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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 1, 1902)
V i-' o The - Omaha Bee. 3 w 1 ESTABLISH!:!) JUE 10, 1871. OMAHA, SATURDAY MOKXISU, NOVEMBER 1, 1902 TWELVE PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS Daily DATE OF WAGE SCALE Arbitration Board Decidei that Any Altera tion Bhall Bs Paid from Today. WANTS PLENTY OF TIME TO INVESTIGATE If Partisi Know Award Will Be Eotrospec tire Anxiety Will Be Less. , DECISION ALSO STOPS PROBABLE FIGHT ' Minsri and Operator Might Otherwise Contend u to Day. ' COMMISSION SEES WORST MiNE IN FIELD V fraaael So Low Hfnkrn Have to Moop All Tine la Most t'aeomfortable Position and JiUt Gray . Gives la. SCR ANTON, Pa.. Oct. 31. The anthracite strike commission has officially decided that it any change Is made in the rate of wages of the men It shall date from to morrow, November 1. This announcement was made by the commission through Ke oorder Wright in the following brief state ment, given out by him at 8 o'clock this morning: Voted unanimously that If the commis sion at the conclusion of Its hearings and deliberations makes any award affecting existing rates of wages, such award shall take effect from November 1, Wl. The recorder of the commission stated that this resolution was adopted by the commission because if felt that it was im portant to make its investigations delib erately, and that It might be well In order to tellers itself from pressure from any source which might cause undue haste, to Inform the operators and the miners that should the Investigation and the delibera tions following It warrant any change whatever, either In the way of increaae or reduction of wages, such change should be from certain date, thus enabling all par ties to facilitate their calculations. Action Will Save Time. The action of the commission in taking this step at thla time will save the com missioners a lot of time. It is known that each side to the controversy would take a determined stand on the question of when the new rate of wages, if one Is made, shall go Into effect. 1 The operators in their original proposi tion to President Roosevelt wanted the commission to As the date. The miners wanted the prospective new rate to be re troactlve and go Into effect on the day when the miners returned to work, which was a week ago yesterdayOctober 23. President Mitchell, who. was here over night, left for Wilkesbarr today before the announcement was made. It Is not known here what ho thinks of the commission's action. It Is possible the commission msy make a preliminary report on three principal strike questions. 1 n. a . irmi, me increase no wages; second, a ...shorter work day, and, third, the weighing ... J Aftey the-have been decided the com mission can take up tall other questions .. -wunetit undue baste; s. Thb members of .the party were up early today and '.ready' for (another hard day's work. They left the hotel soon after the arrival -of Commissioner T. H. WatkJns, whose home la in this city. Mr. Watkins, owning to hla Intimate knowledge of mining in this region, is the guiding spirit of the party. He arranged yesterday's trip and has genera! charge of today's tour. In this he Is assisted by the superintendents of the companies located In this vicinity and also by President Nlcolls of District No. 1 of the Miners' union. , The Manvlile mine, which was inspected v today, is operated jointly by the Delaware A Hudson and the Delaware, Lackawanna at Western companies. The mine la one of the worst In this ter ritory. The veins are small and there I barely room enough for workmen to stand up. This colliery waa visited at the sug gestion of the mine workers' represents tlves. Go Dewa la Mine. The commissioners' party left the hotel at t:20 o'clock and drove to the Manvlile mine. After donning suitable clothing the party proceeded underground. Accompanying tne commissioners were Assistant Recorders Moseley and Nelll, General Superintendent Rose of the Dels ware & Hudson and Oeneral Superintendent Phillips of the Delaware, Lackawanna A Western, which companies operate the Man vllle colliery on alternate months; District President Ntoolls of the United Mine Work ers; P. W. Tolan, president of the Manvlile local of United Mine Workers; William Watkins, foreman of the mine. Commissioner Wright, did not go Into the mine, but returned to. the hotel to look after correspondence. The Manvlile shaft Is 460 feet deep. The conditions at this colliery are claimed to be the worst in the Scranton region, tie veins averaging leas than three feet In thlcknesa The mine has been In operation twenty-two ysara and is built In the old style, that Is, the breaker ts directly over the shaft in stead of being 204 feet away from the mouth of the opening, as the law now requires. Ask Many questions. The commissioners Inspected three breasts and were la the mine two hours and a half. The. first breast was 2,200 feet from the toot of the shaft and the commissioners had to walk along