THE OMAHA DAILY ltKH: TUESDAY. NOVEM11EK 1, 1!02, SPECIAL NOTICES will l.hti watll IB sn. for ',b firtUt oollloa mm4 aotll ) n . . lor rains wo ulir ooltloo.. Rates, 1 l-3e) a ward flrat laserttoo, la war4 thereafter. Aethla take) far les ibaa Jlrto far I S)rs4 lser lit. These .it.rlliranti sasax to raa eooeeewtlvely. 4rMwl fa a lakrrrl letter la ear) at Tar Bff. inwtri so tNrrHtl will flellvere a araaratatlaa ( tart) hrck ealy. W TF.D-M tt.K HELP. HUSTLING deputies wanted; men or women, splendid contract. The Garden ers. 415 Bee Bldg. B 275 WANTED, young man stenographer; give references. ag and expected eslsry. Ad dress K 85, Bee. 1 MT-i3 WAXTLD. a hosiery and underwear sal man tor state of Nebraska and lows. Bo 2, Marlon. inl. B M4.1i; WANTED Tor I". H army, abie-bodled un married men between age of 21 and 35, citltcna of United State, of good hr rter snd'' t mperate habit, who can apeak, read and write English. Knr Infor mation apply to Recruiting Officer, lfith and podge St., Omsba, and postnfTioe building. Lincoln. Neb. . . B 1)31 GOOD messenger wanted; high sciatic. A. D. T. Co.. 211 Bo. 13th 8t. B M4M SALESMEN' The Hawka Nursery Company, . Wsuwatosa, .Wis. B M37S N6 WANTED, competent stenographer; man familiar with shipping buaintsa preferred. Addresa 17. Bee. V MKii WANTED, boy to take cgre of furnace and cow. K76 N. 2Mh Ave. B-114 WANTED, first-class coat, vest and pants makers; steady work, good pricea. Mac earthy Tailoring Co.. 1712 Farnam. B 277 J. J. COWLEY. Elliott. la., wants a har. ;ea miker at once. B Mr4 WANTED, three carpenter; 12.50 a day. Address ian. Shleslger, 'Contractor. Vutan, Neb. E Mn4 IX3LI.F.CTOR for Nebraska; good aalary; single man preferred. Hlxenbkugh Co., fcwVareblk. B MKW WANTED, a man to sell brooms by sam ples, as side line. Oeneva Broom Factory, Geneva, Neb. B M707 4" ePIENPID chaaoe for men to learn barber trade now; new methods, excellent facili ties, abundance of practice, quallned teachera, toola given, board provided, in creasing demand for graduates; best trad In ealstence . for poor maji. Catalogue mailed frea. Moler Barber College. 1308 Pouglaa Bt. B M7t 7 WANTED. carpenters Immediately; new Omaha shops, Bloux City. Geo. J. Grant, Contractor. B M72G 13 WANTED. WANTED. WANTED. Machinists, boiler makers, blacksmiths, ma chinists' helpers, boiler makers' helpers. blacksmiths' helpers, to take the place of strikers;- good wags;. free transportation and good climate. Room 33, McCoy hotel Chicago. B MS3 ALBUMEN WAITED. EVERYWHERE, to writer.. Monroe At Omaha. sell Lambert Type- Co., bll N. 16th Bt., IH.' WASTED FEMALE HELP. 100 Glrla. ' Call Canadian office, l&th & Podge. C 4M GIRL tor general housework. SfiC3 Pierce ttreet. - c w WANTED, working housekeeper In family cf th'ee adults. AOdresa J 14, Bee. . C tel WANTED, a good girl for general house work: no waehlng, 3.aO per week. 1614 N.MtliSt; i C 01 WANTED, a cook, Mrs. A. L Reed. C0 Farnam C M421 WANTED.- gtrl for general housework; (-nod wages. Mrs. Mineral. 976 N. ZSlh AT. C-113 WANTED, good girl to assist to general housework, small laauiy. Appiy .i do, 2th Bt. C-M444 WANTED, woman to do family washing at her home, near Ziin aoa jueavenwortn. Addresa N I. Bee. C 222 WANTED." a. competent' second girl. "727 Jackson. , C 601 7 A LADT desires the services cf a refined omu who thoroughly understands mas sage and scalp treatment; must assist with child years old; good wages and good home.' Addresa X a2, .Bee. - ' C-M5f 4 WANTED, a girl for general housework. 72 8. th at. C-M784 4 WANTED Student .nurse at South Omaha hospital. C 761 WANTED, an educated, neat girl, who 1 wining 'to assist In upstairs work. Mrs. J. U Brandels. f26 Dodge Bt, C 447 Nl WANTED, a young lady stenographer, one who understand bookkeeping. Apply at Boyd a theater. C-M.' I FOR REH ! HOl SA.a. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co.. office, 1.4 11 Farnam, or Tels..n6l.swl. .. . P tii VAN'S and baggage wagona. Tel. 11S5. U 4uS UinilCCC In all parts of city. The O. nUUOtO F. Davis Co., 5i Bee Bldg. W X. 24TH ) BT., Bouth Omaha a nice I room -cr-Uriac Wlnlam K. Potter. R-celi-er. '3 tirown B:ock. P i9 MAGQARD Van ft Pierage Co. T'i. lit. D b!l FOR RENT. 6-Toom house, furnlahed. all modern, r.lce lawn, front and back, large saaoo trees. iau ai -iw un.o M. . P 7t9 ! HOUSES and flat. King-wait. Barker block. - - IV-4J rVR RENT One l-room house, with in water and sewer. Just been placed in nrst-ciaaa repair, in gooa icH-atlon. C. M. Bachmauu, -p-sl laxton Block. D-17S DESIRABLE 10-room house, almost new, modern ra every particular, rui front. full lot. aved street, convenient lo street csr nr.e. HOWARD KKNXEPT BON. -J" First Nstlooal Bank Building l-77 HOl'SEB. G. G. Wallace, Brown Block. P 482 FOR RENT Ietrtiecl bouae. seven rooms and hfUh.- 21K I'airf oral. ', : low ran inquire F. N Clark. J. L. Brandeis Sc Hons bank. - P M431 9KR PATNK. ROBTWICK CO. for choice houses. xn-2 X. . Life Bldg. Tel 11C , P 41 r'OK RENT, furnlahed eight-room bouse. modern, near High school; will take room and board In exchange for rent; refer ences exchanged. Address N 4. Bee. l-294 E tB 8. ltk. Oat. KS fit or. snoflern, 7 room 11 27wl Woolworth, H rooms, modera, fur nace. Ill Sn. 2Sd. 7 room, modem. Jfc 362 Capitol Ave., I rooms, modern, fur nace. 17 4H Hamrrton St.. I room, city water.' Wa bava others. Call and get list. R. C. PETERS CO., Ground Floor, Be. Bldg. ' D M9S4 -ROOM, modern, good repair, on Bo. 12 J Ave. 'Phons jJS. P 4a MODERN Ij'oom flat, facing Hsnecom Park. tJ&-0. . 