Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1902, PART I, Page 7, Image 7
Tin: omaiia daily m;may. novdiiu:i: 2. u-oj. I 1 4 IT 15 POIKTTVL Toi:; r ana F t l.-eal (rrllrMlnri ! lut Most renie.ii.., fnr the irea'n-rm rif a 1 Isrrh are In the fo--m or aprava mba'cri rcmflera. shes or sahrs. 1 purely ).., i-l 1 ! I !'i enc u.un of iVgi often Bn- mpemrr rrlie!. bi ho reason nnrr of' -rprm n-rr really cure chronic ra arrh y t-ecaua- .sia:rh - i,c: l -u,.tw an.i '.ier it itvi.i-i I ( j: t(j tr r 1 ns. te 1 TMiii lo-ral t5 mi iciat . moreover. nc n r- m 'ic...s Inrma rf catarrh, like ra.arrh of tbe nomnfa and ' "aiarrb of tbe liro-.u Viil tubes, cannot . , reached at all by local mpll a'inna and the ' fsc-1 that nceW;rt ca-:rrb of lb- head i Tr;- toon inte-lvr the hromhial lubes. 'oTna-h acd liver, dcn-mcf-irsics tht ihe -J'sr-are Is i blnnd disorder malady and nut ai all a lor- I disease To real'v cure u:arr'j the ttitrn qiiii (FKOlRLSS of the campaign " rul i .nc In Thnr Br FJfVM. CERCLF LiTtRARY RUPIMJ VLP.Y ACTIVE i rf lncfl (laii-nina l.irr I ft' ilir llallalna of ihr -"! It la a ririmlda for -na- thres men mho romptet5 mi'h Merger for the nomination h! ir to try again. nd everrne admit tha e.b-r Trs't. Cornish or Fi'orn rnuld rcrrmand tb full repub lican vote lhat mould insure an election. C A Then there is .tohn L. Kennely ard HsTv ' T Brome, ho mere m the running m-th Pave i ff once h-fore and should not rave the door' closed in front of them forever. There are 1 w throo Jolpra on lh- hn(h mho tnlrht !! ; V look for promotion to onr! Juflp pnt trr. .1ud Etol'o and Judef Vinaonl:alr. If you oul3 ltK.k around amnrt ihr la- I yrra aororal othrr monld ! found aliltillf for Tlif it'!iii of Mr. Mcrira dvHpTiii a-vrral fratu'-n of tho railroad j alliance hirn if ha kint him with itf i r hn I ft a aiffmntlr r-ativa faaa a roni;i,U;i,,nal , brn mid, nf' of ,b, I ttlor raciftr. and thoo bo did licit talk 1.1.. .f M .... ,w .. r. , 1 '. i.r .... Kr . I'-piip- .i ii uiu in; nrrni -ot"nn oy an iBiTnal n-mofly mhi'li ai-is t ftfUicly up.n Ik.. ft.ln. . Ii.... iri- prfiisp !! i oo nwa wbw ibr- hi hr rlfiion of Yorcr and that tric-y more a ' oneriotial ! lion, amotiit thrm Ia( E. John C. Wharton. B;.ron r, latupann 1 Howard H Buldric. V. J romina- Corcdon Burbanli. rcir.r.fll their tiBinfd.rt" aup'-nor for a demonstra tion of ranral auaFinn. Tby ire told thtt The aiic reaa of a ne f at.arrh r-niedy. S.iirrfa (a-ar:! TJ.J ;a. t tHcanae it Irloa out of the yarem th-oiijb naMtrtl rhannrla the ratarrhal poiaon and tbe mu'-U'iua Hn i nar of th noae. throai and trabea are freed from the exceaaive nuirua hi'h f-o'.ler-ta and rtun'ii the havkinr pit i Ins and raarine. I n ative the eji-r aatto er;rei,on i not furri'h-d from halihr kinod. e'uart'a fatarrb Tablfta onialn many of the aain valuable antireptl.-a tined In apraya and inhalera, but Inaiead of l.ein applted to the inflamed nicmbran'? of the roa and throat they are taken Into the aiomath arid thtia reach ih Mood, tbe real et and cauae of the diaeare. i etpwted to be loyal to tb-ir em;iloyera ! Thnjte mho failed to refpond aympa'het j ii-a'ly to thi pieal mere taken up to higher h-ada of depanmenta to live more ! trupreaaire forre to !he urmmrrt. Th i methods have been employed in out ' rie atablihmenia mhiih enjoy railroad I favora and nothing Iff undone to i: the ! ahipprra and patrona ln'.o line frr Mercer ; aa the preferred railroad candidate. ! An appeal in clreular form In txhalf of ! Werrer. nisned