Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1902, PART I, Page 11, Image 11

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1 1
Ailnta Diplomat j of Coaches and an Ethical
View of the Matter.
Comparative core l.mik Hueer.
the Yal, Prince-ton and liar'
rd F.tVTena Are All In
ftptendld Form.
Two gentlmrn, connected reflectively
with the Nebraska university and Havkell
Indian teams, namely Coarhea Booth and
Outland, are clearly not receiving mirta ap
preciation from the public as thejr deeerve
on account of their craft and arldiron
diplomacy. Now, at the Saturday game
down In St. Joneph, where Nebraska took
12 , point a from Missouri. Coach Outland
of the HaHkcll eleven officiated aa umpire,
undoubtedly with careful Impartiality and
Justice; and also, where tbe Indiana laid
low the tVaahburn team, there Coach Booth
of Nebraska umpired. Naturally, then, Ne
braska devoted Itself to plain and simple
foot ball without artifice, which, perhaps,
accounts for the amall score against Mis
souri, and Haskell did not go far afield
from the old-time tine buck and run around
thf end. This practice among the western
schools la much to be deplored. Undoubt
edly these two acted officially In a mannci
above reproach, but they should not have
acted at all; there were plenty of othcra
who could have umpired these games fully
aa well and as Impartially, and who would
have been free from the drawback attendant
upon these too much Interested gentlemen.
A comparison of the (scores made In some
of the more Important games played Sat
urday, October 21. with the results of games
between the same teams last year, may be
f Interest to those who follow the aport
in the eastern nnd western contests. While
Chicago university defeated Illinois In Chi
cago Saturday by the score of 6 to 0, last
year the result was a decisive victory for
Illinois, ,tho score being 24 to 0 In tbelr
favor. Last year Michigan defeated Ohio
State by only 21, as against 86 to 0 this
year. This time Wisconsin got S8 from
KLnsas, while Kansas waa not getting any
thing, but last year made It 60 to the 0
of tho Kansans. Tbts season, Minnesota 34.
Iowa 0; last year the same teams stood.
16 to 0. This time It was Harvard 6,
Brown 0; last season 48 to 0; 1902, West
Tolnt 28, Williams 0; 11)01, 15-0; Pennsyl
vania 6, Bucknell 5; 1901. 8-0; Cornell 57,
Oherlln 0; 1301, 29-0. This year Purdue
only drew 5 to 0 from Case, aa against 22
last. time. Notre Dame beat Indiana this
year 11 to 6; last year 18 to 5; Nebraska
took 12 to 0 from Missouri; last year,
&1 to 0.
Previous fo yesterday's games the east
ern teams had scored on their opponents
nnd been scored on as follows: Harvard
134, opponents 12; Yale 20fl, opponent 6;
Trlnceton 140, opponents 5; Pennsylvania
12S, opponents 41; Columbia 178. opponents
21; Lafayetto 163, opponents 15; Indians
146, opponents 22; Brown 20, opponenta 22;
Syracuso 93, opponents 24; Amherst 74, op
ponents 55; Williams 6. opponents 105;
Wesleyan 50, opponents 92; Bucknell 5a,
opponents 30; .Georgetown 72, opponents 34;
West Point 50, opponenta 14; Annapolis 35,
opponents 34; Michigan 419, opponents 6.
little more of a line on its final team than
the others. Of course. Holt, Gift and
Ooss, the best center trio In the country,
are centainties, and Hogan and Phevelln.
who are said to be excellent at running
with the hall, are fairly sure of their places
at tackle. Metcalf makes steady progress
t quarter and Chadwick and Ward are
slated for the halfback positions. The se
lection of a fullback seems to lie between
Farmer Ward and McClintock.
