Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1902, Page 2, Image 2

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.Cleveland Reiterates Denunciation of Pro
j : : taction He Hade at Preiidett.
Trust Fatten on High Duties an
' F.Teryday (tinmnifr la Ttobled
. V by Law to Aid Favored
1 '
' HORRISTOWN. N. J..- Oct. 30 Former
President Cleveland apoka here tonight In
Lyceum hall. Ho said:
. I am especially plaw'd to learn that tariff
reform hna been marie the principle Issue
In the canas you hrfve o i hand. Of course
customs duties must continue to be lha
scurce of government maintenance until
snlther plan Is devised, but a tariff, con
structed for the purpose of protection la an
j un'Juat and unfair burden upon the .masses
of the people.
; R-itm Old Battle. .
! It was not long since the democratic
party In advocating th reduction of tariff
tmatlon to the, -revenue neCflrf of the gov
.ernment, "jafed Ha Inetetence upon the d.ny
of cheapening the prices of necessities and
.withdrawing so'miicji protection from a fa-
, Voted few us allowed them abnormal prof
it". But the exactlona on account of pro
tection wore made In such a stealthy man
ner that It whs difficult to impress the evil
. orr purchases.
" While this process was going on Imported
articles wera charged such high duties as
to create a surplus revenue, this surplus
represented a small proportion of the un
necessary price of living entailed by high
protection. Hut this e mount was Inslgnlil
cant as compared with the .gjnv. manufac
turers pocketed.
Proceeding he sketched the history of the
tariff movement slqce 187. when he urged
a reduction In customs duties, to the pres
ent time.
Less than a "year 'after that message It
was made a target, he said, for all sorts
off attack In a presidential election, and
acting on the Idea that the tariff must be
reformed by lt friends, the people wera
perfiaded to keep those friends In political
control, and they forthwith constructed a
new scheme of high protection.
The bill then passed was so full of abom
ination and so plainly showed the heedless
nets of Its authors of the .Interests of tho
people, that voters were prompt In their re
venge. But sooner than they expected
friends of the tariff, or. In other words,
those who sought to grow rich with gov
ernment help at the expense of the people,
came into power again.
Capitalists Framed Law.
He had, .beard It aald upon excellent au
thority that expectant beneficiaries were
actually allowed to construct the schedule
by which they expected to profit.
t believe this last -exploit of the so-called
friend of tket tariff in Its revision should
amply satisfy any thoughtful citizen that
the spirit of a hUh protective tariff grows
by Indulgence and " mocks what It fels
upon, and that ita progressive greed and
ruthtassnnss is becoming more and more a
. menace to the welfare and happiness of the
How long has it been thought decent, or
even safe, to cheat cunaumera of coat by
putting It pn.tbe free list, but dishonestly
providing for Its taxation In another cun
ningly constructed provision of the law?
I have called your attention to the fact
that' In 1KS7 'Competition which. If unre
stricted, might modify,, the effect upon our
consumers of a high protective tariff, was
spoken of M -"toe .of Sen strangled by com
binations, quite prevalent at this time and
frequently calMl tr'jStw."
When this was written I suppose the
trusts so far as they-were at all Important
might, have been counted on the fingers.
When the friends of the tariff last took up
the work of In reconstruction, those trusts
had Ipcrsased by hundreds. It was aa plsin
then as now that a ,l)lgh protective tariff
defends them against foreign competition
ahd rtiafby-conrwleraViy In production and
price they -defend themselves -against com
petition at homa. It was perfectly apparent
that voder, the broad wings of high protec
tion they , -wuld complacently close their
ears to trie troublesome cry for easier liv
ing from the everyday consumer.
is It -not :true., then, that the encroach
ments of the doctrine of high - protection
have been ronatantly progressive, and is It
not true that to all other reasons for tariff
reform there la added the birth and growth
of their cruel ami unmerciful progeny,
trusts and combinations, which stand guard
against all attempts to seek relief In the
f eld of free competition?
'That , present tariff conditions have as
sumed' a, complexion" ' which not only re
quires a check. but avtual amendment, la
at last admitted among those responsible
for these conditions.
We hear It on everir side. It means that
they ee the handwriting on the wall as
tney havo never seen it before. Does It
mean that they are sincerely willing to do
something for the people, as against old
cemnulea who have heretofore paid well
for tUe, neglect of the people?
How, can we believe this when we see
still paraded up and down before our sight
the hoary-headed and malodorous old fraud
and pretense, that tbe tariff should be re
vised oy Its friends?
