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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1902)
ILLUSTRATED BEE. November 2, HHi'J. ROOSEVELT AND MITCHELL 0E& (BdDLlEi) Some Hnthuslast Suggests These Names for President and Vice President. ii iiisiiiiti ii r. r u a. it i i i i 1 r THE BANKERS RESERVE LIFE THE The Rcgina is an orchestra in itself a constant, untiring en tertainer. To sing to -to listen to-to dance to-and everyone can enjoy its melody. A. HOSPE. r --- 1513 Douglas St., Omahi. Western Agent. The "Big Four" A Railroad Of the People Operated For the People And Recognized By the People A the standard pmsonirer lino of the Central States. 2,.r()0 tniloa of railway in Ohio, Indiana, Illinois Kentucky arftl Michigan Write for folders. Warren J. Lynch, W. P. Deppe, Utni'l Puna. A Asst. (ii'ii'l ', Tkt. At. .V I . A. riNt'INNATI. OHIO. ,7 The Best International Dentifrice Miikn the toth bountiful, the fptmm lii&rtl. thn brtmlh awei't. Prttmrvra h wt-ll lut liomillti twill. OvrrnimM. all tho ot)wtln iililn fHuturon luiinil In uowtlwr and 1 1 I nt1 Cmivenlont t umh mid carry. i t KNT. At wll druaifUla. C. H. STRONG A CO. Chicago. U. 8. A. llilU Hot I. In llluli Itricnril nn l-:,. rrnllve Olllrern anil the StiKUt'Hl Ion. Theordorn Roosevelt must commit some extremely cgrcKlotiH blunder to Ioh! his prestjKe for a nominal ion In ltn4. At pre sent no eatiidate deems likely to enter (he lisls HKiiitiist him. John Mitchell, liy his ir:n niTd Kond hard sense In l ho trying limes of Ihn Rreal strike, has made a place for him self in the hearts of the American people a people always Impressed by manliness. TIIK TWO VIM KM WO! 1.11 I1MAW votes from Ihe working people and lose few from the capitalistic class. Moth en Joy In a large measure the confidence of the country. In this great west, we are pretty busy Just now and cannot d 'vote much thought to a campaign two autumns dis tant. We are devoting cur energies to a devclopcmcnt of latent resources and the upbuilding of financial Institutions like TIIK HtNKI'.HS iu:sK.itvi: I.IPK, which was founded In Omaha, by Omaha people In 1S!7. It began its aggressive career as a standard life company under the law of 1 S:It and since that date has placed over $(!. 0(111,0011 upon Its books. From the small beginning in 18H7 the com pany has grown until now It banks from ll.'.oco io lan.ii'O per month lr cash premiums. Its second annual dividends to board members hav Ihe Stale of Nebraska Tor the new company. II. If. lioiiisov l-it lini;r, needs aslslance In the agency field. New slates arc to be covered, new territory is available. Kxpcrienced underwriters can do belter with the Hankers Reserve than with any other life company in existence. Write him to Omaha for circulars and terms. iHMii'.its I.IFK, Just been paid anil resounds In praise For 70 Years Dr. Marshall's Catarrh Snuff has kept on Curing Catarrh The Oldest Remedy, has a national rep itntlnn end hii never tM-.m hiiiiiIIi-,I for the iiiHtHtit relief anil iH-rninnent cure"! t'ntnrrh, Colds In the hen d and the itttcndant Ileailache and Hint limn. !. "ion l.".t Hene of Hinell, lmmfdinte relief irniirnnteed. Otiiirnnti-cd p,.rfectlv harmless. Auk your dealer for It. Ih'funeall auhxtitutea. Price BS cent. All druuKinta, or by mail postpaid. (Hrcu'ars frew. P. C. KEITH. (Mfr.), Cleveland. Ohio MADE $ 1 05 THE FIRST MONTR i write FKKD. BLODGKTT, of N. Y. J. L. ha muun, oi m., writeat Am maaing I t&UO to P W e.err day I work." MH8. iZ m. ABiir.iuiun, or lows, write. t - tuada 1-1 MU la t-W a duj ' Hundred iinin uanwise. rjo can you. Jl 1 1 1 tn amill .tall ntuil. nl. fVHj jlin jewelry, tableware, bloy. aAiai vr, nickel, etc. Knorninns de Vp nmnd. H e t4 -h you rptTC aWa u riUMiltar f rx. Tit EX. MIT Ok. Pl.llsa O.rkv 'I HI., C1.rl...U.O Artistic Stationery We have all the late, up-to-date pnpers, shades, shapes and finishes. En graved monogram and addressed dies. Stamping and illuminating. An elegant box of paper and envelopes to match, stamped or illuminated with an engraved monogram die, will make a Christmas present for a lady which will be ap preciated. Come In and let us talk this over with you und give us your order early. callinq Cards The very finest, I Oil '""'and copperplate, $1.50 100 from your own plate, '$ I. Write for samples and estimates on wedding and recep tion invitations, menus mailed free WEDD1NC1 INVITATIONS The latest styles In paper and engraving. MAWIIINNEY & RYAN COMPANY, Jewelers and Silyjrtnith.