Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 23, Image 23

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vi7o!am ef Bournes for October Broke 111
v PrsTioM Efloords.
Oatleek for faring Baalaeaa Ortwi
More Favorable Each Week mm
Jehbers Maklaer Big Prepara
tloaa o Itaadle It.
T October has been a busy month with
Omaha. Jobbers and manufacturers. Each
week they have reported buslneas as being
very brisk and now that they have figured
id the tot il salea for the month, they find
that they have broken all previous records
Tor October. There hss. or course, oeen
some talk about the warm weather Interfere
Ing with the movement of winter goods, but
as long as jobbers find they are doing mora
buslneas than usual they nave rew com-
claims to offer. According to advices re
ceived frm the country, retallere havs
also enjoyed a very nice trade and their
atocka are going to pieces at a rapid rate.
Jobbers think that it would oniy tage
few davs of cold weather to bring in a
flood of sorting up orders, as they have
already received many more than usual
for so early In the season. Taking every
thing Into consideration, both wholeaalera
end retailers feel that they have good
reasons for being well satisfied wltn pre-
Valllnar conditions.
The markets have fluctuated but 111 tie
during the week under review and In fact
outside of a few lines of groceries there
have been practically no changes worthy
of mention. Prices though are firm all
long the line, with favorable prospects for
their remaining that way tor soma time to
Caused Good a Coatlaae Straagr.
Bo far as the canned goods situation Is
concerned, local grocery Jobbers report this
mm being one oi trie worst seasons tncy
have ever experienced, owing to the diffi
culty of getting goods from the pacners.
Bo DV-ny of them are short on their packa
that they have held back their deliveries
until the close or the racking season ana
until such time ae they could ascertain
what proportion of their orders could be
filled. Then, the difficulty of getting boxes
and labels at proper times has added to the
delay, so that Jobber have been greatly
annoyed. Reports have lately been re
ceived from California to the effect that
packers" will be able to deliver only 75 per
cent at their sales ot standard tomatoes.
This, It Is claimed, will work still farther
hardships on local wholesalers, because al
most all of them have sold up to the limit
of their purchases. California has not been
short on tomatoes for many years, so that
thsl report comes as a great surprise..
There have been no'lmportant changes
In the market on canned goods, but the
tendency M toward higher prices on corn.
Tomatoes are still a little weak In the east,
but a reaction at any time would causa no
V Reports were received last week to the
.K . UnnH.u f .hi. --lr Inn..
effect that on Monday of this week loose
Muscatel raisins will be advanced, but Just
what lines will be affected is not definitely
known, but it Is thought that two. three
nd four-crown- loose Muscatels will un
doubtedly be advanced. It Is natural to
suppose that seeded raisins will also be
marked up, but as seeders are not working
in perfect harmony the advance may not
affect the seeded raisins.
There has also been an advance in wal
nuts and soft shells are now quoted Hfrc
above ooenlng prices. All Imported nuts
are also very strong, with advances on
Drains, ninerts ana aimonas.
The first stuamer to arrive with a cargo
of new dates was reported in New York
last week with lOO.OOO boxes. The first car-
load -of these goods will arrive In Omahi
some time this week and It Is reported
that the aualltv is unusually good. The
movement of dried fruits ef all kinds so
far this fall has been very satisfactory
and has covered the entire line from ordi
nary choice to extra fancy stock.
The sugar market eased off a little last
week, both rawe and refining being affected.
In the Jlne of fish, the market on Holland
herring Is reported very firm, with an
upward' tendency and higher prlcea in tha
near future are being predicted. The mar
ket en mackeral continues very high and
email counts are almost Impossible to ob
tain. New Norways have not as yet sr-
lived, but are expected In about ten days.
There la a big demand for codfish, with
prospects favorable lor vtc advance.
Owing to the short crop of tomstoes.
manufacturers of catsup have found It Im
possible to All their contrapta on the
cheaper grades. The tendency of the mar
ket la naturally upward and well posted
merchants are anticipating their wants.
The market on beans eased off a little last
week, owing to the tendency of buyers to
hold back their orders In the hope that
lower prices will rule. Local Jobbers, how.
ever, think that prices will be higher as
soon as buyers And that the market does
not decline as rapidly aa expected and that
buying will then be active.
The cheese market is about the same as
It was a week ago, though stocks are very
light and many factories have closed down
for the season. Higher prices are being
predicted for November.
So far as the demand for groceries Is con
cerned, jobbers nnd no cause tor com
plaint. Trade during last week was very
heavy and in fact business waa heavier
during the entire month of October than
ever before. Jobbers were continually
rusnea to keep their order filed promptly.
House Trade Qatet.
House trade with local dry good Jobber
nas neen ratner quiet tor the last two
weeks. That la partly due to the warm
weather and partly to the fact that re
tailers are busy at home. Orders, how
ever, both direct and through traveling
salesmen, continue plentiful and In the
aggregate business la in exceas of the same
period of last season. That would apply not
only to last week, but to last month as
Spring orders continue to arrive in ivery
satisfactory manner and already a great
many heavy bills hsve been sold. These
orders are mainly for specialties In wash
goods, glso In such lines as laces, embroid
eries., wniie gooaa ana specialties in fur.
ntshlng goods.
The market on alt lines of cotton goods
continues very Arm, but no changea have
taken place during the week under re
view and none are being predicted for the
near future by these who are well posted on
me general situation.
. Hardware Active aad Klraa.
The hardware market continues vary ac
tive. The demand Is exceptionally haavv
for all lines of seasonable goods and Job-
oers are naving a goo a aeai or rrouoie to
. get the goods with which to All their orders.
That Is not altogether the fault of manu
facturers, for Jobber claim that the rail
roads cause a great deal of delay. They
say It ia nothing unusual tor a car to be
from thirty to Arty days in coming though
from the east and It frequently takes from
twelve to fourteen days from Chicago.
The general market situation la much tha
same aa it was a week ago. Wire and nails
are holding their own and In fact prac
tically all stable lines are quoted the same
as they were a week ago. The general
opinion is that no important fluctuation will
taae piece lor aome time to come.
Better Peaaaad for Rabbers.
The wet weather of the latter part of
last week caused some demand for rubber
goods. Jobbers did not feel the effects of
It to any extent, but retailers had quite a
' nice trade and It helped them to unload
some of the stocks they had on hand.
Rubber clothing as well aa footwear waa in
?ood demand. Jobbers, though, do not look
or mich business until cold weather acta
la and with a normal winter they expect a
orisk aemana inrougnoui tne season.
Leather goods are moving out quite
freely and traveling men aay that retailers'
stocks are being rapidly broken and It will
not be long before they will have to place
quite liberal orders. A cold wava would
be very beneficial to the leather goods
traae, as people wouia men have te lay
aaiaa tneir iigmwcigni snoes.
, Fralts aad Prod ace.
The season for peaches, prunes snd
plums la now practically at aa end. A fei
shipments occasionally arrive, but a few
more days will see the last of them. Pears
are still in good supply and are selling
rreeiy, prices ranging irom 11.75 to n a box.
New'Xark grapes are still on the market
and tire worth tic. Tokava are selling at
$1 71 and Malagas at $i.iH'j6 00. Cranberries
havedvancd. ewing to the fact that the
supply on this market Is not aa heavy a
it has been ot late. Wisconsin berries are
now arriving and are worth $7.6ij.0O. The
prediction la b,lng made that before the
end of the aeaaon prlcea w ill go to IvSiwrS 04.
There has been no particular changa In
the Hat of vegetables and the prices at
which the different lines are selling will be
rouria in anomer column.
There has been no change In eggs and
butter, but the market la good and Arm.
Tha same Is true of poultry, but dealers
are hoping for colder weather, aa they
figure It would stimulate the demand, not
only fr poultry, but for eggs and butter
as weii.
Wool Market.
NEW YORK, Nov. t-WOOL Quiet;
aomnstir rteece. kjuc.
LONDON. Nov. l. There was a
good Inquiry for wool during the week.
ere msfle it firm
the sixth series of
Kf.7 bales. Including
IS.ise) hales forwarded direct to spinners.
