THE OMAHA DAILY BEEi TRIP AY, OCTOBEK &U 1002. ii .'j r 7 NEW 'Stagt MAGAZINES .1' enc8" it aa Interesting and r j Hook by Clara Morris. TRANCtS H. NICHOLS ON A CHINESE JOURNEY . '. Wtaj Klallaaj Has Completed ; tH .0fe for thllrlrenl.lttl A Bf t Pabllshlnst llla-trated I itloae of Pansy Hooka. 1 If no American baa a wider repu- n both literature and the stage i.r Morris. 8he knows the stagr? ena of.Tier peraonal experience nseeuently her new book, "Stagi tictf." H not onljr interesting, but ui TU tbla book sne tains wun M and charm or the mysterious, ietlng life behind the foot light. (y, epigram and llustratlon aha nf ija false glitter and gives valu- ifn a passing, to stage acplranta tn-It of h' a i 1 ui 1 r ,r With atrt- r and events hlrh marked the victory on this continent of the English civilisation oyer the Trench. Tia book la full of dramatic Incidents, brightened by the figure of many notable charactere. Pub lished by Houghton, Mifflin ft Co. "Typhoon"la by Joseph Conrad. As may be conjectured. "Typhoon" Is a tea atory and Is ons of the beat that Mr. Conrad has yet written. It la both a thrilling descriptive narrative and a character atudy of unusual flavor and plctureaqueneas. The entire book la a description of one single stcrm, but that description la entirely In teresting. The vessel waa being taken out from Ita makers to Blam, when It ran Into a terrific storm and the horrible ex periences near these upheavals of naturo are described with vlvldnesa that keeps one's attention from the start. One minute they seemed doomed, the next waiting with unfaltering courage for a shock from aome source. , Published by Putnam'a Sons. CARRY BOOMERS TO THE WEST Eailroads Confirm California Trait Qrower'i leport of Heavy Immigration. RECORDS THE BEST IN RECENT YEARS Srbraaka rroflls hy Efforts to t'olwa. Ise Parlflv Coast aid Beads Few Oat on the Horaeseekera' Flla-rlmasre. ierestlng and amuslnf all readers by ' picturesque natter wit brilliant y! Her manner Is jprViaflarly frank , am: '!,- fsknd those rfffi'lnscences are VU; -m "coTlehces. ' Since she enter ."'.'rlf'ij " "rc ifrns with her it " '. '- PijhlMpi i bjrrslhrop Publlsh- fhensl," by Francis H. nt of a Jorney In the 4. FrUq to Blan, In tho f China, thence south lyer td Hankow. The " it heart f the "Box- "The Ragged Edge." by John T. Mc- Intyre. Is a atlrrlng atory of ward politics and of the ward's social life; bosses and heelers and puglllata are the shining lights correspondingly low from other points. Passenger traffic men of the Burlington and t'nlon Pacific confirm the reports from the west that another boom has struck southern California. Theae officials say that never In recent history of their roads has the travel been so heavy for as long a period of time. They attribute this largely to the reduced rates which have been In effect from all points In the east and mid dle states for the last sixty days. This rate, which expiree on November 1, la $25 one way from Missouri river points and of the balls aa of the primaries; without the life of the ward centers In much-loved homes and la molded by universal human passions. Mr. Mclntyre's VPl r teamsters, the ealoon keepers, the corner grocer, the. secondhand dealer, the under- It la not necessary to stop mt the state menta of the railroad men, for the eamo reports are given from California. L. D. Wells of Loa Angeles, the repre sentative of large fruit Interests, who waa in Omaha yesterday on his way to Phlla taker, the eewer builders, the contractor delphla and other eastern cltla on busl- ,"' - of Si n the i .ay throufc I' e r pi i , . X TOU ; era 'untry" anj 1 rtfcrfwa the oldest two pro .?ice cf Chin. It Is essentially a ' atory . of untraveled roads over which very few,whit men have ever ventured. Elan Is one of the oldest, cities In the world and . wo. the'capital of China J.000 years be ers tho Christian era. Two chapters are devpted to aa account, of yie recent exllo JpYfthe etnprees. o&gfi Jand emperor In Slarj !le Pekln waaYt. possession of tho allll ? nles. The author aaw the "Nes toridn S -vartS. In Blan and visited the "Fores "of Tablets," where are kept tho stone Wmorlal of the Drat kings of China. ":plea of rubbings from some of .the t.iMtwlll be reproduced tn the book. J ' oacluiliDg chapters contain a descrip tion if the U'fSjiqpwn country near th sourer of ,!- Han" rlVer and some account of the ( frspol" V tn" 8or8e Pub l.lshed ... rfuri " ,?pa 7- Rudyarl book for ' lea.'" -V animate.. The "F' 1 Jart ,'f utb- ; vV'-wItb t.i ' dreij . i h. something fiew, got into trouhle ; with H "This Is the Elephant's Child .Vliavlnj s nose pulled bjr, the Crocodile. Y. He Is much' surprised and astonished and hurt, and be la talking through hta nose and saying, 'Led goiYou are hurtlg be!' He Is pulling verjr, bard, - and so Is the Crocodile; but th Bl-Colored-Python and their ganga and the families of all these people. The ' atory dcala entirely with Irish-Americans, and we are not dis appointed In Its humor nor In the tender love story that we find there. But It la principally a study of politics, taking us to the primaries and from there to the cliques, where we .witness the organisa tion of political schemes and forcea. Pub lished by