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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 4, 1902)
TITE OifAIIA MILT BEE: TTJESDAT. !NOVE"MTlETl 4, 1902. Tim omaiia Daily Hlvl E. ROSKWATER. EDITOR. 1 RHM81IKD EVERY MORNINQ. TERMS OF flt.HSCRIPTION. Dally Fee (without Sunday), One Year. $4 90 ) Dally Hee an hunday, One Year " Illustrated Hee, One Year " 'Vunony Hep, one Yesr 2 ?' Saturday Hee. one Year 1 Twentieth Century Farmer, One Year.. l.W DELIVERED HY CARRIER. Tally Pee (without Sunday), per ropy... Jc 'Ially Hee (without SundHy). per week. ..12c Dally Bee (Including Sunday), per week. lie tSunday Hee, per ropy oc Kvenlng Hee (without Sunday), per week 6c Evening Hee (Including Sunday), per week ....10c Complaints of Irregularities In delivery should he addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Dmiha-Thc Bee Building. South Omaha City Hall Bulldln, Twen-ty-flfth and M Streets. , Council Bluffs 10 Pearl Street. Chicago lftw Unity Building. New York 23?s Park Row Building. WashingtonSol Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to news and edi torial matter should be addressed: Omaha Bee, Editorial Department. BUSINESS LETTERS. Business letters and remittances should be addressed: The Bee Publishing Com pany, Omaha. REMITTANCES. Remit hv draft, express or post.-l order, vshl in Tha Ree Publishing Company. nlv 2-rent etamns accented In payment of mall accounts, i-ersonai cnecs, c-i' n lOtnaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. ' STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION. Btate of Nebraska, Douglas County, ss: . George B. Tzschuck, secretary, of The Bee Publishing Company, being duly sworn, savs that the actual number of full and crmplete copies of The Dally, Morning. .Evening and Sunday Hee printed during the month of October, 1902, waa as follws: I 30, too n ai.sao 2 .lo.ft.'io IS 81,4511 ' J 31.11MI 19 :to.4oo 4 30.HTO 30 82,240 t 21),SO 21 8a,3;w 31.2UO 22 81,B70 7 80.910 23 81,740 II 31,070 24 32.1BO 81,000 25 31.140 1! 81.1AO 26 20,33ri Jl 82,000 27 31,070 12 20.020 28 31.0OO II 81,8ftO 29 31.B30 14 81,230 30 .12,300 15 81.040 Jl 31.330 16 32.7(H) Total WJO.UIB Less unsold and returned copies O.W72 Ket total sales OBO.743 Net average sales 30.000 GEORGE B. TZSCHUCK. Subscribed In my presence and sworn to Wore me this 31st day of October, A. D. 1301. M. B. HUNOATK. (Seal.) Notary Public. It look as If the Iowa Idea were not cutting such a biff swnth after all. The weather man should have an hon orary membership in every campaign committee. Whatever you do, don't let the election go by default. Go to the polls and vote your honest couvlctlous.. If Ex-President Cleveland doesn't quit making so many speeches he will hare Colonel Watterson after him again. That colony of Boers, when it gets fairly settled In Arkansas, will probably be exempt from shotgun polities. Henrlee In the array of school teachers In the Philippines seems to be as hazard ous as service in the army of soldiers. Every republican is expected to do his duty at the polls to his party and his country according to the dictates of his conscience. The . volcanic disturbance of Santa Maria has "destroyed 200,000 hundred weight of this year's Guatemalan coffee crop. This ought to stiffen the demand tor chicory. All the purchasable vote will be bought for Mercer. The Mercerltes have money to burn, so our advice to venal voters Is to Insist on the highest market price and get their money before they deliver the goods. Our nonresident congressman says travel Is almost a passion with htm. The voters of this district should see to It that he has ample opportunity to Indulge this passion without neglecting any du ties to his present constituents. It Is pleaded in extenuation of Schwab's sensational performances In Europe that he Is cruzy. If the plea be admitted in his behalf, It is rather rough on a lot of other Americans whose con duct Is Just as bad so far as their means go. At all events, the two candidates on the Judicial ticket in this district are net worrying about the returns. They have both been nominated by all political parties and cau only compete against one another for the honor of polling the larger vote. It Is worthy of notice that the news paper which calls Itself nonpartisan ai rways displays the most rank partisan ship of any. The reason Is that It Is for ale to the highest bidder, and when it Is bought It must go the whole length for the purchaser; Of course It's puly a coincidence that the same business men who have at tached their signatures to the apieal to republicans for Mercer were also for the most part signers of an apMnl lu behalf of the democratic, school board candi dates last year. . In what ikjhIUou are they to appeal to party loyalty? The Board of Education Is the only body that can add to the city tax rate without limit. The necessity of having men of Integrity and business sagacity who will keep down extravagance and waste should not be overlooked by tax paying cltlxeus when tfl come to vote Dew members into the school board. Omaha is of sufficient Importance as the seat of an