TITE OMAITA DAILY nr.K: MONDAY, 2fOVKMnr.il 3. 1!02. SPECIAL NOTICES c- i J A4rrtlrarati far ikrtt ewtwaaae rill be Ukn ! IS sa. f tbo MU( eOMlea stll sv n. Ir saorwtas; aad liaaar odltlonv 01 a lea. l -r m word Brt laeer-Mwek. le word there-after. eihsT far leas then Me far the vat leer tie. Tkm d vertleeseeate asset aa raa mmi'trtlr, Advertiser. r rewooetlBs; Hr4 rkrr k, ewsi awra m (a a WrH latter la raie at lb Brr. tMwm a Hrnw arlll be 4lltrH yrwulMUa C th HUSTLING depntie wsntrd: ma or women, splendid eorrrart- The Garden ers. 41i Br Bldg. R 271 WASTTD. rngni man etexingrrariber; s1v reference), ii. and expected salary. Ad dmi K Si. Bee. B-MI3 WANTED, a hosiery and underwear -mui for state r.f Nebraska and Iowa. Box 22. Marlon. iDd. B M452 M ASTED ftir I. 8. armv. able-bodied un married men trweti s xes of T ini B. ctttaens of United Ststee. of good char acter and temperate habits. ho can spesk. re i and writ English. For Infor mation apply to Recruiting Officers. )C-.h end Iodse Sts . Omaha, and prtrnir oahdlct. LSncoln, Nb. B-M WKJlt tnfnfnifrt wanted: A- D. T. Co.. lii "o. U'h F1 hirh aelarw. B SALTCPMEN! Th Hivki Kunvry Cotniarjr, Wiuwitoai, Vtli. WASTKP. compatant atanorraphar: mat. Addraaa L. r. Baa. B-MC WANTfTi. bo to tak car of furnnae and raa. r7 N. 2tb Ave. B-114 "A ANTED, firat-ciaaa roL ct and rnt mukara: atrady ork. grod ir!;T. Nac i arthy Tal)ortn Co.. JT1S Farnam. I J. 1. OOWLET, Elliott, i maker at fx-a. U lima a har. B th WAXTEP, three t-arpantara: Ua" a day. Addreaa Jirtu Phleaner. Contractor, uian. Neb. 3 MH4 CCI. LE4.TOR for Nebraaka; gorl aalary; alngle man preferred. Hlxenbaugh Co.. ! Ware bik. B-MMfl "WANTED, man and wife, woman to rook f it men and man to work by the day. 73 N. 14th at. B-M:l I WANTED, a man to aell brooma by am t.lea. aa aide Hoe. Oene- Braorn Fsrtory, ianeva. Neb. . B-M7P7 4 BPLENDID rhaoa for men to learn barber trade now; rem- method, excellent ftclll tlea. abundanee of praetlca. quallhed taachara, to1e given, board provided. In--reaa1ng demand for graduate; beat trade in exlatence for poor man. C'atalogje mailed fraa. Molar Barber College. I3nl 1-K.uglaa Bt. B M7 7 WANTED. 3b rartventera Immediately; new Omaha ahop. Bloux City. Geo. J Orant, Contractor. B M73 1J AGKVTB waTitad to aell mining etork fully guaranteed. lKod men can make one bnn rrtd rtoliara weekly. Addraaa Bee N B M7W a a AI,EaE WTF.D. EVERYWHERE, to writers. Monroe Omaha. aell lamhert Tyte Co.. m N. ln at?., 4V2 wAmD-e-RILB HELF. lul Glrlr Call Canadian office, ttth aV Dodge. C 44 GIRL for general houaework. itreet. im Pierce C P WANTED, working houaekeeper tn family of three aduli. Addreaa J 14, B-e. C 41. WANTED, a good girl for general houae work : no a ashing, IS.SO per aeek. 1CU N. Ulh C-'l , KANTBH, a rook. Farnam Mrs. A. la F.eed. ICO C MCI , WANTED, girl for general housework; good wagex, Mra. simeral. S7 N. rtb WANTED, good Irtrl if aaalat tn gr-neral houaework; amall family. Apply 67J So. ttth St. C-M444 WANTED, wpman to do family washing at tier home, near I7lk and Leavenworth. Addre N S. Bee. C ES WANTED, a ccmpetent aecond girl. I7rT Jaekaon. .. C-m '. A. LAKY d irra the serrkrea of a reftaed womat. who thoroughly understand mn aga and acala treatment; must aaalat alib child yeara old; good a agra and good borne. Address N V- C-Mie4 WANTED First -r la as nurae glrL One willing to so -to amaM country toa-n. Firat-i'laas wagea paid to competent per on. Apply 4i4 Karbach block. C-MS10-J WANTED, a girl for general housework, m a th at. C M7M 4 WANTED emdent nurse at South Omtha haaplUL C-7 WANTED, an ejaoated. noat gtrl. wha Is willing to ltna! tn uuatalra work Mra. t L. Brandela. tVC Dodga Si 44 Nl FOR REST HOrfES. SEVEN modern, elegant. ur.rurnlahed rooma. on tire! Boor. ant rally locatsa, to a amall lamily. CM K. Jth at. D-M7SB 4" TO MOVE right gat Omaha Van Htnrawe Co.; offloe. liiiix finum, or Tela, lfcia-iaa. D a VANS and baggage wagona. TeL UK. It tut UnilCPC 1" all parte oX city. The O. nULOLO i. livia Co.. M Bee Bldg. 1 N. IITH ST.. South Omia. a nice & room ooii. . i umm Potter, Re celt ar, t3 Brown B'Ock. D M MAGGARD Van aV Storage Ca Tel. 14S D FOR BENT. a-rm h .uae. f urntahed. ell enadarn. nice law a. frc' t and bark, large shade trwee Call at Slltt Obie St. D- HOl'SES and flits. Rtiurwalt. Barker block. D aw FOR RENT One a-nKiia house, with gaa. aater and sewer. Just been plaoed In r, rst -r iaaa repair. lu good location. C. M EichmiSD. 4an Paxtuu Bluck. .. ... - ... - b 47 DESIRABLE Iti-room bouae. alenoat new. modem In every particular, east front, full lot. paved street, oonrenkrnl to street i-ar line HOWARD KENNEDY aV SON. . 99 First National Bank Building. D 477 HOUSES. G G. Wallace, Brown Block. D rC FOR RENT Detacbad house, seven rooms and buh. MIC California St.: Ww rent, inquire F N Clark. J. L. Brandets aV D M4.11 SEE PAYNE. BtTSTVk lCK tX for choice bouaea. S-I N. Y. Life Bldg. Tel X04 D eal lOR RENT, f urn i bad eight-room bouse. o4arti. near Hlgn school: will take room and board la exchange fur ram: refer enota exebaoged. Aodiess N C, Bee D-2s4 IS 7 IS. ICth. Hal. sd floor, aoacra. T rooms 171 J7 N4 ex.le orth. I rooms, modern, tor caoe Fa a So. 9d 7 rooma. modern. U JK3 Capitol Ctc, I rooma. modem, fur-tiS'-e. 17 45u4 Hamilton St . I rooma. city water We hate otbera. Call and get Ut R. C. PETEKS A C . . ire a rid FVuor, be BlAx D-Miil f-ROOM madacn. good repair, aa So. 3J4 Ave. I-auue ia. D-sW MODERN Park. KB X-rworc flat, facu.g Htnwi Is. Pbone kO. . - D in NC UOC N. MTH. s-ranea amiM. balb and gaa: larata yard and bam. Vt ill la as k. I'w rf, Receiver, a lrearB E'.k. ! sat for rMnr.. T-RX'M rnouera cottage, r. D. D- Brewn. -412 Nl izi: so. rmi FT., C-r. water ewer. Raso. t'T Jackson St f an .