Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 07, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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"Lickix d G-jrdni.," br AicxtTiir?, it t
l'.arj of tbt .Trwe:. It.
" j
Oriaade J. ssllh k t.reat ntTart J
te Me tbe Pnblra f ike
lltrm Hi ek
hr rral navel.
"RitharS Gordon." by AHitilfr Black,
g story of the- present fler Tb plot S
finely conceived end it development it
well sustained to lb tfrr end. Tb sneoet
ere laid la New Tf'k C'ty and nv to flo
with an and women c? the upper middle
and tugbcr classes of society. Richard
Oorflos at Just out b nti a one v ould
wish Tor hero. He it leader In law at
ell aa politics, and thnupb bit experience
la lb Cubao war was not of long duration
b crowned himsrlf with glory. Tb be- , ,
roice la rbamlni: and vbrti Gordon Owi
tnally ber abe l 'a Irrlnj ar abe -aa
reaerree brfore Tb rarioue i.baracter
nlieen tbe nory, brinr'.ne m botb a apara fcusior and atrirt atuou. Publlabed br
liftkrop Tublisbinc Co.
la "Eienialiam . a Tbeorr of InEtlt Ju-tloe,-
by OrUjiOo J. f.mitb. Lb auibor bar
made a rrol effort to aolve tbe problrm of
the utlTeme. He treat tb auljert from a
omevbat fliBnreiit standpoint than most
t hla iwefleiPMiBora. Tbe tbet;i acv.cped i
the "amil of tbe individual, hlrb 1 tbe
eaaent of tbe lnfilriflual. la unrreiitable
and ladeatmctlble. rre-rriatent and after
lBiet ImnuirAl m.nd eternal, whlrh
tbeorr rrt 1'fe ran or.?r be harmoniBed with !
Juatloa." In another t.laf-e be Br "
la forerer working out iua on dtmnation
or hla own aalratlon " TlMlsbed tr Houph
ton, M'.fflin 4 Co.
Hrribnera have published a nrr volume
Vt irinthrop 1 Marrtn. aaaoriate editor of
the Boat on Journal, entitled "The Ameri
cas Mea-chaw Marine; Jta Hiatory and Ro
mance from Jfi6 to 15(;i." Alvhouch hiBtorr.
ihia book haa the interem of a romtnre.
especially tbe chapters dealing with tbe j
East India trade and with tbe whale fifcb
ry. la his Introduction th sutbor says:
The w-ar navy of ibe t'mted F-tates has
had many, tbe merthaxt nsry few. his
roriasa. Tet ibe two services are Joined
fry as Intimate relationship; tbcy are in
aispenaable the one to th other.
Jt la tbe declared purpose of this volume
to present hoth the romance and tbe hia
lory of tbe American merchant marine.
The picturesque aspect of our ocean ad
venture is not leas important than tbe eoo
xmmlc and political." Mr. Marvin s pre
sentation of tb facts Is complete and con
vincing,, and tbe grace and flexibility of his
inyle will Insure wide reading for his book, j
"Iatar of Babylon" is a fall novel by Mar- (
sjaret Horton Potter. Th nnenr it laid in
Ltjlon at the lime immediately preced
ing lta fall anJ capture by Cyrus, thousands
of year before Christianity was beard of.
Istar. tbe real hcrouie of tbe story, is as
igyptian r'flfl"a. and tbe underlying theme j
th atory Is the Joys, griefs and ams of
woman'tind. lBtar. tbe goddess, w.ithing to
w.ttiB to the most complete development
j& womanhood, detenr.inea to go to iarth.
ecome mortal womsa and share In all
he Jaya and woes of humanity. Pbe de
brej)4a into tbe temple at Babylon, where
t la worshipped as a poddeaa. and appears
i jerw ta a cloud of silver flame. Belahazxar.
ij king's son, becomes enamored -of tbe
ria.uti!nl Irtar, and dares to embrace her.
- -hen the flame vanish and she appears a
,diatil woman. Thenceforth ber llfa is
lat of other women living In Babylon. All
iielr experiences she sharea. Finally she
. attacked by oisease, ber beauty raniahes
tifl tho day comes when abe Is hunted and
rfrlwea through Abe streets like as outcast.
All this develops her soul; It Is purified.
ir beauty re. urn and bbe is again taken
p to the company of th goue. Published
t y Harper at Bros.
"Tb Holland 'Wolvoa.. is by J. Breck
enridgs Eilia It is dlviflad into three dl
rlslona It is cart during th time when
Lhe Hollanders resisted the tyranny of th
3uk of AJra and his Epanifth army and
bea 'Winiani th fcilent cam forth to
So battle. It would be disappointing not
find a duel, so we are gratified In thit
regard, and. In fact, tbe novel is full of
fxcitlng action backed by deep love. Tbe
hero la a Frenchman and moat of tbe Hol
lander are Catholics. PubiiEbed by A.
2. McClurg t Co.
"Traveller Tales rf the Pan-American
Countries." by Herekluh Butterwon a. la
the third la the popular aeriaa of the
Traveller Talea." written after th man
ner of th tamoua "Zigzag Seriea." which
la known throughout th English reading
world. 'Traveller Tale of the Pan-American
Countriea." la full of the legend,
kistnrr and folklore of South and Central
America and the West Indies. Tbe au
thor has made several Journeys to Kouts
America and baa more than one crosses
the ' Andes. He has also visited Panama
and studied on the spot tbr vexed prob
lem of as isthmian canal. Tbe book is of
borbJg Interest and Its numerous stone
Illustrate tbe manners and ruaiuztis of
ha native populationa. tbe lnoa trsflttiona.
th Indian tales and the exciting narrative
Of animal life Is th forrKta. "South Amer
ica.," aay Mr. Buttcrworth truly. "Is the
waiting world and one of the most splen
did republic or empires of time surma
certain to rise at no distant flu os the
tbltland of the Andea." Published by
Xana Estes a- Co.