'Phone 123. P 572 N . - . FOR RENT.. 12-ream modern hou and barn. 2117' ' Wetter 135 room modern housei zzn Norta iKtn street .v-room modern houae. 10 Poppleton a enue 20 room imxterii tteus. a-ii puuar Bi u rvmi modern bouse and barn, 74 ihiuih .ih Bt V 17 ii.tMA.N-LuV 4t CO, M Bouth 1 Ufc bl t-li-1 FDR BKXTHOt E. 1,-:12 SO. 24TH ST.. wtr. Il'' on. S'7 Jackson St.. 7-r. S-r., city water ana . all modern, elegant. ;. N. 2th A.e K-r., all modern large iri, ei-giint. w. Ti'ii Hurt tt., -i . modern ex.' furrmee 126 0 2M5 N l""h Ft . 7-r . nil modfrn. r.i1. P.AVNK INVESTMENT C( iMPAN Y. Trl. 37M. Main Floor N. Y. I Bids;. D ft 4 -ROOM modern, near High wchoc.1. 127.50. '-ruitn honee, 36th and Charles, 120 li. Enquire 254!) Cap. Ave. TeL 673. IV H. Robison. DM72S FOR RENT, A-room cottage, close In, rholce neighborhood, gat, city and dtem water. (-room cottage, 111. Inquire at ff7 N. 1Mb at. p MTT7 4 "."fc.o BURT, A rooms, modern, nice lawn, barn, r.'H N. IMh, -rom modern. $fm. tM X. lfth. S-room. modern. Ii:.i W. FARNAM PM1TH CO, lia Farnam Pt. P 7S. ROOM modern hnase. M" X. Rd. new!r papered and painted throughout, elatem. large cemented cellar, strittly flrt-clas home and neighborhood, I:; key next door. Inquire V N. V. Life Blcg X 7 B Ittth. flat, 2d floor, modern, 7 room. ' U p. 2Sd, 7 rooms, moderh. IIS.00 SH23 Vlanderson St., 7 rooms, modern, turnar-!1. t25' 226 Capitol are., S rooms, modern, furnace. tl2 .so 26S1 Spencer St., rooms, m'wiern. $ 7 oo 4J"4 Hsmllton St., t room, city water. We have others. Call and get list. R, C. FETERS & CO.. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. - . D M1 FOR RE5IT-ri IUIIHID HOOHI. DEWET European hotel, 12th aid Farnam. 13 tl PER WEEKr-422 Bo. lfth Bt., one block south of court nousa. ty s: AETNA HOUSE, European, l&h Und Podga . Hi ati TWO nice,' cooL furnished or unfurnished ROYAL HOTEL, European, lth A Chicago HANDSOME steadheated room. Jws Capl- tol Are. Mil FOR RENT, to gentleman, large, well fur- ti lined front room, witn aioove, stsnra heat, gaa, bath, telephone, central, rea sonable. 1623 Douglas. E 111 120 X. 17TH eu. Beat iteamheated rooms. . K M37 N STEAMIi EATED room, 110 per month. Barker hotel, lato and Jonea gts. -1483 2 FURN1BED room. 191S Bpencer. E 40$ BACK parlor suitable for two gentlemen. choice location. J el. A-2068. Is. isa- FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep ing. POUglas. Ij M&63 M PLEASANT room, privte family. 2223 Burt. NEAT, clean, furnished room for your in Fictlon, one block from three car lines; board of desired. 324 Hurt, ti iii4 t- BOUTH front alcore room, Harney. modern. 2SS0 E M778 SEVEN modem, elegant, unfurnished rooms, on tirst floor, centrally luoated, to a small family. S24 N. nh at. E-"M S1 FlTtSISHKD ROOMS AKD BOARD. MERRIAM, comfortable winter home. Tel Si FURNISHED rooms, with or without board, rates reasonable. .Midland Hotel, . Wth and Chicago. , .F-KW NICELY furnished rooms, flrst-claas table tr MaSl POH RfcXT IKFI BSISHED ROOMS.' riVE rooms for rent. 25 X. lath. G-M583 7 I ELEGANT unfurnished rooms. ( bit Bo. 21t Ave. G 5(4 ! 2 OR 8 unfurnished or furnished room 625 Bo. nh street. O Mm V FOR REST STORES ASD OFFICES. FOR RENT, store, in flrst-cla tocatlont rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peter as Vo.. ground Hoor. Bee BWg. 1268 FOR RENT, the building formerly occu' piel by The Bee at it rarnam bl it has four stones and a basement which was formerly used as The Be press room This will be rented very reasonably. If interested apply at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room AIM, Bca building. HALLS FOR RENT. CREIQHTOX hall and Bchllti Roof garden for balls, banquets, cara parties, smoker meetine. convention, etc- Botn . nan are the largest in the city, have large OresFlng rooms and boxes for cloaks, hat and coats; will rent reasonably. Apply to Wm. H. Moraudf Manager, Crelghtou hall. Phone 1U22. l 4S0 NT- AGKXTS WASTED. HIGH GRADE 4GENT WANTED We want a first-cla" mah In earh county to sen our Ma no art Ktocsr rood to larm er. He. must have a good team, good business anility, some knowledge of live stork, l in good stanalng in every way and a steaay. worker. A permanent, good paving business to. the tight man. Ad uresi. giving age. experience, present business, etc.. TnK K. av baXBOP.X COMPANY, Omaha. Neb. - J 71a N12 1W AGENTS WANTED to sell delrable old-line Insu-snce lor tne largest com pany in the world of Its age; no special contract tsklrs or leg pullers need apply. We sell tne best contract ever wrmen; good territory and commissions given to good, reliable men. Call on or write to George J. Crane, f Jperlntendent Western leprtment. iiK Flret Nat'4 Bank Bldg., omaha. Neb. J Mi2S P2u WANTED. conTasslng- agents lrf every county to solicit sunscnption to THIS TWENTIETH CENTURY Steady employment, with assured good in come. Ageiiia in the country with horse and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily r to HUB per month. Ad ores. Century Parmer doiicltors Bureau, Bee building. Omaha. . . 211 AGENTS wanted In every county of the I nlted Stat? to represent our Une of leather goods novel ilea, sold direct from manufacturer to the public. Van or womun ot push can make ix.ui a day and upward tw. lulling our slieclal noil. lay ol ftr We manufacture pocketbooks. purses, chatelaine hats wrist bags, cigar cases. Htart at once. . Write today for catalogue and special terms lo agents. The Ameri can leather Goods Co.. Prpt. B. ls Htr- ktmer St . Brooklyn. N. Y . WAUKU-TO fltV. 8EOONlHANn hand lire engine wanted at once. C. E. Barlow, Decatur. Neb. N-M2S7 Nl EQUITIES in encumbered property. John Lyman. 