Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1902, Page 7, Image 7

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TV Argus on Trntnc, 6:vhriei and
WotTl of the Architect.
J. J. rmllk Introdarrs Ttrnnlatlon to
Rata Salaries of Principals, hat
Matter la Laid Oifr to
Sest Meeting.
high school heating aud vrnttlsting con
tract. It a allowed with othT claims,
amounting In all to lofl. 31.55.
The board confirmed the sppolntment of
Judges and clerks for th Hoard of Education
election as already appointed fcv the clerk
of the dlKtrtct court for the county election.
The resignation 'of Miss Meredith Smith
its director of the kindergarten at the Cen
tral school was accepted.
The. board adjourned to Monday evening
next. when the law requires that a meeting
chall be held for the purpose, of counting
the ballots cant at the election for members
of the school board.
There being but little business suffi
ciently matured for decisive action, the
Board of Education Indulged Its fondnees
for debate to the full extent last evening
and of the nine members present there was
scarcely one that did not contribute to
that portion of the proec edlnf? which will
not appear In the written record of the
meeting, but which occupied by far a
greater portion of the time. Tin absentees
were President Barnard, and Messrs. An
derson and Stubbendorf.
The special committee to which was re
ferred the controversy over the heating
and ventilating plant at the new high
school, of which the bill of the contractor,
John Row A Co., is the keynote wss not,
as had been hoped and expected, ready to
report. Chairman Wood asked for further
time, saying that the eommU'ee had been
In session all the afternoon flntll 7 o'clock
trying to prepare a report for the meeting,
but had been unablo to do so. It had been
found at the last minute that the mem
bers were not entirely agreed upon a num
ber of different points and he and the other
members felt convinced that a report at
this time would' not be cf a character to
be entirely satisfactory to the board, or
to the rommittee Itself for that matter.
Further time waa granted.
Report of the Kiprrt,
From remarks dropped outside the meet
ing by the members of the committee it is
learned that C. E. Fawcett, the expert me
chanical engineer employed by the commit
tee to make a thorough technical examina
tion, has In his report followed the spec
ifications In detail, taking up each point
at which tho contractor deviated from them
and pointing out the dlfforencea In results
nd the difference in cost. The report, It
Is Intimated, will show that neither the
architect nor the contractor was entirely
blameless In the execution of the work.
Provision waa made by the board for en
largement of the manual training depart
ment at the high school in spite of the
adverse, report- from the committee -on
buildings and property. The committee
recommended that nothing further be done
for the present In the matter of Increasing
the facilities for manual training as had
foeen proposed. Mr. Homan moved the
adoption of a substitute for the report,
providing that two rooms at the north
end of tho old high school building be set
aside and properly equipped for the use
ef the manual training department and that
an assistant be employed In this depart
ment. Mr. Homan explained that the pro
posed Improvement would cost between $700
ana Mr. Homan's substitute was
adopted, Mf. Levy and W. F. Johnson vot
ing no. By the terms of the resolution
the new rooms are to be ready for uae at
the opening of the next term.
Appoint Truant Officer.
After some discussion at cross-purposes,
"ill Fsrker, until now teacher In the
Gibson school at a salary of $80 per month
was appointed truant officer until July 1
at a salary of $83.33 a month, as recom
mended by the committee on teachers and
examinations. Robert Smith proposed
a substitute the name of Joseph Redmond.
at a salary of $50, and J. J. Smith proposed
Ed Robinson, but neither. of the Smith mo.
tlona received a second. The necessity and
the legality of appointing a truant officer,
however, afforded inspiration for much dla.
That some of the members of the board
are disposed to discipline John Latenser
waa apparent In two reports submitted by
the committee on buildings and property.
