Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1902, Page 4, Image 4
0 TI1E OMAHA DAILY WVS.x TIItTHSDAY, NOVEMBER 0, 1002. CURRENT NEWS OF IOWA. COUNCIL MISOR MESTIO. tsvl sells drugs, tockert sells csrrts snd ruf Expert watch repairing. Deffert. 409 R'wsr. Rorn, to Mr. and Mr. John T. Btewart, a aon. Tli Christy pictures for Bale. C. E. Alex ander A Co. la Uroadway. Mm. J. W. HendrlrK of Bnwllns; Oreen. Mo.. I the guest of Mrs. B. A. Stockdale. A meeting of the Dramatic Order Knights of Khoraeean will be held this evening. W W. Hsnthorne I home from a month' visit In Philadelphia and other eastern point. We are headquarters for glass of all klnda. Bee ua before you buy. C. B. Taint, oil and Glass Co. , Council Bluffs district court. Court of Honor, will meet thla evening In Woodmen of the World hall. W. W. I-angdon wan arrested laat night charged with being dunk and creating a disturbance at hla home. Justice Carson performed the marriage ceremony yeeterday for Joseph Cusick and Mrs. Ellen Knrlght, both of Omaha. Thomas Mcintosh of Honey Creek, la., and Hulda, Yarns of Missouri Valley were married In thla city yesterday by Juatlce Bryant. Member of the Royal Neighbors of America are requested to meet this even lug at the office of Dr. Snyder, Ul Bouth HeveDth street. The regular meeting of the Council Bluffs Retail Orocers' association will be held thla evening In the hall over the Commercial National bank. Mr. W. H. Wallace, who ha been seri ously 111 at the home of her daughter, vtr. r'Urk rjuimin. haa recovered suffi ciently to be removed to her home at 414 j North Suth street. Dr. A. V. Btephenaon haa gone to Guem- sey, Wyo., to locate. In connection with his practice ne will rxiamion : ranch, having acquirea nenrijr i.vjv vir. by aettlement and lease. Word haa been received ef the death of W. I. Conyers at Blgelow, Minn., as the result of a threshing machine accident. He formerly lived In this city and his wife and children are aald to be still residents here. There will be two games of foot ball Saturday at Lake Manawa. In the morn ing the High school team will line up against the Onawa High school and In the afternoon the game will be between the Dodge light guards and Highland Park college of Dea Moines. Rev. A. J. Wheeler. D. D., of New Tork will give a free Illustrated lecture this evening at the First Christian church on Temptations and How to Overcome Them." Friday afternoon Dr. Wheeler will apeak to women only at 4 o'clock at the Christian church. The hearing of Harry Hall and C. P. Harty, charged with assaulting with In tent to Kill jacoD mem, waa continued in 'ollee court yeaterday until Monday, as Itein la still confined to his bed by hla Injuries. Harty waa released yesterday on iu pond rurnianea by Jack penned. Hall waa released on bond Monday. N. T. Plumbing Co., telephone 251 Davis sells glass. Tries Pnrchaae Poison. A young man giving the name of W. H. Toe, and claiming to be a lineman fron Omaha, was taken In charge by the po lice yesterday morning after he had tried Ineffectually to purchase atrychnine at three different drug stores. When first taken to police headquarters Poe appeared to be suffering from mental aberration and the police found considerable difficulty In Inducing him to talk. He told several dif ferent stories. At first he said he was a lineman in the employ of the Iowa Tele graph company, then again that be was working on the Great Western construc tion and finally, that he was employed as lineman in Omaha. He said he was de spondent and In fact heart-broken over a love affair. His sweetheart had turned out to be a different woman than be had thought. An information charging him with being insane waa filed before the com missioners, and it deemed expedient be will have a bearing this morning. Poe is thought to answer the description of a man wanted In Creston for highway rob bery and the police are Investigating. Gravel roofing. A. H. Reld. Ml Broadway. Darts sells paints. I.nbor Commissioner In City. Elward D. Brlgham, state labor commis