The Imports during the wk were: New
outnvsies,i bales; Mctorla, llbil-i;
New Km I una, s,6 bale; Cape of Unrxl I
Hop and .Natal, frta bales; elsewhere, t,M
C..4III.. .ITr.d. ..4
Staple aad Faaey Pradaee.
EGGS Candled stock. He.
LIVE POULTRY Hens. SBQc: roosters.
according to sge, 4c: turkey l911c; docks,
geese, Hjc; spring chickens, per lb.,
RUTTFR Packing stock, lc: cholca
dairy, In tube. lRa2c; separator, 24ffc.
KRESH CAUGHT FIHH Trout. 94ji0o:
herring. 7c: pickerel. c: nlke. 10c: perch. c:
buffalo, dressed, 7c: sunflsh, 3c; bhieflna, Ic;
whlteflsh. I'm; salmon. lie; haddock. 11c;
codnsb, lJo: redanapper, loc: lobsters.
boiled, per ib., ; lobsters, green, per lb ,
tc: bullheada. Itw: catfish, lie: black base
10c: halibut. Ue.
"'HEAT-No. 2 hard, 8c.
FRAN-Per ton. $1$.
HAY Prices Quoted br Omaha Whole
sale Hajr Dealers' association: Choice No. 1
upiana, to; No. l medium. V: no. I
coarse, $7.s0. Rye straw, 17. These prices
are tor hay of good color and quality. De
mand fair; receipts light.
OTBTF.RS-Standards. per can. ate; extra 5
r I.
elects, per can. Mc: New York eounta, per
can, 42r? hulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75;
bulk, standard, per gal.. SI M.
NEW CELERY Kearnev. per dox.. 1642
46c; Kalamasoo, per dox.. Kb).
POTATOES New, per bu., 2&S30c.
SWEET POT A TO KS VI rel nl a. nar bbl.
$3; home grown, per bu., $1.
TLRNIF8 Per Oil.. 80c.
HEtTB-Per basket. 40e.
CUCUMBERS-Hothouse. per dot., $1 W.
WAX BEANS-Pee bu. box. 11.60: stxlne-
beans. per bu box. 91. BO.
I ahhage Home grown, new, le.
ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, pr I
bu.. SofflOc; Spanish, per crate. $1.60.
PEACHES-California, late Balways, $1.
rri(.rfc.t Utah, per 4-baeket crate. nc.
PEARS Fall varieties, per bc 11.7Kfi2.aA:
Kaffirs, per bbl., X74: Colorado, per box.
APPLES Cooking, per bbl.. 12 !5: eatina-.
$2..6S60; Jonathans, $3.28; New York stock.
uhafes New York. 23c; Tokay, per
CRANBERRIES Per bbl., $7.iUi.U0; per
DOX, 12. PI.
QUINCE8-Per box, P W.
BANANAS Per bunch, according to also.
$3. offal. 60.
LEMONS California fancy, I4.00e.;
choice. $3.5C3.75.
ORANGES Valencia. $4.50; New J.
DAISES Persian,' In 70-lb. 'boxes, per lb.,
6c: per case of 8u-lb. pkgs., $2.26.
jriUB California, per 10-10. cartons, voc.
Turkish, per 35-lb box. 18c
HONEY New Utah, per M-frama case.
JU-l't; per DDI., fS.JED.
No. 1 salted. 84c: No. $ salted. 7kc: No. i
veal calf. I to 12U lbs., fcttc: No. I veal calf.
12 to 16 lba., 6c; dry hides, 8fJ12c; sheep
peits, oc; norse niaea, si.tRMiSM.
popcorn per ID.. s: sneuea. c.
NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb.,
13c; hrd shell, per lb., 12Hc; No. 2 soft
shell, per lb., 11c; No. 2 bsrd shell, per lb..
10c; Braxns, per lb., uc; nioerts, per io.. 12c;
slmonds. soft shell, per lb., 16c; hsrd shell.
per lb.. Ilk?: perana. large, per lb.. 14c: small.
per ID., uc: cocoanuu. per aos., sue; cnest-
nuts. per id., isc; peanuia, per id., oc;
roasted peanuts, per lb.. Sc.
OLD METALS A. B. A I pern ouotts the
following prices: Iron, country mixed, per
ton. $11: iron, stove plate, per ton. $8: coo
per, per lb., 8Hc; brass, heavy, per lb., 8Mc;
brass, light, per lb., 64c; lead, per lb., ic;
sine, per id., iw, ruoDer, per iu, c.
mi. TAlTra VI w 1 TX7 UL'iT T.awi
8Ufi70c: December. 64&.gittiTc: May. 72c bid:
No. 2 nara, tweuc: receipts, ii,ui ousnaia.
CORN Lower; no. z casn, c; track,
47c new: December. Svac bid: May. 3Kttc
OATS Lower; No. 2 cash. 2S4c: track.
26&29V:; December. 2HQ2a asked; May,
Zc sskea; no. wniie, aic
RYE Weak at ec askea.
FLOUHateedy; red winter patents. 93.40
(13.66; extra fancy and straight, W.ltKa.a5;
clear. M
bkfc.l i iraoiny, nnn, n a.w.
rfiHMMEAL Steady. $2.76.
BRAN Steady; sacked, east track, 690
11 r.
HA Y steady ; umomy, nv.wau.w; prat-
rte, w.twtrn-w-
BAGGING 6 6-184jf7 1-16C.
$16.40: new, is.M. iaro, lower at
MKTAuHieia. steaay si ef.w. epeiter,
teadv at 26.20 for spot.
SH-SlOc; turkeys. 8f84c; ducks. Uc; fee. 1
BU 1 n tut eieaaj; creamery, ie-nci
dairy, 17d2oc.
KOQB Lower; iW. loss on.
Liverpool Grala anal Provisions.
steady; No. i red, western, winter, 6a 9d;
No. 1 northern, spring. 6s 6Hd; No. 1 Cali
fornia, 6e 6d; futures, inactive; December,
a. 11. ajfeeK Xa
mm LW, . ' ' .
CORN epot, quiet; American mixea, ss
6d: futures, inactive; January, 4s ld;
March, 4s d.
FLOUit ou Louis lancy winter, quiet,
km Xd.
hops At Lionaon tracinc coast.;, nrra,
g 10s7.
PRO visions ueer, strong; extra inaia
mess 116e. Fork, strong; prime mess, west
ern, ki. Hams, snort cut. it to ioe . nrm.
68s. Bacon. Cumberland cut. z to w ids..
steady, 62e; short ribs, 16 to 24 lbs., dull,
lea: long clear middles, light. 28 to $4 lbs..
oulet. 62s 6d; long clear middles, bsavy, 86
to 40 lba.. steady. 63s: short clear backs.
16 to 10 lbs., firm. 68s 6d: clear bellies, 14 to
16 lbs., firm, 6es. Shoulders, square, 11 to
1$ lbs., Arm, 62s 6d. Lard, firm; prime west
ern. In tierces. 68a Sd; American refined, in
palls, 68s M.
Mi l l en rootainau.
CHEESE Strong; American finest white.
Us 6d; American finest colored, 66s.
TALLOW Firm; prime city, ZSs 6d; Aus
tralian la London, m sa.
Kaasas City Qrala anal rrevtalena.
eemhar. flftVo: Mav. 6Vc: cash. No. I hard.
664jcNo. . tatjtc; No. I red, 66c; No. a.
""SkN November. 60c; December, 874c;
May, t-W36Hc; fs,n- mixea, t4lff4oc;
Ko. i white, 4i347c; No. , 46c
OATB NO. I wnue, wvue; no. mixrn.
No. 1. eV.
HAT Choice timotny, tiawttrio-is; cnoice
prairie. $a.frwal0.0v.
BUTTER Creamery. 24c; fancy dairy.
EOOS Freeh Missouri and Kansas
stock, 18c, loss on. cases returned.
Receipts. 8hlnments.
Wheat bu 112,000 124.0u6
Corn, ou , su.tMt
Oats, bu 36.000 14.000
Fklladelpala Predate Market.
