THE OMAHA DAILY HEE: THURSDAY. OCTOIlElt 30, 1902. double thru figure. Alfalfa l taking Its place a. a major for ire crop, 207,0(9 aorta . being returned, with a field of l.O7O,00 'on. , Pome eountles report a many at frmr cutting of alfalfa during the tea .on. Aauadaacc of Feed. It la certain from three figure that there will be no-alienage of feed la Nebraska during the coming winter. Already thous and of head of cattle and eheep hare been sent to the fed tota, and many o her thous and will follow during the winter. The range In the atate was never In ao good condition. Not a great deal of corn baa been fed aa ret, and no hay, for the pastures afford the beet ort of picking, t'nless the Inter be unusually severe the ranee dock In Nebraska will be In eplendld condition to go on corn In the eprlng. Another very, . .encouraging condition I that the ground y In eplendld ahap for fall ecdlng, and during the fine weather of tha laat three week, the farmer have been buay putting .- In winter wheat and rye. Such report aa hare been lent lu on this Item point to largely Increased acreage of winter wheat, so that It Is not at all unlikely that the next year'a crop re port will enow that Nebraska I entitled to the full ftO.OOWtm bushels of winter wheat that wag claimed for .the atate by aome of the grain men thin year. No effort has' been made to put price on the crop of. 1903 for Nebraaka, but con servative) men 'estimate that the tour ma jor crop will fetdi ta'the neighborhood of $136,000,000. If the value of tha. barley, potatoes, hay, alfalfa, augar bests and the other product of the farm for which com pteto figures have not been obtained were added to this estimate It wll be aeen that farming In Nebraaka atlll pay. Then the dairy and poultry interest of the atat are not an Insignificant factor In Its agri cultural total, while the fruit raisers are prosperous, bnt reluctant to 'even give an estimate aa to the extent of the yield tor tha state. ISSUE OF BONDS IS STOPPED I lea- Chancellor barn Meeting; of Steel '.. Director a to Pass Resolatfoa ' Prematarely Held. ' NBW ARK, N. J., Oct. 20. Vloe Chancellor Emery. today filed hit decision In tha tult of J. Aaplnaali' Hodgt and other to pre vent tb United States Steel corporation from, retiring $200 000,000 of preferred stock and Issuing 1260,000.000 In bonds. ' In hit de cision the vice chancellor aaya: 1 -will advise that a preliminary Injunc tion fee granted retraining the Issue of bonds under the resolution upon the terms that If the defendant desire to appeal the complainant shall consent that the cause be set down for, hearing at the next term cif tbeoourt of errors and appeal. .-. Tha resolution, referred to by the vice chancellor waa adopted by the dlrectora of the United State Steel corporation and ordered the retirement of the preferred stock. Vice Chancellor Emery decides that the meeting of the directors at which the resolution wss adopted was prematurely called and that the retirement of the stock tinder the resolution must be therefore en joined. The decision of the vice chancellor agrees with the decision of the court of errors and appeals In the Berger case on all other points. BUTTE JUDGE IS ARRESTED Char with Criminal Libel Jar lit Sees Inalde of Prison Cell. BUTTE, Mont., Oct. 29. William Clancy, Judge of the sute district court, was ar rested for criminal libel at the instance of D. J. Hennessey.' P. A. OTarrell, editor of the Reveille, waa also .arrested on the) asm charge , The action. It the result of an affidavit appearing In the paper above the signature of Judge plancy alleging that he had been offered a bribe four years ago by Hen nessey to Influence his declsloa in soms litigation. : PREPARE TO MAKE, MUCH GLUE Baateraere Form Compaay with Sis 'I.. ' Mlllloa- Dollars - . Capital. TRENTON, N. J., Oct. 29. The Olue Cor poration of Jersey City waa Incorporated here today with a capital of $6,000,000, di vided Into $2,000,000 bearing 8 per cent cumulative dividend and $4,000,000 com mon stock. ' . The company Is to manufacture glue or any articles In which glue enters as a part. ' The incorporators are Noel Gale and John F-. Charlton of New York and Rich ard F. Tully of Jersey City. CRUSHED ARM CAUSES DEATH St. Joseph Maa Catehea Sleeve la Mov. , las; Cos Wheels aad ; ,. . Will Die. BT. JOSEPH,' Mo.,1 Oct. 29. William Wright of Andrew, county, while tuoerln tending a' new cornhusker, the Invention of a friend, caught bis sleeve In the eog of the machinery and before the power could be shut off hit arm was shredded. Hlr Injuries were so severe that he can not live. There am some men who teem to bsj favorite of fortune. They arc indus trious, cheerful workers, full to over flowing of the energy of splendid health, and aucceaa seems fairly to drop into their hands. It is of such as these that the leas hardy and leas success ful man says ' enviously, That fellow waa born with fold spoon in is month." And yet on analysis it will i be found that this success is largely duo - to splendid health, the endowment of healthy mother. