Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1902, PART I, Page 9, Image 9

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Dtmocrato HiTt Put Up Ho right Except
in Eastern Congiessional Diitricts.
DtmMnli Make C laim on Four, bat
Give Oat So Flffarrn llarrr
l.erleh la Released on
(From a fbtaff Correspondent.)
DKS MOINES, Not. 1. (Special.) This
week hss virtually closed the eamralgn In
Iowa. Tbe campaign, to far sa It hss been
la any sense a contest between parties or
candidates, has ben confined to the east-
era part of the state, chiefly In five con
gressional districts. The only exceptions
hara been In Carroll, Crawford and Marlon
counties, where there hare been some local
contests. The republican state committee
claims that the plurality In the state will
be about 65,000, but makes do special fig
ures 00 any congressional district, except
to elslm thst the entire congresslcnal dele
gation will be republican. The majorities
In tba districts will run from 1,000 to 15,000.
The republican committee has no doubt of
the election of the republican candidate
In the Second district, which Is regarded
as the one democratic district of the state
normally. A good Oght has been put up
In the First, Second, Third and Slxtb dis
tricts. It Is claimed by the republican
that Judge Blrdsall will have about S.KOO
plurality over Governor Boles. Tho
democrats give out no figures on the gen
eral result, but claim that there will be
four democratic congressmen from the ttate.
They claim that the Fourth district Is likely
to be republican, though the republicans
do not concede sny closeness In that corner
jl the state.
State Farmers' Institute.
The annual state farmers' Institute for
loma will be held In ths stale capitol. com
mencing Decomber 9, and In connection
V herewith will be held an annual corn ex
I I bit, which was delayed from the state
1 lr until this time because at that time the
corn bad not ripened.
I.evlrh Admitted to Ball.
Harry Levlch, one of the men Indicted
for connection with the murder of Isaac
Flnkelsteln, wss today released on $5,000
ball, pending trial. On behalf of Levlcb
' it was urged that ho was able to prove an
alibi which would be complete, but for tha
testimony of one womsn of questionable
character, whose testimony would be Im
peached. The court considered this and
admitted him to ball. Walker, who would
tbe unable to give ball, was Bent back to
'Jail. It la expected their trials will com
mence very soon, as both are anxious for a
Inspected Two Companies.
Colonel Prime and Major Hume this week
officially Inspected two companies of the
Iowa National guard, those at Hampton and
at Marshalltown, to determine whether or
not they ahould be mustered out. Both
companies fell below the requirement In
the matter of attendance at drills. Both
are good companies, but have no armories,
and It Is probable they will be allowed to
continue for some time.
Soldiers Ptle t p Score of Sltty-Kour
to Mothlnat for the
Eleven thaggy-balred tads comprising
the foot ball team from Malvern, la., came
to Council Bluffs yesterdsy to try thelf
lutU with the Dodge Light Guards at Man
ama and met with the same result as have
all othra who have thus far essayed con
clusions with tbe soldiers, tbst is, defeat,
and defeat by a score of (4 to 0.
The game from a spectator's point of view
was devoid of Interesting features, as there
waa little opportunity for the soldiers to
display their abaility as foot ball players,
owing to tbe fact that tbelr opponents,
though somewhat bulky, were entirely out
classed. Council Bluffs won the toss and chose the
north gosl. Within one minute of play
Dalley went over the line for a touch
down. During ths first half Dalley se
cured two touchdowns, Thomas two, Mul-
llck one, Stuart one and Rutherford one.
Thomas kicked five of the goals. Score:
Dodge Light Guards, 40; Malvern. 0.
Tbe second hslf was even less interest
ing than the first. Dalley tackled a Mai
vernite for a safety, Williams went across
the goal line for two touchdowns, as did
Dietrich. Thomas kicked two goals. Score:
Dodge Light Guards, (4; Malvern, 0.
At no time during the first half did Mal
vern gain the ball on downs nor old it
mako Its gains, and only twice during tho
second half.
