Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 06, 1902, Page 2, Image 2
n.ei. iv a a TV rlT. l1-nttl A " OVEMER ' - ' 1 - . I - !- ' LAME BACK? CLOUDY URINE ? Indicate Your Kidney Are Diseased. Test Your Urine and find Out. Thousands of Hen and W omen Have Kidney and Bladder Disease and Do Not Know It Until It Is Too Late. WEAK, UNHEALTHY KIDNEYS v tpiu unTTI v fiP WARNFR'B 8 A FTC TfRR. THE WORTH'S GREATEST KIPNKY CI -HE ?BENT AmSiTeLt FKEk! POSTPAID TO EVERY READER OF T,'lf yoY pains In vour bark. If y..r urine I discolored or you havs ' pain while passing It. TEST VOIR klDNISY. Put rn "or.f,ln ,ur,'"r, .T.,. ."loHrtlh brick! .let It stand for twer.ty-f,:ur hour. If C,T ,rvc?",tVT..v hut sediment or If mlr.s or germs fl.. "" I" ." V ' 'fS. hSwTSd: If. after you hne mad till test, you have .ny doubt In your mind las to the develop inem of rt,e rilas.- In your rysum een.l a cample of your urine, and our doctors win .'inalyte It nnrt senn you a report wit" - Mr. W. C. lirrnt. of J72KW. Franalln St., Baltimore, 11., who ha a serious ruse of Idney ami bladder trouble,, : "I W" almost prostrutrd with excruciating pains .' in my back. I hud Inflammation of tn- ; ' Madder and uilnary organs; nothing seemerl , to give me relief until l used Warner's SaiV ' Cure. I sent for a tree trial bottle. It did me so much good I bought a large bottl-. When I had taken It every one notlred tlv . . difference In my appearance, and I felt like a, now man. Safe Cure cured my bladder and urinary troubles and henled mV kid neys, the source of the trouble. I cannot say too murh .n praise of Warner's Safe Cure, which Is t blessing to thor afflicted with unhealthy kldnys and bladder." T'nhealthy kidneys. If neglected, cause Inflammation of the bladder and urinary organs, diabetes, Bright f disease, rheuma tism, rheumatic gout, torpid liver, crscma, jaundice, uric acid poison, gall stonis, and will soon affect the entire system and prove fatal. , 'mm 'fa Third lio " 57 Fourth ..i.. K'S S71 115 :'1J Fifth s7 l!t Sixth 3" totals . '. 1MS 1MB HR4 2141 COUNTRY PRF.CINCTS. Hitch- How Mercer, cock. Mercer, ard. Panson l7 12 M H Chicago 113 ISt 1M 13 Clontarf 4 IS IS Douglas 6J TS 74 P Dundee .V 64 ' 7 4! Ksst Omaha .... 34 47 S! 1 Klkhorn (W 77 - 77 Florence l 111 . 14 110 Jefferson 112 7 111 M McArdlo 77 PS 79 73 Millard SI ss M ins Platte Valley ... i; 1 m 144 Vnlon 07 W HO W Waterloo 112 125 112 1J Totals .". 1158 1242 127J 15 DOUGLAS COUNTY-TOTAL FOR CON GRESSMAN. Hitch- 'ltow- Mercer. cock. Mercer, ard. Omaha 72.VJ SKM rWt W South Omaha Ulft . Iftffl 154 2414 Country precincts 1158 124J UT2 . 128 Urand total..."94 .li?71 1312() VMl Majority 1747 , McArdla . M Millard , 1" I'lhtta Valley....; li I'nlon ..... 4J Waterloo I l' Totala 49 til ; v. n ll 41 WILL FIX CATTLE RATES 569 MR. W. BRtNT. WARXRR'g sIKE CI'RK Is prescribed and used by doctors n ta only absolute cure for all these diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and wood.- It will pure any case, It matters nor how serious. If taken In time. It ha cured Iholisnnda of cases. W4HJiKH'S KAFR 1111.4 move the bowels gently and-aid a speedy cur.' Whh all other medicines failed, the free trial has ben knowt to out1 many roses when the Ut was made In the carlv stagea of the disease, Warner's Safe Cure Is purely vegetable? It contains no narcotic, eir harmful drug found In many f.o-called euros. It 1 free from sediment and pleasant vo take. fltewara of so called kidney curta full of sediment and of bad color; , they are positively harmful and do not cure.) You can buy Warner's Safe Cure at your .druggists or olroct. Two ulifs. .Vic snd $I.X a bottle. - HF.FIftR gl tlsTITl TKS Wn IMITATION'S. There la nona "Juat as good" a Warner's. Insist on the genuine, which always cures. Substitutes contain harmful drugs which Injure the system ... ' TRIAL BOTTLE FREE. afll be sent absolutely free. To convince every sufferer from dlsea: of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood that Warner's Safe Cure will cure them a trial bottle will be sent absolutely free. postpaid. Also a vitluable medical booklf-1 which tells all about the diseases or the LOBECK FAILS OF ELECTION Finishes the Rap Aalt Hesrr Mr naal4 for jCoaimtler with Tfclrty-Tnr Vwtea l.arklaft. Before the republican county convention C. O. Lobeck. populist-democrat, confessed ferreM desire to run against Henry McDon ald for commissioner from the Third rom- iBlssloner district. His wish has been grati fied. He "ran ggalnil" McDonald In the literal gense and tna reboupd finds hire 33 rotei behind the republican. The detailed result Is ebow la the following table: McDonald. I-ObecK. 