I have ' supposed my fellow cltliens
thoughtful on this subject and desirous of
an amendment of the tariff and I have at
tempted to give reasons why this work
should not be entrusted to those who have
so fully demonstrated their Insincerity and
unfitness for the task.
a . i
Lo'adoa Papers gay He Paid Too Maeb
'" and Cssaot Possibly Ears
LOTJDON, Oct. 31. Severe comment on
the extravagant price at which the Inter
national Mercantile Marine company bought
the Whit 8 tar line appears In tbe financial
columns of the London papers thla morn
tng. It la predicted that it will be tmposal
tie. to pay dividends on such a watered
atockV'a"nf the' public la warned to avoid
subscribing If share are Issued. Compart
sons are drawn with the Hooley methods of
company promoting. "
Id an editorial article the Pally Malt asks
what 'U the precise Value of Mr, Morgan's
collection of-. a)con-band liners, a ma
jority, of which, ajrejen yeara old.
Leave RsinaaU in Carload Lets
' Settle la the lulled
VIENNA, Oei. M. Tbe migration of Rou
manian. Jws to.tke United States has re
comncd heavtly. Two parties of seal
grants, .numbering 400 persons, wera her
laat Tuesday- and Wednesday.
The. mot remarkable feature Is that half
the emlgranta are men, whereas former
partlee wera, almoat entirely women and
children, tie.' men. now emigrating are
ti4ft artisans. . ,
; America Bays German Cesaeat.
v BERLIN, . .Oct. SO. Unusually heavy
American orders for Portland cement have
been placed -In Orrmany and several car-
gee are. afloat. Including; Berlin shipments.
The attributed to the construc
tion 'ot. the New York underground - rail
Ask your jeweler for
Silver Polish
It cleans aa well aa polishes
"All 'rwpeashas
jewslars kp it
sj ceats a package
Object to Arbitration, Which Jlfs In
slat I non, as Premature la .
Frenrh Strike.
PARI3, Oct. $0, A renewal of minor dis
turbancea between strikers .and oonstrlkers
was reported to&ay from the mining dis
tricts. At Denaln the strfkera demolished
a coal yard, broke the windows of buildings
and sent a threatening letter to the mayor.
At Lens there was also much petty de
struction of property. At Dunkirk fourteen
arrests were made.. The national commit
tee of the Minena' Federation has adopted
a resolution asking the miners to stand to
gether and Insist that the companies will
unitedly accept arbitration. .
The managers of coal mines in the De
partment Du'Nord have written to the pre
feet of that department promising to meet
the miners, but objecting to arbitration as
premature. . 1 '
Replying to a question asked by M.
'Jaures (socialist) In the-Chamber of Depu
ties today, M. Combes said tbe answers of
tho companies' to tbe arbitration proposals
had not yet been received, but that It
must be taken into account that, negotia
tions were proceeding between the pre
fects of the mining department, and the
manager of the mine. ; .: ' '
He explained that the mine managers
must refer the matter to thele. respective
directors and said tie hoped an agreement
would be reached. ' , .
Movement la Barcessfol la Parla and
Most of the Theater Meet
PARIS, Oct. SO. The atrike of the mem
bers of the orchestras ot the theaters and
other places of amusement began at noon
today. i
The strikers assembled at the Labor
exchange bearing their Instruments. Al
though the theater managera announced
their purpose of lighting the strike, a
.number of tht-m have already yielded,
rather than risk the loss which would ensue
from a protracted struggle.
Most of the large music balls and cafea
have also yielded, and their orchestras have
returned to duty, though a number of them
continue to resist and are giving perform
ances without orchestras.
The , prefect ot police, having been ad
vised of the intention of the strikers to
Invade theater and wreck the instruments
of aubstltutea, posted a large force of police
to preserve order at tbe threatened placea
of amusement.
Almost all tbe theatrical managera hav
ing accepted the terms of the musicians,
the evening passed without Incident.
The theater and music halls which are
atandlng out against the strikers' demands
have either dispensed with orchestras or
replaced them with pianos.
Socialists Snara-eat Free List for Goods
that Aro Sold Cheaper
BERLIN, Oct 30. The Reichstag today
discussed an amendment proposed by the
socialists and liberals empowering the
Bundesratb to put good an the free list
whenever German syndicates sell similar
goods abroad cheaper than they do at home.
After speeches In support of the' motion
by Herr Bernstein and Herr Gotheln, the
house adjourned.
Mgr. ' Faleoala Is , Ordered to Leave
Cauda aad Go to Wash
ington. OTTAWA, Ont., Oct. 30. Mgr. Falconla,
papal delegate In Canada, received a cable
from Rome officially notifying him of his
appointment to tbe office of papal delegate
to the United State, with headquarters at
Tbe date of hie departure from Ottawa
has not yet been decided upon.
To Represent Emperor William.
MERLIN, Oct. 30. The prince of Pless.
who has been appointed to represent Em
peror William at tbe opening of the new
building of the New York Chamber of Com
merce, ia the aon of tho head of that house
and a secretary of tbe legation attached to
the foreign office here. The young prince
married Hon. Mary Cornwallls-West. She
will not accompany her husband to the
United States.
Price of White Star Line.
LONDON, Oct. 30. It was officially an
nounced today that the purchase of the
White Star line (on Ita joining tbe Inter
national Mercantile Marine company) Is
$63,497,180. of which 115,736,180 1 payable
in cash. 125,174,000 In preference share and
III. 87,000 In common stdek. ' Th stock
holders thus received over 150.000 for each
1,000 share.
