Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Page 20, Image 20

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advertisements for theej colsmne
Will ha ik antll 12 as. tor t-S
Tenia 'dittos ill aalll ;30 p. m
fa aarilif and Saadar edition.
Hates. 1 l-a word first lBser4la.
la a ward thereafter, otalaai takca
far less Ibaa 8So for the Brst laser,
tlaa. These advertisements asssi ha
ran eoaaeeatlrelr
Advertisers, by reqncatlaat a aam
liere rheck, eaa hae aaawera ad.
Irepsed ta a nambered letter la eara
pf The Bee. Aaawera ae afldreesea win
delivered u Dreaeatatlea ai lae
Iheck salr.
EXPERIENCED dressmaker wishes Fewlng
In families; satisfaction guaranteed. Ad-
l dress N 29, Bee. A 534 2
TRAVELING salesman wants position with
Implement, buiv or windmill firm, r.x
nert In reualrlnK implements and wind
mills. Good reference. Address, N 27,
,Bee. A-4.3-Z"
HfTBTLING denutles wanted: men or
: women, splendid contract. The Garden
ers, 415 Bee Bldg. B 2i5
WANTED, young man stenographer; give
. references in and exDected salary. An-
dress K 36, Bee. U M333
wiNTEn a hniderv snd underwear sales
man for states of Nebraska and Iowa.
Box Zt'i. Marlon, Ind.
B M452
SLANTED for U. 8. army, able-bodied un
married men between axes of 21 and 36,
ottlaana of United States, of good char
acter and temoerate habits, who can
peak, read and write English. For lnfor
. rnitiim anniv to Hecruluna- Officers, 16th
! and Dodge Bts., Omaha, and postoltlce
building, uncoin, xeD. nuoi
VinoTi mprafnirpm wanted: high salaries.
A. V. T. Co., 212 Bo. 13th St. B M 453
, The Hawks Nursery Company,
Wauwatosa, Wis.
B-M378 N6
."WANTED, competent stenographer; man
familiar wit 11 snipping nuaiueoe picieinru.
Address L 67, Bee.
VANTED, boy to take care of furnace and
cow. J8 In. tn Ave. o-
WANTED, active, educuted men In central
western states: fixed weekly salary or
i definite tlrau guaranty; give age, experi
ence, references. DodU. Ciena io.. m-
B-Mi71 2
TOUNO msn to work around college for
tuttinn anv rtcnart men t. An opportunity.
Inquire Nebraska Business College. Boyd
Theater. B-aw 13
WANTED, first-class coat, vest and pants
makers: steady work, good prices. iac
Carthy Tailoring Co., 1,12 Farnam.
B 227
WANTED, men for steady employment,
12.000 year: Sz5 required. Call or write.
C. U Bramell, 132S O St., Lincoln, Neb.
B 417 N2
.WANTED, a flrst-clasa bookkeeper; one
who haa had experience In hanullng re
tall accounts In a large dry goods afore
preferred; must be rapid and accurate;
tale references ana eaiaiy uin;u;u. au-
. dress N , Bee. aioau
J. J. COWLEY. Elliott,
. nesa maker at once.
Ia,, wants a har.
B M544
WANTED. three csrpenters; 12.50 a day.
Address Jos. Shleslger, Contractor, Yutan,
Neb. B Ma44
COLLECTOR for Nebraska; good salary;
single man preferred, mxenoaugn v,u.,
100 War blk. -otu
WANTED, paper ruler: steady work.
Baker-Vawter Company. Atcvblaon, Kan.
568 N2
WANTED. bookbinder;
Baker-Vawter Company,
steady work.
Atchison, Kan.
B 569 N2
LEARN nroof'-eadlnit: situations secured;
. iik t.i ffi wecklv wnma CorreaDondenca
School, Philadelphia.
WIMTPn .U.m.n In all itnncciinleri ter
ritory; ) per month easy, or better still
', on commission, If preferred. Spauldlng
' Nursery and Orchard Co., Spauldlng, ill.
appointments to be made; examinations
In every state; circular 151, giving full
particulars as to positions, salaries, etc..
sent tree. Aaaress national vorres. insti
tute. Washington, D. C. B
MEN wanted who wear trusses; a great
chance; truss free, no time lost from
present work. Alex Bpeirs, Bex B44.
Westbrook, Maine.. B
THOUSANDS are successful gaining better
salaries and positions studying electricity,
mechanical engineering, steam engineer
ing, at home by correspondence. Thomas
A. Edison endorses institute. Book, "Can
I Become an Electrical Engineer?" mailed
free. Electrical Engineer Institute, New
Tork. 13
WANTED, jewelry man of experience:
young man preferred; A 1 workman; en
. graving; single man preferred: furnish
own tools; employment steady to right
man. Aaaress m it, wee. a us ?
GENTLEMEN or boys, copy letters at
home; nothing to buy: 112 per thousand:
paid weekly. Send addressed envelope
for copy and Instructions. I'nlted Pen
Co.. by Nassau St.. New xork.
B 606 2
WANTED Young men and women to write
for our free booklet. "Are Your Hands
TledT" It tells how we have helped thou
sands to support themselvea while we
qualified them for high Balarled positions
n engineering or architecture, write the
international correspondence Schools,
Box lttii, scranton. Fa., or call day or
evening at the Omaha office, 637 Paxton
, diock. amt'i'
HOT wanted. Call early Monday a. m. J.
C. Huteson It Co., Opticians, 211 B Itith
St. B 619 2
STATE and local managers wanted; $1,209
- yearly and share profits; must have good
record ana n to secure stock. Manager,
k i names uig , jew lora. a iiW .
ANYONE anywhere who would correspond
tor newspapers; good pay, experience un.
necessary. Send for particulars. Press
Eyndtcats, Lock port. N. Y. B 638 2
wni..x ana an expenses Tor men
with rigs to Introduce Poultry Compound;
straight salary. Imperial Mfg. Co., Dept.
M, farsons. Kan. B 639 2
MEN wanted to tack signs, distribute cir
culars, etc. We secure distribution for
every section or tne country; good pay.
t Horn Association, 1U)3 Broadway, Nw
York. B 640 2
YOUNG man to travel: $30 month and ex
penses; experience unnecessary: Inclose
pelf-addressed envelope. Manager Perkins
Manhattan Bldg., Chicago. B 2
YOUNG man to travel and advertise, ex
. perlence unnecessary; salary. $50 month,
expenses. Klnkald Co., Cleveland. O.
