Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 02, 1902, PART I, Image 1

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    j The Omaha Sunday. Bee. i
PAGES 1 TO 12.
kstaiilisiii-:.) junk h, i87i.
Marie Corelli Turna the Viali of Hir Wrath
on the Millionaire?.
Oarnejia ii Favored with a No Lan Bitter
Fotion from Her Pen.
Calli Them Vulgar and Possessed of Wealth
of Dollar and Amraice.
Accased of Selllna Their lfr at
Court to Secure Sont of the
Dollars of too Rich
ad Ambition.
(Copyrighted, 19"2, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON. Nor. 1. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) Marie Corelli.
who has the reputation of inskltg niore
than any living English author out of
books, and ia aald to have an Income of
$50,000. scores millionaire terribly in a
magazine article. "We aee J. I li rpont
Morgan, a money octopus, stretching cut
greedy tpntacles in every direction," the
writes, "atriving to grasp Url'tsn shipping
industries and interests everywhere in
that devouring, deadly grasp, which If he
were permitted to hold, woull r.iean ho
los of prretige to our country, though no
doubt It might create rejoiJlM In Vmtrlra
with many of the more Independently
thinking class.
"Millionaire Carnegie's money, pitched
at the public, savora of patronage w'.'Uh
they resent, and of the ostentation which
they curtly call swagger."
Miss Corelli thinks free libraries by no
means essential to happiness, 'wh!l? they
may be considered exrrrraely detrimental
to the prosperity of authors. '
America la Miss Corelll'i special ab
horrence. Hear her:
"As a nation of bombast ind swmrT she
la a kind of racy show In the world' prog
ress, but her strength Is chiefly centered In
dollars. English society 'nas been sadly
Svir.r1ied by the American taint. Wealth
H excess, wealth in chunks, wealth in great,
awkward, unbecoming daba, is plastered by
toe merest haphazard tosa of fortune'a dice
cn the backs of uncultured. Illiterate per
sona, who, bowed down like asses beneath
the golden burden, are asslninely ignorant
of tta highest uses.
"Men in high repute for learning, bravery
and distinctive merit are shunted off the
line to make way for the motor car traffic
of plutocrats, who, by dint of push, ef
frontry and braien Impudence manage to
shout their income figures persistently In
the ear of those whose high privilege It Is
to give the lead in aocial affairs.
"It would be an easy matter for mo to
Came a dozen well known society women
, who make a very good thing out. of their
loyalty by accepting huge payments In ex
change for their recommendations or In
troduction to royal personages. These are
some of the very ladlea who art most fre
quently favored by notice at court, who oc
cupy the position of being In the swagger
"Men and women who have the privilege
of personally knowing and frequently as
aoclatlng with the royal family are known
to accept payment for bringing such and
such otherwise obscure persons under the
Immediate notice of the king. And It la a
moat unfortunate and regretable fact that
no such obscure persons ever dine with
their sovereign without having paid the
middleman for the privilege.
tawsslt Over Its Sale Is the Meaaa
of Revealing; Its Troe
.Copyright. 1902, by Presa Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Nov. 1. (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) An enormously
valuable painting., stolen ten years ago, has
been mysteriously brought to light by a
suit In Wavereghem, little town In west
em Flanders. A decade ago an inhabitant
of that commune received a present from
an old cousin living In Paris, a painting on
panels, composed of six parta. Ignoring
Its value, she packed It away In the attic.
A year ago she sold the six panels, with
a lot oi plants, to a sign and cart painter
of the village. The son of the latter dia
posed of the lot to an amateur for 110.000.
Becauae of a misunderstanding a lawsuit
aroae between the buyer and seller. The
rase as brought Into court, the panels
examined and It waa discovered that the
picture in question waa a masterpiece of
Albert Durer, representing the apostles
which had been stolen from the museum
of Munich. It Is valued at $200,000. The
signature of the painter Is marked In a
corner of the panel.
that He Will
His Capital oi
(Copyriahted, 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
BRUSSELS. Nov. 1. (New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) It Is an
nounced that the king of the Belgians, now
sojourning In the Pyrenees, will return on
November S. At Lua the king atarted on
aa expedition to vtalt the circua of Gavar
line. From the village he climbed on foot
the five kilometers which separate the view
of the terrace of Ponxerple from the town
and where he could admire tne grove, which
Pyrenees. At 11:30 a. m. the king returned
to Lui by Saint Sauvour. He quitted Luz
at 4 o'clock that afternoon tor Pau, where,
after apendlng the night, he set out for
Net aa Aetlve as Formerly aad His
Spirits Show Signs of
tCopyrtghted. WOt, by Press Publishing Co.)
