7 CONGRESS MAJORITY CROWS Btpnblicani How Hits Lead of Twantj. Firi in Lower HouW. THREE V01ES STIU REMAIN IN DOUBT California Electors Are so Emir Divided That Two drat Are I certain, Toa-ether Wit a One la Teanessee. WASHINGTON. Nor. 5. The Utftt re turni shew that the republicans, (Including In tbli description the fuslonlsts elected from the Pittsburg-Allegheny district In Pennsylvania), will control the next house by 204 to 179 democrat, with one district, the Eighth Tennessee, and two California districts remaining so much in. doubt that the official returns will be needed to decide the result. The totals given are believed to be cor' rect, although there are a few district, such as two In Colorado and one la Minne sota, where the republican and democratic party managers, respectively, do not con cede defeat, but the general result could not be affected eves should their claims prove well founded. ' The table by states Is as follows: State. Dem. Rep. Alabama 9 .. Arkansas 7 .. California Z 4 Colorado 3 Connecticut t Telaware 1 Florida 3 Oeorgla 11 Idaho 1 Illinois 9 1 Indiana 4 9 Iowa 1 10 Kansas ( Kentucky 10 1 Ixutalane 7 Maine 4 Maryland 2 4 Massachusetts 4 10 Michigan 1 11 Minnesota 1 8 Mississippi Mlsaourl IS 'i l ' 17 10 Montana ,.. Nebraska Nevada New Hampshire New Jersey New Ynrk North Carolina . North Dakota ... Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania .... Rhode Island .... South Carolina .. Tennessee Texas 1'tah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia ... Wisconsin Wjsomlng Totals 4 1 7 7 16 1 2 1 3 ft 10 1 204 .179 The Eighth Tennessee and the First and Seoond California districts were not In cluded In this table, being classified still s doubtful, leaving three votes to be added to the columna according to later returns. COLER FIGBTS ODELL (Continued from First Page.) democratic legislative ticket in Arapahoe. They claim that the control of the lower house of the legislature depends upon the result In this county. They will ask the secretary of atate to refuse certificate to tbe democrats, and If Mr. Mills, who Is a populist, refuses to enter Into the scheme, they are planning to organise a rump legislature. Edward O. Wolcott Is already Informed of the situation and he will come to Den ver at once . tq enter, the senatorial race against Teller. The Rocky Mountain News, United State Senator Patterson's psper, will concede the election of Peabody (rep.) for gov ernor and H. M. Hogg (rep.) for congress In the Second district. Peabody's plurality over Sttmson, the democratic candidate, will amount to from 2.000 to 4,000, while that of Hogg will probably be greater. Tbe entire democratic ticket Is defeated, with the possible exception of Mrs. Oren fell for superintendent of public instruc tion. She was indorsed by many women's organisations and rsn far ahead of her ticket. DELAWARE WILMINGTON. Del.. Nor. 8. Returns for members of tbe legislature in Delaware show that the state senate will stand ten republicans and seven democrats. Tbe houso will stand eighteen republicans and alxteen democrats, with one district undecided by reason of a tie vote. On Joint ballot the vote will be twenty-eight republicans, twenty-three democrats, one tie. Of the ropubllcan members It is concedod that eight are opposed to the election of J. Edward Addlcks to the United Btates sen ate. This promises to produce another dead lock over tbe election of United States sen ator at the next session of the legislature. IDAHO BOISE. Ida., Nov. S. Returns from the state confirm figure sent out last night showing the election of tbe entire republi can atate and congressional tlcketa. A re publican majority on Joint ballot seems as sured and W. E. Borhag probably will suc ceed Senator Heltfelt In the United States HAVE YOU ANY OF THESE. ratnteaas t a Very Common Troafclef There Is no disesse so common In the United Ststes aa Catarrh because It ap pears In so many forms and attacka so many different organs. - .. ' It Is a common mistake to suppose that catarrh la confined to the nose and throat. Any Inflammation of the muooua membrane wherever located accompanied by abnormal secretions. Is catarrh. Catarrh of stomach or blsdder. or Intestines ia nearly as com mon as nasal catarrh and much mors seri ous although It la true that stomach ca tarrh and catarrh of other Internal organs la the result of neglected nasal