Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1902, Page 9, Image 9
7' ,4 1 c THE OMAHA DAILY BEE: THUKSDAV, OCTOHKK HQ. 1902. SPECIAL NOTICES tll Ukr aatll IS as. Teniae) ealtlan and 411 :SO SB. fa aanraln- "ondnr "' DatM, 1 l-3 ward Seat Insertion, . a ward thereafter. Rathlnc take far less tkaa for tha drat taar ttaa. Tktit advertisements aaast ha ran eaaaeentlvely'. AiTirtUrri, ky reoaastlagr tiered rhrrk, can ha nnewara ad 4reaed ta nnaaberad letter la aara f Tka Pre. Answer aa rM4 will W delivered as resatatl al tka kMk only. VANTED MALB HELP. UirflTUKG denudes wanted: men or wom'n; aplt-nnid contract. Thi Garden . era, 411 Dee Bldg. . B .IS WANT FT), young man Btenographer; give references, age ana expeeteu saiary. iu dress K as, bee. B M333 WANTED, r hosiery and underwear man for atniee ut r-ebrasaa Box 292, Marlon, lnd. nrt Iowa. B-M450 WANTED. for V. B. arms-, able-bodied un married men between agea of 21 and 35, tltiiens of united Biates, 01 gooa cnar acier and temperate habits, who can apeak, read and write English. For In for inftUon apply to Recruiting Ofllceis, lbth ana Dodge Sts., Omaha, and pMtQtllca building, Llncoin, rscb. uV6i GOOD messengers wanted; high salari. A. u. l. CO., in bo. utn bi. . o-i "' SALESMEN! Tha Ilawkk Nursery Company, Wauwalosa, Wis. ' B M7I N WANTED, competent stenographer; man fn miliar With shipping business preferred Address A. 6f, wee. u-mkb WANTED, boy to take cars of furnace nnd cow.. i is. ztn Ave. a 114 for rent Horr. FOR BENT Dvtarhed house seven tftorns and biuh, 2116 California M.: low rent. Innulro F. N. Clark, J. lw.Urar.de1a Son bank. D M4C1 COMPLETELY fumlehed modern 7-room house, l2 Spencer st.reel, . nil ios orth 24th bt. .-. D 206 r FIVE-ROOM cottage; 2549 Rec street. D-i;6- FOR BALK MISCELLANEOUS. FENCE LATH for quick shipment, cr.b blng, combination ladder. M lougls. FOR BALE, phonographs, superior to any other musical Instrument. $u up. The Wittmann Co..' lea rarnam. fi 10-ROOM brick, furnace. ge, bath, laundry. not basement plan. SWil capnoi ave., aa Joining. O M2Li 31 FOR RENT, fufnlshed elfiht-room house. modern, near Hlsh scnooi; win isse room and board In exchange, for rent; refer ences exchanged. Aduress N 4, Bee. D 194 FOR RENT, H-room modern house, two bath rooms, two furnaces sna nam; ju-t suited for a private hospital; moderate rent. Brennan-Love Co., a 13th at. D M352 SI 7-ROOM modern cottage. ,F, D. Brown. D til Nl 10-ROOM house for rent, 1 Davenport. modern and In good condition. , ti.ara Bros., 1410 Douglas. D-iM 30 NIPB g-room house, with furnace, a us mantle In front room, newly papered and painted. In nrst-rlass condition and good neighborhood, $14. . . Nice J-room house, comer Jot, gas, city water, good neighborhood, xio. A nice It-room house at fcth and ChlcaJro Bt 6-room cottage, all furnished, new furniture nnd all modern Improvements, $a per month. ; Bl.tXi- A ItOVOREN, 43-7 Taxton Block, Omaha. D 446 30 t-ROOM. modern, good repair,, on So. S2J Ave. 'Fhona 628. D 91ft WANTED, active, educated men In central 1 western states; fixed weekly salary or definite time guaranty; give age, experi ence, references. loddr Mead in Co., Chi cago, ' . B-MIl 2 $'J8 "08 B. lth, lint, 2d floor, modem. 7 rooms fit f7ul Wooiworth, I rooms, moaern, fur nsce. . . , riH ft. Kid. 7 rooms, modern. t2bKiM Capliol ave., a rooms, modern, fur- ace. 174204 Hamilton St., 6 rooms, city water, We have others. Call and get list. . R. C. PETERS at t'O.. Ground Floor, Bee Bldg. 1 D M9S TOUNO man tot work around college for tuition, any department. An opportunity, inquire Nebraska liusineaa College, Boyd " Theater. B N-i WANTED, young men td learn barber trade; all advantar until competent, without limit to flme: .steady practice; expert Instructions eplenuld facilities; established in 1S93; hundreds of graduates to recommend our system; call or write. - Moler Barber College, Uui Douglas St. ; r, J u tum a WANTED Tou to write us If you have kidney troubles, and we will let you know ..all abouts-our, remedies, and It costs you nothing TintlL cured; absolute cure or we .fonelt. i"V .Hlli Medical o., Omaha, WANTED. lnflrf for steady employment. (mo year';' 128 required. Call or write. C.l Lramell, V.U O st., Lincoln, Neb. ; . .. li 417 N2 BRICK cleaners, at Harris & Flsher'a old packing nousa. . - B 4al 31 WAHTEP,,cUtera repair- 1437 N. JOth. WANTriC, a ffrt-cls tiookkeeper; one t wno hu nao,J-xptrierice in nsnuium re 4 Stall accounts In larp dry goods store jecforijwrt; must be ,THpld. and accurate; .late rt prencea ana salary upciiieu. . dreea 7H i. Bee. .. " . B M00O i 'J. J. C6wt.EV, Elliott. la.4 wants a har- B M544 FOR REST FURNISHED ROOMS. DEWEY European hotel, 13th and Farnara tl PER WEEK 422 So. 18th Bt., one btoclt soutn oi court nouse. . AETNA MOUSE, European, 13th and Dodge KD1RON phonographs, $10. (CO and $; moulded records, k'C each or IS per dos. ; rew whee.s, lo up; 2dhand. $& up. omana Klrvrla I n ISth anrl I'hlrlio fts. Q-P42 NEW and secondhand . typewriters 1111 Farnam. 100 STYLES trusses; catalogue free. Sher man Mcconneil Drug -o., win anj Dodge. Omaha. 2DHAND Ml f cheap. Cerlght, 111 Farnam. INDIAN goods ana relics. 1110 FOR SALE, a pair of Imported Mexican nairiess eogs. Auartu w s, o-ra. ..... Q M917 OFFICE partition, glass pane. Phone .. 