One of these provided that the architect
should be notified that the plaster in the
toilet rooms of the new high schol build
lug must be made to couform to the spec!
cations and that If this is not done within
thirty days the expense of having It done
will be taken from the money due the con
tractor. This report was adopted, Mr. Mc
intosh alone voting In the negative. The
other report recommended that the bill of
V. Ruempllng for work at the new high
school be not allowed in Its present form
On this bill It was noted that some of the
Items were ordered by John Latenser, ar
chitect. The report was adopted.
J. J. Smith introduced a resolution pro
vldlng that the principals of twelve-room
schools shall receive $130 a month, the prin
elpals of thlrteen-room schools $135 i
month, of fourteen-room schools $140 i
month, of fifteen-room schools $145 a month
ana or scnools or sixteen or more rooms
$150. Mr. Smith moved a suspension of the
rules for the adoption of this proposed
amendment of the rules, and the old dls
cusslon as to the raising of salaries wss all
revived. After much talk the resolution
was laid over to the next meeting.
Kxperts BUI Allowed.
On the appropriation ordinance for the
payment of claims was one Item of $109.05
for C. E. Fawcett, the expert employed by
the special committee In the matter of the
After ttelaa; Released In Omaha He
Gets Into Tremble In
Thomas Carr, jr., alias Charles Cava
naugh, recently released from the county
Jail upon the motion of County Attorney
Shields, after he had been bound over
to the district court on a charge of
burglary, Is now In Jail at Lincoln, his
home, charged with highway robbery, and
has been Identified by his Victim, H. C.
County Attorney Shields said he released
Carr because he belonged to a prominent
family In Lincoln and because of hla youth.
He gave his age to the police here as 19
years and upon his arrest In Lincoln Sat-
rday he gave It as 20 years, and some
Ime ago when arrested there gave It as 22.
Chief Donahue says Car Is 25 yesrs of age
and has a bad record.
Friday night In Lincoln Carr and a com
panion held up H. C. Simmons and beat
him severly over the head with a revolver.
Simmons, who has known Carr some years,
positively identified him. Tn Omaha Carr
was arrested a few minutes after he and
a companion hod robbed the Dunning hard
ware store on sDouglas street, and much
of the property stolen was found In his
possession. His companion eacaped. Carr
gave the name of Cavanaugh and unr
hat name was bound over to the district
Congressional Action in Behalf of Alalia is
Especially Urged.
Commissioner of the General Land
Office ningrer Hermann Submits
Annnnl Report to the Secre
tary of the Interior.
tiar'a I nrle Dismissed front Army
and Rnssla for Marrying
ST. PETERSBURG, Nor. 3.-The dlsml.sal
from the Russian army of the Grand Duke
Taut Alexandrovltch, announced yesterday,
was due to his marriage to the Bareness
Pistolkoff, who got a divorce from her bus
band In order to marry the grand duke.
It Is said that the grand duke has also
been banished from the Russian court for
ten years. Ha will settle at Cannes.
In Presenting;
Law on Reef
Petition Asking;
and Coat
BOSTON, Nov. 3. Beef and coal com
bines may both be proceeded against here
if action taken today bears fruit.
William M. W. Towle and William S.
McNairy, respectively republican and dem
ocratic candidates for congress, visited the
United States district attorney and placed
before him evidence concerning the coal
combination and the beef combine, asking
him to take action in tbo matter.
Illinois Kxeentlve's Temperature
II Iff h and He Passes Day In
SPRINGFIELD, 111.. Nov. t. Governor
Yates today passed the most critical day
since he was taken 111. His temperature
reached 103 4-6, while his pulse was 98.
He was Irrational during part of the day.
He received some rest. This revived him
greatly, but late tonight bis temperature
again rose to 103.
For the serious dlsesses that attack the
kidneys. Prickly Ash Bitters Is an unfailing
remedy. Relieves backache, swelling of
the feet and persistent headache symp
toras which Indicate kidney trouble,'
Railroad Graders Fall Out.