catarrh. A new remedy has recently appeared which so far aa tested seems to be remarka bly effective In promptly curing catarrh, wherever located. The preparation Is sold by druggists generally under name of Stuart's Catarrh Tablets, and in addition to being very palatable and convenient. possesses extraordinary merit, in many rases giving Immediate relief from the coughing, hawking and constant clearing of th throat and bead, those symptoms with which everyone I familiar who ha ever uttered from cold In the head and throat. Catarrh is simply a continuation of these symptoms until the trouble becomes chronic and grows gradually worse from year to year. 8tuart'a Catarrh Tablets, are composed of Hydrastis, Red Gum and similar antiseptics and catarrh specifics, from which It will be seen that no secret Is msde of the Ingredi ems and also that no mineral poialoos are uaed, aa la tbe caae with many well knows catarrh medicines. For catarrh of the nose, throat, bronchial tubes, for catarrh of stomach. Intestines or blsdder no preparation Is so safe aa Stuart's Catarrh Tablets. All drugglsta aen them at 60o for full slsed package. You can use them with as surance that you will not contract the co caine or morphine habit as the results from this catarrh cur are apparent from the txat day a ua senate. Petnocrstlc State Chairman Don nelly concedes the election of the entire republican ticket but claims that the re publicans will have one less thsn a major ity on Joint ballot In the legislature. Re publican leaders claim their majority will be 13. ILLINOIS CHICAGO. Nov. 6. Practically complete returns from Cook county give the repub licans the entire county ticket, with the exception of sheriff and four county com missioner. Healy, the republican candi date for sheriff, wss defeated by Barrett, democrat, by over 7.600 plurality. In the congressional districts Lorlmcr and Boutell were eleoted, while Madden was defeated by Martin Emerlch. Dlepatcbes to the Associated Presa up to 11 o'clock this morning show that the re publicans have elected 197 congressmen and the democrats 180, with nine districts ts be heard from. INDIANA INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 5. Estimated plu ralities by counties received at state head quarters today Indicate tbe election of tbe republican state ticket by 2(,000. The republicans In the legislature will have a plurality of 64 and possibly 65. The senate will probably stand 35 repub licans and IS democrats, and the house 72 republicans and 28 democrats. The re publicans have elected sixteen senators and tbe democrat nine senators who bold over two yeara and will form tbe nucleus of the legislature that wilt elect a sue ceasor to Senator Beverldge. IOWA DES MOINES, Nov. S. Fuller return place the republican plurality of tbe Mate ticket little above 70.000. Tbe plurality of P. B. Blrdsall, who will succeed Speaker Henderson from tbe Third district, la 5,253, and that of M. J. Wade, In the Second district, tbe only democratio congressman elected. Is 1.140. FORT DODGE, la., Nov. 5. (Special Telegram.) Reports which come In this morning Indicate that the republican victory In this county is fully as sweeping as was estimated on Tuesday night. Republicans have carried every office In tbe county. Election was absolutely without feature and despite favorable weather a light vote was csst. Tbo vote Is not more tbsn two-thirds of that cast last year. Lack of competition for republican candidates Is accounted tbe cause. So far as can be learned Judge Connor has carried everything before htm In his district, his opponent, Kasper Fait Inson, having been prevented by tbe Ill ness of bis wife from making a campaign. Republican candidates seem to have made a clean sweep throughout the entire dis trict. KANSAS TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. 5. The republican victory In Kansas Is complete. A good majority of the legislature, all the state officers and a large part, of the county on cers were taken by tbe republicans. Chairman Albaugh of the republican state committee made the following state ment tonight: Returns have been received from every part of the atate and they Indicate the election of W. J. Bailey and the entire re publican ticket by about 35.000 plurality. Tbe republican have elected every mem ber of congress and over ninety members of the legislature. The majorities for the republican candidates for congress will be approximately aa follows In the varloua districts: First. 