34 2.4bi Iatrntite Commerc Oouimisaiou Itarts Its IuTestigatioi Today. RAILROADS PREPARE TO DEFEND CHARGES Rating Will lie Made Finally Heeld Ing Legal Tariff for ( arrlaae f Western Stork to 1 hi-raa-o Markets. Fifth war. Sixth ward...,.,.. Ninth ward. ...;,., East omana. Totalt : FOR THE STATE LEGISLATURE Malorlly B2 .1,284 , 712 47 , 7,517 3-t How the Republican and Faaloa Nominees Mae t After . Tuesday's Battle. Following ia the total' vote on the legis lative tickets in Douglas county: Senate. . HICREf HAS STRONG LEAD (Continued from First Pag"!.) Hall (rep Howell (rep)..... Saunders (rep)... Hunt (fun.) Weaver if us.).... Welpton (fua.)... Ifoase. Gilbert (rep.) Koetter (rep.)...- Mangold (rep.)....,.... Morsman (rep.) Nelson (rep.) Rlggs (rep.) Shelley (rtp.) Ten Eyck (rep.) , Wallace (rep.) Butler (fus.).-.i. ...... Kennedy tfus.) - Martin (fus.) McArdle (fus.) McPeavItt (fua.)....". Mcintosh (fus.)....... Payne (fus.) Ulanck (fus.) Rohlf (fus.) 10.417 10,239 ' 10.3S7 9.610 9.4S7 ,j7 10.J04 10.040 10.SM 10, Polk Red WI1IOW Richardson Rock i Saunders ... Seward ..... Sherman .. Stanton ..... Thayer valley ...... Wayne Webster .... York i.. ... ... M .A 2132 r. "7 (.. 4: ... J B47 ... ... v"10 ... ;.w ... ii !.. 3 ;.. S.780 , l:KB llHjf) ?')7S 16"'2 itltt . 12!K' .W . 718 Vi4l WI5 XI Uli KM 42ti 21ai 17f 451 tiSM 172:i 781 1148 136ti 2"SH Totals .... One precinct missing. i .Li. (KRS8 78817 Plurality. 133 HIS 2472 as JSX 723 7(M 133 812 70 l.V.t 1858 7SI29 IS LINDSAY CONFIDENTLY WAITING 10JJ4 State Chairman Haa Nothing f armer 10.211 10,878 .04 10.120 . V.M4 . 9.800 . 8.332 . 9.707 . 9.68 . 8 501 . 9,027 to Say la Regard ta Hul ' llcaa ;Tlctory. CHICAGO. Nov. 5. Membeis of the In terstate Commerce commission will begin tomorrow an Investigation Into the chargo mado by the Chicago ' Livestock associa tion that discriminating rates against live stock are in effect lu the west. The ses- sjons of the ronituisalou promlxe to be In teresting, aa tho railroads are prepared to defend the existing rates. ' Tho chairman of the commission said to night that ruling unmistakably govern ing the rate will be made. With reference to rates In genernl he said: ' "The commission has found the rate sit uation better In tho last few months than It has ever been since the paseago of the interstate commerce act. In my Judg ment the Injunctions Issued by the Vnlted States courts restraining cut rates snd preferences have been effectual and have proved s splendid thing for both the rail roads and the shippers. Tho commission would . therefore like to sec them made perpetual, for we sre of the opinion that they have resulted In causing traffic all over the country to be carried on the pub llshed taflfTs. They have made actual and published tariffs synonymous." NICHOLS COMES TO NEBRASKA Rock Island, Illinois, Superintendent la Removed to Falr-bary. country anJ the settlement of cfurfitlor. as suring friendly relations with foreign coun tries, the chamber would be pleased by ilia suspension of the' law of compulsory mili tary service. Among the signers of the resolution sre (ienrrals Manuel Campos and Carlos Capdevlla. PERU HAS A NEW CABINET Recently Appointed Premier Select Members Who Take Oath of tllflre and Qualify. , . .. . .-. V be; srt tnlportanl adjunct" to the navf Itself. Another reason for Its formation is to en lighten peeplo n the interior on -'naval mntter and tell them whnt a navy moans (o the country and what it omjht to mean to them. The league will send pamphlets snd papers in which naval matters are ClscU'sed to all those who are members." OUTPUT OF PACKING HOUSES Moderate Ilnlaraement In the Mar ketlngv of Una Is Mntrd at Parkin; t enters. LIMA. Peru, Nov. 5. The members of the uew cabinet organised Larrabure-l'nanue will take office today. The portfolios have been as signed as follows: President of the cabinet and minister of foreign affairs, Eugento Larrabure-liiSDue; minister of home affairs, Dr. Rafael Vll tapuvs; minister of Justice, Telemaeo Orl- huela: minister of war. Commander MSnuol A. Vlllavlcenclo; minister of finance, Pablo Sarria; minister of public works, Dr. David Matto. by Fugcnio j CINCINNATI, isov. o. -special ieic the oath of L gram.) -The Trice Current ears: There . . . .... A t .W.. OSS Deen a moaersie riiiurgenieni to--marketing of hogs, the total western pack ing being 455.000. compared with 415.00H the precedlngweek and 4!0,000 last year. For eight months, from Marctx 1 to Octo ber ni, the parking has bren spproxlmstel..' 