Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 31, 1902, Image 1

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    THE' Omaha Daily Bee.
1:STA1ILIS111 JUNE 1871.
1 i
Arbitration GommUi'.on Begins Tour to
, Examine ia Anthraolta Begion.
MARKLE'S Jen are on strike once more
f ' ' .
Independent Opiratori Who Discriminated
' : Lose Chance to Mine CoaL
"i Thinks Prominent Sinkers Art Being Vio-
. tlmized aud Will Not Assent
lorn Have Already Left and Rest Will
Go Soon Necessary Arrange
urmtt Hare Been Mad
. lor Them.
SCRANTON, Pa., Oct. 80. The seven
commissioners appointed bjr t President
Roosevelt to adjust tbe differences exist
ing between the anthracite mine workers
and their employers today made a tour of
the extreme tipper coal Held and ssw
every step taken In the production ot coal
from the time It Is blasted to the point
where It Is Sent to market. '
The arbitrators had an Interesting ASf
nd returned to their lintel at 6:30 tonight,
grimy from coal dm and -tired after eight
busy, hours. They had to endure rosny dis
comforts, making their 'way through wet
, places In tbe mines, almost crawling along
some of the gangways and passing through
clouds of coal 'dust In t the breakers. Not
Withstanding this, their eagerness for in
formation was not diminished and they ex-
. pect to ut in another hard day'a work to
morrow J -. ,.. t '
Blahop Asks Many oestlona.
Bishop Spalding asked, more questions
than any one of the other. .He was usually
to the center. of a group ot commissioners
and asked many questions of those who
are employed n and about the mines.
Today's tour consisted of an Inspection ot
No. 2 .mine of the HUlslde Cot and Iron
company, operated ty the Erie company,
and the coal breaker of the Delaware'' ft
Hudson company. TA?- former Is located at
Forest City;' twenty-two miles north of this
city,- and the breaker at Carbondalo, four
tnllos south of Forest City. On the run up
the Lackawanna valley the commissioners
viewed with interest the mining towns
long tbe Delaware ft Hudson railroad.
The start was. mails precisely at 10
o'clock. In the party wvre the seven com
missioners, Recorders Mosely and Nolll and
, four stenographers. Accompanying them
were: R. A. Phillips, general Vperlntend
nt of thV Delaware, Lackawanna ft West
ern company ; E.-R. Hose, general Superin
tendent, ot the Delaware ft Hudson;' W. A.
May. general manager ot the Erie; J. R.
Bryden,' general superintendent of the New
York. Ontario ft Vestern, and B. Thome,
general manager ot tpo Tsinple Iron., com
pany. ..I.ThcSje fljcjsls repr1eseiVed.tbft,jom
panies, an'i) tW misers KCi t .represented by
ThsJB-'l Nlcholli, president of this dis
trict' ot the United Mine 'Workers-, Henry
Collins, national orgau'.zer for this dis
trict; 'Rev. Peter Roberts of Mahanoy City
and James MarWlck of ,N'w York, tho lat
ter an expert.
- A. special train ot two Pullman cars and
a day coach, which was chartered at the
expenss of the commissioners, carried the
party. Tbe rear car was used for observa
tion purpose,' ' In.-it . was' a larsre map
showing the coqf beds from Scranton to the
northern edgs -of the field at Forest City.
The commissioners studied It carefully and
Its many features were explained to them by
Mr.'. Watktns, who la an expert in coal
mining and was formerly an independent
coal operator. The arbitrators also care
fully noted tbe many mining villages
passed by the train. , At each of the sta
tions a small group ot persons gathered.
Miners gta'a.d Silently By,
When tho party arrive at Forest City
a crowd, among whom were some mine
workers, greeted It. There was no demon
stration, the workers standing silently by.
A short drive wss taken through the town
to give the commissioners an opportunity
to view, the konjee ot the mine workers,
and thea the en t lr party wsa bundled Into
three small ears. What Is known as a
"loklo," a small locomotive, drew the cars
to tbe No. shaft, a mils distant down
tbe valley.
As the mine was wet and dirty the com
pany officials provided rubber overshoes,
overalls, Jumpers and miners,' caps. Judge
Cray and Bishop Bpalding were the first
to don tbs uniform and listened good-naturedly
to chafing Inquiries aa to their
atatus in ths union.
After the party had been rigged out and
provided with miners' lamps, which they
either carried In their bands or fastened
to their caps, the descent ot tho shaft was
msde. At the foot they were Joined by
the president and another member of the
Forest City local union ot the miners' or
ganisation. The hospital at that point was Inspected
and then the commlslsoners got Into a
train of six mine cars and were hauled
about a mile and a halt underground In a
.southwesterly direction. Accompanied by
Mr. May, Mr. Klcholls and one or two oth
ers, they went down a plsne to what Is
known as a thin vein of coal, where they
saw miners Ore a blast.