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription elves the mother health to five her child. It cures nervousness, nausea and sleepless ness. It makes the body comfortable and the mind content.' It rives physical visor and muscular elasticity ao that the baby's advent is practically painless. I will eadeavor to tell ya of the many brnetta I haw derived from UktngDr. Pierce Wavorlie PteacTiptlaa.s writes Mia. B. B. Robert aea, a Medicine Lodge, Barber Co.. a. sua, .la th (all ot ibyo 1 was aspertine to become a Bother sod sufftrad terribly with paiaa la the back of head ; in fs-t 1 a. Ued aU over. Buffered wit to awful bcarinf-dowa paiaa i I was threat ened, lor weeks with ruuhap. A lady friend told an. ta tiar Dr. Pierre's medicines, She had taken than sua felt tik a new wossaa. I bacao uaing tha ' Favorite P tascripooa ' and look four , bottlre before say baby came aad two after wanta, I auoeraa aisaoat orath with av other two chUaWa. but aardiy raaliaed thai I waa akk whan this baby wa. bora and ahe weighed twelve aad one aaawer pounds. She is soar eten ataa old and haa aerar fcaows aa kuur-s atckaasa; at pat at at aha weigh thirty. arv pouada. I owe a all to Dr. P" "ice S rawnru PreecnpMoa." "Favorite Prescription makes weak women strong, and sick -women welL Accept no substitute for the medicine; which works wonders for weak women. - Dr. Pierce 'a Pleasant Pellets are the snoot desirable laxative for delicate wialAV'V. NEBRASKA'S FIVE PRINCIPAL CROPS Report, by Counties on the Yield of Corn, Winter ani Spring Wheat, Oats and Rye for the Year 1902. CORN. WINTER WHEAT. 8PRINQ WHEAT. OATS. , RTE. . . COUNTIES. ? Total 5 1 Total i $ Total 3 Total 3 Total Acre ' Bushels. Acres ' Bushel. Acre ' IRieheis. Acres ' Bushu. Acres ' Bushels. T T ST! 5" , , ' ' c SI ' El S . . Ji S Adams Antelope .... Unnner Blaine Boone Bo Butte .. Boyd Brown Buffalo Burt Butler Cass 'Cedar Chase Cherry Cheyenne ... Clay Col fax Cuming- Custer Dakota . Jawea lawson euel lxon odge Oouglas Dundy , Fillmore .... Kranklln .... Frontier Furnas OaK Oarfleld , Ooeper Oreeley ttall Hamilton ... Harlan Hayes Hitchcock ... Holt Hooker Howard Jefferson .... Johnson Kimball Knox Kearney Keith Keya Paha Lancaster ... Lincoln l,o it an Loup Madison Merrick Nance ....... Nemaha Nuckolls .... Otoe Pawnee Perkins Phelps Pierce Platte PolH Bed Willow Richardson . Rock , Sarpy Saline Saunders .... Scotts Bluff Seward Sheridan .... Sherman .... Sioux Stanton Thayer ? nomas .... hurston ... Valley Washington Wayne Webster Wheeler York Total .... sn.nnoi tM I.MO.OOOM 167.T) 2-1) 4,94R,0nf)' J,ono m I tll.7 2f. 8.KM.4XO J4o 3 lt,3ol 12 . 2ii 7R.07.iil... ! t,626 11 x, im,"i ft'l , u, lf.M.l 25 6.277.131J' .! ! lal.M 14,A7 S1 4.213 2b FS.&7;,i J.! 2"' 4ll.( 2.7i; Ifil 2.0i Z !i6.(ioi 4,(mi 3", wn.isw I 2n.wirt i; 2t.7a 25 344,(i60i ti .n: . S.m l"i i.pol 4ft 5.).w. h.m 42j .m.w i.v & n.m 4" J.573.44"! l l.n'l I4.219 1.'. 115.4K -4R J.IH7 4H M.OHJI 1.BS1.W0, 3.M2 2' l.8l 41 .(W. 1.4M S 4W.i? 7.7vt; 12 .4.0f 40 4.12,3 l"l 1.22"; 2fi.91 12 a,U7 2o b"l.9'b lil 1.9JI X.9l 12 U.Wo 25 292.12.I ! ,ft U.WI to tunowl 5.(i 25 1 125.orir)' 50,(nM 20 W.S76 36 3.110,626: 15 l.lni.HSti, )..,. 7S.ort) 40 8.f2".iO 7,m 18 ia3,au 14.72S, 22 l17,Ti 4) 4.31)1.4110; !' ! .17 1R 183,7!3 36 S.432.7o5 10,&3I 2l 2ll.W)0i 13.HX9 15 W.ArO 45 O.32O.0HU 1 H 4.245 25 lfJ,62ft 12,(W 2 24.0H; 20,im0 V 77.W5 5 3,876,75fll M.H 1.1M,330 10.010 25 2iV0.0iHi 4.(H" 2i ; 114.416 4r 4 67S.'i ' 24.32 U HA.SW K l.62.25ft 8.9s M.t& 20.041 18 63.&2S l,17.87"l Wl .0M' 4.f4 U 22.361 36 868,775: 2.7H2 16 41.7.). ,00 12 K9.04" 40 I.561.9") 97.1o In 1.4W.32.V 61.692 10 I.0.13.W0' 44. M3 22 9S2,14 2M IS M.lftt IS l.Jia.SM1 22 Xa.W 16,0U 10 7.44 15 1.011,786" 1.270.1. 16615 85 8,.-2.250; 73.5(W 1 1,323.144; 4.Kt0. 5s W. 10 61.929 10 1,03S.6); 30.S 85 1,061.725 5.191 6 80.400 46 I SiO.OnO " lnO.0"0 15.liti 18 74.640 45 a,3M.30: 41.375 32 1.434,000 ; 435 16 102.613 45 4.W2.6) t.H4 80 2.713.920i 62,t4 20 1,243 6V 48.190) 25 1,204.750 6.000 20 SO.OilO 29 1,740,000) 8, 16 108.8001 10,O 14 ' 13.371 80 4l,l0 80,000 16 1,200,000 6.000 12 75.011 85 2,730.o W,1W 7,942 12 1,235 6 .17t I 71.226 40 J.R49.04O 17.22S 30 16.840 6,936 11 113.819 40 4,652,700 46.229 F 694,635; 66,116 20 1,323.7101 80,963 22 681,186 400 80 8.0nO' ,f. I 200 6 M.774 45 J.419.830! 2" 82,iiX 14 ' 98.118 88 3,730.484! lOO.Ono 25 2,5"0.Wi 8.032 16 B.971 20 139.4201 831 2 6,620 868 1 15 29,070 726.750) I 8.8" Id, 162.381 40 .4.240, 43.813 22 063.886: 3 12 63.178 20 1,063.500' 2,442 20 48,8401 4.121 121 10.447 20 8O8.04Oj I 1,24 12 7.351 26 1K3.775I ! : 2,68'1 12 100.870 60 8.043.600. 739 26 18.475 24.443 10 ' 69.1S31 40 1,366.520 R.463 25 136.276! 