12,0i".,0iio, a dccreoite of 3.0C,000 compared with last year. PEACE TALK MUST BE FRENCH 1'orrer Disease Official I.ansaagc for I'se Before Ilagae Trlbaaal. i LONDON. Not. . Th Brussels rorre- , spondent of the Standard says the powers ! arc at present negotiating with a view of ! rearranging the International arbitration court at The Hague. France and Belgium propose that French be the official language of the court. The language difficulty was exemplified during the recent controversy betwecp tho I'nlted States and Mexico, when the lawyers spoke In English, French and Spanish. ABSOLUTE SECURITY. Genuine kidneys, liver and bladder, with a prescription for each disease, and many of the ul patients wno nave Deen cureu to write Warner's Safe Cure Company. thousands of testimonials received dally from grateful hv Warner's Snfo ure. All votl have to do Is to write Rochester. N. V.. and mention having read this liberal off'.r In this paper. The 4senuinene?s of thie offer is fully guaranteed by the publisher, ... Second Ill 88 157 K2 Third 85 117 1X2 Vi Fourth 115 11.1 . 175 VU Fifth 75 7 115 S2 Hlxth : W 10 110 121 Seventh 47 lu9 SB 1HU Totals 627 771 f) 16 836 Majority ... 144 110 . ... SIXTH WARD Thomp- Die- Poyn- Preclnct. Mickey. son. trlch. ter. First 1H5 117 178 120 Second U 42 110 88 Third 150 112 m 153 Fourth 01 !l f'7 12 Fifth 15 H 134 'Sixth 91 88 148 111 Seventh 45 . 61 1'V. M Klghth 1 13 250 . 191 Ninth 125 1"2 Pit 10- Tenth 125 1"2 17 127 .i;itventh 88 Jl 117 132 Totals 1251 1077 1763 1347 Majority 174 ... 416 WUVKNTII WARD. Country Precincts 1100 1lfi Grand total... 9.031 11478 Majority 2447 1248 13642 1291 13888 Precinct.' First r econd .... Third Fourth .... Fifth fclxth I Trig, , Majority . Precinct. First rVcotnl ... Third V'ourth ... l lfth Sixth .... iheventh .. Klghth ... Totals Majority . Precinct. First ....... r'eeond ..i. Third Fourth .... Fifth ...... Sixth ...... Totals' . Majority .. Wards. First J.. Second .... i hlrd Fourth .... Fifth Sixth Mickey. 119 1!) 1X4 .. . . . 77 115 1W Xhomp son. P'3 Iu3 lit 146 VI 8V Pie- Poyn- COUNTY VOTE ON CONGRESSMAN Mkowlng by Precincts and ( omparlaoa Trlth Vote of Two Yenra Aa;o In the following tables will be found the vote of Douglas county by prectucts on con- grrssmsn, and comparisons wjlh the vote of two years ago- FIRST 'ttOJ.. . ' ' ; Hitch- ' Hot- Mercef. cock. Meror. ard ' 1j FIOHTH WARD. Mickey. 128 .. .. M 96 Vi 117 ! 74 lull Thomp son. 13') ll)8 122 67 pa 85 US 140 ....... 815 873 . 58 NINTH WARD. Thomp- trich. ter.1 hxi m 257 I'l 168 - 1W i 125 140 . 11 118 129 77 329 Die- Poyn- trl.-h. ter. 204 lit 155 183 11 HI 93 S5 174 108 171 I'd 123 127 13S 12SU 974 Precinct. First .w... Second ... Third Fourth .. Fifth Sixth Seventh . Eighth ... Totals Majority . 87 64 68 57 is) W 83 51 526 136 84 153 Til ' M . 101 110 50 8?0 130 67 KV 85 ' 141 S.3 , 2 63 ... aw. . SECOND WARD. Hitch. , 170 sa 185 106 117 95 115 97 950 1T7 VOTE BELOW THE GOVERNOR Haw litst Ticket Was HaJidled Regards Leaser 'offices to Be Filled. Following Is the total vote ou the state ticket below the office of governor: t.TITtTTtfVANT GOVERNOR. Mcailton; republican - Gilbert, fusionlst ...10,163 RKCTiETARY OF STATE. Marah. republican... W.1T? Powers, luelonlst i 9,847 -.-' -TREASURER. ' ' Mortensen. reoubllcan. .30,500 Lvman. fusionlst 9.1M AUDITOR. : .. . U'.alnn i-Anllhltc&n .....10,431 De Franco, fiislonlat' 9,364 ATTORNEY GENERAL. Prout, republican w 1?'J Droady. . fualpnist ,28 COMMISSIONER. . Follmsr. republican....... 10.2!16 Bren nan. fusionlst 9.468 SUPERINTENDENT OF INSTRUCTION. Fowler, republican .'....'...10,445 Smith.- fusionlst ...... 