Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1902, Page 8, Image 8
8 THE' OMAHA DAILY TIKE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER iJO. 1002. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL All Grains and Most Provisions Decline Toward Oloee of Day. WHEAT ACTIVE AND FIRM TILL NEAR END Vmwm Heavy Weak. Oata lie pressed, bat More Active Thaa He really, Provision, opea Firmer at Later Bcroat Dall. CHICAGO, Oct. 29.-Tradlng In wheat WS active today on the Board of Trade, and after holding firm the greater part of the day there, wan a decline toward the clone which waa Vac lower on December. De cember corn cloned Tc lower ond oat o lower. January provisions cloned unchanged to "4c lower. The-general situation In wheat at the tart waa about the aame aa yesterday, with a atrong cash demand and a continua tion of bulllnh advices from the extreme went. Oood buying by the northwest and outhwent during the flrnt part of the ses alon caused an advance. Commlnnlon houses took advantage of the rise In price and sold freely, bringing about a reaction. The clone waa dull and about ateady. De cember opened a nhade lower to c higher at 73i&T3,c to T3V. After selling up to 7V4c there waa a decline to 72c. The clone waa VflV lower at 724c and 727V- Clear ances' of wheat and flour were equal to Uo3. oun bunhela. Primary receipts were l,42o.OfiO bushels, against 1. 143.000 bunhela a year ago. Minneapolis and Duluth reported re ceipts of 694 cara, which, with local receipts of 70 cam, g of contract grade, made total receipts for three points of 764 cars, against lot cara last week and 766 cars a year ago. Corn waa heavy and with the exception of a slight firmness near the opening on trentrth in wheat the market was weak the greater part of the day. The feature of the trade was the liquidation of both De cember and Mav holdings by longa. r..xcei lent weather wan a weakening factor. Hhorts were fair buyers. December closed c lower at 60M,4i60c. after nelllng between oO'vottilVliC. IOcai receipts were ioo , with 'Jft rtf contract erade. More activity waa manifested In oats, but with considerable prennure to sen me mar ket waa weak. Oood weather and weaknees in corn were depressing Influences. There wax heavv llnuldatlon In old December. The clone was easy, with December fcc lower at 30H after ranging between 30V 3oc and 3o"!4c. Local receipts were lf9 cars. Provisions opened firmer on smaller re relnts of hogs than had been estimated, to aether with hi "her tirlces at the yards. Commission houses and pit acalpers bought freely, advancing the price, out later tne market became dull, with general llqulda. linn. The close was dull and slightly lower Jnnnnrv nork closed 7c lower at 315.57V4. January lard unchanged at $9.324, while ribs were 2Vc lower at 3.Z2". Estimated recelpta for tomorrow: Wheat. 66 cars; corn. 160 cars; oats, 150 cars; hogs, 24.0i0 head. The leading futures ranged aa follows: In the New Vork market and wan lower on mme grades. l,ake cloned st III 7.Vf7 It !:. standard Ml.fO and electrolytic at 111 11 i. London market also wnn lower, net-lining .is M. with npot at tJ2 lis 3.1 and fnturen at 1V..2 5S. lead rilled quiet and un changed nt 31. 12V here and at ln 14s In I,on d'.n. Wiiellcr was quiet locally st In. 46. lpn tlon price alnn were unchanged at CJ hn. Iron at Glasgow wan 2d higher, but tin changed nt Middle borough, where It cloned nt ;'un. loally Iron was dull and tm th.inged. Vnrrnntn continue nominal; No. 1 foundry, northern, In quoted nt 823. 25 W: No. 2 foundrv. northern. K2.nn4i2.TMi: No I foundry, noulliern. 322 nnffiZS 00; No. 1 lounary, southern soft, I2Z.ho4iJ3.Ou. mystic Oliver: fore I an Innnlrv lr,,nr' ?r,,,'i:Pa,n'8','1 1 K&; second patents,1 8.146 . ciearn, z !"H3.1; aecnntl cleara. HKAN ftrong, with Increased demand: for prompt nhlpment bran In bulk In quoted m i .11. iiry 1."V. tIMIIIt WHOI.KSAI.K MARKET. Articles. Open. High. Low. I Close. Yesy. Wheat Oct 714 71 Pec. 73H,4r4 13V, 7272ti7(i 734 May 74V'& Mtt 74 74T476 Corn Oct. 67 67 B5H 654 87 Dec. 5nve"51 6U 60V, 608"4 614JV4 May 43V4r'H 43V 43 43 - 43 Oats a Deo. 30fi 90 30VtcH SOH 307, May 3HV ' 32 ii Zl 32 Pork Oct. 1 B0 1 80 16 50 IS 60 16 40 Jan. 15 75 15 75 15 67H 15 57H 15 65 May 14 87tii 14 90 14 77H 14 77H 14 85 Lard Oct. 11 26 11 26 11 20 11 20 11 40 Nor. 10 H0 10 95 10 85 10 85 10 8214 Dec. 9 D7V4 9 97 9 92 9 924 9 95 Jan. 9 35 9 40 9 80 9 32"j 9 3214 May I S2V4 8 7 8 67A 8 60 8 60 Ribs Oct. 12B0 1260 12 60 1J60 12 25 Jan. 8 30 ' 8 32H 8 22 8 22H 8 25 May J 7 82 7 82 7 80 7 80 7 80 No. I. a New. Cash quotations were aa follows: FLOUR Steadier; winter patents, $3.40 spring specials, I4.2ixo4.30; patents, I3.4xj vw: straignts, xz.yiKij3.2u. WHEAT No. 2 spring, 74c; No. 8 spring, 7ie73c; No. 2 red, 71&i2c. CORN No. 2, 65?ic; No. t yellow, 67e. OATS No. 2. 28c; No. White, 29&33e. I V U1 Vn 4 JUL. a BARLKY J&ood feedlna;. 40Q41c; fair to choice malting, 4266c; clover, contract grade. $10.75. SEED No. 1 flax, 81.19; No. 1 northwest- rn. 11.21: prime timothy. S3.75S3.80. PROVI8tON8-Mese pork, per bbl., $1660 (316.70. LATd, par luu ids., x11.20a1.25. short ribs sides (loose). IU.75'3'12.25. Dry aalted shoulders (boxed). $10.0tk(j10.2&. Short clear sides (boxed), I11.7&&12.0O. The following were the receipts and ship ments of train yesterday: v Receipts. Shipments Flour, bbls 41.600 23,400 "Wheat, bu 306.500 61,500 Corn, bu 28,(Mi0 S12.9H0 Oata, bu 603,200 323,100 Rye, bu 36,900 l.XoO Barley, bu 192,700 13,500 On the Produce exchange today the but ter market was steady: creameries, 16Vi 244c; dalrlea, 15ft21c. Eggs, steadier, Ions off, cases returned, 22c Cheese, steady, 10 llc. SEW YORK 1 GENERAL. MARKET. Qootatloaa. of tha Day Coaasaodltles. a Tartans NEW YORK. Oct. 29-FLOUR-Recelpts. S3.t6 bbls.; exports. 1,758 bbls.; market was llrmer and held higher; winter patents, $3 60 4lJ.U; winter straights, 3.403.50; winter extras, $2.8tKUai0; winter low grades, I2.66W 2.90; Minnesota patents, 3.9024.1O; Minne sota bakers, $J.liyjj3.30. Rye flour, quiet; fair to Kooxl, $3.15433.40; choice to fancy, $3.50 3.56. Buckwheat flour, dMU, $2.26mj2.30. spot and to arrive. CORMMKAU-Qulat; yellow western, $L80; city, I1.2H; Hrandywine. $.1404j3.B6. RYE Dull; No. 2 western, 69c, f. o b., afloat; No. 2, 64fe64c; track state, 64BMc. c. I. f.. New York. BARLKY Steady; feeding, 41c. e. I. f.. BVJ,La.1vS,,JUnBl 49lSfilc- c- Buffalo. 163,943 bu. Spot dull; No. t red 78HcVele vator; No. 2 red. 7H. f. o. b., afloat; No. 1 northern Dulutb, S3c, f. o. b.. afloat; No 1 hard Manitoba. 83o. f. o. b.. afloat. Op tions, further strength In outside markets notably St. touts and Minneapolis, occas ioned good local buying of wheat anj higher pitcea today. At the same time profit-taking was on a large scale and In the later afternoon destroyed the Improve ment, the market closing easy at Vc net decline. March. SOHdjM 1-I6c, closed at 8c Way, 78e.c, closed at 78c; December! 7S79 15-16c. closed at Tc. CORN-Reelpt8. 19.900 bu.; sarea, 155.0O0 bu. futures, 24. 000 bu. spot. Spot, easy No 2, 66c, elevator, and ;e. f. o. b.. afloat: No. 2 white. 70c. Options ruled generally wesk all day from th effects of perfect weather conditions, prospective larger re ceipts and liquidation, closing net SSVe net lower. January. 51ii51Sc closed at 61c May closed at 4Pc; October, 6bc, closed at 6c; November closed at 63c; December 65 9-16ji50S-. closed at 55V- ' OATS Receipts, 43,5t bu. Spot, steady -No. 2, S4c; standard white. 