Patrick O'Malley and Hartwla- Sorensen.
who have been building a part of the new
verdigris brancn or tne railroad. Knocked
on work and came to Omaha Baturday to
get some use from their accumulated
earnings. They went Into Farmer's sa
loon. Tenth and Douglas streets, last night
to get something they wanted and Boren
sen paid for It. After they came outside
tney had a ngnt, Because u Mauey iook
Horensen s nocKetDooK and ii5.h& irom the
pocket of the latter, without his consent.
They were arrested. O'Malley claimed the
property as Ms own, Dut tne barkeeper
Identified it as the coin and purse of Sor
Franklin I Miiler sues for divorce from
Mary Miller In the thirty-fourth year of
their married life. Abandonment Is the
ground for asking It.
Arrangements have been made by the
city engineer a department whereby Hugh
Murphy Willi proceed at once to repair the
pavement on Leavenworth street originally
laid by him ten years ago. The pavement
was laid under a ten-year guaranty which
wouiu expire mis
A complaint has been filed In police court
by P. A. Seidell against Carl Carlson, the
object being to dissuade Carlson from being
so Indus! rlout. The families of the two
men reside at 1819 and 1817 North Twenty
third street, and the strenuous efforts of
carison to complete an addition to hli
house, which Seidell said he had been work
ing on for the last three years, is the cause
oi me irouDiu. Sanson, so Seidell said
begins to hammer at a o clock In the morn
ing and continues until midnight, inter
spersing tne hammering by dropping
neavy joist every so orten. As a conse
quence Seidell and his family for many
monms nave Deen unaDle to get a good
mgm a sie?p. Sanson is cnarged witn (lis
turning me peace.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 3. The annual re
port of Blnger Hermann, commissioner of
the general land office, shows that the pub
lic land disposed of by . the government
during the year aggregated 19,488,535 acres,
an Increase of 3.f25,7.19 acres over the
previous year. Of the aggregate 1,737,791
acres were sold for cash, 17,(114,792 acres
were embraced In miscellaneous entries
and the remainder were Indian lands.
Commissioner Hermann recomends a
large appropriation specifically for surveys.
In Alaska: legislation regarding rail right-of-ways
granted; laws so that parties who
have expended large sums of money for
power plants, etc., shsll be protected
against subsequent settlers, and a large
appropriation to provide for an Increased
number of special agents to prevent tim
ber depredations and to protect public
lands from unlawful entry. The report also
renews previous recommendations for com
pulsory attendance of witnesses In hearings
before district officers, for repeal of exist
ing laws regarding limber on the un
reserved public lands and substitution
therefor as a general law providing ample
protection for the forests and furnUhlng
means by which settlers, miners and others
may secure a sufficient supply of timber
for their legitimate needs; legislation to
protect game and fish In forest reserves;
extension of fne boundaries of Yellow
stone National park; and legislation giving
the president general authority to set
apart as national parks, public land tracts
having scientific or historic interest or con
taining springs of medicinal properties.
It Is urged also that the law as to ex
change of lands embraced In foreat reserves
held by private owners of public lands not
In reservation be changed so as to recurs
an approximation In value of the lands re
linquished with those selected In lieu
Forest Reserves.
On October 1 last there were fifty-four
forest reserves, embracing 60.174,765 acres,
an Increase of almost 14,000,000 acres since
the last report. During the fiscal year
there were 1,663 forest fires discovered,
which burned over 87,799 acres. The con
stantly decreasing area burned over Is said
to demonstrate the efficiency of the govern
ment forestry force.
The commissioner says that the with
drawal and proper policing of the forested
lands of the government during the year
has shown the following results:
1. The work has proved self-supporting.
2. It has In addition brought in a revenue
to the government.
3. Needed, timber supplies have been
placed within lawful reach of the public.
4. Timber depredations within the re
serve limits have practically ceased.