B-70 $
WANTED everywhere, hustlers to tack
' signs, distribute circulars, samples, etc.;
no canvassing, good pay. Sun Advertis
ing Bureau. Chicago. B ?6i 2
CIRCULAR and sample distributers wanted
everywhere; good pay, no canvassing. Co
operative Adv. Co., New York.
YOUNG man to travel, $60 month and ex
penses, experience unnecessary; send
references. Williams Co., Chamber Com.,
Detroit, Mich. B-662
IF YOU want a paying occupation, read
advertisement under "Busineis Opportuni
ties" headed "Work with us 6 years and
you'll be Independent." B 740 3
WANTED, man and wife, woman to cook
for men and man to work by (he day. 733
N. 14ln St. B M7 3
WANTED, a man to sell brooms by sam
ples, as side line, ueneva Broom Factory,
Geneva, Neb. B M707 4
IPLENDID chance for men to learn barber
trade now; new excellent ficiu
ties, abundance of practice, quallrtd
teachers, tools given, board prov.dnd. In-
- creasing demand for graduates; best trade
In existence Tor poor man. I atalovie
mailed free. Moler Barber ColUge. lto?
Douglas St. B M7i 7
20.00 PER 1.000 for letters ropled with pen
and Ink or typewritten and returned to
us ncioae stamp. instructions, etc
address X-Kay Co., Toledo. O.
. . B-702 f
WANTKD, 26 carpenters Immediately; new
Omaha shops, Sioux city, ueo. J. urant,
Contractor, u mi
DETECTIVES Every locality; good est-
ary; experience unnecessary, interna
tional Detective Agency, Milwaukee, Wla.
u .o r
WANTKD, harness and litrap workers at
once. Apply at Omaha canning ana iig.
Co., East Omaha, iSd and Locust.
B 73 I
PLAIN writer, hnme emplovment.copylng
small blanks; rate :s per i,t; two
damps for particulars. Ucldental torn
mere la 1 Agency, Desk 26, C hicago.
WANTED, ambitious young man over 21 to
travel In Nebraska, distrinute, aaveruae:
reliable house; advancement; salary ann.
expenses, Address E. V. Immer, ifc'H uear
bom, Chicago. B 6S0 i
YOUNG men to train for newspaper artlsta
Ith famous cartoonist: big salaries
earned; send for circular with terms
tlunal World building, New York.
a 75 ;
WANTED Men everywhere, good pay, to
distribute circulars, adv. matter, tarsi
flgns, etc.; no canvassing. National Adv.
Bureau, Chicago. s ct c
MANAGER wanted In every large county;
"Gamo o Skill " nickel slot machine for
drinks, cigars or money; takes place of
forbidden slot machines, strictly lawful
everywhere; rented or sold on easy pay
ments; sixty thousand now in use. un
nlngham Furniture Co., Department 85,
Chicago. 111. 746 2
Lambert Ty pe
tal N. lth St.,
writers. Monroe at Co.,
WANTED, ealesmen by manufacturer of
grocers specialties; give experience fuuy;
good salary to -hard workers. Address
Box 617, Chicago, 111.
WANTED, an Al flrst-clasa salesman, thor
oughly familiar with iron, ateei and neavy
hardware; only men who have a good
record and can get a paying business from
the start need answer; liberal arrange
ment made with the right man; others
we don't want- state with what houaes
previously employed; what territory cov
ered; annual sales; salary required, and
If at liberty to take position at once. Ad
dress M 60, Be.
SALESMEN, automatic copying book, new.
needed by every business man; bonanza
for agents. Pershing Mfg. Co., bouth
Bend, Ind.
WANTED-Traveling salesmen capable of
earning JS,iXi yearly and expenses. Hign
priced men only. Box t08, bt. Louis, Mo.
-m 2
$75.00 PER MONTH and traveling expenses
paid salesmen on baking powder ana ex
tracts; experience unnecessary. Purity
Co., Chicago. wm-t-z-
SALESMEN wanted to sell a rapid selling
side line to vehicle and Implement deal-
era and blacksmiths, nanus city Mrg
& Jobbing Co., Dallas City, 111. 08-2
SALARY or commission to sell famous
glass burner, an electric light on kerosene
lamp; millions in use; sample by man, au
cents; Illustrated literature free. Monarch
Novlety Co., 31- .N. W. Bldg., Minneapolis,
iuuin. oka s-
CAPABLE salesman to cover Nebraska
with staple line: high commissions with
advance of $100.00 monthly. Permanent
position to right man. Jess H. Smith Co.,
uetroit. Mien. -wi z-
TRAVELING salesman for Nebraska; no
technical knowledge, but active all-round
hustler: estabilsned. man-rated nouse. jr,
R. Jennings, Sales Mgr., 21 W. Atwater,
Detroit, Mich. 7l z
WANTED, at once, experienced traveling
salesman for iSebrasKa. we want a sales
man, no novice need apply. Box 614, Chi
cago. 699 2
STICKER FAD Salesmen wanted to take
orders for our colored advertising stick
era. Get In quick before the territory
Is assigned. St. Louis Sticker Co., St.
Louis, Mo. 672 2
WANTED, hustling salesmen and sales
women to work local territory; big salary
to the right people; give age ana past ex
parlance: must have reference with annll
cation. Wegner Mfg. Co., Ltd., Detroit,
Mien. a
WANTED, two first-class, capable dry
goods traveling salesmen, can 101 mc-
Cague bldg., Omaha, Neb. 750 2
100 Glrlr. Call Canadian offlc, 15th & Podge
C 454
GIRL for general houeework.
260J Pierce
WANTED, working houst keeper In family
of three adults. Address J 14, Bee.
C 431
WANTED, a good girl for general house
work; no washing, $3 50 Per week. 1614
N. 24th St. C-601
a cook. Mrs. A. I
Reed, S620
WANTED, experienced girl for general
housework, three In family. 123 North
Thirty-first avenue. C 181
WANTED, girt for general housework
good wages. Mrs. Slmeral. 9i6 N. 23th
Ave. C-113
WANTED, good girl to assist In general
housework; small family. Apply m ho.
28th St. C-M444
WANTED, woman to do family washing at
her home, near 2itn and Leavenworth.
Address N 8, Bee. C 222
WANTED, an experienced demonstrator or
saleswoman to travel. Address in , ee.
C Moil 2
OIRL for general housework, small family.
2.t) unio street, o.o cm
WANTED, woman as second cook, $18 per
month, board ana loaging. woman in
laundry. Sl per month, board and lodg
ing. Woman dish washer, $3 per week,
board and lodging. One dining room girl,
$3.60 per week, board and lodging. In
quire Commercial hotel, McCook, Neb.