Accident Kept Secret.
The thin vein runa Into the Clifford
mine adjoining. In the Clifford, a few hours
before the commlslsoners arrived, a Hun
garian was killed 'almost Instsntly by the
falling ot a portion of the root. . He was
doubled up and his lamp failing to go out
set fir to his clothes, almost roasting him
alive. The newspaper correspondents wero
casually Informed of this before the com
missioners went down, but the arbitrators
were left la ignorance.
The vein was explained to tb commis
sioners, who asked many questions ot the
miners working It From these they re
turned to the main gangway and Inspected
an aversge vein, that Is, a vein about six
or eight feet thick. In going to some ot
the 'bressis"; the commlslsoners had al
most to. crswl. This was a particularly
Irksome matter for Judge Gray, who Is
the tallest man (a the commission.
On tho return journey to tbe foot of the
shaft Bishop Spalding came across a LI
thunlso boy who wss employed aa a door-tender.-
His face was black from coal dust,
but In the dim light of the lamp on his
cap, tbs bishop noticed bis handsome fea
tures. He ssked the boy many questions
as to bis age, the character ot his work
and the wages he received. The other com
missioners also plied Clin with questions.
Near this shsft tbe car in which Judgo
Cray, General Wilson and Messrs. Clark
aud Parker were seated jumped tbe track
(Continued oo Fifth Page.)
Dr. Lewald Will Represent that Coon
v try at St. Loots and "alls
Jfext Month.
BERLIN, Oct. 30. The anpolntment of
Dr. Lewald as Imperial V -0 commis
sioner to the St. Louis e '',,. will be
announced In two or three .
Emperor William has approv U'- "
lection of Dr. Lewald, whose wora '
Chicago exposition was so satlsfacV.
His name hss gone before the Bundesrath
for confirmation. If he Is Immediately con
firmed he will sail on Prince Wllhelm, leav
Ing Bremen November 4. for New York,
and In this case he will return to Germany
before Christmas snd begin to arrange for
the exhibits.
The cabinet will suggest a vote of $500,000
to defray the expenses of the German offi
cial exhibits at the fair.
The government quite expects the agra
rians to object to this appropriation, and
as it will have to deal with a hostile ma
jority, 1500.000 seemed the most desirable
amount, but It may be diminished In ths
final revision of the budget before it Is sub
mitted to the Reichstag at the end ot No
vember. Mr. Crldler. the former third assistant
secretary of state In the United States, and
C. W.' Kohlsaat have arrived here. The
embassy will ask that Mr. Crldler be
granted an audience with the emperor.
VIENNA, Oct. 30. The ministry proposes
shortly to summon a conference of repre
sentatives of the Austrian chambers of
commerce to discuss the question ot an
Austrian exhibit at tbe St. Louis exposition.
Whether It Will Be Done with Mer
chandise or Gold N Oae
Can Telt
LONDON, Oct. 30. "There Is undoubt
edly a strong movement toward paying oft
the American Indebtedness In London, but,
whether It can be done with foodstuffs' and
merchandise, or whether it will necessi
tate the Importation of gold the best posted
man In tbe world could not tell at the
present moment."
This Is the opinion of the bead of the
best known Anglo-American bank In Lon
don, who, discussing the financial situation
with a representative of ths Associated
Press, added:
Of course, bringing gold from New York
at this time of the year would not be a
normal course of things, but the controlling
fnctor In the xltuation is the amount of
New York's debt to London, and that no
one could estimate without going through
every bill box In London, and also ascer
taining the actual amount of stocks held
on the Stock exchange for American com
mittment. There Is no special reason, so far as I
am aware, why a large amount of gold
should be wanted here now. No large na
tional loans aie Impending or anything of
that "sort, but on the other hand, there
Is so much money tied up in profitless In
vestments that really It Is a hard job to
get rash to pay the butcher's bill.
Take South Africa, where they have shot
away about t5u0.oii0.ono. That makes a big
hole In the nation's savings. Then the
list of South African securities on the
Stork exchange represents about l.Suo,
000. 00O tied up In stock that does not aver
age a half per cent dividend. Consequently
ready money Is scare.
I here Is no marae.i nere now lor anyimng
and nobody Is buying for Investment, but
whether It will come to taking gold from
America. I am quite sure nobody is yet In
a position to say.
Complains that Ignorance la Esglasd
Forces Foreign Appeals for
Aid to Boers.
LONDON, Oct. 80. The Contemporary Re
view publishes an article by General Botha,
In which he insists upon the loyslty of the
Boer leaders to Great Britain. He expresses
regret that the language of some of their
continental appeals hss been misinterpreted
and reiterates his fervent desire to co
operate with tbe British government in
smoothing over the effects of the war.
General Botha says' It. is humiliating to
have to appeal to foreigners for funds to
aid his countrymen and be believes if Eng
lishmen realized the pitiable conditions of
their vanquished foes thers would be no
need to make appeals tor help.
