Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1902, PART I, Page 12, Image 12

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mm f s. f 'V f 1
0 AA . n iUL
4 Par Cent Interest Paid on Deposits.
Checks Cashed on All Banks.
' Sfe0SJ.g SOW
A. Splendid Array of Attractive Values
Striking: Values in
p 50c Double Width Wool Serges nt 25c yard
All wool screes in t.hv new shades of helms and car
nation coloring), U) inches wide, on sale SS
on bargain square at, a yard fUv
Black Drew Goods at 49c Maln Dresi Goods Department.
In serge,
K $1.00 EUmlne at 69 Cents 20 piece fine black voile and fQc
I twine etamioe. rotrular tl.OO rain JZr
Et amine Canvas at 89 Cents -50 inoh,carnlne canvas OQ
(or unlined skirts, worth 11.25, at... QJZr
Unfinished Worsted 50 Inch shrunken foods, A f(
regular prlcel-IO, at...- awVFvF
nohalrBrllllantlne,69 Cent Quality, AQc
ait - ...... aMaa VaF
New Dress Goods
$2.50 Men's Cassimeres at 98c yard A
New lot of "it-inch men's cassimeres, in plain colors,
checks and stripes, suitable for raluv day suits and
also appropriate for men s or boys
wear, on sale, at a yard
1 Black Dress Ooods at 49 Cents 4ft inch . cheviot, mounts
. . t . l..:. 41 JnnU - .4 a nil a rvannl 1a ual 1 i n (T
frWlDO ew&DllIlQ, lUUUtU- 1 auwia H',,lva
aius7.r cents und 85 cents, your cholce.
riobalr Sicilian $L 00 grade.
at -
Yachting Serge, flue rade, 00 inches wide, QCn
k$7.00Silk Waists at $3.98 A new lot of Bilk
blackand all-colors, all sizes, every one this Fall s
Zibeline at $1.50-very silky and stylish, 12.50 grade,
Raindrop Brllllantlnes 40 inches wide
rionday In the main dress goods department will be Sd$ A
of 75 cent and 85 cent values selling at zf
Cheviots, mountain serge, granite, ladiescloth, albatross, Afm
burr etamice, twine etamlne, all at 4yw
Imported Dress Qoods 25 pieces $1.39 and 11.60 quality. Fine Im
ported dress goods, yarn dyed heather mixtures, corded
twills, prunelles, fine vlgeroux, etc, at
Knickerbocker, Scotch Flakes, English worsted black, navy green,
gray, flakes, dashes and dots, regular price $1.35,
vy green,
waiets, tucked and hemstitched, in
styles on sale at ... . . .
Extra Special
Fine Grade Velvet
Black silk-faced
Black and all colors silk
crolse velvets
32-Inch black jacket
32-inch extra heavy 4 QO
coat velvet liU
32-in h liuiKrted blnck " "JE
Lyons- coat velvet dmtSmJ
AH silk paon velvet. 4 Cf
60 different shades 3J
Extraordinary Display and Sale of
Black Silk Sample Pieces
We have pure-tinned from the John N. Stearns Co., 6S Oreene street,
N. v., manufacturers of high-grade silks, their entire line of sample
pleres of black silks at exactly one-half their real value. There are
over 100 different weaves of silk, consisting of peau de sole, peau de
Lyon, peau de cygne, satins, amures, Loulsenes, grosgrain yard-wide lin
ing and dress taffetas, pure dye dress taffetas 27 Inches and 36 Inches,
heavy raglan taffetas. These fine silks are worth up to 25c, the entire
lot will go In our silk department at
Swell Velvet Waistings
All silk velvets,
evening thndes ,
27-inch boulevard velvet
All silk Lyons (Mar- ") QC
tin's) coat velvet SmiZsJ
A1J silk finest Lyons o or
(Martin's) coat velvets. OtZO
New arrival of swell velvet walst
tngs, black and white velvets In
checks and stripes, two and three
tone hair line velvets and corduroys,
hollow cut velvet cords for costumes
and waists, etc; a beautiful collec
tion of Imported Persian velvets for
waists and trimmings, special Mon
day 59c-75c-98c
1.25 Crepe de Chine at 69c
60 pieces all pure silk crepe de chine
In every shade of the rainbow, In
cluding black, white and creme, fine,
24 Inches wide and guaranteed per
fect and strong. Crepe de chine Is
much In demand this season for
evening gowns and we place on sale
Monday 50 pieces
for quick selling,
at a
Extra Special
White and
Creme Silks
All silk white wash
.'Ul-lnch wnshnblp Japa
nese silk
23-Inch washable China
silk .-
27-Inch white
22-Inch nil silk
32-inch all silk Japa
nese crepes
22-inch ltniortcil
22-Inch corded and
tucked silks
27-luch Imported dress
20-tuch all bilk lining
22-inch tuolre
BraLtideis Millinery
This department la the display feature of our Immense establishment and Is the largest In the United States
west of Chicago, and the fifteenth In site In the union. It employs 130 persons In Its manufacturing and selling
sections and carries a stock of merchandise which for comprehensiveness cannot be excelled anywhere.