LONDON, Nov. 1. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The king haa
been living quietly sines his return to Lon
don. Severs! privets dinner parties which
friends bad arranged for him have been
cancelled. lie la again under a severe
regime. At the Guild hall luncheon he ate
nothing but a little chicken and some spe
cially prepared biscuits of his own. He
walks little, rises from a sitting posture
with evident effort, does not look well and
bis spirits show aigns of flagging. There
undoubtedly la much concern among his
(associates at these symptoms.
Has Arreptrd an Invitation to tio
on a Hant with the
t astrllanes.
(Copyrighted. IK by Press Publishing Co.
PARIS, Nov. 1. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Don Carlos
(Charles), the fat good-natured king of
Portugal, has accepted an Invitation to be
one of a grand shooting psrty organised
by the marquis of Castalllne on the family
estate at St. Cheron The shoot was first
erranged for last Thursday, but the king
was taken down with the grip on arriving
In Paris, kept a prisoner by It In his hotel
for a week and la only Just getting about.
On h's account the shoot waa postponed
until Monday. A special train has been
engaged to take the party down.
The king paid a visit Incognito to the
Oastlnne shooting gallery. He Is an excel
lent shot and the habitues of the gallery
aoon began asking. "Who Is the stranger
who la doing auch deadly execution?"
When It waa found that he waa the king
of Portugal the members of the Plstolot
club, who were present, got up a sweep
stakes. After a hot contest the king tied
with the club champion for first place and
finally beat his opponent, winning the silver
medal of the club for the distance of twenty-five
yards. The target was a life-sized
dummy figure of a man.
Before entering the sweepstakes the king
put a dozen consecutive bullets Into a rab
bit at sixteen yards with a revolver. The
king's style and coolness elicited unanimous
admiration. He shoots equally well with
either hand.
Wife of Prlnee WaMemor Said to
Have Instigated Obnoxious
Siamese Treaty.
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Nov. 1. (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) The Franco
Siamese treaty was the handiwork of a re
markable woman. Princess Marie of
Orleans, the wife of Prince Waldemar of
Denmark. In league with Russia, she con
spired with Admiral Du Plessis Richelieu
the commander of the Siamese navy (whose
Siamese title and name Is Phrayah Tchon-
ayudh), to acquire and exploit vast areas
of territory In the provincea of Chantabam
and Battambang. .Through the princess,
Richelieu approached M. Delcasse, the
French minister, and the czar, who Is an
Intimate friend as well aa nephew of Prince
Waldemar, could hardly refuae to lend his
nfluence to favor his designing niece. The
princess made several Journeys expressly
o Qua! d'Orsay (the French foreign min-
stry) and bad secret Interviews with the
French foreign minister. For months M.
Delcasse refused to make the sacrifice de
manded, but at last the Insistence of the
all-powerful Intermediary conquered and
France signed the treaty which has caused,
so much dissatisfaction here.
Freacbmea at Lst Sea How Rldlen
loaa Their A flairs of
.'' " Honor Are. '
(Copyrtghtsd. 1902, by Presa Publishing Cv
PARIS. Nov. 1. (New York world ca
blegram Speelal Telegram.) Senator Max
ims Leeomie has Introduced a bill la con
gress Intended to repress, if not suppress,
dueling In Fraace. It Is high time that
the burlesques dignified In this country by
the name of "affaire of honor" were abol
ished. Statistics prove that out of every
100 French duels only four or five en-
all the death of one of the principals; that
In between fifty and sixty neither adverssry
Is touched; that In twenty-five the man In
the wrong Inflicts an Injury on the peraon
Insulted; that In from fifteen to twenty
the results, without being tragic, accords
with the aentlment of Justice. The whole
thing Is too ridiculous and at laat French
men are beginning to look on the question
In a reasonable, practical light.
One medical man. Dr. Devillers, suggests
as a compromise that the duelist should fire
with Inoffensive balls made of candle
grease, which would crumble to powder
when they struck
Pletares CanBe Copied la One-Fourth
the Time Ilea aired by Old
(Copyrighted. 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Nov. 1. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Artist Bech
ard, a pupil and friend of Cabanel, haa dis
covered a method by which he can repro
duce any subject by photography on paint
er's canvas, reducing to the minimum the
difficult art of painting reproductions. No
one has been able to do it hitherto, becauae
canvaa ia coated with white lead and tatty
By using a photo of the picture on canvas
the necessity of spending weeks, perhaps
months. In work n the original outline la
obviated, as the shading Is faithfully repro
duced with the outline by the camera and
only the colore have to be filled In.
The reproduction of a painting like, for
example, "La Poie." In the Tuxembourg,
could not be fin'sbed In leas than four
weeks by aa artist of average talent. But
by photographing the picture on canvas and
afterward pnlntlng the colors the whole
can be completed In eight daya and, it la
claimed. In equally good style.
