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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1902)
THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1902. rOR SALE RF.AL ESTATE. rOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR tALB REAL ESTATE. FOR REST-HOCSES. FOR RENTHOUSES. MOKEY TO LOAX-RBAL KSTATB. 21 D. V. SHOES CO. 110 N. T. Life. Tel. 829. BARGAINS 81.250 for I room, cltr water. 1011 So. Hit. H oiocy. nnrtn pacinc street car line, special bargain. Eastern owner wanta ( - L0 for I rofitni, lot 72x168. 1711 Csstellsr w ss-sr i s. St. Bargain. I $66000 for double houee, 3 and 11 Charlea 1 BL. Full lot. Make ua an offer for 2813 Dupont St., I rooma, run lot. 4j block from car line. HANSCOM PLACE 8,100 for a handsome eaat front, l-room, well built houee. lesa than half block to car line, highest point In town, hot water heat, flne nickel plumbing, down 1 atalra finished In birch, sycamore and oak, the bent built houee In the addi tion for the price, which I lesa than It cost to build, and lot la worth $2. 0X I beaidea. WEST FARNAM $,009 for an elegant built. 10-room. etrletly modern, up to date colonial houee, aJl rooma large, fine polished floors up and down, 2 flne mantels, flne natural oak finish, good plumbing, flne laundry, atreet paved, permanent flagstone walk "ind driveway, on the very top of the hill, faring east, and close to car. Owner moves out next week and this la a special aulck aale, reduced price bargain. Get right after this MONDAY. Our word for it, IT 13 GOING TO OO. $6,000 for a l-room house In the above dis trict, high, ana signtiy, east iront, CORNER, beautiful view, flne trees, 10-foot front, house atrlctly modem, well arranxed. oak finish and for sale elmply for the reason owner la leaving the city. You can buy thla right It you mean business. Bee us about tnn or call and see the house, 664 8. 2Mb, ave. ana Howard at. VACANT taeo for Ok124 on 16th near Lothrop, with M":..onpa1.,dh nu'srt kheroPgetun. monev from home at this price. m laraf. foe OTlvlU Mrl m tll HalDI inn On I ftlVUV "JS " wwva waav ur line. SNAP. Jl.eoo for 10x124 on Howard and 36th, very flne. Eastern owner. $4,000 for 96xl.ll, S9th and Farnam. CHOICE CORNER, $12,500 for l87xl6S corner S8th and Howard. , Finest in city. FARMS ARPT COUNTY, near LaPlatte, smooth bottom, not subject to overflow, good aoll. riottom, noi BUDjeci lo oirrnow, uuu i three year. old. 7-room nouse, nam soxoi. cattle Darn oi, ""i house t0xS2. chicken house 10x1$. all on mrn arivhz rattle nnrn .i imi iiu ,,iir rn.,ntatlona mnola. ventilators: 1 . . : cross-fenced. A SAUNDERS COLTTM acres Just 14 miles dus north of Wahoo. about two- h a Hiia i air Krir Tr mrrt?. thirds Ana bottom land, balancs ilea nne, gouu bum, nno uuuiiv.,. , town, impruvemciiia ii"y-i.r. i I ana nas oeen u cY"'"s for years. Farme adjoining selling muoh hlcher. 400 acres of this farm sold by us last month, it originally containing 720 acres. It Is going to be aold soon. nu in me num. 1 MERRICK COUNTT-SW acres. 1 miles mi cllas nraa Is- Vwittnm 1 irom BHTir tn-rn, nil o.Tti v -i. good soli, very productive any year fine pasture, meadow, running water, goua mir i Improvements, four-wire fence, cross- fenced, 40 acres hog tight. 10 acres pig tight. BARGAIN at 3o.IpO per acre. flERCE COUNTY 240 acres, 1 miles north east of Pierce, all good aou. genuy rou . Inr. fine spring water In pasture, very fair lmprqvementa, fenced and cross f.nil PHKAP at n& ner acre. 40 acres 10 miles south of Plalnvlew, about half cultivated, balance mostly in tame hay pasture and meadow, bottom land, with runnlna- utr. very arood improve ments, 80 acrea trees, and an exceptional centlnnal flne stock snd grain farm. This is a HARLAN COUNTYoS'ftcres. 800 of which 1. tan A n ak atmnrtth sHiiltlvsitAii lAnd. 100 I noKiuSmM ' i tiriti af i9n nee acre. I WRITE I B FOR OUR PRINTKD LIST OF FARMS. HTOCK. KAM-ribB, civj. i We have a large Hat, and cannot advertise them all. WANTED, agents to sell first-class mining stock ; fully guaranteed. Address in it. Bee. B M790 2 FOR RENT, g-room house, furnished, all modern, nloe lawn, front and back, large hade tree, can at ziiu unio st. - D-789 1 RESIDENCES In Hanscom Place excellent 9 room modern house, east front, fine location, good barn. Leased for $60 per month. Price for a quick sale only $6,500. On Pacific Street 8 room modem house, oak interior, near 31st St. This Is a nice property and cheap at 14,600. Fine large corner lot and good 7 room house, first class repair, on 28th north of Lake. Price only 12,500. In Walnut Hill good 8 room house and corner lot Price 2,500, Some choice building lots at $400 snd up. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO, 1)20 Farnam St. RE-008 II R..C. PETERS & CO. GROUND FLOOR, BEE BI-DO. A very choice lot at list and Hamilton, south front, ipv. 48 ft., southwest comer 86th Dode, east front, $1,800, 6-room cottage, good location, menta. $1.2uO. j Ave. ana easy pay- l-room house, first-class condition, $61$ Cald well. 82.100. . . .1 Jt U . V. fioum, uioiuvinif inuuci , liui n ici ileal. nickel plumbing, enamel bath tub, good shade, paved street, only built $ years, Jiansoom Place, M,euu. .??Aern w iwMlon ln KountM 160 acrea In Custer eounty. $126. 10 acres in Hitchcock county. $328. ISO acres In Dawes county, '. t 'm ipi. In Onanev enuntv. XlUfi im u r,,nii.. dwiimfv SA-ift im act aa In Holt county 8425. 