-DiimonJ. Merchants -Opticians and Arl Stationers. 15th and Douglas Street, Omaha, Neb. Ancient Egypt, Persia, Greece and Rome were noted for the grandeur of their homes. In heating them they never knew what real comfort was. Had they been forced to buy fuel of a modern trust, the war dogs would have been turned Im e and prices would have gone down at once to where they belonged. Your comforts of today are largely because modern manufacturers make a fine Hue of stoves, and Omaha has the largest supply house In the world where all such parts can be renewed without de lay. The Omaha Stove Repair Works, 1207 Douglas street, make a BDeclaltv of aim. plying their patrons with everythnz.jht L eoum possiDiy Durn out in aoT.-fcind of a modern heating or cookleg plant. CAM YOU SOLVE THIS REBUS ? Th iilotura In tha centra of this ad vertleinent tllaxtrates a well nown "aylna;. If you can aend us a correct nelutlon of tli rlrtur Will H WE AkP mviif,? ISi?". "IHI-KIHUTION 'of SI vn . vAKf" .OI V,1SU A.W,AV 'or dulnlf work for ns. I hi ILd i H lrlv,",f "p. i'M1 ', our "'r "' Ttils and other most liberal offer ar mad to Introduce cue ef th ery best New York magazines Into every home In th United States and Canada wi i n NUT WANT ONE CENT OF YOUR MONEY Whn yo have made nut the rol.iis, write your aolutlnn rlalnlv and send It tA ... Ha .. ! hear from na promptly BY KETUKN MAII,. It may take an entire even njf to aoiva tha rehus, but STICK TO IT AND OKI vnr it wil l Ui UvVVvViT, A onr 'A80IMAJINO MAUAZINK WII.1, BE HF.Nl FlttKto every on answering ttita a.tvertleiiient ln S'iivv,1ur"nuJi5J'?"J answer Immediately. WK INTEND to GIVE AWA VAHI HI MS OF MoNKY In the future, lust as we have done In the past, to advertise our ('HAMMING MAOAZE We find it Is ," I-tr i?"" ,,''tlsiii( wei an K't to a-lve away I.AIiUK. 81'MS OF (o I) f it K K Here are the unions and addresses of a few t.eoi'le we have recently awarded FKKK Ool.D PKI.KH: Mrs J M. iVchl i I w,- ,v! third Htreet, I'tits'.nrir, I'a , !8000: Mr. O. F Ackerman Hill N If litAW ; Mrs. Fred l eace! lS Xtkln.on Htreet Koche"" N ' " V u; Mr Uwim Corliett. rlv Islands, Nova Bcotla, Canada, fso ot) : H. c! Oi bTn It ATnu oioMbns, O., lN (thl lucluJe. the uraml Unrtirht Pla- W U - 1 . o-n. Carson Street, I'ltts bnrar. I'a,; Miss Martha drey ory, 1 I'ark Htreet, Nor walk, t onn , S 106 (Ml: Mrs John nst. Box 7, F.ntleld, N. It , 1110 (XI. We could fro on and point to hnndreilsof name of people who have trained lirt om of money from our oontests, but only flv a few name, as w deslr th pao to tell yon all about THIS SPECIAL I1.K0U00 IN OOI.D FREE OFFER. Tli rebna can b solved by an. alert and clever parson, and the reward la to nannsome that It rill linnlr Tt.v run t" TRY AND MAKE OTTT THK IHTKRItBTTWa ottttvw dtttt, a nowadays ar wlnnlnir many Golden Pr zes. Study It very carefully and Int ns see 1ypn are c ever and smart enouirh to make out the well-known eaylur. Ve HAVE THE l, 000 00 IN OOI.D Have you th brains and enra-rT If you can make Vt out, send your $'.,000 110 tn Gold Free IHstrl'mtlon, and we don't waut you to eend any nionev. When w say FREE. w. mean I'KIIFKI ILt r HKK "i would rather Uke this way of advertising onr cellent maiailni tha? apendtmr many thousands of dollar In other win TV, freely ami clieerfully wlv the money away YOO MAY Wljr We do nof care who Kets he money. TO PI. EASE OUR READERH 18 OUR PFI IGH T 1 he question t, .an yon solve the above unique reposition? If yon fr?. hVltVn'." W,'.,,.y,m T" " t";.'"l send your full address plainly In a letter and mall It tons, and you will hear from ns promptly by return n'..,., w.Mc.Drr?,m ? reii'rf,.V? br','", here are a'o many usefu" Wi?lT. fye lar.y and foolish people often neirlect these wrsnd f2i f iowre"ThffeL" n!k taa, tha wonder and complain about their bad luck. Thera arc always pUnty of g-ood opportunities lor clever. wrI,in.TT,Pn! wbo ,wys alert and ready to grasp a real rood thln iu our readers RARE AND I'N liKl'AL prises ill i'e'"al on teat fib is'pSvryuf ff7y i,,.,TL,,J.,.,ir ,,'"t -.dldnof d'o.lA y,:.1'. s "ioimjs'd tlsemont was not written for drone, or idier..';V0Veot 