Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 03, 1902, Image 1

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    Daily Bee.
OMAHA, MONDAY MOltNIXC., NOV EM It Ell a, 11)02.
Active Maiarera of Both Political Frt;ei
Predict Big Victory.
But Chairman of Republican Oomrnittfe
Decline! to Give His Estimates.
He Bays Mercer Will Be Badly Beaten
Throughout the Diitriot
Tail Knd I tkrt mill I.eorhacks flatten
On I to nonl Mercer' Falling
Honrs Relnle Themselves
on Their Face.
The political campaign In Douglas county
has cloned with the exception of tbe de-f
livery of the bushels of letters and ctrcu
lari deposited during the day In tho post
office and Bryan's speech tonight ul South
Omaha. The Interval remaining before the
polls open will be devoted by both parties
to lining up for election day work. At both
tcpublican and democratic headquarters
most sanguine expectations of complelo
success are expressed, so that the public
way take Its choice. It is noticeable every
where that the Mercer pluggers are par
ticularly downcast and the refusal of Chair
man Ooss to make any specific statement
only reflects tbe desperation on which Mer
cer's candidacy hangs.
Chairman Crops, when asked yesterday for
forecast, said: "The registration is very
satisfactory. It Is difficult to prophesy ex
act pluralities, but I will say In general
that there seems no possible way that our
adversaries can prevent the election of
cur whole state, congressional, county and
school board tickets by very decided plu
lalltlea. In fact, I look for a landslide In
tavor of the republican ticket. 1 have the
l'gures In my pocket to support what I
tay, but. In my Judgment, it Is not ex
pedient (or m to give them out to the
publlo at this time, as I do not wish to
furnish any point or place where the op
position may center Us energies, and I
could not give you any figures without
hiving you the true ones upon which I
have baaed my conclusions."
Chairman 0. L. West or the democratlo
committee said: "I am quite conservative
when I say that we expect to elect tho
tat ticket by a plurality of from 10.000
to 16,000. In the congressional balloting
w expect tba First ward of Omaha to
give Hitchcock 200 plurality; tbe Second
ward to give Mm 600 plurality; the Third,
S00; the Fourth, 200 plurality for Meroer;
the Fifth, 100 for Hitchcock; the Sixth.
200 lor Mercer; the Seventh, 300 for Mer
cer; the Eighth, 200 for Mercer; the Ninth,
100 for Mercer at the outside. South Omaha
will give Hitchcock (00 plurality and lh
country preclnols will give him another
100. Bsrpy county will give him still an
other 800,' but' Washington county we eon
cede to Mercer '6y 10(3 plurality. Thompson
will carry the county by from 2,000 to
2,600. Our legislative nominees win be
elected by pluralities ranging from Hitch
rock's on upward to Z.OOO, and tbe county
attorney may run ahead of the legislative
ticket. We claim also that we will, elect
both county commissioners. The only other
prediction we would rare to make now In
that tbere will be very few ballots scratched
In this election."
Secretary Fred H. Cosgrove of the demo
cratic congressional committee Is even
mors sanguine of the success of Hltchoock
than Is the county committee. He has
figured out still greater majorities against
The attempt to project Senator Hanna
Into the campaign In the Second district la
piece of audacious imposture. The al
leged dispatch over the signature of M. A.
Hanna Is a fake. When Secretary Wilson
waa In Omaha an attempt was made to get
him to express himself as favoring any can
didate. Mr. Wilson was at Tho Bee office
for some time and later went to the office
of Mayor Moorea. At the city hall ha saw
reporters for tbe News and World-Herald
and to both of theru said that be would take
no sides In the present contest and that
the republicans, must fight It out among
themselves. He said this in the presence
of the mayor and others. Later it was re
ported that ha had expressed a preference
for the re-election of Mercer, and this re
port waa given circulation by the paper
whlcii Is now uprlnglng prepaid telegrams
from the chairman of the national commit
tee. Mr. Hanna has steadily refused to
take part In any factional fight In any
atate. He certainly la not breaking a rule
which he has strictly adhered to In tbe
Two weeks or more ago the News claimed
to have a telegram similar to that they
printed Sunday morning.. This fake was
shown to several whom it was thought
could be Influenced, but It was then not
late enough in the campaign to spring It on
the public, so It wss carefully preserved
and re-edited before It was printed.
