Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1902, PART I, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE OMAHA DAILY 11EE: sTiypAY, NOVEMBER 2. 1002.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey Cures
Bronchitis, Grip, Consumption
and All Diseases of In:
Throat and Lunjs.
Tf vnur throat Is weak, "r If you are trou
bled'ln any way with kH or bronchitis':
you have consumption. Dnffv's I'ure Malt
Whiskey will cure j. It aids digestion,
istlmulrtrj and enrlchc the blood. Invigo
rate the br-iln. bi.lM- rnc tissue, tone
up tho heart, nr' mulrin. nguc and low
fevers of liny kln1; fortifies the system
against iIIh' perm and prolongs life.
Gentlemen: Fnrl" t;it spring I wo tfiken
with Chronic Malaria. I begun to loe flesh.
Bronchitis net In ami catarrh of the air
.ansa followed. I tried mini everything.
I. ut found no rellrf, till 1 took Inffy a
Malt Whiskey. I commenced gaining
strength and after taking fifteen bottles I
had gained 40 pounds which I had lost he
fore I began taking ynur whlpkey. J would
advise all who have similar trouble to take
Duffy's Mnlt Whiskey. It has cured me
from troubles when nothing ee would
give me relief. H. C. URNNINO.
Sept. 7, 1!"12. Coraopolla, Pa.
He careful and see that "Duffy's Pure
Malt Whlakey" la on the label, and that It
la our own patent bottle with the nime
blown In the bottle. This la the only way
Duffy'i Pure Malt Whiskey la aold. If
Offered In bulk or flasks It la a fraud. Be
ware of so-called Malt Whiskeys which are
aold cheap. They Injure the system.
Statement from Indianapolis of lathee-
menti Offered for New 8hopmen
a Men Mrnrk to Be Allowed IMec
KDrk aad Aaarrta (ommr
HIM Never Recnanlse
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey
la the orly pure medicinal whiskey which
haa atood the test for fifty years, and al
wava found absolutely pure and free from
fusel oil. It contains medicinal properties
found in no other whiskey.
Duffy's Pure Malt Whiskey haa cored mil.
llona of cases In the Inst 50 years. It la pre
scribed by over 7,000 donors and used ex.
eluslvely ty z.ouu prominent nospitaia.
( aotlnn- Wheal bay-Ins; Dnitr'i Pure
Malt Whisker be sure yon aret tho
areaalne, I'naernpaloos dealers,
mindful of tho excellence of tills
preparation, will try to sell yon
cheap Imitations and so-called Malt
Whisker anbatltotea, which are put
on the market for profit only, and
which, far from relieving; the sick,
are positively harmful. Demand
"Dudr'i" and be sure you Bret It. It
la the only absolutely pure malt
whiskey which contains medicinal,
health-giving; qualities. Look for
the trade-mark, "The Old Chemist,
on onr label.
The genuine at all druggtats and grocers
or direct, 11.00 a bottle. It la the only
whiskey recognized by the Government as
a medicine. This la a guarantee. Valuable
medical booklet containing symptoms and
' treatment of diseases and convincing testi
monials sent free to any reader of The Bee
who will write. Puffy Malt Whiskey Com
pany, Rochester, N. Y.
How manv men ara killed everv vear bv.
their own folly In neglecting diseased condi
tions. Don't wait for a more convenient
time or when you are better able to spare
the money. Consult ua at once, and learn
that we absolutely guarantee to cure. .
Master Specialist
In Private Disease of Men.
Nemo-Sexual Debility
Nervo-Sexual Debility Is a term which we
use to designate a decline of power In the
aeneral system, and also a loss of certain
special functions and powers. No matter
what the cause. It Is always necessary In
such caves to correct defects so as to sup
ply the true elements ot lost lorce.
This Is the keynote of success In the treat.
- K' i n .. m i.... i v; .... L .
nuns, Premature Decline, Lost Power, and
other weaknesses, all Included under the
aweenlna" term. Nervo-Sexual Debility.
The cure of these infirmities Implies the
restoration of tone in every organ of the
body and the renewal of the Nerve Impulse
or force which governs and controls all or
gans. We solved this problem a few years
ago ry studying along tne una ot chemistry
ot the human body, and our discovery wts
that of means by which we can vitalise the
powers of the organism so aa to cure Nervo
Sexual Debility in uny of Its forms or
atagea of development. In brief, we enabled
the process of nature to remove waste tis
sue and supply new; with the elements that
are added to the system go new forces that
establish and maintain the natural poweia
ot tne oooy. inus we cure mervo-bexual
Debility to stay cured.