Although the Harvard people are much
encouraged by the form fhown in the Brown
game, despite Its closeness, yet Harvard's
defense is not at all what the coaches hope
for and expect to bring out. Former Cap
tain Burden has been at work and much of
the list Implies formerly show n has been
replaced by anap and dash, although the
team has not yet reached the development
promised early In the season. The makeup
of the team last year was more nearly set
tled at the same period of work than Is
that of the present eleven, and many com
parisons are being made, usually favorable,
however, to the present players. Oraydon,
Marshall and Kernan are regarded as final
choice for three of the backfield positions
and Hurley and Ieatherbee are candidates
for the other place. In the line Bowdltch,
Knolton, Barnard and King are probable
fixtures, but the other positions are In
Princeton defeated the Columbia eleven,
which had been expected to do so much,
with comparatively little trouble. The score.
21 to 0, does not show how complete a vic
tory It really was In some ways, for dur
ing the first half Princeton had three
chances to score.' Foulke missed an easy
goal from the fifteen -yard line, as did also
DeWIt from ten yards further back. At an
other time the ball was within two feet
of Columbia's line, but the touch was for
feited through a fumble. The defeat of
the New Yorkers waa, however, at a dear
cost to Princeton, who will for the rest of
the season be without the services of Kafer,
fullback, and Burke, quarter, each of whom
suffered a broken collar bone. There are
plenty of good substitutes but none a
good for the places aa these two. The Co
lumbia men started In fiercely enough, but
were soon up In the air. displaying poor
generalship and ending in a rout. They,
however, at times played good foot ball.
Weeka, the best halfback In the country,
made many good gains by line herdllng and
In other ways, but could never get by
Burke, even after he was free from other
tanklers. Princeton profited by every ex
change of punts, DeWIt showing star ability
at kicking. He Is undoubtedly one of the
best in the field this seasou.
The Chicago Chronicle has the follow
log to say In regard to the contest for the
western championship:
But three elevens are left now to strive
the western foot ball championship
This la what Captain Barry of the Brown
university team has to say In the Boston
Herald regarding Yale and Harvard:
"In forming an estimate of the relative
strength of the Harvard and Yale teams, as
shown In the games agalnat Brown, I think
that Harvard la much stronger in the back
field. Oraydon hurdled In fine style and
the whole crimson back field moved well
together, except on one or two occasions,
when the Interference got balled up. Har
vard'a backs are heavier than Yale's and
this weight behind the line, with a fast
set of backs. Is a very Important point.
"The Harvard ends did not appear to be
In very good shape today, but they are
undoubtedly much stronger than the Yale
"From tackle to tackle, I think that Yale
Is much stronger than Harvard and as a
team Harvard does not begin to work to
gether with anything like the spirit that
Yale haa shown this season. The Harvard
men Just give one push and let It go at
that. Instead of pulling and hauling along
for every Inch, thereby securing greater
distance on rushes.
"The Harvard line did not have the Jump
to them that Yale haa and It will require
a whole lot ot hard coaching to bring the
Harvard men up to Yale's standard of
qulrkness. The chief trouble seems to be
that the Harvard line men do not move
In its game with Syracuse, a team well
ranked for speed. Yale showed that It haa
been making much progress In offense and
almost aa well In defense. The team has
now developed ao far that simple forma
tlons have been dropped and complicated
playa introduced. The Princeton-Columbia
game, which showed what a team can do
by pronounced superiority at the enda of
Ita line, baa Increaaed the feeling of dla
satisfaction and uneasiness felt at Yale In
rrgard to the weakness still evidenced by
Ita end men; despite Improvement made.
The. present ends have the advantage at
breaking . up Interference possessed by
Leavy men, and Wilhelml, who has been
moved from behind the line. Is said to be a
very awift man. In addition to his weight
If allowed to play, it Is not unlikely that
rtaffnrty will replace Coffin at right end
Hard coeyhiDg will accomplish wonders and
Yale haa alwaya been lucky with drill
Although earlier in the season Yale waa
thought lo be more sure of Ita final tnakeaio
than either Harvard or Princeton, now,
alnce the recent abakeup, it seems to have
hlcago. Wisconsin and Mlrhlami. One of
tneee win win tins honor unless h tie same
or a thorough upheaval of form prevents
the line from being drawn sharply. Neither
Is likely to occur, although, of course, there
smii remains tne nospiiii itv or an unset.
