Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1902, EDITORIAL SHEET, Image 13
ESTABLISHED JUKE 19, 1871. OMAHA, SUNDAY MORNING, NOVEMUEIl 2, 1902. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. nn 3 J II Head (he money Baring chances In eTery department. Va rieties in newest goods that will pleases eTery. taste. Agents for Bnttericfs patterns. Agents for Tama Mai," tie new, Bilk lining. - Mail orders filled. Bead the silk sale and the great lace announcement. r ; The Leading Dress Goods House of tho West Monday wa will tore out aerem! 11am a! good la tha Ugh grade dress goods -department at a great deal leas thaa it costs us. These lines have beea broken, yet titer are a good Una of colors. BXACK DRESS GOOM. i 2M Cheviot, XkO Faxolla. FrlesUr'S . Black Fanrlne and other lines of black I goods, worth up to $3Li a yard, 7011 r I cbotoe lor alonoay 0017 at. ! a yard COLORED iJKKHa OOODB. 125 Xrp1n's SUO Colorwd Etamlne, gQ Lepln'o $2Jt Etamlne, la colors, Q fl Ixtpla's tUO Voile, la colors. 5 0 ILtrpta'a fUO Mistrals, la colors. gQ -fotesr'a'fLM Novelties, for Monday j JQ only, at. a yard I HP Onr IJ 00 Scotch Tweed, for Monday I J fl ( at, a yard IH Onr $1.50 Scotch Tweeds Monday at, Afl. a yard 3QW Onr $1.60 Broadcloths, In colors only, QQr at, a yard Oif1 ' Onr $2.M Broadcloths, In colors only, IOC ! at, a yard I' 3 Monday in tho Bargain Room Ws srs now prepared In the Bargain Room to aell good merchandise at a lower price thaa person In this city owns these goods. Wa have searched tbe markets and will place on sals Monday the most sensational bargains that were ever seen In this ST any other town. NO DEALERS. PEDDLERS OR MANUFACTURES SOLD TO IN THIS ROOM. ' Just read the following Items: WOOL DRESS GOODS. SL50 broadcloths, $1.98 suitings. 6Vlnch brUllantlnes. $2.60 plaid backed golf cloth and 11.60 navy cheviots will be on sale Monday at a RQn yard, 76c and 09 All wool slbellne, all wool German hen- rlettae, all wool Venetians, worm up to 11.00 and 11.60, MQn for, a yard - HI1' All wool challls, for All wool French flannels, , for ' Albatross walstlngs, for 25c 25c 49c A nice aSKortment of wool, allk and wool dress goods for Monday, QQr at a yard Other drees goods, in wool and part wool, for . 19, 15 . - 10c atnd ' eeeeeaeeeea . IV BILKS. A large line of silks to select from In the bargain room, in jacquarus, moires, taf fetas and otner ailka, . ,. .. ' Qf for 4, 39, 35 and 3 COTTON DRESS GOODS. . , . Tile finest fleeced double-fold Imitation French flannel, by the yard, on the cen; trr bargain table, sold everywhere for la nd lc: your choice of 600 styles in? Monday, at a yard t ............. IUV Old and 19o percales, Eg ' for ....... V .JSo Canton flannel, ' Ifjc -,fJ6e sllkollnea, IQc I for ........ i.M.i-ini wi IS ' jSc plaid dress goods, I for Vo mercerised linings, In black and colors, for esc. cretonnes, for ..8ic ..10c ..I0 LINENS. tl.25 two-yard table damavk, TKo. , bleached, for e,uftthem r.lanufacturers' Stock Salo To more fully Impress upon your mind why we can sell th?se goods so cheap, we again give you the names of the manufacturers whose surplus stock ws bought at from one-tnira 10 one-naii pn, Bonnet Cohen, Furs. Shaft Sllbertnann, Ladles' Tailor-made Butts and Jackets. Furtle t Felstiner, Tailor-made SulU and Jackets. Kltxlnger Zelenko, Children's and Misses' Jackets. Conhalm Co., SulU. National Waist Co., Flannel Walste. Brown Hyman, Skirts. Max Solomon, Bilk and Wool Skirts. B. J. Mann, Suits. And many others, making In all about 160,000 worth of manufacturers' stocks. This Is why we are selling more ladles' tailor-made garments at less prices than any house In the west. BOHXET & COHEN'S FURS Women's heavy capes, made of 4-X beat quality, lined with heavy furrier's satin; others ask you $90.00; sale price, 169.00. Women's beaver Jackets, made of 4-X quality beat beaver, lined with heaviest furrier's satin, linings guaranteed two sea sons, sals price, 69.00. Women's astrakhan capes, 30 Inches long, lined with Skinner's satin; others ask you S2S.00; sals price. 