TIIE OMAHA DAILY IlKEs SATURDAY, NOVEMTIEK 1. 1002. Grand Underwear Sale HATDEN S PUT ENTIRE SVRFI.V3 STOCK OF BIO LOCAL. JOBBER AT HALF PRICE. Tin wirni easnn left the local Jobbers overstocked heavily. One of them onri Hayden Eros Ms entire surplus stork of uni'rwnr, amounting to over ro., to close at a srlflre. After examining h nntxim the deal H closed for rash, and THIS GREAT PURCHASE OOES ON SALE SATURDAY. fnderwsr of every Imsglnable fabric, color and style for men, women and chil dren. Bst finished, best quality, beet fitting garments at 1-3 to H regular prices. Be cn hand Saturday. Extra sales people to Insure the best possible service. I,s1Ics' extra heavy ierner ribbed veati Ladles' line white silk and wncl vesta and and pante, wurth , 25c at Ladles' HiiiM mills vests and pants. In fine Jersey rtbhed lltw lined, slik cro cheted, hand-flnlehed. extra AQu fne quality, at H9C Ladles' Jersey ribbed combination suits. In regular end extra sixes, in AQu gray and white, at ffJC Ladl'-s' part wool combination suits. In white and array, samples from the large manufacture, worth 11.60, nB. at bOC One lot of ladt' wool combination suits. In manufacturers' samples, i Cfl worth tLin. at 3U Ladles' fine Swiss ribbed combination suit. in sua ana wool, wnite. niue ana pink. extra nne nnisn. worm u.m, at 2.50 Men's SI.50 Underwear at 89c f3kfn' extra heavy all wool Jersey ribbed' suns ano orswers. Mens silk fleece lined. Also all wool sulfa and drawers ; In fancy stripes. All regular I tl.il values, at 89c s and 69c i Ven a fl.25 wool fleece hned shirts snd I drawers. In pink and blue, on sale at VEN'8 C5o AND $3 UNDER I WEAR AT 1.75 'Ken's fine silk and wool suits and draw , era. In the Stoneman and some of th ' other best makes, all regular if I C.fs and $3. on sale at Is I 9 , len s wool union suits and part wool, at ' U $LaU. d. tlM and up. Saturday in the Specials on dress goods, silks, cotton dress No dealers, peddlers or manufactures sold WOOL DRESS OOODS. $2 60 golfing cloth, cadet blue, all wool, S , ox.; Just the thing for walking TCm i and golf skirts, only, a yard 191 Engliah henrlettas, 25 C $1.9 plaid back golfing cloth. 6 Inches wide. In Oxfords only, for KQa Saturday, at a yard w9C A large line of wool walstlngs to select from. In albatrosaea. mummy cloth and other weavea for this fall. J Dm for a yard ..3C All wool chains, 25c 25c for AU wool French flannels, for SILKS. A rile line of silks In this department to select from. In moires, taffetas. Jacquards, In rtrlpes. checks and plain silks. Q at 'Jc, 39c, 25c and I3C COTTON DRESS GOODS. 15 and 19c percales, loc Canton flannel, duck other goods on one counter, for, a yard 5c IJc fleeced French flannelettes. ISc fleeced French serges, lac albatross watetlngs and other gcoda, for - LINENS. 9ic ifao merce riied table damask, napkins to match. 49c tor 4c turkey red table damask, 25C fin extra heavy bath towels. jgg Extra heavy towels, QC Special sale on blankets and qullte: Cotton blankets. 0 v. rvol blankets, for KM and 1.93 KUMBER OF MEN IN SHOPS Discharged Employe Say Tkere Were 645 for Bupper Thursday. AGREES WITH PICKET. LEADER'S FIGURE Mrs Are Betas Let Oat Al saat Every Day for laeeaf setesee sst a Bia Xtsfct sa Day. "There were Just C45 men for supper last Bight," said one of the nonunion workmen who with four other was discharged from the Union Pacific shops yesterday morning, when asked how many men the company bad In Its Omaha shops. This number tallies with that given by the strikers picket leader, William Riche lieu, who claims te have positive informa tion as to these matters. The original number of workmen In the local shops, ac cording to the strikers' statements, was 242. Thus It will be seen that the company's claims as to Its ability a flood Us shops with men are correct. But strikers main tain that not one-tenth of these men are mechanics and that this Is why It has be come necessary for the company to run its bops night and day In Its attempt to keep up necessary repairs on engines. Strikers