Address K a. Bee. Q-M917 NKW and set ondband typewriters. - 1119 l-'aruam. Q 47 INLilAN goods and relics. Ills Farnam W-4.9 FOR BALE MISCELL4F.OVa. It'll AND safe cheap. Derlght, 1119 Farnam. VI 4iS CHOICE milch cown, I Shetland ponies. 8. T. Campbell, 4il3 Center. 'Phone Biack 1123. W-84 N1S SECOND-HAND bllllnrd and pool tables; billiard tables repaired; a largo Stock of cheap bar tlxturea, cigar counters, etc. The Brunswick Balks Collender Co., fl-t 8. 10th. J MS0 1 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant- 1614 Casa St. B ISO MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist. 315 S li. ft"! ELECTRICAL TREATMENT. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, Jd floor. R. S. 1 M l0 MME. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. lth, R. 7. 1 ftliW 1 GRACE O'BRYAN of Ky., 7W South l'lth. 1 1 re w PKHSOXAl;. DR. ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous nair removed Dy electricity, n. i. Frenxer block. U 881 VIAVI. Woman's Way to health. Home treatment. . Booklet tree. , 310 Bee Biag., Omaha. U tsj GRAMOPHONES asd supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins Biano Co., ivx uougias. V 4M PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during connnement. Dr. ana jvtrs. Gerlach, 0S N. lftth St., Omaha. U 484 13f RUPTURE CI7HED FOR 110 No knife, no nam. nn detention rrnm Dusinnea. eenti for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE CO., 9SI N. Y. Life Bldg., Grflnna, U 11 DR. B. M. JACKSON, specialist in chronlo diseases; la Farnam Hi. consultation free. U 818 SURE cure for excessive perspiration and all disorders or tne leet; stamp lor par ticulars. A. Mayer, 518 Bee Bldg., Omaha, U 3H3 LEARN chiropody, manicure, special mas sage, ecnooi ot iiygiene, 01s nee ntog. U-M4f7- ELITE PARLORS, 815 8. 16th St.. td floor. U-MJ77-15 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, R. 2. U M816-17 PRIVATE hospital before and during con nnement; cables pnaraea ana auopiea. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. red 1S84. U 488 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement: best medical atten tion; babies adopted. 2702 8. 18th St. Mrs. Fisher. Tel. F-Si69. U M162 22 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; first-class in every respect; babies adopted. Dr. 1 L. Miller, 2fiu4 Blondo St. 'Phone F-118L'. U M4 N28 BARGAINS, entire stock diamonds, watch es, Jewelry, In pawn A mortgaged, half price. Diamond Loan office, 14th Douglas U M548 N29 WE RENT sewing machines at 76c per week. We repair and sell parts tor any machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO., Phone 1663. Corner 15th and Harney Sts. 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs. 'Phone B-618. 613 North 24th St., So. Omaha. 'Phone 4305. U-628 D 1 TELEPHONE 780 for I M. E. messengers. U M851 . HONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4tt PER CENT on business property. , I per cent on residence property. ' Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. ilEIKLK, 401 8. 16TH 8T.. W-4S9 MONEY to' loan on Improved Omaha real -estate. Brennan-Love Co.,. 309 8. 13th. W-490 ' 4 TO t Pi O. Money. Bemls, Pax ton Blk. ; - " . V . v - "W-491 FARM and city loans, low rates. - W. IL Thomas, First Nat, Bank Bldg. Tel. 1618. , - W 4S2 FIVE PER CENT loans, Garvin Brosi, 1804 Farnam. . W 1&3 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. .W 494 WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. Farnam Smith & Co., 1320 Farnam street. . VV 495 WANTED, city and farm loans; alao bonds and warrants. K. C. Peters & Co., 1703 Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. , W 49 WANTED, 85,000 loan on first-class real es tate security. Inquire Blixt oc Lovgren, room 436-7 Paxton block. W M128 . MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY WHEN . you And it- necessary to borrow give lis a trial, after which we will, by fair treatment, attempt