150 15 74.751 42 S.139,5421 .478 31 293.818; 5.182 14 5,ll 40 3.364.3201 26.015 22 6w).83J 1,201 35 3.787,035 61,004 10 610.0401 148.267 50 7.413.350 41.180 22 ii6,9i: 458 22 -. 66.664 45 3,749,3SO 19,4791 JO 3S9.680! 16.098 25 402.450i "250 20 6.000 ; 3,289 16 70,000 25 1,760.0IX 76,KiO 22 1.66O.0H0! 88.602 30 2.508,060 224 8 1,792 ; 24,956 10 105.851 45 4.740,795 10,623 18 189,414 ; 22,318 12 86.277 45 3,882,46o 87,738 28 1,0?,64 WIS 16 61,077 20 1.021.640 3,01i 26 750,42d' 14,449 13 87,23 45 8,948.0;!5 81,672 20 631,4401 15.000 20 8HO.OOO1 30 2f tlOO 1 2.200 12 66.793 60 1.798,6.)0I 561 2" 11,020 3,264 14 80,000 85 1 2.800,000 22,000 2" 440.000 178,496 W 8,924.ii01 81,697 32 1,014.3m! 3.681 15 1 . 6.000 80 ISO.OOO! 693 40 ?7.12ol 1,000 25 09.781 46 4,590.151 62,609 30 l.b;S,270 ! 0.894 30 ' 296.870' I 12.0K) 13 . 61,017 90 3,050,8501 9.672 30 290,160: 9.739 12 . ' 434 1 224 ; 34I.... ' 83,472 40 3.338,880 545 21 11.445 , 22,066 14 "138.240 35 4.838,400 . 80,640 10 806,4O0 .... I '4,0771... .1 I I.... 46,948 8Tif 1,408.440; 100 28 a.8001 30,284 12 73.704 55 2.589.640 S,(m 36 280,000' lO.ouO 11 79.635 40 8.185.400 741 25 18.025! 24.711 14 102.012 25 2,650,3 119 25 2,975 86.860 14 65,193 30 1,955,790 69,2991 20 1,385,980 17,600 30 625,0110 183! 25 4.675 1.244 8 107,002 60 6,420,130 116,10ll 36 4.179.630 249 18 1 1 J I 6,773.170 .... 234,201,9001 2.046,1981 49.4O6.80SI 722,132.... Not Included In totals. MINOR CROPS Barley, Potatoes, Hay and Alfalfa bjr Counties for the Year 1902. ' 1 BARLEY. " POTATQga. 1. , HAY. M - ALFALFA. COUNTIES. . " ' Tota, J Total Total T.UJI g. Bu. Bu. I Tens. Tons. , ' . ( f" "j I Adams Antelope Banner ....... Boone Box Butte.... Boyd Brown Buffalo Burt Butler r. Cass Cedar Chase Cheyenne .... Clay .......... Colfax Cuming Custer Dakota Pawea bawson reuel Plxon podge ........ Douglas pundy Fll more Franklin Frontier Furnas Gage Oarfleld Qi.eper ..... ... Oreelejf Hall Hamilton .... Harlan ..... . Hayes Hitchcock ... Holt Hooker Howard Jefferson Johr son ...... Kimball ...... Kearney Keith ......... Knox , lncsster ... Lincoln , Logan , Madison Merrick Nance Nemaha , Nuckoll Otoe , Pawnee Perkins Pierce Patte Polk Red Wtl ow Richardson . Rock Barpy Saunders ... Scott Bluff. fcWward Sheridan .... Sherman .... Sioux Stanton Thayer Thurston ... Valley Washington Wayne Webater .... Wheeler .... York ' Totals.'!;. 895 A...! .10CO 2 400.0001 40.000 2.00 80.000 1 0.000 4.00 20,000 476 80 14,890 66 15 840 1,256 26 31,400 24 20 4.080 1,000 80 30,000 1,000 100 ..100,000 60,000 0.60 25,000 1,6110 80 80.000 1.000 000 200,000, 20,00010.75 15,000 200 4.0" 800 810 80 , 0.0001 , 20,0001.50 30.0i 60,000 8.00 860,000 1084 86 134,4101 ! 28,176!2.O0 66.352! 1,OH0 4.00 4,000 616 80 15.4601 074 150 146,100 9.42.1 1.80 16,961; 1,075 8.00 3.223 289 86 10.116, 60 2i0 10.0001 6,363 1.50 0,6451 4,161 26 104,026 1,500 150 226,0t,Ol 44,7211.00 44,721 750 2.00 1,500 64 16 960 I I 0,000 18 90,000 2.000 ICO 200.000 75.000:1.00 75.000; 30,000 2.00 40,000 645 16 9.675 86 0002.00 70,0001 300 8.00 1,600 2.500 24 00,0001 835 125 1 55,876 6.340 2.00 10,60; 1,675 9.(0 15,075 2.195 12 26.240! 1.113 300 342 ooo! 46.746l2.00 93.4921 3.549 SO 106.470 1,818 150 197.70o .... 44.5381 Z.lTi 8.00 U.481 ,000 35 136,500 ' 700 176 122,500 2O.0O0;2.0O; 40.0u0 1,363 0., 40,5601 1000 70 140.000 .... 200 3.00 900 2,044 80 V Gl .32 j ....... 200 45.681 1 501 68,530i 19.3'JO 4.00 , fo 20" lO.OOo! 1000 60 100.000 10,OJ0il.50l 15,000, 3,0u0 0.00 1500 1,078 35 37.5661 . 027 20. 18.6401 0,681 110 735,670 49.534'1.20 69.441 468 3.00 1.404 6461 45 . 24.670: 1,623 44 71.412! "12,729 1.60 19.093 621 8.00 1.861 438 20 0.760! 164 20 3.080 975 200 169,000 19.864.8.00 39,728 1.875 8.00 15,000 64 00 1 62JI,.., I I 339 18 4 . 450 60 22.500 2,194:1.09 2.1941 2,235 3.50 6,578 4W ) "'9,940 2.00') 80 160.000 . I 10.0 0 3.00 30.(0) 18 26, '468 1.042 1 104.200 4'),000 1.20 48.000l . l,49i 8.00 4,497 10 J 60 '&00., 1.000 20" 200.000 ; 75 ,..'.;... .S 100 00,800 1045 1.60 8.007 1.890 4.00 6,561 226 20 - 4,680 ..; ' 10.0002.00 20,000 . 1000 0.00 0.000 697' 28-19,516 2,816 1 606.700 20.600 3.00 61,W 9,4'1 11.00 108 851 ',403 83 ' 18,290 789 160 118,350 14 916'2.60 37 27 3.728 0.00 18.640 . 350 25' , 8.760 V 600 20 100,000 10.0)11.00 10,000 10,000 B.OO 50,000 1,6U0 80 46,W0 .800 10 30.0X1 1 1 12,500 40 0OO.OW' - tJ00 75 22,500 6.OO012.00 12,000 400 6.00 2,0)9 852 25 8,8O0i I ...... '.v...'..V. 2" 1.600 I 618 28 17.304! 775 90 69.750 32.20812.00 64.416! 973 7.00 0.801 I 730 1001 73(M) 87.0001.00 87,OUO 80 18 - MO! 600 100 00.000 1 700 8.60 8,450 36 20 150 3,ftO 700 1.00 700 600 6.00 2 6 145 20 ' 2,90)1 760 150 U4.000 31,000 1.60 46.500 (.902 4.00 27.601 241 20 4,820 83 ". 40 86 l.OOO' 1.964 86 166,040 1,686 t.GO 8,723 3.324 m 6,rjo 1,144 an 32,o ..: 184 50 8.211O1 200 4!4l 20 8.4JSV 8.451 0.00 17.255 1,10)1 41 46.100; 455 225 102.3761 10,000 1.50 16,000 1.874 4.50 8.433 89! 35 1.9rl 35 80 1.060' ... 