statements that a weeding out process has been started by the company seems amply Justified by the squads of men who are let out from day to day. Two days ago aeventeen came from tbe shops aying they had been discharged for Incom petency, and today Ave more came out for the same purpose. The theory that these Facts Are stubborn truths. This fits our clothing as well as it fits tou and we find very few men whom we fail to fit to their perfect satisfaction. The custom tailor says: ""Ready Made' Clothing is cheap clothing." Guess he had ours in mind. ' AVe don't know of any clothing so chock full of goodness for so little money as the suits and overcoats we can place on you this fall at ?10.00, 15.00, $20.00, 25.00 and $30.00. j NO CLOTHING FITS LIKE OURS. R. S. WILCOX, rUnater. 1 1 pan in. nana-crocneteo nnisneo, s nn worth lis", at liUVI Ladle' pore natural wool vests and pant, extra heavy quality, at. I l fi each 3U Ladles' lona; hip. straight front corsets, all sizes, ix quality. AG at "l to Ladles' and misses' Birdies. In all colors. ;? 49 c Dr. Warner s straight front. Ions; hip cor sets, with side and front sup porter attached, SO Dr. Warner's straight front acoroets for stout figures, stxes 22 to M. QQ Nemo self-reducing corsets for stout figures, at 2.50 Men's $1.25 colored laundered shirts, with or without bosom. In all the newest colors, with separate cuffs, to wear whits collars, on sale 4QC Men's wool sweaters. In all Styles and colors, at $4.S0, I flfl down to IiUU Men's 60c neckwear. In all the 9K new styles, at swv Men's 60c suspenders. In all the 9 ft ft new styles, at a9( Boys' colored laundered ahlrts, regular $1 quality. In all the new colors. 49 C Bargain Room goods, underwear, boys' clothing, etc to In this room. Quilts for from, each, $2.98 to 25c cretonnes, for 75c 10c CLOTHING. 43 j s knee pants, for sue ana Boys' suits, for 35c 1.25 EXTRA PPECIAL FOR SATCRDAT EVENING. FROM 8:30 TO P. M. We will give one of our grand dress goods sales In extra heavy and extra wide dress goods, worth from $1.25 to $4.S8 a yard; only one pattern to a customer, OCn at a yard S3G v iner sales during the day. FCRNI3HINGSA Men's 73c underwear. OCm for 43 C 300 doxen men's fleeced lined shirts and drawers, plain and fancy colors, sizes from 30 to 44, made to sell for QCst 75c, on sale for WWW One lot of men's part wool fleeced shirts and drawers, worth up to 60c. 9 Cat on sale for 3C Men's extra heavy fleeced lined Jersey overshot s, In blue, black and brown, regular 11 grade, on sale 49 C Boys' extra heavy part wool shirts, reg ular Tic grade, AA tor OsC Men's extra heavy part wool sweaters. Id blue and maroon and black. IA. for 4a C Children's extra heavy fleeced lined shirts and drawers, all alxes. ap. for 10c, lie, sue and a.WW Ladles' extra heavy fleeced lined under wear. In silver grey and ecru, regular SOc quality, 9R for ..,(9w tidies' and children's full seamless stork, tngs, regular 20c quality. , Q q men were being let out because they could not be Induced to register for election Tuesday Is said to bo incorrect. Striken who have been tireless In their efforts to suppress Illegal registration of these non resident strike breakers believe they have been successful in checking wholesale viola tions of the law In this respect. Assistant Master Mechanic Thompson of tbe Omaha shops baa sent out letters to all the engineers on ths main line ot the Cnlon Pacific appealing to them to aid the company In every possible way in Its efforts to cope with this strike. The men are asked to do all In their power to get their trains In on time and are reminded that they owe much to the company, which bas done a great deal for them. The remark baa been dropped around Union Paclflo headquarters that "un scrupulous firemen or engineers might bave something to do with the wholesale tardi ness of trains." WOMAN TRIES TO KILL LOYER AtehUem Wife Shawts Its Who Wor ried Her with lawelesas Atteatleas, ATCHISON. Kan.. Oct. 11. Mrs. Charles Gadaey, wife of a guard at the Lansing penitentiary, and