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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 2, 1902)
J8 THE OMAHA DAILY IlEKi SUNDAY, NOVEMDER 2, 1002. Tiie Omaiia Sunday Ber K. noSEWATEn, EDITOR. rUBLISIIED EVERT MORNING. TERMB OF SUBSCRIPTION. F tally Bee (without Sunday), One Year.H .M (ally Bee and Hunriay. cine Year i.0 Jlluntrated Bee, Onf Year t "0 Sunday B, Onp l'efir 1 Puturday Hee, One Year 1-M Twentieth Century Farmer. One Year.. l.OO DELIVERED HY CARRIER. Pslly Bee (without Sunday), per ropy... 2o Dally Bee (without Sunday!, per Wek...l2c Dully Bee (Including Sunday), per week. 17c Sunday Hee, per ropy "0 Evening Bee (without Sunday), per week 6c fcv-nlng Bee (Including Sunday), per week 1C Complaint of Irregularities In delivery Should b addressed to City Circulation De partment. OFFICES. Omaha The; Bee Building. Bouth Omaha City Hall Building, Twenty-fifth and M Streets. Council Bluff 10 Pearl Street Chicago NMfl Unity Building. w York 232S I'nrk Row Building. Washington W)l Fourteenth Street. CORRESPONDENCE. Communications relating to pewa and edi torial matter ahould be, addressed: Omaha (Bee, Editorial Department. BU8INE8S LETTERS. Business letters and remittances should tie addressed: The Bee Fubllihlng Com pany, Omaha. REMITTANCES. Remit by draft, express or postal order, Jiayable to The Bee Publishing Company. )nly J-cent stamps accepted In payment of mall accounts. Personal checks, except on Omaha or eastern exchange, not accepted. THE BEE PUBLISHING COMPANY. STATEMENT OF CIRCULATION, f tate of Nebraska. Douglas County, s: Oeorgw B. Taarhurk, secretary of The He Publishing Company, being duly sworn, ays that the actual number of full ana complete copies of The Dally. Morning. Evening and Sunday Bee printed during h month of October, was as follws: 1 80.T0O 17 81,820 2 80,0.T0 18 81,400 1 81.10O 19 80,400 4.... SO.OTO SO 83,240 E 20.3S0 21 82,830 6 81,200 22 31.6T0 7 80.010 23 31.T40 ....... 81.0T0 24 32,100 31,000 25 31,140 10...... 31,100 M 20.2S5 ll....w. 32,000 27 81.0T0 12 A 20,020 2S 81,600 13 ai.ano 29 ai.oao 14 31,230 ) 82,300 15 31,040 81 81,830 18 82.T0O Total 800,015 Less unsold and returned copies 0,872 Net total sales. 9ft0,743 Net average sales no,009 OEOROE B. TZBCHUCK. Bubscrlbed In my presence and sworn to before me this 81st day of October, A. D. 19I. M. B. H UNGATE. (Seal.) Notary Public Cable advices do not lay what is tbo keynote of tbe striking Paris musicians. The brut part of every political cam paign la thut It comes to an end when the votes are counted. If this keeps up banks will soon have to adopt almost as careful safeguards against robbers as against cashiers. From the pace be is setting in his ex ploits In Europe, Charles M. Schwab cannot bo worrying about his health. For soma unaccountable reason the political mathematician has not exer cised his talents this year with half his fronted versatility1. Grover Cleveland is , out . of politics permanently, but ho . cannot refrain from giving his fellow democrats advice .whenever sufficiently urged. Tom L. Johnson's fisticuff with a too plaln-Rpokcn political critic Indicates that he puts more faith In arguments of forco than in forcible arguments. When a few more arrests are made Df the ghouls engaged in the great grave-robbing conspiracy Indiana may again become a safe place to die in. One thing may be safely predicted of the new general manager of the Unlou raclfic he is sure to be In perfect har mony with the president of the road. Marie Corelll occupies a lot of space In an English magazine to call the Yankees "vulgar." On that subject she feels Just us the old slave drivers of the south did. Lucky for Andrew Caruegle he will not be called on to pay troty when he returns to this country on all those de grees and decorations that are being conferred on him abroad. With the president enjoying himself on a wild turkey hunt iu Virginia, no physician's bulletin is needed to con vince the public that he has fully re covered from his recent sick xpcll. Virginia's new constitution Is said to bo highly successful. The test of suc cess for the latter-day coustltutiou in all the southern states is its serviceabil ity In extinguishing tbe negro vote. i.. n President Loubet of France would like to settle a miners' strike that is threat ening to prostrate French Industry. If be falls to secure an adjustment of dif ferences he might refer the mutter to President Roosevelt. General Corbln. in his report as adJu tant general, favors the restoration of the army post canteen. General Corbln may consider his name as already in scribed on tbe Woman's Christian Tem perance union blacklist. The consensus of party press opinion as the campalgu concludes Is that every candidate, from coustable up, on every ticket of every party everywhere, Is the best qualified, most deserving aud most certain to be elected. 