In conclusion, be urges a complete am
nesty, which would remove the most potent
cause of estrangements between Britons
and Boers..
Jio Fnrthcr Movement to Be Made
Until British Force Is Mask
ADEN, Arabia. Oct. 30. Colonel Swayne.
tbe British commissioner in Somaliland, has
reached Berbera In safety. His wounded
are doing well. No -further movement of
the British troops against the Mad Mullah
will be mads until a large force Is col
lected, which will be about two months
There Is no doubt that the Somaliland
levies showed the white feather in ths re
cent fighting with the Mullah's followers.
Colonel Cobbe Is In command at Bohotle,
Somaliland, where the guns have arrived.
The garrison there Is not threatened.
City Likely to Be Bombarded and
Fears Expressed for Safety
of Europeans.
PORT OF SPAIN, Island ot Trinidad. Oct.
SO. The Veneiuelan transport Ossan, tow-
i Ing a schooner loaded with troops. Is pro
. ceedlng hence towsrd ths Orinoco river.
It Is believed here that the vessels will
1 there meet the Veneiuelan war ships Boll
' vsr, Restaurador and Zumbador and that
'. they will renew the bombardment of the
I city cl Bolivar, where there are a number
; ot Europeans, for whoss safety great fears
j are expressed.
Haytlaa Government Throws Them la
Jail. Where Food la
PORT AU PRINCE. Haytl, Oct. 30. Forty
i followers of General Plrmln, tbe revolu
I tionary leader, and five members ef tbe
Chamber of Deputies who were left with
out means of support by him at Mathrew
town, Inagua Island, Bahamas, have re
turned to Port Au Prince.
With the exception of the deputies they
were all Imprisoned.
British Cable la tempi etc.
VANCOUVER. B. C, Oct. 30. Ths laying
ot the cable from British Columbia to Aus
tralia will be completed tomorrow. But a
series ot tests lasting three weeks will be
made before tbe cable la taken over from
ths contractors.
Council Bluffs Mai Talks of Condition!
Prevailing in BraziL
Coming; Report ot Adjntant General
... Corbln Will Recommend the Re
v . Establishment ef the
- Army t'nnteen.
(From a Stsff Correspondent.)
WASHINGTON. Oct. 30. (Special Tele
gram.) Thomas C. Dswson, secretary of
the American legation to Brazil, accom
panied by his wife, arrived In Washington
today. Mr. Dawson stopped In Washington
to pay his respects to Secretary Hay, and
Intends to leave for his former home. Coun
cil Bluffs, tomorrow.
"I have sixty days' leave of absence,";
said Mr. Dawson, "and really my chief aim f
at present Is to get home to cast my vots.
I have been away from borne, off and on, for
many years, but have generally managed
to teturn at least every few years to ex
ercise my right of franchise In my home
Mr. Dawson came from Brazil by way
of Cherbourg, France. "There is an Eng
lish line." he said, "running direct from
Rio to New York, but accommodations are
inferior and there have been accidents and
delays Innumerable. Therefore I preferred
what seemed the longer route via Cher
bourg, thence to New York by the Ameri
can line. I hope that ere long the circuit
by way of Europe will not be necessary
and that we will have direct communication
with South America under American man
agement." Mr. Dawson only beard of the transfer
ot Minister Brysn to Switzerland and the
appointment of Mr. Thompson to Rio on bis
arrival in France. As to this change Mr.
Dawson said: "The transfer was a complete
surprise to Mr. Bryan. He has been anx
ious to secure an European post for somo
time and I am sure he is grateful at be
ing named to such a delightful place as
Berne. He has well earned the change by
bis four years' bard and exacting work In
Brazil. Mr. Thompson will find many
friends already made for him and will be
warmly welcomed by the Brazilian govern
ment and people.
"There are great business opportunities
In Brazil," concluded Mr. Dawson, "rubber
forests, coffee plantations, corn lands, elec
tric power installations, mines, etc., and
people there will welcome American capi
tal and enterprise when tbey begin to be
turned toward foreign countries. Careful,
Intelligent Insight Into commercial relations
of North and South America will be vastly
helpful to both countries."
Corbln Favors the Canteen.
The annual report of Adjutant General
Corbln, to b made public shortly, contains
a strong recommendstion for the re-establishment
of the army canteen. Special at
tention is called to the reports of general
officers of the army on the effect of the
present system on the her'th and morals
of soldiers. These reports all Indicate an
increased number Of desertions snd that
mors men have been tried for drankenoess
Ir. tbe absence of the can tea -than when
It was la extstencs. General Corhtn there;
fore urges the re-establlnhment ot tbe can
teen. Assistant Land Commissioner Richards
returned today from a vacation spent In
Wyoming. He reports the western states
generally In a flourishing condition snd
predicts a general republican victory at
the approaching election. People generally
support the republican administration in
view of the prevailing prosperity.
