if THE OMAHA DAILT BEE: srPAY, KOVEMilER 2, lf02. 19 '.I OCEAN TO OCEAN. The Fame of the Kellerstrass Whisky Extends All Over the United States. 7 H ! ' .1 r V I That "a prophet 1 not wlthoat honor, save In his own country," bu so often been verified In relation to persona and thlnf in Ktmu City, that It aeema almost su perfluous to call attention to It a;ain. but tbe fact la It baa been ao strikingly Im pressed upon a roan from Kansas City hla experience aeema worth the telllna;. This man has just returned from the east, and while there ha noticed that In every paper which ba picked up thera appeared tha name of the Kellerstrass Distilling com pany of Kansas City. It alwaya occupied a conspicuous place and waa alwaya telling a tout whisky. Tha man had heard the rame often In Kansas City and had used Kellerstrass whisky- himself, but beyond the fact that tha article was exceedingly good he knew practically nothing and had t.ever taken the trouble to Investigate. But the regularity with which the name greeted him every time be read a paper caused him to do a Utile Investigating on his return to Kansas City, the result of which caused htm to exclaim: "Who would have thought 111" tho would. Indeed, when It Is made kauwn that here In Kansas City la a whisky house which has CO, (WO regular customers scattered all ove" the United Btates, from Maine to California and from Florida to the northern limits of Minnesota, The mam moth scale upon which this company trans) acta business la truly In keeping with the progressive age In which we now live, and wins tha admiration of everyone who ap preciates the ability and perseverance necessary to develop such a business. Tbe advertising of tha company covera the en tire country and the amount of money spent for this publicity la very large, amounting to an average dally expenditure of JTUO. All the shipments of the company are prepaid and tha express companies alone receive tTS.000 a year. The postage bill la enormous, the company using last year 116, OCX) worth of postage stamps. These figures convey but vaguely an Hea of tha gigantic business done by this company. A year ago the company went into quarters of Its own, but these proved too small and additional room haa been secured at two different times and the company la again cramped for want of floor space. These are things to make even the enterprising Kansas City man think and I: la only a wonder that mora do not know of these facta and realise the Immensity of the dealings of this house. The Kellerstrass Distilling company owns and operates Its own distillery and bottles its own whisky. There la no other such bottling plant in the United States. The building la located at Fourteenth street and Baltimore avenue, and the grade being very steep there it is enabled to take Its whisky directly from the barrels In which It comes directly from the distillery and place the Uquod in huge tanks on tha top floor, although the teams may drive di rectly up to them. As soon as tha whisky Is poured Into the tanks a United Btates government agent seals and stamps them so that there la no possible chance for adul teration. From this time until it is poured Into a glass by the consumer the whisky la never touched by human hands. The tanks being upon the top floor, the whisky runs down through troughs and tubes to the bottling machines, where it is placed in new Dottles lor Kellerstrass never uses a bottle more than once and is corked. sealed, stamped and turned out complete. without a hand touching it, tha machln doing all the work automatically. There are three of these machines, each having a capacity of 18,000 bottles per day of 10 hours. 'J hat makes M.OOQ quarts of whisky that this house turns out every twenty-four hours. The express companies are taxed to . ,r ana port thla great load every evening. Jvcllerstraaa was tha originator of the idea oi selling whisky direct from tha distillery to the consumer. He believed that tha consumer would Appreciate this plan, aa It would Insure the purity of tha whisky. there being no chance for adulteration by unscrupulous dealers. Not only Ah is. but selling direct eliminates tha middleman's profit, which In the whisky business amounts to nearly as much aa tha original cost of tha whisky. A whisky that can be sold by mall for S3.U per gallon woald cost If purchased from tha