to retain your patronage. Wa loan from 810 up on fur niture, pianos, live stock, etc. We also make loans to SALARIED PEOPLE . without mortgage or - endorser. We do not deduct Interest In advance; we charge nothing for -making or filing papers and our servloe le quick and confidential. We always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO.. 119 Board bf Trade Bldg. Tel. 2295. (Established 1892.) South Uth St. X 499 BORROW MONEY WHERE you can get It on FURNITURE. nA.nuB. Huntus, wagons, COWB. ETC: also on SALARIES. WHERE you get it on short notice and without publicity. , WHERE you pay for only the time money is in use. WHERE you can return It on easy weekly or mommy payments. WHERE you set the lowest rates. WHERE can you lo better? PHOENIX CREDIT CO.. 633 Paxton Blk. lUtb. and Farnam Sts. ... X-808 SStf ttttttlttttt IS t till It 8 I It t . nu 1 tJU ntr.u aiuNr.x 7 . MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND BALARIKS. 110 to !30i loaded on FURNITURE, PIANOS, ETC, and to salaried people at very lowest rates and for any length of time, without pubilcity'or removing the property. Payments can be made to suit your convenience. Call and get our terms before going elsewhere. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY, Room 3u3, Thiid Floor, Paxton Block. I I I I I 8 tttllttlMtllttllllttttltttttt I JW PJO MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried tieople; business confidential; lowest rates. Ml Paxtou block. The J. A. Hutton Co. . X 497 LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO , SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity; essleht terms; 40 offices in prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X 4W MONEY loaned on furniture, live stock. Jewelry, to salaried people. Foley Loan Co., Sue. to Duff Green, 8 Barker block. X-603 MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, Jew elry, horses, coat, etc. C. F. Reed, 313 6. 13. X 6h3 BUSINESS CHANCES. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams. Room 411, McCugue building. Y-504 WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange vour business or property quick are J. H. Johnson. 843 N. Y. Life. Y-M506 WANT to buy. sell or trade a business? Go see Wilson. Warnea & Co., 417 to 411 Paxton block. Y-933 STOCK OK MERCHANDISE for trade, In voices about 85.400, all clean, saleable goods, consisting of full lines of all classes of general dry gooda, furnishing goods, etc.; owner muat have about tl.A caah to pay bills; will trade balance for good land; might give mortgage back for same amount as is required in caah. If desirable property; describe property fully In flrat letter. Charles W. Somers, eul Manhattan building, St Paul. Minn. Y-MsW Bl SINEM f "If ANTES. tJ.OfO GROCERY 8TOCK. one of the heat In city, tin to 8'.n0 dally sales, owner's 111 health compells iilck sale; liberal dla count; rate opportunity. J. H. Johnson. N. Y. Life. Y-v43 9 FOR BALE. Inaurance, land and rental buslniaa. paying I1.5 to t2.Mt per year; nice town, northeast Nebraska; good of fice and residence. Addreas M 67, Bee. Y-2S3 FOR BALE, an eatabllahed men's tailoring, fine trade, at a reasonable rrice. Addreas N 39, Bee Y M2 7 FOR KXTIIANBE. TO TRADE, railroad grading outfit, teams, harnees, wagona. grader, plows, scrapers, wheelers, tents, etc ., 83.., for cheap land. L. C. Brown. 1ogan. la. Z Mt'. 8 FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE. SECTIONS 6, 11 and 13, in township 11, range 3". Lincoln county, Nebraska, for sale or trade, all clesr. Address for bar gains. Day c Ue?. Council HlulTs, In. HE Mice S FOR BALE. 20 acrcs of land, good rich fertile soil. 4 miles from Council Bluffs; two-room house and well, email stable on it. Price, tl.Ntio. half caslt, balance on tlmo to suit purchasers. 