Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 30, 1902, Image 1
The OMaha Daily Bee. j:staijllshei) junk isi, ihti. OMAHA, THURSDAY MOKNIXi, OCTOBER 30, 1002 TEN PAGES. SINGLE COPY THREE CENTS. NAMES TURKEY DAY , Rooservelt Proclaims November 27 as " TUaksgiYing Day This Year. AMERICA HAS MOST REASON TO REJOICE Been Blessed Since Independence More f"Than Majority of Nations. EACH DECADE SHOWS MORE PROSPERITY Now Country Enjoys Material Well Being and Strives for More. PAST YEAR EXTRA PROSPEROUS FOR ALL Therefore Heroin men la General C aatloa of Work nnd Attendaarc at Church to Render Homage to Giver of All Good. WASHINGTON, Oct. 29. President Roose Swat 1 f t nil t to mlmA It tat r,rnrln m m f Inn Anm a. Dating Thurday. November 27. at a day of i , , , I loaaKBgiving. The proclamation la as follows: Arcor1lng to the yearly cuiMom of our people It frills UKn the- preaident at thli f'Mon to appoint a oof of festival and tbenkHglvIng to Cod. Over a century and a quarter haa passed alr.ce this country took Its place among the ratlon of the earth and during" that time h have had on the whole more to be thankful tor than haa fallen to the lot of ny other people. Generation aftr generation has grown to manhood and pased away. Each haa had to bear Its peculiar burdens, each to fuce Its special cris'.H, and each haa known years of f rim trial, wfteit the. country was rreraced by malice, domestic or foreign levy, when 'i rand of the Jrd waa heavy upon It In t i uth or flood prstllence, when Ir. bodily d'-litxt hnd sngulsh of soul It paid the p lal'.y of. folly-, knd a forward heart. . Nevertheless, decart by deiejade, we have struKKied onward ailfrupward; we now abundantly enjoy material ' well being, and unrior the .favor of rh Jdo( High we are striving rnely to -achieve moral and ovn-itjai upiirting. "The year that haa iua cloned haa been one of peace and oi o eonle overflowing - plenty. . Starely has any peop enJoye greater prosperity than we srednow enjoying. For , thla we render heartfelt and solemn thanks to the UiVer of Good, and we seek to praJoo Jllm, not by words only, but by deeds, by the way In which we'do our duty to our selves and to our fellow mem Now, thcrvfore, I, -Theodore' Roosevelt, president of,the Unlte,d Staten, rie hereby deHlgnate as a day of general thankel ving, Thursday: the 27th of tH' coming Novem ter, and dt recommend that throughout the land the pteple cease from their ordinary Kvuupattnns snd In their several homes and plnoes of wntrithlp render thanks unto Al nh(hiy OrlJor the manifold .blessings of the 4ast year. . In witness whereof I have hereunto set my Band and caused the seal of the United Btatee to be ajflxed. I.tone at. the city of Washington this 29th day of October, In' the year of our Lord V.mi, and of the Independence of the United mates the 127th.' THEODORE ROOSEVELT, By the' President;, . , '.- ,;- .:.''', IOHN .HAY, (Beat.) ,. ' Becretary of State. MUCH WORK IW ARMY; POSTS HrtVr matter' "Department Busy Prepnrlgrf&W 'and Ttti'" ting. Contracts. ' ,.- 4'.From a Staff Correspondent.)' WASHINGTON, Oct.,; 29 (Special Tele gram. ) The recent congress provided ra . ther generoua appropriatlona for repairs and new work at various army posts of the country and the force of the quartermaster general's . office, ia busily preparing plana, letting contracts, etc., to carry on the necessary worki Thero Is considerable work being dona at army osts. In Nebraska, BoutU Dakotaend Wyoming. ' At -Fort Crook only ordinary repairs are being made and a mall additional atable Is being erected. No new work Is being done at Fort Nio brara but extensive repairs are being mad at thla post. Plans are being prepared ta expend the $20,000 appropriated for enlarg ing the barracks and stablea at Fort Robin aon. The usual annual repaira at Fort Robinson are progressing satisfactorily. At forts la Wyoming much work la In progress and more being planned to be carried Into effect with appropriatlona al ready secured. Fort Russell Is to have two large additional buildings for officers' quar ters and also a building large enough to accommodate one additional battery of field artillery. Bids for the latter are now In the hands of the quartermaster general but contracts have not been awarded. It ap pears 1 that the War department and the city of Cheyenne are In a controversy re tarding water supply, and pending Its set tlement no work will ba commenced on the building for additional Held battery. Ex tensive improvements are contemplated at Fort MacKenxle and bids are now being considered by the quartermaster general No new work la provided for at Fort Yel- lowstone, but considerable repair work Is now being done there. A new double barracks costing $50,000 lias been authorised for Fort M,eade. 8. D. Proposals have been Invited and a number of bidders have responded. These bids ars now being scrutinized at the department and it Is expected the contract will be awarded soon. It Is expected all will be In readiness to begin work at Fort Meade at the earliest possible moment next spring and the bulMluga completed during the coming summer. . . JAPAN ARBITRATES DISPUTE