proprietor of bair dreaslng establishment, today shot George Dcubam. an electrician, twice, because, as she said, be bad forced bis attentions upon ber. Denham will recover. Constipation fa the rock that wrecks many lives; It poisons the very life blood Regularity can bo established through the use of Prickly Ash Bitters. It Is mildly cathartic and strengthens the stomach, liver and kidneys. u it 13 MANUFACTURERS' STOCKS OF WOMEN'S COATS. SUITS. SKIRTS, WAISTS AND WIIAPFEUS AND FINEST MILLINERY, making in all an enormous stock of over ?.0.000. boiipht by our bnver on bis recent trip to New York. Tbe manufacturers wanted the rash and wanted it bad and we bare the goods, at our Terr doors, right at the commencement of the sea son, in many cases at one-third price. WE HAVE TAKEN ALL THE INFANTS, styles, taffeta lined Jackets, worth up to; Carlos and swsgger Dti Barrys. at 13. $1$. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' JACKETS from j $25. on sale at $14.75. and $20. the tig stock of Kltrlnger at Zelanko. Gin- ahery Bros., Hutoer Broa. laaacks. and divided them Into four lots for Saturday. Infant's cloaks In a good eiderdown at Ec. Children's snd misses' coats, ages 4 to 14. with double cape, trimmed with satin, well worth $4, on sals at $15. Children's and misses' long cloaks, with high storm collar, in red, blues, tans and browns, also $2 short Jackets included in this lot. worth up to $5. on sale at $2.95. U0 children's high class single and dou ble cape box coats, made of finest quality kerseys, in cardinals, blues, castors and tans worth up to $10, at $5.00. THE WOMEN'S SUITS FROM THE MANU FACTURERS' STOCK SALES 100 women's suits, well made, silk lined Jackets la the swell blouse, Norfolks and pedestrian suits, worth up to $15, on sale at $8.75. 100 suits In the new blouse and Norfolk 50c Silk Belts 29c A beautiful line of peau de sole all silk belts; lined and stitched with postilions at 9c Watch for lace sale next week. $1.00 wrist bags, the latest, at 50c $1.00 Chatelaine bags 50c $1.00 Medallion 25o (Limit two to a customer.) Book sale Saturday. Lace bargains next week. Grand ribbon sale Saturday. Optical Dept. EYES CAREFULLY EXAMINED FREE In optical department by expert refractlon ist. Proper lenses In up-to-date frames made by the American Optical company on sale at greatly reduced prices. Come to us and save money. rui GIRDLE AROUND THE GLOBE Lut Section of British Imperial Ficifio Cable ii Laid. FIRST MESSAGE IS FROM THE KING Sfaeh latereet Takes la Leaass Over Coaspletlaa, as it Gives Eaglaad Ceatrol af Coaaasaalcatloa Arsssa the World. LONDON, Oct. !L The last section of tbe British Imperial Pacific cable was lsid at the FIJI islands yesterday. A congratula tory cable message to King Edward reached Buckingham palace this morning, being the first message sent over the line which links ths British empire together. Great Importance la attached here to the coming opening ot tbe all-British Pacific cable. Tbe completion of tbe line brings Into be ing for the first time a Brittsb telegraphic girdle around the globe. The cable Is 7.900 miles In length. The Vancouver-Fanning portion is the longeat without a break In the world. VANCOUVER. B. C. Oct, II. The British Imperial cable was completed at 7 p. m. on Thursday, although the announcement was withheld by the telegraph constructors un til this morning. The cable Is being used today for sending messages ot congratulations to the British, Canadian and Australian governments. OTTAWA. Ont.. Oct. JL Sir Sanford Flensing received today the following ca blegram over the Pacific cable from Premier Eeddon ot New Zealand: October 11 Delighted to congratulate you on completion of great work of Pacific cable, thus rewarding your Interested labor and forging a further link to the advantage oi our empire. ctuuun, PUTS BLAME ON GOVERNMENT Beaver Llao gays Osaclal Dwetara El avaalao Eastaraata sas Esai Its Respaaalhlllty. LONDON, Oct. 31. A representative of the Beaver lino today discussed the charge that emigrant