F. H. Newell, chief hydrographer of the
geological survey, has returned from the
west, where he went to select sites for
irrigation reservoirs. He will submit his
selections to the secretary of the Interior
and if they meet the secretary's approval j
the sites will In all probability be utilized I
at once. Among the sites selected are '
the following: One on Big Horn river, Wy
oming; Sweetwater, Wyoming; Grand river
and Gunnison river, Colorado.
Cashier of Equitable Life Charged
with Embeaalement Says He
Lent Money.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30. Cornelius T.
Griffiths, acting cashier of the District of
Columbia and Maryland branch of the
Equitable Lite Assurance compsny and un
til three weeks ago cashier In full charge
of the local office, was arrested tonight,
accused of embezzling $4,600. The arrest
was made on complaint of Joseph Rowes,
cashier of the Baltimore brsnch ot the
company. Griffiths said of the accusation
"It waa not really an embezzlement. I
loaned the mouey to agents ot tbs com
pany who needed funds. They want to go
back on me and did not make good when
tbey said they woujd."
Samonn Award Reaches Washington,
bat Says Kothlng as to
WASHINGTON. Oct. 30. The full text ot
tho decision of King Oscar in the Samoan
case haa reached Washington.
As indicated In the cable advices, the de
cision is adverse to the contention of the
United Statea and Great Britain, that their
sailors were properly used to repress the
The judgment Is on ths one point of re
sponsibility, but the arbitrator has not yet
fixed ths amount of ths money liability,
which must cow be determined by blm.
Snflerlng from Typhoid She Persists
as Christian Scientist la He.
fnaing Medical Aid.
WASHINGTON, Oct. 80. Miss Louise
Hoge, tbe daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. James
Holmes Hoge of Evanston, III., has been
111 with typhoid fever for some days.
Ths Hoge family are Christian Scientists
and, despite the wishes of the family sbs
was visiting, she declined to call la a
Yellow Fevef Places Montgomery
Under Yellow Flag at
Porte Rico.
WASHINGTON. Oct. 30. The Navy de
partment has been notified that the cruiser
Montgomery is In quarantine at San Juan,
Porto Rico. It has just returned front a
visit to Colombia and a &se of yellow tsvar
baa appeared aiuoug ths crew.
Man Implicated Makes Complete Con
feaslon ef His Pnrtj In Chicago
Tas Franks.
.CHICAGO, Oct.' 30. Ths Dally News
ssys: To Stste's Attorney Deenen and bis
uncle. Police Inspector Wheeler, Luke
Wheeler, the convicted tax Oxer, hss re
vested In all its ramifications the gigantic
plot that collapsed with (he discovery of
tbe Masonic Temple tax frauds.
Tomorrow, unless the present program Is
charged. Wheeler will go before the grand
jury and in a formal declaration, under
oath, reiterate the statements msde to the
Wheeler's confession places him in a new
light and If accepted literally removes from
him the stigma of the ihargs of building
up a defense with tbe tombstones of tbe
dead. The consplrscy, or rather tbe series
ot conspiracies, drove two men to suicide,
according to the confession.
.According to Wheeler, the Masonlo Tem
ple fraud wss merely Incidental to an ex
tensive series of operations, reaching back
into the past aud made possible through lax
methods, coupled with a desire on the
part of the responsible prominent business
houses to evade taxation. -
Moreover, according to Wheeler's declar
ation, the promissory notes be was placed
on trial for forging were bona tide and legiti
mate paper. He said that a public official
at Springfield sought to blackmail the
clique, threatened exposure and prosecution
against one in particular and worried blm
Into ending his life. Tbe Second suicide
involved in the case was due. Wheeler
ssys, to fear that the fugitive (Wheeler)
would confess when be was brought back
from Canada. -
Chicago Live Stock Exchange Claims
Interstate Commerce Orders
Are Disregarded.
CHICAGO, Oct. 80. Subpoenas were
served today -for a beariag before tbe In
terstate Commerce commission in Chicago
on November 6. Ths complaint Is made by
the Chicago Live Stock exchange to the ef
fect that orders msde by tbe Commission
are being violated by the western roads
and thst cattle Interests are being dis
criminated gainst In the matter ef trade.
Tbe following were summoned to appear
and testify: '
E. B. Boyd of the Rock Island, M. C
Markham of the Illinois Central, Darius
Miller of the Burlington and J. V. Ma-
honey, chairman of the western trunk line
committee. One or two others will be
served as soon as they return to the city.
Indications point to a determined strug
gle, between western railroads and ths com
mission, and it Is stated th,t It the com
mission reaffirms Its former ruling regard
ing rates on the raw material tbe matter
will be taken to the supremt court for de
cision. In 1896 the commission ruled that the
rates on tbe raw material vhould not be
higher than rates on the flnl ihsd product.
