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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1902)
24 THE OMAHA DAITr SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1002. NIGHT SCHOOLS ARE POPULAR lrs;e Attendance and Active later. est Reported kf Baserls tfndrit Team. Superintendent Pearse of the publlo schools said In regard to the night schools recently atarted: "We now have 120 puplla enrolled at the Comenlus school and I think something mora than seventy-five at tba Kellora. although I did uot receive a report from ,the latter achool I act evening. Thla la an Increase alnce the opening of the schools a week ago, and I will say that the puplla of thla rear aro the most atudioua and business-like we have ever had. Con aequently I feel that we mar expert more (Satisfactory results than ever before, i W. ft. Bennett Company. Oranges, per dozen, 16e. A large quantity of nice. Juicy, thin klnned oranges, lc dozen. No dealers supplied1. Rice, per pound, 6c. Frunes, California, per pound, Be Olnger snaps, per pound, 6c. Soda and oyster crackers, per pound, 6c. Baking soda, package, 4c. Mincemeat, package, 8 l-3c. Cheese, full cream, pound, 12Vc. Fine values In fresh roasted coffee, per pound, 10c. BASEMENT. Statement November 1, 1902 Have Root print It. Genuine Imported beer on draught, Usurer's, 1306 Farnam street. Ed (hanae of Time. On and after November 2 Rock Island train No. 24 will leave Omaha at 4:30 p. m. Inatead of 6:20 p. m., and train No. 6 at 8:35 p. m- Instead of 6:05 p. m. Try the Chicago laundry. 'Phone 205. For an O. K. photo go to Williams, 1406 Farnam street. The Kqoltable Surplus. The Equitable Life Assurance society of the United States has a surplus of over 171,000,000. Instead of $66,000,000. as stated In a recent advertisement. This Immense surplus means more than "strongest in the world;" It means also the most profitable In the world. For a policy exactly eulted to your needs consult H. D. Neely, manager for Nebraska, Merchants' National bank building, Omaha. H. E. and E. Huberman. Furs remodeled and repaired. 118 South. 16th street. There's only one Stonecypher. He prints. 8. Burns, tine white china for decorative work. The following letter from the Sorosls Shoe Manufacturers explains Itself. LYNN, Mass., Oct. 28. 1902. Mr. Frank Wilcox Sorosls Shoe Store, Omaha Neb. Dear Mr. Wilcox: We are expecting a visit from the Prince of 81am on Friday of this week, accompanied by his suite. The De partment of State wrote us some time ago that his Royal Highness desired to visit a model shoe factory, and that they had elected Sorosls for that purpose. He will, consequently, visit no other factory In Lynn nor elsewhere in the United States. He has selected Soros la as being representative in the best sense, of all factories In the most celebrated country In the world for making shoes. We, consequently, feel highly com plimented, and intend to do the honors in good style. We are much pleased with this further evidence that Sorosls are maintain ing their well earned lead in the shoe world. Very cordially youri, ALEXANDER E. LITTLE. Publish your legal notice In The Weekly Bee. Telephone 238. Douglas Printing Co.. 1518 Howard; tel 644. Foar Personally Conducted Excur sions FROM OMAHA TO CALIFORNIA WITH CHOICE OF ROUTE8. These excursions leave Omaha every Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday t 4:25 p. m., in Pullman Tourist Sleeping Cars. The cars are accompanied all the way by conductors skilled in the service of excursion parties. The Union Paclflo Is the only line from Omaha running four excursions to California every week. City Ticket Office, 1324 Farnam St. 