8.000; Second 3.000; Third, 2,000; Fourth, 4.000; Fifth, 6,000; Sixth 1,200; Seventh, 8.000. The total rot will be slightly under 300.000. MARYLAND BALTIMORE, Nov. 6. Although the court has not been officially declared and will not be actually announced for -two or three days. It Is known that tbe republican ma jority in tbe atate of Maryland Is very nesr 8,500. In the Third congressional district there Is one precinct in dispute by the democratic nominee, but even with hia claims con ceded the republican candidate Is elected by 100 majority, thus giving Maryland four republican and two democratic represents tives. a gain of two tor the democrats. MASSACHUSETTS BOSTON, Nov. S. Massachusetts yester day elected a republican atate ticket, a oongresslonal delegation of ten republicans and four democrats, a state senate of thirty one republicans and nine democrats, and a bouse of representatives of 155 republicans, eighty-two democrats and eight socialists The total vote wsa tbe largest ever thrown for governor, reaching approxl mately. 390,000 against 886,100 for governor two years ago. Lieutenant Governor Bates, on ' being chosen governor, led Colonel William A. Gaston, the democratic candidate, by a plu rality of 87.479, but Colonel Gaston made a gain af 40 per cent in tbe party vote aa compared with that given josian yutney last year, and cut an average republican plurality about one-half. The socialist vote cannot' be overlooked. ss John C. Chase, for governor, received about 84,000, a gain of mora than 300 per cent over last year and Jumping the party from a 3 per cent to an 8 per cent basis. MICHIGAN DETROIT, Nov. 5. The revised returns so tar received today show a total vote tor Bliss of 47.414 and tor Durand (democrat) 14.650. giving Governor Bliss a plurality ot 83.764. Governor Bliss ran 11,870 be hind Fred M. Warner, republican candi date for aecretary of atate. The legislature will be made up aa fol lows: House, republican, 90; democrat. 9; one district still in doubt. Senate, repub licans, 29; democrats, 2; one district In doubt. In Detroit Mayor William C. Maybury (democrat) polled a total vote ot 23,507. Dr. J. H. Carstens, hia republican oppo nent, getting 21,813. In the First congressional district Al fred Lucking, th only democratic con gressman elected from Michigan, baa a plurality of 8.523. with eleven precinct atlll to b heard from. MISSOURI ST. LOUIS. Mo., Nov. 8. While complete returns from all parts of the state have not been received, there is nothing to Indi cate a change from last night's figures, which how the election of the democratic state ticket, a sat democratio majority In th legislature that will select a sue cessor to United States Senator Q. G. Vest, and th election of fifteen democrats out of alxteen congressmen. Richard Bart hoi dt. who was nominated to congress from tbe Eleventh district, was th only successful republican candidate. Tha most aubstsnttal democratio gains were made , In Jackson county and Kansaa City, St. Joseph sad Buchanan county, and in Cape Olrardeau. It la not believed that complete returna will change the result In any manner. Tha dem ocratlc majority for the state and city tick ets will be la tbe neighborhood ot 7.000. According to the complete returns every public smear la 8t. .Louis, with the excep. lion of fifteen members of th municipal assembly, two Justices of the peace and two constables. Is now a democrat. MINNESOTA ST. TAUU Minn.. Nov. 5 With the re celpt of more nearly complete returns, the majority of Governor Van Sant assumes tremendous proportion. It 1 'at least 60,000 and may go a high as 75.000, a record breaking majority In Minnesota tor a gub ernatorial candidate. The governor has. apparently, ran considerably ahead of the balance of the state ticket, although tba entire ticket Is elected by about the normal majority. Eight of the nine congressmen are republicans, the lone democrat being ex-Governor John Llnd, who succeeded In defeating Loren Fletcher In the Hennepin county district. MONTANA HELENA, Mont., Nov. 8. There appear to have been a republican landslide all over the state with the result that In many counties the democrats elected but one or two of their ticket, where tbey bad held more than bait of the office before. In this county the