Strike ia Short Lived.
MONTREAL. Oct. 10. Th 'Longshore
men who went on strike here yesterday for
an increase of wage have all returned to
work, the steamship companies having
granted their demand for 30 cents an hour
for day and SS cents for night work.
Two Handred Aro DUeharsjed.
BERLIN, Oct.' 38. Tie Taggblatt today
prints a dispatch from St. Petersburg say
ing that M. VTItte, finance minister, dis
missed 100 officials during hi far eastern
Inspecting trip for Irregularities.'
Anstrlaa Princess te""Wed.
VIENNA. Oct. 30. The betrothal Is an
nounced of the Archduchets Elisabeth,
daughter of the late Archduke Karl Ludwlg
and a niece o Emperor Francis Joseph, to
Prince Aloyse von XJchtenstetn.
. . ' -
Cholera Bwldenale Deoteaalaa;.
' 8T. PETERSBURG. VOct, J8. Cholera Is
decreasing In the Amur districts and In all
other Infected districts. , There ha been
only one fatal case of auspscted .plague at
Odessa slDce October 21.
' . u i"
' Inankr. Homo Destroyed.
' .A 8 BURT PARK, N. J., 6a(. 30. Fire via
tted the famoua "Ross-Fenton" farm on
Deal lake, laat nljht., destroying the main
building.- Charles J. Roe, the actor, owns
the property, and It was tbe summer home
Of many- theatrical people, '
Csar la ftrpertrd 111.
' .LONDON. Oct -11. The $t. Petersburg
correspondent . of the DaUy Express aay
Dr. Mertejewski. cn of the foremost spe
cialists In Russia, has been aummoasd to
Llvadla to attend th cir, who is suffering
from a nervous complaint.
Kroger Waste tat Go Home.
. BRU88ELS, Oct. SO. It Is asserted here
that Mr. Kruger has abandoned his Ir
reconcilable attitude and Intends to aeek
permission to return to South Africa.
Miles I at Manila.
MANILA, Oct to. Ths transport Thotpaa,
with Lieutenant Oeoeral Miles and his psrty
aboard, anchored la Manila harbor tonight.
Take Laxative Proreo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund tbe money tf It falls to
euro. B. W. Crevs's signature 1 each
box. Joe
Prosperity Whio'u Hag Come tj All
Shared by Big Combination.
On the Other Hand the Labor of the
l and la Herd In Higher VA'naea
and More Steady fctn
ploimeat. NEW YORK, Oct.' Soi-Aroopcr tnlou was
filled tonight at a republican meeting, at
which the principal speakers were Mayor
Low, Governor Odell and Secretary of War
Mr. Root said:
I'nfalr and oppressive trusts are weeds In
the gardtn of proaperlty. it la eacy to kill
them If you kill the flowers and the fruit
aiso, hut ir you would keep the weeds down
and have the Harden grow you must devote
.oursetf, not to desperate measures, but to
nulling out tho weens and leaving the use
ful piants. So in curbing combinations of
capital, care must be taken, not to atop
great enterprises which have legitimately
letlucert tho cost of production, nut to take
Arrerfca out of the race-of competition tor
the markets of the world and deprive the
fhtmer of his market fur the raw material
of manufacture.
Traata Accompany Prosperity.
Th" evils complained of are an outgrowth
of the procens ot indaMrial development..
Their regulation Is also a necessary part of
that process.
'1 he wonderful scientific discoveries and
li.venfloiiH of the IrtKt half century have
trormously increaril the productive power
of mankind. 1 here has been greater prog
ress In productive power during the latrt
cer.tury than In any thousand yeurn before.
This enormous 'niltiitlnn to the productive
power of labor was duo first to the brains
that matin the discoveries and Inventions
end organised the great combinations of
capital necessary to use the new powers
and tho new methods necetstry for their
uee. and, second to the capital that built
tho machines and the mills and the rail
roads and was wasted In unsuccessful ex
periments and took the. chances of loss to
gain the rewards of nurcesst'ul enterprise.
it Is plain that in the dlstribjtlon of this
rrvry acquired wealth the brains that In
vest and that organise should have their
share; the capital that constructs and
maintains should lie' rewarded for Its risk;
the laborer should have higher waftes be
cause his labor la producing jrfore, and the
consumer should have lower prices because
the product which he purchases IS produced
with greater eaee and at less cost. '
Capital and brains always get the advan
tage at first. Hut our Industrial history
shows that the laborer and the consumer
Slowly but surely-wrest their share of the
advantage from capital.
People Benefit by Combines.
The organizers of the sugar trust made
mi oh money for themselves, but we aro
getting sugar now for less than It cost to
make It before the trust was formed. The
organisers if the Standard fill company
have mad a great deal of money, but the
poorest American farmer is lighting" his
little house tonight at a trifling cost more
brilliantly than palaces were lighted a cen
tury ago. These are the consumers' shares
of the wealth created by the brains and
urpltal of the sufjar company and the
Btandard Oil company.