Transmits Fifty Thousand Words
Honr aad Makes "Good
(Copyright. 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
BUDA-PESTH. Nov. 1. New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram.) The per-
fee ted quick telegraphy machines Invented
ty Pollak and Virag have been put Into
practical use between Buda-Pesth and
Preasburg by the Hungarian government
and are giving the fullest satisfaction.
The machioea turn out long slips of thick
paper, with firm, clear writtug, at the rate
of 60.000 words an hour In all kinds of
May Visit Rosa oa Occasion
Twraty-Flfth Aaalversary
of PoatlsT.
(Copvrlghted. lSI. by Preas Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Nov. 1. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) A diapatch
from Rome says that the emperor of Ger-,
many has Informed the Vatican that It Is
possible that be will make his visit coincide
with the twenty-fifth anniversary of tbs
election of Leo XIII to the pontifical
throne. That would be March I.
Lady Carson Gets No Place on the Official
Program of Delhi Durbar.
Royal Dnche-i Outranks Her at Proxy
Coronation of Her Husband.
Enormous Crowd of Visitors Expected from
111 ParU of the World.
Rents Pat I p to Gnomon Fig-ares
aad Hotels to Charge Twenty
Five to Forty Dollars
Per Day.
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co
LONDON. Nov. 1. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram) The official
program of the Delhi "Curzonatlon" makes
no mention of vicereine (formerly Mary
Letter of Chicago). She hr.a no official
atatus. It recognizes only the viceroy and
the duke (King Edward's brother) and the
duchess of Connaught, who hsve precedence
next after the viceroy.
Lady Curzon will stand at the foot of the
viceroy's throne with a duchess. In ad
vance of all the other titled and official
The program provldea that the viceroy
shall leave his camp with an escort of Brit
Ish cavalry, the imperial cadet corpa and a
regiment of native cavalry. He will drive
Into the arena with the Imperial cadet
corps and a body guard. The viceregal
standard will be hoisted and a royal salute
will be fired after the viceroy has ascended
the throne, and the durbar is opened. The
chief herald, with twelve heralds accom
panying , him, will ride In after aeveral
flourishes of trumpets and will read the
The royal Imperial standard will then be
hoisted, the national anthem will be played
and a salute of 101 guns will be fired.
When this is finished there will be an
other flourish of trumpets and the viceroy
will address the durbar. At the close of the
addresa the chief herald will call for three
cheers for the king and emperor, which
will be given, first by the spectators In
the amphitheater and Immediately after
ward by all the troops outside.
The ruling chiefs of India will then ad
vance to the dais and offer congratulations
to the viceroy, who will receive them stand'
lng with the duke of Connaught.
The durbar will then cloae and the vice
roy and their royal highnesses will depart.
Arrangements for the Camps.
The arrangement and allotment of the
huge camps to be occupied by the viceroy,
his aulte, the duke and duchess of Con
naught, the Indian princes and the enor
mous crowd of visitors which too occasion
la drawing from all ' parts of the empire
has reached an advanced stage.
Forty thousand tents will be required,
A complete system of railways Is being
provided to connect the various camps
which will almost completely surround the
city of Delhi.
Season tickets are to be issued for the
durbar fortnight at 10 rupeea for ordinary
and 25 rupees for special tralna. Twelve
trains will run rontlnuoualy at ten-minute
Intervals, conveying 1,500 passengers. i
complete Installation of postal and tele
graphic stations is also being fixed up.
One notable feature of the camp la to be
magnificent three-court polo ground, each
court 300 yards long and 200 wide, the total
field for play available being nearly forty
House rent in Delhi is going up. Owners
are asking big prices. The Msam of Hyder
abad (a native ruler of the highest rsnk
has offered $25,000 for the use of a club
houae In Delhi during the festivities. The
British government Is offering board and
lodging at $15 a day, but hotel proprietors
charge from $25 to $40.
BUI Which Will Revolutionise
UaTlona Affairs la French
(Copyright. 1902, by Press Publishing Co
PARIS. Nov. 1. New York World Cable
gram Special Telegram.) M. Ernest Roche
has introduced a bill here for the sup
preeslon of the budget of state religion. !
Thla provides that subsidized churches shall
In the future be separate from the state,
that the government ahall renounce the
concordat and all other pacta with different
churches, sustained by the state and that
the embaasy at the Vatican be abolished.
It grants to all congregations the privilege
of buying or renting their present places
of worship and further provides that the
resources to become available by the opera
tlon of this law ahall be uaed for the estab
lishment of a retreat for the pensioners
of the work.
Ministers of National Cherrh la West,
phalla Greatly Eselted
Over It.
(Copyright. 19I. by Press Publishing Co.)
BERLIN. Nov. 1. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) Mormon apos
tles ftre busy in Westphalia, one of the
chief manufacturing centers of Germany.