were illegally snipped to tbe states by way of Canada. "It to a remarkable charge," be said, "which I am quits sure is exaggerated. I cannot say anything In regard to emigra tion conditions en the continent, but I know that a'.l our passengers are inspected at Liverpool by the Board of Trade phyat sians. who see that they comply with tbe Canadian- law. Whether one or two unde sirables occasionally slip through I cannot say, but when the Board of Trada here certifies to any emigrant's fitness our re sponsibility is ended." HOSTILE FEELING IN BRAZIL Mar steaalt la Coalltloa af Swath Aairrteaa Caaatrle-o Agalaat the raited State. LONDON. Oct, 11. A dispatch to the Lon don Times from Vienna, published today. aays: "According to an Interesting communica tlon from Rio Janeiro, published la the Polllischc Correspeadent, tbe visit paid by the Chilean naval squadron to Braxlliaa waters in August assumed the almost ua mlstakable character of a demonstration In favor ot a coalition of tbe South Americas M EIGHTH DAY OF TIIE MANUFACTURER'S STOCK SALE. 100 women's suits, silk lined throughout, In all the new materials, for $20.00. Just received by express, 250 women's suits. In the extreme novelties, at $14.75, $18.60 and $22.00. WOMEN'S COATS FROM THE MANU FACTURERS' , STOCK Women's Monte Carlo coats In cardinal, blue, castor and tana, trimmed with satin ribbons and small buttons, the best coat la America for the money, only $5.00. Women's Monte Carlo coats, made from finest quality American woolen mills ker seys, this coat Is well known to you all. Skinner's satin lined, on sale at $10.00. Women's high class novelties in Monte Sheet Music Sale See what we offer you at only lie per copy, by mail 11c: BONGS. "My Rosary," by Bishop: "Dream of Paradise." by Gray; "Angela Serenade." by Braga; "The Palms," by Faure: "Jeru aalem." by Parker: "Ave Maria. from '"Cavalleria Rustlcana"; "Calvary," bv Rodney; "Teach Our Baby That I'm Dead,'' by Wlndom; "My Baby's Kiss," by Peas ley; "Two Little Blue Shoes," by Peasley; "Dally Question." by Meyer Helmund ; "Lenore." by Ttotere; "By the Fountain,'' by Adams; "Daddy,'' by Behrendf 'Re member I'm Your Brother and Your Friend," by Deagen; "Tale of a Winter Night" (tong). WALTZES. TWO-STEPS. TIANO SOLOS, ETC "Serenade." by Schubert; "Simple Con fession," by Thome; "Palms," with varia tions: "Orphan's Prayer." "Beautiful Even ing Star." "Love and Friendship" waltzes; "Springtime" valse, "Farewell to Home'' reverie, "Sweet Content'' reverie, 'Sweet hearts True" waltses: "Thoughts of Thee'" waitxes. by McKensie, and thousands of other pieces, vocal and instrumental Man dolin and guitar, violin and piano, etc., all on sale at only lftc per copy. We have Just received a nice new book exiled "Drawing Room Vocal Folio," con taining thirty late popular songs, such as "Just What the Good Book Taught.'' "Every Day at the Station." "Don't Speak of Her Faults." Just a Girl Like Mother." "Only Memory picture." "Suppose She Were a Sister of Your Own." "He Not Coming Home with the Boys." "Don't Let fo) states sgiinst any desire on the part of the United States to exercise tutelage over them or interfere in their affairs. "The occasion was tbe removal to Chile of the remains of three Chilean ministers who had died at Rio Janeiro during tbe year, and enthusiastic manifestations of mutual friendship occurred dally. "The writer considers these circumstances deserving of attention in view of the bitter feeling now prevailing in Braiil against the United States, inasmuch as they show that In many of the South American republics there Is a growing sense of a solidarity of interests against the North American union." LIPTON KEENLY INTERESTED Says Aaserleaa Eradicate Leeks Bask Ahomt His Aetoaat. LONDON, Oct. 11. Sir Thomas Upton read with keen interest the Associated Press announcement of the steps taken to build a new defender for the America's cup and Immediately telegraphed Its gist to William Fife, the yacht designer. When Sir Thomas went over tbe names cf those