36c; No 1 white, Stic; track white, western J44i.,igc track white state, 34u;e. Options were quiet and easier; December cloned at 36c "AT-SJul""; "hipping, oufcTOc; good' to choice, Itortijl. " HOPS Firm : state. li crop. 2KIUO&C Uc; l lilUKS-Hteutiy : Ja veston. an a c it.. lie; California, 21 to 5 lbs.. 19c; Texas drv' 14 to 30 lbs 14c. ury I.UATHUR Steady; hemlock sole, Buenos Ay res. light to heavy weights, acid. 24(a) 25'tc. l-KOVISIONS-Beef. steady: family. $15 00 til in); mss, $12.oo.i 12 50: beef hums. $Vsi i21.50; i.acket. I14.M1 15.00; city extra India mess, $24.uuu 26.00. Cut meats. Irregular pickled bellies. $l!.7otfU .76; pickled shoull tiers, 19; pickled hams. $12 60. Lrd easy wentern steamed, $U 5; October cloned at 11165, nominal; refined, qul.t; continent $U no; South America. $12; compound. 7 !& t7's: .Hor"V"'dy:, '"". 1210.1,2150; short clear. $3n.5t'22.a; mess. $U.iou 18 7a. TAlOXiW-Easy; city, c; country, Q RIOE Firm; domestic, fair to toii'Sc; Jaimn. 4Sii4,kC. BUTTKK-!lecei,,t, 7.K0 pkgs.; steady: state dairy, ls24c; extra creamery, 86c common to choice creamery., I.j2lt' CHEESrReoelpts. 2.9M pkgs.: quiet and firm; faic large, new alale full eream colored and white. 12,c for old, 12c for new; fancy small, colored and white, 12c for old. 12'ic for new. KUG 8 Receipts, 6,37$ pkgs.; steady; state and Pennsylvania, average best, S44j2jc westerri, candltnl, 22(3 24c. Pi.H I.TRY Alive, steady to firm; chick ens. 12c; turkeys. 10c; fowls, lie: drrsned. Irregular; western chickens, HVul2c; west ern f'wls. Il'-it)l2c; spring turkeys, lalic. MKTAI.8 There was an advance In the Jxindon tin market tgaln today, the gain -there amounting to 2s bd, spot closing at 13ul?atd and future at 119 lus. In fl u. need by this New York holders were dupoad to look for nig her prices. Buyers were unwilling to meet the advance, how ever, and the market closed with spot cWeed at Ui. 7CiS27. 60. Copper continues dull common to choice. op. 2iaJ6c; liwl crop. 24(o2c: olds 7i Pacltto coast, 108 crop. 25'o31c; 19ul 3'n2ic; olds, "'alic. extra, 4' fancy, $4.004.25; Condition of Trade anal Unetatloas ea staple anil Faney Prod nee EOOS Candled stock. 20c. I.IVK POULTRY Hens. 7flSc; roosters, sccordlng to age, ,ic; turkeys. Iltrl2c; ducks. muxr; geese, ∾ spring chickens, per lb. Mi3c. RCTTER Packing stock, 16c; choice dairy, in tubs, lwfijic; separator, 2lfr25c. FRESH CAI GHT FISH-Trout. lie; her ling, ic: plcktrel, Sc; pike, 10c; perch, 6c; ourraio. tlrenned, 7c; sunflnh. 8c; bluefins, Sc whlteflsh. loc; salmon, lc; haddock, 11c; etidflnh, 12c; redsnnpper. lfc; lobsters, boiled, per 'b., 30c; lobsters, green, per lb.. 21c; uuiineaaa. iuc; cattish, 13c; black bass, 2c; halibut. 11c. CORN Mc. OATS-33c WHEAT No. 2 hard. 65c. RYE 43c. BRAN Per ton. $13. HAY Prices quoted by Omaha Whole sale Hay Dealers' association: Choice No. 1 upinnd, 60; No. 1 medium, $; No. 1 coarse, $7.50. Rye straw. $7. These prices are for hay of good color and quality. De mand fair; receipts light. OYSTERS Standards, per can. 2Sc; extra selects, per can, 35c; New York counts, per can, 42c; bulk, extra selects, per gal., $1.75; bulk, standards, per gal.. $1.30. VEGETABLES. NEW CELERY-Kearney, per do.. 20 35c; Kalamaxoo, per doi., 25c POTATOES New, per bu.. 255300. SWEET POTATOES Per lb.. 2o: Vir ginia, per bbl., $3; home grown, per bu., SOcifrll. TI RNIPS-Per bu., 30c. BEETS Per banket, 40c. CI "CUM HERS Hothouse, per dot., $1.50. WAX BEANS Per bu. box, $1.50; string beans, per bu. box. $1.60. CA KB AGE Home grown, new, lc. ONIONS New home grown. In sacks, per bu.. 6"-oD0c: Spanish, per crate, $1.50. NAVY BEANS Per bu.. $2.70. FRUITS. ESA,.".5STCallforn,B- ltt,e 8always. $1. ESV81-tah- Per 4-baaket crate. 90c. PEARS Fall varieties, per box.. J1.75&2.00: Kaffirs, per bbl., $3.76; Colorado, per box, -Vy?arCo,,ik,nti reT bhl- 251 infr. $.2.50; Jonathans, $3.26; New York stock, ORAPES-New York. 22c; Tokays, per crate, $l.i5; Malagas, per keg, $5.0(W&00. bRANBERRlES Per bbl.. $7.0W&7.60; per gUINCES-Per box, $1.50. TROPICAL. FRUITS. BANANAS Per bunch, according to sine. LEMONS California choice. $3.50tff3.75. ORANGES Valencia. $4.60; New Ja maica, any size, $4; Mexicans, any sise. $4. DATES Persian, In 70-lb. boxes, per lb.. 6c; per case of 30-lb. pkgs.. $2.25. FIGS California, per 10-lb. cartons, 85c: Turkish, per 36-lb. box, 18c. MISCELLANEOUS. HONEY-New Utah, per 24-frame case. $8.60. CIDER New York, $4.60; per -bbl.. $2 75. 8AUER KRAUT-Wisconsin, per bbl $210; per bbl., $3.25. ' v - ' HIDES-No. 1 green. 7c; No 8 green. 6c: No. 1 salted. 8Vc: No. 2 salted. TUo- m i cm uui, o i i--a ins., e-c; in o. z veal calf. 12 to 15 lbs., 6c; dry hides, 812c; sheep POPCORN Per lb., 3c: ehelled. 4c. NUTS Walnuts. No. 1 soft nheti n ik wc; naro snett. per lb., 12c; No. 2 soft biicii. it iu.. 11c: nn. z nam nneii ve h 10c; Bnuils, per lb., 11c; filberts, per lb., 12c': almonds, soft shell, peY lb., 16c; hard shellj li.'1 ' i.n, . , jrer iu., ite, small iu,, cucoanuis, per aox.. hoc: chent. nuts, per lb 16c; peanuts, per lb., siac: roaeted peanuts, per lb., 8c. . uiiU MtiALB-A. a. Alpern Quotes the following prices: Iron, country mixed, per tii, iiuii. Biuva mate. Dttr inn. xk: e,-n per, per lb., 8c; brass, heavy, per lb., 8c: brass, light, per lb., 6c; lead, per lb.. 8c: lnc. per lb., 2c; rubber, per lb., o. It. Lools Grata and, Prorisloas. ST. LOUIS. Oct. S9 VRriT-W.iVi x- t red, cash, elevator, 69c; track, 70(g7lc; December, 699(&69c; Way, 73c; No. 2 bard. 69S71c. CORN Lower: track nld Mr- nMnii 9Hc; May, 39c. OATS Steady: No. 2 cash. MUc- ev 803H4c; December, 284c; May, 29Vio Ann.i, iu. 4 Willie, 03()OVC. rye Firm at 49c. FLOUR Dull: red winter nntanta is uvai 0.00, exira iHncy ana siraignt, fi.wg3.2b; urni, .A.wyo.UD. BK.ED Timothy, steady to firm, $2.00H3.60. CORNMEAL Steady, $2.90. BRAN Steady: sacked, east track 7ii - , . HAY Steady: tlmothr. tiomwison- nr.t rle, $9.0011.0O. IRON COTTONTIES $L07. BAGGING 6 5-16iS7 I-I60. 1IKMP TWlNE-k. PROVISIONS Pork hltrhnr? tnhMnr M tmTc. .,-,,c i :., 1 --- "1 .iv.iu. now, itLro. inwttr. Kin 711 jjry sail meats (boxed), steady; extra enorts. tn.ioi clear rins. ntinrt . $11.50. Bacon (boxed ntendv ntn hnrt.' $12.26; clear ribs, $12.37; short clear, $12.62. 1 """"J. 01a. ttpeiter, steady at $6.20. POULTRY Quiet: chickens. Be- inrinn '.TTS?lr Eayi "ornery, 1826c; EGGS Higher; 19c, loss off. RAcelnts r iour, ddis 10,000 Wheat, bu IKK Olin kk nnn Corn, bu 27.000 27.000 uais, ou 81,000 84.000 Liverpool Grata sad Provisions. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 59 WHKlTo... Steady; No. 2 red western winter. 6s 9d: no. 1 northern spring. 6s 6Ad: No. l rnii' lurnia. its oa. ruturen! unlet. rte.mKA 6s 10d; March, 6s U4d. CORN Snot: Steadv: AmeHenn n,ij 6s lOd. Futures: Steady: October, nominal: January, 4s 3d: May, 4s d. PEAS Canadian, ateady, 6a 7d. FIX3UR St. Louis, tancv winter ni. 8s 3d. " HOPS At London (Pacific. min tm 6 10sa7. " PROVISIONS-Beef. strongX: extra India meas. 115s. ,Pork, strong; prime western mess, Bits. Hams, short cut. 14 to 16 ih nrm, at arm. Macon. Cumberland cut, 26 to r' 1 u . . in in. iub. .nnri nm K , n v. ii.. dull, 65s; long clear middles,' light. 28 to 23 lbs., quiet. 62s 6d: Ions clear mlnMien 35 to 40 lbi., steady, 62a; short clear backs! ij 10 ai ioe tms tni; clear bellies. 