-r n iodrn e'egant. SB N. 2th Art H'-r vsrd. alea-ani 122 e II modern large IT15 Furt tt . -t . tnod"rn ex firm' tu7 00 IMS N. H'h Pi . 7-r ll modern. PATNE INVENT MKNT COMPANY. 71. 1711. Mstn Floor N. T. L. Ring !. 4 rrn rixt U-room TrodTn houf and arn, 317 Wanatar . -rii modarn hour. 2i4t Narth lath atrt 3k k-rom m'Klrn boinw. Jllw Popptrton aranuo r Vroom modern bii". m tKKit at 11 room n-iTlrn bouaa and larn, ?(4 Pouth Jlfttb Pt IT BKtAN-Li"iVE fTV. "outh jrth Bt. I U- TITN-R(CtM modrrn . how. furnar haat. r,rt at., rant n ! tT tnontb: ham If daalrd. Arr-'v to J. A B -ott. JB4 Omaha Nat l Bank bulldliia. to 12 a. w D-r s rOR RENT. houa. fumlphed. 8t. KM N d-mt: 2th : a a-ROOM modarn. near Hijh arhool, tUM. k-rooin h'ti. 3nh and Charlaa. t!9.t. Enqnlra 2M( Cap. Ave. Tal. I'i. B H. Hfhtac.n D MTjfc U WOCjLWORTH Ara.. I iwini. modam. JS: 1MT. '.h Pt.. a room, modrrn. $1S; otbara. Binalt Bros.. Barker Blk. D-MTl 2 FOR RENT, i-room cotta. tloaa In. fholi Tiaiyhhorhood. a. city and rtatarn tar IS. R-rooir- -onm. m. loqiiira at ff n iih at nttrr: FOR HET Ft HSMHED HOOM9. DEWE T Europeaa botaU UiH and Farnam. U PER WEtK-U Ro. lih 6t., one bloc aouth of court bouaa. E K4 AETNA IIOfPE. European. i and TKaa E Kj TWO nice, tool. furaiaLed Or Dnfumiabed room, tt'i(H Lareripori. E 9Ti P.OTAL HOTEU Europaan, Kit at Chlcga E R HANDSOME ateadbeatod roan, tol Ave. 1WS. Capk-E-Mli FOR RENT, to gantieman. larga, well fur nlehed from room, with alcove, atanro beat. gaa. bath, telephone, oaatral. rea aonable. 1C3 Lmuglaa. E Hi- ZLV N. 17TH 6l neat ateamhealed room. E M8X7 NC STEAM HEATED rooma. DO per month. Barker bot-1. Utta and Jonea Bt E M4S2 t FUKN1FED rooma. lfl Bpenrer. E 401 BACK parlor aultable for two gentlemen, choir looaflon. Tel. A-2SS. E-Klf Ft'FNlBHED rooms for lUjht houaekeep lng. SMC Douglas. E Mo43 S PLEASANT from, prjeate family. 13 Burt. E Mote NEAT, clean, fumlshad room for your la partton, one block fron: three oar Una; board of oeairea. 'M Burt. E M714 f SOITH front a loov room. Harney. moderr.. J&SO E M7TI r Fl RSIgHBO ROOIII AlkO BOARD. blFIlHl AM. cam! ortai.it m inter home. Tel S F ACS FIRN1SHED rooms, with or without board, rates reasonable. Midland Hrtel, lath and Chicago. F at NICELY furniehad rooma, Orat-claaa table board, lew rate. 1P1 Burt at. Tel. F-27II. F-MW FOR REIT-1 SFl RMHED ROOMS. FIVE rooms tor rent. 0 N. 15th O-MSU 7 I ELEGANT unfurnished rooma SSO So. list Ave. O 174 Nl FOR REKT-ITOIEI JLSU OFFICE. FOR KENT, store. Id flrat-claea location; rent renjtonable. Apply H. C Betara 4V Co., ground floor. ba Bldg. 1 Mat FOR REM, the bulUltruf formerly occu pied by The Bee at 91k Farnam St It haa four atorias and a baaeaaant which aa formerly uaad aa The baa prase room. This will bo rented very reasonably. It Interested apply at onoa to C. C. Roae water, ejcraiary, raoaa kOu, Baa building. 1 Htl UiLlJX FOR RKT. CREIGHTON hall and Schlttx Roof garden for balls, banquets, card partie. amokera, nieetingn. ivr ventlona. etc. Both hall are the largest in the city, have large areaxlng room and boxes for cloaks, hats and cat: wilt ran reasonably. Apply tu Wrr It. Mora no. Manager, Creigrnoa hall. Phone HC2 1 48U Ni' AG EXT WAITED. HIGH GRADE AGENT WANTED We want a first-class man tn -ewh county to sell our fcta.no ard Stock Food to tann er He must bev-e a good team, gone basinets ability, some knoa-ledgr Of live el ock, I in good elaodlng in every way and a steady worker. A permanent, good paving business ta tbe right roan. Ad. oreas. giving age, experence, present bustnas, elf? - THE r L. SANBORN COMPANY. Omaha, Neb. J-71i NU Itida AGENTS WANTED 1o sell dealrabla old-line Insurance for the largest com pany In the world of Ita aav. no special contract fakirs or lug pullers need appiy. We sell the beat contract ever written; good territcry and cummiaelona given to good. - re'.Uible men. Call on or write to George J. Crane. Superintendent Western Itepartment, tl First Nat l Bank Bldg Omaha. Neb. J 4X123 X WANTED, onxaaaing agents In every oour.tv to so'Jcit u bmriptions to THE TWENTIETH CENTLBT FARifi.il. Steady eniplonnect. a 1th assured good in fo roe. Agents in tbe country wita boras and buggy especially desired. Canvassers make easily CO to IMW per month. Ad dress, Century Farmar Solicitors' Bureau, Bae bulldlt.g. Omaha. CI WAITED fo l V. SECONDHAND hi nd Sre engine wanted at once. C. K. Barloa. Decatur, Neb. - N-MJeT N EQUITIES In encumbered property. Joha Lvroan. II Pearl at.. Council Bluff'. - N Ma.l 7 WANTED to buy. a general alock. a stxk of dry goods or Address N SI. Bee, . N-M717 If WANTED, twenty cars ct choice Spland Nebraka hay. A duress Sib Haigbt. Box tai Osk. 1 N-M7t; i. FOR