81r Thomas Llntou politely Intimates that it is the yachts and not their own ers that are to race something worth remembering by tbe yachtsmen on this aide of tbe Atlantic when their exuber ance spurs them on to over-boastlug. i , Now that the completion of the last Stretch of the ltrltlsh imperial cable opens the way for the electric spark to circumambulate tbe globe, some man overweighted with money ought to achieve notoriety by sending messages vound the world addressed to himself. EMAXCirATlOX vn hvbjvoatios. The time has come for republicans who desire to curb the political power of corporate monopolies to assert them selves through tbe ballot box. All pa triotic, liberty loving cltlr.ens will place country above party. In the present campaign this Issue has been forced upon us by the managers of the railroad corporations, who propose to ride rough shod over tbe people of this district by overawing wage workers and suHsldlz- Ing shippers through lawless conces sions. Tbe Issue summed up In three words Is "Subjugation or Emancipation." The outcome depends upon tbe moral cour age of the bread-winners and business men willing to assert their manhood In spite of threats of disfavor or tempt ing promises of reward. This Is by no means tbe first time the attempt has been made to dragoon the citizens of Omaha Into abject submission to cor porate rule. More than a quarter of a century ago an iron-heeled alien power, which sought to dominate over the people of this city and sThte through arrogant managers obeying the mandute of an alien directory, met with Inglo rious defeat. We feel sure the people of today are as patriotic and as cour ageous as were the pioneers of the 70s and will assert themselves In this emergency. Omaha should assert Its right to govern Omaha without tho aid or consent of nonresident railroad magnates or nonresident railroad attor neys. The sovereign citizens of Omaha and this congressional district will not wear the triple-plated brass collar nor obey tbe edict of a corporate autocrat As American freemen they know tbclr rights and will maintain them. A YtRT PRACTICAL QUESTION. Tho question of forest preservation Is a very practical one and a great deal of interest Is being taken In It, par ticularly in those western states where destruction of the forests has been mak ing rapid headway during the last few years. Trof. Leibeg of tbe United States geological survey has expressed the opinion that the accessible forests of the country will not last another fifty years under tbe present drain of timber cutting, grazing and fires and there seems good reason to accept this view. During the last forty or fifty years the drain has been enormous and It increases from year to year. In sec tions of the country where formerly dense forests existed not a tree has been left standing and the raid on the western forests is more vigorous now than ever before. Nearly all tbe tim ber lands available bave been occupied and means are being adopted to con vert the growing trees into commercial lumber. The destruction thla year by forest fires is believed to have been more extensive than in any previous year and this fact has greatly stimu lated Interest in tbo question of forest preservation. ' ' A Sail Francisco paper, in urging state action to supplement that of the na tional government, says that the extent to which the forests bave been wasted by fires and by careless methods of lumbering is itself a serious fact, but far more serious is the fact that the waste Is going on with a greater rapid ity than ever. "On the Pacific coast alone during tbe past dry season we have seen many millions of dollars worth of noblo forests swept away. The destruction has ranged from Wash ington southward through Oregon and tbe whole length of California." Tho matter is one that certainly merits all the attention that Is being given It A CALL TUB COSSERVATtSM. There is a feeling among many of those who are prominently Identified with financial and Industrial affairs that the time has come for the exercise of greater conservatism In all depart ments of business. This feeling is voiced In tbe address of Mr. F. A. Van deiiip, formerly assistant secretary of tbe treasury and now engaged In bank ing, lie has recently investigated com mercial conditions abroad and reached the conclusion that for tbe present our exports to Europe have reached the high-water mark. This Is Indicated In the fact that during tbe last fiscal year there was a considerable decline in the exports of domestic merchandise and the falling off has continued thus far in the current fiscal year, of which four months have passed. Tbe balance of trade continues to be very lurgely In our favor, although there has been a very material Increase in imports, but In the view of Mr. Vanderllp "the edge Is off our invastou of foreign markets" and while our totals are still colossal, tbe rate of increase which they were making has been checked. While seeing no cause for alarm, Mr. Vanderllp believes there are elements of possible dunger In tbe situation. He recognizes the favorable conditions and the advantages of this country over Its competitors. He does not doubt that these advantages will place us foremost In the world's commercial