sioner, spent yesterday in Council Bluffs. He cams In from Sioux City in the morn ing and will go this morning to Missouri Valley. Commissioner Brlgham is making a tour of the western part of the state Investigating labor conditions In factories and other places where a large number of working people are employed. One pur pose of bis Investigation Is to ascertain If the laws against the employment of child labor are being violated. He will return to Council Bluffs Friday and will deliver an address before a special meeting of the Trades and Labor assembly, at which all laboring men are invited to be present. Plumbing and beating. Blxby A too. Mnrriace Licensee. Licenses to wed were Issued to the fol lowing: Name and Residence.. Age. Thomas Mcintosh. Honey Creek, la 20 Hulda Varna, Missouri Valley, la 17 Oscar J. Johnson, Omaha i! Anna S. Hagerman, Council Bluffs 13 Joseph Cualck, Omaha 23 Ellen Enright, Omaha 23 Charles Foss, Omaha 43 Martha A. Crance, Omaha 46 - Fire Ueatroya Hla Hoard. SIOUX CITY, la., Nov. 6. (Special Tele gram.) Fire destroyed the boarded savings of Joe 8mith. a farmer living near here, last night. Smith owned a poor patch of land near the city and he and his wife had carefully saved $1,400. They were afraid of banks and kept the money concealed In a stocking. While they were out In the field fire destroyed the house and all their money. TEiBBigs l7o 0JEio Best Ofton Disagree With Us Becaate overeat of them. Indl fsstton follows. But them's a way to eieape such consequences. A dose of s good dlftstant like KodoJ will relive jroa atone. Your stomach is simply too j weak to dlgert what you eat. That's ail Indigestion Is. Kodol direst the food without th stomach' aid. Thus the i torn son reU while th body Is strength ened by wholesom food. Dieting Is un necessary. Kodol digests any kind of good food. Strengthens and in vigors tea. Kodol Hakes Rich Red Blood. Prepared only by B. C. r Witt A Co., Chlcacat Tbe SI txmfe eonulnOH time lhe &Oo sum. DCVITIS wci ctzci SALVf A certain our for piles and skin disease. LEWIS CUTLER tlORTIClAN. IS Peart St., Council Bluffs. 'Phone 17. BLUFFS ELECTION IS ALL ONE WAY OoBDOil Blsffs Sweep the Flat ter Clean Again. LOCAL MIXUPS PROVE OF LITTLE WEIGHT Aatl-lhlrd Term Cnttlna; Shows Prnc. tlrally o Effect on the Re. aalt In the City War da. Complete returns from the twenty-nine rountrv and the twelve city precincts yea terday ahowed that Tuesday's election had , vorce now Pending, waa dismissed for resulted In another grand victory for the j proaecutron. republicans In Pottawattamie county', al- ' lhe Evan Fegley. charged though In the case of the connty ticket the I w,tn dipsomaniac, the motion Bled majorities of two years ago were mater- ! Mr- Fegley toT JImlssal was ar lally lowered. The republicans opposed to ni ,ken under 1vlsment. The the third-term proposition slashed the rourt "ld ,l Question If the person county ticket right and left, but voted the Information could withdraw It state, congressional and Judicial tickets -ftr he proceeding, bad once been com straight. Freeman U Reed, republican fenced. Fegley. who ha. been In the candidate for clerk of the district court. foun7 " 28, lMt' re' on account of bl. seeking a fifth term had Xe on 200 bo Te.terU.jr. to tear the brunt of the slashing and. reen t0 Red 0ak . ... v. i. .h. ....' this afternoon to hold court, but will re- tlcket with a majority of 1,159, be only se cured re-election by a majority of 148 over Louis Zurmnehlen, the democratic nomi nee. Owing to the hard fight made against Reed for a fifth term he was low man on the county ticket. William R. Martin, candidate for secre tary of state, who beaded the republican state ticket, received in the county and city 6.13S votes, as against 3,908 for Rich ard Burke, the democratic candidate, mak Ing Martina majority over Burke 1.230. J Two years sgo Martin's majority waa 1,081. The vote by precinct on the head of the state ticket follows: S s Belknap 25.1 Boomer 77 Carson 148 87 Wright 84 83 Valley 138 74 York 64 36 Kane outside. 