A little over 6.000,000 acres of land were
certified and patented to railways during
the year under the land grants made by
congress to aid In the construction of rail
roads. During the season the Interior de
partment allowed 1.197.000 sheep to enter
eight of the reservations for specified
periods, the grazing to be confined to cer
tain areas and 469,137 head of cattle and
horses to graze In thirty-eight of the
reservations. '
Concerning reforestation, the report
Assuming that the reforestation of the
denuded ar In the forest reserves, where
sufficient molstjre prevails to make the
aermlnation of seeds of the native trees
possible, might be expected to result In good
time, ir tne occurrence or devastating nres
could be reduced to a minimum, and the
grazing of stock restrained within proper
limits are reduced to a sale basis, tne tor
est force has been required to make extra
exertion to prevent damage by fire, and
to keep the office duly Informed relative to
the effects of stock graxlng and to keep
out siock not ncensea 10 enter me reserves,
snd all the evidences point to almost un
varying success.
The forest trees are coming back, only
where there Is a plentiful rainfall, and not
a little hope is found In the fact that the
native trees are reproduclnug themtelves
In the drier portions of the country, where
the fires are kept out and where grazing is
restrained within reasonable limits, and
many a waste place Is becoming a wilder
ness of verdure
Jnnenn Den Is Raided hy Robhers,
W ho Terrorise Fifteen
VICTORIA. B. C. Nov. 3. Barney Hughes
and a neighbor held up the Douglas City
opera house gambling room at Juneau on
October 26. There were fifteen men In the
place when the two entered and told them
to throw up their hands snd enforced their
command by pointing revolvers.
The robbers secured only $175.
Snovr Falsifies Pt-opheey that Winni
peg; Weald Be Reached la Five
WINNIPEG. Manitoba, Nev. J. The first
snow of the season fell In this section today.
This may possibly solve the Doukhobor
problem, as the marching fanatics have
predicted all along that sunny and bright
weather would prevail until they reached
Floods Stream and Keeps Men Busy
Warding? OS Probable
BARBOURVILLE, Ky.. Nov. 3. A large
force of men was kept at work all day Sun
day plowing and ditching the land around
the big Byrley oil gusher to prevent the es
caping oil catching Are.
A big stream of petroleum has flooded
Richland creek and extended for several
miles down stream.
This well came In on Saturday and has
exhausted all the tankage on hand. It flows
by actual gauge 480 barrels dally.
Mrs. Hamilton Gets Divorce.
LONDON, Nor. 3. Mrs. Olga Hamllten,
daughter of Colonel Augustus Charles
Frederick Fltzgeorge, was granted a di
vorce today from her husband, C. F. A.
W. Hamilton, on the ground that he had
deserted her and had been guilty of mis
conduct with an unknown woman. Mi
Hamilton Is a granddaughter of the duko
of Cambridge. Mr. Hamilton is a son of
Sir F. A. Hamilton, baronet, and Is a dla
tant relative of the duke of Abercorn.
Remains of John W. Slackay.
LONDON, Nov. !. The remains of John
W. Mackay, who died here July 20, will be
taken to the United States November 6.
Mrs. Msckay and her daughter,' the Prin
cess Colonna. will accompany them. The
duration of Mrs. Mackay'a stay In America
Is uncertain and may be only a few
Topeka Has Roasjh Voyaare.
VICTORIA, B. C, Not. 3. The steamer
City of Topeka arrived today from Skag-
way after a very rough passage. It
brought 150 passengers. The steamer
Princess May , has arrived at Vancouver,
with 118 passengers.
Archbishop Goes to London.
ROME, Nor. J. Archbishop Rlordan
San Francisco and Garrett McEnerney,
legal adviser, started today for London.
For Library at Belfast.
LONDON, Nor. 3, Andrew Carnegie has
given $75,000 for a public library at Belfast.