McClure, Phillip ft Co. One of the really intereatlng among recent books ie the half-historical, half-romantic tale, "Come with Me Into Babylon," by Joalah M. Ward of Denver. Mr. Ward Is a Journalist of long experience, and In addi tion has been a deep student of Assyrian history. He Is thus well equipped to tell a good story, and garnish It with Information of historical exactitude.' Hia theme is the fall of Nineveh before the combined Baby lonian and Medean armies, around which he constructs a tain which carries not only a love romance, bat shows many of the as pects of the religious and political compli cations of the time. His style Is entertain ing, for he mingle the stately flow of tho Oriental formal speech with Interesting de scriptive matter couched In elegant Eng lish, thus avoiding what la a fault common to most of the booka dealing with atmllar subjects, either a Jerky transition from one ness, has this to say concerning the Imml gratlon to southern California: "There has been a steady Influx of tour lets for the past two months. It seems that tho majority of those who have gone Into California have gone for the purpose of making their homes there, consequently the country Is experiencing one of the llvll est booms it has ever known. Loa Angelea, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Redlands, River- aide and In fact all the cltlea and towns throughout our section are ahowlng the ef fect of this heavy Immigration. In Los Angeles and Ventura a great many new buildings are going up, which indlcatea that the boom is not of that temporary sort which In the end does more harm than good. I presume these conditions prevail In the other towns as well. Prepared for the Boo "You aak If California especially courts booms. Well, yes and no. We have a new country of wonderful resources. We have made remarkable progress In developing our natural resource, but nave nowner near reached the limit In a single instance. MILLARD RIFLES HOPEFUL aaa"aa "V rteeeat Errata aa Artloa Eaesrs Their Belief that Better Day Have Coaie. The amusement committee of the Millard Rifles Is preparing for an entertainment to be given soon and to which will be Invited members of othsr similar organiiationa In Omaha and South Omaha. The practice tor the drill contests soon will be open to friends also. "We are the Infant company of the Ne braska National guard, but we are a most healthy cub now." said a member of the organisation yesterday. "The acquisition of several ex-National guardsmen wno for merly served with the Thurstons and Omahaa baa helped U t new life, aa has also the summary expulsion last Monday night of seventeen privates and noncom missioned officers. We. have cnoaen ser geant Burt McMahilf, Sergeant A. L. Hardy, First Sergeant Quy 'M. Mstsen, George w. Batty. Harry Nayldt and Harry H. Brown a board of directors to administer the civil affairs of the company. Ws have alao made these promotions: Private Burt McMahlll, to be second sergeant; Privatee Harry Nay Ion and A. J. Hlgglna, to be corporals; Pri vates Harry H. Brown and Carl Bloom, to be musicians. Sergeant McMahlll la an ex volunteer, who saw service In the Phllllp- plnes aa a member of the Thirty-Second regiment. ' "Captain Baughmaa gave us the other day an oak gunrack of regulation pattern, which he had carved elegantly tn his spare momenta." EDUCATORS VISITING OMAHA They Coma from Cooveatloa of Tearh- ell Blaffs. w Mr The Man Who Ate the First Oyster Missed a Lot by Not Having a Package of yjsterettcB The oyjter ctwker with a ttste to It Gives an added lest and relish to every kind of soirp. Always sold in In-r-seal Tackages. rrice 5 centl NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY AFFAIRS AT SOUTH OMAHA The Southwestern Iowa Teachers' associa tion la now In eeseion at Council Bluffa, Qit TjBali Secures the Dirt from the .. a....-Jl.e aa navht ami IKft A In I 1 Inanc. C s.T.rthr.choo7. of thU citr A. 0. U. W. Building Excavation, The meetings of the association are being held tn the auditorium of the High achool -rfprjpj JO SECURE FULL REGISTRATION at ruin avenue auu uiuu BLaccw, uu iuo.v are present a number of well known edu- catora from other states aa well as those of prominence In Iowa. " Among these are E. O. Cooley of Chicago, Prof. Frank Dar ling of the Chicago Normal achool, Thomaa Nicholson of Cornell university and John 1 Gordon, prealdent of Tabor college. City Clerk Announces that Hereafter Parties Who Swear In Votes Mont Secnre Affidavits in the Votlnar Precinct. It is true that In the past California has MR. AND MRS. LININGER HERE been Injured by what is commonly known has .compleled new ' 'fat Itled '"'Just So Btor- vo T-xceptloua it deals with J ,tyj9 t0 another or an effort to sustain the Is Illustrated by himself. Child ", is one of the best, s r tn produced below. . The j this i Vhe first elephant ,k,' ' n'rtJ like many, other child- stilted, which becomes In the end dreadfully monotonous. Frederick A. Stokes. New York, publishes the book. , as a boom. Booma generally are followed by depressing reactions and we have bad our share of these But conditions are dif ferent now. When the boom of the 80s and early '0a waa on In California the country waa too new to