"Talk about ingratitude that billboard
eartoou ot Mercer's landing it to Tom
Dennlaon Is the worst case I know about,"
aald a man about town. "In past years
one ot the first men Dave would hunt up
very time he came to "own on his biennial
visit was Tom Dcnnlson, ou whom be baa
repeatedly relied for bis Third ward sup
port. Before he went to congress Dave
was kept a-golug as an attache ot tbe
United States court by Skip' Dundy, 'reputed
at that time to be a partuer ot Dennlson's.
and Dundy put up the money on which
Dave made his first campaign which, by
the way. has not yet been paid back. I
saw Pennlson yesterday and asked - him
what was up between bttn and Dave, and
he said: 'Oh, nothing. I have been work
ing and spending my money to pak Mercer
through five campaigns and keep him In
congress ten years while he drew $50,000
In salary, besides the graft, and now. be
reus 1 won't pack him any more he has
auddrnly found out what a bad man I am.
He ia just like a skin gambler who has
been caught and atari "hollering" about
everyone who has been on the square.'
' Mercer thinks now be can play a few people
for suckers by using Dennlson a a scare
crow, and that explains bis cartoon and
tbe yelps Gurley' Is making."
At the meeting at Schllti hall Saturday
night W. F. Gurley attempted to spring
a sensation by producing men who bad
been referred to In The Bee as iiaviss
voted at he primaries September 19 and
giving as 'heir place of residence addressna
at which they ould not be found. Aside
front those evident mistakes which have
been acknowledged and explained, Mr. Our-
(Continued on Fifth Page.)
Fanatic Become Kshnasted on March
and Itetorn to Their
A Home.
VORKTO? " . Nov. 2 Several cf
th PoiiHk ho ' -io returned her".
One of them canK, ' . 'gratlin agent
and ai-kert for the . t . .s blanket
which he hai rildrarrtert x -.h.
He said he Intended retifn. vil
lage. v
Word as brought in this morin-- that
several of the men were In an exhausted
ronc'iiloD between here and Bradenbury.
OTTAWA. Onl.. Nov. 2 The Hon. W. I'.
Roblln. premier of Manitoba, has ' tele
graphed ihe Hon. Clifford Slfton, minister
of the Interior, to prevent the Doukhobor.i
entering Manitoba, because they would
then have to be treated as lunatics and
criminals, and tho province had no means
of caring for them. He wants a guarantee
agstnst financial loss.
Mr. Slfti n has replied, saying Pnminlon
officials were looking after them and there
was no reason to believe they would do
hsrm to any one but. themselves. He docs
not see, therefore, any need of a guarantee
against loss, and mates that If Mr. Kob
lln Intc.i'eres with the Dominion officers
he w 1 r'io so on his own responsibility.
Mr. Roblln Is a conservative and a bitter
personal enemy of the liberal minister of
the Interior. He has all along protested
against the importation of Doukhobors,
which Mr. Sifton has promoted and Is sup
posed to be seizing an opportunity to score
a political advantage.
Before entering Ihe Dominion house Mr.
Slfton was a member of the Greenway ad
ministration, which Mr. Roblln supplanted.
Freneh Newspaper Praises Roose
velt as Example for
PARIS. Nov. 2. In an article headed
"Two Presidents." La Patrle tonight com
pares President Roosevelt with President
Referring to the French and American
coal strikes It says the energetic measures
of President Roosevelt brought the Ameri
can strike to an end. and declares that
President Loubet wu confronted by condi
tions exactly the same, but that the presi
dent of France remained passive with the
result that the French strike continues,
amid misery and loss.
The paper draws the conclusion that the
American president, who is elected by the
people, represents the people, whereas the
president of France waits the slow process
of parliamentary government.
Santa Maria Bnrles Grass and
atoek Raisers Are In
TAPACHUTLA, State of Chiapas. Mexico,
Nov. 2. Stock growers on neighboring
haclndas are becoming alarmed because
the fields are covered with ashes from
Santa Maria and the cattle cannot pro
cure food. The brooks are choked with
ashes and cinders and alt- the neighboring
roads are coveted, Indeed, the coffee planters
will come off bct'er than the stock raisers.
Diligent investigation shows that there
was no loss of life Curing the recent dis
turbances, though towns across the Guate
mala border were greatly excited, every
body fearing a repetition of the Martinique
and St. Vincent disasters. What most Im
proved everyone was the darkness which
prevailed for more than two days.
Government experts are studying the
effects of the eruption.
t rees Pnplla to Preserve Traditional
Ideals of Beauty and
CHARLOTTENBURG. Prussia. Nov. 2.
The new building for the high school of
plastic and graphic arts and music was
Inaugurated here today In the presence of
a number of ministers and professors. Em
peror William and the empreas attended.
His majesty delivered a felicitous address,
in which be sketched the history of the In
stitution and referred to the encouragement
and protection It always received from his
predecessors, notably from his father. Em
peror Frederick, and bis gifted and art
loving consort.
Emperor William exhorted both the mas
ters and pupils to preserve the tdeala of
art Indicated by tradition and the immuta
ble laws of beauty, harmony and aesthetics.