Firm, fair demsvud; extra western cream
ery. K)c; extra nearby pnnts. zsc
EX JO a steady but oulet: fresh nearby.
Inc. loss off: fresh western, 'Mc. loss off:
fresh southwestern, 23c, loss off; fresh
southern, 22c, loss oft.
cheebe unchanged: New york full
creams, prime small, I244frizc; New York
full creams, fair to good, large. Ha-Hc
Minneapolis Wheat, Flear ana Bran.
cember, TlHtr-lHsC; May, 7JHnr."Hc; on
track. No. 1 hai-d, 73c; No. 1 northern.
,2Wc; ino. i nonnern. uc.
FLOUR-Flrst patents, $3 86l;
patents, $8. .btoOSS; nrst clears, (3;
clears. $I.4062V
fi.aa caan, si ish: rtovemoer.
December, $1 16; May, $VUH-
rt r r il ax , aja.aer, asa ei i
BRAN In bulk. lU.4oU.t
cash, 7Hc: December, tic, askea; May, 77c,
CORN Dull, lower; tecerorer, ithc; May,
oato Dun. lower; vecemDer. toc; May.
RYE No X. 61c.
SEED Timothy, tXtO. bid; alslk. prime.
MM- .
Mllwaahee Grala Market.
ket easier: No. northern. 74'c; No. i
northern. TCVetjiJc; December, Tic.
Kir; aruve; no. i. sac.
BARLEY I nchangec; No. t. tc; sample,
CORN XJecemDer.suskO
T. ,!.. p.; T . T : in
uiiiuuuu in ai.
All Statistic Tead to Force Long to
Throw Their Holdings oa the
Market, Which Receives
. Sapport.
CHICAGO. Nov. 1. Dullness crevslled on
the board of Trade again today, and with
general liquidation prices had a downward
tesaency. uecember wnent closing c
lower, December corn So lower ana oats
HOHc lower. January provisions closed
statistics were all against wheat and the
market ruled weak throughout the day,
with the exception of some eteadintss
eariy. Longs again threw a lot of stuff on
the market and with no support prices de
clined steadily. Large primary receipts
ind rapidly accumulating stocks Were the
principal Dear features. Belling by the
southwest was also a weakening Influence.
World's shipments were estimated at about
12,),o00 bushels and a liberal Increase was
looked for In the visible supply. December
naJ?e '..w'r J ,a Bn1df , at
1 ' . (W. - am nA a f tar hnlJlna fair v alaariv
.SMrizHc and after holding fairly ateaoy
the first hour the market gave way and
the price dropped to 72c. The close was
He lower at "iim2iMc. Clearances of wheat
and flour were equal to 7Mi0 bushels.
Primary receipts were 1.593,1100 bushels.
against 1.130,fluo bushels a year ago. Minne-
apolia and Luluth reported receipts of M')
cars, which, with local receipts of 121 cars
7 of contract grade made total receipts
lor the three points ot l,U'l cars, against
1.UB3 cars laat week and l.tuo cars a yea.
weaknem in wheat affected the corn
market and, after a fairly steady opening,
prices weakened. With the lower tendency
stop - loss orders became general and theee
offerings lent an Impetus to the downward
trend. There wast little demand lor May,
shorts being about the only buyers, while
longs had a considerable amount to offer.
Trading in the December option was light
ana mere waa a wine nuciuation on
limited transactions. The cloee was weak,
December closing "SiC lower at .'oVia-mSr.
after selling between fr'Hc and 51c. Local
receipts were 274 cars, with 67 cars ot con
tract grade.
oats ruled weak, particularly May, on
selling by commission houses, influenced
by weakness in other grains. Trade was of
laraer volume man 01 late, wun tne local
Sentiment decidedly bearish. The close
was easy, December 4tVc lower at 2?tt)
197c, after selling Detween za-fcc ana aosc.
Local receipts were 274 cars.
provisions were suDjeciea to a steaay
selling pressure, longs being the principal
sellers. The market was extremely weak
throughout the day and the close was
lower prices. Large, receipts-of hogs and
lower prices at the yards were the de
pressing Influences. January pork closed
27 lower at $15.32', January lard 2oc
lower at $9.12i and ribs 15c. lower at $S.19.
Estimated receipts for Monday: Wheat
110 cars; corn, 210 cars; oals, 230 cars; hogs
38.000 head.
The leading futures ranged as follows:
Artlcles. Opcn. High. Low. Close ! Yes y.
Wheat I. I
Nov 70
Dec. 72H-&H "2H 7! 172 191 ' 72H
May 74'iSVi 74 73'i!7344j1 74HraVi
Nov. 644 64i B3 53i
Dec. 6'q bl 60H 60?, 61'4
May 426 42 41", 43 ' U
a Dec. 3"'4 3n 2, Z'9 8"4
May 81H 21V S1H 31H 21
Jan. 15 624 15 52' 15 314 15 324
May 14 70 14 70 14 W 14 60 14 75
Nov. 10 624 10 614 10 45 10 50 10 75
Dec. $80 9 0 9 50 9 52H 9 R24
Jan. 9 224 9 28 9 124 9 12', 9 324
May 866 866 840 6 424 860
Ribs ,
Jan. 8 174 8 174 8 10 8 14 8 25
May 7 80 7 80 7 70 7 724 7 824
No. 1 a New.
Cash quotations were as follows:
FLOUR Steady : winter patents, 93.4of?
960; winter straights. $3.10g3.3i; spring pat
ents. a.K(is. o; spring siraigms,;
bakers. $2.25fr2.75.
WHEAT NO. 2 spring. 7i724c: NO. 3
spring, 7&72c: No. 2 red. 7tii(i71Vin.
cokn NO. i. Ma 00c; ro. i yenow,
OAIT3 no. z. Zic; imo. s wnue, 04'ijc;
No. 8 white, 284(&31c.
BARLEY Good feeding. 39242c: fair to
choice malting, 42fi6c.
BEEt No. 1 flax, 11.15; no. 1 northwest
ern, $1.18: prime timothy, $4.10; clover, con
tract erade. $10.75.
PROVISION a Mess pork, per bbl.. 116.50
4J16.624. Lard, per 100 lbs.. $10.7310.85. Short
rib sides (loose), llo.KJHWin.BT'i. nry salted
shoulders (boxed), $10.Ktfl0.25. Short clear
sides (boxed), Jlo.zs.gio. 75.
The following were the receipts and ship
ments of grain yesterday:
Receipts, tsnipments
Wheat, bu.
111. WW
Corn, bu....
oats, bu....
Rye, bu
Barley, du.
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was steady; creameries, 169
UVlC: dairies. 16fi21c. Eggs, steady, loss off.
esses returned, ac. cneese, steady, luvtf
of the Day
oa Various
NEW YORK, Nov. 1. FLOUR Receipts
22,661 bbls.; exports, 22.600 bbls.; market
nominally unchanged, but leas active and
a trifle easier; winter patents, $36033.90;
winter straights,; Minnesota pat
ents. $3.04-4.10; winter extras, $2.8OS3.10
Minnesota bakers. X3.ilfl3.1b; winter low
grades. $2.4bi2.90. JRye flour, dull; fair
to good. $3.1543.40: choice to fancy. $3.5"
3.66. Buckwheat flour, easy, $2.26'a2.35, spot
and to arrive.
CORNMHAL Quiet : yellow western. 61.30:
city, $1.28; Brandywine, $3.403.55.
RYE Firm: No. 1 weatern. 69c. r. o. o..
afloat; No. S, 64u&4Vc; track state, 64S64VsC,
o. 1. f.. New Torg.
BARLEY Steady : feeding, tic. c. 1. f..
Buffalo: malting. 49lc, c. 1. f., Buffalo.
wheat-Receipts, ot.s&o ou.; exports
74.897 bu. 6pot market easy; No. 2 red
77,4c. elevator, and 77Vc. f. o. b.. afloat
No. 1 northern. Duluth, Zie, t. o. b., afloat;
No. 1 hard. Manitoba, mwc. t. o. b . afloat.