hy a number of Joblwra and other business men. for tbe roost part set I in motion by tailroad favors, la said 10 have beeB prepared to be sprung on the public mlth vlem- a smayiDg popular Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are large, pleas- seBtiment tomard tbe nonreatdem by the nt tasting lo.' ihm. composed of Red i meight of tbe name attached. Most of Gum. Hydrastan. Bloodroot and similar 1 these Jobbers have also subscribed to a -aiarrh specifics and r.n safe to use that fund in fioo chunks to help Merc-er purify little children rufTermg from cold take i politics by tbe use of his accumulated eot tbern mltb same beneficial results as adult ruption fund, persona. ' No trace of coteire or opiates, so com- J Another direction In mhiih Mercer hat mon In catarrh medicines, can be found in been almost as lavish aa mitb his money f'uart'a Catarrh Tablets. FAMOUS PIANOS 33 Charle A. C.oss. 1. Webster. Charle n. and James II. Van district rcpublirans R. Andrems. John L,. Grene. A. W. Jeffries Iueen. If the onJ prefer to hare some one outside of the lam make lama, several rames mould tw'pft thcms'lvrs. such as c; W. Wattles, w. L. Sclby. C. P. Haymard. V.. F Trefi. H. E. Palmer. J. X. Weatbure. R F. Wilcox and Arthu- Fmlth. "Of foursc none of these men are oppos trg Mercer, but fern- of them would shed any teara if thev beard be mas rx-atcn. mhile their friends mould immediately oflT their services to help them get the nomi nation for T'4. The year ltd, too. It must b remembered, mill be a presidential year, mhen the race mill be made on national is si!' s. and any rood republican may expect to run siong mitb the national ticket. It mon't make any difference to the national administration If they lose Vrrcer this time. You sam the statement, didn t you. of Chairman Babcoc k cf the national con gret.f -iona committee saying the republicans mere gure of the coming congress by a ma jority bigger by laenty than the majority In the present house? l!y the may. horn many of the men I have mentioned have you beard out on tbe stump this campaign appealing for votes for Mercer" I " ' ' ,, , , , , , , , M II H llltt'. -S ' , - .j.l V ' i A W I you were cjiirincci that tLiis is tbe bct store iu OiuaLa at wbicb to buy boinriurnisbiiikT! vu woum sureiv trade here. e want .net t. rtf your own Vitilanre Co.n n'tlee. 1 o trtVusrat i-.-n i not m i ! at i . n cf t'x.l faith, b it the im-an tnPHOEIT. llcneMv COLRTS inuuit v. SEEK IT. Our Big Couch Sale Exceptional values in couches. Including all kinds and trad". t,f frames stul ut'hclstrrings. atspiayea on our rrst floor just aa you enter. Prices rmiirg from -' "0 domn to Kaakr Piaaia. Kraalrh Rtrh Piaaiwa. Ktankall Planoa. Halle. Jt Dnla Plaaos. aierllaa Plaaoa. 'hasiana Plaaoa. Need ham Plaaoa. Rich and elegant case designs, perfect In workmanship, thee- Pianos offer every possible musical advantage, mhile our prices jmd terms bring them mlthln the reach 'f a modi-at Income. More than 150 pianos f'f various makes and atylea on our floor from mrhlrh to aelect. Special Bargains in Used Pianos We have a number of Instruments that are slightly used, others in fair condition, some shop worn, some secondhand. tiat m-e win o-l I at rilS. $131. $14'i. 1, 1166. 113, 115. U5. on payments of $1" to tla dumn, and tT. 6. $7 and t& per month. Square Pianos Secondhand square pianos at 15. CIS. 14S and .'