1 H. Beanies, Coun cil Blurts, la., B. F. D. No. 2. RE 6-.I9 14 ACREAGE. ACREAGE. ACREAGE. ESTES SUBDIVISION. This beautiful suburban acreage property Is situated aiong the boulevard and Belle vue road one mllo south of the city limits of South Omaha. Sightiy and picturesque. We are now offering 10 and 20-aere tracts In this addition on very reasonable terms. O'NEILS HEAL ESTATE AGENCY, South Omaha, " RE 763 8 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell farm or ranch, tel! the farmers and stock ralssrs about It. The bee; way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to so.OQO homes ot farmers end atockralsers, so It you have a good piece of land, to sell at a reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among them. The coat of an ad la small 2 cents per word. THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NbU. RE H FOR SALE. 11,650 Two S-roou. cotlbges, 3214 and 3216 Charles St., newly painted and repaired. 11,360 l-r. cottage, 2b3l S. 11th, lot frixiul. l,uo 5-room cottage, 19u8 8. 19th, lot 6jx140. .i.S1) 9-room modern house, 2tO Charles Bt. t!,2vo s-room modern house, 8. 34th st. 82,2uO 6-r. modern house, barn, 8314 Francis. k3,0U08 houses 8 and 7 rooms, ItiM-U N. Xiii. THE UMAHA REAL! Y CO., 13U1 UOUOLAb bl.. RE M547 N29 FOR SALE, small tracts of nice land, at Stith St. and Avenue D, In Council Blufls, three blocks from car Hue and water works reservoir on Broadway; new four room cottage and tine shade trees on one tract. Th's property Is cheap, close In and certain to increase in value. You will eav so when you see it. Terms easy. and' could use a small, house and lot or cheap vacant lot at cash value In part payment. Call on or address H. G. McGee, 14 pearl St., or Robert Young, at water works, 3Uh St. and Broadway, Council Bluffs. ' RE Mui!2 7 RANCH -and farm lands tor sale by the Union Pacific Railroad- company. B. A. McAllester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, umana, neo. RE 604 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also fire insurance, uerais, raxion diock. HE 507 SEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. for choice bargains, eoi n, x. Lite, Biug. Tel. Witt. WILLIAMSON Fasr m RE-509 - - BARGAIN In BUSINESS PROPERTY On NORTH SIXTEENTH STREET. Only few blocks from poatofiice. BEST VACANT PROPERTY on North Sixteenth WALLACE, BROWN BLOCK. RE 810 A GREAT B A RG A I N 253 acres NEAR SOUTH OMAHA. Two seta of buildings. large stone basement barn, tine orchard, part In cultivation, but mostly In blue grass pasture. IF SOLD BEFORE RENTED. PRICE 845 per acre, after ward 850 per acre. Other lands not any better In same locality bring too to 175. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION address Geo. M. Reed, Grangevllle, Idaho, or ' see E. E. Reed or F. J. Fitzgerald, ooutn umana, reo. ti msis fc- HARRISON & MORTON, FARMS. RE 828 ml WELL built 8-r house, on fine lot and beau tiful location, inquire 1411 Vinton. RE 223 N24 KELSEY'S, wall paper. 17th and Douglas. 'Phone 1648. RE 973 HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; also acre property and rarm lands. The o. F. Davis Co., Room 552, Bee Bldg. RE 610 WILLIAM C. CHISSELL no longer repre sents In any Capacity the George P. Bemls Real Estate Co. George P. Bemlst Pre. RE M867 GREAT BARGAIN. 8-ROOM HOUSE near 17th and Charles st. at a great bargain; make us an offer. Bemls, Paxton block. RE MS56 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. GREGG 8. II.. Touch T. W., Bus. Branches Teteg. Cat. free. Om, Com. Col., 17 4k Doug. -512 C. VAN BANTS- school. 717 N. Y. Life. 613 BOYLE8 college court reporter principal. N. Y. Llfo. 514 NEB. Business & Shorthand College, Boyd's Theater. 515 OSTEOPATHY. OID. E. & ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths. Suite 515, N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 16M. 918 Mrs. Grace Tisdale Deegan, 538 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2MWI. 367 FARMS FOR RENT. FARM FOR RENT, 252 acres, quarter of u nlle from LaPlatte, Neb.; twft sets of good buildings. Address Geo. M. Reed, Grangevllle, Idaho, or see E. E. Reed, or V. J. Fitxgerald, South Omuha, Neb. fcu7 17 MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHOIR, 13th and Howard, ma chliiUt 516 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makes a spe cialty of Ore escapes, shuttera. doors and sufes. G. Andre-en, Prop., 1"2 k-6. 