ranks. But he thinks that wo bave perhaps been moving at a too rapid gait and tbat now some restraint should be applied, In or der to avoid a dangerous and possibly disastrous reaction. There are many financial and business men who will concur In this view. Indeed some have been giving a like warning for a year or two past, insisting that unless there was a change in tiuunclal and business methods serious trouble would inevita bly e4isue. It was to be expected that sooner or later" our exports to Europe would decline from tbe extraordinary proportions they had attained. European countries could not go on buying from us freely as they had done without break ing down their own industries and thus producing a reaction by depriving the masses of their people of the resources with which to buy. To a certain extent tts Las already come about The Amer ican Invasion has so unfavorably affected Industrial conditions abroad that the purchasing power of the people bns been very materially reduced. It was tboupbt, ho"tvcvcr, that whatever might be lst In Europe would be mode up for in other quarters of tbe world. This Is not being realized, though pos sibly It will be In tbe future. Trade with Asia Is Improving, but not rapidly. We are making little If any progress In South American commerce. The outlook for trade with South Africa Is not In tbe highest degree encouraging. The decline In our European exports, there fore. Is not being offset and may not be for years to come. The real danger, however, Is not In the condition of foreign commerce, but as Mr. Vanderllp suggests In the ex traordinary financial operations due to Industrial combinations. These opera tions are In violation of all accepted laws of finance and It continued must inevitably produce disastrous conse quences. It Is reassuring, therefore, to find men associated with financial af fairs alive to the situation and ready to Kint out tbe possible daugcrs. "We have the choice of one of two things," said Mr. Vanderllp, "either to practice wise discretion or to go on borrowing on the future. The first course Is con sistent with continued prosperity; the second Will bring confusion, disorder and paralysis of tbe whole constructive Investment." iXlTIA T1VE AUD ItEFEREXDCM. A prominent Jobber of Omaha, who has been confidences! into an endorse ment of the candidacy of David II. Mercer by the good government nias- querado under which the respectable and law abiding element Is to be roped Into voting for the nonresident con gressman, declares that "great strides have been made toward tbo radical change in the government of our city affairs, tho initiative of which has been taken by tho republicans and independ ent voters." What constitutes tho in itiative is not clearly indicated, but pre sumably it refers to tho Mercer-Bald win police board and tho alleged re forms instituted by it. What this brace of sham reformers have done to Improve the police government of Omaha or the moral status of the community Is not visible to tho most penetrating eye. The reform board has publicly sup pressed Dennlson and privately sought to negotiate terms with him for contin uing business at the old stand, on con dition that ho would help to carry the Third ward for Mercer. Publicly the sham reform IToard has suppressed all slot machines, while pri vately It has allowed them to run as heretofore, Publicly the midnight ordinance and the Sunday closing ordinances have been vigorously enforced, but the hinges of the front doors and the back doors of saloons are ptlll swinging inward and outward the same as ever. . Publicly Mickey Mullen and all the variety shows and wine rooms have been denounced and suppressed. Pri vately they are etlll running Just as heretofore, with the full knowledge and consent of the sham reform commission. In these instances and in the suppres sion of criminal vice the initiative Is very much at variance with the referen dum. While Mercer stands for re-election as the champion of a moral house-cleaning next spring, he has been debauching the voters of Omaha and South Omaha with liquor and his camp followers have kept the towns awake with hilarious and disgraceful orgies. But there are none so blind as those who will not see, ana the good, reputable, law-abiding Jobber who has received a Mercer tip from railroad headquarters cannot possibly be expected to discern anything Improper In the Mercer campaign of corruption and general debauchery, masquerading under the cloak of morul reform and good government NEBRASKA'S CUKORKSS DISTRICTS. Because of the failure of the legisla ture to redlstrict the state, Nebraska will elect representatives to the Fifty eighth congress from the same districts as heretofore. As a consequence the out come is more or less in doubt In five of the six districts. The First district may be safely counted upon to re-elect E. J. Burkett by a substantial majority. Mr. Burkett ha? served only two terms In the house, he has kept himself closely identified with his constituents, has lent active support to his party's tickets