Kansas Wants to Try Hla lor Fraad,
bat Appeal, Coart Rays
Ifai- -
t -
WEBB CITY. Mo.. Nor. . 3. P. Stewart,
a banker of this city, waa advised by tele
graph tonight that the indictment charging
him with being; a party to the alleged Buck-
foot racing conspiracy to defraud, and with
Improper use of the malls, had been quashed
by a ruling in tbo United States court of
appeals In Minneapolis.
The Indictment waa originally found in
the federal court of Fort Scott, Kan.
When It was sought to take Mr. Stewart
to Kansas under the warrant habeas corpus
proceeding were started.
Judge Phillips of Kansas, before whom
the application waa heard, denied the writ
and the case was appealed to the United
States court of appeals. Today'a decision
overrules the decision of Judge Phillips.
Middles Will
Spend Three Years la
Wow, Instead of
ANNAPOLIS, Md., Nov. 3. Orders were
received today reducing the course of mid
sblpmen to three years Instead Of four.
WASHINGTON. Nor. t. The order de
creasing the academic course contemplates
a three years' course at the academy and
three yeara at aea.
That Awfal Cola.
And Its terrible cough can soon be cured
by Dr. King's New Discovery for Consump
tion. Try It. No cure, no psy. 60c, $L
For sale by Kuhn t Co.
Woman's Work in Club and Charity
Family cares and duties do not weigh
down the well woman, and the children
are never in ber way. But when the
womanly health fails, and there is a con
stant struggle with weakness and pain,
household duties are a burden almost
past bearing, and children are a cease
less annoyance and worry.
Weak women, are made strong and
sick women are made well by the use oi
Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription. It
establishes regularity, dries disagreeable
drains, heals inflammation and ulcera
tion and cures female weakness.
Sick women are invited to concult Dr.
Pierce by letter free. All correspondence
strictly private and sacrcdlv confidential.
Address Dr. K. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N. Y.
I had been ailing same time, troubled wHb
female wkncH.writcs Mrs. Wm. H. Johuaot.,
ef Avoadakt. Chester Co.. Fa. Evenr mouth I
wild have tn lie ou my bsrk. I tried menv
diflerrnl mrdiriuet aud iiuthiup gave me relief
mil I began Dr. Pierre's niedictues. using two
bottles of ' Favorite Prescription ' aud two of
'Goldca Medical iMtcovcry.' Thew medicines
have cured mc. Whes I began your treatment
1 wss not able t do verv much, but nrw I do
the work for my family of nine, and feel better
to-day than I hare fur s vear. I thank you.
doctor, from the bottom of my heart, for well
do I know that you are the one who cured me."
Favorite Pieecription " has the testi
mony of thousands of women to its com
plete cure of womanly diseases. Do P.ot
accept an unknown and unproved eui
atitute in ita place.
Dr. Pierce'a Pleasant Pellet are tb
beat laxative for family uae. .
A plan for dividing the atate work, prob
ably according to the congressional dis
tricts. Is one of the chief matters to be
brought before the annual meeting of the
Missouri Federation of Women's Clubs at
Its meeting which opens today In Kansas
City, continuing Wednesday and Thursday.
The chief advantage of aucb a division is
said to be In cases that come before the
federation shere legislation la necessary.
This will enable the women of the various
districts to concentrate their Influence and
work together with the representatives of
the various districts. 8o far credentials
have been Issued to 150 delegates to the
meeting, with many places still not heard
from that are sure to send representatives,
giving promise of an unusually large meeting.
The annual meeting of the Georgia Feder
ation of Women'a Cluba will meet In At
lanta Noxember 4 to 7, Inclusive. Gov
ernor Farrell will welcome the gathering,
which will Include the most cultured and
progressive women of the state. In addi
tion to the reports of officers, committees
and cluba, the following list ef aubjecta
to be brought tp In papera and addreases
during the evening sessions gives an Idea
of the character of the work the women aro
doing and tor what the woman's club move
ment of the south stands: "Model Schools
In Oeorgla." "The Higher Education of
Women," "Work In the Mountains." "Art
end Crafts" and "Child Labor." Mra. Mar
garet A. Wilson, chairman of the social
service and reform committee, la asking
the support of the women In three bills
that are to be laid before the legislature.