Aaierlra Will Shnra Beneflta of Land Court Derisions Arraasred la - Earope. WASHINGTON. Oct. 29. The United States will participate In any benefits thai may be derived by Germany, Great Brit ain and France In the arbitration, an nounced yesterday In Paris, of the ques tions relating to foreign land holdings In Japan. Tho Japanese government baa fully ac quainted Becretary Hay with the negotia tions leading up to lbs agreement and as the United Statea cltlieua had similar claima to thons of other natlona the Jap aneso government agreed to give them the benefit of any decision of the arbitrators. SCHLEY'S NAJWE NOT TAKEN Many Persons Go on Bill la Plaee of Admiral Samp, son. WASHINGTON. Oct. 29. Ths question cf substituting another name for Admiral Sampson In the case of the United States against W. T. Sampscn -am up again to day when Jam H. Haydeo, counsel for the defendants, submitted petitions by Mrs. 6ampson and Rear Admirals Evans. Taylor and Cotton. Captains Chadwlck and iaton. Commander Luclen Young and leutenant Commander Sharps, Jr., that their names) be aubatituttd. FATAL AFFRAYS IN PORTO RICO Mom f Bad Riots Occur oa the Island Over the Hrilnlralloa of the Voters. BAN JUAN. Porto Mt. 29. In- complete returns fro van. ''ft,, of the Island regarding the last reB , " day, yesterday, confirm the report! . t and shooting occurred in many tov violence was used everywhere. V The rumor that the federals were ahuv out at Ban Lorenzo, where a mob attacked the police, with the result that two of the rioters were killed and fifteen men, among whim were three policemen, were des perately woundtd, Is also confirmed. It is added that the mob entered the town carry ing a corpse at the bead of the procession. The police attempted to disperse the par ticipants In a flgbt at Patlllaa, a federal town, which was Invaded by a large mob of republicans from Guayama, which forci bly took possession of the tooths, shut out the federals and registered the whole of the Ouayaraa non-residents' party. In the shooting and rioting, which ensued four men, were badly wounded. Including Cor poral Cepero of the Insular police. At Ponce many shots were fired, but there were no casualties. Minor disorders, stab- blngs and other woundlngs have been re- Pea lTom New ana li other towns. operative lntsructlons had been issued by the government officers aa to registrations, but they were generally dis regarded by the election Judges. The fed erals were not permitted to register and were forcibly kept out of the bootha. Practically there was no federal registra- tlon throughout the Island. MORGAN SCHEME IS KILLED Parliament Hefoaea to Revive Hla Tobe Bill, and May Reject Yerkea', Too. LONDON, Oct. 29. The House of Com mons tonight refused to allow the Morgan tube bill to be revived. Mr. Yerkea waa denounced during the debate for his "dis honorable transactions" and "dirty methods," but tt was held that the trouble was all In one family, anyway. The disputes promise to involve London ers in the thorny problem of whether the county council or private speculators shall aupply locomotion needs. The debate In the House of Commons led to strong language. Sir Lewis Mclver described the transac tion of the London United Tramway com pany as a scandal without precedent In committee work. He said the game was to make London railways pawns on tho checkerboard of Wall etreet and that Par liament must take care that there be no suspicion of Its taking any side In the quarrel. The next aesslon of Parliament should start fair, with a clean slate, and consider the matter afresh. "When two of a trade fall out the county council may perhapa come by Ita own," he added. All the London papers express satisfac tion with the result of the debate and pro test against American capitalists being per mitted to exploit London transit. Discus sion of the county council's status follows political lines, the conservative papera being against and the liberal papers, la favor Of the municipalization of transit. FRENCH MINERS GIVE UP Men Return to Work, Tboagh Arbi tration Negotlatloaa Enarnajo Chamber's Time. PARIS, Oct. 29. The miners' national committee, accompanied by a number of socialist deputies, called on M. Combes to day to request information on tho arbi tration negotiations. It Is said the committee haa learned that the mine ownera have not agreed to treat with the minera or respond to the govern ment'a offers of arbitration. The matter will be raised In the Chamber tomorrow in order to establish the responsibility for the continuation of the conflict. If M. Combes' response is not satisfactory, the socialist deputies will propose a parliamentary in vestigation of the strike. In the meantime the miners are becoming discouraged and returning to work. The Roanne cotton spinners are also returning to work. DUTY ON CATTLE AND SHEEP Germany to Impose Rata of Three Dollars and Fifty Cents Per Donblo Hnndred. BERLIN, Oct. 29. In the Reichstag to day the tariff committee's proposal to Im pose a minimum duty of about $3.50 per double hundred weight on cattle waa passed by 161 to 120 votes. A minimum duty of about $1-60 per double hundred weight on