14 Aearl St., Council Bluff. N-MbW 7 WANTED lo b-j', a sto-k of dry goods or a general slock. Addresa N 33. lice. N-M717 IS' WANTED, twenty cars of choice upland. Nebraska bay. Addresa Sib Haighi, Box . Kxd Oak. la. N M757 4 FOR VLB Fl RS1TTRE. CHICAGO FurtUture Co., 1410 Pudge. TeU 2u2u. New anil.secucdtuuid, bought, sold. exrnhneen f 14,1 FOR gal.fc HORIKs, WAGOXI, ETC. HARRY FROST paints and reialra wagona. S;e Hire. I4ta sua Araenwurib. Tel. 1447. A' 4.i FOR SAIJS ot Uade, thoroughbred .Whit Arebtaa stallion, weight l.l'tl Kunds aged 1 jeirs Ogdeu Lively Council Bl-fla. r-V7l4 t HO good work liorses, tneap- Owner Veavlig ell;, atubrua bru ;V Boutl rOR 4LF.-MIt KI.L.F.Ol . FENCE 1.ATH for qui. k shipment, crib bing, combination ladder, imi Douglas. MMi'i FOR SAU;. phonograph, superior to any other musical Instrument.- t up. Th Wluminn Co.. 121 Farnam. w 4;4 EDISON phonograph. 110,. 20 and Uo. moulded recoros, "c each bt S per dut.; new wheel. aik up; Mhand. ft up. Umiha Bicycle Co., join and Chicago cia. ... - . . W ITS 1 STYLES -trusses; catalogue free. Sher man McCotineil Arug Co., iwn na Podge, Omalia. 4 '77 FOR "ALE. a pair of imported Mexican halrleaa dogs. Address K i. Bee. Q Mil KEW and secondhand tvp writers. VU SI-47 Farnam. 1XP1AN good and relics. 1119 Farnam. PHANP aafe cheap. Peright, HIS Farnam. V 1.3 OFFICE, partition glass pane. 'Phone 21R1. Q M3.ri2 N4 CHOICE milch cows. 6 Shetland ponies. B. T. Campbell, 4211 Center. Fnone iacK 1123. v . Q-784 N15- SECOND-HAND billiard and pcl tables; Mlllsrd table repaired: a large' stock oi cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc.. The Brunswick Balke Collendef Co . 4t'7- B. l"th. . Q Mi80 30 ALL corn huskers buy the Ideal husker; I'v pusneis per day; easy tor any ro , no sore fingers, no mitts; husker, postpaid-, for 11,00. . Ray Mfg. Co.. box KS. Bluffs, 111. ,- Q-Mi! 4 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ. clsM-Toyant. 114 Cass St. 840 MME. GYLMER, genuine palmist.- J15 S. li. j - B 41 ELECTRICAL TR1CATMK3T. MME. 8MITH, baths, lis N. li. 2d floor, R 2. T Stw Nt MME. AMES, vapor batha, 124 X. 15th. R 7. t .1 MIWOl GRACE O' BRYAN of Kj.. 72Q 8. 13th. 1 rERSOSAL.- DR, ROY, chiropodist; corns and superflu ous hau remuvea cy eiecinciiy. n. u. -re&aer block. ' U 1 VIAV1. Woman's ay to health. Home treats enu uooaiei irec. dio Umaua. GRAMOPHONES-and guppHea, wholesale and retail. ColUna piano Co., Lougias. U ws PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during connnement. ur. ana rs. Geriscb. xt N. loth St.. Omaha. U jo 120 RUPTURE CURED FOR 130 No knlle. no pain, no aetenuon irora ousiness. wna for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE CO., 932 N. Y. Life Bid,., Omaha, U sal DR. JACKSON, 1505 FARNAM ST. U (M BURE cure for excessive perspiration and all dlsoroers or me reel; stamp lor par ; Uculars. A. Mayer, Eli Bee Bldg., Omaha, . u 8513 N LEARN chiropody, manicure, special mas- sag-e. bchool of, Hygiene, all Bee Bldg. V M4i7 WS ELITE PARLORS'. 1J 8. lth St.. 2d floor. U-M777 NlS MME. 8MITH. baths, 118 X. 15, Id floor. R. 2. U MSU N17 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; babies boarded and adopted. Mrs. tiaraeia. 24 Lke. Tel. red ikm. U-4 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement; best medical atten tion; babies adoprea. IVJ4 n. ltn St. Mrs. Fisher. Tel. F22S9. . U M163 N221 XICE, healthy baby boy for adoption at 2S1S bo. istn street, city. l-mch N4 FRrVATE hospital before and during con flnement; flrst-clas In every respect babies adopted. Ir. T. L. Mtller. 2r.04 Biondo Bt. Phone F-11S2. i: M42J N2S &ARGAINS. entire stock diamonds, watch . e. Jewelry. In rawn mortgaged, half price. Diamond Loan office, 14th A Pouglas ' U AIMS WE RENT -sewing machines at Tbc per week. We repa'r and sell parts for any machine manufacture!. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 'Phone 1S63. Corner 16th and Harney Sts, Xt4 Broadwav, Council Bluffs. Phone B-61S. fli North 24th 8L, Bo. Omaha. 'Phone 4365. V 62 P 1 MO KEY TO LOAf REAL tITATE. 44 PER CENT oh buslners property. per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. W. B. MEIKLE. 4"1 S. 1STH ST. w-: MONEY to loan on improved Omaha rea estate. Urennun-LOve Co., am 8. 15th. IV 60 4 TO 6 P. C. Money. Semia, Paxton Blk. - - w i FARM and city brans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 164. toil FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros.. 1604 Farnam. W-63 FRIVATE money. F. D. Wead.1524 Pouglai w rw WANTED, city loan and warrant. W. Farnam Bmttn At Co., 1320 Farnam street. W-lM WANTED, citv tnd farm loans; a.'so bonds and warranta. R. C. Peter AY Co., 17u2 Farnam Bt.,-Bee Bldg. - V fcttf WANTED ITi.000 loan on Arsl-class resl es tate security, inquire Lnxt At Lovgren, room 4.-7 Paxtou block. W Mi2' MOKl TO LOA.V 4-HATTELk. MONEY WliEN you tina li necussary to borrow gave us a trial, alter wmcb we will, by Tiir treatment, sttcmit to retain your patronage. M lun irom 10 up on lui nuure, piano, liv stock, etc. v a.u uiaaa loan to bAi.ARIED PEOPLE without nurtgage or enuorser. We do not oeouct interim in advauec; we coarge lor making. or lulug papeis ana cur teivlce Is guica and coniioenitai. aiwa; try to please our patroiik. UMAHA jdortiGAGe: xaja.s CO., 1! toara of Trade iiiog Tei. .'2Si lt,iaDiisba i'.. riouib lth fct. $f HUM till MltllMt IMI t LSI IOL itClf HUAblT HOSX 10 LuAN ON FURNITUllE AND SALARIES. $10 to Inoo loaned on FL'kNIjlkE, FiANoS. ETC.. and .to ainetl peopi at tery lowert ratea and iur any lengUi of time, without pubiir-lty or ic-rucMag the property, pavment can be maac to a j it our convenience. , Call and get our teriu before tioiug elsrw here. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY Room Third Floor, paxtoq iilock. HMIIItlltM t lllllt III It tint 1 A JMi LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO . SALARIED PEOPLE, merchants, team sters, boarding house, etc., without a. cunty; ea4et termt; 4o offices la prin cipal cities. 'lolmau. 440 Board--of 1 raue Bldg. . X-fc MONET loaned on plain not lo salaried people; busir.e oonndcniial; low-est rate 514 Paxton block. The J. A. Uutton Co. x-aj . MONEY oaned on furniture, lire stock, ' Jewelry, to salaried people. - Foley Luaji Co.. Sue. to Duff Greta. I Barker block. , . . - X-kii MONEY loaned 00 .piano, furniture. Jew elry, homes, cow, etc. C. FV Retd, 311 8 li . .. - - x-:7 TAILORING," LADIES' JACKETS made, al'ared and re- tuvxitied Jos icutu, liU i eraaJB St. llii) HI MF.. C H M K.. TO GET In or cut cf bulnes ra'l on Wll llama. Room 411. McCagi bulldini:. BAIioX and reslaurart. Johnson Co , 214 S. lf th. A snap. L. L v-m:: WHEN you wsnt to buy. sell or exchange your buwricF or property quick e J. H. Johnson, MS N. T. Life. Y-M!S WANT to buy, sell or trade a business? Go see Wilson, Warnes A Co., 417 to 41 t'axtun P.loc-k.- T X1 I OR SALE, ineumnce, land and rental busints. paying l.rt to 2.' per year; nice town, northeast Nebraka; gocni ol flie andTerldencai Addresa M 6.", Bee T-2S1, FOR SALE The best Vavlng bnwllng aliey In the state, at Albion. Neb. Two slieys; doing big business owner going to leave the citv. lnvest'iKSte quick. Apply to Box 637. Albion. Ntb. Y-M7(fe 4 CAPITAL secured to promote industrial, electrical, manufacturing and mining en terprises. Willis Todd. S20 X. Y. Life Blug., Omahrf. Y M79 4 FOR EXCHA4iE. TO TRAl'E. railroad grading outfit, teams, harness, wagons, grstler, plows, scrapers, wheelers, tents, etc.. .''.0"0, for ( heap land. L. C. Brown. Loon, la. Z- M FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. SECTIONS 6. 11 and 13, 1n township 11. range 3". Llnco'n county, .xbrassa. ior sale or trade, n 1 dear. .Address for bar gains. Pay Ai Hers. Council Hluffs. la. . P.E M75 ONLY 4 ITS LEFT IN BEAUTIFUL EEM16 PARK. On Hawthorne Avenue, t fine building lots at (K each, 1 at t!."00 PAYNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor. New York Life Uuildinp. KE-Ga a FOR BALE, 20 acres cf land, good rich fertile soil. 4 mile from council mun; two-room house and well, small stable on It. Price, ll."0. half cash, balance on time tc suit purchasers. L. H. Reanies, Coun cil Blufl. la.. R. F. D. Xo. 2. RE 399 14 ACREAGE. ACREAGE." ACREAGE. ESTES SUBDIVISION". This beautiful suburban acreage property la situated along the boulevard and Beiie vue road one mile south of the city limits of Bouth OmshH. Sightly snrt picturesque. We are now offering 10 and 2-acre trai ts In this sddltlon on very reasonable terms. O'NEILS REAL ESTATE AGEXCY, Bouth Omaha. RE-T62 8 DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell tbe fanner and tockralser about It. Tbe beat way to reach them is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 35,000 homes of farmers end stockraiser. so If you hav a good piece of Ian 4 to sell at a reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among Ibem. Tba cost of ad ad is email I cents per word. THfc TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER UMAHA, IStH. RE cot FOR SALE. 11,630 Two 6-room lottages, 3214 and 21 Charles St.. newly painted and repaired. tl.iao 4-r. cottage. 2521 S. Uth. lot 60x101. 11. Mio -room cotiafte, iu c. isin. 101 ojhit;. 12.6110 S-room modern houe, 2tl.'S Charlea ft. 12. i0 e-room modern house. 1929 K. 34th St. $2.200 S-r. modern house, barn, 1314 Francis. lit 000 J house and 1 rooms. 10.-0- iv. ..u. , IHtUMAHAKtALlI LU., 1301 DOUGLAS ST. . RE M547 N2 FOR BALE," small 'Taotg-of nice land, at Shth St. and Avenue P, in Council Bluffs, three blocks from 'cir "line and water works reservoir ori Brleiidway; new four- ' room cottage and fine sAtade trees on one tract. Ths property ,1 theap. close In and certain to lnereaw la value. You will aav so when you see It. Terms easy. and. could use a small house and lot or cheap vacant lot at eah value In part payment. Call on or addresa H. G. McUee, 14 Pearl St., or Robert Young, at water work. 36th. St. -and Broadway, Council Bluffs. ' RE M692 7' HARRISON & MORTON FARMS NEAR OMAHA-829 acres, S mNe out, level, Im proved, 145 an acre: 0i, S2 miles out, level Improved, Its an acre; 230. ceax Bprlngtield, very fine. 75 an acre; EDO, near Gretna, lies beautifully, well Improved, 170 an acre. HARRISON & MORTON, OMAHA. RE-592 RANCH and -faim lands for sale by tba Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A ' McAUester, land commlhsluner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE-171 HOUSES, lots.-fanns. ranches, loans; also fire Insurance. Be mis, Paxton block. RE-72 SEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK CO. for choice bargains. A1 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. Jul. RE-974 WILLIAMSON Farnaalreet": W RE 975 HOUSES and lots in all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands. The O. F. Davis Co.. Room 552, B-ee Bldg. RE-77 HARRISON & MORTON, FARMS. RE-2S N17 WELL built l-r house, on fine lot and beau- tiful location. Inquire 1411 Vinton. KE-223 N24 KELfEY'S. wall paper. J7th and Dougla. 