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About Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1902)
TITR OMATTA DAIL.T "RTJE: FTUPAY, OCTOBER at, 1902. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL All Grains and ProTisioni Open Weak, but Better Tone Derelopa, WHEAT PUZZLES MANY TRAlr. IN PIT Good Weather DprMi an Cora 14 Weak Hoc Keep Prevlaloaa Bark at Flrat. CHIOAOO, Oct. 80. Price on both grain and provisions were weaJt at the opening today on the Hoard of Trade, statists being bearish, but a bettor tone developed during the day and December wheat closed unchanged. December com Ho hiKhcr and oats a ahade lower. January provisions 4:lnsed Hie higher. . Wheat wan a punle to many trader today and the pit crowd waa divided. The opening was easy on weak cablea, larger recelpta, with an Improvement In grading and a continuance o good weather. There waa a renewal of liquidation by long at tha atart, which cauaed a slight decline. A good cash demand waa an Incentive to bet ter prlcee. A report from Minneapolis tated that half of the surplus crop had already been marketed and that millers wanted a large part of the remainder. There waa fair buying during the latter half of the eeaalon and tha close waa Heady. December opened a ahade to t4ttiic lower at 1Wu12c, aold to 72o, but weakened again to 724c. Another rally followed and the close waa unchanged at 72ia'i2Ttc. Clearance of wheat and flour were equal to bushels. Primary re celpta were 1.6.D.221 buahela, against 1.108.845 buahela. Mlnneapolla and Duluth reported recelpta of 1 cara. which1 with local re celpta of M care 14 contract made total re ceipts of l,otl cara, agalnat 1.084 cara laat ween ana a cars' n r m. Excellent weather waa against corn and tha eaaler feeling In wheat at the start likewise helped Tteep prlcea down. Tin volume of bualneae waa lightest and there waa a noticeable absence of any great pressure to liquidate, although there waa acme realising early In the day. Decem ber waa relatively the etronger month and eh or til covered freely late In the eeaalon. The clone waa firm, with December up He Hunf.e. after selling between 450 and 604c. I-ocal recelpta were 133 care, with 27 cara of contract grade, cine weather waa a depressing Influence In oata and there waa again considerable nlllng pressure, wltn pricea angnuy lower. The market rallied some with wheat and torn and the close waa steady, December a shade lower at 8"rl "o, aner rtiiigois sow- celpta were li cars, between SDe and SODVic Local re- Prnvlnlnna onened weak on weakne In hogs at the yards, but the opening lose waa aoon regained on a good demand from local traders. Offering were well taken throughout the day and the cloae waa firm. January pork, ploaed 2c higher at HK.60, with lard and rib also 24o higher at 13.35 and S8.25. . Estimated receipt for tomorrow: wheat, ion cars; corn, 186 cars; oata, 226 car; hog, 18.100 head. The leading future ranged a follow: Artlcle. Open.l High. Low, Close. Yea y. Wheat ,. Oct. 71 7T4 Dec. 72tt?4 72 72 72f May 74 4j 74 74 74H U Corn Oct. BSU M 65 B5 65 1 )ec. 49tcm 60, 49 50W May IZttttft 43 42 i21& 4iJ Oata a Dec. HS0HH SOH30HH SO': May 31V4Q? 31 H 81 H 11 POpV7 J 85 1 65 1 65 1( 65 It 0 Jan. 15 62V, 15 68 15 62H 15 90 15 67 May 14 72V4 14 82H 14 72V4 14 77 14 77tt l"c!ct7" 1115 1115 1110 1110 1120 Nov. 10 80 10 96 10 77H 10 85 10 85 Dec 8 90 2V4 8 90 9 90 9 824 Jan. 830 840 830 838 9 32 May 160 67 8 60 8 62 8 60 Rib Oct. 12 (0 U 50 13 50 12 BO 12 50 Jan. 22 8 27 8 22 8 26 8 22 May 7 80 7 80 84 at the mills, though some brands are elllnar below that figure. Copper In the lor.-lun market declined Is 3d. spot closing at J...2 and future at 62 3e M. 1-oi nlly prices were a ehate lower Tin l:ike and the market dull. Standard cloned at 111, nom inal; lake at 111. tutt 11.87. electrolytic at 111 "fi11.0 and casting at 11.bp11.70. I,ead was iiull and unchanged from 14 ijuj locally, while In London the quotation remained nt 1'irs. Spelter wan quiet and unchanged here at lft.S and In London nt IHr.s. Iron In the English markets was lower, tllagow closing at f7s 3d and Mlddlesboroiigh at bis 3d. Ixicnlly Iron was dull. Warrants continue nominal. No. I foundry, northern. Is quoted at $i3 S .; No. 2 foundry, northern, 3i.s.(m 2.1.0c; No. 1 foundry, south ern, $?2 iij.i m; No. 1 foundry, southern soft, 22.0"-g-).0l. OM Alt A WIIOLKSAI.F; MARKETS. No 1 northern. 74'fi7.".c; No. 2 northern, 73ij731c; lecember, 72c. HYrv-Steady: No. 1. 2c. HARLEY Firm; No. 2, 67c; sample, iZ'U 0o. CORN December, &oc. No. 1 a New. Caah quotations were a follow: FLOUR Firm; winter patent, 83.40t ton- alralrhta C"t lOffMHOr clear. 12 7tVM 00: spring specials, $4.2oo-4.80; patanU. $3,409 a. 70; straight. $2.80(83.20. WHEAT No. 1 spring, 72720J No. 8, 7S70c: No. 3 red. 71g71c. CORN No. 2, 66c; No. 2 yellow, 67f68o. OATS No. I, 2828c; No. 8 white, 28 331e. . RYE-No. 2, 49e. i BARLEY Kalr to choice malting, 42966c, SEEDS No. 1 flax. 81.18; No. 1 northwest i cm, 81.20; clover, contract grade, 110.75. PROVISIONS Mea pork, per bbl 116.65 4716.70. Lard, per 100 lbs., !11.1011.20. Short rlba aldea (loose), 811.2512.00. Dry salted shoulder (boxed), 10.0Oy10.26. Short clear side (boxed), 811.754il2.00. The following were the receipt and ship ment of grain yeaterday: Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 31.800 26.100 AVheat. bu 2:!9.900 16.100 Corn, bu 146.000 36,600 Oats, bu 233.500 156.300 Rye. bu 13.600 l.00 Barley, bu.. 92.000 16,300 On the Produce exchange today th but ter market waa steady ; creameries, 163 244c; dairies, WtfClc. Eggs, steady, loss off, case returned, 22c. Cheese, steady, 104 lle. . ; NEW YORK GENERAL MARKET. Quotations of the Day oa Tarfoaa Cosamodltle. NEW TORK, Oct. 30.-FLOUn-Recelpt, t.5f0 bbls.; exports, 1,447 bbls.; market waa Arm at the old prlcea; winter patents, 83.60 4j3.90; winter straights, 83.403.60; winter extras, 2.80f3.1o; winter low grade. J2.66 I.W; Minnesota patents, 13.904)4.10; Minne sota baker. $3 16&3.30. Rye flour, quiet; fair to good, 83.16ty3.40; choice to fancy, 83.&U K'3.55. Buckwneat flour, easy, 82.264T4.30, spot and to arrive. CORNMEAL Steady ; yellow western, 1.3): city, 11.28; Brandywlne, 3.403.56. RYE Quiet; No. 2 western, 58c. f. o. b., afloat; No. X 64'a4c; track state, 54(54c, c. I. f . New York. BARLEY Dull; feeding, 41c, c. 1. f., Buf falo; malting, 4ihlc, c. f f., Buffalo. W H EAT Recelpta. 93.025 bu.: exports, 40,118 bu. Spot, steady; No. 8 red, 82c, ele vator; No. 2 elevator, 7H3fcc, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Duluth, 83c, f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 hard Manitoba, 83V f. o. b., afloat. Influenced by tha corn break and big north western recelpta wheat opened steady. It rallied on covering, again eased off, but In the afternoon waa firmer on light offerlnga, a rally in corn and further demands from shorts.. March, oi&'OSc, clonud at kosc; May. 78Vja'it4e. closed at 78o; December, 78'7Mkc closed at 79-Hc. , CORN Recelpta, 13,bo0 bu.; exporta, 1.164 knu. rpoi, quiet, no. 2, mc, elevator, and 67c. afloat: No. 2 yellow. 6Skc: No. 8 yellow. yc. Options developed considerable weak liesa at present uuder favorable weather conditions and free liquidation, but rallied on covering ana closed Mic net lower, III, V " . , 1 Ml BIIU , IV mil VI V -JV. UBI lUWCr. December being strongeat. January closed at He; May, 4tc. cloed at 47vac; Decem ber. !vnuivc, closed at &iVc , OATs Receipt. 