C-M584 I
competent second girl. $727
C-601 7
LEARN proofreadln
g; situations secured;
Home Correspondence
iid to ) weekly.
School, Phlladelphl
LADIES wsnted to do embroidery and Bat
tenberg at thMr homes; steady work
Chicago Crochet Co., Chicago, 111. C
$4.00 PER hundred securing addresses for
us. Bend dime and stamp for blank
book and particulars. G. Coleman. 6049
Brand Blvd., Chicago. C 691-3
A LADY desires the services of a refined
woman who thoroughly understands mas-
cage and scalp treatment; must assist
with child i years old; good wages and
good home. Address N j2, Bee.
C-M58S 4
WANTED First-class nurse girl. One
willing to go to small country town.
Flrst-clasa wagea paid to competent per
son. Apply 414 Karbach block.
C M&10-3
LADIES or girls, copy letters at home:
nothing to buy; $13 per thousand: paid
weekly. Send addressed envelope for
copy and Instructions. United Pen Co.,
87 Nassau St , New York. C 6062
COPYING letters at home, full or spare
time, no names to supply, or addressing
, envelopes; nothing to buy: $15 per thou
sand, paid wekly; send addressed envel
ope for copy and application blanks. Im
perial Co., 13$ Liberty St., New York.
C 649 2
MEN and women, copy letters at home;
highest prices paid, money advanced
weekly. Send addressed envelope for copy
and instructlona, Standard Pen Co. 230
Fulton St., New York. C 641 2
WANTED, experienced girl or woman for
nueworK. wim or without washing;
sm!l modern house; small family; good
wares, a.0 Worthing ton Place. C 629 I
LADIES to work dollies and centerpieces st
home; all materials furnished, highest
prices paid, no cunvssslng; send stamped
envelope to Ely Novelty Co., Ely Hl5g.,
Chicago. C 701 2
LUOO PER 1,000 for letters copied with p?n
and ink or typewritten and returning to
us. Enclose r tain p. Instructions, etc.,
address A-tiay Co., Toledo, U.
C 700 f
LADIES, copy letters st home; $30 per l.Ou);
rend staniea envelope for application
Loalts Novelty Co., Dept. 27, Chicago.
LADIES to do piece work at their homes.
We furniah all materlala and pay from
17 to weekly. enn stamped envelope
to Royal Co., 01 Monroe St., Chicago.
C 687 f
LADT to travel and collect In Nebraska;
alary til weekly and expensea allowed
fiom beginning; two good references re
quired; experience unnecessary; addressed
envelope for reply. Manager MacRrody,
star ttldg., Chicago, c 6 r
LADIES working spare time earn $7 to $14
weekly msKing sofa pillows, etc.; every
thing furnished; no ranvaoalng; steady
work: send stamped, addressed envelope.
New Era. Mfg. Co., Erta St., Chicago.
C 681 2
WANTED, a girl for general housework.
572 S. 28th St. C-M784 4
WANTED Student nurse at South Omaha
hospital. C 761
B0T8 and girls to get beautiful premiums
tor selling our new 'ing rong Art
Jewelry; sells at sight; write for samples;
no money required. Art Jewelry Co.,
Central Falls, R. I. 780 $
DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnam.
$1 PER WEEK 422 So. 18th St., one block
south of court house. -
AETNA HOUSE, European. 13th and Dodge
TWO nice, cool, furnished or unfurnished
rooms. 2o04 Davenport. Jfi Kl
ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th 4 Chlcaro
HANDSOME steadheated room.
1909 Capl
B Mil
tol Ave.
FOR RENT, to gentleman, large, well fur
nished rront room, wttn alcove, steam
heat, gas, bath, telephone, central, rea
sonable. 1623 Douglas. E 81
220 N. 17TH St., neat steamheated rooms.
Id MiHl NS
STEAMHEATED rooms, $10 per month.
Barker hotel, 13th and Jones sts.
E M4S3
ELEGANTLY furalshea rooms in new
modern heme; hot water neat; references.
16l Webster. M4m m
1 FURNISED rooms. 1919 Spencer. E 408
BACK parlor, suitable for two gentlemen,
choice location. Tel. A-zees. n
FURNISHED rooms for light housekeep
ing. Z56 uougias. MoSI
PLEASANT room, private family. 2223 Burt
NEAT, clean, furnished room for your in
spection, one block from three ear lines;
board or deairea. ae uurt. Milt o-
NEWLY furnished front room for gentle-
man, private family; references required.
210 b. zatn Bt. t, i-
SOUTH, front room In private family. 2630
Dewey ave. (oi z"
SOUTH front alcove
modern. 2580
E-M778 8
MERRIAM, comfortable winter home. Tel 65
' )
FURNISHED rooms, with or without
board, rates reasonable. Midland Hotel,
16th and Chicago. w 400
FOR RENT, nicely furnished rooms, with
first-class table board; modern. 'Phone
F2S42, 2217 Howard. F Ml 2
NICELY furnished rooms, first-class table
board, low rates. Ul Burt st. Tel.
F M581
PLEASANT south room and good board for
two, private family: permanent. 2571 St.
Mary's Ave. F-598 f
FIVE rooms for rent. 2690 N.
O M583 7
THREE pleasant rooms, parlor floor, un
furnished. 2603 Dodge st G 776 2
FOR RENT, store. In first-class location:
rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Petera
Co., ground floor, Bee Bldg. 1266
FOR RENT, the building formerly occu
pied by The Bee at Pitt Farnam St. It
naa tour siories ana a Dasement wnica
was formerly used as The Bee press room.
This will be rented very reasonably. It
Interested apply at once to C. C. Rose
water, secretary, room 100, Bee building.
i i
CREIGHTON hall and Schllts Roof garden
for balls, banauets. card parties, smokers.
meetings, conventions, etc. Both halls
are the largest In the city, have large
dressing rooms and boxes for cloaks, hats
and coats; will rent reasonably. Apply
to Wm. R. Morand, Manager, Creighton
hau. Fhone iw. i iau my-
We want a first-class man In each county
ta sell our Standard Stock Food to farm
ers. He must have a good team, good
business ability, some knowledge of live
stock, be In good standing In every way
and a steady worker. A permanent, good
bavins bualness to tne rignt man. Ad
dress, giving age, experience, present
business, etc.,
Neb. j ao
1.000 AGENTS WANTED to sell desirable
old-line Insurance for the largest com
pany in tne wona oi lis age; no special
contract fakirs or leg pullers need apply.