This possibility, though, is most vague ami
Two more Uams took the count Saturday
Illinois and Iowa. Iowa waa never given
serious consideration, but Illinois men and
others looked upon the Champaign eleven as
pneeiniiuy. jiaa tne ne Id been fast t
might still be In the chase, but mud and
bthkk s neer brought defeat.
Mlcnisan seems to have rieveloncd anew
Its rapid scoring appetite or else it did
not nave very much tq push back, run
through and Jump over In the Ohio State
university eleven. While It la known that
this team did not furnish a very deter
mined iefense, the Wolverine supporters
were given lenewed dtermtnatlnn to wager
heavily on the malse and blue when It
meets the cardinal Saturday.
Wisconsin, likewise, did well, although
reports from Madison state that "Badger
stock haa tumbled a point." A acore of 38
to 0 against Kansas, a team coached bv
AV'sconsIn 'ilumnus well acquainted with
all of the Wisconsin plays. Is pretty good
and, although it was said that the men did
not snow a great (leal of lliht anil dash
they will have all the more on the afternoon
of November 1. There are a few optimistic
reporiera in Maaison at tne nest, and after
King has had a talk with them, one by one
eacn, strangely enough, becomes a oessl
mist when anything pertaining to the foot
ball team comes up for consideration. And
tne runny part of It Is that they believe
Just what they ay until the day of th
game and then fhry bet on the cardinal,
Northwestern might as well be at tli
bottom of the lake. It Is a noor floater a
the beet, and about all the Kvanston achool
can hope ror tnia year In the chamninnshl
of that territory bounded by the four-mil
limit. Even there this honor Is likely to
be questioned by the Kvanston Hlerh school
It makes little difference regarding the
nnai count wnetnir Michigan or Wisconsin
wins next Saturday. One or the other will
ne put away, it it Is Wisconsin the Badg
era will meet tneir last hard opponent o
Thanksgiving . day. Should Chicago beat
Michigan and then In turn win from Wis
consln Stugg will have brought the cham
pionship here. Should Michigan heat I'M
cago and Wlseonain beat Michigan and Chi
cago the honors will go to Madiion. Should
Michigan beat Wisconsin and then lose to
Chicago, and should Wisconsin defeat Chi
cagowell, that Is the only way to figure
out the absence of a western champion.
The opinion last year aa to which uni
versity had the better team was about
evenly divided and there Is no "dope" this
year to show which should win the game
Saturday. The two elevens have gone In
different directions, both having failed to
play the same team. However, neither
should be declared the favorite. As was
the case with Illinois nnd Chicago, It Is
even money and take your pick, especially
six days before the contest. Oversea loug
Wolverines will doubtless be so eager to
supiiort their belief In the ability of the
team to win that they will offer odds. This
should be the cue Immediate fur cardinal
men to unload.
In the discussion of what the future may
hold Minnesota must not b forgotten, al
though the Oophers deserve but little at
tention. While there is a possibility that
they may cause a lot of trouble. It looks
as If both Wisconsin and Michigan will be
able to hold them safe, since Nebraska,
with a team strong, but not extraordinary
so, turned the trick.