67,ui0 bu.; exporta, 81&,0i)0 dii. tipoi. auu; jmo. i, nc; standard track white, 344j4c. Options were Irregular, .fluctuating with com all day. December, X6.(36c, closed at .Vic. HAY Steady; shipping. 6570c; good to Choice, S6cu41. ' HOPS Klrm: state, common n rhnij 1W2 crop, afs'oalc; lswl crop, 24(28c; olds, 7f(i 4-c; r-M.-iiiv ctsi, i:u crop, DUJlc: 19ul crop. 2.1 u 27c: olds. 76 12c HlDEd Steady; tiuiveston. 20 to 25 lbs .v - fl.llJAPnl. ) t -A K Ik. 1 . R. i , .uiiiviui, iv , Araaa ury 24 to 30 lbs.. 14c. LKATHKR Steady; hemlock sole, Ruenos Ayras, light to heavy weights, acid, 24tf 1'VoVISIONS Beef. Irregular; family III. vK"Jl7.ol: mesa, tll.00.ii 11 ui: beef hums 8l2.5util3.&u; packet, 14.5t4j 15.00; city extra India, mess, 24.tiC6uo. Cut meats. Irreg ular; pickled bellies, tl2.7Eul3 75' pickled shoulders. 19: pickled hams. 112.50. Lard steady; western steamed, 811. 65; October closed at 111.50, nominal: .refined, quiet; coil- lineni,; oouin America, iu. compound 7.oihu7 74. Pork, linn: family, 821 o.i 21 short clear, $J orJ2 oi): mess. tl(i iimu i t& TALLOW Weak; city, c; country. 6fl 7c. RICK Finn; domestic, fair to extra. 414 HIITTKR Receipts, 4.018 pkgs.; firm tate dairy, l!va-lc; creamery, extra, z6c creamery, common to choice. 19gi24r. CHEESE Receipt, l i t pkgs : quiet, but rrm; fancy, large and small. l-'jjl-V. LOGS Recelpta, 8.259 pkgs.: Irregular tale and Pennsylvania, average best, 2trf fix ; wesiirn canmea, i'u-4c. POl'LTRY-Allve: Steady: chickens. 12c turkey. 10c; towla, Uc. lrroed: Irregu lar; western c hi, kens, ll'jtil-'c; western fowls, U: spring turkeys, l.viiltc. METALS The lots I market for tin Is dull, with today s prlcea showing a con siderable decline, spot closing at r.VfrWf 2.70. Ktve tons for November delivery sold t 126 30. The London market also was dull and lower, the decline there amounting to ')&! with spot at 4 120 5a and futures at 4:114. It Is commonly reported that th tin 'lata combination will lower Its list prlcea fur tin ilala next week, to tske effect on Ikecrmber 1, and to remain In force during tits ensuing; quarter. Th present price is Coadltloa of Trade and Onetatloaa oa staple and Fancy Prodace. EGOS Candled stock, 20c. LIVE POULTRY Hens. XitfOc; rooster". according to u. 4c: turkeva. KKjllc: ducka. S4!c; geese, 6'utic; spring chickens, per lb., 9-0 10p. BUTTER Packing stock. lc: choice dairy, In tubs, U"S20c; separator, 24g25c. FRESH CAUOHT Flrttl Trout. 9410c; herring, 7c; pickerel, 8c; pike, 10c; perch, 6c; buffalo, dressed, 7c; sunflsh, 8c; bluefins, 8c; whitetlsh. Ion; salmon, 16c; haddock. 11c; codfish, 12c; redsnappT. Vc: lobsters, boiled, per !b., 30c; lobster, green, per lb., 2Xc; bullhead. 10c; catfish, 14c; black bass, 20c: halibut. Ho. CORN 64c. OAT3 33c. WHEAT No. 2 hard, 85c RYE 43c. BRAN Per ton. 813. HA Y Price quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealer' association: Choice No. 1 upland, 1150; No. 1 medium, 88: No. 1 coarse. 17.50. Rye straw. 17. These price are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair; receipts light. OYSTERS Standards, per can, 28c; extra electa, per can, 35c; New York count, per can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75; bulk, standards, per gal.. 11.30. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY Kearney, per do., 869 45c; Kalamaxoo, per do., 26c. POTATOES New, per bu., 25330c. SWEET POTATOES Virginia, per bW., 83; home grown, per bu., L TURNIPS Per ou., 30c. BEETS Per basket, 40c. CUCUMBERS Hothouse, per do., 8160. WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $1.50; atting beans, per bu. box. 81. 60. CABBAGE Home grown, new, lc. ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per bu.. 6orgti0c; Spanish, per crate, $1.50. NAVY BEANS Per bu., $2.70. FRUITS. PEACHES California, late Salways, 11. PRUNES Utah, per 4-baaket crate, 90c. PEARS Fall varieties, per hex. J1.7532.00; Kaffirs, per bbl., 83.75; Colorado, per box, $2.00. APPLES Cooking, per bbl., $2.26: eating, $2 2Wtf2.50; Jonathans, $3.26; New York stock, $3.25. GRAPES New York. 22c; Tokay, per crate. $1.76; Malagas, per keg, 85.0ixa4.00. CRANBERRIES Per bbl., $7.00iyJ.60; per box. $2.50. QUINCES Per box, $1.60. TROPICAL FRUITS. . BANANAS Per bunch, according to lse, $2.(0-g2.50. LEMONS California fancy, $4.00(84.25; choice, t3M9i.1l. ORANGES Valencia. $4.50; New Ja maica, any else, 84; Mexicans, any size, $4. DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb., 8c: per case of 30-1 b. pkgs., $2.25. FIGS California, per 10-lb. carton, 95c; Turkish, per 35-lb. box, 18c, MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY New Utah, per 24-fram case, $3.60. CIDER New York, $4.60; -per -bbl., 82.75. SAUER KRAUT Wisconsin, per bbl., 82.10; per bbl., $3.25. HIDES No. 1 green, 7c; No. 8 green, 6c; No. 1 salted, 8c; No. 2 salted, 7Wc; No. 1 veal calf, 8 to 12 lbs., 8c; No. 2 veal calf, 12 to 16 lbs., 6c; dry hides, frg'12c; sheep pelts, 75c; horse hides, $1.60(32.60. POPCORN Per lb., 2c; shelled. 40. NUTS Walnuts, No. 1 soft shell, per lb., 13c; hard shell, per lb., 12c; No. 2 soft shell, per lb., lie: No. 2 hard shell, per lb., 10c; Braxlls, per lb., 11c; Alberts, per lb., 12o; almond, soft shell, per lb., 16c; hard shell, per lb., 15c; pecans, large, per lb., 14c; small, per lb., 13c; cocoanuts, per do., 60c; chest nuts, per lb., 16c; peanuts, per lb., ic; roasted peanuts, per lb., 8c. OLD METALS A. B. Alpern ouofta the following prlcea: Iron, country mixed, per ton, $11; Iron, stove plate, per ton, 18; cop per, per lb., 8c; braaa, heavy, per lb., 8c; brass, light, per lb., 6e; lead, per lb., 8c; sine, per lb., 2c; rubber, per Jb., 6c t. Loula Grata aad Provtsioas. ST. LOUIS. Oct. 80. WHEAT Firm; No. 2 red cash, elevator, 69c asked; track, 69 45710; December, 69''a69o Did; May, 73o bid: No. 2 hard. 68'a'lc. CORN Higher; No. 2 cash, nominal; track, 66c for old. 46c for new; December, 40c; May, 3939c. OATS Firm; No. 3 cash, 29cr track, 80ti,lOc; December. 2828o bid; May, 29rc29c bid; No. 2 white, 84c. RYE Lower at 48c. FLOUR Steady to Arm; red winter pat ents, $3.403.66; extra fancy and straight, 83.10tVl.35; clear, $2.96(3.05. SEED Timothy, steady at $2.50(33.60. CORNMEAL Steady. $2.90. BRAN Easier; sacked, east track. 7274c. HAY Steady; timotny, iiv.uuvcriii.uu; prai rie, $9.00(611.00. IRON CO I IX) IN 1 1 riSJ 1.117. RAGGING 6 5-1687 1-160. t HEMP TWINE Sc. provisions- Pork: Higher: lobbing. old. 116.80: new. 117.20. Lard: Unchanged at 810.70. Dry salt meats, sieany; ooxea, ovtra. shorts. 211.26: clear libs. 811.60: short clear. 111.60. Bacon, steady; boxed, extra shorts, 112.25; clear riDS, t.(Vi; snon Clear, $12 62... - UKlALe-Lsin; (inn i ei.uu opener: Easy at 15.17. POULTRY Quiet; chickens. 8c; springs, 8(&10c; turkeys, 898c; ducks, 11c; geese. BUTTER-Bteady; dairy. 17Crj'20c. EGUB lligner ai m?ic, toss on. Receipts. Shipments. Flour, bbls 6.000 9,000 Wheat bu 197,000 134,000 Corn, bu 21,000 20,0o0 Oats, bu lus.vuu ji.uw Liverpool Grata aad Protrlaloas. j LIVERPOOL. Oct. 80. WHEAT Spot: Steady; No. 2 red western winter, 6s 9d; No. 1 nortnern spring, as o-u; ro. 1 nil fnmii is 6d. Future: Steady: Decem ber. 5a 10d; March, 6a Ud. CORN ripoi: ijuiei; .American inixou, oa 8d. Futures: Steady; October, nominal; January. 