. A small payment domn and small payment monthly buy them. Used Parlor Organs tn this lot of instruments we hBve vari ous makea. such as Wilcox & White. Ptarr f'rgsn, Needham organ. He rhoven Organ. Hosne Organ, running from 112, Ilk. til and JS. on eay installments. Ve Rent flew Pianos at $4 Per Month We repair planoa, we tune pianos, we move planoa. A HOSPE. 1513-1515 Douglas St. The Special K. N.&F. Overcoat u ' Ma YOU can pay an ex orbitant price for a uit or overcoat made to order by a tailor of the first class, or you can buy one cf the K.N.& F. make. The result is the same. K. N.& F. cloth ing Is equally satisfactory in every respect only it costs about half. Lead ing dealers everywhere sell it. KUH. NATHAN & FISCHER CO. Chicago. HB pv Mictrarrrs -2 i nslivm fill N LLS liias aa . ! . '- .mam m4 laii kalHliun, mm4 laHs S.f iw rUMi m mm4 i rWSlfc til. i ill has been In tbe distribution of promises of appointments to federal offices. Al though the senators have tbe decisive voice. Mercer and hia managera have promised every federal position in tbe district sev eral times over. With tbe help of Indian Supply Agent Jordan they have been carry ing a few extra men on tbe pay roll at the Indian supply marehouse temporarily with promises of permanent employment. Places in the consular service have, also beeu freely disposed of in prospect, and there are three or four Germans, two or three Pmpdes and half a dosen native born earn ing lucrative consulships by putting in their time plugging for Mercer among their countrymen. Rome of them, homerer. mho compared notea tbe other day, discovered bow they mere being buncoed and pulled out. . "By an Omaha meekly paper," said a member of tbe Omaha Typographical union. "I see that Dave Mercer claims he has been indoraed by the Allied Printing Trades. Every member of the unions m hicn compose the Allied Printing Trades will laugh at this claim, but some people who know little of the manner io which tbe unions work may be deceived. In the firat place, Mercer never aecured auch an in dorsement because under the plan of or ganization of the alliance be could not have done ao. Tbe Allied Printing Trade councils are purely local affair. Tbey r organized by delegates from tbe Typo graphical union, tbe Pressmen' union and the Bookbinders' union for the purpose f dealing with local trade conditions. The. national organlratlon. prevloua to iu disso lution, waa composed of the tnternatioaal president and secretaries of the unions al lied locally, and tbey met to discuss trade matter only a tbey had international ef fect. The Omaaa Allied Printing Trades council never could indorse a candidate, neiiher could it denounce one. But this claim of Mercer ia about aa trustm-crtby a others be has made." As the most important reason that re publicans should vote for Mercer to be re turned to congress given by W. F Gurley mouth organ for tbe non-resident and non- speaking congressman, at a meeting held at the Pchlitx roof garden last night mas the effect hi election mould have on the city election next spring. Tbe republican city administration, he said, mas unfit be In pomer and republican and democrat alike should mork for Its overthrow. In the Bame breath he pleaded for republicans j not to scratch the nominees of the rcpub- j lican party, but to vote the ticket straight. ! The remainder of hi long address was a play to the galleries, in which he brought forth all the powers of a practiced atto ney in a denouncement of The Bee and I editor. I The meeting bad been announced as a re- j publican rally, at which tbe republican ran- ) dldates and