160 acres In Keya Paha county, $328. ..a - .. i n au.,. .Aiinti' frrt 220 acres In Furnas county. 116 acres In eul- tlvaUon, balance good hay land, $10 perl acre, or wouia exenange tor soutnern If enaaa land. 880 acres In Webster county, well Improved, jo per sere. W have mm acres of very choice, well lm- firoved land near Tekamah; good buKU naaTa will divide: 860 per acre. Two 40-acre tracts I miles from South Omaha, a big snap at $100 per acre for a. short time oniy. tits FOR SALE, well Improved farm of 800 acrea, r ear vallev. Greeley county. Nebraska. . For particulars address R. E. Samson, Greely. Nebraska. lit. TOUR CHOICE OF -THREE DIRT-CHEAP LOTS. 13.3uO.uu for southeast corner of 19th and Cuming streets, 132 fet on 19tb (boulevard) by 80 test on Cumin. for lot I, block um. running from 23d M 84tn Street, just nurm vi vumiug M.buo.OO in. anntwest corner of 18th and Cuming. Mxl32 feet. Paving taxes are paid In full and permanent sidewalks around eacn lot. as sm one of these lots Is sold the her two will be taken off the market. THE BYRON RJCKD CO., 818 8. 14th Bt RE U3 1 $1660 00. T, Block 1914. Omsha ..... . u r r.inini Ht . 1AJ fat run- tilna from 23d Bt. to 24th St., both streets belna oavsd: paving paid In full. YJnP B. UAATlScfB. 21$ .V 14th Bt BY FOR BALE. In South Earlbam. 8 good lota and 7-room house, plenty of fruit; also $ good Mammoth Jacks and I Percheron stallions, cheap. J. O. Brlcker. Earlhsm, la. (tB O40 -T FOR BALE. $00 acres of flne farming land .k. .....ii. -..r mnnA markets, schools. " railroads, ate.; price, $1,000. Terms, $1 per acre cash, balance payable In ten annual paymante. Full particulars ire. Rlsley's Real KsUt Co., 4U rVf, L1-' DO you want to buy a HOL'BK AND LOT? l-room hmiu near 17th and Clark Ml ST PR BOLD AT ONCE FOR CASH only $20. I-room house near Bemls park, 13x133, only room house and bam. full lot, rear nh I Werehojse lota near U. P. and B. 6 M. null iiinrira n ss . iiiil v bi.vjii. depot, 11.00 and upward. fl hava an e'psht-room house on Walnut Hill motor line which we will sell at haraaln and on mnnthlv mtmMifi asms aa rent, kow la your opportunity to get noma simDiv or DayituE rem. jniy 11. fro. I houses on full lot within five minutes' walk of postofflce. renting for 122 per month, only 11 600. A snap. Lots near Bemia park only' $150 each; H 1 UKT A HUME. LS.e ne."rnaMrh Zis Ara. $150 each: ts down and 1ft ner month. Lots near th and Miller park only $76 to I io each; only aown ana V per month. All of roregoing on new motor lines. FARMS. Near Omaha and others near eastern Ne braska towns, ranging in price from 60 I upward. EXCHANGE. New 9-room modern house worth 13.000 within wnlklnr distance of totofrlce. WILL TRADE FOR FARM LANDS. Money to loan on gilt-edged real estate security. BKMIH fAXTON HliOtK. (Established 18M.) Phone 685. RE 771 I The Most for Your Money in quality and quantity. Send for description of our Frontier County ranch. . On the market on account of the death of the late David Brown i . tn-i.. Ul llLLiajna V1 Lti V lilV 1 Potter, Forgan & Haskell 420 New York Life Bldg, RE arnirs farms. HOUSES. $300 for acre lota near Krug Park and Deaf and Dumb institute. 11 fiAii tnr 111 arra. waat. lmnroved. $2!2o0 for 20 acres, fruit and garden land. with 6-room nouse, etc., neat piace. is ..... i, .mi h lanil . or 80 acre. quit, emooth land. j:, i;. w nnnlntnn lr g"!"810"- - - - . - f? ?" ior ?" mKrmm ; rcre.n"". WsbettoB land, ' f . . ., , - .n . . lx2 m for 250 acres Improved, Burt county. $l9.2ix) for 240 acrea adjoining town $25,000 for 3k3 acres, Barpy county. i,200 for 2247 Pierce Bt. .l m for ttfi6 poppeton Ava. X, Vlo fnp jmi raas St. fnr nrnnrn hona. Orchard Hill. i eu0 for 6.r00m house near 13th and Chl- caeo. .J foT a rooms near High school. i V . . . . . r. . 12,7110 for Cii BOUU1 Hill SI, ... I ,2 700 for 1143 ani 1146 North 17th St., Oxl44 ret, paving paid. E,'750 for 8 rooms, modern. Kountie Place. "i'"' """ """" ""'."i;'. mi i. v ... wn a.,M wtnnnam nnn.M n.n r i 2th anil Harnev: rental. 1640 yearly. $7,000 for five houses; rental, $1,032 per year; ground, voxiztt reel. $11,000, row of brick buildings, ground lOOx 144; rental, per ,cr, 111! 1 VT XT PDPVVCO uvct.t At. r nunuriii, Opposite Old Poetofflce, RE 730 $ r I ilr ai; AT f ITi 1 UiXtY -X Houses, Walking Distance. Parties who wish to live down town and rent rooma or wno nave mucn car iin to bay will be Interested In the houses namea Deiow; it, . . N. E. Cor. 24th and Michigan, 6 rooms, $1,460. 8306 Michigan Ave., 7 rooms. $1,660. Yvm Micnigan Ave., rooma, i Mirhlaan Ave., g rooms. 8L350. These houses are located one block north of Cuming Bt., between asx ana gun bis.; paved on three sides; city water and sewer In yards; good trees; nouses In fair oniutltton. Thla location Is bound to in crease In value and the land will be worth what wa are asking for the entire L P. TUKEY AND SON, 444-446 Board of Trade. RK 616 I BECtions 6. 11 and is. m township 11, range 80, Lincoln county, Nebraska, for aale or trade, all clear. Address for bar gains. Day et tiess, uouncii duns, is. RE-M706 8 FOR. SALE, hardwood timber In tracts from 6.000 to loo.ouu acres Araansas. Mis sissippi, Alabama, North Carolina and Georgia; flne timber propositions In Old Mexico. John tn. wiuey, Houston, rex. RE 704 ! SEVERAL email tracts near town; one witn small nouse una sutuie. aiso city water; part cleared for gardening; ex cellent soil; fine place for poultry ranch. CtlAo. ti, WlLiLtlAAlSUIN. -773 $ FOR SALE or exchange for clear Omaha ini.nm nrotwrtv. 