Our merchandise Is brought to our counters at as low a figure as that of any wholesale dealer in America, and,
consequently, we sell our goods at prices whloh have been demonstrated to be from 37Vs to 60 per cent lower than
those of otaar dealer and as low as millinery can consistently be retailed at. We sell the right goods at the right
time, at tb right prices, and make It a study to distribute such mllllne ry merchandise as will be a recommenda
tion and an. unfailing solicitor for the continuance of patronage. We want the customer spending money with us
to feel that she Is recetvlngbeneflts beyond those possible to receive elsewhere. That we have succeeded in de
monstrating this thoroughly Is proven by our Immensely Increased patronage, which Is more pronounced this sea
son than eT before.
Our oaxantzatlon and facilities for handling our buslnesn sre probably as perfect as It Is possible to make
them. We are importers, manufacturers. Jobbers and retailers, and as such are continually In the markets of tho
east, snd alfh send a personal representative to the European style centers each season. It Is known by the trade
generally that we expend more money than any house In the west to furnish the latest styles and novelties, which
always appear In our sale rooas within three weeks of their appearance in Paris. A stroll through our magnificent
millinery seotlon Is Indeed, a study and will easily oonvlnce you as to our millinery Importance In the western
commercial world.
Tomorrow's special price announcement should prove very Interesting, as the values are exceptional.
Pattern Hats at $10 On Monday we place before $7. 50 Trimmed Hats at $5
jV New York and some of our own superb copies of foreign masterpieces. Most
yi't. of these hats are not a week old and many of them are adaptod from models
of some of the smartest and swellest things prepared for those great fashion
events, the Chicago horse and flower shows. These
hats have heretofore been priced at $20
and $15; while
they last
$7.50 Tailored Hats at $3.95 Over 400 of the
season's- choloest tailored hats. In b lack, navy, green, white, castor, brown,
cardinal, etc., made by suoh famou s makers as Bendel Strauss, Alland and
Burgesser; also a number of our own designs, which
are generally accepted as being as smart as any
of the noted makers' Ideas. Bold up t now at
$7.60; Monday
Large black velvet hats, large
beaver hats and braid hatB,
trimmed with the finest wings,
ostrich plumes, velvets, chenilles,
silks, etc., never offered
before under $7.60, at....
$6k White Beaver Flats at 3.95 $3 Silk Velvet Hats at 99c $3.50 Trimmed Hats at $1.00
We-have several cases of the very
.finest pare white hell crown, genuine
whtteinap beaver hats, the most ex
pensive . and most beautiful hat for
the late' fall andwwlnter season. Most
stores ask from
$.0O to $8.00 for
them; our price.
Sixty-five dozen ef floe mirrored silk
velvet hats, prettily draped on fine
buokram frames; the colors are
oardlnal, gray, castor, brown and
and green, guaranteed to be the $8.00
quality In millinery
stores generally;
Five hundred trimmed hats for
ladles and misses, made of fine
velvets, braids, feather breasts,
maltne and ornaments, and
trimmed hi most excellent styles.
These hats are offered at this price
for the reason that we have bought largely of materials from Im
porter and manufacturers at a small fraction of cost and have
prepared these hats to further demonstrate our Impor
tance as a millinery center. An aotual $3.60 value ....