republicans elect six out of Mven representatives. The republicans will have a aafe work ing majority In tbe, house, but on Joint ballot the labor people 'will hold the bal ance of power. Of the new atate senators elected, who will serve for four years and vote In the election of a United States senator In two years, the republicans elect nine and the democrats seven. NEVADA RENO, Nev., Nov. 6. The entire fusion state ticket has been elected with the ex ception of Bray, auperlntendent of schools, who was defeated by Ring. Sparks' majority for governor will be fully 1,700. Van Dusen for congress carried tbe atate by 1.009. NEW HAMPSHIRE CONCORD, N. H., Nov. 6. Two hundred towns and seven wards out of 290 in New Hampshire given Racbelder (rep.), for gov ernor, 21.169; Hollis (dem.), 24.717. The same districts in 1900 gave Jordan- (rep.) 39.718; Potter (dem.), 25,061; net repub lican loss of 8,202. The same percentage of loss throughout the remainder of the state would result In a republican plurality of 9,000. NEW JERSEY TRENTON, N. J., Nov. 5. The returns from New Jersey show democratio gains, but the republicans elected seven of the ten congressmen and retain control of both branches of the legislature, although by reduced majorities. In the new congres sional delegation each party shows a gain of one member. In the Fifth district. C. N. Fowler (rep.) wa elected over Dewltt C. Flansn (dem.), for whom ex-Prestdent Cleveland delivered the first campaign speech he made for many years. NEW YORK ALBANY. N. Y.. Nov. 5. Since Roawell P. Flower. In a democratic landslide, de feated J. Sloat Fassett for governor, In the face ot republican claims for sn easy vic tory, there has not been such an overturn ing of votea from the republican to the democratic party In this stats aa that which occurred yesterday. With the exception of Erie, Albany and Rensselaer counties, every democratio pre dlctlono f sweeping majorities wss carried out and amplified. , Especially wss this true below the Bronx. Tbe claim of 112,000 for the Greater New York district were mors than verified, but the claims for Erie, Al bany and Rensselaer were not responded to and the failure to realize democratic hopea In these counties removed all chance of Coler'a election. The figures, both In totala and fh detail, are extremely Interesting. With a registra tion 4 per cent below that of two yeara ago, the democratic party in tbe Greater New York district showed a gain In voting power In a majority of the counties ot over 40 per cent, and this tremendous gain was met and defeat for the republicans averted by the also quite remarkable fact that sev eral ot the republican up-atate counties gave Odell larger pluralities than In 1900, while several others equaled their plurali ties ot that presidential year. Over Its com bined vote in the state two years sgo, the democratic party gained at least 35 per cent and the republican party lost 40 per cent. From a plurality of 111,000 Odell drops to below 10,000, a loss ot over 100,000. On the face ot the returns early today, while Judge Werner, the republican candl date for Judge of the court ot appeals, bad run ahead ot hia ticket in many ot the coun ties up the state, the fact that Judge Gray, the democratic nominee, ran 18.000 ahead of bis ticket in New York City would seem to Indicate the latter'a election, but It may take the official canvass to decide the mat ter. In the case of Mr. Cowsn, the republican nominee for attorney general, almoat the same condition prevails. It not being pos sible to determine as yet whether the pro. hlbltlon ballots upon which the name ot John Cunneen, the democratic nominee, waa printed, were sufficient In number to elect Cunneen. This also may bav to be de termined by official count. While the democrat have gained three and possibly four members la the senate and about fifteen In the assembly, the leg islature ia aafely republican. Insuring the election of a republican to aucoeed United Statea Senator Piatt. NEWBURG. N. Y.. Nov. I. Governor Odell said tonight: "The victory which baa been won today, In my opinion, la a rebuke to unclean politics." OHIO COLUMBUS, O.. Nov. 8. Chairman Dick at republican headquarters lata tonight bad complete returns from eighty-six of the eighty-eight Ohio counties, showing a republican plurality for state candidates of 90.087. The two counties not heard from are