episcopal diocese of the Roman Catholic church to have a cathe dral of creditable and Imposing proper tlons. When the members of the church bare progressed far enough to give as surance that the project is to be pushed In- earnest they will And the public-splr Ued citizens of Omsha ready to assist pitbout regard to denomination or creed A LAST WORT) WITH Rt PUBLIC AHB. It Is sound doctrine and common usage thnt the concurrent will of a political party expressed by direct vote In pri mary elections and conventions Is mor ally binding tiKin all loyal men of the same political faith. ' la other words, when the will of the majority of the party isexpressed fairly through a nomi nating convention Its candidates are en titled to the suptHrt of the rank and file. When, however, the primary elec tions are dominated by coercion, corrup tion and fraud and the voice of the party Is stifled and Its machinery used to foist upon the ticket candidates who do not represent the cnoice of the majority, the action of the convention ,1s of no binding force. - Fraud vitiates all contracts. This principle applies as much In politics as it does In business. Twenty years ago cnudidnte for the office of state treas urer, counted in by fraud lu the repub lican state convention, wits repudiated by the rank and tile aiid defeated by :t.xi majority, while the other candi dates on the same ticket were elected by L't.Ooo. The conscience of the party as serted Itself by administering a rebuke to fraud and for years thereafter the lesson taught was not forgotten by Ne braska republicans. . It Is an open secret that the nomina tion of David H. Mercer for a sixth term In congress does not represent the un trammeled will of a majority of tho1 party, but on the contrary was dictated to aud forced upon the party by the rail road corporations and their allied de Itendents. supplemented by a horde of Imported nonresidents voted at the pri mary on perjured affidavits. Any can didate who secures his nomination by such means has no legitimate claim upon honest republicans. If republicans en dorse the lawless methods by which, Mercer was nominated and tamely sub mit to the autocratic dictation of cor poration managers the same tactics will be pursued again and again and party conventions will cease to represent the free will of the majority and simply register the edicts of corporation mag nates, who are republicans In republican states and democrats in democratic states. From the local republican point of view Mercer has no claims upon the sup port of the active party workers past or present He Is the most supremely self ish and ungrateful man who has ever been honored with public office. He has never assisted any other candidate by word or work, he has never contributed to the election of any other republican, but In all former campaigns has been a deadhead, even when he was himself mnning. In the present campaign he and his manager have done nothing ex cept for Mercer, aud are trying to trade off everybody else on the ticket from top to bottom for Mercer. The plea that the re-election of Mercer Is essential to republican supremacy In national affairs Is groundless. The poli cies Inaugurated under McKInley cannot lie disturbed so long as republicans con trol the seuate and so long as Roosevelt occupies the White House. No change can be made In our money standard or In the tariff without the concurrence of senate and president No change can be made In the government of the Philip pines without the concurrence of senate and president Congress has made am ple provision for acquiring the Panama canal and prosecuting the work of con struction, and It will take several years to complete the public buildings, war ships, etc., projected and under way. Mercer's continuance in congress as chairman of the committee on public buildings Is of no moment whatever to the people of this district however Im portant he may be as trading material for railroad corporations and trusts In promoting schemes In which they are Interested. All Indications point to the control of the next house by the republicans by a decisive majority without Mr. Mercer. It Is for republicans who desire to re generate the party and reinstate It in popular confidence to assert their inde pendence by placing . patriotism above partisanship and registering with their votes a protest against Mercer and mer cenary methods In politics.' IOWA AXD MUNICIPAL VTTLITIES. The recent decision of the supreme court of Iowa, so construing the consti tution as to give free hand to cities and towns to own and operate public utili ties, notwithstanding the 6 per cent lim itation on municipal Indebtedness, has been quickly followed by an equally Im portant decision giving cities competent control over the service charges where public utilities are operated unfler fran chises by corporations, Hie uecision sweeplngly sustains the action of the city council of Cedar Uaplds In cuttiug down by 25 per cent the rates sought to be enforced by tha' water company, hold ing the municipal rate to be reasonable. The court grounds Its decision Tjroadly on considerations