President Edward Kennedy of the locsl
and district lodges, International Brother
hood of Boilermakers, who Is leading the
bollermakera In the I'nlon Pacific strike,
has received the following statement from
a friend In Indianapolis, who clipped It from
one of the dally papers of that city:
S. I,. Stiles of the auditing department of
the Cnion Pacific railroad Is at the stub
bine hotel, looking for recruits to fill posi
tions In the shops of tnat company at
Omaha and Cheyenne. There has been a
strike In these shops several months. The
employes struck to be allowed to work by
the piece ana lor rwimniunn wit-h
union. The company refused to recognize
them and refused to grant tne piece wora
Ijitelv, according to nines, many .i inmr
mlnn men have returned to work at 82
cents an hour, while they were getting 30
cents an hour formerly, and he insists
that the men who will be sent west to nil
the positions will not be taking the places
of union men, since nil but the leaders
have been re-employed and are satisfied.
"There Is no danger," he says. "The
itnntinn U neareful. The wages offered
are good. The day Is limited to nine hours
and we give transportation. In Omaha
good board can be had lor aa.w a wees., ha
cheap as In Indianapolis, and In Cheyenne,
where board Is higher, we pay 34 cents an
hour. Kor a time we win Doarn me men
in the shops free of charge If they are a
mind in do that. We want good boiler
makers and machinists and these wages are
better than are paid In Indiana.- The com
pany simply wants to show the union lead
ers tnai ii win not iciuftiuw
Will Take Man and Family.
"Tf a mnn arlth a family Cgn ShOW US
that he Is worthy we will furnish eome
sort of facility for getting nis laninv ui
there. I have hired two men since Friday
morning, but 1 do not nope to gei very
mani hftra Werv one seems to have A
good position, though this condition does
not exist in ail Clues. 11 n iru nr-r,i.m ,..,,,
that there Is an exceptionally strong union
sentiment In Indianapolis."
It has not been the custom of the Union
raclfic to send men from the auditor's de
partment In search of strike breakers. In
spector are more often selected for this
work. The name of S. L. Stiles Is not
known In the city directory of Omaha and
such a person Is not believed to be con
nected with the auditing department of the
Union Pacific, but Edward Stllca Is one
of the company's Inspectors and It la the
Impression of the strikers that he la the
man referred and quoted In this statement.
"No matter who It is," said President
Kennedy, "he certainly baa managed to
reverse the facta regarding this atrike In
the most complete fashion. We are con
vinced that the man quoted Is a represen
tative of the Union Pacific company, for
the tale he tells corresponds exactly with
what we have been hearing through our
friends in the east ever since this strike
began. We have been repeatedly advised
that the company's agents were employing
various forma of deception In order to
lure men out here and the newspapers
bave had evidences of the same things
brought to their attention by personal
statements of many of the victims who
were turned aside In disgust upon arriving
to find that conditions were just opposite
to what tbey had been represented.
Moat Absurd of All.
'Some absurd and ridiculous statements
have been made by the company's men
during the progress of this atrike, but
nothing yet baa approached this fellow's
statement, that the men struck to be al
lowed to do piecework. The thing la so
basely false that It becomes amusing.
Everybody who is at all Informed on this
strike knows that we struck because piece
work waa forced upon us. Why, even Mr.
Burt admits that. It la a notable fact that
the constitutions of the Blacksmiths, Ma
chinists and Boilermakers unions prohibit
them from accepting piecework.
'As to wages, the bollermakera were
getting, before the strike, 32 cents and
asked for S3't. The machinists were
getting the same as we and aeked for a
trifle more than we did. Every represen
tation but one held out by this agent Is
false and baee. He says all the strikers, ex
cept the leaders have returned to work
and ell is peaceful. What a pity John N-
Baldwin did not learn of that before be
went to all that trouble of getting out his
great Injunction.
"All Is peaceful, to far aa we are con
cerned; that much Is true, but not a man
of the machinists or boilermakers or blark
tmlths is returning to work snd the rompanv
knows It. We are all more steadfast and
determined today than when this strike
began and never will return to work until
the company arcedes to our terms. These
false representations made by the company
only shows thnat It Is In desperate straits
for good mechanics. It has found it prac
tically easy to flood its shops with un
skilled laborers, hut never ha succeeded
In getting 'hold of real mechanics and now
ss winter approaches it find? itself in a
serious predicament. The statement by
this man, Stiles, that the company wants
to show unions thst It will not recognize
them Is In direct line with our position
all along that Mr. Burt has It In for unions
and entered upon this fight for the specific
purpoee of crushing in. But he will fail
Thlrtr-lx-lnch Pipe Gives Way and
Flood Thins; on !orth
The thlrty-six-lnch water main along
Tenty-fourth street between Florence and
South Omaha, burst last night at 8 o'clock
about eighty-five feet north of Spencer
street. There Is, fortunately, a slight down
grade from all directions to this Inter
section and there are four sewer openings
so that the water did not do much damage
to private property. It, however, rose over
the sidewalks, flooded two vacant lots and
did some damage In the cellar of the gro
cery store of A. Newman, 3118 North Twenty-fourth
street. The brick block pavement
waa raised up in a turtle back, extending
for about 160 feet south from the point of
the break. At about 5 o'clock In
the afternoon the pavement was noticed
to be wet, but little water leaked out un
til the big break came with a loud report.