The Creighton foot ball people have
been busy In preparation for the game
Monday with the Haskell Indiana, which
la the most important game, by all odds,
which they will play this eeason, and which
In a manner, decldea what clasa the team
belongs In. Considering the record the
Indiana have been making thta season, It
seems rather ambitious for the local school
to stand for a fall from them at all, but In
ase Creighton wins, or even makes a good,
iiough losing fight, the game will demon-
trate that the Omaha eleven haa risen
from the class In which It has formerly
been placed. The Indi.ins have a fast and
strong learn and know the game. The
Missouri game showed that they ran run a
heavy score agalnxt even a heavy team. If
hat team is not fast. The Crelghton'a
record has been good so far, and they
have been better than the teams they have
played. Although the team left the flelJ
nd refused to continue the game at Amity
college, because of reported rank Injustices
n decisions and play, they had already
demonstrated (heir superiority to the Iowa
In Its state Intercollegiate Foot Ball
league, Nebraska presents somewhat of an
Innovation In the foot ball world. Such a
league Is, perhaps, to be found In no other
tate. This league, as formed last year. In
ludes the following colleges and schools:
Bcllevue, Doane, Grand Island. Hastings,
Lincoln Medical and Genoa Indians. Each
team In the league, except the Genoa In
dians, Is scheduled to play one game with
every other team In the league during the
season, and hence, as the eeason pro
gresses, there Is much Interest and specu
lation as to the probable winner In the
league. - The following is a list ot the games
already played and the resulting scores:
Lincoln Medics against Hastings, 12 to 5.
Grand Island against Hastings, 4i)'to 0.
Doane against Lincoln Medics, 11 to 0.
Bellevue against Lincoln Medics, 16 to 0.
From these scores It Is evident that Hast
ings and the Lincoln Medics are already
out of the race for the championship. The
Genoa Indian team can hardly be considered
member of the lesguc this year, as It has
but one or two games scheduled with league
teams. The contest, therefore, between the
other teams, namely, Bellevue, Doane and
Grand Island, will decide the championship.
Last year the Doane tenm defeated Belle
vue by a score of 23 to 0, and Grand Island
by a score of 15 to 10. Doane's team this
year Is already fully up to the standard
of last year, though several of the players
are new men. With Its fierce and consist
ent game of straight foot hall Doane
promises well to stand at the head of the
Bellevue la fortunate In having almost
the entire old team back this season. The
team puts up a strong game, though per
haps depending too much on Individual
work, especially that of Moore, the star
kicker. Bellevue's eleven defeated the Lin
coin Medics by a trifle larger score than
did Doane, but the Doane men gave Crelgh.
ton much harder opposition than did Belle
Grand Island, with the heaviest team in
the league and one composed almost en
tirely of old players, has as yet to show
what it can do when bucking against a
strong team. In the game with Hastings
Grand Island succeeded in piling up the
largest score yet made in the ieague 40 to
0. While the Hastings team is especially
weak, such a score indicates that Grand
Island will no doubt make a strong finish
and a fierce fight for first place.
The Lincoln Medics have been playing In
very hard luck this season. Tney nave
gone into nearly every game with a crip
pled team and naturally have suffered
defeat. They have material for a good team
and will undoubtedly make a much better
rhowing next season.
The Genoa Indians have as yet played
no Important games, and are, consequently,
almost an unknown quantity in the league.
Hastings, for aome reason, has been un
able to get into the game, and Is pretty
certainly destined to finish as the tall-coder.
President Roosevelt to Soeid a Day
Shooting in "Virginia.
Homing I'artjr to Be the finest of
Hrlatlvr of aurarron lirneral
Hlil ntll Monday
Each year about IjO.ftOO Is expended In
sprinkling the streets of London with sand
to prevent horses irom supping.
Workmen found $1,800 In gold In the. old
decaped walls of the Brice homestead at
Mount Oilead, O., the birthplace of the
late Calvin 8. Brice.
New York City has a pnrk area of 6.766
acres, of which 3.R49 Is In The Hronx. Chi
cago has 2,6.V acre. St. l.ouls 2.4) and
Philadelphia 3,675, of which Fairmount park
includes 2.WI6.
Nearly every member of congress keeps
a scrnpbooK, ind ror the time covered Sen
ator Beveridge's In the largest of the lot
The Indiana man already has two volumes
ot 250 pages each, with three newspaper
columna to the page.
Someone down east started a newspaper
discussion aa to the oldest twins' In the
country. Gloucester. Me., claims the rec
ord In New Kngland at least, for Caleb S.