10th St. S -517 LAW AND COLLECTIONS. STILLM AN & PRICE. 23 U. S. N'l Bk. Bid. 935 NEB. COLLECTION CO.. 305 N. Y. Life. 738 Dee I SSSSBBB5"" rr-BSaSBBBBn GARBAGE. . ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO. cleans :esspools and vaults, removes garbage and dead animals at reduced prices. uJl N. 16th. Tel. 1779. 919 CARPENTERS AND JOINEHS. ALL kinds of carpenter work snd repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, Kith and Lake streets. 27u TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. li. Plillbin. iinSt Fsrnaio. Phone 7M. -9i FI R IHtKJMMI. R. GILBERT CO.. tanners, 1124 8. isth. PAW N B R OK Kit S. EAGLE I.oan Ofnce, reliable, accommodat ing; all business confidential. 13ol Douglas. o:i TRI SKS AMI RAGU AGE. TWIN CITY EXP. "Phone 1717. C0 8. lfith. bu THE DEPOT on time. L. M. E. Tel. 75"). M949 SIDEWALK BRICK. OMAHA Hydraulic Press Brick Co., L'W New York Lite. 'Phone 910. 20223 ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. Gil AND Electric Co., 16 & Jackson. Tel. 2S46. TIIOS. DURUENE, electrlo light wiring. S.1S D5 Tel. 214b. DETECTIVE AUKC'Y. CAl'T. TIIOS. CORMICK, private detec tive, tin ivarnacn Diock. Tel. A-2.VTJ. MlU 13 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc. G. u. Kalhbun, Boom lb. Com 1 Nat 1 bank. STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay more? Lambert, 125; superior to tiuu macnines. sent on approval. Monroe c Co., sii N. mm St., umana. HORSES WINTERED. WANTED, horses to winter. 4213 Center St. Tel. Black-1123. 846 19 TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re modeled. Joe lousen, 1411 Farnam St. M330 FOUND. FCUND A bicycle; describe and pay for this ad. 210 Mo. Kuth bt. 164 Ml MONEY FOUND, October 2, In the train from Sioux City at Omaha; the person describing the property can get the same by paying for this ad. 11. Ouersh, Hart man, Ark. Found MS52 10 PRINTING. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Linotype Composition. 511 S. 13th. HATS RENOVATED. HATS dyed, blocked, lntest styles. Ramser & Kerr, -Mi N. litn, near Capitol Ave. 743 N13 STOVES HEPLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Omaha Plating Co., Bee Bldg. Tel. 2o3a. 931 AUTOMOBILES. ELECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Deright, 1119 Farnam street. smx STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 15UH Fare. Tela. 1559-863. 934 LAUNDRY'. OMAHA Steam Laundry: shirts. 8c: collars 2c; cuffs, 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-1783. 04 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co., 811 North 16th. 936 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 2580 Harney. Mi 04 Ml FLORISTS. BULBS, cut flowers and plants. Hender son, Tel. 12.r8, 1519 Farnam St., Omaha, 929 POSTOFFICB NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all interested, as changes may occur at any time.) Foreign malls tor tha week ending No vember 1, 1M03. will close (PROMPTLY in all cases) st the general poBtoflice as fol lows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than cloning time shown be low. Parcels Poet malls for Germany close at 5 p. m. Monday per a. s. "K. W. der urosse, ana rnuay per s. s. 1'atrlcla. ' Regular and supplementary mails close at foreign station half hour later than clos ing timu shown below (except that supple mentary malls for EuroDe end Central America, via Colcn, close one hour later at foreign station). Transatlantic Malls. FRIDAY At 6:30 p. m. for AZORES ISL ANDS, per s. s. Cambroniau, from Bos ton. SATURDAY At :30 a. m. for EUROPE. per s. s. campania, via ujeenstown; at 7:30 a. m. for NETHERLANDS dlrect, per s. s. Noordam (mall must be directed "per s. s. Noordam ); at 8 a. m. for BEl.GiijM direct, per s. s. Kensington (mall must be directed "per s. s. Ken fcington"): at 9:30 a. m. for 8COTLAND direct, per s. s. Ethiopia (mail must be directed "per s. s. ttliloiila '): at 11 a m. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. Island (mull must oe uirectea it s. s. island J, PRINTED MATTER, ETC. This steamer takes printed mutter, commercial papers and samples for Germany only. The same class of mall matter for otner parts of Europe will not be sent by this ship un- leas bieciaiii uirectea ny it. After the closing of the supplementary transatlantic malls named above, Hddl- tional supplementary mails are opened on tne piers 01 tne American, English French and German steamers, and renin 1 1 cpen until within ten minutes of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mails for South sad Central America West Indies, Etc. FRIDAY At 10 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND direct, per a. s. Silvia; at 12 tu tor Mfc-xicu. per s. s. Beneca, via Tain nlco (mull must be directed "ner s. s Seneca "), at 12:30 p. m. for IN AG L' A and HAITI, per s. s. Lauenburg. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for BERMUDA per s. s.; at 9 s. m. for PORTO RICO, ner . s. Ponce: at 8 a. m. (sunnle- mentary 9:30 a. m.) for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Zulla (mall for Savunllla and Cartagena murt be di rn ted "per s. s. zulla ); at 9: JO a. m (supplementary 10:30 a. m.) for FOR TINE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAVAN 1LLA. CARTAGENA and GRKYTOW.M ner s. s. Valencia (mull for Costa Rica muHt be directed "per s. s. Valencia ) at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Mexico, via Havana. Malls for Newfoundland, by rail to North Sydney, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally at 6:30 p. ra. (eonnectlng close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday). Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer, close at this offlcj dally at 6:3i p. rn. Mulls for Cuba, by run to fort lamps, t-la., and thence by steamer, close at this office dally, except Thursday, at 5:30 a. m. (the c.innecting cioies are maae on jwonaays Wednesdays and haturdays). Malls f Mexico City, overland, umess specially addressed ror disputcn ny steamer, clone a this oftlt e daily, except Sunday, 1.30 1-. m and 11:30 p. m , Sundays at n m. and 11:30 p. m. Mails for Costa Idea. Belli 3. Puerto Cortes and lette mail for Guatemala, by rail to New Or leans, and thence Dy steamer.- clone this office dully, except Sunday, at 1:30 D. m. and !! ) p. m . Sundays at ! p. ra. and il:30 p. m (connecting clones here Mondays at 11:30 p. m. for Beilse. Puert f i-rtei sua letter nu.!' for Guatemala, and POSTOFFlTK NOTItl 'Registered mall closes at p. m. previous dHV. Transpacific Malls. Mills for Hawaii, Japan. China and Philip pine Islands. Tla Sun Francisco. cl?s here dally at 8:30 p. m. up to November "2, lniluslvp, for dispatch per s. s. Korea. Mails for Australia (except West Aus tralia, wnicn gora via Europe, and New Zealand, which goes via San Francisco!, and Fiji islands, via, Vancouver nnd Vic toria, II. C, close here dally at 6 30 p. m. nfter November "l nnd up to November 1. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Mlnwcra. Malls for Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at e:.T0 p. m. up to November lit. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ala meda. Malls for Hawaii, China, Japan and Philip pine islands, via nan r ranclsco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. tip to November 10, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Gaelic. Malls for China and Japan, via Tacomn. close nere dally at 8:30 p. m. up to No vember 14, inclusive, for dispatch per J. s. Victoria. Malls for Australia fexcept West Australia. wnieu is rorwarded Vl; Europe! New Zea land, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally st 6:30 p. m. after November S and up to November 22, inclusive, fot dispatch per s. s. Ven tura. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does rot arrive In time to connect with this dispatch, extra malls closing at 5:30 a. m.. :3o a. m. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundavs at 4:30 a. m., 9 a. m. and 6:3t p. m. will be made tip and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunnrd' stenmer.i Malls for China on japan, via Van couver ana v lctoria, w. c, close dally at '6:30 p. m. up to November 2ft, inclu sive, for dispatch per a. s. Empress of China (registered mall must be specially addressed. Merchandise for V. 8. Agency tit Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). Malls for the Philippine Islands, via San r rancisco, close hero aauy at e:30 p, m. up to November "27,. Inclusive, for dis patch per U. H. Transport. Malls for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, vi can r rancisco, close nere aauy at 6:30 p. m. up to December "1, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa. Transpacific malls are forwarded to port 01 sailing aaiiy ana tne scneauie or closing is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit, "ReRla tered mall closes at 6 p. m. pnevlous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postofflce, New York, N. Y., Oct 3L 1902. AILWA Y TIME TABLE. BURLINGTON Mis souri River Bnllroad 1 no Burlington Route" Gen eral Offices, Northwest cor ner Tenth and Kirimrn Streets. Ticket Office. 1502 - cinu.1 Telephone. feV-'-'-'-ra-f -1 Q,.,in Tenth and Mason 250. Burlington Station, leniu Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive Lincoln, Hastings and Mccook .....a 8.40 am 7:45 pm a. 10 nm Lincoln, Denver. Colo- . rado, uian.cauio....-..-r- a 3:10 pm a 6:45 am Alliance t-x. re..------- - r Llncoln ac iimcii ni""" : WLy.ncoTn .!"f.O...:. a8:40am bll:55 sm Denver. Colorado. Utah , and California. Fort Crook. South Bend Louisville, -iBiuiii B?!ieY.Ve' V. B","irUlh.:a 7:50 p a 8:27 am Bellevue, Plattsmouth & Paclllo Junction i Dal'y. b Dally except Sunday. CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & ouincy itanwuy n Burlington Route" Ticket Office, 1502 Farnam Street. Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. leave. Arrive. 1 ..... I , .... , .-hlnntfA Cf).. 1.1 a 7:00 am a 11:00 nm Chicago' Vestlbuled Ex.. a 4:00 pm a 7:30 am Chicago Local Express. :w am Chicago Limited a 8:05 pm Fast Mali a 4:05 pm a 2:46 pm a Dally. KANSAS CITY. ST. Jo seph c Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burlington Route" Ticket Office. 1502 Farnam Street, Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. Leave: Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex. ...a 9:20 am a 6:06 pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm a 6:16 am Bt. Louis Flyer, for St. Joseph and st, Louis. .a 5:10 pm aii:i5 am a Dally. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Island Route" City Ticket Office. 1323 Farnam eireei. leiepnone 4as. lJepot 1nnK .1 .. - . . Telephone 629. Leave. i v ,i l.i mm aian.-y sireeia. Arrive. Chicago Davliirht Ltd. .a Kfno am a ft:45 sm a 8:35 pm a 6:05 utn Chicago Dayiignt LocaL.a 7:00 am cnicago express bll:15 am l)es Moines ExpresH a 4:30 pm Chicago Fast Expreas. a 6:35 pm WEST, Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..a 8:50 am Lincoln, Colorado 8p'gs, bll:50 am a 1:25 pm a 4:50 am irenver, i-ueDio and West a 1 !.10 nm a 5:00 pm al2:40 pm Colorado, Oklahoma & Texws Fyei a 6:20 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. UNION PACIFIC "THE Overland Route"-enerat Of fices, N. K. Corner Ninth snd rarnarn streets. City Tlckat Office. 