sheep waa also passed. The Reichstag also passed a minimum duty of about $3.50 per double hundred weight on pigs. By 162 to 132 the Reichstag adopted the minimum duties on meat, wl'h the exception of bacon, as fixed by the tariff committee at $9, $12 or $14 per double hundredweight, the duty varying according to the methods of dressing. Later the duty on bacon was fixed at $9 per double hundredweight. CUBAN SUGAR TRADE DOOMED General Wood Saya'Islaad Mast Suc cumb Commercially With out Reciprocity. LONDON. Oct. 29. General Leonard Wood, former military governor of Cuba, questioned today, aald: "In view of the present crisis the Cuban sugar Industry Is absolutely doomed unless reciprocity with the United States is arranged. I have the strongest reasons for believing that a re ciprocity bill will ba passed during the next session of congress." FAMINE THREATENS CHINA Short Crops and Cornered Rice Lenda to Much Sutler, la. VICTORIA, B. C, Oct. 29. The Chtneae Benevolent adclety has received a cable from South China asking for assistance for the famine-atrlcken people. Crops have failed In five largely populated districts. The richer Chinese have cornered ths rice supply and raised the price- tlbllsred to Apologise. PORT OF SPAIN, Island of Trinidad. Oct. 29. The captain of the' French cruiser D'Estrea haa obliged General Velutlni. the special commissioner of President Castro of Vsoeiucla, at Carupano, to go on board the warship and apologize before witnesses for tha recent Illegal arrest of the local manager of the French cable company and tha consular agent of Franca at that port. MIXERS HONOR THE LEADER "Mitchell Day" is Generally Observed In the Anthracite Beg ion. GENERAL SUSPENSION OF ALL WORK Men Farade the Streets fa Holiday Attire, After Which They Listen 'o Speeches by Well Known Labor Orators. WILKESBARRE, Pa., Oct. 29. Mitchell day was celebrated by ail the union miners in the anthracite region today. There was general suspension of work. A few wash eries were working, but their output of coal was very small. President Mitchell arrived from New York today. He will go to Scranton to attend the first aesslon of the arbitration commission. There were demonstrations In many of the nearby towna today and after the parades the people flocked to Wllkesbarre In large numbers to aee the big parade. Amidst alternating enow and sunshine 12.000 men and boys marched over the prin cipal streets of Wllkesbarre today. The procession was headed by National Board Member John Fallon, who acted as chief marshal. President Mitchell, Rev. Powers of Spring Valley, III., Mitchell's home, and "Mother" Jones occupied the first car riage. President Mitchell' was given an ovation all along the line of march. There were fully fifty bands and drum corps In line.. After the parade a big mass meeting waa held where addresses were delivered in four languages. The speakers urged the men to remain loyal to Mitchell and the union. Mitchell Pleads for Good Work. Mr. Mitchell waa the last speaker. He said In part. I want union miners to prove better workmen than nonunion men. I desire the men and operators to meet. I do not want to make enemies of the operators. In closing 1 wish to Impress upon you that membership In the union Is the only safeguard. The operators are not going to pay the bill of the strike. They will make the workers pay It if they can, but If not they will make the public pay It. It be hooves the mine workers to see that they are not made the. victims. Stick by the union and the union will stick by you. HAZLETON, Pa., Oct. 29. The United Mine Workers of Hazleton and surrounding towns celebrated "Mitchell day" here by holding a parade, in which about 8,000 men took part. SCRANTON, Pa., Oct. 29. "Mitchell day" threw Idle all the collieries of this region except the Oxford. A notice posted at the head of the shaft said any one who did not report for work today would be discharged, but despite this some of the union men Joined the West Scranton celebration. SHAMOKIN, Pa., Oct. 29. Mitchell day waa observed here today. Seven thousand United Mine workers, headed by the Tenth regiment band and troops, paraded the streets, after which the mine workera were addressed by several labor leaders. No collieries were In operation and all business was generally auspended... I ARBITRATORS , GO TO MINES Oat of the Commissioners Buys Thinks Work Will, Be Completed . Within Two Months. WASHINGTON. Oct. 29.