Haskell and Mrs. Judith Haskell Bradbury
who were born In that place eighty-eight
years ago, ami are still nearly.
Simon Raphael, believed to be the oldest
man In New York, Is dead at the age of 106
years. He waa born In Kusaia and is sur
vived by a son, nix daughters, forty-five
erandchlldren and twenty-eight Kreal
grandchildren. At the beginning of Ills
wutn year Mr. Raphael retired from the dry'
gcoas Dusinem. -
Means are :he soldiers mainstay, savs
Thomas F. Dillon, a retired I'nited States
cavalry officer. "The American soldier, at
pinch, can! the Performance of an
Arab on a handful ot dried dates he can
ride and tight all day on a mere handful
or beans, properly prepared. There Is nolh'
ing to equal ine army baked beans."
Since May 1. 1896, the gross receipts under
the liquor tax law of New York state have
been ImI, 115,804, an average of over fH.Ono.uiio
a year, or tne total sum the states share
nan been about .ono,mo and the cities and
towns share about I57.uou.000. This Is
total of tttt.0nn.oo more than the liquor
traffic would have paid In the fame tune
urder the old excise system.
They are having chopping bees down in
Maine. The choiwiera go into the woods
and chop down trees which are cut up into
ruei lor tne poor, anu transporta
tion are given free; where the beneficiaries
have not the means to pay normal prices
for the wood, that Is free also. The chop,
ping-bee movement had Just become l he
Ifcge when the settlement of the coal strike
was announcea,
A story has been going about the coun
try to the effect that a tree had heen dis
covered in the Sierras which measured lot
ieet and eight inches around the trunk.
Arboriculture, the new maauxine devoid
to tree planting, haa investigated and nays:
j lie irt'v tr&iHiis, uui 11 is j reel girth In
stead of 154. a fairly good eanlinir or oiirhti-
centuries' growth."
,01 Mcvred
In cue of long standing purify the blood b facial
DM IT O auiakir cared by uilm Knalrk'i Dcmsm
s O t are. The first application givea ieatant relief.
Oat out and sign this coupon. .take it to any of the following drvnrieta aod they will give yon
a flfy-ontboa of Eemick s Ecwtua Cure and a large hrty-eent Wun of Boroaone boto. to,
aatueptio, germicide and duinfectaat ia bow uaad and
ndonied by thousands of pruimnent people fur Cuts,
Hume, Old Korea, tkr Muaclea, KheuiuaUsin, Jt
Poison, laaeot Bltaa, Catarrh and ator Ttkrumt.
aanaaaasaaaaawjawwi aisgaaagaaaaawnaaa. . a i i , i. ,
vy villi, ."if
VhaerVr's, 14th and Chicago Bts . Omaha: Kuhn aV Cn . 1Mb and Douglas f .
Omaha; J. II. Merchant., ltii and Howard St . Omaha: Sherman McC'onnell Drug
'o, lftth and lioflge Ft.. Omaha; l' A Melcher, S4cl N St., South Omaha: Ueorg
S. t'avls, 0u W. Croadaay, Bluff a.
MANASSAS, Vs., Nov. 1- In the fitful
glare of locomotive lanterns President
Roosevelt at 4:30 this morning stepped
briskly from his private car in the rail
road yard here and greeted cordially the
ttle group of newspaper men. special of
ficers and railroad men who hud gathered
to see him start on his hunt for wild
He was attired In a khaki suit with
leggings and over this was a long, heavy
overcoat, and a black slouch hat was on
hU head aa he alighted from the car.
A servant handed to him a fine double-
barreled shotgun, which he threw familiarly
Into the crook of his left arm. Secretary
Root, who had preceded the president from
the train, wore a canvnss shooting suit, nn
overcoat and. a golf cap. The president,
after a quick survey of tho starlit sky, re
marked to Mr. Root that they were in
luck as to the weather.