1324 Farnam St. Tele phone 81. Depot, Tenth and ""-7 bis. leiepnone 629. Leave. Arrive, The Overland Limited.. a 9:40 am 7:30 pm a 7:30 j m a 3:25 pm The Chloago-i'ortiaaa . Special a 9:40 am The Fast Mall.. a 8.60 am The Mall and Express.. all :30 am a s:u am a 3:40 am The Colorado Special... a 7:10 am Lincoln, Beatrice and Htromsourg Express.. .D 4:08 did hn-.u n. TV... 1 t!W. I.' w 1, r..-u a A-OtL - The Atlantic Express.... a 7:30 am b 8:35 am Grand island Local b 5:30 pm Dully, b Dally except Sunday, MISSOURI PACIFIC RATr road General Offices and Ticket Offices. Southeast Corner 14th and Douglas Bts. Telephone 101. Depot, oiiiuii uiauun. laav A St. Louis and Kansas City Express al0:00 am a 6:25 pm K. C, St. L. Express... S10 50 pm a 6:15 am Lieave irom jaiii ana Webster Streets: Nebraska Local, via Weuping Water b 4:10 pm alO:45 am a unity, v cany except Sunday. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway-City Ticket fQIce, 1504 Farnam ot- ieiepnone zm. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets, ieiepnoue Ht. B.MJiV -aAHrfer Chicago At Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 3:40 pm Chicago Limited t,n,.i cm voi a i:w am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. Missouri Valley Railroad 1 ne ixortnweaie Line" General Ortlci I nlted States Nutlo U....L. I, .. 11.41. , U W Corner Twelfth and Fa nam Sts. Ticket Office, 1401 Farnam St Telephone 501. Depot, 15th snd Webs ster Sts. Telephone Ik. Leave. Arrive Black Hills, Deadwood, Hot Springs a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pm Wyoming, Casper and Douglas d 3:00 pm e 5:00 pro HhxiIi-ks. York, David City, Superior, Goiieva, Exeter and Reward b 3:00 pin b 5:00 pm Norfolk, trdlgre and Fremont b 7:30 gm b 10:25 am Lincoln W ahoo and Fremont b 7:30 am b 10:25 an Fremont Local c 7:30 am a Dully. B Daily except Sunday, e Sun day only. d Dully except Saturday. 1 Daily except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Tha Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1401 St. Telephone :i. uepoi, -jenth nnd Marry streets. Tele pliouu 629. Leave. Arrive. Fast Omuha-'liicago...a 8:uu am all:20pm Local Curroll-Omaha...b 4:00 pm a 9:6u am Local Chicago-Omaha. .al0:55 am a 6:10 pm r asi ijmana-vuicugu...s t:oa pm a 4:un pm Fust Mali a nm a !:t5 nm Omahu-Chicago .''d...a 8:10 pm a 9:20 am Fast St. 1'au. a 7 55 ;m a 8:15 km Fast Mull a 7:W pm a 9:10 am Cedar haplds Passenger a S:3o pm Local bioux t liy a 4:Ov pm l Ul am a Dally, b Daily except Sunday. 1 mu j I AILWA Y TIME C tt rent Innrd. CHICAGO. ST. PAfl, Minneapolis & Omaha Railway "The North western Une" Oenere I Ofllces, Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. Cltv Ticket Oltlcc. 1401 Farnnrr St. Telephone 661. Depct 16th and Webster Bts. Telephone 1458. 1 lx-ave. ' Arrive Twin City Passenger. ...a :. am a 910 put Floux City Psssenger. . .a 2: pm all V mi, Emerson Local b 5:S0 pm b 8.30 am a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad-City Ticket Of fice, 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone, 345. Depot, . Tenth and Marcy Sts. Ijeave. Arrive. Chicago Express Chlcaco Limited ...a 7 34 am a 6:10 pm ,..a7:E)pm a 8:06 am Fast Mall Minneapolis ft St, Paul al0.35 pm Kxnreafc b T:S5 am bl0:tt pm a 8:05 am Minneapolis A St. Paul Limited I Port I Ind re lineal from . 7:50 pm Council Bluffs ..b 4:60 pm. alO:00 am Fort Iiodge laical from Council uiurts a :to arc a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. WABASH RAILROAD Tic ket Office, 1601 Farnam Street. Telephone 82t De pot, Tenth end Marcy Sts. . TeleDhone 629. Leave. Arrive, s Express a 6:55 pm a 8:B0 sm t. Louis Local (irom Council Bluffs) a 9:15 am ftl0:30ptn a Dally. DISTRIBUTION OF GARMENTS Charity of the Local Branch of the Needle Work Gnlld of America. The Omaha branch ot tha Needle Work Guild of America Is holding its annual , meeting and distribution ot garments, and the parlors of Unity church at Seventeenth and Cass streets are occupied with tables piled high with 2,000 garments. all of which are new. Including every sort of practical wearing apparel, besides