--The majority ot the members of the anthracite coal atrtke commission left here thla afternoon for Scranton, Pa., ' where they will meet to morrow to begin the investigation of the conditions In the mining region. The party consisted of Commissioner of Labor Carroll D. Wright, General John M. Wilson, Bishop Spalding, Grand Chief E. E. Clark ot the Order of Railway Conductors. Assistant Re corders Moseley and Nelll and three stenog raphers. The other members ot the commission are also expected to reach Scranton by tomor row. Judge Gray, the chairman, ia at Wil mington, Del., and expecta to board thi train on Us arrival there late thla after noon. Messrs. Watklna and Parker are In New York City and have been officially notified of the departure of the othera from here. The commission will spend tomorrow at Scranton arranging the details of the trip through the coal fields. The hearings will not begin until the formal claims of the minera and the answer of the operators have been filed. The first place to be visited by the com mission after leaving Scranton nrobably will be Wllkesbarre. Tba tour of the com mission through the coal fields in advanco of the hearings will be of a preliminary character, aa the eame pointa, in all prob ability, will be visited later for the purpose ot taking the testimony of the mine bosses, foremen and the miners themselves. To require the miners to leave their work and travel any considerable distance to testify before the commiBA'on would li'volvs considerable "hardship ujton the men and also Interfere to some extent with actual working of the miners, in the preliminary inspection and Inquiry Into tho conditions at the mines the Itinerary till be mapped out to cover the several important coal fields of ths anthracite region. None ot the membera of the commission are willing to be quoted In predlctiona ot the length of time the work of the commis sion will consume. Thy say that they will go Into the subject exhaustively and one of theia aald privately today tha; he beUevd the report would be ready wltbln two months. , "It either of the partlea to the contro versy should refuse to abide by the decision ot the commission, what coull bo done?" the commissioner waa askod. "I do not regard that aa a possibility,'' was his answer. "We seeno reason to an ticipate anything of tha sort. 1 do not be lieve that either aide could face the force of public opinion by rejecting 'be conclu sions which they have ig.-eol in advance to accept." SCRANTON. Pa., Oct. 29. The anthracite coal strike commissioners arrived here today. District President Ntcholls will be the principal representative of the minera at tomorrow's Inspection of the mines. On Friday ths commission will spend the day visiting collieries In and about the city ot Scranton and viewing the mining suburbs. Saturday they will go to Wllkes barre. Twenty-five accountants were brought here today from New York by the Erie company. They will assist In arranging data for preaentatloa to the commission. MONTREAL IS CLOSED PORT Darken Strike aad a Ships Are Brine Worked at All. MONTREAL. Oct. 29. Two thousand dock laborers have atruck. completely tying up shipping La this port. ATTORNEYS REACH AGREEMENT nimm "tlnnlatlon aa to Evldeaee o Be Admitted la Hearlsg of Merger Case. ST. PAUL, Minn.. Oct. 29. The hearing of evidence before Special Kxamlner Inger soll in the case of the state of Minnesota against the Northern Securities, the Great Northern and Northern Pacific Railway companies and others, set for today haa been postponed until "November 13. Attorney General Douglaa tor the state and the attorneys for the Northern Securi ties company have been consulting for sev eral days with a view of preparing a stipu lation of what evidence taken in the fed eral case against the company and in the Power case may be admitted to the record ' , , ....... , k. : necessary to go over the same ground again, j Such a atlpulatlon haa been agreed upon . , ,, a ih. ...,. ! for today to November 13 in New York City. Mr. Inrersoll Is also the referee In the federal case and the hearing In that case was adjourned to November 10 In New J York. The plan Is to adjourn the hearing 1 In New York of the state case from day to day It necessary until he federal hearing la completed and then to proceed at once with the hearing In tha State case. It Is expected that the taking of evidence in the east will be completed before any wltnessea are heard In the west. The stipulation agreed apon Is: It is stipulated that either party may in troduce In evidence the testimony of any witness thit has been or may hereafter he taken or atlivilated Into tha record In the now pending between the United Stale a and these defendant companies and others, subject to such objection as may at any time be made to the materiality or the relevancy of such testimony or any part thereof. But when the testimony of any such witness is objected to the whole of his deposition and the exhibits thereto, and not any part less than the vhole thereof must be offered. Nothing shall prevent either party from examining additional witnesses or from fur ther examining or cross-examining any wit ness whose testimony, taken or stipulated In said .ilt, mny have been Introduced in the suit by either party under tha stipula tion. It was also verbally agreed that the at torneys should agree on a atlpulatlon of facta In regard to such matters aa are not In dispute. These Include the fact that the two Unea are competing lines, the amount of certain shipments made on the lines and the present proprietary Interest in lands owned by the state, and similar questions concerning which an agreement of facta can be reached by both partlea. NEGRO GIRLS ARE MURDERED Posse of Whiten and Blneka Are la . Cloae Pnranlt of tho Slayer. WTNN, Ark., Oct. 29. Mary, Sophie and May Gibson, aged 17, 12 and 10 