8.937 VOTE FOR BOAhD OF EDUCATION Beaabllean Members AH Elected by Pluralities of Mast Fail ! iteo Sort. '.' How- rreqlttct. MrcrY abakyair!(, -ar ...... . , ;.T7' . -j-'v irst .,.......'.i.r. 08: T lis m 110 ;??14 FoIlowiD Is the total " ot flie trloni Mickey 118 192 121 22 118 ....v '764 .... 133' son. 15 ny 103 102 92 128 631 3"S Die- Poyn- trli'h. ter. 120 171 228 15S J.V H9 1025 412 Wl 1 ! 117 77 114 613 Firs Second Third Fourth".;. Fifth Sixth Seventh .. Klghth' ... Ninth s... Tenth. Kldvenlh . Totals Majority . Precinct. First Second .... Th!rd Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh ... Klghth .... Ninth Tenth 80UTPI OMAHA. Totals ' ' Thomp- Die- Poyn 1 MlckeV. son. trlch. ter. . , .TO .. 132 .. IS) .. 114 81 .. 282 W68-'- 373 9"0 816 S-VJ 3H0 44 XK'J 262 574 203 115 2"r2 875 . .... aio78 1667 2429 ' COUNTRY- PRKCINCTS. Preoluct. Renson . -. C hicago . , .C'luntarf ....... Douglas Dundee Fast Omaha ,. Flkhorn : Florence sl-fferson ...... McArdle 'Millard -I'latia Valley i'nlon ....n.. Voterioo ...... Totals .... DOUGLAS COUNTY TOTAL VOTE FOR GOVERNOR. Thomp- Die- Poyn- Mlckiv. son. trlch. ter Omaha 75 V 17S7 98 South Omaha.... HW . 2078 1667 2429 ,.x Thomp-Die-Poyn- MU'key. aon. trlch. -ter. k . 109 M 111 UP'.''-. 117 -12 ISO 4' 17 5 18 80 - 81 75 I'M 116 64 W 50 36 43 28 2S 73 72 ' -' . S3 112 b'7 1 . 114 107 !! 116 83 t SK h7 68 '61 115 2. 10) lut 124' 117 141 84 87 I'll OS 121 115 1.13 171 UoO 1132 1-48 12U1 Totals 590 . Vm 1368 Majority ..'.. ... 469 286 FOURTH WARD. Hitch. Precinct. Mercer, cock. Mercer. First 83 ' -85 164 Second 150 11 Third 1"4 76 , ' 159 Fourth 143 ' 86 ' W Fifth HI 15 Sixth 66 74 Seventh 83 128 1 2S Eighth 103 . 92 . 152 Ninth 158 100 2S2 Totals 12T 841 1492 Majority 186 ... ..tol FIFTH WARD. ' breams and silvern memories Thomas Bailey Aldrich Gorham Silver Though not literally to be classed with dreams, is among the most cherished of silvern memories to those in ! whose households it has found a cherished place for three gener ations. It is never out of fashion. Its sound 'workmanship and ster ling material give it an enduring quality. AU responsible J.w.l.r. ksep it 135. ' 45 72 v AO 77 45 . 92 68 809 THIRD Mercer. ... . 76 (.5 77 71 37 44 ' 43' 58 ' 4.. 95 183 .. . " 11'' 12V itt . 142 121 - 86 '. . 158 .. 14a 1388 K4 WARp. Hitch cock. 115 - 8H 135 1V 98 90 92 118 91 66 ,.187 ' 97 84 . 81 100 1'W ' '86-. 100 loo U7T iu candidates for jnembership. In the Board, pt uaucatioo: Mercer. 186 153 161 156 , S2 84 122 142 ' '.S8 ' 'S7 ; 134 12$ ll! 171 165 "i ' . 2l' 180 16S1 46( How. ard, 1S1 iuo W. H. Butts, republican .......; 8.181 I)r. W. H. Chrlatle, republican 8.4. John O. Detweiler. republican 8.284 VA k Lower. reoJbllean 7.84T George D. Rica, republican..-.... .' T.929 Ir. C. F. Clark. fuBlonlat .7 G W. Noble. fuBionlst , 8.5.16 Clarke O. Powell, ruauiniat s.tuu Klmer E. Thomas, ruslonlst b,o7 Frank Wilcox, fusionlst s 8.89S Mrs. Annie O. Hirelns, socialist 1,673 Mrs. Manna B. Jurgensen. socialist..,.. l,o28 Mrs. Miriam P. Aicnvaine. socialist.... J.bza Mrs Mltrv Pierce Koe. socialist 1.641 Mrs. Sarah Ver Mehren, socialist 1,514 122 FNnLISH AS CUUNfT All UKIMhT iji - iai 93 I lie rail! UBI OT m sJni7 o I Three Handre Over His iFrotn a Start Correspondent.) LINCOLN. Nov. 6. (Special.) Repub lican State Chairman' Lindsay ssld this evening that he had no official or definite statement to make, nor would he make one until the returns were more complete. He expressed th : belief, however, that Mickey's majority would not fall far below ,000. It' was .slowly growing with ch complete return, nd by noon tomorrow he expected tq have practically- complete returns. The. Beat legislature will cer tainly contain rlnety-two republicans, and this number is exported to be increased by further returns.; Only three democrats have so far been jetumod to tha state senate. ' . t ; i. The republican 'organization In Lincoln was responsible for'. rb fact that the vote was heavier than Is usual on on years. An ampla number of carriage and workerr had been provided and with efficient, aids In each precinct ifcery few ? were over looked. ' The fusionlato centered their work largely in the First and Second watds, where, owing, to factional fights, a chance existed to sleet a democratic com mlssloner. Thefe wa very