Putnam and Nobis. Ths former gave a democratio. plurality of 1,451 and ths Istter a republican plurality of 751 last year, but he expects both Putnam and Nobla counties to show republican gain a tbla year. Chairman Garber of tbe democratio state committee said: "The democrats made gains in more then two-thirds of ths coun ties In which Msyor Johnson of Cleveland pitched his tent. Democrats are not dis couraged. We will fight again on tbe same line." 0KL0H0MA GUTHRIE. Ok!., Nov. 5. Although It was announced last night that McOulra, republican, for eongress, bad been elected over Cross, democrat, by as Increased ma Jorltr over the vote received by Flyna two yeara ago. it is stated today that the result Is doubtful. At republican head quarters the claim Is made that McOulra will win by s majority of about 1.500, while at democratic headquarters Cross counted In by 1.500. Cross showed gains In the returna today. PORTO RICO BAN JUAN Porto Rico. Nov. 5 There Mil no aerloua disorder any w hers la k a '1 Porto Rico yesterday. Tba election, which 1 resulted In a sweeping republican victory. paased oft quietly. This waa largely due to the fact that Governor Hunt sent twenty-two apeclal representatives, cover ing tbe whole Island, with plenary powers to adjust differences summarily. Federlco Degetau waa re-elected realdent commissioner at . Washington by a large majority. Tba federals have ten delegatea In the legislature and the republicana twenty-five. In most ot the turbulent districts snd cities, Guayama, Cayey, San Lorenio, Albontto and other, the federals, through intimidation, abstained entirely from vot ing and lost five delegates to the legisla ture. Fraud waa charged everywhere sad the governor baa promised prompt prosecu tion, i Tbe American Federal party, through It president, Mr. Palmer, today- Issued a proclamation, complaining bitterly of what a termed tbe partiality of the government In favoring the republicans In the election yesterdsy. The proclamation declares a manifesto will be Issued to the people ot tbs United States, accompanied by particu lars and proola of the alleged outrages. Mr. Palmer aald: "The Idea ot the com mittee la to call a mass meeting In San Juan ahortly, and choose four delegates. two of whom are to be Americans, to go to Washington and lay tbe party'a griev ances before President Roosevelt snd ssk redress. r RHODE .ISLAND PROVIDENCE. R-,l!: " Nov. 5. Almoat complete returns on Ine'vote for ths stats ticket give Garvin (dem.) tor governor about 7,000 plurality " and Archambault (dem.) for lieutenant governor about 6,000. The remainder of the atats ticket la re publican. The senate la overwhelmingly republican, and an uncorrected return on ths lower branch gives tbs republicans thirty-six membera and the democrats a like num ber. SOUTH DAKOTA 8I0UX FALLS. S. D.. Nev. 6. Reports from thirty-seven out ot fifty-three coun ties In the state glvs ths republican con gressional ticket a plurality of 19,666. Tha remaining counties will Increase this by 2.000. Ths republicana have elected all but aix or eight members of the state leg islature. STURQIS, S. D., Nov. (.(Special Tele gram.) In the election yesterday tha re publican atats ticket will carry Meade county by seventy-five majority. It went for Bryan two year ago. For county office the republicana are aura of aenator, auditor, superintendent of schools, register of deeds. The democrats sre sure of sheriff, assessor and clerk of court. Doubtful, representative, treas urer, Judge, state's attorney. HURON, S. D., Nov.' 6. (Special Tele gram.) Official ' returna from Beadls county complete glvea Burks for congress man 1.252; Wilson (democrat), 625; Martin (republican), 1,258: Robinson (democrat), til; Herreld. 1.274; Martin (democrat), 626; Wilcox (republican), for state senstor, majority of 846 over Cleaver (democrat); Longstaff and Hutchinson (republicana). for representativea, defeat Thompson and Hoe '(democrats) 640 majority. Tba sa tire republican county ticket baa large ma jorities. MITCHELL. 8. D.. Nov. 6. (Special Tele gram.) Complete returns from ths sixteen precincts In Davison county shows great In creases In tba repuMiii'j vote. Sranson tor ths senate rec4iv4 a majority of 632, a gain of 660 ove two ars ago. Betta, representative, got a majority ot 309, a gain of 265 in two years. Every republican county officer sleeted showed gatna of over 200 over 1906 vote. Stats ticket In county ahowa aome large gain. TENNESSEE NASHVILLE, Tens.'