14 to. 16 iub.. BiroiiK. has. enouiners uimt. 11 , 13 lbs., firm, 62s 6d. Iard, prime western. In tierces, firm, 68s; American refined, In palls. Arm, 68a 6d. , BUTTER Nominal. CHEESE Finn; American finest whits and colored, 65s. TALLOW Firm: nrlme rttv . t - trallan, in London, 33a 9d. ' Kansas City Grata aad Provisions. KANSAS PITY. Oct. Mi.WmriTn- cember, 66Vii6tc; May. 6STic; cash. No. hard, 6c; No 3, 644jti6c; No. 2 red, 67T67c- 10. . wymc CORN October. 64e: Decemher 7i.mi. May. 86if36T(c: cash. No. 2 mixed, 47414:: No. 2 while. 4Wtie: No. 2. 47c. ' OATS No. 2 white, 33c. . RYE-No. 2, 4oc. HAY Choice tlmothv. 110 Star-in 7K. ,i prslrle, lit oocu 10.00. -...-. BUTTER-Creamery, 234c; fancy dairy. EGGS Fresh, 18c. Mllvraakee Uraln Market. MILWAUKEE. Oct. 29. WHEAT Mar ket hlnher; No. 1 northern. 7n',j 75'c; No. 2 northern. 73ft 74c; Iecember, 72c. it 1 r. f irm; No. 1, B2c. BARLEY Higher; No. 2, 66c; ssinplc, 321 S7c. Dalath (irsls Market. DULUTH. Oct. 29. WHEAT Cash. No. 1 hard, ,4c; No. 2 northern, 70Sc; No. 1 northern and November, 72t,c; December. 10r; May, 73c. OATS December, 30c. PEORIA. 111. eaey; No. 8, Mc. OATS Quiet; No, through. 'eorla Market. Oct. 29. CORN-Julet, I white, 30c, billed Wheat, bu Corn, bu OaU, bu Receipts. Shipments. ....126.410 44.HOO .... 8.O0O 21.I.) .... 23,000 23,000 Philadelphia Produce Market. PHILADELPHIA. nri a Di?Tri-n Steady aud In fair demand; extra western creamery. 2ic; extra nearby nrlnts. ?7c. EUt.S Firm and In toad detnan.i- r.t. nearby. 2m loss off; fresh weatxrn. J4e loss off; fresh southwestern, 23c, loss off fresh southern, 22c, lues off. 1 nr.t-WK I ni hanaed: New Vork. f.,11 cream, prime, large. 12irl2nic: New vnru York full cream, nrtme, small, 12c; New York full cream, fair to good. HVjlIc Toledo Grata aad Seed. TOLEDO. Oct. S-MIIl-lT tWe. lower; cash, 76c; December. 77S,c; May, May 4-c ,ower! Dcniber. 43c, bid; OATS Dull Inmer- T .... ..... jjp . ...1. .t.-i may. RYE-No. t 62c. EKED Clover rinll nl.k... -v-..t ...or. .f.ik:.rypri.9!,$i:.'5ob,d': umu,bV- w,-; Mlaaeapolls Wheat, Floar aad MINNEAPOLIS rimbtr, 717c: Mav, hi-rd, 74c; No. I northern. 71V.C. t LUt R Dtuisnd continues good from do- Braa. Oct. 29. WHEAT De 72c; on track. No. 1 northern, 73'c; No. 2 SEW YORK STOCKS AND BONDS. Farther Mqaldatloa with Mach Forced rlllne; Marks Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 29. Another advance In foreign exchange to the highest point reached during the present movement, with attendant fearn of gold exports, brought further liquidation to the stock market to day. A great deal of selling was for ac count of the western speculative element and much of It was forced. Not a few stop-Ions orders were uncovered, and the room traders, emboldened by this show of weakness, made a series of drives, which left the list generally lower, miiny sharp breaks. Exchange advanced to 4S6.90, which, In the opinion of some bankers, was several points away from the basis at which gold could be lined for remittances with profit. Some exchange tlrms believed, how ever, that engagements might be made with exchange only 4 points above today level, bueh a move ,s regaroed as wry likely unless tne market shifts material! and tenative negotiations with a view t export were made. The fact that Par exchange on lxndon remained at 2.rf 12o Indicates that the triangular movement for shipping gold from this center in paymen of London's obligations to Paris could easily be arranged. Opening prices for stocks were a trifle better and the activity In such Issues Baltimore & Ohio and Norfolk & Western seemed due to the aggressiveness of on of the leading operators. The advance In Southern Pacific was regarded as a drlvo against one or tne Dear pools in mat stock While tne weakness or Colorado Euel sug gested Inside selling. All through the morn Ing session dealings continued professional and Insignificant, and at times the market was completely stagnant. The only strong features tiuring this period were Texas Ac Pacinc, Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Ste Marie, Kansas & Texas preferred and 1111 nols Central. Elsewhere In the standard class fluctuations were extremely narrow Colorado Fuel made a further decline, but the rubber goods Issues were strong a Improved prices. One of the redeeming features was tne buying lor London ac count to the extent of about 25.000 shares, but these transactions were negative Inas much as they really represented New York buying and were incidental to the change or accounts between the two markets. sale of 6,000 shares of Colorado Fuel by one firm sent the price off to 8s and that stock made a net loss of another point. The real liquidation occurred in the afternoon. Stocks that sustained the greatest declines Included Delaware 4k Hudson, which made a net loss of 6 points, and St. Paul, Illinois Central, Louisville & Nashville. Baltimore unio, rnorioik & western. Reading and Colorado Fuel & Iron declines extending rrom 2 to 314 points, in spit of the United mates steei oecision tnose stocks held com paratlvely firm. . The closing was weak The sub-treasury disbursed $2,220,000 for Australian and other gold deposited at San rancisco and i-b,300 principal and In terest for government bonds. Railroad bonds were irregular, with the active issues showing heaviness In sym. patny wun stocks. Total sales, par value United States bonds were all unchanged on tne last can. Tbe following are the closing price on ine new xora biock exenange: balances. $1. 922.390; New York exchange, 4c inm-oiini. foreign exchange, unchanged; sterling posted at $4.M for sixty days and vi 'I for tlmnnd. NEW YORK. Oct. 29. -Clearings, $261.815. 3!'4; balances, H2.hos.17K. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 29.-Clearings. $18.- j..t.t; nainncen. 2 RSi.SM. H( iSTON. ( let. 29 Clearings, $22.6), 429; I'HIItncen, f..ZnO,.V) BALTIMORE. Oct. 29. -Clearings, $3,697,- si; balances, i5nS.;u?. CINCINNATI. Oct. 29-Clcarlngn. $3,267.- i""; money, txus pcr cent; New York ex chnnga par. . ST. Lol lS. Oct. ?9 Clearlnrs. $7,919,649: hiilanccn. $1,090,725; money, nteady. 641 6 per nrm, irw 1 lira exenange, Zjc discount. l.oadoa Stock Quotations. LONDON. Oct. 29.-4 p. m. Cloning: fnnmls fnr money.! lS-liNew York Central.. to ai-t-ount a lS-li. Norfolk & AtiaroniU 4j du pf.l AMilMm (DH Ontario 4k Weat.rn.. no pin ln3!pnn.rlvanta ino. RanU Mine i:.y Re.tln 6J do lilt pM WS do M pfit HMVSoiithem Hallway... 3? in pfd Pirlflc .;Vt nlon PaclSe r. do pfd MVL'ntteil States 8tMl M do pfd KlUj'Waba.h Il do pfd 2"V8pantah " BAR SILVER Hteunv at .U noe .n. MONEY 3'&3 tier cent. The rate of rilnl count in the open market for short bills is . i3-H per eent and for three-months' bills $!') per cent. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Both Fat Cattle and FMden Commanded Fall Stead; Prioea. HOGS ACTIVE AND ABOUT STEADY Moderate Receipt ol "keep aad Lambs aad Jast A boat Steady Prices Were Paid for Anything; at All Desirable. Baltimore 4k Ohio. Canadian I'aclSr rh..peak. Ohio.. ( O. W f. M. St. p lie Perm (d.f .) Ll.nver As R. O do pfd En. do Ut pfd do Id fp.1 lllnol. Central 1oul.trllle Nanh.. Mlaeourl. K. tk T... do pfd tMUj 7H M'4 Iktlt 1-4 4 .. 7.V ..107, .. 4:v, Recelots wervt Oltlclal Monday.... Official Tuesday ... umciai Wednesday SOUTH OMAHA. Oct. 29. Cattle. Hogs. Bheep. 