This ruling is being violated with respoct
to cattle from Missouri e Vt points to
Chicago. The rate on cat la 4s 23 cents,
while ihe rata nn dressed (r -it and nark
ing house products Is 20 ceUf 4 TbeTtrowble
was started by tho Great Western, which
reduced rates on packing house products
from Missouri river points to 18H cents
and 20 cents.
Opinion of Brooklyn Police Concern
Inn; Man Who Confesses that
He Is m Murderer.
NEW YORK, Oct. 30. William C. John
son, who gave himself up to tbe Brooklyn
authorities last night, declaring that he was
the slayer ot Albert C. Latimer, who was
shot at his home In July lsst, was ques
tioned today by tbe police.
He told what purported to be a story of
the killing of Latimer, Implicating a man
named Walsh, a stranger whom he said be
met In New York. He could not tell v. hers
Walsh was.
He was remanded till November 7 to give
the police time to look him up.
Johnson, when asked to describe the
shoes, lantern and cap found on the Lati
mer premises following the shooting, tailed
to do so.
At the close of the prisoner's examina
tion Detective Captain James Reynolds said
to him that he was either crazy or a liar.
Johnson told tbe police be lived at 464
North Eighth street, Philadelphia.
PHILADELPHIA, Oct. 80. Nothing Is
known In this city of William C. Johnson,
who surrendered to the Brooklyn police,
stating that he bad killed Albert C. Lati
mer In Brooklyn on July 2. The address
given by Johnson. 464 North Eighth street,
is a stable and has been tor several years.
No person by the name of Johnson is known
In tbe neighborhood.
Fight of Gates and Others for Control
f Colorado Fnel and Iron
ST. PAUL, Minn., Oct. 80. Judge D. C.
Beaman and A. N. Stevenson, attorneys ot
the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, ap
peared before Judge Sanborn In the United
States court of appeals in this city today
and prsyed for - an appeal from the order
of Judge Caldwell, who. In ths United Ststes
circuit court at Denver, October 2, 1903,
appointed a master-ln-cbancery to conduct
and supervise the election of officers for
the Colorado Fuel and Iron company to de
termine who had a right to vote.
C. N. Waterman of Denver opposed the
application. The bearing was adjourned
until tomorrow awaiting ths arrival from
New York ot W. B. Hornblower. who will
join with Mr. Waterman In opposing the
The appeal is ths result of the controversy
between John W. Gates and his associates
and the officials, directors and other stock
holders for control of ths fuel company.
Twe Unknown Tramps Also Meet
Deatk la Aecldent on the
Monen Rente.
OXFORD, O., Oct. 30. The express tor
Chicago over the Cincinnati, Hamilton ft
Daytoa and the Monon routes, collided with
two runaway freight cars here last night,
wrecking the engine, baggage car and mall
Engineer Edward Conn and two unknown
tramps were killed. The wrecked cars were
burned. None of the passenger coaches left
ths track and none of the sixty passengers
were hurt, although all were badly shaken.
Tbs freight cars were detached from a
train that took the siding here to allow the
Chicago express to pass, and bad gained
terrific speed when tbey Struck the ps
ssagsr train.
Gigantio Merger with Hundred Million
Capital is Now Afoot
Afterward game Firms Will Amalga
mate Yards la Omaha, Kansns
City, Chicago, St. Joseph, St.
Loals and Elsewhere.
CHICAGO, Oct. 3L The Record-Herald
tomorrow will say: Two big consolida
tions are planned by beef Interests. The
packers will combine first, and then effect
a merger of all the stock yards In the
With the exception of the Chlcsgo stock
yards, which are controlled In Boston, all
the properties Involved are owned and con
trolled by the owners of the principal beef
packing Interests.
The different yards that will probably be
included In the deal; aside from the Chi
cago yards, are those at South Omaha,
Kansas City, Esst St. Louis, St. Joseph,
Fort Worth and Sioux City.
The Armour Interest Is probsbly the larg
est In the Kansas City yards. Ths Armours,
Swift and Morris control the East St. Louis
yards, the Swifts own the St. Joseph yards,
the Armours and Swifts own the Fort
Worth yards, the Armours, Swifts and
Cudahys control tbe Omaha yards and the
Swifts control at Sioux City.
While the control of the Chicago yards
Is held In Boston, the Chlcsgo packers have
large holdings of tbe stock also and their
recommendations would undoubtedly have
great weight with the eastern capitalists.
The plan for consolidating the various
stock yards bss not progressed as yet to
a point where the amount of stock required
lias been more than discussed. It would
undoubtedly run well to $100,000,000, ex
clusive of tbe amount required for the
packing companies' combination, which Is
said to be $500,000,000.
Ventnre Is In Western Pennsylvania
and Ontpnt Expected te Reach
120,000 Tons Dally.
PITTSBURG, Oct. 30. Work had just
been started on a most Important mining
venture In western Pensylvanla.