withstand the de teriorating effect which inevitably fol lowed. Now. however, we have advanced Reach Their Oataha Hons After Two Months' Abaeaco on Eoro taa Tsar, E. W. Hornung, who gave ,us.the debon- nalr Raffle and the delicious Bunny, has again put out a moat entertaining story. "in the Shadow of the Rope." It Is In a After a bit of arguing and some persua sion the city officials yesterday succeeded In securing the dirt from the lota at the northwest corner of Twenty-fifth and M streets. This dirt was bought by the city last August at the solicitation of the build ing committee of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and an agreement was entered Into whereby the city was to pay 8 cents per yard for it. When work on the yeBterday It i . . -. a atM,o tviarvHaiB nee nut itl " - - i . . "it . i acuuiivtru. m 1 1 " . - Rock-Snake lc hurrying through the water l jian(ji nd they enter society where the de- ,,to. help the Elephant's Child. All thari unB tj,e trial, but not the principal, are . "tdack Btu8 Is the bank of the great gray- I knnwn. u develones that the second hue- vgreea; .reaay- Limpopo- rlvea, (but I am not DarM was the dearest friend of the first and Mr. and Mr. George W. Llnlnger re turned to their horn in Omaha at 4 o'clock afternoon after an absence of twenty-five years In ten of fifteen and we two months. They started August 1 to tour excavating commencea ri"u, .v a .n. ..irMn nr r. k... auhan th murherl Genoa Mr. I found that Hunter, who Is doing the aig- Impulsive Impetus that may come to our Llnlnger found himself so uncomfortablo ging, had sold the dirt to anotner party. f. Furthermore, the aeneral I ith ctRrrhal and 1 other maladies that Then came Mayor Koutsky, Engineer Deal the Shadow of the Rope it . is i n a h h eTB,Iea aU over the the- aec,Qefi upon an imetndlat return, and and Myles Welsh, and there was a seanco. new vein, ana tens tne story oi a who wag - .. - . ... ha. . , -..-hin- nm.h. from The result was that the agreement matte lived unhappily with her husband, the lat- V:: ZT',.! ""i. . Mn. k.,.. .h. ctv and the lodKe was adhered ter being murdered at a time when the wife " .,,,.M. tmnmvd. thouah not. a yet. to and the dirt Is now being hauled to was preparing to desert. She I tried, but footina." himif ...In. "Mr. Llninrer' health Twenty-second and L streets according to vi. ..v. r.iifnrnia will have biz I t... kn .nrh ih.t aha has been able to I the agreement. The officials of the lodge crops this year and tbaU while prices of enj0y every day of the tour. I atood by the agreement and blamed the alio we to taint these Pictures), and the bottjy tree Vlth the twisty roots and the elaht -leaves la one of thetever trees that . grow v ther.M ',.i'f!bllshed. ,y.. Doubleday. irg Co. f a -.1 y : i,. -WrowTiJ'0n' ar- piibjihng new tirroetrate'd edltloaa of Louisa M. Alcotf work. -'W hawt rnthlved a copy of "Llt- ).tlr Women." 1:4 story 1 fsmous and 7-, seeds no srn!ii mention, but the new edl- U,'. ' tlons aro worthy of. special mention be- . . ' cause f the Illustrations, which add to the book greatly. There are fifteen full- page picture hy1 Alice Barber Stephens, one of the foretuost women artists of the country. The Illustrations art), printed on ' smooth finish paper. . . , ';".-. ' V"--'-' ' 'j.?.i"Ve JTrairoie': and . New England" la by j-t Ute -John Fisher, .'This final volume k J " .forms'th.wrjr.majnlng link needed to ' . L eonlclete the- 'chain xif histories of this , country, from the -discovery of America to ' ' The adoption'1 of the'' constitution, upon that he suspected the wife of the murder, but afterward convinced himself of her in nocence. Just at the conclusion of the book the real murderer la dlsoovered, and some commodities may not be a high as In some other years, the abundant yield will compensate In greater part for any depreciation In market values. A Burlington passenger official said yes terday grading contractor for making different ar rangements. Then came up the question oi wny i Sons, publishers. S. R. Church of San Franclaco Is a base ball crank who has won canonisation, al though the lovers of the game will all Join In the hope that many years will Intervene before he Is numbered with the saints. Many times in the past has Mr. Charch testified to his devotion to the great Amer ican game,' but his latest Is also his most ambitious and probably hi most worthy ef fort. He has undertaken the publication of a history of the game from Ita earliest day. The flrat volume, which came off the pre a few weeks ago, is a magnificent folio. Il luminated with full page colored plates, halt-tone engravings and smaller Illustra tions of men and events connected with the Japan Ball Oar Ossbssti. An tAvamman r has ordered six sun Wvoi. tn ha built In' Jaoan for coast de- I street needed to be repaired constantly tense la the Philippines. Aa order of thin I This brought forth a declaration irom iuo kinrl hnm. the remarkable nrocreas made I narlneer that L atreet as It stands today I was In Chicago last week and while 1 hy the Japanese in' the past half-century I can never be kept In first-class condition IDV 111 BV needed on Twenty through aervlce from Chicago to California. Hoatetter'a stomach -Blttera In curing j fourth street to prevent the continual The partlea wer going to settle tn the j nausea, headache, heartimrn. Indigestion, j washing away of the fill at Twenty-second amithern tiart of the atate. Now.