'Phone lfic. 1:E 72 GOOD six-room house; large barn, shade trees, etc.; lot ixl3"; near csr line and in desirable location. If old at once can be bought for tl.OMi cash; this is a bar gain worth Investigating. W. H. RiiBsell At Co.. 42b Ramge Bid. RE M7H2-4 ciiorthaad and typewriting. GREGG . H.. Touch T. W., Bus. Branches, Teleg. Cat. free. Oru. Com. Col., 17 Si Doug. - BUS A C. VAN BANT S school. 717 X. Y. Life. 171 BOYI.ES college court reporter prlnci.a!, X. Y Life. -7 SEI1. ltu!nets At 6hfrtband Collage, Bovd's Theater. ISO MEDICAL. ALL human diseases can be cured by Prof. Jonnaon. Old ae rebuilt. Pnn and Jone;, Omaha. Alfttil I.A DIES' Chlrhester's English Pennyroyal Pills are the best; safe; reliable. Take no Other. Send c, stamps, lur partlcJUrs. "Relief for Ladies" 111 letter by return msil Ask yoor drugplsl. Chlches'r Chemical Co , Philadelphia. Pa OSTLOPATHl . 5iD. V a; ALICE JOHNSON, osteopaths, fcutle 515 N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel. 114. -94 Mr. Grace Tiadale Decgan. 528 Bee Bldg. Tel. 2ao. 3d; GARBAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. clean . cesspools and vaults, removes ga.bage and dead animala at reduced prices. CI N Iti'.h. Tel. 177 lb? TRUNKS AND HAGCAGt. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 5ot B. liitb. 1- ri H DRESSING. R. GILBERT CO., tanner. 1C4 B. 13th KOI MA. f( UND A bicycle: describe and pay for this ad. an So. XOth 6u 7M Ui LOST. LOHT, Monday morning between 11 and 12 o'clock, while eli'Tplng on Fixtcntli street, between Podge snd Karnsm short sable boa; rtward. Tel. i'hune A.'4"ti 4t MC"0 LOPT. Angcra nanny goat, last seen nrsr P'tli Slid Arbor yesterday morning. Re ward for Information or return Tele. pho,,e !v 11. P. Duncan. Lo't M77 4 MAM FACTIRISO. P. MELCHIOK, chinlst 12th and Howard, ma- 2 OMAHA Ba'e and Iron Wks makes a sre- clalty cf lire escapes, shutters, doors and sales. G. Andreen, Prop., hV 8. loth Bi. 91 LAW AD C OLLECTIOSf. ST1LLMAX PRICE. 23 U. 8. N l Bk. Bid. SS! NEB. COLLECTION CO., (6 N. T. Life. ?DS Decl PAW BROKERS. EAGLE Loan Office, reliable, accommodat ing; cli Dutmeaa contlder.tial. 1301 Pouglaa. 9S'4 CARTEL TEH S AD JOINERS. ALL kinda of carpenter work and repairing promptly attended to. J. T. Ochiltree, -nth and Lake streets. 176 TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Pbllbln. 15j6 Farnam. 'Phone 7S4. -87 SIDEWALK BRICK. OMAHA Hydraulic Press Brick Co.. 211 New York Life. Phone 110. 2ut N-2J ELECTRICAL REPAIRING. GRAND Electric Co.. 16 & Jackson. Tel. 2MG. DETECTIVE AGERCY. CAPT. THOS. CORMICK, private detec tie,'&l Kaibach block. Tel. A2-02. M7a ."13 EXPERT ACCOIKTAST. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc.; G. R. Kathbun, Room lu. Com 1 Nat 1 bank. MJS STAMMERING AKD STCTTER1RG. CURED. JuUa Vaughn, 430 Ramge Bldg. SMI TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay more? to ViOu machines, loe & Co., HI N. Limber t, $25; superior Bent on approval. Mon lth St., Omaha. 121 PRIRT1HO. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Linotype Composition. 611 3. 13th. HATS RE ROTATED. HATS dyed, blocked, lstest styles. Ramser Ac Kerr, 207 N. 17th, near Capitol Ave. 743 NlS STOVES REPLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Omaha Plating Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel. 263a. Vkl AITOMOBILES. FLECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlgtit, 1111 Farnam street. 091 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1S11H Farn. Tela. 1559-80. Kill LAIUDBI. OMAHA Steam Lajndry; shirts, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs. 4c. 17&0 Leavenworth. Tel. A-17KL s6 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Balo Tie Co., Sll North 16th. 88 DRESSMAKING. IX FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 253P Harney. M74 N14 FLORISTS. BULBS, cut flowers and plants. Hender son, tel. 1258, lil Farnam St.. Omaha. 155 GOVERNMENT SOTICE. DENVER. COIX).. NOV. 1. 1902.-SEALED proposals, lu triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m., Dec. 1, 1D02, and then opened tor constructing a pumphouse at Fort D. A. Russell. Information fur nished on application to Q. M , Fort D. A. Russell, or tne undersigned. I . 8. reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bills or any part thereof. Envelopes con taining bids to be marked froputials for Fumpnousc, etc." and addressed Lt. Col. j. . Poue. C. Q. M. 61D1-3-4-5-28-28 POl OFFICE KOT1CE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, ss changes may occur at any time.) Foreifc-p mwils lor the week ending No vember 1. 1K-2. will close (PROMPTLY In ail canes) at the general postoHice as fui. lows: PARCELS POST MAILS close one hour earlier than closing-time shown be low. Parcels Pout maila tor Germany close at 5" p. m. Mnhday per s. s. "K. W. der Urobse," and Friday per s. s. "Patricia." Regular and supplementary malls close at foreign fa lion half hour later than clos ing time shown below (except that supple mentary malls for Europe snd Central America, via Culm, close one hour later at foieicu statiorj. Transatlantic Mails. ' TUESDAY A l 4:) a. m. for EUROPE, per 8. s. Kalxt-r VMIhelm der GroEac' via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen; at 5:3k a. m for ITALY direct, per a. a. Citta til MHauo (mail must be directed "per . s. Clua di Mllanu"). WEDNESDAY At 6:3m a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a. St. Paul, via Southampton; at K: a. m. (supplementary lo a. m.) for EUROPE, per a. s. Germanic, via Queens- THUR8DAY At 6:30 a. ni. for EUROPE, per s. a. Augusta Victoria, via Plymouth, Cheibourg and Hamburg (mail for France muet te ulrected "r s. . AuguMa Vic toria "1: at 1 a. m. Ior FRANCE. SWITZ ERLAND. ITALY, et'AI.N, 1MKTIGAL TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LORENZO MAKylEZ, per s. s. la cnam)cigne, via Havre (nmll ior other part 01 Euro must be di rected "per 9. ije Chamuaene 1. FRIDAY At 6:3i p m for AZORES ISL ANDS, per s. s. Cambronian, from Bos ton. SATURDAY At 6::to a. m. for EUROPE. Ier s. Campania, via (jueensluw n ; at 7:3 a. m. for N ETtl hRLANDB direct per 8. a. Noordam (mall must be directed "per s. . Noordam 1; at S a. m. for BELG1LM direct, per s. s. Kensington tmail muei be iiirectea "per s. s. Ken eington ',; at :3n a. m. for SCOTLAND direct. er . u. Ethiopia (mail must be directed "ier s. . Ethiopia ; at 11 rn. for DENMARK direct, per s. s. lland tniall must be airecteo per s. s. isiana ). PRINTED MATTER. ETC. This steamer take printed matter, commercial papers and samples for Germany only. The tame class of mail matter for o-her part of Europe will not be sent by this ship un less neoa'.lv directed by lt. Afur the closing of the supplementary transatlantic m.uls named above, addi tional supplementary mails sre oi-nci1 on the pier or the American. i.nKiisn French and German steamers, and remain epen until althin ten intitules of the hour of sailing of steamer. Mails for ttaalb mmd Cealral America Wrsl ladies, TUESDAY At ;30 a m. (Supplementary ) a. m for CENTRAL AMERICA n?:ei.t Costa Rl.a anJ SOUTH PA ( I Kit' I'UKTK. er s . Allianca. la Colon (Utter mall for Guatemala must l direi teil "xr (. . Allianca 1: at k ' p, m for JAMAICA.- r . s. Admiral l-wc. from liiw-ton. U KO.N'Al At a. ru lor BRAZIL. la PernunibiK o. Bahi and Rio Aaueiro mial i,i Notthern Rtasil. ArKetjtim Ui-guay and Paraguay must be uirccttd lonoiiKK onti:. "per s. s Jtvron "1, at I.JN s m for Kofi TINE ISLAND, c! s I landria tmstl for H..111 ninsl U- Oirede,! -'r . . Flandi-ia"), at 1 . m. for HAITI, per s. Prins tier N-tlwrlnin:-!i (mail for Curacao. VenetuiU. Trisidad r.rltis'i mul pMtch. (Viian mut l" iliritd ) r . ITins ie- Netherl inrieM ): M ll".:") a m. f r ARGENTINE. URUGUAY and FAKA'IUAY. 1 r . s. Cvnur- at 12 m. for GUADELOUPE M AKTINIyUE. Iunis.AKiU n,l BRITISH. 1'lTtil ami FRENCH GUIANA. it e s. Talisman. TIH'RBPA Y At Sum. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. CAMPECHE. TAHASiO and CHI Al'AS, per s . Vigilant la (mail f.r other . l-arts of Mexico must lie directed " per J s s. Vlgllancla'"-; at 12 m isupplcmcnt- nry 12:..o p. m l f'or BAHAMAS and SAN- TMGO, per s. s, Orlstba. 1 FRIDAY At 19 3. m. for NEWFOUND- 1 LAND direct, per s. s. Bilvla: at 12 m. ! for MEXICO, t r s. S Senech. via Tani plco (mall must he directed "per . s. Benrca"). at 12:30 p. m. for 1NAGUA and HAITI, per . s. Latienhurg. SATURDAY At 8 a. m. for FKRMUP. fr . e. ITeto.-ln: at a. m. for IMRTO Rico, per ..- s. Ponce; at 9 a m. isupple mentnrv 9:t l. tnl for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s . Zulla (mall for Savanllla aoT Cartna must be di rected -Ye' s. Znlla' ): at :i a m. isupplementarv 10:30 n. m. for FOR TUNE ISLAND, JAMAICA. SAVAN 1 1. 1. A. CARTAGENA snd GREY TO WN. rer s s. Valencia (mail for Costa Rica must be directed "per a. s. Valncla"i; at 10 a. m. for CUBA.S'er Mxico. via Havana. Mills for Newfoundland, by mil to Nonh Bvdncv, and thence by steamer, close st this office daily st e:.W p. m. (connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday and Baturdavl.- Mails for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer. rloe st this offic? dally at :& p. m. Malls for Culm, by rail to Port Tampa, F1h.. and thence by- slemr. -cloe at this office ilatlv, except Tlnirsifsy, at 5:S0 a. m. (the c innecting closes are made on Mondays. Wednesdays and BsMwdsysl. Mail for Mexico CltJ. . overland,, unless specially fci'dressed for dispatch steamer, close at this t'ffiiie dully, except Sunduy. at 1.30 i'. ra snd u::J p.m.. Hundays at 1 p m. and 11:0" p. m. Mails for Costa P.lca. Relit". Puerto Cortet and letter mail for Guatemala, by rail to New Or lean. and thence try steamer, close nt this office dully, except Sunday, at ! .30 p. m. and 11: p. m.. Sundays at '1 p. m. and 11:30 p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays at lLSO p. m. for Hellse, Puerto Cortex and letter mall for Guatemala, and Tuesdavs at lLSO p. m. for Costa Rica). Registered mail closes st S p. m. previous day. Iranjtpaclfle Stalls. Mall for Hawaii, Japan, China and Philip pine Islands, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at :30 p. m. up to November 2, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Korea. Malls for Australia (except West Aus tralia, which goes via h.urope, and rew Zealand, which goes via Ban Francisco!, and FIJI Islands, via ancouver ana ic torla, B. C, close here daily at 8:30 p. m. after November '1 and tip to November t. Inclusive, for dlpatch per s. s. Miowera. Malls for Hawaii, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at S.30 p. m. up to November 10, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ala meda. Mails for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip pine islands, via Ban r ranclaco. close here dally at 1:90 p. m. up to November '10, inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Gaelic. Mails for Cblna and Japan, via lacoma. close here dally, at 6:J0 p. rn. up to io vember 14. Inclusive, for dispatch per j. . Victoria- Malls for Australia (except West Australia, which la forwarded via Europe! .New Zea land, Fiji, Bamoa" and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here dally at :30 p. m. after November and up to November 22, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ven tura. (If the Cunard steamer carrying the British mall for New Zealand does not arrive In time to connect with this dispatch, extra mall closing at 6:30 a. m.. !:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.; Sundays at 4:,W a. m., I a. m.