2.KW B..tH5 6,tt?0 Ke- York Mining; ttaotatlona. NEW YORK Ort The fnllnwlr, wiu-uiB price-f on mining stocks: Three dnvn this week. .51 ITS 111 1 16 Same days last week. ...27.25 11.027 Hame week before 25.598 7.N2S 8ame three weeks ago. .20.662 10,n34 Same four weeks ago....2S.49 s.574 Bame days last year 16.235 17 87 RECEIPTS FOR THE YEAR TO DATE. 1 he following table shows the recelnts of cattle, hogs and sneep at South Omaha, for me year 10 uate, and comparisons with last year: 1302. tan. inc. Dec. i"ttle 811.166 6&8,43 152.483 Hogs 1,M9,358 1.M7.740 38.381 Sheep 1.340,703 1.092.314 248,889 lhe following table shows the average price of hogs sold on the Soath Omaha market the last several days, with com parisons wlln former years: Atchison do pfd Bal. e Ohio.... do pfd Canadian Pacific Canada Bo Ohee. Ohio. Chicago s do pfd Chicago, Iod. do pfd.... Chicago & E. Chicago 4k O. do lat pfd. do td pfd.. Chicago N. 7i Bo. Paciflo . H Bo. Railway .It' do pfd . 4 Texaa at Pacific.. Toledo. St. L. 4k .it do pfd . 4t Union Peel Ho Alton 36 do pfd n wasaah W C . R. 1. A P. Chicago Ter. Tr. do pfd C. C. C. 4k St. L... Colorado 80 do lat pfd do 2d pfd. 4k L... 734 do pfd 81 .Wheeling 4k L. E. Ill Ill I do Id pfd W HVIi. Central M 1 do pfd 4344 Adama Ex W til1 American Es... . St .US . as an Del. aV Hudson lno Pel. U A W IM Uenrer At R. O.... do pfd Brie do lat pfd do 2d pld Great Nor. pfd.... Hocking Valley ... do pfd llllnota Central ... Iowa Central do pfd Lake Erie 4k W.... do pfd h. A N Manhattan L. Met. Ht. Rr Mex. Central Mex. National .... Minn. A St. L Mo. Paelnc . M . K. T do pfd N. J. Central N. Y. Central .... Norfolk W do pfd Ontario AV W Pennaylvanla Reading do lat pfd do Id pfd K. U A I. P do let pfd....... do td pfd St. U 8. W do pfd St. Paul do pfd Offered. .l7 United States Ex.. . Wella-Pargo Ex.... . Is Amal. Copper . Amer. Car 4t P.... . 31 do pfd . 73 Amer. Lin. Oil.... 47 do pfd American B. At R., do pfd 43 Anac. Mining Co.. so1 Brooklyn R. T 37 Colo. Fuel A Iron. Cone. Gas Cont. Tobacco pfd. (Jen. Electric Hocking Coal Inter. Paper do prd... 42 Inter. Power ... 14H Iclede Oa ... M (National Biscuit .. ...120 'National Lead .... ...lJSH No. American .... ...134 Pacific Coast .. .1S8 Pacific Mall ... 26 People's (iu , ... 1H Preseed 8. Car.... ...10 do pfd , ...1074i Pullman P. Car... ... 28' Republic Steel .... ... 6 do pfd ...17S ISugar ...lM'iTenn. Coal 4k Iron ... 7IVi;Unlon Bag 4k P.... ... K do pfd 32VU. S. Leather ...142 ... ... 88 ... 77 V ... e ... 84 do Dfd U. 8. Rubber do pfd V. a. steel ... do pfd Weatarn Union 72iAmer. Locomotlvs Jo 1 do pfd Tt4K. C. Southern..., 1844 do pfd m 4V 464 ..45 ,..103 ... m ... 83i ... ze .. 88 ... 2444 .. 61V, ...200 ...240 ..136 ...226 .. 4 .. 6V4 .. vz .. 18 .. 42 ... 464 .. 84 .. 81. .. 7'4 214(4 ..lit . .1S4 .. 11 .. 19S4 .. 71Vi .. 78 .. 88 ... 4.1 .. 244 ..130 ... 78 .. 414 ..102H .. M ..232 ... 214 .. 784 ..121", .. 44. .. II .. 784 .. 134 .. so .. 174 .. 644 .. 83 J .. 88 .. 804 .. 844 .. 844 .. ei4 Hew York Ksscy Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 29. MONEY On call. steady at 344P44 per cent, closing bid 3U per cent; prime mercantile paper, f4i&6 per crni. 8TERIJNO EXCHANGE Firm, with ae. tual business In bankers' bills at I4.l(tW7fi for demand ana at i4.8i(ii-l.Ki626 for sixty days; poniea rates, i.onui.oift; commercial Dills, bil,vh;k war. SSVc. BONDS Government, steady; state, Inac- uve; raiiroaa, irregular. The closlnt, quotation on bonds are as follows: ..118 Hocking Val. 44a. .108 ..uu 1-1 at n. uai. . 101 G0c; Mexican dollars. Mex. Central 4s 80 do la Iftc pm Minn. 4k St. L. 4a. .111.1; U. 8. ret. 2a, reg do coupon do 8a. reg 1(18 do coupon I". do new 4a, reg 1341, do eoupoa .. 1374 do old 4a, rag. .4.. .Ill do coupon 11: do 6l, reg 1V4V4 do coupon 104 Atrhlaon gen. 4a 101. do adj. 4a 844 Bal. tk Ohio 4a 101 do 24a 844 do conv. 4a 108 Canada 80. 2a.... Central of Oa. 6a do la Inc Chea. A Ohio 44e Chti-axo A A. I'a (' , B. A U. n. 4e ... 864 So. Railway 6a C, M A St P g. 4a . 116 Texaa A Pari Be la M . K. T. 4a. do 2a N. T. Central la. do gen. 84a.... N. J. C. sen. aa.. No. Pailfic 4a do 8a N. A W. con. 4a. Heading sen. 4a.. St L A 1 M c. 6s .lu ,"St ...104 St. 1 ... 74 do la.. ..1044 8. A. A A. 7' So. Pacific A W. 814 . K3 .103 .107 ...isi4 ...10:14 ... 744 ...100! ... 87 1144 1364 T . St. L. A W. 4a iim'l in ion Pacific 4a. 101 .Wabaah la 1 do 2a 2V do deb. B lou4 ' Shore ee.. .. wr.eel. A L. B. , do general 4a h&4 Wla Central 4a.. r. W. A 1. C. la....ll44.Cooa. Tobacco 4a Bid. Offered. C. A N. W. e. 7a. C, R. 1. A P. 4a.... ('(': A Kt L g. 4s. Chicago Ter. 4. Colorado So. 4a Denver A H. U. Krle prior lien 4 ea..loo ' an 4a 87 844 .11 14 . K0 .11144 .120 .108 . Ml .113 . 83 . 82 . 44 .1014, United Copper .... . 874iH:ngham . 844' Calumet A Het-la., note t enleanlal lot . .t.-l ..148 Boston Stock Qaotatloas. BOSTON. Oct. 29 Call loans. 5U&6 per cent; time loans, biii per cent. Official closing of stocks and bonds: Alchlaon 4s Gee la AU-hleon , do pfd Boaton A Albany... boat on Elevated ... N. .. N. H. A H. Pitch burg pfd I nlua Pacific Max. C.ulrml Amertcaa Sugar ... do ptd American T. A T... Ltominloa 1. A 8... Ota. Klectrlc Maaa. Klectrle do pld United Frail f. 8. Steel P'd w eatloga. Adventure .- Allouea Amalgamated Cupper Range ... Dominion Coal .. Kranklln Ille Kovala ..lo Mohaaa .. 24",, old liomlnloa ... ,.12u4 Oaceola ..118 IParrot , ..UJ4,IU1C7 . . 444 -S.uia Pa Copper. . .186 ITamarack , .. l74iTrlmoualals .. 86 iTnulty ..118 I'nlted Blatea .. 3IH4 l lah .. 88 (Victoria , ..104 a'inoaa , .. 20 Wolverine .. 24 Iwl Weet .. 64 I ... -1 ...&06 ... i4 ... 6:14 ...131 ... 84 ... 134 ... 4a ... 3,4 ...122 ...14 ...iu ... a ... 104 ... 214 .., 82 ... 44 ... 3. ... 6 ... 4 Itaak ( learlaga. OMAHA. Oct. 3 Bank clearings to-lav. fl; corresponding cay last year, tats, 1.3 JJ; Increase. U&.4i4 &3. ClliCAiO, OCU 43, Clear in. , Jo,2a2,tia; Adama Con. Alice Ilreece Ilrunitwick Con ('omatock Tunnel.. Con. Cal. A Va... Horn Silver Iron Silver Leadvllle Con 15 ... 40 ... 60 ... 8 ... t ...80 .-..124 ... ;s ... 4 .Utile Chief .. Ontario lH,hlr Iphnenlx IPotoel ........ Havage , Plerra Nevada Small Hopes . I. standard .. 18 ..628 ... 77 .. 8 .. 7 .. t .. 15 .. 30 ..300 I 1902. 11901. il90O.J1899.1133S.U897. 11896. Foreign Financial. IONDON, Oct. 29. -The demand for money was brlak today on prospects of In creasing Indebtedness to the Bank of Eng land and the strength of discounts, which clld not affect continental exchanges. Busi ness on the Stock exchange was Inactive and the tone was undecided. Gilt-edged se curities were dull and there waa some liiuiilatlon. Home rails Improved. Amer icans opened Irregular and Improved slightly to above parity, but the dealings were light. Prices closed steady. Grand Trunks receded on the September revenue statement. The heavy working expenses were adversely criticised. Later Grand iruriKs naa a oetter tendency. Gold pre miums are quoted as follows: Buenos Ayres,; Madrid, 32.62; Lisbon, 26. r-AKits, Oct. 29. Business on the bourse today onened quiet, with prices slightly heavy. Later Spanish 4s and rentes were in uemana, oeing benefited by foreigners. .nuuBiiima were nrmer. it.10 tlntoa were tiettvy ana ciosea wltn a better tone. ueneers ware firmer, closed quiet. The ti. oiscount was x 13-16 per cent, ...tru yw-i tent, rentes, irai oc lor tne AC count. Spanish 4s, S6.20. BERLIN, Oct. 29 Prices were generally firmer on the bourse today owing to the favorable report of the Laura company. Deutsche bank shares were favo.-ed on ac count of the bank's partlclnatlo.