The water company was notified early, but
the flow was not decreased until after 10
o'clock and the street was full to the curb
after 1 o'clock. The cars were not stopped
by the break. The pipe Is an Inch and a
quarter thick and has been down for thir
teen years.
Questions and Answers.
DILLKR. Net).. Oct. 23 To the Kdltor
of The Hee: On what does the free deliv
ery of mall In cities dependpopulation or
amount of business done bv the nostothVe,
at that particular place? Very respectfully,
r". I). MIL.IJCR.
Ans. On the amount of business done
by the office.
OMAHA. Oct. 21. To the Editor of The
Bee: Who la the author of the hymn,
"Nearer, My God, to Thee?"
Ans.-Mrs. Sarah F. Adams.
'MANSON. la., Oct 27,-To the Editor of
The Bee: Who won the flag In the Western
league Omaha or Kansas City? Is there
any show that Omaha may get It at the
association meeting? Is there any game to
be thrown out that will benefit Omaha?
Ans. No answer by mall. Kansas City,
No. No.
SHELLY. Ia Oct. 23. To the Editor of
The Bee: Does Nebraska play Knox col
lege this vear? K. J. P.
Ans. Nebraska and Knox are scheduled
to play in Omaha on November 15.
Hallowe'en Party.
Clan Gordon No. 63, Order of Scottish
Clans, had a Hallowe'en party Friday even.
Ing In the Continental building. There wai
a good turnout of clansmen and their
ladles and all had a splendid time. William
Kennedy, the well known elocutionist, de
lighted the audience, and the singing of
Prof. J. E. Keyes waa very acceptable.
Vocal and Instrumental music waa fur
nished by Clansmen R. G. Watson, Thomas
Falconer and IJndsay. Various members
spoke and Clansman Jack Buchanan played
the bagpipes, which was much enjoyed.
Unseed oil advanced a cent a gallon yes
terday, and dealers are expecting the price
to go higher.
Walter Thomas Mills, socialist will speak
at Sehllti Roof Garden hall tonight. His
subject will be "What Is Socialism?"
A Hallowe'en party will be given at the
home of Mr. P. E. Her, 12t0 South Tenth
street, Monday evening at 8 o'clock, for the
benefit of the St. Matthias' Sunday school.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry G. Yule desire to
express their thanks for the kindly sym
pathy shown by the many friends and
especially the Thurston Rifles, on the recent
occasion or the funeral of their son, Lieu
tenant Sherman A. Yule, assistant surgeon,
lT. 8. V., and for the many beautiful floral
Under the auspices of the Omaha union
of Christian Endeavorers, Rev. E. S. Ufford
of Holyoke, Maas., author of the famous
song, "Throw Out the Life Line," Is to
give a free lecture In the parlors of the
First Presbyterian church Thursday even
ing at 8 o'clock, upon the life saving service
of the United States government and the
incidents that inspired the writing of the
Six Vacanciei Have to Ba filled on the
Election Board.
rrnmlse Is Made that When Palls Open
Tneaday All Arrangement Will lie
Fonnd Perfected Magic
City Gossip.
The list of Judges and clerks of election
was gone over yesterday and It waa found
that six members of the board had either
removed from the ward from which they
were appointed or had left the city. This
discovery necessitated the appointment 'of
new members and Deputy Sheriff Roach
spent yesterday afternoon In the city serv
ing notices on the new appointees. Clerk
Broadwell of the district court appoints the
judges and clerks of state elections. Roach
said last night that when the polls opened
on Tuesday morning next all places would
be filled. Each precinct In the city la en
titled to five Judges and two clerks, making
a total for the twelve precincts of eighty
four election officials.
The booths to be used are already in po
sition and arrangements for heat and lights
were being made yesterday afternoon. The
election places follow:
First Ward First precinct, Twentieth and
Missouri .venue; Second precinct, Collins'
music store, Twenty-third and K streets.
Second Ward First precinct, Twenty
first and Q streets; Second precinct, 230
N street.
Third Ward First precinct. Railroad ave
nue and county road; Second precinct,
Eagle house, Thirt v-seeond and T streets.