9 23 1M 81 11 Center 114 Crescent 72 112 First Ward Garner No. 1. 83 Hi Utt precinct. 162 183 Garner No. 2. 14 as 2d precinct.. 15 16 Orove 130 53 Second Ward Hardin 70 56 1st precinct. 230 1R1 Hasel Dell.... 78 74 2d precinct.. 308 141 James 99 35 Third Ward- Keg Creek.... 63 1st precinct. 228 114 Knox 2) 25i 2d precinct.. 143 Ul layton 162 lnl Fourth Ward Lewia W7 90 1st precinct. 18 10? IJneoln 62 5S 2d precinct.. 141 116 Macedonia ... M M Fifth Ward Mlnden 130 103 1st precinct. 241 Neola 1K1 2d precinct.. 168 169 Ul Norwalk W 81 Sixth Ward- Pleasant 66 67 1st precinct. 261 133 Rockford 8 87 86 76 n 2d precinct.. 8 26 341 Totals S138 1230 6 Hllver Creek. Waveland ... Washington Martin's majority over Burke, 1,230. Vote on Other Officers. The vote on the judicial ticket was as follows: A. B. Thornell, republican 5138 W. R. Oreen, republican blou O. D. Wheeler, republican 6176 8. B. Wadsworth, democrat 3908 Thornell's majority over Wadsworth P13 Green's majority over Wadsworth.. 1035 Wheeler's majority over Wadsworth 1062 The vote on state senator was: C. O. Saunders, republican 4983 M. F. Rohrer, democrat 4097 Saunders' majority Connty Ticket. The vote on the county ticket was: For County Attorney W. H. Klilpack. republican II. L. Robertson, democrat Klllpack's majority '. In 1900 Klilpack majority was 816. For Clerk of the District Court Freeman L. Reed, republican Louis Zurmuehlen, Jr., democrat .... 88 4966 4093 872 4A18 4470 Reed's majority 148 Reed's majority in 1900 was 1169. For Auditor R. V. Innes. republican 470S Al A. Lenocker. democrat 4366 Innea' majority Innes' majority In 1900 waa 1029. For Recorder Klmer K. Smith, republican L. C. Frouty, democrat 839 4775 426H Smith's majority 609 l Smith's majority In 1900 was 1078. I For Members of the Board of Supervisors H. C. Brandea. republican 43 ,T-1 J I 1 m Ul LllO UIIOIU Ul DUUT V1PUI J. W. Warner, democrat 4097 Brandea- majority TO j To Fill Vacancy Allen Bullla, republican 483U Timothy Ryan, democrat 413S Bullls' majority KM As the county tlekewsa badiy scratched In the city precinct, the result of the vote In Council Bluffs is Interesting, and fol lows: For County Attorney W. H. Klilpack, republican II. L. Robertson, democrat Klllpack's majority For Clerk of the District Court F. L. Reed, republican L. Zurmuehlen, Jr., democrat . 2100 1608 492 1904 1S1I so 210$ na 1643 . 423 Reed's majority For Auditor R. V. Innes. republican A. A. Lcnouker. democrat Innes' majority For Recorder E. K. Smith, republican L. C. Prouty, democrat Smith's majority Knne Township Tleket. On the Kane township ticket the demo crats succeeded in electing one Justice of the peace, complete returns showing that Harvey Ouren defeated Ovlde Vlen. The vote in the township on Justices of the pesce wss: George Csrson, republican 2124 Sam Albro, democrat 16S3 Carson's majority .... Harvey Ouren. democrat Ovlde Vlen. democrat .... 641 1HX 1817 Ouren'a majority 69 The reat of the republican township was elected si follows: Lee Albert! and H. A. Balrd. for constables; Harvey DeLocg tor trustee and O. P. Kemp for clerk. Congressman Walter I. Smith not only headed the entire ticket la Pottawattamie, where be received 5,190 votes, as against 1.881 for George W. Culllson. the demo cratic candidate, but returna from the nine counties comprising the Ninth congres sional district ahow that he carried the district by 7,435. an increase of 487 over 1900, and this In an oft year Is considered remarkable. Culllson csrrled Shelby, his home county, by eight votes. In 1900 Smith carried it by 15. Congressman Smith's pluralities in the Ninth district follow: If. Adair m Auduban ii Casa Lwa Guthrie x7 Harrison 75 Mills rj Montgomery l.jii7 Pottawattamie 1,309 Shelby tCulltson) a- Totals I.Hi 1900. 