A firmer opening in wheat soon yielded to
nressure from holders who felt dis
heartened over big receipts and talk of a
large visible supply, and the market cloaed
- . 1 nA. .. ..1 1 A Via,. 7kU'n 4.1..
closed at ibHc; December, 78 l-l&S Tiec, closed
at 7MiC.
CORN Receipts. 8,400 bu.; exports, 9.156
bu. Boot steady; No. Z. 67VC. elevator, and
6c. f. o. b., afloat; No. t yellow, 6Dc; No. $
white. 68c The option market, alter
Arm opening on wet weatner. aroppea on
In sympathy with wheat, closing He net
lower. January closed at H4c; May, t'Vjiji
47c, cloaed at tiftc; LNjcemoer, toi'aaoc,
closed at 6iic.
OATS Receipts. TS.ouo ou.; exports, 34.guo
bu. Spot, dull; no. z, 34c; stsndard white
16c: No. I white. S6c: No. 3 white. Ss'0'36c
track mixed western, 3oti3iUc; track white,
$643c. Options quiet and easier; December
cloaed at uc.
HAY Steady ; snipping. eaeiVc; good to
choice, Sbc'oJl.
HOPS Urm: state, common to choice
1902 crop, 2&'a37e: 1901 crop. $4 28c; olds, Vt
12c; Pacific coast. 1 crop, 25331c; VM
crop. 23'a27c; olds, .iihc
HIDES Oulet: Galveston. 20 to 25 lbs
18c; California, zl to 25 lbs., 19c; Texas dry,
84 to 30 lbs.. 14c.
LEATHER Steady; hemlock eole, Buenos
Avres. Usht to heavy, acid. lie JoWC.
PROVISIONS Beef. Irregular; family
$16.0018 00: meas. $10 60611.00; beef hams
$. 6042160; packet. $14.0ofcl6 60: city extra
India mess. 12a.voia28.ou. cut meals, irregu
lar; pickled bellies. $12,750,3 60: pickled
shoulders. ss.T; picxiea nams. iz i2.s,
Iard. easier: western steamed, $11.25: re
fined, easier; continent. $11 60; South Amer
lea. $12; compound, $7. 607 7!S. Pork, quiet
family. $21; abort clear, $;l.003'.00; mess
$18 $MrlL75.
RICE Firmer; domestic, fair to choice
extra. fHu)V; Japan, 4Str4H-'.
BUTTER Receipts. 2 613 pkgs; extrn
creamery. 26c; extra factory. 16&Uc: cream
ery, common to choice, 1924Hc: Imitation
creamery. LfjTJuc; stale dairy, lCT:4c; reno
vated. 17Htji;c.
CHEESE Receipts, I.8T1 pkgs.: market
quiet; new state full creams, small colored
old new, uvc; smau wnite. 01a, uwc
new. lic; large colored, old. 12Sc; new
12c: large white, old. Vihtc: new. 12c.
EGGS Receipts, 4.844 pkgs - steady; stat
and Pennsylvania average best. 24ti25c
western candled, Z2dI4c; refrigerator, UV'i
POTATOES Firm : Jerseys. $1 T5rjJO0
stste and western, $1.7542.00; South Jerae
sweets. $1 7641? 76.
TALLOW Easy; city, 6661c; couatry
POL LTRY Alive, steady: dressed, oulet
Aairicea unchanaed.
METALS The week has been quiet in
sll departments, with very narrow price
changes. Today's market hss hen slow,
but general- steady. Tin wae n :nted at
$J Sny M 7i. t'opj 1 r was aoout steady, with
lake at $11 :''-jll n.U. electrolytic and
tasting st $11 wili 70 and standard at $11.
ieaa. auu. spelter, quiet, it.
iron, quiet and unchanged.
C'haage from Creditor to Debtor -
tloa Excites roarers.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1 -With the holiday
In London and the coming holiday here.
the local market ruled duller and more
narrow today. Moderate Inactivity und
slightly hlaiier prices were shown at the
opening, though there was an undertone of
Irregularity. The greatest gains at the
opening were In Manhattan, St. Louis &
San Kranclsco and Colorado Fuel and Iron.
Apparent covering In Reading brought a
fractional advance In that stock and it was
reported that une Arm of brokers had bid
7Hc for any part of lOc.ituo shares of the
common. Other points of early strength
Were Rock Island and Canadian Pacific.
The special class was most prominent, but
fluctuations were Insignificant. Many 01
the standard Issues were neglected. Kan
sas City, Port Scott' Memphis, which
opened with a 1-pulnt advance, lost all Its
gam and more on moderate transactions.
The buying of Colorado Fuel was attrib
uted to two widely different Issues and
was the only feature of the Industrial
class. Manhattan was not eustalned. the
stock making a net lis. on comparatively
heavy transactions of over a Point. The
bank statement had not entered very seri
ously Into the calculations of traders, yet
It was rather better than many looked for
and the selling which followed Its publica
tion lacked v I hi.
The surprising feature of the hank state
ment waa the heavy expansion of loans.
Last week's Individual statement showed
that three of the leading banks carried
heavy surpluses, and it is assumed that
these institutions put their holdings Into
the loan market this week. The gain In
cash was due chlelly to the past weeks
pavments for government bonus, some of
which were purchased too late to figure In
the statement of that week. The further
Increase of circulation indicates that the
banks have been acting on Secretary
Shaw's suggestion to strengthen their
positions In this particular. For a Satur
day there was unueuul activity In foreign
exchange. Demand bills were quoted at
$4.&W0 to $4.MN, with a fairly good inquiry
for remittance by the coming week's
steamers. There was some talk of special
gold shipments to Australia, but details
were not obtainable. Impartial observers
were of the opinion that the dullness of
tne week was aue to causee iar removea
from political considerations. They reason
they believe this country has changed from
a credit to a debtor ration, and hat Its
arrangements abroad are not likely to be
liquidated without some strain, has tin
questionably excited concern in conserva
tive places. it has created a situation
which those who ought to know believe
must reeult in a drain on the country's gold
reserves before the end of ,the year. For
eign advices s;ree that England and
France, particularly the latter country, by
reason of Its International troubles, will
soon demand goodly installment of the
sums due them. The movements In foreign
exchange -during the week indicated that
England s debt to France could easily be
arranged by direct shipments of gold from
New York to Paris. The labor problem
also developed Interestingly. There were
frosh demands by various podies of train
men in the west and the situation on the
aciflc s lope became ratner more acute.
The attitude of the coal miners In their
relations toward the Independent operators
was also regarded as an unfavorable clr-
Of the bond markot there Is little to say.
xcept that a better, tone prevailed the
last of the week. The better tone resulted
from aggressive buyiDg by pool traders,
though not a few traders reversed their
poeltion on the belief that the liquidation
ad run Its course.. The protesslouai ele
ment was dominant throughout, however.
nd there was next to no public or invest
ment buying. Including premium and ln-
erest the subtreasury had paid out almost
22.0UO.O for bonds under the recent oner
of the Treasury department,. The treasury
statement for the first four months of the
fiscal year ehowe excess or receipts over
expenses of $13,&00,000. Call money ranged
from 3 to. 7 per cent during the week, the
high figures being reported on Friday. The
banks were again partial to good commer
cial paper In call loans, the rate of which
relaxed to 64 pec cent, but later returned
to 8 per cent. 11 is estimaiea insi aincm will be disbursed during the
month for Interest and dividends 01 jeaa
Ini railroads and Industrial and other cor
porations, as against a little over $rt0,0n0,000
n November of last year, 'trading in
bonds was In small volume during the
week and the movement Irregular on a
narrow raJige. United States 2s declined
V per cent, as compared wltn tne closing
call of last week.
The fol owing are the closing prices on
the New York Stock exchange:
Atrhtton S4 So. rftnc 7H
do pfd ion so. itauwar -
Btl. fe Ohio 10Te do pfa -4
An nM 4 Texts 6c rSClDC 40
Cnaaun Pacific 13574 Toledo, ft. L. A V. .
cnd So .: M do pfd
rhn. & Ohio b'Hilnloo f'acinc 1U4
Chicago A Alton :'.4 o pM Hl
do pfd '34 vtaDaao a
rhlr.o. Ind. A L... 73'i do pfd 47'4
do pfd
. yu aeeiiog- & l x. 4-t
'hlcago tc E. III...