Guffey and Queen, the well known oil
producers, associated with the old Car
negie Steel company Interests, have formed
the Great Lakes Coal company, with
$5,000,000 capital, have acquired 25.000
acres ot coal near Brady's Bend, have be
gun the opening of ten large mines and
will open five more, giving them a Cally
output of 120,000 tons.
It is the Intention of the company to
enter aggressively In the Great Lakes coal
trade during the coming spring and prepa
rations have already been made to stock
the cosl In the coming spring and ship
It at the opening of navigation to Con
neaut harbor over the Pittsburg, Bessemer
ft Lake Erie railroad.
Over 1.000 men have been pat to work
constructing- eighteen ' miles of what will
be a fifty-mile line; from Red Bank to
New Castle, thoroughly opening ths mon
ster trsct. It Is the expectstirtn that this
road, known as ths Western Allegheny,
will become an Important link In the
Pennsylvania system to relieve the freight
congestion of tbe Pittsburg district.
Manila Newspaper Sued for Saying
He Tried to Steal Pnhlle
MANILA, Oct. 30. Libel proceedings have
been Instituted against the Llbertas, a
Spanish newspaper published In Manila, on
account of an article attacking General J.
Franklin Bell and bis plan of aiding the
people of Batangas and La Guna, Luzon,
and of tbe Island of Mlndoro.
This plan was put Into effect after the
cessation of hostilities. It consisted of
selling rice and supplying seeds and farm
Implements and resulted In profits amount
ing to $28,000.
The residents of all the towns In Ba
tangas petitioned General Bell to take steps
to have his plan of aid continued. General
Bell thereupon decided to place the $28,000
in bis possession In the bands of the com
mission and it will be expended among th9
people whence it wss derived.
After this transfer of funds bad been mads
Llbertas published an article charging Gen
eral Bell with an attempt to stesl this fund
and take It with him to the United States,
but saying the commission bsd forced him
to surrender the money.
Twenty Million Dollars Capital Al
lowed to Malleable Fen a dries'
SHARON, Pa., Oct 80. A combine of
malleable Iron plants has been formed.
The National Malleable Casting company,
owning plants at Sharon, Toledo, Cleveland
and Indianapolis and Chicago, refused to
enter, with two other concerns.
The capital of the new concern Is placed
at $20,000,000. The firms Involved are:
Pratt ft Helaworth. Buffalo. N. Y.; Mich
igan Malleable Iron company, Detroit,
Mich.; Whlteley Malleable Iron company,
Muncle, Ind.; Chicago Malleable Casting
company. West Pullman, 111.; Mollne Mal
leable Iron company, St. Charles, 111.
It Is stated that Judge Gary and Max
Pam of New York are the promoters.
Makers Combine te Form Association
and Enter Into Gentlemen's
PITTSBURG. Pa.. Oct. 80. Ths Independ
ent chain manufacturers of western Penn
sylvania, Ohio and some points In ths
west bave formed the Chain Manufactur
ers' association, for ths purpose of main
taining prices, snd bave adopted a "gen
tlemen's agreement."
An arrangement with regard to prices
will also be made with the Standard Chain
Evanston Pnplla Are Sent Heme to
Escape Ravages of Dread
CHICAGO, Oct. 30. Twenty-four esses of
smallpox have been discovered among the
pupils of St. Nicholas German Catholic
school of Evanston.
Tbs school was closed today by tbs Board
t Health.
Forecast for Nebraska Fair Trlday and
Temperatare at Omaha Yesterd
Hnnr. Deg. Honr, Drg.
B a. m ...... 4)1 1 p. m H3
fl a. m 4H B p. m '
T n. m ...... 4.1 R p. ra ...... K1
a. m 43 4 p. m...... ;
a. m 4 R p. m...... a
lo a. an 4) fl p. ni nu
It a. in...... lit T p. m Bl
ia m MO M p. m M
9 p. m. . . , , . B4
W. J. Heater and Victor Rosewater
Will Act with Taa Commis
sioner Fleming.
At a special meeting held at B o'clock
yesterday afternoon the city council unani
mously approved Mayor Moores appoint
ment of William J. Hunter and Victor
Rosewater as members ot the Board of
Review. William J. Hunter is the well
known grocer wbosi place of bucdneas Is on
North Twenty-fourth street, while Victor
Roseaater Is on the editorial staff ot Ths
The two members of ths Board ot Re
view named by the mayor will act with
the tax commissioner In adjusting tbe cur
rent tax levy on real and personal property.
Tax Commissioner Fleming has said that hs
hss material In his hsnds whereby tbe taa
lists may be Increased by millions ot dol
lars If the board Is so disposed.