Tbe lineup follows:
Omaha High School Forgett ths Art
of Scoring.
riaya a Brilliant Game, bat Tips visi
tors Hate ttcrrlied In Watching;
I Diversity Coaching Coma to
Their Assistance.
called with the ball In Yale'a territory on a
The lint up:
Pottrs apt.
Thompson ....
MrAnrirvsl ...
l. r. n
i T R T
L. O ,H. U.
I' !'
R. a L. o.
R. T. U T.
R. K ' U Y.
Q H g. H
H. B . R. II.
II B. I L. H.
F. B.l V. B
.Wllhelml, Raffrlf
B rhiitslrk InM
...Bowman, Tarmsr
Torney. Ward.
tiOh's; Howman, Torney.
Time of halves: Twenty minute.
aiu. .jbijuiiainui i.jsi issuiix lawtsssssiiLJiuiwiMUJMimsniis.MaesMiaMWW
Williams ...
Rutherford ..
Deltrtrh (CI.
Richmond ...
...L. BR. E. .
..U T. i R. T...
. U CJ. R. Q...
..R. O. L. O..
..R T.iU T...
. . R. K. L,. "E. .
. Q. B.'Q. B...
,.. H . L. H .
,.L. H. R. H . .
. . F. U.IK. B...
Uuarris, Stuart,
O. Smith
O. Smith
John Hon
J. Smith
and OolT; Malvern, Thomas, Porn, Stewart
and Harris. Referee: V, 1. Treynor. t m
plre: Salisbury. Timers: Dyar and Miller,
IJnemen: Cutler and Thomas.
Cable Breaks aad Five Men Drop
Fifty Feat with Llarht
nlnm Speed.
DEB MOINEi, Nov. .1 Five men fell fifty
feet down coal shaft at Newton yester
day afternoon and some of them cannot
The men were being elevated to the sur
face of French Bros.' mine at the close of
work. Tbe cable broke just as they reached
the top and they dropped to the bottom of
tba shaft with lightning rapidity.
Tbe men were found piled In a heap at
the bottom, all unconscious. But one, An
drew Fleming, baa regained conaclousness.
Hugh Smith cannot recover, and the fata of
tba other three John Snook, Eugene Walsh
and John Walsh Is uncertain. Each of the
men bas a family.
tata Conference of Cbarlttea.
IOWA CITT. Ia., Nov. 1. (Special.) The
tata conference of charities and correc
tions elected the following offlcera and ad
journed today; President, Judge O. 8. Rob
Inaon, Sioux City: first vice president, El
mer Park. Keokuk; second vice president.
Dr. Anna Burnett, Mount Pleasant; third
vice president, H. 8. Holltngsworth, Des
Moines; general secretary, John Beardaley,
Dea Moines. Executive committee: Judge
Robinson, Prof. Isaac A. Loos, Iowa City;
Dr. E. U 8tevene, Des Moines; Prof. B. E.
Bhepperd, Des Moines; secretary, Beardsley,
Agriculturists Score First, bat Are
enable to Keep Ip Their
IOWA CITT. Is., Nov. l.-(8peelal Tele
gram.) Iowa defeated Ames, 12 to 6, in a
close contest on Iowa field today. Amea
played a hard, plucky game from start to
tlnleh, scoring first and keeping Iowa from
breaking a tie until near the close of tho
fame. Penalties and fumbles cut down
owa's score greatly and made a game in
which Iowa would ordinarily have scored
at least six touchdowns. It was one of
the closest and most exciting contests which
Iowa field has yet seen. The game was
played In Ames territory, save for ten
minutea in tho first half, when Ames
scored, and five minutes In the second half.
Have for its unusual tendency to have
trouble with the umpire and with fumbles,
Iowa played In considerably Improved form
over the Minnesota game. Its right guard
la still weak, but the rest of the line is
reasonably strong and the backs show In
creased ability in the second line of de
fense. Within ten minutea of the beginning
of the game Iowa was compelled by an
off-side decision on Ames' five-yard line to
yield the ball. Hard luck in the umpire a
decision followed it throughout the game.