Fourth Ward First precinct, 212 North
Twenty-fifth street; Second precinct, 3018
(J street.
Fifth Ward First precinct, lumber office,
Thirty-first and G streets.
Sixth Ward First precinct, rear of 1214
North Twenty-fifth street; Second precinct,
Delone hotel. Twenty-sixth and N streets.
Clerk's Monthly Statement.
City Clerk Shrlgley yesterday Issued the
following statement for October: Amount
ot the 1902 levy, $133,455; balance of 1901
levy, $5,066; received from Insurance com
pany, 1824: amount drawn to November 1,
$1)6,536. This leaves a (balance In the
treasury of $43,009. These balances remain
In the various funds: Fire, $306; general,
$124; salary. $7,150; public light, $607;
Judgment, $9; water, $491; street repair,
$1,230; police, $4,331; interest, $22,660;
library, $3,627; park, $2,669.
Christian Church t'nton.
The Ladles' union ot the Christian church
Is making plans for an entertainment to
be given about Christmas. Weekly meet
ings will be held to talk over plans and
make arrangements. For this work the
society has been divided into sections with
meetings as follows: Division A, on Tues
days, with Mrs. Leander Lane; division B,
on Wednesdays, with Mrs. James V. Chlxek;
division C, on Thursdays, with Mrs. C. G.
Lowery; division D, on Fridays, with Mrs.
H. N. Hodgen.
Troop Election Monday Night.
Lieutenant Bruce McCulloch, In command
of the South Omaha Cavalry troop, baa
called a meeting of the troop for Monday
night for the purpose of electing a cap
tain. A week ago W, L. Holland, the or
ganizer and captain of the troop, resigned
and an election will now be held to All the
SarsOeld Literary Clab.
The Sarsfleld Literary club haa secured
apartments in the Evans building at 2311
N street. The rooms are now nicely fur
nished and the club holds meetings each
Thursday night. Since the opening of the
new club rooms the membership bas in
creased perceptibly and a further Increase
Is looked for before the holidays.
O. W. Lackey Injnrcd.
O. W. Lackey, whose home Is anywhere.
Is at the South Omaha hospital on ac
count of injuries sustained In a fall from a
train. Lackey waa stealing a ride on a
Union Pacific train Friday night, when he
fell off the steps of a baggage car and re
ceived severe injuries. The accident oc
curred near Gtlmore. Lackey was brought
to South Omaha, where City Physician
Sapp dressed his bruises and sewed cuts
on his head. While the injuries are se
vere, the physician says that the patient
will recover. Lackey haa no money, but
he haa a sister residing at Hastings, who
has been communicated with.
Magic City Gossip.
Unchurch lodge No. 2, Degree of Honor,
will give a dunce on the evening of No-
Woman's Work in Club and Charity
Varicocele and Its New Remedy
Scrotal Varicocele bas ben described aa a
creeping disease. It alivnt y meals upon Ua
victim like a tnier at nigni. una Dt-iore ne
is really aware of Its presence great and
uamualng Inroads are mmle upon his conati
tullon. The vnlns surrounding the spermlc
cord become enlarged anil engorge with I in
pure blood and diseased tissue. At nines
this condition mav be iti't-onmanled with
'dull, heavy, dragging puln in (he small of
tne nacK, extending oown into tne parts,
low sulrlts. weakness of the body and brain.
nervous debt Ity, partial or complete loss ot
aeXJiu power and not infrequently, decllni
of the general health. All of these disagree
able symptoms soon disappear completely
and forever under our Varicocele cure.
which Is safe, puln'ess und bloodless. Kvery
clot of stagnant blood and every fiber ot
diseased tissue are driven from the affected
parts, normal circulation is re-cstamlghrd
throughout the pelvic region, the weakened
organs necome strong attain ana sturdy
maunooa is resiorcu.
Reflex and Associate Diseases
Are those which are present and act to ag
gravate and favor the process of the main
malady. We never dismiss a case until
, jicd In every particular.. If the case Is
complicated with Hydrocele (dropsy of the
SCrotumi. Iiemuri Minus, rissurts, r istu u,
or any form of dlseuse, we cure such ad
dltional complaint also, ao that tne cars
mav be oertect and permanent.
Keflex effects of all pelvic complaints are
destructive to the tone of the S mpaihetic
- - " - -rtin- fffecia on the gen
ral health and strength are lf mor.srated
by sucn manhood-sapping agents as Van.
roce'e. Stricture, Hlood Poison and Ms
rharce producing Virus. We cure both
..,,.., .n.1 effects and restore mm an vie-
ini,,.i hv their own fnliy or by inheritance
of Blood Tnit. Coiiulttttlon by mall or at
office FREE.