composing the American syndicate he said: "Well, that certainly li formidable and It looks like business." He added. Jokingly: "The first thing I do today will be to see how my balance stands at the bank." Regarding the reports that work on the new Shamrock waa commenced before the challenge was sent. Sir Thomaa said: I wish to say most emphatically that not a stroke of work was aone until the challenge waa received in New York. The drslgn. of course, had previously been drawn up, but the builders only received the order for the yarnt a construction the day the New York Yacht club was noti fied of my Intention to try again. Any other course would have been an attempt to tak an unfair advantage. 1 am nut in the habit of doing that. Messrs. Fife and Watscn are both likely to go to New York with the challenger. Dweter Gives So Esrsaraceaest PARIS. Oct. 31. Deputy United Slates Consul General J. Allison Bowen. who un derwent an operation some time ago. Is slightly better today, but bis doctor gives little encouragement in regard to the pa tient's recovery. Mr. Bowen's departure for the United States, which waa to havs taken place tomorrow, U indefinitely post poned. Mara Heaars far Caraegle. LONDON, Oct. 31. Andrew Carnegie ar rived in London today after a tour of Scot land, where he received the freedom ot numerous towns. He will be the guest of honor at a dinner to be given by John Mor ley at the Alhenaen club tonight and starts for the continent tomorrow for two months' recreation. Caraegle Glvea Statae. LONDON, Oct, 31. Tbe statue of John Bright, which baa last been placed In the House ot Commons, Is the gift of Andrew Carnegie. Wsslesrk Faelsry Baraea. MONTREAL Oct. 31. Tbe woodwork fac tory of Simpson A Peel was burned early today. Loss, f 140,000; partly covered by In surance. What Makes Baby Lias, Tbe pure, rich blood, mad by Dr. King's New Lifs Pills. They promote beauty. Civ clear akin, rosy cheeks. He For sal by KahA 4 Co - ON SALE IN THE EARLT MORNING. CONTINUING UNTIL LATE AT NIGHT. Women's fleece lined wrappers, others get tic. sale price 50c. Women's heavy fleece lined wrappers, others get $1.50. sale price 98c. 25 doxen women's wool waists sample garments, nicely trimmed, worth up to $:. for $1 50. 10 dozen women's heavy marsellles, pique and other white waists, suitable for win ter wear, at $1.00. 100 women's silk skirts, th Tnd you pay $12.50 and $15 for. on sale at $7.90. Women's fleece lined wrappers, others ask you $1.50, sale price only 95c. THE MILLINERY SALE Newest and most exquisite millinery in this sale at about one-third regular price. Every hat Is nobby, stylish and up to date, and becoming. Tbe swellest creations of the leading milliners to select from. Thou sands of dollar's worth of newest bird's plumes, tips, pompons, breasts, ostrich and fancy feathers for trimmings, at astonish ing cuts in prices. EPECIAL FURCHASES OF STREET HATS GO IN THREE LOTS Lot 1 300 very fine street hats, new styles, regular $1.25 values, on sale at 50c Lot 2 280 women's elegant street hats, very stylish, worth up to $2. on sale at 75c. Lot 1 400 very finest and most fashiona ble street hats that sold up to $3, on sale at 95c. Big sale on charming and stylish new pattern hats and trim-Bed bats, Saturday. MILLINERY FOR CHILDREN ON SPE CIAL SALE SATURDAY. Her Lose Her. Way." and lots of others we have not space to mention. This book Is bound to sell big. as there Is no other book on the market containing such late popular songs. We have purchased a big lot of this book for our trade and will place it on sale at only 48c per copy, by mail doc. Reg ular price or into collection is ijc. Whin In need of anything in the sheet 1 music or book line plve us a call, as we keep up with everything tnere Is any po I sible demand for. Get our prices on piano ana organ metnods, violin, manaoiin. saiitar, banjo, cornet and clarinet Instruction boons. We carry a large line of all kinds and are sold at greatly reduced prices. Mail orders filled the same day we re ceive them. Jewelry Dept. Keep