111.50. Tho Millinery Salo Newest and most exquisite milllnsry In this sals at about oas-thlrd regular price. Every hat Is nobby, stylish and up to date, and becoming. The swellest creations of ths leading milliners to select from. Thou aan&s of dollar's worth of newest bird's plumes, tips, pompons, breasts, ostrich and fancy feathers for trimmings, at astonish ing euts la prloes. SPECIAL PURCHASES OF STREET HATS OO IN THREE LOTS Lot 1 0o very flae street hats, new gtylss, regular $11$ values, oa aale at 60ot Lot 118) woman's slegaat street hats, vary stylish, worth p to $1. aa sale at 75c. Lot I i00 Tory Boast and most fashiona ble street bate that sold up to $3, on sals at Mc Big sals oa charming and stylish new Batters hats aad trimmed hats Monday. MILLINERY FOR CHILDREN ON SPE CIAL 8ALB MONDAY. ilk riMM tii rf.n uuiu iiciia iiiui .tin Interest Every Woman Only on pattern to a customer. EVENING SHADES. 106 shade In Read's Lausdowne. PtrlcUy confined to Omaha for Hay den Bros. Broadcloths from $1.50 to $5.00 a yard, every evening that la made Is found br. Mlatrala at aVo, (1 and up to, I C ft per yard ...... 9U Cream Cheviots at Cream Yachting Serges at, and up 100 150 And In fact everything that makea up a nrst-clasa evening ehade stock. WAISTINOS. 35 Waist Patterns, ranging In price from 15. 6ft to $15.00 per pattern. Theae are em broldered and appllquea by the moat es pert artists of Prance. In order to close out this line we will sell one pattern to a customer at, for entire IA pattern . I') SAMPLES OF DRESS GOODS BENT FREK ON APPLICATION TO OOT-OF TOWN ADDRESSES. T3c mercerized table damask, MOn for H10 (Napkins to match.) - 25c towels, ISc for ..................... im,,ii 11. Ill 12Hc and 16o towels, itC for IU Cotton blankets, . AQc for Tw Wool blankets, I OH for from (438 to Quilts, 75c ror rrom 60c turkey red table damask, 9Kr for ft9b Sc turkey red table damask, IC for ItJ CLOTHING. Boys' suits, I 9K -for J1.95 and...;..M.w........-ail Boys' long pants, for too and .... Boys' knaa pants ..75C ...35c .95c for 60o and mm.... Men's pants, for Sz.76 and FURNISHING GOODS. Men's 76o underwear, for 35c win Hnun mnn'a fine weave fleeced lined underwear, in plain and fancy colors, in . alios from 30 to 44, made .to sell for .Bey on sale Monday 35c One lot of men's part wool ehtrts snd drnwers, worth up to Mc, 9 tin on sals for ..i...' a, wv Men's heavy Jereey ribbed overahlrts In blue, brown and black. 1 AQc on aale for Children's ettra heavy fleeced lined ehlrts and drawers, all elses," 9K for 10, 15. JO and Ladle' fleeced lined verj and pants, In silver gray and ecru, regular 60c 9 Hp Quality, for ....fcO Ladles and children's full seam less stockings for .10 Women's mink acarfs. very best Colorado mink, sold In this town for llO.Od; sals price, only $5.00. B. J. MANN'S SUITS 200 of them, high grade, the finest In ths lot; they were made to sell up to $50.00; sals prices, '$14.00, $18 00 and $22.60. TURKEL ft FELSTINER AND SHAFF I SILBERM ANN'S SUITS About 160 of them, made to sell at $16.00; sale price, $7.98. 