of public policy. It therein takes a position that is not only Impregnable from illegal standpoint, but also In line with the progressive tuougut and I he practical necessities of the age. Both tbo subject Rafter And Jtbt method of supply of water, 'light, heaf etc., are !; their very essence of public concern. Their value absolutely depends upon density of urban population; the corpora tlons which distribute them a.e the creatures of the public, thalr franchises are public grants and the' public welfare Is vitally dependent upon them. But these corporations have systematically abused, their functions by suppressing competition, by speculative maulpuia tlou, by over capitalization and by ex tortlonate charges," and too often they have been abetted In these wrongs by courts' of all degrees. The supreme court of Iowa Is to be commeuded for opening wide the door for iellrf to all the municipalities of the state in a series of consistent and thor ough-going decisions. They may now freely establish their own plants or take over on agreement those that have been established by corporations, or If bound by contract for a term to a monopolistic corporation which refuses to come to agreement, they can fully protect them selves by enforcing reasonable charges. It would le well If In this respect other states would follow the Iowa example. LABOR J THC FHILWPIKES. In his rejwrt to the War department regarding conditions In the Philippines, the special commissioner, Mr. Jenks, rec ommends that employers of labor be permitted to Introduce Chinese laborers Into the Islands under contract for a period of not over three years In each Individual instance. The labor question In the Philippines Is not less pressing than the currency question, since it has been conclusively shown that native Inlwr cannot be depended upon for the Industrial and commercial development of the archipclugo. What Is needed there Is skilled labor and the Chinese and Japanese are the only races In the. far east furnishing such labor. Besides, the Filipino will work only as his neces sities require and these are small. The Chinaman, on the other hand. Is a steady, patient trustworthy worker. In the Philippines he has taught the native to do nearly all that he now does successfully, while be is superior in other respects to the average Filipino. This is the testimony of all Intelligent observers, among them several of our consuls in the Orient. The question is one to be considered from the practical point of view. The most radical advo cate of excluding Chinese labor from the United States may consistently favor admitting It to the Philippines, since the conditions and circumstances are wholly different That labor Is not needed here for developing our resources, but In the Philippines it Is absolutely essential to Industrial and commercial growth. It seems evident that congress will have to allow Chinese labor in the archipelago upon some such plan as suggested by Mr. Junks, If any progress Is to be made In developing the islands. DEYBLOPIXQ ALASKA. It Is understood that President Roose velt will In his annual message urge upon congress the necessity of extending the land laws and the system of public survey o to the district of Alaska, In order that the resources of that vast region may be adequately developed. It would seem that such a recommendation should meet with no opposition, for there appears to be no valid reason why Alaska should not receive this .con sideration and whatever more may be necessary to the development of Its re sources. It is a valuable region, that has repaid many times what It cost rind every effort should be made to render It still more valuable. The common Impression has been that Alaska Is wholly without agricultural resoot ces, but this Is erroneous, the fact being that there Is a considerable portion of the region In which agriculture can be successfully carried on. It Is believed that if the land laws were extended there the agricultural portion would be rapidly populated and developed. There Is no reason to doubt that such would be the result and this being so it is plainly the duty of congress not to with hold the means necessary to the upbuild ing of Alaska and to the Improvement of conditions there. Whatever reasons there may have been heretofore for neg lecting that part of our possessions, there certainly are none at present, and It Is safe to predict; that any recom mendation which the president shall make to congress respecting Alaska will be complied with. 1HTKRSTATK LAW AMEXDMtHT. Two measures for amending the Inter state commerce act are pending In con gress. One is known as the Elklns bill "to enlarge the Jurisdiction of the Inter state Commerce commission," and rep resents the more advanced pro-railroad sentiment that Is, it is assumed to mark the outer limit of concession which may be expected for the present from any of the carrying companies. The other Is the Corliss bill and Is supposed to have behind It the mercantile shipping Interests. In some respects these measures are similar. In the authority conferred upon the commission to make an