Ames was given the ball by the umpire on
a penalty when It made Its start for the
touchdown and was aided by fifteen yards
from the same official.
Iowa ODcned ur the second half by a-olng
to Ames' three-yard line and fumbling and
it took tha third approach in the second
half to the Ames gosl to make the first
Hawkeye touchdown. Iowa was penalised
elsht times for loea of distance and five
times for lose of the ball. Amea was twice
penalised for loss of distance and for loss
of ball, but no time at critical positions.
Ames held Iowa three times on Its twenty
yard line and once on It ten-yard line.
Ochiltree tried -thro tlace kicks In the
first half and two In the second. Hollen
beck let Ebersol through to block twice
and the other attempts fell short. Ames
made Its score by pounding Iowa s line,
especially Captain Hollenbeck. for steady
two-yara gains oy tanaem piays. r.aon cis
tanrn aa it approached Iowa's goal was
made by a hair, but Ames kept steadily to
Its advance, bcott made tne touchdown
Iowa scored twice In the second half, once
on line plunges, with the touchdown by
Ochiltree, and once on a return of a ount
bv Griffith. Griffith caucht Tener's punt
on Iowa's thlrty-flve-yard line, was downed
after ten yards' progress by Tellier, pulled
out by White and aided by splendid Inter
ference, ran sixty-nve yaras tor a toucn
The lineup:
BlaT Fire Sweeps Iowa Taws.
8IOCX CITT. Ia., Nor. 1. Nearly the
whole of tha business section of Prlmghar,
county seat of O'Brien county, Iowa, waa
destroyed by firs tonlgbt.
There was bo Ore protection. The loss Is
estimated at $00,000.
tate Collegia Wins Debate.
CEDAR FALLS, Ia., Nov. 1. (Special Tel
egram.) For the third time the State col
lege defeated tha Stat Normal in annual
debate last night.
Of tho Present Day.
The absorbing problem of today la, how
to expend one's Inccme sa as to attain the
best results; that Is, get full value for one's
It nay truthfully be said that this has
been, It, and always will be an.absorblutf
problem to those with limited means; but
the fact remains that with ths price of
living necessities constsntly rising one
must husband one's resources more care
fully than ever before It he would live
within his Income. In saying that prices
re rising, we except one article which has
come to occupy a prominent place In the
family medicine cloaet, and that Is the
specific for piles or hemorrhoids known as
Pyramid Pile Cure. This remedy Is still
old by druggists at the old prices of fifty
eats and one dollar, and these prices will
remain unchanged. Those to whom this
preparation bas brought relief and a curs
after years of suffering do not need to be
told of Its merits; others are advised that
It U the greatest boon ever discovered to
II those afflicted with any form of piles:
It la In suppository form. Is etsjly applied,
reaches the seat of ths complaint, and
fives Immediate relief and a lasting cure.
The reader may have tried salves, oint
ment and lotions without benefit, and
feeling that hia money has been waated,
resolves to suffer on rather than experi
ment farther. The reason for the failure
of these treatments fs thst they do not
reach the seat of the trouble, and hence do
not remove the cause, as does Pyramid
Pile Cure. A little book describing pll?s,
their cause and cure. Is published by tbe
Pyramid Drug Co.. Marshall, Mich, and
snyone rosy procure a copy by sending
same and address to above firm. As show
ing the estimation Id which this remedy Is
peld by the public It may Interest tbe
reader to know that Its aale now exceed
iboae of all other pile remedies combined.
A. Bucklr-lrhar
, bu
. ... Ebran!a-Brok
Jorsaneoa Wl 1 1 tasa
Buckley-Whim. ..U H.R. H BVhuler-Wsaka
Buckler R H.IL. H. Scott-Mlllar-Nlrbols
OehlltrM P. B.IP. B Daahler
Referee, Ralph Lane of Des Moines. Um
pire, A. R. Hail of Illinois.
...L. I.i R. B.
...L. T. R. T.
...L. Q.R. 0.
C. c
...R. O IL. O.