One to aecure'mothers joint and equal guar
dianship of their children with the fathers;
one to prohibit child labor under 11 yeara
of age, and a third providing for compulsory
education ef children between the ages of
aad 13 years.
A very full program and very little bust
Bess cbaracterlsed yesterday afternoon's
meeting ol the Woman's club. A recom
mendation from the constitution committee
was the first matter brought before the
house. It Including the proposition that in
the absence of the president or upon her
retirement from the club the vacancy shall
be filled by the vice prealdents In order
named. This amendment will be acted
upon in four weeks and Is made to avert
a recurrence of the awkward condition that
has confronted the organization upon the
two occasions when the office of president
has been made vacant by reaignation of
that officer.
Six new names were proposed for mem
bership In the club and the treasurer re
ported eight members as having qualified
aince the last meeting. An interesting re
port on the annual convention of the Na
tional Houaehold Economlca association, re
cently held In Milwaukee, was given by
Mrs. Harriet MacMurphy, who attended and
was elected recording secretary of the or
ganisation, and Miss Ethelwynne Kennedy
gave a report of the Industrial session of
the State Federation meeting held recently
tn Columbua. A beautiful tribute waa paid
Elisabeth Cady 8tanton by Mrs. A. N. Fer
guson In a psper In which her life work
was reviewed.
On behalf of the educational committee
Pr. H. C. Herring spoke of the general ap
preciation of the efforts of the women tn
Interesting themselves In the election of
school board members, and urged them to
continue this effort, post themselves still
further regarding the ability of the candi
dates and vote. Upon request of the chair
man of the educational committee the
women who Intended voting stood up. They
constituted a fair proportion of the number
present. She was not satisfied with the
number and aaid tbat such a number did
not do justice to the efforts they bad re
quired of their committee.
Mrs. W. P. Harford reported the work
of the committee la rhsrge cf the lecture
to be given In the church auditorium on
November 17 by J. L. Harbour on "Blessed
be Humor," the net proceeds of which are
to (o to the building fund of the Young
fids pieawsarvtlyj
Acts Beneficially
Syrup of Figs appeals to the cultured and the
well-informed and to the healthy, because its com
ponent parts are simple and wholesome and be-
rancn it arc uithmit HifurKinrr iht natural fnrir.
z-r, Hons, as it is wholly free from every objectionable
manufacturing figs are used, as they are
pleasant to the taste, but the medicinal
virtues of Syrup of Figs are obtained
from an excellent combination of plants
known to be medicinally laxative and to
act most beneficially.
To get its beneficial effects buy the
genuine manufactured by the
Louisville, Ky.
for c4e by tll druejii'.sts
3cvr FYrcico, 'Cl.
flew VopK;N.Y.
Price' fifty cents per. bottlo.
Coart Holds It Joint Owner of Wires
with Great Northern
ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 3. Judge Thayer
of the United States circuit court of ap
peals today decided against the Great
Northern In Ha suit to oust the Western
Union from the railroad's rigbt-or-way.
The decision Is the culmination of ten
years' litigation, which Involved S25 miles
surfaces which enables It to get the soaring
force from the air pressure under Its wings.
The task seemed hopeless until accident
settled the case. I had located in the foot
hills of the Flat Top mountains of Colorado,
in the dry air of that region, to prosecute
my task, where the yellow-tailed hawks,
that were admirable soaring birds, were
A precipitous cliff 1,000 feet high wss
near, from which I floated all sort of sur
faces and year after year the quest went
cn. A furious forest Are had filled the air
with smoke and ashes and the odor of burn-
of lines built prior to 1S92 and now valued J Ing wood was In evidence for months. I
Women's Christian association. 8be pre
sented the work and alma of the associa
tion and urgod the women to do their best
for the enterprise, which Is the first ben
efit to be given for the building fund.
