1 THE OMAHA DAILY TEE: FRIDAY, MOVEMBER 7, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Dullness Marti All Traductions on Board of Trade. LARD, RIBS, PROVISIONS, CLOSE HIGHER Wheat and Com Both En I-owrr, While Oai Are tnchanaed Alter Featarele Day of Small Snip. riflCAOO Nov. . Dullness prevailed on thBoaM of Trade today and wheat w. lower. December clos In. .c down. l romhpr corn ci'f W4 tt we?e unchanged. January provisions closed fmrn be lower to W-4' hln,r;.. ,.ri Wheat ruled dull, with operations large y nf a .ralolna nature. There wrw a falny good "burins? of May while the jjellln pressure wTilch has been mu ch In evi dence the last few days. "I?" VI. tlrely absent. A fair gen-rl demand, to--ITl. h. Mrlv strength in torn. Ill if?11 "0; casting, $11 tfll.:o. Tin also declined In lonrton. quotations thre losing 7s tl, spot closing at All 5s and futures at 117. Iorally tin was dull and a shnde easier, with spot closing at V""clMJi'. Ieari wns uncnanged here and In lndon, where It closed Mt 4.10 l?s 6.1. The cloap here was 41. Hprltcr closed at $5.4" and In Ixindon at 4.19 7s d. Iron was steady and unchanged In Knglanil, Glasgow clos ing at 57s Z1 Hnrl Mltlillesborough at 60s 9d. The New York iron market was quiet and unchanged. Warrants continue nomlinl; No. 1 foundry northern Is quoted at 114 i 25.(; No. 2 inundrv northern, No. I southern and No. 1 southern, soft, $22.v)'5..ti. OUAHt WIIOI.KSAI.I. MARKF.T9. . iu n ii ri n ir l lit" Kirttn-i par't of the"" Reading by MWjln the session caused a decline and the close was eteady. December opened unchanged was , -tup and after sell- to mC luwc ina off to 71c the mnrKei uvu.. 7?c, but dechned toward the close to 71c and 'final figures were e lower at .lWo rlenrances of wheat and Hour were ".1 Condition of Trade aad Qaotatlon on Staple and Faaey Prodnee. EGGS Candled stock, 20c. LIVE POULTRY Hen. 8759c: roosters. ncrorcilng to age. 4e; turkeys. "l'sf12o ; ducks. Mifc; geise bjjw; spring cnicKens. per id., 'uloe. HrTTER Pnckln stocir. lie cnoice dairy. In tubs. 18fi20c; separator. 24sj2V FRKHM CA OUT FISH JTOUl. DltlW herring, 7c: pickerel. 8c; pike. 10c: perch, fie; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunfish. 3c; bluellns, 3c; whltetiah Klc: kh mnn. IBe: nadilock. lie; codfish, 12c; redsnappor, loc; lobster, bol ed. ner lb., 30c; lobsters, green, per id., w, bullheads. 10c; catfish. 14c; black bass, 20c; halibut, 11c. CORN-64c. OAT8 M WHEAT No. 2 hard. 65c. RYB 43c. URAN-Per ton. $13. HAY Prices minted bv Omaha Whole- noice rso. i v . i ...... pAnoimn wwmn nn i c i r, . i . , rii. in ntni.i . . . . , I . hnshela against r3.O0O bushels a upland, IS; No. 1 medium. $8.50; No. 1 1.432.008 I bushels, d' jj .iuth reported coarr.s, $8. Rye straw, $6.60. These prices JTini. o "i? I car-which with local re- are for hay of good color and quality. De- r 0' cars only 2 of contract grade mund fair: receipts light. rHpi'";.i c?ntH for the three point of OYSTERS-Standards, per can. 28c: extra made total reoel pts to r tne inr selects, per can. 35c; New York counts, per J? 7; i f ii 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal.. $1.75; Oorn w annulet and Irregular, with local bulk, standards, per gal.. 11.30. orn w "I'V" .t.. 7,,i mp There sornV'e Hng pressure In U-ernber rWlv. while elevator Interests were cre.ll ed ..ih., Knvnmhrr. Mllons wnr the rPu.ngyThHemnVu,!hneaMne;s: Selling ' "te SLl'rnd' lire" lnf nq.US!K I.."' ; T, i a decline and the close was ." n.mhnr closed yuc lower at fXi 6i ic after between 60V ml B,'c' I.'OCftJ receipts wefe 141 cars, with 2s cars contract "oaTs were featureless and the volume of .7" .,?hLmI'H" eVh'erwV .!" ua .elllni pressure. The close was steBdy. with December unchanged at mc. The range on December for the day whs between i-r.ac aim jji: CWovllona were under the leadership of lard and with small stocks of that com n,odlty and a material decrease In the re ?e?nts of hoga the opening was strong. Reaction by longs brought a reaction later in the dav. with shorts and commission house, food buyers. The clw w. higher, except on lard. January pork SloHed Be lower at I15.4S January lard was MiTVic higher at Sn.42Mi5u9.45. while rlba were 2V4c Tower at W-r. .K., Kstlmated receipts for tomo"0:L,i1.1 220 cars; corn, 285 cars; oata. 340 cara, hogs, 18.000 head. . -,,. The leading: futurea ranged follows. Articles.! Open. Hleti l Low. Close. Yes y. Wheat Nov. Dec. May Corn Nov. Deo. May Oats tDec. May May Nov. Deo. May Ribs Jan. May ..1 7014 718)ii " 71 S 71 714 73V.V4 73J TTk7l 734 B3H B3S K 62 41?3 42 4114 420 29 fTi SO 23W ?V m 8Hi 30 31 15 W 16 55 1 5 46 15 45 14 67 Vi 14 S7V4 14 55 14 56 42 60 40 46 10 95 10 97H 10 0 10 95 87 10 00 87U 10 00 8 65 8 70 8 674 8 60 8 30 8 SO 8 22 8 224 786 786 80 780 No. 2. tNew. r L . n I M ft f Hi lO WS ! p LULtv-DlVHU , win".. 1 1 S Wrwlnte; straight.. $3. 104W.S0; springy pat- $15 enta, 3.4"'3.70; spring; BiraiBiiiB, bakers. $2 26if2.76. -n.. im 1 WHEAT No. S spring, 70971c: No. 1 prlng. 65S914o; No. 3 red, 7W0c. OATS-NO. a! 2828o; No. 8 white. 80 lie. BARLET-Oood feeding". 89(2c: fair to choice malting. 454fc. an-i.-rv No 1 flax. $1.16; No. 1 northweet ernf Vl; Prime timothy. $8.7003.80; clover. . C1A7F4 cnrVAV?f,V,iJii.-; nnrk. ner bbl.. $16.87U .f,m " lird r, 100 lbs.. $1120. Bhorl ribs sides (loose). 0.WlW.. shoulders (boxed) $!)7oJ 10.00. The following were tne receipi nu VEGETABLES NEW CELERY-Kearney, per dog., 35 45c; Kalamazoo, per dox., 25c. POTATOEH New, per t)U.. a'owc. BWEET POTATOES Virginia, per bbl., $3, home grown, per bu., $1. Ti RNIPB Per bu., aoc; t-anaaa ruia- bagas, per lb., lc. UKKiH-m basket, ic. riCl MBERS Hothouse, per dox., $1.50. WAX MEANS-Per bu. box, $1.60; string- beans, per bu. box, $1.50. CAKBAUB-Home grown, new, ic. ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per bu., owytioe; Spanish, per craje, $1.60. NAVX HJiAfos r-er nu., i.iu. FRUITS. Pfina troll varltl tier hoi. 12.000 Local re-I 4 26; Kaffirs, per bbl., $3.75; Colorado, per box. ii.in. APPI.KS-fnnUlnar ner hhl.. 12.25: eating. $2.2.'&2.50; Jonathans, $3.50; New York atock. $3.25. GRAPES New York, zzc; -loaays per crate, $1.75; Malagas, per keg, ..o8.&o. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., 7.Xtt.w; per box, 52.75. QUINCES Per box, $1.60. TROPICAL. FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to b1b. I2.O0Sj2.6O. M lemons uauiornia iancy, tiwyrnv, choice, $3.75. ORANGES Mexicans, any sue, mo; Florida Brlghts, $3.60. OATKH Persian In 70-1 b. boxes. DOT lb.. 6e; per case of EO-ib. pkgs,, $2.25. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 85c; Turkish, per 35-lb. box. 18c. URAPE FKL1T-noriaa, w. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-frama caae, $3.75. fc'IDEK wew xorg, 4.io; per -ddi., BAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per bbL, $2.25: per bbl., $3.75. HIDES jno. 1 green, c; rso. t ircmi, No. 1 salted. 8Vic; No. 2 salted. 74c; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8'4c; No. 2 veal calf. 12 -to 15 lbs.. 8c; dry niaes, iraiac; oiiecji pelts, 2675c; horse hides, $1.602.50. f(Jt';KjnPi rl U., Biirocu, iv. NUTS WBinuis, rto. 1 Bull Burn, imi 14c; hard ahell,. per lb.. 13c; wo. 2 son shell, per lb., 12c; wo. a nara sneu, per iu., 11c; Braxlls, per lb., 11c; Alberta, per lb.. 12c; almonds, softshell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per id., 10c; pecans, mrs, .tr i.