order for future rates to take the place of rates which have been condemned as unlawful. the two bills are to all Intents the same; so they are, also, In making cumulative the penalties for disregarding an order of the commission, so that the offending company will be forced. In self-defeuse. to take the Initiative In any appeal to the courts. They diverge at the point where they provide for the Interval be tween such appeal and the decision of the tribunal of last resort on the merits of the controversy, The Corliss bill pro vides that during that period the new rate prescribed by the commission shall govern; the Elklns bill provides that It shall be suspended.. As to this detail, the question is simply whether the order shall be Immediately obeyed, at the risk of loss to the carrier, or temporarily set aside at the risk of loss to the public. It Is not to be doubted that public opinion will favor the provision of the Corliss bilL The most radical and Important differ ence between these measures is the absence from the Corliss bill of any concession to the railroads from the present anti-pooling and anti-trust laws, while the Elklns bill contains a pro vision specifically authorizing common carriers "to arrange among themselves for the establishment or maintenance of rates." As this has been the cause of most of the dissensions between the shipping and the carrying Interests in the legislative arena of late years, the fate of the two measures, when they come to a direct clash, may turn upon it. It Is reasonably certain that the pros ent congress will not enact a law per niluiuif pooling, while of course the railroad raterest" will strenuously op pose legislation to Increase the powers of the Interstate Commerce commission that does not also allow pooling. It is suggested that much may depend. In the final event, upon the result of the effort to dissolve the merger in the Northern Securities case. There Is a very strong and earnest public demand, more general, perhaps, than ever before, for amendment of the Interstate commerce act so as to enlarge the Jurisdiction and Increase the power and authority of the commission. The necessity for this, if the law Is to be of any substantial value to the mercantile shipping Interest of the country4, Is obvious. Congress should heed the pub Ifc demand In this matter and amend the law so as to enable the commission to act to some purpose and thus remedy the abuses that now admittedly prevail. In counting the vote election officers usually make a great deal more work for themselves than Is necessary, thus delaying the tabulation of the returns and the announcement of the successful candidates. In( many states the law makes provision .for the prompt collec tion and tabulation of election results, but In Nebraska this work Is left en tirely to the private Initiative of the newspapers. If the election officers re alized the full Import of this part of the canvass they Would certainly exert them selves more to assist In accommodating the thousands and ten of thousands who are Impatiently waiting to know what the outcome Is. Let the election officers all go at their work this time syste matically. Finish the count first on gov ernor and congressman and then the other candidates on the ticket In the order of Importance aud the election returns will be given to the public In better form than ever before. Few political campaigns in recent his tory have caused less interference with business than the campaign Just closing. Trade and commerce has gone on almost the same as If no election were In sight. The reason for this doubtless is that the business interests place full confidence In President Roosevelt and know that what ever tne outcome of the election the re publican policies that produced the pres ent prosperity, will continue uninter rupted. The only thing that Mexico can wisely do Is to limit the use of silver to small payments, to restrict the coinage and make the silver coins virtually redeem able In gold. This Is what the practical experience and best thought of the world has settled down" to, and with the metal In a Mexican dollar cold now worth only about 39 cents, and violently fluctuating and still falling, It 1s what that country will have to do. ' ' Ourley couldn't answer those pertinent questions propounded to him because he Is no mind reader, land Mercer has not made any attempts answer them. The people know, therefore, that they cannot be satisfactorily answered nor the dis creditable transactions in Mercer's rec ord explained away. If Mercer won't take his constituents into his confidence, why should they jlace, any confidence In him? ; Political arithmetic Is the most un certain branch of mathematical science. With the same data! and using the same methods of solution, the statisticians are able with the same ease to figure out majorities on either side of the political line, defying any one to detect ana point out errors. The solution given In the voter's answer book, however, often does not correspond ..wjtli any of the fore casters. A man who would procure a nomina tion for congress by the votes