Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1902, Page 5, Image 5
FILL OF FIGHT AND FUMBLES Game Between Creighton and Haskell Provides Lota of Ysried Eport INDIANS WIN, BUT LOCALS SHOW STRONG Hrilataarc of the Omaha Tram Prove Grnwtne Mwrrrle to the ftedaklna, Who I'lir Heeoeralely All Throaah. ?MlirVea: a 'tau hialolosi! Haskell Indian 17. Creighton . Whenever the more or Icsb Immediate de scendenta ot the "auld aod" and the only partially trammeled Bona of the warlike rrdekin get together there la something do ing. It was done yesterday. Thrice It wee only the cool head of the byatander which averteM a generl row, and there was, be sides, a fight In the grand stand, which had nothing to do with game or players. Mul alley of Creighton played dirty ball until put out of the game, and the Indian Du bois was so enraged at being retired that be deliberately smashed Welch In the face, nearly knocking him out. The Indian prob ably did not know or care who he struck, tnd Ms action was without excuse. Although Creighton caught the Indians at tbelr worst, when they were Just from a drubbing at Lincoln Saturday, and Red- water, their star guard, and Captain Falllt wero out of the lineup, yet the local team made an unexpectedly good showing, and In the first half there was little to choose be tween the teams. The Indians showed a superior hardness, either acquired or In' herltrd, and never required time out. for in Juries. They showed much tenacity In puah Ing through the line and tackled well. A number of Crelgbton'a best gains snd only score were made on the delayed pa trick, which seemed to fool the red men every time. For Creighton Callahan was excellent at dodging and tackled finely. Eddie Creigh ton did the kicking well. Welch and Walker were good for ground most of the time. Bain and Arcihquette, the Haskell half backs, ran awiftly and eluded tackier deftly, and hit the line hard. A large crowd watched the game with interest. Me Work or Crihtoa. At 3:40 Dubois, the India rlgh tackle. kicked off for Haskell, Creighton defending ! the south goal. The ball Bailed for thirty five yarda and was returned to the forty yard line. On the first down Callahan got sixteen yards around left end on a delayed pass. Crelgbtou made the neeearary five ' yards la the next three downs through the line. A try to circle right end was a fail ure. Then Wek-h hurdled the line for four. Walker got three through right tackle, Welch good lor four feet against the line and the next try netted enough for Brat down again. Mustain tried right end and was downed for a two-yard loss. The ' next down gave the Indiana the ball be cause ot holding In the line. The red men fumbled on the first plsy. but fell on the v pigskin. liaueer 'only made two yarda through renter and Haakell was forced to punt, the ball going forty-five yards. One ot the Indian, end waa down the field like a atreak of lightning and threw Welch just as the ball touched his hands, for which Haskell eas penalised fifteen yards. Creigh ton got the ball at the next play through The Cost of Repairs la reduced to a minimum when a Jaa. Bna Watrh (tw prolan the works of lb wairb from dual aod aanipuaas. Jolt and Jux. ias. boss V e as S .fie 0" .a a fumble and lost It Immediately In the same manner. A brave broke through left guard for eight yards and waa downed by Callahan. The next two downs added one yard through right tackle and four on cen ter. Then Bain, taking the chance ot a fine hole between light end and tackle, and cleverly dodging along, carried the ball to within four feet of the goal line. Next play he carried it past left end for a touchdown after, twelve minute of play. Dubois kicked the goal. Haskell 6, Creighton 0. Crelantoa Ties the Score. Eddie Creighton kicked off forty-five yard for Omaha and the ball waa returned ten yard. Then the red men took aix yards around Hobbs end eight more past Roney. Then Creighton waa penalised ten yards tor off side play, but got the ball next down on a fumble. Welch pushed ahead for two yards, Eddie Creighton and Walker made abort gains, but on next the Indians held and took the ball on their five-yard line. Archlquette slipped past left and ran forty yarda, but lost the ball when thrown. Creighton fooled the red men with a de layed pass and Callahan circled left end and eluding tacklers, ran forty five yards for touchdown. This was seven minutes from the second kickoff. Walker kicked an easy goal. Haskell, 6, Creighton, . Mustain returned Dubois' thirty-five yard kickoff eighteen yards. Welch bucked the line for three yards. but Mustain was thrown back of the line on a try at right end. Creighton punted forty yards, ball run back fifteen. The Indians lost on first down