...R. T. L. T.,
...R. E.L. C
Q. B Q. B.
Indian Eleven Arrives for Monday's
Combat with the Hapefal Crelgh
ton Gladiators.
The Haskell Indian foot ball team will
arrive In Omaha at Sio this afternoon
They will meet the Creighton team on the
Vinton kitreet park tomorrow aitemoon at
S:30. The Indians came out of the game
with Nebraska In good condition, and the
came hera promises to be a naro one
Rerrasentativea of the Creighton team who
saw the game In Lincoln yesterday say
that the local team has a good chance to
win. That Creighton will score is almost
certain. This is the game of the season In
Omaha, ana It I to be regretted mat ll
could not be played on Saturday, but such
en arrangement could not be made. The
llreup for tomorrow:
Hobha R. E.IL. K Pel'
Walker R. T.UT Hauaer
LoollMirsusa U. O IL. O RMvatar
The score, IS to 0, and every one of tbe
eigmcen is a Dutton on the string or toe
Lincoln High school. But It was almost
not so bsd. In the second hslf the Omaha
school bos got strength and tore along
with the call right up to within a foot of
the goal, and thereabouts it remained for
many strenuous moments before it was
punted away.
But that one foot of ground might have
been a wall of stone, and Sterricker worked
himself groggy and the bleachers shrieked
insanely to no avail. The Lincoln eleven
was heavier and the Omaha line could not
hold against It. Furthermore, Lincoln has
learned many things from observation of
the coaching of the university team. Tho
local men might have relied more on kick
ing, as they had a distinct advantage In
this line, nnd could have made a field goal
where they could not cross the line. Ster
ricker was far and away the star of the
Omaha High school; Fairbrother, Thomp
son and Loftus were also prominent In the
play. For Lincoln, Hawley, Kimmel, Bar
wick and Myers put up some good playing.
A good crowd of locals was In attendance
and many enthusiasts were there from
Story of the t.nme.
At 3:30 Lincoln kicked off from the south
side, Omaha dropping the ball on the fifteen-yard
lino, but saved it from Lincoln.
The ball went back for a punt, was fum
bled and kicked out of bounds at thirty-five-yard
line. Lincoln brought It back
nine yards In four down and then tried a
field goal, which fell short, and was re
turned ten yards by Omaha. On the next
down Sterricker punted thirty yards. Lin
coln then started for the goal; Hawley took
ten yards around left end; then followed
two yards through center, a tandem against
left guard, eight yards sround left end, a
couple of gains through tacklca, then a
touchdown by Drain, after eleven minutes
of play. Hawley kicked goal. Score: Lin
coln, (; Omaha, 0.
Sterrlrker's kickoff was a duke and was
stopped In ten yards. Lincoln was penal
ized on the next down ten yards, then
punted twenty. Thompson then got tba
ball and ran fifty yards, being stopped on
the ten-yard line, but the ball was brought
bsck because the referee's whistle had
blown. Omaha lost on downs. Lincoln
made ten in two downs, but was penalized
fifteen. After an exchange of punts Lin
coln started on Omaha's twenty-flve-yard
line and worked the ball along by gains of
four or five yards. Hawley finally broke
through right tarkle and made a touch
down squarely between the posts.
Matson was put out of the game for
slugging Fairbrother and Munn took his
place at right tarkle. Hawley added
goal to the touchdown, making the score:
Lincoln, 12; Omaha, 0. A few minutes later
time was called, with the ball at the cen
ter of tbe field.
In the Second Half.
In the aecond half Omaha kicked off and
the ball waa run back to the twenty-flve-yard
line. Lincoln walked tbe ball down
toward the Omaha goal at three or five
yards to a down, going through and over
the line and occasionally around the ends.
Omaha braced up at its ten-ysrd line and
Rogers took Baxter's place at guard. A
play or two later Fairbrother had to quit
and Thompsett came In. Lincoln took the
ball over from the three-yard line, but It
was brought back for offside play. Myers
took It over on the next down and Hawley
kicked tha goal. Lincoln, 1!; Omaha, 0.