a quantity ot bedding and other articles ' necessary in hospital use, all to be dis tributed among the various charitable in stitutions of the city. These articles are the contributions of the members of the guild, which is one or the moat practical of the city's charities Anyone who will give two new garmenta each year Is entitled to membership. These things are sent In annually, carefully sorted end recorded and distributed accord ing to the neod among the dependent of the city. The annual election of officer was held yesterday, Mrs. W. A. Smith being made president, Mrs. O. W. Templeton treasurer and Mrs. A. S. Collins secretary. All of the members have not as yet been beard from, but the garments are coming In all of the time and the women have Invited all Interested in the work to call at the church and see what has been accomplished and what It really means. The guild Includes members of all de nominations and is wholly Impartial In lis distribution. The work will be concluded for this year by Friday evening and gar ments will be received at the church until that time. UNTIE MANY MARITAL KNOTS District Jndgea Do a Floarlsnmsi Business) as Separators of the Mlamntcd. Those "holy bonds ot wedlock," concern ing which the country paper makes such frequent referenoe, contiuue to suffer in -district court. Judge Day sawed through one Set of them yesterday at the re quest of Adelia C. Cook, who alleged that Elliott L. was making them Irksome by de clining to provide her proper support. Tha tielng was done at St. Joseph, Mo., January 14. 1889. For the same general reason Judge Dick inson took the lariat oft the shoulders of Belle Luke, wbo named James Christie Luke as the deserting husband she married In 1878. ' . Because ot abandonment Judge Read freed Martha Scott Fehr from Thomas Fehr, and Bessie Blckford from George Bickford. Blckford must pay 8500 alimony in Installments of S2.50 per week. - Albert Kaplan has persuaded Judge Read to set aside the marriage of his daughter Minnie to Clyde McCreary because the girl was but 15 years old when she married. The severing of these many bonds has not. however, exhausted the supply of appli cants. Only Thursday Mlnnio Lynch pleaded to be freed from Humphrey because of ex treme cruelty, and Ella Wiggins pleaded for similar treatment because of John's al leged failure to support her. The Lynchs were married February 24, 1899, and the Wiggins November 17, 1605. ' - In a Class All Alone. No other pills on earth can equal Dr. King's New Life Pills for stomach, liver and kidneys. ' No cure, no pay. .' 25c. For sale by Kuhn ft Co. Seasonable Fashions. 4272 Girl's Night Gown, ZtolOjrs. ' Girl's Night Gown, 4272 Simple ulght gowns made with comfortably fitting yokes are always In demand for little girls. This very pretty model is shown In cambric with feather stitching In heavy cotton thread, but can be made of flannel, flannel ette, long cloth, muslin or nainsook, and the narrow frills can be replaced by either lace or needlework. The gown Is made with a yoke, fitted by shoulder seams, and a full skirt portion that Is shaped by means of under-arm seams. The aklrt portion Is gathered and joined to the yoke, the closing at the center-front being made through aa applied box plait. The sleeves are full and are gathered Into straight bands or cuffs, and the neck la finished with a narrow neck band. The quantity ot material required for the medium size (6 years) Is 4Vi yards 27 Inches wide or 1 yards 38 Inches wide. The pa ttern 4271 is cut In sixes for girls of 2. 4, 4. I and 10 years of age. For the accommodation ot The Bee read ers, these patterns, which usually retail at from 25 to 60 cents, will be furnished at a nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all expense. In order to get a pattern enclose 10 cents, give number and name ef pattern I weoted snd bust measiire. St. Loul Tucadas at ll:Su p. ra. f Ji Costa Rica). I