and had aix to make on third. Punted thirty yards out ot bounds. Ball brought In; Walker hit the line for three yards end Eddie Creighton two. Indians got ball on fumble and Bain circled left end for ten yards. Next four yards around Hobbs. Archl quette slipped past Roney for fifteen yarda on double paas. lost ball, but fell for It. Creighton stood nobly and held Indiana for downa. Omaha's ball two feet from line. Time called. Score for half, Haskell, : Creighton. . eoa4 Half gee Slaaalaa. Eddie Creighton kicked off forty yards; Archlquette brought it back twentyfiv. The Indians' first down was for no gain, Felix then bucked left tackle for eight yards, then Bain ran across the field, but could not gain. Creighton held for two downs and Haskell punted, ball rolling to line and being brought back to the twenty five yard line by Callahan. Next down Mulalley of Creighton and Dubois ot Has kell were ruled out for slugging. Dubois, very angry, knocked down Welch. Kennedy and Lugo were substituted. Plsy resumed after much wrangling. Callahan took twelve yards on a delayed pass, five yards were added through the line and Walker lost three. Creighton punted thirty yards and the buck who returned the ball ten yards dropped, but fell on It. The red men made four yards through center, but failed to add to this, so punted. Callahan caught the oval at the goal line and by excellent dodging carried it twelve yards. Creighton tried the line three times, but were held for downs. The Indians only made two and a halt on two downs. Then Bain made a beautiful place hick for goal from the thirty-five yard line, the ball sailing squarely between the upright. Ilaakell. 11; Creigh ton. . Indiana riaylaa; Hard. At Omaha's kickoff, Eddie Creighton sent the ball aoroh the goal line, where an In dian fell on It. After this touchback it VJatch Case arw ar lar stronger than solid gold roars, abso lutely i'Ium r.tung. ilODul get out of uap,or lua riaridli). Fully guaranteed lor 'J& yaors. No matur how mucu )uu pay for a tutiuiiui, W IU U. . W lb pru'.eriod wllii a Jaa Boos taw. Ilit o i(i Dal goid n.led com and the ouly one proved by as years of rrvtc. Writ u lor a buokiet. This Mark is StaaaM ta Ery Boas Cast. TNE KEYSTONE MATCH CASE COMPANY, FM!attttiL a m 'J THE OMAHA DAILY 11EE: TUESDAY, NOYEMHEll 4. l!02. Best 6 ot a 1 waa brought to the twenty-five yard lino for a kick. Indians punted forty yards, Roney running it back aix. Walker made his distance through center, and after a down for no gain went around Guyon at right end for seven yards on the next play. Two line bucks netted six yards, but next two downs failed to gain, the last being a fumble. Eddie Creighton then tried for a field goal from the forty-five yard line. The ball went true, but fell short, Lamotte catching it on the five-yard chalk and run ning twenty-five yarda. The Indiana then raced the ball down the field making heavy gains at every down, going through and over the line and about the ends. Creigh ton carried off ita feet. Walker hurt and Keppes put In. i After .five elujies .through the line, the Indiana put Silvas (who had replaced Miguel) over the line. . Bain kicked goal. Score, Hukell, IT; Creighton, S. Creighton kicked off forty yards. Archl quette caught the ball and ran forty yards right through the white men, being finally downed by Callahan. Time called. Final score, Haskell, 17; Creighton, 6. The lineup: HASKELL 17. CREIGHTON. Ouron R- K. L. E Itoner I'utioii R. T. L T Craifhtim Oliver R. O. L. C . Loot borough 'arl cJc Cm Ellis L. O. R. O Mulill.r Hauaer h. T ;R. T Walkar F.ill L. K R. T. Hobhs Lamotta Q. H Q B Callahan Antuuuatta R. H. L. H XlcGor.rn Bain L. H H. H Mualain Hml F. B. 1 P. B Touchdowns: Bain, Callahan. Silvas. Field anal: Bain. Goals: Hub,, In Walker. Bain. Time of halves: Twenty and twenty- nve minutes, rtereree: c. o. McDonald. Vmpire; H. Tukey. Lineman: J. Lund. Timekeepers: Shaw and Misted. BOXER BEATS TWO IN NIGHT Korb'ea, Baatam Melifht Champion, Defeats Coaple of Opponents la Oae Kveolna. CHICAGO. Nov. 3 Harry Forbes, the bantam weight champion, met two men in the name ring here tonight and defeated both. His opponents were Cieorge llalli day of New York and Billy Finuranc of Chicago. Each contest was rclieduled for six rounds. Halliday met Foro. first and waa knocked out after two minutes of the first round. Halliday was badlv outclaased and succumbed to a right swing on the jaw. After Forbes had rested few minutes his second opponent. Finucane, faced him. Finucane managed to last the six rounds, but was in bad ehupe and Forbes wus given the verdict. Finucane Is young and had fully five pounds the better of the weight, but Forbes' cleverness easily off set this advantage. Forbes