4a 2H1; March. 4a d. PEAK canatuan, aieaay, as iu. FLOUR St. Louis, tancy - winter, quiet. 3d. , - . HOPS At London tracino coast), nrra. 6 100 7. PKOVIsluns Beer, strong; extra inoia mess, lib. Pora, strong; prime western mess, 69a. llama, short cut, 14 to 18 lbs.. tlrm, at ba. Jiacon, uumDAriana cut. zti to 90 lh . firm. 63s: short ribs. 16 to 24 lbs.. dull, 6&s; long clear middles, light, 28 to 83 lbs., quiet, 62s 6d; long clear middles, heavy, 36 to 40 lbs., steady, 62s; short clear backs. li to 20 lbs., tsa en; clear Denies, it to 1 lh . atrone:. 6ha. Shoulders, square. 11 to 13 Irs., firm, 62a 6d. Iard, prime western. In tlercea, firm, &s; American refined. In palls. firm, fs xi. Bl'TTKK Nominal. CHEESE Firm; American finest white and colored, 65s. tallow Kirm: prime city. Z9s d; Aus tralian, In London, 33s 8d. Kansas City Grala aad Provlsloas. KANS C'TY. Oct. 30 WHEAT De cember. eSfiflSHc: May, 67cjM7c; cash No. Z hard. KiVtQwc: ro. . MVaifwc; no. 1 rea, 68?fiti7c: No. 3. 63iftc. CORN October. $3c; December, 87 S7Sc: May. 3R((j36",c; cash No. $ mixed, 47c; No. 1 white, 50c; No. 8. 47c. OATS No. 1 white, 32&&c; No. 2 mixed, SOl3(lc. RYE No. 2. 45c. HAY Choice timothy, $10.5Ori0.75 choice prairie. 5utill0.00. BUTTER Creamery 23(8 24c; fancy dairy, 21c. EGGS Fresh, 18o. Keceipts.Shlpments JEW YORK STOCKS AXD DOXD4, Market Dall aad Xarrow, with Occa sional Rig-as of Better Keeling. NEW YORK. Oct. 30 -The stock market waa again dull and narrow today, though at times there wore Indications of a some what better feeling. This my have b?en due to the slight decline In demand sterl ing, which lessened the probability of early gold exports. Other favorable features in cluded some more reports of railroad earn ing and London's more friendly attifude, though that center dealt very moderately In this market, and sold quite as much as It bought. Opening quotations Were gen erally a fraction better than the previous day's close. The strong features In th? early trading Included St. Paul. Baltimore Ohio. South ern Pacific, Sugar and Amalgamated Cop per. Among the stocks that registered de clines at the same time were Reading. I,oufflVllle A Nashville and United States Steel. A further tendency toward better prices waa aoon shown, and Norfolk ft western, Missouri Pacific and Manhattan were quoted at improved prlcea. There was no newa to account tor tne general im provement other than that traders seemed to think the market had been oversold. The Gould stocks, as a group, developed Increased strength under the leadership of Missouri Pad He, and there was a moderate demand for Texas A Pacific. The trading In Pennsylvania. Baltimore & Ohio. Canad ian Paclllc, Illinois Central, Delaware & Hudson, New York Central and Wabash seemed to have some foundation. North western waa sensitive and declined on small dealings, but later made partial recovery. in the special class American Cotton Oil made a further gain, but Colorado Fuel A Iron waa distinctly heavy. United States Reality shares were dealt In for the first time, the preferred making 1 point advance. speculation Decame ratner irregular ana reactionary toward noon, and business dwindled to the slimmest proportions. While Inside support was not altogether lacking. it was clear that any attempts In the direc tion or activity and a higher level were met with offerings of long stock. The list held barely firm during the early afternoon, though the reactions were chiefly due to room trading. St. Paul developed unusual strength In the last hour, making a maximum rise of 84 points, but profit taking and the failure of the directors to take action on the proposed Issue of extra tock caused general selling. 1 ne re mainder of the list went off In sympathy and the closing, while easy, was dull. Demand sterling was quoted at $4.86809 4.86H5. The rate for exchange hardened in Berlin, and signs of a recovery in Paris exchange on London were lacking. Call money worked as high aa 6 per cent in the final hour, but moat of the day's loans were made between 4 and 6 per cent. The advance In demand loans was probably due In a measure to the nnal payment on Satur day of 127,000,000 for account of the recent bond Increase of the Pennsylvania rail road. Arrangements to meet this payment were perfected some days ago. however. and It la more than likely that the advance In call money was largely influenced by the belief that gold exports must come. The recent loss of the banks to the sub-treasury has been more than made up and the local Institutions now show a gain of about $1,500,000. Among the traffic returns reported was that of Union Pacific system, showing a net Increase for September of $234,000. The bond market continued very dull, but prices were well maintained. Total sales, par value, i,7to,ooo. United State 3s coupon, advanced M. per cent on the last call. The following are the closing prlcea on tne new iora biock exenange Atchison do pfd nl. Ohio do pfd Csnadlsa Psclflo . Ctnada Bo Chi A Ohio Chicago A Alton.. do pfd Chicago Ind. A L, do pfd Chloaso A B. 111.. Chicago A O. W.. do is pre do Id pfd Chlcaso A N. W.. C. R. I. A r. serve, Incrv'Swd 175. "0"; government aeciirl Hen. unchanged. The proportion of the Pnnk of England's reserve to llsblllty Is ?'. per cent. Last week It wsa 4.V71 per cent. Rale of discount, unchanged at 4 per cent. I.oadoa Stock Quotation. I.ONDON, Oct. 30. 4 p. m. Closing: Consols for monsjr tt ll-1Nsw N or rsntral . .. .15 . 7fti . l . S31 ,. M . lii . Xl . 44', . 4" . 87 . sW . 11H .lco. . t . ' . n . 34 . 4! . 5 ris account M it-li Norfolk A Weatera Anarmt.t ft I flo pfd Atrhtsnn tttvnntarlo A Weatorn do pfd Pennsylvania ...... rlaltlmnr A Ohio. . . .1 H Uiand Mlnaa 1 anadian raclnr MR, ;l.a4lnK ( h -napes ke A Ohio... HS.I do l"t pM 'hlrao O W 3I'', do Id pfd , r. M. A St. P I?- ikouthorn Railwar. DeHeera IdeM H'il- do Wd ... 44if.nilhrn Pacta. .. ... Vnlon Pacific ... tl do pfd ... 4oi I'nlted Slates Staal ... C I do pfd ...loitm'ibuh onlaTlllo A Nash. ,.13.i do pfd Missouri K. A T. . .. :'8pnlth 4s do pfd ... BAR SILVER Dull at 23 5-1d per ounce. MONEY 8t3 per cent. The rate of dis count In the open market for short bills Is ?'aT' 3"- per cent and for three-month' bills SV&34 per cent. - . Denver A . O. 'Is pfd E ra ! la pfd no td prd ... Illlaola Central. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Deairabla Killer and Feeder 8old Steady to Strong, Other Btead. HOGS ACTIVE AND FIVE TO TEN HIGHER Fat hern aad Lambs Commanded Steady to Stroasj Prices aad reed ers Sold Aooat Steady with tha Last Several Days. SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 90. Recelnta were; Cattle. Hnn Rheen. Official Monday .71 2.x:0 32.8. Official Tuesday 4,! 8..6 1(1.21 t.incia Wednesday 6,; 7.21 s.lhl Olticlal Thursday 1342 ,& 11.173 New York MlnlnsT Qaotatlena. NEW TORK. Oct. .-The following are tne closing prlcei on mining stocks: Adams Con... Alice Brsece Brunawlck Con.... Comalock Tunnel,. Con. ral. A Va... Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadvlllo Con . 15 . m . to . . I . do .1M . H .. I Llltla ChM Ontario Ophlr Phoenix Potoal Havac Sierra Nevada Small Hopes ., Standard 14 ....128 .... 15 .... I .... ( .... .... It .... 