!. Cortland Myetm. whs la minister at
tb Baptist Temple. Brooklyn, has Is "The
Lost Wedding lane" produced a bock be-
f.ttlig in cur tents the "City of Home and
Chun bea" wherein be la a very popular
lireacaer. as d war s ist . i
bom is at tbe fnundanon of human so
ciety and tbr u-k.rr.ace altar is at the cen
ter of the home." And so is nine hopeful
talks he discusses the Institution of mar.
rtag from a religiou standpoint. In.
Myers approaches his subject from tbe neg
ative aide. He tells what marriage ir
not before b disnaases it is Its positive
aspect. The evile that fcenet the insti
tution command bis first sttectioa. "Tb i
lost weeding ring" is t him "lost sane-
tlty. security and aalvaUon." la the latter
half of tbe book, however, the lot is
found and the chapters "The kLicgly But
"band." '&ueen of th Home" and "Strong
as Iioeifc" present with glowitg fervor
tb Christian ideal of th l:fr union of man
and woman. Pub!hcd ty Futk W'ag
tall "Tbe I'iary cf a faint." Arle Bates' laut
aevel. giro the story of oo rear ia th
lite of Ruth Pnvet. a Nee England girl,
jt nas a very eventful rear. rrceSed ana
tprienors and impressions At tbe be
ginning B.uth vea engaged ts tbe soaa abo
had beea brought vp eith ber and edu
cated by ber tatber. At tb end of th,
par she had established her right to tb
title et saint y bar Belf-aatrifior and mural
fmeaeea. and incidentally hat anreed a
sweet it.t ueuoe la the comm y. Tb cen
tral thought f th book is thai aamtkhus
is a isittr rather of rondurt then theory;
1 ethiual rs'.her thas relioua The struc
ture of the &e4 ia the torsi of a rj
i eor aimie and sua ea the avMliuateat
of event ul tbsra'-leT ususuary dear.
Ktmphton, MiffiiB Co.. publisher.
"Tlit Lout Streigbi F.oad." ly Geo-gr
Morton, is the first nf tb fall bonk i
appear wvtfc th Brvcn-Kerrill company
itnpr.nt It tat Its uur Iron a lirtw
of Robert lu't F-.riefcf.rn "Timet it
charged wi-B h!m vbo marriet: tbr are
ti itrr bypath meadow t v her you may
ltnorentlv linger, but Ui road lie lure
.a t.lrtt ,a fluR.y t. -be grave" This
1 M. Hon n'l first story of American
ll'e. t irprtou tnrl being romances of
modern Greece, where Mr. Hortnn per.t
live years as consul at Athena. "Th long
treigbt Road" it irtmsely modern and
dr-sj vi'h ro:d salaries In larg r.ttiee It
is a modem frcry cf successful love and a
successful Lff.
TTe ASverture of ToTjua." ! Charl
Frederlrlt Holder, if a bM.k of adreiturra
Tbe arene of this atworblcf bnok it laid on
tbe lFlacd of 5it'.i Cataltna (P!njur-t.i. In
tb Iar.fir.. ntt far frotn 6k n Diea. 2110
rear in. Two Spanish bt-vn. banished
from tbeir native lurid, etssajie from a Jeeult
I mlwion. anC. ftiiflefl bj- Torgua. live a allfl. ;
e. otii -cf-floor life atnonc th Indian
we rrad of tbe rrvaterioun cave, the aeii
ajiflpr. the vmrloua buttc and -retks. etc.. j
and tnal?y tbe rearue. Tb book abound
In lnBtrur.ion a -eIl at adventure and hai (
acme atrLkitf lllurtrationr. Publbed fcj '
L.!tUe, Bron a Co. j
"Fame ftr a 'Woman; or. Fniendid Mru-x- i
lh." la a Dftr tovei by Cranmon Krtcaife I
On the title par are these a rrd by Mme. '
6e 6;.al ' Fame it for tromtn only a '
splendid mourning for happlnea " Kr '
Metcalfe tella u how a aweet little woman.
wboae world it little bierer than her hue- I
band, cnlarpet brr virinn rontact with j
the superficiary c-.lever young lite.rary set j
In LiOndnn Fbe it persuaded to write, and '
her writing la attended with rtieceaa. such I
aa It i tbe aort of suwew w hic h meant J
tench tftiring m "l:terary note." inter- j
views drriblFt; the irlvnrr r onr't
fireside and pre-eminence among ao-called
oonemians. rubilsbed by G. T Putnam s
John Lan's boudior booklets, in apple
green and violet leather or doth, aptly
called "The Lover's Library," have Jus;
included in thetr tun.ber "The Love Foemt !
of HeTick" Robert Hemck. w hose gentle
verse has been wed to the music of many j of Hope reigns supreme. There is hardly
musicians. Perhaps th best known is , a face without s smile, uxleas car and
his delicate song. "Go Htppy Rose." an- 'age have so hardened th lines that a amile
other is "Gather Te Rue Buds While T Jhas no idea of how to make Itself at home.
May." Tbcy have come from countries in which
tb immigrants are treated like catlle, where
The Review of Review for November the proverbial two ends cf life were for
presents seven pages of "Cartoon Com- 1 ever gplng widely, and in a few boors
inents on tbe Coal Strike and Its Settle
ment" an aftermath of th great labor
conflict that is not without instructive
features. These rartoona. reproduced in
these page, represent every Tihaae of
public opinion as expressed in all part
of tbe land.