years re spectively, daughters of Thomas Gibson, a prosperous negro farmer, were killed and one of them was the victim of a criminal assault at their home near here yesterday. A posse composed ot whites and negroes la now on the track of the murderer and If he is caught he will be summarily dealt with. Tha murders occurred while Gibson, tha father, was away from hotr . attending a (irons, t Hs-hadrteft theI-.4 gins alone in the house. Inside of tb house he found the bodies of two of the girls with their heads crushed, while the body of the third was in the yard terribly mutilated. The girl had been subjected to the most atro cious Indignities. David Cross, an old negro, waa arreated. Cross denied all knowledge of the crime but finally confessed that he had witnessed the killing and said that a negro' named Johnson waa the guilty man. VETERANS DENOUNCE RIVALS Call Dryenforth's Kew Body Political Inatend of Frnternnl Or. aranlsntloa. i BOSTON. Oct. 29. The Union Veterans' union in state convention In Chelsea today took steps toward the reorganization ot the national department and incidentally Robert St. George Dyrcnforth and the new organization of which he is the head came in tor scathing denunciation at the hands of Department Commander Daniel W. Gould, Past Commander Wood and others. ' In his annual address Comander Gould aald: The national organization known as "Bat tlemen," of which Robert St. George Dy- renforth Is the head, haa of its own weight broken Into fragments. It became so de moralized in seeking tor political power that it accepted Into Its ranks people who never saw any military or naval service. thereby making It a political Instead of a fraternal organization. It was recommended that a committee of eleven be appointed to represent the Mss- sachusetta department in any convention called tor the reorganization of the na tional department. ROBBED OF A LARGE SUM Wealthy Saloon Keeper Glrea Eight Thousand Dollara at Point of a Revolver. APPLETON, 'Wis., Oct. 29. Martin Cornelius, a wealthy saloonkeeper of this city, waa held up and robbed ot $8,000 late last night. Cornelius waa in Oshkosh yesterday, where be Intended purchasing some real estate, and thia accounta for his having auch a large sum of money at the time of the robbery. He arrived at Appleton about o'clock and boarded a trolley car. Upon leaving the car he waa confronted by two men with revolvers, who ordered him to throw up his hands. The money, which waa In one roll and consisted ot bills ranging in denomination from $10 to $500, waa carried In his Inside vest pocket. . After securing the roll the robbers warned Cornelius against making an out cry. So far no clue to the highwaymen has been found. ) PASS AGREEMENT REAFFIRMED laderslandlnac Between Weatern Roada Regardlaar the Iaanaaeo of Traaaportatloa la Continued. ST. LOUIS, Oct. 29. At a meeting ot ths executive officers of western and south western railways, held hero in response to the call Issued by James V. Mshoney, chair man of the western trunk lines committee, the old agreement aa to the issuance of pssses to official and employes of the lines intereated waa practically reaffirmed. A committee of three waa appointed to confer with trunk line officials on the anti pass question, as follows: Darlua Miller, vice president of the Burlington: J. T. Han rahan, vice president ot the Illinois Central, and A. C. Bird, vice president of the Chi cago, Milwaukee A 6t. Paul. Jamea V. Mshoney of Chicago waa re-elected chair man and the 'meeting adjourned to meet In 8u Louis on December X. bOERS STATE THEIR CASE Make a Pathotio Appeal for Aid for Their Suffering Countrymen. COUNTRY IS LAID WASTE THROUGH WAR Swords ran Bo Made Into Plowshares, bnt Cattle and Other Keresaltlea of an AaTrlenltaral Peo ple Are Ooae. (Copyright. 1901, by Press Publishing Co.) LONDON, Oct. 29. (New York World Cablegram-Special Telegram.)-The Boer generate. Botha, Dewet and Delary, have 1-adfastly refused to speak or write for Publication alnce heir arrival n Europe. But Botha, as chief of the mission.- has now given the world the following digni fied and pathetic final state of their posl- ""i""1'' w , . . "Swords may be readily beaten Into f'owVrg: but 11 UMnot ,M MJ to 'U them Into floe pena. Nor is the rough and racy language ot soldiers and farmers a suitable medium for the diplomatic dis cussions ot Europe. My comrades and my self felt this keenly from the outset and would much rather have atrlven In our humble way to make history thsn write It; that Is to aay, we would gladly have co operated with our new government to smooth away all traces ot bitterness left by the war and left the foundation for the wellbeing of South Africa. That haa been our fervent desire from the first, not the drswlng up of manifestos and appeals. Yet we took the latter course Instead of the former and our words were misconstrued and our actions assigned to wrong motives. Our very alma were mlatated and con demned. "The British people have no reason to doubt our sincerity. It we needed testi mony on that score It would be tendered by Lord Kitchener and other representa tives ot the British army who