-when you I itTnanenala and malaria.. lever and ague, I .- . .treeta. While there Is a twelve- figure this up you will find it means ninety- l n you. are a sufferer from these diseases be sure to try It. It will cur you. the strangely mated pair learn that at the gener,i paenger department a call and whlci. might favorably compared untl It Is paved. In do love each other. It la a novel wea ana Boston twQ g,e(n,tnrcart t0 th0 progfe mcW by the celebrated Btorm water sewer la capitally worked oua. nario ocriDner m 41 . tli .. tn California. Binm.h .Blttera In rurlna I . .i. .trt tn nrm six persons. That from one city win give j you some Idea of how 'large the traffic, is and has been. By a Union Pacific official this statement was made: "Our road'a bualness In this direction has been Increasingly heavy from the day the low rate first went in. We will send our share of the 20,900 tourists during the month of October." Both officials say there la a great rush for transportation now that tha reduced rate season is about to close. STREET ARABS MAKE TOYS. Novel Tralnlaai started by a Gener . ons Proaehaaaa. In every city today almost every month some new scheme Is devised for the purpose ot alleviating human misery. The lateat public benefactor in this direction Is a soma montna ago mis '.whlebTiirV Flk had for so many years gama B the paBt and now. Th text 1 teeu.Vengaged, and the achievement of mora than a mere compilation ot data, and lelifjs hi great ambition. It presents g,Teg ciearjy and auoclnctly the story of tho In brosdy'lftlfljsoghlo manner the causes fame t0 th(! cio,s 0f the period, from 1845 "' ' 4 . to 1871. A second volume Is promised In . -December. Mr. Church, whose address Is DAYS OF DIZZINESS Inch sanitary aewer on Twenty-iounn street, there is no storm water sewer, and cnnseauentlv dirt roads cast of Twenty- fourth street are continually being washed out. An enalneer who has looked over the ground says that there should be a atorm water aewer from A to H streets and an- Attiar frnm I If. N streets. These would r.rrv off the storm water on Twenty ..-k aimut and turn It Into the main ewer at the foot of N street. An tmDrovemcnt of this kind will eost considerable money, but it is asserted that hnnds for a sewer would . carry. Thero would be a great saving In street repairs should the people vote for or petition for a storm water sewer along Twenty-fourth atreet from the northern limits to the cen ter of the city. Rratatratlon Satarday Saturday, November 1, la the last day of registration this year. Every voter is ex Dected to register. An enort is now oeing m M Coma to Hundreds of People. Ther ar daya ot diiilneas, "fells of headache, sldeacbe, backache, Imetlme rheumatic pains, ften urinary disorder. 31 tell you plainly the kidneys are Joan's Kidney Pills cures all kidney Ills. Jrs. O. E. Earl ot 100IH 8outh Eleventh t, says: "Doan's Kidney Pill cured lot trouble with my back which bothered ifor two year. I tried different rome- . p, but none gave me relief until I pro- rd Doan's Kidney Pills at Kuhn ft Co.'s -I store, corner 16th and Douglas fsets. Before I took all ot one box I s relieved and In a short time cured, hey ar a grand remedy and you are at berty to us my name for publication." j For sale by all dealers. Price, BO cents. foster-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.. aole i gent for the U. B. j Remember the name, Doan's, and take jio stibstltuU. weslthy Parlalan, And they centleman's attention waa drawn to the also atate that the business under these fact that there ara In Parla a number of chedules has been much heavier than very poor children whq have no means 01 under similar ratea last spring. livelihood, and he at once conceived the Idea Aa an indirect result of this western 1m- 0f doing what he could to better their con- mlgratlon cruaade Nebraska haa benefited anion. to a large degree. Many people coming He decided to take these poor children from the east have been Induced to aettle from the streets and to teaoh them to be- k.r. aai Via tint fnllnwax! the nllKrtmare . ..if.aunnnrllnr Instead of emnlovlna U Sansome street, San Francisco. Is his 1 own any further weit lt a fact .ccording pal1 agents the philanthropist and his wlfi publisher. The book Is one that will be t the rallroafl oQclal, that not an appre- J went eat dally on their, errant of mercy. prliea oy Dase uan pouv" - ciB0e proportion of the number who have I Two i.rKe and neat workshops were pre- gone to settle on the Paclflo slope la from I r,.red and within a week after they were I hv w-.t. reoubllcans and democrats Rhymes and Roundelaye 'from Life" la Nebraska. opened they were crowded with children, j t0 get out every voter on this last day of lollection cr sparauua 1 : . . 1 one 01 ine snopa uimw i ". 