While the Dj7,H") wage earners of 1H50 In
creased to 5,816.0110 In li'Jt) the wages paid In
creased from 2;i6.oii0,uuo to S2,X,uu0,0u0; that
Is to say, about five times the number of
workmen received- about ten - times -the
amount of wages, or wages just about
doubled during the fifty years. On the other
hand, while ti33,MiQ.ftiiO Invested In manufac
tures In ISjO had swelled to fO.Kfi.ono.onO In
19ti0, every dollar of capital so Invested re
ceived less than one-third of the return re
ceived In 1X50. Thus, while the returns of
capital seem great because they are massed
and the returns of labor seem small because
they are scattered, capital's proportionate
share of the new wealth Is decreasing and
labor's Is increasing.
The. reault of this process Is a diffusion
of wealth among the people, the contempla
tion of which makes the comparatively lew
large fortuns seem of trifling-Importance.
In the year l:M there wera 6.88,723 sepa
rate savings bank accounts in the United
States, with deposits amounting to $2,34)7,
CW.SXO.r These were, the, accounts ot people
whom, according "Xa our American stand
ards, we call poor. Oo out into th country
and you will find that in-. 1MH. there
S.739.&7 separate farms, a little more than
one farm to every nine of th rural popula
tion. Taking the savings bank accounts
and farm j together, there are owntd by
the plain working people almost an average
of a farm or a bank account for every
There were In 1901 14.395,443 life insurance
policies. The total Insurance among them
amounted to 3s.662.la9.740. Every one of
these polices represented money laid up
by people who were not rich.
This steady Increase in the earnings of
labor, this diffusion of wealth, been
accomplished In spite of the continuous
Immigration of the poor of other countries.
More significant than all else la the fact
that wc have commenced this neiv century
with over 17,000,000 children In school.
Let us not, In fixing our gas ut on small
evils, foraet the greater cood. The auto
mobiles are ot little account. "Who owns
the farm wagons? Is the Important ques
Weed Ont Bad.
The republican party proposes to regu
late, curb and suppress the bad trusts,
rather than destroy the good and bad to
gether, and with them the prosperity which
brings such beneflcient results to all.
The democratic party claims that It
should revise the tariff and so cure the
trust evil. Observe they do not propose to
confine themselves to cutting off duties
upon articles made by trusu, but thalr
remedy Is to destroy the trusts by drag
ging them down in general ruin, you can
kill the trusts, you can close their mills,
but you close the mills also of all other
producers of a similar article, and you
substitute for domestlo production the Im
portation of foreign articles. Ae foreign
production Is in a great measure con
trolled by trusts, you substitute a foreign
trust for an American trust. Tou abandon
the remedy of American competition and
substitute a foreign monopoly..
Competition la Growing-.
When the sugar trust was formed It took
over U0 per cent of the refining capacity of
the country. Immediately new refineries
were started and today over 40 per cent of
the augar of the country is made by out
side couocrna.
The latest and greatest combination, the
United States Steel corporation, was sup-
ioaed to oe an overwneiming monopoly;
iut the statistics of the American Iron
and Steel association for last August show
that already Independent companies pro
duce over 07 per cent of the iron or of
the country, over tw per cent or tne total
pig iron, over 40 per cent 'of the Itessemer
steel ralle, over 37 per cent of the struc
tural Iron and over 49 per cent of all rolled
Are you going to ruin all' such Indepen
dent industries for the purpose of punish
ing trusts, or are you going to help them
In their competition by wise regulation,
and by seeing to It that the big concern Is
fair to the smaller one? -
When the democrats did obtain power, In
the second administration or Mr. Cleve
land, they were unable to use it, because
that administration wan Ingrained with
destructive habits and had no constructive
capacity. For half, a century the demo
cratic party has constructed nothing but
the southern confederacy and the Wilson
tariff bill. The Wilson tariff was so bad
that the democratic president would not
sign It, Its enforcement was accompanied
by disaster and poverty and its repeal
under republican rule has been followed by
abounding prosperity; while the very men
who wreathed the standard of the lost
cause with imperishable renown declare
that the failure of the confederacy was a
blessing to mankind.
Addressing himself to the continually re
curring conteala between capital and labor,
Mr. Root spoke ot the good understanding
enjeodered by a recognition of mutual and
reciprocal Interests. In Illustration of
thla he cited the friendly relations
between railroad owners and the aa
soclated engineers, firemen, trainmen aad
conductors, the agreement made tbe other
lay between the tin plate manufacturer
and their workmen and the agreement be
tween employers and employes for ths an
nual readjustment of wagea throughout ths
greater part of the bituminous coal fields.
Three Soldiers Oi
wer tii
Make Seenro Escape from
Fort Porter.