Their success has been auch that pastors
of the naticnal church are Indignant at
having doctrines taught from pulplta which
they stigmatize as false. The Mormon
agitators have opened a chapel In Bielefield
the capital of Westphalia, within a month
and have made 600 converts. The police
are watching them narrowly, ready to
pounce on them at the first opportunity.
Dewet Fears that British Cablaet Will
Not Permit His Retara
to Africa.
(Copyrighted. 1M. by Press Publishing Co )
LONDON. Nov. 11. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram.) The World
correspondent learns on the best of author
ity that the visit of Generala Botha and
Itelarey to the United Statea depends upon
the Kritlhh cabinet's disposition in regard
to further appeal for a loan lo rehabilitate
Boer agriculture. General Dewet returns
to South Africa convinced that the Boera
need expect nothing beyond what they tan
do for themselves. His one fear waa that
the British government might prevent his
going hums.
Sasrared Water the Favorite Beverage
of Frearh Statesmen Dsn
las; Debate.
(Copyrighted. lfr2, by Tress Publishing Co.)
PARIS, Nov. 1. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial telegram.) The lively
scenes at the sittings of the French Cham
ber of Deputies would hardly lead one to
uppose that the beverage most In demand
by the orators Is sugared water.
Aa soon as a member mounts the tribune
liveried flunkey follows at his heels with
a glass containing the drink preferred ty
the orator, which a bar attendant prepares
as soon as the name Is called. With rare
xceptlons the politicians take sugared ve
er, sometimes with a dash of rum, torn
coffee and bordeaux weakened with water.
Beer la never asked for. In winter hot
milk la in favor. When ex-Premier Wal-
deck-Rosseau apeaks he sips a lass of
pure water with a few drops of gum eyiup.
Ex-Premier Mellne takes bordeaux with
water. Premier Combes, ex-Premier Rlbot,
Camilla Pelletan, Delcasse, Jonnart, Denya.
Cochin, General Andre and the Count of
Mun all are content with sugared water.
It la relsted that a menial once took to
Lockroy cold coffee Instead of sugared wa-
er. Lockroy. er.Ied out, "I am poisoned."
and for a fef -utes great confusion pre
vailed, but the truth became known
the chsmbr ounded with hearty laugh-
Feell w etween Dutch and Brltoa
omlnsr More Acute as
', ,
Time Passes.
(f .g-ht. 1902. by Press Publishing Co.)
U-TOX, Nov. 1. (New York World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegiam.) The chasm
between the Boers and the British is grow
ing wider. All the Dutch women and chil
dren In Cape Colony wear the Transvaal
colors. A generation Is being raised up
hlch will be more difficult to handle than
the present one. The blacks have taken
possession of the bulk of the Boer farms
and refuse to hand them over to the
repatriated owners. British officials Invite
the Boers to retake poasesslon by force, but
the latter decline to do so.
The disbanded colonial forces are thor
oughly disaffected owing to the nonfulfill
ment of the promises made by the authori
ties who enlisted them. Insufficiency of
native labor prevents the expected mining
developments, while the mine owners have
to face threats of heavy taxation for war.
The national scouts dare not venture out
side the British military posts. Four were
found one morning recently laid out dead
at the toot of the Kruger monument in
Pretoria, their skulls split open.
Former Boss of Tammany Haa So
Gaess to Make on Taes
(Copyright. 1902. by Press Publishing' Co.)
LONDON, Nor. 1. (Netr'Tork World Ca
blegramSpecial Telegram ) Richard Oro
ker has Uttla woC- .tpas-a asarjtj J hough
toi the outcome of the election next week
In New York. Politics noNlonger arouses
"I cannot say anything about the polit
ical situation In New York, because I know
nothing about it." Mr. Croker said: "I have
formed no opinion whether Coler will be
elected. I simply don't trouble one way
or the other."
It Is apparent that racing has supplanted
Mr. Croker'a old love of politics. He is
ever ready to talk about the thoroughbreds
and the turf..
"I think Mr. Whitney is a magnificent
sportsman," Mr. Croker said. "He has done
a lot for the advancement of the English
turf. He now has a splendid stable and
will do better next season. I race only In
a very small way, but am aa enthusiastic
about it as ever. It is a grand pastime."
Story Is Made to Infold the Great
ness of the House of
(Copyright, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.
BERLIN, Nov. .1 Emperor William and
Joseph Lauff. his court poet, have been
collaborating on a drama entitled "Under
the Helmet." The hero ia the great elector.
Frederick William of Brandenburg, who
died In 1688. Lauff, however, haa only
contributed the mechanical part.
The plot and the story have been worked
up by the emperor. The play will be pro
duced soon in Wiesbaden. It deals with
! the Invasion of Brandenburg in 1675 by the
Swedes and their repulse, and also with the
events which led to the great elector be
coming the undisputed master of Pomeranla.