The schedules to be returned by the four
franchise corporations tbe gas, street rail
way, telephone and water works companies
and the banks were sent out on Friday
last with the request that they be re
turned within ten days, which would make
them due on November 8, and the limit ot
time for tbe completion of the assessment
Is November 14. Thus far the work has
progressed well, and Mr. Fleming stated
yesterday that he expected the greater por
tion of It would be finished within a few
Burt Murray was appointed supervisor
of registration In tbe Sixth district of the
Ninth ward to serve In place of H. E. Bell,
who Is by reason of Illness unable to serve.
Minneapolis Fire Canses Heavy Dam
nge and Harts Half Doits
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 30 Six firemen
were injured at midnight in a blaze tbat
entailed a damage estimated at $250,000.
The six-story building occupied by the
Minneapolis Paper company and owned by
J. C. Oswald ft Co. was gutted. The stock,
valued at $200,000, was insured.
Captain George Smith was leading t
squad of meu up a ladder on an adjoining
structure on First avenue, when the ladder
broke, precipitating six men to the ground.
Captain Smith suffered internal injuries
that may prove fatal. Firemen George
Cheney and Frank Hessik were also badly
hurt. '
The other three firemen were able to
reach ths hospital without assistance.
Several adjoining buildings were Ignited,
but the efforts of the department succeeded
in practically confining the damage to tbe
J. C. Oswald ft Co. building.
MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 31. Tbe stock ot
H. F. Strall ft Co., coffee, tea and spice
importers, wss destroyed. The loss ot this
firm Is estimated at $20,000.
The fire department now puts tbe total
damage at less than $200,000.
Debtor la Jail on'Morder Charge and
Wants Authorities to Pay
NEW YORK, Oct. 30. (Special Tele
gram.) Deputy Assistant District Attorney
Pechner said today that George Oheni ot
Omaha had complained to blm that he
loaned Louis Dlsbrow, Indicted on a charge
of murdering Miss Lawrencs and Bert Fos
ter, $1,300 five months ago on Dlsbrow's
declaration that he was the son ot wealthy
parents and that be could repay blm.
Ohem bad never been paid and he asked
Mr. Pscbner what could be done for him.
! He was referred to the Queens county au
:' thorltles. Ohem ssys that the authorities
were responsible for the debt, but refuses
to state on what grounds he bases bis
claim. Ths ehsnces are that his money is
Doable Divorce and Refasal to Wed
Leads te Murder and
PUEBLO, Colo.. Oct. 80. Frederick Rob
erts, owner of a foundry at Sslt Lake City,
shot and fatally wounded Mrs. Charles A.
Cooper at a lodging house In this city
shortly before noon and afterward com
mitted suicide.
The cause of the tragedy Is said to have
been Mrs. Cooper's refusal to marry Rob
erts. Mrs. Cooper wss recently divorced
from Charles E. Cooper, now of Wyoming.
She wss named as co-respondent In a
divorce suit brought at Sslt Lake City about
a year ago by Mrs. Roberts, but this chsrge
was subsequently withdrawn and Mrs. Rob
erts obtslned a dlvorcs on the ground of
cruelty and desertion.
Lansing College Boys Accept Offer
of Faealty to Retry
. Case.
LANSING. Mich., Oct 80. A mass meet
Ing of the striking Michigan Agricultural
college students wss bsld today, at which a
proposition by ths fsculty to end the dis
pute was accepted.
Tbe proposition suggested thst ths stu
dents resums class work and a new commit
tee of the faculty rehear their grievances,
snd that students bave Ihe right of appeal
to the State Board of Agriculture.
Movements of Oress Vessels Oct. .to.
At New York Arrived : Patricia, fiom
Hamburg, Boulogne and Plymouth: An
chorta. from Glasgow. Bailed: La Bavole,
for Havre; Laurentlan, for Glasgow.
At Liverpool Arrived: Iie!genland, from
Philadelphia. Bal ed: Buenos Ayres, Brit
ish. Kaslawsy, for 8t Johrs and Phila
delphia; Merlch, loi- Boston via Queens,
At Queenstown Sailed: Westerland, for
Philadelphia; Tensonlc. for New York.
At Plymouth Arrived: Columbia, from
New York
At Hamburg Arrived: Graf Waldersee,
from New York. .
At St. Vincent Passed: Abydos Tacoma,
for Hamburg
At Hamburg Balled: Glympla, for Ta
cuma. At Havre Arrived: La Touralne, from
New York.
At Southampton Arrived: Bouthwark,
from New York; bt. Louis, from New York.
Guatemala Mountain May lepaat Mont
Feiee i Famous Horror,
Flames and Deadly Gaei Eat Up All
Around Burning Voloano.
Even ia Caiital Detonations Are Heard and
Great Ezoitement Frerails.
Sand and Ashes Blot Oat Bashes So
that Third ef Crop Is Already De
stroyed and Maeh ef Rest
BAN FRANCISCO, Oct. $0. The entire
coffee sons of Guatemala has been destroyed
by the flames and smoke from Santa Maria's
blsttng mouth. Eruptions threaten the de
struction ot every living thing within resah
of the fumes and fire that pours from ths
burning mountain.