We sell the best contract ever written:
good territory and commissions given to
Sood. reliable men. Call on or- write to
eorge J. Crajie, Superintendent Western
Department, si first ruaii Ban cmi
Omaha. Neb. J M128 DM
WANTED, convaaslna agents In every
county to solicit subscriptions to THE
Steady employment, with assured good In
come. Agents In the country with horse
and buggy especially desired. Canvassers
make easily $60 to $100 ner month. Ad
dress, Century Farmer Solicitors' Bureau,
Bee buuaing, umana. - 31
WANTED, agents to sell stereoscoplo views
of the fixes reaa region; ivu per cent
Sroflt; easy and profitable work for stu
ents; send stamp for circulars. Paul
Goerke Son.. Manltou. Colo,
J-M540 2
AT LAST Gaslight burner, makes any
lamp a gaa lamp; costs 1 cent a nay: no
til, chimneys, wicks; stamped envelope
for small sample. Eastern Gas Co., Ful
ton bldg., N. 1. J
aflFNTR. don't work tor others: learn
profession in ten aays mat win pay aie
10 -S per nay. rroi. m. 4 noiivr, Ne
vada. MO. J
ifiF.NTfl. automatic washers, sell them-
BVlVCa, Vltm . R 1.: 1 1 - iv. a...w..-v-
sample to ten women; took tea orders;
time required, 45 minutes; profit, over $30;
fuaranteed to do washing in 30 minutes;
urnlshes Its own power; requires
neither labor nor attention; coats less
than any other machine; free sample and
exclusive territory furnished; $6u week
guaranteed; thouaands of testimonials.
Automatic Washer Co., Station U,
Chicago. J-4
AGENT8. write now for free sample of
work and terms; Star harness mender;
beat 26c seller out; we make other quick
selling necessities. Columbia imov. Mig.
Co.. St. Louis. Mo. J
agents WANTED A lady or yojng man
to take orders In their home town for our
line of shirt walstlngs, suitings ana sairi
Ings; an elegant line; low prices; big pay
to the right party. Addresa, Shirt Waist
Dept.. Buckley Shirt Co., 2633 Olive Street,
St. Louis, Mo. J
AGENTS Remarkably easy seller. Most
avurvbodv kuvs. slake bis money between
now and Christmas. Wels-Blnder Co.. 13S
Lagrange St., Toledo. O.
WANTED Agents or deputies to represent
largest elck. accident and death benefit
association in the weat. Up to date plan.
To llrst-clsss producers will give a first-
class contract; saliry or commlaaion, or
both. American Benevolent 'Aso-ation,
8TART mall order business at your home.
we ten now. Ftimtsn everything re
quired, fredtt given. Profit Immense.
Particular free. Chicago Specialty Co.,
1M VanBurea St., Chlcags, 111.
y ..'d 4
WANTED Agent In each county Id sell
family Memorials; gooa proms ana
eteady work. Address, Campbell A Co.,
251 A St., Elgin. HI. J-CN9-J
AGENTS free sample, self-lighting pocket
limp; cigar, stove ngnier, sise oi pencn,
rapid seller; seeing s believing; lend
tamp. Fountain Pocket Lamp Co., 134
Fulton St., New York. r
AGENTS ran make $2,000 to $4,000 the next
three months handling a newly patented
article: abaolutely necessary In every
household and business; demand enor
mous, experience not necessary; exclusive
territory given. Household Novelty Co.
(Manufacturers), 1512 Broadway, New
Tork. J-646 1
LAMP that makes Its own gas. costs 1 cent
a day; no oil, wicks, chimneys, smau
model free to those wishing to work for
us. Eastern Gas Co., 130 Fulton St., New
York. J
CIRCULAR distributers wanted; cash paid;
end stamp. American Distributer. Kan
sas City. Mo. J
BIG money In mall
order business, con
anywhere; complete
Central Supply Co.,
ducted by anyone.
plan for stamp.
Kansas City, Mo.
"BRIGHT LIGHT" Kerosene Lamp burner,
)ust out; marvelous 80-candle power name.
Agent only; exclusive territory; litera
ture free; sample, toe. Caput Nov. Mrg.
Co., 1255 East 59tb St., Chicago.
j ess v
WANTED, manager In every city, county,
to nanaia best paying ousintas anown;
legitimate; new; exclusive control. Phoe
nix Co., 15 W. 28th 8t, New York.
WANTED, 1,000 lady and gentlemen amenta
to introduce our new waterproof portraits
In their home territory (city or country);
& per day easily made; send loc ana get
ample of this finish and confidential
terms to agents. Address the People's
Portrait Co. (Incorporated). 465 Ogden
Ave., Chicago, ill. J-38 2
MEM and women to copy letters home
evenings; we pay weekly $S; steady work:
particulars free to all. Send addressed
envelope. Union Supply Co., Dept. 23, 33
union bquare, rew xom. J uds l
WE HAVE a new proposition for a few
good hustling agents; territory reserved
and outfit free; gentlemen or ladles. Na
tional Association, 3 Howland Block,
Chicago. J-651 2
AGENTS make $25 to $75 per week selling
Allen s Fountains Bath Brush, write for
outfit. Allen Manufacturing Company, To-
ieao. unio. J boo i
W ANTED, Intelligent men and women
(good penmen) to colect data to be used
In the compilation of heirlooms of per
sonal military and civil history of ex
unlon soldiers (appropriate Christmas
presents); permanent and profitable em
ployment. Addresa 8. H. 8., $34 C St.,
N. W., Washington. D. C. J 668 2
AGENTS wanted In every town, at once.
to sen iNO-cut-u raior guard; nts any
razor and makes It a safety; you posi
tively cannot cut yourself: every man
shown It buys one: sample mailed, only
25c. Circular and particulars free. Money
back for sample If not wanted. Address
No-Cut-U Guard Co.. 1754 Lawrence St..
Denver, Colo. J 665 2
GENERAL agents wanted In every city
outside cnicago; $6,ouo to easily
made handling our Dry Powder Fire Ex
tinguisher; superior to lluqld, most ef
fective fire killer on the market; every
one buys, from householder to largest
manufacturer. Mr. Edwards, Chicago,
made $125 in one hour. Mr. Schubert
made $300 In one week. Write today for
territory. The SuDerlor Chemical Works.