Mr. Mercer were to speak, j Feveral candidates were present, but the j I only recognition they got from the chair ' man of tbe meeting and Mr. Gurley wa j mben they were invited in a body to oc cupy seats upon the platform. Three ac cepted the invitation and had tbe honor of sitting betmeen Mr. Gurley and Chair man Burbank during the entire evening, and that wa all they did get. TUT 3 w1 many mi : an 1 mi Big rocker sale on for morrow, including patterns in solid oak. finished in golden as mell as other finishes, highly polished In nice, new de signs m orth $4 on sale tumor rom, choice .. 1 I int one lot of bed runrn suits on sale tonior-rom-, Ril Hlike. cr.lri- n oak. we finished French beveled mir rorworth IC'i"" sh le 1175 tomorrow J 1 - i ' i Pami9L! - aai aa . I ; o j 1 UHh-r- j -e - t. ! This is ,i to morrow Frame thrve-t uned vc-lmir struc-tion. totnorrc sale couches that me offer of g"ldn cuik. rnvi rinc of sanitary con- Hard Coal at $10.00 Vitb every Pecinstilai- B.ehiirtipr Mild we provide yen with two tons of herd coal at $10. Wc have a large line of Peninsular Ftaaeburnc rs. includ'ns the Pi.n- burst. Regal. Brilliant, Art. Palace stoe in from three to five aires. All these stoves mill be quoted at lomrst prices in order to unlosd. Be sur -and take advantage of this double offer. m-orih fir. (m on sale 875 Big Steel Range off- w ar The poaier B'a;e of the Mercer campaign haa been inaugurated. The nonresident con gressman ia to make an appeal to prejudice In that city mhile appealing to voter on another score in other part of the district, in Bout h Omaha there will be presented what mill purport to be fac-simille reproduction of the World-Herald containing matter de nouncing the Roman Catholic and Irish and it will be urged that tbe candidate for congress opposing the nonresident I op posed to people of that religion and race. At the aame time Mr. Mercer will point to hi record on certain question in congress to sbow the voter mbo are not Roman Catholic or Irish that be i the kind of man they need in congees to carry out their deairea. In other parta of the city the posters will contain a pictorial atate ment of the claim that Mercer Is opposed to the gambler and the immoral element of tbe community. In thi connec tion I 1 knomn that Mercer and hi champions on the Board of Fire and rolice Commissioners have already made a tld for the support of the gambler of Omaha and that through other channels the 'candidate for congres ha attempted to aerure tbe upport of the South Omaha gambler. An attorney for the 8outh Omaha gambler la on tbe Mercer ticket for county attorney and the weight of that office, in case be is elected, is threatened against the South Omaha gamblers not in line for Mercer. In Omaha asuranrea have also been made that tbe policy mheel may mhir and tbe game run without hindrance if the gambler will only throw their support to tbe candidate of the railroads and the corporal iona. Said a member of the Commercial club: "What mould any employer think of an em ploye mho habitually drew money from the company's treasury to which he mas not en titled? Thi Is mhat Mercer is doing every year that he is In congress. Tbe commit tee clerk act as hi private secretary and the congressman dram the salary mhich the law Beta aside for a secretary whom he i supposed to employ. "Not even Mr. Burt himself mould em ploy a man who as the head of a depart ment would make false returns of tbe ex penditure in that department. Yet thia is mhat