Edgar Fswcett contributes to the No
vember number of tb Smart Ret a novel
ette that surpasses any previous work of
fiction from his pen. It is entitled "Lady
frsula Lover, and it contains a strik
ing analysis of Lb tfect caused by tbe
passion of love on the sens of honor
Captain Joshua Slorumh. who sailed
round tbe world alon in a twenty-fort
boat and wrote th story so i harmirigly
that be faund himself ftmeus. begin a
stirring series of papers In the Outing fur
November. Andrew 1. Ptone, naturalist
and arctic traveler, contribute the most
important paper ever written on tbe moun
tain aheep. Tber 1 an exciting and hu
morous suiry of jtolf and one of thrilling
adventure on a moose tght ta the death. J
There is an article on the making of a
loot ball team by a famous Harvard coach,
and the story of a trolley trip to Baltimore.
T. E. Van Iyke. one nf the greatest d1
hunters of America, concentrate the wia
dom of half a century experience in
"Handling the RiSe on Game."
Tbe November cumber of tbe Eiact- j
board, an entertaining little magazine de
I voted exclualvely to original stories re
lating to teachers and pupil and incidents
of school or college life, has been re
reived. The stories, five in number, are of
interest not only ts teachers and pupils,
but everyone who has attended school or
who esjrys a good story. The Blackboard I
it issued monthly at St. Paul and the No- j
vember issue is the fifth number. I
No less than eight illustrated article 1
are to be found in the November maga
aine issue of the Outlook, which has sev
eral full-page portraits of men of the day. 1
Tbe issue contains, in addition to what may
be railed its magazine articlea. the usual
full and carefully prepared history of
tbe world for a w-eofc. editorial on current
topic of great importance, review of
book Just published aiif much other mat
ter. Th beet detective story that has bees
written tor a long time, and on on quit
different lines from the Eberlock Holmes
variety, appears over the well known sig
nature of Anna Katberine Green la the
November number of Leslie's Monthly.
Country Life in America for October
superblv illust rites the vtried out-door
pursuits of the best month of all the year
Among tbe leading features. "Tacfating A
i PrrKmKl E.prienoc.- is written by Thomas
rixon. jr about "ife on an eighty-foot
schooner-yacht in aoutbem wters. which
he found cost lest than living ashore; "The
rpbuflding of a Goif Course" consider
condition necessary for tbe beet courses;
"Grapi'5 on a Fuburbas House Lot" deal
with varieties of prise fruit, and "Two
Lizard of the Desert" is about tboar weird
beasts cf the southwest that live with on:
water, while two English game for tb-
lawn. "Jack of tbe G and Quoits." i
the aubiect of aw article with aurreatinin
, , Americas slavers. Tws rmwortant arti-
. rl! flwU lu cllllp, , . -Campkeep-
lug as a F;r,e Art" Is about summer LI
amrng tbr rr3otds of Caltlornia for those
ebo do not care tor the rough aide of
ran-ning, ehtle "Camping Out." an artirie
by the editor. L. H. Batley, is a rla for
real ratnntng. not eonGned to tbe jAaaant
That a number of ftnJ'.ie may rive to
getber. cbarirg all things in ram man. eat
ing their food ia re-operative "km bea
bcuFs and w llir.g la mutual good-e.ll
and peaoe. is thoan today ia tb cluster
of villtge. in inm peopled by th. member,
of tfc. AJtas. aouety alas raHed T1,.
, , . -
. ' , , ,
per a htagaaice tc.r Ortuber. Prof. Kit-hard
T. E'y. ".be 11 trnoan authority on aocial
and Industrial b'tterment. arttea a niost
enttrtaining arttrle about "Amana: A Study
of Religious C ammunism." is arnica be ov
erripe to prurtuial methods ui these
ruo!" people.
The above books are for aaie by the
Megeath Stationery Co., lSu rarnam at.
My litti uey toe th croup on tught
sva F. P. Rryooidt of V-anafielo. 0 "and
grew as bad you eould bear bits breath all
aver tbe bouse. I thought ha would die. but
a few doses cf One Minute Oouga Cure re
lieved and etnt him ta alee. That's th
lbt w beard of th croup." Oae Miner.
tiugb Cur is absolutely safe and acta at
anca. For coughs, colas, crwen, fri..
as lima anJ bruuxitia.
Lifts ate EUatTi 01 tba !au Curait
Trae l H mri C hildrea trftm
y arte rt tf Epe
Plil!rfbeal OhwiiK.!!
! a Oatekeeer.
KET TC FJw. Oct IV Not Biaty day ago
a aad little paragraph m tbe newspaper
informed aryor who might care to read
that a ypung Fyrlan girl who had been re
fused adtcisBion to thit oountry through
New 1 r.rk bad bf-ec deterted w hiie tTing
te struggle through Canada and In ber
despair at tbe dntMe disappointment had
committed suicide. Trier sbs had reached
th borders of tbe promised land, and
! death ewmed preferable to turning bark
to th old home rhe had left, probably
! with a boast of tbe rood fortune which
w ouid v b- a toon at abr had crossed tbr
! ocK n. Tbey are proud, these peasant who
crowd In drovet to America, and to return
borne and eonfect failure Is more bitter to
them than any one who does not know their
can imagine. There are not many stories lite
thtt of tb Fyrlan girl, but tbe srnry of
tbr excluded immigratt is among th aad
dest of all aad tales. Little is written
about It. for few could do it luntic. even
among those whose fancy loads them to
such toplra. 'Writers who wish to be path
etic rbocse the landing of tbe Immigrant,
and Cilate on the sorrow of it; which, to
any rne who knows tbem. it hardly ron
vincirg. For the immigrant is a happy
soul, at least on tie arrivs.1. Whst comes
after is quite another story.