0.437 8.0) 19.311 2 1476! 1.158 20J 291,600 :,000 3.50 73,000 817 4.00 3,268 . 14 35 490 1 13j 20 2.7801 900 150 45.0O0i 6.1421 30 184 20.8 619 2.0 123,8001 31. KS 3.00 63,11! 243 4.00 073 0,7561 00 112,6501 1 1.. 7071 81 22.483! 732 21 15.270 1 . 679 30 20,3701 I I 1W 00 4,)! ' 587 30 117.400! 29,218 2.00 68,436! 2.387 6.00 11,933 26 25 650! 3'X) HO 80,000! I ! I . 90 25 ' 2.2SO! l.OOO 1 0 288,000' 11.00012 00 22 000 1 ; 431 19 8.189! 784 178 137 200! 6.8S11.60 10.322! 8001 80 6.0H01 4u 3001 60,000, 20,000 1.25 26.00O1 7S5 83 2 4 855: 1 4151 St 8OI I 1691 3" 6 0701 , 146 86 6 075 .1 35 364.601 lii I 800 7" 66.000 1 1,92 06 4.5V)l l'O 1501 U.iM) 26,200 2.00 60.4001 60 6.00 250 30 18,0il t.0u 150 0O.lVi, 6.00ol 0.fO 25.0K) (661 281 24.280 14 '7 ?! iS4Mu 0.961 1.60 14 0411 1,611! 6 00! .M 17m1 861 6C.84I 0fiO 10) 90,000 41,327:2.00 82 6611 3221 6.00 96 391 201 780' 6n6l 2001 101. 600! 29,17011.60 43,765 ; 0.418, 6.00 66,478 1.0(10 20 80.000 80011 -fll 80.01)0. I I I 2.000 4nj 80.000! 100)1 123 SoO.tMj 21.12OJ1.60 31.680j g.BOOj 1.00 25,000 04,71t7TT8,922,O77i 2,l43 . . . . !7.875,09 i 1 .01S.S iOiTTTTl 1 .670.151 1 1 307.069! 7711.070,960 Not Included lit totals. ASK FOR -RIGHT JO APPEAL Oeajextd Faetlaw la Colorado Fa-el aad I raw Lttlatatloa R erases to Ahldo hy Pttlilss, DENVER, Colo., Oct. 29. A. M. Steven son and D. C. Beetsan, representing the Osgood faction In the Colorado Fuel and Iron company, have left Denver for Bt. Paul, where. It Is said, they will tomorrow morning present to Judge W. , D. Sanborn of the United eta tea circuit court of ap peals a petition for permission to take an appeal from tat order entered by Judge Caldwell, who.-sitting as t'nited States dis trict Judge In -Denver laat month, appointed a master in chancery to conduct ths elec tion of dlrectora of the Colorado Fuel sod Iron company and ordered the election to be held December 1. If the court allows the appeal this doubtedly will be followed 07 anotbor ! 30.000!! 341.8i4i 84.312 17.6i ll-7.2n; 39,ill ?o.fl I !, a, 1 l,52o I .2' 70.6K)' 93.468 310,028 I 47.5.12,: im.78o l,0iKt,Oll; I 323.950; 679.260' 579.265 3i8,Gti) 300,(K) 11. frX)! 80,0110; 340.928 360,73, 68.310 43.2UO; 8.SW1 leo.oooi 83.240; 86.9361 270,iiO 6,526 l66.0n6' 140,000; 72,000) 9).ao4i 77,296! 1.0001 728,0001 12S.512i 12.945; 61,13.1 432' 49.4T.2 24.628: 82.1001 244.430: 2,250, 71,688; 10,076 16 62,624 249.560' 270.216! 12.8481 187,837 "26,466l 46,606, "bi'iio 26,OO0 'iwlooo 118,868 308.9101 863,328; 110,0001 345,954 515.900 1952' 4,482 10,809,862! OF NEBRASKA petition for a writ of supersedeas setting aaids Judgs Caldwell's order. It Is considered probable that Judge San born will set a date la the near future when arguments will be heard before a full bench on the granting of tha super sedeas. In that case arguments will be hsard Jn St. Louis. INDICTMENTS MAY FOLLOW Falso Realatratloa aad Coatemalated Elect loa Fraada Aro Charged la St.. Loala. ' . ' ST. LOUS. Oct. 29. Vnder the direction of Circuit Attorney Folk, alleged false reg- Istration and contemplated election frauds , were taken up today by the October grand j Jury and will be Investigated. I Mr Folk says that It the investigation reveals that false registration has been ractked, indictments will be Usued, . SOI 4.".' 1 4l "I 26, 1 ; 46 80 5; 1 46 1 32! 1 2" M 3, 80l 22! . 4'h 32 1 40f 1 4o 431 1 30 4 301 ' 80 86 1 60 251 36 T80.4SW 861.375 I . t ,0v6.1n"' iS.Bno'; f: 7110 W, JJfl.HRi' 8i9,M0r 2i.;m - 86,!3rt 2n.i)60 000,1100 804.44"! 26.4il 719.4ii; f 99o,81ii H7;i.l 240. 0"0 ' fv4.24(M W ("l . 836. 8 2(01,200' 1.648 6.5i 679 20 40 H ISI 24: so 88 001 S2.9S0 rHo.30 11.580 7.02) 3.6i 11.69) a.ui 40.000 S36."Oi) 36.870 2"2.192 66."0 8.655 14,9i0 918 39.620 137.WO 25.1"4 774,200 2"0 2"9,2fi.J 1.92o. 415 18,fl. 23,onO 81.533 4.645 4.212 H.8WJ 27o!onO 276,879 S',9) 36,730 Jt8.7o0 1.H 446.310 139.500 120,000 106. 920 248,180 "2!728 25.240 0.68) 30.1 S.891 720 4.01I0I .tHd't 14.0 1.2291 3,230 577 It) "lo )l 61 18 2i) 1S 26: 12 2l 10,0011! 2.62 6.5") 2,iWI S8,710j 60 6.976 40j 80 45 IS 30 23 61 42.787 l.W'10! l.K"0 1.87l! 909: . 234 j '2.594! 4.2 16.0K 16.287 1.6451 760.1M)1 20.67SI 4m.2o, 192,33l 2-KJ! 18, ID 1 18! 18 I'M IK) 17 4i ,"7.'tX0- IO 4o l2ii,mi 1,224 IS.H-t. 4 45 I"7.i2' ZO .12ft,(0' 8.0HO 14,877! 20: 30! 851 l 20i SO) ,310.195: ftl 6.68i .. 7.2;4 lo.oool 5,34H 64,000 12 20 20 'l6 2"! 22,0421 40 881,680; 12,409 "i.'6ii8 1,262 373j 17,2471 80 28.5i 30 617.410 8,lj . 4,4 u0 10,1S iStM li I.... 42.0fi0t 40 21.362 40 1,680, 0001 Si4,0)i 4.S64' 1H,840!; t9O,068 6O.U90 6,870; 62.815! 2,854. 5ii &02.9i 506.5231 376.35l ' 25,350! 1.489.7'1 1 5,975 186 15 87.625 3.720 9,042 39.291 197.70J 31,620 7,938 101.728 329.020 140,254 . 226.375 90.150 38,740 6.126 6,000 ""'44,280 328,550 149.49.1 360.920 26.036 9,000 23,408 " 119,737 3,000 - 62,300 ""448,630 32,370 65,800 63,030 2,580 Sni.591) 27.261) 6,376 52.060 2O.0HO 192,000 11J9tTi23 . 