bad deal ings with ua. We then gave our word and since them we have kept It. We called on our people to come In and lay down their arms. How many million pounds were saved the British nation by that aurrender It la needless now to reckon up. "Having accepted the terms Kitchener waa authorized to offer us we have never sought to have them modified. What we sought tor was not a modification of the terms of the peace treaty, but Immediate help, of which our people are In sore need. The farms and the agriculture which made the South African country all It waa no longer exist. The cattle and the Implements, without which work can not be resumed, are gone. The woeful desolation which the war brought In Its train Is Intense and widespread. To hear such things Is not the same as to aee them embodied In the suffering women, wasting children and strong men, powerelesa In the midst of ruins and ashea to help either. . "Having come to plead the cause which seemed to speak eloquently enough ot It self, we were sorely disappointed by the result. At leaat we bad every reason to consider that we had failed in our errand. "It is assumed that we did not take kindly to a loan. That supposition ia gra tuitous. Aa ' to the ahape In which ma terial help should be givea-wa had neither the right nor the will to pick and choose, but having seen no prospect of receiving such help we appealed In our urgent need to all the natlona of the world. That course has been aharply criticised. So far aa we can see all that our appeal to for eigners Implied waa that our people were In sore need of Instant relief." KRUGER PUBLISHES MEMOIRS Says He Tried to Stop War, but Boer Antipathy Waa Too Stronar. LONDON, Oct. 90. It is expected that a second installment of extracts from the Kruger memoirs will be published today. It Is understood they give a narrative of the former president's career, but do not go into political questions or advise the Boers as to the future. Mr. Kruger takes palna to explain that he did his best to prevent the war, but th Boers' Inborn antipathy to foreign inter ference proved too strong for him. Mr. Krueger declares Mr. Chamberlain waa undoubtedly the late Cecil Rhode'a ao complice In the Jameson raid, and that he appointed Lord M liner British high com mlsstoner In South Africa With the direct Intention of driving matters to extremes. "This tool of Mr. Chamberlain." says Mr. Kruger, "carried out hla mission faith fully and turned South Africa Into a wild erneas." British policy in general the former pres ident aums up in the following sentences: "Lies, treachery. Intrigues, and secret In vestigations agatnat the governments ot the republics." Mr. Kruger declarea that the Transvaal national union waa under Cecil Rhodes' paramount influence from Ita very Incep tion. He describes how, after the Jameson raid, when the republic waa practically defense less, he became convinced ot the necessity of preparing for war and gradually accumu lated war materials. STATE CASE IS ALL IN Molineux Defenae Will Begin Today and Probnbly Last Over Friday. NEW YORK, Oct. 29. The proaecutlon In the Mollneux caae reated today after the defense had secured an important ad vantage by the decision of Justice Lambert that the reading of the teatimony given at the first trial by Mamie Melando and De tective Farrall waa inadmlssable. The greater part of the session waa de voted to the, examination ot a handwriting expert, who, like all those who' have pro ceeded him, testified that one hand wrote the poison package addresa to Barnet and Cornish letters and lettera admittedly written by Mollneux. The presentation ot the caae for the de tense la expected to occupy not more than two days and interest centers in the ques tion whether Mollneux will testify In bis own behalf. CORNICE KILLSAND MAIMS Falls on Three Kansas City Men with Dlsastroas Re. snlts. ' KANSAS CITY, Mo.. Oct. 29. John E. Livers, a building contractor, waa killed, William H. Ennia, a carpenter, waa badly Injured, and Jobn Taylor, a negro, was painfully bruised today by a brick cornice weighing a ton. which fell from the aev enth floor of the Rock Island Implement company's building la the west bottoms. Tbs cornice had Just been put In place to repair tba damage done by a recent lira. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Fair and Cooler In Northeast Portion; Friday Fair and Warmer. Trmaeratore- at Omaha Yesterday I Hoar. Dear. Hoar. Deal. II a n 4 1 p. ra H a. m 4i a p. m T a. an,,,.. 47i A p. ra.,... (It Km. m ..... . 4 4 p. m ...... . TO A a. nt . . . . . . 