1 ,....111 Forelga Financial. IXNDON. Oct 80. Money was In In creased demand today for month-end re quirements, notwithstanding large borrow ings from the Bank of England. Discounts were sympathetically firm. Prices on the Stock exenange opened fairly good. There was a poor attendance, however, and be yond the conclusion of the settlement there was little doing, this being due to the annual holiday to be observed November 1. Consols were dull under the Influence of the approaching settlement. Home rails were supported. Americans opened with a pessi mistic feeling on New York advices, hard ened slightly, rose to above parity and closed steady. Grand Trunk were firm. BERLIN, Oct. 80. Business waa depressed at the opening on the bourse today on dis couraging New York advices. Iron shares were weak, owing to unsatisfactory Rhine land and Westphallan reports. Banks were firm, especially Deutsche bank, being in fluenced by the advance In Antollan rails and a rumor that a branch of the Deutsche bank will be established at Constantinople. PARIS, Oct. 30. After a quiet opening on the bourse today, rentes were sdvanced, Spanish 4s were better supported snd Kaffirs were firm. When the option opera tions were over tnere were renewed orrers, owing to fears of high contangoes. Rentes closed weak snd most of the foreign se curities, especially Braslllan, were eaaler, while Spanish 4s fluctuated on less satis factory reports regarding the government bins, industrials and Kamra closed weaker. The private rate of discount was 2 13-14 per cent. Baalc Clearings. .. S7tt"o. Pacific to ... r so Railway M ...iutt do pia 93 4 ..1SS .. (4 do pfd .. 50 Union Paclflo .. atV do pfd .. 71 .Wabaah .. 71! do pfd .. M IWhMlln A L. E. ..210 do id pfd .. (4 Wis. Central .. 4 do pfd .. 44 Adama Ex ..128 'American Bx ..18i. I'nlted states Rt . Chlcaso Tar. A Tr... 10 Wells-Fargo Ex.... do pro Hva Anal. Copper C. C. C. A Bt. It.... M Amer. Car A T.... Colorado 80 SI do 1st pfd Ti do td pfd Del. A Hudson lea Del. U A W jes Denver A R. O. do ptd Erla do 1st pfd do Id pfd Great Nor. pfd.. Hocking Valley . do pfd Illlnola Central Iowa Central ... do pfd Lako Erie A W. do pfd U A N Manhattan L Met. St. Rv Mex. Central ... Mex. National .. Minn. A 8t. li.. Mo. Pacific M., K. A T do pfd N. J. Central.... N. Y. Central .. Norfolk A W.... do pfd Ontario A W.... Pennsylvania ... Reading iTexaa A Paclflo. Toledo. St. L. A W. M . ( . 1 . IS . 47 . M . IT . m .too .240 .US ..228 .. 4 . S . tl .. It . 45 . 46 . M . H .. at . lis do pfd Amer. Lin. Oil do pfd American S. A R.. do of d 4.1 Anao. Mining Co... 01 Brooklyn R. T n Colo. Fuel A Iron.. (7 Cons. Gaa UVtCont. Tobacco pfd. ...lit .. 7 Oen. Electric .. 3 IHocklng Coal .. tH Inter. Paper ..146Hj do pfd .. 4JVi Inter. Power ....... .. 75 Laclede Qaa .. M National Blacult ., ..130 I National Lead ..1154 No. American , ..Ms Paclflo Coast ...... ..H1 Pacific Mall .. SFH People's Gaa .. UH.Preaaed 8. Car ..10 I do ptd ..10H Pullman P. Car.... .. 21C4 Republic Steel .... .. to I do pfd ..171 'Bugar ..lltSUjTenn. Coal A I .. 714l'nlon Bag A P.. .. to do pfd .. 12H U. g. Leather ..l2l do pfd . V. 8. Rubber do lit pfd n do pfd.... do Id ptd vf-HiC. B. St. L. A 8. F. do 1st pfd.. do 2d pfd ... St. L. 8. W... do pfd St. Paul do pfd Offered. steel 7 do pfd . M Western Union . 73V. Amer.' Locomotive. . j do pfd . 74VK. C. Southern.... .1M4l do pfd ,.1M .186 .. 22 .. 18 .. 72 .. 78 .. 80 .. 4 .. 27 ..120 .. TS .. 41 ..103 .. 2H .. s ..131 .. 11 .. 7SH .. i .. IS .. 77 .. 13 .. 80S .. 17 .. 54 .. 3'4 .. 884 .. 0 .. V) .. 84 .. If.- .. H creamery, 182SV4c; Wheat, bu 173,) 61.800 Corn, bu 4". 18,400 Oats, bu 32.000 10.0UO Teleda tjrala nn Seea, TOLEDO. Oct. SO. WHEAT Fairly ac tive. Iila her; cash, 7c; December, 77Hc; May. Tic. CORN Dull, He higher; December, 44c; May, 42V. OATS Dull, ahade higher; December, 32c; Mv. X!Sc. RYK-No. t. 62c. SEKD Clover, dull, lower; October, $6.55, aaktd, January, K.isS, bid. Ualata Urala Market. Dl'l.UTH. Minn., Oct. SO.-WHEAT-No 1 hard. 74c: No. 2 northern. TUTc: No 1 northern and November, IlTec; December. iv'tv nasv. idtf! . OATS December. 30c. Minneapolis Wheat. Flaar anal Bra. MINNEAPOLIS. Oct. W WHEAT De cember. 71Vc: Mav. 724uib72Vc lm t r-., u No. 1 hard. 74c; No. 1 northern, 73c; No. j norinciu, nv. Mllwaakw Oral ttarfcei. MILWAUKEE, Oct 10 WH EAT Firm ; New York BJoner Market. NEW YORK. Oct 80. MONEY On rail firm at 4'uti per cent; closed offered at 6 per cent; prime mercantile paper, 6Hl6 per cent. STERLING EXCHANGE Steady, with actual business In bankers' bills at $4. ior oemana ana at t-t iuau ror sixty days; posted rates. 34.84(,i4.S4 and 14.7Ufti4 xs- commercial bills, 4.s275(&4 8325. SILVER Bar. GOHc; Mexican doUars. SWic. wunub-uovernment, firmer; state. Inac tive; railroad, steady. The closing quotation on bonds are a follow: l"L. N. nnl. 4a loiv. ..110 ;Mrx. Central 4a so ..108 I do la Inc 274 ..108 Minn. A St. L. 4a.... 103 .AM", M.. K. A T. 4s 88(4 ..UTm do la IjJ .ill ,"N. T. Central is. . . .102W U. S. ret. la, rag do coupon do la, reg lo coupon .... do sew 4a, leg do coupon .... do old 4a. reg.. do coupon .... do la, reg ..II'. do gen. IHa 107 ..1044 N. J c. . j. do coupon loi No. Pad Be 4s Atchlaon sen. do adl. 4s Bal. A Ohio 4s.... do do conv. 4a.... Canada 80. Is.... Central of O. fca 1 .loj '4 ...101 do la ... 88 N. A W. eon. 4s I0014 ...101 Reading gen. 4a 87 ... w -a l. 1 m c. oa 114 -it. L. A 8. P. 4a.. 100 ...10 St. U 8. W. is 84 wo e as do la Inc 78W 8. A. A A. P. 4a 7H Chea. A Ohio 44ja...l(4Vtso. Paclllc 4a 82 V, Chicago A A. Jv,a... Ho lHo. Railway (a lmv C, B A Q. a. 4a.... 86 Texaa A Pacific Is.. .12114 v, a a bi r 1. mm.tia ot. u. m w. aa. so C. A N. W. e. 78. ...1M Unlon Paclllc 4a 104- C. R. I. A P. 4a 10H; do conv. 4a 108!, I" ; u a 0 b s- ve..iv, 'UMa im 1211 Chicago Ter. 4a 8741 do it ia Colorado Bo. 4a 81V1 do deb. B kou itenver ex n. ea...iwii vwi puore a 113 Erie prior lien 4a 80 -Wheel. Ac L. K. 4a.. aa xenermi v iiirai a a P. w. A I) t . la... 114 (Jona. Tobacco 4s Hocking Val. 4Vla....l0 Bid. Offered. Boatoa Stock Qnotatlons. BOSTON. Oct. 30. Call loans. EHf' per cent: time loans. 0149 per cent, omclal closing of stocks ana Donas: A trillion 4s Gaa la Atchlaon do pfd Boston A Albany boatoa A Me..... N. V.. N. H. A H...227 Pltchbura pfd 143 .181 Bingham 2 . 87H Calumet A Heel Soi 874t Centennial . Wl'a Copper Range .268 Dominion Coal 11 Franklin lale Rorale ... Mohawk lot's Old Dominion ... . . . . 26 Oacvola 121H Parrot' Qulncr .... 87 Santa Fa Copper.. .... 87(4 Tamarack .... 8e Trlmountatu ....1"H Trlnlte .... 40 I nited States ... I tab ... 18 . .. 3 ...1JI ... 8 ... UV ...4 ... It ... td ... 25 ...l!J ... 1 ...' OMAHA, Oct. SO. Bank clearings today, $1,1L'6,o6.26; corresponding day last year, $1,049,409.24: Increase. 177,397.03. ST. LOUIS, Oct 80. Clearing", $.10,191: balances, SSo6,498; money, steady, 6'a per cent; New York exchange, 25c discount. BOSTON, Oct. 30. Clearings, $23,143,689; balances. S2.534.764. BALTIMORE. Oct SO. Clearing, S3.U30.