In atooplng position, owing to the low roof, 'It waa extremely tiresome for those un accustomed to the mine. At the face of the breast a miner and his helper were found. Some of the com mlssloners piled the two men with all sort of questions. The miner said he waa able to get out four or Ave ears a day, told how much bs made and gavs other lnforma 'tlon to the commissioners. - On the way to this breast Superintendent Rose tailed attention to a train of cars filled with coal. The rules of the company require tht there mast be sla inches of topping -a each far. The cars exhibited were filled only te the top edges of tbs sides. . In commenting On this Mr. Rose said It was a sample of. how the company is Im ' .poned upon by some of the men. The Visitors were then Uken 4.000 feet In another direction, to where a' miner was working In an Accumulation of water. This miner wss questioned principally regarding the water, hi told how he took It out every morning before doing any mining and also what compensation he received He called atteatlon to the loose rock over head, which made bad roofing, often falling and compelling hist to Spend considerable time la Improving conditions about th breast. : . j ' la reply to a 4us(ls as to how much he (.Continued on Second Page.) GERMAN MEAT IS TOO HIGH Government Asked to Remove Impor tation Restrictions He that Men May Eat Anala. BERLIN, Oct. 31. Increasing pressure Is being brought on the government with a lew to opening the frontiers to the Impor tation of foreign animals and a relaxation of the regulatlo-'v to exclude meat imports, or for sometbl. - which will afford re lief from tbe' 'V nrlces of meat. The magistracy v , " -says If the price of meat continues aa . ' ' 't is now. the salaries of city emploj y. e rslsed. The petitioners alio say". Stars oi municipal Institutions hsve In.. .T5,- 000 during the current year, wti. at tributed wholly to the higher price oi Jest. The best beet retails at 44 cents a pound nd other meats are proportionately high. Wholesale prices In German markets are from 15 to IS per cent higher than In neigh boring countries. It is asserted that the scsrclty of animals Is due to the closed frontiers and the ex clusion of many kinds of foreign dressed moats, the German farmers being seemingly unable to raise enough animals. Carl Marx of Frankfort-on-the-Mala, chairman of the National Butchers' associa tion, and J. H. Schuchmaker, head master of the', Hamburg Butchers' guild, have had conference with the minister of agricul ture on the situation. They pointed out that the butchers. though selling at high prices, are unable to make as much profit as by larger sales nd lower prices. The trade, therefore. asked for an alleviation of the conditions that limit the consumption of meat. Herr von Podblelskl, the minister, recognised that the present situation was Intolerable and expressed the hope that German farm ers would soon be able to decrease prices through an increased supply. Should this not take place, the government would con sider remedies. The liberal and socialist parties are natu rally making everything possible out of the situation in preparing for the general elec tion. REBELS APPROACH CARACAS Veneaneln Apologises to France and May Sacenmb to Internal Revolution. KINGSTON, Oct. 81. Passengers from Venetuela say the forces of General Matos, the Venesuelan revolutionary leader, are again approaching Caracas, the capital. WILLEMSTAD, Island of Curacao, Oct. 31. One thousand Andlno troops from Maracalbo, Venezuela, disembarked from Puerto Cabello today and marohed to Val encia to Join the government forces, which number about 1,500 men. They will attack the revolutionists from the rear, at the same time that forces under President Castro attack them in front. A report has reached here that General Gomes has been routed with considerable loss by insurgents near San Mateo. PARIS, Oct. 31. Official news haa been received at the foreign office of an apology exacted from Venezuela for the recent Il legal arrest at Carupano, of the local man ager or . the French Table - etopany aad the French consular agesv at that port; ' The French charge d'affaires at Caracus reported the "Indignity" and the eomman order, of the cruiser D'Estre. waa at once or dered to make summary demand for redress. General Valuteni, special representative of President Castro, apologized and expresaed regrets before witnesses. This waa deemed satisfactory and the incident waa closed. FORCE D0UKH0B0RS HOME Immigration Agent Says Time to Rea son with the Fanatics ta Over. TORKTON. N. W. T., Oct. JL "I think It is beyond power or reason to parley with the Doukhobors any longer. Exhaus tion, hunger and sleeplessness haa ren dered their condition such that they can no longer be reasoned with. I have worked night and day with the misguided people and must confess defeat so far as inducing them to return to their homes ts concerned. One thing is certain the Doukhobors must be taken care of. I have wired the authori