40 6 p. m lOt, n Ra A p. m A3 11 a. an HO 7 p. an 12 m AS p. ra K p. m R JAILED FOR CONSCIENCE SAKE Jsdge Released After Year la Prison for Refusing; to Order Tax Levy. KANSAS CITY, Oct. 29. Samuel C. Peden. ex-Judge of the county court ot St. Clair county, Missouri, who has been In jail at Maryvllle since May, 1901, lor contempt of court In refusing to order a tax levy to pay bonds pledged for the Tebo & Neosho railway In 1879. waa today released by Judge John F. Phillips. Judge Peden several months ago aent hla resignation to Governor Dockery and a successor waa appointed. Judge Thomaa Nevltt, presiding Judge ot the St. Clair county court. Is still In Jail, where many of hla predecessors, all having refused to order the tsx levy, had pre viously spent their terms of office. Three-year hunt ended Father Flada Children of Divorced Wife In Mlaaourl Or. phunuare. ST. LOUIS, Oot, 29. After a search ex tending Over three statea and nearly three yeara, Prof. Henry M. Wills haa located his two little daugbtera lb the Methodist Or phans' home her. Prof. Wills haa applied tor a writ ot habeas corpus asking that the children be restored to him. In 1899 the parents were divorced and the mother took the little gtrla to Ten nessee from their former home In Indiana. Last August the children were placed in the home here and the father learned ot their whereabouta only a tew daya ago. Judge Fisher, in the circuit court, granted the writ ot habeaa corpua, returnable to morrow. '. . RICH BRIDES MADE TO ORDER Con0denoe Trick Mnn Arrested for Fraudulent Matrlmoulnl Scheme. CHICAGO, Oct. 29. Expecting to meet a rich and lovely woman who wants a kind husband," John Valentine Kaiser came from Festua. Mo., to Chicago yesterday. He bad been corresponding with the "rich and lovely," whose name was Msry Martin, and aays he paid $S to secure an Introduc tion. . When he went to the addresa given, 299 Wells street, he found saloon. Kaiser told his troubles to the police and the result was the arrest ot Jacob Strosser, who waa found In the basement of. the saloon, writing similar letters to those received by Kaiser and signed Mary Martin. ' RARE BOOKS SELL HIGH Hawthorne First Editions Fetch Blgr Prlcea at Boaton Sale). BOSTON, Oct. 29. -At an auction of tho library cf the late Edwin F. Connelly of New York today a first edition, uncut copy, of Hawthorne'a "Fanshawe" brought $840. It waa printed In 1828. Next to tbia Inter est was In a copy of Hawthorne's "The Gentle Boy." In original paper wrappers, printed in Boston in 1839. It contains a frontispiece of Miss Peabody, afterward Mra Nathaniel Hawthorne. It waa sold for $143. KANSAS MAN KILLS WIFE She Clatebes Divorce Decree Even la Death aa Though Finding; Proteetloa. INDEPENDENCE, Kan., Oct. 29. C. W. Hooper today ahot and killed hla wife, Luietta Hooper, and then killed himself. When found tha woman waa clutching a divorce decree, which awarded her the custody ot their four children. The shooting occurred in the hallway above tho postoffloe. The couple bad just emerged' ' from a lawyer'a office, when Hooper tired three shots, all of which took effect, and then turned the weapon upon himself. BRYAN IS ON HIS WAY HOME Completes Campaign Tour of Colorado by Making Two Speechea . In Denver. DENVER, Oct. 29. William J. Bryan to day completed bla Colorado trip, on which he had delivered mora than twenty speeches, and left for his home thla atter noon. Today ha spoke twice. In the Coliseum hall at noon and In the Broadway theater In the evening. Both auditoriums were filled to their capacity. Mr. Bryan waa the guest here of United Statea Senator Thomaa M. Patterson. GIVES EMPLOYES FARM LANDS Wealthy Mlaaeapolls Man Remembers Workers When Celebrating Sliver Wedding. MINNEAPOLIS. Minn., Oct.' 29. Charles J. Swanson, a wealthy brick manufacturer, baa presented each of hla employee with a deed to forty acrea of farm land In Anoka county In celebration ot hla sliver wedding. None ot the land la worth less than $15 aa acre. Movements of Oeenn Veaaela, Oct. 211. At New York Arrived: lieaaba, from London: Rotterdam, from Amsterdam. Balled: Philadelphia, from Southampton: Majestic, from Liverpool. At Liverpool Bailed; Teutonic, for New York via Queentown: Wea'ern and. for Philadelphia via Queenatown: Buenos Ayrean. for Bt. Johns, N. F.. Halifax an I Philadelphia. Arrived: Oceanic, from New York. At Hong Kong Arrived: Duke of Fife, from Tacomaj Km press of India, from Van couver; Kaga Maru, from Beattle via Yoko hsma, etc. At Lizard Passed: Bt. Louis, from New York, for Southampton; Cambrian, from BvHion. for Londou. At Qjenstown Arrived: Belgenland, from Philadelphia, for Liverpool, and pro ceeded; New England, from Iiostun, fur Liverpool, and proceeded. , At Rotterdam Arrived: Potsdam, from New York via Boulogne Bur Mer. At Bremen Arrived; Grosser Kurfurst, from Xm York, CROPS OF NEBRASKA lemarkably Abundant Tield Harvested by Farmers of ths State, NEW RECORD IS MADE FOR WHEAT CROP Over Sixty Million B tubals Returned and Quality is Excellent KING CORN MAINTAINS HIS SUPREMACY Not a Record, bnt Flenty for all Purposes Ready for Cribs. MINOR CROPS ARE ALSO ABUNDANT Oats, Barley, Potatoes, Hay and Al fa I fa Show Ip atretic and Other Farm Staples Are Abandaat. NEBRASKA'S CORN CROP. Year.. Bushels. ltMtil 3s4.nm.urto ltMMt . S41.)ittl,(l2r 1t S44.1Sr,013 1K1IM lNO.Alt.l44 1NOT S30,AT,SAS OTHER FARM PRODI CTS. Wnsheia article lOOZ. IPOO. Wheat AO.2tA.ll7u 80,T01,83 lata SH.BOS.tlor 4H,7M.t,42'J Hye 11. TUT. 123 S.BitO.tTr Barley S.lBa.SXl S.T61.2AO These figures tell more eloquently thsn any words the story ot Nebraska'a agri cultural prosperity. Not only has the po sition of the state aa a member of the corn belt been maintained, but the claim to rec