A trip to on of tb hug buildings where
the poor of tb old w orld first mak ac-
gualLtanee wlih th promla of th new it
ji;kely to cure, rather than to indue, a fit
tf the b'uea. Avoid the "rxdnded division. '"
and one can spend a rrr cheerful Cay
among th brand new Americana. Open the
door wber wait the newly arrived who
hive not money or friends and tragedy
ttres the center of the star, but over th
long line of s terrace folk which ties up
the stairs and past th dortors the goddess
tbey w iU stand in th street on which, so
rumor as vs. gold my be picked up -maybe
that it only a figure of speech, but again
msrb It is really going to prove true.
Then, if tbe gold story is too hard to
lulieve, it is more than likely that for at
least a third of them their bcartf' dearest
are waiting No wonder that th old
Team whose buck txnds almost double
under the load of be.r great bundle feels
It licbt and watk. swiftly, for tbe sob of
her love msy be almost within reach, or
a pretty and gorgeous crrayed young
woman will soon b weeping over ber and
calling her mother.
rsrels ef my Bare.
Th long line exhibits rpclmens of every
race under heaven, or so It seems to lb
I en-looker. Hard times, government Injus
tice., ambition or ill-luck, have thrown
them all together, and then spread tbem
rut in a never ending file for tbe keen
eyes of blue coated. grld laced men. Tnry
rlimb up the stairs, kept is line by Iron
ferces. and pass first on physician and
then another, and then a kindly woman
bo .m 'th,t the delicate are not too
rudely Jostled. It is all very friendly and
encouraging, exorpt when the doctor lays
a Inn hand oa some i boulder and peers
ints tb face through appallingly sharp
glasses. He turns up the lid of an rye
all right, it i only tbe common or car
den sty. and it not likely to pauperis
The nnsseesor. and the line move on aeain.
Another 1 halted. Why. my friend, that
scar os your forehead? It Is obviously
merely a combination of unsteady sea
legs, and a sharp bit of furniture, ao tbe
man is passed on and be breathe again.
An old wpman very, very old is stopped,
and mad to sit down with a few delicate
looking women. There is so reason why
these should b wearied with the long
waiting. They win past out quietly, by
and by. and ao the doctor explains te tbe
rather frightened old soul, who thereupon
subsides and looks superior.
A bright-eyed gatekeeper discourses is
friendly fashion about what be ee. He
Is young, and his accent does not denote
that his training has included a collage
education, but shrewd observation and
common sense., thank the powers, may be
teemed for leas than college fees. "Tu'd
have to build a school bouse a day." ob
serves this dignitary, "for tie children
alone that cornea is her.." And so indeed
it seems. Children to the right of woo,
children ta tbe left of you and such good
children.. None of them are crying, and
hundreds are filing through tb iron rail
lnga. Not only are they uniformly of a
cheerful mind, but they are helping, with
much enthusiasm, te carry tbe baggage.
Little tots, hardly six years old. plod away
with heavy baskets.
Two of them together stagger under
great Back one of the meal sacks which
are convenient for tbe carryitig cf baggage.
If you don't happen ta be pocacaaed of a
I trunk. Several of tbem. In childith farhlon,
walk straight ahead without paying th
least attention to what h happening, and
never notice that their mother hat bees
put is the little room to wait until tbe line
passes. Tbes arisea maternal shriek lor
the "kinder." and th word is passed down
th line, and various officials disentangle
trrm the general mass the particular
i tfl"' wbo aeem unatiacheo to any grown
j ,o!k- k1 acmething like looking for
"'"' :" " i i uuiuniaieo
i rut lb official Beets to have a marvelous
n stem of their own), and then tbe reunited
(family displays much afection and waits
patiently for their turn to go out.
Crettlag Mar, Riga.
At the desks past vhirh the immigrant
marchea. a man, ehoee linguistic accom
plishments are beyond the comprehension
of as ordinary mind, stnurhtens out the
destination of earh one. and they pas out
fortuity, ticketed to that any one can drop
tbem Just at the r.ght station. Tbe phil
osophical gstekeeier before mentioned
"T i . T . . , "
i "ke' , T"' "
"f1 TJ,;
spects their cards and separate "railroad
east from ' railroad a est." and aacure
east from raiiroaa necta. ana nature
I them that tbey nill be carried te the train
For I'ncle Sam does a good deal for ne-)y
arrived immigrants that one veuld not
nrt te find :s a red tape plane like a
i government rfn-.-e. Tbe gatekeejier bat a
friendly aouL and it is eay te see tht re
assurance that no me into bewildered faoet
bit be greets them earh is his ess lan
'Oh. es, 1 can mai.e 'em understand
i bat we want, no matter w here tbey
c4me from. 1 can aay 'Ehow your card.'
and Ce ahead.' and Ge doenftatrs anC
wait. and all that is pretty sear every
language there ia. I guess. I dos t know
how te speil w hat I say shouldn't know It tf
I aaw ft in a book, but I v got tfae sounds
all right."
What ia more, be ct.s make bimaelf undjr
etoed very clearly in th oniveraaJ 1B-
l ta kud:tnew aad good teUowshia.