ties at Ottawa to give the question the most serious consideration. It is Impos sible to r ''edict the outcome. It seems to me thst fcrce now Is necessary, as reason and kindness have failed. It disaster Is to be prevented the frenzied Russians must t once be Induced to abandon their mad march. I can suggest no method to bring this about." i , . This statement of Mr. Speers, a Domin ion Immigration agent, today la a sum mary of the situation. Two of the Doukhobors women are now hopeless lunatics. The men slept In ditches and on railway tracka last night and trains had to be run with care In the district where the Doukhobors are on the march. LOUBET COPIES ROOSEVELT French President Tries ta Settle Miners' Strike aad Hopes for Snceeaa. PARIS, Oct 31. President Loubet Is now Interesting himself in the attempt to end the miners' strike. Today he held an ex tended conference with M. Vincent, prefect of the department of Du Nord, who has been acting aa Intermediary between the strikers and the mine owners in that de pertinent. The mine owners have given the prefect the names of four fersons who are to repreaent them in a conference with an equal number of strikers. In a semi official atatement President Loubet ex presses hope for aa early settlement of the strike and declares that thla would be political accomplishment beyond precedent SCHWAB ENJOYING VACATION 4 ' Baye Setting Aheat Health ar latea tloa af heavies; the Va tatea Steel Treat. LONDON, Oct. II. The last news received here from Charles M. Schwab Is that he la at Como, Italy, thoroughly, enjoying hi holiday. No mention is made of being 1 bad health or of bla having the Intention to resign the presidency of the United States Steel corporation. A. J. Drexel'a steam yacht Margarita, which was recently docked and repainted at Southampton, . haa been chartered by Mr. Schwab, and he la likely to cruise la It In the Mediterranean tor several months. Reach Pert la Safety. " TORONTO, Ont., Oct. 31. Information was received here today to the effect that all the Lake Ontario fishermen reported missing had reached port Dalhousle safely during the Bight. The men were caught I a heavy gale and fears wel expreased that thar had perished. - OBAN TREATY IS WANTED inirtsr to Washington Bays Eeoiprooitj Woild Help Both Countries. OBJECTS TO PROPOSED COALING STATION aye Havaaa Will never De Gives T p aad He Sees So Reasoa Why I nlted State Shoald Want Ilea largos, Either. WASHINGTON, Oct. 31. Senor Qursada, Cuban minister to the United States, in commenting on the negotiations now being conducted for a commercial treaty between Cuba and thla country, ssld today: The reciprocity treaty Is a nurelv com mercial convention and has absolutely nothing to do with the f'latt amendment. The Cuban government has been 'Studying ine aran or me treaty KuhmHteU ty Mr. lay, ana nas Deen consulting tne Qtnerent nterests In th talnnrl nnri th ruHtnm house receipts, and In due time will return It with observations suggested and moiliil cations. It has been shown by past experi ence, during the reciprocity arrangement ndor Mr. Blnlne. that commerce between the two countries materially lncreael, and expected that under any other reclp- roc at arrangement trade will be still greater than it was ten years ago, at wnicn time it reached upward of flOu.vOO.OUO. He said the best of feeling existed be- ween Cubans and Americans and found the proof In the fact that every steamer arrlv- ng at Cuban ports brought a great many merican investors, who not only were put- lng money In the island, but were estab- Ishlng more themselves. He spoke of the popularity of Mr. Squiers and the gratitude of the Cubans to tho United States for services rendered. When asked regarding the proposed coal ing stations in Cuba, he said four days be fore President McKlniey was shot he had, at the Instance of Estrada Palma, gone to Canton and secured a solemn promise that while he was president, Mr. McKinley would not give hla consent to the establishment of a naval station at Havana, and that President Roosevelt knew of the promise. Continuing, he said - President Palma would never have gone to Havana, tho Cu ban capital, where a diplomatic corpa was established, while a foreign flag waa flying over the city. He could not see the necessity for a coal ing station at Cleofuegos, which Uad been recommended by Admiral Bradford, chief of the bureau of equipment. In view of Its proximity to Ouantanamo, which also was recommended aa a coaling station. REPORTS ON ENGINEERING General Gillespie Complains that New Aet Retards Promotion of . Officers. . WASHINGTON. Oct. 31. The annual re port of General O. L. Otlletple, chief of engineers of tho United States army, for 1903 was made public today. Complaint Is made that under the re organization act of February, 1901, the route of promotion of officers hereafter Joining the corps is made slower-and a return to the old system la urged The result of the present system la said to .bo that Important enterprises are . placed la the control of men of Interior rang. With reference- to the work of the corps In the Phiilppinea the report says the Whole official force of the engineer department haa been fully occupied throughout the year, working full dally hours, the same aa In the United States, and haa, accomplished far more than waa ever done under the former government. The department la still handicapped, how ever, by lack of sufficient officers and men to answer the numerous calls made upon it. Appropriations are asked as follows: Under continuing contracts, 318,570,339; under California debris commission,. 