your eyes on our witch department. Fall styles in best makes arriving daily. A gentleman's 3-year guarantee! (told case, Elgin. Walt ham or sj nn Hampden movement, sale price. . I iS O Ladies' svyear gold case, Elgin, Waitham or Hampden movement, II Ctt 'r llsDU A complete shipment of Rosrers' silverware just received and selling at lowest prices. Everything in silverware and cut glass. A beautiful American cut glass bowl , Inch stie, regular price $8, a sa sale price ws0 Just received a new lot of the gold shell rings, in prettiest patterns, set of plain cr chased at only 50c IC and LOW Nickel watches, American move- nO. ment at 0C o) JU OTHER LADS THAI OCRS. At a colonial congress held the other day In Berlin Prof. Adolf Wagner in a Jingoistic address maintained that con trary to some recent assertions Germany was -well able to support a "double arma ment" a strong fleet snd a strong army. He even declared that she was better situated in this respect thsn any other country, not excepting the wealthiest, such as Great Britain, France, and North America. In creased security would be followed by sn increase in political power and a greater share of the world's commerce. There waa in Germany, he said, an almost entire ab sence of unproductive state debt, and the state had a great quantity of property and enterprises, such aa forests, railways and mines, from which it derived revenue. Al though taxation had increased, it was still relatively low, and he Insisted that an in crease of expenditure for the national arm ament, including tbe navy, could be more easily borne in Germany than other coun tries. The excise duties on tobacco, beer and spirits were rspable of considerable development and the present legacy duties were merely nominal. He concluded with an appeal to patriotism of the whole na tion. Incidentally, Prof. Wagner Indulged in certain free criticisms of friendly for eign powers, which moved the presiding officer to call bim to ordar. In the course of an address delivered at a dinner given the other day by the Cham ber ot Commerce of Valence, President Loubet ot France promised to exert his influence to effect certain alterations in the railroad service so aa to facilitate the transport of agricultural produce to Bel gium, Holland and Germany. He fully real ized, he aaid, that tbe agriculturists would be benefited greatly by such reform. In formation which he bad received on this subject made him regret that agriculture did not have aa efficient legislative repre sentation ss commerce snd manufacturers had. Agriculture, doubtless, had its organ izations, but these did not possess tbe necessary legislative influence, and be called upon the aenators and deputies repre senting the agricultural districts to set about tbe organization of bodies somewhat akin to the existing Chambers ot Com merce, whoee special object it should be to look after agrarian Interests, and espe cially questions of production, transport and sale, and affecting the condition ot laborers. This, he said, would be the sur est way ot insuring good relations between capital and labor. The latest South African statistics prove that there is a steady increase in the num ber of white men employed in the mines in the Rand. In lsS, tbe year before the war, M7' white men were employed In seventy three mines, tbe highest number of stamps at work being i.'ia. In August of this year 9.122 whit men were at work with only 2.4i5 stamps in operation. In July and August the Increase In the number ot white men. in the mines was 1.9SS, and ot natives for tbe same period 1.330. The total num ber of natlvea working on tbe last day of August wss S6.363, but the number on the books of the contractors wsa 11.671, the difference ot 6.309 Implying a wastage of 12.7 per cent. While the value of unskilled whit labor Is still a matter of dispute, mine managers are using ail available ma terial and running a considerable number ot stamps which otherwise would be idle. One mine abaft was sunk during August to a record