. Nov. 5. Indications point to a lighter vote than waa cast In 1898, which waa the amatlest since 1896. The total vote will approximate 176.000 and Fraxler'a majority is estimated at 35, 000. Th republican have Increaaed their strength la tba legislature, but that body will remain democratic. Tha race ia tha Eighth congressional district la very close and ths official vote will be necessary to determine tbe result. , UTAH SALT LAKE CITY. Utah. Nov. 5. Add! tlonal returns received up to 9 o'clock this morning indicate a republican majority on Joint ballot In ths legislature of at least thlrty-ona. This Insures the election ot Apostle Reed Smoot being msde to tbe United States senate. The republican vie tory waa almoat complete, twenty-one ot tha twenty-seven counties being carried for that ticket. One feature wss ths heavy socialist vote In Bait Lake City, their can didates polling aa average of 400 votea. Later returna from ths mors remote counties of ths stats indicate that Howell republican, for congress, and MtCarty republican, for supreme court justice, are euected by majorltlea of at least 4,000. Tha republicans will .have a majority on Joint ballot In tbs legislator. Asked If he would withdraw from th senatorial race In rass hia ecclesiastical position made him ths object of further .Why Syrup .of ris he-best family laxative- It is pare. It is gentle. It is pleasant. It is efficacious. It is not expensive. It is good for children. It is excellent for ladies. It is convenient for business men. It is perfectly safe under all circumstances. It is used by millions of families the world over. It stands highest, as a laxative, with physicians. If you use it you have the best laxative the world produces. iiiii'iiiiiiiiliiiriiii rrin iiiis criticism by the nstlonal press, Mr. Smoot said: "No. I am an American citizen and I know of no reason why I ahould not be elected." WISCONSIN MILWAUKEE. Nov. 4. Latest returns show that LaFollette baa carried the 'atate by at least 40.000 plurality and some esti mates give him 46,000. The congressional delegation complete la made up of ten re publicana and one democrat. The returns from legislative districts Indicate an over whelming majority for the republicans, which means th probable re-election ot United States Senator John C. Spooner. WASHINGTON 8EATTLE, Wash., Nov. 5. The democrats concede the election ot the three congress men at large by an average majority ot 9.000. The republicana will have a majority of thirty on joint ballot In the legislature. WISCONSIN MILWAUKEE. Nov. 6. Belated returna Increase La Follette'a plurality, the latest estimate being 60,000. Aa near aa can be figured out, the next legislature will be made up about aa fol lows: Assembly, 75 republicana and 25 democrats; senate, 81 republicans snd 20 democrats. Mayor Roae, the defeated democratio can didate for governor, resumed his official duties at the city ball today. WYOMING ' CHEYENNE, Wyo.. Nov. 8. (Special Telegram.) At 6 thla evening, returna bad been received at republican headquar ters from all counties In the state, except ing Crook. In many, however, they were Incomplete. Chairman Vanorsdel gave out the follow ing figures by counties; which represent approximately tha republican majorities that will be given. Albany, 250; Carbon, 700; Sweetwater, 300; Uinta, 700; Fremont, 300: Natrona, 330; Convene, 32S; Weaton, 200; Crook, 253; Sheridan, 800; Johnson, 100; Big Horn, 400; Laramie, 850. Governor Richards majority will be below this by about 400 in Laramie, 200 in Big Horn, and poasibly 25 to 60 in Fremont. He will, however, gain 100 In Convene. Mondell ahowa heavy gains over these fig ures. His majority will be between 6,000 and 6,500. Five members of tbe legislature are In doubt. Banner, republican candidate for Innatrona county, will probably be defeated. The defeat ot Reed, for state aenator in Sweetwater county, ia conceded. One mem ber of th lower house la In doubt in Sweet water county. In Albany county, Hertsog and Frazee, republican candidate for atate aena tor, are probably defeated. The republicans claim the balance of the legislative ticket throughout the atate. Returna have been received from 125 pre cincts out ot 350. These comprise about one-balf the state vote and give Mondell, republican, for congress