.210 do id pfd
. H Wis. Central
. 4 do pfd
. 444 Adams Ki
.20 American Ei
194 t nited States El..
. to Wcllt-Fario Ex...
Chicago & O. W...
. 27
. (2
do 1st pfd
do id pfd
Chicago A N. W..
c , r. 1. a r
Chicago Ter. A Tr
do Dfd
87 Amal. Copper .
. 64H
C. C. C. & 8t. L Amer. Car A F.
Colorado 80
!:'- do pfd
do let pfd
do 2d Pfd
.... Ti Amer. Lin. Oil....
48 I do pfd
1 American g. A R.
Ibo do pfd
44 Anac. Mining Co..
.... 1 Brooklyn R. T....
M Colo, fuel A Iron
.... 67U Cone. Gas
. 43
Del. A Hudaon.
. 45V
Del. L. A W....
Denver A R. O.
. M
do pfd
. eiv
. S4,
do 1st pfd
do Id pfd
.... H"4 Cont. Tobacco pfd..
Great Nor. pfd..
19 uen. r-iccinc ...
.... US Hocklns Coal ...
.... 0H Inter. Paper ....
14744 do pfd
424 Inter. Power ...
.... 76 Laclede Gas ....
M iNatlonal Blacuit
....120 National Lead...
... liT No. American ..
,...13n Pacific Coaat ...
....lo. Pacific Mall
.... 2&U People's Gea ...
Hoiktm Valley
... 21'
... 19'
do pfd
Illinois Central .
... 7!',
owa Central ...
. .. 7T
... SO
do pfd
Lake Erie A W.
do pfd
... :4
Manhattan L. ...
Met. Et. Rr
... ii'i
Met. Central ...
Mex. National
11.34 Pressed 8. Car
Minn. A St.
L 10s I do pfd
lOS. Pullman P. Car...
Mo. Pacific
M . K A T
. rH Republic Steel
. tV do P'd
.1:3 Sugar
.l65Venn. Coal A Iron.
. 3L4L'llion Bag ac P....
.90 I do pfd
. S2Ti'l'. 8. leather ....
.M'm) do pfd
. II jl'. 8. Rubber
. 7Hi do pfd
. T7 V. 8. Steel
.81 I do pfd
. K2 Western I'nlon ...
. 74tj'Amer. Locomotive
.31 I do pfd
. as K. C. Southern
.IUH4 do pfd
.1H I
do pfd
N. J. Central ...
. 7T
N. Y. Central ..
Norfolk A W...
do pfd
Ontario A W....
Pennsylvania ...
. IKJ",
. 17'4
do 1st pfd
do td pfd
. ae
. 4014
St. L. A S r...
. BS
. l
do 1st pfd
do td pfd
St. L. 8. W
. 4
do pfd
. 341,
St. Psul
do pfd
New York Sfoney Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. l.-MONEY On call
steady, with all loans at 4 per cent; prime
mercantile p&per, o-in per ceni.
b l tKUINU t.XC HANUr steady, wl
actual business In bankers' bills at $4 .866263
4.8687 for demand and at $432Mi4.80 for
sixty days; posted rates) $814 and $4.87
4.88; commercial bills, $4.82S;5'u4 8375.
SILVER Bar. 5oac: Mexican dollars
BONDS State. Insctlve: railroad, steadv
government, steady; refunding 2s, registered
ana coupon. i'jih; as, registered, pui; coupon
tex-int.). ; new w. registered, lJo1. cou
pon tex-lnt.). lHoM,: old 4s. registered and
coupon. 111; 5s, registered, iotl, coupon (ex
irti. io4".
The closini, quotations on bonds ars as
I'. S. ref 2a, reg
...l'iL A N unf. 4s 1014
.. .in Met. Ceulral 4 n
...101 1 do is Inc 174
. . 1" Minn. A 8t. L. 4a l')3S
...Vio'i it.. K. A T. as ',
...13W do 2s e3
do coupon
do 3a. reg
do coupon
do new 4s. reg.
do coupon
do old 4. reg..
do coupon
do be, reg
do coupon
...111 N. Y. Central la 1024
...111 n. 1. v. sen. 14B...IU1
...1V4-4 n. i. k . ga. aa..
.. KM', No. Pacific aa....
...P'l 'do !
... m JA A W. eon. 4a
...101 Reading gen. 4a .
. . . I'M
Atchison gen. 4s.
... 7Si
. . . wi
do adl. 4a
Bal. A Ohio to..
... SI'i
... it
do 3,i
do conv. 4s
... S44 St L A 1 U c. 6s...
...101 "(SI. L AS r. 4s
...Jff7'4 t. L . W. la.. "do la
... Ts'4 S A. A A. P. is...
Canada So la...
Central ot Oa. &a
do la Inc
Chea. A Ohio 4's. . . I04S 80. Paclic ts
Chicago A A. 34a... at'1 60. Rallsrsy Rs
C, B A Q n 4. .... M Texas A Paclflc is.
C, M A St P f . 4s.. .lia T. St. I., a W. 4s.
C. A N. W c. Is... 14 Anion Panic 4a
C. R. 1. A P. 4a l do conv. 4s
. au
. am.
. s . 4
C C C A St L g. 4a..l.'t Wabaah U
Chlcaie Tsr. ss
Coiore4o Su. 4a...
DenTer A It. O. 4a
ne prior Ilea 4a..
ia general ia
r. w d. c. is
Hocelss Val. '.
fl'.l da deb. B
...l"l I' est Shore 4s .
... st et L. K.
... SU, Wis. t'entrsl 4s
...114 iCoaa. Tobacco a
. . lua "
Coadltloa of the ' reasory.
WASHINGTON. Nov. 1 Today's state
ment of the treasury balances In the gen
eral fund, exclusive of the gold
reeerve In the division o' redemption,
shows: Available cash balances, $:"', 421. fcTs,
gold, JU3,7t,ii.
Weekly Bask llalriaeat.
NEW YORK, Nov. 1 -The statement of
the aaan.ated banks for the week ending
today shows; Isutui '.i.' Increase
V.oK lim; deposits SS9S.791.J'A Incres-e
$11 1"5,0; circulation $t2 '.. Increase
$i.'.vV'"i: legal tenders $;'.a.!. Incresse
$S43.)iiO; spetie 9134.6.'4.M). Incr-ase $.").4V6''1;
reserve $.'4.7!i.'0. Increase $6J4.1"n: reserve
required $-2;t 447.8io, Increase $J.77.4T5; sur
plus $2l.X:j.pi, Incresse $3 Mi7.Ci; ex. U. S.
dep. $31,419,025, Increase $J.fc7.7-i.
Itoatoa stock quotations.
BOSTON, Nov. 1. Call loans, 5j.i per
cent: time loans, 5-56 per cmt. Official
closing of stocks
s and bonds:
AtrhlsnB 4a .'.
Gas Is
do pfd
Boston A Albany..
Bns'nn a-
Host nil Klei at pi
N T , N. H H.
Klti-hoiir ptd
t'nlun ps'-lflr-
Mexican Central
Amertrsn 8'igar ...
do pfd
Americsn T. A T..
Dominion I. S...
Genersl rieurlc
Mses. Kle trie
I nlted Knit
V. 8. Steel
do pf.l
W'sstlnah. Common.
.loiv Amalgamated
. as Bingham
. Calumet A Het-la.
.l.tiii Centennial
.ir.s Copper Range
,.1M Ipnmlnlnn Coal ..
IM Tranklln
t:T Mohawk
n: Old In. minion
.tn'4 Os-eola
. :i Farrot
. l-'J's vjulni j-
.ir.c Santa Fe Copper..
. 1M Tamaraa
. F iTrlmnunlafn
15 Trinity
.. 37H I nlted states ...
. IC", t tah
, 40 Victoria
. W Inona
..105 Wolverine
. to Daly West
. 1
. t
. 4".
. 11
. &.
. 2
. SI'S
. 21
. 4t
Sftt York Mining: Quotations.