'It wimid make j-rm caugK tf yo Cidnl
feel more like crying, le bear tbem t H
what their friends ever here said ta 'em
One Jewitb feliew at reading letter t
some German tb other day whil be wa
watting for hi brother ts cotne and tak
tint out. and I bea-d what wa In It. It
said: Ion t be afraid is America there
art n on-er Cossack. Notwfly wrl
trtmbl you. EveryboCy will help yon if
you atr questions and sty whit rou want
But you mut be very polite, because they
w ill b polite ts yon.'
There aw notice n over EIli Island t
give trength to these retnarV. Insrour
tesy to immigrant win be punished, ss
read tbes placards, with dismissal. Prob
ably if any on 1 la tbe immicrrnt office wa
minded to ill-treat the ignorant folk about
him he could do ss in tht great crowd
without much tear of detection, but most
of tbe men seem t keep th rule, both
lettei and spirit.
"Hello B.'ll!" calif on man ta ancibcf
who passed, carrying a placid and well oe
eloped two-year-old is his arma. Did yon
bny it, or are tbey gnvin' em away""
"Belongs to ber," laughs BUI la return.,
pointing to a woman on whose back wa
strapped a bag of dimensions more huge
ttian those of tb old-ttme wood cut of
Christian is ' Pilgrim' Progress." It is
not nominated Is the bond that the Bill of
tbe immigrant department than help poor
Italian is carry their bahles, but they do
It cf their own good will. Maybe Bill came
from some other country rears agn, and
maybe be see himself in the little one be
handle o carefully.
sse tattvwt FalL.
Tbcae are the lights of tbe immigrant
office.. There are shadow, too, is the de
tention room, where weary women waft for
their friend or for the decisions of tb
special inquiry board, tired mothers rock
tbelr rtin more tired babies, and In a cor
ner a Polish woman sway to aad fro and
prays, sobbing all tbe w hile. Th woman
who is cleaning th b-ast handle of tb
door floes not know why she me. "Mtybe
so one 'comes for ber. Maybe ber husband,
or her child, is sick is the hospital. She
waits these two weeks, poor woman."
Tbe Polish woman looks up. hoping that
aom on baa com, but sinks back again
into her praying and sobbing. Tb other,
more cheerful. craw d around per
haps to see whether the sTangrr ha
new for tbem. but Interested at all
ewent. to see what manner of women three
American may be. Brave is finery are
most of tbem. Bine velvet and orange aiik
adorn them, for fhey have every inten
tion of making aa impresatve entrance
Into tbe new world. Kome one will com
and if not. tbey ens try Canada, or go
back on the free tickets tbe govemmeat
About on per cent go hark. They may
be diseased, or they may be without money
and likely in on way or another to be
come public charges. Once ra a whil they
go back of their own aroord. A young gtrl
comes up wtth a letter, which certifies
that she is Is danger of consumption and
must have a change of air. Fbe is only
rlxtoen or so. and ber pretty faoe 1 sharp
ened with disease, but a change from tbe
wet shop of New Tork ta the pur
brsrsw of th oceaa and to her old coun
try home bring hack the rirlish linsa.
In a corner a woman croons the songa
of Armenia. "Mad." ray the others, and
the old soul lsugna happQy. Madness is
not alwaya a bad thing. Sb is tbe one
contented soul In "tb Detention room.
Tbe gr-eat roE !a th large room nas
meanwhile unwound Tbe black
board enounce that S.M7 aonlt are due
to pass through th building that day.
Most of these cav already bees disposed
of sent away ta work out their cwn sal
vation, but amt with kindness and en
couragement. Loving hearts may wait tor
tbem on shore: fnlieax "that. If they seed
advioe, thare are mission almost by tbe
tfosen along tbe water trost. America
hold aut a friendly bant ta the newly
arrived. And yet
"My stars:" exclaim th philosophical
gatekeeper, resting at last from his ardu
ous duties. "Mr star! Look at tbe crowd
of 'em: And -coal twetrry -dollar a tot''
Trick rvriaran a- Miss Raeaa a
Xetsraaka Owtala- tesisaar't
! e.
At Fourteenth and Farnam streets at 4
'clock Thursday evening traffic was sus
pended lor a tew minutes by crowd of
men. women est children. Which had as
sembled ta aee tbe work of Miss Rbooa,
the magician, who until Monday evening
will exhibit Is the Nebraska Clothing
company's window.
She it advertising certain novelties "and
makes use of tbem in the early part of the
work. Her snprome act la tbe Hindoo
fakir's rose growing. A rose seed Is
planted In fl-fworpot. reveres with
cone. Which is removed nce or twice,
showing tb appearance of rose leaves
and the plant la the flowerpot, rpon th
last removal of the cone there it seen a
rosebush in full bloom and the mystery
Is: Hew did it rot into tbe pot?
Gesie-rsvl Bates Flats Fearts ,ti
- aaBlBxa la Beat f
Brigadier Genera Bates has returned
from his tour of inspection of Forts Nio
brara and Robinson. He was accompanied
an this tour rr his aides. Captains Wright
and Reeve. The ports he vierted he found
In the very beet of condition, notwithstand
ing the tart that th. oempanie of tbe
Twenty-fifth infantry, rtationed at Fort
Niobrara, arrived from tbe Philippine only
Is August. Is additios ta the usual for
mal lSGpectisn tbe os ipaniea at these
placet turned out ant gave tbe general as
exhibition of "musical calisthenics." Is
this there are sa orders gives, tbe sol
diers simply going through tb drill t
tbe muaie of a band.
atells, aerrs til rn.i
Find romnt. sore cure in Butkles t
Arnica Salve, alse tenia, salt rheum,
bums, brulaes and pfl. or no pay. Sic
Tpr sal by Kuhn A Co.