- 243; balances, $328,847; money, 6 per cent. t'H HjAUf-L'rijA. uct. su. cieanngs, lis, 750.422; balances, $2,013,663; money, per cent. UNa 11 H M 0 I'nlon Pacific Mexican Central American Sugar , do pfd Dominion 1. A 8 Mara. Klectrto .. do pfd l olled Fruit .... I', a Steel do ofd Weallngh. Common. ..10 Victoria Adventura W innaa Allouea 1H Wolverine Amalgamated 84S t'nlud Copper Daly west 4H Bank of France Btatenteat. PARIS. Oct. 30. The weekly statement of the Hank of France ahowa the following changea: Notes in circulation, increased el.luo.OuO francs; treasury accounts, current, decreased 400.000 francs; gold in hand, tie creased ll.4u0.uuo franca; bills discounted. In creased I1l.!t-f.0tj francs; silver In hand, de creased S25.0UO franca. Bank al fenajlaaa' atatenarat. I.ONDON. Oct. SO The weekly atatement of the Hank of England shows the following changes: Total reserve. Increased 219,to; circulation, d-creased lKo.0(al; bullion. 111 rieased, A33.a9; other securities, decreased Ail wuO; other ieposlta. decreased 376,uu; ,ubllo deposits, decreauied; notes re- Condltloa of tha ITensory. WASHINGTON. Oct. SO. Todsy's state. ment of the treasury balances In the gen eral fund, exclusive 01 tne iioo.ouo.uoo gold reserve In the division of redemption, shows: Available cash balance, $207,163,103; gold, $112,&o6,014. Waal Market. BT. LOUIS. Oct 30. WOOL Dull: me dium grades and combing. Icu'lKc: light fine. jaOTivc; heavy nne, jug lie; tub wasnea, lbw BOSTON. Oct so woo L continues dull. Sellers seem content to let the market take its course, well knowing that without boom or excitement an tne wool tney have will be wanted at their own prlcea. Manu facturers have bouKhr considerable wool. paying full prices and -prices a little higher in a gooa many instances, xuiu representa tives admit that they, have smaller stocks of wool on hand than usual and that a continual running of the mills means a good deal of wool buying. Territory wool is In a very strong,. position. Predictions are heard trom well posted merchants that fine staple territory Is going to 60c, with even tc suggested; nne siapie territory, &f.rywc; nne and nne .medium, wtobic; me rtlnm Mi47c. Texas wool Is In a remark ablv strong position: fall cleaned basis. t.Vrl 48c; twelve months, GovQWlc; six to eight months, spring, watoc. uaniornia wool is firm, with the demand good; northern counties, cleaned basis, 62Cri'53c; middle counties. 4Sfta0c: southern. 45n47c: six to eight months, 13314c less. Fine fleece wool Is in a very strong position; nne wasnea fleeces are particularly firm, with offerings very small; quotations are very firm; Ohio nnrl Pennsylvania XX and above. 29(&29Uc: X, 26V4i27c; Michigan X, 25H8264c. De laine wool Is In a strong position, with transactions and offerings both small; Ohio and Pennsylvania washed delaine, 32(3330: Michigan. 30ffi31c: No. 1. aMlvtlc: No. 2. 25a 30c; coarse, 24(fi26c. Fine unwashed and un merchantable siock is in smaii supply, witn prices strong; Ohio and Pennsylvania un washed, 21Si22c; Michigan, k-(r2lc; unmer chantable Ohio and Pennsylvania. 23ft 24c 'there la very, little Australian wool here and It Is held above the market; quotations are nominally at, combing choice, scoured basis, 77(fiMc; gooa, waioc; average, umno. NEW VOKK, UCt. 30. WUUlr-firm. Cottoa Market. NEW ORLEANS, Oct. 30 COTTON- Steady; sales, b,4bu nais; orainary. tsic; wood ordinary. 7c: low middling. 7 9-lfic: middling, 8c; good middling. 8'c: middling fair BHc; receipts, io,.w Daies: biock. ju4.ii VihIc's. Futures, steady: October. 7.96c. bid: November. 7.9xi7.99c: December. 8.088.09c; January, 8.12'8.l3c; KeDruary, s.iec: Marcn, 8 17-niLlxc: Aoril. 8.198.21c: May. 8.21Q8 23C. RT IRITIS. Oct. SO. COTTON Quiet : middling, 8c; sales, 367 bales; receipts, 3,617 bales; shipment, 8,667 bales; stock, 13,259 bules. LIVERPOOL, Oct. SO. COTTON Spot In Increased demand: prices i points mgner American fiiir. E.08d: rood middling. 4.78d mid, Ulna-. 4.70d: low middling. 4.601: good nrHinarv. 4.4M: ordinary. 4 36d. The sales of the day were 10.0UO balea, of which 600 were for speculation and export, and In cluded 8.600 American. Recelpta were 15.000 bales. Including 7.800 American. Future onened ouiet and steady and closed Arm. NEW YORK. Oct. 30. COTTON Snot. closed dull: middling Uplands. S.66c; mid dling gulf. 8.90c; sales. 2.000 bales. Futures onened steady ana ciosea quiet; tjciooer. 8 36c; November. 8.34c: December. 8.46c: January. 8.53c; February. March. April and May, 8.30c; June. .rc; August, a inc. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Oct SO COFFEE Spot Rio. ouiet: No. 7 invoice. 6c. Mild, steady Cordova. 7V(iil2c. Futures opened steady, with prices unchanged. During the dav the traders showed little Inclination toward aacresslveneae). seemingly content to allow the market to take Ita own course. Aa a result of this neglect prices remained prac tically even with last night until juat before th close, wnen ngnt uqu-aauon lowered several ootlons per cent, tne market cioa Ing net unchanged to 6 polnta lower. Both the cablea and cron figures fell flat aa In fluencrs. Total Bales amounted to 10 00) hues. Including November at 8.10c; Decern ber, 5.20c; March. 6.4oc: May, 6 56 c 6 60c; July, 6.70c; September, S.Soc. nil nasi Hosln. OIL CITY. Pa.. Oct. SO. OIL Credit bal ances. 8134: certificates. $1.35, bid: sh'P ments. 110.438 bbls.; average. S4.6() bbls.; runs, 114.48 bbls.; average, 18.K77 bbls. CHARLESTON. 8. C. Oct. SO Oil Turpentine unchanged. Rosin, unchanged. TOLEDO Oct. 30. OIL I'nchanged. SAVANNAH. Oa., Oct. SO. OIL Tu-nen- tlne, firm. "'Kic : Rosin, firm; A, B. C and D. $1.35: E $1.4o: F. 81.45; O. 31.S H. $175: I. $2: K $'51; M. $3; N. $3 51 W O 83 75: W. W.. $4.15. NEW YORK. Oct. 30. OIL Cottonseed quiet. Petroleum, firm. Rosin, nrm. Turp. entlne, firm, 53(&53Hc. Whisky Market. 8T. LOUIS. Oct. SO. WHISKY Steady at $132 CINCINNATI. Oct. Sr-WHISKT-Dlstil lers' finished goods, steady, on basis of tl 32. CHICAGO, Oct. SO.-WHISKY-Steady at $1 32. PEORIA. HI.. Oct. SO.-WHISKY-On basis of lor nnished goods. Pru GooaJs Market. NEW YORK, Oct. SO-DRY GOODS The market for the general run of dry goods has been quiet today. The dt-mmil In si staple Is Indifferent, but with no pre' sure to sell, trices are maintainen. how ever. Print cloths continue dull, but Arm Bilks and ribbons are firm. Hosiery an underwear steady. S5.0TO 16.867 13 163 13.838 11,767 26.111 Four dava this week.2ti.799 Same daya last week. ...32. 677 Same week before 29.869 Same three weeks ago... 27.974 Same four weeks ago.... 36.364 Same days Isst year 3", 440 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. The following table shows the receipts of cattle, hogs and sheep at South Omaha, for the year to date, and comparisons with last Vear: 1902. 1901. Inc. Dec. lattle 817.363 662,829 165.633 nog :...l,So7,117 Bheep 1,848,748 Th following table price of hog sold on the South Omalia maraet the last several days, with com' parlsons with tormer years: 9.490 eXiioS 42,693 e6,4-j 47,689 38,700 1.890.817 l.OtM.77 249,968 shows the average Date. I 1902. lWl.lS00.18t9.139S.1897.lSN. Oct Oct, I.... Oct. S....I Oct .... Oct. ....! Oct Oct J.... OCt .... Oct ....! Oct 10... 1 Oct. 11... Oct li!... Oct 13... Oct. 14... Oct 15... Oct 18... Oct 17... Oct. 18... Oct. 19... Oct. 20... Oct ... Oct 32... Oct. 23... Oct. 34... Oct 25... Oct. 2... Oct 27... Oct. 28... Oct 29... Oct. 80... T 14V 1 S24 1 424. 7 U T 14Vi 7 04(4, ? 7 vl lu I 00Vi 91 7 16 70J 82 7041 e u 74 711 4 61 M 69 761 681 69 6 tt 4 33 13 15 Sol e 29 18 221 SOI 67 23, 26 6 03 6 99 01 06 001 a 6 89 6 81 6 72 18 6 1S 2oj 6 16 I 111 i On t 02 4 92 90! 