NF.W YORK. Nov. 1 The following are
the clostr.g prlce-4 on mining siocks;
Adams Con 15 .Little Chlet 14
Alice 2 (Ontario "0
Breece to iophlr ai
Brunittli-k Con Phoenix (
Comsto. k Tunnel n Potosl S
Con. Cal A Va 7S IFavags 1
Horn Silver 2i Isierra Nevada '. It
Iron Sliver 0 Small Hopea 0
Leadvllle Con 4 (Standard l.S
Bank Clearings.
OMAHA. Nov. 1. Bank clearings for the
week as compared with the corresponding
week one year ago:
112. 1!W1.
Monday $1.2.737 S7 $1,352.032 46
Tuesday 1.12V.768 !1 li'12.472
Wednesday 1.1H7.577 So at;i.l23 .12
Thursday l,12ii.(J 26 1.049.4"9 24
Friday l.lls,S2 SI 1.2.423 in
Saturday 1.24,336 15 1.U4.DU3 SI
balances. $1,934,571;
...$7,105,007 29
...$ 341. S32 29
$6.7(3,266 00
1. Clearings. $2.6o9.161 ;
New tor a exchange,
6itc discount;
foreign exchange tin-
chanced: sterling posted at $4 S2Vk for sixty
days and at J4.B.1 lor demand.
. . i . , Mjm., . - ' x. vic.i me., ,f v f-
32: balances. 123.797.694.
BOSTON. Nov. . Clearings. i2d,sso,l7i:
balances. J2,4S2.n.
Philadelphia. Nov. l. clearings.
fl9,3T.4,42K; balances, $2,723.7W.
BALTIMORE, Nov. 1. Clearings. $1,760,-
1S1, balances, I.'jV7 Wl.
Foreign Financial.
LONDON. Nov. 1. The amount of bullion
taken Into the Rank of England on balance
today was 10.0iO. The sum of 100,000 was
withdrawn for shipment to Egypt. Gold
premiums are quoted: At Buenos Ayres,
127.30; at Madrid. 32.S2; at Lisbon, 26.
BERLIN. Nov. 1. Operators on the bourse
today were mostly cheerful and fair busi
ness was transacted. Prices reflected the
firmness In New York. Mines advanced on
bear covering, stimulated by tenders given
out by the Prussian state railroad for 831
passenger cars and 6.W trucks, ttpanleh
4s Improved moderately. Canadian Pacifies
were higher. Deutsche bank snares hard
ened PARIS. Nov. 1. This being a holiday (All
Baints' day) the bourse here was closed.
Imports and Exports.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. The total exports
of Bpetie from this port to all countries
for this week were $492,435 silver and $3,4;U
gold. The- total Imports of specie at th
port of New York for this week were $4,005
silver and $37.44 gold. The total imports
of merchandise and dry goods at the port
of New York for this week were $12,544,642.
Hogi Are Lower, with Heavy Saturday
Receipts Sheep Steady.
CHICAGO. Nov. 1. CATTLE Receipts,
1,000 head; prime steers, $6.5O4i.0O; poor to
medium. $3.50Sj.Zs; stocKers and reeaerg,
I2.251i 4.76: cows and heifers. $1.6ofj5.00; can-
ners. $1.60So.OO; bulls. $3.0tj4 60; calves, $3.75
(&7.00; Texas fed steers, J.uo(j4.2a; western
Bteers. $3.6i6.50.
HOGS Receipts, 22,000 head: estimated
Mondav, 38,0m; left over, 8.250; butchers,
$6.40fi.70: good to choice heavy, 3-l.6iVci6.S0;
rough heavy, $6.30t666; light, $6.35S'6.65;
bulk of sales. $8.4&?6.6.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 1,000
head; market steady; good to choice weth
ers, $3.6.Kg5.50; fair to choice mixed, $2.5'!
3 so: western sneep, z. native tamps,
$3.55.ii; western lambs, xj.ia'fjo.da.
Official yesterday:
Receipts. Shipment.
Cattle 4.732 4.153
Hogs 20.733 3.309
Sheen 12,750 6,453
Kansas City Live Stock Market.
ceipie, l.ll"r lirau linutrs, ocni ucau ichiid.
market unchanged; choice export and
dressed beef steers, $6.50&7.45; fair to good,
. i r . . .- . r . taAm rIAJ oft.
western tea steers. i.i.vgo.,o; lexas ana
Indian steers. $3.0u"i4.25; Texas cows. $2,404
3 Oo: native cows. ai.60tr4.OQ: native heifers.
$3.103.75: canners. $1,0042.25; bulls, $2.25J
3.65: calves. 33.0056. 60. .Receipts for the
week: cattle, bi.soo neau; caives, io,zoo
HOGS Receipts, 5,000 head; market SfllOc
lower; top, $o.55; bulk of sales, $6.47m
6 62S; heavy, 647V3: mixed pacKera.
16 (it.Do: ngni, yoraere, eo.auio;
6 52H; pigs, eo.swavj.iu. tteceipis ior ween,
71 head
SHEEP AN1 LAMBS- fiecetpiS. 600
head; market unchanged; native lambs,
$3.5t.va5.6'i; western lambs. $3.006.15: fed
rwt-i, e).i'-iA -v, tia.t.c .-.-.uio,
western wetners, z SK(i.t"; sioustfrs sna
feeders. $1.95U3.25. Receipts for Week,' 38.
000 head.
St. Loots Live Stock Market.
ST. LOUIS. Nov. L CATTLE Receipts,
1.100 head. Including 600 Texans; market
steady to Arm: native shipping and export
steers. $5.75'&7.50 with strictly fancy worth
up to $.60; dressed beef and butcher steers
34.2S'&7.00: steers under l,0u0 lbs.. $4 00fr6.00
stockers and feeders. $2.5o4i6.00; cows snd
heifers. $2.25fi6.50: canners. $1 50'a2 50; hulls
$2.7564.00; calves. $3.759'7.60; Texas and In
dian steers,!i w; cows ana neuers,
VicSiia-WAcplnts S K00 head: market falrlv
.."r k. us.U ic,r- .nd iiht.
$6,251)6.40; packers, $6.3536.60; butchers, $6.45
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts. SOO head
market steady; native muttons, $3.26!4 00;
lambs. $4.0f'50; culls and bucks, $2.(M34.00;
stockers, $ 00.
St. Joseph Live Stock Market.
ST. JOSEPH, Nov. 1. CATTLE Receipts,
700 head: steadv: cows and heifers. $1.50g
6.75; veals, $2.50fc5.50; stockers and feeders,
t'i OlVr4 Sfi.
HtHJS Receipts, 6.700 head; market fcglOc
lower; light. tVj.K; medium and
heavy. $6 456.674; pigs, $3.656 60; bulk ot
sales. K45ii.5o.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts, 264 head;
market steady.
3loax City Live mock Market.
SIOL'X CITY. Ia.. Nov. 1. (Special Telo-
v a ei-T T T7 DAnlnu O"-1 ,..,., .
"ha ngedf beeves, $6.007.00; cows and bulls.
$'.U.Vir4.00; stockers and feeders, JSOaHaO;
earlinas and calves. II b"SH HO.
HOJS Receipts. 2,800 head; BtflOc lower.
selling at Yj.ow; duik. o.t.;vo.tJ.
Stock In Bight.
The following were the receipts of live
stock at the six principal cities yesterday:
cattle, nogs, bneep.
Kansas City.
Kt. Louis
St. Joseph....
810UX City....
. 700
. 250
..5.1W 45,;00
Coflee Market.
NEW YORK. Nov. 1. COFFEE; Spot
Rio. qjlet; No. 7, Invoice, ⪼ mild, stead ;
Cordova. 7Vq'12 The market for futures
opened ouiet. w'th prices unchanged, and
c'uri'ig the rirst hour followed an uneventful
course with no variations In value. The
fnr.iin market news lacked feature, and
l the uumestic advices at hand were equally
: devoid of Incentive for the room trade. The
tuslnesa in hand was chleny in the direc
tion of week-end settlements by the talent,
the nubile refuslns to re-enter the market
lending election developments. Late in the
Kf.KS.lun the shorts turned for cover on
rumor that the Brazilian government in.
tended imposing a heavy tax on all new
tr ulanted. The market closed steady,
l,et unchanged to 6 points lower. Total
sales. lS.w'J bags, Including December at
$lf"!6.9c; March, s4oc; May, sooc; ju.y,
E.70c; September, b.boc.