1 Yesterday corainiuo" ' from "Life." There are various verses by rmr,t " (n lt aany instruotloa Is now being given b)th p0.ltlcai partiea mentioned visited the such noted writers aa Chapman. Sabln. Tom T he park board held brief meeting yes- ln n of mak,Dj p.per flowera. The packlng houses anfj re. Mason, Holllday. Brldgea and others. The t0mmlsJuVnerKvans deferred all bualnesa other la Intended for boya. and the little ted that the men be given time off ln range ot eubjects Is a wide one, including not of ,n urgent nature. The regular laaiJ la lt ar. being taught to make toys out hlch t0 reKBter. In some cases the re- ..ti hut all treated Dayroll was approved and the construction ... - . .... w... ......iin ih. rum. iub, acu.uicU. - t, , o culvert on Central boulevard at a ul u,u . quest waa gruiu, uui a"'-"' In merry vein. There Is nothing morbid ogt"lof 300 wa. authorlsed. The matter of That the task of teaching these atreet mltue Waa told that the forces quit work nor depreaslng In the little book, which Is pavlng Florence boulevard waa deferred araDi Is not easy can be Imagined, but the be.ore ( o'clock and the men would there of desirable alia and calculated to go eaally until next Tuesday. founder ot thle novel school Is not lightly fof6 haye amp.e time to register before Into one's pocket as an agreeable compan- . nf. DDCVITirC dlacouraged, and, though some of his pupils te ,0 desired. It is expected, Ion for a Jaunt or Journey. By Ufa Pub- uuvnu unun i it-w. - 1 r duU . areBO sager to learn that he h eTer that when Saturday comes ar llshing company. . .... th. Younir PeODle.. .oclety has great nopes o. me.r .u.u... of Immanuef Baptlet church will give a learn very quickly, finding little dimcuity in Hallowe'en social at tne home or Mrs. 1 shaping a common aoap pox or cigar oox not go any more. This fall each person who dealrea to swear in his vote will be compelled to produce two property owners from the precinct ln which he raeides. Judge Baxter not long ago gav a decision to this effect and the order of the court will be carried out here. It l. expected that the change In the rul ing will materially decrease the number of votea aworn ln. Clerk Shrlgley says that ho will adhere strictly to the ruling of the court tn this matter. Republican Rally Tonight. There will be a rally of republicans at the hall tn the city building. Twenty-fifth and ,N atreets, tonight. A number of can didates are billed to speak and lt Is ex. pected that the hall will be crowded. This meeting will probably be the laat big rally held during the campaign and every re publican Is urged to attend. License Money Dae. Peddlers' license are due on November and the police are now looking out for violators of the ordinance governing the peddling of articles on the street. Quite a number of arrests were made yesterday, and a special force has been detailed to look after peddlers who try to sell goods here without first obtaining a license. The annual license fund commences to amount to quite a sum and the city officials say that It la well worth looking after. Boy Play Prank. Youngsters who are permitted to run the street at night are amusing themaelve ust now by rubbing sosp on store windows much to the annoyance of ahopkeepers. Not only Is this done tn the business por tion of the city, but tn the residence dis tricts as well, Aa the police force I so limited as to numbers the youngsters can not be apprehended. Complaints have been made to the police and a special watch will be set for the purpose of putting a atop to the ' so-called sport. ' (.Ives jail Sentences. A majority of the suspicious characters arrested here within the last few day ap peared before Judge King yesterday and were given Jail sentences. The judge de clined to send any of the suspects to the county jail on account of the expense, but will hold them here pending a further in vestigation. All police officers are now en gaged In hunting out auspicious characters, and it is expected that within a few ,days the run of petit larceny thieves to this point will be stopped. Magic City Gossip. and It "ATIONEKY ( Largest asaortiuvnl in city. Extra parts of all klnrla. Aleo a full Una of table ten Ula aata (1 W to 110 UU. Heady JVoxJ. 12 Conquest "Th Epic cfth Wist" "In th Morning Glow" la by Ray Rolf Gllson. author of "When Love la Young, which waa received with widespread ap preciation. It Is a. book of. both Joy and sorrow. It is a unique and faithful pic ture ot an American family the grand father, father, mother and little alater, etc. as seen through the eyes ot the small boy ot the family, giving a division to each one, while the aunt and grandmother each occupy a place In the book. . Published by Harper aV Broa. "By Order of the rrophet" Is a atory of the Mormon church by Alfred H. Henry. Mr. Henry occupied a Methodist pulpit for years in Salt . Lake City. It waa during this time that Mr. Henry made his study ot the early history ot the people who have aettled the valley of the Great Salt Lake. The atory Is centered around the life ef a sweet English girl who marries a Mormon missionary then. At this time It had not been decreed that plural marriage waa to be a basic principle ot . th church. - After the marriage came the Journey across this continent to their lon. Later, when Brig ham Young lsaued his famous "revelation" commanding that all true Mormona must consent to and practice polygamy, the blow fell upon this woman with