The vTo tan s Vfuslit union meet t
socialist benoquariers. Kid North eiiateentb
etr i-t. at i. this afternoon All women
intereeted in social problem, are requested
to b preeeDt.
Tbe iadiKS of tbe Kountse nlemorial
rhurch win hold a sale ot home-maoe
treai caae. ooughnuu ano minor sneat
(Mturim, Ncn-e iuer a. In toe church par-
lure, trum 11 to i p. m.
The reorganisa rlon committee of th
Ptate Medina 1 ociBtinTi m last night
at tbe aliiiard notfl The object waa Jo
formulate new constitution and by-laws of
the eUat Kdic! ksencia tlon atid County
Medical eorieTy. Tiieir pisna contemplate
1 r(. organ laatuia of aU tfae physicians of
Uie stale into one boey.
rnts Worth s concert lull was rendered
s tmoky taut night about It o clerk by a
stove in tlie Iwenmecl the fire 6e
butrnnit w calieo ua tjt-iore tle source
of trouble t-d bet. ieartMCi. fcrnnt one bad
r. .niiuut nouruj tiiu tb novriu.
wt tun connected witn tn chimuey.
R. W. Murphy of Grand Islstid ts visit
ing with trie no at tbe Jterchanta.
Joba E I'tl i wnb a party on a bunt
ing triB in the aantmrn pari of rae stt.
C. T. McOrew Wft ia t evening tor Otai
Cfcgs and trum ttiere will go tt, New Cr
t4is is a'w-nd tlir arnusvi meeung cf the
Atr('Ti h i.krrs sstfiUua ta O iieia
aeat wetk.
Ei Iaiiiarv u Crtx: tTtif ttwi i Pcnd:: 1
at EfTcili. and TtTLt.
C Clei f all frvai Te el
TB!rtr-rte-reM l4ter, oat
PrwaaMy v) 111 Rertirr !
freSB His lalwrte. J
Fire discovered tl yesterday ;
in tb three-story brick bu.ld;nf a: ll'.T-
UM Farnam street, occupied by tbe ftir-j
barks-Morse rotrpery and tfc American (
Ftps association, did poss.blT til: iml' I
age to the stock of tb acales company.
UM ts tbe Press assot istiot and til. cue ;
te th builditg
Captain Oleson of bos company No. Z
fell from tbe top of a thirty-five-foot lad
der w hile taking in a line of hose w hen lb
department first arrived and received a
ooncuBBion of the brain, a sever scalp
wound and injuries to hi back He was
takes te tht Cla-ksnn hospital unconscious,
but at noeia was reported to be resting well
and his Injuries were not considcrei den
geoua. Th fire is cupposed to hsve originated
is tbe rear pan of tbe building, cs the
ground floor. At 4 o'clock th ala"m was
sent is over a telephone and by the time
tb department aTirefi th flame w rr
bursting out the north side windows on lhe
three floors and were leaping many Icet
absv the roof of tb building. Tb head
wsy of tbe flames and tbe betvy machinery
on all three floors mad the fight of tb
firemen a difficult one. A general aiarm
was turned in and every svailablr pier of
apparatus in tb firpa-tniert was brought
let serrio.
By hard work tbe fire was rorflned to the
rear part of the building on th first and
sncond floors, but on th third it extended
the entire ler.gth.
Cantata !-- I alt.
To odd to the d.Brultias of tb fire
men, a ladder hastily planed against the
east side of the building turned with Cap- j
tain OloBon upon it, and be was daFhed to ,
the ground. Soon after h had been sent '
to tbe hospital tbe roof tell In. This fall- ;
lng upon tb third floor, sent a strip along
tb west wall, the entire length of the
building, crashing te tbe second, carrying !
with it many hundred pounds of mat tit- ,
ery. j
Tb American Press associstioc ooru-
pie three rooms is tbe front on tb second
floor. Th falling in of tbe third floor
badly wrecked all of its molds and much
ft ft machinery. That part of tb stock
pot damaged by fire is water soaked.
Tbe rapidity with w hich the fir spread j
to the second and third floor was due to
as elevator shaft. Starting near this on
tbe first floor the flamns ran up the dry j
timbers, charred tbem and spread to the ;
wood work, truck and wind mills en tbe j
second and third floors. Tbe flames tben
ran along tbe walls te th roof and the j
entire length of the third story.
AaeBBt f tbe Lii.
Tbe damaged building 1 cwned by Count
John A. Creigntop. and Is valued at t2I,fnP..
His loss, covered by insurance, will be be
tween tlfi.W and riS.ftfiu. Tb Fairhank
Morse company carries a stock valued at
rTB.OOO, and about half of this lc ruined or
badly uamaged. making it loss about S3f.
PM. H. H. Child, agent of the company,
who it in charge, was unable te state defi
nitely what bis loss would be,
M. G. Perkins, manager of the American
Press association, estimates his low te ma
chinery at fli'O. He will lose much more,
however, by not being sole to $11 his orders.
Early Thursday morning be telegraphed
ta Ghicage for duplicate of bis machinery
ta be Bent by express. He exjectB to be
doing business by this morning.
The Fairbanks-Morse company has many
men at work ge'tlng tbe stock in shape to
d business.
It is believed the walls of the building
have been very little damaged. How the
fire originated ia not rnown. Offii-e em
ploye of the Fair banks-Morse company
were at work is tbe building rntil 11
o'clock, and when they left tber fas no
Indication of fire. It is believed, however,
that the fire had been smoldering near the
elevator shaft is 'be rear part of th build -tug
tor some time, not being discovered
entil It broke ont on the second and third
laia Pertae rises
it VXasteglrat ta
la Two
Tbe Tnion Pacific has divided Its Cali
fornia Express, which Is passenger train
No. t. leaving tbe TTnion station in Omaha
at 4 Si p. m., lata two aecUona. the firBt of
which win leave here at t JSt. tbe second
about ten misrules later, possibly more.