240-acre. farm, well lm-I proved; also 210 acres grass land, eastern NeorasKa. Address in as, oee. RS 680 t HOl'SE and lot, very desirable location, southeast front, nne Shade, ooxiv), reason able. 81st and Marcy. uta tai t' MR, RICHARD 6. PATTERSON has moved his mining and real estate office frorrj the New York Life to 401 Merchants Nat l Bank building-. RE 620 1 1916 A well built 9-room modem home at $S26 California St., lot 60x150, nice barn; street car passes door. Price. $3,600, A nice pew 6-room cottage at 8618 Lafayette avenue, bath, closet, aewer, city water, P'na,a location. Price, $2, 600. A nne outturns; toi mi corner oi ma sua I .a raven avenue, trice Terms to suit on any of these places. . PATNE INVESTMENT COMPANT, Main Floor New York Ufa Bulldlna. RE-631 I Our BARGAINS THIS WEEK I Fine corner lot. $4th and Dodge. $2,600. I Elegant south iront, near ua, V.. I kif. lot Aid. near Farnam. for 8475. I Eleasnt 9-room house, south front lot, I near Sth and Harney; Immediate posses I alon 1.000. Modern cottage home, 7 rooms, finely fln. lshed, electric light; a perfect gem. For I n. Handsome 8-room house, tsrgs lot, all ninHern near hlah school. Onlv 8b. 000. Modern 8-room house, near Hanscom park, aouth rront lot: a sreai naraain si .!,".. Modern up-to-date cot Hue, good location. lor sale tnis wees at m.waj. HICKS REAL ESTATE CO., 429 Board Trade Bids'. RE 785 2 Everything In REAL ESTATE, nr.niAU), AND INSURANCE FIRE AND ACCIDENT. Chas. E. Williamson. C E. Kolaat. Salesman. RE 771 t ONLY 4 LOTS LEFT IN BEAUTIFUL BEMIS PARK, On Hawthorne Avenue, 8 fine building lota at I960 00 each, 1 at $1.000 00. PATNE INVESTMENT COMPANT. Main Floor. New York Ufe Building. RE U2 I 1 FOR SALE. $0 ecroe of land, good " fertile soil. 4 miles from Council Bluffs; I two-room house ana wen, small stable on I 1 It. Price, H.SoO, half cash, balance on time to suit purchasers. 1a ti. neanies, coun cil Bluffs, la., . . D. tso. z. RE 69 It I rOR Dswson county lands see H. C. M& vihhin or writa him for anv Information you wish. Lexington. Dawson Co., Nsb. - n -j. A SARPY COUNTY FARMT YES. BIO. sw acres, improved, mues suutnwest of South Omaha. $75 pr acre. 160 acrea six miles southwest of South Omana. ImDrovea. lis per arrs. r. J. Fltxscrald. 1708 Farnam. Bee Bldg. nr. 1 j vor 8AI.E. (40 acres nice choice land Lin coln to., iscd.. av nines luum rvortn Platte; must be sold quirk; make best cash offer. O. E. Clark. 87JO 8. Dupont ave.. Minneapana, Minn. r twi e SWEET & HEADLEY BARGAINS J room cottsee near 28th and Charles, $ IK city water, Sewer, gas. etc THIS IS A SNAP, J975. 9 room house, modern except furnace, Hanscom district, rents $25, look It over and make a small oner QUICK. Someone will get a bargain. We have a splendid list of residence lots cheap. We can sejl a lot 54x120 east front, on grade, paving and sewer all paid, one half block from car, for $300, SWEET & HEADLEY 61) N. Y. Life Bldg- RE 710 t REAL ESTATE FOR BALE. One of the finest houses In the city, east frontage on 32d atreet, facing Hanscom para. Lot 3x132 on Cumin street, near 17th. Good site upon which to erect business nullfllna. Large east front house. No. 21 North 22d street, modem, lot 66x132. barn. 17.000. 94 feet east frontage on 89th atreet, Just eouth of Half-Howard, $2,7oO. New eight-room modern house, south front. no. aula i nirae-o street. M.auu. East front lot on Military avenue, paved street, motor "car line, 1400. 236 feet trackage property at 10th and Clark streets, good site for manufactur ing plant or warehouse. A snap at i,ow. HOWARD KENNEDY ft SON, Room 209 First National Bank Hullding. R&-61J 1 YT. H. GATES. om SSS? id order. larae barn. i31 Bristol. 11.600. KAnm laaa nn Hh rk alraal holvatn VI sir I -room cottage on Ohio street between 21st t room, fully moderr T on 18th street near ' EKXiV2!Z Sl : and zzd, a very cheap nome. ii.iwj. 7-room cottage, sewer, water, gas, 2627 Dav enport, 11,700. 7 rooms, good order. 2S64 Lake, south front, full lot. onlv $1,500. 6-room cottage, most new, modem except furnace, on ueorgia ave., near tne para. 12.150. $4,000 property which will bring In $4S0 per year, on N. n;. comer isa ana cnicago. ACREAOE. ACREAGE. ACREAGE. ESTES SUBDIVISION. This beautiful suburban acreage property Is situated along tne boulevard ana He lie- vue rond one mile south of the city limits of South Omaha. Stxhtiy and picturesque. we are now otrenng 10 ana zo-acre tracts In this addition on very reasonable terms. O 'KEIL'B REAL, ESTATB AGENCY, i South Omaha. RE-762 8 READY FOR TOU-FIVE-ROOM COT' TAGE. PRICE. 11.20ft This cottaae waa built In 1901. has water. Sutbui dings; must be sold' at once; easy I terms; don't stop till you see It. gas and sewer, nne shade, an necessary HUlMt-H ft CrlAori, AAA D.. 804 Be ula'- FARMS. Tel. 1443. RE 758 8 TQ VQU WANT TO - - - or-t i k !