crushing force. Though she used all means of persuasion possible, the hold of the church upon him could not be broken and they persuaded blm to marry tha second time. The story Is based upon actual Incident. Tha tragedy of the heart, the degradation of true man hood, the blight of polygamy yield tribute to this novel In the Interpretation ot Ita time and ot the people ot that time. Pub lished by Fleming H. Revell company. " Young, Twenty-eignm ana spr.iu. nreientable toy. Uzsie Hoover of Thirteenth and Howara . ' ., ...i... them at the work, atreets waa arrested yesterday afternoun on Their patron assists tnem ai me wor. a charae of Detlt larceny. She Is said to I showing how lt should be don and com- have stolen a velvet Jacket from Mrs. 8. V. men,iing those who do It properly. In like Twentleth street and Missouri avenue; Sec r u awar .1 . aw a .-w ... -- house she was employed aa a rvant. ' . ... A r all amnlnvai rangementa win ut - of the big corporations here to secure time off in which to register. The registration booths aro located as follows: tn,. ward First precinct, drug atore. music store. Twenty .o.- hi. arifa Instructs tha alrls. and I ond nreclnct. Collins I a aervani. I I fourth and L streets. . Msry A. Brown widow and admtnlatra. some ot ner pupue hits, ' second Ward-First precinct 2017 B street; trix of the estate of Willi Brown, who waa 1 much nroaress that they are able to manu- I Dpconti nreclnct, Kvans' laundry building, killed while crossing the I nlon Pacific I ...,,-- .- nwra aa deftlv as though Twenty-third and N . f- . . in nniiin umin'i uuiuuar ja. ama - -it" compromised her suit against the railroad company for 1-50. fiha has four children, tha elutsi oi wnum iaj ywa uiu, auu three of whom ara girls. The Oermmi day celebration will take place next Hunday In Turner hu.ll. Thir teenth and Martha streets, under the aus- filces of the South Side Maennerchor. An ntereatlng program has been arranged by Prof. Charles Petersen. Stelnhauser'a orchestra will furnlhh the music and Mra. Wagner-Thomas, the well known soprano, will be the soloist. Albert Kaplan, father of Minnie Kaplan, has petitioned the district court to dissolve her marriage with C yde McCreary, alleg ing that when the two were wedded In Council Bluffs last Monday tha girl was but Is years old and therefore not compe tent legally to make the contract. The father further status that ahe did not give her real name, but waa married aa Minnie 11, Lenora. they had spent a full year learning tho art. The excellent feature of this worn, ac cording to thoa who hav seen the busy children. Is that It la not charitable tn th atrlct sense ot the word. . Baeklea'a Aralea Salve. The best In the world for Cuts. Corns, Bolls, Brulsee. Burna, Scalda. Borea. L leers, Salt Rheum. Cure piles or ao pay. 15c. For aal by Kuha A Co. Drawlaa tha Lonaj Bow. Catholic Standard: 'I aotlced." aald the new guest, "that everybody call that er rand boy o? your 'Button.' " 'Ye." replied the notei proprietor, ne la ao called became It la his duty to gather u I raala. iKkLJ Yl'a.a wtriar nrwlnrl. l.TOBDy Rtch'a coal offlce; Second precinct. Cornelius bulldim?. rnirty-iourm ara y r.. . u i; a .-,1 vrirut nreclnct. Ottlerman hotel. Twenty-nfth and P "'reeta; Second precinct. KliKer Duuuinn, imn-'" Fifth' Ward First precinct, Bradford Kennedv lumber offlce. Twenty-ninth and Q streets: Second precinct. McCrann build ing. Thirty-sixth and Q streets. Bixth Ward First precinct. Outhrl s meat market. Twenty-fourth and E streets; Becond precinct. Gallager's cigar store. Twenty-fourth and N atreets. Mew Kollnar Made. A daughter has been born to Mr, Mrs. Henry Barrett. 2723 Q street. A daughter haa been born to Mr. and Mrs, J. F. Kinney. Twentieth and J -atreets. ' James H. Kyner of Omaha Is billed to speak at the republican rally to be held tonight. Mr. and Mr. Bert Anderson announce the birth of a son at their home, Twenty-second and II street. Ed Beater, Twenty-eighth and Madison street, secured a permit yesterday for the erection of a store building. John Murphy, Thirty-fourth and U streets, was doing the honors yesterday on account of the arrival of a daughter at his home. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. Th following opinions wt!l be officially reported: 10671. Edmtalen against Herpolshelmer. Error from Iancastt-r. Former opinion ad hered to. Oldham, C, dlvlalon No. 2. Sedg wick, J., dlhsentlng. 1. It Is the duty of the holder of a check. If he receives lt after banking hours, to present H during banking hours of the next day. lt the bank Is located ln the same town; If not, then to forward It by mall the next day. 1U932. Hunt against Stat fnaurance com pany. Reversal. Pound. C. division No. 2. 1. Breach cf a condition in an Insurance policy against vacancy or change of occu pancy does not ot Itself avoid the policy, but merely affords ground of forfeiture at the option ot the Insurer. t. If with knowledge of the facts by reason whereof It Is entitled to claim a forfeiture the insurer continues to trest the policy ss In force or does any set in consistent with an Intention to insist upon the forfeiture, the forfeiture la waived. I. Notice of facta entailing a forfeiture to the local agent of the insurer who has authority to Issue policies, is notice to the insurer. 