Peerla Market.
PEORIA. Ill . Nov. 1. CORN Easy and
lowrr: No. 3. 55c.
OATH Eay and steadier; No. I white, 30c,
billed through.
WHISKY Oa the btsls of f 1.32 for fin
Ished good a
Western Beef Steers, Cow$ and Feeders Are
All Higher for the Week.
Fat gheea ana I.araba Are Steady to
strong for the W erk, hat feed
- era Klfteea to Tweat
Five tent a I o Tier.
Receipts were:
Ctttie. !lor She-P
.. 9.719 2.s: K
... i.K-6 16.2VJ
... 6.7S-" 7.i'.H 8.W
... i.ilS.l 7.r4 12
.. 2.3ii 7.14 3,778
.. 410 6,3" 780
PftVlal Monday
Official Tuesday ....
c fticlal Wednesday.
Official Thursday ..
Official Frldav
Official Saturday ..
Total this week 30.2o2 39.240 74 743
Week ending Oct. 25. . . .3..'-M 24.!7 RV.t.'S
eeK ending Out. lo....:.4V2 jto.mi m.i.v
Week ending Oct. 11. .. ,3i'.3o3 ls.426 1'HJ
Week ending Oct. 4 W.'2 17.t'7B ,..!
Same week last year. . . .23,uy. 88.802 60.12.
The follomloa- tfchla ahows the receipts Of
cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha, for
the year to date, and comparisons with last
year: l2. VM- nc. ie.-.
Cattle (-?. 372 6oi.2.7 lbc.OSo
Hogs 1.871.6W 1.910.160 , S8.ii-
Sheep 1,356.610 1,1"6,14 2-0,61u
The following table shows the average
price of hogs sold on the Sojth Omaiia
market the last several days, with com
parisons with tormer years;
Date. 1302. 19Ol.lDO0.;i89.;i:98.ilS97.lS9.
I. :::1
$ ...
II. ..
7 1441 6 76 I 181
7 204. 6 68; 6 IS 4 39
7 304( 6 69 6 18, 4 42
8 86 $ M
$ ;, 3 03
2 7
$ 73
3 71 3 93
$ 74 $ 04
2 641 3 04
8 66
7 32V 6 i'9
6 201 4 8
3 64
Z 64
6 62
6 16 4 81
7 42
7 89VI 6 49
6 111 4 34 3 63;
I 4 86 $ 68
7 2841 6 S3i
6 01
8 691 62 '!
7 114 e 18
6 02, 4 35
7 044i 6 15
4 9 2 t 33 $ 64 $ 14
a an 4 81 8 67 $ 69
I St 6 15
I 6 2o
t 93 4 23 I 1 S 2 3 1J
7 07
7 16
7 O'V
4 9ik 4 20i
4 24
4 82
I Ml S W
( 29'
$ 63
8 641
3 61 1
3 59;
a a
6 18
a 19
6 22
6 30
4 72 4 20
4 64 4 16j
4 62, 4 10
4 61 4 161
3 u
a 23
7 15
7 02
a wl
a 67
6 67
8 64
6 23
$ 73 3 60 8 26
3 71, 3 64 3 27
6 92
4 6S 4 15
4 13
6 82
6 26 14 131 8 66 8 62 Z 23
6 7c V K Id 4 R2i ' Z 65l 3 63l 8 23
4 62 1
6 7 V 5 ;9 4 61 ; 4 16! I 3 53; 3 26
6 74S! 6 01 4 511 4 14 3 U I 2a
g Ti v i R i.k nv I 1:i 3 &. 3 46;
6 00! 4 58i 4 18 3 64 3 41 1 3 26
6 61 4 64 4 10 8 47 3 3Si 3 17
6 61 Is 89 I 4 40 3 21 3 42, 3 13
6 51V 6 Ml 4 62 3 54 8 3 16
a hit & 7' a Riit 4 09 I 2 31, 8 17
6 61S 6 67 4 471 4 03, 8 66 8 19
I 6 54-j 5 73i 4 51; 4 01; 3 63, 3 .D
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brouaht in vesterdav bv each road was:
Cat tie. Hogs. Sh'p.H'ses.
C, M. & St. p. Ry
O. & St. L. Ry
10 3
6 mm 1
19 ..
2 m.
7 e
2 mm
89 3 I
Missouri Pacllic Ky 11
Union Pacific system.... 1
C. & N. W. Ry
F., K. & M. V. R R 2
C, St. P., M. & O. Ry.. ..
H. & M. R. Ry 2
C, B. & y. Ry 1
K. C. & St. J
C, R. I. & P., eaxt
C, R. I. & P., west
Illinois Central
Total receipts
, 17
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows, each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated:
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co
Swift and Company
Cudahy Packing Co
Armour fit 10
Cudahy Pack. Co.. K. C.
William Underwood
Wolf & Murnan
Other buyers
Totals 3SS
CATTLE There were a few cattle In the
yards this morning, but not enough to
make a fair test of values. For the week
receipts have not been quite as heavy as
the previous week, but In excess of the
hi me week of last year. The month of Oc
tober was the heaviest month , on record,
with the one exception of September last.
The most noticeable feature, however. Is
that the receipts for the year to date equal
the total receipts for the year 191. The
receipts for the months of November and
December will be a total gain over last
year and ihere is no longer any doubt
but what thla year will go far ahead of the
big run of lb93, when 603,400 came were re
ceived. As noted yesterday the cornfed steer
market has been very uneven all the week.
Packers have not taken hold with as much
life as they might, but the trouble was
that the bulk of the cfferlnas consisted ot
short-fed stuff, which seldom sells to good
advantage. But while trading nas been
rather alow prices on the average are but
little different from the close of last week.
The cow market has been very satisfac
tory all the week to the selling interests.
Ttadlne- has been active most of the week
and prices stronger. Yesterday some sales
men thought they did not do quite as wen
as on Thursday, but the total advance for
the week amounts to 15('25c. The advance
has affected all kinds except the common,
0id canners, such as sell from 31.76 to 82 25.
They are on
lv about steady with last week.
Good fat bulls are about steady for the
week, but common kinds and feeders are
a little lower. Stagb and veal calves have
shown little change.
The supply or atocgers ana teeaers nas
been more moderate this week and conse
quently prices have Improved a little. Any
thing at all desirable may safety be quoted
154f25c higher for the week. Even the com
mon Kinds nave moved more ireeiy man
they did a week ago, so that the market
has been In very satisfactory condition.
The market on western beer steers nas
also held up In good shape. The demand
has been filly eyual to tne supply and in
fact has apparently been a little In excess.
Prices ruled strong each day snd. as com
pared with the close of last week, prices
look about loiglac higher on the better
grades. Common stuff Is not much more
than steady. Range cows have also been In
K?oa uemana ana an advance ior ineweeg
of 1WI- Is reported, blockers and reeed
ers also Improved abont the same amount.
D. McFar and Wvo.
U feeders.. Iti27 4 20. 1 cow 1010 2 65
7 feeders.. W 4?J 4 cows lutf 2 65
1 cow 770 2 tO 1 cow 600 2 00
I. Robinson S. D.
21 feeders.. 849 I 60 2 bulls 1010 2 65
HOGS There was a fair run of hogs here
today for a Saturday, and the market
opened 6iuloc lower. Later In the morning
the feeling Improved and tne last sales
were only weak to 6c lower. The bulk of
the hogs sold from $6.50 to $6.60. and as high
as $6.b2i was paid, trading was quite
tlve, so that everything that was In was
disposed of In good season. The same as
usual, however, trains were late in arriv
ing. A few loads arrived at about 11 o'clock
but by that time buyers had their orders
pretty well filled and did not buy them as
strong. The late sales were a good deal
like the early ones.