There are some prodigiously long speeches
sbout the glory and grandeur of members
of the bouse of Hobenzollern and their
mission In the world. A soothsayer Is made
to prophecy greatness for the bouse in the
coming years and to hint that Emperor
William will be the dominating power in
Seta Aathorltles at Deftaace aad
Kills aad Robs at His
Owa Pleasare.
(Copyrighted, 1902, by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Nov. 1. (New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram.) Spain baa a
reincarnation of Tracy by the name of
Toribes, who sets the police and people
alike at defiance. Dispatches tell of his re
cent encounter in the mountaina of Graviaa
with two gendarmes who struck out in
pursuit of him. He outdistanced them, but
noticing a peasant In the field, took refuge
behind him for a minute and setting his
gun across the frightened man's shoulder,
fired at one of the gendarmes, wounding
him seriously. He goes to and fro In the
villages, committing thefts and the g n
dariaes pursue him ia vain. He even ap
pears to have a double, but the false Toribes
la no more to be caught than the real. The
governor of the province has offered 2,000
pesetaa for his rapture.
Paris Caaaot Staad a Brick-Red
Postage Stamp with la.
artistic Deslca.
(Copyright. 1901. by Press Publishing Co.)
PARIS. Nov. L (New York World Cable
gramSpecial Telegram.) Postage stamps
of 16 centimes, issued some time sgo, never
found favor in Paris. Their brick red
color, aa well as their design, were found
objectionable. To aatlsfy the artistic taste
of the French capital another stamp will
shortly replace the old. It will be bright
red. but of a more pleasing shade, and the
design will be wholly changed.
In Most States Both Parties Claim A p-
, . . i
jjivwumug i ivhht.
Leaders Tall What Thej Hope Tiesday
Will Do for Them.
General Feeling is Apathetio Owiag to the
Absence of Important issues.
Mississippi Haa Daly Oae Ticket aad
, la Others Opinion la So Well
Known that All May
Pick Winners.
DE3 MOINES. Nov. 1. With the close of
the campaign In Iowa Interest centers In the
congressional contests, two of which are
conceded to be close, although the repub
licans will not admit the possible defeat of
any of their candidates and the democrats
are claiming five doubtful districts.
Chairman Ppence of the republican state
central committee said tonight:
"The state will go republican by at least
65,000. Every congressional district Is safe.
The majorities will run from 1,000 to 12,-
Chairman Jackson of the democratic
committee said:
"The democratic rarty will carry at least
two congressional districts in the state.
Of this there can be no doubt. There are
at least five where we have a chance to win.
The republican majority in the state will
not be more than 35,000."
Local developments of the last ten days
have directed attention to the First dis
trict, where Congressman Hedge, repub
lican, la opposed by John Craig. The dis
trict Is now considered to be entitled to
rank with the Second district, where Wil
liam Hoffman Is the republican and M. J.
Wade the democratic candidate, as a close
district. The democratic leaders also clas
sify the Sixth, Third and Fourth aa doubt
Colorado Republicans Hopeful.
DENVER. Colo. Nov. l.-In the campaign
now drawing to a close the principal issue
is the United States senatorshlp. As sev
enteen of the eighteen hold-over senators
are democrats, there is not much doubt
that Senator Teller will be re-elected by
the Incoming legislature.
There are six state tickets In the field.
democratic, republican, popliat, socialist
socialist labor and prohibition
D. B. Fairley, chairman of the republican
state committee, tonight predicted the
election of the entire republican ticket oy
a plurality of 8.000 to 10,000.
Mllton Smith, chairman of the democratic
state committee, said: "Colorado will give
13.000 tt ,00 plurality forlrABOjwayr..i
reaooayxor governor, ana eiect tnree aem-
ocratlc congressman. Tne aemocrats win i
elect fourteen or tne eignteen state sens- Accotding to the bylaws of the organita
tora. and they have seventeen of the eight- Uon the company Is given thirty days to
een noia-overs. iney win eiect miy oi
im aixty-nve memners oi tne nouse.
ST. LOUIS. Mo.. Nov. l.-The republicans
claim they will carry Missouri by from
10.000. to 15,000. The democrata declare
they will have a majority of 30.000 and that
the largest vote polled in an off year will
be cast.
In St. Louts the democratic and allied
public ownership parties are confident of
Democrata Rive ap Kansas.