Sick Man Withdraws Ills Troops
" Rather Than Far British
. CONSTANTINOPLE, Nov. 2. The nego
tiations between Great Britain and Turkey
with regard to tbe encroachments of Turk
ish troops on the hinterland of Aden, have
resulted In a satisfactory settlemeut. Tbe
porte has ordered the evacuation of tho
hinterland, . which was formally occupied
by BrltlMh troops.
The trouble arose over a frontier dis
pute, tbe settlement of which was placed
In the hands of a joint Turco-British com
mission. On October 23 tbo British am
bassador protested against tbe Turkish In- !
vaslon and declared that UDless the soldiers j
were withdrawn Indian troop would bo
sent to expel them.
Wish to Help Sew Connie? Wane
Warfare Asaluat Mad Mallak
In Moiuallland.
LONDON, Nov. 8. Boer Commandant
VI I Joe n bas written to Earl Roberta offer
ing his services to the British army !f
Boers are enlisted to take the field against
the Mad Mullah In Somallland.
It waa announced from Johannesburg
October 23 that a number of former Boer
commandants and British officer! had of
fered their services and these of 1.000 men,
hal British and half Boers, for duty in
Will Take Courses la American Col
leges and Get Government
VICTORIA, B. C. Nov. 2. A Chinese im
perial decree provides for the die patch of a
number of students to the United States
for educational purpoaes.
They will be sent at government expense
to take post-graduate courses and upon
their return those successful in examina
tions will be appointed to government positions.
Hands Arbitrators Details of Union De
mauds for' Consideration.
Operators Wish 'I hem to Visit One
and Miners Another niannte Ma) v
Re Settled by Inmmiiiloa
Maklnac Selection.
SCR ANTON, Pa., Not . 2 The commis
sioners left today for Har-leton to spend
four rinys In further acquainting themselves
with the physical affairs of mining. They
hud nit decided up to the time of leaving
how ihcy would divide their time In the
middle and lower districts. It was defi
nitely decided, though, that not more than
four days would be defofd to the trip.
Assistant Recorder Neill was left behind
to receive the miners' statement from
President Mitchell tomorrow. On Thursday
It is expected tbe operators' counter state
ment will be presented. The commissioners
will then take a recess until Friday, No
vember 14, by which time the two parties
will be -expected lo have completed too
preparation of their cases and be ready to
go on with the hearing.
The commlbdion will also devote the
Interim lo preparation for the hearings by
acquainting themselves .with the details
of tbe two statements.
Bishop Spalding preached at the late mass
in St. Peter's cathedral this evening. His
fellow commissioners at tended the service
and occupied front pews. The sermon was
baed on the tenth verso of the thirteenth
chapter of St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans:
"Love worketh no ill to his neighbor;
therefore, love Is the fulfilling of the law.'
No reference was made to the work of
:he commission and only In a most general
way could the sermon bo made applicable
Tbe commission will remain in their
sleeping car all night and will be met at
9 In the morning at Pond Creek, about nine
miles north of Hazleton, by Thomas Duffy,
the president of this district of the mine
workers' union, who will represent the
Mr. Warrlner, general superintendent of
the Lehigh Valley, and Mr. Richards, gen
eral superintendent of the Lehigh aV
Wllkesbsrre company, will represent the
operators. The mines which the commis
sion will visit have not yet been decided
Mr. Warrlner has suggested the No. 40
shaft, operated by hla company. The min
ers prefer to have the arbitrators Inspect
a colliery of C. Pardee V Co. There are
twenty-five mines In the region and all
but No. 40 shaft are entered by means of
a slope.
The Harwoort Is a typical mine of this
region, and at the commissioners have thus
far only visited mines with shafts and have
not gone down a slope,, the miners think
they should select the Harwood.
The commissioners on Saturday requested
both sides to agree on one mine, and If
they fall, they themselves will probably
decide the matter.
WILKESBARRE, Pa., Nov. 2. T.' J.
Duffy, district presldeut of the United
Mine Workers for tbe Lehigh district, left
for Hnrleton this evening and will accom
pany tbe Investigation commission on its
tour of the Lehigh region. Mr. Duffy had
a conference with the general superin
tendent of the Lehigh Valley Coal com
pany relative to the alleged dismissal of
some union miners from the collieries of
the company In the Lehigh region. Neither
party to the conference would give out
anything for publication.
The trouble at the mines ot the King
ston Coal company remains unsettled. A
committee of the United Mine Workers
waited on the general superintendent and
tried to have him give his consent to allow
the check welghraen employed by the
miners to remain on the company 'a prop
erty. Mr. Williams said he would give a
reply In a day or two.