- atnalt ner In 13c: cocoanuts. Der dot.. rhntitnuts. ner lb., ltic: peanuts, per lb.. eiic; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c; black wal nuts, per DU., 1, nicaory num. 704 71V4 42 16 60 14 60 87V4 10 75 9 82H 8 W 8 25 7 77H 8s 6Sd. Futures, flat; December, taPfcJ.; March, 6s Hd; June, nominal. COHN Spot, quiet; American mixed. 5s M. Futures, flat; January, 4s3d; March, 'Vuil'R-St Louis fancy winter, quiet, 8s Xd HoPf-At London (Pacific coast), firm, 6 2sfe7. , PIloVISIONP Beef, strong: extra India mess lKs. Pork strong; prime mess; west ern, Wis. Hams, short cut. 14 to 18 lbs., quiet, nUn M. Bacon. Cumberland cut, 26 to 30 lbs., quiet, Urn; shorl rlhs. lt to 24 lbs.. l ul , .: long clear mid lies, light. 28 to 34 lbs., quiet, ivs; long clear mldilles, heavy, 35 to 40 lbs., quiet. tilslVI: nhort clear backs. 1 to 20 lbs., steady. 67s 8d; cle ir lellies. 14 to 16 lbs., steady, B7s twi. Shoulders, square. 11 to 1:1 lbs., firm. Kb. Ijird. firm: prime western. In tierces, firm, 6s; American re fined. In palls, strong, 60s. Hl.'TTK It Nominal. CI1EES10 Strong; American finest white, Ibm bu; American finest colored. 5iis. TALLOW Firm; prime city, 20s 6d; Aus tralian In London, 34s 3d. SEW YORK STOCKS ASD BOSD. Prices Erratic All Day, bat Close Is Sear to Opening; Value. Nirw vnnic. Nov. . The course of stock prices was exceedingly erratic all day and the closing prices were not tar irora last night's level. The constantly vary ing movement was seemingly due to the groping efforts of the professional oper ators to discover the current In the mar ket. The resu t of their experiments seemed to show that there was no current. Speculative sentiment has come to a stand still and Is waiting for new developments. Tho factors which have Induced the re cent downward tendency of price are still In force to a greater or less extent, but the well established principle of specu lative markets to discount the future makes It doubtful when a current move ment of nrlcts has run an adequate course to accomplish this object. Appre- nension still exists mai mere win oe largo withdrawals of gold with a resulting squeeie of money rates In the local mar ket. The advancing tendency 01 wages and the high prices of materials keep alive the uneasiness over the proportion of the earnings which will be left for stock holders. Hut It may be possible that the considerable decline In prices which has already occurred may be sufficient to dis count these possibilities. At all events, the bear operators who have gone short of the market took sufficient account of this possibility to want to buy stocks to cover their short contracts. The advances caused by this buying met renewed selling of a rather concentrated character. The origin of this selling waa a mystery and opinion was divided as to whether It came from the bears or was further liquidation of long account and the stocks most active In the trading were those which have been recent favorites in tne speculation, mere were gains of 1 to 1H points at one time In about a dozen railroad stocks and half as many specialties. Cotton oil had tho ben efit of Its dividend declaration. Sugar broke sharply after early strength, because of fears of further cut In prices and rumors of a rate war at Missouri river poims. The coalers were under some pressure, owing to reports of trouble at some of the collieries of the Independent operators, and Lackawanna suffered In addition on Its showing of earnings for the September quarter, which revealed a reduction In net earnings compared with the corresponding period of last year of $1,700,000. Money rates were rather firm and foreign ex change was also firmly held. Published re ports or tne renewals 01 American loana In Paris had some effect in relieving ar prehension over the foreign exchange out look, although local International bankers attached lltUe Importance to the report. The weekly statements of the Bank of England and Bank of Franca showed con tinued decline In their gold reserves, the former Institution losing upwards of $3,000,- 000 and the latter about $500,000. The clos ing of the stock market was easy and with some stocks at the lowest of the day. The movement of bonds was narrow and Irregular. Total sales, par value, $2,090,000. United States bonds were all unchanged on the last call. The following are the closing price en the New xorK stocg exenange: fi.ioc discount; foreign fxchanm sterling pouted at 84.844 for 60 di'ye and at H!i for demand NEW YORK. Nov. . Exchanges, $278, Srto.21.1; balances, 113.258.611. BOSTON. Nov. 6. Exchange. $23.9:1. 42; balances. $1.054.3 PHIIaADKLPIUA. Nov. S Clearings. 26. 475.318; balunces. $2,921,819. Money, per cent. BALTIMORE Nov. -Clearlnas. 14.111.. 627: balances, 1548.029. Money, 6 per cent ST. UllIS. Nov. 6 Clearings. I10.151.U5: mlancHS. 1-88.5x1. Monev. steadv. M1 per cent; New York exchange, 10c discount. Conioli. money... do irrount Auftrondl Atrhlnon do pfd RlllmoT A Ohio. Canadian Pirlnr ni.n VETAL6-A. B. Alnlrn quote the following prices: ron, country mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, w; cop- nr nor In SU.pl brSJIS. heSW. Der lb.. 8MtCi brass, light, per In., 64c; lead, per lb., 8c; Inc. per ID., ma runoer, iwt 7w, 1 St. Loaia Grain and Provisions. - Av. .1,1 T T7, . T No. 2 red cash, elevator, 681ic; track, 69 !Vc: December, tsc; may, X.-.. It karri (WnTlc. " -. - v. . a 1. jca COKN-r irm; iNO. z ousn, ac, uya, tow A&L-. now 1 ug Tor 01a: xcemwr, ory sanea A.a.rrMniie. bid: May. UJ6'AiC Dia. Short clear 1 iATSHlaher: No. 2 cash. 29c; track 29480c: December, ZS'ic Dia; May, zs'o 2lic bid; jno. i wniie, 01c 1 1 vivir Iiwrr at 4i&T4ttc. .hlpment 01 tue V-. ""-,... iVnim-Bteady: red winter patents. $3.30 19.100 l,IHf UU.DU; CSHtt J , lll.liw 4,i clear, -.eo"i.io. hicaao O. W .. M. St. P. ifHwrn. Denver & R. O do nfd Erl do lot p'd ... do 2d ptd flttnnls I'entral. Loulvllle A Nafih.. .. K. T. do pfd.... Adama Coo , Allre Brvece Brunawlck Con ... omatoclt Tunnel. Con. Cal. Va.. Horn silver ron Silver Leadvllla Con .... 117,100 127.000 2,100 16.800 Flour, bbla tl'ttno nil Corn bu l10 I,0."' k., . . . ' 22.8O0 Kve ' bu.' 2l-m 2 y bu 63.100 On the Produce exchange pay,.hf,J'ut: tcr market waa firm; creameries. 16W&Z4c, Jni.u. i,.,viin Vnirn easier, loss off. cases returned, 22c. Cheese, steady to firm, lltf 12c. NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. on Various Quotations of the Day Commodities. NEW YORK, Nov. 6.-FLOUR-Recelpt iA Tit kki. . .rnnrtn is SH2 bbls.: sales. 11.- . . 'J 1 . .. . - ahn,it ( aa rl v winter I SU.C i..rV-Vro)i.ri: winter straight. $3.40 BUTTER-Steady SEED Timotfiy, steady, $2.50S3.50. 1 nk VM K A I8t adv. $2.75. BRAN Lower; sacked, east track, 69(S71o. HAY Steady; timothy, $9.0013.00; prairie, 19.0Oti 11.00. IRON COTTON TIES-$1.07H. BAGGING 6 5-16Q7 M6c. HEMP Twine. 9c. PROVISIONS Pork: Lower; Jobbing, n.ur mH. ilfi 22U. Lard: Higher at $10.80. Dry salt meats (boxed), lower; extra shorts and clear rins, ii. 40; miurv uo.nn ibnvedi. lower: extra shorts and clear ribs, $12.2bv short clear, $12.50. METALS l-eaa: oteaay mi Spelter: Quiet at $5.15. 