1' 1 OOOD antique oak wardrobe cheap. Inquire 1104 Maple. for saie 4J4M CHOICE milch cows, f Shetland ponle. a T. CamDbelL Center, pnone rit 1128. Q-T81 Nlu TRIBUNE BICYCLE, almost new, $10. at B. Wolf g loan oince, 1 jjougias si. 4 4it 30 CLAIRVOVA.ITS. MRS. FRITZ, clairvoyant, 1614 Cass 8L 8-444 MME OTLMER, genuine palmlat, 8. lft. hiLkLTHlVAL TKiJ,ATlE" T. MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 2d floor, n 2. A 3W no- MME.. AMES, vapor baths, 124 N. 15th. R. T, JUIW It M GRACE O'BRYAN of Ky., 720 8. Uth. T .i NIG PERSONAL. nu hoy rhlroDodlst: corns and sucerflu ous bail removed by eiectriclty. B, .li . Frenaer block. U -ajOltRY TO I.OAJi-H lTTEI.". MONET losned on pianos, furniture. Jew elry, norses, cows, eic. v-. r. kw, " MONEY iflMirt on furnlfure, live stocn. lewelrv. to ealsriea people, roiey i"" Co.. Sue to Duff Green. $ Barker block. X Ski Bl-in.l- CHA-4CE9. TO GET In or out of business call on Wil liams. Room 4U, Mccagiie ouimiiia. WHEN you want to buy, sell or exenange II. Johnson. 84$ N. Y. Life, Y M98 HOTEL furniture, rooms, good country town, aood bualneaa; iiw. J. ax. " N. Y. Life , . t . ...... ... 1 1 m ir,d & nusiness . fj.i , Wilson, wames at w.i Paxton Block. Y- FOR SALE-Flrst-class. good paying sa loon. Address b. Ae uuiy, ..-" " OATBOrATHf, OID. E. ft ALICE JOHNSON, osteopatha aulte Mi N. X. Life Bldg. let 1M4. 9S4 Mrs. Orsce Tlsdale Deegan. iZ Bee Bldg. Tel. ". posTOFFin: OTirr.. at foreign station half hour later than clos ing time shown below (except that supple- mcntnry malls for hurope and tcntrai Amnrlcs. via Colcn. closq one h"i:r Inter vt orclgn station. OM AHA ( OL1.KGK OF Ml SIC. OMAHA COLLEGE OF MUSIC and FINE ARTS, fatuity, twenty-two teachers. Terms and prospeclu, F. II. Wright, Ramge Bldg. 77 OJl SINGERS. First Presbyterian choir. Ap ply F. ii. Wright. 315 Hamge bldg. 434 Jfl MEDICAL. WANTED It you have rheumatism write to us and we will let you know ail about our remedy; we cure rheumatism In all forms and It cuMa you nothing till cured. Hill Meokal Co., Omaha, Keb. M219 $1 Bluffs. Y-M1W 30 FOR SALE, leading millinery an a business at rremoni, Z , at $2,601'. flxturea at tnoo! terms, one-naif cash and balance can "cd; Ad dress M. box 4. Fremont. Neb. M196J0 FOR SALE. Insurance, land ana. remi business, paying i,ow m y nia inwn. northeast Nebraska; good ol- Annretti ai di. urr. Y-283 J tlce and rerldcnce. NO REASONABLE offer rejected for furni ture 10-room brick flat; fine location, full roomers. J. H. Johnson, N. i. ijg, SHOE BTOOK, $3,600; clean, up to date fine astern Nebraska town, profltable busi ness: cash or improvea iunu. son, N. Y. Life. H. John- Y HOTEL, furniture, B0 rooms, modern, tine location, city, paying; price reasonable J. H. JohnBon, N. Y. Life. Y MJ87 mtnviTiTun a vn I'NDERTAKlNd. unio- stnek. aood bui-lncss, Ne- ,..1,. mniMM sood eastern Ne braska land: submit offer. J. H. Johnson, N. Y. Life. Y-Mi) FOR BALK Grocery store located down town, doing good business; owner has best reason for veiling; no reasonable offer re fused. Address N 19, Bee. y-M4.n r SALOON and restaurant. Johnson Co., 314 8. 15th. A snap. L. I Y-Mfc62 6 TWO nice, cool, furnished or unfurnished rooms. Za04 uavenport. - t.'Jit VIAVI. Woman way tov neaitn. noma treatn ent. uooaiei tree, tm ub Omaha. UW ROYAL HOTEL, European, 16th & Chicago tlAM GRAMOPHONES nnd supplies, wholesale and retail, coiuna riano to., io-i jjugms. HANDSOME steadheatcd room, tol Ave. 190J Capl E M1U6 FOR RENT, to gentleman, large, well fur nished front room, with alcove, steam heat, gas, bath, telephone, central, rea sonable 1623 Douglas. E 31 ptuvaTE sanitarium for ladies before and during connncmcm. ut. hiiu Gerlsch, 403 N. lath St., Omaha. U too 220 N. 17TH Si., neat iteamheated rooms. E M3S7 N $30 RCPTURE CURED FOR $30-No knife, no t)ain, no acieimuii iiwim uiiiuiBoti ti' for booklet, etc. EMPIRE RUPTURE CURE CO.. 932 N. V. Lite Bldg., Omaha. U Itol STEAMHEATED rooms, $10 per month. Barker hotel, 13th and Jones Bts. . E-M482 THREE rooms, light bo.usekeeplng, 1113 So, 11th kV. E-M758 FOR R3:NT. ' io gentleman or married couple, larins south front room or suite of rooms: newiy lurmanea moaern. inciuu tng telephone. 2216 Douglas st. E M21t ELEGANT furnished rooms In new home; not water neat; retcrences. 1010 vreoeier. E M2WM-1 - , esa maker at once. . , , . , . - J, WAVTEIJ, three carpenters" : $2.S0 a day f Address Jos. Shlealger, Contractor, Yutsn Neb. v B M544 X WANT man to fill position as general mechanic oa ft ranch, who haa had some r trailing as any. electrician ana is ao.e w - keoy la . order l spr.ivate. teephone line. AAiiresa N Zl. CM4 Umahevaiee. ,v ' . ?.. B MS43 80 WANTED, bookbinder, able to do all grades of ' werk. i. Bi Uuagertotd, Carroll, la. ... BM539 1 i ' ' ' " 1 ' ' " i l . - ' - - - - -- - L: SVERrrWHERB, tAvgelL lAtnbort Type writers! llouroa'A Co., tu t. wthvBt., 1 1 1 UI . .'Villi,', v .... i. , ., ... MVV., rates reasonable. Midland t)otel. 16th and nicago, a ji ELEGANTLY ' furnished rooms in new modern htme; not water neat; rererences, 1618 Webster. ,..,.5-rMtH Nl 1 FURNI8ED rooms. . 1819 Spencer. E 40$ FOR RENT, room In private family for renned gentleman, us b. win . BACK parlor suitable tor two gentlemen, choice location, lei, v-inna., rrna- rVRICISIIBO ROOMi AMD BOARD.' etaaha. 4a MERRIAM, comfortable Winter home. Tel 85 - wartedfemalb, help. . ldo Girls. Call Canadian offlca, ISth It. Dodge. ri; w ei H ' ' " . 