of Im ported repeaters sworn In on perjured affidavits, make false returns under oath of cumpalgn expenditures and use bis congressional frank to cheat Uncle Sam out of postage on bis private campaign circulars would not hesitate to fake up a typewritten endorsement of himself over the name of Senator Uanna. A Toachlnv Proposition. Saturday Evening Post. Vnr 1200 000. sava Lieutenant Peary, the North nola can be reached. But it is doubt ful it the North pole can touch the country for any. such sum. , . Ideal Benevolence. ... Indianapolis News. A 1600.000.000 combination ot the beef In terest of the country Is planned. This, of course, has tor Us object the lowering of the price to the consumer. What else? H( Hia Gate on the Willows. Chicago Record-Herald. If the sultan ot Bacolod would locate where a few of the hoys eould pay their re spects to him on Hallowe'en he would doubtless get over his desire to reach out for further trouble. Proflta ot Chewtsg. Springfield Republican. ' The chewing gum trust, otherwise known as the American Chicle company. Is paying dividends of 1 per cent a month on Its com mon stock, and Is said to be earning 15 per cent a year. . Tbla must be accounted among the most striking evidences of pros perity. The t'ontla Daay Day. Baltimore American. The country should respond cheerfully to the president's Thanksgiving proclamation, This Is a great and glorious country, with advantages, resources and opportunities never before so developed an) plentiful, and If we spend the time In actually returning thanks for all that we have cause to be thankful for, November 11 will be one of our very busy days. I'p Asalaat the Ileal Tbla. Indianapolis News. The tact that the members of the coal strike arbitration commission are getting dirty, dusty and tired examining coal mines getting "up against the real thing," In fact will not prejudice them against the claims of the miners not by a good deal. Prom the way the commission has begun Its Investigation it looks as If a good deal ot light might be thrown on the coal mining evils of the Pennsylvsnia anthracite neiu Even by this time the coal roads are no doubt bracing themselves to answer some very embarrassing questions. LASD Or TIIR MAD Ml 1.1, AH. Peeallnrltles of Country Where Mul len Carries the Prophet's Hsner. Recent dispatches, from Egypt supplied a brief degression from routine affairs by re counting the operations of another wild man not from Borneo, but Somaliland. widely known as the Mnd Mullah. In former times he achieved some distinction as the False Prophet. That was before Tommy Atkins took a fall out ot him. But he failed to profit by the experience and is still carrying the prophet's banner In some un contested districts of Africa. Mr. Mullnh ia a man of nerve, else he would not dis pute John Bull's right to rule Somaliland and the adjoining countries. He also pos sesses the faculty of humor, though he may not know it. Both nerve and humor were conspicuous during his recent busy days when, with banner aloft and bayonet fixed, he chased a bunch ot Tommies off the con secrated ground of the prophet. That inci dent aroused the gaiety ot nations and proved that Mr. Mullah Is not suffering for a nerve tonic. Oscar T. Crosby, an African traveler who has tramped around and through the terri tory of the Mad Mullah, gives nn account ot the country and how It is governed In a letter to the New York Sun. "When I traversed Somaliland, a little more than two years sgo," he writes, "there were Just three Britishers in the whole protectorate one at each of the three coast towns. Once-a-week communication by sea had been established between these towns for some time, a little steamer touching at these Somali ports and at Aden. Com munication by land Is difficult, the whole country being of desert characteristic. The regular caravan routes trend toward the In terior. Through Zeila (one ot the three towns in question) most ot the commerce with Abyssinia passes from caravan to boat, and vice versa. Besides the three British officers on duty, there were no white men whatever save perhaps half a dozen Greek merchants those true cosmo politans of everywhere. "As a military force, I saw at Zella, about forty East India soldiers, who were soon to be returned to India, a Somali police force having meanwhile been put in training. To my surprised Inquiry as to why this risk should be run. Captain Harold, the devoted officer then stationed at Zella, replied that It would be cheaper thus cheaper for the small Samoli budget, whose Income he did not want to Increase by unusual taxation, and whose outgo he did not want to Increase by providing him self with the necessary help and protec tion. Even at that time the Mad Mullah was disturbing the hinterland, and while in Abyssinia I saw many of Menellk's sol diers tramping toward the frontier, where ever since they and the British, making common cause against the rebel, have met varying fortunes of war. With British rule even with Abyssinian rule go law and order, yet one who knows the sincere Somali Mohammedan must sympathize with these wild chaps who