used a left Jab. coupled with a right hock to the Jaw, that had hl oppo nent in trouble before the end of the sec ond round. Finucane was put down for a count of nine In the third round. The lie II saved him from a knockout in the next round. Finucane waa knocked down twice in the next round, but resorted to clinching find succeeded la lasting. In the last Forbes tried hard to finish him, but Flnucune Just managed to stay through. He was all but out when the final tiell rang and had to be asvlsied to his comer. WISCONSIN TEAM GOES WEST Baiter Klrvrs Will lait ('allfurala ana flay Tsa Games oa rhrlalmaa. MADiSOX. Wis.. Nov. S The Wisconsin rulveraity foot ball team will make a trip to the Pacific coawt for games with Iceland Stanford and the I'liiverait v of California ! during the Chrixtmas vacation. Kighteen men will make the trip, starting on Ivimlier 1. and returning n January 6. It is planned to play trie flrt game un t'hriftmaa day with the t'niversity of " illf irnla and on New Year's the team will battle with the Stanford ag gregation ai t asaaena. With the Bowlers. At Ints A Williams' Ian night the St. fliarle took three straight from the Westerns. WEBTF.RX8. Int. I'd. M. Total Kee.1 147 1M US 444 Aver IK 17r. f,ld ljiwler 14M 14S 1 4C,i H Heck 1ST Hi, 4M Ktnolus 1 Ml 1Z 4b3 Totals 741 9 T7 ;,TT7 ST. CHARLES. 1st Id. fct Total. Frltscher 11 1m 132 41 Willie U4 12 . 4 4J Foscutt 151 ISA 110 4!ni Keller 1 1C 11 4t Schneider Z-U ii 175 i!; Totals 'i4 . KM KS 2.54 I'BStllal I Booad Over. WATEHBl'RY. "onn.. "Nov. S Austin I Itii-e, the piicllist, w itn was arrested Sjtur I dav on a h-e allrtring Intent in reak the pea. by i iiaaaloa In a Ituajna niMlcll Iwlth "VoMtig "'..rtn-it" on next Thursday night, was uxt.iy txiund over under bvuoa to a-ecp lh lt ac. From the field to your breakfast table, the story of Quaker Oats is a story of being different. The grain difference is only first. Step by step, day by day, we show why Quaker Oats is the best food. It is best because it is differ ent at every, point where difference counts. A AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA Ordinance All light for the Carnegie Offer to Library Fund. CITY MAKES NECESSARY PROVISION Record Shows that Coaacll Pae Ordlaaae Take Care of tatloa Balldlaa; After It Coastrartloa. Mention was made yeaierday in The Bee of the fact that Mr. carnegie ( further data In relation o in CUu.j... of the city with hie proposed contribution for a public library here. At first It was though the city had neglected to maki .any provision for maintenance ot the library after Its construction. A Investigation of the records shows that on January 7, 190.. the city council passed an ordinance pro Tiding for the annual levying ot a tax suffi cient to bring to the library the aum of $5. 000 each year, this amount to be used for the support of the Institution. It. appear" that A R. Kelly, who waa mayor at the time refused to sign the ordinance. This was because there was some controversy about the appointing of a library board. The mayor wanted the appointive power wholly in hi bands, while the council wanted to have aomethlng to say. The matter hung fire for some little time. Finally the ordinance was amended so a to permit the council to name the board and the mayor waa Ignored. However, the failure of Mayor Kelly to sign the ordinance doea not Invalidate It as section 76 of the city charter, which was In force at that time makes allow ance for Just such cases. A Kelly did not present a veto the or dinance became a law without the signature of the mayor and the document is held to be good and binding. Officers of the library board eecured a copy of the ordinance In question yesterday and after having It certiBed to Dy me euy clerk, sent It to Mr. Carnegie at his Xew York address. The finding of this record will greatly ejpedite the securing of the proposed donation. t amoalaa Closes. ' Th. oil nmnilnl nf 1MI rloSed lSBt night. While the republicana were putting in their time doing good, hard work in every one of the twelve precincts in the city the democrat were busy holding a couple of rallies. Quite a number of prominent re publicans expressed the opinion laat night that the republican state and county tick ets would come out on top. All of the elec tion booths are in position and the judges and clerks have been notified, so that there will be no delay in opening the polls at I o'clock this morning. ev Holla; Goes. The ruling of Judge Baxter in connection with the sweating in of votes will be ad hered to by City Clerk Sbrigley today. Iu cases where voters who have failed to reg ister desire to be sworn in the clerk will insist that two freeholders frem the pre cinct In which the