Chicago, 111. J-663 2
AGENTS. $75 monthly to one net-son. each
neignDornooa; wore is naro, but money
sure. Forshee Mfg. Co.. B 125. Cincinnati.
unio. J 724 f
OUTFIT free, credit given: cut-price Xmns
nooKs; duc dook, lzvjc; si oook, c;
book, 60c. Ferguson, 4794 Fifth St., Cin
cinnati, Ohio. J 723 2
FREE, $500,000 worth of clothing for men
ana women; snoes, peas, carpets, rugs,
parlor suits, stoves, dishes, harness,
guns, revolvers, watches, rlnn. cameras.
eta. to be given away free to those that
will do a little advertising for us. Sam
plea and literature free. National Co
operative co., a 4i, Kutiand, vt.
J 721 2
AGENTS, the most fascinating and novel
household articles in the world: patented
October. 1902. Absolutely no competition.
Exclusive territory. Wm. V. Elsby Mack
diock, am wauxee, wis. J 71 2
AGENTS, with Hayes metallic rubber tires
tor rocking cnatrs you can make $100 per
month. J. C. Hayes. 418 E. Locust St..
ues Moinea, ia, j is z
AGENTS wanted: experienced organizers
ana solicitors. Bleu, accident and death
fraternal insurance. Big contracts.
Knights of Equity, St. Louis, Mo.
J-674 2
AGENTS, big money; heat without coal
or smoke. Walker & Co., 206 Arch St.,
r-niiaaeipnia, ra. j B Z"
IF YOU want a ravin occuoitlon. read
advertisement under "Business Opportuni
ties- neaaea - worn wun us 6 years and
you ii oo inaepenaent. J 741 Z
WE start you selling diamonds, also $0
lrln .. .J . 1 ' , . , k .1. .. .11
.hud n n . 1 1 v , uuii v " . nui n until
getting catalog; liberal offer. Carbon Dia
mond C.t Syracuse, N. Y. J 747 2
STOP RUNAWAYS Pocket hitching posts
mien norses solid instsntly; carry in poc
ket; sight seller; agents wanted. Pocket
intcning roet Co., Richmond, Indiana.
J-668 Z
TOIT can earn big money handling our
Christmas specialties; no capital or ex
perience necessary. For sample and par-
ucuiurs auureas inn at wo., cnicago.
J-8S8 f
SECONDHAND hand fire englns wanted at
ones. c. . Barlow, Decatur, Neb.
N-M-7 N
EQUITIES In encumbered property. John
xyman, i rearl St., council Biurrs.
N-M5l 7
WANTED, to buy stocks of general mer.
rnanaisa ior rasn: write or teiegrapn c
tt. w ooarun, Bt. josepn, mo. n
WANTED to buy, a stock of dry goods or
a general stock. Address M 93, riee.
N-M71T 15
WANTED, twenty cars of choice upland
Nebraska hay. Address Sib Halght, Box
406, Bed Oak. Ia. N M757 4
CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodre. Tel
2020 New and secondhand, bought, aoia,
exchanged. n til
HARRY FROST paints and repairs wagona,
See him. 14tn and Leavenwonn. lei. mi.
CITY. BROKE matched carriage team.
cheaD if taken at once: aiao rueoer-tirea
top carriage. S. T. Campbell, 4213 Center
Bt. Tel. black-1123. -- 1
FOR SALE or trade, thoroughbred Whit
Arabian stallion, weignt i.iiw pounae,
aged 7 years. Ogden Livery, Council
Bluffs. P-M715 $
TWO good work horses, cheap. Owner
leaving city. Btuoene Darn, 110 doui
16th Sf. P-M738-g
FOR good care and keep will let my bay
mare; very gentle. Aaaress 1 ooue.
Mme. Gylmer
Omaha's Favorite Palmist.
If you desire to know your paat, presen
r,imr. aea vt me. Gylmer. the greatea
Ufa raader who has ever been west. She
can atv anv Information pertaining t
life. Her advice la invaluable.. Parlors,
lis 8 16th. In Granite block, 2d floor
Take elevator.
MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant.
1(14 Cass St
sV 40
MME. QYLMER, genulns palmist 15B. U.
These machines have all been thoroughly
overhauled and are in good condition and
are very cheap.
One Domestic machine
Two Singers, square bed. latest head
Singer, high arm
Singer, Tailoring ,
. 15.00
. 1000
. 12 00
. 2 00
. 350
. J 00
. 10.00
,. 10 00
. 10.00
One Howe ....
One St. John..
On White ....
New Home ....
Household ....
Modern Drop Head Machines, slightly used,
Of any make, very cheap. These are uch
machines as the usual agenta will sell you
ior new. in rem macnines ior 75c a
week, or $2.00 per month, and repair and
sell paru for any machine manufactured.
Nebraska Cycle Co.,
Phone 1663, Corner Fifteenth and Harney.
Phone B-Clg, 334 Broadway, Council Bluffs.
Phone 4365, 612 N. 24th St., South Omaha.
FENCE LATH for quick shipment, crlb-
Ding, combination ladders, m Douglas.
Q M473
FOR SALE, phonographs, superior to any
other musical Instrument, $6 up. The
Wlttmann Co., 1621 Farnam. Q 474
EDISON phonographs, $10, $20 and $30;
moulded records. 60c each or $5 per doz. :
new wheels, $15 up; 2dhand, $5 up. Omaha
icycie to., jam ana cnicago bis.
Q 475
Piano tuning this month $ 1.50
Piano Players....' 125.00
Pianola and Upright Piano ?io.UO
Pease & Co.'s Upright, used 115.00
Story & Clark, used 250.00
Wegman & H 175.00
Hardman, used.... 65.00
Concert Grand 326.00
Weber, used Zlto.OQ
IAldwlg, used 2.5.00
Ceclllan Perfect Player 250. W
Perfield Piano Co.,
Poom 7 Bee Bldg.. Main Court,
elephone 701. OMAHA, NEB.
Q-M7S8 2
100 STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher
man Mcconneu Drug Co., ltjtn ana
Dodge, Omaha. 4 477
pair of Imported Mexican
Address K 5, Bee.
hairless dogs.
NEW and
typewriters. 1119
INDIAN goods and relics.
1119 Farnam.
2DHAND safe cheap.
Derlght, 1119 Farnam.
Q 478
OFFICE partition, glass pane. 'Phone 2161.
VJ M30Z it
CHOICE milch cows, 6 Shetland ponies. 8.
i . campDeii, uu center, -rnone bibcx
1123. Q 784 N15
MOVING picture machine and gas making
outnt; oeen usea out rew times, win
sell at halt cost. Ed Richards. Gothen
burg, Neb. Q-573 N2
SECOND-HAND billiard and pool tables;
billiard tables repaired; a large stock oi
cheap bar fixtures, cigar counters, etc.