fight for something that Is dear to them. Almost without firearms, they wage war against British and Abyssinian rifles. Doubtless tboy have now, after years of slow infiltration, a little a very little In the way of rifle and cartridge supply. At Zella, the watch over this traffic Is very strict. But In Djibouti, capital of French Somaliland, I saw many caravan loads ot 'cartouches' starting for the interior. They are meant for ,Menellk, yet Somali eagerness and desert solitude must sometimes combine to cause a change of destination. s "In the Soudan, on the upper Blue Nile, I saw the same poverty of white force In black land. Chancing to he the first white man to descend the Blue Nile from Abys sinia to the Sudan, I came first upon the farthest east post, commanded by a Su danese officer. Then, seventy miles fur ther down, in command of the frontier district, a single white officer, with no white Iroops. Then, 250 miles further down stream, two more British officers were found and at Khartoum barely six months after the death of the callpha only forty-four Britishers, all told. Even the officers who made this count, because of my remark that they were skating on thin Ice, seemed a little surprised t the small array of forty-four, which Included six noncommissioned officers and two civilians, all others being officers. "The Boer war had. of course, drawn down the number of those administering the great savage British-Egyptian empire of the Sudan, but my informant could make out only seventy as the roster, before the leakage to South Africa. These men command troops either Egyptian or Sudan ese. They have splendidly molded thU black material yet only two months be fore my. arrival In Khartoum there had been a serious conspiracy among the Egyp tian officers, and many of the Sudanese soldiers bad been of the Mahdi's men, mad with religious zeal against the Infidel. Courageous, cool, loyal are these British officers, chosen for hard work. In the far corners of the earth. But months of soli tude (for In a sense it Is solitude to be surrounded only by Insecure, though friendly blacks), will gradually deteriorate the strongest fiber. One more white man at each such post might make a great dif ference not only In the life of the Indi vidual officer, but in the money-and-blood coBt to the controlling power. "It does not follow that the presence of duplicate officers in the three Somali towns would surely have prevented this particular movement of the Mad Mullah. But, an as sistant taking over for a time the daily duties of God-on-Earth, performed by the officer In charge at Berbers or Zella the senior would have time to spend In the interior, would have time to think, would get out of the rut Into the busy routine Into which the town holda him, would be better prepared In many ways to deal with those complicated undercurrents which now sep arate, now unite, the nomadic tribes of the Interior. He would at least have a better knowledge of the land over which be may have to fight. The Mad Mullah Is so deeply religious that half the soldiers In his camp are en gaged In prayer when they are not drilling or attending to their camp duties. The natives are absolutely fearless of death and believe that defeat under the Mad Mullah Is Impossible and hold to the view that heaven is the reward of all those who die by the bullets of the hated foe. Great Britain is In no humor for another war. The Boer campaign cost $300,000,000 and Is not over yet. Of course, India has an enormous army of native troops offi cered by Englishmen, but to send them away would be to Invite another uprising and the old mutiny is not forgotten. Enough English blood has been spilled already, the English think, but the mad mullah mutters and Great Britain shud ders. Personally the Mad Mullah Is an extraor dinary man. He, while despising the civil ization of the effete west, has secretly made a study of every Invention the news ot which came to his owa city. It is ru mored that among the prisoners taken years ago by this queer chieftain is an English officer, who was, aa most English officers are, a graduate of Sandhurst, which corresponds to our West Point. The story Is tnai this luau Loa taught net only hit own language to the Mad Mullah, but has shown him the mysteries of telegraphy, the telethons and other things, including the science of military strategy and that of arms In general. The- mullah la personally so strong that he Is said to be able to break at) Iron bar In two aa easily as the average man snaps a walking stick. He has a host of sooth sayers and priests about hltn, whom he consults on all possible occasion. MAS I PI l.tTIMi IIAII.KOAI) FIS AM ICS. Process of Concertina; Storks ino Mortaaaes and Snndi. New York Kvenlng Post. Some of the figures, In the summary of railroad operations in 1901 Just published by Poor's Manual, are rather noteworthy. During that year the aggregate capital of this country's railways, Including both stock and bonds. Increased come t 1,000, -000. To appreciate exactly what this means, it should be added that Increase In the same accounts during the three-year period ending in 1800, was only $425,000,000. Dur ing this same three-year period. Increase in capital stock alone was $201,382,000, and In bonded debt $221. 