BUFFALO. N. Y.. Oct. JO. Three soldiers
charged with desertion overpowered th
corporal at Fort Porter tonight and es
caped. They were Privates Clark, Schaartl and
. . . . i
fcete Sla Months In Penitentiary for
lenlla-eat Condnct Twenty
T Are II art d)
NEW YORK. .Oct. 30. Six month Im
prisonment In the ' Kings county peni
tentiary was the sentence pronounced today
by City Judge Kellogg of Tonkers. upon
W. B. Raymond, the automoblllst who was
arrested after hi machine had been In
collision with a. troley car on Sunday
Is St.
The accident caused Injuries to twenty
two persons who were on the csr. The oc
cupants of the automobile escaped un
hurt. Joseph Nagle. the.motorman of the trol
ley car. testified aj, the trial that the au
tomobile had crossed the track In front
of the car three. tlmea within, a short distance.-
Raymond; said that he had crossed
the track aad said he had done so In or
wer to atTord;thoso with him a better view
of the river., r - . .
He acknowledge!) that on crossing the
track ho had failed to look back to see
If a car was approaching. The car came
In contact with, the rear of the automobile
and turned nvor an -Its side.
Judge Kellogg In sentencing RaynioniV
aald he waa convinced that the automobll
1st had been -negligent and that he should
be punished. ,.r-
Republicans . ,Ohtaln( Police Aid and
Dominate Streets, Firing; on
' Federal Clnh.
SAN JUAN, Tortp Rico, Oct. 30. Political
rioting at Ponce waa renewed yesterday
trentug. From 9 to" It o'clock the city wss
in the hands of a republican mob. alleged
to have been aided by municipal police.
Tbe Federal club waa fired on. One man
waa killed and several were wounded, but
not fatally. The ,rlotlng was renewed to
day. Business, at Ponce Is suspended.
Another man was killed during today's
attacks of the, republicans and a number
of men were severely - wounded.
The rioters announced that they Intended
to attack tbe Federation ot Labor club and
another club daring the day.
A Spanish dramatic company which had
been playing at I mce appealed to the Span
ish consul for protection and It is reported
that the consul communicated with the
Spanish minister at Washington. Shooting
and rioting occurred Inside tho theater on
Tuesday evening, and since that day the
company has been unable to perform.
Woald tilve Reciprocity If Arrange
menta Satisfactory to This
Country Were Mndr.
i i 1
CHELSEA, Mass.. Oct. 30. William H.
Moody, secretary of 4 the navy, was tho
principal speaker at a republican rally here
tonight. Ho confined himself to the subject
of reciprocity with Csnada. He aald:
In entering Into any system of reciproc
ity with any country 1 should always re
gard American Interests In the first place.
I would not enter fhto any reciprocity with
Canada which', imperiled .- our fisheries,
whose existence.-1, conceive to be of the
highest concern to th public. '
Our exports tr 'Canada have Increased by
leaps and boundn, although there Is a 83 1-3
per cent . preference In favor of Great
Britain. In spite of that preference Mr.
Charlton',' member of the Canadian Par
liament, nsvs tihat-in 1W1 Canada pur
chased szs.uiu.wv mum imm
Great BrltaJrJ uftl 8I5,OOn,(ioo more than from
ail tne rest oiarie -wm-iu. w.
trade Is constfI4y-In otir favor and it
would eem tiKptf.-wa) had-no reasonable
ground for complaint.
Mr Moody said' that any -treaty which
conferred mutual' benefit would find him a
hearty supporter. ' ' ' " c
Bnllda Ships to tnt 'America - Ont
of the Kna-lish Beef
Washington! Oct. 30. The consul at
Birmingham reports that Russia Is tak
ing steps which will prepare the wsy for
that country to supply London markets with
beef In opposition to America.
The report says special steamers have
been built with ' freezing chambers, the
Russian government assisting by subsidies,
and that it Is Intended they shall ply be
tween a Russian port and London witn huge
cargoea of fresh meat.
Libau la considered a suitable port, aa
the beef can reach London from there in
three days or less after slaughtering.
Organises Parish Without Bishop's
Approval and la Driven from
CLEVELAND, O., Oct. 30. A formal de
cree of excommunication from tbe Roman
Catholic church has been Issued by Bishop
Horstmsnn against the Rev. John Tlcby,
until recently pastor of a Slavonic congre-
I ration In thla city.
I .The trouble between blsnop ana priest
began when tne latter organised a parisn
without tbe authority and approval of the
Bishop Finds Hcports of Hie Removal
to t'hlcaco Too Fnnny to Be
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 30. Archbishop Ire
land declares the story of his impending
trsnsfer to Chlvago to be fake in every
particular. .
"Please say," he aald, "that It ia an
arrant fabrication. Such publications would
be annoying If they were less amusing."
Kaneral of P. .8. Bledarett.
CLEVELAND,' Oct. JO. The funeral of P.
g. Blodgett, late general manager of the
Lake Shore Y Michigan Southern railway,
took place thla afternoon, the services be
ing held In Calvary Presbyterian church.