--. I If you want to sell a farm or ranch, tell the farrners and stockralsers about IL The best war to reach them Is through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 85,000 homes of farmer and stockralsers. so If you have a good plecs of land to sell at a 1 reasonable price yon ought to find a buyer among them. The cost of an ad U small 1 cents per word. HE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER InE 1 VVCH lici n v.t I lurtl rAKflltn wiiHiunj itt-w. UK-tot X GREAT BARGAIN 252 acres NEAR SOUTH OMAHA. Two sets of buildings, larsa stone basement barn, flne orchard. part In cultivation, but mostly In blue grasa pasture. ir uuuu nr-rvinc KCINTCIJ rna ci .w per acre, auer- ward $60.00 per acre. Other lands not any better in same locality bring $60.00 to $76.00. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION address Oeo. M. Reed, Orangevllle, Idaho, or see E. E. Keea or jr. J. jrusgeraia. Boutn umana, reo. nc jmom a PAYNE BOSTWICK & CO. 601-2 N. Y. Life Bldg. SPECIAL BARGAINS' A modern home of 7 rooms. In first-class repair. In good location, two blocka from. car. KS.ow, on easy terms. $1,200 will buy a good 6-room house, on Boutn zvtn si., near marina at., aspnau navea street, an paid. B.iAr. Near high school, good 7-room house, bath, gas. 11 soia at once, j,af. uwa otr gain. North cart of town, close In. 7-room house. south front, for $1,260. VACANT East front lot on 28th, north of Poppleton. cheap. North . front on Chrles St. near HI aewer, water ana gas, very cneap. near wnn, wun rAYINb BUil WICK. & wU, 01-2 N. T. Ufe Bldg. RE766 I FOR SALE. $1,650 Two l-room cottages, 8214 and 8216 unanea St., newiy paintea ana repuireu. II 860 4-r. coltase. 2631 B. 11th. lot 60x101. 1,800 6-room cottage, 1903 8. 19th, lot 60x140. 2.600 9-room modern house. tM Charles st. 2.200 S-room modern house, 1929 8. 31th st, 12.200 9-r. modern house, barn. 8314 Francis. $8,000 2 houses 6 and 7 rooms, 1620-22 N. md. IMfc UIVIAMA KEALI I W., 1301 DOUGLAS ST. RE M547 N28 120 ackkb l mues irom Arlington, nne lsvei lana, so acres unaer cultivation, tw acres meadow; can be cultivated; fair lm- vtvwjviii. ir c, acre, ine crun nttu if . ""1 ! jjw mwii FOR SALE, small tracts of nice land, at sotn st. ana Atinii i-, 111 v.uuuuu iiii tnree diocks irom car nne ana water works reservoir on Broadway; new four room cottage and flne shade trees oa one tract. Th's property Is cheap, close In and certain to increase ln value. You will aav ao when you see It. Terms easy, and could uss a small house and lot or cheap vacant lot at cash value In part payment, tan on or aaareas n. -. Mctjee, 14 r-ean St.. or nooert luuns. at water works, 86th st. and Broadway, Council BlufTs. RE M542 7 ' ' HARRISON MORTON FARMS NEAR OMAHA 92 acres, 28 miles out, level. Im proved, $46 sn acre; 800, 83 miles out level. Improved, $66 an acre; 820, near Springfield, very flne, $76 an acre; 820, near Gretna, Ilea beautifully, well Improved, 870 an I acre. HARRISON A MORTON. OMAHA. RE-598 6 RANCH and faim lands for sals by the Union Pscinc Kauroaa company, ts. a. McAllester. land commissioner. Union Pa- citta lieadauariera. Omana. Neb. RE 971 HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans; also nrs insurance, cemia, ruion divck. RE 872 BEB PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO. for choice bargains, sui . i. i.uo stag. tei. lvis. Htt S74 WILLIAMSON " VV ILHAIUOVJH ra CHARLES E.. 12U3 rnsm atreet. RE 87 HOUSES end lots In all parts of city; also scrs property ana urm lands, ins U. jr. Davis Co., ttoom bu, Jlee mug. RE 877 HARRISON at MORTON. FARMS. RE 26 N17 WELL built 8-r bouse, on flne lot and beau tiful location. Inquire 1411 Vinton. RE 828 N24 KFl.SEY'S wall paper. 17th and Douglas. 'Phone tsua. Kit a. I OMAHA COLLEGE OF Ml'SIO. OMAHA COLLE '-3 OF MU8IC and FINC aktb). lacuit) twenty-two teachers. Terms snd prospectus, F. H Wrlirht, Jtamgs ttiag. Til otx Henrjr B. Fayna. Stanley p. Boat wick. PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. 8-R.. cltv water, tft. MCW S. ISth. 6-R,. city water, $10. "19 Plnkney at. US N. 11th. 4-r., city water, cloaet. 4-R . rltv water rlnaet and turn 21S V. 11th. - R . city water, only K. ztm s. th at. tl 1 . a .. . In S. X7 tl(k a r M.t vitl w uri , . ' - mill 6-H., city water, nice repair, choice loca tion, oniy tio. sia B. coin. 6-R.. choice cottage home, bath and gas, reduced to IK. all 8. teth ave. 6-R., city water liialde, good cellar, barn; reduced to 112 sO. 110 8. st. -H rlnaa In trl i211 California Pt. a-R., ALL. MODERN, Just put In fine shape, 12. 3221 Poppleton ave. 7-R., city water, $is. 263 Poppleton ave. S-K., ALL, MUUKKJii wun Darn, oniy eu. 43H Grant at. A BNAf. -R.. choice modern house In north part. 8-R.. ALL MODERN, In Dundee, with barn, only J0. soil isuiomia at. 8-R., with bath, gas and barn, close In; will put in nne repair. 2ii Cali fornia at. a-R., strictly ALL MODERN. NEW house. in wemls Par, ijincoin niva. . t-R., good modern bouse, $2o. 2f N. IRth. 10-H., modern, will rent to two israuiei, nnlv ' 1721 S7th. 10-R.. city water, gas and bath; very cloae In; 126. Ill 8. 18th. We have others. See our list before you move. . PAYNE. BOBTW1CK. UU 601-1 N. V. Life bldg. 'Phone 101. ac.trt.-KI .Aan alaranl iinrnrnMhM DUiuii .i.v.i. i i, i n ' - ' i - - - rooms, on nrst floor, centrally locatea, 10 a small iamiiy. tt i. um si. u la. i no t FOR RENT 7-room house suitable for two families at 31n Davenport . Appjy i i N. olst St. James Cook. D 10 i TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co. ; omce, lbllft tarnam, or leis. ioos-m. VANS and baggage wagona. Tel. 1195. D 156 HOUSES VUvff'cS' yBeeThifid?