115,000; prevention of deposits In New York harbor, $120,260; enlargement of Governor's island, New York harbor, (400,000. the Mississippi liver commission submits an estimate amounting to $2,560,000. During the past year the expenditures amounted In the aggregate to $14,411,628. Referring to the, outlet of the Mississippi river the report says that If the projeot of the board of engineera ia to be carried out without interruption $1,500,000 will be re quired during 1904. As to the South Pass channel it is said 'The lettles ana auxiliary works were maintained in effective condition, resulting In the utmost efficiency In' maintaining channel of more commercial value than ever before exlated through South Pass.' CANADIAN TRADE GROWING Great Britain is, However, Gradually Catching America la Vol me ( Imports. WASHINGTON, Oct. $1. The marked In crease in tne traae oi tne uomimoa or Canada for the last fiscal year, forma the subject of an advance sheet Issued today by the bureau of foreign commerce. The aggregate commerce waa $114,431,831 agalnat $379,243,773 In the preceding year. The Increaae was largely In Imports en tered for consumption.. The vslue of im ports from the United States for 1902, was $120,809,956, against $49,215,693 from Great Britain and $32,785,946 from all other coun tries. The increase In Importations from the United States exceeded $10,000,000, but there was a marked falling off in tmporta of cereala, amounting to $3,782,769, and due entirely to the decreasing demand for American corn. The value of Importa of cotton and Its manufacturea haa ateadily Increased for many years, the increase tor 1902, being $1,474,041. Of the total $13,775,940 Great Britain aupplied $5,378,300 and the United States $7,653,179. It appears that importations from Great Britain are gradually approaching in value those from the United Statea, apparently on account of the preferential tariff. In the Importation of Iron and steel there Is an Increase of over $6,000,000, the ship meats from Great Britain having nearly doubled. Shipments of metals from the United Statea did not shbw as large an Increase aa from Great Britain, amounting to $24,594,286 for 1902, against $23,110,502 for 1901. Exports Increased $1,600,000 In the value of horned cattle sent to Oreat Britain and $8,000,000 In breadstuff! sent to that country A table is printed showing that Canada receives one-half more goods from the United States than from all other countrlea and sells Great Britain one-quarter more goods than all other countries. Orlaoeo Arrives at Coloa. NEW YORK, Oct. 31. -Advice, from Colon say that the Royal Mall steamer Orinoco has arrived there. The steamer brought confirmation of the reported peace arrange, nients made with Generals I'rlbe-l'rlbe and Castillo by General Manjarros. Ail of the liberal forces, numbering about I.uO. wrre at once granted regular paeapar:. Ueuerais l'rlbe-l rlbe and Castillo were in Harran qjllla. but It was reported that they would aeon, mate tor jsosvia. . ... STEEL MAGNATE IS HONORED Dined aad Wlaed and Then Pre vented with Medal (ailed After II Im. NEW YORK, Oct. 31. Four hundred men. all Interested, directly of Indirectly, In the steel and iron Industry, wore present a dinner given at the Waldorf-Astoria tonight, in. honor of John Fritz, the oldest steel master in . the country, on his igbtieth .birthday. Tonight also saw tho foundation by the four national engineering societies of the Frits gold medal for achievement In the industrial arts and sciences. The funds for the Frits medal ' were subscribed by members of the American Society of Civil Eglneers, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the American Institute of Elec trics! Engineers and the American Institute of Mining Engineers. During the evening a number of cables were read from , eminent sten men In Europe. One was from Andrew Csrnegle nd another from Charles M. Schwab. The new Frits medal was bestowed on Mr. Fritz. himself: A very bsndsome sliver nd gold bound album was then presented to Mr. Fritz, containing photographs of he medal and the 400 men who founded the medal. , BAC0L0A M0R0SSEEK PEACE Outlook for Tranquility In Philippine Island la Now More Hopeful. MANILA,' Oct. 81. A telegram from General Sumner at Zamboanga, Mindanao, says he is ' disposed to give the Bacoloa Moros more time to make peace before do- troying their strongholds. Captain Pershing reports to