IALB. FtRhlYtRK CHICAGO Furniture Co vje Dcxige. Tel. . New and seooaArnd, bought, sold, em-haj'gad. O "1 FOR SALE HORSES, W AtaOKs, ETC HARRY FROST paint and repairs wager. See bira 14th and Lea vena orin. Tel. 1447. P-47; FOR SALE at trade, thoroughbred White Arabian stallion, a tight 1.1a pounds, aged year. C'g'ien Llver- vuncii Biufla. P MTU I TWO good aork h cheap. Owner leaving city. Stubeos lth Si. barn. .15 suth P M FOR SALK Stiat KLLCBBOI a. FENCE LATH for quick sbtomeut. crtb- burg. oomblnalkuu tadorra. nut Douglas. v-j47: FOR SALE, phonographs, superior te t'.y oa her sauaical Instrument, la Bp. The Wittmaxiu Co.. Iwl r irum u CM EDISON pboncgraphs. a. fa. snd -. moulded rmrraa. fcoc each or Per dax new heels, lii up; Id hand. up Osnaha Bicycle Ca, Mth snd Cbtcaa-o eta. l STTLFS truaars: eatalogvsa free Sner man aV M'-Cosnel Drug Co.. tCh and lH-dge, Omtha. w 4T7 for atB r.i.i.Ami a. I'fR SALE, a ps'r .f Imp' hairless dog Adores K -ted Mexican Bee. KSW snd Farnam. IWIllWhiMi t imere. 13 U W-4 I INDIAN (nod and relics 111 FarriAm :dhand safe cb'p lar1tjt. 111 Farnam. W-47t OFTK.'E j.ariltlon. jane. prone CTfO. N4 CHOICE miKh r-a t et!irid ponaa. ft. T. CampU. iSlt Canter. "Phone B.ark llffi. 4 TM Nifi ECfiD-HANP billiard aud pool tablea: bilHtrd tubta rapatrad: a large ateik Of haap mr flituraa, r'.gar untera. etc Tba Brunaa kk Balke Collendar Co . . l"xh. Q MrW X' ALL. rom buakata b-jy the Iriaal buaker; li bushel per day; aaay for any boy; no a ore Angara, no mltt; bieker. poat pald for l. wi. Kay Mfg. Co.. box Hi, Bliffa. Ill Q Mr. C LA I II I Ol AM". MRS. FP.ITZ. rlalrroyant. 1CI Caaa Et B 4 MME. OTLMKR, genuine palmist. Slh IS. ELBCT11ICA1. TatBATMK&T. MME. SMITH, batiia. Ilk N. la. 2d Sor. n i T N6 MME. AMES, vapor batba. U4 N. lMh. R T-M7av Nit GRACE O'EKYAN of Kj 720 A. 13: h. T-7i Nl rtRkODAL. DR. ROT. oua ball nbirvpodlat; oama and a a peril rrauovea by i'trcitjr K. 1 U on T1AVL Watnu'l way ta kealtb. Horn treats exit, ttookket tree. a44 te ktiO-.. L at. GRAMOPHONES and euppUea. wholf and retalL Collin Plan Co.. US Lugiava. L 4ta PRIVATE auiurlun for ladlea before and dnrtng' neltneneat Ir. end Mra. GeiiarJk, 4t N. lath 8u. OmaJka. U a aoBtTTT'RK CfREP FOR Uti-No knUa no pain, no detention from business. Sebd for booklet, etc EMPIRE hlPTlKE CC&E CXI.. K2 K. T. Llta Bids., Omaha. DR. JACKSON. 1505 FARNAM ST. L J TTLEPHONE 780 for L. M E. messengers. V-a4 SURE cure for exceaalx-e perspiration and all dtaorders of tbe feat; stamp for par ticulars. A. Mayer. Fl Bee Bldg., Omaha. U-i NC LEARN ctilropode. manicure, special mas sage.. School of Hygiene. Ml Bee bldg. V-M4L7 rit ELITE PARLORS. CTe S. Wth t.. Jd floor. V M777 Nil MME, SMITH, bath. Ill N. IS. Id floor. R. t V Mlli N17 PRIVATE boapltal before and during con finement; bablas boarded and adopted. Mrs. Gardel. 24 Lake. Tel. md lM. PRIVATE hospital for ladies before and during confinement ; bast medical atten tion; babies adopted. 1107 N l-h t Mra. Fisher. Tel. FCSffl. U M1C2 NS NIE. healthy baby boy for adoption at 2J1I So. IStb atreec diy. U M4J8 N4 FP.IVATE hospital before and during con finement: Brat -class tn every respect: babies adopted. Ir L. L. Miller. 2Mi Bloodo St. Phone FIUK. ; M43 N2 BARGAINS, entire stock diamonds, wstch a. Jewelry, in ;n at mortgaged, half price. Diamond Loan ofBae. 14th Douglas V MS4a Nb WK RENT sawing machines at 76c per aeek. We repair and aell parts for any machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYCLE CO.. 'Plsoei law Comer lath and Harney Sta. Ei4 Broada-ay, Council Bluffs. Thone B-15. CIS North Mlh St., So. Omaha. 'Phone 4"SE. U-CC D 1 MO-ET'TO LOAKBKAL tCSIAlB. IV. PER CENT on business property, k per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole er part any Urea W. B. MEIKLE. el S. 15 TH ST. W MONET to loan on Unproved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co., M S. lH'h. W s0 C TO & P. C. Money. Bemia, Paxton Elk. W Ki FARM and city koana. low rates. W. H Tbomaa. First Nat, Back Bldg. Tel. 1644. W-06J FIVE PER CENT loans. Garvin Bros 1M Farnam. n PRIVATE money. P. D. Wead, 1&24 Do iglaa. W-Mi WANTED, city Farnaaa Smit b loans and warranta. W. a: Co., 1SJ Farnam street. W-l4 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants. H C. Peters Jt Co. l?uz Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W WANTED IS. UO0 loan on first-class real es tate security, iuquira Blixt ac Loirraa, ruom Paxton block, W Mii MOIEI TO L4AAS-4. MAI Tki.k. A0NEY WHEN you Una i. aeocasary ta euirow give us a tr.i after wiucit we wui. t- i i itMtm.nl . il.mm f r.i , i ,. , . . . natronage. e loan l.-on i0 nu on tUI. luiure, piano, live a toe, etc. a.su luaaa kuati to BALAP.1ED PEOPLE 1 without monaage or tuooiaer. Vte oo I not oeduct mtcrust la aavajsce; we (barge ' imthtng tor making or uug pjeia axia I our service Is qaica and connoenuai. nt j suwaya try to piraae our puiroua. OAlAilA MUlilliAtii UMA CO., lii atoard ot lrad sUug. Tel. rT- tLkiamuhao ua-t Ju aouLh lbO. St. Jl-Jas lltltltf IIMMIIMIIItt lllll lit &C7C .1.U NU.AX.1 . I MONEY Tu Loan t ox I FURNITURE AND SALARIES. C ta lo loaned on Fl VNl'i L rt. I riANcS. ETC. and to fc .ant, a uwi,. I at very lewesi ratea and, .or any length I of tun, without pubi,iy or remuvutg I tbe property. Pai r-.sriu can be maoc I tu suit ur conveiJenoe. Call and get our terms before go.ng elarw here. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY I &00SB sul. Third r ioor. paxton Lioik. a ill till MM 11111111 IIMIIIIIIli A. JSC LARGEST BUSINESS IN LOANS TO SALAKIED PEOPLE, merchant, team sters, boarding houaea, etc.. without se curity; eaatest terms: 40 oifloea in prin cipal cluea. Tolmau, Cat board of '1 raa Bide yA MONEY loaned on plain note to Balance, Ciopie; buaineaa cexindetiual; lowest rates. 4 Paxton block. Tbe J. A. Huiton Co. ;.k K.ONEY aaned on furniture, live stock, jewelry, to ae'.sriej people. Foley Loan Ce.. Sue. to Duff Green. I Barker block MONEY loaned ou piano, furniture, jea e'.ry. horaea. coma. etc. C F. Reed. Sit S li kllltEII OH Cat EC TO GET ta or out of buslLeaa call on Wil liam. F.uoaa 4:1. McCaxur building. Y--iii SALOoN anU restsursnt. A snap. L. L. Johxiaoh Co.. 214 S. lath. Y-M2 I WHEN yeu want te buy, sell or exchange your btialneaa or property quick see J. H. Johxson. sU N. Y. Liie, Y-kUeO FC'R RFNT. fruit, grain and atatk fa.rm in S. E Neb . near station, about IC st rer. in acres in Orchard: alii rent ( right ma a ana teams snd hair. A number af farms te sell Henry C. Smith, Fails City. Neb. Y MTM I I lF.a W-4 F.a. "H A N'T to buy. a 11 or traae a Go aa t llon. W artiea Co . Paxton Blw-k. rman.e " 417 la 4:1 T-a- I (R BA1X. Inajranoa, 1M mm f utnl bualneaa. pfavit c ll.a to IL.oai par ifir. nir toan. norKaast NabTKa: R'N.d fl f.ie and rarijenc-r. Addreaa M T.. l'-a FP. SALE The beat pavx l"wilng aiiaT In the atata. at Albion. Nb Tmo il!"y. doing big bnetneae fnar going to leave the city. Ineangate qultk '' to BiX if.. Albion, Ntb. T M7 FOR KtCH 4 .".. TO TRAt'E. railroad grading onil.t. l-imt, harnaaa. aagnna. graoar. plow. ajra)r. avheelera. tenta. eti ... Ii.w'. tor bap land. L. C. Broan. l-gan. In Z tw? I FOR IK REAL KaTTK. BECTlCiNB a 11 and IS In tomnahlp 11. range t. Lincoln -otiniy. smmMi. aale or trad', all tier. Adrtr-a for bar gain. Iay A- Heaa. Council HI tiff. J KEM 'fr ONLT 4 IJTP LKFT IN BEA1T1KI L. HEM IB PAKK. On Hawthorne Avenue. S fne building lota at ' ' each. 1 K 1. '. PATNE INVESTMENT COMPANY. Main Floor. New York Life Building. . 1 FOR BALK. 3" ac re ff liuid. guoil ri h lertlle aoiU 4 mile from Coutual Bluff ; ta-o-room hnne jnd well, amall atp.ble on It. Jl. Il.i. half rarb. balance on time tr. auit purthawra L. H. Reaniea. Coun Cil Bluff, la.. R. F. --RE.MU. ACREAGE. ACREAGE. A' RtAUh. ' LTLs SUBLUX lfi" This beautiful suburbun acreage pronertr . is situated along the boulevard and Bel.a- i vue road one mile utu of the ity limli ! tt e are now offering J snd 2"-acre tract in thi ad-lltion on very reasonable terma. O NEIL S BEAL ESTATE AGENCY. South Omaha. KE-7SJ I DO YOU WANT TO SELL A FARM? If yes waat ts sail a farm or ranch, tall the farmers end stockralaers a boat It, The best way to reach then la through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agriruUural weekly goes to li.000 homes of farmer cod stock raisers, so If you have a good piece of land to sell st a reasonable price you ought to find a buyer among them. Tbe cost of an aa Is email J real per wort. THfc TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER OMAHA, NfcB. EX-aj FOR SALE. $1,650 Two 6-room cottages, JT.4 and aSil Charlea at., nealy painted and repaired. $l.Jt 4-r. cottage. 2U1 S. Uth. lot ioxlvl. Il.!i; a-room cottage, lSH'l S. lih. lot i "Xl4". Ca't-t-nxim modern bouse, Charles n. f ; 2nd a-room modern house. S. r.4th t-t. g:.2ii(l a-r. modern house, barn. Si. 4 Francis. ST (.! houses C and 7 rooms. lt2"-"i N. ii-U. THE OMAHA REALTY CO., 1 301 DOUGLAS ST HE MX7 NJ FOR BALE, amall tract of nice land. t Soth Ft and Avenue I. In Council BliiUs, three blocks from car line and aater work rervoir on Broadway; ma four room cottag and fine shade trace on one tract. Th's property is cheap, close In and certain to increase In value. Y'ou will say so when you see It. Terms easy, and could use a small hemae end lot or cheap vacant lot at cash value In part payment. Call on or address H. G. MoGoe. 14 Pearl St., or Robert Young, at water works, JSth St. and Broadsy. Council Bluffs. RE M92 7 HARRISON t MORTON FARMS NEAR OMAHA Kf acres, 21 mile out, level. Im proved, 145 an acre; 800, SJ .miles out, level, improved, 16a aa acre; jau, neat" Springfield, very fine, 171 an acre ; Itu near Gretna, lies beautifully, aell Improved, 170 en acre HARRISON A MORTON, OMAHA. P-E-5IO 5 RANCH and fairo lands for sale by tba Union Pacific Railroad company. B. A. McAJlester, land commissioner. Union Pa cific Headquarters, Omaha, Neb. RE 171 HOUSES, lota, farms, ranches, loans; also fire Insurance. Bemia, Paxton block. K-7i SEE PATNE. BOSTWICK at CO. for cbolue bargains. U1 N. T. Life Blag. Tel. ivia RE H74 WILLIAMSON CHARLES E., UUi Farnam street. RE IT HOUSES and lots In all parts of city; aleo acre property and farm lands. Tb O. F. Davit Co.. Roam hJl. Bee Eidg. RE 177 HARRISON A MORTON. FARMS N17 WELL built i-r bouse, on fine lot and beau- tiful location. Inquire 1411 Vinton RE 221 J9J4 K ELSET'S. wall paper. 