160.000; the two branches of liabilities fairly keeping pace with one another.. During 1901. on the other hand, the $4.-l,ooo,000 Increase in capital comprised expansion In stock of only $174,440,000, whereas bonded debt in creased -no less than $278,877,000. This showing Is quite In accordance with the events of the twelvemonth In railway finance. That year will always stand forth conspicuous In railway history as a period when the raising of capital on the basis of stock issues 'was suspended by the floating of mortgage bonds. Similarly, 1903 will be remembered as a time when the process was extended further, and outright con version of shares into bonds waa the order of the day. The upshot of the process, so far as concerns division of railway capital Into stocks and bonds, .Is that In 1901, for the first time since 1896, bonded debt of Ameri can railways exceeded their share capital. As against this somewhat atriklng tact, however. It should be noticed that last year's actual Interest payment on this In creased debt though greater by nearly one million than In 1900, and by $6,200,000 than In 1899, was with those exceptions the smallest of any year since 1888. The seem ing paradox Is explained, of course, by the fall of Interest rate and consequent possi bility of- turning 6 and 7 per cent bonds Into 4 per cents. When the other side of the general balance sheet is examined, to find what assets stand against the $451.000,. 000 increase in last year s railway capital. It will be seen, from the Poor's Manual figures, that only $233,000,000 Is accounted for by cost of railway and equipment. It Is in that extremely suggestive entry known as "other investments" that the secret must be looked for. Expansion in that account, during 1901, was no less than $210,000,000. How much of that Increase was made up of stocks of other railways, bought at the prices of a Wall street "boom," people familiar with the history of the year may guess. Last yea'r's increase In such assets appears to have been twice as large as that of any year since 1800. PF.IISONAL, NOTES. A New York policeman is to be tried for selling himself for 60 cents. And probably he was dear at that. For a young man destined to become an absolute monarch, the crown prince of Slam takes very kindly to democratic Ideas, and Institutions. Count Victor Czaykowskt, known as Mouzaffer Pasha, and a Catholic, has been made governor general of the holy land by the sultan. Prof. Michael I.. Pupln of Columbia uni versity, Inventor of the ocean telephone, began his career In America as an attend ant in a Turkish bath parlor In Brooklyn. The villa of Tommaso Salvlnt, the dis tinguished tragedian, has been entered by thieves, who stole medals, gold crowns and many other precious souvenirs of Salvlnl's career. Should the dictum of the Missouri valley homeopaths become the rule of action the ears of womankind will hear these saddest of sad words: "Farewell, a long farewell to all your sweetness." . The British forces in South Africa gave the Missouri mule a good advertisement In that country, as the Boers now propose to employ him In the pursuits of peace. They respect his obstinacy. Under the rules laid down by the czar for the government of newspapers in Russia the Job of featuring "a scoop" is a perilous one. The prospect of a free pass to Siberia tends to chasten the Joy of the head builder. The name of Jessie Benton Fremont, the aged widow of the "Pathfinder," was the first to be entered on the new register of the Fremont hotel, recently opened In Los Angeles and named in honor ot her husband. When Mr. Tseng, the new Chinese con sul, arrived at his post In New York there was considerable surprise that his wife, instead of being a small-footed little Ori ental woman Is a fair-haired, pink-cheeked, broads-shouldered young English .woman. She and her husband met when he was attached to the Chinese legation In Lon don. They were married three years ago and have one child, a boy of 2 years. Mrs. Fanny J, Clary Is a prohibitionist candidate for the legislature from the First Hampshire district of Massachusetts, the first woman to be nominated for a state office in Massachusetts. Her husband, also an enthusiastic prohlb'tlonist. Is a pros perous farmer. So strong are the temper ance principles ot the Clary family that a cider mill 'which was on the farm when they bought It a tew years ago was dis mantled, though It had been a source of .considerable Income to the previous owner. The doctor orders the medicine, the medicine aids nature, and nature makes the cure. Ask your own doctor about it. He has our formula. He knows why Ayer's Sarsaparilla makes the blood pure .and rich, why it tones up weak nerves, and why it overcomes all debility. ' Avers Pills aid the Sarsaparilla. They keen 1 - - - - - the liver active, cure Siciwieaaacne, nausea. OMKTff ISO 1 A SAME. Ilo the Names Given Chllirrs enee Their Careers? Kansas City Star. Judge Wofford. bo has