In succes sive campaigns and has given general satisfaction. Ills fusion opponent, II. II. Hanks, Is an estimable young man of amiable disposition whose inexperi ence In public affairs gives his canvass the character of an amateur experiment. By way of consolation for Mr. Hanks, we may say it will be no discredit for him to be beaten by Mr. Burkett. In the Second district the republicans have forfeited their claim to the seat in the house by renominating a nonresident congressman for a sixth term. The reasons why Mr. Mercer has no right to ask or expect support necessary to elect him have been fully set forth in The Bee. A man who never visits bis con stituents except once in two years when he wants their votes. whoVckets al lowances for clerk hire and distributes cadetships by personal favor, who mis uses tbe franking privilege to cheat Uncle Sara out of postage, whose highest conception of legislation is to trade in appropriations, who Is a deadhead on the party, never helping anyone but him self, whose nomination was procured by flagruut frauds In the primary, should never have been nominated and cannot be elected by fair means. In the Third district everything points to a close race, with the odds In favor of J. J. McCarthy, the republican uoml nee, as against present Congressman Itoblnson. Mr. McCarthy has vigor aud ability, coupled with the experience of two terms In the legtslatuie, and his qualifications for a place In congress are conceded by all. Mr. Robinson has not signalized his term of office with any noteworthy service, and as between the two Mr. McCarthy should win. In tbe Fourth district the fepuldlcans have In E. II. Hlnshaw a brilliant young attorney who has been making an effec tive campnlKii. His opponent. Congress man Stark, rend himself out of tbe race when he declared he would not be a candidate for re-election, and the fact that he later reconsidered his announced determination docs not Impair the rea sons he gave why he should be retired. He has monopolized the place long enough and should no more ask for a fifth term than Mercer In tbe Second should ak for a sixth term. The only arsuments used for either would keep both Stark aud Mercer In congress on a life tenure. In tbo Fifth district the iepublcan candidate, G. W. Norris, Is also pitted against the sitting fusion congressman. Judge Norrls has nu enviable record on tbe bench aud Is in every way better fitted to represent the district than Con gressman Sballenberger, despite the lat ter's experience of one session's service. Judge Norrls has always run ahead of his ticket when aspiring to Judicial office and will surely be elected if he does as well comparatively in the im pending contest In the Sixth district tbe republicans are for Judge M. P. Kinkald and the fuslonlsts for General P. II. Barry. Judge Kinkald has made the race twice before, each time with distinct gains, aud a cor responding gain this time will achieve success. Tbat he has superior qualifica tions for the position to those of his op ponent is self -evident as General Barry's advanced years must necessarily Interfere with energetic work at Wash ington. Both arc on the same plane so far as legislative experience goes, but Judge Klnkald's sen-Ice on tho bench would give him advantage as a law maker. A review of the situation lu the vari ous Nebraska districts, therefore, prom ises noteworthy chunges- in our congres sional delegation. Our representation is now made up of two republicans and four fuslonlsts. Tho new alignment ought to give the republicans four, if not five. of . the Nebraska members of the Fifty-eighth congress. WILL TiCr DARE1 A railroad officer who has exhibited pernicious activity In several political campaigns has given It out cold that the construction gang brought Into East Omaha from Iowa and housed In cars during the past week will be voted next Tuesday, deputy sheriffs or no deputy sheriffs. If this Is the program determined upon by the allied corpora tions it Is presumable that the con struction forces imported from Colorado, Wyoming and other neighboring states, that have been planted within the pust two weeks in Douglas and Sarpy coun ties, will attempt to vote next Tuesday In defiance of law and the authorities. Tho manifest purpose of dumping these nonresident aliens on the railroad lines thut converge In and near Omaha Is to overthrow tho will of the people of this congressional district in the in terest of David H. Mercer, who was foisted upon tho republican vlcSet by coerced corporation employes and rail road graders Imported from Iowa, sworn In on perjured affidavit at the repub lican primaries. Against this audacious conspiracy to destroy self-government Tbe Bee enters most earnest remonstrance. The man agers of railway corporatlous have no more right to organize raids upon the ballot box than a gang of masked road agents would have to hold up and loot a railroad train. If anything, the crime contemplated by tho proposed Invasion of nonresidents Is more heinous than robbery on the highways. Property can