'Phone 316. Joseph Gahm, pianist, 613 W. O. W. Bldg. King Cole Pancakes from whole whei.t flour. Diamonds and othera goods selected now, reserved till Christmas, Edholm. Good Position Open. Good opening for a newspaper or maga line solicitor. Permanent position for a competent man. Address Twentieth Cen tury Farmer. Bee Building. Omaha. Diamonds remounted, Edholm, Jeweler. A Good More. The members of the Convervatlve Savings nd Loan association calling at the new offloes. No. 205 South Sixteenth street, ex press themselves well pleased with the new location. "The room Is light and airy and well adapted to the needs of the association, and, more important still, is centrally lo cated in the retail district of the city. The officers feel that within the next few months the business of the association will run past the one million point, the preaent as sets being considerably In excess of 1900.000. A. B. Hubermann, jeweler, 13th & Doug las quality and lowest prices guaranteed. 'Oo r. m. ' I ELECTRIC LIGHTED, STEAM HEATED. 80UD VESTIBULED Limited train via MILWAUKEE Railway. Leaves Omaha Union depot dally. Magnifi cent equipment, latest palace sleepers, library-buffet car, dining car. new coaches. City office, 1504 Farnam atreet. F. A. NASH. General Western Agent Simple and ornate candleabra, Edholm. DIED. PELLMAN-Jeremlah, aged 90 years, I months and 27 days. Funeral Monday morning, November 8 !?. ?:3? " m- ,rom family residence. 1T10 Nicholas street, to Holy Family church. Interment, St. Mary's cemetery. South Omaha, . Norwich, Conn., papera please opr. INDICATIONS ARB for COLDER WEATHER. Tou had better look up and se how many broken win dows you want repaired, and have it don before . the rush comes. If you will call up S40 we will ; send you a man to meas ure the glass, and put It In for you. CHEAP. Pon t forget th number, 849. Fuller Drug & Paint Co. I H South Fourteenth Sf RESOURCES. City of Omsha ( bonds 3:5,000.00 Time loans J4.S37.22 Warrants g.iS.75 Premium account 312.5J Interest 170.1 Fixtures 661.50 Demands loan (New Tork) $30,000.00 Due from reserve banks 65,513.35 Cash on hand 9,691.93 Checks on other banks 1,256.96-96,463.23 LIABILITIES. coo.oo 661.15 131.43 Capital 333, Discount Interest DEPOSITS: Individual deposits.. $S5,lo;.T3 Time certificates 4,122.00 Demand certificates... 33.63 Cashier's checks 7,6?1.44 Total deposits 9,725.79 $118,063.37 Total deposits 97,254. 7J Illl I Horse Blankets and Lap-Robes 1 Large stock and low prices. Fine harness, saddles, suit cases and va'iscs. ALFRED CORNISH 1210 Farnam. Telephone 2314. n S When it Comes to GOOD WHIS KEY We Are There With the Goods. Our Hiller's Old Private Stock, at $1 per quart and $3.60 per gallon, haa con vinced thousands. FOR YOUR MEDICrNR CHEST, FOR YOUR SIDE BOARD. Consult us when In need of good liquors or wines. "If It comes from H1U ers It must be good.' LIQUOR CO. 1309 Farnam. Branch, 522 N. 16th, Phone 1241. Deliveries in any amount in plain pack ages and plain wagon. Every School Has Its Dunce. Every fabric factory has what It calls Its "seconds" the dunces of the looiUH. Somo tailoring shops hare these "seconds" In stock. AVe don't know what particu lar shops. All we know is that we don't. That's enough for you to know. That's enough to assure yon of a suit that will not only possess fit and, fashion, but a suit that will wear like sole leather here. Suits $25 to $50. It assures of the same thing: in regard to your overcoat Over coats, $23 to $45.' HacCarthy Tailoring Co. Phone I80S. 1712-10 Farnam St. Bee Bldf ., Omaha. .... 66c 24o .... 79c .... 