142i 3o 4.0281 30 76.618 26! 2,fe! 3o 229 30I 80I 20 411 1.871 S.8.85 1.581 441 22 21 2S' 20 18 71.364I 40I 18.764 80 6.Xh8 16! 16.451 18.649 2' 6.098 9,015 9.015 12,6to 30 26 10 10,K4l 26 42,663 '35! 13,760 35 1.190! . 233 300 26 22 . 4HO,6). 40.392 401 35 1,615,680; 1,918,660, 1.049,8601 ""663'.97o! . 75.000' 398.75j 1,370,000; 1.720.3P6 175.01 10! "j!770 'l2 64.8161 84.995 30 i'n.i! 2f SO 351 18.905 ...I 35 261 26 ' 12.89i) 28 22 . 15 I 1.138 3,000 600 836 15.936 34.2oO: 69.324 40 14 21 29 6,697 ion1 3,4921 1,079 2.&T2 ' 6,393, ""172 . 11. OM' 5.0"0 41,6751 " li.4'66 629 28 976' 67,600 85 30 25 SO 1,260.2501, 4v 30) 40 16 676,000 15.870 1,169,000, , ,76400, "" a&sii! 691.020; 1.084, 126 ! 1.291,665' 270,700: .. 93.150 1,765,500; 68,503,007!: 15 30 25! 11,0161 " ir. 301 J.2JM 28,175; . 1,363 797 b.206 2.000 20 36.HI9: 8 10,828 3.106 39.900 1.669,208 10 32 .0OOj 600.923!- ILLINOIS IS JN THE LEAD Dnaates Mare) 4s Mlaalnary Canse Than Aa-. of Other States i el the t'nloa. ,, .t - .. .' CHICAGO, Oxt. 22. illlnols leads all other states . in dooMo6sfto missionary work, ac cording to a statement madS today by Mrs. B." E. ' Hurlbut, Ueasurer of the Woman's Board of Missions, 's.t the second session of the conference' now being held In the First Congregational church In this city. The gifts of Illinois mission workers during 1902 amounted to $24,987, which Is slightly under the figure of last year. Iowa Is next on the list but is' $14,000 behind Illinois. Miss Anna L. Millard reported that -the work lt India was encouraging, and that only a lack of workers hindered progress. Miss Ellen M. Stone told ot the good ac complished by Christian schools in Euro pean Turkey; MISS TELLER GOES FREE J adore Decide Asylum Doctor Has No Hlsrht to Girt He Kid. . naped. -.: , VALPARAISO, Ind., Oct. 29. Miss Stella Josephine Teller was made a free woman today. Judge OUIetf decided the asylum officials bad no right to kidnap their former patient, whose sanity is unquestioned In this city. SNOW FALLS AT BUFFALO Thermometer at Elabt O'clock la tha Bloralnax Reglaters Thlrt--Foar Dearreea Above Zero. BUFFALO, N. T., Oct. 29. Snow fell here today. The thermometer at $ a. m. regis' tered 84 degrees. HAOERSTOWN,' Md., Oct. 29. The first snow bf the season fell here today. IT IS DOUBTFUL If lyocal Appllcationa Aloae Ever Cared a Case of Catarrh. Mostremedles for the, treatment of ca. tarrh are in the form of sprays. Inhalers, powders, washes or salves, all purely local applications and many of them often give temporary relief, but the reason none of them ever really cure chronic catarrh is because catarrh Is not a local dlseaae and it cannot be cured simply by treating tha local symptoms. Moreover, the more serious forms ot catarrh, like catarrh of the stomach and catarrh of the bronchial tubes, cannot be reached at all by local applications and ths fact that neglected catarrh ot the head very soon Involves the bronchial tubes, stomach and liver, demonstrates that the dlsoase is a blood disorder, a constitutional malady and not at all a local 'disease. To really cure catarrh ths system must bs cleansed from catarrhal poison by an Internal remedy which acta effectively upon the blood and liver. The success of a new catarrh remedy, Stuart's Catarrh . . Tablets, Is because It drives 'out of the system through natural channels the catarrhal poison and the inucuoua lining of ths nose, throat and trachea are freed from the excesslvs mucus which collects and causes the hawking, spitting and gagging, tecause the excesslvs secretion is not furnished from healthy blood. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets contain many of the sams valuable antiseptics used la sprays and Inhalers, but Instead of being applied to the Inflamed membranes of the nose and throat they are tiken Into the stomach and thus reach the blood, the real aeat and causa of ths disease. Stuart's Catarrh Tablets are large, pleas ant tasting lotenges, composed ot Bed Gum, Hydrastan, Bloodroot and similar catarrh specifics and so sats to use that little children suffering from colds take them with aame benelclal results as adult persons. No tracs of cocslne or opiates,' so com mon in catarrh medicines, can be found la J gtuari's Catarrh Tablets. 15. floe; 41.275 r7i 14j 43.446, 1.32-M 16, "8 7.4:tb S7.7V7 28 9M 52,'9: 4.482 4.-.fi36l 1.231 1 8.2 21,611 4'.ill 42.t5l 2X,1'1M 8.