1 'WANTED, good wares to a good cook; .none otner neea sppiy. w.t uarney. , C M765. FURNI8HED rooms, with or without . board, rates reaaonaDie. jmuiana nuiui, I6th and Chicago. w NEATLY furnished, well heated room. 80$ B. 20ln. vut oi- Pierce GIRL for- general housework, j street. v. - , WANTED, "working boufekeeper In family kI three adults. Aoaresa 4 u, oee. C 481 - VANTED. a good girl foi general house- work; no washing, $3 50 per week. - 1614 :N. 24tb 8L . . ,.. . . C-)l trnn PPKT t wh nine furnished bed rooms'. rith t h. iim nr nurmr. wiin or wunoui board; man and wife preferred; no other boarders, idusi b. lain bi. - FOR RENT, nicely furnished rooms, witn first-c ass table Doara: moaern. F2SI42, 2217 Howard. ' F Ma51 2 g ' VOR BENT STORES AMD OFFICES. WANTEU a cook. ' Farnam., Mrs. A. I Reea, 8620 C M421 mo uruT store, in flrat-class location nnt reasonauie. ADDiy n. v.. rtm Co., ground floor. Bee Bldg. . 1-26$ WANTED, i experienced girl for general housework three In family.' 123 North Thlrty-nrst avenue. C 161 i a ' WANTED. girl for general ' housework! good wages. . Mrs. Bimeral, 87$ N. 28th Ave. C 113 WANTED, woman to do family washing at her home near zrtn ana Leavenwortn. Ad dress N . Bee. C-2-2 ' GIRL for general housework, good wages. U17 Fopplelon ave. c ti r WANTED Good girl to assist In general housework; small family. Appiy tri a. 2Mb. St. C-M444 WANTED, an educated, neat girl, who la willing to assist in upstairs work. Mrs, ' ' J. L. Brandels, 2526 Dodge Bt. tj 447 Nl WANTED. flrst-claas girl for general housework; only two Hi lamuy; can morn- ' Ings. 313 N. sutn. . L-a)j i WANTED, atiddfe-sged woman to take management of home in family of five In South Dakota; must b rmttned, educated and capable of doing Itouaework; one ismlllur with country life preferred. Ad- lirmtx X 24. Bee. aivlna references. . C-M364 I ' LADY hair dressers, hair ventllaters and general .hair workers; only good reliable uersons. Address, at once, J. inuent i v . liua Muln at.. Kansas City. Mo. C M5411 con sunt ihi bulldlnr formerly occu . mv i n ii.n bi in i sriHtin . ha four stories and a basement which .. . iA,M.Hv tiMft as The Bee Dress room This will be. rented very reasonably. If annlv at once to C. C. Rose water, secretary, room aw, on uuhumi. CAPITAL secured to promote industrial, electrical, manufacturing and mining en i.mri.P. Willis Todd. 625 N. Y. Life Bldg., Omaha. Y-M542 30 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. .ROOM hcuse. No. 1508 N. 3nthSt good roimtr! muBt be sold: enibmlt offer, wm K. Potter, 808 Brown Block. RE 337 LADIES' Chichester's English Pennyroyal 1 ills are ihe best; safe; reliable. Take no other. Bend ,c. stamps, lor particular Kellet for Ladles - in letter by return mall. Ask your drugtiist. Chichester chemical Co., Phllaaeiimia. Pa. UAKUAGE. ANTI-MONOPOLY GARBAGE CO., clean.' ceaeuouia and vaults, removea gai-oage anu utad auimais at reuucea prices, o. . loth. Tel. Hi. 16 BICYCLES. PRICES are higher on bicycles for next year; get one now ana save ta per cun, i t lescner s, imt tainwi iavi;. fc.APfc.HT ACCwlNTANT. PRIVATE lessons In bookkeeping, etc, G. U. Rathoun, Room 15, Com I isat 1 hank. mv I'AHABMOKKItl. Loan OfTice. reliable. accommoUal lug; eli Duxiness cunnuuntlaL 13ul Dougia. Til'khT toUuKfiiHS. i-iiT RATE railroad tickets everywhere, H. Ii. Philbln. low Farnam. 'phone 74. THl.NKS ANU UAUUAUE. TWIN CITY EXP. 'Phone 1717. 60 8. 16th. LAIE hauls trunks. Tel. 780. DETECTIVK A4iKNCY. -93i CAPT. THOS. CORMICK, private detec tive, $17 Kaibach block. Tel. A2i2. RANCH and faim lands for sale by the Union Pacinc rxauronu nraipwij. d. . McAllester. land commissioner. Union Pa cillo Headquurters, Omaha, Neb. RE fill ALL kinds of carpenter work and repairing promptly atteiiaea to. J. . vtiimi:. flitn ami LKe streets. DR. JACKSON, 1S05 FARNAM ST. also HOUSES, lots, farms, ranches, loans fire Insurance, nemia. riiun uii. RE 972 OMAHA DYE WORKS. 1515 Howard, the fashtonaoie Cleaners ui lames ana gentle men's dresses and suits, lace curtains, draperies. U M196 N2 TELEPHONE 780 for L. M. E. messengers. u FOR SALE, In famotia Flathead valley. two or tne nnesi iarms n muuiKim, ,w ,nd von nrrex. adtolnlng. Price. (JO.Ouo. Will sell eeparately. Largs crops and, nneet ciimaie in ihujov .u.o -. . Henry. Kallspell, Mont. KE M1S4 3C OMAHA Hydraulic Press Brick Co.. 2iS New York Liie. fc-none iu. w ai-am BURE cure for excessive perspiration and all disorders oi tne reei; stamp ior par ticulars. A, Mayer, 518 Bea Bldg., Omaha. U-393 N6 BEE PAYNE. BOSTWICK & CO. for choice bargains. 601 N. Y. Life Bldg. 'lei. lwls. itfci Vl WILLIAMSON FsTPtm LEARN chiropody, manicure, special mas sage, fscnooi oi nygiene, oip nee max. . UM457 N9 1203 street. RE 975 ELITE PARLORS, 615 8. 16th St., id floor. c Ml 17 ixw HOtTBES snd lots in all parts of city; also acre property and farm lands, joe o. t. Davis Co.. Room 652, Bee Bldg. . RE 977 MME. SMITH, baths, 118 N. 15, 3d floor. R. i. C MKlft INI I HARRISON & MORTON, FARMS i .-. iir. Mrs. Gardels, 2234 Lake. Tel. red 1884. U-946 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement; pest meoicai anen tlont babies adoptee). 