200 suits, blouse, Norfolks, single and double-breasted, In dress and pedestrtenne sliits, made to sell as high as $20.00; sale price, only $12.60 and $10.00. WOMEN'8 COATS FROM THE BEST MANUFACTURER In NEW YORK CITY (we cannot publish his name) 1 lot of Monte Carlos, blouses, tlght-flttlngs, and 19-Inch coats, worth up to $18.60; your Choice for each. $10.00. . Women's Monte Carlos, satla lined throughout, trimmed with braid and but tons, made of very best American woolen mills kerseys, world-besters, at $6 50. Z'i women's loose back raglana, n.ou. WAISTS FROM THE NATIONAL WAIST CO., Canal street. New York: 40, doxen women's flannel waists, slab, orately trimmed, nearly all mads of French flannels, as shown la our windows, for each, $1.60. . ' ' 25 doxen finer ones from a well-known manufacturer at $2 00, $3.00 and $198. 1 lot of whits waists, msde of ths new heavy materials, at, each. $1.00. SKIRTS FROM THE STOCK OF MAX SOLOMON AND BROWN a- HYMAN; 150 silk skirts, aa shown la our window, worth $15.00; sals price, $7.60. 500 women's pedestrtenne skirts, trimmed with satin bands; there Is no better mads at $1.60. INFANTS', CHILDREN'S AND MJSSSS JACKETS from the stock of Kltxlnger Zelenko: 600 children's and misses' coats. In reds, tana, blues sod csstors. In all new styles, high storm collar, full lengths, well worth $6.60; sale price, $2.96. ' China Department Something new, Lettuce Green Tea Seta. pieces, this is ths lateat fad In coloring. per set S&c. Splendid llns of bisque figures at 2So and up. Just received direct from France deco rated Havlland A Co. china In open stock patterns. German earthen ware, baking dtsbes, for Tc and up. Beautiful vacs reading lamps, globs to match tbe vase, thess lamps ars sold regu lar for $260 to $3.60. Ws are putting 600 of them on aale tomrrow at $1.16. , Decorated cups and saucers, fine china, 6e each. Oa exhibit tomorrow Miliars new electro lite lamp, burns calcium carblds and water, at the cost of We per hour. Ons light Is squal to a dosen gas Jets, safe, convenient aad a child can operate It, the most aonUcal light yet discovered. r"3 flow? By buying Wll V' localise the tariff on every yard of lace brought into this country is CO per cent G0c J added to every dolar's worth and every yardof lace bought in England, France, Germany, etc., costs f 1.60 when taken from the custom house in this country. Tariff act 1897, page 159, paragraph 331, of Vandergrift's United States Tariff book. And as A complete lace factory has recently been erected and are now placing their product on the market at 60 per cent less than the same goods can be imported, Ilayden Bros., recognizing the immense saving this means, have secured the exclusive sale of these goods for the city of Oniaha and no other firm can secure these goods for sale in Omaha unless they purchase them from us. ZION LACE INDUSTRIES, Zion City, Lake Co., Illinois, U. S. A,, Oct., 20, 1902 Hayden Bros., Omaha, Neb Dear Sirs Yours o! Qctober 1 6th received, and in reply will say that we will today forward your shipment of goods, as per understanding; in this letter. Namely, that you are to have exclusive sale of our product in Omaha. The lace curtain business is included in this offer. Thanking you for your favor, we remain, Yours faithfully, j ZION LACE INDUSTRIES, RTd. R. M. W. Arthur Stevenson, Mgr. The lsce curtains mentioned in the fore going letter are not yet off the machines. Due notice will be given when they are re ceived. LACK SALE THVRSDAY. These laces ars now on exhibition in our windows and will be placed on ssle Thurs day. We also have a large stock of tbe regular imported line of laces which we will at once close out. These goods slso go on sale Thursday at from one-half to one-third 'the