little excite ment over the election, and no disturb ances occurred afc'any of the polling places. The republican county committee Is very anguine of be election, ot the entire ticket. The majority for Mickey ts placed at between 2,000' and 2.600, snd the county Ucket will not fair far beldw this. Forty-seven of the fifty-two precincts In Lancaster county give Mickey for governor 1,344; Thompson, S.985. The remaining praclncta will .robablr Increase Mickey's majority slightly, giving him about 3,000 in , the county,, JDfnclal canvass will not begin until tomtjrrowj. The . republicans elected fhelr entire, county ticket by ma. joritles averaging 1.800. except one officer. Commissioner Tllton, who was defeated la the Third district by forty-seven majority. Tllton was msde. the victim of a fight led by a bridge contractor whose '.contract was recently declared Invalid In . tho courts. The suit to knock It out was incited by Commissioner Tllton, and the contractor was knocked out of $8,000' wortU of work because it was done after due warning had been given by the filing of sn injunction case. TOI'EKA, Kan., Nov. 6. C. L. Nichols, formerly superintendent of the Illinois di vision of tho Rock Island, has been made superintendent of the Nebraska division, with headquarters at Fairhury. F. O. Melcber of the Boston & Maine road will take Nichols' place. H. O. Sworthwood Is the new assistant superintendent of telegraphs in place of A. K. Ltngafelt, resigned. BarHaa-ton Eleeta Directors. CHICAGO. Nov. 8. The annual meeting of the Chicago, Burlington A Quincy rail, road (tho old company) was held today at which the old directors were re-elected. eent J. W. Stirling, who ts succeeded by Robert Bacon of Now York.. etv Paul Koad Gets 'l8iinteaneat. BALTIMORE,- Nov. 6. Hi W. Brennan, master mechanic . at Newark, O., for the Baltimore Ohio railroad, has resigned SOCIALISTS WIN IN AUSTRIA Carry Fifty Oot of Seventy Seats i Diet and Also Coatrol ' ' Vienna Connell. VIENNA, Nov. 6. Elections of members to the Diet of lower Austria have resulted j in a complete victory for the Christian socialists, or clerical anti-semite party, which captured all but one of the seats for Vienna and which will command fifty out of tho seventy seats in the assembly. The majority gives Dr. Lueger com. plete control of both the lower Austrian Diet and the Vienna town council for the next year. . s Carter's Little Liver Pills. ' Must Signature f M PaeOlaUW Wrap Balsas totakaaa I CARTER'S MP CHINA WARS WITH BRIGANDS -.r t Heads Trootia ': to Troteet Railway an HreMr' 1 p Bandit '.. , ... ;.,, .'.Bands. '. ' ;i ,',.''' LONLXTX. " Nov. B. In a' dispatch from Pekln the Times saya Russia has sanctioned the Chinese request for permission to dls- reaiiABACM. nn iiniNcss. rOR l!U00REtS -FOI TORPID UVtR. FOR COMSTIPATIOI. FCS UUOW f KIR. rORTHCCOMPUXIOR gnMWnuwMi. 86 38 77 68 90T How ard. HI 99 SS 87 It 75 12) 107 S8 841 Oppoaeat. The vote on county attorney la as follows: Jefferis-, English, OMAHA. First ward Second ward Third ward Fourth ward Fifth ward Blxth ward Seventh ward.A. Eighth ward Ninth ward Bouth Omaha.... I country Totals Majority (rep.) Kit T99 21 91! 693 1414 767 KT2 771 1144 1306 98S1 Idem.) 767 1246 -' M2 , 780 68 87S ' 1S - 38 ! 1822 49 10109 25Z Precinct. First Second ..v Third Fourth ... Fifth Blxth BeVentti .. Total . Majority . Hitch Mejcer. cock 1 ...... 11 92 108 70 eo 179 ' 1:1 ' s? 1ti I - no llow- JUercer. ard. ...... .i." SIXTH . 154-WARD Hltcli- 171 184 144 183 '110 1J4 ". w & 177 139 73 122 1ZI 91 117 130 800 How- 14'J 81 16l) . Fourth, , 4 ' Fifth Hi Sixth 90 Seventh 42 Klghth 1! Ninth 116 Tenth ISl Eleventh 86 Mercer, .iioek- Mercer, ard 1J' 121 1U 90 ltd 101 lufl 131 IS? 4 lotr . . 93 117 84 76. 142 1U 100 124 1134 Totala 1208 Majority .......... IS . .:. SEVENTH WARD. 177 113 3M 1" 546 98 . 246 173 186 11S 1813 117 HOFELDT HAS RIGHT TO WHOOP Peter the Blleat Emerge froas .Three. Cornered Commissioner Ffaht Safe 'Winner. Despite the aort of C. H. Denhej, re- publican nominee, and the war-like cru sad, of Frank B. Hibbard. popullat nomi nee, Peter O. Hofeldt seems destined to re turn to his seat in the Board or County Commissioners, as commmlssloaer from the Fifth district. ' The vote looks thus: Hofeldt. Denker. Hibbard. Benson e hlcago Uougias Dundee Klkhorn Florence . .... 