General Sumner that many additional Moro leadera have pledged friendship and support. Theso visits have been returned by the Ameri cans, who were cordially received. Cap tain Pershing is urging the Moros to return to their abandoned fields' and plant crops. The situation at Lake Lanao, Mindanao, now appears to be more satisfactory. Twenty members of the native constabu lary of the Island of Negroa defeated sev enty ladronea aear Turlca, Negroa, yes terday. The ladronea were intrenched and It took an hour's fierce fighting to dislodge them. Six of the bandits were killed and seven wounded. Their leader, a man named Dalmaclo, waa wonnded and captured. Two guides In the employ of the constabulary were killed. MILES' PLANS ARE UNCERTAIN Will Visit Dagnpan, bat When the Toar Will Commence Has Not Bees Settled. t MANILA, Oct 81. General Mllea disem barked this morning. A saints in bis honor was fired from Fort Santiago. General Davis and a aquadron of cavalry met him at the landing place and escorted him to the Palace, whare Governor Taft and the ether members of the civil Commission awaited him. ' ' . The general .will - proceed to Dagupan, where he will Vlalt Colonel Charles L. Davis ! the 'Fitta 'Urantry, " old regi ment, and return to Manila 8unday. HU plan for a tour of the archipelago haa not yet been completed. MAY CANONIZE PATRIOTS Filipino Church Proposes to Honor Those Who Foaght tho Spaniard!. MANILA, Oct. 31. The newly organized Catholic church of the Phiilppinea pro poses to canonise Jose Rlsal, the Filipino patriot, who waa executed by the Spaniards in 1897, and Fathers Burgos and Gomes, native priests, who were executed for par tlclpatlon in the Cavite rebellion of 1872. JOHNSON. FIGHTS IN SQUARE Democratic Leader Hits Man Feb llcly Who Called Him Liar. CLEVELAND, 0., Oct 31. A sensation occurred during a political meeting in the public square today, in which Tom L. John son struck William Mylecraine, a repub lican tax board official, in the face. It seems, that the mayor overheard Mlye- cralne asserts that he was a liar. Hot words followed and then the mayor struck Mlyecraine In the face. Mlyecralne left the square, declaring he would awear out a warrant for the mayor's arrest. Mayor Johnson is quoted aa saying: We were talking about the assessment In the Thirty-second ward. Mylecraine bad repeated twice that Mayor Johnson Ilea and I walked over to him to explain that there might be some error In the paper. I In tenod to alve him a chance to retract. but he would not let me, declaring to my lace that I was a liar, l then hit him. It waa only a tap. I'm not certain that my hand touched him. 1 only Intended slapping nis lace. DENTIST SHOOTS A WOMAN )aarrels with a Society Belle aad Disagreement Ends la a Tragedy. ELKHART, Ind., Oct. 31. Dr. Harry Gulmyer, aged 28, a prominent dentist, to day shot and probably fatally wounded Miss Lulu Burney, a handsome young aoclety woman. The ahooting occurred at the home of the young woman, after a quarrel. Dr. Gulmyer has been placed in Jail pending the result of the Injuries. CALLS DOCTOR A MURDERER Jary Says Colorado Woman Was Polsoaed by Her Has baad. DENVER, Oct. 31. The coroner's Jury at Boulder, In the case of Mrs. Nannie G. Baird, who died auddenly October 15, to night returned a verdict attributing her death to poison administered by her hus band. Dr. Rudolph Baird, or, by someone with his knowledge. Dr. Baird Is one of the most prominent physicians of Boulder. WATCH MUST PAY DEBTS Broker of Kew York City Falls foi . Dollars. NEW YORK. Oct. 31. Henry Koper formerly of Charlea Height Co., brokers, filed a petition In bankruptcy today. The liabilities are placed at $202,S85 un secured aad due chiefly to banks on accom modation paper. A watch and chain and ordinary wearing apparel are (Ives as the gieets. BURT IS GENERAL MANAGER President of Union Pacifio Assumes Place Left by Edward Dickinson. 0 HOLD OFFICE UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE Pablle is Informed of the Appoint ment hy a Brief Statrmeat Tasted oa Ralletln Board at Headquarters. Horace G. Burt becomes general manager of the Union Pacific railroad today to suc ceed Edward Dickinson, who resigned to ac cept the vice presidency and general man- gement of the Kansaa City, Mexico ft Orient. This pronunclamcnto, tacked up on the bulletin board at tho general head quarters building in Omaha, la the medium through which President Burt announces the appointment of General Manager Burt: Mr. Edward Dlcklnoon having resigned the poeltlon of general manager of this company to enter the service of another company, taking effect the 1st proximo. ntll further notice, the duties or generni manager will be assumed by the under- ignea. hukaui, u. ulki. The fact that the official staff of the Union Pacific la not enlarged at this time by reason of Mr. Dickinson's resignation, is no surprise. The Bee haa atated more than once during the last week that reliable sources had given out statements which wsrranted the belief that