'nill'i'fo vjiA . Hl,.r.1 nw. rf tleir time. Vei t ei t the reader to no some work and (rive tt the time and attention it de serves tSEOl!R II K A I N 8. If you are successful In eolvinjr it, well and rood Writ your solution and send it to us, ami we will he Just as much pleased as yon are. we really ilestr someon to he suc cessful, and as It doe. not cost you one cent to sclv and answer this splendid F r Jfoney Offer, it will lie very foolish for rou to pass it by. n all fairness a-tv it some of your lei sure time SUC CESS IH FOR EN. fN-.TRFHsTFr?J'nI'?a5bS2d cr" of An,rFREiiTAVor IN I EKES I AND I.AZ1NF.8H. Ho, dear reader, do not pass thts offer i,i.'iiI'-.-7,A,,.ni1t,.,:?,n,C !"r(1 ,0 mk A ROM'TION OF THE M'ZZI.E I IilNIKD IN IHEt FN I l(EOF I HI ADVERTISEMENT. WeVn"est i . V',o'"llt,r'"1 ,,'l"."ff',r "v"-l " I'ffore Klvlnn tip the Ides of s.ilvlnir the retina T lie harder tt seems the more patience and de tZ'i'lVnt'i'fS ,';v ''! d'termlnatl. n win n.SSy of ni-.liIyZK8,F 'IF,E our share In OCR FREE MONEY DISTH1BU I ION depends entirely noon jrourown eneriry ard brains Don't delay a moment In TIIUNO TO Hof.VE THIS I'KRI'LETINU REBCS. Many M,..,!itX,'WHh'T".':n,I,L, "f money to In our Free Money Distributions write us kind and a-ratefnl letter., profusely thank Lol 1' .f;'ro,lr Prompt and honest deallmra. and savtnir that if we had .J Fm"y ury,d "'"'l1 ' tr' to w,n would not have leen a ccessful and would not have been th happy recipients of a ?rr, sum of money for only a few hnnrs' effort. It alwavs pavs to irlve at tention to onr arand and literal offers. OUR BIG CASH H07ES lT5E i1"1 Uie "f niany persons who needed the money, ll-l i-IUT1 DTIOI",T y?" will rtv attention to this special offer this very minute. If you solve it, writ us wmmedlately. HO.VT DfcLAi ADDKKSH : aawaaaawaaaaaaaawa THE ROBINSON PUBLISHING COMPANY ao. NORTH WIULIAtVI STREET. NEW YORK CITY. ' HANDSOME W ATCH P'lvPf J fur mi A Solid Goltl Ladies' or fronts' wntrh mcto from 25 to $50. Don't throw your money inin 11 vuu want n vulijii l uar will eniw tnr timp any Solid Gold Watcll made, send us your name & address at once & agree to sell only 8 boxes of our famous Vefctable Pills at it rtc n Vinv Tt-'c un rrrunioct " O - J -w-w. ' ' - w. O LliV, - A11X- eciy on eartli tor Constipation, Indigestion & all stomach disorders & they sell like hot cakes. Don't miss the chance of your life. Send us your order & we will send the 8 boxes by mail. When sold you send us the money & we will send you the WATCH with A GUARANTEE FOR 20 YEARS the same day money is received. There is no humbuggery about this. We are giving away these watches to quickly introduce our Remedy & all we ask is that when yr u receive the watch you will show it to your friends. Hundreds hve received watches from us & are more than delighted with them. This is a glorious opportu nity to get a fine watch without paying a lent for it & you should AMERICAN MEDICINE CO,, Dept. 1428,47 Warren St., New York City. rf 1T-J Rccvd What "I'ln ulail to r akmi-h's con wondt't inn are atle to buch a f 1 1 n il 1111;. vuhia- niation. S oil makiiii. a much more aketi for it.M A a Mitts St tiff v. 1 jy Coburti hear of the kTowinu tion, and stumly how you pull to- each week of illtetesl- blo infor aie suieiy paper worth jr lhan the money "F.P.OurH.Sei) ioarU of Afrit ttttnrt. More money is sin-nt for articles by the iMoinincnt men anil for the handsome and interesting illustrations than bv any other farm journal. TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMEU, t'HrMHM ait., On.iiM, Nefc. .. S.-J for l-KF.F. SA '. ft COf'i'. WE WANT A (iOOD AU NT AT EVEKY PUS fOFFICG. X CLE WANT ADS Produce RESULTS I A BUSINESS DISPUTE ia easily aettted when accounta arc properly kept. Don't practice talma economy by ttying to save en BLANK BOOKS. We will make you a art ruled and printed to order at such a email coat that you can buy the best. A. I. ROOT. Printer, S. tath St.. . - OMAHA. NEB. Dogs for sale of all kinds. Fancy pig eons, Belgian Harts and Ferrets. Si-nd 6 cents for cntalogue. LANDIS, Box O, Bowert Station, Berks Co., Pa. BETTER THINK ABOUT tTHIS There are engravings and en gravings, but the kind that are really good are the ones we make. J. Manz Engraving Go. CHIC kC.Ci- tv'CU vnv. ,195-207 Canal St. 23-25-27 City Hall Place 9 s.