distance entirely by white labor at a coat ot very littls above the average. The experiment la regarded as so satis factory that It will te repeated. Every EXTRA SrECTALS Saturday's Shoo Specials. Oil Saturday wc place ou pale several hun dred pain of ladies' nud gents' shoes, the en tire flor stock of two Lynn and one Hi'inkton factories. These pxds have arrived and will go on sale Saturday at about one-half price: Women's fine vici kid lace , shoes worth 1.00 , Women's line box calf lace shoes worth 1.00 Men's fine vici kid hue shoes, worth 3.00 Men's fine box coif lace shoes worth .00 Men's fine velour calf lace shoes worth 3.00 Women's Dongola lace rustom-mase shoes, worth $2.00. at $1.49 Women's Vlrl Kid, small vtzes turns, worth $3.00, at 7c Men's Satin Calf Congress, worth $2. ..$1.1) Boy's and youths' Satin Calf Bals, worth $1.50, at s$c Great Hat Sale Saturday Special Cap $m dcin men's and boys' caps, in all the FV. We have aNo the lancet lin of new style, for fall and winter, worth 50c. loX ft 75c and $1, on sale Saturday at S5c. 35c and' on sale Saturday at Z5c. 2,'c, 45c and 5"c. TEAS AND Big reduction in Teas before the duty Fancy new Tea Slftlngs. only 10c. lmperie'. ;inpomder Tea, only 35c b". Kngllsh Hreakfast Tea. 35c tK- Sjn Dried Japan Tea, 35c. Imperial Java Coffee. 17c. Letting Down the Prices on Dried Fruit Michlngan .81c Peaches California 10c 12tc ..10c 124c 10c 15c 3c Peaches Mulr Park Peaches California Apricots Mulr Arricota Muscatel Raisins California Seedless Raisins. Small new Prunes Grand Opening Sale of New Kuts and Fresh Fruits xtaw Mwn Oraneres. iter dozen, lftc. 5sw crop California Lemons, dozen, 15c Juicy pears, doxen, 15c. Hallowe en Dates, per pound, P-c New Fish-Headquarters Cm New Catch Shore 3C Herring. 1 7 I M New Catch Norway I law Mackerel, in. New Catch Norway lUtf Herring. CU New Catch Family U2 White Flail. , Cf New Catch Holland DUG Herring, per kit. 10 In N Catch Norway I UK Anchovies. where there Is Increasing confidence that the deficiency in native labor may be sup plied by unskilled white labor, but there Is said to be no desire or thought of driving colored labor out of tbe market. There Is room for all the natives as well ss for all the whites who are likely to apply. The serious situation arising from the drouth in Australia grows week by week. A large area of tbe wheat lands In north ern Victoria, we are now told, can yield nothing. The farmers cannot feed their horses and cattle, and are appealing la their extremity to the government for fre carriage to tbe southern sreas. where the land owners are offering free paturage. The September rains have been a failure. Of the beasts that are being sent south to the good grass, many are so emaciated that they cannot stand the railway Journey, and hundreds have died in the trucks. In New South Wales the same cause is going to inflict snother severe blow on the wool In dustry. According to a recent estimate the flocks there have been depleted by some 35 per cent, leaving something short ot 26.000,000 sheep for tbe yield. Tbe shortage of wool for the year is computed st 94.622.000 pounds, smountlng to some 270.000 bales. This, reckoning at 350 per bale, brings the pastoral industry face to face with a loss of $13,500,000 on account of the drouth. It Is perhaps an exag gerated estimate, but another account puts the loss ot sheep since the beginning ot January at no less than 40.000,000. mm As is well known, the government ot New Zealand, among Its numerous so cialistic enterprises, maintains a depart ment of life Insurance. This has existed for a long time in competition with pri vate companies, but haa only la recent years made any great headway. Tbe latest annual report, however, shows that the de partment wrote Insurance during the year aggregating over $3,100,000. It now -carries assets amounting to above $16,000. 