Hook ilcdis&l So.
1 10 and 112 South Hlh Streei, O.naha,
Neb. (Over Dally frerxo,)
Office hours, 8 a. m. to 6. p. ta.
Sundays, 10 a. ia. to 12:30.
IocIom stamp for free book.
The first quarterly meeting of the Wom
an's Auxiliary of the Protestant Episcopal
church of Nebraska waa held at St. Luke's
church, Plattsmouth. October SI, about fifty
delegates from Omaha and adjoining par
ishes being in attendance and 100 women
were present at tbe celebration of the
holy communion, which opened the day.
In this Bishop Williams waa assisted by
Rev. Canon Burgess, rector of St. Luke's
church. Mrs. Albert Nos, diocesan presi
dent ot the auxiliary, presided during the
business session, which oocupied the morn
ing. A roll call of the parishes brought
response from the majority of tbe large
places In tbe diocese, and tbe reports of
the various committees showed the work
to be In competent hands. The resignation
of Mrs. R. R. Ringwalt of Omaha, of the
office of second -vice president, was ac
cepted with regret and Mrs. Freakish of
Lincoln was elected to succeed ber. Dur
ing the noon intermission luncheon was
served to the visiting women, by the women
of St. Luke's parish, at the home of Dr.
and Mrs. Cook. The afternoon session
opened at 2 o'clock with an address of wel-
cotne by Mrs. Thrasher of Plattsmouth,
followed by a paper "The Extent and Scope
of Missionary Work" by Mrs. Orcutt of
Lincoln. "The Bishop's Special," was the
subject of an address by Bishop Williams,
the work in Alaska being presented by Mr.
Alfred Seldon. a recently returned lay mis
sionary, and that of Africa by Rev. James
Wise of South Omaha. "The Work of the
Junior Auxiliary" was presented by Mrs.
A. L. Williams and "The Needs of CUrk
sen Memorial Hospital" by Mrs. Zanner.
ment of the City Association," Miss
Helen Woodsmall. (b "The City Associa
tion and Bible Study," Mrs. Emma F.
Byers. (c) "How Shall the Spiritual Side
of the City Association Work lie Made
Moat Prominent?" Miss Ada Stearns.
11:16 "The Definitions of Life," Dr. J. E.
1:30 Circle meetings of committees.
2:00 "Importance of Christian Training In
a Student's Life," Chancellor E. Benjamin
2:16 College conference. Miss Paxson. pre
siding. Deflnltness of purpose In religious
work. What should we expect to gain
(a) "From Devotional Meetings," Anna
Carlson. Crete, (b) "From the Bible Study
Classes." Eva White, Wesleyan. (c) "Front
Mission Study," Miss Reynoldson, State
"How Should We Begin Our Bible Study
and Carry It On Successfully Throughout
the College Tear?" Miss Myrtle Fulton,
"The Place the Association Should Take In
the Social Life of Students." Miss Kath
erlne Tawney, State Normal, Peru.
"The College Woman In Christian Work."
Miss Paxson.
S:4 "The Message of the Prophet, Habak
kuk," Miss Laura Wild.
8:00 to 9:30 Recreation.
9:30 Quiet hour. Miss Weldy.
10:30 to 12:00 Regular morning church serv
4:00 Gospel services, Mrs. Emma F. Byers
of Omaha; topic, "The Purpose of Ills
8:00 Opening services. Dr. H. O. Rowlands.
Address, Mlaa Ruth Paxson, student secre
tary of the American committee. Fare
well circle, state secretary.
ber meetings Is Mlsa Frances WHlard's
article, "The Ballot tor the Home."
The November meeting of tbe Woman's
Christian association will be held in the
parlors of the Young Men's Christian aa
sociatlon at 10 o'clock on Tuesday morning.
The annual meeting and distribution of
garments ot the Needlework guild will ba
held on Thursday and Friday of this week
at Unity church, Seventeenth and Cass
streets. The annual election ot officers
will be held at 11 o'clock on Thursday
morning. All garments have been marked
and will be at tbe church on Thursday,
the members having arranged to hold a
reception all day for the purpose of ac
quainting others with the work of the
guild and allowing them to aee what dli
position is made of tbe garments. All
members who have not aa yet made their
contribution are requested to bring It to
tbe church on Thursday morning.
The program for tomorrow'a open meet
Ing of the Woman's club will be furnished
by the current topics department. There
will be a paper on "The Western Irrigation
Canal." by Mrs. William Leighton; a paper
on "Tho Coal Strike," by Mrs. R. M. Stev
ensoo; a recitation by Mr. J. M. Glllan,
vocal solos by Mrs. Edwards and Mr. W. H.