77 62 70 ll 42 76 32 as ' ' 67 ' -16 , fv'i ' :.K M 8,7 64 79 1US 47 ' 47 1285 Precinct. First Second .... Third Fourth .... Fifth Blxth Hitch- Mercer, cock. 1 212 1W, fc7 143 m 8A 109' 141 ' S7 8 How Mercer, ard. 197 2M 167 124 172 135 P33 94 93 129 144 78 ; .. 2.. .... EIGHT 11 WARD. Hitch-' Mereer, eock. U - 96 . 112 . r 117 Totals Majority '. ; Fourth ... Fifth ..... (Sixth Totals Majority Wards; c First i....'. Seco'" .... " TS . I'M 831 JuO 122 66 1' 0' rtl IS") How- Mereer. ard. ssfi ....... .... ' 63 NINfll WARD. - Hitch. fiercer, coek: . 171 . )) S3 1. 113 131 301 : 13 . SS2 145 117 128 FOOD CIANOES PEOPLE. Both Adults and Babies. Babies can eat and thrive on the same kind of food that their elders do, when that food happens t be Grape-Nuts. "Our little baby girl hud spasms. writes Mrs. Geo. B. Noble of West t'nioa, I., "caused, the physician said, by tm proper food. He advised a diet ot milk, but she did not gain In . either health weight or brightness, and we had to con tinually use physic. "We were elinplv wild, hopeless and mis erable over our littlo one. For a long lime I had been reading of Grape-Nuts FEUD RAGES IN TEXAS TOWN Three are Deaa aad One In Jail Besnlt of Street "hoot ing:. - ORANGE. Tex.. Nov.' B. Jeff Cheaault, City Marshal Jordan , and Tony Jones are dead as a result of a "shooting affray here late today. Bad blood is said to have - existed for som time between Chenault and Will Har ris, who started the shooting. Today the two met and Harris secured a shotgun and killed Chenault and ran to escape the fire of Chenault'a brother, but was apprehended by City Marshal .Jordan, who was closa at band. While the officer was conducting blm to jail he was shot and killed and hi orlsoaer escaoed. It Is not known who killed Jordan,' ltbough there were a large number of peonlo 'on the street at tho time of the tragedy.' Will Harris was" later rearrested and placed in jail.'1 At this Juncture hi brother, James Harris, started for a nearby tore, declaring f hat . ba would procure a weapon and take part lu tne anair. It ! claimed -'that Tony Jones handed Harris a gun. after, which the former umped into a buggy, and as ho was drlv log away officers appeared on the seen and opened fire as Jones, inflicting wounds from which he died a few minute later, The town was thrown into a state of in tease oxcitement and further trouble was feared, but the sheriff ordered all saloons to close until he gave them permission to open. MASCAGNI DOES NOT APPEAR Oaarrela With Xaaaaeateat aad An dlenee tiathered to Hear Rat. elle Go Home. B08TON, Nov. 5. Owing to complications between Maicagni, the Italian compose nd hi management, an audience that bad assembled in the Muslo hall tonight to witness th first production in America of Mascagni's "Ratcllffe- ws disappointed by the nonappearance of the composer-leader. The ticket mouey was refunded sna the people sent home, - loo ltw 1l'l 140 921 87 11 14 m us 130 IMS V U.J lit 119 646 How Mareer. ard 1J0 W ., SOUTH. pMAllA. Mercer cock ,' a;;; - l!7 Hi !?S 229 160 1.1 192 lot4 443 How. Merer nri, :i - 114 il I and perhaps by inspiration I bought a park age aud begau feeding tbem to her. After the second mesl, a used no more physic snd hive nevei used auy since. It was wonderful to see her Improve. Her weight was 174 pounds at two years; now it is 17 pounds at two years aad four months. The doctor bad tear for her brain, the Spasms having com from ber spins, but th con liaued us of Grape-Nuts has mado ber perfectly well, and there Is not a brighter child in the state today than our Ilttl I'H "Everybody remark about her beautiful complexion and her bright, witty speech W art never now without Grapa-Nuta and ftn think of ths awful period whsn w vers In such desperat straits.' If I can in any may latere! other, I am mors tbaa milling to tel) than all I ca about Grp 97 llH) 102 120 73 107 j0 protect the railway and to suppress brig andage. The dowager empress has spontaneously decided to construct a thirty-mile branch lina from the Pekln-Han-Kau railway to the western tombs. that position to become superintendent of patt.n j qoo troops, outside the great wall to motive power of tne cnicago, miiwbus Bt. Paul railroad. SHOWS REVOLT. IN