retailer at least 15 per gallon. Kallerstraaa does a mail order business that la something wonderful. Al though this department of hla business is only five years old. ha moved it last year Into his present fine building, 80x153, three stories high. Thla building was built ac cording to the needa of tha business at that time and the Increase it was thought the business would make la tha course of half a doses, years. Then, It was calcu la ted. additional stories could ba added. So rapidly did the business grow, however, the entire building was literally packed. Tha building Just east of th first one was leased for a warehouse. The relief afforded by thla added floor space was only temporary, however, and before long tha need for more room was as urgent aa ever. Arrangements were made for still another building ad joining the two already occupied, the di mensions of this building being 70x140 and two stories high. From tha present out look It Is but the question of a short time until the present bulldinas will be too small and it la the intention of the company to build additional stories to the first of the three buildings now In use. Any person of experience will at one realise that the phenomenal growth of the Kellerstraaa Dli Ulllng company is th result of practically one thing the merit of their whisky. A temporary Increase of any business may be attained by advertising, but unless the goods advertised are all that the consumer expects tfiera to be this Increase produces .o proAtable business and will not laac The Kellerstraaa company, by selling whisky of the highest grade, noted for its absolute purity and delicious flavor, hold all their old customers while securing new ones. With satisAed customers to recommend and endorse them It Is no won der that the business increases bv leans and bound. The Kellerstrass Distilling company was Incorporated last month, tha charter being received September t. The company nas kxw.uuu capital ana its net in crease la business is 21 per cent a year. That shows what Kansas City business men can do when they get started. The firm of George Peake Sons, certified accountants, has Just finished an examination of the company's books from the beginning, and nas rouna inat it is in excellent condition. without an account lor purchases on Its books. Everything is bought for cash and paid for at noon every day. the company firurlnc that every discount obtained bv laying cash la so much profit. The report or tne accountants was so good the Traders National bank and the Americas National bank gave the company permission to use their names aa references and endorsed It in highest terms. It is Interesting to look st ins nrm s list or orders lor one day. They ranae from Florida, to Oruon ml from California to New Hampshire and all the states In between. The whisky is aeni out In plain packages, free from stampings r Kuvciiuniruu, ana a man roignt De gel ting shoes for all hla nelshbora can t-lt is hen he receives his four quarts of Ju-car-old liquor. The fact that the company haa Its own distillery is a strong card wiin buyers, becaust they know that no distil lery would rend out cheap, adulterated grods under their own stamp. Th Keller. stress company could not tamper with tha hhky If iney desired, for once It is In tha srreai vats on mm top noor or the bottling works It Is invisible until It show through the bottles. Ernest Kruerstraes, tha presi dent of the company, is a believer In Kan sas City and its Industries. He buys all his bottles there, everyone of which bears his cwn name. He also uses Ksnsas City made boxes and ail other articles which tie ran procure there, la hla eies-ant ofnew he has a fine case of his own bottled products, and every one of the bottles Is ''full of sun beams." The cleanliness, the diuat-h the cleverness with which all his goods are. " . """Ir great pride to Mr. Kellerstrass. and he never (alia to find delight In showing visitors through hla im mense plant. The force of tniDlovu noo... aary to run so Urge a business is a little 1,1 iiu yum us ssr. skeiierstrass best friends is Kansas City's postmaster because of the arret Quantity of -i.,. used and the money order business this house transacts Is said to tha the sreataat la tha world U its Una. greatest i n I XJS. t g SB Bl W 1 bottle beaisiJJj A pi P fvC& I Most Famous tllf'iy Whisky