17th and Dcug.aA. Phone '.OuS. , RE 173 GOOD slx-coom hours: large I en. shade trwi. etc.: lot Wxllo; near car line and In dealrable location. If sold at once can tie bought for O.of cash; this Is a bar gain aortb Investigating. W. H. hr.Hseil 4k Co.. 4Jk Ramg-e Bid. RE M7W-4 MEDICAL. ' ALL human dieej can be cured by I"rof. Jor.nson. Oi- age rebuilt. l"ih and Joaez, Omaha. Mblil li LOST. ! LOST (locketbook ronUtlnmg 170. two fcXie, twe lies and Itii ir. P.raard if returned j to (his office. Lost 7SC 2 I . iST, ladiea' gold match and fob: Friday ; r.:rht. between Orpheum and lfth and liamey; rewanl. 217 Capitcl Ave. Lost M;.- i- BICYCLES. . PRICES are hlgaor on bk-yrlea for next tear; get one now and aavc & per cent, at Fkaacher a. 1C3 Cap tuA ava. MJIC 1 TBChkvS AsD BAlebAUL. TWIN CITT EXP 'Pkoat 1717. fct S. u-h L M E. hsuji t-urka Tel Tad. OiklAfcL ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO.. clean ceaapubUi and vaults, removes gs:l and oead animals at reduoed priuca. K. 15-Jk. Tel, 177a- - Ti OMAHA COLLEGE OF MIsIC. OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC and FINE AftTb. fatuity. twenty-la Irachera Terms snd prospectus. F. H Wright, blag. 773 U.1 JBV4RrHAhD AID TPa44 Rlllkta. GREG43 sv H-. Touch T. W.. Bus. Branches. TtMg Cat free. om. Com. Col. II At Deg. A, C VAN S ANT'S school 73: N. T. Life. -7t BOYI.ES college N. Y Ufa. court reporter principal. KI'B. lickiueis gt Shorthand CoJle-t. Be-d Tbcairr. fTBorCTHIi GiD. E ALICE JOHNSON, eateepaihe fcuita ilk T. Y l.:f bids. Tel laa. Big 11 Ij Xxiti and H&arard. m- i'MAHA (ta'a and Iron ti ka tr.ake a m t ol hie earapra. ahuttera doora ard talaa U. Amlraen. Iiop.. J''i S. nib PAWNBROKERS. EaGLK !n (.'flif, riable, arrorcmodat l:.g, tl. i. ruieaa cus U Jri. Hal. Lx j.a. C (grtlTEM AID iOltl.t. ALL kind cf carpanwr a-ork and ren.iir ng prcmpt.r attended tc. J. T. tH.hl'tra, tn and Lb Re trea l?9 1K KET gROKtRI. 1 Cl"T KATK tailrixd ticketa everyafcera. j P. IL Philbii:. irH Farnam. "I"bone TV4. CIDLaALK BRICK. I'MAHA HjUraullc Pre Brtck Co. Zt New York Lile. Phone i0. B N-M LLFCTRICAL REPAIRI5U. GKAND Eltttrlc Co.. 14 ft Jackaon. Tl -t UKTtvCTIVU A4.CKCY. CAPT. THOS CORMICli. private detec uvt, 6:7 Kaibacb block. Tel. A:"X M7i Kl? EXPERT ACCOl JfTAaT. .-, II, ! iTL,-. r i i . ," i ' ... . -.i, .u , , " T . .mr, trrrTirnii: CVK11L). Julia Vaughn, cao Kamge Bldg. TYPEWRITERS. WHY j.y more? to lido mat hi n-. roe a: Co.. kU N. Lambert, 2: superior (xnl on approval atoo. 16th iL, Omaha. Ul ritihTiho. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Linotype tompoaitioo. Eli S. Uth. MB HATS REKOVATED. HATS dyed, blocked, latest styles. Rcmser at Kerr. a7 N. 17th. near Capitol Ave 74S Nil TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re modeled Joe Yousen. 1411 Farnam St. M8S1 ITOVE9 REFLATED. GOLD, stiver and nickel plating. Omaha PiatilUT Co.. Bee Bldg. Tel I'Ja. OH aitomor;lei. FLECTRJC AUTOMOBILES. Farnam street. Deright, 1111 (91 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1&L1 ram. Tela Uos-ia. LA IK DRY. OMAHA Steam Laundry; sbirta, Ic; collars, ac, cufle, 4c. iTJiU Lea en worth. TeL A-17U. LAW AID COLLBCTIOIB. ETILI.MAN ft PRICE. U V. 8. N l Bk. Bid. BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Bale Tie Co.. CI North ICth. Is FIR DRKSSIHQ. R. GILBERT CO.. tanners, 1424 S. linh. DREIIMAKI1G. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 85(10 Harney. M74 N14 FLORISTS. BULBS, cut flowers and plants. Hender son, tel. IS, lill Fanuun St.. Omaha. lai FOl .D. FCl'ND A bicvcle; describe and pay for thia ad. 21 So. S"lh St. 7M Ml I AW A.D ( OLLEt TlOSI. NEB. COLLECTION CO N. T. Life. 7S6 Ilerl GOVERSMEVT KOTICES. 1 KOPtiSALS FOR BUBS1STENCE STORES Office Purchsalng Commiaaarv'. U. k Army. Omaha. Neb., October 2a, liki2 eWled prcpciaala subject to the usual conditions, 111 be received at this office until 10 o'clock s. m. . November . 1SU2, at which time and place they will be publicly opened, for lur r.ishlng subaisier.ee stores as follows: Brcor. rltiur, coffw. sugar, canned goods, etc. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production. Blank proposals and sj reifies Hons can be obtained at this office. W. H. BEAN, Purchasing Commisssry. 02 dlt DENVER. COLO.. NOV. 1. 102 SEALED proposals. In triplicate, will be received here until 11 o'clock a. m.. Dec 1. 1XJZ. and Uien opened for constructing a pumphouae at Fort D. A. Russell. Informs Ooa fur nished on application to Q. M.. Fort D. A. Russell, or the undersigned. U. S. reserve the right to accept or reject any or all bids or any jrt thereof. Envelopes con taining bias lo be marked ' fropueals for Pumphouae. etc." and addressed Lt. Col. j. W. Pot. C. Q. M. ClDl-l-4-i-2, ponorniE iotice. Should be read DAILT by all Interested, as chanfc-tss may incur at any time.) Foreigr mails lor the week ending No vember 1. 