Men Want One Hoar Less Work Pep
Day and Will Quit to
Get It.
. NEW YORK, Nov. 2. A meeting ot sliver
workers, attended by 800 men representing
the 3,000 employed In New York, Brooklyn
and Newark, was held today to discuss dif
ferences between the employers and work
ers. It was decided to go on strike at noon
tomorrow unless a nine hour working day
is granted. The present working day la ten
Men Win All They Demanded and Wo
kletara to Their Work
SCHENECTADY. N. Y.. . Nov. 2. The
strike of motormen on the Hudson Valley
Electrical railway was settled tonight, tbe
company recognizing the union and agree
ing to the schedule of wages presented by
the men.
Tbe strike wss accompanied by consid
erable rioting and lasted several weeks. .
Pittsburg Force la Parsed of Men
Alleged to Be 1 scum
petent. PITTSBURG, Pa.. Nov. 2. William Bra
ley. William Jones, Charles Mallory.
Charles McOovern. William McElroy and
William Shore were dismissed from the
local detective force today by order of the
recorder, J. O. Brown.
Some days ago the superintendent of
detectives said he was being hampered In
hla department by not being allowed to
select bis -own men. j
Mr. Brown demanded a written statement
as to the capability of each man composing
the force and the above men were accused.
McGovern took an active part in the cap
ture of the B'ddle brothers, who escaped
from the county Jail some months ago.
Dylaar Man Married In Red Will He
cover or Ceremony Is
ASHEVILLE. N. C, Nov. J. John Gibson,
a dying man of Cincinnati, was married
here today to Miss Henrietta Cecilia Wolfe
of Providence, R. I.
Gibson sat up In bed during the ceremony.
They met at Saratoga a year ago. Recently
Gibson went to a sanitarium In Asheville.
Hi condition, becoming critical he telo
giaphed for his fiancee. After the ceremony
Gibson begau to Improve and the doctors
say there ia a chance for hi recovery. He
1 reported to oe wealthy.
Dynamite Rank wrerka llonsea and
Kills Two of the sieeplna
CHICAGO. Nov. 2. A '.dynamite bomb,
the wespon of a dersnged nsoafsin. blew
up the home of Joseph Kordei k in Chicago
Heights today, killing two members of the
family outright and Injuring several others.
The house and that of a neighbor caught
lire and mere destroyed.
The dead: '
JOSEPH KORDECK. arm. and legs blon n
LUCY KOKDFCK. aged 2 years, body
blown to pieces.
The Injured:
Mrs. Lucy Kordeck. flesh blown off right
side. Injured Internally; may die.
Seven children who escaped were in
jured but not aorloualy.
The explosion occurred while the family
was aaleep. The. father and mother, with j
me aaugnrcr, IjUCV, nccupicn a room in in
front, of the cottage. On the other side I
were rooms occupied by ihe rest of the
family. The cottage stood two feet from
the ground, on wooden posts. The bomb
was placed under the room occupied by the
parents and the Impact, of, !he explosion
tore a hole In the floor, blew the bed to
pieces, dismembered Kordock and his
daughter Lury, who was sleeping with her
parents. Tlecea of flesh the sixe of a man's
hand were the largest remnants of the
child's body that couM be found.
The force of the explosion was directly
upward, and tore a piece of flesh from
Mrs. Kordeck'a side, and blew her through
a window. The noise aroused the rest of
the family and they had hardly time to
escape from the flames which soon de
stroyed the cottage. Kordeck's body, torn
to shreds, was found In tbe debris after
the fire was extinguished.
Charles Smith, a former boarder at the
Kordeck house, who waa paying attention
to one of Kordeck'a laughtere, has' been
arrested charged with, the crime. The
Kordeck girl was to hive been married to
another man next wek.
Smith declares he ia Innocent, but neigh
bora say he made thre- ts to them that If
the girl refused to be his wife he would
blow up the famjly wlta dynamite. Smith
was absent from bis room at the time of
the explosion and his room mate claims he
returned greatly excited ahortly after the
explosion. v
Explosion at Sew "traltsvlll Mine
Sends Employes to Long
NEW 8TRA1T8VILLE. O., Nov. 2. Mau
rice O'Brien, miner; Charles Sampson,
stable boss, and- Herbert Coran, book
keeper, were killed by an explosion ot gas
in Lost Run mine, owned by the Buckeye
Coal company, near here this morning.
It Is supposed the gas found Its way from
an adjoining mine which has been aban
doned for several years, probably through
an opening made by the diggings. No one
knows how the men cs me to be in the
mine, but it Is believed they went in to
explore it and that tht gas was Ignited
by the lights they earr; d. .
-The bedlee.-whlca-we. i'oun4 some dis
tance from the' ' entrance,- were badly
burned and mangled.