(1o lit.3.161 2.0O0I 14.Mli 8.2.M lo,2)9 821 31.2641 6.411 1 2. U7 I.0IS1 41.9x21 3. (n 2.693, 25.0i 84.5771 25.9X0 6.000 I 1.800 ROOSEVELT ON HIS OFFICE Writf 0 Article Betting Forth His View on Presidenta and Their Duties, WORK WELL DONE IS GREATEST REWARD Coaatrr lias Had Weak and I'nwlae Heads, bat Sever Use Whose Char aeter C'oald Bo Impsnnnl fcr Aayoae. BOSTON. Oct. 29. In an article the Youths' Companion will publish. Theodore Roosevelt gives his Ideas of the duties snd responsibilities of the president of the Vnlted States. He wrote the article In 1900, while he was governor of New York, and previous to his nomination for vice president. . ; In it Mr. Roosevelt says: The president of tht Vnlted 8tntrs occu plea a ponitlon of peculiar Importance. In the whole world theru Is no other ruler, certainly no other ruler under free Institu tion, whose power compares with his. of course the enormous pomonal factor of the Incumbent hlmseif must be consid ered entirely apart from the power of the oftice Itseir, but this is merely another way of stating that, as In any other office, the personal question Is of vital consequence. Although many men must enure with the president the responsibility, there is upon him, always, a heavy burden of responsi bility, it is rasy enough to give a bad administration, but to give a good admin istration demands the most anxious thought, no less than very unusual powers of mind. There is every resson why the president should be hetd to a sharp account tor what he ileus tnd for what he leaves undone alike. Hut we injure ourselves and the na tion If we fall to treat with proper respect the man who. tit the highest office of our land. Is striving to do his duty. We have had presidents who have acted weakly or unwisely In particular crlHes, but we have never had one concerning whose persontil integrity there was eo much us a shadow of suspicion. Appointments and policies which are normally routine snd unlmportHnt may suddenly become of absolutely vital conse quence. Altogether there are few harder tasks than that of Tilling well and ably the ollico of president of the United States. Hut if the man at the close of his term Is able to feel he haa done hie duty well he has the satisfaction of feeling that he has per formed one of the great world taks, and that the mere performance in Itself Is the greatest of all rewards. SMUGGLER ON REVENUE BOAT Cool Serve of Chinaman In "electing; Government Vessel to Carry Oat lllearal Practice. SSATTLE. Wash.. Oct. 29. Eighty pounds of opium, which a Chinese steward on the coast survey steamer Gedney, will be charged with attempting to smuggle from Victoria to Seattle, was seized aboard the cutter by customs , Inspectors today. Eight parcels, worth in the aggregate $1,024, ' were found In the stcward'a de partment. Oong One, the steward, Is In the county Jafl awaiting trial for attempting to smug gle Chinese, between the same points on the same voyage. A strange feature Is the smuggler's cool nerve In selecting a government vessel for a vehicle with which to carry on his Illegal practice. Secretary Shaw's young son, a guest on the Oedney, waa Induced by some repre sentative of the Celestial, to say that Gong Oee wanted his effects thrown over board. This gave the officer the clue to search for the opium. MANY NAMED MAN JAILED St. Loals Forsjer Seateaeed for Shoot las; at Pa ra a I n a Patrol ST. LOCIS. Oct. 29. William Smith, the man with many aliases, who was arrested on Saturday after an exciting chase, was today sentenced to four years in the peni tentiary. He pleaded guilty to the charge of assault with Intent to kill. The original charge was forgery, but bo shot at the police who were pursuing him and the more serious charge was substi tuted. CUPID'S FRAUDULENT AGENT Matrimonial Swindler Arrested In St. I.onls While Making- Hun dred a Day. 8T. LOUIS, Mo., Oct.. 29. W. W. Chlnn, the alleged proprietor ot the Verona Book company and Introduction bureau, a matri monial concern, was arrested today charged with using the mails to defraud. It is said Chlnn came to St, Louis from Chicago three weeks ago. His stenographer says bis roccipts ran - from 085 to 0100 a day. DEATH RECORD! Dr. Miller, I.extaatoa. LEXINGTON, Neb., Oct. 20. (Special.) Dr. Stephen S. Miller, coroner of Dawson county and one of the leading physicians of this place, died about midnight last night. Dr. Miller located here in 1883. Ills health has not been robust for some tlmo, but his death was qulto sudden, as he was on the streets the day before his death. Ha was very prominent In the Ancient Order of Vnlted Workmen lodge,' also a Mason and Odd Fellow. He was psst com mander of Reno post, Orsnd Army of the Republic, having served In a New York regiment during the civil war. He will be greatly missed In this community. The funeral of Hiram A. Hyde, another old soldier and prominent citisen, took place this afternoon from his residence In this city under tha auspices of the Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows. Mr. Hyde was 7 yeara of age and leaves a large family ot grown up children and hosts ot mourning friends. Peaasylvaata's Solicitor. PHILADELPHIA. Oct. 20. James A. La gan, general solicitor of the Pennsylvania Railroad company, died suddenly tonight at his home In Bala. In 1879 ba was ap pointed assistant general solicitor of ths Pennsylvania railroad and