'poiti.TRY Firm: chicken. 8Vtc: springs, 8H69V.c; turkeys, SMc; ducks, llVic; geese, Sk- Minnesota' patents, $3.8644.10; winter dairy. 174t20o. ISrJf 'SriOMlnnesoWaker 13 EGGS-lilgher at 21c, Jtom off. creamery. lSS-Kc; Receipts. Shipments. .... 6.000 22,000 .,..112,000 200,000 .... 28,000 35.000 .... 30,000 92,000 . . a w a -mm voai ji Aka a mnin, n. a tia- w, "wv , ehoici nour. bbi tno7anc7. $3. 65." buckwheat our. easy. Wht bu. CORN M E A iVEasy ; yellow western, $1.18; OaU." bu city, $1.16; Branaywine, j luina oo. Ryu; bteaay; fo. j wmifni, uotj., afloat; No. 2, 64itib4'4c; track, state, 64S64c, 1 X'.n, Vorlr BARLEY-43ulet; feeding. 41c, e. t f n...in- tnaiilnir. 49''ntilc. c. I. f.. Buffalo. WHEAT Receipts. 108,275; spot, easy; No. S red, 76c, elevator; jo. 1 rea, ionr. . o. b. afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth. 80c. f. " v. ... K'n 1 hard Manitoba. 81aC f. o! b!! afloat. Bull found It uphill work In wheat today. After an easy opening tney - v ,., Nn , 4Bo. obtained a recovery on steadier late ca- HAY Choice timothy. $10.6010.75; choice bles. report 01 a gooa nwinww "" prairie. I8.5UW9-W. mind and covering, but found offerings so I mjTTER Creamery. 23if24c; fancy dairy, heavy on the upturn that support was I ,,,, Kna City Groin and Provisions. KANSAS CITY, Nov. ' 6. WHEAT De cember, Utc; May. eilioc; cash. No. S hard, t4ia7V,c; no. 3. wcwvsc; no. 2 rea, At h lion do ptd Bal. Ohio do Dfd Canadian Paella .. Canada So Ches. Ohio , Chicago 4s Altoa... do pfd Chicago, lad. 4k L do ptd Chlcafo E. III.. Chicago O. W.. do lit ptd do id ptd Chicago At N. W.. C. R. I. aV P.... Chicago Tar. & Tr.. do ptd C. C. C. 4k St. Ia... Colorado Bo do 1st pfd do Jd pfd Dal. 4k Hudaon Dal. La 4k W Danvar 4k B. O do Bid Erla do lit pfd do 2d pfd Off at Nor. pfd Horkln Valley .... do pfd Illtnola Central .... Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie 4k W do pfd L. 4k N Manhattan b... Met. St. Rr... Mex. Central , Max. National Minn. St. L. Mo. Pacific ... M.. K. T... do pfd S. 1. Central N. Y. Central Norfolk W. do pfd Ontario it W.. Penneylvanla Reading do let pfd... do Id pfd.... St. L. 4V 8. P, do lat pfd.., do id pfd..., St. L. B. W... do pfd , 8t. Paul do pfd Offered. CORN November. 40V; December. S7Hc; May. 36Vj36c; cash. No. 2 mixed, 42rtJ Hi- Vn 2 white. 43Hc: No. 8. 40V4c. OATS No. 2 white, 32r34c; No. 8 mixed, K-nnS Fresh. 18fi18Hc. Receipts. Shipments. Wheat, bu Com, bu.. Oats, bu.. ... 48.000 ... 16,000 44,800 11,000 .,ikj,.Ai l.avlnir the afternoon market weak. Tho close was easy at Vktijc net de. dine; May. 77V77 13-ltk-. closed at 744c Tw..nk.r 77 l-iaii78Uc closed at 77Tc. CORN Receipts, 54,7'00 bu.; exports, 198 bu.; spot, dull: No. 8, 85c elevator and n h afloat: No. 2 vellow. U8c: No. 2 white. 6Se. Option market opened rather' .-11. I nlaarln. w.ath.F hilt WAS i-.Vr .tr.n.thened by prediction of more 8teady. fair demand : extra western cream- showers west, ened a second US 80. Pacific . t 80. Railway ,104V do pfd , . 3 Texaa 4k PaslSo .134 iToledo. St. L. 4t W . as I do pfd . 48 Union Pacific . S&Vil do pfd . 71 Wabaah .11 do pfd . M Wheeling 4k L. E... .tn do d pfd . is Wla. Central . a do ptd . 43 Adams Ex , .mH American Ex .101 IVJnlted Statca Ex... . 1 IWella-Farxo Ex.... . S4 Amal. Copper . 19 Amer. Car 4k F.... . 10 do ptd . list Amer. Lin. Oil . 4t do pfd .lMSt American 8. at R.. .240 do pfd . 32 Anaconda Mln. Co. . Xiv Brooklyn R. T . 87S. Colo. Fuel 4k Iron. . S"1 Cone. Oaa .. 60 ,.17 .. 1 .. 0H ..1464; .. 41 .. 71 .. ti ..120 ..133Vt ..1M ..139H .. 1K'4 ..1071. it'ont. Tobacco ptd. uen. Electric ... Hocking Coal .... Inter. Paper dn pfd Inter. Pswer Laclede Gaa National Blacult . National Lead .... No. American .... Pacific Coaat Pacific Mall People's Gas Pressed 8. do pfd 44 10' . 4V .ioa . s.i . 47 . 01 .MO .1.10 .133 .225 . So . tlVi . IB . 4V . 444 ,. 93 ,.tlSi ..in ..HI ,. Zl ,. in .. 71 .. 72 .. to .. 27 ..111 .. TS .. 41 ..1024 car aosi Pullman P. Car ... Zt Republic Steel ... 58 do ptd ...173 8usar . ..1S.3S4 TVnn. Coal ak Iran. ... 7! Union Bag it P ...So I do pfd ... 32 I' 8. Leather ...U9 do ptd ... 4 V. 8. Rubber . Ut do pfd ...71 V. 8. Steel ...71 I do pfd ... So Weatern Union ... 72H Amer. Locomotive.. ... 30S, do pfd ... s K. C. Southern do pfd ....19) .225 . 20V . 76 .118 3 . 11 . 77 . 13H . tOSt . 17 . 65 . 3 . Be1 . 90 . 29 . 93 sa ,. 34 . t5't London stork Market. LONDON, Nov. . Closing quotations: .3r.-lN. T. Central IS ... 93 Norfolk 4k Weitern.. 73 ... 4- do pra . .. IP Ontario 4V Western ...102 Pennsylvania ...10? ftand Mines .1:17 Readlns heenpeake AV Ohio.. do lat prd. nv1 do Id pfd IS" Southern Ry . 22 do pfd . 44 Southern Pacific. . M Union PacHc . S8 do pfd U. a. eieei do pfd Wabash do pfd Spanish 4o 52 ...II 137 29 42 9J 81 91 II 33 S 44. 3 36 71 10 93 40 9 S3 47 S WAR SILVER-Qulet at 23 l-ld per ounce. MONEY 2 per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills Is 8 8-lR'tT 3 6-ltt per cent and for three months' bills Is 3y4i3 per cent. Sew York Mlnlna; ioo4at Ion. NEW YORK. Nov. 6,-The following are the closlnc prlcet on mlninc- stock: ... is ,.. 2S ... to .. 4 ... ...80 ...,:: ... so .. a LKtle Chief ... Ontario Ophir Phoenix Potoel Savase Sierra Nevada Small Hopes . Standard .. I ..seo .. ss .. s .. .. a .. 15 .. so ..too OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Cattl Not in Very Active Demand, but Prioea Held About fiUady. HOGS SOLD FULLY TEN CENTS HIGHER Very Few Fat Sheep aad Lamb A r rlved. bat Fally Steady Price Were raid Feeder Also Held Their Owl. SOUTH OMAHA. Nov. i. Receipt were: Official Monday Official Tuesday Oflclal Wednesday. Official Thursday... Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. ... 7,577 3.iH0 ,.. 4.29 6, 11.447 ... 6.23 11. '.MO ,.. 4.W0 6,") Jl.iOO 22.4SI 2.o: lj.887 13.1M 13. 8S8 aM,6u6 68.917 1 0,1 So 68.2.M 4..MH3 97.2J6 27.751 VI Same days last week -7,487 Hame week before K.V577 Same three weeks ano....8,9 Same four weeks ago. . . .Z7.874 St: me day last year 17,091 RECEIPTS FOK THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipt of cattle hogs and sheep at South Omalm for the year to date, ana comparison with last year: li2 lol. Inc. Dec Catte 841.730 frS3.580 188,150 Hogs 1.8S2.865 l.Ki.o3 3.84 Sheep l,4-4.Hti l,i:K,143 288,443 The following table show the average price of hogr sold on tne South Omaha market the last several days, with com parisons with former year: feeder.. MS 1 feeder... So 1 feeder... 81 1 feeder... f.?n 1 feeder... 8' 20 cows.... & rows.... 1 cow 1 cow It cows.... 2 calve.. 3 steers. . . 10 feeders. 11 feeders. 1 feeder.. 11 feeders. !- 848 HMO ;o 2v 570 lal7 1 steers... .12-J0 t 25 S no 3 Ki 3 75 S 25 2 45 ri 1 & 3 no 3 I.) 3 t 2 8.; 2 85 1 25 3 25 8 3 W 21 heifers.. 1 bull 2i cows ... . 11 cows.... 1 rows.... 2 cows. . ., 1 steer... 42 steers... 12 feeders. 3 feeders. 48 feeders. KS feeders. 2 steers... cows.... 1 cow 1 cow . 7T! ,1"0 . W2 . 713 . 8' . 7ho . 7y .116 . 845 . "4i . 877 . SOI . !) . 8X8 . 750 870 2!1 heifers. 2 hellers. 1 heifer.. 1 cow.... 23 cows... 5 cone... 2 cows... 1 cow.... IS cows. .. 2 cows... 2 cows... 8 cows... cows... 2 cows... 2 rows... 1 cow.... 2- cows... 7 cows... 3 cows... 8 cows... 3 cows... 2 cows. 6 cows. 8 cows. 26 cow. 4! cows.. 40 cows., 22 cows.. 1 cow..., .. 