ognition aa a wheat producer haa been more than vindicated. Five yeara ago Ne braska made a bid for admission Into the list of statea wherein wheat la raised In such quantltloa aa to ba considered a fac tor In the markets of the world. This pre sumption was met by some evidences of skepticism on the part of those who pretend to fix tha lines In this regard, and Nebraska was told to make a reputation. In 1897 the wheat crop of the state waa In the neighborhood of 30,000.000 bushels. In two yeara It had Increased by about 10,000,000 bushels. Now, Ave years after the propo sition wss made, the total crop Is more than doubled, reaching to over 60,090,000 bushels. In this connection a cloae study ot the large table presented herewith will be of Interest, as It show how the farmers have changed and that while the acreage of corn has decreased, the acreage ot win ter wheat haa been largely increased. In the northern countlefe spring wheat I still raised. The crop for 1902 Is divided as fol lows: Wluter wheat: Acreage, 2,046,198; yield, bushels, 49.406,808. Spring wheat: Acreage, 722.132; yield, bushels. 10,809,862. This is by far the biggest wheat crop ever raised in Nebraska. Gome difference ot opinion exists between the farmers, tho elevator men and the eaatern buyers as to tba merchantable qualities ot tha crop. Local elevator men insist that U should grade No. Z, while the eastern men Say not. At the local mills tt Is being made tip into a fine grade of flour, and the dispute aa to Ita grade will likely not be aettled, as the price depends on the grade. King Corn's PI antes. In 1900, which waa In many respects Ne braska's record year for corn, seventy-nine countlea returned an acreage of 7,721,209, with a total yield of 241,836,527. Is 1902 eighty-four countlea return an acreage of corn amounting to 6,773,170, with aJotal yieici 01 2zt,zui,ou Dunne is. This decrease In acreage Is In a large measure due to the fact that the crop of 1901 waa almost a failure, and the price of need corn waa ao high that many farmers did pot put In the usual amount. The figures In the table will be found rather below the govern ment's estimate, which waa 7.818,000 acrea, with a total 'yield ot 234,540,000 bushela. Conservative grain men are all agreed that the government estimate la too high, and that the figures given herewith are. more accurate. A remarkaole feature of tha government'a crop report ia that Nebraska la not credited with an acre ot winter wheat. One other thing which militated agatnat the corn crop during tba last season waa. the unusual amount of rainfall during tha growing montha, and the very wet and cold September, the time for ripening. Thus the early growth and the maturity of the crop waa Interfered with. Thla damage waa not general, however, for the rainfall waa very unequally distributed during tha later montha of the aummer, and while some few counties. In the southwestern .part of tho state principally, actually Buffered tor want of rain othera had too much. Early planted corn waa well matured before tha first touch of frost and thb later planted waa caught only In the low grounda. Ia some aectlona of the atata tha damage In thla way ia estimated aa high aa BO per cent, while It ia admitted that a large part of the crop will be what la known aa "soft" corn, due to the frost overtaking tho crop before matured. It la estimated that fully $0 per cent of the yield will ba marketable, while the balance will be available for feed ing purpoaes. During the month ot October the warm weather did much to redeem thla aoft corn, drying it out and repairing aa far aa possible the damage done In Septem ber. In thla dry weather of tha last three weeks has been ot Inestimable value to tha farmers. Yield of Other Cropa. In 1900 the acreage returned for oats waa 1,789,170, with a total yield Of 48,785.422 bushels. For 1902 the acreage -Is 1,6(9,208. and the yield 58,603,007. While thla total falls mare than 6,000,000 bushels below tho government's eetlmate. It shows that the year waa an unusually good one for oats In Nebraska. During the whole aea aon the weather conditions were favorable tor oats, except those planted on river bottoms, where the floods destroyed all chance of a crop. The growth waa heavy, even rank, and the harvest waa In a large measure delsyed by these conditions, but the yield was most abundant, Thla yield In bushels Is the largest reported In many yeara and possibly the largest over grown In tho atats. Rye shows more than double ths acreage and three timea the yield for 1900. while barley ahowa a slight falling off In aereaga and yield. Neither of these cereala Is aa teemed among tha Important crops of tha atate. Efforts to gather exact figures as to the potato, hay and alfalfa crops mat with disappointment, but enough Is shows by the reports tabulated to give some Idea of the Importance of these crops to tha atsta. From the 52,143 acrta reported, 7.S7S.09S bushels of potatoea will be gathered. This is probably half the total crop of the atate. From 1,012.849 acrea have bees cut L670.151 tons of hay, although tho total crop of tho stats is estimated by the dealers at fully