became general solicitor In 1895. Hev. C. . Gerhard. READING. Pa., Oct. 29. Rev. C. S. Cer hard, pastor of St. Stephen's Reformed church, died today, aged 68. Dr. Gerhard retired from the presidency of the general synod, tha highest legislative body of the denomination, at Its meeting In Baltimore last June. Charles A. Saaders, Sibley. ' 8IBLEY, la., Oct. 29. (Special Telegram.) Charles A. Sanders died this afternoon after months of sickness. He was aged 07 and leavea a wife, three aons and three daughters. Tha remains will be burled at Sheldon, tha former home of tha family. Wlaeoaala Ceatral O ale Lai. HELENA, Mont, Oct.' 29. Frank H. Marsh, general agent , of tha Wisconsin Central railroad, died tonight ot scarlet fever. . Mario Dressier la Better. NEW YORK. Oct. -Marie Dre.nler. tha actress who has been seriously 111 at her home In this city, was much better todsr. She Is suffering from a malignant fever. BACK AGUE CLOUDY URINE Arecaisned by a weak, unhealthy con dition of the Kidneys, whkh will prove fatal It not attended to. Read the unsolicited testimonial of Mr. C. V. Diss, of Syrnenap, who was cared by Warner's Safe Core. A THIAL ROTTLE OF THIS, THE ONLY .tiWLL'TK CU1: FOR DISEASE OF TllH KIDNEYS, LIVER, ULADDK.R AND WLOOD SENT FREE. POSTPAID, TO ANY READER OF THIS PArER. I Mr, Oi W.-Ptinn. for a number of years n Vnlted States detective, who lives at 217 Cayuga Ptreot. says: "During the early . n rl nt 1 t Li.inA. v.nn. m . ! I had pains In my back, mv urine became yellow anil muddy, my skin and the wh!ts of my- ryen turned n sickly yellow. My mother ailvbed me to use Warner's Safe J'ure as it had cured my father of serious kidney ,and Madder troubles several years nan, I purchased a bottle, and when l had taken about, three-quarters of It I felt ft chi.nge come over me, my urine was Its natural color and I did not have imln in passing It, the yellow sntmwness left my rkln and eyes, and by the time I had taken the whole bottle I waa completely cired, I hnve had 110 pains in my back and mv appettto l good. I will never he without a bottle of vour valuable medicine In the hcuse. I heartily recommend It to anyone who I troubled with weak and unhealthy kidneys. ! IF IN DOUBT MAKE THIS TEST. Put some urine In a glass: after It stands 21 hours If you And a reddish brlckduxt sediment In It, or particles floating In the urine, or if if la cloudy, you will know your kidneys are In a dlseaaed condition nnd are mable to perform their work, the result will be the bladder and urinary organs will become Inflamed, urlo acid will poison the olooil, the atomnch will become affected and unable to digest the food, the system will I weak and the result will be a breakdown of the general health, with Brtght'n disease or diabett s, which will prove fatal if not treated with promptness and great care. WARNER'S SAFE CURE will purify and "trengthen the kldnevs and enable them to do their work; It will cure puins In the back, rheumatinm, rheumatic gcut, diabetes, Bright s disease, uric acid poison, edema. Jaundice, inflammation of the bladder and urinary organs, and re store the patient's health and vigor. A free trial bottle has often been suf ficient to cure cases of kidney disease when the Blmple home test described above has been made in the earlier stages of the disease. "Werner's Safe Cure Is what you need. Tou can buy it at any drug store, two sixes, 60 cents and 01. do a bottle. Be sure you get Warner's Safe Cure, substitutes con tain dangerous drugs. There is none "Just aa good'' as Warner's Safe Cure. Warner's Safe Cure is purely vegetable and contains no narcotics, or harmful drugs. Ueware of so-called kidney cures which aro full of sediment and of bad odor, they Injure the system.) "Safe Cure'' does not constipate; It is a most valuable and effective tonic: it kills the dlsoaso germs; It is a stimulant to digestion and awakens the torpid liver. Waraer's Safe Pills move the bowels gently and aid a speedy cure. TRIAL BOTTLE FREE To convince every sufferer from diseases of the kidneys, liver, bladder and blood that Warner's Safe Cure will cure them, a trial bottle will be sent absolutely free, postpaid. Also a valuable medical booklet which tells all about the diseases of the kidneys, llvet and bladder, with a prescrip tion for each disease, and ' many of the thousands upon thousands of testimonials received dally from grateful patlonts who have been cured by Warner's Safe Cure. All you have to do Is to write Warner's Safe Cure Company, Rochester. N. V., and mention having read this liberal offer in The Bee. The genjlneness of this oiler is fully guaranteed by the publisher. , MESSAGE FR0MJ(ING EDWARD neclal Bearer Arrives la Kew York with Doeameats Said to Be of Great Importance, NEW YORK. Oct. 29. Oliver A. Borth wlck, a special messenger from King Ed ward VII, bearing documents of impor tance sent either to President