Wilbur and a vocal duet also by Mrs. Ed
wards and Mr. Wilbur.
The following program ba been Issued
for the seventh annual convention of the
Young Women's Christian association of
Nebraska, which is to be held in Lincoln.
November 7, and 9:
j:or opening devotional meeting.
m .. .Tganisauon.
S:4, Greeting from State University assort
ation by Miss Reynoldson; from state
committee by Mrs. V. M. Hall. Responsa
by Cora Wlgton of H ilevue.
$: Reports for the last year by 8tate
Chslrmsn Mrs. F. M. trail, State Treis
urer Mrs. T. M. Hodgman and State Sec
retary Mrr. O. M. Easisrday. Two-mlnjte
reports from associations.
4:lR-"l'l.conec'ous Influence," by Dr. B. M.
8:00 Organ solo, nocturne from "A Mid.
summer Night's Dream" (Mendelssohn),
by Wlllard Kimball
Convention address. "Opporiunlty," by J. P.
Bailey, ktate secretary ot the Young Men s
Chrlttlm association,
D:M Prnlss service, t'larrlssa G. Frank In.
I;l'-Huil:'.c hour, Mrs. K. M. Hall.
9:t& Y ung Woman's Christian associations
in o.hrr lands. Evangel and wot id's
(.Msrierly. Miss Paxsnn.
1:1b City work; taj "Ths Pbyalcal Depart-
Though tbe local Equality rlub has not
as yet resumed its meetings for the win
ter, the suffragists out la the state are
more active this fall than ever before and
preparations are being made for the state
convention to be held at Tecumseh Decem
ber I, 2 and 3. Miss Laura A. Uregg, state
organizer, bas returned from her sum
mer's work In Montana with Mrs. Carrls
Chapman Catt, president of the National
Suffrage association, and others, and on
October 17 commenced a tour of Nebraska,
which Is to be concluded November 28,
when she will return to the state head
quarters In Omaha for tbs winter. So far
a number of strong organizations have
been effected, including clubs at Palmyra
and Dunbar, and everywhere tbe women
have entered upon the work enthusiasti
cally, promising to enroll at least 1,000
women this year. A very helpful program
haa been prepared tor tbs clubs this win
ter by Miss Oregg, Including subjects for
an educational day, home day, suffrage
day and a day for each month, to which
the leading educators snd other mea and
women of the stats - have eentrtbuted.
Among tbe special features ef tbs Novsat
Tbe Nebraska Ceramic club will hold its
November meeting on Monday afternoon
from 2 to 4 o'clock, ia the Commercial club
rooms. Mrs. J. C. Comfort will set aa
leader. In addition to the regular business
there will be an exhibition of vases painted
by the members. All tbe vases are to be
alike and painted alike and tbe exhibit will
be for comparison.
At the quarterly meeting of the New
York Stats Nurses' sssoriatlon just closed
In Rochester special attention was given to
the needs of legislation for the registration
of nurses and the elevation ef the standard
of education for that profession. A bill was
drafted which Is to be submitted to the as
sembly by tbe terms of which no woman Is
allowed to call herself a trained nurse who
has not a certificate from tbe stale uul
verslty. Certificates will be given upon ap
plication, but all applicants without di
plomas will have to pass an examination
Violation of this set will be regarded as
mlsdeameauor. gtrong apposition la prom
ised the bill, almost all of the out-of-town
delegates to the meeting regarding it with
6) m
DIA PIIANOU'S fabrics nre eMeediiifily fashionable this season and from Parisian ad
vices they will be ever more so in the spring.
VOILES have been so popular that our first direct importation was closed out in a
very short time. We have another lot on the way which we hope to receive and open up on
Monday. To those who are not familiar with the name would say that a voile fabric is made
something like a nun's veiling, only more open mesh made over silk it makes n dressy
garment suitable for almost every occasion and the silk lining makes it warm enough for
almost any temperature. We will show three prices in all the best shades, at $1.00, $1.23
and $1.50. We may be disappointed in delivery, but will surely have them early in the
Some great bargains on the dress goods counters for Monday including hundreds of
remnants at half old prices and even less.
Speaking of silk linings the washable taffeta sold by us will not slip will not crack
will not pull it is 27 inches wide. In large eastern cities it sells for $1.25 per yard.
We want everybody who uses taffeta to buy "the best In the world for wear" so offer a
selection from 58 shades, including black and white, at $1.00 per yard.
All the new waistings, such as velvet cord, Persian velvets, plaid silks, metallic
prints, etc. take a peep even if you don't buy.