every voter in the Second district knom-s Merer has done mhen he took oath tht but $335 mas spent to carry the prl marlec for him. Everyone who knows ny thlng know that it cost him more than that for work in one precinct. It simply (.horns the extent to mhich men mill go mben fired mith partisan zeal. Not one business man of the community mould employ as a clerk persons mho have made under oath returns like those Merrer has certified to. and yet some of them mill seriously support a candidate for public office mbo is not fit to hold a minor position in a mercantile establishment." OCTOBER WEATHER IS VARIED Mvalbly Sammary Maaws It ta Have Been l(rilhr of til Sea aoas af Year. LA 12 Credit tTTil as You M Wish including 89 1! Big cut Iu the prices of Iron beds, all grades, sizes, colors and finishes. Bed, on sale tomorrow rom-, at See our south 16th street witidew for furniture bargains CASH OR CREDIT AS YOU WISH. CARPETS All Woo Ingrain In manv new pat- 4 y trns. cm sale tomorrow, at brusiM'ls l'nr;iets in manv nem- patterns, including om. new frria!s fCr on sale tomorrow, at UVt A hie line of Moquette, Axmlnters an'i velvets, morth regularly (1 : to f Jl.ii" on sale tomorrow I. vl !xll Itrussels Kiie in a new line of color ings and patterns on sale f 1 "71" tomorrow, at I l.O Oil Cloth in many nem patterns juft re. reived worth iV'-on sale Ol tomorrow aUW 2."' jards Chirm Matting go on f T sale tomorrow Ib BEDDING BARGAINS 2W Comforts, well quilted and well fiH-d. morth t- 5" on Bait tomorrow. j 23 pairs Blanket, full str.i in white Cfkr. and tan. cm ale tomorrow at OVL A big line of m-ool Blankets 11-4 worth from 14. (o to Sfi.iH' on sale en tomorrow fciuU One big lot of Pillows, worth Tl CQr per pair on Kale tomnrrom' Oyt O'l Kale tomorrow V' Coral c,is. a high grade soft coa! hn;tlnr Hove aaaf Efl morth fU . 7 iJ cm sale tu- morrow We place on Mile tomi t row a four bole isteel r-ciigc m lth high closet, at J:'4 '.. Guaranteed tbe finest Mcei range on tbe market, made oi heavy Heel plates, lined mlth asbestos, all parts closely riveted. This range miil be sold on a payment of $."..; down and your promise to pay $1.00 Per Week sale No. S Cook tomorrow at Ptove J!.. on is ii 16IU & fAONAM STPEETS. OMAHA. 'TBI PEOPM'i rCHKITCRI A 14 1) Ca RPET f".) "4.98 and Radiant, each A Jk M r 4 . i m-T- "' m lMi us i m m vt mm V 7 7 v n? uvr- N,v v i ... i.; .! :. jlly -tiflaijM'j fa People's Store Cloak & Suit Dept. 4 H9 "It i generally believed." ald voter of the Fourth mard yesterdty. that a man join a aociety for benevolent or aocial purpoaea, and not for personal aggrandize ment, but Mr. Mercer evidently believe in Joining tbera only for the gjod they mill do him -politically and not for tbe mututl benefit of all member. He ha caused to be printed a statement of thu societies of mhich be is a member. In the list are the Maaoos. tbe Nobles of tbe Mystic Shrine, tbe Knight of Pythias, tbe Elka. the Wood men of tbe World. Modern Woodmen of America and tbe Royal Achate. The list j faila to Include tbe Knights of the Macca- bees, mhich he Joined since hi return o the city on hi present visit, and the Eagla. I mhich be joined about tbe aatxie time. Tbi appeal to secret societies i about the weakest thing that he haa done, for mhllo tbe member may feel a kindly interest in those mbo Joined them without ulterior mo tires, tbey become indignant mben one tr s to mork the ecret aociety racket' on them " Though a a mbole a most delightful month, October is shorn n by