4 93 4 82 4 72 4 64 4 621 4 61 4 6s: 4 62 4 61 4 61 4 4.H 4 68 4 64 I 4 62 4 60 4 39 4 42 4 87 4 SI 4 14 4 4 36 4 331 4 81 4 23 4 20 4 241 e 4 20 4 14 4 10 4 lt 4 15 4.U! 4 16 4 141 4 13 4 18 4 10 4 401 e 4 09 71 S 66 S 64 S 64 S 611 S 68 (69 S 64 S 671 I 66 S 69 8 tl s a s tS 1 M 1 3 vi I 61 S 7S in in S 74 S 04 3 4 S 04 S 52i S 11 II eew Hid son 1 biill......lJf Mrs. Wallace Neb. row 10.1 S 26 1 cow 1180 t . Berry Neb. I cows.. 1 cow... 1 cow... 6 cows.. 1 cow... 13 cows.. 1 feeder... 1 feeders.. S5 19 feeders J. P5 9-V n at P2 70 (1 1 feeder.. feeders. I feeders. 910 W. Ml 9.'8 N6 t no 1 40 2 en 2 20 s ro S M 30 I 60 S 60 1 cows S cow.. 1 cow... 4 tows.. 5 rows.. 1 feeder 4 feeders.. l'7 10 feeder. .111 13 cows 861 9.10 970 KW 1'itti 710 T. Bower Neb. 3 ST. 3 35 S 3n 1 feeder. S feeder., 1 feeder... 1 steer S steers..., Thomas D. cows., 4 cow... 1 bull... 840 ,"hr5 640 820 7:) P. 9.(0 1041 J. 945 831 I. 21 feeder.. 101 2 W. Walla c( 1 cow 3 cows. 4 cows. 7 cow. .1015 . 962 1110 Neb. 4 Steers., 21 steers., 1 cow.., t cow. . , 400 876 877 7t7 R.10 890 .10! I 51 S 66 8 68 S 64 S 4 3 62 S 54 S bit 3 24 S 66 3 64 1 61 3 69 170 1 S7I S 731 S 60 I 2 I 71 1 65 S 65 S 53 S 25 s u S 14 I 1 S so I tt S 19 $ 2 1 21 I 64 (- S 631 S 46 S 41 3 38 3 42 S 38 ltl S 2,1 I 36 e 3 26 S 17 S 13 S 15 3 17 Indicates Sunday. The official mimK. f . mtr brought in yesterday by each road was: cattle. Hogs. She p. U tea. C. M. St P. Ry... w. oc bi. Lt. ny Missouri Paclflo Ry.. 1 Union Pacific system. 70 at in. w. n.y F. E. A M. V. Ry 01. tr., m. s u., X B. A M. R. Ry 138 (J., ti. Be (J. KV K Rt .1 C, R. I. & P., east. v -, xv. a. oz x ,. wesx. Illinois Central 1 60. S 2 7 2 4 19 10 19 10 24 1 13 1 2 ni 32 ii 2 u 66 Total receipts 263 The disposition of the day's recelnta waa as follows, each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated: Buyers. Omaha Packing Co. Swift and Company Cudahy Packing Co Armour aV Co Vans..nt & Co Lobman & Co W. I. Stephen Hill A Huntslnger Carey A Benton Livingstone A Schaller.. Hamilton & Rothschild.. F. Hus. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. H. L. Dennis A B. F. Hobbiok.. Wolf A Murnan Werthelmer .... 8. A B Other buyer.... Co... 684 1,104 S5 1,351 152 , 270 , 107 18 , 141 , 363 , 363 18 9 . 65 , 458 , 170 14 . 25 1,436 1,820 2.054 S.244 240 1,807 1.757 1.602 ,403 ToUls 7,187 7.054 11,709 CATTLE Receipts of cattle Were ojife liberal again this morning, but anything at an oesiraoie, euner in tne beer or reeder line, met with ready sale at fully steady prices. The common and Inferior graces were more or less neglected, the same aa usual. There were not enough cornfed steers on ale with which to make a teat of the market. It Is safe to say. however, that good stuff would have sold In yesterday's notches. A liberal proportion of the offer! nne con sisted of cows and heifers. Trading, though, was aulte brisk and the bulk of the receipts was soon disposed of at fullv steady prices with yesterday. The general mantel couia pernaps Desi sa aescrinea Dy calling It steady to strong. The better grades In particular were In good demand. nuns, veai caives ana stags sola at steaay prices If they were good, but feeder bulls, and particularly the common kinds, were very dull. Stock calves were also rather slow. The demand for stockers and feeders con tinued brisk on the better grades and fullv steady prices were paid. Aa compared with a week ago tne marnei is sareiy a quarter higher. Tne demand for the common kinds today was not quite as good as It waa yesterday, as speculators have a good many common came on nana, ior wnicn tne ae mand Is not very good from the country, and as the close of the week Is near at hand they were a little cautious about buying many of that kind. The better grades of western beef steers sold readily at steady to strong; prices, but Inferior grades, and especially common Texaa cattle, were rather hard to move. Range cow were rainy active and steady to strong as compared with yesterday and tockers and feeders of good aualltv were. also fully steady with yesterday. The com mon Kinos, inougn, were a little slow. Representative sales: BEEF STEERS. At. Pr. . No. SMI lit 18... 770 I 76 18... 1080 I 28 UOWB, Ne. 1.. 1.. 1.. . Pr. ..877 4 40 .1241 18 It".'.'. 1.... 1.... I. ... It.... II. ... 1.... 880 834 I1W 878 804 80 ..... 81 nt 1 00 1.. I 25 14 I 1 I tt 1 t tt 1 140 18 I to It 1 td HEIFERS. ...... 44 1 tt I BULLS. 14 4 It CALVES. 4O0 t 80 t IM I 88 1 Ill I 00 STOCK CALVES. 1ST I 18 48 bSO t 15 8TOCKER8 AND FEEDERS. ... 840 I 80 ... SM I 80 ...1090 I 00 ... 884 I to ... 88 I 84 ...1011 I Tt ...1074 4 88 184 I M 206 I H 120 I Tt 44 4 N 1 841 I 00 41. 1 170 I 26 1...., 1 78T I to 8 10 182 I 71 MONTANA. 1 ateer 1030 3 80 .33 steers., S3 steers... .1024 S 80 COLORADO. ' steer.... 897 3 00 lstag ... 1 teer 730 2 60 86 cow 811 2 35 CI teera. 1 cow "60 2 35 1 bull... 1 cow 99( 2 S5 16 cow.. fi KrlKAbKAnH. 787 I M 488 4 00 74 4 21 .1064 S 80 860 2 50 ..1045 ..1530 .. 892 , 846 670 , 890 710 , 800 950 954 20 cow.... 1 cow 26 cows. . 1 cow...,. 2 cow.... 1 cow 26 cow.... 1 cow WM S cow 933 5 cow 986 cow 11(13 t cow KaiO 3 cow 1(13 1 cow 1020 cow 1160 24 feeder.. 6x5 1 oow 8 I oow 850 4 cow 6 cow 1194 1 bull..... 1170 1 bull 1480 1 feeder... 830 1 feeder. 1 feeder. If cow... 28 cow... 1 bull... 1 heifer.. 1 feeder.. 1 feeder. 14 cows... 25 cow.. 1 cow . 800 . (MU . 916 .1U00 .1420 ,. t90 970 ".IS .. 0 ..1020 A. 1 47 cows I'M 36 cow Kio5 2 cows 870 2 rows 960 1 cow 910 9 cow.....lli 1 cow 710 1 cow 90 4 cow lluo 1 cow 8.0 2 85 2 fc5 2 45 2 25 2 25 2 25 2 95 2 9 2 9) 2 60 2 60 2 00 2 00 S 60 S 15 3 65 3 15 3 16 3 16 3 15 3 So 2 30 3 40 3 40 3 40 2 90 3 15 2 30 a ol 3 00 3 60 2 90 3 40 S 75 1 cow. . 1 steer... 1 bull.... 1 feeder. 2 heifer... 606 1 heifer... 476 1 cow KK 1 cow 11S0 cowa.. 2 cow... 2 cow.., 10 row.., 2 cow.., 1 cow..., 1 ateer.. 1 cow 3 cowa. 3 cowa. 1 cow 1210 47 cow 992 1 cow 1120 1 teer 1020 1 ateer..... 60 12 steers.... 940 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 1 steer.. 20 steer. 6 cows 1024 1 cow JuJO 1 cow 1220 1 cow 1080 ..1010 .. 690 ..1350 600 901 .KM) . 940 ...Kr.'l ...1010 . . . loa ... 6V) ...liso ...1026 973 . 710 .1030 .12-JO .110 ..1077 Plummer Neb. 3 45 3 45 3 60 3 10 3 10 1 m 2 60 2 60 2 00 3 W 27 heifers.. 1 heifer.. 1 heifer.. 1 heifer.. 1 heifer.. 3 heifers. 2 heifer. 1 steer... 1 steer... 1 bulL... 864 710 840 91 . 8N0 . 91 . 875 . 710 . 910 .loU) 3 20 2 40 3 00 3 46 2 45 2 15 2 00 2 60 2 26 1 76 3 25 1 75 2 50 2 60 2 00 2 70 3 60 3 25 3 16 3 15 S 15 3 20 3 15 3 15 3 25 1 75 3 26 2 25 3 25 4 00 4 25 3 15 2 70 2 25 3 78 3 75 3 20 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 10 3 00 2 60 I 2S 1 feeder. 28 cows.. cow. cows. 1 cow.. 30 steers... 27 feeders. J 16 feeders.. 9W 2 feeders.. 800 B feeders.. 803 3 4 3 40 3 40 2 85 2 85 ' E. Wants-Neb. 2 90 1 feeder. .8 60 1 feeder. M. Darr-Neb. 3 20 1 feeder... 810 2 66 1 stag 880 K. Mania Neb. 4 05 3 steers.. 2 75 H. Nichols Neb. 3 66 tJeorge Marsh Neb. 868 3 05 3 cows... 9.-1 1 05 2 cows.., 7N0 3 00 B. T. Mull-Wyo. 1085 4 15 16 cows... w 3 7 McGeoth-Wyo. 4 00 10 cow... 3 55 11 cows S 40 6 cows 1 00 3 26 2 40 2 8,. 2 85 2 85 2 4( 3 r 3 6) 2 85 3 85 3 00 3 I"' 3 15 2 65 2 2 30 2 30 3 25 3 30 3 75 3 25 (16 2 00 1000 730 3 05 3 06 107 3 40 Chsrles W. Brown Wyo. . 93ft . 786 .1061 18 steer.... 9S0 4 10 1 hull 1450 cow 1I65 3 35 6 bull.. .,.104 H. M. Bullock Wyo. 21 feeder.. 