At lace counter we show some handsome new Persian chiffons so stylish for scarfs,
dresses, etc. Peruvian laces, filet laces, point applique, plain and fancy braids for tailor
made suits. And please note that buttons are much in vogue for trimming just now we
have just received some new things which a are a pleasure to show.
On Monday we will give you some special bargains in our Drapery Salesroom.
First An assortment of tapestry portieres, in the very latest designs and colorings deli
cate tintings and warm Oriental effects, bought to sell from $6 to $8.50. One price for pick
on Monday, $4.90 per pair.
Bargain No. 2. Perhaps a dozen pieces all told of tapestry by the yard 50 inches
wide and worth up to 85c on Monday 50c per pard. Will close out Monday in same room,
a lot of pillow cords the 10c line will go at 5c per yard the 12Jc line will go at 8c yard.
Basement Salesroom Bargains A special purchase of made-up pillow cases, from
the Boston Manufacturing Co. The mill has discontinued the making of sheeting, conse
quently this lot cannot be duplicated. While they last will sell the 42-inch cases at 13Jc
each the 45-inch cases at 15c each. These prices are at least one-fourth lower than similar
quality goods can be bought. Will also sell a very special bargain in 9-4 sheeting at 20c per
yard. We carry all widths of pillow tubing if you have not used this convenient fabric
it is time you did so.
At Linen Counter More bargains for Monday fancy waist lining this time fast
colors worth in the regular way 35c on sale at 12$c per yard. Genuine French hair
cloth for skirt bottoms, 12Jc per yard.
At Glove Counter More new golf gloves one lot at 25c per pair. Another lot at 50c
per pajr. And the nobby, stylish, fancy clasps at 85c per yair.
i anil mail"1 iiiimisuisjiiiiiiiuiiiisjiusbiiiiimjijs 'MtB"MtaBffaBaf
vember C at the hall, Twenty-sixth and N
streets. ...
Mrs. I,. C. Olbson Is visiting relatives .
Sheboygan, Wis.
Miss Dorothy Caffrey of Pennsylvania la
here visiting relatives.
FV-d I.. Scott Is spending Dunuay n
relativea in Sioux City.
Th new lumber and coal company.
Crosby, Kopelts. qasey Co.
Mrs. Newel Gibson, who Is seriously ill.
was reported better yesterday.
Mrs. Shank and daughter J-.ssie nave
gone to the Pacific coast to spend the winter.
Ura Parrln Rruoreman of Los Anseles.
Cal.. is here, the guest of friends and rela
Let us sell you your winter's supply of
coal. Crosby, Kopeux, t-asey io., -it
A meeting or tne omciai Doara 01 tne
Methodist church will be held on Tuesday
Save coal Get storm sash. E. H. How
land Lumber te Coal Co.. 438 North 24th St.
'Phone 7.
t r- f-nrlev haa returned from New
York state, where he went to look after
business matters.
Th. rwellan nanelnar club will give a
dance at Masonic hail on weanesaay even
ing, November it.
Quite a number of candidates on botn
tickets visited the packing houses and
stockyards yesterday.
Mrs. Denna Allbery returns today from
Blair, where she spent a portion of last
week visiting friends.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Presby
terlsn church will meet at the church on
Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs. Frank Morkler entertained the P.
E. O. at her home. Twenty-second and O
streets, on Friday evening.
I -oca! dealers have put up the price of
soft coal, although shipments from the
mines are coming In rapidly.
E. F. Head haa sufficiently recovered to
return home after three weeks spent at the
Methodist hospital in Omaha.
Mrs. Johnson, Thirteenth and O streets,
entertained the King's Daughters of the
Presbyterian church Friday afternoon.
Dr. H. K. Wolfe, formerly superintendent
of schools here, but now located at Lin
coln, was a visitor in the city yesterday.
A meeting of the Ladies' Aid society of
the Methodist church will be held at the
home of Mrs. Beavers on Thursday after,
noon. Officers will be elected.
Rev. Dr. H. L. Wheeler will preach at
the First Presbyterian church both morn
ing and evening today. "Lest We Forget"
will be the topic of the evening address.
Rev. Ferguson of California will speak
to men at the Young Men's Christian as
sociation rooms at 4 o'clock thla afternoon
upon the topic, "Master Motives." Rev.
Andrew Renwtck will talk to boys at 2:30
o'clock this afternoon. Gymnasium classes
have opened for the winter.
Helping Thousands
Will Help You
Cramer's Kidney and Liver Cure
It Is scientifically compounded and always acta like magic. One bottle will
surely give relief, even In the most obstinate case. Do not wait until your
case becomes chronic It taken In time one bottle will surely suffice to CURE
ordinary cases.
OMAHA, Neb., Dee. 12, 1900.