the monthly roeteologiral summary of the meather bu reau to have permitted all the seasons of tbe year to bare a showing mlthin its lim it. For instance, the temperature on the 22 d ma 2 above, mhich i very acceptable a aummer heat, and on the 2Mb it mas only 32 above, or freezing. In single day, the 14ih. there ma a ran-- of 30 de gree in tbe f hosing. The mean tempera ture for the entire month is IP, mhich i 4 degree higher than the mean temper ature of October for the past thirty-tmo year. With no snow as yet. tbe month made a shorn ing of 2.13 inc hes in precipitation, which is 0.2? of an inch less than the av erage precipitation for this month in ihlrty-tmo years past. There mere fourteen clear daya. eight -partly cloudy days and nine cloudy day. Kroat maa provided, light touch's on the 1st and 5th. heavy on tbe 14th and killing on ihe 2Mh. Sand wiched betmeen these m-ere the thunder storms of the 11th. 23d and iT.t h. After all these erratic maneuver Octo ber ment out peaceably and pleasantly, leaving November the unenviable distinc tion of beginning mith a uight rain. I is offering tomorrow exceptionally grand vaiues in suits, cloaks, millinery, waists, skirts. y Ib I aHioc' 4 1 Lr S M UllWc 4lio nn.-4 .4 4 1 n 2 X. v-i- auui-w " uiniii-f, UMlin iht iuum, a J. J II t) tru IMyit! Ill PDOWIia iwo-ioneti zHMiiiif. xoi'ii i wee-us. i'tc. j-ulicts ni;,lo ill bkmst- with jMiKtiUion h;uks. wiU- puff sleeves, lined with taffeta or heavy satin. The skirts are strapjM'd seamed or kilted, faultlessly tailored in brown. i.i.w. ...! ...i.:... i.i i i .. ' iv aim jiiic. ojtie ami wnife. rreeii. ill fat all the leadiii". colors shoAvn ihis season suits sold evervwhere elst- for ."yJ.'.OO ami up our price HU0. Monte Carlo Coats Just unpacked, a grand line of Monte Carlo Loatfc' in all colors splendid tjnality of kerey, with heavy satin lining coats that retail for 17. 50 and 20.00 our price only $',U8. MS Uloiise Willi $19 Q2 9m In Our Alillinery Dept We are offering all our 3 and 4 velvet hate, beauti- toi -71 in.n uair-, ucauu- ;74i flannels. We arry a a. rong line In m hitc. m hi. fllllV trilllllltHl With fallCV or ostrich 1 f Q Vi-y-V1 ll thi aeasnn-n mell s colors-ln all sizci feat'hers. buckles and velvet, for onlv . . 1 . 4 O (7 i'V lT' e - i - ........ FM Wi' f u rs i f u rs : .5-1 n. Jong Fa ble -111 III lllir It'H 1 1 1 -1 1 1-1 i'il I 11 I 11 I ll'll. r y IT. mitn fsn hBi-v K..L1... .1 - ""tl 1 ., i'-k"- VVtA , ' """" " uu via ma me place on WOItli from -.MUo JM.OO. for '' l"'ial ofter-rrtb tl8...0. for 1 I All our 1ailorel hats at n--half i-eyular Ladies Waists Our se- lection of maistt, have been com mended upon for excluBivrneHs of ma terial as wMl as style me are sbom Ing constantly nem- things daily in bedford cord, heavy madras, crrpons, mashable silk, as mell as French iP hlch are so fashion- from "2 10 4 A Special Offer on Silk Petticoats MRS. BRYAN ASKS DAMAGES a-u. it-hwiM, i-i it 1 "ii aea fan . iir-s n ra i "Aa Boon as Mercer ia beaten." declared a republic mho keep abreast of local politics, "you will see tbe campaign trt for tbe nomination for rongreas ia 1M4 Tbe republican mbo are oppoaing Mercer are not opposed to hia bec-ese he I republican, but because tbey are tired of a naareaident congressman mho does not know shea he has bad enough. If be ahould get a elitb term he would mant a seventh and aa eighth, and would inuat on atayiug I in ecu gre. until hr saw fit o let go. Ou ! the oihrr hand, if be ia bea(n. the may ; mill l-e