TOPEKA, Kan., Nov. 1. Kansas is finish
lng the quietest state campaign in lta his
The republican and democratic chairmen
have Issued their forecasts, each claiming
the state by a good majority. The demo
cratic managers privately concede, how
ever, that the chances for the election of
the republican ticket are good as far as
the state is concerned. The democrats
Insist at the same time that they have a
good chance of carrying the legislature on
account of the factional differences that
have resulted among the republicans from
the senatorial fight. It Is possible that the
democrats will make gains In some counties
The legislature, when elected, will have
to contend with a fierce three-cornered
fight for United Statea aenator, the prln
clpala of which are Charles Curtis, Con
greSBtnan Chester I. Long and Governor
W. E. Stanley. Senator Harris, democrat.
Is a candidate for re-election to the sen
ST. PAUL, Minn., Nov. 1. The campaign
just closed has been very quiet and tonight
the republican committee claimed the en
tire ticket would be elected by at least
23,000 plurality, and the democratic com
mittee made a claim for a like plurality
for Rosing. The chances seem to be rather
more favorable to the republican claim.
For congress they seem to be well assured
of six out of the nine districts.
Oaly One Ticket.
JACKSON, Miss., Nov. 1. But little in-
terest has been manifested in next Tucs-
day s election, as there will be no opposl-
tion to tne democratic congressmen to be
RALEIGH. X. C. Nov. 1. Under the
constitutional amendment which dlsfran
rhlses Illiterate negroes in North Carolina
only 10.000 negroes have registered, and
the democratic majority, It Is claimed, will
be much larger than usual In the state
election. Of ten congressmen the demo
crata claim nine. It la predicted the gen
eral assembly will be four-fifths democratic
and thla Insures the defeat of Senator
Prltchard, republican.
NEW YORK, Nov. 1. The leaders
of both parties are predicting majorities of
40,000 or 60,000 for their respective tickets.
On Wall street today the betting wss
two to one on Odell and many firms placed
from $1,000 to $5,000. There was plenty
of money to bet at 10 to 6, but the demo
crata asked better odds.
The Wlscoasla Leclslatare.
MILWAUKEE, Nov. 1. The Wisconsin
legislature will undoubtedly be republican.
In the congressional fight the republicans
are practically sure of the First, Second,
Third, Fourth, Seveath, Eighth and Elev
enth districts. The Sixth district is gen
erally conceded to the democrata. In the
Ninth and Fifth the democrats have a
MONTGOMERY, Ala., Nov. 1. The cam
paign practically closed In Alabama to
night. There Is no doubt of an overwhelm
ing majority for the democrats.
BALTIMORE Nov. 1. The campaign in
Maryland clcaed toolght with republican and
democratic leaders both expressing confi
dence. The election will be only for con
gressmen. The present six repreeeotsllvee
(Continued oa Second Page.)
Forecast fnr Nebraska Fair and
Sunday; Monday fnlr.
i orrm noiiiH niiiiossirri.
Vlrerlne Left Out nf Darhar.
Forecasts of the F.lcrtlon.
Nebraskana Defeat the Indians.
8 Registration 4,no Short.
Farewell Ranqaet to Dickinson.
Arbitrators Toar Coal Mines.
3 Mr Ben find nets Death Penalty.
Sews from Nebraska Towns.
4 Report Stirs Ip Strikers.
South Omaha News.
B Mills .4 re Short of t out.
Moltnena a tinnd Witness.
A Past Week In Omaha Sorlrt.
T Progress of l.oenl Campalan.
8 News from Council Bluff.
I Events In Iowa Towns.
Lincoln Roys Rent Omaha.
1(1 Results of Font Bull tinmea.
firand Stnnd at ( hlrssn Collapses,
11 Weekly Review of Sports.
President Goes Turkey llnnllng.
14 Amusements and Maale.
lit In the Domain of Women.
IS Editorial.
23 Story, "ThnrotiKhhrrris."
23 Markets and l lnnnclal.
Temperatare at Omaha Yesterdayi
Hoar. Dcir. Ilnnr. Ueg,
ft a. an KM 1 p. ra ...... 7t
Ha. in Rh a p. m ..... . ?il
7 a. m A7 it p. m 71
H a. m r7 4 p. mi. Tit
H a. m .N .1 p. m 71
10 a. m...... ti H p. m IU
11 a. ni wt 7 p. in tiM
ia ni n p. in (Kl
Nebraska 2H, Haskell Indians .
Lincoln H. S. IN. Omaha II. S. O.
Doda-e Mil lit (.unnls U, Malvern ).
Doanr Collese a. Hrllevae t olleae .
Fremont 11. S. 12. Colnmuos H. S. .
Reatrlce II. S. 27, Hebron II. S. .
Iowa 'Varsity 12, Ames tl.
Minnesota 12. Urlnnrll ).
foe College IS, Iowa Normal 12.
Simpson U, Drake Inlverslty ft.
Cedar Falls H. S. IS. Wnvrrly O.
Mlehlaran , Wisconsin O.
Pennsylvania State (. avy O,
Harvard 23. Carlisle O.
Vale , West Point U.
Illinois 47. Indiana O.
Pennsylvania 17. Columbia ().
Princeton lo. Cornell tt.
Lehigh 41. Istoo O.