112. will close (PROMPTLY in mIi caaejai at the ten era! nostomce aa foL jluas: PARCELS POST MAILti close one hour earner than closing ume abown be- low. parcels poat malia for Germany cloae at I p. m. Monday per a. s. "K. W. oer Groaee." and I nday Jer s. s. "Patricia." P.agulai and supplementary malls cloae st foreign station half hour later than clos ing time shown below "except that supple mentary uiai. for Europe and Central America, via Colcn, close one hour later at foreign Siailori. Trasteallaalie Mails. MONDAY At :30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct. ir s. s. Anchoria imatl must be directed "per . a. Anchoria" TUESDAY At 4.30 a. m. for EUROPE, per a . Kaiser Wilhelm der Grosae' via Plymouth, Cherbourg and Bremen; at .3w a. m. for iTALT direct, per s. a. titta di Mi In no (mail muit be directed per . Citta di Milauio '". WEDNESDAY At C.3 a. ra. for EUROPE. It a. a. tet- Paul, via Southampton; at s a. m. (supplemental y 10 a. mi for tl RoPE. per s. s. Germanic, via Queen-to-n. THURSDAY" At C: a. m. f(- EUROPE, per s. Au(uiii ictoria. via Plymouth, Ctietbtiurg and Hamburg (mail for Frauct must be cirected "jer a. Augusta Vic toria "i . at 5 a. m for FRANCE. ewTTt EKLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. PORTUGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT. GREECE. BRITISH INDIA and LokENZO MAKQULZ. per a a La Champagne, via Havre imail for other iwrw ol Europe must be di rected "i-ei a s. Le CLamuagne 'l. FRIDAY At a":3u p m. for AZORES ISL ANDS, per a a. Caaubrontan. from Bos ton SATURDAY At. l b a. m. for EUROPE, per a. a Campania via Oueetisiuan; t Van a. m for NETHERLANDS osroct, per a a. Nocrdam (mail must be (iirected "per a s N.jo dam ; at I a, ni. for BKIJIlM direct. ir k. a. Kerusir.r'on (mall must be directed "per a. a Ken amgion i: at l:3 a. m. for fcx'OTLAND o re. t. per a. Ethioina (mail ruuat b directed "per a. s. Ethiopia i; at 11 a. ro for IENMARK direct, per a. s. Island (mail asuat be directed per a. a. Island "i. PRINTED MATTER. fciC.-Ttia learner v Mn.nnoF .bl: ift roKTOFFirr oTitr. takes pr-tn'ad trsttar. commerctsl papers and samples for ttermsrr crt'r. Tba same class of mall mstter for oter parts f F.'irone ill rot It aft k iin sliln ui- less fteUhl'x diret-d by i! i Alar the eioflrg rf the rvpplerreTttser I transat'.artk- msi' ramed alov. sdfli- liortal suppiaroentary snails are oiened oa the piers of the Amcri an. f;ncs. French and Orrman stesmara ard remain open mill within ten miiv'tc of the hour oi aaiiing of steamer. Weal ladies, ttr. Tl'F.SDAT At .: a. n. faiippleroenlarr 1" a. m i for CENTRAL AMKK1". 'imrl Coats F.icm and PO"TH PA '1F1C PORTS. rer a a Alllan'Mi. via Colon (letter mil for Guatemala must be directed per s. a. Allianrx at m p. m. for JAMAICA, per a. s. Admiral lewev. from Boston ! WEDNF.PI AY At f a m for FRAZ1U via fmmh, Bahia and Ilio Janeiro tmail for North rn Braxil. Argentine Uruguay and rsragtiay m-it be directe.l "per a. a Bi-ron 't: at 1:3 a m for FOR TUNE ISLAND, per . s Flandria (mail for Hal'l must be direcled "per s. s. F1ndrta"i. at 1 a. m for HAITI, pet s. s Prin dar Netherlandrn (mall fur Curacao, Venezuela, Trinidad. Prltih and I?'itch Gulann must be directed tar a. s. Prin dar Net herlanden " ; at 11'.. a m. for AKGENT1NE, UROUAT and PAhAGUAY. per a a. Cavour: st 1? m. 1or GUAlELi'UPE. MARTINIQUE. B ARRADoP and BRITISH. DUTCH and FRENCH Gl'lANA. er a s. Ta'iman. THI "RS DAT At a in for (TEA. YUCA TAN. CAMPKCHE. TAHASCO and rm AI'AR. icr . s. Viiiilancia tmsil lor other Irts of Mexico nuiat 1 directed j-r s s Virllancia "i : at II m tsupplement ary ir . p. m ) for BAHAMAS and SAN TIAGO, par , s. OriEaba. FRJPA Y At 19 a. m. for NEWFOUND LAND direct, per s. s Silvia; at 12 m. for MEXICO. ter . a Seneca. Ma Tam pico imaii must be directed "per s s. tienera-.. t 12.30 p. m. for 1NAGUA and HAITI. jr a a. luenburg SATURi'AT At a m. for PKRMVP. j-er s. a. Preto.-ls: at I a. m. for If'RTO B1CO. per . a Ponce; st I a m tsupple-me-tsn- a. m l for CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. a. Zulia (mall for Snanllia and Cartagena must be di rected "pet s. a Zulia"): at : a m. supplementsrv lO-.l" a m 1 for FOR vt'vit 1121 a v-r i iu nr i s i " . X' 1LLA. CARTAGENA and GRETTOWN. per s s. Valencia im&il for Costa Rica must be directed "per e. a Valencia"!; at 10 a. Ta- for CUBA, iicr a. a Mexico, via Havana. Mails for Newfoundland, by rail tn North Fvdney. and thence by neamer. eloae at this offlce dally at C:V- r m. icornectlng close here every Monday. Wednesday and Saturday. Malls for Mlquelon, by rail to Boston, and thence by steamer. oloe at this office dally st t p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla., and thence by steamer, close at this offce daily, except Thursday, st sj:so a. m. (the connecting closes are made on Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturday). Mails f ir Mexico Clt. overland, unless specially addressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this offlce dally, except Sunday, at 1.10 p. ro and UM p. m . Sundays at 1 P m. and 11 :S" p. m. Malls for Costa Rica, Belts. 