1107 N. 19th st Mrs. Fisher. Tel. F2289. U M162, N22' p?iyJJP.W-'feJf"u YOU WANT TO 5ELL A FARM? If you want to sail a farm or ranch, tel! the farmers and stockratsefs about It. Ttas best way to "reach them 'lr Through THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER. This agricultural weekly goes to 35,000 homes of fanners and stockralsers, so tt you hats a good piece of land to sell at a reasonable price you ought to find a hirer among them. The coat ot an ad is small 3 cents per word. nice, healthy baby boy for adoption at THE TWENTIETH CENTURY FARMER WANTED tf you have Syphilis write to us and we will let you Know an aooui our remedy? it is an absolute cure and ensta vou nothing until cured: syphilis and all blbod diseases cured with 35 doses or we forfeit $100. Hill Medical Co., Omaha, Neb. . u ai-is st SAVE YOUR EYESOet a beautiful gas table lamp, complete $2.50 and up; mantles 10c to 90c. At Fleacher's, 1623 Capitol ave, Tel. 814. - U M383 1 2319 Bo. 13th street, city, U M428 N4 OMAHA NEB. PRIVATE hiaultal before and during con finement; first-class In every respect; babtee adopted. Dr. L. L. Miller. 2604 Blondo Bt. Phone F-11R2. L-M129 N28 RE H HOME wanted for two boys, aged 7 and $ . .1.1 x? n tT tv. ai ) Wl luwian a. -i'. a: . j -- - FORTY-TWO acres, four miles from P. O. bottom land, fine for gardening. $4,500. W T. Graham. Bee Bldg. RE 225 29 BARGAINS, entire stock of dlamonda, watches, Jewelry, left In pawn and rrtort-K.n.-lf at half nrice. Diamond Loan Office, 14th and Douglas. U M54SN29 FIVE ACRES on SOth street, between Ames Ave. ana r., r.. si. v. n. n., an ele gant tract, suitable for subdividing: on grade; paving paid. Make us an offer. Westerfleld & Hill, 515 First Nat l Bank, Rlv426 SU HALLS FOR RENT. CREIQHTON hall and Bchllta Roaf garden for balls, banquet, caru parties, smokers. meetings, convenutuns, etc. . uoia nuns r the lamest la the city, have large dressing rooms and boxes for cloaks, huts and coats; win rent reasonaDiy. - ippiy to Wm. K. Morana, Manager creignioa hall. 'Phono 1022. . 1430 N7 AQKKTS. WASTED. MOSEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. 4H PER CENT on buslneca property. H nrr -flent- on residence property. ODttons to pay wnoie or part any time. W. S. MEIKLE. 401 S. 16T1I BT. I WELL built 8-r house, on fine lot and beau tlful location, inquire nu vinton. - RE-223 N24 HIGH GRADE AGENT. WANTED W.e want a first-class man In each county to sell our Bianaara diuck r wa w irui era. He muat have a good team, good business ability, soma knowledge of live .inrk. be in aood standing in every way and a steady worker. A pt-uaanent, goed palng business to the right man. Ad dresa. giving aga. experience, present business, etc. ; THE V. E. BANBOKN CUaiPANT, omana, Iseb, j iia ma FOB REST HOUSE. TO MOVE right get Omaha Van Storage Co. office, lsllVi Farnam, or Teis. ljoa-VJ. i en l,0tW AGENTS WANTED to sell dealrablo Old-Une innurania tor me I.UHI- pany in the world oi its age; no special contract fakirs or leg puuera neea appiy. w i.eil tha best contract ever written; nml territory and commissions given to aood. reliable men. Call on or write to George J. Crane, Superintendent Western Department. 818 First Nat'L Bank bldg.. Omaha. Neb. J-Mia lkm VANS snd baggage wagons. Tel. Utt. D 830 (.ROOM modern detache l house. Inquire 2MS Capitol Ave. D-MKlf HOI liCC i" all parts of city. The O. nUUOfcO F. Davis Co., bus Bee bldg. , . . t- 111 701 N. $4TH ST., South Omaha, a nice t- toom cottage. William K. Potter. Re ielver. 4 Brown block. Tel. 146. D--3 wanted, canvassing agents In every county to solicit suDscriptions to irini TWKtJTIETH CENTURY FARMER. Bteady employment, witn assurea gooa in come. Agents, In the oountry with horse and buggy especially desired, canvassera mt)tm eaallv lu to $100 tier month. Ad dress. Century Farmer Bolloitors' Bureau, Bee building, omana. HAGGARD Van Storage Co. WANTED, agents to sell atereoscoplc views t.t the Pike's Peak region iw per cent profit; easy and prontabie worn ior stu dents: send stamp for circulars, ram Goerke Bon., Manuou, coio. J M540 Z WASTED TO BUY. HOUSED and Bats. RIngwalt, Barker block. l Ktl Km RKNT. 6-room house, furnished, all modern, nice lawn, front and back, large shade trees. Call at 3110 Ohio Bt. D 411 nr.fliRABLE 10-room house, almost new. moaern In every particular, eaat front, full lot. paved street, convenient to street' car line. Howard Kennedy son. k f .Sun Flrat Natlunal Banla Building. BEE PAYNB, BOSTWICK a; CO. for choice Louse, sui-l ft. x. Lite iei. v.'io. D 111 SECONDHAND hand fire engine wanted at cnee. c. K. Banow, uecatur, reo. . N-M287 N$ KEI.SEY'B. wall paper. 'Phone 17th and Douglas RE I3 CARPENTERS AND JOIKEKS. 370 SIDEWALK BRICK. ELECTRICAL REPA1RISU. GRAND Electric Co.. 16 & Jackson. Tel. 2X46. -TO S I AlU SHJTIliKlMi. CURED. Julia Vaughn, 430 Ramge Biag. ii.-v TYPE W HtTEKS. WHY pay more? to $10u machines, roe & Co., 811 N. Lambert, $25; superior Bent on approval. ,iotv 16th St., Omaha. 131 Transatlantic Mail. THURSDAY At 7 a. m for FRANCE. SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. I OK 1 l'OAU TURKEY. EOYTT tlHEECE, HR1T1PH INDIA and lORKXZO M Alt Ql'KZ. per s. s. l.a Kavol". via Havre (mall for other parts of Europe must be directed "nei s. s. Ia Savolc"). SATURDAY At a. m. for ITALY direct. per s. . Ihn (mall must be directed "per s. s. Lahn ); at 7 a. m. for FRANCE, per s. s. Im GaBcogne, via Havre tmnll for other psrts of Europe must be di rected "per a. s. Ta Gacone"): at 7.30 a. m. for NETHERtjANDS direct. ier s. s. Rotterdam imsl) must be directed "per s. s. Rotterdam'"!; at 8 a. in. for BELGIUM direct, per 8. s. Finland (mall must be directed "per s. s. Finland"); st 9:30 a. m. for SCOTLAND direct, pt r a. s. Anehntla (real) must be directed "per . s. Anchorla"): at 10:30 . m. tsupplementary 12 m.l for EUROPE, per s. s. Etrurlh, via