- liwuouo F. Davla Co., 5o Bee Wldg. 701 N. S4TH ST.. South Omaha a nice 6- room cotta.o. Wlta K. hotter R9- celver, 303 Brown Block. D-9 MAOQARD Van & Storage Co. Tel. 1496. D 159 FOR RENT, g-room house, furnished, all modern, nice lawn, front and back, large shade trees, call at zuu unio Bt. D 019 HOUSES and flats. Rlngwalt. Barker block. u wo FOR RENT One 9-room house, with gas. water and sewer, just been piacea in first-class repair, in gooa location, u. m. Bachmann, 4il8-7 paxton uioca. u ll DESIRABLE 10-room house, almost new, modern In every particular, eaat rroni. full lot. paved atreet, convenient to atreet car line. HOWARD KENNEDI ft BUN, 208 First National Bank Building. D 677 EXCELLENT 6-room cottage; bh. cistern, strictly flr-cl",l J Jape and painted; $16. 8806 Bewerd. Key 2434 bewara. " U M6S6 i HOUSE8. O. O. Wallace, Brown Block. D 462 FOR RENT Detached house, seven rooms and bath. 1116 California St.; low rent. Inquire F. N. Clark, J. U Brandela ft aonB D""1' ' - Sons' bank. D M431 BEE PAYNE, BOSTWICK ft CO. for choice" houses. C01.2 N. Y. Life Blda. Tel. 101ft. t D 481 FOR RENT, furnished eight-room house. modern, near High scnooi; win iaae room and board In exchange tor rent; refer ences exchanged. Address w 4, oee. . v n $X 706 B. 16th, flat. 2d floor, modern, 7 rooms $212701 Woolworth, 8 rooms, modern, fur. nace. 11H ROfi fin 23d. T rooms modern. $262626 Capitol Ave., 8 rooms, modern, fur nace. $74204 Hamilton St., S rooms, city water. We others. Call and get list. c PETERS & CO., Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. D M988 6-ROOM. modern, good repair, on So. S2d Ave. 'Phone 623. D 468 MODERN 8-room flat. ng Ha D-67: fam, 83B.UU. 'Pnone oaa. 2 N4 uo4 N. 24TH, 9-room house, bath and gaa; large yard and barn. William K. Potter, Receiver, 303 Brown Blk. D eitt 1312 BO. 24TH BT., 6-r., city water and 1407 Jackson St., 7-r., all modern, elegant. $320 n! 28th Ave., io-r., aii modem, large 2216 Burt si. 8-r. nio'dern ex. furnace $25.00 2616 N. 18th St., 7-r., all modern, $20.00. JBtVJ. Cirgaill, Saa.. w. DAWTrT IXJUC-aTMPM'n rf--kfc U A XT V f I4iu sVi. F C'O a 111111 x v. vm " a Tel. 1781 Main Floor N. Y. U Bldg. U WJO 4 FOR RENT. 12-rnnm modern house and barn. 2117 Webster $36 s-room modern house. 2Z48 North 13th atreet 20 I .6-rnnm modern house. 2210 Pobnleton avenue zu 9-room modern house, 4019 Dodge St 16 7-room modern house and bam. 704 South S6th St 17 BrtEMNAni-J-.OVJS A L'U., SOS BOUtn 13tn Bt. U 611 4S2J WEBSTER, 8 rooms. $14. 4934 Davenport, 8 rooms, modem, $1$. 2el" Mason, 8 rooms, $7.60. 1. 1. JUHNSU.N LU. 114 B. 131H. D-614 S 2609 N. 22D, T-R., modem. $22. l.v N. 2hth, 7-r., gas, city water; $14. 2S10 Charles, 6-r., city water, $10. SWEET & HEADL.EY. 613 N. T. L. , D 623 1 A NICE T-room house, furnished or tin- furnished, very cheap; references. 6707 Florence boulevard. D 621 2 OOOD HOI'SES FOR RENT. 1S0T Leavenworth. 9 rooms, bath. sas. $36.00. 90ut Ht Marv's Ave.. 10 rooms, furnished. modern. 00. S221 Poppletcn Ave.. rooms, monern, xza.oo. I 2644 Dodge, 8 roams, modern, $23.60. I ztua pniriey, a-r., inuuvrn rxi-ri iuhiilt, .i. I 4931 Davenport (Dunaeei, s-r.. moaern. is w iqo. w.hster (Dunneei. -r.. moaern. 114.W. lhA Pn.htf X rnnma. ltv water 111 00. 333 pewey Ave., 6 rooms, city water, $10.00. 1 351 (Jhlo. 8 rooms, 4S.UU. 1 B)27 fj. 17th, 4 rooms.. 19.00. 2027 Center. 8 rooms. $6.00. GARVIN BROS.. Cora'l Nat. Bank Bldg. 1604 Farnam St. 13664 2 - mil HENT-HniiflEd rsrable ten-room house. No. 1026 South i j2a ,treet. east front, paved street, per- i .-. condition. ISO. I i -re house. No. 618 South 26th street 76- I foot east front lot, paved street, good I h.rn rlealrahla neighborhood, ffift. Iarge east rront house, No. 216 North 22d street, moaern, steam neat. Darn, w Ten-room south front detached house, No. Z672 Harnev street, w. in, n- , dt upvvirnv a. bom Room it First National Bank UuiUllna. D 618-2 FOR RENT. Two large front rooms suitable for doctor's office over drug store. No. 2402 Cuming Flat over No. 2404 Cuming street. 811 ft. 1 1 l it' a uia ft-' bitv r. a. iiw .as. mi nj Room 209 First National Bank Bulldln. D 6186 TEN-ROOM modern house, furnace heat. lam Grace St. rent i-i.oo tier montn; bam If dealred. Apply to J. A. Scott, 814 Omaha Nat 1 Bank building. to U a. m. D-M735 8 NOTE THE FOLTjOWING ALL FIRST- CLASS. No. 1716 North 22d St.. 8-r.. modem except rurnace. barn uu.uu No. 3014 Mason St.. 9-room. modern except furnace, barn 25.00 No. 2ou4 North 28th St., 10-r. modern. barn X6.W No. 3865 Seward St.. 12-r.. modem. barn, hot water heat 27.50 No. 1114 North 24th St.. 10-r.. modem. recently overhauled, bam 40.00 No. ttai laard St. 12-r.. hot water heat. 2 baths, 6 mantels, barn 43.00 BENSON MYERS, 818 N. Y. Ufa Blda. D 748 8 2204 MAPLE Bt. 8 rooma, $20. D 730 2 FOR RENT, house, furnished. 624 N. 80th Bt. u M iZI j 8-ROOM modern, near High school. 827.60. S-room house. th ana t-caries. ju.u. Enquire 2648 Cap. Ave. lei. 873. B. H. hoblaon. D--M716 SEVERAL small houses $6 per month and upward, ttenua, fax ton uioca. D-770 1 WIS WOOI.WORTH Ave., 8 rooms, modern, ijs; ims eo. tn ft., rooms, monern, tio; others. Rlngwalt Bros., Barker Blk. D si 70S 1 VERT flne residence near High school, gas. bath, laundry, furnace, grates, mantels, hard wood finish and floors, $30. Keys on premises. 26ni Capitol Ave. D m f FOR RENT, 8719 Marcy at., very flne 10 room. strictly modern house, $34. ISlo 8. 3lst, 8-room modern, CHOICE. M0. 12 Park ave.. 10 rooms, hot water heat, modern, choice. 