The Brunswick Balke Collender Co., 407-9
8. 10th. Q-M5S0 30
ALL corn huskers buy the Ideal husker;
loo ousneis per aay; easy tor any ooy;
no sore Angers, no mitts: hueker, post
paid, for $1.00. Ray Mfg. Co., box 93,
Bluffs, 111. Q-M58 4
WALL map of Nebraska; all about crops.
oricea oi land, etc., py counties, ijn na
tulan's Land Agency, York, Neb., only 4
cents. Q
FOR SALE, a complete set of Morocco,
pound "Music of the Modern world;" a
bargain. Address N 90, Bee. Q-712 2
FURNITURE and lease of an elegant S-
loom modern steam heated flat, located
ia the heart of the city; rooms all filled
with desirable roomers; a bargain. Ben
son 4 Myers, 31$ N. Y. Life Bldg.
Q-744 2
SEVERAL storm windows In good shape,
y-772 2
ALL human diseases can be cured by Prof.
Johnson. Old age rebuilt, lotn ana jones,
Omaha. aiaoi
LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal
Pills are the test; safe; reliable, laae no
other. Send vc, stamps, for particulars.
"Relief for Ladles" In letter by return
mall. Ask your druggist. Chichester
Chemical Co. Philadelphia, Pa.
SI8TERS IN DESPAIR I had a suppres
sion; trltd many remedies, lakes and
snares, without relief. Write and I will
send the remedy which gave me relief.
Mrs. Amanda Green. 214 State St., Chi
cago. DR. W. HUTCHINSON, specialist of
women and children; so years practice.
Office. 2205 Cuming. Residence telephone,
F-X790; office, H-Z.S36.
LADIES, use our harmless remedy for de
layed or suppressed menstruation; it can
riot fall; trial free. Paris Chemical Co.,
Milwaukee, wis.
LADIES Our harmless monthly regulator
positively relieves tne most oDstinaie
case. Box free. Reliable Chemical Co.,
lept. c, MliwauKce, wis.
MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor R 2.
' SK
MME. AES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th. R. T.
GRACE O'BRYAN of Ky.. 730 8. 13th.
1 .!H J10-
LOST, diamond solltalr ring, Wednesday
October 29. rteturn to uertruae jiarae
Her Grand hotel, and receive liberal re
ward. Lost 667 N3
LOST, Pointer pup, white, with round spot
on back and one at root of tan. rteturn
to 25- Capitol Ave. and get reward.
Loet-697 2
LOST, ladles' old watch and fob: Friday
night, between urpneum ana lain ana
Harney: reward. 2617 Capitol Ave.
Lost-M598 $
STRAYED, lemon and white Better bitch
t months old, snswers to "Bess." Re
ward for return Monday to Ed O. Hamll
ton, 211 So. 17th St., or 120 So. 36th St.
Ist-729 2
PRICES are higher on bicycles for next
year; get one now ana save per cent, a
Flescher's, 16 Capitol ave. M3 1
TWIN CITT EXP. 'Phone 1717.
50S 8. 16th.
L. M. E. hauls trunks. Tel. 780.
TO TRADE, railroad grading outfit, teams,
hsrneas. wsgona. grader, plows, scrapers
wheelers, tents, etc., $3.0u0, for cheap land.
L. C. Brown, Logan, la. MtM
WE HAVE two mining Inveatmenta of ex
centlonal merit. They will Interest you
They will make money for you. We do
not handle anything that doe not prom
Ine substantial returns for the Investor.
Write for particulars snd see our free
market letter. T. S. Henderson 4 Co.
Adams Express Bldg., Chicago, ill.
ESTABLISHED law office library, furnl
lure: sell ail or part; good town 1.000, ceu
Ual lows, Aaartas n i, care ee.
Y 667 f
Gold Mining Company
is Incorporated under the laws of Colorado
irsska people. The mine Is located In the
amous county. Our property consists of
iroflucera mm the lv r.inntv at,r4 TmrtT
Williams. Willlama Extension. Washington
which have produced an enormous amount
1 nia county is called THE GULDEN
otted with silver mines, while In the
MINES, and THE ELECTRIC SPARK GOLD MINING CO. Is In the midst of them.
Our shaft Is down 116 feet, and contractors are at work sinning it anoiner i-v
feet; the company has Just completed a new shsft house 20x40 feet, built of wood
nd iron and Installed a steam plant good
We have shipped several ears of ore
factory returns. A few days ago, while
drifts to the surface, the workmen cut
per ton. This ore carries free gold, samples of which the undersigned win oe
pieacen to show you.
t Kr.ti GOLD found in any ore is one or tne best innicsnons 01 a kooq piiwui
ng mine, and It Is very raro to find a mine that has failed where- free gold was
Our property Is located three-fourths
and Is only twentv miles from the smelter
Denver. There are thirteen stamp mills
We are not mine promoters, but ask
best mining propositions In the country,
stock at 15 cents per share, non-assessahle
worth par value in a short time. This
there with plenty of gold In It.
1 - - . , . .
c air iiavniK no fine a salary rxiei inonr wi,iriiik iii iiiv iinnr. i" v.. 2
to pay, and there will be no expense of this kind until the mine is paying divi
dends to Its stockholders. Our books are open to any prospective purchaser of stock.
it is self-evident among the people or
pin county, though dating hark to 1S59,
of mineral, mostly gold. Is as yet only In
have only scratched the surface of these
4448 Farnam Street
Also with the Nebraska Telenhone company. Eighteenth and Douglas streets, tele
phone $, Omaha, Neb.
This sounds extravagant, but It comes
to you from the largest real estate firm In
the world a firm whose financial standing
Is respected and appreciated by the largest
banks and financial Institutions of this
country a firm whose sales of New York
property throughout the United States
mounted to more than $3,2dO,ouo during tne
past year.
ine orrer which will make you lnflepena-
nt Is the selllna of our New York City lots
In your community. Ours Is a proposition
which stands absolutely alone. As an In
vestment It simply has no equal In the
country, and every agent who has ever
taken hold of It with the energy required to
successiuny carry on any business nas
made for himself thousands of dollars. A
single agent, way down In Alabama, whose
name will be furnished on application,
made over $10,000 In less than six months;
nother distant agent made over $5,000 In a
little town of 3.500 inhabitants, and we have
ozena who are now earning at the rate
of $2,000 a year and upward without seri
ously interfering with tneir regular busi
ness. This offer should interest any man of
ability and character.. Our Alabama agent
Is one of the most prominent lawyers in
his state, and he did not undertake the sell
ing of our properties until he had been to
New . York and satisfied himself beyond
peradventure that all we claimed for our
proposition was true, and more than true.