000, which, for a colony of less than 1.000, 000 people exclusive ot the aborigines, would Indicate that the state has become a very Important factor In life Insurance. The commissioner reports an increase in pre mium income and a decrease In the ex pense ratio. It la noticeable that the de mand upon the department bas become al most exclusively for endowment Insurance. Practically all the policies written last year were endowments, only three vhole life and term policies being sold. A conference ot the directors of ths Chi nese Eastern railway and of various Eu ropean systems was held In Berlin on the 8th. and decided that through train from Paris and Berlin to Pekin would be started early in the coming year, when the Chi nese Eastern railway will be open for traf fic. For the next tew years the Journey from western Europe to Pekin will consume from eighteen to nineteen days, and to Chinese and Japanese ports from twenty to twenty-one and a half days, which Is practically ten days less thsn tbe Journey from Hamburg or England, via the Suet canal or via Vancouver requires. In 1906 tbe new roadbed of tbe Tranaslberlan railway will be completed, and the In creased speed that thla will allow will shorten the Journey by three or tour days more. Bsrgltrt Hah raetosSca. BARAIVX). Wie.. Oct. 31. Tbe poetofflre at Keetisburg wss robbed last night of H ost In cash, besides registered letters and tamp. I RONTON. O . Oct. $1.-Burglars last night completely wrecked the sale in the poatonT' at teere. this cojnty, and curod over $4 3 In stumps, cash and guv Ctnirent bonds. No clue. rin 111 I ' XT 1.96 B 1.96 1 Misses' Vici Kid Lace Shoes, worth $130, at ?5C Men's and Women's Carpet Slippers. .. .2r.e Sole agents In Omaha for the celebrated Stetson and Crossett shoes for mm and the Ultra, Brooks Bros, and Grovcr for women. An unusual opportunity ta se cure a high-grade hat at a big saving in prloe. Several lines will be closed out at greatly re duced prices from a hth-gra je manufacturer. The hats are the newest and nobbi-st of the sea son. Shapes, colors ml ma terials are all correct. These hats are worth $1.V to $2. SO. Tour choice of anv hat tftm In the lot Saturday at IIJC Sale Saturday COFFEES taken oft. Family Java and Mocha. Ceylon Java and MiK-ha Coffee. ; Mandellns; Java and Mocha. 23c. Good drink Coffee, luc. California 5c 10c 12ic 10c .... 10c .. .10c 3c 41c new Prunes., Italian Prunes Santa Clara Prunes Neutrlta. per package. Force, per package. Malta Vita. per package. Pickled Trine. per pound.... Best Brand Bologna New Carton Flss. each. 8Uc. lirge new Almonds, per pound. lfc. New Mixed Nuts, per pound, l.x California Tokay Grapes, per pound. 12c. for Low Prices on New Fish CI rer block W2 vminti. 0 Smoked Eel IOC and Halibut. Of! a Smoked Sockeye IUU Salmon. As ffttirinfee of ABSOLUTS TURTTY md SAFETY the Lubtl txhfvj printed on 'BLUE 'TAPER is pasted on every Kitchen Utensil of GENUINE AG A TE NICKEL-STEEL WARE A full aisoTtment of these fMi for tale hvll the leadmc IiEPARTM ENT sad HOL'sE 1 L'KN IsHING STUKts. LALANCE&QROSJEAN MFG. CO. saw vo sic. CHICAGO. (Sostsiaed by U. & Circuit Court) NAME OF UTENSIL. COST BELL Aaalraa He. nam Wsw Toaa. Das. T. ISM. We aavw mmAw a csrvful xumuooa of a aial of " Arm SUU Wars - rattra rroiTaalsnanshtw) aU.Q,o at IS. Te sssclag Is aeawfaasous. of attts Sktckasas, sa4 wrmml (mnty. It a wiMrule frm frmm sik Uo4 anS aaaV awag ssetais so oru found ka eaaaMisd foe Very raKwrtfuUr, STTLLW EXIT GLADDrw, Chsssats a las Sew York rrsauoa Cschaa. h a r sj i m, s a, ft a M n tta, fv Aawlras fteTtUau. Maw Toaa, Msf k sM LaLaNC6ttoaJtaN Kio. CO. timjsn wqiiati I fey jma, w n eti m to us oosa aurkat a auapK ol " Ast HieMI SMi War mm mrm ad a arefui baainai sralyaof tin isiaa Ownainl la Ws Sa4 thheaasasl a etetatftj wart sad fees iMwiiii. iad so t ua Mm hmiith Ws can tavrefota Ii (or ail mtfaary mad an an in irruiir yours. Caaataas toUtt.I. Maul liiihsa. OwrnMd. OAK law " I SAVE FUEL-WORRY 'If YOU DEALER TRIE TO TILT YOU IXTO THE MISTAKE 0T BUYING ANOTHER HAXCWMTE TO U. Chiller OaLkStoyeSRanseGa Wfeea Writiaf to A.vtflisers Ahrtr. ItleatrM Tbe Etc. ii2:SSco;i Pa tested rsslllM. fci a.t s Sis a jls a-SS .as tis a