4. CJerman . Insurance company against H.-ldiM k. 3D Neb., 28. limited. 5. Where a tenant haa removed from the in.ured nremlscs and a lose occurs the same lew noura. wneiner mere press contract with the shipper limiting Itl liability to the transportation of ihe prop erty over lt own line. ..... . 2. An agent employed to aollclt traffic for a foreign railroad company having no line of road In thur elate has Implied authority to ltln his principal for the afe delivery of goods at a point beyond Its own lines and to contract over what road beyond that line the property shall be transported. . A manatel of an agency established In this state by a forlin railroad corporation for the purpose of soliciting traffic over Its line of road lr a manRKlng uaeiit within the meanlnK of the statute with reference to the service of summons upon euch corpora tions. 11248. Allen against Hall.- Error from Bcotts Bluff. Judgment. Barnes. C. dlvt- ,1?.'1A tennnt cannot dispute his lundlnrd' title, but ln an action by a lessor to recover rent the lessee may show that thn lessor has sold and conveyed the premises to an other by a deed of general warranty with out reserving the rent thereafter to become d2One who has conveyed his land to a third person by deed, without reserving the rent to become due thereafter cannot recover such rent, a A tenant under such circumstances may defend against an action by the h-esor to recover such rent, without, having been evicted by title paramount or disturbed In hla poasesslon dorlna; the terms. 4. The lessor, notwithstanding ho has con veyed the, land to a third person, may re serve the rent by separate written Instru ment or otherwise, and where that fsct is put ln Issue by the pleadings the evidence on both sides should be received and the question submitted to the Jury, under proper instructions. 11356. Chicago, St. Paul Omnha Rail road company against Schuldt. Error from Cuming. Day, C., division No. 1. 1. Where a shipper, agrees to personally accompany and care for the watering nf live atock transported by a railway com pany and Is given free transportation for that purpose and Is supplied with proper facilities ho cannot complain of an Injury arising from lack of such care In tho matter of watering arialng out of his own fault. 2. The agreement that the shipper shall accompany the stock and br responsible for its care Its when proper acllltiea are supplied, not a limitation of the carrier s liability aa contemplated by section 4, arti cle II. of the State Constitution. 3. Tne cate cf live stock while being trans, ported Is a mere Incident to Its transporta tion, and transportation agencies have tha right to contract against their assumption of liability that accrues to them, merely as bailees, and In common with other bailees, and not strictly aa common carriers. 116X8. itenaaii agHiiixt neiDi. r.rrr irvin Douglas. Affirmed. Klrkpatrick, C, divi sion No. 1. 1. Where a note and mortgage securing It ere made contemporaneously they are to be construed together, and all peraons chargeable with notice of the conditions of the mortgage are bound - by- i,ts terms affecting the negotiability of the note. !. A provlnlon In a mortgage, which by the terms of the note to secure which It 1 given, Is made a part thereof, that the mortgagor shall pay taxea on the premises, and on hia failure to do so, the holder mav pay the same, and the mortgage shall stand aa security for auch payment and Interest thereon, doer not affect the negotiability nf the note .... I. A provision In a mortgage, which by the term of the 'note to acur which lt It given, Is made a part thereof, that the whole debt shall become due and payable without notice to the mortgagor, doea not affect the negotiability of the note. 4. A provision In a note and mortgage that In case of a default In some particular, the debt shall draw a higher rate of lntoreu than would otherwise be the case, is in thn r,atnr of a mnalty. is non-enforelhle. and its incorporation In the note doea not afftu t Its negotiability. 5. The finding of the trial court upon con tradictory testimony will not be disturbed If supported by sufficient competent evi dence. 6. Where a foreclosure suit has bert rirosecuted to decree, and an appeal taken herefrom has resulted ln a reversal of such decree, whereupon the plaintiff dismisses his suit without prejudice. Held, that auch proceedings were not a bar to a stilt, at law upon thn indebtedness, and the answer of an endcrtxr upon the note, pleading the commencement and dismissal of the fore closure suit falla to state a defense. 117ri. Chicago, Rock Island Vc l'acitlo Railway Company against McDowell. Er ror, Jefferson. Reversed. Ames, C, De partment No. J. In an action for personal Injuries com pensation can o recovered for only surli future damagea as are shown with reason able certainty to be consequent thereupon. lll60. Chamberlain against Wooleey. Er ror, Johnson Reversed. Johnson county claims dismissed and new trial granted. Duflle, C. Department No. S. 1. A falling debtor transferred hla atock of merchandise ln payment of two claims against him of the axgregale amount of 11,821.64. The value of the property Was estimated by witnesses at from 12.250 to 2,50u, but Immediately sfter the transfer it was seised by the sheriff, under process, and after advertisement, aa upon execution, waa aold for tl,3i.73. Held, that the dis parity, if any, between the value of the property and the consideration of the trans fer, was not so great as to Justify the in ference that the transaction waa Intended to defraud other creditors of the vendor. 