yueenstown. PRINTED MATTER, ETC. Tills steamer takes printed mntlor. commercial papers and samples for Germany only. The same class of mail matter for other parts of Europo will not be sent by this ship un less steclallv directed by tt. After the closing of the supplementary transplant c malls named above, auui. tlonal supplementary malle are opened on tho piers of the American, English, French and German steamers, and remain open until within ten mlnutea of the hour of sailing oi steamer. Malls for Sonth and Central America, West Indies, Etc. THURSDAY At a. m. for CUBA. YUCA TAN. I'AMriSLi K. apa!". ann APA8, per s. . Espernnsa (mall for other parts of Mexico must be directed per a. s. Esperansa"); nt 11:30 a. m. for ARGEN TINE. URUGUAY and PARAGUAY, per a. a. Cavotir: at 12 m. for SANTIAGO, per s. s. Clenfuegna: at 7 p. m. for NEW IT) UNDLAND. per B. 8. Corean, from rhMndelphla. FRIDAY At 12 m. for MEXICO, per s. s Anntlneo. via Tamtilco (mall must be di rected "per s. s. Santiago"); at 6:30 p. m. for BERMUDA, per steamer from IIull- f AT SATURDAY At a. m (supplementary 9 30 a. m ) for PORTO RICO. CURACAO and VENEZUELA, per s. s. Philadelphia (mall for Savnnllla and CartaRcna must be directed "per a. s. Philadelphia"); at 9-.H) a m. (supplementary 10:) u. m.) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. 8AVA- NILIA and CARTAGENA, per s. s. Alene (mall for costs wen must no airectea "per s. s. Alone"); at 9:30 a. m. (supple mentary in.30 a. m.) for HAITI, per s. s. Adirondack; at 10 a. m. for CUBA, per s. s. Morro Castle, vm Havana; at il- m. r RAHHAOOfl and NORTHERN BRA ZIL nor s s. Ccarense, via Para and Mnnuos: at 12:30 n. m. for Cl'BA. per b. s. Curltvba. via Matansas (ordinary mall onlv. which must be directed per s. s. Curityba"). Mails for Newfoundland, by rail to North Bydnev, ana tnence oy steamer, ciose at this office dally at 6:30 p. m. (connecting close here every Monday. Wednesday and Rutm-rinv). Malls for Mlnuolon. by rail tn Rnninn and thence by steamer. cloe at this offics dally at 6:30 p. m. Mails for Cuba, by rail to Port Tampa, Fla..' and ihcnm hv steamer, close nt this office dally, except Thursday, at 5:30 a. m. (tho mnnprilni cdoeea are made on Mondays. Wednesdays and Saturdays). Mails for Mexico City, overland, unless specially nddressed for dispatch by steamer, close at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1 n i. m' and 11:30 n. m . Sundays at 1 p m. art1 11:30 p. m. Mails for Costa Klca. Bells. Puerto Cortes and letter mall for Guatemala, by rail to New Or leans, and thence by steamer, close at this office dally, except Sunday, at 1:30 r, m. nnd 11:30 n. m.. Sundays at ! p. m and 11:30 p. m. (connecting closes here Mondays at "11:30 p. m. for Bellie, Puerto Cortex and letter mall for Guatemala, and Tucsdavs at -li:ao p. m. ior voma mem. Registered mall closes at 6 p. m. previous day. R 2.x'. Kuli 1 Btrccts. 4U.W4Y TIME C ARD ContlnncAj. II I' HI. 1 S (I 7 O N 4 Mis souri niter' H:illroad "l ti Burllngtoii Route" Gen eral oflices. Northwest Cor ner Tenth and Farnam .j.-..,. onice. IW Farnam Street. Telephone. . . ... -i'a,ith and Alasoi-. Teephone 128. Lev(i Arr,v, a". a $: am s 7:4J pm Hastings Lincoln Lincoln, . Denver l oio- . , , pm railo. i.ian, i mil", m--- . . ., ;. Alliance Express. a 8:P pm a 6:4A am a 6:4 am tl.11 am bll:55 sm a 4:45 am bll.-OJ sm a t:t7 am a 4 25 pm Lincoln A Black HHIS--a . . Montana, ruget Bound..all. 0 pm Lincoln Fast Mail .b 3.10 pra Wymorc, tn-airne "". Lincoln v "' Denver, Colorado, cian and California, y Kort Crook. South Bend LOIllSVIlle, i nu.m r Bcllevuc, l'lattsmouin .-., innction a 7:50 cm Bellevue, plattsmouth i ""iSiTify b IJaiiyxciJt Sunday. . .-.Tr.TPirt niTTttJNGTON ft Qulncy Rs"y-.Xha Burlington Route' Ticket Offlce, Km'J Farnam Street. Telephone I"). Dei,?t Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone 1. ,r w xeave. Chicago spe- Arrive. 1 km '.. " - W rtA . lal a i -w nu. Chicago Vestlbuled Kx..a j:"' pm Chicago Ixical fcjxpress.a Chicago Umlted a 8:05 pm Fast Mall a Dally. all:00 pin a 7:30 am a 4:t pm a !:3 pm mm KANSA8 CITY. ST. Jo seph A Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burlington Route " Ticket Oflico. l&rt! Farnum Street, Telephone 250. Depot, Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 128. Leave. Arrive. a :f pni a 6:15 am Kansas City Dav Fx.... a 9:20 am Kansas City Night Ex..al0:30 pm St. l,ouls Flyer, for Bt. Joseph and St. Louis.. a 5:10 pm all:15 out a Dally. FREMONT. KLKHORN Missouri Valley Railroad "The Northwestern Une" General Offices. United States National Hank Building. 8. V. Corner Twelfth and Far Ticket Offlce, 1401 Farnam St. 661. Depot, 15th and Webster nam Sts. Telephone Sts. Telephone 1458. Leave. . 3.-O0 pm Arrive. PRINTING. w ATTT.Rft PRINTING COMPANY. I.lnotvue ComDOBltlon. all a. into. HATS RENOVATED. a 8:00 pm e 5:00 pm b 8:00 pm blO:2S am 1)10:28 am Blnck Hills. Deadwood, Hot Springs I Wvomlns. CasDer and Oouglas a i:oo pm Hastings. York, David Cltv. Bunerlor. Geneva. Exeter and Seward. ...b 3:00 pm Norfolk, verdlare and Fremont n 7:30 am Lincoln Wahoo and Fremont b 7:30 am Fremont Local o 7:30 am a Dally. B Dally except Sunday, o Bun- day only. d Dally except Saturday. e Dally except Monday. CHICAGO & NORTH western Railway "Ths Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam St. Telephone 561. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Streets. Tele phone 629. . Leave. Fast Omaha-Chicago. ..a 8:00 am Local Carroll-Omaha.. ..b 4:00 pm Iocal Chlcago-Omaha..al0:5& am Fast Omaha-Chicago. ..a 4:63 pm Fast Mall ji 8 :00 pm Omaha-Chicago L't'd...a 8:10 pm Fast St. Paul a 7:56 pm Fast Mail a 7:50 pm Cedar Rapids Passenger Local Bloux City b 4:00 pm a Dally, b Dally except Bunday. Arrive. all:20 pm a 9:50 am A 5:10 pm a 4:05 pm a 2:45 pm a 9:20 am a 8:15 am a 8:30 am a 5:30 pm b 9:50 am HATS dyed, blocked, latest styles. Ramser at Kerr, Jul I, inn, near v.apiwi Ave. 743 N13 TAILORING. LADIES' JACKETS made, altered and re modeled Joe xousen, iui rarnam di. MS35 TOVES REPLATED. GOLD, allver and nickel plating, omana Plating Co.. Bee mug. iei. hm. xi . AUTOMOBILES. F.LECTRIC AUTOMOBILES. Farnam streeC Derlght, 1119 991 STORAGE. OM. Van Btor. Co., 151 Hi Farn. Tela. laoiMSl. LAUNDRY. muni Rtenm Laundrv: shirts. 8c: collars, 2c; cuffs. 4c. 1750 Leavenworth. Tel. A-1I8A LAW AND COLLECTIONS. 8TILLMAN & PRICE. 23 U. 8. N l Bk. Bid. 9 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate, vruinau-uivi i,u., v o. wm. ., w 960 4 TO 6 P. C. Money. Bemls. Paxton Blk. . . W 6i A GREAT BARGAIN. Welt Improved, centrally located property; building worth $7.60.- ground $3,500; total value building ana grouna, su.vst; rental, $840 per annum. Price, only $6,750. Will av 13 per cent, leas taxes and Insurance. IICK8, 439 BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. :.. RE 449 2 FARM and city loans, low rates. W. H. Thomas, f irst rai. ioi jaiug. ici. ma. W 962 FIVE PER CENT loans. rarnam. Oarvln Bros., 1604 W-963 PRIVATE money. F. D. Wead, 1524 Douglas. WANTED, city loans Farnam emita & co., and warrants. W. 1320 Farnam street. W-P64 WANTED, city and farm loans; also bonds and warrants, n. c reters m. 1.0., n Farnam St.. Bee Bldg. W 966 BALE TIES. OMAHA Hay Balo Tie Co.. 8U North lliih. riH DRESSING. O. R. GILBERT CO.. tanners, 1424 8. 13th. ' 902 DRESSMAKING. IN FAMILIES. Miss Sturdy, 2580 Harney. M764 N14 1$ Per Cent Investment. TWO houses, 8 rooms' each, all modern, within walking distance, lot 66x128. front ing two streets; rent; $840 per year, with 66 feet east front; vacant; special taxes all paid. Price, $s,600.. . Payne, Bostwick & Co.; BOLE AGENTS. 601-3 N. Y. LIFE BI.DO. PROPOSALS (OK L'ltBll(..M,c rnn e- a u RTORKS Office of Purchasing commiBsary $l,6W)-Two 6-room cottages, 3.14 . and .is . . r ' a:. ln triplicate, for furnish- . Charles St.. newiy pa.nien anu P-"" . lng bacon. Issue, dry salt cure. In crates. $1.8nO4-r. cottage. 2.1 8 11th lot Soxlol. be .-eived at this offlce. at the offlce GOVERNMENT NOTICES. WANTED $5,000 loan on first-class real es tate security, inquire Ultxt ec lAivgren, room 436-7 Paxton block. W M126 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY 1,8') 6-room cottage, 1903 8. lli'h. lot 5)xl4. lifrio 9-room modern house, 2628 Charles st. $2 2ou 8-room modern house, 1929 8. 34lh st. $2,2"0 9-r. modern house, barn, 3314 Francis. U OiiO 2 houses 6 and 7 rooms, lhio-2? N. 22d. $3,200-3 houses, 4 to T rooms, 1838-40-42 N. :2d. THE OMAHA HtALTY CO., 1301 DOUGLAS ST. RE M54. K29 ttiim vou find It necessary to borrow viva us a trial, after which we will, by Fair treatment, attempt to retain your patronage. We loan from $10 up on fur niture, pianos, live stork, eta We also make loans to SALARIED PEOPLE without mortgage or endorser. We do not deduct Interest In advance; we cnarge nothing for making or tiling papera and our service la quick and coiuldentiai. We alwaya try to please our patrons. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO., 119 Board of Trade Bldg. Tel. K96 (Established 1892.) South 16th Bt. LOST. LOST, at corner of Leavenworth and 27th streets, nbout 4 p. m. Siinday, an In fanf white flannel shawl with embroid ered edge. Will the iad who found tt please return to J. L. Brandels at Sons' bank and receive reward. Lost 427 8o LOST Great Dane dog (black), not quite full-grown; any person giving Informa tion leading to conviction of parties steal ing this dog may receive substantial re ward. Address Lock Box No. 625, Omaha, Losl-M430 31 $$$$$$$ $$$!$ I III !$$$ $$$$$ I FOR SALE FURNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co.. 1410 Dodge. Tel. vjO. New and seconunana. oougnt. soia, xchanged. O 913 FOR SALE HORSES, WAGONS. ETC, HARRY FROST paints and repairs wagons. Bee him. lltn-and Leavenworttu Tel. . - . - , - P-W4 )uii'i)K8. n. a. Wallaca. Brown Block. ' D-1M FOR RENT One t-room houaa, with gas. water and sewer. Just been placed la first-class repair. In good lovatlon. C. M. Bachmann, 4Jo-7 , Paxton Block. 1 ROOMS, city water. $114 Seward St. $5.50. i rooms, eltx water. 8114 Seward si.. $1.60. 4 rooms, city water. 8. 8th at.. $8. and ktn. Burdetw at.. $20. litMla. Paxton block. CITT-BROKE jnaUOied carriage team. cheao if taken ac once: ais-i ruober-ured top carriage. S T. Campbell, 4213 Center bt- Tel. black 1121. p uia 1 0AH a A t tl kl- knn, V. 1 1 w Am) KAM.Aaa. come qulcg; m, tnrre snape. 012 r.. imn ave. P-M549 o FLORISTS. ' BULBS, cut flowers and plant.' Hender son, tel. 13s, Ui FariuuB St., .Omaha. 