780 3 60 1 cow 8i0 19 feeders.. 751 3 60 9 cowt 1025 3 feeder.. 856 2 60- Scows 978 Thorn Auson Wyo. 2 cows 9 S TS 1 feeder.. .1000 7 cow 1028 S 40 3 feeder.. 826 1 steer.. ..1140 S 90 7 feeders.. 685 t has. Whlrk Wyo. 1 cows 810 3 76 4 cows 923 8 40 A. G. Heder VVvo. IS feeder.. 878 4 00 4 cows.... 1 feeder... 10W 4 00 2 feeders.. 21 feeder.. 730 S 40 3 feeders. J. B. Hubbard Wyo. lis 1 M 1 feeder 8 40 2 85 . S 90 2 75 2 75 15 s 00 3 00 4 00 8 00 5 40 90 80 823 800 6 hulls... 1 bull...... eUO 175 18 cows 713 Swan Land and Cattle Co. Wyo, 3 40 3 65 8 CO 3 30 1 75 78 steers... .1017 8 $0 3 60 3 60 3 60 161 cowa.... 92b i 35 e cows 854 2 60 Tolland Cattle Co. 8. D. 45 ferders.. 10.17 4 60 E3 cows 974 10 feeders.. 762 4 65 47 cows..... 9X0 1 feeder. ..1140 4 () 46 cow 943 63 cows 962 3 50 H. Lltzman H. Tl. 14 cow 914 2 30 1 bull 1350 Scow 910 3 00 8 fteer....1035 Ed Arnold S. n. IS cow 953 3 30 62 feeder.. 1071 7 cow 998 3 60 Joe Herman 8. D. 947 4 00 13 cows 1040 4 00 1 bull 1240 T. Balrd Colo, 4 steer.... 2 ateer... .1060 J. 4 steer.. . 932 26 feeder!.. 911 1 feeder. 1 bull 1 steer..., 21 steers.. 20 steers.. 2 steers . 2 steers.. .1060 .1380 2 90 S 60 3 00 2 30 6 cows.. 21 cows., 892 836 1 bull 1020 2 35 3 60 3 55 3 60 2 35 2 60 2 85 2 60 Moore 910 S 60 , 972 , 974 , 826 , 920 C. . 90 . 700 Bros Colo. 9 cows.... 8 cows.... 6 feeders. 8 steers... 963 956 746 8 10 8 10 8 75 2 80 915 871 801 905 2 65 2 90 8 00 3 00 8 60 8 60 2 80 2 80 E. Omsted Colo. 1 steer..... W 2 65 2 cows... 1 steer 700 2 25 19 feeder J. Upllnger Kan. 60 feeders.. 801 3 65 4 feeders 64 feeders.. 905 8 75 feeders HOGS There was another fairly liberal run of hogs here today, but the demand was fully equal to the occasion and the market opened active and 6(T10c higher than yesterday. The long string of the sales went at $6.57Vi and $6 60, with the big bulk from $6.56 to $6.65, and a very nice load of butcher weights sold as high st $6.70. It was the -most active market that has been experienced in a long lime and everything that waa on the morning market was dis posed of In short order, the last sales being tne Dest. bp vera 1 trains were late in ar riving, so that htfK kept coming in all the morning. Packers, however, bought them up as fast aa they arrived and the cloae of the market wa strong at the ad vance. Representative sales: - No. at. 6h. TO I3T 120 & IM 10 41 2C2 114 ti ill ' !. . le $ Mi; dressed btef 4)636; steers un tocker snd fed. . nciters, S2.2i(ti5 i; - h $2.Snti4.(Tn; calva. 4 ' man steers, tl.!', 2:J.t.40. I It h ? Receipts, 4.rnhr e; tr ' to et took: pigs and lwcht, I-, ers, li. 4"!6 .1; butchers. 6 5C'i 81IKK1' AND LAM Hd Receipts, murket strong; native muttons. , lamb. $4.1,vu.vfi0: culls and hucV 3.50; stockers, $1.0j2.6o; Texana, $1 Ml , rl 1 1. 'is. - 1 In i era, ' -ii dy . i aek- 1 head; : 1 ('; CHICAGO LIVE STOCK !' ' KT. No. At. Bta. Pr. 86 148 ... 4 42tt 80 418 ... tO 44 820 ... 80 4 178 180 4 68 80 104 180 8( tl 27 20 56 82 280 124 86 83 21 140 t 66 44 203 200 8 85 84. ...... .228 ...1 65. tl. ...... 288 ... I M 61 26! 40 I M 82.. 280 H IK 87 103 0 8 66 (3 298 '10 4 (8 47. 3M 10 tt 80 iitt 120 4 88 44. 288 80 60 82 287 120 I 85 80 281 M 86 TO 264 40 66 14 20 ... I 67V 68 261 120 I 67V 86 261 SO I 87V 81 171 320 I 67 Mj 68 4 400 67V (2 2(10 80 il'i 86 2111 . . I 67', 38 2.'7 40 I 57 82 276 180 t 67V, CJ 270 80 67', 68 SOI 180 ST, 64 121 100 671, 34 800 80 67 82 264 204 4 67', 60 114 ... 6 671, 76 -236 10 I 671, t 188 i.. ( 674, 61 288 ... 8 67S, 81 272 80 4 67', 68 271 40 6714 66 284 M 67 86 270 240 57', 63 ..J76 1(0 8 67', 84 .22 160- 8 174 37 . .:xX too I 67 'i 82 2M) 40 80 84 2:0 ... 4 10 87 220 44 4 60 6T 238 120 I 10 t ..148 18 I 40 SHEEP-There 64 ltl... 61 83.... tl.... 86.... 18.... 41.... 86.... 17.... 46.... 88.... 8.-. 88.... 7 ... 61.... 80.... 66.... 68.... 81.... 62.... 60.... 42.... (.... Tt.... 69. .. 88.... 88.... 62.... 66.... 83.... 88.... 16.... 68.... 60.... 7T.... 66.... Tl.... 10.... to.... 17.... IT.... 61.... 61.... 80..., 18. .. . was a 31 ...211 ...271 ...381 ...276 ...261 ...142 ...204 ...271 ...'.76 ...3'5 ...V0 ...17 ...281 ...22 ...260 ...143 ...251 ...246 ...240 ...280 ...236 ...240 ...243 ,..24 ...284 ...2S4 ...283 ...283 ...266 ...21 ...266' ...268 ...211 ...28 ...2H3 ...234 ...12 ...276 ...233 ...231 ...252 ...118 ...866 ,...184 ...288 ...228 fair sized 184 180 40 180 180 40 40 !84 10 200 ISO 30 120 44 120 80 120 160 40 "0 180 80 80 380 40 120 60 'so 40 80 80 160 80 80 6 80 .. (0 80 80 80 4 60 4 40 I to 4 80 84 i 0 . t to to 4 to 80 80 6 60 ro to 80 t 60 f to C 60 4 80 t 80 4 60 t M 4 80 80 . 4 80 . . 4 80 60 I 80 . 80 6(1 I 80 I 62 '4 4 t2V 4 62 H 2', I t6 4 86 88 tt 6 86 65 66 4 66 . I 67V, 4 70 run of sheen here today, but the demand for aood etuff wa quite active and the market ruled active ano steaay to strong on desirable grades of killers. As compared with the total receipts, the proportion of fat stuff was rather small, the same as has been the case all along, and practically every thing waa disposed of in good season. Western ewes sold as high as $3.25. wethers $.4.60, yearlings $3 80 and lambs $4.75. There were no desirable natives offered with which to make a test of the market. There' were a' gobd many feeders on sale, both fresh arrivals and those carried over from yesterday. There were a few buyer on hand and the sales that were made looked Just about steady with yesterday. The demand was principally for the better grades and common stuff changed hands very slowly. Quotations: Good to choice yearling. $3.75 64.00; fair to good. $3.25&3.6u; good to choice wether, $7)604(3.65; fair to good wethers, $3.10fj3.16; choice ewe, $3.00,03.26; fair to f ood ewe, $!.66!2.S0; good to choice lamba, 4.65($4.75: fair to good lambs, $4.00414.50; choice native lamb, 6.0035.26; feeder weth ers, $2.763.00; feeder yearling, 83.001125; feeder lambs, S3.0O4j-4.0O; cull lamba, $1,602 2 60; feeder ewea. ll.2C4r2.00; cull ewe. 76ca $1.26; stock ewes, $2 6U23.25. ' Representative ales: No. 36 cull Iambs 2 western ewes 49 western ewes , 2 western ewes 60S western wethers 98 western wethers j87 western yearlings 49 western lambs 10 Wyoming ewes., 47 Nebraska ewes 100 Wyoming ewes 2 Wyoming wethers 60 Wyoming ewes 1W Wyoming wethers 20 cull wethers 8 cull lambs 223 cull lambs....... 99 cull lambs 725 western feeder lambs 363 western feeder lambs........ 687 Nebraska ewes 191 Nebraska ewea 26 Nebraska yearlings 1.000 Wyoming feeder wethers.. 1.188 Wyonilnr feeder wethers.. 1 Wyoming cull lamb Av. Pr. 106 2 00 140 3 00 111 3 00 110 3 60 116 S 60 107 3 60 93 3 80 63 4 26 82 1 00 92 1 60 83 1 60 70 2 70 102 3 25 101 S 65 66 3 00 45 3 10 46 2 10 40 2 10 51 2 90 48 2 90 104 3 25 100 3 26 84 3 75 73 2 75 71 2 75 60 3 60 lit. Kaaiat City llv Stock Market. KANSAS CITT, Oct. SO CATTLE Re ceipts. 9.800 head natives, 1.2nO head Tex ana. 4U) head Texas calves, 2.100 head Texas native; native and western beeves ateady to firm; cow ateady; quarantine active, steady; best feeders steady, others weak and lower; bulla ateady; choice export and dressed beef steers, $6.8ojj7.75; fair to good, U.7.'H.75; stockers and feeders, $3.0o(a.O0; western fed t-?ers. S3.75'S.9; Texas and indlan steers. $2.8"i5.ii; Texas cowa, $1 9"fty t 26: native cowa, $1.50414 50; native heifers. $1.5.'tja 4o; canners. 6ucl$2.25; bulis, $2.2U .U: calve, $2.uiX(i6.0. HO;S Receipt. 