1 Puerto Cortes and letter mail for Guatemala- by rail to New Or leans, and thence oy steamer, close t this offl'-e dally, except Sunday, at 1 :J0 p. m. and 11;3U p. an.. 6unday at l p. m. and 11 -3b p. m connecting closes here Vondxvs at 11.30 p. m. for Bellas. Puerto Cortes and letter mall for Guatemala, and Tuesdays at "11:30 p. m. for Costa Rica). Registered mall closes at I p. m. previous cay. TraaspaclSe Malls. Mails for Hawaii. Japan. China and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at t:30 p. m. up to November 2. inclusive, for dispatch per Korea. Mails (or Australia (except West Aus tralia, which goes via Europe, and New Realand. which goe via San Franclscoi, and Fiji Islands, via Vancouver and Vic toria, B. C, close here daily at 80 p. m. after November "1 and tin to November . inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Miowera. Malls for Hawaii, via Kan Francisco, close here daily at :30 p. m. up to November 10. inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Als meda. Malls for Hawaii. China. Japan and Philip pine Islands, via San Francisco, close here daily at C:t p. m. up to November nu. inclusive, for dispatch per s. a. Gaelic. Mails for China and Japan, via Taooma, dose here daily at C.30 p. m. up to No vember "Ml. Inclusive, for dispatch per j. s. Victoria. Malls for Australia Oxcart West Australia, which is forwarded via Europe! New Zea land, Fi.11, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Francisco, close here daily at 4M6 n. m. sfter November " snd tip to November 22. Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Ven tura. (If tbe Cunard steamer carrying the British snail for New Zealand does not arrive tn lime to connect with this dispatch, extra malls closing st b.W a. m . 1:30 a. m. and . p. ra : Sundays st 4:30 a. m.. S a. m. and CJM p. m. will be made up and forwarded until tbe arrival the Cunard steamer ! Mails for China and Japan, via Van couver and Victoria. B. C. close dally at :30 p. m. up to November 2. Inclu sive, for dispatch per a. s. Empreaa of China (registered mail must be specially addressed. Merchandise for U. S. Agency at Shanghai cannot he forwarded via Canadai. Mails for the Philippine Islands, via Ban Francisco, close here daily at C:30 p. m. up to No vena bag 57. Inclusive, for dis patch per U. 8. Transport. Majis for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via Ean Francisco, close hare dally at C:S p. m. up to December inclusive, for dispatch per a. c. Mariposa. Tranapaclfie mails are forwarded to port of sailing daily snd the schedule of closing is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit, rtegis terad mall closes at p. m. previous day. CORNELIUS VAN COTT, Postmaster. Postofflce. New York, N. Y, Oct. SL lMg. IAILWAY TIME TABLE. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND Pacific Railroad "Tbe Great Rock Island Route" City Tkket Office, laa Farnam street. Telephone 42L Depot. Tenth and xtarrv -17. iririnii.iic aj. Leave, AlflVt EAST. Chicago Daylight Ltd. .a t.W am a C:4a am Chicago D light Local.a 7:J am a :K pra Chicago Express blMt am a a-W3 pm Des Moines ExIWs....a 4:. pm bll:iO am ciiiia, . r-1 x-irrsa . . a :5j tim WEST Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..a :50 am Lincoln, Colorado Bp gs, lenver. Pueblo and West a 1:. pan Colorado. Oklahoma ac Texas Fyei a v. 1 :2S pm s 4 :jo am a ;:(a JlOJ al2:40 pm a Daily, b Daily except Sunday. 17 N ION P A C I F I C "THE Overland Route" General of fice. N. E. Corner Ninth and Par nam feu-eei. Qiy Ticket Offloe. in-4 Farnam B, ti!1 I'1"""5 Tenth and Mnr eta. itiepnon Leate. Arrive The Overland Umited. . a :t am a : jk n Tbe Chicago-Portland Special a C0 am a 7:30 i m The Fast Mall a iar. am a 8:25 L The Mall and Express, .ell : am a I M am The Colorado Special. ..a 7.10 am a 3.40 am Lincoln. Lea t nee and Stromburg Exprea...b 4ir. pn bl a The l acific Express. ...a 43S pm ' The Atlantic Expreaa -'1 - Orand iaiand Local b 1:10 pro b I 24 an a Daily, b Dall except Sunday. ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad-Criy Ticket Of fice, 14UI Farnam Street, Telephone. 24k Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sta. Leave. ArHva Chicago Express a T:ltt am a 1:10 pm filtrate Limited a 7:a pm a r6 am Faat Mail Minneapolis ri. rm Expreaa .0 7:31 am Uf:5S pn a t am Minneapolis ft be Psul Limited J.sS pn Fort Dodge Local frosu Coun.-il Bluffs b4:epni al'cOO am Fort Dage Local from '.oum-11 Bluff .... a 1:10 a r- & Dally, b Dtily except Sunuay. WABASH RAILB.OAD Tic ket Offloa. lrH Farnim mr sr. s,? Street. Telephone t2t D. pwi, jenta tne Marry Sta. TtUtiliuse an . T t- . VA" Arrive. cc ix mi j.)iim a a. a pm k am re ljouis iirom Council Bluff .. I 1 am tVsipm iv. MILWAUKEE Or ., Ra i 1 w a v Clt y Tickat (-rnoa. 1, F.raan, ..rf"riat 4ueirjoi, LlOOt Tenth and Maaun trtta. Telephone 42 .AU1V ri'-tin er iiieipt e n a, ean . sasee i l b am S Chicago lUmi'.ed Ex . -a C xrrxt a 7:W am laS m V,, ,i p a i-a-:t. a i.ny cxtei euouay. ptILWAT TIVE CiRb-CaatlaaaaV. BURMNOTONA MIS soul Rtver Ba'lroad " Tna Burlinatoa Routs' Gen eral OTnce. Nerthsreat lt per Tenth an FarnaT. Streets. Ticket Office, sMI 1 arnam S'reet. Teievhone, n Station, imtn a bo aiwn S"rect. Tewibone ta,. Lincdn. Hasting and Mccook ..h . Lincoln. lnva. CoVo- rado. Utah. Califort la-O 4.5 pro Aluante fcxprra. . f. l' Lincoln at H ack Hila -B.l 10 pm Montana, Pnr- t"und. all.lO yra l.inc.in rest Mai' b l: pm Wmura. I.cstnce and Lincoln .a I era Denver. Colorado. leh snd Callf'irtiio Fort Crook. South Bene. lxvitsvllle, I'lattara th b I Pn Believue, plattsmouth at t pacltic Junction ...... :pa Believue. Plsttsmouth Pat ltlc Junction a I w am a Dai:v. b llly excepi Sundaj Arrlvf a " 4 pic a I 1" p..! a I 'f r1" a C 44 am a C 4 an. a l.i; sr. tUAi OB. a ! on. tUA am a t 77 sail CHICAGO. BURLlNOTON a- vulncy Railway ""Tb Buriinfctnn Brute" Tick'. 