6i7 !.1 41 474 1.48 lit la DISTRICT COURT IN SESSION .ovemher Term Convened by Judge Green anal Krand .lory Haa Opened. The November term of district court waa convened yesterday by Judge Oreen and thla grand Jury Impaneled: Peter Langer. Mlnden. foreman; C. G. Mcintosh. Cres cent; H. L. Aldrlcn. Missouri Valley; Henry Kllerbeck, Council Bluffs; August Olderog. Treynor; C. B. Lyman. Taylor; J. P. Maxfleld, I'nderwood; J. II. Pace, Council Bluffs. W. C. Joseph la acting as clerk of the grand Jury. Mrs. Nancy V. Slcad waa granted a divorce from M. W. Blead on the grounds of desertion. The habeas corpus proceedings brought by Mrs. Catherine Hlgglns to secure pos session of her daughter, May, from her husband, John Hlgglns, whose eult for dl- turn hern Friday. This first assignment of law and equity caaea was made: Friday, November 7 Lemars Building and Loan Association against Leonard et al. Saturday, November 8 Ollee et al against French et al. Monday. November 10 Foster against Rice et al. Tuesday, November 11 Peresjoy Moore against King et al; Lougee against Wernl mont et al; Ureenshlelus against Wornl mont et al. ,n.t Pttt.rMn: Messmore aaalnst De- Vol et al. Thursday, November 13 Caldwell against Morgan et al. Friday, November 14 Annls against Ber ney et ai; eotaie of Maty A. Roberts, de ceased. Saturday. November 13 McClelland against Olson et al. Monday, November 17 Bealey against Wlghtman et al. Tuesday, November 18 Hoyt against Motor company: 'Sorenson against White; Rafter against Kaskle. Wednesday, November 19 Lauder against Cousins; Pugh against Proltltt et al; Hampton against Illinois Central R. R. Co. Thursday, November 20 Vom agulnst Deltchler; Wetzel against 8mlth. Friday, November Zl Woolfson agulnst Council Bluffs Produce company; Peterson against Des Moines Insurance company; Petereon against State Insurance com pany; Peterson against Anchor Fire In surance company. Monday, November 24 Ferguson against Pottawattamie county (special); Dobbin) against National Caen Register company. Tuesday. November 23 Thrush against Orayblll (special); Hill agalnat Motor com pany. Monday, December 1 Farrell against Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Railroad company; Dodge against M. C. & Fort Dodge Railroad company; Hanna against M. C. & Fort Dodge Railroad company. Tuesday. December 2 McClelland against Olson A Mortenson; West against Wlnchell et al. Wednesday. December 3 Woodruff hgatnst Evans Laundry company; I'nlon Transfer company against Swing; Allen against Wabash Railroad company. Thursday, December 4 Bchur against N'.chols et al; Roberta against Pottawatta mie county; Meek against Pottawattamie county. Friday, December B Boyer against Day It Hess; Woodwortb against Ryan. DRINKS QUART OF ALCOHOL lowsv Man Then Falls Into n Stupor nnd Coroner Later Holds an Inquest. FORT DODGE. Ia., Nov. 6. (Special Telegram.) Excessive Indulgence in alco hol proved the undoing of Jamea t'rban of Elkhorn township. Urban was found lying dead on the floor of hi. room last night. Evidence before the coroner's Jury this morning rhowed that Urban had drank two pint bottle, full of undiluted alcohol Immediately before falling Into a stupor, from which he never swoke. The dead man leaves a family. Mononn Connty Redeemed. ONAWA, la., Nov. 5. (Special Tele gram.) Complete returna from Monona county give a republican majority of 625 on the head of the ticket. District Judge, are elected by an i verage majority of 525. Ellis, for county auiitor. ha. 944 majority; Bradbury, for clerk of the courta, defeats .. . . vreaenburg by 408 majority; Oliver Olson, for recorder, defeat. Harrison by 705 ma- VTV; V l 1 ,tornejr' Mia John W. Anderson by 138 majority; Jamea, 'or supervisor, defeats John P. Olson by 300 majority. This Is an Increase of 225 majority on the state ticket over the vote Jor erntor 'Bt Monona county. fr,.m ,thf banner IPUt nty in 1898. with 1,080 for Bryan and free silver, seems permanently enrolled in the republican column. Will Find Wife nnd Mother Dead, SHENANDOAH, la., Nov. 5. (Special.) A r.athetto death was that of Mrs. Sadie A. Dlmmltt, at the home of her mother in this city, on Ninth avenue. For several years ahe had been an Invalid and had lived with ber family in Minnesota. Re cently It was thought a winter spent here would benefit her and the family decided