19a .... Uc. ....31.00 ...M SCHAEFER'S ss.t J OF GLASSES Is of the greatest Importance not only for comfort but to avoid actual danger. The lenses must be accu rately adjusted In every way and correctly centered. Many opticians careful In other respects often overlook the Importance of accurate fit ting. We give It special at tention and have frames of every size and shape on hand, enabling us to supply the correct size and style at all times. The II. J. Penfold Co. Expert Opticians, 1409 Farnam Street. -4fi F. M. Russell Reading Lamps, Electric, Oil and Gas. Electric & Gas Fixtures. JIJ S.13tb St. Telephone SOJ. ci 0 LLAR Buy Your Drugs of PEYTON, Ph. G., the Cutting Cutter of Drugs. Where you can save more money than any place on earth. It makes no difference who writes your prescrip tions. Bring them to us. They will be correctly put up at a 40 PER CENT BAVINO TO YOl". Try us with your family recipes and see how much we can save you. 11.00 Magnet Pile Killer ,..25c 12.00 Pennyroyal and Tansy Pills.. $1.00 $2.00 Abbott's Lost Manhood Cure V 09 26c Mennen'a Talcum Powder 12c $1.00 Her s Malt , .69c 85c Castorla ,....25c 26o Magnet Plasters 13c Ewe Poszonl Powder , ,,, ...27c PEYTON, Ph. G., Cutting Cutter of Drugs, 24th and Leavenworth Streets. si m i This Is Another UNIT LOCK Ball bearing cylinder, key In th knob, and best LOCK made. Jas. Morton & Son Go. 1511 Drtjgo Street. Builders' Hardware and Tools. ,, ST'. , MTstf'.WH.'fct1 I 4 I Si. ' J I , ' Pt Gives Life and Vigor There Is no other beverage like Meti Beer. As a tonic n has most marvelous Invigorating proper ties Being an abso lutely pure drink. It has no dellterl. ous effect on the liver and kidneys, but adds life and vigor to the weakest system. Metz Bros. Brewing Co. Tel. 119, Omsha, WAITING FOR IT Tes we thought so. but we have been too busy with the alterations In our store MAKING MORE KooM to think about our usual custom of giving vou all a chance JRet our famous EGYPTIAN LOT L" 8 F".AMAT 5C PER BOTTLE, but next SATURDAY. NOV. 8th. WE WILL SELL ALL DAY AND ALL NIQHT, limiting the number to 2 bottles to each customer. LOTUS CREAM AT 5C PER BUTTLE! Most everybody knows this la as GOOD AS good, mind you, as many face and hand preparations which are sold for 2Tc. You'll know It. too. If you'll ime ltl Are you pa- "iwio mtui mcDo yrun i il.00 Peruna Sftc genuine Castorla $1.00 Pierce's Remedies 25c Pierce s Pills .' Allcock's Plaster . !! no rhMtnp'i im r.. n ; . ' - - i.o t7i,iiTiu air . . . . 1.1. bU Mftrv.l Whirling Sni-a.. i, t wc ".-aiarrn Kern" (guaranteed) c 26c Burkhart's Vegetable Compound..., 13c OPEN ALWAYS. CUT PRICE DKUC, STORE Tel. 747. S. W. Cor. Kith and Cbleasjo. ee the Best BEFORE YOU BUY. GET OUR PRICES ON OUR FAMOUS GENUINE ROUND OAKS, CARLAND OAK8and GERMAN HEATERS. Right goods at right prices. Stoves 3old on Payments. oak stoves AIR-TIGHT HEATERS BH.BS s S-HOLE LAVS DRY ITO VB .... 84.98 a OIL HEATERS S3.MI B i.iniT"-ttt n n rT n rr r my m Hardware A New, Up-to-Date and Com plete line of Builders' Hardware and a full assortment of Modern Mechanics' Tools. GET OUR P1UCES. Steel Ranges We are sole agents for the fol lowing celebrated makes: Monitor, Malleable, Quick Meal, Garnet, They range In price tip from $20.00. Van Hotel Ranges also carried In stoclc Milton Rogers & Sons Co., 14TH AND FARNAM STREETS. III an Co o j I LB 3E9 1513 Doiig3 Middle of the Block LI "THE 89 CENT C STORE' 1513 Oodge Middle of the Block It's Not What We Say That makes this store a good place to buy china. We but recite facts. It is tvhat the people find here what they have found at this store for years past. The evidence la here for you as plainly as for us: Standard makes of china, plain prices, a cordial welcome vhether you wish to buy or not. Com parison shows the prices to be much lower than elsewhere. Inspection ! roves the stock unsurpassed in qual ty and quantity. a3H Special goods for Christmas, HighFivc Prizes, Birthday and Wedding G f 3 1 in AGORN STEEL RANGES A buyer eald to us recently) ''I would cot have thought of your range, but your competitors seem to be worried over them