16,000 head; market 10c lower; top, 8656; bulk of sales, $6.6ii'u 55; heavy, 16.40414 56; mixed packers. $6 4'4j 6.6: light. $64axU4.62; yorkers, $6.o0U4.52Vi; plsai, $6 1 1 trio. 50. . SHKEP AND LAMBS Receipts, (.Quo head: market steady to easy: lambs, firm native lamba. I.e-io western lambs, $3.00 tlvvlo: red ewes, hi iujj w; native wethera, $1 (ju((4 t): western wethers, $2 904 4. 00; stock ers and feeders. $1 .9&ii .25. t. Inla live Slock Market. ST. LOl'IS. Oct. 30.-CATTI.E Receipts. 4.0UU head. Including 3.3 head Texaus: market steady; native shipping and export leers, wun lancy worm up to Cattle alow and Lower ITrtt herp Steady to Mron CHICAGO. Oct. SO. CATTLE - .() head, Incltultns St.&iK hen. I very slow, 3"(ttti0c lower than Mono, to prime steers, S6.6ttj.4.00; poor to i $3.6c;iti.25; stockers and feetlers. $- - cows. $1. 404i4. 5t; heifers-, $j.((.i.(; r $1.4niti2.5): bulls, $J.0cn4 6; calvc, $'. Trxns fed steers, 8.0tnH.Si; wester" $;t.iCil6 50. HlHSSt Receipts. 24,000 head; estl:-' morrow. 18.000 hea.1; left over. I tilOc higher: mixed ami butchers. u good to choice Jieavy, 8 s; 1 heavy. 16.2.Vi6aO: llaht. 86.5.-1 'Till t"i sales. $6 4.'J6.66. '.''. mi r.fc.r- A .N 1 I.AMHS rte head; sheep, steady to stroi' strong to higher; good to ch.xj $.'t.5(Vo4.16; fair to choice mlxc western sheen. 82.T5ili3.7S: nariva lau ti5 65; western brotis, X; 75.40. Offlrlal yesterday; . Recelnta. t:.,i Cattle a,.-.',..'..J....i', Hog ... Sheep .. ' ' I , m ' " - "Jew York Ut (jStoek rt NEW TOW7cAOrV, S0.4 celpta, 120 head ;? .?es.4 beef. , nrr ssen native si. lea, e , beef. 6H7c. Cables ln American steers at limi 1 CALVES Receipts, 1!-' fair demand and steady: steady; veals sold at $?. " a bunch of grosser at i 8HKKP AN1J ltM head; both sheen an- i in sheep sold at $i . 6 -ii ;: 66 t r 1 1 Jbs ; lamb's, at 4.ou,; Mr lew ar , eannoas, $4.75; dressed mutton, iUi 'C perfb., dressed lambs. 7ii9c. . t - , ' HOGS Receipts, 6,713. Jifivt ' St. Joseph Live "lock .market. ST. JOSEPH. Oct. P0. -CATTLE R cetiits 1,611 heal; active ' steady ; natives, $4.(f(i'7.85; cows and helf"', 81.7a4j5.76; veals, I2.604j4.6ft. ' ' , ' . HOGS Receipts, 6.PV ,d; ripened el rjng to 6c higher; light Wr ht iiilx ' .. 6.60; medium and heai ?."!' 1V1 Co . .Julk. tit RVrTrt on t . ,A.WI-I . 1 'f r. -ieiv,L wssf, J: A , to. i ,.t '. .pet 1 j, H-etpts, t.X'i Jim out atAi AND L SHEEP esd: ste $5.25; top native ewes, -Receli)J head; steady to strong : top nat . 63 1.75. A737 lrnba. Iowa City Live Utoefc 1 j 'ift et : SIOUX CITY, la!, Oct. 80.-vI rec!l 1-7-gram.) CATTLE Receipts To; market steady; beeves, $6.00;S--, bull and pt mixed, $2.25f(f4.00; stof rs e- - -, $2.76 . 4.60; yearlings and Mvex, : J. . HOGS Receipts, .,3. m.i ,rntit t 1 ! 6c higher, selling a.t $', I $.4.Vu 1 6.50. . Stock. . The following were tb stock at the six prlni,, il 1.111(1 Omaha 6 Chicago Kansas City , St. I,ouIb ; St, Joseph .......... Sioux City ......... 6c0 of live aterday: . Sheep. i 11.173 a ' vtsomif f t - - .- Totals .A......3U3i6 tkttifs. 36,210 Evaporated Apple anil Hrle fralt. NEW YORK, Oct. 80,-EVAPORATD . APPLES Market again firmer ,of . lighter offerings; common are: quoted at 6f(.ic; prime, 6'!(i'Vc; choice, 6!rSva.61,c; fancy, 7f(i!c. ... CALIFORNIA DRIED r-RVlTi Prune are firm and fairly active it recent flgurea, ' quotations ranging from SVio to 1Vte tun alVS 'J grades. AprlcoU are rather nrhv,rln'thti coast; spots in,qpxe art; quoted at vloo ' and In bags at 'v.ixfto. - peaches nre- In ' slightly better quest and hold ilrm ai ' 12'4'16o for peeltaJr and, ftUlOc for urqieolod-,.' . ' Sngr sul'.?toT sea lATV-Jsnr NEW OltftrHANS. Oct. 80.- ilTOA ket quiet,4ot steady , n; ;f kettle '.S'f 3 l-lc; opjin kettle. c(4 .'rtTW'Bl, ti"w s T-ittei'Tentnrugai. w ii'.c 3 ii6ii3c: tei- lor,- 31i8j3c; second Js.'ir Jc Molawos. ', sugar, good demano. -....n k ttle, Iafy33f- f- centrifugal, 13ti3c ' r , v ' - NEW YORK, Wi'..8AR-Rwv-t Arm; fair refining, SVtic; f.nirif auil. 96 test, ' Molasses, steady. , . . . - v. ttnestloat Is Cksrru F. ,eastoa. WILMINGTON. Del.. O -tK Sif-Todav' "' session of the board oV jitfhops of tha Methodist Episcopal church was devoted to c6ruiidera41on of the meeting of the t generaf rhurV-h extension, to be heldt' 1-i Philadelphia, November 5,-thai meeting 7ytl'.r.,V. " the general committee on Freedman's ici', ' which wUl be held In Troy, N. begin- . nljig November 6, and the general mlns.on- ' ary committee, which. will meet In Albany; . . November 12 Bishops Fowler, warren and were appointed tleth century MoCaBe I a' commit lea otv Cie twn- thtmkt orferlrur' rrr S.t' -. v.a. for educational purposes, wh'tfi, !ff' amounts to $18,000,000. '. ' "'. t ' 7 Blacks Los t(to 'CJrjnjei jT.. "r.. NEW YORK, Oct S0.rt,eie cen'suT.4f'lon chea game at the Manhattan ) club between Finn, Hymea and LlpacHuet, play ing white, against LasKsrDelrnar and Red ding, playing Diack, wa eoo.clw'ed today when black resigned after flf;y-aeven.n.. moves. The game was a Petroff.' flinmt, The bisck allies at one time relpl . fa ye -i , drawn the game, but they prererred eo alay."-'' for a win and In doing so they lost. THIS REALTY MARKET. ..v ''Jf''' INSTRUMENTS placed on record Thurs-?'1 day, October 30: ... f?T Warranty Deeds. Julia C. Harrier and husband to W. S. Wright, lots 1 and 2. block 2. Har rier's 8d add. to Valley $ 243 Fannie Kling et al to Albert Sesse man, a tract In s?t4 35-16-13 i.-.wi'tn,' , Mary K. McLaln and husband to Jessie i -,.;.; C. Fry, lot 2, block 4, William Hage- ; dorn'a add 650 . Margaret I. Brevoort to Francl A.a-r' . Green, part lot 6, Johnson's add t . E. J. Sullivan to Adams A Kelly com pany, lot 7, block 3(8), Omaha 2,(00 Llllle B. Iwler and husband to France Budney, lot (, block 6, Arbor Place 900 Omaha Realty company to Florence O. Chaae, w30 feet, lot 13, Davenport's ubdlv 160 Mary A. Patrick and husband to Belle -M. Clark, lota 1 and 2. block 13, Wal nut Hill S.fJS J. J. Kennedy and wife to J. J. Golden, lot 1 to 13 and 16, Smith W.' add., and sublot 2 and 3 In taxlot i In 8-15-13 : 1 C. H. Brlgg and wife to L. W. Saut ter, part taxlot 32 In 23-15-13 1.000 a!t Claim Deeds. A. tl. Wyman, trustee, to W. Farnam . Smith, lot 7, block 4. Patrick's 1st add. I Same to same, lot 7, block 3, same, and. !.'; other property ...,,',.. -1; Same to W. K, Potter, receiver, ae-ene ' 1 Robert Fleming to John Woodford, if "" 6, block 6, Lake's add ..., . k H. A. Homan and wife to Clinton Or- t cutt. 1)44 feet lot 6Und -W2X f4iL kt . -, block 150. Onitli.,M;. ..-,,r?vV.,. ...v 4 Total amount oMnrfeMs arS9. McGRuVt SPECIALIST TreaU all forfij . USEASFS AND " uisoiDrrs c; MEN OMLY 27 Year Experience. car Ip Omaha. remarlrabl sue- ha ner been H. 17 Y V I HI 1 1 1 ' eea equaled and every day bring many flatter ing report of the good he 1 doing, or the relief ae ha given. Hot Springs Treatment for Syphilis And all Blood Poison. NO "BREAKIMO OUT" oa the skin or face and all external signs of th disease disappear at one. BLOOD DISEASE sr?2.sZS VARICOCELE ZXfMZVVSAZ cases cured of nerve oua de unity, los 1 el w.k...j. ui...-..4.i oiacnargos, Btrioiura, U-eet. Klouey and Biaaaer ljlaa. liy-urtMue.e. (4 LICK CUHEaV-LOW CIIARGEcl. Treatment by tuaUl. f. O. box iee. Offlo over ai at. 141U street, between Jtfcr aVougta Ueeia, VMAna, lsa,ia. U.tK 3U.UUJ