regular price. In fact, the opening sale of these United Ststes-made laces will be msde In Our Vash Goods Dept. Monday White fleece back pekay walattngs, yard 25c Silk spot crepe albatross, all colors, yard 25e Washable 86-inch albatross, all colors and black, yard 20o Fleece lined albatross for walstlngs and . dresses, yard ISo Extra heavy dress flannelette, every new style, ysrd lOe French flaeaelette, full yard wide,- ele gant styles, ysrd ...4 12Vio Mercerised striped fancy walstlngs In dark colors,. yard.. 25c Fsncy shirtings, new styles, printed on white ground madras, yard 20c White shirting madras cloth, 32 Inches wide, ysrd .-. 19o 75c Quality Black Figured fiercer zed Walstlngs per yard 29c 60c Quality White Figured Mercer ized walstlngs per yard sc YAMA-MAI The new all silk lining fab ric in 60 shades (all the new shades to match any dress fabric) ,a popular all silk, strong, durable and sightly lining at a price much lesa than taffeta. Sold only In Omaha by Hayden Bros, in drees lining de partment, width 19 Inches, price, ysrd 45c. Flannel Department 1 esse K white linen and wool flannell, per yard 25c, worth 40c. 1 cases extra heavy Shaker flannell, per yard, 4Hc. 2 caaes extra heavy embroidered skirt patterns, each 25c. 20 different patterns, 44-Inch wide, all wool skirting flannel, per yard 69c. Ded Dlankets t esses 11-4 white and gray wool bed blankets, per pair $2.49. 1 case all wool gray bed blankets, per pair $2.TE, worth $3.50. t cases 11-4 extra large and heavy, all wool filling tan and gray bed blankets, per pair $3.49, worth $5.00 , 20 cases tsn and gray cotton blankets, per pair 49c. Ded Spreads I caaes extra heavy blue, pink and red bed spreads, to close out at $1.25 each. ' I cases full slxe extra heavy Marseilles pattern, each 89c 1 case full slse marsellles bed spread, to closwout at $1.49 each, worth $2.60. Jewelry Dept. Keep your eyes on our watch department. Fall atylea in bent makea arriving dally. A gentleman'a )-year guaranteed gold rase. Elgin. Wslthsm or la nn Hampden movement, aale price.. I iSU Ladles' xv-year gold caeK Elgin, Waltham or liampden movement. If rA tor II. OU A complete shipment of Rogers' silverware lust received and aelllng at lowest prices. Everything In silverware and cut glass. A beautiful American cut glass bowl. & Inch slse, regular price $8, Q iSfl 'sals price OsUO Just received a new lot of the gold shell rings. In prettiest patterns, aet of plain or chased at only 60c . q f" and ..IOC Nickel watchea, American move- QQ. ment at 90C Optical Dept. EYES CAREFULLY EXAMINED FREE la optical department by expert refractlon lat. Proper . lenses In up-to-dats frames mads by ths American Optical company oa sale at greatly reduced pricea. Come to us and save money. JU your lnces at Hoyden Bros. New Lace Dept. A GRAM) LACK SAI.K DAY. and laces will be sold of all descriptions from lc per ysrd up. Lace bands, galoons, allovers, appliques, Medallions, Irish crochet, French Vellour, Point Paree, Venice, Flanen, etc. The greatest lace 'sale In the history of Omaha Thursday. THESE LACES are made In Zion City, Lake county. 