a majority over Clemmona, democrat, of 8,238. Richards, republican, for governor, a majority over Beck, democrat, of 2,141. For the remain ing state offices, ths republicana have an average In these precincts over tbe demo crats of 2,662. Ths Signal ot LiUtresa. Whites of syes and skin yellow show liver trouble and Jaundice. Dr. King's New Life Pills cure or no pay. Only 25c. For sale by Kuhn k. Co. ANNUAL SALE 80,000,000 boxes Greatest in theVorld A MILLION HEALTHY, MANLY AMERICAN MEN. father of families, business men, statesmen, meohsnlos. farmers, lawyers, ministers, doctors, bookkeepers, bankers, sailors, soldiers, traveling1 salesmen, railroaders, laboring- men. men in every walk of life, in every line of activity, keep their bowels ' regular with OASOARETS Oandy Oathartia They tell other men about the wonderful merit of this wonderful little tablet. They take OASOARETS home to their wives and families. The consequence is a sals of nearly A MILLION BOXES A MONTH, made by merit and appre-. elation. A man who keeps hia bowels reg-ular with OASOARETS Oandy Cathartic, can keep strong and healthy even without much exercise, for when the bowels are regular and the diges tion strong- the system is safe and the muscles, brain and nerves will have Inexhaustible elasticity and life. AU druggists, lOo, 25c, 60a Never sold In bulk. The genuine tablet stamped GOO. Sample and booklet free. Address Sterling Remedy Co., Chicago or New York. us Because Its component parts, are all wholesome. It acts gently without unpleasant after-effects. It is wholly free from objectionable substances. It contains the laxative principles of plants. It contains the carminative principles of plants. It contains wholesome aromatic liquids which are agreeable and refreshing to the taste. All are pure. All are delicately blended. All are skillfully and scientifically compounded. Its value is due to our method of manufacture and to the orginality and simplicity of the combination. To get its beneficial effects buy the genuine. Manufactured by LIJORKiA pGVRlIP San Frtvnclaco, Cat Louisville. Ky. Now York. N. Y. FOB SJ.LK BY ALL LSAPINO DS CO GISTS. TELLS HOW TO END STRIKES (Continued Irora First Page.) snnry as they are taught In the lodges. Ana so we can practically learn rrom Washington how to deal with the uroblems of today. It was not Washington's genius alone that made him a great man of all time. Tvro Charges to Society. Washington and Lincoln: We look at them in this country alike. We are in capable of bareness that Is, if we are good citizens; incapable ot looking down on Lincoln because ot his birth and bring ing up. We are incapable of the almost greater baseness of affecting to look down upon Washington because he was well brought up. There are two things to be remembered. There is just that much of a temptation before our people, a tempta tion that is Just aa important to be over come and thrust to one side, the tempta tion to defy improperly the lack of ma terial being, the lack of success, as there Is temptation to bow down overmuch to Success; there is also the lack ot appre ciation. To flatter or to cringe to the powerful are now vices in contradistinction to one another; they are the same kind of vice in different manifestations the dema gogue and the courtier. The demagogue, who for his own selfish purposes flatters one net of people, and the courtier, who for his own selfish purpose flatten a sin gle individual, are after all two people who stand on the same mean level of baseness, each according to his Hunts striving to flatter power as he fancies he sees it, witnnut regara as to wnetner It will do good even to those he flatten. Waatalasrtoax Teaches Vs. These are the lessons to learn from Washington's career. Washington, who fought to make a state out of fishers and choppers and plowmen; Washington, who fought for . Independence and put down disorder: who realised that It could only be prevented from recurring by righting otner wrongs mat nau causeo it. wasn lngton did his work not only because it was given him, but because he possessed to a marked degree the qualities to de velop them, because Ills . name was a vnonvm for honesty, courage, common sense the three qualities for the lack of which no brilliancy, no genius can atone, whether in a man or In a nation. Perhaps I ought to ask your pardon for having spoken to you In words which