-and :3 p. ra. will be made up and forwarded until the arrival of the Cunard steamer.) Maila for China 'and Japan, via Van couver and Victoria. B. C, close dally at 8:30 p. m. up to November S. Inclu sive, for dispatch per s. s. Empress of China (registered mall must be specially addressed. Merchandise for U. 8. Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). Mails for the Philippine Islands, via Ban Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 D. m. up to November 27. inclusive, for dls- patcn per i'. e. transport. Maila for Tahiti and Maraueeas Islands, via Ian Frtuiclsro, Close here dally at 6:) p. m. up to December "l. inclusive, lor dispatch per s. . Mariposa. Transpacific malls are forwarded to. port of sailing dally and the schedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mail closes at 6 p. m. previoua day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmssterr Postoftioe, New York. N. Y.. Oct. 31. 1102. UNION STATION IOTH AND MARCY. .' (b tea go, Rock. liliiA At ParlBc. EAST. Leave. Arrive Chicago Daylight L'fd.a 6.00 am a 6:45 ar Chicago Daylight Looal.a 7:00 am a 1:85 pt m so Davliunt coai.a i:w am a v so pa Chlcaao Exoiebs bll:15 am a IKK pm Des Moines Express... .a 4:30 pro tll:50 am Chicago Fast Ex4res..a 1:35 pm a 1:25 pm WEST. Rocky Mountain L t d. .a 6:50 am a 4:55 am Lincoln. Colo. Springs, Denver. Pueblo and 'A est .....a 1:30 pm a 5:00 pm Colo.. Texas. LlL and Oklahoma Flyer a i: pm al2:40 pm (hlrago At North weatera. The Northwestern Line. Fast. Chicaao a 3:40 am a 7:00 am Mail ......a 7:50 pm a S:30 am Local Sioux City. Daylight St. Paul 6:10 am a :uo pm :S5 am al0:25 pm Daylight t nicago ......a 8:uo am all:20 pm Local Chicago ... al0:t am a 5:10 pta Local Carroll .... Faat Chicago .... Limited Chicago a 4:00 pm a lr:50 am ......a 4:56 pm a 4:05 pm a 1:10 pm a 8:20 am a 7:56 pm a 1:15 am Faat St. Paul Fast Mall ...... a 2:40 pm Ical Sioux City b 4:oopm D .au am IbUib ParlSc. Overland Limited ..... The Fast Mail Califorr-'.s Espres ... ..a 1:40 am a 7:30 pm ..a 1:60 am a 1:25 pm ..a 4:Zu pm ,.ail:3o pm Pacinc Express Eastern Express a 4:35 pm The Atlantic Exprej... The Colorado Special. ..a 7:10 am Chicago Special a ju am a 1:40 am a 1:40 am Lincoln. Bea trice ana Stromeburg Ejc b 4:Oo pra eiz:50 pm Grand Island Local... ...b 5:30 pm b :35 pm IlllBOia Cealral. Chicago Express a 7:30 am a 1:10 pro Chicago, Minneapolis At SI. i'aM umirec a i:ov pm a :u am Minneapolis At bt. Paul Express .......o :zv am bl0:3S pm a 10. 35 pm Chicago Express ivv-..; . MUinirl Paelte. St. Louis Express1....... s4O:00 am a 6:23 pm a 635 am K. C. 4V St. L. Ex i.aK:m pm WabasK. St. Louis "Canon Ball ' Express a :i pm a i:m am St. Louis Local. Coun cil Bluffs a s:u am am:jv pm 4 hlrago, MllnasLre St. Paal. Chicago & Omaha Ex..b T.4u sm b 1:40 pm Chicago Limited Ex.. ...a :0o pm a 7:50 am Bl RLINGTOS ! ATI OK IOTH A MABO.I Bnrllagtoa t"MIorrl River. .''- Leav. Arrive. W'vmure.. TAcatrlce ana Lincoln r 111 un. ao am Kebraska Exurea. . .... .a :40 am a, :45 pm Denver 14mlleu a :a pm a 9. to am it.irk mil nna I'UMii Sound 1 frees sll:10 pra a 3:10 pm p o 1 a 1 a c o rstiDuieu Flyer , a :io pm Lincoln Fast Mai! V 3:10 pm a S.17 am Kori Cruok aul l'lallt- niouLfi ......e' j.,.. f,,.w mm P.elievue Ac I'Kx-iflc Jet. jx TjX) pm a s.27 am k K 1 Vl nn. kll bellevue & ratmc Jcia j:uu am ( klcaco, Bwrilatoa A Aalaey. Chlcaao Special a 7:00 am a 4:05 pm Chlcaao Vtiktibuled Ex. .a 4:i pm a 7. 3d am .'hicaao lxtal ,:..a :. am allxKipai Chicago Limited Fast Mail., Kaaaaa City, St. Blags. , Kansas City Day Ex ...a 5:05 pm a 1 :J0 am a !:4i pm Coaaril joepb ..a 9:30 am ' a 1:05 pm Si. Louie r Iyer. ..a:iupm an:u am Kansaa City Night Kx..al0.3o pm a 1.15 am m 1 tYEBSTF.R DEPOT UTH At WEBSTER SI. Paal. Mlaaeapolla A Oaaaba. Leave. Twin City I'aaeiiger a 6.30 am 8iojx City Passenger... a 2:00 pm Emerson Local b 5:40 pm I'rriaaial, L'lkkorm A allej. Black Hills. DcadwooI. Arriv. 1(11 pro all : am b 5.45 ara Mlsaoarl Hot Siring". a 3:00 pm a 5:00 pin oniiug. Caier and lot.glas 4 I I pm sS OOpro Hasting?, -1 01 1. i-'avui "it v.Sui-erlor.Geiinva, . i: t-r snd Swaxd...-b J:09 pm I On pm Norfolk. Lincoln and Fremont b 7:34 am blc.25 am Fremont Local t i :10 am STRIKE BREAKERS TO VOTE Somnion Men 0tniblj Discharged Feinc Sen? to Country Precincts. WILL ATTEMPT TO VOTE FOR MERCER Strikers Mill Keen (lose UilrK on eab" aail Paries r t liefest I'laas ef oaresMenl 4 a nd Male. AiiOili-r heavy slump In the population of the Union Pacific shops occurred yester day morning and strikers do not hesliste 10 ssy thai lt has a political slgnif-nnrr Thev are convinced thai these nonresident strike fc'-eakers who are bring ostenstblf discharged, in reality arc srnt out ts the rountry precincts of the Second congres sional district, where attempts will b made to vote them for the nonrcslden' candidate today. It Is (he arm belief of the strikers, those who have made It tbeir special charge to keep a watch on these proceedings, that these aonrcsldtu'. nonunion men will be scattered pretty well ' over the district between this and ;h' closing of the polls Tuesdsy. Paid one of Uie foremost strikes ?eer day rooming: "We have positive evidence of the Inten tion to rote ss many of these men as pos sible, and since the Merccrltes wera foiK l in their desperate attempts to get s larg number