24n. 3200 Harney. brick, 10-room, modern, CHOICE, $50. 2919 Pacific, 6-room, 115. D. V. EHOLLS CO.. 810 N. T. LIFE. TEL. 829. D-7M I FOR RENT, -room cottage, close In, choice neignDornooa, gas, city and cistern water $22, b room cottage, $11. Inquire at 0( K. 19th at. D M7T7 4 PERSONAL. DR. ROT, chiropodist; coma and superflu ous nan removea oy eieomoity. K. ia Frenser block. U-Wl VIAVI. Woman's way to health. Home iatirent. Booklet Ira. Mo Bee BAm.. Omaha. U Hi QRAMOPHONK8 and supplies, wholesale and retail. Collins piano Co., usa uougiaa. U IrW PRIVATE sanitarium for ladles before and during confinement. Dr. and Mrs. nwtmU A. ,1 X7 1C.K D, llmaK IT 1. 1 ' . - " w 3o RUPTURE CURED FOR $30 No knife, no pain no detention from business. Send for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CUKE CO., 932 N. X. Ufa Bldg., Omaha. DR. JACKSON, 1505 FARNAM ST. u-aa OMAHA DTB WORKS, 1515 Howard, the iasnionaoie cleaners oi laaies and gentle men's dresses and suits, lace curtains, draperies. U M1M Si TELEPHONE 780 for U M. E. messengers. U US SURE cure for excessive perspiration and an msoraeis oi tne feet; atamp for par ticulars. A. Mayer, 618 Bea Bldg., Omaha, U 33i g LEARN chiropody, manicure, special mss- sage. ccnooi oi Hygiene, 618 Bee Bldg. I1 M40S iS3 ELITE PARLORS. 616 8. 16th St., 2d floor. U-MT77 Nl$ MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 16, td floor, R. 1 U-MS15 N17 PRIVATE hospital before and during con finement; dudipb Doaraeu ana adopted. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. red 1S4. U-816 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and uurins; connnement; pest medical atten tion; babies adopted. 1107 N. 19th st. Mrs. Fisher. Tel. F2269. U M162 N22 VFaJ1 'hl., U C y' NICE, healthy baby boy for adoption at U M428 N4 FRIVATE hospital before and during con- wiieiin-ni; nrst-ciass in every respect; babies adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller, 2504 uiunuu di. t-none i-us, lj M4Z9 N28 BARGAINS, entire stock diamonds, watch es, jeweiry, in pawn ft mortgaged, half tinuc. f laraona i-oan omce, 14th ft Douelas u-wwa . IT COST8 more to do business In a palace man ,n m cottage, Deing located on the second flcor, our rent la only one-tenth of some of the palatial stores; we give tlio customer the benefit of this saving; $8.00 and $10,000 hats we sell at $3.95 and $4.33. Pennell, the 2-floor Milliner, 1514 Douglas Dt., over tne Dinger Mfg. Co. u SINGERS prepared for professional ca reers, lownsend H. Fellows, vocal In structor and proprietor largest choir ex change In America. Carnegie Hall, New AVI A. II YOUR fortune told from cradle to grave. What I tell you comes true. Send dlrnA nd blrthdate. Prof. J. Myers, Drawer MANLY man, successful politically and lly, has $40,000 feaf estate, $10,000 I will Inherit mrrre. neeria mm. financially, persona imiiynaoie wue; pest references. Address vuiuun. Drawer Via. Chicago. 111. U-700 WIDOWER of character and education woaiq. correspona with mlddle-agsd i,y hh Auurwi u, Dee. y 111 Headquarters for Edison Phonographs and Victor talk ing machines and records. NEBRASKA CYCLE CD VrX JVUC. LU,( 15th and Harney Sts., OMAHA. U 625 I B. M JACKSON. M. D.. BPEniimT successfully treats obscure, chronic and nervous diseases. CONSULT ME FREB and confidentially . " lJ 1 "iiniiii. in person or sy letter, 1505 FARNAM ST., Omaha. Office hours, - m. to s p. m.; ounaays, 10 a. m. to P. m. P. O. Box 852. U 787 8 MATRIMONIAL JOURNAL. Just Issued t. .mania targe list, sent sealed, 10c In Biauiya. uua saa, umana, Isco. U-M781 $ WIDOW, 40, honest, healthy and practical, utbiiitb iu currrBiuna witn nonoraoie gen viciuau. Auureaj il ii4 nee. U M7u 2 tLHIOB-Send ms one dollar mil T win sena you a piece or petrified wood from the petrified forest of the Yeliowatnn National park: a beautiful ornament for inaiiiBi 1 or caoinet. a. a. Maitman, Agt, U-779 x SUPERFLUOUS hair, warta and moles per manently removed by electricity; consul' muun rrto ana connaentiai; all work guarameea. uss Ailender, 1613 Douglas. U WEALTHY, attractive lady, with sweet deposition, unnappy and lonely, seeks husband to share her wealth and affee. tlons. Address "Ada," 2 Koken Bldg., St. Louis. Mo. U 648 2 WEALTHY, lonely, kind-hearted gentle- man, fiui eiriani nome, seeks wlfs to share his home snd wealth. Address 'Mr. Morgan." 817 Holland Bldg., Bt, Louis, Mo. U 641 2 A FAIRLY good-looking Protestant Ameri can iaoy, agea z years, wishes to corre spond with a well-to-do stockmsn resid ing In the western part of Nebraska or eastern Wyoming; no objections to widow, ers with one or two children; sll letters answered and references exchanged. Ad dress Miss Hill, P. O. Box 808, Oshkosk, Wis. TJ-641 F WE RENT sewing machines at 76o nr week. We repair and sell parts for any machine manufactured. NEBRASKA CYfT.ll. fYl 'Phone 1663. Comer 15th and Harnev flta 834 Broadway. Council Uluffs. 'phons B-618. m North 24th St, Bo. Omaha. 