- to the "jnonnt of 25 per cent In tne conversion of inc luiaien loan, internationals were nrm. Lnecuum rates: unort bills, 2 per cent: Ihra. vtnnK.' kill. . Condition of the 1'reasnry. WASHINGTON. Oct. 29.-Today, atate. infill. 01 iub treasury Daiances in the gen eral fund, exclusive of the 1150,000,000 gold . . . o in wlr. umnion 01 reoemptlon, .?w,,.,AallSbIe ca8h baance. 1227.515.931; B1-'-Sg eSaaV,U4e,4lsrje Oct- Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct. O-.t. J-.t. Oct. Oct Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct, Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. Oct. 1.... I.... I. ... .... 6.... .... 7.... a.... 9.... 10... II. .. 12... 13... 14... 15... 16... 17... 16... 19... 20... 21... 22... 23... 24... 25... 26... 27... 28... 29... T 1441 751 1 Z"4I on. 1 i4! 6 Mi T 324, 7 424 7 SS H 7 28 4 7 14V4 7 044 9614, 7 07 J 7 16 I 0"!4I HI 7 15 7 02 924 82 I 704 6 76 " 6 714 6 614 51 514 59 521 t 16 U 49 S3 13 6 15 151 20, 29 6 18 6 22 30 67 6 23 I M t 1ft 19 i 201 6 0 I 02 4 92 4 90 4 931 4 S3 4 S2 4 72 4 64 4 52! 4 51 4 6 28 03 4 62 4 39 4 42 4 87 4 31 4 34 I 361 6 01 05 OUI 5 89 6 81 4 61 4 51 4 48 4 58 4 54 a I 4 52 4 35, 4 S3! 4 31 4 231 4 20 4 24 a 4 20 4 16 4 10 4 16 4 15 V3I 4 id 4 14 4 13 4 18 4 10 4 40 I 711 t 66 I 64 3 54 t 53 I 58 I 691 I 8S 2 94 a v. 2 91 3 Til .-72 I 71 I 74 3 64 S 62 3 531 1 tl 2 (7! t Kit 1 561 S 26 59 2 56 a 63i a 69 a a 70 a 67 a 73 3 71 a 65 bi a 66 3 54 3 47 3 52 3 54 3 54 3 61 a 59 I a M 3 60 a 54 a 62i 3 63 3531 S 46 3 41 3 38 3 42 8 38 I 91 a 04 3 04 a 13 a 1a a 14 a i a so a aa a i 3 24 a 23 e a 26 8 27 8 23 3 25 3 2-'. a as a 26 a 17 a 13 a 15 Cotton Market. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 29. COTTON ptiui. steady; sales, 4,0110 bales: ordinary 6 7-ibc; good ordinary, 7c; low middling, 711-16c; middling, 81-16c; good middling, 8 5-16c; middling fair, 81-16c; receipts. 19.267 bales: stock. 203,824 bales. Futures, steady; October. 8.08j8.07c: November, 8.068.O8c; """'"i, o.i-iiiw.uc; January, B.lbwx.loc; February. 8.174f8.18e: March . 9rva9i" April, 8.22ff.23c; May. 1258.2oc. ' ; ' ' ST. LOUI8. Oct. 29. COTTON Quiet to i-ioc lower; middling, sc; sales, 500 bales; , r.r.uin. o.ooa uuitrs: aninments. a net h. la. stock, 13,309 balea NEW YORK. Oc. D.-fOTTnV-nr,. steady, with first 3 prices 3ft6 points net nigner as a result or purchases Influenced by reports of frost over nractlmliv th. tire northern belt. These reports were also prunauiy largely 'responsible for the stronger showing of Liverpool, where first prices were im point higher. The market ruled firm during the earlv trading- w.n street was a moderate buyer of the winter upiiuiui ana room snorts were covering. Indicates Sunday. The official number of cars of stock ui vug m in yesieraay by each road was: r. . . Cattle. Hogs. She'p. H ses Wabash Mtstm-jrt Pacific Ry.. .. Union Pacific svatem. 41 C. & N. W. Ry 4 F.. E. 4 M. V. R. R.. IK C, St. P., M. 4V O.... 1 H. & M. R. Ry 72 C. B. Q. Ry 1 C, R. I. & P., east.. 1 C, R. I. A P., west.. 13 Illinois Central Total receipt 220 The disposition of the dav'a recelnt. as follows, each buyer purchasing the num un ut ncau iiiuicatea Buyers. Omaha Packing Co... bwiii ana company.,. t cows K78 1 cow 7u 14 steers.... tl 2 calves... 46 9 feeders. . 7r6 2 feeilera.. 74 44 cows 73 t cows 9M 1 cow liaio 4 cows. . . 11 cows... 3 cows... 2 cows.., 21 steers.. 1 steer .. 10 feeders.. 9,1 1 bull loan i bulls 11.0 2'TS 8 cows M 2 on 1 cows 3 I cow 7) 4 Si) 2 cows X;5 8 ) 1 feeder... 9si) e 55 2 feeder... 80 1 8 Steers... .1010 3 Jin 2 steers....ltj 8 25 88 steers.. ..11M 3 75 1 bull 1.-40 2 90 2 feeders.. 870 3 9 1 feeder... 1020 2 " 52 feeders.. 9-9 3 90 4 feeders.. 810 3 90 1 feeder... 8) Hi 8 feeders.. 916 2 So 6 cows 1015 2 36 1 cow 870 WYOMING. 43 steers... .1TO6 8 95 62 feeders. . 910 37 stters....inM li 8 calves... 850 37 steers.... 1024 3 96 3 calves... 346 Tom Buck Neb. lcows 9!H 2 85 8 feederi.,1007 1 cow 1050 2 50 1 bull 1180 J. Sinn Neb. I cows 950 2 85 1 feeder... 790 4 cows i7 2 2 feeders.. a 1 cow 111 3 80 8 feeders.. lnoo .11.(5 . 9 . M5 .-il5 .I1SH 920 4 COWS S27 3 86 heifers... 870 Charles Tlernan Neb. IS cows K172 3 00 4 feeders.. 11U 6 cows 844 2 3S 1 feeder... 1120 W. Barnard Neb. 15 cows 894 2 25 1 bull 1420 George Klrkland Neb. i"u t iu feeders.. 990 8 iO 1 cow HOO L. west Neb. 30 feeders 15 feeders.. 968 A 3 cows 900 2 40 6 cows 9il6 3 76 1 cow 80O 2 40 8 cows l'H9 2 76 Morrison 8 steers.. ..1103 3 60 steers.. 8 cows., 8 cows., 2 cows., . 918 . m .1020 2 00 3 00 3 25 2 25 3 90 3 55 a 75 3 75 4 36 2 25 8 7 3 75 3 75 3 hi 8 75 8 60 8 "0 a 5 a 95 3 o 2 60 8 70 8 00 a us 8 00 2 00 a 40 a 70 8 65 a is a st a so I 78 8 78 3 40 7 4 6 8 11 6 24 12 22 20 1 8 a 1 108 33 200 1 OR7 Cudahy Packing Co 1,161 Armour ft Co 755 Vansant ft Co . 11 Carey & Benton 475 Lobman ft Co 2na W. I. Stephen 181 Hill ft HunUlnger 56 William Underwood 167 Livingstone ft Schaller.... 233 Hamilton & Rothschild... 84 L. F. Huss 51 H. L. Dennis ft Co 41 Hobblck lis Walfour 280 Werthhelmer 131 S. ft S at Other buyers.,! 843 Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. 671 1,463 353 8,648 1.6.16 1.306 1.996 2,301 12,672 Totals 4,226 7.237 18,607 CATTLE There was a mora liberal run of cattle here today than yesterday, but for the three days the receipts are lighter than last week. As compared with the same uaye 01 last, year mere Is a good liberal Increase. The recelnts for is von. to date are now only about 9,000 head short of thii tntal recelnts fnr the va.,. lutt This, demand, however, was pretty weli that deficiency will probablyjje about, made supplied by the bear element, who were "P by the end of the month. In other uinpueeu to regard ine continued nn weatner over ine southern portion of the belt, and the slightly Increased movement an effectual oflset to the accniml. frost. There was a considerable nrnflt- taklng by those who bought at the low words, the receipts this year are just two months ahead of last. Packers did not seem to be particularly anxious for the few cars of corn fed ateera that arrived this morning, and, the same aa yrsieruay, tne mantel couiu be quoted un point yesterday. Toward the close llqulda- ev?n- On the "verB8 J prices paid prob- lw.j " ...... in.,, i i-iiauga 11 u 111 yes terday, but there were so few on sale that It Is hard to - tell very much about the market. There were good many cows Included in the receipts, but buyers took hold freely and the market could be quoted active and fully steady. A good many salesmen were calling It a little stronger than yesterday, especially on the more desirable gradea. The trains were slow about arriving, but buyers bought up the cows about as faat as they came In and were placed on the market. Bulls, veal calves and stars did not ihr,. enough change from yesterday to - te worthy of mention. There was a nrisK demand for storkera and feeders this morning and the market could be Quoted a little stronarer. Th. cattle of all weights showing quality moved very ireeiy i strong prices ana even the cattle lacking In quality brought fullv as good prices aa they did yesterday. The demand from the country haa been better this week, so that the cattle have not been accumulating tn the hands ol speculators. Western beef steers were not In very heavy supply and the market ruled quite active and ateady to strong. Buyers were out early and anything desirable waa ea.o to dispose of. Range cows were also steady 10 sirung auiu uiv aautie couia oe aaid Of stockers and feeders. The better the qual ity tbe more strength there was to the irsae. j-vepreaemauve saies; BEEP STEERS. A. Pr. No. Av. IT. ,...1880 I 80 II 1184 88 ,...1184 f 00 COWB. lion Decame more general and from a net glim at one time ot atari points the market closed steady, with a net gain of but 14 points. The estimated sales were about 250.000 bales. LIVERPOOL. Oct. 29 rO"t-rniun c.i uu.iucu uuutj, prices 2 points lower: American mlddllno- fair Kra,i- .iaL dllng, 4.76d; middling, 4 68d; low middling. ttutj, iu viuiuary, s.eoa; ordinary, 4.a4, j ne saies or me day were 10,000 bales, of wiiiun duo were 1 or necmniinn onri .nn and included 9,400 American. Receipts were jo.vw iinirn, inuiuuiiig xi.fuo American. Fai lures opened easier and closed ateariv inifintan miaaung, g. o. c, October. 