Mr. Dickinson's place would filled by any new ap pointee for some time. There are various reasons for this. ' In the first place the strike being still in progress, it is con sidered extremely doubtful if the company could secure the services of any desirable man for this Important position until this vexatious problem has been settled. Then as was pointed out in The Bee, the limita tions which surround the province of the general manager of the Union Pacific make that position really nothing more than a general auperlntendency, which, owing to the restricted functions of general manager who ia divested of the management of the financial or traffic departments of the road, could easily be assumed by the president without overwhelming him with labor. It probably was 6 o'clock p. m., when the president had his notice to the em ployes who work In the headquarters build ing posted. Mr. Burt gives no intimation as to how long he Intends to occupy the general man ager's position, and of course offers no suggestion aa to who will be hla successor In that position. It Is believed that no further changes will be made until the strike Is settled and the general impres sion exists . that thla will not be ac complished until the first of the year. Edward Dlcklnson'a ten-year Incumbency of the general manager'a office came to a close yesterday, in accordance with his an nouncement of his resignation last week. His' acceptance of the vice presidency and general management of the Orient road becomes effective today. ' , RAILWAYS . BECOME ALARMED Arraage Plaa of .Campaign . la Cattle Rate Fight Threat t'poa U j Tneml . CHICAGO, Oct. 31. Officials of western railroads today held two sessions to deter mine a defense against , the charge of dis criminating in cattle rates- It was de cided to take the stand that reduced rates on packing house products were forced by the Great Western, which placed them In position where competitive traffic must be tsken at a certain figure or let alone. It will also be contended that a rate of tZ cents for-a haul of over 600 miles Is low enough. ' If the commission does not see the mstter in this light an appeal will be taken. - Notice baa been given that the- case against the Santa Fe will be dismissed. NEW LINE: J0 TAP WEST Chicago aV Northwestern Will Go to Coaat with Branch to Salt Lake. BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 31. Advices from St. Anthony, Idaho, say the Chicago k North western has completed preliminary surveys for the extension of the lines of the Fre mont, Elkhorn A Missouri Vslley from Cas per, Wyo., to that point. It is understood the construction of the extension will be begun in the spring. It Is believed. to be the Intention of the Northwestern to push on from St. Anthony to the northwest coast, touching at Port land and other cities. A line to Salt Lake City la also among the possibilities. BONDHOLDERS ARE BEATEN Beattyvllle Men at Last Agree to Moaoa Railway Fore, closing. INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Oct. 81. By a Bat tlement made In the federal court today the Beatty vllle bondholders accept the de cree of foreclosure of the Monon railroad and their intervening petition attacking the foreclosure on the ground of fraud and conspiracy la dismissed. The esse haa been on for years snd had gone to the United States supreme court. MIGRATION WEST IS HEAVY Travel to' the Facile Coaat This Year Has Tskea Popalar Faacy. CHICAGO, Oct. 31. Travel to the Pacifio coast, particularly California, thla fall, has been exceptionally heavy, owing, in part at least, to the cheap rates of the last two months. Yesterday and today fifty-four tourist sleeping cars, with every berth taken left Chicago via the connections of the South ern Pacific. HILL HAS A NEW PROJECT Magnate latcads to Belld Up Wire aad Steel Ind as try ia Montana. . GREAT FALLS. Mont., . Oct.. 31. Jamea J. Hill haa begun the development of steel and Iron Industry In the wast. He arrived here yesterday to arrange the transformation of the old ailver smelter of the American Smelting and Refining company, which haa not been in operation for three yeara. Into an Iron and steel mill Redmond Relnrns to Ireland. NEW YORK. Oct. 31. John E. Redmond member of Parliament, who came over to attend the United Irlah league cjnventlon in Boston, aatled today on Celtic. 