'Phone 4366. U KUt D 1 r WAS saved from conaumptlon after my ce had been pronounced Incurable and hopeless by eminent Physicians: if von are suffering from this dread dlaease and will write to me 1 will gladly tell you how It was done at home. My sole ob ject Is to be of soms benefit to humanity. Rev. Melvln L. Peden, pastor Church of Christ, 144 Stone Bt, Olbsonburg, O. U-636 f BISTERS. I will tell you without cost how 1 waa curea at noma wltnout drugs. Pains In my sides, dyspepsia, nervousness and sleeplessness. Miss Ten W. Iffland. Elllston, O. U 641 $ HOW BIO 18 TOUR BUST? Dr. Conway's tv-iei laoioiaa is tne oniy remeav on earth which enlarges) the bust 4 to 10 Inches; no Injury, no ar-pllanres, no poisons: home treatment; $1.0u0 If we can't. Sealed facts, 4c stamps. CONWAY SPECIFIC CO., 1$ lempie 1 i&oe, Boston, Mass. U Gue 2 BACHELOR maid worth $78,000 will marry an ounuraoie, true, anectionate man lor himself alone; money no object. Address alias ciaire, eta, c, Chicago, in. U-70S $ MATRIMONIAL, bachelor maid, worth $80, um, win marry an nonorabie. true, af frctlonate man of good habits. Address Miss Kaymona, 1st National Bank Bldg., nammona, im. y. sjm y O ARB AGS. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGH CO.. cleans eesspoois ana vaults, rsaovss gsrbage and dead animals at reduced prices. 4 s. uui, st. aiis. V. PER CENT on business property, 4 per cent on residence property. Options to pay whole or part any time. . . - 1 1 . , 1" 1 1.- , K An, b ,"T t 1 D "T. W. B. ME1KLE. 401 W-KI MONET to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, urennan-iove Co., rv B. ntn. W-968 I TO I P. C. Money. Bemla, Paxton Blk. W-fcU FARM and city.. loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, First Nat. Bank Bldg. Tel. 14$. I W-S8J rFa?nrS.RCENTIoan'- ar,nBTv,-4 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1&24 Douglas. v oo WANTED, city loans and warrants. W. 1 arnara amitn Co., um nrntm street. W-964 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds ana warrants, n. c. waters Co., 1708 r am am. ot., cee mag. w M WANTED-86.000 loan on flrst-clasa real es tate security, inquire Bllxt 4a Ixivgren, room ajo-i 1 axton pioca. w mlx MONK V TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY WHEN you find It necessary to borrow give us a trial, alter which we win. by talr treatment, attempt to retain your patronage. v a loan from no up on fur niture, pianos, live stock, eto. Ws also make loans to SALARIED PEOPLE Without mortgage or endorser. We do not deduct Interest In advance; we charge nothing for making or tiling papers and our service Is quick and confidential. Ws always try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE 1AIAN CO., 11$ Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. 2296 (Established 1892.) M South 16th Bt. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I DO TOU NEED MONEYT I MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND SALARIES. $19 to $600 loaned on FURNITURE PIANOS, ETC., and to salaried people at very lowest rates and for any length of time, without publk-lty or removing the property. Paymenta can be mads to a jit your convenience. Call and get our terms before going elsewhere. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANT, Room 803, Third Floor, Paxton Block. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ I $$ti BORROW MONEY. WHERE you can get It on FURNITURE. PIANOS. HORSES, WAGONS, COWS. KTC a.lan on RAI.AHIKH WHERE you get It on short notice and without publicity. WHERE you pay for only tha time money WHERE you can return It In easy weekly or mnntniv navmenta. WHERE you get the lowest rates. w jibtttu can you ao better? PHOENIX CREDIT CO., 63$ Paxton blk. 16th and Farnam Sts. X LARQE9T BUSINESS IN LOANS TO salaried risurLE, merchants, team sters, boarding houses, etc., without se curity: easiest terms: 40 offices In nrin. , 1 l.l IT.l.- , 11 Tl - . f V jip, uru oiiraas Jt unurr 1 1 .. , ... 4 lunuru uii plain flu, a lu MIBnva people; business confidential; lowest rates. innent The J. ei niton diock. A. Hutton Co. A. SOS MONET loaned on furniture, live stock. jeweiry, to saiariea people. Foley Loan Co., Sue, to Duff Green, 8 Barker block. WANTED to trade, three clear lots, worth ', in gooa rueorasxa town, ror a new or flrst-rlass second-band piano. Address bj, xiee. a v MONEY loaned on pianos, furniture, lew eiry, norses, cows, eto. c. jr. Keea, sii s. 13. A 957 PIANOS. TOU ask us what constitutes the difference in value between that 8400 piano and this 260 one which sounds sweeter and looks better. A 8400 piano ought to be better tnan one at iao; it seems reasonable that It should be. It Is not. Both are con structed of the Same material and mads by the same olasa of workmen. It Is an undisputed fact that two, three and some - .iiiiw luur n.i- mien uiiieivni. ajrfujeB are mmuij m trm snme lactury, vj tne same set 01 worKmen, out or the same material. and sold under different namea at differ ent prices, factory ana retail. Ir. buying a, "WALTER" PIANO you pay $250 no more, no leas. Same price to you aa to everyone. Absolute protection to the purchaser. Book let free. Agents wanted. We sell for cash, montniy or $2 weekly payments. P R WolWc Harney Car. $113 California St., Omaha, z SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING, GREGO S. H., Touch T. W., Bus. Branches, leieg. cat. ires. un. tom. t-oi., ii st uoug. oo A. C. VAN 8 ANT'S school. 711 N. T. Life. 978 BOYLES college, court reporter principal. rn. x. LAI. .9 NEB. Business A Shorthand Collage, Boyd's i neater. sw MANUFACTURING. P. MKLCIUOR. lJth and Howard, ma- cninist. i in OMAHA Safe and Iron Wks. makea a sue. ciauy 01 nre escapes, anutters, aoors ana saiss. u. Anarecn. J-rop., va u. loth st OSTBOPATHY. GID. E. 4b ALICB JOHNSON, osteopaths. buhs it n. x. l-ue mag. 