135 DO YOU NEED MONEY T MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE AND SALARIES. $10 to $500 loaned on FURNITURE, PIANOS, ETC., and to salaried people at very lowest rates and for any length of time, without publicity or removing the property. Payments can be made to salt your convenience. Call and get our terms before going elsewhere. RELIABLE CREDIT COMPANY. Room . Third Floor, Paxton Block. )$$$$$$$$$$$$ t$$$$$$$$$$t$Mj BLACK mare with white star on forehead. Keturn to joe ivurts, w o. ojbi. L.wt 44$ 31 nRKTHOl'ND bitch, red fawn In color. scar on upper rigm iront ieg; nut-mi re ward for Information or return of dog V. Saunders, 2808 Miami St. ' Lost-M545 $! of the Purchasing Commissary, L. 8. Army, Kansas City, Mo., anu at tne oince 01 tne Purchasing Commlnsary, U. 8. Army. Chi 111 until 11 v,-ln-k. 1, m Wednes 'kivphiIim fi 1!2 at which time and places they will bo publicly opened. Articles of domestic production or manufacture will be preferred to tnose 01 ioreign origin, cum .ml mm II 1 v heinit emml. Soecltlcatlons as nnyniiiv romilred. date and nlacea of do. , Chicago Express.. llverv. omnK propouais uiiu iuuhbi m- v o ...u...- - rrn.uiir,i t nrnlxlitid on amplication to either 1 - office. Envelopes containing proposals should be endorsed "I'roposaie ior nuo-si-tence Stores, to be opened Wednesday, November 5, l'J(i2," and addressed to W. It. BEAN. Major, Commissary, Purchasing Commissary. Omaha. Ne B M j, M Transpacific Malta. Malla for Tahiti and Marquesas Islands, via Ban Francisco, close here dully at 6:30 p. m. tip to October ,'2S, Inclusive, for dispatch per s. s. Mariposa. Malls for the Philippine Inlands, via Ban Francisco, close nere uany at o:.i p. m. up to October 27, Inclusive, for dispatch n.i !' frnnsnort. ' Malls for China and Japan, via Vancouver and Victoria, li. c, close nere uany 6:30 p. m. up to October 28. inclusive, - for dispatch per s. a. Empress of Japan (registered mall . must be specially ad dressed. Merchandise for U. S. Postal Agency at Shanghai cannot be forwarded via Canada). ' ' Mails for China and Japan, via Seattle, close here daily at 6:30 p. m. up to.Oc- Inhnr Inrluslvft for filstiatch Pef 8. S. Klnshlu Maru. (Registered mall must be directed "via Seattle"). Malls for Australia (except 'West Australia, which Is forwarded via Europe) New Zea land, FIJI, Samoa and Hawaii, via San Vrnnr-lafO close here dttllv at 6:30 P. m- nftee October "11 and up to November 1. Inclusive (If the Cunard steamer "nrrvlnn h British mall for New Zea limri fl.Ms no t arrive i in time to connect with this dispatch extra mnlls (cloning at 6:30 a. nr., 9:30 a. m. and 6:30 p. m. Siin .invs a, 4 SO a. m.. 9 a. m. and 6:30 p. m.) will Ka muil. un ami forwarded until Ihe arrival ot the Cunard steamer) for disA patch per s. s. Sonoma. . Mnlls'for Hawaii, Japan. China and Philip pine Islands, via San Franclsc-o, close here dallv at 6:30 r. m. up to November , Inclusive, for dispatch per s. 8. K.orea. Mulls foe Australia (except West AUS trails, which goes via isurope. anu new Zealand, which goes via Ban Francisco). nnd FIJI IslandR. via Vancouver sou ic .rla It ( close here dallv at 6:30 n. m. after November "1 and up to November . Inclusive, for uispatcn per s. s. Mlnw.ra Malls for Hsrwaii. via San Francisco, close here dallv at 6: p. m. up to iNovemoer 10. Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. Ala- m ml ,t Molls for Il.iwall. China. Japan and Philip nina islands, via San Francisco, close here dally at 6:30 p. m. up to November io: Inclusive, for dispatch per a. s. ClnMlc. .. . Mails, for China snd Japan, via Tacoma oino hre rlallvnt 6:30 rt. m. up to No vember 14, Inclusive, for dispatch per j. s. Victoria. Transpacific malls ore forwarded to port of sailing dally and the Bchedule of closing Is arranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit. Regis tered mull closes at p. m. previous oay. CORNELIUS VAN COTT. Postmaster Postofflee. New York. N. Y Oct. 24, 1902. ptlLWAY TIME TABLE. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Island Route" Cliy Ticket Offlce. 1323 Farnara street. Telephone 428. Depot, renin - ana Marcy sireeu. Leave. Arrive. EAST. Chlcaco Davllaht Ltd. .a 5:00 am a 6:4:1 am Chicago Daylight Local.. a 7:tl am a 9:35 pm l-liliiaun iri-,.rsa 1,11 -1K urn a H-tA ..... ..a 6:2)pm bll:50 am CHICAGO, ST. PAUL. Minneapolis 4 Omaha i Railway "The North ' western Line" Oenerel Offices. Nebraska Divi sion, 15th and Webster Sts. City Ticket Offlce, 1401 Farnarr 8L Telephone Ml. Depot. 15th and Webster Bts. Telephone PC Twin City Passenger.. Sioux City passenger. Emerson Local Iave. Arrive. ..a 6:30 am a 9:10 pm ..a 2:ii0 pm all:10 am .b 6:w pm n s:30 am a Dally, b Daily except Bunday. MISSOURI FAC1FIC RAIL road General Offices and Ticket Offlces, Boutheast Comer 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone 104. Depot, U Leave. St. I ..mis and Kansas City Express aio:on am K. C, Bt. L. Express.. . al0:50 pm Leave from 16m and Webster Btreeu: Nebraska Local, via 1 " .. I .. .- WTatAAA Arrive. a 6:25 pm . :io am .b 4:10 pm al0:45 am a Dally, b Daily except Bunday, Chlcano Express ILLINOIS CENTRAL Railroad City Ticket Of fice, 1402 Farnam Street. , Telephone, Sit. Depot, Tenth and Marcy Sts. Leave. Arrive. ....a 7:35 am a 6:10 pm ..-..a 7:50 pra Chicago Limited Fast Mall Allr.r,ai.rnlla Jk St. PbHI ....... Express ..." " Minneapolis & Bt, Paul Limited :w V" Fort Dodge Ixical from nouncll Bluffs b 4:50 pm Fort Dodge Local from Council. Biurrs s:w arr. a Dally, b Dally except Bunday, . l 1L -a 8:( am a 10: 35 pm blO:3S pm a 8:05 am alO:00 am (1 fcVr. vi"tnr?tfTk u Uuaton to Mediterranean Boston to Liverpool, Portland to Liverpool. If you are conteropi""a -trip we will send you upon ap plication a aiiperb bo"leL. iiii.nimun LllusCraOHl IS together with other daacrlptlTS r iViVaVrialnir matter. Address. ?2 Telepliono 629. OF! EF QUARTERMASTER'S OFFICE. Omaha, Neb., Oct. 20. 