We want high class, capable and energetic
representatives In every community we do
not want canvassers, uur business is con
ducted on a high plane, so that It appeals
to the very beRt class of Investors.
An opportunity sucn as this is rare inueea.
It enables you to associate yourself with a
growing business a business that Is sure
to develop into practically a national in
stitution Just as large, just as strong and
Just as deBlrable as the great insurance
comnanles of this country.
your name and address win bring runner
particulars. References win be required.
Address A. D.. 26. Wood. Harmon & Co..
267 Broadway, New York. Y-9 2
TO GET In or out of business call on Wil
liams, Room 411, Mccague building.
Y" 96$
SALOON and restaurant.
A snap. L. L.
Y-M552 t
Johnson Co., 14 S. 15th.
WHEN you want to buy, sell or exchange
your business or property quicK see j.
H. Johnson, 843 N. Y. Life. Y-M969
WANT to buv. sell or trade a business
jo see vvusun, warnes to., ii 10 in
raxion iock. m
POR SALE, insurance, land and rental
business, paying $1,600 to $2,000 per year;
nice town, northeast Nebraska; good of-
uve auu reriueuce. auuicbi ui,
FOR SALE Grocerv store located down
town, doing good business; owner nas Desi
reason lor selling; no reasonaoie oner re
fused. Address N 19. Bee. Y-M433 N2
ONE of the largest Insurance corporations
in America Is extending Its business oy
the Introduction of a new cheap form of
accident and sickness policy, giving ex
traordinary llbeial benefits for very small
premium, Issued to men or women, re
gardless of occupation; active men wanted
as general agents and solicitors; exclusive
territory; ptrmanent renewal contract as
suring large Income immediately and con.
tinuously; previous experience not neces
sary. Address for full information and
Instructions, International Company, 231
ctroaaway, iiew jura. i aijia t,
. tris vat-d n virv v,nu X T i"t V U-V
WAUU .Wi ll -..-
A safe Investment, weekly dividends, sums
OK w up rectriveu, yuur auuiijr ina, at
your command and all money to your
credit can be withdrawn on demand. We
have earned and paid between 6 and 6
per cent each and every week. This Is
no gambling, but a legitimate business
proposition; best of references throughout
the United States. Write for our booklet,
free. Address H. Brolaskl 4 Co., Suits
403. 356 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111. Y
EAROA1N Half nterest In a well estab
lished abstract business in nortnwestern
Iowa: aood opportunity for a young man;
will se
cheap or traoe ior norm uuscia
land. C,
A. Dodge, Devils Lake, North
LIVERY business In good Colorado mining
camp, doing an excellent Business, trice,
only $3,500 which includes real estate, Im
provements, carriages, stock, etc.. all In
good condition. Cash or term. A great
snap. Write at once for full particulars.
J. 11. Brandebury, 621 E. 4 C. Bldg., Den
ver, Colo. Y
for SALE, atock of general merchandise.
Invoice $16,000.00; good location. Address
c. m. tstreet. ci. joseon, mo. i
$10 EARNS $3 every 15 days; larger amounts
in proportion; eeiiu lur r.iicumi. i.aiiuiiai
Fiscal Agency, 67 Brooks Bldg., New
York. Y
E. J. ARNOLD 4 CO. of Bt. Louis, Mo.,
raca horse owners ana oooamaxere, in
vite the speculative public to an Investi
gation of their methods. This is an old
and long established concern, amply re
sponsible and reliable In all its dealings.
A rigid inquiry into their business will
develop a condition unattalned by any
other investment proposition ever offered
for public participation. Subscription to
their capital may be made In amounts of
$.0 and upward, subject to withdrawal In
full on demand. Dividends paid In cash
fifty-two times every year. The best pay
ing safe investment In the country. Refer
ences: Banks, trust companies, commer
cial agencies, St. Louis business men and
prominent men everywhere. For full psr
tlculars sddress. E. J. Arnold 4 Co.. 9th
and Pine Sts., St. Louis. Mo. Y
MONTHLY dividends of 1 per cent; we are
,hu mlnlnff lnv,llm,n( in I Ii
United States, one paying 1 per cent
monthly on your Investment, and which
will soon be paying much larger divi
dends; 50 cents per share, par value $1;
ask for Sonora prospectus and bank ref
erences; easy monthly payments. Roan
uk investment Co., 2o Marquette Bldg.,
cnicago. 111. Y
FOR SALE Livery stock In a good town
In eastern Nebraska doing a good busi
ness. Address M Ut. Bee. .'
TYPEWRITER RIBBON for any machine
25c; send for our new catalogue; premium
with every order. Herbst Office Supply
Co.. 140 Monroe St., Chicago. Y
FOR SALE OR TRADE A full line of
farm Implements and buggies doing a
good business in a Hveiy town or e.uuo; a
good bargain. Address Lock Box 1103,
Plattsmouth, Neb. Y
BUY December wheat and corn now. $Ki0.O0
invested In wheat or corn by our Modern
Methods should result In large profits
with n 30 days; write tor particulars and
send for our book. "Modern Methods for
Safe Investments." Flower 4 Co., Bank
ers and Brokers, Traders' Bldg., opposite
Board of Trade. Chicago. Y 44 2
FOR SALE The best paying bowling alley
In the slate, at Albion. Neb. Two alleys:
doing big business. Owner going to leave
the city. Investigate quick. Apply to
Box tKl(. Albion, Nsb. X M7US 4
and Is composed of Omaha snd Ns-
midst of some Of tne oesi prraui'ri m n.-
two full claims, snd Is surrounded by aucn
tnlnna nn the north and northwest. thrt
and Justice, on the. south and southeast,
of wealth. . ,
liowu wttn a .nver rim; nn wuri .
central part It abounds with rich OOI.U
for w feet.
to the smelters, which have given satis
running an air shaft from one of the
through a body of ore that made $5M)
of a mil from the Black liawK depot,
at Golden, Colo., and forty miles front
ami two sampling works at Black Hawk.
your aid In helping us develop one of the
for whlrh we will give value received, In
and fully paid when Issued, which will be
mine is no prospect noie, as me ore is
l V. a I n m r A tRm want
Colorado that the mining inausirr oi un-.
with a production to date of over $101.0'in.00a
its Infancy, as you might say; the miners
famoua foothills of tne great itocgies.
Sec. and Treas.