After the kick off, which they fumbled,
the men from tbe capital tried a close
formation play, lost the ball on the thlrty-flve-yard
Una through a fumble, and on
the next play were penalized ten yards for
off side play. Then Omaha took a brace
and played fast and hard. Sterricker went
through left tarkle tor eight yarda, a
hurdling play netted four more, Sterricker
got three more through the line, and
Loftus took two. Thompson and Sterricker
failed to make five yarda and Lincoln
took tbe ball six yards from the goal. They
fulled to gain in two down and punted to
tho twenty-flve-yard chalk, Loftus running
it back ten yards. Then Sterricker and
Thomas made good gains, and Thomas took
tho pigskin to within six yards of the line.
Sterricker tried the line twice, but failed
to make good, and Lincoln got tUo ball
tour feet from the line.
Changes In the Leanrae Standing
Chew larertnlnty In Team
Western ...
Gernvin ....
National ...
ivniR Park
Clarkson ..
St. Charles
Gate City ..
Played. Won. Lost.
The third week of play on the bowling
alieys has effected almost a complete
change In the standing of the clubs, and
has demonstrated lr a marked degree the
uncertainty of the plavers In the early
part of the season. A striking example of
this Is furnished in the fact that the
Omaha, the champion team of last season,
with practically tne same players, is now
in last place. The leaders of last week
have all slipped backward and those who
are now toward the top of the column have
come up from the haif-way mark or even
lower. The Krug Park le the only team of
the league that has In the games of this
past week shown any uniformity of play
or has put up any really good bowling, the
others having been more or less Irregular
and uncertain. By winning three straight
the Western now leads, with an average
of 67, and the German and Krug Para,
who closed last week In the last group
with H3 per rent, are now next In line to
the leaders with f"5 per cent, and on even
terms with the National team, which had
tne lead at the close of last week. The
Omaha. Clarkenn and Oate City teams lost
three each and with the St. Charles are
trailing along toward the end of the, list.
Following Is the Individual standing of
the players for the week ending October
Name. Gamea. A, i Name. Oamea
Ilenf e
W. Zitsman
Al Kruf
P. W. Prhnelder
A. C. Reed
i. Behaetder.
Al Kellar
"The Preeldent"
Huntington ....
t. J. Pranclaro.
Hodgea ...
lJ P. Krug
1H9 Fowler
lSillK. Zltimaa...
177 Boesiaa
;-7 darkaoa
I7 c. Conrad
171 Jones
17: A. P. Kallar.
171 1 Baden
171 Zarn
171 Hartley
17!) Wlgman
W S Rhel
don, 254; W. A. Chandler, 221. 202; Al Krug,
22!t; B. F. Hull. ZUo; W. F. Kuhlmann, 22a;
K. Jurgensen. 212; J. J. Mavey, 233. 213, 224;
H. Beselin. 21; If. H. Jones. 22S. 2i; C. B.
Brldenbecker. ?20. 22i. 223. 205; W. Bowman,
224; M. Schwars. Buffalo. N. T.. 243; II.
Keed, 205: Jim Usher, 211: W. C. Sherwood,
aa. 204; Bob Kncell. 2, 210.
M. Sthwars of Buffalo. N.
prize by rolling 243 at tenpins.
Following ar
week on the Gate City alleys:
Iehman ...
Hevnolda ..
Reaan harry
Relle.k ....
pragua ...
Slatthal ...
high scores
" lif
Y., won a
..c.ic carl
L. 0 ! R. O Oliver
L. T. I R. T Dubola
L. K.iR. B Guyou
U. B 1(3. B Pallia
,.R. H. B.jL. H. B Bams
. L. H. H. R. H. B Arrhlqu.ue
P. B. P. B atlMl
Mulaltey .
Rootiay ..
M natal a .
Walea ...
Three End Bans and Tonehdowns filve
Victory Over Iowa Karma!
on Letter's Gridiron.