The afternoon's program was In charge
of the current topics department and con
sisted of the presentation of well chosen
subjects. Interspersed with excellent music
and a recitation by Mra. J. M. Olllan. Mrs.
R. M. Stevenson gave a review of the coal
atrike and Mrs. W. R. Lighten gave a pa
per on the "Government Irrigation Work.'
There were vocal aolos by Mrs. Edwards
and Mr. W. H. Wilbur.
The annual meeting and election of off!
cers of the Vlslstlng Nurse's association
will be held In the Woman's club rooms at
4 o'clock on Wednesdsy afternoon, Novem
ber IS.
The members of tbs Nebraska Ceramlo
club held their regular monthly meeting
yesterday afternoon tn the Commercial club
rooms. In addition to the regular buslnesa
tbs meeting waa unusually Interesting, in
eluding an exhibition and comparison of
American Belleck vases decorated in rose
designs by the different members. All of
the vases were alike in ehape and all dec
orated with roaes, but the application was
wholly different la every cass, soma being
In conventional and others la the natural
latlc designs. Twenty specimens were
shown, representing tbs work required for
the first three months of the club year.
These vases will bs exhibited publicly at
the club's exhibit to be held November 29
to December . Inclusive, togsthsr with the
traveling competitive exhibit ef the Na
tlonal League of Mineral Painters.
This collection consists of eighty-three
pieces, thirty of which are Betleek vases
fifteen platea aad flfteea portrait hsads,
aad aro going the round of tha various
cities where there are cluba holding mem
bersblp 1b the national league.
at 12 Knn.nnn. The lines are on the old 8t I
Paul, Minneapolis & Manitoba road, and de
cided by the court to be held jointly by the
telegraph and railway companies.
Oar Armor for Russian Ships..
A cargo of armor plate, enough to com
plete two first-class battleships, will soon
be sent to Russia. This proves tbat, so
far as war ships are concerned, this coun
try leads the world. In medicine, we also
hold the supremacy, because It Is Impos
sible to make a better remedy than Hoe
tettcr's Stomach Bitters to cure headache,
belching, flatulency, indigestion, dyspepsia,
liver or kidney troubles, or malaria, fever
and ague. If you have never tried it, do
so today.
Roderlgae Arrested at St. Joseph.
ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Nov. 3. (Special Tel
egram.) Arlstlde Roderlgue, a newspaper
reporter employed on the Gazette, was ar
rested this afternoon on a warrant charg
ing him with passing bogus checks at Coun
cil Bluffs and Sioux City. Roderlgue re
turned a few weeks ago from the Philip
Phenomenon of Soaring; Explained by
an Inquiring; Naturallat.
Almost everyone has marveled at the
facility with which a bird skims through
the air without the least apparent motion of
the wings. The average observers are ab
solutely baffled when confronted with the
problem. It does not move Its wings when
It has once got well started; Its moving
parts seem to be of use merely to get It
off some unknown dead center; it has infi
nite capacity for taking advantage of bal
ance and all this Is done while violating
every known mechanical law, holding up a
heavy body In the air aad overcoming strong
atmospheric resistance at a rapid rate with
out discoverable expenditure of energy.