'ist laui. Mrs. Oraoe TUdals Dsegan, 688 Bee Bldg. Tel. JGI CARPENTERS AND JOINERS. , , Mr.".8 acnlltree, 70 ALL kinds of carpenter work and promptly attenaea to. J. 1, uci jothjind Lake streets. PAWNBROKERS. Eiauuu .1 w 11. v., t ciiau,.. w u ua u,w a ing; sli Business confidential. Uol Douglas, V.TIR . . ull.kl. , - TICKET BROKERS. CUT RATE railroad tickets everywhere. P. H. Phllbln, I606 Farnam. Phone 784. Hi t . , . , . J SIDEWALK BRICK. OMAHA Hydraulic Press Brick Co., 81$ Mew lora uie. -pnons iu. xuis-u ELJECTRICAL REPAIRING. GRAND Electric Co.. U Jackson. TeL 24l DETECTIVE AGENCY. CAPT. THOS. CORMICK, private deteo- live, all Kaibaoh block. Tat AVwis. M7S8 N13 EXPERT ACCOUNTANT. PRIVATE lsssons In bookkeeping, etc ; G. B, Balhbun, Room 16, Com' I iai 1 bank. Me STAMMERING AND 8 TOTTERING. CURED. Julia Vaughn. 410 Ramge Bldg. UjQ TYPEWRITERS. WHY pay morsT Lambert. $36; superior to tiuu macninos. Dnt os approval, ston- roe at Co.. all XX. 181B. Bt, UUMJIX, 1U PR1NTINO. WATERS PRINTING COMPANY. Llnolype Composition. tU B. 18th, PROPERTIES M A VMS F P. W. FARNAM SMITH & CO. Manage Estates and Other Properties Act as RECEIVER, EXECUTOR, fll I ARHI AN ANH TRI JSTF.K w " fA, CORPORATIONS, FIRMS, INDIVIDUALS and fiscal agents of CORPORATIONS 1?20 Farnam St. Tel. 1046 HATS RENOVATED. HATS dyed, blocked, latest styles. Rsmser A Kerr, au rs. l.m, near capitoi Ave. 74.1 Nil TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re modeled Joe Yousen, 1111 rarnam Ht. M..9 STOVES I4KPLATED. GOLD, silver and nickel plating. Omaha riaun to., nee nine:, lei. zmb. m AITOSIOB.LEI. FLECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Derlght, 1119 rarnsm street. 1 STORAGE. OM. Van Stor. Co., 1611H Farn. Tsls. 1659-863. LAIXDHV. 1! OMAHA Steam Laundry; shirts, 8c; collars. xc; curia, fc. iiou ieavenwortn. LAW AND COLLECTIONS. ft STILLMAN PRICE. 23 U. S. N 1 Bk. Bid 99 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Balo Tie Co., 8U North 16th. ss Fin DRESSING. O, R. GILBERT CO., tanners. 1424 8. 13th. WV.' DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy. 25S0 Harney. 1 - i.,nr. 1-. n FLORISTS. BULBS, out flowers and plants. Hender son, tei. um, nit jf'arnam St., Omaha. BRASS FOUNDRY. I ' . brass and aluminum castlnr. nlrkel nlat. I Ing and finishing. Specialty Mfg. Co., 41 ". -uuncn oiuni, FOUND. FOUND A bicycle: describe and ray for Kla mA Wrt tin nl. a. "... , . r , " ' 1 " " -v . ' .-.'Ill U 1 . IQ, .,11 LAW AND COLLF.CTIONS. NEB. COLLECTION CO., 806 N. Y. Life. 73 Decl When You Write to Advertisers remember It only takes an extra stroke or 1 two of the pen to mention the fact that I jruu HW IUS S1 in ine UeS. Full Set of Teeth S3 Special Free Clinic All work This Offer Good Until d Done Free. Small 'Charges for Material. II iivii ws BRIDGE WORK DONE FREE $5.00 Gold Crowns, $3 Up IN ORDER TO INCREASE OUR CLINIC we want every man, woman and child to have their mouths examined by Uie profes sors of this college. All our work will be done free. Small charges for materials. We do as we advertise. Set of Teeth $3.00, Gold Fillings. .60c up Bridges 2 85! Silver Fillings .. 2"c 22k Gold Crowns. $.00' Bridge Work ....12. hi UNION DUNTAL COUI.KOIfl OF PAINLESS DENTISTRY. 1622 DOUGLAS STREET. ROOM 4. Open Dally; Nights till 9; Sundays, 10 to 4. IA1LWAY TIME TABLE. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND A 1'acltlo Railroad "The Oreat Rock Island Route" City Ticket Office, 13i!3 Farnant Street. Telephone 42$. Depot felephone S29. sum IHU jnurt'jr BtreStJ. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Chicago Daylight Ltd. .a 6:00 am t it Im Shhr'0 1 7M am S M pm Chicago Express bU:15 am a6:uipm Des Moines Ktnr.ii ... 11 Chicago Fast Express, a 6:36 pm a 1:26 pm Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..a 6:60 am a 4:50 am Lincoln, Colorado Sp gs, ucui, rueoio ana I CoYorVdo." Okiahoma"ia 1:30 Pm 5:00 lexas jyei a gjjo nm aU'ln a Daily, b Dally except BunJay.. Pm UNI?N. PACIFIC-'THB Overland Route"-General Of fices, N. L. Corner Ninth end Farnam Ktrp.t. r-i,.. ti. ,. .. Office, 1324 Farnam Bt. Tel-, phone 816. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Bis. Telephone tL'9. LC'liV. 1 m... The Overlsnd Limited. .a $:4o am a 7.3o n'm rine cnicago-portiana Bpeclal a 9:40 am a 7 30 1 m The Fast Mai a S:.M. ? l:iZ !.!? The Mall and Express.. all :30 am a 3:40 am i ns tjOioraao special. ..s, J:w am a 8:10 am Lincoln. Beatrice and Btromsburg Express. ..b 4:06 pm bl2 36 nm The Pacific Express. ...a. 4:2 pra The Atlantic Express.. .. a 7 30 am UIar..iiw,mKarV?,cJ,,-."-b. I30 Pm M am s avsa.. sw aan tAVcl OUnUHy, CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE A Bt. Paul Itallwav 4"liv fan ilUTAUA Ticket i-tflce, 1504 Farnam St Telephone 2M. lpot. Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 29. AUJV 'SASir-T Chlcaco A Omaha Ex..b 7:40 am b 8:40 Dm Chicago Limited Ex a 6:00 pm a 7:50 am Dally, b Daily except ounaay. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAIL. road General Offices and Ticket Offices, Boutheaat Corner 14th and Douglas Bts. Telephone 104. Depot, Union Station. Leave. Arrive. Bt Louis and Kansas City Express alO:00 am a 6:26 pm K. C.. Bt. L. Express... alu .60 pm a 6.16 ana Leave from Um and Webster fctireels: Nebrsska Local, via Weeping Water b 4:10 pm al0:4B a OS a Daily, b Dally except Bund ay. f v ritisDurg. jra J" "