This arrangement was planed In effect
Wednesday afternoon, when the new sched
ule was observed tor tbe first time. It is
te be jiermanent.
This Innovation, which is a remarkable
on aint the old arrangement had obtained
for many vesra. w-a lndnned because of
the constant increase in traffic- between bore
and Itesver common points. These demands
have gradually arises until when the change
went inte effect it was necessary a great
deal of tbe time te run alxteen cars out on
this tm.n. Tbe schedules originally called
tor twelve, which made a good sired train
for through service. Tbe effect of this
heavy additional work at length wis found
te be demoralizing on time achedulea. It
became difficult ia the extreme for No. S
to make Its time, carrying ee many ooarbes
and doing the local or accommodation and
through aervlcie both.
I nfler the new system the Colorade sec
tion of N Z will leave Omaha first. Tbe
second section win follow about ten min
utes later and both will travel over tbe
same route as tar a Juleaburg. w hen the
Colorado aectios will make straight for
reBVfir, tbe Overland section for Cheyenne,
keeping th main tine te the Pacific coast.
Tbe Colorado section will t a through
train, leaving the local work te be dose by
tbe Over lan 1. However, the laiier will
make so more atop than No. I doea now or
haa bees doing. Tbe Colorado section will
be cm; pored of aui cars, except on Satur
day and Sundays, when one additional car
win be attached. Tbe Overland will have
laia care, except twice a week, whes it will
have two additional cars. The Colorado
traiB will carry the local mail from Coun
cil BluC and the through mail will go on
tb Overland train.
r tallty Msvctetie.
Tb fallowing blr-hs and destht were
refitted at ite omw of tb imtrd
Kttattb during th twenty-four hours enci
uir at Ditrni Tbursday:
Births Ovauoe t !-. ICS Pi ti'-er
street, girl; J.nw- Mr;u'iey. 12T hscitic
Btreet. girl : M.tihew . ilator.
stieu girl; Frt.k Mai Sr.l Fpruc
otr et. giri; Rcrt lu. l-ar. li Nor'h
Nirieteeoih street, girl; Anton JacobBon,
fttb aoo Uocuet ureeis iy.
Iati ltiiaiit Payii. i North Twenty
TUl ctreet ageO 1 diy; Ir.fstl Vmu.
I.S Nir't sireft. aged
oav: Eiien Tbotr.paori ZHturlaa cnunty
IKWpttsi. ageo TL yekrs: Jet ti O iirjeu,
luugias county boepitki. aged r rt
RAWlTXtR Willism, tt 6i Jyw, t .(
pitl. aged 2 Jt is biol yea . :iirr: oo
Ut latex.
The Result of 25 Years
Wc had 25 years of soap-making
experience before we could make Jap
Rose. It represents the utmost that
cost and skill can do.
Jap Ro
JJL traass w mi)
One-sixth of it is pure glycerin. All
the oils are pure vegetable, treated with
antiseptics. Has the perfume of nat
ural flowers; transparent.
Whit A !TiCCi3fi -n4T W"PP" rrrhaoreil
VYIlllC bUOO4l1 for valuable prwmlum, ait our store,
iir ciDVl'M CTDFFT I'l
1U1J f 'Wi'l
The Best and Most Popular Novel of the Year.
Author of "5. "Elmo." lnfeilce, At the riercj of Tiberius." Elc
100,000 Copies Sold. 25,000 in Press.
Hundreds ol testimonials pronounc; it is slanging: in the
hig-hest rank of modern fiction. Beautifully bound- $1.50.
A urtr v.iit farm rditipn her of rr vorks, cZnlk bound, j- r rniu-ntr, 17.. 'p.
St. Elmo Beulah lnfelice Inez
.laccarui Yafthtl At tbe .lorry of Tiberius
BetirtiLtM Bg-uRve BuTTO-uded by ltase
of Basinful Ho vers,
sse staaly. Lwry Care sa4 Jo wet
trsrers ne C atrml rigc-re
a Be-rea-tiea t4 Ball at
meirselitaa Ort.
Amid a bewildering prolusion of flower
three young women, the first of tbe several
to be presented this winter, were intro
duced yesterday afternoon at the largest
reception of tbe year, aod one of tbe larg
est is many scaaona, held from 3 until P
o'clock at Metropolitan club. Mrs. John
Brady and Jtra. Thomas Rogers were tbe
hostesses, the former introducing her
daughter. Mist I-BBie Brady, and her niece.
Id las Lucy Gore, and the latter her daugh
ter. Miss Janet Rogers.
Mrs. Brady and Mrs Rogers, with tbe
debutantes, received their guests Is tht
large drawing room before a bank of white
and yellow chrysanthemums that entirely
tilled one comer from floor to ceiling and
was fianked on either side by masses of
Americas Beauty roBes that extended well
across two etdes of the room. The debu
tante were gowned Is simple white mull
dreesea. with trimmings of lace, and each
carried American Beauty rosea. Out in
tbe reception haTl a ouastity of pink rose
trimmed the mantel and tbe round table In
one corner, where punch wa served during
the after-noon by a number of young
women. A maaa of flowers separated tbe
large dining room from the other rooms,
leaving the small dining room tor use.
Here everything was In pink. A low mound
of pink carnations surrounded hy ferns and
about this four tall silver candlesticks,
shaded by pink chrysanthemums, consti
tuted the trimming of the table where
Meadames Kirkendall. 'Warren. Rogers.