Rrakeman Dies and Conductor la
Injnred In a Freight
FCHNECTADY, N. Y., Nor. -2. A freight
hrakeman was killed and a freight con
ductor slightly injured In a rear end col
lision between two freight trains five milea
west of this city on the New York Central
tonight. The first train was running on
schedule time and the cecond on caution
The engineer ot the second lost control
and crashed Into the forward train. He
and the fireman saved their Uvea by
The wreckage covered all four track
and suspended traffic for several hours. .
Injarlea at BlaT Foot Rail Game Mostly
light. Though Two Bad
aoea Remain.
CHICAGO, Nov. 2. Victims of tbe grand
stand crush at Marshall field yesterday
were reported today as recovering. Bruises
and bumps were tbe extent ot the Injuries
tb the greater number.
M. R. Ray, a traveling salesman, whose
home Is at Cairo. III., is in a serious con
dition at the Chicago hospital. It will be
several weeks before he will be able to
leave his bed.
Dr.'C. M. Waugh, who was tsken to the
Chicago hospital, was able to return to hla
home at Toluca, III., today.
Trains Come Together la ort1i
Carolina and Kill and
WILMINGTON. N. C, Nov. 2 The south
bound vestibule train on the Atlantic Coast
Line waa wrecked at Elm City, N. C, last
night by running Into a freight train.
The engineer of the vestibule was killed,
the flieman and three mall clerks were
badly injured and the baggage master was
slightly hurt.
The passengers were shaken up, but none
seriously injured.
Catches Vehicle on Railway Cross
ing and Slays Its
ELGIN, 111., Nov. 2 Frank and Louis
Schuette and Charles and Jamea Woodrlcb
were killed early today at Algonquin, III.,
when the milk express on the Chicago &
Northwestern railway struck their carriage
at a crossing on the main street ot the vil
lage. All lived at Algonquin except James
Woodrlch, whose home wss at Kilbourne
City, Wis.
Daughter of Empress Josephine's
Relative Baccnmbs In Trolley
SAVANNAH. Ga.. Nov. 2. Mrs. Anal
Wilson, aged 8J. died today after being
xtruck by a trolley car. Mrs. Wilson was
born in the Island of Martinique In 181!. '
Her mother, Mr. Petera, was a cousin
of Empress Josephine, first wife of Na
poleon They were educated together in
tb convent at 8u Pierre.
Political Campaign Just Closed Remarkable
in Man Kespoctt.
Fight Has Centered Almost Firtn
slvely I poa Mr. Mickey as the
Head of the Repahllcan
State Ticket.
(From a Staff CVvrespondfnt.i
. LINCOLN, Nov. 2. (Special Telegram.)
Chairman H. C. Llndssy of the republican
state committee gave out the following
statement tonight:
"While tbe campaign has been a quiet
one, tbe work ot completing an organiza
tion in cverv county In the state baa been
well and thoroughly don". I am Ratlslled
with conditions. Every effort will be made
to get the republican voters to the polls. I
If ibis is accomplished there is no doubt
about the result. We will elect six con
gressmen, the entire siate ticket and two
thirds of the legislature."
While republicans express confidence thst
Nebraska Is still to be counted In the repub
lican column, the close of the campaign
finds the politicians more than usually re
luctant stake their reputations on defi
nite predictions. So many contingencies
are to be reckoned with, so much depends
upon the weather and the stay-at-home
vote, and so much upon purely local condi
tions, that the information conveyed by
tha first returns will be needed to fortify
political hopes,
Campaign la Qolct.
The campaign In Nebraska has, In fact,
been an unusual one from many point of
view. The conventions of both parties were
held rather early and tickets put in the
field in ample time to mako a thorough
canvass of the whole elate, yet Instead of a
long campaign we have had a abort cam
paign, because the active work was not
really commenced until about the middle
of September. So far as tbe republicans
have been concerned, tho work of their
state committee bas been directed chiefly
toward perfecting the organization. The
committee has been more nr less ham
pered for funds, all the financial assistance
coming from outside having gone from the
national congrecsional committee directly
to the congressional candidates. A few out
Ido speaker have been furnished, most
notable being Secretaries Wilson, Moody
and Shaw, but the speaking campaign has
been comparatively restricted. It Is per
haps as well that not much oratory was let
loose, because all report? !r.ilcic great
difficulty In getting people cut to meetings
in all parts ot the state. In this the re
publicans have been at no disadvantage
as against the fustonlsts. Tbe people have
been simply too buey to listen to political
speakers. Irrespective of partisanship or
the size ot the attraction.
Main Onslaught Is on Mickey.