Many prominent railway offlclala wer In
cluded In tbe list of active and honory pall
bearers. Among the latter wer W. H.
Newman, prealdent of the New York Cen
tral and Lake Shore roada and W. C. Brown,
vice president of tbe same companies. Ths
body wss placed temporarily in a vault at
Lakevlew cemetery.
Mrs. Agnes Hetrick.
WAHOO, Neb.. Oct. 30. (Special.) Mrs.
Agnca Hetrick died at the home of her
aon, Jacob Hetrick, a tew. miles south of
Wshoo. She waa the wife of th late John
A. Hetrick and was aged 7S years. Sh
was an old resident of this county, Ths
funeral was held this afternoon at 1 o'clock,
Rsv. J. B. Stocking officiating. Interment
at Ithaca cemetery.
Old Western Freighter.,
KANSAS CITY. Oct. SO. J. N. Irwin,
aged 66, died here today of Brlgbt'a disease.
In the '50s ha -was a freighter aad later be
aad his brother held government mall aad
beef contracla that caused them to make
many trips across tbe plains te Denver,
Salt Lek city and Santa ie, K. 1L
Bevolutionar Leader Arranges Conference
with Government to Fix Peace.
Sesrotlatloas Mart In t'oata Rica, hot
Are Sow to Re Transferred to
Panama on Saaareatlon of
PANAMA. Colombia. Oct. 30. There Is
reason to believe the Colombian revolution
will now end with little or no bloodshed.
Confirmation from a reliable source ha
been received that General Vargas-Santos,
the military director of the revolutionists,
haa been negotiating a treaty ot peace In
Costa Rlca with a representative of the
Colombian government.
Last week Oeneral Vargas-Santos sent
a cable message to Governor Salatar. ask
ing leave to come here to confer with the
governor personally. Today, he repeated
this request snd General Salaxar replied by
cable telling him to come. Much Is ex
$efted from the approaching conference.
It Is slso a fact that on Tuesday the
revolutionary general, Herrera, aent a com
munication to Governor Salasar Insisting
upon a conference with tbe governor ot
Panama and saying thst frou It he believed
peace would result. This message wss an
swered by Governor Salazar yesterday.
He said he waa ready to meet General
Herrera, whose desire for a peace confer
ence ia ssid to be a result of the recent
surrender of General Vrlbc-L'rlbe, who wss
one of the most active of the revolutionary
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. The following
cablegram has been received at the Navy
department from Commander WilBon of the
United States steamship Panther, dated
Colon, today:
Reliable report here battle Clenanga Oc
tober 15 and liberals repuUetl. Hunta Msrta
reported safe. Retribution (Britten war
ship) there.
Structure at Grant City, Missouri, Col
lapses, Killing; One Man and
Fatally Injuring- Another.
ST. JOSErH, Mo., Oct. 30. (Special Tele
gram.) The brick store of Smith Bros, at
Grant City, Mo., collapsed early thla morn
ing, causing a loss of $16,000.
A man by the name of Show alter waa
killed outright and another man by the
name ot C. W. Brown waa fatally Injured.
The latter can live but a short time. Dr.
Ewlng and wlfo, who occupied rooma over
the atore, escaped with slight Injuries.
The collapse of the building came with
out warning, the outer walls caving in. It
Is a complete loss. The man killed had a
room In the rear part of the structure, and
It was there that tbe greater part of the
damage waa done.
Smith Bros, operated a general store and
many ot tbe goods are ruined.
Another Confession Increases Knmber
of Medical Grsve Robbers In
INDIANAPOLI8, Oct. 30. Rufus Carrell
says he will . implicate fifteen additional
physicians and undertakers of the city and
every one of the local medical' and dontal
colleges that have thus far escaped In the
grave robbing acandal. " ?
Jrta-eWo aay one or two, women embalm
will be shown to be guilty of complicity
In the purchase and concealment ot stolen
bodies. . . j
Doctors connected with the medical col
leges, ot Fort Wayne. Louisville and Cin
cinnati will .be also Implicated In this
latest confession, which will be given to
the grand jury tomorrow or Saturday.
Cave-In of Kino Properties at Joplln,
Missouri, Begins to Assume
Large Proportions,
JOPLIN, Mo., Oct. 30. The Prosperity
mine case-In yesterday Is assuming big pro
portions. In addition to seven shafts on
the Eleventh Hour tract that were utterly
destroyed, the Homestead .and Cleveland
mines have caved In.
- The ruined mlnea were all producera and
have paid 1500,000 In dividends. Five
other mines in the Immediate vicinity are
considered unsafe and have been abandoned.
Foreman Concern Falls, Owing; to Col
lapse of Two Chicago
CINCINNATI. Oct. 30. The Foreman
Shoe company of this city assigned today
to Dr. W. R. Thrall. Liabilities, (70,000;
assets, $40,000. The receiver will continue
to run ths atore.