CEDAR FALLS, la., Nov. l.-6pecial
Telsgram.) The hardest foot ball contest
ever played on the Normal gridiron took
place today between Cos college and Nor
mal. Normal showed superior strength at
team and Individual plays, but could not
hold Ball, who made three end runs and
touchdowna. He won the game for Coe,
as his team was weak on Interference and
line smashes, and fumbled repeatedly. The
score waa even at the end of tba first half,
which closed with the ball within live
yards of the goal In Cue's field. The game
lasted two hours. Cotton 8. Jones and
btrnff scored for Normal. Halves, twenty
five minutea. atcore: Coe, IS; Normal. 11
Ssragua R. O ' !.. O Uunkerloa
handler L. Q.I R. O Myers
tlall L. B R. E Las.ou
fcerlr C.IC Wright
Vvhllnei; R. T I L. T Kleb
Pant Helps Visitors Some.
After two, futile attempts to gain, which
were frustrated by the tackling of Ster
ricker and Loftus, the capital city men
punted out of danger and the chance of
Omaha was gone. After two downs Ster
ricker made an excellent punt of thirty
five yards, wblch was run back twenty
by Barwick, who waa then tackled by
Sterricker. Kimmel got clear of all tba
Omaha men, except Rogers, who downed
him after a gain of thirty yards. Time
called, ball on Omaha's twenty-flve-yard
line. Final score: Lincoln, 18; Omaha, 0.
The lineup:
C. Putnam
Shields ...
Burnett ...
H. Putnam
...r. !c.
L. O. JR. O
K. O. !L. O
L. T. R. T
R. T. II. T
L. B. IR. E
R. K. L. K
Q. B. iU. B
...U H. B. R. H. B. .
...R. H. B. IL..H B. .
P. B. i P. B
.. Johneos
.... Grona
.... Mataos
.... Maaon
... Barwick
.. Kimmel
... ilawley
Touchdowns: Drain, Hawley, Mvers.
Goals: Hawley 3. Time of halves: Thirty
minutes. Referee: H. J. Cogwell. Um
pire: H. Whipple. Timekeepers: I.. C.
itutcnison ana w. j. Mercer.
H. Welch and H. Birker.
Laraoa ....
L. T.I R. T
R. K L. E
U. B. 4. B
R H. U iL. H. B .
L. H B I R H. B.
p. b. r. b
.... PeurUng
flvu Jonee
...... Cottdtt
. ... T. Juuee
Minnesota, Passes Ceatarr, While
Iowa Boys Cannot Score
at All.
MINNEAPOLIS. Nov. l.-Orinnell was
outplayed and outweighed today when Its
learn went down to aisastroua defeat be
fore the husky Minnesota tram by 1"! to 0.
The Iowuns played a plucky game
throughout, but luck was against them.
Many of I hem were compelled to leave the
game on account of Injuries.
Minnesota showed much linorovrinenl
since the game with Nebraska. Knd rushss
and masse f ued repeatedly for big
fains Uavvlea waa the star ground-gainer
ur Minnesota, once making a sensaUuoal
run of seventy axde fur a touchdown.
Repeata rerformanre of I.est Year
by Scoring; tlx to
WEST POINT. N. T.. Nov. l.-The largest
crowd ever in attendance at a foot ball
game here witnessed the bsttle today be
tween Yale and the military academy team.
The final score was tha same as last year,
to (. both touchdowns being made In the
nrsi nan.
The game waa exciting from start to
l'.ariy in tne nrst half Mrtcalf made a
pretty run of thirty-five yards, eluding the
ends, and Yale, by tome splendid line buck
ing, actually carried their man with the
ball for a gain of ten yards.
Several plays were made with the ball
only three yards ulstant from the line.
The excitement tfrew Intense and finally
wim was rorred over tor a touchdown
after ten minutes of play. Bowman kicked
another goal.
In the next formation Yale punted short
and Bunker caught and ran to the five-yard
line, off-side piay waa claimed by Yale
and the ball wus replaced at the five-yard
line. It waa then only a matter of a few
seconds until Torney was pushed over for
a touchdown and also kicked aoai.