Smart Cloaks and Suits
Our immense coat section is overflowing with coats of every correct Btyle, shape, weave and shade.
want something different from what every other shop In town Is showing you will find It here.
Hijjti Art Novelty Coats from $49 to $98 Loose Dress Zibeline FS'a? $19 to $39
Black Silk Peau deSoie Ctats $17.50 to $45 Loose & Blouse Velour coats $14.85 to 37.50
Kersey Honte A fCJ Especial 27-Inch Ker- )QQ
Carlos. 4tyO tO liOU sey Coat value at... .VO
Tailored Suits and Costumes
Tailored suits and costumes In every correct style shown are displayed here.
Silk Lined Novelty Suits 45.00
Short and Long Shapes In Norfolk Suits and Blouse Effects 24.50 to $39
Zibeline Suits In all Shades 14.85 to 22.50
Dress and Walking Suits, Blacks and Colors, 9.98 and 12.50
Dress and Walking Skirts
Monday we continue our sale of the two manufacturers'
stocks of children's and misses clonks. These are the most
remarkable bargains in children's cloaks ever offered at the
beginning of the season.
Peau-de-sole and Taffeta Dress Skirts, LQ QQ
beautifully trimmed, special i3Z7mZrD
Special Walking Skirt Offer for rionday tf y Oft
200 Golf Skirts wortb $o.00 47 7 O
Children's Coats at Special Sale
If you
Children's Box Coats, worth S3,
Children's Auto Coats,
worth $4.00
Children's Auto and Box Coats,
worth 85.00, at
Children's Honte Carlos and Box Coats,
worth $7.00, at
Children's Full Length Honte Carlos and Autos, a, a
a price which only represents the cost of making; $4.98
to $12.00.
Sale of Fine Fur Coats
A special purchase of fine Alaska Seal Coats enables
us to offer you seal garments at very low prices.
Seal Skin Coats Worth $225.00 at $165.00
Persian Lamb Coats
Seal Skin Coats worth $250.00 at $198.00 Otter Ctats at
.69.00 Near Seal Coats 30.00 to 49.00
125.00 Astrakhan Coats 15.00 to 45-00
Special. Basement Bargains
for Monday.
, The most astonishing bargains that it has ever been
' our pood fortune to place before the buyers of Omaha,
on. sale tomorrow for the first time.
. One counter of standard apron check gingham, the kind you yl
have' always paid 8Vic, for, at a yard W2C
One big table of fancy cotton blankets In rainbow stripes. Oriental and robe
effects; these are in half pairs and are generally worth
$2.50ia pair, go at, each ,
One counter of finest quality white cambrics, muslins, etc.; In
long mill lengths, at a yard ,
One counter of all kinds of muslins and cambrics that generally sell
up to 6c a yard, go In mill lengths at ,
One Wig table of unbleached 1
muslin, the 60 kind, at.....2C
.1 aura neavy ibdis paauing, loo mna
f ' (k.t ......11. ..11. An -v
a yard, goes at a yard.,
jj Heavy canton flannel, worth up to
ic a yard, goes 0 1
at O2C
h Great Sale of Ladles's Underwear
Finest comforter sateen, St o
Inches wide, go at a yard OC
Best standard prints In dress and
comforter styles, the 8H0 l
kind, go at, yard O2C
One big table of finest Persian effect
Imitation French flannel, q
the 16o kind, goes at O2C
Hisses' and Children's Vests and Pants f?
medium weieht,- ribbed, a 25o quality, at. O w
Ladles' Saxony Wool Ribbed Vests
worth $1.00, at
Ladles' Wool Tights-Fast black, $1.00 quality.
Ladles' Combination Suits made of finest Egyptian
cotton also wool, in ecru, silver gray and f Q
fast black worth up to $2.00, at VOC
Children's Heavy Fleeced Underwear
20o quality at
Boys' All Wool Underclothing shirts and ry C
drawers, large sizes, a Mo quality, at uUC
Ladles' Heavy Fleeced Underwear
silk bound vests and pants - O f
65o quality at OVC
Ladles' Underwear Australian wool
all wool camel's hair
$1.00 quality at..