Messrs. Castls Bros, are the authority
for the above fearful report. They are
coffee Importers, who have their own plan
tation In the volcanle district, who becom
ing alarmed at newspaper reports of dis
turbances In Guatemala cabled tor Informa
tion. Louis Hlrsch, g representative of the
firm, said today:
"Last Monday I wired our representstlves
In Guatemala, asking tor news ot the erup
tion of Santa Maria and last night I re
ceived In reply this cablegram:
" 'It Is true. Enormous losses. Horrible
volcanic eruption.
'Coffee sons destroyed.
" Our lives are In danger.
" 'Further reports will follow.
"The coffee districts referred to," ex
plained Mr. Hlrsch, "are the Costa Cues
and Costa Grands. They are the finest
plantations In the country. It the coffee
district is destroyed, as the cable seems to
Indicate, one-third of tbe crop It ' most
likely Involved.
"This volcano, Santa Maria, Is locsted be
tween Retalhulen and Quezaltenango. The
towns In the neighborhood most likely to be
destroyed are San Fellp, Mazaltenango and
Quezaltenango. Tbe volcano has been deed
or sleeping for many years.
"I was In the district lost April, at tbs
time when earthquakes rscked the coun
try, but no volcanic eruptions occurred or
seemed likely then." '
WASHINGTON, Oct 80. A cablegram
was received st the State department today
from Consul General McNally. He reports
that the eruption of the volcano at Santa
Maria, adjoining Quezaltenango, contlnu s.
The olty Is covered with six inches of vol
canic matter; rich coffee plantations on
ths coast side are burled tinder seven feet
of sand and ashes from the volcano, and
detonations ,frora the . eruption were, beard,
in the capital.
There have been frequent esrthduskes
and another eruption la reported In the De
partment ot Tombador. Much excitement
Soafrlere May Erapt Again.
KINGSTOWN. St. Vincent, B. W. I., Oct.
30. Henry Powell, curator of the govern
ment botanical station here; t. P. QUlnton
of the British botanical station In Sierra
Leone and E. W. Foster ot the botanical
station at Lagos, accompanied by guides,
visited the Soufrlere volcano on October 28
and spent an hour and a half on the sum
mit. ,
Tbe party found the crater In activity.
It was emitting volumes of steam and
throwing up numerous cones of ashes from
the fissure close under the Southern wall to
a height of forty feet, bdrifag the last half
hour the crater became Violent, ' '
Mr. Powell, who from bit' frequent visits.
Is well acquainted with tbe features of the
mountain, Is satisfied that the new crater
shows no sign of having been In eruption.
The old crater ia now deepest in Its center.
Voksnic ejections almost red bot and
' smoking profusely bave been heaped up
, around the interior walls of the crater to
' height of several hundred feet. The rim
i ot the crater Is considerably wider than It
, was and the depression on the westers rim
i has been much lowered.- In the center is
I a caldron of boiling water and closs under
the southern wall Is located tbe fissure
from which large volumes ot steam and
ashes are seen to emerge. Ths steam and
ashes follow the trend ot the depression
under the southeastern wall and gaining
the summit of tbe volcano are blown to
the westward, thus giving the appearance
of having come from the new crater.
The configuration ot the mountain bas
been considerable altered.
The sea Is still encroaching on the land
at tbe Walllbou estate. The Walllbou
river I dry at its mouth, but far Inland it
is running with fair volume In the small
channels. There wss slight eruption of
tbe Soufrlere the night of October 28, when
! loud groaning noises were beard and a cloud
: of dark vapor waa thrown out. Tbess dls
i turbances hsve continued and are causing
' much excitement at Georgetown, where
' earth tremors are continually felt.
' From the aDoearance of the volcano an
other eruption of a serious nature can be
The administrator of tbe St. Vincent dis
trict visited ths Georgetown district on Oc
tober 14. He advised ths governor of the
Windward Islands that It Is advisable te
permanently locate the people of the dis
turbed part ot tho Island at North Union,
which is at a distance from tbe volcano.
lajarea Spine In Practice Game aad
Is Now Inmnte of aa
PANA, III.. Oct. SO. A a a result of a
game of foot ball several weeks ago, Ar
thur Ham, a bigb school 'student and son
of Prof. L. B. Ham ot the high school, baa
gone violently insane and was today trans
ferred to an asylum In St. Louis.
Several weeks ago, while engsgsd ta a
practice game, be Injured bis spine.
Man and Woman Married Within Two
Honrs of Divorcing Other
OTTUMWA. Ia.. Oct. 30 Within twe
hours after aecuring a divorce from hie
Insane wife, James Dunning today married
Mrs. Zelpha Eyre.
A few hours previously ahs bad secured
a legal separation from aa Insane ausbane.