to move to thla place. Owing to ber alck nees she came by rail and ber husband and children are driving overland. Their ex act whereabouts is not known and they will not learn of the death of tho wife and mother until they reach Shenandoah. Vote In Woodbury Connty. SIOUX CITT. Ia.. Nov. 8. (Special Tele gram.) The latest returns In Woodbury county show the election of the entire re publican ticket, with the exception of the Second supervisors! district, where M. R. Wilson (rep.) wss defeated by Dtedrich Scbeelhaase (dem.) by forty votes. Martin, secretary of state, has a plurality of 1,676. Congressman Thomas' plurality In the county Is 1,427, running fifty-two votes be hind his ticket.' In the city Thomss ran 135 votes behind bis ticket. Paper Mill to Be Moved. CEDAR FALLS. Ia., Nov. 6. (Special.) J. D. Ellsworth of Independence, Kan., has purcbaaed the machinery belonging to tho old paper mill and has shipped it to la dependence, where It will be plsced In a mill now being erected. The mill was at one time one of the main Industries of this tity, but the competition became too sharp and the compsny failed. Mr. Ellsworth waa the organizer of the company and Is still in the buslneas. He la now Inter ested In seversl psper mills. Aerased of Forajlasi Check. SHENANDOAH. Is., Nov. 5. (Special.) Chant Bloom of Norwich, aevea miles tast of this plsce, baa been charged with forg Ing a check, th Information being Died by A. O. Anderson of Norwich. It Is claimed that the young man, who la 17 years of S. signed the nsme of Anderson to a check, which was cssbed by Ernest Lingo. At last reports the young man wss la bid Ing and could not be found. i WW f I I I i i CENTERS ON CONGRESSMEN Interest ii lows Election Takes on Its Final Aspect. TEN REPUBLICANS ARE RETURNED Democrat Polls Throngh i Second District With PI or allty of I.caa Thnn l.OOO Votes. (From a Staff Correspondent.) DES MOINES, Nov. 5. (Special.) The political slluaUpn in Iowa remains un changed. The sole interest Is In the vote on congressman. In a few. of the districts. The completest returns show that Judge Wade (dem.) received a plurality of abov't 900 in the Second district. He carried Clin- ' ton county by 405, JohnBon by 741, an oad about 100 each In Scott and Iowa. Hoffman (rep.) carried his own county by 365 and Jackson by 100. The vote for Hoffman was less than expected in every county of the district, and this was due to the work of the old line democrats, who had organized the district for Wade. In the Third dis trict It Is believed the plurality of Judge Birdeall (rep.) will be about 4,000. Boies made a great run In Dubuque and Black hawk, but the republican majority was suf ficient to elect Birdsall. In the First dis trict Hedge lost In nearly every county, hla losses being from 100 to 250. but ho will have .nearly 2,000 majority in the dUtrict. lu the Sixth,' Major Lacey has about 2.000. He had some losses, but gained In others. He carried every county except Davis, which is normally democratic. The major ity for Haugen in (he Fourth district was cut to about 2,600. Only barest estimates are possible in the other districts, as the Interest was so slight that tho committee men would not send in the reports. The following is an estimate of the pluralities by districts: Thomas Hedge, First district 2.000 M. J. Wade. Second district 881 H. P. Birdsall, Third dlMrlct 4.000 G. N. Haugen. Fourth district 2.600 R. G. Cousins. Fifth district .0n0 John F. Lacey Sixth district 2,OiO J. A. T. Hull. Seventh district S.OoO W. P. Hepburn F.lghth district 4.500 Walter I. Smith. Ninth dlatrlct.. 