and cannot koep them out of their talk, so I thought them worth Investigating." Investigation of value and prices means tho salo of our Acorn nearly every time. Prices on Acorn ranges, $28.00 up. am SOFT GOAL STOVES Our line of soft coal heaters is, we believe, the most complete In ti e city. We offer you almost any stylo or size you can wish for and at very attractive prices. Oak stoves from ,5.50 up; hot air blasts, from $10.50 up; wood heaters, from $2.60 up. JOHN HUSSIE HARDWARE GO. 2407-2409 Cuming Street 'lf you buy It of Hussle It's right. Or Jaob Numayer, Agt., cars Neuoiayer uoiei, vouncu tnuua, uk After tne Ballot Battle A great many men around Omaha will have time to talk shoes with their wives. The Hanan woman's shoe will of course bo the first considered we alone have them in Omaha. French calf or heavy enamel the ideal outdoor storm shoe. The Ideal kid for dress, with high Cuban heel and arch that gives the foot the swell appearance. The plain common sense Columbia last, best quality kid. for every day wear. We are the largest dealers In Hanan shoes in the west. DREXEL SHOE GO Omaha's Up-to-Date Shoe House, Send for New Fall Catalogue. 1419 FARNAM STREET. ARTISTIC fOOTWEAIt All men and women of taste like to wear stylish, handsome shoes artistic shoes. All those who buy their shoes at this store do wear them, for no other kind is sold here. The styles we show in our new lines for fall and winter are the smartest and nobbiest fashions brought out this sea ton. An Inspection will interest you and will also prove that high grade shoes, artlstio In style, material and finish, can be bought here at very reason able and easy prices $3, $3.60, and $5.00. FRYsnw i6?fD0UCLASCU 1A11A. 'pi' iiio Greatest Salo livJS Doys' & Children's, n Clothing Omaha Has Ever Ex perienced Ilaj-tlen's immense trade in boys' and children's clothing compelled our buyer to take another eastern trip. He found the manufacturers over stocked heavily in highest grade, up-to-date cloth".. 1. ing. Through a spot cash transaction he secured a big purchase at a sweeping sacrifice. ONK OF THE GREATEST PURCHASES IN THE HIS TORY OF MERCHANDISE, OX SALE MON-DAY. Boys' suits In gray and brown mixtures, casfclme'es and cheviots in vestee anJ double-breasted styles, all slses, worth $3; sale prlee, $1.60. Boys' suits .n very desirshle patterns, in black and blue, Oxford gray and browns, Scotch tweeds, etc., regular $4 value; spe cial sale price, $2.60. Boys' suits in blue and black serges snd worsteds, Oxford grays and browns, lu checks and Scotch mixtures, patent elastic waist bands, reinforced seams, very styl ishly made up, In Norfolks, Manly's double-breasted and 3-peice suits; this Is a great $3.50 value; sale price, $2.05. Don't forget to get your boys in good, warm reefer overcoats, with storm col lar, at our special sale price, 9."c, $1.25, $1.95 and $2.25. Boys' and children's single-breasted overcoats and Russian blouse overcoats, made in the very latest styles in plain snd mixtures; special sale price, $3.25, $4.50 snd $5.00. Youths' long pants suits, ages from 12 to 20, in a great variety, in blacks and blue serges, Oxford grays and browns, caesl meres, Scotch cheviots, military and regular cut; sale prices, $3.75, $4.50, $6.75 and $7.50. . $5 A Big Overcoat Salo A great epnclal purchase of overcoats. Including the very best makes, enables us to quote prices fully one-third to one halt the quotations usually asked for irre sponsible garments. Every garment ws sell is guaranteed even at THESE SALE PRICES. OVERCOAT AT SB.OO Special for Monday A fine all wool covert overcoat in medium lengths, in regular stouts and slims, with or with out velvet collar; these overcoats sre regularly well worth $8.50 and $10.00; sale price 385 MEN'S BEAVER-KERSEY OVER