543 .. 850 .. 8J0 . 9.7' I .. 1 74 .ML'S 7X5 . 88 .. 9;c .. HVi .. 740 .. 841 .. 8?3 .. 5'. .. 80 .. 840 .. 8!M .. 7! T. .. 903 ..1000 ..UW8 ..10i .. 920 Co!,ORA!x. 5 cows lim 2 70 2 00 3 00 3 15 3 25 3 40 2 35 2 35 2 75 3 CO 2 Si 2 35 2 35 2 SO 2 50 2 111 2 75 2 75 -1 feeders.. 771 29 feeders.. 8.13 11 feeders.. 7"2 23 feeders.. 553 3 feeders.. 61m 1 feeder.. 60 calves.. 37 calves.. 1 steer.... 1 steer.... 1 steer.... 62 feeders. 2 feeders. 1 heifer... 4 calves.. 2 cows.... 1 cow 1 bull K. TarV-Neb. 470 . 310 . 318 .12) . 9C0 . 4-1 . 8.-3 . 770 . 490 . 275 .1150 . 6 30 . 980 2 25 3 10 3 10 3 10 2 25 2 25 1 cow. 11 cow.. 1 cow... 6 cows.. 1 cow... 1 heifer. .. 920 ..1001 ..1000 ..1008 .. 880 .1000 Tawnee Cattle Co. Colo. Date. I 1902. 1901.!lX.1899.189S.tl897.!lb96. Philadelphia Produce. PHIIaADELPHIA, Nov. . BUTTER -1. 1 .-w ' , f- Avrrn nenrnv or nil. . jn tne aiternoiui 11 .ra- 1 . . - - . ,- . ' . tlmo under reallxlng and I . ElG!t-F1rm, g.HKl demand; fresh nearby. at a partial ic net ad- zo. loss nr.: "'". !" u"i""'u; . 494i4!e.c. closed at 4Sc: I u. -1. closed unsettled nno Vtiruarv. May. 4tlj47Wc. closea at 40lc; uecemuer. oiVyVfiiS, closed at ibc. OATS Receipts, 282,750 bu.: exports. 1.83S bu.: spot, quiet: No. 2. 34c; standard white, 3tV; No. 2 white, S64c; No. 3 white. SHc: track, mixed, wetftern, 36"ic: mixed white, western. 36n43c; track, white, state, 36 7c. Options dull, but fairly steady; Decem ber. S&Mi-SSc, closvd at 36Sc HAY Steady ; shipping. b5ti0c; good to choice. lO Sf-Jil.OO. HOPS Firm: state, common to choice, 1102 crop, 2(l37e; 11 crop, 24428e: olds, Vi l"c; Pacltio couat. 1W2 crop, 2&3!c; 19j1 crop. 2:'n.7c; olds. 7&U'c. 111I1KS Quiet; Galveston, 20 to 2j lb., 18c; Csllfornla. 21 to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry. 26 to 30 lb., 14c. IaEATHER Quiet; hemlock sole, Bueuos Avre. light to heavy, acid. 24Jii5Hc PROVISIONS Beef, steady; family. J1601 l l8tK); mess. $10 btKi 11 00: beef hams. $-"0.50,-4 2160; packet. $14.0ofl 15f0; city, extra India mess $.t.l "028.00. Cut meat. Irregular; nickled bellies. $12 50ji 13.50; pickled shoul der. $8.&0!i.76; pickled hams. $12.0071 12.2S. Lard tlrm; western steamed, $11. 60; Novem ber closed at $11.60 nominal; refined, firm; continent. $11.: South America. $12.25; .nnn,.n.4 17 5nui7.75. Pork, easy; family. 0 5iVn-J1.00: continent. $U.: South America, $1" Oil" short, cleat. $21,410; mess, sis.ao li.so. RICK Mrm: domestic, fair to choice, ex aa jMrtan. 4SAra47ac. TALaWUW Bteaay ; tuj, iuuuw,, ur CORN December, boc. CHEESK Unchanged; New York full creams, prime small. rair 10 gooa mall. 111,tjl2'AC: prime, 12ViSfl2hc; fair to good large, UWU '--' Toledo Grala aad Seed. TOLEIX. Nov. . WHEAT Dull, lower; cash. 75Vc; December. 7t-i,c: aioy. 77Vc CORN Active, steaay; uecemoer, 4.c; May, 42c. . ...... OATS Dun, uncnangea; ueoemoer, sic; May, 3ic. RYE No. 2. 61c, buyers. SEED Clover, dull, higher; November, $ti.H2H; January, ip95; alslke No. 2, $8.50. Timothy, prime, 11.8a. tfiiarnrolli Vlieat, Floor aad Bran. MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. l-rWHEAT De cember. .0(ijMj, May, 7n,c. On track: No. I hard. I2ic; No. 1 northern. 72Sc; No. 3 nortnern, iU"sC. New York Nosey Market. NEW YORK. Nov. . MONEY On call firm, (Vgti per cent; closing bid and asked biyb per cent; prime mercantile paper, ovi 6 ner cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Firm, with ac tual business In bankers' bills at $4.xo87.(f 4.87 for demand and $4.8J825M.8375 fur fclxiy day bills; posted rates. $4.84 and $4.87 4.88; commercial Dins, HBW W'i. SILVER Bar, 497ic; Mexican dollar, 39HC. BONDS Government. steady; state, steady; railroad. Irregular. Th cloalnt, quotation on bonds ar a follow; ..1094. L. t N. unt. 4a 101 ..1094a Mex. Central 4a SO 4 ..lots do la ine 27 ..IO&Va Minn. & Si. L. 4s lonli ..13 M.. K. A T. 4a m ..134 do 2a 1:2 ..lio, N. T. Central Is ti. 8. ret. Jl, reg. do coupon do Sa, re do coupon do new 4a, re. do coupon do old 4s. rve,.. do coupon do 6a. ref do coupon AU'hlaon fen. 4a do ad). 4a.. ..lloV do sen. SVa. ..104i N J. C. sen. tl . .HH', No. Pacific 4a.. ..101', do Sa 91 N. & W. coo. BaI. Ohio 4a. .....100's Heading (en. 4a FLOUR First patents. 1 patents, $3.6Hi3.70: first second clear. $2 40fi2.50. BRAN In bulk, $11 j0. $3.80fi3.90: second clear, $2.90j3.UO; Mllwankce Uralat Market. MILWAUKEE. Nov. a, WHEAT Steadv; No. 1 northern, 73Uc; No. 2 uorth ern. 71Vi72Hc; December, 7114c. RYE-Steudy. No. 1. 61V.C. UAHI.EY-Steady; No. 2. 66c; sample. 359 A. 1 - ui"i-rFRReceiDt. 6467 pkg.: Irregular; state dairy. 18ti24c; creumry. extra, 2oc; .... m . , n v - Vlll i f. IMl'lAC. ''""ln,. n?7Sn!n.:nulAth.,i DULUTH. Nov. 6 WHEAT Cah : No. firm'; fancy Urge. 1.4,12 o; fancy .mall. Uv I hard 73 No. 1 northern IMNjl I i"i. KfiCM Receli.t. 1.704 Pkgs.: Irregular state and Pennsylvania, average best, U'w 2oc; western canaiea, ;ii.-c. POULTRY Alive: Weaker: chicken. iiiA'niac: turk.v:. 11c; fowls. llWolle Ilressed: Irregular: western chickens. 11c; westero foals, lotwuc; spring luraeys I'! IS.' METALS Copper declined 6 3 Id in Tindon. with suot there quoted at 51 18 td and future at 52 6a. Th local mar ket waa dull, but value remained un changed, with standard quoted at $1100, Hon. nal; laa. $U.S.!tU.elV; kctrolyUo, Daluth Urain Market. tftHc: May. OATS December. i'c. Peoria Market. PEORIA. III.. Nov. --COR.V-Inactlv. firmer; No. i. 51c. OATS blow and easy: No. I white. 29Ue. billed through. Liverpool Grala aad Provlsioas. LIVERPOOL. Nov. . WHEAT Snot Steady: No. 3 red western, wHitr, Kstxl; No. 1 nortnern, spring. in; No. $ California. Ht L at I at c Ss 101 LAS. P. 4a.. 1074 Ht. L s. w. la..., 107 do 2a 71 8. A. A. P. 4a., Io44 t)o. Pacific 4s si jtio. Railwar Si 9a Trxaa A Pacllc la M A St Pa. 4B...11-W T.. St. L A W. 4a A N. W. c. 7a 13.1V; L'nlon Pacific 4a do lsi do conv. 4s , Canada So. 2a Central of Oa. Sa.. do la inc Cr.ee. A Ohio 44a Chlraxo A A. J'i C, B. A ti C, C, C. It. 1. A P. 4a lo CCC. A St. La . 4a.. 101 hlr.io Ter. 4s tt Colorado 80. 4a 2 Denver A R O. 4a.. 101 Erie prior lien 4a... 98 do a-enerai 4a so F. W. A U. C. la. ...114 Hocking Val. 44a lot's Offered. do conv. 4a Wabaah Is do im do deb. B West Shore 4a Wheel. A L. E. 4s Wia. Central 4a Cone. Tobacco 4a.. .in . .l.iH ..10.1 4 .. J14 ..lmls .. 97v, ..11', ..100 .. 97 .. 8a ... 87 ... 91 ...119 ..120i ..a.) ...104 . ..loii'a ...1174 ...no ... 79'4 ...lU's . .. 924 ... 9J4 ... Boatoa Stock Qnoiat lana. BOSTON. Nov. . Call loans, lVfi per cent; time loans, 6fc6 per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Alrhleos 4s Gas la Ati'Olson , do pld Boston A Albanr.. Bo. ton Gleated .. N. Y . N. H A H Fltihburi P'd t'nloa Pacific Mex. Central Amer. Sugar do pld American T. A T 1S3V Dominion 1. A a.. C.eu. Electric Maae. fcleclrlc do pfd failed Krult I. I. Steel do pfd Westlngh. Common Adventure Altouea .'.0I'! .. 99 . M4 . 9S ,.U4 .1644 .ni .141 .10JHI .2Xll. .1UH .119 Amalgamated . lilnsham Calumet A Hecla. Centenulcl Copper Range .... Dnminlos Coal .. Franklin Isle Koyale .Mohawk old iiomlulon .... Oftreola Parrot Quliicy HV Panta Fs Copper.. .181 Tamarack . 17 Trlmounlala . 9 Trlnllj I lilted Slates .... . J'4 Hah . s Victoria -lm Winona . 14 Wolverine . 