2. The eeisure jpon a tax warrant of Ml of merchandise of the value of from $1,400 to $1,800 or 12,000 or more, l oppressively Samuel D Roby petitions the district up from the dining room noor auer eacu court for $J0 000 Judgment against George I melj tb, numerous buttons which the gen- Th lateat Issue fn Mcmillaa company's ' "Eoeltsh Men of Letters" series has reached us and Is a biography of John Rus kla by Frederic Harrison. It Is a com plete biography ot hla Ufa from hla birth ' through his school days and lite, treating of his literary work, his lecturing tours, his life a a social reformer, etc., with a special chapter oa his last day. The above booka are for sale by the Me geath stationery Co., 130$ Tamam street. 6chuler for damage alUged to have been Inflicted by Roby when he atruck h'.m on th bead a neavy iron movemtivr 4, 19ul. and broke hla skull ao that now he tRoby) has only scilp where he should have bone, an operation having been neces sary. Tha operation and other medical attendance coat Mj, Roby state. Th lury In the state's caae against Alfred Llebacher. charged with committing crimi nal assault upon Hattie Plckard of Valley on July ii. waa out two hours ysterdv afternoon and then returned a verdict nnfl lng the defendant guilty of the asaau t with Intent to deaecrte, but not of th) accomplishment of hi purpuae. Th prisoner was remanded to. Jail, there to await sentence, which must be from two to fifteen years' Imprisonment Thomaa Ford and Peter Anderson both from St. Paul. Minn., went into Welsh A. Klngsley s, 102 South Kirteentn street, yes terday evening and attempted to take away a hat. Thev were detected In this and pur sued bv Officers Baldwin and Rlegelman, who captured them. Aa the pair were run ning down th street one of them dropped from under his coal a bolt of cloth. Ander son Is said to have already served three sentences in penitentiaries. He Is the son of "Swede Henry." a confidence rnau, who flAV. within a tvuai a vu.rui.rv nr a mm temporary Ceaaa- vvwaa as - r - - - - . J U fl,DUV V ,W"V ws tion of occupancy until th tenant could t.ct..iVe and void. fully remove his effects, snd some one else I g right of action for the -enforce-could be put in, is a question for the Jury. mellt of a lien for personal taxes Is vested 11101. Fremont, Elkhorn Missouri val- the county treasurer, or, in counties ley Kallioad company against New York, i under township organisation, In. the town Chicago it St. Louis Railroad company. gnip tsx collector alone. Error from Clay. Reversed. Ames, C. 1 4. A county In its corporate capacity has division No. I , I no duty to perform with respect to any of 11113. New York, Chicago A Bt. Louie the mattera mtntloned In the preceding Railroad company against Fremont, Elk- paragraph exoept, through the count y 1 . w . . rl 7 1 L. u I' 11 rrta 1 ariMnaJIV. ... . i . antk,.rla thai Vi r f 1 1 ( n rt an ai... press yesterday that on election day there j.rroP from Clay. Amee, C., division No. $. tlon by the treasurer or collector. It can would be a change In the method of swear- I i. Although a railroad eompany enters net ltelf begin or prosecute such an action. , ' , wh hskl. f.n,d to register Into a Joint contract with another uch . S. When th statute provides a remedy lng In voters who had failed to register, jn-a j transportation of goods for the collection of teses under given Heretofore two ward property owners were Q p0nt beyond the end of its own line, circumstances, that remedy I exclusive of sufficient to vouch for a voter. This will it is competent for It to enter Into an ex- all others. i e City Clerk Shrlgley announced to the tlemen burst off their vests.' Moarslsg tor tho Old-Tlaae Doagheat. Chicago Post: "H docan't look as If h would be of any value to a foot ball team." "Well, that'a all you know about It. Why, he'a the greatest ot all In his line." "What's hi line?" "Explaining how easily his team would have won It It hadn't been for a measly little fluke and a poor decision." Health 4 mall Cast. A few doses ef Dr. King's New Life Pills will cleans, tons and Invigorate the whole system. Try them. Only 15c. For sale by Kuhn Co. Marrlac Lieeasea. Marriage licenses wer Issued yesterday to the following: Name and Residence. Age. Harry E. Hitun, Weeping Water, Neb... 27 Irna Allen, Omaha 27 Charles Bhell. Ptnder. Neb 30 bertha Cramer, Omaha, 11 DIAMOND "C" lOiP DIAMOND "t" gOAP DIAMOND "C" SOAP DIAMOND "t" lOAr SAVING NOW , There U no time like the present to save your Diamond "C" Soap wrappers. Our holiday goods will soon be In Cut Glass, Fancy China, Sllverwear, Etc., Etc. Diamond "C" Premium Store, 304 So. 16th St., Omaha, Neb. DIAMOND "t " SO VP DIAMOND "C" SOP DIAMOND "C" SOAP DIAMOND "f" SOAP waa. in nia time, a crinuiiai o( reputallou. i