19u2. Sealed propoa a Is, In triplicate, subject to the usual con ditions, will be received at this office, until ID u m., central standard time, November 20, 1902, for furnishing material and labor In construction of a frame Quartermas ter's stable at Fort Crook. Ne.h. Full In formation furnished on application to this offlce. where plans and speclllcationa may be seen, or to the Quartermaster, Fort Crook. Proposals to be marked "Propos als for Stable." and addressed to JNO W. PULLMAN, Chief Quartormaator.1 6t D26-27-28-29-30 N 17-18. :hlcugo fast Express., a 6:05 pm a 1:25 pm - w f.H l Rocky Mountain Ltd. ..a 6:50 am a 4:50 am Lincoln, Colorudo Bp'gs, iH-nver, rueoio ana West a 1:20 nm a 2.43 nm Colorado, Oklahoma & Texas fyei ..a 5:20 pm al2:40 pm a Dally, b Dally except Bunday. MANUFACTURING. P. MELCHIOR. cbiulsu . 13th and Howard, ma- 9i3 LARGEST BUSINESS IN IX) AN 8 TO SALARIED PEOPLE. . merchants,, team Biers, boarding houses, etc, without as cutllyr eaaliwt farms; 40 offices la prin cipal cities. Tolman, 440 Board of Trade Bldg. X-44 OMAHA Safe and Iron Wka. makes a spe cialty of nre escapes, snuuers. awn ana safes. G. Andrcen. Prop., 101 8. loth St. aw SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. MONEY loaned on plain note to salaried I Ieopie; ouaiueas connaoutiaii lowest rates.' It Paxton block. The J. A- Hutton Co. A at OREQO S. H.. Touch T. W Bus. Branches. Teleg. Cat free. Om. Com. Col., 17 & Doug. A. C VAN B ANT'S school. J17 N. T. I- 9 Life. iS Tel. . Chattel and Salary Loans. , . PHOENIX CREDIT CO, Succcasor W J. W. Tayloe. 74. - fcJ Paxton BOYLE3 college N. Ufa. court reporter principal, NEB. Bualnets Bhorthand College, Bovd's Thealsr. I ROPOSALS FOR SUBSISTENCE STORES Office purchasing tommisHary, u. j. Army, omana. Neb., October 28. li. beaiea proposals. aiKJjecl io lie usual conauions, will be received at this office until 10 o'clock a. m.. Novemtier 6. rJ02, at wnicn time anu place they will ba publicly opened, for rur. I. lulling suliHlstence stores as follows: Karon flour, coffee, lunar, canned goodx etc. Preference will be given to articles of domestic production. Blank proposals and h educations can be obtained at this offlce, V. H. utAIi, 4'urcnasiiig tuitiniiBBarx. 02S dlt POSTOKFHK NOTICE. (Should be read DAILY by all Interested, aa i h.nuiii dimv occur at any time.) lV.rrlifn mulls lor the week ending No vember 1. 1KU2. will close (PROMPTLY i ll rasea) at the general poslulhce as fol lows: Parcels poal mails cloee one hour earlier than clunlng time shown bvlow. Regular and supplvtnerjtary malls cloee UMON PACIFIC "THE Overland Route" Oeneral Of fices, N. E. Corner Ninth pnd Farnam Streets. City Tlckat Office, 1324 Farnam St. Tele phone 316. Depot, Tenth and Many bis. Telephone 629. Leave. Arrive The Overland Limited. .a 9:40 am a 7:30 pm The cnicago-t'oriiuna Suecl,,l a :) am The Fast Mall a 6:50 am The Mall and Express.. all :) am The Colorado special. ..a 7:iu am Lincoln. Beatrice -and Btrorasburg Express.. ,o :m pm bl2:3t nm 1 lie nil mc r.A ui can. .. . uill The Atlantic Express.... Grand Island Local r 5:30 pm a Dally, b Dally except Sunday. a 7:30 j m a 8:25 pm a 3:40 am a 3:40 am a 7:30 am b 9:35 am CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE A Ht. Paul Railway City 'llcket ffflce, 1504 Farnam pi. teiepnone ZM. Uapot, xenin anu Mason Bireeta, Telephone 629. UA1JJV JABJ'I Chiaago ft Omaha Ex. .b 7:40 am b 3:40 pra Chicago Limited Ex a $:' pm a 7:5o am a Daily, b Dally except Bunday. fCtJCl lillWAUA V WABASH RAILROAD Tic ket Offlce, 1601 Farnam Street. Telephone $21. D pot, Tenth and Marcy Sts 'ielcphuue wot. Iave. Arrive St. Louis Express a 56 pni a :2o am u Iula Im-hI ffrom Council Bluff) s 1:11 sm alti:30pro a Dally. ANDREWS GIVEN MORE : TIME Bond Is Increaal Practically front 4ne Handred Tlioosand Dollars to Dualtlo that Rom. LANSING,' Mich., , Oct. 29. The suprem court today decldod in the matter of the ball of Frank C. Andrews of Detroit, the convicted former vice president, of the defunct City Savings-bank, that ftre sureties on his $100,000 ball bond must be able to qualify In the aggregate to the amount ol 200,000, but that each one need not qualify ln the sum ot $100,000. The court also held that Judge Murphy can accept any reasonable number of sure ties on the bond. Judge Murphy yester day decided thst each of Andrews' bonds men must qualify in the sura of $100,0 and Andrews' attorneys took the case to the supreme court today. When Andrews was granted bail by Ike supreme court two weeks ago he was git eh fifteen days In which to produce his bonds men. Owing to this latest ruling in regard to their qualifications, the court today ex tended this time fifteen days. MRS. ROBINSON IS "IMPROVING Family Physician Says that Sister af the President la Not Ser iously III. NEW TORK, Oct 29.-tDr. Wynkos, who la Mrs. Douglas Robinson's. family physician, said today that big patient was improving., "Mrs. Robinson is not suffering from any disease," he said. , "8hs has a good deal of cold snd is somewhat run down, but thst la ail." Adktd as to the operation said to have been performed on shipboard aa Mrs, Rob inson, who is a sister ot President Roots veltt was returning to America, Dr.- Wya kop said: , 'The stories are very much exsggerateJ. In reality it was a very slight trouble aos quickly relieved." !' D-.t