He Iter foot ball waa seen In the aecond
half, the last part being fought i.
in Wtst Point's territory. There was not
ao much punting, and most of the play was
in line, Bringing out ine best mere was in
the two terms. Hackett made a sensational
run of sixty yard and MeUalf one of
twenty. Near the close West Point's Una
begaa to show weakness &nd time was
Kvanston Golfers from Kansas City
Have bat One Player Able to
Make Showing;.
The Evanston Golf club of Kansas City
learned defeat at the hands of the Omaha
Country club Saturday afternoon by a net
score of thirty-three up In favor of the
latter. E. C. Sullivan was the only man
from the Missouri city to mske a showing.
He won his gsme from R. R. Kimball by
a score of four up. When It la remembered
that Mr. Kimball recently fairly established
himself as the amateur golf champion of
the Tranemiaslsnippl association It will be
seen how far superior Mr. HulHvan'a work
was to the other nine who came with him
from Kansas City snd were defeated by
their opponenta. The only handicap that
the Kansas City men can be said to have
had was the fact that they were unac
quainted with the grounds. The day waa
very favorable for the contest and a large
gallery followed the players. The visiting
tram waa entertained at the club house.
With the exception of the first pair, the
winners are (ill Omaha men: K. C. Sullivan
beat R. R. Kimball, 4 up; J. B. Rahm and
R. W. Hodge tied; T. R. Kimball beat H.
C. Read, 4 up; W. D. Bancker beat J. 8.
Mills. 11 up; Harrie Lawrie beat L. J.
Long, 3 up; A. L. Reed beat B. Doone, Jr.,
1 up; E. M. Kairneld beat O. H. Haverfleld,
10 up; K. M. Morsman beat O. B. Norbcrg,
3 up; W. A. Redick beat G. M. Payne, i up;
H. T. Llnquist beat Albert Young, J up.
Winner of Contest Will Then Meet
Jeffries In las franelsco
Neat May.
LOB ANGELES. Cat.. Nov. 1. Thomas
McCarry, manager of the Century Athlelio
cluu, has written jamea j. uoroeu ana to
Hilly Madden, manager or "Denver t,a
Martin, offering: a Durse of 110.000 for i
bout in this city between the former cham
pion ana tne negro neavyweigni. Mcv.arry
Sroposes thst the winner meet Champion
effrles in May next at the time of the
annual fiesta.
Madden has wlready expressed his will
ingness thst Martin meet Corbett and tha
latter has taken the matter seriously
enough to wire for assurance of McCarry'a
Satton Conralna; Meet a Success.
SUTTON, Neb.. Nov. t (Special Tele
gram.) The last events of the coursing
meet were nulled oft today, with a fair at
tendance. The first race on the program
waa the Button aiaae, in wnicn neno a.
beat Jeff, lrmay Maid beat White Filer
Merry uiri beat silver moux, urace ureen.
wood beat Redwood Girl, Quite Right beat
Hetty oreen. Cataract beat White Kaven,
Riddy Doyle beat Red Fog and Havana
Maid ran a bye.
Tne closing- or ine aecona puppy stage
was then run. In which Friend Ulrl beat
Frank Dovie. Little Vlnona beat Maud
Bcattercash and Lord Van Fleet beat Lady
In the second ties or the Button stake
lrmay Maid beat Reno B.. Havana Maid
beat Merrv Olrl. Grace Greenwood beat
Quite Right and Cataract beat Biddy Doyle.
in the puppy staae ootn tne winners.
Little Vlnona and Lord Van Fleet, being
owned by C. Ochsner of Button, the third
round was not run.
The third round In the Sutton stake re
sult-'1 In Grace Greenwood beating Havana
Maid in a closely contested race anil carry
ing off the first money. The managers aay
an prises win oe met ana expenses tuny
Cedar Falls la Vletor.
CEDAR FALL. Ia., Nov. 1-(8peclal
Telegram.) The Cedar Falls High school
foot ball team defeated Waverly at Waverly
today, it to v.
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