24 Lialy West ... - . .. 2a ... ... u ... 41S ...ISO ... i ... 13 ... 40 ... 11 ... i5 ... 21 ...120 ... 14, ...IM ... 94 . .. 104 ... Jtrt, . .. -1 ... ... jh .w lB ...49 Foreign Financial. LONDON. Nov. . Discount weakened today In sympathy with the plethora of money. Ruslnesa on the Stock exchange was quietly Irregular. Consols were easier and home rails were erratic, though some shares Improved on favorable traffic re turns. Americans reacted as a reflection of the cheerlefruiess In New York, were neglected and closed quiet and above the lowest quotations of the day. The decline In silver was attributed to the smaller de mand for forward delivery and the pressure to sell by American holders, owing to tne tightness of money In New York and also on account of the absence of business. Oold premiums are quoted am follows: Buenos Ayres. 127.4; Madrid, 32.80; Lis-I bon, 26. The weekly . statement of the Bank of England shows the follow ing changes: Total reserve, decreased 854, ooo; circulation, Increased 248,000; bullion. decreased a-o"iu,iso; oiner eeounues, de creased 81.000; other deposits, increased 1.178.000; public deposits, decreased 2,122,- 000; notes reserve, decreased i08,000; gov. ernment securities, unchanged. The pro portion or the Hank or England s reserve to the llnblllty Is 45.71 per cent; last week It was 46.59 per cent. The rate of discount Is unchanged at 4 per cent. Gold amounting- to 145.000 was withdrawn today rrom tne Bank of England for shipment to South America. Bar gold, 77s lt4d. PARIS. Nov. 6. Price were weak at the opening of the bourse today. The official list was heavy and rentes were offered owing to fear that the arbitration decision In favor of the coal mining companies may result In a prolongation or the strike. Spaniards reacted on realizations and the tightness of exchange. Industrials were weak. Rio tlntoa were heavy, but closed with a better tone. Kaffirs declined on bad new regarding the South African labor supply. At tne close prices an around were heavy. The private rate of discount was 2 13-16 per-cent. Three per cent rentes, 99f 83c for the account. Spanish 4s, 87.95. The weekly statement of the Bank of France shows the following chanaes: Treasury at current, decreased 81,175,000 francs; gold In hand, decreased 2.325.00O francs; bills discounted, decreased 48.626,000 francs; silver In hand, decreased 3,850,000 francs: note In circulation. In creased 10.325.000 francs. BERLIN. Nov. . Price were weak on the bourse today, owing' to unsatisfactory New York advices. Internationals were comparatively steady. Banks, mine and (Canadian Pacific declined. Exchange on London, 20m 45V, pf as. for checks. Dis count rate: Short and three months' bills, 3 per cent. Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS Nov. .-COTTON- Easy; sales, 4,550 bales; ordinary, 6 9-16c; good ordinary, 7 l-luc; low middling, o; inlddllnsr. 7 13-16c: arood mlddllna-. 8Mic: mid dling fair, dc; receipts, 20,672 bales; stock, 254.280 bales. Future quiet and steady; No vember, 7.73c bid; December, 7.83tT'r.84e: Jan uary, 7.86fi7.S7c; February, 7.88tg7.89c; March, l.Vi'g i.iMc; April, T.fcn.sc; may, 7.96517.97c; June, 7.97&1.99c; July, 7.99g.O0a NEW YORK, Nov. 6. COTTON Market ooened easy, with prices 14f8 point lower. under tremendous liquidation and vigorous bear selling, and following the call further declined, with pressure on both sides. A crop estimate of 11,600,000 to 12,000.000 bale by Nelll and failure of frost predictions to materialize over the western belt combined to undermine long cotton and give the shorts the Incentive needed to attack the list In general. The pool faction Increased its short account in aiarcn ano May Later In the morning there was a quick rally from 8.04c to 8.14c for March, other options' working In accordance. A cold wave prediction for the western belt to nlnght and reports that the crop movement will soon taoer oft decidedly, helped to rally the market. A statement by the census de partment of Washington, In which tho total crop thus far glnxied was placed at about 6.000.000 bales, and this amount wa re- carded as 60.1 Der cent of the total crop, failed to create friendliness toward the market. The rally was followed by heavy selling movements In the afternoon. In which nrtces crumbled ranldly. March drop ping to 8.04c. The close was steady at the decline, witn prices net wii points iuwer; total sales were estimated at ", Dates, well scattered throughout the list. ST. LOUIS. Nov. 6. COTTON O ulet and l.lfe. lower: mlddllna-. 7 13-lSc: sale. 677 bale; receipt 4.102 bales; shipments, 3,702 oaies; hiock, io.vio unirii. LIVERPOOL. Nov. 6. COTTON Spot moderate business done; price 8 points lr.wer: American middling fair, 4.90d; good middling. 4.30d; ordinary. 4.18d. The sales of the day were 8,000 bales, of which 500 were tor speculation and export ana in, eluded 7,100 American: receipts, 3.000 bales, Includlna 2.700 American. Futures opened easier and closed steady; American mid dling, g. o. c, November, 4.38d, buyers; No vember and December. 4.34d, buyers; De cember and January, 4.33d, sellers; January and February, 4.X.M, sellers; r eoruary ano March, 4 32d, sellers; May ano June, s.j-ii. sellers; June and July. 4.32d, seller; July and August, ixa, sellers. Oil and Boils. - OIL CITY. Pa.. Nov. 6 OIL-redlt bal ances. $1.36: certificates opened at $1.88 bid closed $1.40 bid, offered $1.42: sales. 12.000 bbla. Kt $1.40: ghliimenta. 79.451 bbl.. aver age 92.2"2 bbls.; runs, 84,765 bbl., average UJ.3V2 bbls. SAVANNAH. Ga., Nov. , OIL Turpen tine, firm, 62'u624c. ROSIN F rm: A. B. C. Il.Sfi v. il. 3o t: 81.40: F. $146: G. $1.66: H. $1.75: I. $2.00; K $2 5o; M. $3.00; N. 83.50; vu. sa.7b; ww, $4.15. TOLEDO. O.. NOV. 8 -111a Norm unt S9c: South IJma and India a. 94c. NEW YORK. Nov. 6. Oi .. cottonseed. dull; petroleum, firm; turpen ine, quiet. ROSIN Firm. IIVDON. Nov. . OIL Calcutta linseed spot. 4;i; linseed. Z3l turpentine spirits. aus d. LIVERPOOL. Nov. Oll-cotvonseeo Hull, refined, spot, steady. 21s 6d. ANTWERP, Nov. 6. OIL Petroleum. 19f 25 centime. C0ee Market. NEW YORK. Nov. 6. COFFEE Quiet No. 7 invoice, 6Sc: mild, quiet; Cordova, 7.frl2e. Futures onened unsteady on fair demand by profit-taking shorts, spot Interest and room traders. Cable deplet ing an unchaniied foreign situation and moderate primary receipt "wltchlng" out or nearer position into ine late munins nroved a feature of the day' transaction. over half of the business being of this char acter. Late In the day a forecast of the li.t :r'rr rrreluis to be ret orted tomorrow 44 ( halts, everted a bearish Influence on prices, which partially lost 6 points, the final ngures being net uncnangea 10 point lowei. with the undertone steady Sales. Including exchunees, amounted to 4;.000 bats. November selling at 4J.9tVtr5.O0r December. 6.(6c: January. 6 lie; March, 6.25c; May, 6.40c; July. 5.50&6.55c; Septem ber, 5.65c; Octobtr, 6.70C. Oct 1$.. Oct. 1.. Oct, 17.. Oct. 1$.. Oct. 19.. Oct, 20.. Oct, 21.. Oct. 22.. Oct. 23.. Oct. 24.. Oct. 25.. Oct. 26.. Oct. 27.. Oct. 28.. Oct. 29.. Oct. 30.. Oct. 31.. Nov. 1... Nov. 2... Nov. 3... Nov. 4... Nov. 6... Nov. 6... 