Wattles and Cndahy presided alternately.
Throughout tbe rooms tbe chandeliers were
wound with southern amilaz the Kgbts
shaded under rose pink shade,.
Lest evening 2dr. and Mrs Brady and
Mr. and Mra. Rogers gave a dancing party
at th elnb tor th ynimger members of so
ciety, but the oompaxy Included many of
the young married people and all of tbe
men who aealsted during the afternoon,
rp In the bail room the color snbeme of
rose pitk waa carried ant Is the shading
of the lights and other oetaila, tbengn the
maasea of Sowers that were banked In the
comers and distributed generally Included
a variety of kind and color. About 1.I0D
irritations were issued.
Dire Deriae ta Make tbe ttiU.
lag ealtaMe tr Ber
At a meeting of the Auditorium directors
held last evening at the Millard bote! the
matter of electing a president was de
ferred until tbe next meeting. The changed
plans in the Auditorium building were ac
cepted. Toes changes will only aficxt th
arena of the Auditorium and render it ca
j pabl of accommodating affairs in tbe ca-
'ture of horse sheas Piaus were also
I adopted for tbe arrangement of a tempo-
rarr platform in the arena. These plans
is no way changr the plans oT the build
ing as a w bolt.
Ms Mea attack Ksyaa-rd Hlbvk aad j
lake assail Aaaaaat af
at ear y.
kltyiord Holbrook. employed by the
EmersoB Laundrj company, was knocked
tiows and rubbed of IS at edneeday afternoon
near Twriftb and Caas streeta by a ha'f
dozes men. On suspicion of being one of
the robbers W. R. Lindner ha bees ai
re; Be waa trot charged wft aaaaull ,
and nailery and arraigned os that plea
Hit taariag was set tor Friday. After
J rv
PuU-iafitrii, Xcir Yorl.
Largest Lbhui .im lit .r. city. inra part
of ail atltidfc. Aiho a luii linr c! uibie K n
ow eel gl Cf to Sit: M.
Mrs. Dye's great
American romance
will be published
November 1 2. "The
true story of
Lewis and Clark."
this was set be was re-arrested on com
plaint of Holbrook, charging robbery.
Holbrook eaid he was collecting laundT
In the neighborhood of Twelfth and Cast
streeta, and when returning to his wagon
from a bouse was attacked by about six
men, knocked down, badly beaten and then
bis pockets picked for tl. He Identified
Ltindsry aa one of the robbers and has given
a description to the police of the others.
C arliag (lib J-Lasts ler at later.
Tbe Omahs Curling r-lub met lent v; iartit
at lb Howard street, witn iTesioenl
&eorge Anciemon In tne rbair. to 6incut
and Jilh.ii tor the coniitig m-hkiii of the
fecottb winter sport Tbe club expert ti
play this jeur st the rame point e for
meriy. wbii-ti is netir Kourieentb snd
l-jocuet streets lo udditiim to 1ti year I y
oompetiuons for .'lie Troup point meet i
and ibe silver -up piven by P L. Forgsn.
there wili this season tr a eotr itietltlon for
a tine pair of Xima C'raig curling start .
preeer.ted for tint purr"- bv Thomas Kil
pe Trick, who 1 the patron of the dull.
The curling nut waa organised in W
Mr. rorgan brought to thit- city year eg'!
the first of curling stanet in tins jiart
of th coLntrj ana pret-riitt-d them to Cmn
Gordim The inanee. of wtjrti th- clui
haa lust reoeived a tiew littch. are of a ir
ruliar ooirpoeitf ftimt and n.acit ir Scot iann.
the beet material comitig from Aim ' Yam
a rock rming in tb Ih-iswh Ireland
and r(-otlana. Tbe Troup hunt mecti-l h
l-een won hy eirge Aiitlersnn, JRit-
Lanafcv and Thoniat Mi larutii md again
t iTeeiaent A-lici'-rHtin. in w iio.e pahae.
eion it new is Tin nieual nuiM in- w n
throe tim-s oonsecuti t'y to lK-rone th
jroi-erty c! th owner. The cuo w i f -n
Jiiajec? for laet eeaao'i wa won o W
Hiaion Jt t won twi't eom-eru-tive.-y.
The nietittiwi. txi-er-t an eir:. and
et.ji- able at-aon at th pjxirt
:in.i wir'Mt rtir.kt-kt.t3
Cu uA cun. Tter rtriM-a-t yu ijrtciui
4iai.'ta ot uti'i -i.g tu : lv-rvi,
V Uk&r AeiAalJl.t gW tuoiuirluj. out tf
Ut vmi, vuut itr. tiiiiit rriuai
nTLirii tmb pmautv bL muu i uflvfv-r
kr bvMiU 4Iv Uf f'ti't. t iM'Y fclitl
it.tid rtiiugarn- viumhh kt u..ruwi
MUTT) Cif AM-tJa.. lat-lU- Tlfclit jU
jltintltW- UUT 1VKUKj'1I 0(r hut
"gtuM-li ntai-ljcr On. V e rurr t( it. r
tnicl is-rTfc. Um$ -arn!ii; uu ir.
liimttnttil iU,urfc.i.M'' cum. 11 vitj u.Tft
kkllUXk-M l tMl VU fcr 4ni'.tbl.a
f our rrffc! w rrv. h ikw- irv- lib1-
J"MalC CAw.,UMf AhU-Xil kUd i-ih' VvvfT
;.fl'iri?A. Jf yiai cii (K...i4"ir j
liel, ti:b rri ' tTva, xu3 ta rv? n; sf
JUttLtxiAv. rrii- Itrr 4Vk 75 rM.