onened for a mbole lot of aspiring i republiiau mbo have congressional timber in them. ' "Aa a matter of fart, me have an un usually Urge number of active republican mbo have been morking in the ranka for ears m hose friends sou'd I k to e them ia lotgresa. It 1 natural la eipect tb Kara la Krrmrr far lajary ta Ulr. laaersklrt. HeaHa ! Peaee f Mim4. Cbarlea A. Emeet is tbe defendant in a suit for damagea for JIM, brought by Mrs. Dora Bryan, as tbe result of a bonfire started by Elizabeth Fmeet. daughter of Charles Fmeet. In tbe bill of particulars Mrs. Bryan recites that she mas malting along 8l. Mary s avenue, and in passing In front of the borne of the Smeets. near Tmentieth street, her skirt caught fire from some leaves mhich Elizabeth ser; maa burning. Mrs. Bryan alleges that she eitinguiahed this fire, but that before she got to tbe busiress part of town her dresu again began to vurn. Afier she got down in tomn tbe blaze broke out afreth an! deatroyed ber akin, burned ber and caused her to suffer mucb m-Drry and uneasiness. The amount she prays Jus' ice Foster to grant her is divided as folio s: Skirt. 16.; underskirt. $0. physician's fees. SH1; dam- oposeuin scarfs 9.98 & Marten Sen rf llmwirwi-i of nnii- T - - . .,-... v c ii uiiiv juat ten fccarfs. mith duster of lona tfails monh n -.n a -v i3 our special price 4 .AJrS T.5'J Petticciat at $4.98 made of splendid cjualiiv laffeta. deen n,w .in, ...... a no - . . . . . i ' J rn c-ui runie Morninc Jackets in blue black and changeable ctilor S4.98. i-fd. lavender, navy, t-tc worth 1 special fr thi-, week. 593. AX 44 Follow the Flag. 99 HALF ETAS? 1 -a 1 E SOUTH PL LIS $2.00.1 ONE WAY OR ROUND TRIP. The Wabash R. R. age far nervous shoe k. fl0 mill be tried next Tburaday. The case Ktassrllit anaall's Mark. I Kangelist Jatnes Small enntinnes lc j m-liiige at the North nie I'hristlan I c-burch. l-riila rning ibr- iu:ip e.t-ile mere luinifi-d Ad'litpiodl chair have lieen placed in the church to ac-ninmo'liite the tar-.- a inii'-iic.'S f jtiM-i -i tSunda c. H- Sir. Ir.ii, all am) Mrs rriines l.- ra ilurii.g ihe m.-ek held niec'l'i-. at the fattiry of M K r'mith a.- ci an.i at ihe Yi.m.a A Oman s i')ritian assM-iat inn room... Mis l.-.n-r sings mn at rm h wri li and n. orcanttir.g a c. hoi us choir to aaisi in the WILL SELL. TICKETS TO MANV POINTS IN THE SOITH AND SOlHEAT at above rate on the 1st and 3d Tutadays of each month. Tic kets aold daily to all tbe minter resorts of the wiuib at greatly reduced raies. For rate and descriptive matter call at WABASH CORNER, ld'l Karnam street, cr address HARRY E. MOORES. -'- .. xn.. SOME OTHER TIME ISN'T ANY TIME AT ALL You will not more theu. If vou don't roue rourslf now vou will j.robablv oonlinuo to put up with tlif ssnne inconveniences for the next six years. lo they keep your office clean? Your window? The halls? The elevator? Is the building a fire trap? Have they an elevator that runs once an hour on Meek days and not at all nights or on Sundays? Is your oftice hot in i-uin-iLer and cold iu winter? Auy other troubles? The cure for all these ills is an ofhee in The Bee Building. R. C. PETERS & CO., Rental Agents. Ground Floor. SHRIDER'S LAXATIVE FIG POVDER cures consiipatitn. bilious ness. preterits headache and remes altine poistn. acid Uk loc as Ut bvxea. Manj!actui t by Ehrader Mee. C . N. T. asd On.aba. Howell's Anti-KoKf c,,.J Hnlrl Prnnncifinn 1 WWIU I I WJWBflllUII iM.eitivelr cure etmcha ei.l cii eale si all Urns store at r.C AND .C PEII IiOTTI.ll