'ftice. 3J:C Farnam Street Telephone Wt DrpOi. Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone 12. Leave. Arrive Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 7 an a m ill f o. Chicago Vestibuled Ex. .a 4 :t pm a I. am Chicago 1-ocal Expreaa a ai am a 4 -4 pm Chicago Linuwd a 16 pm Fast Mall J: Pi a Daily. KANSAS CTTT. ST. aeph a: Counril Blatre Fjsilroad "The Burlmgtoti Houte" Ticket omc. lsflS Farnam Street. Teiepbwne 2". Iepot. Tenth ar-a Mason I treat. TelepKene lV. aaave. Arrive Ksnsas City Dsr Fx . . a s:2" am a C.-CS pm Kansas City Night Ex..al0: pm :1 in St. Louis FlJ er. for St. Joaeph and St. Louis..a 1:10 pm all :U ear a Daily. FREMONT. ELKHORN Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwesters Line ' General Office, i nltcd Stales NaUobi Lank Bunding. &. W. Corner Twelfth and Far 1'nket Office. I01 Farnam St- uhl. 1 eiL lath and Webster Sts. Trlcj.hi.ine :tDK. Leave. Arrlxt Black Hills Ieadaood. Hot springs a 1:00 pm a :0 pre e :fC prtt b i.i put bJO.3 rs bUI. arr Wyoming. Caaner and Douglas d I; SO pm Hastings. York. David City. Superior, Geneva. Lxeter ana iv mara b IHIO pm Norfolk. Verdlgre ana Fremont b 7:30 am Lincoln Wahoo and Fremont k I 0 kit. 1 1 mimt Local c 7:3" araj a Iai!y. B Dally except Sunday, e Stiti day only. d Dally except SMlufflay. Daily except Monday. CH ICAOO aV NORTH aeatern tlwar "Th Northwester Line" City Tick'l Offlce. rarnam Ft. Trlephorig iiCi. Depot. Tan Ih ano Mkrcy Streets Ttlt--hone RT9 lacava Arrive Fast Omaha-Chicago. . .a ltd am eilpnj Local t arroll-Omaha...b 4"so nra i l:toin Local Chlcagc-Omaha..alOTa ass a l"10 pm ast Omaha-Chicago. . .a 4:1 pm pm Faat Mall a fla) pm a t. pm Omaha-Chicago ".'-d...a JO pm a I Jfi am Fast St. Flu. a 'V. pm a :n am Fast Mali a 7: pm i I J in Cedar Rapid Passenger a I M pm Local bioux citv b 4:o pm bl jOam a laily. b Daily except Sunday. CHICAGO. ST. PAUU Minneapolis A Omaha Railway "Tiio North western" Una" General Office. Nebt-eska t)ri vian. lath and Webster Sts. City Ticket Offloa. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone KL Depot, lath and Webster Sts. Trlephone lCfa. Leave. Arrtve. Twin City Paasenger a t.Mt am a 1:10 pm Bloux City Passenger... a 2 :0 pan all no am Emerson Local b S: pm b 1:39 am a Dally, b Daily except Sunday. .. . MISSOURI PACIFIC Bjk.lL - road Grnrral Offioea asA Ticket Offices. Southaaai iccrarr Jim ana uvonsux Sta. Telephone lot Depot, ' Union Station. Leave- Arrive. St. Louis and Kansas City Express aie am a :! pre K. C. St. L. Express.. . sAO :W pm C.li-.ara Leave from latn and - Webster Strerta: Nettraska Local, via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm a!0:4a sai Daily, b Daily except Sunday. Seasonable Fashions. m BloatM or Shirt Waul'. StuiwWsV Womaa's Blouse or Shirt Waist, C2tf To be made with or wit hoot the frtted lin ing and shoulder strspa. Prince ctosiatg.. or closings mads Invisibly beneath ! box- plaits that meet In ceatar front, soako aa Important featuro of the latest waists aad are essentially a mart at the sarws time that they possess the advantage of alleatsg moat eSectivo trimming. This handsome model taclodea lxvertad plaits, stitchod to to form the fashionable skat seams for a few inches below tbe shoulder, the point ed straps over the shoulder seams and bell with postillions. The original is made of waist cloth ia pastel green, with trimsniur of narrow bands of black silk, stitched with black silk and enameled buttons, bui all waist materials arc appropriato gal the trimming caa be varied again aad again The foundation lining la snugly fitted and closes at tbe crater front, but sepa rately from the outside. The waist proper consists of plain bark hod front that ara laid U Inverted plaits at the shoulder, which provide becoming fuUseac over the bust, ana in a box plait at each edge. The back lo draws down snugly In rat bars at the waist line, hot the front blouse slightly over the belt. Over the shoulder seams are applied straps that five t tashionablo long -shouldered rfieet, taut which caa no omitted wbea a plain flnish Is preferred. The sleeves are the regula tion ones, with cut that Up over at tb insida seams. Th closing It effected In visibly by lapping the right edge well be nealh the left box plait and so brining tiie two together at ll renter front. The heck Is Luitsfaed wlih a stock elongated is bishop atylo and at the waict Is worn a shaped bait, to ablth tbe postillion Is attached. Tba quantity of suaterlal required for th medium sice Is i yard! il iechca aide. 4 yardi 17 inches wide. I1 yards 2 inches wids or ! yard 44 lachea wide. The pat'-ora 42411 is cut la alxoa tor a 12. 34. it. ! sod 40-iaca bust cceasuro. For the eccBomodatioa of Too Bo read ers, these pattern. hlth usually retail at from 21 to M oents. will bs furnished at a aosninaJ pries, 10 cents, ahlch covers ajl expeas. Jr. order to get a pa ilex a enrloa 1 ceo'.c. giro xiumbrr ana cajdo o( paiira a as 14 and bust cataturo. um Sts. Telephone ii k' ll A few i