of the shopmen registered we tre convinced that they will exhaust their re sources In their endeavor to capture tbc Illegal ballots of this clique. There bets between 600 and 700 of these men 4a th Union Pacific shops now It would be a tre mendous thing If even half of them could be voted, snd that fact Is fully appreciated by the Mercer machine. Ws would hot be surprised to see a great number of these strike breakers slipped out of the shops under cover tonight snd stationed st tbc respective polling places where it is the . intention of voting them. We believe tbia plan has been decided on so as not to be . forced to tbe alternative of bringing them out tomorrow In broad daylight, when they would be sure to attract attention. Strikers Y UI Be Active. "Notwithstanding the bold snd desperai efforts that we believe will be made to vote this army of nonresidents for Mercer, w have hopes of thwarting this brazen si tempt. We were reasonably successful In stopping the wholesale registering of these men, although quite a good many were reg istered. We have thoroughly organised our forces snd w ill work resselesaly snd syste- matlrallT to bead off these corporation -Iscktes at the polls. We are Inclined to think it will go hard with those wbo are found responsible for voting any of these men, known to be nonresidents of the state of Nebraska." The strikers hsve abandoned everything for Tuesday but the election. They will not even bold tbeir morning meeting at Labor Temple, which has been a daily functloa ever sines tbe striks began. Every man will be on picket duty to vote snd work again it Mercer and do everything possible to Insure a clean ballot. As Is pretty well known, the animus In strike . and labor centers against tbe nonresident congressman arises from his general bos- tility to labor, snd particularly are they Incensed over his arrogant disregard ol labor in repudiating his promise to "see that union labor was represented on the new firs and police board." When organ ized labor men learned how basely this pledge had been violated a tempest of In dignation arose and lt has never subsided. Instead It has gaxhrd momentum gs time passed until now, from the best Information obtainable, the vast maJ6iTty of organized labor' men of tbe Second district are af-' ' rayed against Mercer In one solid. Impreg nable phalanx.- -' . 4 Many union, "labor men there axe who as sert that Mercer and his managers have done everything Imaginable to conciliate matters, but without avail. All such over tures hsve been met with scornful rejec tions and have only served to Intensify ths feeling against the man who showed labor that he bad no use for it except at the polls. Picket Llae ts "t rea;t keaed. Yesterday the picket line ot strikers at the Union Pacific shops w as larger than usual. This was done that every channel of operation may be closely watched. The In creased force was relieved st night by another enlarged picket line, which kept up the watch during the night, and today the same vigilance will be exercised. Strikers are convinced that at the Union Pacific headquarters the powers that be are pursuing their plans and preparations wltli ... - untiring industry. Ast evidence of their de termination to be la readiness for ths elec tion todsy a large number ot sample ballots have been taken to Union Pacific headquarters as well as to (he Burlington. Yesterday one of the colored employes at the Burlington was seen to enter the building loaded down with sample ballots. It is supposed that these are for the pur pose ot Instructing employes in the use of the Australia ballot system. Incidentally some kind and thoughtful suggestions may be made as- to what names the crosses should be placed opposite. It Is also un derstood that the shop have been supplied with these ballots for tbe same purpose. Allow No flwbstltwtlsn. Tbe name of a popular brand of auy artirle often becomes, in the popular mind, a synonym or generic name for the article itself. Thus the name Budwelaer has be come to many another name for beer. There is but one "Budwelaer." See that the name is on cork and label whenever you are served with beer. It I the product ot the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Ass'n. St. Louis, V. S. A. All orders promptly Ailed by Geo. Krug. managpr Anheuser-Busch branch, Omaha, Xeb. Mortality Statistics. The following births and deaths were re ported at the office of the Board of Health curing tne lony-eigni nour ending ai noon Monday: Births L. mnser, 11 ortn isineieenin street, girl; Henry lerk. 2 Hamilton ireet. girl; Robert ft. white. 3215 Webster street, girl. 1 watt is James 1 ontieii. ru. josepn s r.o- pttul. aged 4o years: Celia ulberth. 12 South Nineteenth street, sged month; Mrs. Helen Ingram. Red Oak. la., died st Wise Memorial hospital, aged 50 years; Jeremiah Siel!man. 1710 Nicholas street. axed Mi years: Margaret Kennedy, 4.c Bou'evard avenae, tie as years. I4.1LWAY TIME CARD CeatlawesL Missouri Paelge. Nebraska Local, VI Veeplng v b 4 10 pm a 10:25 am a Dallv. b Daily except Sunday, c Sun- day only, d Daily except Saturday, e Da ly excent Monaay. DOMINION LINE SPECIAL NOTICE.. Resumption of trips . the Mamiuoth Popular 1 win screw steamers tc pqcniTcnnAriCAn THE IglUUI I UIIIIHiikHil From Socton Direct to 4.IBH4IT4K, t.fAOl, NAPLES ifl II.KIAURI4 EGYPT. "New- England." Dec. 6; Jan. 17; Feb. "Commonwealth." Jan. 3, Feb 14; Mrh. 21 AIo sailings Boston to IJverpool. Port- lam.1. Me., to Uverpool Ior rates. m leia ec., appiy lu ncl as ot or RICHARD Mill 8 4. CO , rearborrl Sl, CTIiCAG.'.