As to the actual fighting, the fire seems
to have been concentrated on the governor
ship. A number of lines of attack on the
republican candidate have been pursued by
the opposition, and It Is an open secret
that the campaign manager expect Mr.
Mickey to fall somewhat behind hla asso
ciate on the ticket. He Is expected to
run stronger in the country than In tbo
city,' and ought therefore to gain from the
late returns. The other candidates for the
state offices on both sides have been making
personal canvasses, but without developing
special . strength beyond their respective
party following.
A light .vote la looked for, but it ought
not to be any lighter than it was last year,
unless bad weather keeps the voters away
from the polls. The aggregate for the state
ought to be In the neighborhood of 210,000,
so It will take at least 100,000 to elect.
Messages from republican headquarters
to the cast have been giving assurances
of at least four, republican congressmen
from Nebraska, with hopes for more. Aa
to the legislature, it is counted as repub
lican by safe majorities In both houses.
Rich Discovery In Black Hornet Dis
trict the Caaae of a Wild
EOISE, Idaho, Nov. 2. A remarkably rich
discovery of gold In the Black Hornet dis
trict has caused a stampede comparable to
the mining rushes of the early days.
Knowledge of the discovery got out last
evening and men started out at once to
secure claims. They kept going all night
and today several hundred are visiting the
aoene. .
A hitherto unknown vein has been found
about a mile and a half from tbe Black
Hornet vein. The mine was a blind lead
and was opened in doing aome work on
property on another vein. It shows seven
feet wide.
On the hanging wall Is a streak of talc
that Is very rich; next lies fourteen inches
of ore, showing great quantities of gold.
It Is variously estimated to be worth from
T,, 000 to $10,000 a ton. Then comes about
four feet of ordinary ore. The vein haa
been opened today at several other joints.
At one point 600 feet from the original
discovery very rich ore waa met with, and
in all the others good ore shows.
Thanks People of United States for
' ' Past Aid and Asks for
CHICAGO, Nov. 2. Peter Van Vlisslugen,
who bas been identified with tbe Boer relief
measures In this country, has received the
following letter from General Louis Botha,
dated London, October 23:
Dear Sir: Your letter of the 23d ult.
reached me a few days ago and I must
i hunk you tor your kindly Interest. I
still Intend vlbltlng America, though it is
ImposHible for me to do so junt yet. When
I do ri.nie I hope to meet you. or at least
to come Into communication with you.
I wish to avail myself of thin opportunity
to express ojr gratitude (or what you and
your committee have hitherto done for us
and to lender you our hearty thanks. I
can assure you that if during the war It
was necessary to render us aaritatance,
there are now much stronger reasons for
doing eo to help our eople on their legs
again, and I note with pleasure that wo
mav count on your further asti.msnce.
Believe me, yours truly. LOLI8 liUTHA.
Snow In Moantalns Is Heavy and
Maay Animals Sacenmh to In
clement Weather.
EL PASO. Tex., Nov. 2. A cold wave has
swept over this section during tbe laat
twelve hours and report from tbe sur
rounding mountain region Indicate that the
snowfall will be heavy on tbe slopes in
New Mexico.
Hundreds of sheep raught unexpectedly In
tbe open have perished aud below this city
in the Rio Grande valley the losses have
been heavy.
Foreeifit for Nebraska Kalr nbd Wnrmer
Mnminy and Tuciln; Freh Southeast
Temperature at Ontnha Yesterday!
Hoar. lies, Hanr. Drs.
A a. m 47 I . m IW
H a. in 4 it p. m fVI
T a. m 4l a p. m 1l
Ma. ni IU p. n Ml
O a. m 4T (V p. m ...... fl
It) a, m 4h tl p. m A:t
II n. m Mil 7 p. m ft:l
Vt m l N p. m nt
It p. tn r
Afterward Takes to Monntnlas with
Daughter, Who la Sow
CINCINNATI. Nov. t. A dlspstch from
Incx. Ky.. says: Pleanant Spradlng. held
for killing his 4-yesr-old son. Is threatened
with Ivnchlng.
Sprading's family consisted of his wife,
three daughters and a son. He was herding
sheep with the children last Friday, when
the hoy lingered behind and began to peel
the loose bark off a tree. Presently the
father returned and noticing tho bark,
asked the boy who had done It. The
youngwtcr told.
"I would rather have you dead than raise
you to destroy everything on the farm."
replied his father, and picking up a stone
struck his son on the head. Then ho
kicked the prostrate baby to death, and
turning to hln daughters, threatened them
with a like fate if they ever told.
Afterward he went home and said the hoy
bad run against a tree and killed himself.
Later he took his eldest daughter and
went to the mountains. His wife hired
neighbors to bury the body of the child
and then told Judge E. Heneley of the
death of her on and eald she suspected
her husband, who at different times had
threatened to kill the whole family. The
judge took her with her two younger
daughters to his home and presented the
case to the grand Jury.