be recaptured and restored to its owners, but the wrong perpetrated by election frauds cannot be righted. Free institutions can only 'be main tained by free elections. To substitute tho individual will of corporation man agers, acting singly or bunded together, to domineer over the people, through Imported aliens, simply means the over throw of free government. It is a high crime, more reprehensible than levying war against the state. The question is, Will they dare? 8TASD1XO Br THE LAW. President Roosevelt has again given assurance of his purpose to uphold the civil service law and to enforce Its pro visions regardless of who may be af fected thereby. Having been informed that contributions were being solicited by public officials from persons lu the service of tbe government, he issued an order calling on all officers and employes of the government to comply with tho requirements of the civil service law in regard to soliciting contributions for po litical purposes and warning them that the provisions of the law, as construed by the attorney general, would be en forced. The law' Is clear and specific in regard to contributions for political ob jects, so that no one can misunder stand it. This action of President Roosevelt will be heartily commended by all who be lieve that those In the public service should not be subjected to enforced campaign contributions, which is prac tically whut solicitation amounts to when made by men lu official life. It Is one of the most vuluable features of the civil service law that It forbids the old custom of enforced political contribu tions and the president has always been a thorough believer In the law. Our Dave seems to have sent a dis tress sipnal down to tbe national con gressional committee to get another re plenishment of his campaign barrel. As a result Chairman Babcock has given out uu interview saying that while they do not neej Mercer, his associates would miss him. Mr. Babcock need not have uny fears of that kind. When Dave Is defeated be will stay right at Washing ton, only la the role of a professional lobbyist Instead of In tbe capacity of nonresident representative of a Ne braska district. Mollneux hardly needed to tell the court that he is Innocent. Every man Is presumed to be Innocent until the contrary is legally proved. The New York courts heretofore In his case ap (icared to have proceeded on the French theory tbat every man accused of a crime Is presumed to be guilty. Foreign commissioners for tbe Iouls tana Purchase exposition appear now to to making headway securing promises of participation by the European gov ernments. How much of a foreign ex hibit would St Louis bave been able to muster bad It tot postponed tbe event from 11)03 to 1904? It's all nousense to talk of a workable union among the Latin-American na tlons In any hostile sense against the United States. Those countries cannot unite or agree. Hardly one of the whole orray can even run its own government or stick to any one policy six months at a time. The decision of the Iowa supreme court, holding that In prohibition coun ties express companies cannot deliver original packages of liquors C. O. D., shipped from other states, will, of course, cause the goods to be paid for in other ways. "What a Fall, Mr Countrymen." St. Louts Globe-Democrat. Two dollars and a halt of Mexican sliver are now required to purchase a dollar ot American currency. The Mexican coin will eventually drop to a level with the Kansas City platform. Another Joy Outlawed. Baltimore American. Nebraska physicians have denounced kissing as a most unsanitary expression of happiness. Tet how do they expect to bring tbe world, especially tbe rapturous part of It, into such a perfectly reason able state of mind as to stop to think ot the possible presence of bacilli In bliss? Cause and Effect. Philadelphia Record. Fcr tbe first time within the memory of Its oldest physicians Havana bas had a year in which no case ot yellow fever originated in Its confines; a condition due solely to the thorough cleaning given it during our occupancy of Cuba. Tbat sanl tary methods will prevent disease Is a doctrine which should not require teaching In this country. A Deadlock Impossible. Cleveland Plain Dealer. Tbe president's appointment, with tbe ap proval of both sides, of Carroll D. Wright, commissioner of labor, as seventh member ot the arbitration commission, will do more than render deadlocks Impossible. It will give a voice and vote to tbe one man on the board who will approach tbe delicate task with full knowledge of tbe details of both aides ot the controversy. Work and Waarea. Indianapolis News. , Living expense may be greater than they were two or three years ago. But tbore Is no doubt tbat tbe average man, finding employment easy to get and wagea higher than ever before Is not greatly dis tressed at tbe greater cost of food or rent. Men feci tbe plncb when, no matter bow cheap food may be, they are out ot work and have nothing to buy with. Aa Well Bar the Moon. Minneapolis Tribune. Ifn't tbe Missouri Valley