earned a rep utation for quaint philosophy In Kansas City, asked the name of one of the girls of his probationary school. "Marie" she said. "Humph! No wonder you stole." returned the Judge. "You should have been named Mary or Jane. A girl with uch a name as Marie hasn't a fair show." The Judge only stated In his emphatic way a curious fact which others have ob servedthat names of children do Influ ence their careers. Parents should be very careful what names they give their offspring, especially their boys. The par ticular Instance of "Marie" may appear to be tar-fetched, but It Illustrated one phase of the general rule, which is that not many names will bear transplanting. To limit the discussion to boys; Oscar or Adolph does very well In Sweden or Germany, but neither will fuse very ac ceptably with English Ideas. Occasionally an Oscar or Adolph In America becomes a leading citizen, but then there are white crows. Generally speaking a boy should have a one-syllable name or one that can be readily "nicked." A Reginald or Clarence hasn't near the chances for thn presidency that a Tom or Bill has. There, again, there may be exceptions, though it must he admitted that a boy who wins under that handicap should be given espe cial credit. Bpt perhaps the greatest offense thnt misguided parents commit against defense less infants Is in loading them with the camea of great men, particularly the names of poets. It is difficult to Imagine anything less poetical than a baby at christening time, and whether It Is sup posed that the poet's name will do to con jure with for tho divine afflatus, or that It Is ooly In keeping with the seraphlo character of the Infant, the fancy Is alike misled. If the child could have the bliss to die. Ere sin could blight or sorrow fade, there would be little harm done. Homer and Milton and Dante look well in mar ble. But for the flesh, no; they are too well, too unfieshy. The child that bears such a name becomes Impressed. If he gives It hoed at all, with his responsi bility. It weighs upon him. He seems to be under a perpetuaT injunction to sing and the very fact makes the notes stick In his throat. It Is no cause for sur prise that all of the successors ot Milton have been "mute and Inglorlus." Who ever heard of more than one tuneful Ho mer? To the thoughtless observer it might occur that Dante Gabriel Rossettl disproved the sweeping dictum. But ha didn't. He was not even an exception to the rule. His case may be accounted for by the singular combination of nomen clature a sort of bl-nomlal thecrem work ing along the lines of a double negative. It may be asserted with confidence that Dante Rossetti would have sold bananas in tho streets of London. Gabriel Rossettl would have peddled macaroni. But Dante Gabriel was too much for silence. Any boy of nerve would have redeemed that name or done something desperate. PASSIXO PLEASANTRIES. Town and Country: Friend But if there's no hope of saving him. doctor, what are you going to perform the operation for? Doctor One hundred dollars. New York Sun: Knlcker How are you getting along with your play? Bocker I've Just written the third chap ter of the novel. Browning's Magazine: ''I never knew of a clergyman so popular as Rev. Mr. Ketcham." , "How do you account for It?" ' '' '' "He calls his afternoon sen-Ice a mati nee." Chicago News: "What we require." said the managing editor. "Is the service of a man capable of taking full charge of our 'Query Box.' Are you capable of answer ing all kinds of questions'.'" "Well. I rather guess yes." replied the applicant. "I'm the futher of eleveni chil dren." Detroit Free Press: Politician Congratu lations, Sarah. I've been nominated. Sarah (with delight) Honemly ? Politician What difference docs that make? Chicago Tribune: "What is the trouhle between you and Mr. Spoonamore?" they asked her. "He addressed me the other day," she re plied, choking with wrath at the recollec tion, "as a 'fair daughter of Kve!' Daughter of Eve I And I'm not as old as he Is himself by live full years:" Philadelphia Press: "Miss Oldun," said Mr. Gayboy, "are you very fond of sports?" "Well er really " stammered Mlsa Vera Oldun. "I suppose there's at least one sport you like more than any other." "Thlx is so Hudilen. Mr. (Jayboy. Yot're the only real sport who ever called on me." BRIGHTEST OLD t lllM HV OF A I.I,. Atlanta Constitution. I. Ain't It a mighty good country spite of Its troubles an' all, From the red o' the blooms in the Maytlme to the crimsonln' fruits o' the fall! Then ho, for a song As we're trudgln' along For the brightest old country of ail! 11. Ain't it a mighty good country' answerln quick to your cull, From the fields that are heavy with harvest to the clustering vines on the wall! Then ho, for a song All the bright way along For the brightest old country of all! III. Ain't It a mighty good country from cot tage to garlanded hall With room In tho hills an the valleys for the hearts an' the homes of us all! Then it's ho, for a song All the glad way along For the brightest old country of all! . - a b constipation, biliousness, j. o. ayib oo joweii. Mass.