111. The plant covers seven seres and has eight acres of floor space. The men employed are lace experts and particular attention Is called to the supe rior quality and flnlsh of these goods. We fully recognize the fact that tbe lace aeason Is practically over, but this, coming November Furniiuro Sale mmmmm Those handsome pieces of furniture that add so greatly to the beauty of home may be had In this great sale at a cut of one third In prices.' Our Immense ' new pur chases are now all In, and there is an ex quisite delicacy of flnlsh and design, high quality and up-to-dateness to every piece that cannot be surpassed. Now Is the time to buy. Elegant new sideboards, roomy, correct, swell effects, on sale at $14.75, $12.85 and $9.95. Bedroom suits at $10.00, $15.60 and $11.90. These are worth fully H more they are new and desirable In every way. Couches, comfortable, swagger, strongly constructed, on sale at $5.85, $4.95 and $3.75. Carloads of chairs In all the different styles and finishes, for all purposes, every one dependable, on sale at 75c, 60c and 49c Hundreds of rockers. In the best designs, carefully made from best selected woods, all styles, nothing nicer made, highly flu ished. sale price $1.95, $1.50 and $1.25. A big shipment of extension tables Just received and now on sale for tbe first time all styles and all Blzes. A splendid line of 60-foot osk extension tables on sale at $4.95 and $3.95. Center tables In endless designs, dursble and ornamental, suitable for every purpose and occasion, aale price 75c, 48c and 39c. Kitchen cabinets on sale at $2.95. Iron beds, a grand assortment, from the plain, chaste designs to ths most Intricate and ornamental your choice in this sale only $2.50, $2.00 and $179. Carpet Sale Special carpet prices one-third below the prices others mske on tbe same goods: Wilton velvet carpeta, with borders to match, if wanted, yard 98c Bruasels carpeta, good quality patterns. yard 59o Extra quality Brussels carpet, some with borders to match, yard 69c Columbia Brussels rsrpet, one ysrd 4de, very servlcesble, yard 78c All-wool lngratn carpeta, yard. ..49c to 656 9x11 Brusaela ruga $10.00 9x11-3 Wilton rugs .. 9x12 Smyrna rugj .... 7-foot window shades 19.95 10.00 ...25c Draperies ' Astonishingly low prices on curtains and draperies. Ruffled net curtalna $1.59 Ruffled muslin curtains 69c up Nottingham -curtains 65 up Tapestry portieres.. $1.65, $2.50, $3.00 $3.25 up Figured drapery goods In denims, ere tonres, Roumanian cloth, silkollnes and Japanese. Sash curtain rods 5c Extension rods for lacs curtains 10c 0) JV WW UjUUU as It does a complete new deal we are anxious to place It before our customers at once. The sale begins Thursday and we will GIVE AWAY FREE of any charge a lace doylle made In Zion City on thess lace machines to each pur chaser of $1.00 worth or over of these new laces. We want every lady In the city of Omaha to see this line of laces. It will pay you to buy now. but If you do not care to pur chase, come In and examine them. The doylies given away, are worka of art, are suitable for dressers or center table pieces, or for cushion tops. Linen and Muslin Department Big sale on table linen and napkins. Mon day we will have a special sale In this de partment. Including muslin and sheeting. 58-ln. Bleached Damask In beautiful de signs, which sella regular at 35c yard, Monday for 19o 64-ln. Cream Damask, which sells regu lar at 35c yard, Monday for 22c 60-ln. Cream Damask, all linen, extra heavy quality. 75c value, Monday for, per yard 490 72-ln. Bleached Damask, all pure linen, extra heavy quality, $1.00 value, Mon day for Sic 72-ln. extra fine double sstln damask, sold regular for $1.60, Monday for.... 98c size napkins to match above damask, for, per dozen.. $2.90 Napkins aize Union Napkins, $1 value, for. per' dozen JDc size bleached Napkins, all linen, $2 value, for, per dozen.. $1.39 Muslin and Sheeting Bleached Muslin, regular 6VkC, for, yd..4c Unbleached Muslin, regular 6c, for, yd..4c 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, regular 18c, for, per yard 15VsC 8-4 Bleached Sheeting, regular 18c, for. per yard 16c 9-4 