The reason glveu Is that the Brsdshaw
Shoe company and tho O. A. Kantrowlta
company, both of Chicago, had assigned,
owing ths Foreman company over $40,000.
Sharon Tin Mills Will Besurue Sovr
' that ' Wasco Tronble Is
, Over.
SHARON; Pa , Oct. 80. The Sharon tin
mlllBwill start neat Monday. Only -ten
ot the twenty have been running for sev
eral weeks.
The resumption Is due to tbe settlement
of the rebate scheme between the Amalga
mated association and the American Tin
plate company.
Dlstlagrnished Surareon .Operates Sns
ressfally on Two Colorado
PUEBLO, Colo., Oct. 30. About sixty
physicians watched with interest todsy two
operations for congenital dislocation of ths
hip, performed by Dr. Adolpb Lorens.
The doctor said the operatlona would
prove auccessful. He held the clinic at the
Colorado Fuel and Iron company's new hos
Government Orders Many Keve Boats
Of British Ship Bnlldlasr
' YOKOHAMA. Oct. 30. Th Japaneae cabi
net baa ordered the building of four new
battle ahlp7 lx first class cruisers and
various other craft. '
The battle ahlps ars to be built In Eng
land, and the cruisers In England, Franre
and Germany.
Teamsters Threaten Strike.
CHICAGO, Oct. SO. Tbe teamsters of ths
Illinois 8teel company at South Chicago
wUl atrike on Saturday unleaa the company
agree to pay i tbe union cal. Over l,i00
r involved.
Selling Brokaw Brothers'
Fine Hand Tailored Clothing'
. -ro.
- ' dtW.-v.--,Vf 1 ! y '
f See
CA , N Mr l ftar
UILC5-show Windows.
$18,00 And $16.50 values'
whilst they lost -y
Main Floor, Harney St. E)itrvcc;,'s
Survivors of the Wars Generously He
m em be red by the General
, Government.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. (Special.) The
following pensions have been granted:
Issue of October 10, 1902:
Nnbraaka: Originals Henry P. Raver,
Tekamah, $6; Frederick T. Hawkins,
Omaha, Is. Increase, Reissue, Etc. Aqullla
P. Houston, Lincoln, (8.
Iowa: Originals William Rennlwn,
Waterloo, IN; John J. Nickel, 16
(war with Spain). Increase, Rel4kue, Etc.
William Wllley. Havelock. tH; Devillia D.
Segner, Des Moines, $16. Widows, Minors
and Dependent Relatives Mary E. Po.ston,
Lenox, H: Louisa M. Waller. Harlan, 8.
South Dakota: Increase, Reissue, Etc.
Die Outtersnn, Carthage, H; Edmond 8.
Hugll, Hot Springs, $12 (Mexican war).
Issue of October 11, 1902:. ... :
. Nebraska) Inorease, Reissue, Etc.- Adam
Ituvher. Tobias,. $10; James Ia, Scott. Kear
ney, $8; -James H. Jackmarl. Peru, $-4.
' Iirwa ! Jnereaaey Reissue, Etc. Egbert R.
Shearer, Aurora, $; Juhn M. La geant,
Ceda-r Rapids, $10; Charles Carver, Crescent,
$10; Wellington Current, Maquoketa, $S;
Stephen- Morris. Coin. $12; Calvin E. Glr
ton, Missouri Valley, $8 (war with Spain).
Widows, Minors and Dependent Relatives
Laney A. Pettlt, Red Oak. pi; Mary A. Har
bor, Panora, $8; Harriet J. OVefstreet, Dex
ter. $12; Adeline Bhafer, Red Oak, $a Mex
lean war).
South Dakota: Increase,' Reissue, Etc.
Stephen W. Jenkins, Waubay, $10.
Jndgre and NlnV Other Kentucky Men
Are Indicted for Cos.
' splracy.
LOUISVILLE. Ky., Oct. 30. The grand
Jury this afternon returned Indictments
sgalnst ten citlsena of Rowling Green, Ky.,
charging them with conspiring to prevent
the registration of negro voters in a pre
cinct of that city.
Among those Indicted Is Judge Henry B.
Hlnes, state inspector and examiner and
one of the most prominent democrata In
Detroit Men Invest Millions of Dollars
In Vessels' for Great
.iakes.' "
DETROIT, Oft. SO.-The' Great Lake En
gineering company ot Detroit Is to build a
large shipbuilding plant on tbe river Rouge
about two miles outside the- westerly city
limits. - . ,
The capital of the company haa not yet
been settled upon, but It will be In the
neighborhood of $5,000,000.
To Build a Keyv Road.