Yet weight Is absolutely necessary for
flight, and the relative area of wing ex
panse diminishes aa the weight of the bird
Increases. For example, a gnat, which pos
sesses a very light, fairy-like body, has
about eleven tlmea the wing area of a swal
low In proportion to the weight of each. I
have been trying for the past fifteen years
to discover the exact structure ot a bird's
bad killed a large bawk and was examining
Its feathers, when a stain was detected on
the sides of the quill between the spicules
that was not before seen. A smsll magni
fier gave It the appearance of dlscoloratlons
about the throat uf a dust exhaust In a plan
ing mill.1 i -
A microscope was at once procured, with
an outfit of objectives from 60 to 100 diame
ters, and In an hour's time I knew more
about bird fllghtH than twenty-five years of
study had given me. The discolorationa
extended along each spicule between the
plates. ' The downy filaments filling the
double wall structure of the wings were
stained In the same unusual manner. This
stain, when scraped off and examined, re
sembled soot from a stovepipe, showing
that the air had been going through the
wing In an. Incessant Btream, carrying the
smoke and carbon particles of the fire with
it. I had been the slave of preconceived
And this brings me to the device that
soars the bird. What is a feather? It la
an air engine and the bird surfaces are
made of tbem. Tbey have been looked on
aa a light, flexible material for making an
extended surface Impevlous to air that
would readily fold upon Itself and their
exquisite mechanical atructure has been
overlooked. They consist of a quill and
two vanes made up of spicules, between
which are the plates. There are about 1,000
of them to the inch, being practically In
numerable, and they are located at the outer
surface, filling about one-fifth part of the
depth of the channel. They are about the
twenty-thousandth part of an Inch thick,
as nearly as an amateur with a mlscroscope
could determine, so that nlneteen-twen.
tletbs of tbo space of the channels Is open
to the passage of air.
The mechanical service of the plates Is
obvious. The curve Impinges against the
air currenl through the feathers and drlvea
the bird to the front.
ers be put on, says the New York Times.
"I hate to ask the favor of a stranger."
the young man said, "but really It would
save me much embarrassment If you ecu d
let me have a couple of dollars until to
morrow." "Indeed 1 csn't do it," aald the man, for
he believed not a word of the tale, and he
left the disconsolate youth at the postof
flce, and, meeting a friend, Invited him to
luncheon and told him of his "gentleman
When the waiter handed him a cherk the
two had agreed that the story was highly
improbable, but a moment later the doubt
ing man gave a start.
"By Jove!" he exclaimed. "I've left my
pocketbook In iny other trousers."
Seasonable Fashions.
A Hard Lack Tale With a Stla.
It waa not a new hard-luck tale to the
man to whom It was told. The young
man, neatly dressed and dapper looking,
waa not out of work, bad not lost his
purse, was not poverty stricken at all, but
he had come down frgm Rye to go over to
Newark to play golf with soma charming
girls and In changing bis clothes had for-
4270 Men's Waistcoat,
3 to 44 breast.
Men's Waistcoat, 4270 Waistcoats ol
washable fabrics made without collars or
lapels are much tn vogue and are essen
tially smart. This very excellent model
has the merit of being exceedingly simple
and absolutely correct at the aame time.
As shown it Ir nude of striped cotton vest
ing, but all materials used for walstcia s
are suitable, whether of cotton, wool or
The garment Is cut with fronts and backs
and is fitted by means of a center back,
shoulder and under-arm seams. All the
edges are stitched with silk and on
each front is placed a patch pocket. At.
the under-arm seams are placed shaped
straps of lining, that are finished at one
end In a point, at the other with a buckle
to regulate the slse of the waist. The left
front laps over the right and tbe cloalng Is
effected in center by means ot buttons and
The quantity of material required for the
medium aize is 1 yard 27 inchea wide, or
yard 64 Inches wide, with 4 yard 58
Inches wide for back.
Tbe pattern 4270 Is eut In sizes for a 34,
36, 38, 40, 42 and 44-lnch breast measure.
For tbe accommodation of The Bee read
ers, these patterns, which usually retail at
from 25 to 60 cents, will be furnished at a
nominal price, 10 cents, which covers all
expense. In order to get a pattern enclose
10 cents, give number and name of pattern
got to transfer his pocketbook to the trous- I wanted and bust measure.
Annual sale
Greatest in the World
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racing rtc headache. Take a O ASOARET just before going to bed, and wake up In the morning
Vne and dndy. AU druggists, lOo, 26o, 60o. Never sold in bulk .The genuine tablet
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