Shortly afterward a sheriff's posse cap
tured Sprading, but his daughter was not
with him.
Iter In the day the missing daughter
turned up, barefoot end ragged, having es
caped from her father In the mountains.
She waa Immediately taken before the
grand Jury and told how Tier father killed
the boy and threatened her life and that of
her mother. She said he would have
brained them heretofore but for tho Inter
ference of neighbors. Judge Hennley has
the jail strongly gtiarded to prevent any
danger nt lynching. Sprading will be given
a speedy trlnl.
Pueblo Man Kept Various Dresses
to Aid Criminal
PUEBLO, Colo.. Nov. 2. Tho police have
in eustody a prisoner known as Joe Myrley,
who was arrested on the complaint of hie
wife, who says at his order and under
threats she signed more than twenty checks
for sums ranging from $20 to $70; He
alfo obtained furniture and other valuable
things on the installment plan and then
sold them.
Mr. Myrley ia from Jefferson City. She
gives among some of the aliases Myrley
used the names of Sharkey, Simon, Phillips
and Myers. In tho possession of the pris
oner when arrested were various novel de
vices. Including a policeman's uniform, the
garb of a priest and that of a clergyman.
Form Concerted Plot and Fifty Are
Still Free, Though Others
Are Caught.
NEW YORK. Nov. 2 Two hundred and
fifty boy. Inmates of the New York Ju
venile asylum, made a concerted break for
freedom today. The plot was devised sev
eral week ago. Fifty of tbem escaped,
but twenty-three were recaptured after two
hours. Thoso at large range in age from
10 to 16.
"Nothing will be done to punish tho
boys," said the superintendent of the asy
lum tonight. "They were mostly destitute,
committed for their own welfare. If they
were vlolous they would have bfeen aent to
the reformatory. I suppose they wanted
to take advantage ot the fine weather and
get out for a run."
Relieve Him of Ills Money and Leave
Htm Dying In Vacant
Lot. .
CHARLESTON. W. Va., Nov. 2 W. O.
Davis, a merchant of this city, while on
his way home last night, was assaulted by
unknown parties and left for dead In r
vacant lot.
He was not found until this morning,
when ho was taken to a hospital, where
he died at noon. The motive was robbery.
Davis wa known to have had a large sum
of money on him at the time of the assault
and this wa missing.
Citlsens of Georgia Discover Dead
Bodies, but Xo Trace of
SAVANNAH, Ga., Nov. 2. Gugie Bour
quln, 65 yeara ot age, and a negro man
were murdered today near the former'
farm, six miles from this city. Bourquln's
body was found in a buggy and tbe body
ot the negro 100 yards away.
Recently Bourquln had trouble with pot
hunters who have sought to shoot gamo
on his farm.
Actress Denies Report of licr Illness
on Her Arrival at New
NEW YORK. Nov. 2 Maude Adams, the
actrrsa, who has been reported as being
In ill health, arrived today from Europe,
She denies that she has been ill.
Movements of Ocean tessels Xox. '4.
At New York Arrived: I Jt Champagne,
from Havre; Noordam. from Rotterdam and
lioulog ne.
At Movllle Arrived: Bavarian, from Mon
treal and Juelee (or Liverpool, and pro
ceeded. Sailed: Columbia, from Glasgow
for New York.
At Uvcrpool Arrived : Cevlc, from New
At Naples Arrived: Vancever. from Bos
ton via Fayal for (le-ioa.
At iSlhrallur hailed: Trave, from tienoii
and Naples for Ne York.
At Queenstown rliiilcd: L'mhrla, from
Liverpool for New York.
At The Lisa rd-Pa used: Minnehaha, from
New York for Ixindon; Zeeland. from Ntw
V etrlt for Aelwurn.
Thomai F. Walsh Enthusiaatio Otbt tha
Outlook for Irrigation.
Redeemed Land is to Be Kept for the Use
of the Actual 8ettler.
Considers Irrigation Bill the Crowning
Glory of Hii First Term.
People Who I. Ire la that Section
Will I Itlmntely Be tha Greatest
ncneflclarlea of the
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON, Nor. !. SpecUl )
Thomas F. Walsh, the Colorado million
aire who presided over the sessions of the
Irrigation congress, recently held in Den
ver, expressed h'mself today as being well
satisfied with the rreulta accomplished at
the convention. Mr. Walsh said the Ideas
carefully outlined by his association will
work In perfect harmony with the Una
of the ecological survey, in whose hands
the administration of the Irrigation hill
" You must understand." said Mr. Walsh,
"that tbe National Irrigation association
expects to accomplish Its greatest work In
the moral Influence with which It will en
deavor to surround the settlers who shall
make homes for themselves In the hitherto
great arid west. Working In hearty co-operation
with the government the cssocla
tion will endeavor to afford settlers the
benefit of all the sclentlflo knowledge It
poRScsses, In relieving them so fsr as It
Is posslbln of the obstacles which will
confront them at every hand.