41e waa aj-cumoanled by hla wife and son. John I'll Ion and Michael Davltt, who came to this country with Mr. Redmond, alll remain fevre until Christinas, CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for NebrHSks Tl and Colder Saturday; Sunday Fair. Temperature at Omaha Yesterday! Honr. Dew. Hoar. lrg. K a. m ...... nr 1 p. m...... BT B a. m...... ST S p. m...... fit 7 n. m ...... (IT 3 p. Hi...... AT H a. m...... nT 4 p. m. . . . . ."V a. m ft ft p. m n 10 a. m ni A p. m d" 11 a. m BH T p. m ft" 12 m BS p. m ft ft p. m ft" ARREST TWO MORE GHOULS roller Catch White Man aad Xrgro Who Confess to Robbing Graves. INDIANAPOUS. Ind.. Oct. 31. John McEndree, the alleged leader of a gang of white grave robbers, was arrested in Mar tinsville last night. The detectives say he is Implicated equally as much aa Ru fus Cantrell, Sam Martin and other negro ghoula now In Jail. McEndree was brought here thla after noon and confessed he had been grave robbing. When asked how many times he had been out with a gang he aald: "Oh, I've made about twenty trips." He said be got bodies from different cem eteries about Indianapolis and disposed of them at three of the local colleges. Albert Hunt, a negro, waa arrested here today. After - a cross-examination at the police atation he admitted accompanying Cantrell, Martin and othera on a grave robbing expedition to a cemetery near Bridgeport. GAS KILLS FOUR IN SEWER Snlphnrated Hydrogea Overcomes Niagara Workmen aad Maay Are Dead. NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y., Oct. 31. By a audden rush of gas, supposed to have been sulphurated hydrogen, four men were killed and three seriously hurt near the Twenty fourth street heading of the big tunnel trunk sewer tonight. The dead: LAWRENCE FISHER of Niagara Falls. GEORGE RHODES (colored) of Niagara Falls. ' HUGO SWANSON of Niagara Falls. WILLIAM BRADISH of Tonawanda. The seriously affected: Romano Kovich, Niagara Falls. Sam Flnck (colored), Niagara Falls. MIchsel Mulroy, foreman, Niagara Falls. Kovich Is not expected to live. SIX DIE 0N TROOPSHIP Sherldaa Loses Half Dosea Soldiers oa Its Way Across the . Faclnc. ,SAN FRANCISCO, Oet.-81. Six deaths occurred on thq transport Sheridan while enroute from Manila to this city. The-dead are: J. HOWELL. late private, Troop C. Ninth cavalry. W. .T.. HAWTHORNF!. employe quartos master's department. W. J, JOHNSON, late private. Troop C, Ninth cavalry. THOMAS SAWYER, civilian. FRANK U DURRIN, private, Company F, Twenty-ninth Infantry. T. G. GODSWORK, unasslgned private. The body of the late Father McKlnnon, former chaplain of the California volun teers, waa brought home tor burial. FUEL FAMINE FACES SOUTH Southern Railway- Cannot Get Cars or Engines to Hsndle Coal. KNOXVILLE, Tenn., Oct. 31. Coal ship pers of this section believe a coal famine of serious proportions threatens Tenneasoe. North and South Carolina, Virginia and Georgia. The Southern railway aeems help less to relieve the situation. Samuel Spencer, president of the Southern railway, who la here, tonight admits that the railroad ia powerless, but laya the blame on the locomotive and car works. He says the Southern haa orders for 100 enginea and 2,750 coal cars, but cannot get any of them until December L The retail price of aott coal in Knoxvllle is $5 a ton, the highest ever known. CHAUFFEUR GOES TO JAIL Kills Maa ia Baggy by Reckless Motoring and Gets Year ta Frlsoa. NEW HAVEN, Conn., Oct 31. Herbert B. Marble of New York was found guilty of manslaughter In the auperlor court today and aenlenced to one year in Jail and fined $1. While driving an automobile In tho Wall Ingford turnpike Marble struck a vehicle occupied by John Molz, and hla son. The former waa thrown out and received in Jurlea from, which he died later. WESTERN UNION EXTENDS Bays Alabama Telegraph Compaay and Takes Over Wires to Thomaavllla. MONTGOMERY, Ala.. Oct. 81. The West ern Union Telegraph company baa bought the Alabama Midland Telegraph company. whose lines run from here to Thomasvllle, along the old Plant system of railroad. Wlrea were cut into the Western Union office today and the Independent service closed. NEGROES LIVE IN DANGER Two Dead Whlta Men Foaad aad Four Blacks May Be Lynched. BARDIS3, Miss., Oct. 31. The bodies of E. A. Jackson and a man named Roswell were found In a camp near Darling. The beads were frightfully crushed. Four negroes have been arrested, charged with the crime, and excitement runa high Tbreata of lynching are freely made. Movements of Ocean Vessels Oct. 81 At New York Arrived Auguste Victoria from Hamburg; Germanic, from Liverpool. Balled Celtic, for IJverpool. At Auckland Sailed Ventura, for Ban FranclMCo. At Movllle Sailed Pretortan, for Mont real. . At Cherbourg Arrived Columbia, for New York, via Plymouth, for Hamburg and proceeded. At Queenstown Arrived Lucania. from New York, for Liverpool, and proceeded. At NauleH Arrived Aller. from Ne York, via Bt. Michaels and Gibraltar, to! (ienoa. and proceeded. At Bauli'gna Hur Mer Hailed 8tatendam, IOLINEUX IN BOX Accnsod Murderer Denies All Complicity in. Orims Hs is Oharpd With. ADMITS HIS KNOWLEDGE OF CHEMISTRY Says He Never Mads Cyanide of Merourr in His Life. SEES POISON BOTTLE FOR THE FIRST TIME Befuses to Agrse That Hs Hailed Deadly Doss or Ever Saw It IRST HEARS OF MURDER FROM REPORTER Walts for Police, to Whom He Give Address aad Telephoae Hnmber So that Teer Caa Flad 11 Ira Easily, . NEW YORK. Oct SI. Roland B. Mo llneux took the atand today to testify in his own defense against the chsrge of murdering Mrs. Katharine J. Adams. In response to the questions of his coun sel he declared his sbsolute Innocence oC any knowledge of the crime and categor ically