Pure Linen Handkerdhlefs.
A magnificent assortment of handker
chiefs, all pure linen, plain and hem
stitched, all widths of hem. many with
lace and embroidered trimming, at lOo
Ladles' Fine Union Suits medium and
heavy weight Jersey rib- i A
bed a 75o quality at. t"C
Ladles' Combination Suits Onolda
style, half wool,
$1.00 quality at,
Handkerchiefs at 31 and Sc.
Ladles' and misses' plain white and
fancy colored bordered handkerchiefs,
all widths of hemstitching, umi with
fancy open work designs, worth up to
10o each, for SHo and 60 each.
$1, $1.50 Kid Gloves, 59c.
Nearly 3,000 pairs of fine grade , gloves
most of them of well known brands-
termed "mended gloves the Imperfec
tions are so slight as to be
scarcely noticeable regu
lar $1 and $1.60 value at
50c and 75c Golf GUvesat 35c
Ladles' and children's all wool golf gloves
in plain and fancy colors,
great variety of styles,
at ...
vooi gou gloves
Ladies' Hosiery at 19c
Fine Imported hosiery for ladles, made of
French lisle thread, plain black, tanoy
colors, lace effects, all
sizes and colors, worth
39c a pair, at
Diaca, lanoy
Fine Htsiery at I2ic
Ladles', misses' and boys' fleece lined
hosiery, fast black and full seamless.
all slies, worth up to 25o
a pair.
at -"2
(Uil vcauiiva!
Special Sale Table Linens
36c quality all linen, good weight
Scotch cream table
damask, a yard
75c quality all linen German silver
bleached fine heavyweight and full
bleached all pure linen, Irish satln
flnlshed table damask, a
$1.25 quality extra fine quality satin
damask, full bleached and 72 Inches
wide, beautiful new de- ftC
signs, a yard OOC
Another big lot of napkins that are
a bargain; heavy all pure linen,
full bleached Sootcb goods, size,
actual worth $2.60;
Another lot of those fringed table
cloths, i and 8 yards long, plain
white, snd blue and red borders,
worth up to $1.60 each;
for this sale only, each..
60c quality extra heavy all linen
sliver bleached 64-Inch ff
width table damask 4mmlfC
$1.00 quality, an assorted lot of Ger
man, Irish and Scotch table damask,
bleached and silver bleached, all
pure linen, and 2 yards wide.
These goods are extra nice and not
a yard that Is worth less
than $1.00 ,
Our big lot of full bleached all linen
22-Inch napkins; most of these are
drummers' samples snd slightly
soiled and will be sold at
about value, dozen....
60 table sets, linen hemstitched, cloth
and napkins to match, large size,
worth $7.00 per set; an opportunity
to get a table set for less than
half price; on sale (XLy f Q
Monday at per set.. kJJsV'O
A fine line of knotted fringe towels,
Austrian linen, crochet borders,
worth 50 cents; Monday C
only, each SiZsC
. $18 and $25
Sample Suits at $10
Great Jiargain chance of the year. Men's Suits and
Overcoats at a fraction of their value.
Cut In Price From $18, 20, and 23
Ten Dollars for
CIO Fancy Cheviots and
PI Worsteds Suits
aCf QKersey and Melton
410 Overcoats
COnThlbet and Ovwplold
Cttsatmere Suits
COfYVtcuna, and IrlBh
4yj Frieze Overcoats
ffioetllgh Art Suits and
qJ Overcoats
Remarkable Values in Carpets and Rugs
There is one fact that is conceded by everyone, and that is when we advertise a carpet sale, it is so not only in
name, but in fact. The great wonder is how we pet the goods to be able to sell them at these prices, but our patrons know
that when we advertise a sale on carpets that they will get just exactly what we advertise. To matter how skeptical, you
nay be when you read the wonderful bargains we advertisein carpets, just give us a chance to convince you and you will find
we show yon every bargain as we advertise.
$1.50 Carpets 98c yd
All the very latest designs In Smith
Wilton velvets and Hartford Wilton
velvets, all the very newest and
handsomest patterns of Smith's Ax-
mlnsters, all with borders to
match; sals price, per yard..