Telephone 1903
Monday, November 3, all capital placed
with us will earn an average weekly divi
dend of 6a. Write for our booklet, en
titled. "When All Else Has Failed," fully
explaining our plan. This Is no aehem
of questionable merit, but sn absolutely
safe and legitimate business proposition.
Best rcfeicnces furnished. The Mason
Teller Co., 615 Dickey Bldg., Chicago, 111.
Y A4 1'
EARN valuable New York suburban lot
for light services. Send stamp quickly foi
deed. Villa Homes, 1S7 Broadway, New
York. Y
CAPITAL SECURED to promote Industrial,
electrical, manufacturing ana mining en
terprises. Willis Todd, 25 New York Llfs
Bldg., Omnha. Y 608 2
FOR BALE Insurance, land and rental
business paying $1,600 to $2,000 per year.
Nice town, northeast Nebraska. Good
office and residence. Address, M 67. Bee.
r W7 2
NOTICE We can sell or trade your busi
ness or real estate no matter where lo
cated. Send description and price foi
method. Century Brokerage Co., 810 Olive,
St. Louis. Y-734 2
A $20 INVESTMENT In grain or stocks by
our "New Option Deal" method payi
larger profits dally than $250 In arty othet
way. A new plan of speculation for small
investors. Write for particulars. V. M.
Traylor A Co., Brokers, Open Board of
Trade building, Chicago. Y-7$J 2
AGENTS, $30 to $50 weekly easily made; we
prove thlt: luminous nameplates, numbers,
olgns, readable darkest nlgtits; sample!
free. Right Supply Co., Englewood, III.
Y-687 2
BUSINESS man or woman wanted to open
local office and handle best medical ap
pliances ever devised; nothing like It;
simple, scientific, effective, especially for
home treatment; absolutely covered, by
broad patents; liberal inducements snd
territory to right party. Hygela Vibra
tory Co., Auditorium Bldg., Chicago, 111.
Y-682 V
procured under South Dakota laws for
a few dollars; write for corporation I awe,
blanks, bylaws and forms to Philip Law
rence, late assistant secretary of state,
Huron, Beadle county, South "Dakota.
Y 679 2
$100 WILL BUY confectionery an cigar
store, complete In South Omaha; Investl-
fate. Address or call 2oth and I, St.,
outh Omaha. Y 767 2
HOTEL, furniture. 50 rooms, modern, fins
location, city, paying; price reasonable.
J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-766 3
WANTED To buy stocks of general mfT
chandlse for cash. Address E. Truehsft,
South Omaha. Neb. Y 763 2
DOCTOR'S two thousand-dollar practice
free to purchaser of property, Oklahoma
railroad town. For particulars addresa
N 34, Bee. Y-760 2
FOR SALE, a good livery business snd
whole livery outfit In good condition. Ad
dress Box 178. Blair, Neb. Y 76$ 2
READ THIS LISD Hotels, restaurants,
cigar stores, grocery stores, general mer
chandise, hardware. Implements, shoe
stores, bakeries, rooming houses, barber
shops, laundries, undertaking business,
confectionery stores, news stores, print
ing offices, flour mills, blacksmith shops,
office business and many other kinds ol
business places for sale In Omaha and
country towns. Call on me, no mattet
what yon want. Williams, room 411, Mo
Cague bu.'ldlng. Y 765 2
$25,000 will buy large profitable concern;
business Immense; owner wishes to retire.
See Williams, Room 411 McCague building.
Y-714 2
WOULD you like to earn a handsome
weekly Income on a moderate Investment
with all the privileges of a savings bankT
No work or worry. This company Is
managed by experienced and successful
business men of high stsndlng; prompt
payments; send for free booklet; refer
ences. C. W. Davidson 4 Co., 61 Broad
way, New York. Y 748 2
SYSTEMATIC speculation In wheat is very
profitable: $100 invested pays $2 per day,
remitted weekly. Send for free book ex
plaining option trading. Oaborn Grain
Co., $13 Phoenix Bldg., Minneapolis, Minn.
Members Chamber commerce.
Y-9 f
CASH for your real estate or business, no
matter where located: If you desire a
quick sale send us description and price.
Northwestern Business Ajrency. 312 Bank
of Commerce Bldg., Indianapolis, Minn.
THE California- Nevada Mining Co. guar-
antes a per cent per month In dividends;
have $16.0ii0,000 In night; writs for pros
pectus. W. H. Baldwin 4 Co.. Brokers,
Volckert building, Albany, N. Y.
$1 BARNS $0.25 A DAY-Particulars sent
free. U. 8. Co-Operatlva Investment Co.,
503 5th Ave., New York. Y-6i$ f
SMALL Investors make big profits.
jonn a. nyan .:o-uperauve investment
Co., an old established firm whose relia
bility Is unquestioned, pay b weekly on
Investments of $10 upward. The skeptical
don't see how this la possible, but the wise
reserve their decision until they receive
particulars and are able to Investigate for
themselvea. Paying of dividends at rats
of t per cent weekly la no experiment, but
a positive fact. Wrsie for particulars,
which will be sent free. John J. Ryan Co
operative Investment Co., N. E. Cor.
Fourth and Locust, St. Louis. Y 654 2
AN ENERGETIC man. with good business
qualifications can secure managerial posi
tion with Wisconsin corporation, capital
ised for $100,000; must coma well recom
mended and be abls to take atock In coin-
rany during term of engagement, from,
1, 50 to $3,000, earns to be taken up at ex
piration of agreement. This company Is
composed of the -representative business
men of Milwaukee; salary H.JO snd lib
eral commission. Address John Budgs.
secretary, Wells Bldg., Milwaukee, Wis.
Y-662 2
$4,000; clean stock, good business, Ne
braska town: consider good eastern Ne
bI!' J"i submit offer. 3. H. Johnson.
N. Y. Life. Y-7H7 t
against frauds, endless chain schemes,
bogus mining and oil companies, Irregu
lar bookmaklng and turf propositions Is
easily secured through reliable Informa
tion furnished by our reporting depart
ment; our reports protect, our law da-
fartment enforces speedy settlement of
ust claims. National Financial Report
ng Ass n. 19-20 Fltsgerald Bldg . Indlsn
spoils, Ind. Y 722 f
FOR RENT, fruit, grain and stock farm la
S. E. Neb., near station, about 1st acres,
10 acres In Orchard; will rent to right
man with teams and help. A number of
farms to sell, lleury C. (Units, Falle City,
Neb. Y-M718 I
Bt. LOUIS. MO. "