The president and Secretary Root were
Joined at once by Surgeon General Rixey,
Secretary Cortelyou and J. T. Leachman.
sheriff of Tlney William county. . Sheriff
Leachman was to act as the guide ot the
party on the turkey hunt.
Preceded by railroad men bearing lan
terns, the president and his party trudged
for a quarter of a mile along the maze of
railroad tracks to the carriages' in waiting
to convey thera to the' shooting grounds.
They were followed by servants carrying a
big hamper of mineral water ond luncheon.
As he walked briskly along the president
remarked to Secretary Root :
"I have tramped ties before in my time."
"Yes," responded tho secretary, with a
suggestion of irony in the tone of his voice,
"I have often thought that there was no
active exercise ao restful lo the wearied
mind as the tramping of railroad ties."
Start for llantlnx' Gronnil.
The parly entered carriages In the village
and, preceded by Sheriff Leachman and a
secret service officer in a bugg3 started
for the hunting grounds, about four miles
distant. President Roosevelt, Secretary
Root, Secretary Cortelyou and Pr. Rlxey
occupied one carriage, v.hlch was followed
by another containing servants and mes
sengers with the luncheon. ,
This morning the party is hunting over a
fine preserve of 1,900 acres known locally
as the Ben Lomond place and owned by
Representative John F. Rlxey, a brother of
Surgeon General Rixey.
While the president hopes to add a wild
turkey or two to his hunting trophies, he
said this morning he was here particularly
for the needed recreation the outing would
afford him and for the purpose of getting
over the historic Bull Run battlefields,
which he never bad visited.
After the morning's hunt the party will
assemble at noon at the Henry house,
which Is in the very center of the opera
tions of the first battle of Bull Run. There
the luncheon, will be served. During the
afternoon the president will drive over the
battlefield. At 6:30 this afternoon the presi
dent and party, on their special train, will
go to Brandy, Va., twenty-nine miles south
of Manassas, where they will be the guests
until Monday, morning of relatives of
Surgeon General Rlxey.
Cortelyou Gets a Dlrd.
The president and party reached the tur
key blinds before daybreak and after each
had been stationed callers endeavored to
entice the wily birds within gunshot.
A drove of six turkeys finally was dis
covered and later one of them fell to the
gun of Secretary Cortelyou. President
Koosevult was unfortunate in being the
only member of the party who did not get
a shot during the morning. The turkeys
are scarce and Mr. Cortelyou's bird was the
only one bagged.
At noon the party assembled at the Honry
house for luncheon and for two hours af
terward the president walked' over the
Bull Run battlefield, the points of historic
Interest being Indicated and explained by
Henry Zeen, who now occupies the Henry
Subsequently, tho parly returned to the
turkey covers and continued tho hunt.
The day is perfect for the sport and the
president is enjoying his outing immensely.
The Injury to his leg la giving him no
trouble and he feels that his recovery Is
Kothlaaf ao Good tor Concha and Colds,
Mr. J. N. Perkins, druggist of Lawton,
Okl., who haa been In buslnesi eleven
years, says of Chamberlain's Cough Rem
edy that during all this time he has never
had a bottle of this remedy returned ai
not having given satisfaction, proving con
clusively that this preparation will do all
that is claimed for it. There is nothing
so good as thla remedy for coughs, colds and
croup. It is pleasant to take and. as It
contains no injurious substance, may be
given to a child with perfect confidence.