6.0UU J. P. Conner, Tenth dlatrlct 10.000 Lot Thomas, Eleventh district .0u0 j On the state ticket the chairmen have not changed their views. The republican plu rality will be not far from 70.000 and the vote will be lighter than for several years. In Johnson county the democrats elected Otto Bylngtou district Judge to succeed Judge Wade, beating Milton Remley, former attorney general, by nearly 1,000. In the Eighteenth district, where- there was a local fight and some republicsns were op posing fraud In Judicial conventions, th? democrats elect two of the three Judges. f ompanlrs Given Time. The report of Inspector General John R. Prime on the Inspection of two companies of the national guard reported as below grade waa tiled with the adjutant general thla morning. In regard to the company of tbe Forty-ninth at Marshalltown ha reports that the great handicap to main taining a good company there is lack of armory facilities, that the company offi cers are now engaged in making prepara tions to secure a suitable armory and he therefore recommends that they be given until December 1 to complete these ar rangements, but if at that time they have not satisfied the adjutant general tbat they will arrange for a proper armory the com pany will be mustered out. In regard to tbe company at Hampton, In th Fifty second, be reports tbat the desire of tho people there Is to support a company, and that tbe attendance at drills baa Increaaed since the report .was made. He recom mends that the company be given until December 1 to get rid of undesirable ma terial In the company and to recruit up to full strength. It is believed both com panies will meet the requirements snd be retained. Foraer to (out Back. A requisition was Issued this morning on the governor of Mlasouri for A. Rodugue for his return to Iowa from St. Joseph where be Is under arrest. He is wanted In Sioux City i on a charge of having se cured $10 by forging the nsme of J. C Williams. The bosrd of control has let the con tract for the scenery at ths new amuse ment ball at the state reform school at Mitchellvllle to a Chicago firm. Tbe reports from tbe supply department of the stste hosptisl St Independence shows tbat tb cost of meala to officers and Inmates during tb past month baa been Jim Dumps Invltotl frloriri to fJIno: He gave them salad, birds and wlnoj And for dossort, ft novel ooiirso. He pave thorn Ico cream sorvod with "Force." "Delicious," cried his Kuosts to hlmj This dish Is perfoct, 'Sunny Jim.'" 1- cc Y?" 4.9 centa per person. The supplies fur nUhed are of the best and the same are served to both the employes and tho In mates. Board of Education Meet), The quarterly meeting of the State Board of Health and Board of Medical Ex aminers Is being beld here today, with all the members present. The board will at this meeting issue the certificates to those who wero examined st the laat meeting. 1 The tendency of the Inebriates at the state hospitals Is to break away from their imprisonment and scatter over the atate. Tbe report from Mount Pleasant for this month shows that ten of those held there for Incbrlacy have broken away and can not be found. This with tbe paroles means reduction In the number confined. It Is found that the ordinary restraints round Insane persons are of little avail In the case of the inebriates. Dos; Aaralust the Snake. A dog bite case bss been attracting moro attention In court than any other lately. A Jury gave a verdict of $500 against George Hobson of Ssylorville because his dog bit Frankle Foster. Now a motion has been mad for new trial, alleging that it was a snake that bit the child and not the dog. and this weighty question Is to be solved by the presiding Judge. Articles of Incorporation of tbe Oer ma nia Verein of Denlson were filed today with the secretary of atate. Tbe capital stock is $10,000. President, Barney Brod erson; secretary, B. J. Slbbert. The BufHngton Wheel company of Bur lington bss incorporated; capital. $100,000. President, Nathan Morris, Indianapolis; secretary. William G. Mercer, Burlington. Walker A Ford of Onawa have become Incorporated, with capital of $3,000. The Lyle-Selby cotrpany of Adair has Incorporated, with $2,000 capital. Refuse Certificate to Doctor. The State Board of Health today refused to reissue the certificate to practice med icine of Dr. J. W. Crofford, who was con victed In Decatur county last summer of murder. He hsd spptled for reinstatemen: after be bad secured bis release on bonds, pending an