SANTA FE, Tf. -M-i Oct. 80. Incorpora
tion papers were filed today for the Atchi
son, Topekh tc Banta Fe cut-off from Tex
ico, near the New Mexico boundary, to Rio
Puere, In Valencia county. It will be 265
miles long and will be the connecting link
for a direct' eakl'anlT wesl'llne from Kan
sas Cl'y to Los Angeles. Two branch lines
also Wr incorporated, one from Rio 'Abo;. Pass, meant for all travel
ant trade from. Mexico and El Paso fa Los
Angeles, or to Kansas City and Chicago,
and a cut-off from -Brest! Springs by wsy
ot Portales, Into Texss, to connect Vlth
Fort Worth and Galveston, giving a direct
line from San Francisco and Loa Angelea
to Port Worth and Galveaton. Th capital
stock Is $8,625,100. '
Charged with Wlfo Mnrder.
CHETENNE, Wyo.. Oct. 0.( Special.)
The preliminary hearing of Charlea H.
gammons, charged -with the murder of bis
wife, will .be bel) before Judge Becker
Thursday morning. It la alleged that Sam
moQB.deooyed hi wife to th Braae ranch,
near Grant, sixty miles north ot here, and
killed 'her with a shotgun. The coroner'a
Jury tound that Sammona committed the
crime. y
,WI11 riTe Criminal Complaint.
CHEYENNE. Wyo.. Oet. 30. (8psclal.)
A criminal complaint will be filed In ths
district- court tomorrow against William
Suits ;
L $27.50 to 340 00
these before you ice the tailor '
! I
RAVrt'C 1 w JUawars? urs;
UU I U O jJi M-Jtagers.,
TOIWGHT. Saturday Nla;ht,lt AT1KBI3
BATl'iaAY. Tho Soenki Melodrama,
Splendid 'company, 'headed. l'r MtSn FAN
NIE CURTIS. JTicee Mafcv isC 60c. Night,
loc, 60c, 7uc. V
Prlctav-Jjfttii ? Nighty jfjfl. ftc. boc:
TelrfrltoheY 1B31 ? -
Matinees Wednesday, sat ordny v.,and
Sunday, 2il5 Kvery Slant, 8jl8Y , .
.. . Prices 1V pfcs, 80c
13th ond Dnnarlns Sis,
OMAHA, ftKII. "., -
Omaha's Leading Hotel.
P EC I A liTfT?; A TlHKSi
12:30 to t lOrn," '
SUNDAY. 6 :i p. m. klNjfctSiR, Wc.
Steadily ; Increasing buslnest has necessl
tsted an enlargement gtyrirU cafe, doubllug
Its former capacljy'.,'" '
Tomllnson, a Union Pactiio guard, who as
saulted A. H. Elam ot Carter. Uinta county,
In the railroad yards yesterday morning. A
civil suit for damages will slso be filed
against the . railroad company. Elam .was
enroute to Omaha with stock .and while
passing through tbe yards was attacked, by
Tomllnson, who .also made threats with
gun. Elam was quit ..badly injured. Tom
llnson claims Elam uasd abusive. language
and appeared to be a trespasser. . .
Fix Hallway Mortgage.
NEW YORK, Oct. JO. A meeting of the
railway bfflclals who make bp the' St. Louis
Terminal association, called by Mr. Ram
sey, president of tbe Wabash, ' wss held
here today. Members' were - kept busy all
day fixing up the mortgage on the- assorts,
lion's property, sll the bonds iisvlng been
sold.' ... " '- ' ;
Gets. Out on. Hall.
ST. IiOCIS. Oct. 30; Former lelegat
John A. Hlierldau. was - released from Jull
by Judge Ryan on bonds aggregating $15,000.
on two charges of bribery and one of per
jury. Three men who qualified In the ag
gregate for $t5.(KV signed. lila .bonds. They
are Martin. SbatighnssKy vt the IJndell
hotel. , John orn.elius a broker, and Ed
Butler.' ' .',
f . .
Fable of the Wise r Youth.
Baltimore ' American: Once there wer
Two Youths, one Wise and one ' Foolish,
who were desperately Enamored of a Cer
tain Damosel. -
Now, each Youth had but Twelve Dol
lars, and Bach was dealroua of sending ft
Gift that Should testify to bis Admiration.
And the Foolish Youth, having In Mind
tbe alleged Famrnlne love for th Beauti
ful, purchased TwcJvfc Chrysanthemums at
Ons. Dollar each - ". ti. ' '
But the Wise Youth. Aet a'Ton of Cost,
which Cost the Ssmrf,--
Now the Wise- Youth explained his Gift
on the Grounds that He did not think She
looked well wile, a Blue Nose. ..,
But the Foolish Youth eaioe back with
ths remark that Blue waa hit m Favorite
Color. , ''s
And so tbe Wis Youth's f 'oti wanned
tba .House the Day of the Wedding p( the
Foolish Youth snd tba .Fair jDaoiosaL'
This teaches US- ta, Reserve or lucovs
tlons until after.'1' ' " ' r--
ffi; ill ; :M
r ni i AfasY
I Mat. Sioifficq. "JlgUt. hue, 75c. r
Monday, ;Tuetrt--8-hoc,'i ChrldVeii,s,alat.,v .
j , ' at a tint. r. --j-'
r o
V 't