$1.00 Carpets 65c yd
100 rolls of the best quality 10-wlre
Brussels carpets. In sll the newest
and most elegant patterns for par
lors, dining rooms, hall and stairs,
etc. These are a decided bargain and
75c Carpets 47ic yd
100 rolls of the best and heaviest
strictly all wool Ingrain carpets, sll
nice, bright new patterns and an
endless variety to aelect from and
not a yard of It worth less A7
. . . - A i V
than 75c, sale price
50c Carpets 25c yd
100 rolls of the very heaviest union In
grain carpets. These are not what
are usually sold as a union carpet,
but are just wbat tbs name Implies
a half wool carpet and worth 60c
a yard, sale OP
This purchasa'embraces entire sample lines of the country's
prominent wholesale doming manuiacturers
every garment a model 01 nyie ana nne work'
mansbTp great chance at
e country s
easily worth $1.00 a yard; fZ. g .
sale price, yard OOC
Clearing Sale of Mnde-up Rugs and Misfit Carpets.
We have about 200 of these and will place them on sale at Just about one-halt what we would take your order and make you one for. Every bouse doing the
Immense carpet business we do, must necessarily accumulate a great many remants. These we make up into rugs and sell them at less than manufacturer's cost of the
goods. In that way we both make money. Vou buy your rug for half price and ws sell our remnants. Bring the size of your room and we will ahow you some of the
biggest bargains you have ever seen. '
Extra Special Bargains in Lace Curtains & Portieres
Tomorrow's sale will be one of uncommon importance; we cannot too strongly impress you with the bargains we will
offer. And it is an ODportunitv that no curtain buyer can possibly afford to miss. The lace curtains will go at two special
prices, $1.98 and $3.98 a pair.
Nottingham Lace Curtains Nice, fine lace put
terns, Imitation Battenberg, madras, weave,
lo all widths up to sixty inches,
and worth up to $3.00, Monday
Extra Heavy Portieres Our $3.98 line is extra
heavy, and the assortment of colors and styles
should make It an easy matter to suit QQ
ever yone extra special at
$6.00 Curtains for $3.98 We will sell an elegant
line of fine Nottingham lace curtains, Arabian,
Brussels, high grade cable, net, and a few very
fine ruffled net ourtalns not a pair in the lot
worth less than 16.(0, O QQ
Special for Monday J JJ
Derby Satin Portieres Full size and in all colors,
regular $3.00 tirade, and a bi QO
bargain at JsVO
Ottoman Rib Portieres An Immense assortment
of all kinds of portieres, heavy Ottoman rib, in
every color Imaginable, extra heavy fringe top
and bottom, including a lot of Orlential and
Persian designs which are an A QQ
extraerdinary bargain at s"0
French Striped Portieres And a big line of all col
ors and patterns, 0 iuches wide, sell y QQ
everywhere at $4.00 or more, our price
Suits and
Overcoats for Boys
$4 Knee Pants Sults'at 1.98 Strictly
all wool Butts, with reinforced seams;
pants made with iiiuble seat and knees.
In vestees, MortoiKH. ttaiior and aountp-
breasted styles, neweat fabrics and
shades, never retailed for less
than $4.00 only
$3 and $6 Sample Top Coats at $1.98
About 86 fine frieze coverts and cheviot
top coats, the sample lot of an eastern
manufacturer. Not one of the coats l
worth less than $6.00 many as Qu
high as $6.00 pi.VO
Boy's Swell Overcoats at $3 Apes 12
to 20 years, handsome over-plald Meltons,
Irish Frieze Overcoats, extra long and
broad shoulder ami full backs ttE
worth la.oo and llu.Ui, for -'
73c and $1 Knee Pants Suits at 43c-
All our knee pants have reinforced seams,
double seat and knee, all wool ma- e
terlals at
$2 Boys' Knee Panta Suits at $1.50
beat material' that poaxlbly can be used
In vestees and double-breasted C Cfl
etyie at -P,,i,u
Children's Reefers Apes 3 to 10
Black blouse brown rhevlota and chin
chilla cloth, worth up to Vlbti $,)0
A good Pocket
Knife with each
Child's Suit.