denied that he had written the Br net and Cornish letters, that he had ever made cyanide of mercury or had ever seen the silver bottle holder In which the poi son wss sent until It waa shown in court. He admitted having written one letter aaklng for a certain patent remedy on the) famous blue interlaced crescent paper Identical with that on which the Cornish letters were written, and aald be pro cured the paper at the Waldorf-Astoria. Hla bitter differences with Cornish. which resulted In his leaving tho Knicker bocker club, were related without any ap parent reaerve. The witness sustained unmoved a rigor- oua cross-examination by Mr. Osborne, an awerlng readily all questions aa to bia past life, his relations with Cornish and Barnet and the efforts be and other, membera of the club had made to discover tny one who had a common enmity to the two named. Gets ia Excluded Testimony. The feature of the cross-examination waa Mr. Osborne a auccessful effort to place before the Jury the aubatance of tho testimony given at the first trial by Mamie Melando and Detective Fan-ell, but ex cluded by Justice Lambert. This was accomplished by framing ques tions relative to statements purporting to have been made by the witnesses outside of their. testimony, but practically cover ing every essential feature of It, to which vehement -and frequent objections wore made by Mr. Black. Throughout Mollneux preserved an un ruffled and confident demeanor, answering all questions promptly and even amlllng occasionally when replying to hla own i counsel. The announcement that a defense would be made, none having been undertaken at tho first trial, and that Mollneux would f face hla accuser, drew an Immense crowd, r In the afternoon It was so great that poi i ' Ilea reserves wero called out to preserve order, and Justice Lambert himself BaS the utmost difficulty in forcing a passage , through the crowd Into tho court. Objections to Coralsh. ' ! j Mollneux said ho objected to A man In Cornish's position , In . the , club occupying a room, spending the club's money without having to account to anyone, : and also to the ,use of the club's stationery to write hia Insulting opinions and threats against an officer of a friendly club. - Did you speak to Cornish about your feelings?" asked Mr. Black. He knew I had practically aald that it he did not get out of the club I would," replied Mollneux. "The club thought ho . was in the right, and Just before I re- signed I met Cornish on the stairs." "What did you say?" "He called me a , and aald I bad not aucceeded In getting him out- I replied. No, you win.' " "Had you any feelings of bitter animosity toward him when you left the club?" "I waa .very angry." "Did you buy the bottle holder?" aske3 Mr. Black. "No," replied Mollneux, "Did you ever aeo it?" "No." "Did you mail tho poisoned package?" asked Mr. Black. "No, air." "When did you first sea the address on the package?" "I think at the last trial. I never had , It In my hands." ' i The questlona of counsel wero then di rected to the material used in color mixing. Mollneux said that cyanlds of mercury had never been used by him. Mr. Black showed Mollneux tho Barnet and Cornish letters and the poison package wrapper and asked: "Did you write that ' address?" "I did not." "Did you ever see It before?" j "Not before thla trial waa begun" j First Told by a Reporter. Replying to Mr. Black, Mollneux said hs first knew he waa suspected of tho death of Mrs. Adams on January 2, 1899, when a reporter told him the police were looking ; for him. Almost at the same moment his i father. General Mollneux, arrived at tho place where he waa boarding with bis I lfe. He and hla father, with tho reporter I went to Captain McClusky. 1 He gave the police his address and tele phone call and promised to obey any mes sage sent to him. When detectives tailed upon him In Newark ha took them through the factory, told them to make any search they wanted to make and gave them all tho Information they asked. There waa some further questions along this line, Mollneux replying directly to each, and hla counsel then said: "Now Mollneux, I ask you again, do you know anything of thia crime?" "Absolutely nothing." "You are not guilty of thia crime?" "I am absolutely Innocent of any part or knowledge of It." With thla question and answer before the Jury ex-Governor Black announced the close of the direct examination. Cross-Kxamlaatloa Bellas. Assistant Dlatrict Attorney Osborne con ducted the cross-examination. Mollneux said he went west when ha was II yeara old because of the divorce suit. He did sot know how the suit resulted. Replying to the assistsnt district attor ney, Mollneux said he bad full charge of Herrman A Co'a color department. He told of the chemicals used and aald tW. Prussian blue, English vermllllon and rT" ochre contained components of cysnlde of mercury. He frequently msde experiments with colors. Although he had atudled chemistry, be had never heard of cyanide from Jtoiltraam, lor tw tors. I