appeal to the supreme court snd claimed tbat he w.ould have the right to return to hi. practice. The state board today discovered that he had been con victed of counterfeiting In Missouri some years ago and refused to permit htm to practice. Abandons Practice of Law. SIOUX CITY. la.. Nov. 6. (Special Tele gram.) J. H. Quick, lawyer, politician ana llterateur, candidate for Judge of the au preme court on the democratic ticket and ex-mayor of Sioux City. bs abandoned the nracttc of law to become the manager oi the Clark Automatic Telephone company and tbe Nebraska Clark Automatic isie- phone company, with headquarters in bloux City. Mr. Quick Is a gifted speaker and the bead of his party In this section. He has published poetry and ha. Just written a novel dealing wltn bioux v ny in iu boom days. Polaon Does Not Affect Child. SHENANDOAH. Ia.. Nov. 6. (Special.) nap i Swset, crisp flaKts of wheat and malt. " Overjoyed avl HI Curs, Qfe, "J A "Tnesdav ereiilng I sat down to s wedding ( t V I in I feast. Next morning I felt wretched beyond desrrlp- "77 Va LI III 'ion- Ate Force- for brcakfjut, luDCh and dinner. f I "I X f I fc This morning had 'Force' strain for hreskfsst. J t ( (sSv II W Now, aftr my usual ani heartr lunch, I feal as ' V V V II fj atMAa overjoyed at cure. X, Nx y m mother's rm 11 FRIEND . t .i .Kmn timeiui wwiutu u, -j - . this celebrated aid during: th tnals of pregnane. As tbe mother is the constant prop of the child after 1U suc cessful issue into the world, so should Mother s trund be the constant .... . , . child is Dorn. women vnt ui i" " v v m -Tt. i r , tit' lti-. IUUUVU coftness, s ,k. 1 THE JARVIS 187? OKCE" 1 The Kaadj-lo-Scrre Cereal rounds oat the dinner rounds up the diner. i be C-year-old child of Cooney Castle, fmogene, got hold of and ate some rough on rate the first of the week, and though a doctor was sent for in haste, yet the little one has not seemed to mind the un usual dese In the least RAILROAD MAKES BIG MONEY Xet Flnrnlnan Almost Third of Grout Receipts of Lonlvlllc & aahvllle. LOUISVILLE, Ky.. Nov. 5. The annunl meeting or the Louisville & Nashville rail road wa. held today. The president's report waa received and an adjournment taken until December 17. The report ahowed that during the year ended June 30, 1902, the gross earnings amounted to $30,712,267 and the net earn ings to $9,809,815. The operating expenses were $20,902,473. On June 30, 1902, the company was op erating 3,444.13 miles of road, while it was interested in 1,823 miles operated under separate organization and owned 274 miles operated by other companlea, making tta total mileage 5.541.87. No mention la made of the transfer of tbe road to the Atlantic Coast Line. PALMER REMEMBERS CHARITIES Leaves Iown Collcsjc Thirty Thonannd and I.Ike Sums to Other ( Institutions. NEW YORK. Nov. 6. The will of the late Francis Asbury Palmer, formerly pres ident of the National Broadway bank, was filed for probate today. It values the resl property st $800,000 snd the personal at $150,000. The will gives his brother $1,200 a year annuity and makes these bequests among others: To the Palmer Christian college. Le Grande. Ia.. $30,000; Eton college of North Carolina, $30,000; Union Christian college, Merom, Ind., $30,000. The residue if the will Is left to the Francis Asbury f 'aimer fund. The nieces and his grand niece. Mr. Susan Lewis Rockwell, are not mentioned. Don't l.uae n Meal Through dyspepsia and Indigestion. Take Electric Bitters. They cure stomach troubles or no pay. Only 50c. For sals by' Kuhn CO. WISH TO SUPPORT ROOSEVELT New York Board of Trad Considers President's Xon-Pnrtlsnn Tariff Commission. NEW YORK, Nov. 5. Tariff reform wss considered at the monthly meeting of the Bosrd of Trade today and a resolution in troduced that a committee be appointed to support President Roosevelt's suggestion of a permanent nonpartisan export tariff commission. Tbe resolution waa referred to the executive committee. T. 8. Sharretts. special United States tariff commissioner to China, said New York would come to