J -'t I In America. . T'-l I X Direct - - - ' - i - - - " " " ""' 1 " ' " i - i '"") ''j-'I'l''" ' 1 NO MARKS ON PACKAGE TO INDICATE CONTENTS. "If Kellerstrass" Rye Whisky Is Not the Best Why Do Others Try to Imitate Millions and Millions of Bottles Sold 8 Not One Dissatisfied Customer! lye Read Our Special Offer: Most Famous Whisky In America. From a United States Registered Distiller 1 to Consumer Send Us Your Order for (4 FILL QUARTS OF 10-YEAR-OLD RYE EXPRESS PREPAID. FOR t ..j And we will send you, free of charge, two sample bottles one twelve, one fifteen-year-old Rye, a corkscrew and a gold-tipped whisky glass. We make this offer simply to get you to try the goods. We also have this same brand eight years old, which we will dispose of at 52.50 per gallon, in lots of two or more gal lons at one shipment. We also give sample bottles, glass and corkscrew with these goods. All our goods are put up in full quart bottles, and sent ex press prepaid. If goods are not satisfactory, return them at our expense and we will refund your money. It is almost impossible to get pure whisky from v-dealers. These goods are shipped direct from the Distilling Company, which guarantees their purity and saves middleman's profit. We are the only Registered Distillers in America selling to consumers direct the entire product of "Our Regis tered Distillery;" others who claim to are only dealers buying and selling. $1000.00 OFFER. iliilt'll'iiivi-'iiVjil'iriiv;!!:::' mil Alls .'iP. ll'ij IT'L' 11 t AtsjXa-J B U 11 II s Ik 1 Ba bTC'KT "VTT ATD AT T I ... . I , ll I II I' "', . ... ... St. a; : :v 1 11 m, Mifha "J:'i!!:i it 1 :!'!;( .n. -i .1, !;l:.il'l("''l "!! ; :..!!. !'!l'rl; !!jU ,'L lan-.U -1. T. fk. -vte .-.... . . v-. s m mm m s J: j llllliijil'lpfelll'irilaa , aisMSMSM"FSI ik. L,'l ""' " '" ' I V .. !" :. feA k ,!:! i miMHi , is ''''' r 61' - i -! . s i 1 1 1 '..,:,,,, iDISTIUiDlS KANSAS CITY,MO.,U.SAj l I -.i..: ' :U! .:.::. . :. Z R. w, R. W. JONES. JR.. Preatdeirt. J. MARTIN JONE5. Vlcs-Prest. UNITED STATES DEPOSITORY Ne. (44, O, B. ORAY. Cashier. LAMAR ROSS. Ass't. Casklsr. CAPITAL $250,000.00 Surplus and Profits $75,000.00 The American National Bank Or KANSAS CITY, MO. Nov. 4, 1601. To Whom it may eoneernt This is to certify that the KELLERSTRASS DISTILLING COMPANY have this day deposited one thousand dollars (81000.00) In Gold with us, and authorized us to pay it to any one who will prove that there ever was, or ever Is a drop of whisky taken out of their Bonded Warehouse, located right at their United States Registered Distillery, No. 22, 6th District of Ulssourl, that is not absolutely pure, ac cording to United 8tates Government Inspection. ws also authorise tne abore back to return your money to yon and etianre the same to nn inu.1 n ren And that we do not do Just as we advertise. We have over th"ej T hundred inj twenty thoueaSwW t 60O) customers In the United States, whirti ousht to speak for Itself. You can bn ,Zt LIT.Vi 3Li"di?i i A u nsvtr mt-li tO th Thn rrnn lnr or loJbr. Avhinrrinsr our jantlr nivw A , s-s- AT" w aw VViiSUUiCI UU VtJU A GrtPrifl 1We want 20000 people to try our Whisky in the next 20 "r days, and we are going to spend $20,000.00 to get this num ber of people to try it Here is our proposition to readers of this paper One galon of our Ten-Year-Old Rye and one gallon of our Eight A 'ear-Old Rye would cost you $5.65. Send us $4.65 and this advertisement, show ing that you read it in this paper, and we will send you the above two gal lons of Whisky and four sample bottles, two glasses and two corkscrews. REMEMBER, you must malt us the whole page advertisement and your letter not later than November 21st, 1902. Remember, this is the big gest Whisky ad that ever appeared in a newspaper in America,- also re member it is from the biggest Whisky Mouse in America. You know us. We have advertised in this paper for years, but this offer will never appear again. Kb bu. KELLERSTRASS BLOCK, KANSAS CITY, MO. REFERENCES AMY BUNK OR EXPRESS COMPANY IN KANSAS CITY. NOTE Orders from Arizona, Celorido, California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mciico Oregon, Utah, Washington, Wyoming, Florida, must call for twenty quarts, prepaid. ' The above firm are sole owners of Registered Distillery Na, 22 of ths Sixth District of Missouri. When writinr them please mention The Omaha Bee.