SIAM Massacre nesldenta to Adjust Taxes, bnt Pass Europeans By VICTORIA. B. C. Nov. 5. Rev. R. Ir ving, a missionary who arrived from Laos Siam. the seen of the recent rebellion by the Shinano Maru, says the 8hans, whose, district is between Laos and Bur. man, were' unjustly txcd by the Siamese and thousands 1 of' thm rose in rebellion They captured Muang Prea and massacred all the Siamese they could lay their lianas on. Seventeen or eighteen heads were re moved by the victors, and even the gov ernor wss not spared. ' Mr. Irving said the rebellious Sbans bore no enmity to anybody but the Siamese, They did not bother Europeans or other natives. Rendered confident by their victory, they made a raid on Lakawan; The place wa well fortified and the raiders were re pulsed with loss. KIDNAPED HIS , OWN CHILD! Han Francisco Man Arrested tor Stealing; Divorced Wife's ' Dangrhter. . VICTORIA, B. C. Nov., 5. Captain John M. Colmkh bf San Francisco was arrested on the arrival here today of the steamer Umatilla from' BaB'franclsco He is charged with kidnaping Kathllne Colman. hi 7-year-ol.l child, who was awarded by San Franciaco court to hi divorced wife, who has since remarried. May Replace "liver with Gold. LONDON. Nov. 6 The depreciation in the value of silver in th Malay peninsula haa crown , so serious recently, that Mr. Chamberlain baa appointed a coramltte under the chairmanship of Sir David Miller CU8K IOK MKAOACMf. QUAKER AID RYE A BEVERAGE FIT FOR THE 60DS Iti absolute purity, Its delicious flavor and delightful boquet. It mellowness and je, make it th mottper. feci .Whiskey known. For tale at tne leading bars, cafe ant diug A stores. S. HIRSCH & CO. Wholesale Liquor Dealer. KANSAS CITY, j f 'J.r.f ; iL1j MO. SOCOSCM Barbonr. K. C. S. I., tha well known flnan- The authorities dealt very leniently with ciaJ expert, to. report on the expediency ot establishing a gold standard. in the Straits settlements and neighboring Malay states. NAVAL LEAGUE IS. FORMED them, proclaiming amnesty to an wno would lav down their arms and admit their treason. Oraaniaed to Interest All Anierlean People In Defense of - Seas. ''' KING IS FRIEND OF IRISH Edward Complains to Eallsh Minis. ters of Intolerable Conditions Prevailing; In Ireland. NEW YORK. Nov. 5. At the annual 1 LONDON. Nov. 6. King Edward has been I meeting'' of the naval order of the Vnitod generally credited with taking an active I gtates. held tonight at the New York Yacht part In the negotiations for bringing the I eluD t was decided to form immediately Boer war to an end. la naval league throughout tne Lnueu It Is now asserted that be has been com- I states similar to the navy leagues of Eng- .Inlnln. .n tha mlnlstera of the Condition I ImnA mntt flnrmnnv in Ireland and that the aopolntroent of a I The leaaue is to be known as the "Naval new permanent secretary, ha been mad in I League of the Vnlted State," and all per deference to hi wishes. pons who are Interested In naval matters These rumors are accompanied by fore I ,re to be asked to become members. PURITY IN BEER is everything-, and to get purity you must have pure water, no germs. Every drop of water used in BLUE RIBBON SJEEll I from our private arteBlan well, hence we can guarantee BLUB RIBBON THE H'REBT 13KEU made. A peer for your home and family is worthy of a littlo consideration. BLUE RIBBON BEER will fully substantiate aU that can b said for It. Will not make you bilious or give you a headache. easts of a complete revision of Secretary Wrndham's land bill and the semi-official announcement that the king will visit Ire land in ml-state in the sprint;. In exblanation Rear Admiral Albert Smith Barker,, a ho presided at the meet- Ina. said: "As the navy of the United states is go- lns to be one of tha great navies of the world, this league will be of the greatest Interest to the people, generally, and win HANNA J0.!NS , LOYAL LEGION Initialed Into Order llarlaa Day i aad Speaks at Kveaiaw Baaaoet. CLEVELAND. Nov. 5. The member of the Loyal Legion of .Ohio to the number of 200 met today and initiated, among othrs. Senator M. A. Hanna. This even ing a banquet was held In th Hollanden hotel, at which speeches were mad by 8enator Hanaa. Oenarai Jacob H. Smith, General Thoma L. Aadron nd other. PROCLAMATION IS INVALID