t i A
"1 a-
rc ra L
It is bound to come now that winter is here wilh its cold waves,
keen cutting winds, rain and sleet, and snow and slush. It takes just such weather
to nroduce and develop Catarrh and brine: out all its humiliating and distrusting
symptoms. The slight cold becomes a stubborn and protracted one, while the discharges
from the nose are most offensive and sickening. As the inflammation extends further up
into the head and the delicate mechanism of the ear is attacked, there is a continual buzzing
nnd rin m'n tr in the ears, and freauentlv the hearinc is mrtiallv or totally lost. Headaches
are almost constant, with sometimes acute pains in the eyes, and the nose becomes so plugged up
that the patient must breathe through the mouth while the filthy secretions are forced back into
the throat, requiring almost continual hawking and spitting to dislodge them. At certain stages
of the disease, the odor of the breath becomes fearfully
offensive, to the great mortification and embarrassment of
the sufferers and disgust of all who come near them. Little
by little the foul matter finds its way into the Stomach,
ruining the digestion, and a most miserable form of
dyspepsia or Catarrh of the Stomach is the inevitable
consequence. The blood becomes contaminated by the
foul secretions and unhealthy matter, and these are dis
tributed through the body, and Catarrh is then a deep
seated, dangerous constitutional or systemic disease, and
its effect upon the general health and system is soon
apparent appetite and strength are gone and the disease
frequently settles in some vital organ or terminates in
Bronchitis or dread Consumption.
While sprays, washes and the many other local
remedies so diligently used give temporary relief , chronic
Catarrh sufferers know that they possess no curative
properties and fail to reach the true source of the trouble
and all the benefits received from such treatment are
.swept away by the first breath of winter.
To cure Catarrh permanently, the blood must be
tmrified and the svstem cleansed of the accumulated
Manchester, Va., March 6, 1901.
Gentlemen: I wrote you some time ago,
an account of my sufferings with an awful
case of Cartarrh. I had the symptoms that
accompany this disease, such as mucus
dropping in the throat, a constant desire to
hawk and spit, feeling of dryness In the,
throat, cough and spitting upon rising in
the morning, scabs forming in the nose,
which required much effort to blow out,
sometimes causing the nose to bleed and
leaving me with a sick headache. I had
thus suffered for five years.
As soon as I heard from you, I com
menced to take the S. S. S. as you advised,
and after I had taken three large bottles,
I noticed a change for the better. Thus
encouraged, I continued to take it and in a
short while was entirely cured.
Very truly,
Main and Vine Sts., Richmond, Va.
n.iioniie onrl fnr triic niirnnsp rtntllincr pnnals 5v S. S. It
reaches cases in this way that seem almost hopeless and beyond the reach of medicine, b. b. S. not
only purges the blood of the effete matter and catarrhal secretions, but at the same time invigorates
and builds up tne enure system, anu auutu umc uiuw ucma
to circulate through the body, the inflamed membranes and
other parts of the system affected by the Catarrh, begin to heal,
the mucous discharges gradually grow less and finally cease,
and all the disagreeable and disgnsting symptoms of Catarrh
disappear. S. S. S. tones up the Stomach and stimulates all
tli. vital nrcratis nnd keens the blood in such a state of health-
fulness that one is not so susceptible to cold or so liable to contract Catarrh even when exposed to bad
weather. Coldwaveflags cause no anxiety to those whose systems are nourished and strengthened
by rich pure blood. S. S. S. is a purely vegetable remedy and can be taken with perfect safety by
old and young or persons of delicate constitution. Write us about your case and our physicians will
In the past twenty years In only
fifth of - the coal strlkea have the
secured their demands.
filnoe Us organisation, fifty years ago, the
Amalgamated Carpenters and Joiners have
paid out for benehla about tU.buO.uuu.
The world now consumes 6,3fi0,0no,000
pounds of tobacco yearly, or 2.8lt.ftu0 tons.
This la worth :4u0,0iju.uti0. In. other words,
the world's smoke bill ia Just SS.OOO.ftuu a
Justice O'Oorman of the New York su
preme court has given a decision upholding
the light of a trade union to with.lruw i:m
members from the work of an employer
who refuaea to pay the wagea or accept
the rulfs adopted by the labor organization-.
In cont.ection with the Cleveland Furnace
company's Immense establishment along the
Cuyahoga river, above Jefferson street,
which will cost about t-'"U. oixty-four
ovena are to be built for the Retort t'oke
Oven company at an outlay ot about
The only 'white labor wanted In South
Africa ia for the building, agricultural and
pastoral Induatrlea. Building trade hards
can find employment at from 10 to 12 shlll
Inga and d per day, exclusive of overtime.