4.56d buyers; October-November, 4.49d, sellers: November-December. 4.46d, sellers; December-January, 4.43d, buyers: Januarv-Febru- ary, e.aou, sellers; t en-mary-March. 4.43d. sellers; March-April, 4.43d, sellers: April- May, e.wu, seiiers; xaay-june, 4.430, sellers. Coffee Market. NEW YORK. Ort. 59 TYlUMrirtp an. kio. quiet; no. 7 invoice, 5aC Mild, steady- vu.uuvo., .njr. r uiurm opened steady, with prices unchanged to 6 points higher. roilowing a slight upturn In the French market and on light room covering and In vestment demand. Late In thai rla tk. spot month sold at 5.15c, or 15 points over etockera and feeders m i-iuoni!, auvauuuiK on aemand from shorts; the general list, however, showed little change from the opening at u n ir lm& T" V. m .1 .. . . V . Ki. iiw uajr new. as a wnoie favored neither side in nartlculae tun .miiMiL-ni situation contained nothing of feature. The market waa finally steady, with October net 10 points higher and other months unchanged to 6 points higher. To tal saies reacnea ieu.zuu Dags, including: Oc tober, 5.15c; November, 6.10tg6.15c; Decern- ber. S.Zixfto.ZSc; March, 5.45c: April. 6.60c' w.w., uvuiiuucr, o.oui4f9.vtn:. ft O 8. D. 16 cows .1181 1 C. D. Hinds 8. D. . 9ui 3 40 Kent ft Blssell 8. D. .lt) 8 25 96 feeders.. 833 .1125 4 00 99 feeders.. 8ST .806 8 00 10 bulls 1418 E. F. Hal 1-8. D. 2 feeders.. 1040 4 00 22 feeder.. 966 2 feeders.. 870 8 50 C. Davider B. D. .10SO 3 50 24 steer. ...105 . 910 2 80 1 cow 890 .1012 2 76 8 cows 943 A. D. Reader 8. D. 1072 4 15 16 feeders.. 1016 S 16 t feeders.. 996 3 15 V. Hlnes 8. D. 3 60 1 steer 1050 3 90 2 steers.. ..1180 3 90 1 steer 8ii0 3 60 61 a leer. Infi? 2 steers.. ..1040 4 00 Western Ranches 8. D. .. 940 3 55 6 steers... .1074 Joe Hermon Mont, ..132i 5 20 22 steers... .1286 ..1213 4 20 Thomas McOIrl Xfnnt 24 Steers.... 1.W3 4 85 8 cows 8 R. Miller Mnni 16 steers... .liog 3 65 8 cows..., 24 steers... .1220 4 60 J. T. Mitchell Wyo. 8 cows 1086 2 90 9 steers... .1042 in. c. i uiotson w yo. . 774 2 35 60 calves... 817 852 1 35 11 calves... 220 . 676 2 60 102 calves... 319 . 615 8 60 - 66 calves... 160 ITU ax ft 763 8 36 8 35 2 00 8 60 27 cows... 15 steers. 9 steers.., t steers.., 11 cows.. 1 cow..., 9 cows.. 34 steers. 1 steer l'70 4 steer. ...lotio O. 4 cows 1017 19 cows 1100 1 cow 1150 10 feeders.. 926 16 cows..,, 19 steers.. 8 steers.. 833 1 51 a 40 a to a 26 408 4 35 1 76 a ao a re a 40 a 2s 4 85 4 00 4 30 932 77 119 cows.. 11 cows... 55 cows... 32 feeders 6 feeders 7 feeders 16 cows... 4 cows... 22 feeder, 2 bulls.... S3 cows..., 83 cows.,, 18 cows. 8 cows., 10 cows., 1 bull... . 654 .;80 . 982 K. .1178 .1410 . 941 848 8. Wyo. neirers... 6M 4 HO 830 880 , 61 , 697 9U0 1046 1 heifer. 1 calf.... 1 bull Lawrence Wyo. 4 06 is heifers. 3 30 18 heifer. 2 85 1 cow...., 8 00 19 cowa. . . e COWS 1V I W William Loom is Wyo. 60 feeder.. 1052 8 60 11 feeders.. 989 t - Toltlc L. ft C. Co.-Wyo. 11 feeders.. 930 8 40 I steer.... 994 10 feeders.. 1034 8 60 George Mitchell Wyo. ,. 779 2 10 2 bull 1065 . 9 2 65 1 bull 1070 . in llo 1 bull.... .13J0 2 80 1 bull.... C. Lund Utah. 20 feederc.. 673 8 00 19 cow... lcalf 140 4 25 27 cows... F. Omsted Colo. 8 cows 940 8 00 63 feeder 8 60 1 feeder 3 feeders.. 1166 1 feeder... 720 2 feeders.. 1030 883 W. .1260 .1340 763 894 9K3 .1080 6 feeder 43 feeder.. 18 feeders.. 56 feeders.. 6 feeders.. 7 cows...., 5 cows..., 7 cows.. 1 cow.t..., 1 cow...... 7 cows 16 feeder.. 1 feeder... 6 feeders.. 25 cows 8 40 I 80 8 10 1 40 a 90 4 16 4 00 8 10 a so a to 2 00 a oo a to 286 a 75 a 26 a 46 a oo a oo a 16 2 30 2 30 a 30 285 2 85 8 60 3 60 8 45 a 45 803 866 D. T08 990 J. 842 930 930 761 up Colo 7 feeders. 868 8 10 750 8 00 860 810 .1240 .723 660 840 730 810 927 8 00 a oo t 75 a 35 1 95 2 60 1 95 2 75 3 25 8 60 42 feeders.. 969 3 46 1 feeder... 710 3 50 G. Trum 3 50 L. W. Brandts Colo, 881 3 55 2 feeder E. W. Brandts Colo. 856 8 60 6 feeders 8 50 1 feeder. T. Henry Colo. 2 75 1 bull.... 2 85- I cow.,. j. Cross Colo. 1 95 1 cow 1 83 1 cow 2 1 cow 2 VS F. Blakeman Colo. 872 8 35 1 feeder. . looo 3 00 4 feeders. 1013 2 75 G. Daniels Colo. 930 2 90 1 bull !280 2 30 HOGS There were about io care rr hn.. on sale today and packers ctarted out try ing to buy their supplies a shado easier Sellers, though, were hnldino- fnr i,.,i. prices, and as packers all had liberal order they had to raise their bids. The bulk of the hogs sold at Just about steady prices with yesterday. The quality of the offer ings was better today, as there were not a many heavyweights, as yesterday, which markes the market on paper look stronger than it really was. The Inna- airing nt th. sales went at 86.50, with the bulk from 86.60 to 86.56, with the' choice loads going from 86.56 to 86.60. Trading was quite active and all the early arrivals were dlnnoaed Representative sales: No. at. 8h. l'r. 80 2t 67 2 US I No. 1.. 31.. OH and Rosin. OIL CITT. Pa., Oct. 29. OIL Credit bal. ancee, 31.35. bid; sales, lO.otxi bbls.; ship ments, uuis.; average, iM.uf bbls. runs. 68.439 bbls.: average. 77.659 bhla. TOLKDO. Oct. 29. OIL North IJma S7. a..u v i . . . .i , i , - ' Dwuui lAiiiiA mm muuiiia., vie. NEW YORK. Oct. 29 OIL-Cottonseed, nominal; yellow, 36l4(fj37c. Petroleum, firm; refined, Nev York. 87.45; Philadelphia and Baltimore, 37.40; Philadelphia and Balti more, in duik, n.8o, itotiin, nrm. Turpen tine, eay, 62'i4f&3c. LIVERPOOL Oct. 29. OIL Turnentlna inrn, titni, us oa. LO.NUU.N. Oct. 29 OIL Linseed. 23a M Turpentine spirits. 36s lOSjd. SAVANNAH. Oct. 29 OIL Tiirnentln. firm. 49c. Rosin, firm: A, B, C. D. 21.35: k' 1.40: F. 3145: G. 31.55: H. 31.76: I. 12- K t2Ki: vf e-i Kl e-i til- t-r .ie. tiT.t, ., v", fw, ,, t eo.iu, v vv , Evaporated Apples and Dried Fralts. NEW YORK. Oct. 29.-EVAPORATirr r-r-L,r. Bteaoier. wltn common nunteH u Mic; prime, &uc; choice, bmtiUc: fancy. 7&i 7liC. CALIFORNIA DRIED FRTTITH Rnnl prunes are in fairly active request, but ar rivals are now more plentiful and prices about steady; quotations range from 3Vc to 7Vc for all grades. There Is a fair trade in apricots anu coast advices renect a nrm market; spots are quoted at 7'yUloc In boxes and at tti94c In bags. Peaches sre meeting with a fair demand; peeled. P416c; unpeeled. 6t(8c. Sagar aad Molasses. NEW ORLEANS. Oct. 29 8raAROnlet but steady; open kettle, 2Vd3 l-16c; open seme, ceiuru ugaj, new, i(i i-itr; cen- nrugai w nite, 4 i3-iov!.T'c; yellow. Sua 13-1 6c: seconds. 14.3.n. Mnla.u,. ti. good demand; open kettle, 2436c; ceiitrl- lugai, i.viiH.-. syrup, steady, Z4U2c, 1AI.MXJM, uci ber, 7s 6d. NEW IUKK. 1 1 1 t 1 1 1 14 14 I 38 1 T70 910 . 