Roosevelt or to the British embassy at Washington, has arrived here. To the customs officials he waa obliged to disclose bis Identity. He stated only that bis mission was ono of great impor tance and produced a parchment which, in language savoring of (be past, proclaimed blm the king's messenger or courier and stated that he must not be detained when in the land of a friendly power. STUDENTS REFUSE TO YIELD Asree to Act aa a Body la Aa De mand Made by the Farnltr. LANSING, Mich., Oct. 29. The striking Michigan Agricultural college students held another mass meeting today and decided that In case any paper appears from the faculty for students to sign It shall not be signed until it haa been brought up and passed on In mass meeting of the students. This only widens the breach between the students and faculty. A Hallo'een resolu tion was also adopted, by the provisions of which every student binds himself to stay in his room that night and not to cut any capers. There are no signs of yielding on either side as yet.' . BOWLERS BEAT WORLD RECORD Make Over Thousand In Each of Three Games oa Cleve land Alley. CLEVELAND. O., Oct. 29. A world's rernrrt waa broken tonlKht on the Calumet alleys, when the Calumets reached the 1,000 in each or tneir mree games laaen irora the Centuries. In the nrt game tne . alumeta roiiAO l.Otil, In the second 1,079. while in the third they made 1.U64, a total of 3,94 for the three games. Ball War Still Oa. slon today, the national board of arbitra tion gava up the task, for the time being, or irying o aeiuv io wraic., j mw r Tha hoarrt ndinurncd to meet in Chi cago November 15. Meantime a truce nas Deen nociarea Be tween the Western league and American association with regard to taking each others players. CHRONIC DYSPEPSIA CURED NAt" DYSPEPSIA Cl'Kfe. cures tlie causa U ' not a patent medldna, but a prescription of one ot tha Unltad states moat prom ts a t physicians. This remedy Is bringing hamltb t hundrada ot drSDSStlcS 1 who have triad nearly svary aitiar totnach raracdy without success. Bl OoabettUl sli kotUaagSO. a bora taattmonlnl is genuine. gJt.OOw reward if proved ovhar lae fcena lo . w iraukKau.tfOSTIroadway, H.X. tut bouk't-t and imonnMwn. For sale by tftaerman McCnnnell Drug Co.. corner loth and Podge Bis., Gtcaba, Nsb,, and kJ,ug druggists. R A TES PLUS $2 v -TO- f . MANY JOINTS :' i' - : IN .V. 1 NEBRASKA, KANSAS; WYOMING, SO. DAKOTA, COLORADO, November 4 and 18.' December 2 end 16, TICKETS: 1502 FAnilU.l ST. 0 MANY OP THE BEAUTIFCL . HALFTONE GliTS USED IH THE ILLUSTRATED CEE from time to thna-aro for sale-St. tha ubllcatloaf office all Jn good tondu ' Uoa low prices. . ' ' ' ' .'V FOR TOILET AND BATH It makes the toilet something to tto joyed. It removes all stains and roughness, prevents prickly heat and chafing, and leaves the tkin white, soft, healthy. In that bath it brings a glow and exhilaration which no common soap can equal, imparting the vigor and life sensation of , mild Turkish bath. All Gkocers and ukvogists. A SKIN OF BEAUTY IS A J0V FOREVER D R. T. FELIX OOL'RAL'O'S ORIENTAL CREAM, OR MAGICAL BEAUTIFIES. RraioTaa Tan. Plmplaa, ' treililei. Moth Patch!. f - Hub aad 8kln !!- Diamisn oa aad daflat detection, tt su stood tha last ot Stty-Srs roars, snd Is so hsrmlsas tsst It to ba surs It is ptoperlr inisda. Accapl aa :ouurflt ot simt- flr nam. ur- i . aaia 10 a lady ot Ihs asu' lun la oattsot): As you ladles will use them. I recom mend -aOUHAUD'S CRICAM' as the least harmful of all the skin preparations. or aale by all drugglsta and fancy goods deal ers in tho U. S. ind Kuroe. KKHD, T, HOPKINS. Prop'r. 37 Great Jones Bt.. N. Y. I BEAUTIFUL WOO All aaftaa dlmaaad by Gray at Swat hid Halt. Imperial Hair Regsneratcr it th (Vllf 9UT ."fl hfst00rtd7 Tdr syftW, till hMlutcly Hft.'tWllt ftppltte, lV Jm bskir mtmtmf. Il 1 mteyuajUn H af Deaf a or in unsciir. vr n rri-i- iv.i iff LAST MONTH!, liswpt. c.isnl lV rilTsWy mmmtr!. ruai bo frani . Imperial Chemical Co., 130 W. Kid fit., N. T 3?)id by tJhermau McConuell Drug d. OmaliH, Net.. i ' AMl'BKMENTft. BOYD'S P'Safarr""'' THIS ArTKHSOO AM TOlfi!!T, WAOENHALS AND KFMPKR PRESENT LOUIS JAMES Au FREDERICK WARDE It, a narnlScant production ot "THE TEMPEST" Prlrea Mat. Mr. ttc n0 '10u- Msht. tte. We, 16c St.uO aud Friday and Sttards matiuas and tht. tlte rubor ta .cauio uv T1B SK4 Prices ntat. c, Ho. Nlht. .J5c. Wc, T&e. Sunday a-atloss and ni,t, that odd (allow, Han? "Si-HB WltOSG UK, WRIGHT." Telephone, 1531 Matinees Wednesday, tstsrdir oaa gaaaar, Sio Erary Klcat, SilS. HIGH CLASS VAUDEVILLE MEHVlLVOOTaMandy?L?BE. oVNJA8 CHARLEH KENNA. DAU,A . HO 1'a.l.a. Ths MILLARD; lata aad Duaalaa Sta. OMAHA, sjICU. maha's Leading Hotel. SPK1IAI, IKtTlHbm LUNCHEON, F1KTY Ct.NTa. U aw to 3 p. m 8UNDAT, iJU a. m. PINNER, 0c. Steadily Increasing business has tiacasal tatrd an enlargement Of this cats, doubling its former capacity. , mm I.. , ; X