Missouri 28. Wnsbbnrn O.
Aberdeen It. Huron tl.
Lafayette tt. Brown 5.
C'oadaetors, Trainmen and Switch-
sea to Submit New Schedule
of Wanes to Southern Pnrlflc.
OAKLAND, Cal., Nov. 1. Within the next
few daa the Orders of Railway Conductors,
Trainmen and Switchmen will submit a
schedule of wages to the Southern Pacific
The requests of the men are very much
the same aa those submitted by the en-
gineers. firemen, telegraph oDcrators and
otneri. An Increaae of 15, to 20 per cent !
uaiter together- wltfh- 'a-tMilftrrta . rat at
wageg on ,n the divisions of the Atlantic
4 pacnc system
make anawer to the men
The daneer o , nerat ,trli, on the
Southern Paclflc llne. la no, ,hoUEht to be
rea, Tte h-adg of th d(,nartrnpn, are
united in saying that the possibilities of a
great railroad strike are so small that it
cannot be considered even a possibility.
The men bold equally pronounced views.
The conservative organizations have al
ways had the entire confidence of the com
pany and there have been no differences
that have not been amicably aettled.
Nesrro Stabs Player to Preveot
from Maklna; a Touch
down. MOUNT VERNON, X. Y.. Nov. 1. David
Smith, a young negro, while trying to meke
touchdown In a foot ball game today.
was stabbed twice by Mathew Jenkins, a
negro, and fullback on the opposing team.
Smith got the ball and made a dash for
the enemy's goal.
He passed , all his opponents except
Jenkins. Ab he approached Jenkins the
latter drew a knife and threatened to stab
him if he tried to reach the goal.
Smith kept on and Jenkins raced after
n,m- catching him just as he was about to
rrOM ,Iie llDe- an1 "tabbed him in the chin
and abdomen. The wounds are serious.
Then Tries to Kill Himself After.
wards, Driven Mad by
OTTTJMWA, la.. Nov. 1. While hunting
near here today Arthur McCune, 10 years
old, shot and probably fatally wounded his
playmate, Clare Baker, son of B. D. Baker,
a local capitalist. The shooting was accl-
When McCune realized what he had done
he tried to kill himself, but was restrained
I by a third boy. The boys then hailed a
twitch engine and took their wounded com.
panion home.
Packlaa; House Head Will la Future
Devote His Attention to Pri
vate lateresta.
KANSAS CITY, Nov. 1. U. S. Epperlee
who haa been with the Fowler Packing com
pany for twenty-two years, today retired
from the management of that company to
give hla attention to his personal Interests,
The Fowler employes presented a solid
silver service of 103 pieces to him.
Movemeals of Ocean Vessels Nov. 1
At New York Arrived Auguste Victoria,
from Hamburg: Cieorgle. from Liverpool:
fit. Paul, from Southampton. Sailed New
York, for Philadelphia: Mexaiia. for Lon
don: I-ahn, for Uenoa and .Naples; l'in
land, for Antwerp; Moltke, for Hanibum
Rotterdam, for Rotterdam: I.a (iafceogne,
for Havre; Etruria. for l.iveruool.
At Cherbourg Sailed 8l. Louis, for New
At London Sailed Mlnnetonka, for Xew
At Antwerp tialled Frlesland, for New
At Havre Sailed La Lorraine, for New
New York. Sailed I mi.rU. for New York.
At Uoeeiihtown Sailed Cymric. from
Liverpool, for New York.
At Southampton Sailed Ht. Louis, for
New Yi rK. via Cherbourg, and pasi-.t'J
l)nrl I'astle at l.'. . in.
At Hamburg Arrived Columbia, froni
New York.
At (iiiex Arrived United States trar.s-
?ort M.CIellan, from Manila, lor New
At Yokohama Arrived Nippon Maxu,
from Ban Francisco.
Booth's Oomhnsiers Demonstrats Their
Superiority in the West.
Nebraskans Only Able to Score One Touch
dawn in First Half.
In Second Half Cornhuskera Go Through
and Around at Will,
I.laeup Filled with Substitutes Wliea
Final Whistle Rlows aad the
Nebraskans Are Hailed
(From a Staff Correspondent.)
LINCOLN. Nov. 1. (Special Telegram.)
The fair escutcheon of the University oi
Nebraska for the foot ball season ot 1902
Is still unsullied by defeat. Before an
assemblage of 4,000 noisy enthusiasts th
Cornhuskers today achieved a crushing tri
umph over the redoubtable Haskell Indians,
the final score standing 28 to 0.
The red men were all who dared dispute
Nebraska's claim to supremacy in the Mis
souri valley and the result clinches be
yond question or quibble the Cornhuskers'
right to the title.