Bleached Sheeting, regular 20c, for per yard ISo 42-ln Bleached Pillow Cases, regular 11c, for, per yard 8o 45-ln. Bleached Pillow Cases, regular 12Hc for, per yard 9V4o 81x90 Ready made bleached sheet, 60o value, Monday for 49c 81x90 Ready made brown sheets, 50c value, Monday for 42V4o Remnants of table linen and toweling at greatly reduced prices. Pianos Pianos Pianos Piano purchasing Is made very EASY In OUR MUSIC ANNEX. Piano buyera have no trouble In decid ing on an Instrument when they once visit our Piano Department. Here they find the largest assortment of standard makes ever seen under one roof west of New York, All our pianos nice, new, clean, up-to-date Instruments, all the latest designs of cases and the prettiest veneers to be found on the market. The Instruments we handle are all guaranteed both by us and the man ufacturer. They are built by the best skilled labor. Only tbe best material that the market can afford enters their con struction. Many of these beautiful pianos are being used todsy by many of the world's greatest artists both In this coun try and Europe. Our prices are always the lowest and terms so arranged that mostly any one can own an Instrument. We call your attention to auch well known makes as Chlckering, Fischer, Decker, Krell, Wy man, Conover, Cable, Haines, Franklin Keller, Wellington, Jacol) Doll and Estey pianos. We also have aeveral other makes to select from. New pianos for rent, pianos tuned, moved and repaired. We carry the Chicago Cottage and Estey organs. Tel. 1683. Sheet Music All the music from the comic operas "8ulton of Sulu," "Wizard of Oz" and "Tbe Storks," on sale In our muslo de partment at reduced prices. Ws are headquarters for everything In tbe sheet music and book line. Mall or ders filled the same day we receive them. Id) L 3 Omaha's Greatest and Most Popular Silk Department Great Sale of All Kinds of Fine Black Silks We bought a lot of real fine black silks on sale commencing Monday. There never was a time when black alike were In such strong demand, and the bargains that this grsnd purchase enablea us to offer to you should prove a most wonderful attraction. We desire to state that every piece of these black silks has been thoroughly ex amlned and we can assure you of their excellence of quality. Many SNAPS in BLACK SILKS will fco quickly, so we urge you to attend as early aa possible Monday morning. 23 PIECES BLACK SILK on sale Mon- ny, worth 61V. for only 2.c. The quality s llemlli It ii all pure ellk and will wear lrelv. tine, tlch prick ana. remember, all t-t Ik, the regular 60c grade, 9 Co or fc' A MARVELOUS BARGAIN In FINE BLACK OR KN AH INKS, over BO ntyles to select from, and the moxt beautiful designs made for this ivaaon, in Iron t ranie, Mexi can Mesh, Pllsse, Crepon. Stripes, Checks nd Plaids. These arrnacllnea are now very lyllh all are the double, width, 44 inches Me. and worth, X2.00 and CO. $2 50. mle price US THE BLACK TAFFETAS are-the HIO- OK9T FEATURE of THIS ENTIRE PUR CHASE- BLACK. TAKrETA bargains for Monday are the most phenomenal ever offered. BLACK TAFFETAS, all silk and ennd rustle. 