670 , 841 1 10 1 00 1 00 I 00 800 1 16 830 I 16 630 I IS 860 9 60 80 2 66 611 i 80 1010 t 76 438 I 88 1110 2 80 STEERS U14 6 00 6., .1024 I 80 766 8 00 810 ....100 ....1178 ....1008 ....1160 ....1110 ,...1000 ,...1044 ...1264 ...1170 ...1U6 I.. I.. I 1 1 1 9 4 4... 11... STAGS. ....1J6I .1808 .1811 8 00 i 00 I OS I 00 I 86 I 60 I 75 I If 76 ' I 80 4 68 6 i t 16 I 60 AND 40. . HEIFERS. 1000 9 16 BULLS. 1660 1 00 1 1146 t 80 ' 1 1800 I 80 CALVES. tto t 00 1 , 180 6 00 I STAGS. ttt in STOCK CALVES. 846 111 4 , 810 8 00 . 41 877 60 STOCK COW8 AND HEIFERS. 680 t 80 1 880 8 08 iNCBHABKA, . 100 Ul va I 2S 6 I TJ 4 80 No. 1 bull.... 1 steer..., 1 bull 2 cows... 2 cows... 1 cow 860 11 cows 851 Av. .1300 . 710 .1430 . 855 .10 14 cows. 1 cow...., a cows... 1 cow 11 heifers. 1 bull 2 heifers. 11 heifers. 19 feeders 1 feeder 956 9H0 .. 950 . 920 .. 820 .1400 .. 730 .. 754 ,. 822 .IO 10 k heifer... 804 cows 9t0 1 cow 1250 2.-SUUAR-Beet, Octo- Oct. ! 8ITGAR EMrm. fair refining. 2 l-16c; . centrifugal, 96 test! 8Hc; molaaiKei sugar, 3 3-16c; refined, firm. Molasses, steady. 17 cows. 3 cows.. 1 cow... 3 cows.. cows.. 8 cows.. 1 cow... 1 cow.. . 8 steers. 1 feeder. 1055 ..lloO .. n;t3 ..1023 .. 857 ..IliO . ,li) ..1191 Whisky Market. LOUIS. Oct. 29.-WH1SKY -Steady at 29-WHISKY-Dlstil- steady, on basis of ST. 1.32. CINCINNATI. Oct. ers finished goods. 81.32. CIIICAUO. Oct. 3. HlSKY-HLearlv at 8132. . - PIvOKiA. MI.. Oct. 29 WHISKY On baals of 81-23 for finished goods. 13 heifers... 484 1 heifer.... 6110 2 heifers... 480 2 rows 8n5 1 bull. 1610 1 cow 1010 3 COWS r40 1 cow 720 8 cows..... 975 1 COW 740 t cows..... tot Pr, 2 5il a 50 2 55 2 35 a 35 00 2 70 a 16 a is a 35 2 00 2 90 2 16 2 80 a so 3 64 8 00 3 90 a no 8 26 8 i a 00 a 00 a 25 2 96 a 65 a 25 1 76 a so a 25 a to a w 2 u a 10 2 15 COLORADO No. 1 bull 4 feeders. 12 heifers.. 8 heifers.. 4 feeders. 2 calves. . 4 feeders. 6 feeders. 8 feeders. 31 feeders. 6 feeders. .IO116 12 feeders.. 754 25 feeders.. 716 102 feeders.. 671 47 feeders.. bu Av. 960 840 7x0 7W 677 100 750 6 746 853 25 cows.. cows.... 1 cow 12 cows.... .8 heifers.. 8 heifers.. 24 feeders. 2 heifers.. 1 heifer... 2 heifers., heifers., I bull . 1 bull 1 cow 4 cows.... 2 heifer.. 10 cow.... HIM . 0 , 830 .Ml Pr. a 65 8 10 2 60 2 25 3 20 6 25 8 25 3 80 3 26 3 90 3 70 3 60 3 50 4 54 4 64 3 ( 2 94 2 96 2 90 675 2 60 6S6-2 25 612 3 30 600 ,. 764 . 81 . 611 .1230 .luuO . 920 . 845 . 7i .hl 3 76 3 10 3 10 8 14 8 75 8 ; 16 feeders.. 988 ( feeders.. 78 1 feeder... 640 16 feeders.. 757 6 cows 140 1 cow 1 sow a 10 2 75 2 60 a n 2 66 a 45 2 75 2 10 2-40 2 85 8 90 8 50 8 00 8 60 2 00 a 00 of in good- seasoa Av. - 8h. Pr. ... 80 ...t6 ...IKS ...836 ...811 ...26 ...140 ...147 ...811 ...2X1 ...293 ...260 ...2T ...848 ...811 ...ZK8 ...888 ...tss ...288 ...843 ...t4 ...878 ...nt ...260 ...240 ...2M ...118 ...174 ...ifto ...877 ...246 ...246 241 No. 86.. It.. 84.. 42.. 66.. 68.. 61.. 67.. 64.. 66.. 40.. 76.. 40.. 63.. 41.. 68.. 80.. 67.. 16.. 64.. 86.. 61.. Tt.. 63.. 16.. 83.. 67.. 48.. 62. 40 40 240 240 440 200 140 10 120 40 44 120 140 80 80 140 80 120 80 120 10 80 120 120 10 SO 80 100 11 8.6 40 816 64 lit 46 7 70 ...t8 10 232 62 2I 43 304 14 174 84 27 271 120 64. 76.. 88.. 81.. 16.. 71.. 1.. 41.. .804 ..248 ..83 ..2t ..274 ..283 ..248 ..280 SHEEP- 8 80 too no 130 130 The 10 t 40 4 42U, 46 46 474 ' 47 S, 47 , 474 471, 4 60 60 4 60 4 60 60 6 60 60 60 - 60 60 60 60 4 60 60 4 60 60 60 60 64 4 60 4 K. 4 M 60 60 60 60 60 4 60 60 60 60 4 60 60 4 60 8 60 4 60 60 4 60 60 60 60 60 60 run 77. 64.. 63.. 4.. 48.. 18.. 20.. 68.. 64.. 71.. 16.. 46.. 4.. 70. 76., .281 ,...306 ...30 ...28 ...176 ...271 ...sni ...28 ...276 ...2M ...146 ...268 ...210 ...Ml .236 40 120 240 200 74 231 18 72 16 67 48 4 76 '66 48 47 44 41 48 138 84 41 4 87 64 40 68 41 80 41 6 47.. 8.. 8.. 78 . 40.. 121 ..231 ..M ..240 ..240 ..834 ..260 ..271 ..168 ..80 ..243 ..247 ..204 ..231 ..278 ..847 ..841 ..23 J ..Su ..178 ..838 ..23 .217 la 161 ....844 ....841 ....26 ....840 .....861 ....231 ....330 ....Ut 80 80 ' 80 140 '40 lZ'l 80 40 140 120 60 4 60 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 4 60 6 62Uj t 6;4 fJl 6 61t 6:4 4 62', 62'; 621, 6 624 8 62I4 621, 4 6214 4 62H 6 62Va 6 62V, 61V, 52 4 6214 62 H 62 14 4 62S, 4 6IV1 4 66 4 65 66 6 66 4 66 4 4.-, 66 65 66 6 4 65 4 66 4 66 4 6S 4 6 4 86 4 67 4 67V, P7V, 0 40 4 4 40 was not of sheen heavy as yesterday, but for the first ha! of the week there Is a slight Increase, nV. ine same tiays 01 last week, and as com pared with the same days of last year there Is a big Increase, as will be seen from the table above. The same as has been the run fnr time past, the proportion of fat stuff was ratner email, and packers all seemed to be anxious fur supplies, so that the market was fairly actlvs and fullv steady in tuith sheep and !ambs. Western lambs sold as high ss 84,75, wethers brought 83 56, snd ewes 83.10. A few native sheep and lambs arrived, ewes selling up to 83.50, yearling. 64.00, and lambs 85.00. It was not long be fore everything that would do for killer was disposed of. The supply of feeders on hand this morn ing was still very large. Sellers thmmh were all holding for steady prices, and as there were several heavy buyers on hsnd the prospects for clearing up a large part of the supply wss brighter than for several days. Several big strings were disposed of before noon and the prices paid Linked Just about steady with yesterday's sales. Quotations: Good to choice yearlings 83 75 64.00; fair to good. 33 r it) 3.60; good to choice wethers, $3 5uii.1.46; fair to good wethers, 3Hta.35: choice ewes. 63.0ofy3.26: fslr to good ewes. 82 652.9u; good to choice lambs, 84 6644.76: fair to good Utmha. U aii in- choice native lambs, 8.0U4J6 25; feeder weth ers. 8Z.7bft3.ou; reeser yearlings, 82.0Oci3.25: feeder lambs. f3.uch4 no; eull lambs. 11 ; 2 50; feeder ewes. 81-26QriOO; cull ewes. 7ncitj 8125; stork ewes. I2.i0iii3.25. Kepresenlativs sales: No. 25 Nebraska cull ewes 4 Nebraska bucks 8 native bucks snd ewes 18 Nebraska wethers and ewes. 91 Nebraska awes 34 Nebraska lambs 78 Nebraska wether 6 native ewes (5 native eu 8 native wethers 9 native buck lambs t naUva la tubs... t eull ewea , 57 Nebraska cull ewes 75 common ewes 4 common ewea 503 feeder wethers li5 Wyoming feeder lambs., t hnck 31 Wyoming ewes 6 Wyoming ewes P8 wertern wether 5vl Wyoming ewes 9 Wyoming wethers 153 western wethers 6 native ewes , 4.r? Wyoming wethers 277 Wyoming wethers 116 Wyoming wethers 31S Wyoming feeder lambs.. 4"0 Wyoming feeder lamha.. 445 Wyoming feeder lambs.. 243 Wyoming cull lambs 1 cull lamb 27 Wyoming lambs 467 Wyoming lamb 6 native lambs 275 Wyoming feeder ewes... 43 Wyoming feeder ewes... 68 Wyoming feeder ewea... 198 Wyoming feeder ewes.... 120 Wyoming feeder lambs.. 162 Wyoming ewe , 74 , 98 . tt , 74 , 47 12.1 12.1 PS 90 lm) 91 173 10 ... r-2 ... r.2 ::: 40 70 74-' 92 . 82. 84 S3 86 88 91 1 90 2 00 2 i1 2 M .3"c 3 00 2 1 a io 8 15 3 15 3 3 25 3 i 8 ,Vi 3 iCi 8 7a 3 7a r. 3 in 3 65 4 nO . 4 40 .4 V 6 Oo 81 5 Vl 5 1 50 1 T6 a u CHICAGO ' LIVH STOCK MARKKT. asaaasBBasassn Cattle and Sheep Remain. Steady, While Hegs Go Hlher. CHICAGO Oct. 29 CATrt.W8f-.-lnt 31,000 head. Including 6,fV westerns; opened steady and closed 15frf25c lower; good to prime steers, 86.75ig.2S; poor to medium, W.60((T.50; stockers and feeders, f2.2,ij-5.00; cows. 31.40i4.60; heirers, 82.0os.i6.00; rsnners, 31.401450; bulls, 82.OnrnH.50; calves. Ui.VtiO.25; Texas fed steers. 33.0u(bi4.2S: western steers. 83 5ni26. HOGS-Recelpt. 15.000 head: estlmstrd tomorrow. 25.0U0 head: left over. SLlsrt hen.l- 6'ijl0c higher; mixed and butchers. 