Decision of t'onrt In Pretoria Pro- dneea Consternation Anton Tenants nnd Debtors. PRETORIA. Nov. 5. A decision which ha been handed from tW supreme court, declaring former President Kruger' proclamation of October, 1899, abrogating the payment of rent and Interest during the South African war, to be Invalid baa produced consternation here and in Joban. I the round bole nesburg. I figuratively expressea the use of tneana AIlDUUgu II IB rfccvit:a urn. u,uj v. . " - I lDSUttel lO IUO UC311 CU CIIU. ft - better class landlords and creditors Willi ,,. who have been cured of accept a compromise, this decision will dyspepsia and other disease of tha gtom mean ruin to many who relied upon the Kb. and iu alUed organ of digeadon atul nrorlamstlon to e Brace payment of rent. n,.tritAn hv the use of Dr. Pierce Golden etc. Medical Diacbvery aav: " We tried many -,,iiiimM with onlv temporary benetit. MIIRnPR MIWFR0; FOR nniD t. ... nnt until we benan the use 61 'Golden Medical discovery uun, " -i. i.. i mmm m rlaii,ini kill. I fminii a rnmnlete ana lasuug cuic. ,n. and Bobbin. I Ilk -btadl, JtW . i ijoiaen aieauai iyiBtw. r our. - i , . ... mr,A twrmiiwnt cure of indigestion and other dieae of tha OTTAWA. Ont.. Nov. 5. The luounted po- stomacn ana associawu ",.,'. lire department has beeu advised by wlr Uon and nutrition, it is nui a ....-. from Dawsoa that a Jury after an absence It cur? the cause of disease and b U1ld. of five minute has rendered a verdict of up me poay wun souu , auiltv lu the case of Kournler, charged with I Habby tat murder. Labelle, who was Kournler'a ac complice, was sentenced to be hsnged a few days ago. Foilrnler aud Labelle were charged with murdering mluera for tha puprpoae of steal ing their gold dust. Four murders were found. Brewing Co. T lephonm 1260 AMtSEMKNTS. BOYD'S 1 Woodward dc-Uutgei-s. Managers. HYMENEAL. Cork rell -Pone. . JEFFERSON CITT, Mo., Nov. 5 Francis M. Cockrll, Jr., 'aoa. of Snator Cockrelt of Missouri, and Miss Mill Pop of this city wer married tonight. They left at midnight, to rtsld ia New Orleans, La. LAST TIME TONIGHT BOSK MKLVII.Li: In her unique comedy drain "SIS HOPKINS" Supported by M. capable -coronao... prices,-Sc. 5l'n FRIDAY SAT MATINEE AND Jiunr STlAlll n . In Frirtsy night and Saturday Matinee. -THE COMEDY OF ERRORS." "VrletS. Mat . to tl.00-NI.hl. 26c la 11.60. ' ' ' '. Teieiihona. 1.131 MATINEE SUNDAY, WEDNESDAY, MAl 8ATI'RADY,2:la. EVEl'Y NKSiiT. :15- Hich Class Vaudeville Helene Mora. Robert Kulgora. Clara Bijl Ktsk and WaiDonough, Balerini Tea and Dai.lfld. and th. Klne- t. i. ii...r thstf I tell voa what Dr. have don (or me." wrues Mrs. 1 . M. Palmsr, of iwle, n.uti-sn Co., Tsa. 7)T' wus taken with stomach and bowe' tioublf. Vvervtblng I ate would put me to dlitrssii. I lived two wk on milk and ryea that gsy me pain. 1 felt thouxh I would starve lo onm. Thrc doctors attended me uoc ssid I had ays- two ssta cauirrn oi w , London Tlensen at Itesnlt. LONDON, Nov. . In banking and com mercial circle her today gratification was mreaced at the election results in the tolted Bute. . Prices on the Stock es- t hangs opened strong. American being 11 above parity, but subsequently they eased. There aa considerable buyiug fe New York aocount. May Haspead tnvtlwr Serice. BVKN03 AYRE3, Nov. $. Various dpu. ties have adopted resolutions saying tbat in view ut th economic situation of ths PTP-T: -..A"-.To -t . time) for 4 ... 17 , , one year. I stopped taking msir -tried other patent medicine ; got mo brtur. and L..k mil Brrvoiis rov heart would nVuef . ' I could not do any kind of woe a. Now 1 con e my house work very wen ; - JltsM n4 Urtnitk, and tan est anything I nasi n I Accept no abtitule lor Dr. Pierce' Tl. II II I I DO D. Pierce'a Common tSense Medical AdviWr Is aeut free on of stamp to pay eapense of mailing only. Send SI one cent stamps ior m book, or 31 sumps for the cloth bourn! irtiii. . I Do. Teg a'"1 v drome. frices im, latti end Ui.ailaa at a. . OMAHA, Nfcll. Dmaia Leudtog Hotc t. voluine. Addre Dr. 8." V. Pie";. Buf. talo, N. Y. ' 1 --'"- "' liPKI IAITV;ATtsl: i LUN(:nEN..i'im ckJ'.ts. i 1'-' ") tH t p. OT. - SUNDAY, b :J ! m DINNER, it-:. I , - Bieartily irreKiip buni.oss luva netasil tttteel an eniargineot of tol cafe, dwuld r.g ii luimei (.-apaclty.