7 0n4 6 181 4 82 B 3 1 S 1$ aZ zi f XW - oj 4 64 1 4 1 S 70 I 21 67 4 52 4 10 8 i I 64, 23 4 61 4 15 3 T3 S Ol I 24 4 bo 4 15 I 71, 1 64 3 27 4 13 3 65 621 8 23 6 03 4 62 J H 3 63 3 26 91 I 16 7 02 e 82 7ol o ib'tti 744,1 6 71 6 61 hi 6 61, Oil 614, 6 MTI 6 61 6 49 6 61'i 4 61 4 61 4 48 4 D8I 4 64 4 62 6 99 Ul o no 00 i s 6 811 6 72 4 60 6 67 4 47 6 73 4 61 5 72 4 60 4 W 5 82, 6 71 4 66 6 i71 4 64 4 16 I 3 63 3 2t! 4 141 I 66 j t 25 4 13 3 bS, 3 46 4 181 3 64 4 101 3 4 4 40 3 62 3 64 4 09i 4 03i S 6 4 01 3 63 1 8 29 3 bt' 8 45 8 61 3 62 3 41 3 26 3 38 3 17 8 421 3 U 3 38 8 Is 4 04 4 06 4 U2 4 01 8 31 3 41 3 43 3 17 3 19 3 27 3 30 3 43 i 3 31 3 44 3 21 $ 46, 3 17 11 4 2 1 15 15 10 1 20 7 7 6 18 20 11 1 8 1 8 4 112 46 7 Itle. Hogs. Sh'p. 372 1,724 204 78 1,785 2,478 676 ' 2,436 180 971 2,400 212 294 177 90 152 ..... 37 26 22 1 20 211 892 8.491 Baak C leariasrs. OMAHA, Nov. (.Bank clerlng. $1,173. 076 J'; corresponding day last year, $l,0u4, 821.37: Increuee. $1, 264.93. CINCINNATI, Nov. Clearings, -$3.764.. 06n. Money. !"ge per cent; New York ex change, par. CHICAGO. Nov. . Clearing. 118.22 .687 balance, $2.301. New York exchange, Z) Evaporated Apple aad Dried Fralta, NEW YORK, Nov. . EVAPORATED APPLES Show little change from the con ditions recently noted. The more attractive grade continue firm, under limited offer insrM, while the lower qualities, being In more liberal supply, nhow a comparative easiness. Common are Quoted at sauc prime at 8i6V, choice at 4&c and fancy at 7fiH. CALIFORNIA DRIED KRCITS Boot prunes of the larger sixes are nrra. but the smaller grades are no more than steady, with quotations ranging from 3"c to 74c for all grades. Apricot are firm, showing a hardening tendency, with boxes ouuted at 7Vtl2c and bags at 7iuc I'taches, unchanged. Indicates Sunday. The official number of car of stock brought in today by each road was: Cattle. Hoas. Sh'p. H'ses. .-., m. t ot. r. xty Wabash 2 Missouri Pacific Ry.. 1 Union Pacific system. 57 & N. W. Ry V.. K. & M. V. R. R.. 23 C, St. P M. k O.... 21 fc M. K. Ky 68 C, B. & Q. Ry 2 K.. u. ft Bi. J C, R. I. & P., east.. C. R. I. & P., west.. .. Illinois Central 1 Total receipt 177 The disposition ot the day's receipt was a follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber or neaa indicated: Buyers. C Omaha Packing Co Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour & Co Vansant & Co Carey & Benton Lobman & Co W. I. Stephen IJvlngstone & Schaller.... Hamilton & Rothschild.... L. F. Hus Dennis & Co , F. Hobblck Wolf ft Murnan Wertheimer Other buyer Touts 4.941 8.405 12.353 YESTERDAY'S SHIPMENTS. The following list show the number ot cars of feeder chipped to th country yes terday and their destination: cattle cara. . t). Harrison. Hampton. Neb. B. tc M.. 2 Thompson Marvel, Glhner, Neb. B. & M.. 2 zea ftioonev. fender. Neb. M. o l O. M. Ireland. DeSota, Neb. M. 0 2 J. Tobln, Tekamah, Neb. M. 0 1 Haney. Rising City. Neb. U. P 1 Stanton Breeding Farm, Leigh, Neb. F.E. 1 peter Blgler, Ewlng, Neb. F. E 1 K. w. -rnorpe. Htanton. Neo. tr. is l Theo. Lukassen, David City, Neb. F. E.. 2 w. H. Rankin, Tarklo, Mo. K. C 2 Rankin ft Wilson, Tarklo, Mo. K. C 2 W. P. Carpenter. Hambunr. Ia. K. C U. O. Brlcker. Hamburg. Ia. K. C 1 L. Brlcker. Hamburg, la. K. C 1 M. Btrahan. Malvern. Ia. Wab 1 William Botte. Dunlap, Ia. N. W Troleve Bros., Ogden. la- N. W Thomas Murphy, Low Moore, Ia. N. W.. 2 E. M. Lewi. Woodbine, la, N. W 2 R, Durpee. River Sioux, Ia. N. W 1 I. C. Dubois. Rodney, la. Mil 1 n TV nnnAvin CnnnHl RlufTe. T 1 T.. 1 W. T. Hucksteh. Delolt. Ia. L C. 1 F. E. Wells. Honeywood, 111. I. C 8 William Wilson. Northboro. Ia. Q 8 Carl Dundun. Tabor, Ia. Q 1 H. Dalton, Tabor, I Q 1 Bneeo u.u. Adolph Yanikl, Rising City, Neb. U. P... 1 CATTLE Receipts of cattle were mod erate again today, and the supply so far this week has fallen considerably short of the same day of last week. A compared witn last yeor, nowever. there Is still substantial gain. The market today could not be quoted brisk, but still practically everything sold at steady price with yes terday sates. There were several car of cornfed steer on sale, but none that could be called good to choice. Packers continued to be rather Indifferent buyer of that class of cattle, but on the average the cattle finally sold at about steady prices with recent sales, There were quite a rew cow and heifer Included In the offerings, and although the market lacked some or tne snap that has characterised It of late, still there were no quotable changes In the prices paid. The bulk of the desirable offerings waa disposed or in good season, ano in tact a aood Clearance was maae rainy eariy in tne day null, veai cstvci ana stags aiso sold in just about the same notches they' have for the last few days. The supply ot stockers and feeder was not very heavy, so that the better grade brought steady prices. The demand from the country so tar this week ha been rather light, but the general Impression I that election has had considerable to do with that, on account of this limited de mand speculators were rather cautious about buying anything but the best cattle, The market could probably best be de scribed by caning it slow but about steady There were oniy a rew desirable grades of western beef steers, and the market could be quoted steady. There was no great amount of activity, but trading was generally done on a basts of steady price. Western stockers and feeder were also a little slow, but about steady, and cows also failed to show any quotable change. Kepre aentatlve sales. BEEF STEERS. Ns av. 1 102V 910 1010 1 910 1 100 40 1149 41 t T 1 1010 1 100 a 99S I no 1 1040 4 ' ( 4 I lo 10 974 8 a- 0 914 1 1190 t 101! S 9M 17 90 t 114 11 4'4 1 90 COWS AND HEIFERS. 41 74S t 16 BULLS. 1 40 ! 00 1 1290 t SS i 1 144 10 HEIFERS. 4 sit in 4 CALVES. 19 4 00 I 150 S 00 1 STOCK COWS AND HEIFERS. F.4 IS 1 30 I 00 40 t SO 1 5WI lit S3 t SO 1 74 S SO STOCK CALVES. 119 1 SO 4 154 S St . w a e STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. Pr. No . At. Ft. t IS IS '..1119 I M i 40 It 111 S 15 4 1ft It 1231 40 4 H f 1JM t 40 4 6 46 1244 S 70 4 70 14 1SS1 ( 00 4 71 TOWS. I M S 1014 t 94 I 00 1 910 1 SO 1 00 4 .1011 3 90 ( 16 1 1110 t 10 I 9JS I IS I 96 1 1110 I 90 I 16 1 1110 I SO t SS 19 9M I 25 I 1 11S4 I 26 t 40 4 111 3 IS I SO 87 904 I 16 3 40 14 931 I 71 I SS CO into I o t 44 1 U10 4 OA 3 SO 1 11SS 4 on 3 96 1 140 4 is 3 90 7 1240 4 1 11.7. jo 7 ti.7 ..1140 4 ! ..1650 4 S4 tn i ia 90 4 00 1SS I SE !5 .. 8S1 ... 878 .. 827 ..1020 T. .. 924 .. 90 ...10-,'S .1250 21 bulls.. 56 cows. C cow. 4 cows. 11 cow. 1 cow.. 2 cow 80 6 cow 911 1 bull 1210 A. 4 steers.. ..1095 5 steers.. ..1125 8 Bteem ...1247 6 steerc... 886 2 feeders.. 785 1 feeder... 810 8 feeders.. 986 9 feeders.. 944 7 feeders.. 9T5 3 15 3 15 3 15 2 40 1 calf 3 25 1 calf lv. Props i Colo. 2 40 2 40 3 00 3 60 2 00 2 60 2 40 8. Ghent Wyo, 2 cows 2 cows 1 cow.... 30 feeders 3 feeder 1 bull.... .1194 . 9J6 . 210 . 170 . 950 ..1010 ..1020 .. 8S1 .. 973 ..1270 2 70 2 50 2 80 3 10 1 50 1 M 2 26 4 .5 3 80 3 2o 3 35 3 40 3 25 2 0 2 26 3 75 X 2S 3 50 3 90 8 00 3 90 3 00 2 70 25 4 36 3 4 59 3 75 3 85 3 25 2 00 3 75 2 t 1 75 2 25 3 25 8 10 3 10 3 10 t 26 8 60 2 33 3 15 8 75 3 76 2 00 1 lo 3 00 8 85 3 25 2 CO 3 cow.... 5 cows..., 980 8241 4 00 4 00 4 00 3 M 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 75 3 Ul 2 75 2 25 1 steer. 