The average normal week la from forty
eight to fifty-one hours.
From preaent Indications there Is going
to be a big struggle in the convention of
the American Federation of Lbor when
it meets in New Orleans thla month. One
of the greateat of the tights will be that
of the brotherhood of Carpenters against
both the Amalgamated Carpenters and the
Amalgamated Woodworkers. Another
strenuous tight will be that of the L'nlted
Garment Worker of America. This tight
cornea over the granting of a charter by the
American Federation of l-abor to the Cus
tom Clothing Milkers' union In face of the
protest made by the (jarimnt Worker.
Trouble waa predicted, and It haa come
gwid and hard. There la alao a fight on
between the International Association of
Machinlne and the Amalgamated Marhln
lute, an tnglikh organisation. The fight U
similar In (hat b-iw. en ihe Brulherhojd
and Amalgamated Carycnlcra.
I.envea the Sanitarium.
Madam Janauschek hax left the sanitar
ium In Saratoga, where she has been under
treatment for a long period, and gone lo her
home In Brooklyn. Her circj mxtances axe
seen that her frienda will endeavor, before
the season Is over, to find a way to relieve
her from anxieties on that score.
r That's thWordt
PcBKuat a (oodneat all hi own. Y
1 1 l....i ... it!
wuiinu jwu n .. u i
ia the icUctton of materials,
backed by B!U method of brw
lnb are fht main factors respon
sible for Blati character.
iMon-In toxicant)
11 Druceiaui r bireot.
1112 Duuglaa t. Tat. IOSI.
Dr. McGrew of Omaha has devoted the best years of his life to the relief of suffering men, An Im
mense and successful practice rewards the patient efforts of a lifetime.
The Doctor's Quick Cures and Low Charges are daily proving whit a great good can be done for Men
Blood Poison and All Diseases of the Blood.
1)11. McGKEW can jjive you HOT SPIJINGS treatment for Blood Diseases, and lie (JUAK
ANTEKS better UEKULT8 and better satisfaction; besides, you can take his treatment right
at home and no one will ever find out that you have this terrible disease. It is quite differ
etit Miien you go to the Springs, for that trip alone is quite Huftleient to advertise just what
your ailment is. Have you ever thought of this? All external signs of this disease disap
pear at once under Dr. MeGrew's treatment, and not a spot or pimple will appear to expose
the nature of your disease. This fact alone is a priceless comfort and consolation to one af
flicted with this ailment. Dr. Mc Grew GUARANTEES you a PERMANENT . CUKE for
life. Many of the worst forms of Blood Diseases permanently cured In less than 30 days.
Positively Cured in Less Than 5 Days.
Without' the loss of a single hour's time. DK. McGREWS
treatment for Varicocele gives absolutely no pain and is the
quickest form of curing the disease that has ever been discov
ered. The doctor has devoted TWENTY-SIX. YEARS to the
treatment of Varicocele, and it is but justice to him to say, with
out fear of contradiction, that his treatment of Varicocele has
UK. McUKEW, The Spec
OVER 30,000 CASES have been cured of Loss of Vitality"; Loss of Brain Power, Tour Mfm
ory, Despondency, Gleet and unnatural weaknesses of men. Varicocele cured.
Charges Low. Consul tation Free
OFFICE HOURS 8 a. m. to 8:30 p. m. Sundays, 8 a. m. to 5 p. m. P. O. Box 7CG.
Ollics ovar 215 South 14th Straat, Mnn Dinahs aid Farm Streets, Omaha, Neb
Bowling Alleys
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Fjiread until now ita renutatli.n I International ami It Is nolil evrry-
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medicinal purpottt II
ll unequalled. Ok (alt
at tho leading catat,
drug stores and bars.
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