Although excelling In all departments ol
the play, the pale-faced warriors were
plainly in superior physical condition, and
the grinding, gruellug onslaughts hurled at
the opposing llne by Booth's pupils wore
down the aborigines as a millstone grlndi
the grain. Hefore the final call of tlma
half of the Haskell ilneup waa filled by
substitutes. Nebraska wss unrelenting In
its attack and tore around and through
Its opponents, never ceasing until the goal
was crossed and the coveted touchdown
chalked up in Its favor. The red men bore
up under the brunt of battle with un
flinching determination and the energies ol
the Cornhuskers could only amass a soli
tary touchdown In the first half of the play.
But in the final moments the Indiana gave
way before the resistless chsrges of thell
adversaries, the spirit of the red msn wst
humblfd and four more touchdowns were
garnered by the Nebraskans ere the whistle
brought the contest to a close.
Analysis of the Game.
A summary of the gains scored by bott
teams shows that the Cornhuskers ad
venced the oal almost tight yards to on
foot for the aborigines. On the defens
Nebraska stood like a stone wall, and al
though the Indians' back field threw them
selves into line with catapultlc force, tht
Cornhuskers' forwards almost Invariablj
plunged into the play and checked It be
fore any (.round was gained- The favorite
formation of the red men was effected with
both tackles playing behind the line. Early
in "the" 'game they ptloed .-lhetr' dlstahcf
several times, but Nebraska soon solved It
nnd the lay thereafter became almost use
less. Nebraska's close formations and masset
on tackle worked with clacklike precision,
the runner breaking through for long and
steady gains. Quick openings and straight
plunges through tho line by the halfbacks,
however, demonstrated the lmpotency ot
the single Hue defense offered by the In
dians, und most of the Cornhuskers' touch
downs were achieved by the use of this
style of play. Bender and Bell broke
through the Indian tarklea time after time
for gains varying from five to thirty
yards. The Nebraska tacklea and guards
were plainly superior to their opponents,
the Cornhuskers' line men throwing back
the plunges of the Indians' backs, or when
on the offense opening holes through which
the Nebraska backs plowed for monotonous
Almost Score.
Haskell played furiously In the first mo
menta. The Indians kicked off and Ne
braska carried the ball by a series of plays
to the middle of the field. Then the red
men held and forced Nebraska to try a
trick. The quarterback kick was bungled
by a faulty pass and Haskell took the
ball. The Nebraska defense, however, held
firm and Haskell waa forced to punt. Ne
braska could not gain and the red men
again captured the oval. At this juncture
they called their repertoire of tricks Into
play. On a delayed pass Balne, the In
diana' giant left half, skirted Nebraska's
left end and before the dazed Cornhuskers
were awake to the situation be had raced
down the field and was across the Ne
braska goal. The audience sat almost
stupefied; the vaunted Cornhuskers had
been scored on and humiliated and the
Indiana were In the lead. But Balne had
not scored after all. The referee pointed
out the Imprint of the Indian's shoe spikes
just on the outside of the chalked boundary
line as he raced down the side of the field,
where he had been crowded by the efforts
of the Nebraska tacklers to bring htm
down. The ball was brought back to the
forty-yard line and put In play. This dis
concerted the Indians, and while charging
with almost savage fury, they were
scarcely after that factors In the game.
Nebraska's first touchdown came after a
fumble by Miguel, the Indian fullback, ot
one of Benedict's punts. Cortelyou cap.
tuted the ball on the Haskell five-yard
line und a mass on left tackle, with Bender
carrying the ball, sufficed to take It over.
Here the Indlrns braced and, although Ne
braska carried tho oval twice to within five
yards of another touchdown, faulty general
ship and the strength of the Haskell de.
fenre cheated Booth's men out of further
scores In the half.
Nebraska Resistless la Laat Half.
Nebraska entered upon the final half with
resistless fury. Within ten minutes they
had advanced the ball to the Indians' thirty
yard line. Here the Cornhuskers' left wing
opened a gap In the opposing line and Ilka
a flash Bell shot through and was on bis
way for the goal. The Indian fullback
tackled poorly, Bell hurdled hla outstretched
arms and hurled himself across the line
with two redmen clinging to his hips.
Bell's feat was duplicated by Bender later
in the half. A quick opening through
tackle yielding a thirty-yard run and an
other touchdown. Mlckel tt fullback hur
dled the Indian line often and effectively.
His successor. Englehart repeating the per
formance. Benedict, fhedd and Cortelyou
! "f thflr dashes yielding twenty and thirty
ar1s. In returning punls Benedict's prow.
era at dodging bordered on the brilliant.
He fclso punted superbly, and before the
Injury and retirement of Fallls. the Indian
kicker, (he pair waged a very pretty duel
at the kicking game.
Haskell was weakened early In ths game
by (be enforced retirement of Balne, their
plungiug halfback. Balne lost but temper