1 steer. 1 steer. .1010 , 9S0 ,. 770 S3 feeders.. 9 1 feeder... 1000 15 feeders.. 904 5 feeders.. 913 6 feeders.. 1 feeder. 880 so 4 00 4 00 8 00 8 75 3 75 3 75 3 00 3 75 3 75 24 feeders 1 feeder.. "4 steers. 14 steers. 22 calves., 38 cows... 1 cow 23 calves., 3 calves. 87 calves., 5 calves., 17 calve. 11 cows... 6 cows... 44 cteers.. 1 steer... .. 800 E. ..1159 ..lOB .. 34.3 780 H. 174 275 970 890 .1170 .1100 3 75 3 25 4 10 3 00 4 10 990 3 00 307 32G 4 no 4 00 4 25 2 15 8 25 3 75 2 75 3 10 E. Sweeney Neb. '95 3 70 29 feeders 3 00 3 feeder Holcomb 8. D. 4 10 6 steers.. 3 50 3 76 2 calves... 340 Teater Bros. Neb. 85 3 20 2 steers, 3 20 G. Weare-S. D. 6 00 1 cow , 3 00 Western Ranches 8. D, .. 345 3 75 10 calves.., .. 204 2 00 2 calves.., .. 216 5 00 C. W. Brewster Wyo. .. 995 3 25 6 steers.. ..1143 .. 882 8 60 1 bull 1250 B. Moran Neb. .. 973 3 75 2 Steer.. ..1030 .. 920 3 75 1 stag BOO ueorge Heaton Idaho. 1 cow 1080 3 00 38 heifer... 697 38 cows 861 2 60 17 calves... 356 85 cows 697 8 10 HOGS There waa a fairlv liberal run nf hogs here today, but. as will be seen from the table above, the suddIv Is con siderable short of the same days of last week, but a compared with the same days of last year there Is not much differ ence. The market opened fairly active and fully a dime higher than yesterday's aver age. Packers all seemed to have liberal orders, so that It was not long before the bulk of th early arrivals was disposed of. The most of the sales went from $6.60 to $6.65, with a few choice loads going above that figure. The heavy Dacklna aradea olil from $6.60 down. Hogs kept arriving- practically all dav. so the market did not come to a close until a late hour. Along toward noon the market weakened and the hog that ar rived at that time did not sell so well. Packers were bidding $6.60 for the class of stuff that sold earlier at $6.624 and $6.65. Representative sales: No. AT, : mi 46 263 44 264 40 277 No. 68.. 64.. 41.. SI.. 61.. (9 24 Av. SB. ...3S 240 ...297 ...293 ...286 ...818 .247 .2.H5 80 200 120 73 311 63 164 42 249 60 31 37 2 0 11 290 SO 106 40 37S 63.. 42.. 63... 64... 70., .117 ..SOS ..283 ..291 ...26S 47 Sll 22., 40... 70.. 49... 73... 47. 6T. 64. .145 ..2H4 ..279 . .2:, . ..21.1 ..25 .304 64 2S3 St., 19.., 61.. 44.., 64.., 124. 70. 50., ..247 ..24 ..304 ..364 ..274 ..253 ..tH ....347 42 24 17. 40... 49... 67... 64... 43... 302.. 61... 61... 40... .241 .576 ....SOS ....286 ....290 ....23 ....268 ....921 ....160 ....266 140 SO SO 120 40 340 160 soo so 90 200 400 160 40 80 40 40 120 80 40 tot) 120 300 320 Pr. 624 I2'- 62 li 66 4 40 4 60 40 4 65 4 63 -. 65 4 66 4 60 60 40 4 SO 4 (0 60 60 4 60 4 40 4 40 30 4 40 112 H 42 'A 421 4 62 S2V4 4 421, 624 4 62s 4 62 ', 4 tli 4 624 4 424 4 62s 4 42' . 124 4 424 4 624 4 424 4 624 424 424 624 424 424 Z4 4 S2'. 49. 94 70 47 46...... (8 (5 40 .0 , 40 , 44 73 6J (S 40 47 41 S3 , 48 70 , 73 9 44 60 , 64 41 , 61 17 S4 74 97 73 .237 .364 ..361 ..294 ..310 ..369 ..335 ..267 ..257 ..267 ..263 ..242 .310 ..175 ..373 ..379 ,.94S ..340 ..2S5 ..357 ..259 ..257 ..273 ..275 ..38 ..358 ..207 ..2.13 ..235 ..243 .268 ...213 44 251 64. 71... 71... 64... 66... 70... 73... 75... 110.. 7... 73... ..274 ..261 ..214 ..SIS ,.2S ..234 ..224 ,.J3 ..346 ..351 ..361 Bh. Pr. 4 624 4 624 8 424 4 624 4 424 ' 4 624 4 45 4 46 4 48 ' 4 65 4 48 4 45 65 4 48 4 45 4 45 I 45 4 48 46 4 46 (5 45 45 45 4 SS 4 65 4 65 4 65 4 45 66 65 68 65 5 65 5 65 4 65 4 46 , 4 45 4 46 ... 4 474 10 474 400 474 240 474 80 47 4 140 4 70 SO 4 TO ... 70 SO 80 80 80 60 140 40 80 240 80 80 SO 340 160 140 120 120 160 SO 40 200 160 160 10 120 240 120 'io 120 90 80 160 140 80 SHEEP There was not an eversunnlv of sheep In sight this morning, and, as will be noticed from the table of receipt above, the aupply for the week to date, while In excess of the same day of last year. Is not much different from the cor responding period of last week. The great bulk of the offerings today consisted of feeders and In fact there were very few food killers on sale. A bunch of short ed yearlings brought $3.90, but they were not choice. It Is safe to say that any thing desirable would have met with ready sale at steady prices with yesterday. There were quite a good many feeder buyer on hnnd. so that, although the supply was liberal, the market held Just about steady. The better grades in par ticular sold freely, but of course the com mon kinds were more or less neglected. Quotations: Good to choice yearlings, $3.75 64.00; fair to good. $3 2S1J3.66; good to cholc wethers. $3.5tFj.l.65; fair to good wether. $3.103.36; choice ewes, $2.763.26; fair to food ewe $2.252.65; good to choice lambs. I.75C)6.00; fair 0 good lambs, $4.0064.65; choice native lambs, $5.00fJ6.60; feeder weth era, $2.75413.00; feeder yearling. I2.90W3 25; feeder lambs, W.OCKipt 00; cull lambs, $1.50,1 2.60; feeder ewes, $1,2512 00; cull ewe. 75c& $1.26; stock ewes, $2.tVx3.25. Representative sales; No. Av. 21 cull ewe 81 3 feeder ewes 83 30 feeder ewe 85 30 feeder ewe 90 238 fed wether 69 11 native ewe 120 26 Wyoming cull ewes 82 386 Wyoming feeder ewe 82 26 Wyoming feeder ewe 101 85 Wyoming feeder wether. 16 Wyoming cull wether 107 Wyoming ewe. 249 Wyoming feeder wether... 1254 Wyoming feeder wether.. 11 Wyoming ewes 69 fed ewe 180 fed yearlings 10 cull lambs 292 Wyoming lambs 23 fed lamb M Wyoming feeder wether..., 815 Wyoming feeder lamb , 15 Nebraska ewes , 25 Nebraska ewes , 60 native sheep , 63 96 92 91 113 124 69 64 70 67 94 1 43 , 73 , 82 , 77 Pr. 1 60 2 00 8 00 3 75 3 SO 3 35 1 50 2 26 2 40 2 66 2 75 3 80 8 10 3 26 3 60 3 60 3 95 4 00 4 66 ( 00 2 60 8 00 3 75 2 75 $ 25 FLOUR MILLS IN A COMBINE St. Joseph Live atork Market. ST. JOSEPH, Nov. . CATTLE Re ceipts. 2.200 head; lvfj 15c lower; natives. $3.6.Vri 5: cows and heifers, $1.6nii.D0; veals'. $..5Ot6.50; hjlltt and stags. $2.5u!:(..65. HOGS Receipts. 6.220 head; 10c higher; light and llplit mixed. .6"a6 6'; medium snd heavy, $6.6ob.65; pigs, $J.Ms 50; bulk, $6 fij. gHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,700 head; alow, steady. Amalgamation of Extensi Iotr?U on tk Pacifio Coast, CAPITAL IN DEAL TWENTY MILLIONS 1 Owners of Properties Reeel e' Ts eiit y Per teat ot Valaatlon In Cimh and llnlanee in Honda and Stock. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. .-t'onnrmin previous reports, the Call this morning say: A deal Is practtcallv accomplished for th nmalsamatiun of all the extensive flouring Interests or the Pacific mii it mill 1.1.. in the large plants cf Washington, iiregnn uim ainornia snci will call Into existence one large corpomtlon with capital or $2o,O0P.0ii0 and facilities equal to supplying the present and prospectively greater de mands of the Pacific ooa-t and of the Orient. William Thomsen of this citv Is now In tlin eest In connection wl'h the deal. The pr. -llmlnary advance were mnde a few weeks Bt, y Mr. Thomsen of the Continental tnllls of Seattle nnd Mr. Wilcox of th lortland Flour Mills company. Vnder the plan for financing the deal, say the Call, the owners of existing prop erties are to receive on a fixed and greed valuation of plants, etc., 20 per cent Id cah and the remainder In bonds and storks to be Issued by the new corporation to b formed to effect the amalgamation. CHICAGO I.I VIS STOCK SIAHKF.T. Cattle and Sheep Steady, Hog; Ad vance aad Then Reeede. CHICAGO. Nov. . -CATTLE Receipts, 9.500 head. Including 3.000 head westerns; steady; good to prime steers, $ti.5o(i7.40: I'w.ii- m ineuium, e.i.oo'UO.