voter resides vouch for him. This will be quite a change from the old method and it Is .hought that on ac count of the ruling the number ov votes sworn In will fall below the ordinary. j Heavy Feeder Ostsst. i Report from the Vnton Stock Yards com pany show that October broke all previous records In the shipment of feeder cattle and sheep. Buyers from a dozen state were almost constantly on this market with orders to send young stuff to feed lots. The result was that the output was the largest ia the history or the yard here. Xow that the heavy feeder movement la about over it will not be long before the rattle aod sheep aent out of here will be coming back In fine ihape aud will be sold for fat stock. Iowa and Nebraska were the heaviest pur chasers of feeder for the last tw months. During September Iowa was the heaviest buyer of cattle feeder", while last month Nebraska led. taking over half the entire output. Maale City Uoaalo. The city council Is billed to meet on Thursday night. Mrs. J. J. Ryan is rapidly recovering from her recent severe illness. Saloons In South Omaha will be closed today from k a. m until p. in. The remains of H. C. lfler were taken to Ppringneta yrsieraay aiKruoon for inter ment. The Christian Endeavor society of the Ckriaiiau vburco, wui men leuight wliu Cereta Coupon is Miss Anita Bergqulst, 618 North Twenty second street. Election returns wilt be displayed at the corner of Twenty-fourth and N streets to night. On account of e lack of a quorum the city council put off Its meeting laat night until later In the week. Mra. George Parks and Miss Ullle Storm have returned from BU Joseph. Mo., where they visited friends for a week. Section A of the Ladles' union of the Christian church will meet this afternoon with Mr. Leander Lne, J010 1 street. The polling place In the Second precinct of the Third ward has been changed from the Eagle house, Thlrty-necond and T streets, to the place where voters regis tered at Thlrty-eecond and U streets. Ed Dougherty, one of the old residents of the city and already a cripple by the loss of a leg, was run over by a trolley oar at Twenty-fourth ml N about 11 Jo last nignt. tio was taken to the South Omaha hospital, where he was attended It is thought by the doctor he will lose his other leg. A bottle of Prickly Ash Bitters kept In the house and used occasionally means good health to the whole household. - Amusements. At the Boyd. Almost half a century has been sdded to the past since "Vncle Tom's Cabin" was first presented as a play; every condition that called the atory Into existence has vanished. Slavery no longer exist. Cncle Tom and Simon Legree, Llxa and Topsy have long since passed from everything but memory. But sympathetic hearts still yearn with pity or swell with Indignation as the tale of the good old darky is unfolded through the action of the play. Tear flow as freely In response to the dying words of Little Eva as ever And laughter springs as spontaneously in response to the prank of Topsy. As. a literary production the story is beyond criticism; as a play It la equally exempt. It baa a place very near the heart of the people, a place from which neither flight ot time nor change of cus tom seems potent to dislodge It Last night at the Boyd theater not a seat nor box was left unoccupied, and many people stood while the AI Martin company gave Its mod ern production of the old play. Teara and laughter, applguse and biases greeted the actor as they went through their mimicry ot the actions described In Mrs. Slowe'a stcry. Viewed from the standpoint of either atfdience or management, the per formance was a success. A special matinee will be given today for the school children, the curtain being held until J: 30. Another performance this evening will close the engagement. If Urn m "Hafiaat." That' all yeu need to know about a stove or range. STRICKEN FROM THE LIST Voocher for Fire aad Police f'om. ml.sloaer- Salaries Are .l Passed. The city council met In special session yesterday afternoon for the purpoae of passing the appropriation ordinance to pro- ' vide for the payment of salaries ot city offi cers and employes for October The vouch ers for the salaries of the members of the Board of Fire and Police Commissioners were stricken from the Hat by advice of the city attorney, the maudamus case In the district court being at that time, undecided. pill si mm DAWN-ANTICIPATION. The physical ills and needs of an expectant mother havo been the them of thought and study for ages, and all physicians know that her peculiar condition pen aires an additional aid to Bator , an leaticiner for the expand icjr muscles ends gtrengthener for the sinews upon which is brought the strain of child weight; so