look upon the Asiatic race as customers of great value. nanncerl aecurelv in their hearts companion oi iuo wumuu unum uw , 1 - - n.l . V-i A ,.., U healthy or unneauny geucianvo vs", "" that child-bearing is not accompanied by terror if thisescellenl agent for external application is used throughout the child-bearing period. Mother's Friend is always applied externally and ..ww,4 UiA thm AmH river the reffion of Dain. . . - . . r . pliability and expansion are given to miiUi tKcn fibres and sinews. allowing the elasticity necessary to bring comtort wnue witu ueavy ouiucu, nuu cause easy issue of the child. Try it. Of all drugfc-ists. ft. 00 per bottle. BRAOFIELO RECULATOR CO.. Atlanta. Gi. BRANDY A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A JOY FOREVER D R. T. FELIX GOIRAI'D'S ORIENTAL, OR MAGICAL BtALTIFIER. -a Tan. Flmplfa. t rock lea, Hu,h Ftch.. uaan anil Skla Ota aw, an4 attrj viewi.ii v " an deflaa Selection It haa Hood tb tret of B'Ur-flve ytare, ted la so harmleei wa laata it to Le aura It le proper, made. Aecept no ouDtertatt ol ainii- lar oame. ut. L. A. Sajrra aalt to lady si me nam ton la patient): "As" you ladles will use them, I recom mend GOUKAUDS CREAM' as the least harmful of all the skin preparatlona.' For Hale by r-II druggists and fancy goods deal ers in tho U. 3. MTid Europe. KKKU. T. HOPKINS, Prop'r, 37 Great Jonea St.. N. T. WOMAN'S CROWNING GLORY to lr ImIt. ttGnf m BImcM. tt cm Wr ktfjrcd to in atatwtJ clw withoi injury 4aMaHfc Imperial Hair Regenerator THE STANDARD HATH COLORING lr kj Mk.f ebaeiattlykanelMe. An aha avedwee. Cater f ful, 4 ONE ArrLrCAflON LASTS i ll ktoKTHS. Semala ereeriaar tele.eS See. In . i ml Chemical Co.. I3u W. 2id St., N. T. Sold by Sherman or McConncll Drug Co., Umaha, Neb. HAND SAPOLIO Is especially valuable during the summer season, when outdoor occu pations and sports are most in order. GRASS STAINS, MUD STAINS and CALLOUS SPOTS yield to it, and it is particularly agreeable when used in the bath after violent exercise. ALL OROCERS AND DRUQQIITS Specialists In all DISEASES and DISORDERS of MEN. 12 years of atueo ccssful practlo la Omaha. CHARGES LOW. VARICOCELE HYDROCELE and Dll CC "" li ara. wlUwul euuus. i rlLLd loea of itou Leal iuaraiil to euro reu or money rotuaaea. CVaUII IC '"re for HI u Ue poteo-i OlrlllLI tboroashly eleaua from tke KJCaif lirli fro Eiroaoes or VICTIMS TO IftfllV Mtn NKRVOIS D1CBIUTT Ok I1ALM11UN "lNO WEAKNttA. with BAALS DECAY VnN. a". TkllbULal AOED: la.S 1 .in. Curva gu4rtnt4. STRICTURE zsilHUZ'Srzzz li ii'l K A li . KlaaeT eo BlaSaer TfonWes. Weaa ikai KldaeT eo Bleeder Tmkiea. weaa l burilni Jri.e rreuu.ocr ol Urtoatlss. .Una. t cXSSS - 7 ""li,. .saltation Fre. Tntnnt by Mall. pack. Hlsk DR.t"sEARLEs'& SEARLES. Si2A BLOOD POISON la lb worst )! on eattn, ei ths ttasiual lu curs VVilfc.N YOU KNOW WHAT TO DO. Many uav pimples, spi on Ui skin, sorts in tho mouik. ulcers, falling hair, bone lalr.a, catarrh; tionj know It Is BLOOD POISON. Hen4 to DR. bhOWN. Wlf. Arch St.. fhliatleapma, p for BROWN'S BDOOD CURIO. UuQ pal bottle; laata onw month. sold only b) Bherman & Mct.'onnell Drug Co., lain ai. Dods Kts . Oinaha. Brown's Capsules ':;; "l? : 101 h snd Dods Sts. CU!U TQUftSElH al .1 iTHtEvMCuMtai'Kat 0a I""1 or stiiaoDoiMk ksike'Sn,S.r""J l4a CrnsaTtsr, f" Sul4 Sy tran v -prseotln plain rMaW, TtN DAYS TRIAL. fSIMuU, W-aVt. UlUiaifiaa sMft slssjs1, NtSti , tSf snM. mrm . MrtsM. . J friM T sjua iff will vts( t rsnvnitMiHiwitMirMiy. M.4UI Nr4 4lS).eal. ir Mfnl m lUasM) t kM IMrl li I'.tmmel. N-41i-ul Guod Bik. LHnvtr. Col lad Kll ertua.'t restuiuuf Wue, f.lllhf lllABllLKxl, UllD, UMt). f 1 mS0 m V rlrriod nut-a and nirn iDtertdluc lu tiirry i.uiahI ittktt boi; Mtununliif miuHi ; 1 6hcrmia A McConncll Drutf Co . Omaha. tvvr 1 kTsiaoeee on tbe skis or (tea. Treotaaeal aoaUlaa ae eeaaeram Sruss or Injailoua aeealcloea. M r 4irEE X I l'a Bit i If. ior.ato.Ji -T la I J leobrfi.ioL.rnuililoii I J uaiuwt ri. liritoiievA oc aiccrotlot Mktm ofaanoosa mnrDrooa r 1 rra.aau OiuuiaB.-' ralulaaa, and Dot aaaiMSJ 7 SI 1