Homeopathy association afraid that It will make that school of medicine unpopular? In a recent session at Lincoln, Neb., It adopted a reso lution instructing Us members to use every endeavor to suppress kissing, "because It Is unsanitary, silly, idle and entirely without Justification." Thla may all be true from a cold-blooded scientific standpoint, but It will take more than one medical association to abolish, or greatly lessen, a custom that has tbe sanction of sentiment and romance. Pretty Rood Scheme. New York Tribune. America does not bang breathless on tbe theories concerning It and the progress of Its Inhabiting peoples slowly fusing Into one as the years go on which are enter tained by the general run of German so ciologists; but some of them may be worthy of passing attention. Prof. Varkandt says that if we are going to rule tbe world a good while, as Rome did, we must keep up a high standard ot living and education, and at the same time bring up large fami lies. Tbe scheme Is not a bad one, but we are already carrying it out after a fashion, the professor's countrymen helping us prodigiously so far as tbe latter part of tbe proposition Is concerned. GENEROSITY OP CHI RCHES. Millions Contributed to the Various Hella-loas Enterprises. Leslie's Weekly. Those who believe, or affect to believe, tbat religion Is declining throughout the countries of Christendom will find no sup port for their pessimistic notions In the figures showing the amounts already col lected for tbe "twentieth century" funds started by various denominations la this country and Europe. These funds bave al ready reached a total of $40,000,000 and tbe promoters of these enterprises are confi dent that they will bave tbe balance ot $10,000,000 more. Of the amount raised, more than one-balf is credited to Ameri can churches, the Methodists being far In the lead In liberality. Tbe Canadian Meth odists started In to raise $1,000,000 and bave already secured tbat and $250,000 be sides. Tbe Presbyterians ot Canada set out for tbe same $1,000,000 goal and bave already gone $500,000 beyond It. It is especially gratifying to note tbat all these enorjious sums bave been col lected at an expense ot less than 1 per cent of the total, and also tbat In spite of this generous giving it has in no way in terfered with iUc T'iu'.ir contributions to missionary societies and to tbe support of churches. On tbe contrary, all religious societies show an increase In receipts, and there Is hardly one tbat Is not out of debt, a condition that bas not obtained In years. Tbe funds collected are to be used first for tbe payment of cburcb debts, and after tbat for tbe endowment of colleges, mis sionary societies and other religious Insti tutions. As giving and doing are always closely related. It is unbelievable that this out pouring of millions for tbe extension of religion at borne and abroad will not be speedily followed by a corresponding de velopment and Increase in the spiritual life and activities of tbe churches. The open band and tbe open heart generally go together. rERSOJAL AND OTHERWISE. Chicago embaltners bave formed a nalon They won't do a thing to nonunion stiffs. A new society theater In New York City opened with a plsy entitled, "Tommyrot Tbe eternal fitness ot some things Is ane of tbe wonders ot the age. The fact Is worthy of record tbat church fair was brought to a successful finish without the hlatorlo oyster. But tbe season Is yousg yet. Local reports of the Mollneux trial In New York throw aa Interesting sidelight on the mysteries of the wardrobes worn by women In the court room. Tbe ra.lty of fires In and about Wall street Is regarded as one of the mysteries of New York. It Isn't so very strange considering tbe amount of water la tbat locality. The fact that the bouse breakers la Chi cago, In two recent Instances, were scared away by tbe women occupants suggests a new avocation for tbe animated cbromos of tbe town. A Judge ot one ot tbe higher courts ot New York City recently proclaimed the startling doctrine that pedestrians have equal rights of way on streets with trolley cars and vehicles. That court must be set down as a back number. Chicago has jailed Its tax Oxers and St Louis Is energetically moving lta bribe givers and bribe takers in the same direc tion. Such symptoms of papular lndlgna tion turns an index finger to the signboard of graft, "Don't get caught." The vibrant poetlo muse which vibrated between Chicago and Indianapolis seems to have strayed into Kansas. Its latest song Is vibrant with tears. Listen: "A dear sweet one bas gone away; she will no longer weep; we see her footprints every where, but we cannot see her feet." COLLEGE TRAIMXO AUD BlSlXESS, Colleae Men Wanted by the Great Electrical Companies. Electrical World. The American college has been for many years the backbone of our whole educa tional system. Ot Its Immense usefulness and high Importance the achievements of Its graduates bear witness. Of late It bas often been decried by tbat class of our fellow countrymen whlcb holds tbat ' a