During the war I contracted a severe case of kidney trouble and upon ray
return home I employed some of th e best doctors In ths country, but failed
to get anything but temporary relief. One year ago I began taking the Cra
mer's Kidney Remedy, and before taking one bottle I was satisfied I waa get
ting better. After taking six bottles I waa cured and have never had a
roturn ot my trouble. Am a well man and feel at least twenty years younger
You ara at liberty to publish this statement, aa I am anxious to bring this
medicine to the attention of all old soldiers whom I know are affected with
kidney trouble.
18U Chlcau St., Omaha.
We have fresh stock only and sell the 50c size for 40c; $1.00 size for 75c
All goods delivered, day or nigh t, In Omaha, without extra charge. Tela
phone in your drug wants. Open al 1 night.
Schaefer's gt0ro
16th acd and ChleatoSts., Omaha. Neb.
The Athletic association held a meeting
Wednesday afternoon for the purpose of
practicing high school yells. The yells
were all enthusiastically given, especially
those concerning the foot butlers' chief
opponent, Lincoln, who played aRalnst the
high school Saturday, On Thursday the
regiment practiced the yells In a body and
not a little noise was heard throughout the
school until every cadet had left.
Many of the teachers who are attending
the teachers' convention at Council Bluffs
visited the high school last Thursday.
Among them were Misnea MrNlchols, iil
lasple. Moore, McMullln, Duffy and Otis,
Messrs. Williams, Read, Md.'oml, Swans,
Bams and Frazler.
The Clio, a sophomore history society,
will hold Its first program meeting of the
year Friday, November 7. The subject of
the program will be "The Great Migra
tions ' and will consist of: Paper. "The
Vinigullis," by Ieeiah Galioway; orat, n,
"The Vandala." bv Donald Kennedy; paper,
"The Huns," by Mary Dramach; talk, "Tha
Ostrogoths," by Erna Woodward: talk,
"The Lombards," by Helen U'ooUwaro; de
bate. "Resolved. That the Germans were
hostile to the empire,'' Curtis Lindsay and
James McCulloch (affirmative), Raymond
Ha v word and Allen Lee (negative;.
The Register stockholders will hold a
meeting Monday afternoon for the pur
pose of electing officers. On Wednesday a
meeting will be held to choose the editor-In-rhlef,
class editors, etc.
A large attendance was present at the
first program meeting of the Alice Csry
society, given Friday afternoon. It being
Hallowe'en a number of Hallowe'en tricks
were given by Elizabeth Klewlt. Therese
Wallace. Ruth Johnson, Adeline Fagan and
Florence tllller. Such tricks as going
downstairs backward with a mirror, trying
to catch an apple suspended by a string by
ths teeth and the changing of a pumpkin
to a human faee weredrawn and explained.
Other numbers on the program were:
Violin solo. Gladys Haines: recitation.
Madge Mayall; "Origin of Hallowe'en." by
Mary Mcintosh; vocal solo, by Vivian
Marsch. A number ot excellent posters.
One' Way Colonist Excursions
at Half Rate Plus $2.00
Nov. 4th and 18thDec. 2d and 16th
to Many Points in
Kansas, Oklahoma and Indian Territories
New Mexico and Texas.
Ticket Office
1323 Farnam St
Omaha, Neb.
drawn by Mrlan Hughes, served to ad
vertise the urogram.
The Natural History society vlll hold a
program meeting Friday, November 7.
Hathbone sisters' Thaoka.
The grand temple of Rathbon Sisters was
so rovally entertained In Oinuhu recently
during Its fourth annual aesvlon that 111
committee has prepared laudatory resolu
tions thanking the members of IJIIIan
temple No. 1. the Knights of Pythias of
the city, the citizens In general arid the
lire for the courtesies shown and the
hospitality uffordeil. Thinks is extended
elso to the grand officers for their excellent
reports and to Sister Anns Forby Coy of
Lillian temple for the rouvtnlr budges pre
sented the grand temple by her.
Mortality Statistics.
Tbe following births and deaths wr r-
ported at the office of the Health depart.
rnooXn,"ur,dh.'y:tWen,y-,0Ur hou"
Ilirl hf fc'm nit UelaaJ.. w- .
boy; Charles i: foX?AVS&V.
i nue. bov: J. M u,.n. .m """ '
' 7wieckT wV-HammoVu.e't 'g'lrl '
Deaths-Mrs Helen Hlnaham of Rsoak
7 "a1 lh'- iJU"1" Cun,S'
Marriage I.lcease.
tot mr,rrU''' '" as Issued yesterday
Name and Address.
Frhardt Hig, Omaha...
Augusta KUiit, Omaha...
.... M
.... St