that the little one shall have per fect health and symmetry of form ; a lubri cating balm that will enable her to go about with grace and ease; quiet and steady nerves, and her whol being acting harmoniously for the rood of herself aad child. MOTHirS rRli.N0, if used diligently through out gestation, will soften toe breast, thereby preventing cracked and sor nipples. AU tissues, muscles and tendons straining with burden will soften, relss, become soothed, supple and elastic from its continuous appli cation. All a ore in the abdominal region will respond readily to the expanding cover containing the embryo if MOlHlt'S I BUND is s4minioieerasllya!ld'jri8gprejssBey. Ot rurrt fl. Mr hot "a. A rraati MMhmtm fEfC Vrua. Trie ftKAOf I8L0 stBOULATOI CO.. AUaata, Oa. in every package. NATIVES DIE LIKE FLIES riTllisatloo goread Disease aad 1 Whisky Amoasr Natives of Far worth. SAX FRANCISCO, Nov. S. Thousands of natives of Hererhal island and along the Arctic coast are dying from measles. "The march of civilization baa increased the death rate from Nome, north, said an old whaling captain today. Two years ago the devastation began. When the natives began to wear civilised men's clothing and drink white man's whisky their de cline began. Diseases unheard of attacked them, and, Hot knowing how to care for themselves, they died rapidly. Pneumonia, rheumatism, grip and every conceivable malady made their appearance and spread all along the coast with appalling results. PASTOR OF FIRST METHODIST Rev. K. rotable jtaltk of Leaveaworth Aeeept Call to Work la Omaha. Rev. E. Conible Smith of Leavenworth, Kan., has accepted a call to the First Methodist church of Omaha, his pastorate to begin on Sunday, November 16. Rev. Smith has been pastor of the First Methodist church of Leavenworth uai has been very successful In bis work there. He preached at the First Methodlat church in Omaha on Sunday morning ar.d made a very favorsMe impression. Last evening the ex ecutive board of the church held a session, and after a short discussion decided to ex tend Mr. Smith a call. He was notified by telephone and accepted. A Wooderfol rnaaae. Weak, sickly invalids are soon changed by Electric Bitters Into healthy men and women. They cure or no pay. 60c. For sale by Kuhn Co. Marrlase l.leease. Marriage licenses were Issued yesterday as follows: Name and Residence. Charles P. Mortarty. Omaha Catherine Rush, Ofnaha James W. Stroud, Des Moines .. Ella Fisher, Des Moines Christopher A. Prous, Reels. Ia. Ethel C. PeUraon. Reel. Ia Raymond W. Duff. Omaha Irene I Patterson, Omaha Andrew Peterson. Omaha Augusta Anderson, Omaha Daniel T. Coatello, Omaha Rebecca Primes u. Omaha Ira A. Stevens, Omaha May U Beldlng, Omaha Ag Race at I. A teles. LOS ANGELES, CL. Nov. I.-James W. Brooks, manager ff the Los Angeles Racing association, announces that on January 81, i:wS. racing will begin here and continue for forty das. The opening handicap will be w-orth 11.000 added money to the winner and it ia te Intention or the attsociation to give no lees than five purse of this amount during the meeting. Mr. Brooks ststes that the minimum purse will be t3m. and for handicaps gjuO purses will be hung up. Arraaamlte Have "octal stesaloa. Members of Omaha council, Royal Ar canum, enjoyed a social sesaion at their lodg room In The Be building last night. James P. Connolly acted as chairman and the entertainment wa furnished by Bax ter. Sundblad and Hurkhari. Instrumental music; Frank Dunlap. Carl Reiter and Frank Furay. stories; Will Manchester, vocal solo: Judge F.stolle and Frank L. Weaver, speeches. the will J. HAND SAPOLIO It ensures an enjoyable, invigorating- bath ; makes every pore respond, removes dead ski':. ENEROIZES THE WHOLE BODY surts the circulation, and leaves a flow equal to a Turkish bath. ALL GrVOCErVS AND DMJGOISTS t ' -t Uniform Inimitable t Unique The morion Sinter Baltimore i Gentleman's X Whiskej $ t km ! t 14 at all JirU-eimMM aafaa a4 y ttMan, I . LAXaSAB a BOB, BalUaaor, . I )). Strong Nerves are the true source of good, bealtby appears ace. rersotis with half-starved nerve al ways look worried aad "dragged-out." You cannot be happy without acre vigor; yon caaaot be natural without all tht powers which nature aueaat yoa tohave. prod ace a healthful glow which art cannot imitate. They invigorate every organ, put new force to the aervra, elasticity to the step aad round out the face and tona to line of health aad beauty. 1 00 per hex : hoars (with written guarantee), i00. Buok free. Per sale by Conn aV .' . Omaha. Union Drug 6 Lore, Bouth omana. Davis Drug Co.. Council BluCa la. l-erty Hlrci. 10c to Sor. h A SANTAELLA & CO. MAKERS TAMPA. FLA. RICHARDSON IjRUO Co.. Dlslrlb.iicl-e. M :! I J X ( A