27 In. wide,, worth Jl.CU, RQc In this sale SV BLACK TAFFETAS, nil silk and irmd nstle, Z1 In, wide, worth $1.25, "lKr In this sale I 9U BLACK TAFFETAS, all ellk and good rustle, 27 In. wide, worth $1.50, QCr in this sale .wv Sneclal XX Black Taffeta this number Is the heaviest and strongest 27 in. Black Taffeta manufactured, especially adapted or drop sKlrti. lining or htagian coat his splendid silk la fully worth QQf w, in tms sale only ...WW 2t PIECES of REAL WIDE BLACK TAF FETA THAT GO ON SALE AT ABOUT HALF PRICK for pleating and linings these wide silks cut to splendid advantage. wo numbers, and both are an Bilk tine gtade Taffetas. iz-incn wiae laneia, worm 1 riL for It ft 9 Grand Underwear Salo HAYDEN'S BUY ENTIRE SURPLUS STOCK OF BIO LOCAL JOBBER -AT HALF PRICE. The warm season left the local Jobbers Hayden Bros, his entire surplus stock of underwear, amounting to over $10,000, to close at a sacrifice. After examining the goods the deal .waa closed for cash, and THIS GREAT PURCHASE GOES ON SALE MONDAY. Underwear of every Imaginable fabric, dren. Best finished, best quality, beat fitting garments at 1-3 to V, regular prices. Be on hand Monday. Extra aalespeoplo to Ladles' extra heavy jersey ribbed vests and pants, worth 60c, 25C Ladies' Harvard mills vests and pants. In nne jersey ritjoed neece lined, sua cro cheted, hand-finished, extra IfJ. line quality, at .t';JG Ladles' jersey ribbed combination suits, In regular ana extra sizes, in in. gray and white, at VIC Ladles' part wool combination suits, In white and gray, samples from the large manufacturers, worth $1.(0,, 98C One lot of' ladles' wool combination suits, in manufacturers samples, en worth $2.00, at .-..li0U Ladles' fine Swiss ribbed combination suits, in sun ana wool, wnne, niue anu pinK, extra fine finish, worth $3.50, a Cfl at CiOU Hen's SI.50 Underwear at 89c Men's extra heavy all wool Jersey ribbed shirts ana drawers. Mens silk fleece lined. Also all wool sulfa and drawers In fancy stripes. All regular OA. 11.50 valueB, at ttSiC Men's $1.25 wool fleece hned shirts and drawers, in pink and blue, on sale at .69c MEN S $2.50 AND $3 UNDER- 1.75 WEAK AT Men's fine silk and wool sulfa and draw ers, in the Stoneman and some of the other best makes, all regular I TC $2.50 and 13, on sale at Is I 9 Men's wool union suits and part wool, at i,, si.ou ana up. Hardware, Stoves and llousefurnishings Look out for snow-Pot ap yoar stores oSELLS ON QUALITf We have the greatest variety of Oak stoves In this western country, for soft or hsrd coal or wood. We have sn extra nice oak stove, air-tight, 12-in., for $5.49 A very fine Hot Blast, with ash pan, for $895 The Star Oak, very large, 17-ln. fire pot, perfectly air tight, a regular $20 atove, tor $14.50 Wood Air Tight, cast top and bottom, a very fine wood stove, a great heater, for $5.! 26-in. Wood Air Tight, burn anything but coal $2.95 Universal Oak, best sn earth, beet 'em all $15.95 The Universal Double Heating Base Burner, one of the very best made. for $28.50 Full size No. 8 cook, warranted, for.. $8. 93 Steel Cook, aame as a range, large 18-ln. oven, a regular $25 stove, warranted. for $18.95 (-In. Pipe 9c Coal Hods 15c Westber Stripping ,c Steel Frame Wringer 95c Double Roasting Pan 49c Cast Steel Plow Hammer 29c 6-ln. Elbows 6c 28x28 Wood Lined Stove Boarda 6'jc The best Oil Stove made $4 IS Galvanized Tubs 85c 1-piere Carving Set 49c l ib. Wall Coffee Mill 33c - A HJI mi lill 0 at a tremendous sacrifice and place them 64 in. wide Taffeta, worth $2.73. for 1.50 Three Qualities In fine Mack pure dy FRENCH 1RESS TA FFETA8 thrse are, the mom perfect Taffetas In the world rich lustre and beautifully finished. Pl'RE DYE FRENCH BI.ACK DRESS TAFFETA. 21 in. wide, worth AA. tj . on sala for -....SjO Pl'RB DTB FRENCH BLACK DRKSrt TAFFETA. 22 in. wide, worth IOC $2.25, on sale for Pl'RE DTK FRENCH BLACK IRKSS TAFFETA. 