-'n: mockers ami Teeners, s.'.aiifri 4. la; cows. 81.404.70; heifers, $-'.004j5.ik); canners. $14002.50; bulls, $10oi 4.50; calves, $.1.76i7.60; Texas fed steers, $3.lfM.25: western steers, t.t 50fii m HOuS Receipts. 23.0OO head: estimated tomorrow, 20,ooi head; left over, 2,rK head; opened 10c higher, closed advance lot; mixed and butchers, $6.4H(fiii.80; good to choice heavy $fi fr'yrfii.85; rough heavy. $fi.:M Sr6.55; light, $6.30(80.65; bulk of sales, $6 5i SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, lS.onn head; steady; good to choice wethers. 83.50 ti'4.00: fair to choice mixed, $2.6041 3. 40; west ern sheep, $2.7.Va3.80; native lambs, $3.50' 6.25; western lambs, $3.75i,t6.0O. Official yesterday: Receipts. Shipments. Cattle 18.81 2.911 Hogs 28.895 2.774 Sheep 24.582 3.9si Kansas City Live Stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Nov. CATTLE Re ceipts. 7.0IO head natives. 1,600 head Texas, 140 head Texas calves, l.iiX) head Texas na tives; corn fed, KKalbe lower; native cow opened steady, broke l420c; western cows, active, steady; stockers and feeders and calveo, weak; quarantine, steady; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.6ooj ?.2i; fair to good, $3.bi)4i6.55; stockers and feed ers, $2.2of-4.i5; western fed steers, 33.O1M 6.60; Texan and Indian steers, $.1.504.20; Texas cows, $2.00&'.!.9o; native cows, $1.50fg) 4.5o; native heifers, $3. 00&4.2O; canners. $1.00 632.26; bulls, $2.25HT3.40; calvea, $2.5o8.00. HOGS Receipts, 14.000 ..ead; market opened 6i&10c higher; closed with most of advance lost; top, $6.65; bulk of sales. $6.50 4(6.65; heavy, $b.62mai 65 ; mixed packers. $6.40tj)6.66; light, $6.Mz4.65; yorkcrs, $6.5op 6.62H; pigs, $6.20(86.45. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 8.000 head; market steady to easy; native lambs, $.1.60415.26; western lambs, $:i.ooii:5.20; fed ewes, $3.1(K&i3.75; native wethers. $.1.05g4.1; western wethers, $3.0U-I.00; stockers anil feeders, $l.&5((j3.25. St. Loot Lire Stock Market. ST. LOUIS. Nov. .-CATTLE-Recelpl. 4,5oO head. Including 1.000 head Texan; market steady to Arm; native shipping and export steers, $5.504r7.o0, with fancy worth $8.60; dressed beef and butcher steers, $4.65 ((16.50; steers under 1.000 lbs., $l.00&.00; stockers and feeders, $3.00414.40; cows and heifers, $2.266.26; canners, $1.60t)2.60; bulls, $2.5O3.60; calves, $4.00(7.50; Texas and In dian steers, $3.204d.25; cows and heifers, $2.30(53.60. . HOGS Receipts, 6,000 head: market vflrm and 10c higher; pigs and lights, $H.30$j.56; packers, $6.50(a.7o; butchers, $6Va6.&0. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. 1,500 head; market steady; native muttons. $2.75 074.00; lambs. $3.60(16.50; culls and buck, $2.50(4.00; stockers, $1.60(33.00. New York Live Stork Market. NEW YORK. Nov. ftv CATTLE Re ceipt. 151 head; dressed beef, steady; city dressed native sides, 7Q114c per lb.; Texas beef, S-frti'-jC. Cable quoted American steers at LrtiSltc, dressed weights; refrige rator beef at loHHc per lb- CALVES Receipt, 148 head; veals, steady; other calve very dull; about 275 head unsold; veal sold at $4.&0a6.75 per 100 lbs. HOGS Receipts, 3,104 head; steady; state old at $6.65 per 100 lbs. SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 2.776 head; both sheen and lamb weak In price and very dull; sheep sold at $2.50ft'.1.37H per 100 lbs., a bunch for export at $3.75; lambs at $4.607i.25; Canada at $4.75; dressed mut ton, 64)V4C per lb.; dressed lambs, 63j1)c. Sasrar aad Molasse. NEW ORLEANS. Nov. . SUOAR-Act-ive: open kettle, 2H'S3c; open kettle cen trifugal, new. 31-16ii(JSc; centrifugal white, 89(8o'.c; yellow. SWUc; econds, 2VtJ3c. MOLASSES In good demand; open ket tle, wg.uc: centrifugal, nu.-uc; syrup, steady, aOfcWc. NEW YORK. Nov. . SUGAR Raw, firm; fair refining, 34c; centrifugal 96 test. 4c. Molasses sugar, 2?c; refined, unset tled. MOLASSES Steady. LONDON Nov. 6. SUOAR Beet. No vember, 7.554d. ssi t o 690 3 44 ....1M4 t 9 tM 3 00 .... 14 3 10 .... 44 I 24 .... 326 S " 87 feeder., 13 feeders., 19 feeders., 1 seder. 7. 6 . 12.. 7.. SS.. 4 . T . NEBRASKA. S4i 3 15 . 90 S 10 . 619 9 KS . 6i: 3 16 .100 3 50 . ' 3 64 . SX'4 4 19 487 4 50 4-4 3 60 26 8 60 675 t 50 141 calve.., 3 calve.., 60 calves... 11 heifer.., 28 4 20 2'4 3 60 318 8 86 Kt 30 Sloa City Live Stork Market. SIOUX CITY. Ia.. Nov. .-fSpecial Tele gram. ) CATTLE Receipts, 8'; market steady; lieeves, $4.2547.50; cows, bulls and mixed, $2.26a4.00; stockers and feeders, $J.5o (14 fHi, yearling and calves, $2.50-4. W. HOOS-Receipts. 2.(); lOtfMSc higher, ell Ing at $6 4oi3). bulk, $6 456.60. The stock at Stork in ftlaht. the receipts of live fnllnwlnar 1 . ... . - . the lx principal cllle yesteroay: Omaha ...... Chicago Kansas City Pt. Ixiuls .... Ht. Joseph .. Sioux City .. Total .... Cattle. 4 800 .6t 7.000 4.5iO 8. 2") 80O Htfs. 4j.90l 23.(t) H.OiO 8.000 8 TM 2.0U0 Blieep. 11.. 'W 18.000 i.OfO 1.500 1.700 .3.800 64, U0 40JO Whisky Market. CHICAGO, Nov. 6. WHISKY Stealy at $1 32. ST. LOUIS, Nov. .WHISKY Steady at $1.32. PEORIA, Nov. .-WHISKY-On th basis of $1.32 for finished good. CINCINNATI. Nov. .-WHISKY-Dls-ttllers' finished goods, active on basis of $1.32. Dry Goads Market. NEW YORK. Nov. I DRY GOODS Th market today has not changed In any Im portant feature. The demand has been quiet throughout for cotton good, with previous price upheld. The decline In raw cotton keep buyer shy, but ha not weak ened sellers. Silks are in fair demand and firm. Him riDbon nrm, wun niouerai business. Wool Market. ST. LOUIS, Nor. . WOOL Steady ; me dium grade and combing, 15318c; light, fine, 13wl7c; heavy, fin. 10(ijl3c; tub-washed, 16i 264c NEW YORK. Nov. 6 WOOL Firm. THE REALTY MARKET. INSTRUMENTS filed In the register of deed' and county clerk's office on No vember : Warranty Deed. National Life Insurance company to Helen J. Jefferles, lot 7, Hlraebaugh place 1,850 Ida N. Dech to Sarah J. Rhea, lot 68, block 2, naunaers ac xi. emu. iu Walnut Hill . "aa-'V.'-'J Same to C. 8. Francl. lot 69, block 2. same .... i""V'A'" "L" B Jetter and wife to South Omha school district No. 3. lot , block 1. Drew Hill vv South Omaha Land company t 1 to Theodore Frederick et al, lot 14. 15 and 1. block 2, Spring Iike park Antonle Tobla and husband to Jo seph Sramck. lot 10. block "A." Morrison' add II. C. Drexel nd wife to Flora II. Nichols, lot 10, block 14, KounU Pluc H. G. J. Lehman and wife to F. L. Moore et al. e95 feet of el90 feet, lot 15, block 6. Kuuntse &. R.'s add ttalt Claim Deed. T. P. Nichols and S. II. Howard. eVi, lie's. 17-15-10 O. M. Tunlon and wife to Arnst Schroder. e. se' (east of Elkhoriu and all of ne. e' (st of Elk- horn) In 14-10 Deed. O W. Loomls. guardian, to Jofsph P. O'Keefe, lol 6, block 1, Bedford Place Sheriff to O. H. Hill. i23 feet lot t block 6. Omaha Philip Potter et al. receiver to Mil ton Trust company, lot 7 and 8. L.1..1. a a v u . a p. ' m An Sheriff to Elisabeth S. 6hlppn. lot . and 7. block 1. Walnut Hill Total amount of transfer 10 30 400 660 300 1.006 8,500 4) 75 1.100 8.640 12.100 ..$25.15$