finer and more valuable ethical training Is to be found In apprenticeship in a broker's office, but those who thus protest furnish their own sufficient condemnation. In our profession such doubts are settled once for all by tbe great electrical com panics In demanding a college education In those who cast their lot with them for technical training. But tbe present anomalous statua of the college is due perhaps more to Its own laudable but ill-judged ambition than to tbe pressure of the times. For many years President Eliot, one of tbe moat able and progressive educators of this generation, bent every energy toward lifting tbe college by Ha bootstraps to the plane of the foreign unl verslty. The chief effect has been to push the college Into the existing dilemma. It Is crowded from above by tbe necessity for more time In tbe professional schools, and for a nether millstone It finds the secondary school that Its own bands have fashioned, And truth to tell, tbe college is losing heart It bas virtually surrendered Its last year to professional electlves, but tbe sacrifice has not served its purpose. The latest suggestion from no less eminent a source than President Butler of Columbia is for a two-year college course leading to post' graduate training, and a parallel four-year -course for such as may desire It. We hope this experiment may not be tried, for Its success would mean the disintegration of the college as It has been, and the in troduction of nothing to take Its place, The American student is not fit for post graduate university work at tbe end of bta sophomore year, and will not be until his training In the secondary schools is more thorough and less diffuse than It ever yet has been or is likely to be for some time to come. Nor can one successfully serve two masters, college and university. If tbe American college la still to remain a part ot our educational system. It must stand by Its old Ideals and neither re treat nor compromise. It Is capable ot giving a splendid training for professional study, or In the so-called humanities, but It cannot do either In two years now any more than It could a quarter of a century ago. It cannot turn out well-grounded men by the simple process of tagging them A. B. at the end of three years, and It would do Its noblest work In repressing the tendency to hurry instead ot encourag lng It. If the college would do the greatest possible service to education It should sharpen Its ax, not to decapitate Itself according to tbe present program, but to hew out of Its curriculum tbe courses that demand a diffuse preparation In the sec ondary schools, and out of these latter the time-wasting requirements. Tbe student who knows a few things thoroughly when be enters college Is better fitted than he who has a smattering of many. This la tba secret ot the success of the German gym nasium. HANDS OFF THE TTRKEYS. Is the Thanbaarlvlaa" Dinner to Bo Corralrd by the Trusts f, Chicago Tribune. There are rumors current which will raise apprehension in every loyal and grateful soul that after one trust bas made coal the most expensive of luxuries and another trust bas rushed up the price of beef to the top notch, still another is engrossing all tbe gobblers with the intention of fleec. ing consumers upon various pretext, such aa scarcity ot poultry, wet weather which killed oft the young broods, and unusual mortality among tbe elder birds. It Is generally believed that there Is no shortage of turkeys In tbe country. There Is a general conviction that the turkey market Is cornered and tbat various great corporations, ostensibly engaged in pack ing beet and pork, after cornering tbe hens and the eggs, bave had their agents out gathering In the turkeys also, with ulterior designs upon Thanksgiving and Christmas. "Corporations bave no souls" and trusts bave no sentiment. All Is grist tbat comes to their mills and moat everything comes to them. A tradition- which goea back for centuries bas no sacredness for them, provided money can be squeezed out of it. It is possible by Thanksgiving time coal may be had tor cooking by the average person, though at a fclgU price, but will the average person, who has already been squeexed nearly dry, be able to have tbe turkey to cook? And It Is not alone tbe turkey that Is In peril. Tbe trust or the trusts servants hare bad their unhallowed hands upon nearly everything else. Pump- kins bave gone up in price, though the frost Is on millions ot them all over the country. Apples bave advanced, though the apple crop never was bigger than It is this fall. There la not an Ingredient which enter Into plum pudding which baa not reached almost prohibitive prices. A trust bas audaciously and greedily levied upon the Thanksgiving dinner and will exact tolls which may make It ex tremely difficult for the whole nation to be grateful, as It will be exhorted to b by tba president, by governors and by tbe clergy. If tbe trust rorrala the Thanks giving dinner there will be little gratitude displayed. Taka everything else, but sara us our turkey, plum