36. 4i 6.i5; good to choice heavy, 36.f.'tir,.80; rouah heavy, 86.2006.66; Hht, 36.204i6.65; bulk if sal eel, tV 40411. SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelnts. 4.(10 head: steady: lambs, steadv tn ion- hi. her- good to choice wethers, 33.504,4. 15;- fair .o', choice mixed, 82.5Wu3.40; weslern sheep, 32.754f3.76; native lamb, 83.5'Ju0.tiO; western lambs, 83. 766. 00. Official yesterday: Roeelnl. Cattle 7,700 . 2..V.9 Hogs :t 27.476 1.642 Sheep .'. zs.fej 1,4, ,3 Kansas City Live stock Market. KANSAS CITY. Oct. M CATTf VT.. ' celpts, 14.500 head natives. 1.5n0 head Tex ans. 100 head Texas calves and 900 head native calves: native snd western, ti.niv. to strong; quarantine, firm; butchers' Cows, and heifers, firm; etockera and feeders, higher: calves strong' choice export and dressed beef steers, .70 7.85; fair to good. 33.50U.70; stockers end feeders, $2.754. 50: western fed steers, 23.0v,i5.80; Texas ami Indian steers. 13 2f,rii4 2K- t.v.i fl 8.80; native cows, 81.6mfi4.00; native heifers, '. $2.003.75; canners, 31.0ueja.5t; bulla, 52.00' 8.65; calves, 82.6tK(jo.90. HOGS Receipts, 15,000 head; market """uj iu in; luvori ttip, an.n.'-A; OUIK or . sales, 26.5vrf 67V4: heavy, 36.5vrTv6: mixed packers, 86.50ffT6.62Uj; u?ht. .3,Vy ; yVk, - ers, 86 5rVn6.67i; pigs, i6.11Aa8.35"- ' fiHKF.P ANT MVRil-uAri.t. ' ton head; market steady; lambs strong, native lambs, 83.6IX&6.20; western lamba, ). 0016. 15; ft. fed ewea. 33.104f3.90; native wethers, 83.0.W9 .' 4.00; western wethers, 83.96tfW.00; UtyickcsaVT' and feeders, 81.9&6U.25. v " , New York tiro Stock Jtarketj NEW TORKT Oct 21 CATTLE Re ceipts, 8.425 bead; market sVw; totf grades, lOo lower; medlunf nd comrnon' steers, fViii 2oc lowerp bulla fcfld coV lOfiWfic lqr; leers, 34.00rn6.94; westerns.; V-fl0W4.1flxen . and Stags. 63.OIVa6.20: hulu. ll .";;l T.Kma-i 31.36(3.40; extra fat. 4. Cablais steady; ex ports, 30 sheen ,nd 8.4.2 ti'iartera of beef... CALVES-Rco lpts. 1.815. head; ."Seal.-' steady; grasserP. easier; veals, t'TjOP'fto.iiO; . , little calves, 83,r,ft:i4 mi; grassers. W.lfji . 3.624; western, 4 '14 82VJ; earlingsj 32.50. , SHEEP AND LAM US-Receipt' ' i,5S3 . head; sheep steodv; lambs slow,,. 12 cars- unsoia; sneep, 2ri.1.75; lambs, .255.35f culls, 3&O0r4.0O: Canada lambs. 35.5! . HOGS RecelptB, 3.341 head; stekJV for all' weights; Pennsylvania and state hogs," 36 6o.90; common western hogs, 6,25. St. Lowls Live . "A Stock, -Market. 6.000 head. Includlimr 3 tit . Iiea.t , Tmli market steady to. firrrtf native shipping ahiT export steers. 25 CVr7 iA:.- ilraaikiL lif ..j butcher steers. 34KKiirt.50; 'titeers under l. lbs.. 83.50rr,6.00; slftc Iters, and feeders,- 8J-O0a 4.26; cowa and -hfifcrs, 82.25if5.50; canners. I1.60(M.50; bulls, 32.25j3.00; calves, 84.0tM; ana maun steers," ;.4.ifoa.3ti; sow and heifers, t2.2t4rVAG. . . .f-' 1 HOa8-Reelpts'. -.. -600 head : -market ' steady; jilgs and 1ihta, 86.S54j6.65-, nackcr. 8.45ft.sS; butcher. 6C&16.6O. -.-T? .- . , SlfltftP AN1 IAMlfH Receipts, Wm. , head; market ateady; iMttve muttons, 3.1.-2 fiit.OO: lambs. 83.50j5.t: -culls and bucks, ' 82 &M,4.0O; atockers, 81 6OS3.00; Texans, 8310 : 4)3.80. is ' St. Joseph Live Stock Market,. ,t ST. JOSEPH, Oct. 29. CATTLE Re- 'e celpts, 2.000 head; a-'tlve; stock cattle ' i stronger; natives, 84.00)7.85; cows and-. heifers, 81.6oitj6.75; stockers and feeder. 32.0ni5.00. HOGS Receipts, 6,458 head; -Ight and light mixed. $0.62H(n6.67t: medluan'- and heavy, 36.6utfi.fl.60; bulk, 86.il2,(ri6.rt1a HHEEP AND LAMBS ReceiDtaaS head: active. Arm. -' , ' !' . Bloaz City I. ve Stock Market. Oct. 29. fSpeclat Tele- . A v. 72 130 LT5 71 61 87 160 l:i0 115 Pr. 1 oo 1 25 a 6 3 76 2 75 3 00 3 25 a to 3 50 4 04 4 64 (A SIOUX CITY. Ia gram.) CATTLE- Receipts, 800; market steady; peeves. e6.-Josi7.2a; cows, bulls and mixed. $2,264(4.00; stockers and feeders,- 32.60 4j4.75; yearlings and calves, $2.60j4.00. HOGS RecelDts. 3.0m: market iirnni M 5c higher; sel lag, 86.4oii7y.65; bulk, 86.4a, ?tock 111 f'. ht, .'1" The following' were the recelnts nf II va atock at the six prir.c!.',al cities yesterdav: :4atlle. Ilni.1 fihe'n wmana o.yl Chicago 21.0(10 Kansas City 14. Ml St. Louis 6,ii0 St. Joseph 2.1") Sioux City 800 Total 6.890 22,044 15.0HO 6.5110 6.458 3,0n0 ...60,800 59.848 8,600 35,11114 6.500 1.8" 135 i2.C3S Wool Market. ST. IiOUIS. Oct. 29.-WOOL Strong but quiet; medjjm grades and combing. 15418c; light fine, VJWV.c; heavy fine, lillSc: tul washed, IfirUc BOSTON. Oct. 29.-WOOI-Contlnues dull. Sellers seem content to let the market take Its course, well knowing that without boom or excitement all the wool they hav will be wanted at their own prices. Manu facturers have bought conalderable wool, fiaylng full prices and prices a little higher n a good many InsJances. Mill representa tives admit that they have mallt-r stocks of wool on hand than usual and that a continual running of the mills means a flood deal of wool buying. Territory wool s In a very strong position. Predictions are heard irom well posted merchants that fine staple territory Is going 10 6.V. with even 65c suggested; fine staple territory, 664i0c; line and fine medium. 0Offj52c; me dium, 4.'u-17c. Texas wool is In a remark ably strong position; fall cleaned baals, 4. 48c; twelve month. 5s4jii)c: lx to eight months, spring, 63iriu5c. California woof Is firm, with the ilcmnnd good; northern counties, cleaned banlH, 521 :3c: middle counties, 48'aaOc; southern, ii'uiie; six to eight months, 13ft ltc lens. Fine fleece wool Is In a very strong position; fine wanhed fleeces are particularly firm, with offerings very small; quotations are very firm; Ohio and Pennaylvsnla XX and above. 'Mtl2c; X. 26V127V"; Michigan X. 2JH"l2ti'4c. Oe lalne wool is In a vtrong position, with transactions and offerings both stnull; Ohio snd Pennsylvania washed delaine, 32'fj.Uc Michigan, 3ii31c; No 1. 3o4i.Ur: So. 2. x,i, w-; coarse. 24;i2c. Fine unwashed and un merchantable atock Is In small supply, with prices strong; Ohio and Peunsvlv aula un wanned. 21422c; Michigan. 2itilc: imm... cliantable Olilo and Pennsylvania. 23i24c i here is very little AUHtrallun anni I..,.. and It Is held above the market; quotations are nominally at, combing choice, ccoured basis, 771 MK-; good, 74fo.T6c; average, 724i74o NEW YORK, Oct. 2.- WOO I. vjulci. Dry Goods Market. NEW YORK. Oct. 29 DRY OOOns4Ti, demand today has again been moderate and wiiimut special leaturs. f'rices In cotton goods are maintained. Print cloths, dull but tlrni. Men's wear woolens and wnni.,1. In uulet request at firm prices. Uress goods nrm. Warrants lor Ticket Brokers. - ST. tX)IM8. Oct 29-1'iider afTldavlts' fnr ished City Attorney Ta v lor that m,.ii - trday Issued, warrants against a number of t ticket brokers, charging them with violat ing the ordinance relating to the .sale of nontransferable railway tickets. Tk. j,rn.. - ers against whom warrant were sworn out are Charles I-onard. Max R.-hui.i...h t.- Gllilersleeve. Simon Pteluer, Waeserm'an' lul. " vestment company. The penalty for-each N y ' " a mho 01 not teas 1 nun i.i or mora than 35u0. Pays Coli for Ball NEW YORK. Oct. 29Th WM out today 82.22o.0Oj fr ,..!, 1 .1 . received at San Francisco, the b'llk ,f which cam from Australia. Gold far Soath America. LONDON. Oct. 29. Golrl 1. ,h. .. . of 30. wa. withdrawn from the B.t.k of Kngland today for shipment tu Boutr. it, V 1 8 !r 1 Ml' eS " 'v- 13 janMrica. ... r