I suppose partly amount to a sermon snd partly to a plea for help. My excuse Is that I feel, aa I am sure every man who knows anything ot the real needs of gov ernmental and social conditions feels, that we can work out aright the problems that confront ua only when men like you here realize your amies. Our system ot government is the best in ih world for a Deonle able to carry it on. but only the highest type of people can carry It on. We believe that we can, we know that we can, but we can do It only if each ot us In his dealings with the outside world carries Into them the spirit that make a man a rood Mason amona- his brother Masons. It each of us strives to have the citizenship ot our country carried on In accordance with the basic principle of Masonry snd If each of ua shows ac cording to his power and Influence the nomaae to Washington a career and lite. that if paid by the man with whom it la not Up loyalty, but with whom it Is the spirit of tbe heart,, that must bear fruit inaeea. Stewart L. Woodford, former minister to Spain, delivered the concluding address Ths president waa escorted to the station and left for Washington thla afternoon ASK ROOSEVELT, TO SEE SHOW Chicane Waati President to Attsad Its Live Stock Expo- altloa. CHICAGO, Nov. I. An Invitation baa been aent President Roosevelt to attend the opening of the third annual livestock exposition, to be held bere commencing November 29. Last year, according to official reports, 410,000 penons, attended the exposition, and the indications are that double that number will attend this year. Foreign - i 3 i 4 countries are sending special representa tivea and large delegations from their ag ricultural colleges. Acceptances from the governors ot all the stock-raising states of the union bav already been received. BUYS SITE FOR POSTOFFICE Building; at Boone Is Located oa Berkley Property at Coat of U, BOO. (Prom a Staff Correspondent.) WASHINGTON. Nov. 6. (Speolal Tele gram.) Tbe attorney general today re ported favorably on the validity ot tbt title ot the property it desires to pur chase for tbe new postofflce at Boone, la. Thla site la owned by A. J. Bsrkley and Is situated at the northwest corner ol Eighth and Arden streets and, will cost 311,600. Noah Johnston has been appointed post master at Atlanta, Phelps county. Neb., vice Martha E. Polpemas, resigned. The postofflce st High Point, Decatui county, Is., baa been discontinued. ' Ths following rural free delivery car riers have been appointed: Iowa Worth- Ington, regular, Mrs. Jennie Kramer; sub stitute, H. Kramer. Montlcello, ' regular In M. Rodman; substitute, A. O. Rodman Ellsworth, regular, Ola A. Cragwlck; sub stitute, John Olson. Chelsea, regular, D. A. Wilson, Fred W. Cole, Henry L. Sbaler; substitute. D. W. Boyer. Vinton, regular, J am os F. Culp, Clarence D. Edwsrds, John A. Dexter; substitutes, Theodora Culp, Ida M. Edwarda, Minnie A. Dexter. South Dakota Twin Brooks, regular, Bernhard Lambrechts; substitute, Merl Lambrecbts. Mllbank. regular, J. P. Ftn egan, Robert L. Nicbol; substitutes, Dru allla M. Flnegan, Ellen X. Nicbol. George E. Hager of Lincoln, Neb., bit been admitted to pnetica before tbe Treas ury department. CUBAN MINISTER PROTESTS gays Children Destined for School la California, Should Not Be Detalaed. WASHINGTON, Nov. 6. Senor Quesada. the Cuban minister, baa received Informa tion regarding the Cuban children who re cently arrived In New York, destined for a school st Point Loma, Cal., snd who were detained by tbe Immigration officials. Thla waa to tbs effect that the departure of the children waa properly authorised by their parents and tutors. Ths minister slso ha received telegrams from ths civil gov ernor, tbs senator and newspapera ot Santi ago protesting against Interference with tbe children proceeding to their destination. WANTS MUCH MONEY FOR GUNS Fortification Boards Asks Vote of Two Hnadrod Thonsand ' Dollars. WASHINGTON. Nov. 6. Tbe , Board of Ordnance and Fortification baa submitted a report ot its actlona during tbe year, bowing the vsrious test and experiment that have been made with a view of fur nishing Improved gun and projectiles. Tbe board asks an appropriation ot 8200, 000 for next year. Fifty Dollars Kcward. Tbs Plumbers' union will psy 860 for tbs recovery of tbe body ot J. C. Moran, drowned near Florence November 8. D. C. Clifton, Pres.; J. C. Lynch, Vies prea.