Prealdcnt'a llest Work.
Mr. Walah explained that it will be the
aim of the association to arrange the
settlements in small town and villages
and prevent if possible the Isolatton of
farm life as it la usually found In the
"With the settlers gathered together In
communltlen." he continued. "It neces
sarily follows that they will enjoy the
beneflta of Boclal Intercourse, good roads,
schools, sanitation and many ot the ad
vantages of city life sdded to the healthful
freedom of tho country."
In discussing the passage of the Irrigation
bill Mr. Walsh said that while it was the
outgrowth of a widespread public . aentl
M?nt, Its passage wa primarily due to
two men. President Roosevelt and Repre
sentative Francis G. New land of Nevada.
"With all due regard to hla other
achievements and lo the Importance of
other objects of both foreign and domeatle
concern, I do not hesitate to say that In
ray opinion when .the history of President
Roosevelt' first., administration shall he
written, the passage of the notion! Irriga
tion act will he found to be the glory of
his statesmanship, and Indeed tbe president
regards the irrigation bill as one. of the
best measures whloh . hla signature ha
made a law..
"A for Mr. Newiands, he- gave hi time.
money nnd his most arduous effort In'
championing the measure which in ita in
fancy was bitterly opposed by some ot the
most prominent mnn In politics, and It wa
a hard fight be had to wage against preju
dices born of an ignorance of what irriga
tion really means to the west, ad ,Well as
to the whole country. It was a Mttle thing
in itself," continued Mr. Walsh, "but it
produced the greatest result When Repre
sentative Newiands used to give what we
call 'magic lantern parties' kt hi house,
showing with a stereoptlcon display of tbe
arid region and the change that had been
wrought in It by irrigation and reclama
tion. At these gatherings addresses on
Irrigation were delivered by Secretary Wil
son, who Is an enthusiaatio Irrlgatlonlsl.
and the movement wa tarted which finally
resulted in the passage of th Mil."
Prejudice of the Fast.
Mr. Walsh remarked that one of the
prejudice they had to combat wa the ob
jections of a great many people id the east
toward being taxed for a measure which
they claimed would enly benefit the west.
"On this point," he argued, "It must be
borne In mind that th benefit to come
from the opening of tht arid land to home
seekers are not so much tor tbe people of
the west as to those of the east. The great
multitude who will seise the opportunity
will come from the east. They ars now
working in the congested cities and want
the chance to get a home of thrlr own.
where tbey can be Independent, or they
are farmer boys growing into manhood, who
want tbe same chance farther welt that
their fatbera had in the earlier day when
land wa easy to get In tbe great Mis
sissippi valley. It 1 these men from the
east who will make the new homes of the
west and get the first benefit. The next
benefit will go to the eastern manufacturer,
who will furnish all that la needed tn order
to establish those homes."
Mr. Walsh said that in framing ths irri
gation law every effort was mad to guard
against land monopolies and to reserve the
reclaimed lands tor actual residents. Th
reservoirs will be on government lands
and their water will he restricted to tbe
use of the men who have settled on 'the
land, and no sale of land will bs made
except to actual residents. Eight hour
will constitute a day' labor in constructing
reservoirs and canals and a provision of
the act abuts out cheap Chinese labor.
Water Works Wonders.
"It Is something to stir a man' heart, '
continued Mr. . Waleb, "when he contem
plate tbla change from th gloom of the
gray, dry, forbidding desert to the tweet,
green paradise of irrigated land, and all
this change the result of water, and a very
little, too. considering what a difference
it makes from denotation to teeming abun
dance. "Outside of those Interested In th ques
tion, very few people are able to grasp
tbe tolloseal significance of what irriga
tion means to the arid laud of tha west.
"Think of it," said Mr. Walah. "thsr
are over 1. 000,000,000 acres of arid land
In the I'nited States. Of this 120,000,000
acres, or a territory equal to all ot New
England, with New York. Pennsylvania and
West Virginia thrown In, will ultimately
be successfully irrigated by the use of all
sources of water, it is not tb dream ot
empire which may com to a great na
tion when the conquest of such a territory
is contemplated where 100,000,000 people
will sometimes dwell, but It Is the dream
of Independence which wlli come to many
a struggling family wi'h the announcement
that one more fair valley of arid America
bas been thrown open to settlement at th
actual coat of reclamation." v