For the week the supply of hogs has been
m9 liberal than for some time past as
will be seen from the table above. In fact
the supply haa been about the same as for
the aame week of laat year, so that the
decrease, as compared with last year, has
at least been temporarily stopped. The
tendency of prlcea has again been down
ward, and as compared with the close of
last week the decline amounts to login:.
Representative sales:
. ... Rio
... ut
... 2l
... t
... .tit
... ri
.... BS
th. Pr.
40 S W
120 M
SO so
120 M
40 f W
so so
leo io
140 SO
120 10
120 4 (2i
too :h
130 H't
... r.'
. :n
Sh. Pr.
la) Ig
1"0 u
40 4 M
SO t 4S
40 4 M
40 4 U
140 4i
140 f i
SO 4 43
40 4 44
... IH
IS 4
40 44
160 4 (4
140 i 44
140 4 44
11 .
4 .
. lt
. Ibi
. 241
. :to
. .24
. ;o
4 .
41 .
tl. .
i 42V,
4 621 .
4 421.
4 U
it .
as. .
I 44
4 r.i
4 (4
4 M
4 et
4 474
I 47',
4 47
4 47's
4 47
4 47
4 M
I IT-,
I i'
4 47',
4 40
4 60
4 u
4 40
4 2'i
4 42
4 M
! .
4 to (4
240 4 U
to U
120 4 U
40 4 W
140 4 44
.. . 4 44
44 4
40 4 4i
1 2W.
II 264
17 240
66 1.4
71 244
SO 241
? 11
tt 210
C4 l4t
2D tsO lii
tH ... 4 44
If 4 140 4 l.S
2t,4 4 4 a4
fcl 2n 4
71 .
4 42
SHEEP Three csr came In this morning
but they were sold tu arrive al steady
prlcea, so that a teat of the open market
Ski not mane, for the wet-at receipts have
bteu- very liberal, showing a gaiu both
over Isst week and over the same week cf
last rear. The rereiptx (or the to
date are imw over l.i.i.i head, as against
1 :tM41 head for Ihtf entire year of 11, S'j
there will be more than two months In-
rc;i.e ocr last )eur.
The market ha been In vcrv satisfactory
condition this week, so far as fat stuff Is
concerned. Altho'igh receipts were verv
liberal, there was comparatively little sttinT
that waa good enough for killers snd the
market ruled flrm and acilve all the week.
Vs compared with the ilose of last week
I lie market -n desirable grade ran ssferv
be qimted steady to strong. Umbi have
shown more strength thnn sh.-cp. as there
have been very few good Umbs on saK.
The feeder market, however, has eased
off a little In view of the enormous supply.
The demand was fairly liberal, but hardly
equal to the supply the llrst of the week.
At the close or the wecK, however, there Is
very little stuff unsold, but sellers had to
clean up at " deiiiue of l.V?i23c. as com
pared with last week. The greatest decline
whs. or course, i-n tne common sturr.
Quotations: Good to choice yearlings, $.17$
fi4 0o; fair to good. $.1 2.Vu3 65; good to choice
wethers. $1 60: fair to good wethers,
$3.1iefi3..r: choic." rwes. $2,7543.23; fair to
good ewes $J 25ci2 65: good to choice lambs.
$; lair o good lambs. $4.0rB466;
choice native lambs. K 1W1S M; feeder weth
ers. $2.7.V03 0t': feed r yearlings. 82.9t't)3.t5;
feeder lambs. $3.iiH.00; cull lambs, $1.50i
2 5": feeder ewes, $1 2o't!.00; cull ewes. 7fCJp
$1 25; stock ewes, $2 5of3 2o.
su les;
. 98
. 35
. 107
. 99
. 5
. 73
1 75
a 2$
a 10
a s
a so
4 7$
11 cull ewes
120 feeder lambs
175 Wyoming ewes
221 Wyoming wethers
72 cull ewes
190 Wyoming lambs
Dnlnth Grain Market.
T'T'LT'TH. Nov. 1. WHEAT ("ash. T'o. 1
hard. 7Ssc: No 2 northern. 7oe; llo 1
northern. 2r; November, 72Hc; December,
7o4c; May, 724C.
IV. Farnam Smith
& Co.
Wf Bl'Y A3D SE1.L
Omaba First Mortgages.
City and County Warrants.
County and State Bonds.
Stock of
Union Stork Yards, South Omaha.
Omaha Street Railway.
Lincoln Land Co.
Omaha Banks.
And other stocks of all kinds.
For Immediate and future delivery.
1320 Farnam St. Tel. 1064
When the market gets active again snd
prices are booming the 'lambs" will buy.
The sellers then will be the wlee traders
who pick up bargains in dull times.
There are aome bargains ready now.
Don't be a "lamb,"
Our dally forecasts on stocks and grain
will tell you what to buy. Thev cost only
$50 a year (one trial week for $1). Send for
our booklet, which tells all about us and
cost iui; nothing.
Our close connection with all the mar
kets enables us to handle funds to the best
advantage, and at the request of many
subscribers we have arranged to do so.
write us about tms service.
The Market Chart Co.,
405 Mailers Bldg.. Chicago, 111.
The Arizona Smelting
nd Redaction Co. of Yamft, Arti.
CAPITAL STOCK 11,000,000.
W oftr a strictly crountl floor proposition
firit allotment of TrMMiry Block of thU company.
For the arertlon ot a larga imtlter and reduction
plant at Yuma, Aiii., by far the beat location unoc
cupied In all the west, with splendid R. R. and Water
transportation facilities and with 1.300 miles of
Colorado River and Gulf of California Coast Mining
territory to furnish ores that cannot be shipped aast
to El Paso, Texas, or weal to Ban Kranclsco, now
the nearest Smelters, on account of Freight rates.
An exceptional high grade and absolutely tafa In
restraent stcck, free from speculation, and a sura
very large Dividend Haver. The management con
servatively eatimata net annual earnings will be 40
per cent to 60 per cent oa par value of stock. Com
pany officered and managed by practical and suc
cessful business men of the highest Integrity an4
HIGHER Highest bank references. For further
facta, address, I,. F. WILLIAMS, (ileawood,
la.. Director and Eastern Representative.
One-Half Price!
Polely to Introduce our big WEEKLY IL
duce new- subscribers to give us a trial we
make this unheard-of offer:
To each person sending us 60c In rash or
stamps we will send our weekly paper all
the remainder of this year and all of next
year up to and Including January 1, 1904.
Clubs of a. $1.25; 6 for $2. Act quick; offer
limited. a years to one person $LS0; five
years, $2, if ordered at once.
The Miner is 10 years old. 8 pages, 4$
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panies. Fakes exposed quickly. We save
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Send for a Set of Views
of th. property of
of Grand Encampment, Wyo.
Controlled, officered and managed by Iowa
men. A conservative, legitimate mining
venture that promises big returns on the
Only a little stock left at 10 cents
per share, which ran be purchased fa
monthly payments if desired.
A great chance for Iowa people. Over
1(0 stockholders l.n the state. Ask any ot
AMPSOX WEMOTT, Fiscal Agents,
300 Century Bldg., Denver, Colo.
$100.00 Invested In Wheat or Corn by our
Modern fafe Methods should result In large
pionts witnin aays; write ror particulars
and send for our book "Modern Methods
for Safe Investments."
FLOWER A C O., Haakrri anal Brokers,
Trader's Bldg.. opp. Board of Trade, Chicago
Up-to-date mining paper (fully illus
trated, containing all the latest
news from famous gold camps, in
cluding Thunder Mountain
V. 9. Mlalaar Joarasl, 154J Kassaa st.N.V.
We have private wires to New York, Chi
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careful and prompt attention.
Tel. 1U30. OMAHA. KEO.
One Cent will erteg yea
our booklet "Tho One Way"
Gtrina; full nartaPQlan bow to mAks Tour motvff
mum a rt-vuiia- uitwcM wiiMUt j
1 m WnU at nr to
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i timw York.
retura (1,000 In el,
i.i on lba. I'roapectus
Los Aegeieg, C.