22 In. wid, worth I CK $2 .60, on sale for liWU BLACK PEAU DE SOIE. pura silk, war ranted to wear, 20 In, wide, . KTr worth $1.00, on sale for U I 0 BLACK PEAU DE SOIE. pura allk, war.1 ranted to wear, 26. In. wide, Cn' worth $1.25, on sale ...I9U BLACK PEAU DE SOIE, pure silk, war ranted to wear, 22 inches, worth OQl $1.75. on sale at 5JOu YARD WIDE BLACK PEAU DE 8UIH.1 yard wide black moire velour, yard wtd, black peau de telne, yard wide black taf feta, all the finest and beat of silks,, full worth $2.0u and $4.60 in any store, on sala here Monday I 9 C for ........... .. .... ........ 1 bb M 100 PIECES OF FINE- BLACK DRE83 SILKS, worth up to $100, go on OO. aale Monday for , UO" These are fine silks, warranted In every, way, ail the stylish weaves. Royal Armtire, Royal Alma, Oro Grain. Oro De Londre, Bengallne, Poplin, Satin Duchesse, Satin Rhadame, Cashmere Da Lyon, Satin Da Lyon, Faille Francalse, Peau da Cygna. This magnificent lot of silks goes AO. on eale ilonrlay for , J Uu MAIL ORDERS FILLED. , overstocked heavily. One of them offered color and atyle for men, women and chll. Insure the best possible service. Ladies' fine white silk and wool vesta and pants, hand-crocheted finished, I fill worth JL&O. at uvu Ladles' pure natural wool vesta and pantv extra he heavy quality, at. 1.50 each Ladles' long hln, straight front corsets, alt sizes, 75a quality, IA. at - HilC Ladles' and misses' girdles, In all colors, ac?.u.aJ!:r.' :.....49c Dr. Warner's straight front, long; hip cor sets, with side and front sup porter attached, I Cfl t I.QU Dr. Warner's straight front corsets for stout figures, slzea 22Jf0 36. ' ' 00 Nemo self-reducing corsets for A rA stout figures, at 3 1 Men's $1.25 colored laundered ehlrts, wltH or without bosom. In all the newest colors, with separata cuffs, to wear white collars, on sale in. at 4sC Men's wool sweaters. In all styles and ':oiurs, at t.o", down to .m Men's 60c neckwear. In all the J.OO 25c 25c new styles, at ...... ii, , . , Men's 50c suspenders. In all the new styles, at Boys' colored laundered shirts, regular $1 quality. In all the new colors, 49 C The Careful Uother wants shoes for the children that will both FIT and WEAR, and at a low price. Wa carry the H. W. Merriam ft Co. School Shoes, and they need no Introduction, aa they have a national reputation and ars second to no shoes made. We can fit tho little ones who attend kindergarten as well ss the high school boys or girls a shoo that can be worn without rubbers and still keep tbe feet dry. Child's Dongola or box calf, 6-8, $1.25 and $1 Child's Dongola or box calf, 8 2-11, $1.50 md $1.25 Misses' Dongola or box calf, 11 2-2, $2.00 and $1.50 Women's Dongola or box calf, 1 J-6, $2.60 md $2. DO Boys' and youths' satin lsce 98a Ask to see $6.35 In the Ultra at $3.50, Sole agents for the Stetson and Croesett shoes for men and the Ultra, Brooks Broa' and Grover shoes for women. Letting Down tho Prices on Groceries Cornmeal, per ev ir Oatmeal, per lb , , , , ,-, . . V.j- Rye flour, per ....m .Bfin New navy beans, per lb. ........... ..40" Health Food flour, worth $L25, reduced to $1.0) Neutrlta, per packag...MaM.M...10a Force .....10o. Malta Vita ...... .... 10 Good rice ......$Ha Teas and Coffees Beautiful presents given away free. Ash for your checks. Fine new crop Japan tea for ......S3o Japan tea sittings 1O0 A choice English breakfast tea at SSo Fresh roaated Rio coffee..... -.12HJ A good coffee at lOo Special Prices on Meats and Fish Boneless rump corned beef .740 Best brand weinerworst 7He New fresh bologna 50 New Labrador herring, each New anchovies, per lb lOo New scaled herring, per box 15o Snow Drift lard, per can 30o Fruits and Gheoso Fancy oranges, new crop 1( Lemoni, new crop 10e Hallo'een dates, per lb ta New 1902 mixed nuts 15a Wisconsin brick cheese 12H Wisconsin ertam cheese 12H Family creain cheese, each 50a