pudding and pie on tbat one day at least. BLASTS FROM RAM'S IIOR. Buaaaaun-aa Charity seldom crawls out of a crowded purse. Taint cannot make a picture by Its own power. Poverty makes a goodly frame (or the pic ture of purity. It Is no use praying for bread while we are stealing butter. No amount of culture could make a cab bage grow Into an oak. Efforts do not always produce the best effects in spiritual things. It Is possible to smother tbe tire of teal by too much fuel of effort. The only fruit tbat will keep In the king dom Is hand-picked and heart-packed. Too many church rolls are only cradle rolls and tbe preachers expert rockers. To make the church a fashion parade Is to turn tbs cross Into a clothes book. DOMESTIC PLEASANTRIES. Chicago News: She Miss Thlrtyodd tells me that she has promised to marry you. He Did she? I thought It was more like a threat. Emart Set: Robblns I didn't think you had any Idea of marrying the widow. Newlywed 1 didn't; It was an Idea of hers. Detroit Free Press: "Will you be en gaged this evening-?" "Well, I don't know. I half expect Mr. Bright to call." Cleveland Plain Dealer: "You asked her father for her hand?" Yea." "And be refused you?" "No, he didn't. He said I could have both of "em." Baltimore News: Bryl Although I don't tare a bit for him, Jack remains desperately In love with me. 8:byl Have you tried to discourage hlmT "Yes, but he etlll loves me." "Then the only way to euro him of It Is by marrying him." Chicago Tribune: Bister Durham Well, you've read the list of conference appoint ments. How do you think you like Brother Millsap, the young man that la to preach, lor your rhurch the coming year? Bister Middleton I've got nothing against Brother MlllRap, but I don't like the bishop for sending him to u. Philadelphia Press: "I love, you," Mr. Polk, Stammered. "I've been trying to say this to you for months. I know I have been slow, but, oh, I hope I am not too late." "You will be, I'm afraid, If you don't rtart now. I hear papa coming down stairs." Indianapolis News: She hud been shop ping, and ho was naturally disturbed. "1 hope you didn't spend much money while you were" down town today," he re marked. "Not a cent, except car fare. George," Fhe, answered, reassuringly. "I had every thing charged." New York Weekly: Old Hardcnsh-Yea, Miss Youngthlng has given me some en couragement; at least she hasn't refused me. 1 presume she wants to make sure that T am no older than I aay. Friend No, she doesn't. "Kh? Then what can she want?" "She wants to see if you come of a long lived family." OX THE OVERLAND TRAIL. James Barton Adams In Denver Tost. Here's a song for tho days, the herole old days When the West tried the mettle of reso luto men. Ere the eun of Progression had melted the hase Of the mystery hiding the land from our ken. Here's a song for the heroes, the "cusses" so tough. Who popped their great whips when the schooners set sail And ang their wild songs aa their pipes they would puff While pounding along on the Overland trail. Not a snap of the calloused old fingers carea iney For the dangers awaiting them out on the . Plains As they yelled at their bulla and went roiling away . In the alkali dust of the slow-moving trains. Away through the billows of flickering heat. I'pneia ty a courage that never could fall. With a sneer for the perils they knew tney wouia meet While pounding along on the Overland trail. The signal from acouta who were sleuthing aneaa ; The parking of wagons with panlcless haste: The wild savage yells that would waken me neao; The Indian sallv deflamtlv fared. The battle, the flight of the reds In defeat; Borne graves over wnicn the coyotes would wail: And on moved the train through the Bhlm- menng neat That quivered and danced on the Over land trail. Where now are tho heroes who swung tba Rreai wnips That popped o'er the backs of the labcm lng bulls. Who chose not the language that rolled irom tneir lips When tho wheels furrowed Band In the hardest of Dulls? But few yet are dodging the Reaper's Bn Diaar, Yet totter down life's ever-narrowing vale- Yet linger and dream of the parts that While pounding along on the Overland trail. Hera's a song for tbe lively old days that are gone, 'Are now but a blur upon memory's psge When the faateat of freight was by bull And the fastest express was the lumber- Inr !,. The tourist who now In rare luxury rolls ... .c. mo guiitri mif rail Glvea never a thought to the valiant old Who pounded along on the Overland tralL SR The Fit of Glasses Is of tbe greatest importance not only for comfort but to avoid actual danger. The lenses must be accurately ad Justed In every way and correctly centered. Many opticians careful In other respects often overlook the Importance of accurate fitting. We give It special attention and have frames of every size snd shape on band, enabling us to supply the cor rect slie add style at all times. J. C. HUTESON & CO., Manufacturing Opticians 313 So. lttth St. PAXTON BLOCK. SAM J. FOX Instructor In Physical Culture 1404 FARNAil ST. Uaefasoea Books aua Apparatus.