COATS, in blue, black and Oxford gray, with good Italian lining; inside kersey piping; best silk velvet collar, over coats worth $12.50; O Cft special sale price UlUll 600 MEN'S SWELL., HEAVY WEIGHT OVERCOATS, any color, slie or style, smooth or rough fabrics, fancy or plain - colors, lined with good heavy serge lin ings, none worth less than CIO $15.00; special sale price vlU 475 FINE HEAVY WEIGHT OVERCOATS, made of finest overcoatings, choicest vicunas, meltons and' kerseys, in nobby, striking effective patterns, perfect in detail of style, and workmansBlp rival ing the most expensive custom made coats, $22.50 values; your CI ft Choice In this sale at QIU FOR $10.00 WE HAVE OVER 23 DIFFER ENT PATTERNS to select from; these HirtSchiffner ( Mirx and Tutored" BV -t f ,'' ;'. I : Kf ... I S i SET-" fj suits come In black and blue cheviots and Oxford gray cheviots, fancy worsted and 6erges; these suits come in single snd double-breasted, round and square cut, the finest assortment 0 1 ft to select from ever offered at U I U READ GREAT BALES 0,V PAGE 13. HAVDEN BROS. Ail Up-Town Drug Store With Up-to-Date Prices We buy right you be the judge if we sell right. 25c Carter's Liver Piljs 15o 25c Laxative Bromo-Qulnlne 15c 35c Castorla 25c 60c Syruo of Figs 36c 75c Moeller's Cod Liver Oil. $1.00 Ltsterine $1.00 Peruna ... $1.00 Bromo Seltter $1.00 Capo Oil ..65c ,.67c ,."c ..76c ..80c 25c Bromo Seltzer 20o 50c Bromo Seltter 40c 60c Pond's Extract 40o 60c Malted Milk 40o $1.00 Malted Milk 75c 25c Cuticura Soap 20o 25c Packer's Tar Soap 15o $1.00 Duffy's Malt SOo $1.00 Her s Malt 65c You can have all you want at these prices we don't make a limit of "one to a customer" as some do. Telephone us your wants, wo will be glad to de liver them. . Two phones 882 and F-1517 S. E. HOWELL, Park Ave. and Leavenworth St. ww t w--w g TJ lTT 13 NECESSARY in selecting your Station- J sLJJ V i ery as well as In anything else. We maka a specialty of high-grade engraving, designing snd embossing. We are constantly aiming In our Stationery and Engraving Department to Introduce new, attractive and tasteful effects to meet the demands of fashion and supply the wants of changing tastes and seasons. Out-of-town customers sre cordially invited to call at our storo and Inspect our line of Stationery nd Engraving. We would also be pleased tosend samples by mall. , THE MOYER STATIONERY CD. 220 and 222 Soulh I6I.1 SUu i THESE PRICES ought to convince you that ws sell drugs cheap. 25c Cascarets 19c 25c Bromo Seltzer.... 19c 60c Bromo Seltier... t 39c 26c Carter's Pills He $1.00 Ayer's Hair Vigor 79 C 26c Packer s Tar Soap 14c 25o Piso Cure Mc $1.60 Fellow's Syrup ..$114 60o Scotts' Emulsion 39c 76c Hall's Catarrh Cure 4o 85o Jaynes' Vermifuge 29c $1.00 Hall Hair Renewer 79c $1.00 Mother's Friend 79c 25c Chamberlain's Cough Cure.... 19c $1.00 Plnkbam's Compound... 79c GOOD CANDY is the only kind we sell everything the choicest and always at cut prices. Monday we're going to sell Fine Assorted Chocolates regular price, 40c pound our price Monday 20o pound. Five sticks candy lo Pure Rock Candy, pound lOo Old, fashioned Sprue Gum, two pkgs..,. 6o Marshmallows, box Eo A Fine Dinner... 26c Oyster Stew 15c Horns Cooking. .imranfVB.F.Eris .i la-is i Em ifTIS mm 9. w w w ARE YOU skilled union labor employed. Going to get an Overcoat this fall? Wo arc showliig an except lonully fine asorv meut of overcoat materia In. None but HELGREN & GRADMANN, TAILORS. 309 South 16th Street. A" THE BEE FOR ALL THE NEWS WHEN YOU BUY A 1 . -mn0t000' Tou ar not paying lor CUKOMO!4. kitt i: DEALS, ETC., but a..DllDniTil ITV Iff A V A HI A THR A PTfl FTiTT If.tnIM UnuTL? rmr . w. -1 4 T annniaiifTi m mm nr ifur o . . " 1 i mr mm mm i it bu ! ni ii i i i it waMsi as - - gwgw - unrnn stsTsiisk. li